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Class/grade: 1

1. What is our purpose? Age group: 6-7

To inquire into the following: School: BNI
Title: Families Then and Now
 Transdisciplinary theme
Teacher: AfshanJabeen and Ayesha Aman
Where we are in place and time
Date: 2nd October 2017
An inquiry into orientation in place and time;
Proposed duration: 6 weeks
personal histories; homes and journeys; the
discoveries, explorations and migrations of
humankind; and the relationships between and the
interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, 2. What do we want to learn?
from local and global perspectives.
What are the key concepts (form, function,
 Central idea causation, change, connection, perspective,
responsibility, reflection) to be emphasized
Learning about previous generations helps us within this inquiry?
understand the relationship between the past and the
present Key Concepts: Causation, Change, Connection
Related Concepts: Time, continuity, heritage
Summative assessment task(s):
What are the possible ways of assessing students’ What lines of inquiry will define the scope of
understanding of the central idea? What evidence, the inquiry into the central idea?
including student-initiated actions, will we look  Ways to find out about the past
for?  How aspects of the past still influence us
(Putting you in the picture)
 Why some behaviours and practices have changed
Students will draw and write the most important or remain the same over time
things they have learned about their families.
Teachers will use this drawing and writing to What teacher questions/provocations will drive
discuss this with them on a one-to-one basis and these inquiries?
assess their level of understanding of the central
idea.  How can we know about our family past?
(Anecdotal record)  How have our ancestors influenced our own
Students will present their drawings to the class way of living?
and will compare them to the information on the  How have our family traditions changed over
graffiti board to see the differences between what time?
they knew about their families at the beginning of  How significant historical events have
the unit and what they know by then. They will talk shaped our family history?
to their classmates about them. They will self-
assess and reflect on how this makes them feel at A visitor comes to the class with a mystery box
the end of the unit. (Reflection journal) containing artifacts from his/her family. Once
Students will be able to recognize and show an the students have guessed the three things in
understanding of the fact that their family the box, the visitor explains how these things
histories have developed over time and that they are related to her. Then, she starts telling
have explored and identified their personal them the story of her family by using a backward
histories throughout this inquiry. timeline (starting at the present and working
Students will be required to talk about how they backwards).
 inquired about the past
 What sparked their curiosity about their own
family, wonderings they have had
 Become knowledgeable about life during previous
generations and what connections they have made
with their own life.
 Become more appreciative of their own family’s

3. How might we know what we have learned? This 4. How best might we learn? What are the
column should be used in conjunction with “How best learning experiences suggested by the teacher
might we learn?” What are the possible ways of and/or students to encourage the students to
assessing students’ prior knowledge and skills? engage with the inquiries and address the driving
What evidence will we look for? questions?
 After listening to the visitor, students write • Teachers read fiction and non-fiction books
on a graffiti board the most distant memory about family histories. Students draw and write
they know about their families (could also be about them and share their work with classmates.
a memory shared by a parent or grandparent, • Students bring photos of their ancestors and
not necessarily only the student’s memory). talk with the Art teacher about how their
 Frontloading: The teacher builds a timeline families have changed and how they look now.
with the students’ help and displays it across After that, they will draw their families as they
the room to record the history of the class. are now.
They will start the timeline in the current • Create family trees and discuss the people
day and then move backwards over time. represented on it and what is known about these
 The teachers will look for any evidence family members
regarding the students’ prior understanding of • Bringing in artifacts significant to their
the concept of time. Students create a family family
tree to show family members and record what • Sharing stories and folk-legends to explore how
they know about those family members. stories/information is often passed
• Discussing diaries and letters that document
What are the possible ways of assessing student the past.
learning in the context of the lines of inquiry? FINDING OUT
What evidence will we look for? • Students take some questions home to interview
We want the students to understand that: their relatives in order to find out information
about their ancestors and aspects of life in the

they have a family tree and they present and past, will share the results of the interview to
explain their family timelines. look for connections and comparisons between the
 use primary sources (such as parents and past and present.
grandparents) to find out about life in the • Students will build a timeline of their family
past histories or write it down to sequence events and
 compare and contrast the past with the present support the narrative. Students present it to the
 identify how the past has been documented class.
 appreciate their own heritage • Pair interview: Guest speaker – listening to
and responding to a personal history.
 explore and share instances of change and
continuity in their personal lives and their
• Students will compare different family
structures (Venn diagram) by collecting
 sequence events, routines, personal histories information about and exploring their own
in chronological order. families.
identify differences between families, GOING FURTHER
cultures and ideas of others. •Students may choose to bring information about
5. What resources need to be gathered? the traditions and rituals of their families.
They may prepare a drawing or a brief text to
What people, places, audio-visual materials, related present to the class.
literature, music, art, computer software, etc., Students will understand the concept of time
will be available? through recreating
 Artifacts brought from home, family MAKING CONCLUSIONS
• See think wonder – old photos depicting ways of
photographs, maps and flags of countries that life in the past versus ways of life in the
their ancestors came from. present (for, example a clay pot and a water
 People: Parents and other adults in the school dispenser, and ways of communication). What do
community. you think has changed? Why (wondering why it
 Fiction and non-fiction books about family changed)? Students will be shown pictures (as a
histories and cultures. provocation) about the lifestyle then versus now
to see what is the same and/or different.
Making action plan for their future
What opportunities will occur for
transdisciplinary skills development and for the
development of the attributes of the learner
Communication skills – present timelines and
other pieces of work to their classmates
Thinking skills – how do we find out about the
Research skills – how to develop questions,
record data and present results of presentations
and interviews.
Communicators: Explain their findings to others.
Inquirers: Ask questions and find information
about their families and past.
Knowledgeable: Students will learn about
different cultures of the world to acquirethe in-
depth knowledge of how past rituals and beliefs
affects their life's and customs.
Open-minded and principled: Listen to a range of
histories and traditions and develop respect for
other people and other customs.
8. What student-initiated inquiries arose from 9. Teacher notes
the learning?
Subject specific content
Record a range of student-initiated inquiries 1. Literacy
and student questions and highlight any that  Vocabulary – history, generations, family,
were incorporated into the teaching and past, present, future, behavior, lifestyle,
learning. maps, location, ancestors
Record a range of student-initiated inquiries  Books – The Keeping quilt by Patricia
and student questions and highlight any that Polacco
were incorporated into the teaching and 2. Social studies/Geography – Location – the
learning. students will find out the seven
continents, the cardinal points and the
Why are old things important in a family? neighboring countries of Pakistan. They
Where does my family come from? will also identify the 7 continents and
that Pakistan is in Asia
How were things a long time ago? 3. Mathematics–Students will learn about the
Why did my family come to Pakistan? non-standard and standard units of
measurement (length, heightand weight).
Why are families different? They will learn mapping skills with the
Where were my grandparents born? help of a globe and atlas, the concept of
time, timeline, number line and skip
What did my grandfather do when he was a child?
Students showed great interest in knowing and Stand alone: Odd and even numbers, Addition
finding out about their family histories. They (single and double digit).
enjoyed the activities in which they could have
long conversations with their family.
At this point teachers should go back to box 2 Most of the learning experiences and assessment
“What do we want to learn?” and highlight the strategies were directly connected to language
teacher questions/provocations that were most in its three interactive aspects: Learning
effective in driving the inquiries. language, learning through language and learning
about language.
What student-initiated actions arose from the
learning? • Students carried out oral presentations
Record student-initiated actions taken by after they interviewed their grandparents.
individuals or groups showing their ability to • They listened and talked to each other
reflect, to choose and to act. during pair interviews and when
Students reflected on the importance of interviewing their grandparents.
respecting their own and others’ family • They wrote about their families.
histories and traditions. • They listened to stories.
Many students reflected that their grandparents • They learned new vocabulary.
had gone through a hard time leaving their • Connections to mathematics were made when
houses etcetera behind in India and resettling exploring the concept of time and
in Pakistan during partition. developing timelines and working backwards.
A lot of students also showed an understanding • The concept of great-grandparents was not
that sometimes you don't have both parents fully developed. Some students showed
living with you due to one parent not being confusion at the beginning but understood
alive or other reasons and that grandparents
the concept of genealogy after making a
assume the role of primary caregivers. They
understood that families are diverse. family tree.
• Students were confused about the concept of
'past, present and future' but understood
it after they made a backward timeline of;
events in school and their family
• Most of the student work, including
At this point teachers should go back to box 2
“What do we want to learn?” and highlight the reflections, was done through oral
teacher questions/provocations that were most activities. This was because the students
effective in driving the inquiries. were at the beginning of the learning-to-
What student-initiated actions arose from the write process. However, at the end of the
learning? unit, all of them were able to write some
sentences with their final reflections.
Record student-initiated actions taken by
individuals or groups showing their ability to
reflect, to choose and to act.

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