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I. Introduction III. Materials

Plant hormones are important biotic factors to Glass wares:

regulate root growth. Among the seven kinds of 6 Petri plates
plant hormones, auxin and gibberellin (GA) are 2 (100 ml) beakers
strong accelerators of shoot growth (Tanimoto, medicine droppers
2005). Auxin is an important hormone for plant
growth and development. The most widely used
auxin is IAA. Its level was the highest in the actively IAA
growing tissues such as shoot meristems, leaf 0.1 mg/L IAA
primordia, young expanding leaves, developing 1.0 mg/L
seeds, fruits and pollens. Gibberellins functions in 10.0 mg/L IAA
stem elongation by activating an enzyme that loosens GA
cell walls that can allow proteins to enter the cell. 0.1 mg/L GA
However, GA functions in roots are less observed 1.0 mg/L GA
compared to auxins but it still plays a role in the root 10.0 mg/L GA
development. Also the GA is known to have a role in
seed germination. Specimens:
Hormonal Regulation
The application of both GA and IAA in the seeds 18 Mustard seeds (for hormone treatment)
of mustard (RAMCO packs) will be the key to 9 grown plantlets of mustard
understand the action of these hormones on seed Seed germination
germination, root and shoot growth of the mustard 18 Mustard seeds (for temperature treatment)
seeds. The complimentary effects of auxin and
gibberellin from the seed to the growing shoot
will be examined in this experiment. other materials:
blotting paper
On the other hand, there are still major factors plastic cups
that affect seed germination, correct temperature, foam floaters
moisture, air, and light conditions are needed for the
seeds to germinate. These factors may stimulate
hormonal regulation in plants. IV. Procedure

II. Objectives A. Role of GA and IAA on seed germination

The experiment will be undertaken to: 1. Prepare 6 petri plates with blotting papers. Place 3
seeds of mustard in each petri plate. This is good
1. determine the effects auxin and gibberellin in the for 3 treatments with one replicate each.
seed, root and shoot development of mustard plant
2. explain how the action of each hormone affect each 2. Label the petri plates with A 1, A2 (replicate), B1,
other based on appearance and development of plant and B2 (replicate) and C1and C2 (replicate).
3. explain how different concentrations of IAA and 3. Add 1 little drop of 0.1 mg/L GA to each seed of
GA affect the growth of the root and shoot growth
both A plates.
4. Add 1 a drop of 0.1 mg/L IAA to each seed of
both B plates.
5. Then, Add a drop of 0.1 mg/L IAA and 0.1 mg/L
GA to each seed of both C plates.
6. Observe the germination of seeds after 3 days.
Count the seeds that complete germinated after 3
days. Check the appearance of each seed and
compare it to each other. Regularly wet the seeds
with one drop of the designated hormone in each
day. 1. Eiichi Tanimoto (2005): Regulation of Root
Growth by Plant Hormones—Roles for Auxin
and Gibberellin, Critical Reviews in Plant
Sciences, 24:4, 249-265
B. The Role of IAA and GA on root formation
and shoot formation 2. Previous experiment – Hormonal Regulation
in Plants
1. Remove the grown plantlets from the soil. Take a
photo of the appearance of the plantlet stem,
leaves and roots before adding the treatments.
Measure the initial height of the plant from the
roots to the seed.
2. Cut the roots from the base of the hypocotyl.
Immersed the 3 plantlets in each plastic cup. For
each plastic cup there are different concentration
of hormones.
A- With 0.1 mg/l GA and IAA
B- With 1.0 mg/L GA and IAA
C- With 10.0 mg/LGA and IAA

C. The effect of temperature in the growth of

mustard seeds
1. Prepare 6 mustard seeds for each treatment. A
total of 18 mustard seeds must be available.
2. Prepare 6 petri plates with blotting papers.
Place 3 seeds of mustard in each petri plate.
Make one replicate for each treatment.
3. Place 6 seeds of mustard for treatment A1 and
A2 under normal room condition, B1 and B2
in a heated in an oven for an hour, under the
sun light, treatment C, inside a heated oven.
4. Observe the changes in seeds during
germination period. to Determine the final
germination percentage of the seeds after 3
Name: _____________________________ Date Performed: __________
Section: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________



A. Role of GA and IAA on seed germination

Treatment Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Total no. of seeds


0.1 mg/L GA

0.1 mg/L IAA

0.1 mg/L GA and


Table 1. The effect of IAA and GA Germination of mustard seeds

Expected results:
Greater percentage of seed germination will occur in both IAA and GA treatment. Combined function of
both hormones promotes growth and development of each tissue of the plant. GA may have affected
the germination and consumption of food storage in seed and elongation of its stem, while the IAA the
application of exogenous level promotes the growth and absorbing capacity of the developing roots.

B. The Role of IAA and GA on root formation and shoot formation

Concentrations Number of Number of roots per cutting

cuttings with
C1 C2 C3

With 0.1 mg/l GA and IAA

With 1.0 mg/L GA and IAA

With 10.0 mg/LGA and IAA

Expected results:
Both hormones affect each other the treatment C will yield the greatest no. of roots and taller shoots than
previous concentrations because the high level of gibberellic acid could increase the IAA function by increasing
in cell wall plasticity and extensibility to allow cellular growth and development.


C. The effect of temperature in the growth of mustard seeds

Treatment Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Total no. of seeds

Normal condition

Under the sunlight

Heated at 70 o C

Expected Results:
Germination will be obviously seen in heated seeds. Heat will stimulate mechanical damage to the seed coat and
induce germination when treated with suitable watering.

Prepared by:

Ms. Areeya Amor D. Ongoco


Submitted to:

Dr. Esperanza Maribel Agoo


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