Concept Design of A Shrinkable Car

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Prepared for:
Prof. Muhammad Ziaulhaq Mamun
Course Instructor: Managing Operations

Prepared by:
Sayed Abu Sufyan
Student ID: ZR1801005
EMBA (30th Batch)

Institute of Business Administration

University of Dhaka, Dhaka

November 30, 2018

Product: shrinkable car

Idea Generation

For city dwellers, the most difficult part of urban driving is finding a space to park the car once
they have safely arrived at the destination. It is estimated that about 30 percent of the cars
circling a city at any given time are doing so as drivers look for parking. Aside from the frustration
factor, those cars are creating traffic congestion. From an environmental standpoint, that
translates to incalculable amounts of wasted fuel and carbon emissions. A lack of parking is not
the sole reason for traffic congestion; it is, however, a major contributing factor. Even people
worry too much about car theft. Therefore, the idea behind this convertible car is to shrink the
size and turn it into a carryable car, even at a size of a key ring. With the availability of this
shrinkable car, there will be no issue regarding car parking or theft because after reaching the
destination, people can easily convert their car into a carryable miniature of their car. They can
put the miniature within their bag or even in their pocket just like a key ring.

Hypothetical Concept

The main concept behind this convertible vehicle is shrinking technology, just like shrink dinks. A
shrinking device will be used within the car technology where the shrinking device can shrink the
size of the car. The device works by controlling how light bends around an object using specialized
meta-materials. With the help of the shrinking device, muonic matters will be created, which is
exactly like regular matter but instead of electrons it will have particles that look exactly like
electrons but they're 200 times heavier. They have the same electric charge, so all the chemistry
is the same. The nice thing about this muonic matter is that the atoms would be 200 times
smaller, which means that this shrinking device can shrink an object for a very small period of
time, beyond which these muons would decay back to their electron entities. It can be shrunk by
200 times, or 1,000 times, depending on how heavy these new types of electrons were. This type
of matter can only be created at cyclotrons, places where beams of particles traveling very fast
and smashing into each other, and they wouldn't last very long.

The conceptual hand sketch of this product is shown in following page.

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