Original Research Article Template-JBTR 2017

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Original Research Article

Instructions/Template for Preparing Manuscript for Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research

Title of the Manuscript

(16pt, Bold)
Name of Author1 *, Name of Author2
(12pts, Bold)
Affiliation (Department/Division, Faculty, University, Country)
Affiliation (Department/Division, Faculty, University, Country)

*Corresponding Author: email address and contact person

(10pts; Italic)

Short Running Title: [Give here a short title of the paper, max. 6 words]  10pts

ABSTRACT  Capitalized, Bold

(Abstract is written in 12 pts Times New Roman, single spacing, and justified.)

The abstract should be clear, concise and descriptive. It is written in 12 pts Times New
Roman (single spacing) and in not more than 300 words. Abstract consists of:

Background: brief background of the topic and significance of the study.

Objective: the major aim of the study.
Methods: brief summary of study setting and participants; the study design; major
methods used to collect and analyze data, including the proper name of instruments
Results: the major findings.
Conclusion: conclusions and implications for nursing practice.

Maximum of 5 keywords separated by comma (,), crucial to the appropriate indexing of
the papers, are to be given.

For complete information author guidelines please check:

Original Research Article
Instructions/Template for Preparing Manuscript for Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research

(Please Note: Body of Manuscript is written in 12 pts Times New Roman, single
spacing, single columned, and justified. The total words count including the abstract is
not more than 6,000 words.)

INTRODUCTION  Capitalized, Bold

In a scientific manuscript the introduction serves two purposes: to stimulate the reader's
interest and to outline the reason for the study, that is, the controversy or `knowledge
gap' that prompted the study. Avoid the use of literature review or a summary of the


Materials and Methods consist of research design, place and time of research,
population and samples, data measurement, and data analysis methods. Please provide
sufficient details of the methods include ethical conduct.

RESULTS  Capitalized, Bold

Results describe the major findings of the study. It should be clear, concise and can be
reported on texts or graphics. Please provide some introduction for the information
presented on tables or images.

DISCUSSION  Capitalized, Bold

The discussion should explore the significance of the results of the study. The following
components should be covered in discussion: How do your results relate to the original
question or objectives outlined in the background section (what)? Do you provide
interpretation scientifically for each of your results or findings presented (why)? Are
your results consistent with what other investigators have reported (what else)? Or are
there any differences?

CONCLUSION  Capitalized, Bold

Conclusions should answer the objectives of research. Tells how the research advances
the field from the present state of knowledge. Do not repeat the Abstract, or just list
experimental results. Provide a clear scientific justification for the research, and indicate
possible applications and extensions. It should also suggest future experiments and/or
point out those that are underway.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS  Capitalized, Bold

Recognize those who helped in the research, especially funding supporter of your
research. Include individuals who have assisted you in your study: Advisors, Financial
supporters, or may other supporter i.e. Proofreaders, Typists, and Suppliers who may
have given materials.

For complete information author guidelines please check:

Original Research Article
Instructions/Template for Preparing Manuscript for Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research

REFERENCES  Capitalized, Bold (Vancouver Style, should be a minimum of 20

All publications cited in the text should be included as a list of references. References
are sequentially numbered as they appear in the text. Reference numbers are indicated in
superscript. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the
reference list (and vice versa). Ensure that citations used are as contemporary as
possible, including those from the current year of writing. Do not use older literature
citations (more than 10 years) unless these are central to your study. References should
avoid the use of secondary citations. Please use Reference Manager Applications like
EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc.

For complete information author guidelines please check:

Original Research Article
Instructions/Template for Preparing Manuscript for Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research


Figure 1. A sample chart/figure


Table 1. Formatting Rules

For complete information author guidelines please check:

Original Research Article
Instructions/Template for Preparing Manuscript for Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research

Table 1. Formatting rules

Object Font Alignment Space above Space below

Title 12pt bold centered 0pt 12pt

Author(s) 12pt bold centered 12pt 12pt

Affiliation 12pt italics centered 0pt 0pt

Heading1 12pt bold left 12pt 3pt

Heading2 12pt bold left 6pt 3pt

Heading3 12pt bold italics left 3pt 3pt

Body 12pt justified 0pt 0pt

Bullet 12pt justified 0pt 0pt

Table title 12pt centered 12pt 6pt

Figure title 12pt centered 3pt 6pt

For complete information author guidelines please check:

Original Research Article
Instructions/Template for Preparing Manuscript for Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research

Figure 1. A sample chart/figure

For complete information author guidelines please check:


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