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Permatami Herwansyah


Sleep disorders are a group of symptoms characterized by a

disturbance in an individual’s sleep quality and quantity. Sleep disorder in

infants can cause a developmental problem, poor growth, behavioral

disorder, fatigue, irritability, impulsivity, and it can affect the maternal-

infant relationship.12 The parents often do not recognize the sleep disorder

in infants and it is not treated correctly.

This disorder is affected by some factors, both internal and

external. The internal factors that affect infants sleep are the characteristic

of the baby, history of low Apgar score, prematurity, various

neuropsychiatric disorders, and chronic diseases. Meanwhile, the external

factors that can affect sleep are infant sleep position, factor using of

electronic media prior to bedtime by the parents, exclusive breastfeeding

is not performed, the family condition and environments such as

socioeconomic status, maternal education, and the characteristic of


The objective of this research was to discover the factors related to

sleep disorder in infants at 3-6 months of age. The factors were

socioeconomic status, maternal education, infant sleep position, factor

using of electronic media prior to bedtime by the parents, and

breastfeeding pattern.

This research was conducted using analytic observational method

and cross-sectional design. It was done at 4 Public Health Care in Manado

city; those were selected in a simple random sampling within July -

December 2018.

Sampling was done using two steps random sampling, in which

gathered 112 subjects aged 3–5 months and 30 days of age. All samples

met the inclusion criteria. The results were analyzed univariate and

bivariate analysis. Univariate analysis was reported in the form of a

distributive table, shown as mean and standard deviation (SD). Bivariate

analysis was done using Chi-square test and phi correlation coefficient (

r ). Significant value used in this study was p<0.05. Data results then

processed using computer software. SPSS program for Windows version


In this research, according to bivariate analysis, it was obtained a

significant result between socioeconomic status, maternal education,

infant sleep position, factor using of electronic media by the parents prior

to bedtime, and breastfeeding pattern toward sleep disorder in infants

(p<0.0001); and the factor of using electronic media by the parents prior to

bedtime was the factor that was strongly related to sleep disorder ( r =

0.839). Socioeconomic status affects sleep disorder by OR 17.0 (95% CI:

3.8 – 75.8). Maternal education affects sleep disorder by OR 44.5 (95%

CI: 9.8 – 202.0). The infant sleep position affects on sleep disorder by OR

8.8 (95% CI: 1.9 – 39.7). The factor of using electronic media by the

parents at an hour prior to bedtime in the same room with the infants

affects sleep disorder by OR 156.2 (95% CI: 35.2 – 692.9). Breastfeeding

pattern affects sleep disorder by OR 85.2 (95% CI: 21.1 – 344.2). From

the phi correlation coefficient ( r ), it was obtained that using electronic

media by the parents at an hour prior to bedtime in the same room with

the infants, breastfeeding pattern, maternal education, socioeconomic

status, and infant sleep position were related to sleep disorder according

to r values ( r =0.839, r =0.771, r =0.624, r =0.433, and r


This results suggest that there is a relationship between

socioeconomic status, maternal education, infant sleep position, factor

using of electronic media by the parents at an hour prior to bedtime in the

same room with the infants, and breastfeeding pattern with a sleep

disorder in infants. In addition, this finding also stated that factor using of

electronic media prior to bedtime by the parents was the risk factor that

was strongly related to sleep disorder and followed consecutively by

breastfeeding pattern, maternal education, socioeconomic status, and

infant sleep position. In Pediatric field, this study provides input concerning

the importance of early detection of sleep disorder in infants and the

appropriate treatment to achieve an optimum development.

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