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Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay

Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027



Subject : Physics.

Topic: Mechanics.

Candidate name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri

Candidate number: 004976-0027

Supervisor name: Gyaneshwaran Gomathinayagam.

School: Sreenidhi International School.

Word count: 3734

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

A small gravity car was constructed using waste cds for wheels, sketch pens for axles, and a thermocol box for

body of the car. Different weights were hung from the fixed pulley attached to the body of the car. The other end

of the string holding the weights was attached to the front axle of the car by means of a needle fixed to the axle.

When the weight fell down, the stored gravitational potential energy got converted into translational and

rotational kinetic energy and some energy also got dissipated as heat due to friction in the axles.

Videos of the motion of the gravity car for 3 trials each for 5 different loads were taken and analysed using

TRACKER software. Using TRACKER, the position and velocity of the gravity car and load were tracked as a

function of time. This raw data was processed to analyse the motion of the gravity car in different ways. The

acceleration and deceleration of the car were calculated. The acceleration of the car was found to increase with

increasing load, and the deceleration was found to be almost independent of load. The energy transformation

from gravitational to rotational and translational kinetic energy was found to vary linearly with distance fallen by

the load. The distance travelled by the gravity car was found to be proportional to the distance fallen by the load

during the same time. The downward acceleration of the load was calculated and found to increase with increase

in load. The ratio of rotational kinetic energy to translational kinetic energy was predicted to decrease with

increasing load, and the slope of the rotational kinetic energy vs translational kinetic energy matched the

predicted value perfectly for each of the five loads tested.

(Word Count 290)

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

Table of Contents
Abstract .....................................................................................................................................................................................2
List of Figures.............................................................................................................................................................................4
List of Tables ..............................................................................................................................................................................6

Acknowledgement ....................................................................................................................................................................7


Hypothesis .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11

Energy Transformation ....................................................................................................................................................... 11

Relation between Rotational Kinetic Energy and Translational Kinetic Energy ................................................................. 11
Relation between distance travelled by gravity car and distance travelled by load .......................................................... 12
Relation between acceleration of gravity car and vertical acceleration of load ................................................................ 13
Acceleration and deceleration of gravity car ...................................................................................................................... 13
Investigation ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14

Discussion of Results .............................................................................................................................................................. 18

Energy vs time ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18

Energy vs distance fallen by load ........................................................................................................................................ 19
Distance travelled by gravity car vs time ............................................................................................................................ 20
Velocity of gravity car vs time ............................................................................................................................................. 23
Velocity of gravity car vs distance travelled by gravity car ................................................................................................. 29
Distance travelled by gravity car vs distance fallen by load ............................................................................................... 32
Distance fallen by load vs time ........................................................................................................................................... 35
Load vertical velocity vs time ............................................................................................................................................. 39
Rotational Kinetic Energy vs Translational Kinetic Energy.................................................................................................. 41
Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................................................. 45

Evaluation ............................................................................................................................................................................... 45

Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................................................... 45

Appendix ................................................................................................................................................................................ 46

Raw Data ............................................................................................................................................................................. 46

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

List of Figures
Figure 1: Diagram to illustrate the different forces acting on the gravity car .......................................................................... 9
Figure 2: The gravity car which I constructed ......................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 3: diagram illustrating the derivation of the relation between the distance moved by the gravity car and the
distance fallen by the load ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 4: the video is calibrated by entering the diameter of wheel as 0.12 m ..................................................................... 16
Figure 5: the origin of the pink coordinate system is fixed on the center of the rear wheel in the first frame where the
gravity car just starts to move ................................................................................................................................................ 17
Figure 6: Screenshot of the Tracker software used to track the center of the rear wheel and the bottom of the load for
mass m2 trial 1. The tracking is done by keeping the SHIFT key pressed while clicking on the point of interest, which
automatically moves the video to next frame after capturing the data of the previous point which was clicked................ 17
Figure 7: Energy transformation vs time for trial 1 of mass 1 ................................................................................................ 19
Figure 8: Distribution of different energies vs distance fallen by load for trial 1 of mass 1................................................... 20
Figure 9: distance travelled by gravity car vs time for mass m1 - all three trials ................................................................... 21
Figure 10: distance travelled by gravity car vs time for mass m2 - all three trials ................................................................. 21
Figure 11: distance travelled by gravity car vs time for m3 - all 3 trials ................................................................................. 22
Figure 12:Distance travelled by gravity car vs time for m4 - all 3 trials ................................................................................. 22
Figure 13: Distance travelled by gravity car vs time for m5- all 3 trials.................................................................................. 23
Figure 14:Velocity of gravity car vs time for m1 - all three trials ........................................................................................... 24
Figure 15:Velocity of the gravity car vs time for m2 - all three trials ..................................................................................... 25
Figure 16:velocity of the gravity car vs time for m3 - all three trials...................................................................................... 26
Figure 17:velocity of gravity car vs time for m4- all three trials ............................................................................................. 27
Figure 18:velocity of the gravity car vs time for m5 - all three trials...................................................................................... 28
Figure 19: Calculating acceleration and deceleration of gravity car from slopes of velocity vs time graphs ........................ 29
Figure 20: mean acceleration and mean deceleration vs load ............................................................................................... 29
Figure 21:velocity of gravity car vs distance travelled for m1- all three trials ....................................................................... 30
Figure 22:velocity of gravity car vs distance travelled for m2 - all three trials....................................................................... 31
Figure 23:velocity of gravity car vs distance travelled for m3 - all three trials....................................................................... 31
Figure 24:velocity of gravity car vs distance travelled for m4 - all three trials....................................................................... 32
Figure 25:velocity of gravity car vs distance travelled for m5 - all three trials....................................................................... 32
Figure 26:Distance travelled by gravity car vs distance fallen by load for m1 - all three trials .............................................. 33
Figure 27:Distance travelled by gravity car vs distance fallen by load for m2- all three trials ............................................... 33
Figure 28:Distance travelled by gravity car vs distance fallen by load for m3- all three trials ............................................... 34
Figure 29:Distance travelled by gravity car vs distance fallen by load for m4 - all three trials .............................................. 34
Figure 30:Distance travelled by gravity car vs distance fallen by load for m5 - all three trials .............................................. 35
Figure 31:Distance fallen by load vs time for m1 - all three trials .......................................................................................... 36
Figure 32:Distance fallen by load vs time for m2 - all three trials .......................................................................................... 36
Figure 33:Distance fallen by load vs time for m3 - all three trials .......................................................................................... 37
Figure 34:Distance fallen by load vs time for m4 - all three trials .......................................................................................... 37
Figure 35:Distance fallen by load vs time for m5 - all three trials .......................................................................................... 38
Figure 36: mean downward acceleration of load vs load ....................................................................................................... 39
Figure 37: Load vertical velocity vs time for m1 – all three trials ........................................................................................... 40
Figure 38: Load vertical velocity vs time for m2 – all three trials ........................................................................................... 40
Figure 39:Load vertical velocity vs time for m3– all three trials............................................................................................. 41
Figure 40:Load vertical velocity vs time for m4 – all three trials ............................................................................................ 41

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

Figure 41:Load vertical velocity vs time for m5 – all three trials ............................................................................................ 42
Figure 42:Rotational kinetic energy vs translational kinetic energy for m1 – all three trials ................................................. 42
Figure 43: Rotational kinetic energy vs translational kinetic energy for m2 – all three trials ................................................ 43
Figure 44: Rotational kinetic energy vs translational kinetic energy for m3 – all three trials ................................................ 43
Figure 45: Rotational kinetic energy vs translational kinetic energy for m4 – all three trials ................................................ 44
Figure 46: Rotational kinetic energy vs translational kinetic energy for m5 – all three trials ................................................ 44
Figure 47: Comparing measured and predicted values of ratio of rotational and translational kinetic energies of gravity car
for different loads ................................................................................................................................................................... 45

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

List of Tables
Table 1: Calculating acceleration and deceleration of gravity car from slopes of velocity vs time graphs............................ 28
Table 2: Calculating the mean ratio of distance travelled by gravity car and distance fallen by load (from graph) .............. 35
Table 3: finding the downward acceleration of load from distance fallen by load vs time graphs ....................................... 38
Table 4: Calculating measured and predicted ratios of rotational and translational kinetic energies of gravity car for
different loads......................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Table 5 The different loads used in the investigation ............................................................................................................ 47
Table 6: Raw data for trial 1 of load m1 ................................................................................................................................. 47

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027


I am very grateful to my supervisor Mr. Gyaneshwaran G for his guidance in completing the extended essay.

I would like to thank my physics teacher Mr. Thavamani T for his guidance.

I would like to thank our Lab Technicians Mr. Anil and Mr. Mahendar for assisting me while shooting the


Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027


I got introduced to gravity cars while watching the youtube videos of GrandadIsAnOldMan1. I was fascinated by the

simplicity of the construction and the scope for physics exploration it offered. So I decided to construct one and study its

motion. Since the gravity car uses the gravitational potential energy stored in a weight suspended from a pulley attached

to the body of the car, I decided to study the effect of varying this load, on the motion of the gravity car. So, my

research question is “How does the load hanging from the pulley of the gravity car affect the different parameters of its

motion like position, velocity, acceleration, ratio of rotational kinetic energy and translational kinetic energy, and ratio

of distance travelled by gravity car vs distance fallen by load?”

I couldn’t find any reference that described the detailed working of the gravity car or predicted its motion. So I had to find

out on my own by my own exploration.

I realized that the gravity car’s motion was not as simple as I first thought2.

1 "Gravity Powered Cars." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 11 Mar. 2014.

DC, Pandey. "Mechanics of Rotational Motion - Combined Translational and Rotational Motion of a Rigid
Body." Understanding Physics Mechanics - Part 2. 2008 ed. Meerut: Arihant Prakashan, 2008. 34,35. Print.

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

Figure 1:: Diagram to illustrate the different forces acting on the gravity car

The load L applies

ies a torque on the axle via the string passing
ing through the pulley. The tension force acts at an acute angle θ

licates the situation3. The torque acting on the gear of radius rg, rotates the axle (and
with the horizontal and this complicates

hence the ‘active’ wheels which are attached to the axle),

axle), and the presence of static friction fsa between the ‘active’

wheel and the floor results in rolling motion of the wheel, which results in the forward motion of the gravity car. The

forward motion of the gravity car causes the ‘passive’ wheels to rotate due to the static friction fp exerted by the floor on

the passive wheels, as shown in the above figure. Thus, rotational kinetic energy is present in the rotating wheels of the

gravity car, while translational kinetic energy is possessed by the body of the gravity car and the load descending from the

pulley at the top. The floor exerts Normal reaction N upwards on

o all the four wheels, which contributes to the limiting

value of static friction that can be exerted on the wheels by the floor.

P.K, Sharma. "Rotational Kinematics - Concept of Rolling." Understanding Physics Mechanics - Part B. 2009 ed. Prakash
Publications, 2010. 158-160,263-268.. Print.

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

The load accelerates vertically downwards with acceleration a2. The gravity car has a forward acceleration a1 till the load

hits the ground. After the load hits the ground and is disconnected from the gravity car, only friction between the axle

and wheels faxle will act on the gravity car to decelerate it till it comes to rest. The gravity car has an instantaneous velocity

vc in the forward direction.

The distance travelled by the gravity car in time t is dc and the distance fallen by the load in time t is dL.

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

Figure 2: The gravity car which I constructed

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

Energy Transformation
Since gravitational potential energy of an object of mass m at a height h , Ug = mgh, we find that the gravitational

potential energy of the load is proportional to its height. Hence, with the decrease in height of the load, there must be a

proportionate decrease in gravitational potential energy and a proportionate increase in translational and rotational

rotational kinetic energy of the gravity car. I expect friction in the axle to increase with an increase in load. Hence, I expect

the energy dissipation due to friction, to increase with increase in load. Note that load is the weight hung from the pulley

to provide the torque necessary to rotate the wheels of the gravity car.

Relation between Rotational Kinetic Energy and Translational Kinetic Energy

Total rotational kinetic energy of the gravity car is present as the sum of the rotational kinetic energy of the four wheels.

The rotational kinetic energy of the axle is neglected, since its moment of inertia is very small on account of its small mass

and radius.

Thus, total rotational kinetic energy of the gravity car,

‫ܭ‬ோ = 4 × × ‫߱ × ܫ‬ଶ

where I = moment of inertia of each wheel and ω = angular velocity of wheel

the factor 4 is required to account for the kinetic energy of rotation of 4 wheels.

On simplifying, we get

ଵ ଵ ௩ ଶ
‫ܭ‬ோ = 4 × ଶ × ቀଶ × ݉௪ × ‫ݎ‬௪ ଶ ቁ × ቀ௥ ೎ ቁ where mw = mass of each wheel

rw = radius of each wheel

vc = forward velocity of gravity car

which finally gives ‫ܭ‬ோ = ݉௪ × ሺ‫ݒ‬௖ ሻଶ

Translational Kinetic Energy of the gravity car with load, ‫ = ்ܭ‬ଶ × ሺ‫ ܮ‬+ ‫ܯ‬ሻ × ሺ‫ݒ‬௖ ሻଶ

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

where L = mass of load hanging from pulley of gravity car

M = mass of empty gravity car

Thus, the ratio of Rotational Kinetic Energy to Translational Kinetic Energy,

‫ܭ‬ோ ݉௪ × ሺ‫ݒ‬௖ ሻଶ 2 × ݉௪
= =
‫்ܭ‬ 1
× ሺ‫ ܮ‬+ ‫ܯ‬ሻ × ሺ‫ݒ‬௖ ሻଶ ሺ‫ ܮ‬+ ‫ܯ‬ሻ

Relation between distance travelled by gravity car and distance fallen by load

Figure 3: diagram illustrating the derivation of the relation between the distance moved by the gravity car and the distance fallen by the load

If the load falls a vertical distance dL, then the gear, and the ‘active’ wheels attached to the gear and axle, will have the

same angular displacement θ. The outer surface of the gear of radius rg will rotate by an arc length dL. So ߠ = .

For the ‘active’ wheels, we have ߠ = ௥ ೎ where dc = distance travelled by gravity car

rw = radius of wheel

Comparing the above two equations, we get ݀௖ = × ݀௅

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

Relation between acceleration of gravity car and vertical acceleration of load

Differentiating the expression for dc with respect to time, twice, we get ܽ௖ = ௥೒
× ܽ௅

where ac = forward acceleration of gravity car while the load is falling

aL = vertical acceleration of load while it is falling

Acceleration and deceleration of gravity car

While the load is falling, I expect the gravity car to have a constant positive acceleration due to the net torque exerted by

the load. I expect this acceleration to increase with an increase in load.

After the load hits the ground and gets disconnected from the gravity car, I expect the gravity car to decelerate at a

constant rate due to friction between the axle and wheels. I expect this deceleration to increase slightly with increase in

load, because I expect the friction between the axle and wheels to increase with increase in load.

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027


The gravity car was constructed by following the instructions given in the youtube video mentioned in the introduction.

Waste cds were used as wheels, bamboo sticks were used to make the framework to support the pulley to hold the load,

and a hollow thermocol box was used to make the body of the car. The hollow body of sketch pens were used to make

the axles, and water bottle caps were used to close the gaps in the cds while fixing them to the axles. Hot glue gun was

used to join all the parts. A needle was used to make a hook and hot glued on to the bottle cap which was used as a gear.

The wheels attached to the axle containing the gear are called ‘active’ wheels because they provide the torque to move

the vehicle. The wheels attached to the axle that do not contain the gear are called ‘passive’ because they don’t rotate on

their own, and rotate only because the car is made to move forward by the ‘active’ wheels.

mass of empty gravity car (without the load), M = 0.12670 kg ± 0.00001 kg (measured using electronic balance).

radius of each wheel, rw = 0.060 m ± 0.001 m (measured using meter scale)

radius of gear, rg = 0.0203 m ± 0.0001 m (measured using vernier calliper)

࢘࢝ ૙. ૙૟૙
= = ૛. ૢ૞૞૟ૠ = ૜. ૙ ሺ࢘࢕࢛࢔ࢊࢋࢊ ࢕ࢌࢌ ࢚࢕ ૛ ࢙࢏ࢍ࢔࢏ࢌ࢏ࢉࢇ࢔࢚ ࢌ࢏ࢍ࢛࢘ࢋ࢙ሻ
࢘ࢍ ૙. ૙૛૙૜

Thus, the predicted slope of distance travelled by gravity car vs distance fallen by load graphs is 3.0.

The predicted slope of acceleration of gravity car vs downward acceleration of load graphs is also 3.0.

This slope should be independent of the load.

mass of each wheel, mw = 0.01634 kg ± 0.00001 kg (using electronic balance)

moment of inertia of each wheel, I = 0.5 x 0.01634 x 0.0602 = 0.000029 kg.m2 (rounded off to 2 sf).

The motion of the gravity car was captured on video by taking all the precautions such as:

1. ensuring that the car travelled in a plane parallel to the face of the camera

2. keeping the camera fixed on a stand

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

3. shooting under bright natural light

4. choosing a smooth level surface which is long enough to cover the required motion of the gravity car

5. having a contrasting background to enable easy tracking of the points of interest in the gravity car.

The videos were then analysed using TRACKER software. First, the video was calibrated by using the blue calibration stick,

as shown in the figure below.

Figure 4: the video is calibrated by entering the diameter of wheel as 0.12 m

Then, the pink coordinate system was fixed as shown in the figure below, by setting the origin of the coordinate system at

the center of the rear wheel in the frame where the gravity car just starts to move. The video was forwarded to the last

frame and the coordinate system was adjusted so that the x axis passed through the center of the rear wheel even in the

last frame of the video. Thus it was ensured that the gravity car moved only along the positive x axis.

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

Figure 5: the origin of the pink coordinate system is fixed on the center of the rear wheel in the first frame where the gravity car just starts to

Figure 6: Screenshot of the Tracker software used to track the center of the rear wheel and the bottom of the load for mass m2 trial 1. The
tracking is done by keeping the SHIFT key pressed while clicking on the point of interest, which automatically moves the video to next frame after
capturing the data of the previous point which was clicked.

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

The center of the rear wheel was tracked in each frame to give the data about the position and velocity of the gravity car

as a function of time. The bottom of the load was tracked in each frame to give the data about the x and y coordinates of

the position, x and y components of velocity, and magnitude of velocity as a function of time. Thus, the raw data was

compiled for 3 trials each for five different values of load. The raw data table for trial 1 of mass 1 is in the Appendix. The

rest of the raw data and processed data can be accessed from the following link:

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

Discussion of Results

The Raw Data Tables and Processed Data Tables can be accessed from the following link:

The tables are too numerous to print here.

Energy vs time

m1 Trial 1: Energy vs time


Gravitational Potential Energy of Load
0.05000 m1 - trial 1
Translational Kinetic Energy of (car +
0.04000 load) - m1 Trial 1
Energy / J

Translational Kinetic Energy of load due

0.03000 to vertical motion
Rotational Kinetic Energy of Wheels
Sum of all energies
Energy lost due to friction
0.00000 2.00000 4.00000 6.00000 8.00000 10.00000 12.00000
time / s

Figure 7: Energy transformation vs time for trial 1 of mass 1

This graph shows the distribution of energy in the gravity car in different forms as a function of time. We can see
that the relationship is not linear. As expected, the gravitational potential energy decreases with time, while the
translational and rotational kinetic energies increase with time, till they reach the maximum near 5 s. This is
when the load hits the ground and stops contributing to the accelerating torque. Thereafter, gravitational potential
energy remains at zero, and the translational and rotational kinetic energies start decreasing till they also become
zero. The work done by friction is calculated as the initial gravitational potential energy – sum of all the energies
present in the gravity car. The gravitational potential energy is only tracked till the load is in view while falling
down. Around 3.52 s, the load gets hidden behind the wheels and could not be tracked, and hence the data of
gravitational potential energy is not available from this moment onwards.

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

Energy vs distance fallen by load

gravitational potential energy: y = -0.1968x + 0.0633
R² = 1
Translational kinetic energy (car + load) : y = 0.055x +
0.0002 Gravitational Potential Energy - m1
0.06000 R² = 0.9224 Trial 1

Translational Kinetic Energy of (Car +

energy lost due to friction: y = 0.1291x - 0.0002Load) - m1 Trial 1
R² = 0.9779
0.05000 Translational Kinetic Energy of Load
due to vertical motion

Rotational Kinetic Energy of Wheels


Sum of all energies

Energy / J

sum of all energies: y = -0.1291x + 0.0635

0.03000 R² = 0.9779 Energy lost due to friction

Translational kinetic energy of load due to vertical

motion: y = 0.0005x + 1E-06
Linear (Gravitational Potential Energy
R² = 0.5735
- m1 Trial 1)
Linear (Translational Kinetic Energy
of (Car + Load) - m1 Trial 1)

Linear (Translational Kinetic Energy

of Load due to vertical motion)

Linear (Rotational Kinetic Energy of

0.00000 0.05000 0.10000 0.15000 0.20000 Linear (Sum of all energies)

rotational kinetic energy of wheels: y = 0.0122x + 4E-05

R² = 0.9224 Linear (Energy lost due to friction)
distance fallen by load / m

Figure 8: Distribution of different energies vs distance fallen by load for trial 1 of mass 1

This graph clearly shows the linear relationship between the different energies and the distance fallen by the load. This
verifies my hypothesis. The y intercept is nearly zero in all the linear fit equations, indicating a proportionality between
the different forms of energy and the distance fallen by the load. Thus, as the load falls down, the gravitational potential
energy is converted into translational and rotational kinetic energy, and part of the energy is also dissipated as heat due
to friction between the axle and wheels. The translational kinetic energy of load due to its vertical falling motion is

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

practically negligible because its vertical component of velocity is very small compared to its horizontal component of
velocity throughout its motion.

Distance travelled by gravity car vs time

distance travelled by gravity car / m



m1 Trial 1
m1 Trial 2
m1 Trial 3

0.00000 2.00000 4.00000 6.00000 8.00000 10.00000 12.00000
time / s

Figure 9: distance travelled by gravity car vs time for mass m1 - all three trials


distance travelled by gravity car / m


m2 trial 1
m2 Trial 2
m2 Trial 3


0.00000 1.00000 2.00000 3.00000 4.00000 5.00000 6.00000 7.00000

time / s

Figure 10: distance travelled by gravity car vs time for mass m2 - all three trials

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027


distance travelled by gravity car / m


m3 Trial 1
m3 Trial 2
m3 Trial 3


0.00000 1.00000 2.00000 3.00000 4.00000 5.00000

time / s

Figure 11: distance travelled by gravity car vs time for m3 - all 3 trials


distance travelled by gravity car / m


m4 trial 1
m4 trial 2
m4 trial 3


0.00000 0.50000 1.00000 1.50000 2.00000 2.50000 3.00000 3.50000 4.00000 4.50000

time / s

Figure 12:Distance travelled by gravity car vs time for m4 - all 3 trials

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027


distance travelled by gravity car / m


m5 trial 1
m5 trial 2
m5 trial 3


0.00000 1.00000 2.00000 3.00000 4.00000 5.00000

time / s

Figure 13: Distance travelled by gravity car vs time for m5- all 3 trials

There is not much variation in the graphs between the different trials for each load. This indicates that the gravity car
behaves in a predictable manner for a given value of load, and the measurements of position of the gravity car are
accurate. Instead of error bars, I’ve plotted the values obtained from 3 trials in the same graph. The spread in the data
gives an indication of the error, much like the error bar. We can see that in all the cases, the gravity car first accelerates
till it reaches maximum velocity (maximum slope in graph of position vs time), and then decelerates till it comes to rest
(zero slope of position vs time graph).

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

Velocity of gravity car vs time

m1 trial 1 speeding up: y = 0.0888x + 0.0305
R² = 0.9701

m1 trial 2 speeding up: y = 0.0727x + 0.0476

0.5 R² = 0.842
m1 trial 3 speeding up: y = 0.0989x + 0.0304
R² = 0.8617 m1 Trial 1 speeding up

m1 trial 2 speeding up

0.4 m1 Trial 3 speeding up

velocity of gravity car / ms-1

m1 trial 1 slowing down

m1 trial 2 slowing down

0.3 m1 trial 3 slowing down

Linear (m1 Trial 1 speeding up)

Linear (m1 trial 2 speeding up)

0.2 Linear (m1 Trial 3 speeding up)

Linear (m1 trial 1 slowing down)

Linear (m1 trial 2 slowing down)

0.1 Linear (m1 trial 3 slowing down)

m1 trial 1 slowing down: y = -0.071x + 0.7497

R² = 0.9103
m1 trial 2 slowing down: y = -0.0802x + 0.8097
0 R² = 0.8947
0.00000 2.00000 4.00000 6.00000 8.00000 10.00000 12.00000
time / s m1 trial 3 slowing down: y = -0.1584x + 1.1692
R² = 0.6733

Figure 14:Velocity of gravity car vs time for m1 - all three trials

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

1.2 m2 trial 2 speeding up: y = 0.2118x + 0.0557

m2 trial 1 speeding up: y = 0.2372x + 0.0597
R² = 0.8531
R² = 0.9905
m2 trial 3 speeding up: y = 0.2408x + 0.0485
R² = 0.8837
m2 trial 1 speeding up
m2 Trial 2 speeding up
velocity of gravity car ms-1

0.8 m2 trial 3 speeding up

m2 trial 1 slowing down
m2 trial 2 slowing down
m2 trial 3 slowing down
Linear (m2 trial 1 speeding up)

0.4 Linear (m2 Trial 2 speeding up)

Linear (m2 trial 3 speeding up)
Linear (m2 trial 1 slowing down)
0.2 Linear (m2 trial 2 slowing down)
Linear (m2 trial 3 slowing down)
m2 trial 1 slowing down: y = -0.1142x + 1.0846
R² = 0.9101 m2 trial 3 slowing down: y = -0.1243x + 1.0867
0 R² = 0.7254
0.00000 1.00000 2.00000 3.00000 4.00000 5.00000 6.00000
time / s m2 trial 2 slowing down: y = -0.183x + 1.4059
R² = 0.5979

Figure 15:Velocity of the gravity car vs time for m2 - all three trials

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

m3 trial 2 speeding up: y = 0.3444x + 0.0161
m3 trial 1 speeding up: y = 0.3384x + 0.0667
R² = 0.9907
R² = 0.9919
0.9 m3 trial 3 speeding up: y = 0.3121x + 0.0558
R² = 0.9807

m3 trial 1 slowing down: y = -0.1359x + 1.1774

0.8 R² = 0.916

0.7 m3 Trial 1 speeding up

m3 trial 2 speeding up
velocity of gravity car ms-1

m3 trial 3 speeding up
m3 trial 1 slowing down
m3 trial 2 slowing down: y = -0.1042x + 1.1208 m3 trial 2 slowing down
0.5 R² = 0.908
m3 trial 3 slowing down
Linear (m3 Trial 1 speeding up)
0.4 Linear (m3 trial 2 speeding up)
m3 trial 3 slowing down: y = -0.0965x + 1.107
R² = 0.7961 Linear (m3 trial 3 speeding up)
0.3 Linear (m3 trial 1 slowing down)
Linear (m3 trial 2 slowing down)

0.2 Linear (m3 trial 3 slowing down)


0.00000 1.00000 2.00000 3.00000 4.00000 5.00000
time / s

Figure 16:velocity of the gravity car vs time for m3 - all three trials

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

1.2 m4 trial 2 speeding up: y = 0.4061x + 0.0617

m4 trial 1 speeding up: y = 0.4254x + 0.0494 R² = 0.9831
R² = 0.989
m4 trial 3 speeding up: y = 0.4307x + 0.038
R² = 0.9963
m4 trial 1 slowing down: y = -0.1576x + 1.391
R² = 0.8996
m4 trial 1 speeding up

0.8 m4 trial 2 speeding up

velocity of gravity car ms-1

m4 trial 3 speeding up
m4 trial 1 slowing down
m4 trial 2 slowing down: y = -0.1341x + 1.261
m4 trial 2 slowing down
0.6 R² = 0.8641
m4 trial 3 slowing down
m4 trial 3 slowing down: y = -0.1997x + 1.4268 Linear (m4 trial 1 speeding up)
R² = 0.8974
Linear (m4 trial 2 speeding up)
0.4 Linear (m4 trial 3 speeding up)
Linear (m4 trial 1 slowing down)
Linear (m4 trial 2 slowing down)
0.2 Linear (m4 trial 3 slowing down)

0.00000 1.00000 2.00000 3.00000 4.00000 5.00000
time / s

Figure 17:velocity of gravity car vs time for m4- all three trials

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

1.2 m5 trial 1 speeding up: y = 0.4902x + 0.0499 m5 trial 2 speeding up: y = 0.4973x + 0.0204
R² = 0.9894 R² = 0.9968
m5 trial 3 speeding up: y = 0.5108x + 0.0453
m5 trial 1 slowing down: y = -0.0886x + 1.1497
R² = 0.9838
R² = 0.8326
1 m5 trial 2 slowing downy = -0.2174x + 1.5137
R² = 0.9437
m5 trial 1 speeding up
m5 trial 2 speeding up
velocity of gravity car ms-1

m5 trial 3 speeding up
m5 trial 1 slowing down
m5 trial 2 slowing down
m5 trial 3 slowing down
m5 trial 3 slowing down: y = -0.117x + 1.1442
R² = 0.9002 Linear (m5 trial 1 speeding up)
Linear (m5 trial 2 speeding up)
0.4 Linear (m5 trial 3 speeding up)
Linear (m5 trial 1 slowing down)
Linear (m5 trial 2 slowing down)
0.2 Linear (m5 trial 3 slowing down)

0.00000 1.00000 2.00000 3.00000 4.00000 5.00000
time / s

Figure 18:velocity of the gravity car vs time for m5 - all three trials

Table 1: Calculating acceleration and deceleration of gravity car from slopes of velocity vs time graphs

in uncertai
mean nty in
accele mean
ration deceler
= (max ation =
Load / slope - (max
kg acceleration = slope of velocity- min slope -
± time graph while speeding up / ms- slope)/ deceleration = slope of velocity-time min
0.0000 2 graph while slowing down / ms-2 slope)/2
1 kg trial 1 trial 2 trial 3 mean ms-2 trial 1 trial 2 trial 3 mean ms-2
m1 0.02008 0.0888 0.0727 0.0989 0.09 0.01 -0.0710 -0.0802 -0.1584 -0.10 0.04
m2 0.05080 0.2372 0.2118 0.2408 0.23 0.01 -0.1142 -0.1830 -0.1243 -0.14 0.03
m3 0.07030 0.3384 0.3444 0.3121 0.33 0.02 -0.1359 -0.1042 -0.0965 -0.11 0.02
m4 0.10000 0.4254 0.4061 0.4307 0.42 0.01 -0.1576 -0.1341 -0.1997 -0.16 0.03

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

m5 0.11968 0.4902 0.4973 0.5108 0.50 0.01 -0.0886 -0.2174 -0.1170 -0.14 0.06
Figure 19: Calculating acceleration and deceleration of gravity car from slopes of velocity vs time graphs

error in mean deceleration of the gravity car = 0.03 ms-2 [by (max – min)/2]

Therefore, mean deceleration of the gravity car = 0.13 ms-2 ± 0.03 ms-2

mean acceleration: y = 4.0899x + 0.0185
R² = 0.9907
max slope for acceleration: y = 4.3173x - 0.0067 mean acceleration of gravity car vs
mean deceleration of gravity car vs
0.30 max slope for acceleration
mean deceleration: y = -0.43x - 0.1011
acceleration / ms-2

R² = 0.4809 max slope for deceleration

max slope for deceleration: y = -1.3231x - 0.0389 min slope for deceleration
min slope for deceleration: y = 0.1251x - 0.1425 Linear (mean acceleration of gravity
car vs load)
0.00 Linear (mean deceleration of gravity
0.00000 0.02000 0.04000 0.06000 0.08000 0.10000 0.12000 0.14000 car vs load)
Linear (max slope for acceleration)

Linear (max slope for deceleration)

Linear (min slope for deceleration)

Load / kg

Figure 20: mean acceleration and mean deceleration vs load

The linear fit for acceleration does not pass through the error bar of mass 3 data point. So it’s not possible to make a
min slope linear fit to pass through the data point of mass 3. Hence min slope for acceleration is not plotted. Even the
max slope for acceleration does not pass through the data point for mass 3. Therefore I would like to repeat the trials
for mass 3 very carefully once again.
Thus error in slope for acceleration vs load = = ±0.1 ms-2kg-1

Thus the experimentally derived expression for acceleration of gravity car as a function of load is

ܽ௖ = ሺ4.1 ± 0.1ሻ‫ ܮ‬where ac = acceleration of gravity car and L = Load suspended from pulley of gravity car.

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

Though the linear fit for deceleration has a small negative slope as expected, which indicates a slight increase in
deceleration magnitude with an increase in Load mass as predicted, the error in slope is too high to make this
conclusion convincing.
The error in slope for deceleration vs load = = ±0.7 ms-2kg-1

Thus, there is no real correlation between deceleration of gravity car and load, since the slope is 0.4±૙. ૠ ms-2kg-1.

Velocity of gravity car vs distance travelled


velocity of gravity car ms-1


0.3 m1 Trial 1
m1 Trial 2
m1 Trial 3

-0.50000 0.00000 0.50000 1.00000 1.50000 2.00000 2.50000
distance travelled by gravity car / m

Figure 21:velocity of gravity car vs distance travelled for m1- all three trials

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027


velocity of gravity car ms-1


0.6 m2 trial 1
m2 trial 2
m2 trial 3


-0.50000 0.00000 0.50000 1.00000 1.50000 2.00000 2.50000 3.00000
distance travelled by Gravity Car / m

Figure 22:velocity of gravity car vs distance travelled for m2 - all three trials

velocity of gravity car ms-1

0.5 m3 trial 1
0.4 m3 trial 2
0.3 m3 trial 3
-0.50000 0.00000 0.50000 1.00000 1.50000 2.00000 2.50000 3.00000
distance travelled by Gravity Car / m

Figure 23:velocity of gravity car vs distance travelled for m3 - all three trials

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027


velocity of gravity car ms-1


0.6 m4 trial 1
m4 trial 2
m4 trial 3


-0.50000 0.00000 0.50000 1.00000 1.50000 2.00000 2.50000 3.00000
distance travelled by Gravity Car / m

Figure 24:velocity of gravity car vs distance travelled for m4 - all three trials


velocity of gravity car ms-1


0.6 m5 trial 1
m5 trial 2
0.4 m5 trial 3


-0.50000 0.00000 0.50000 1.00000 1.50000 2.00000 2.50000 3.00000
distance travelled by Gravity Car / m

Figure 25:velocity of gravity car vs distance travelled for m5 - all three trials

Based on the nature of the graphs, it is clear that a plot of velocity squared vs distance travelled by gravity car would
yield a linear plot, since the acceleration and deceleration are constant.

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

Distance travelled by gravity car vs distance fallen by load



0.70000 m1 Trial 1: y = 4.2218x + 0.0088

distance travelled by gravity car / m

R² = 0.9972
m1 Trial 2: y = 4.2944x + 0.0081
m1 Trial 1
R² = 0.999
m1 Trial 2
m1 Trial 3: y = 4.3665x + 0.0106
0.40000 R² = 0.9986 m1 Trial 3
Linear (m1 Trial 1)
Linear (m1 Trial 2)
0.20000 Linear (m1 Trial 3)


-0.05000 0.00000 0.05000 0.10000 0.15000 0.20000
distance fallen by load / m

Figure 26:Distance travelled by gravity car vs distance fallen by load for m1 - all three trials

m2 Trial 1: y = 4.4543x + 0.003
R² = 0.999
m2 Trial 2: y = 4.4972x + 0.004
R² = 0.9991
distance travelled by gravity car / m

m2 Trial 3: y = 4.303x + 0.0034
0.50000 R² = 0.9988
m2 Trial 1
m2 Trial 2
m2 Trial 3
0.30000 Linear (m2 Trial 1)
Linear (m2 Trial 2)
Linear (m2 Trial 3)

0.00000 0.05000 0.10000 0.15000 0.20000
distance fallen by load / m

Figure 27:Distance travelled by gravity car vs distance fallen by load for m2- all three trials

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027


0.80000 m3 Trial 1: y = 4.5156x + 0.0141

R² = 0.9976
m3 Trial 2: y = 4.5709x + 0.006
distance travelled by gravity car / m

R² = 0.9973
m3 Trial 3: y = 4.5017x + 0.0109
R² = 0.9971 m3 Trial 1
m3 Trial 2
0.40000 m3 Trial 3
Linear (m3 Trial 1)
Linear (m3 Trial 2)
0.20000 Linear (m3 Trial 3)


-0.05000 0.00000 0.05000 0.10000 0.15000 0.20000
distance fallen by load / m

Figure 28:Distance travelled by gravity car vs distance fallen by load for m3- all three trials


m4 trial 1: y = 4.6038x + 0.0165
distance travelled by gravity car / m

0.60000 R² = 0.9958
m4 trial 2: y = 4.6024x + 0.0141
R² = 0.997
0.50000 m4 Trial 1
m4 Trial 3: y = 4.5782x + 0.0107
R² = 0.9974 m4 Trial 2
m4 Trial 3
0.30000 Linear (m4 Trial 1)

0.20000 Linear (m4 Trial 2)

Linear (m4 Trial 3)

-0.05000 0.00000 0.05000 0.10000 0.15000 0.20000
distance fallen by load / m

Figure 29:Distance travelled by gravity car vs distance fallen by load for m4 - all three trials

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027


m5 trial 1: y = 4.591x - 0.0022
0.60000 R² = 0.9978
distance travelled by gravity car / m

m5 trial 2: y = 4.4163x + 0.0124

R² = 0.9974
m5 trial 3: y = 3.6727x - 0.0185 m5 Trial 1
R² = 0.991
m5 Trial 2
m5 Trial 3
0.30000 Linear (m5 Trial 1)
Linear (m5 Trial 2)
Linear (m5 Trial 3)


0.00000 0.05000 0.10000 0.15000 0.20000
distance fallen by load / m

Figure 30:Distance travelled by gravity car vs distance fallen by load for m5 - all three trials

Table 2: Calculating the mean ratio of distance travelled by gravity car and distance fallen by load (from graph)

Load /
slope of distance travelled by gravity car vs
distance travelled by load
trial 2 kg
trial 3 trial 1
m1 0.02008 4.2218 4.2944 4.3665 4.29
m2 0.05080 4.4543 4.4972 4.3030 4.42
m3 0.07030 4.5156 4.5709 4.5017 4.53
m4 0.10000 4.6038 4.6024 4.5782 4.59
m5 0.11968 4.5910 4.4163 3.6727 4.23
mean slope = 4.4
error in slope = 0.2
Thus, the measured value of slope (= 4.4) is greater than the predicted value of 3.0 by 46.7% . This means the gravity car
is travelling more distance per fall of load, than predicted. This could mean that the measured distance travelled by the
car is greater than the actual distance, which is quite possible, since there could be error in calibration of the videos.
Improper alignment of the camera with respect to the movement of the gravity car could also lead to this error. The
gravity car doesn’t always go in perfectly straight line, and sometimes veers towards or away from the camera leading to
this error.

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

Distance fallen by load vs time

m1 Trial 1: y = 0.0116x2 + 0.0026x + 0.0014
R² = 0.9975
m1 Trial 2: y = 0.0105x2 + 0.0045x - 0.0008
R² = 0.9976
distance fallen by load / m

m1 Trial 3: y = 0.0112x2 + 0.0065x - 0.0009 m1 Trial 1

R² = 0.9986
0.10000 m1 Trial 2
m1 Trial 3
Poly. (m1 Trial 1)
Poly. (m1 Trial 2)
Poly. (m1 Trial 3)
0.00000 0.50000 1.00000 1.50000 2.00000 2.50000 3.00000 3.50000 4.00000

time / s

Figure 31:Distance fallen by load vs time for m1 - all three trials

m2 Trial 1: y = 0.0289x2 + 0.0088x + 0.0005
0.18000 R² = 0.9991
m2 Trial 2: y = 0.0291x2 + 0.0014x - 0.001
0.16000 R² = 0.9986

0.14000 m2 Trial 3: y = 0.0292x2 + 0.0097x - 0.0009

distance fallen by load / m

R² = 0.9983
0.12000 m2 Trial 1
m2 Trial 2
m2 Trial 3
0.08000 Poly. (m2 Trial 1)

0.06000 Poly. (m2 Trial 2)

Poly. (m2 Trial 3)


0.00000 0.50000 1.00000 1.50000 2.00000 2.50000
time / s

Figure 32:Distance fallen by load vs time for m2 - all three trials

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

m3 Trial 1: y = 0.0417x2 + 0.0069x - 0.0011
0.16000 R² = 0.9979

m3 Trial 2: y = 0.0406x2 - 0.0023x + 0.0008

R² = 0.9969

0.12000 m3 Trial 3: y = 0.041x2 + 0.0002x + 0.0003

distance fallen by load / m

R² = 0.9975
m3 Trial 1
m3 Trial 2
0.08000 m3 Trial 3
Poly. (m3 Trial 1)
Poly. (m3 Trial 2)
0.04000 Poly. (m3 Trial 3)


0.00000 0.50000 1.00000 1.50000 2.00000 2.50000
time / s

Figure 33:Distance fallen by load vs time for m3 - all three trials

m4 Trial 1: y = 0.0577x2 - 0.0088x + 0.0009
0.16000 R² = 0.997
m4 Trial 2: y = 0.0537x2 - 0.0035x + 0.0007
0.14000 R² = 0.9973
distance fallen by load / m

0.12000 m4 Trial 3: y = 0.0531x2 - 0.0031x + 0.0015

R² = 0.998 m4 Trial 1
0.10000 m4 Trial 2
0.08000 m4 Trial 3
Poly. (m4 Trial 1)
Poly. (m4 Trial 2)
Poly. (m4 Trial 3)

0.00000 0.50000 1.00000 1.50000 2.00000
time / s

Figure 34:Distance fallen by load vs time for m4 - all three trials

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

m5 Trial 1: y = 0.0517x2 + 0.0139x - 0.0006
0.16000 R² = 0.9966
m5 Trial 2: y = 0.0651x2 - 0.0104x + 0.0014
0.14000 R² = 0.9985
m5 Trial 3: y = 0.0479x2 + 0.0406x - 0.0011
0.12000 R² = 0.9969
distance fallen by load / m

m5 Trial 1
m5 Trial 2
0.08000 m5 Trial 3
Poly. (m5 Trial 1)
Poly. (m5 Trial 2)
0.04000 Poly. (m5 Trial 3)


0.00000 0.50000 1.00000 1.50000 2.00000
time / s

Figure 35:Distance fallen by load vs time for m5 - all three trials

Table 3: finding the downward acceleration of load from distance fallen by load vs time graphs

error in
Load / downward downward
kg error in c acceleration acceleration
coefficient of t2 in quadratic fit of distance
± [= (max- of load, aL(= of load, aL
travelled by gravity car vs time, c / ms-2
0.00001 min)/2] 2*c) (= 2*∆c)
kg trial 1 trial 2 trial 3 mean ∆c / ms-2 / ms-2 / ms-2
m1 0.02008 0.0116 0.0105 0.0112 0.011 0.001 0.022 0.001
m2 0.05080 0.0289 0.0291 0.0292 0.029 0.000 0.058 0.000
m3 0.07030 0.0417 0.0406 0.0410 0.041 0.001 0.082 0.001
m4 0.10000 0.0577 0.0537 0.0531 0.055 0.002 0.110 0.005
m5 0.11968 0.0517 0.0651 0.0479 0.055 0.009 0.110 0.017

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

downward acceleration of load


downward acceleration of load / ms-2

y = 0.9211x + 0.0099
R² = 0.9524

downward acceleration of load
Linear (downward acceleration of


0.00000 0.02000 0.04000 0.06000 0.08000 0.10000 0.12000 0.14000
Load / kg

Figure 36: mean downward acceleration of load vs load

Since the linear fit is not passing through the error bars of three points, I’m not plotting the max and min slopes for this
graph. Based on this graph, I arrived at an expression for vertical acceleration of load as a function of load as

aL = 0.9 L

The downward acceleration of load needs to be measured more carefully to verify this relation.

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

Load vertical velocity vs time


0.00000 0.50000 1.00000 1.50000 2.00000 2.50000 3.00000 3.50000 4.00000
load vertical velocity m.s-1

m1 Trial 1
m1 Trial 2

-0.08 m1 Trial 3



time / s

Figure 37: Load vertical velocity vs time for m1 – all three trials

The data points for velocity are very scattered because the velocity is calculated from the difference in position and time.
since the time interval are very small, the changes in position are also very small, and hence the relative error of
difference in position and time are high, leading to high error in velocities.

0.00000 0.50000 1.00000 1.50000 2.00000 2.50000

Load vertical velocity ms-1

m2 Trial 1
m2 Trial 2
-0.1 m2 Trial 3



time / s

Figure 38: Load vertical velocity vs time for m2 – all three trials

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

Henceforth, I have increased the time interval between data points to reduce the relative error in position and time, and
thereby reduce the error in velocity.

0.00000 0.50000 1.00000 1.50000 2.00000

Load vertical velocity ms-1

m3 Trial 1
m3 Trial 2
-0.15 m3 Trial 3


time / s

Figure 39:Load vertical velocity vs time for m3– all three trials

Since the load tends to swing when the gravity car accelerates forward, the graph of vertical velocity vs time shows
bumps of bigger size for greater accelerations (greater loads).

0.00000 0.20000 0.40000 0.60000 0.80000 1.00000 1.20000 1.40000 1.60000 1.80000


Load vertical velocity ms-1

m4 Trial 1
m4 Trial 2
-0.12 m4 Trial 3




time / s

Figure 40:Load vertical velocity vs time for m4 – all three trials

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

0.00000 0.20000 0.40000 0.60000 0.80000 1.00000 1.20000 1.40000 1.60000

Load vertical velocity ms-1

m5 Trial 1
m5 Trial 2
m5 Trial 3


time / s

Figure 41:Load vertical velocity vs time for m5 – all three trials

Since the curve is not linear due to the bumps, I’m not making linear fits for these graphs.

Rotational Kinetic Energy vs Translational Kinetic Energy


m1 Trial 1: y = 0.2226x + 5E-18

rotational kinetic energy of wheels of gravity car / J

0.00500 R² = 1

m1 Trial 2: y = 0.2226x + 6E-19

0.00400 R² = 1
m1 Trial 3: y = 0.2226x - 4E-19
R² = 1

m1 Trial 1
m1 trial 2
m1 Trial 3
Linear (m1 Trial 1)
0.00000 0.00500 0.01000 0.01500 0.02000 0.02500 Linear (m1 trial 2)
Linear (m1 Trial 3)
Translational Kinetic Energy of Gravity car with load / J

Figure 42:Rotational kinetic energy vs translational kinetic energy for m1 – all three trials

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

0.01800 m2 Trial 1: y = 0.1841x

R² = 1
Rotational kinetic energy of wheels of gravity car / J

0.01600 m2 Trial 2: y = 0.1841x - 3E-18

R² = 1
m2 Trial 3: y = 0.1841x - 5E-18
R² = 1
m2 Trial 1
0.01000 m2 Trial 2
m2 Trial 3
Linear (m2 Trial 1)
0.00600 Linear (m2 Trial 2)
Linear (m2 Trial 3)


0.00000 0.02000 0.04000 0.06000 0.08000 0.10000
Translational kinetic energy of Gravity car with load / J

Figure 43: Rotational kinetic energy vs translational kinetic energy for m2 – all three trials

m3 Trial 1: y = 0.1659x - 1E-17
R² = 1
Rotational Kinetic Energy of wheels of gravity car

m3 Trial 2: y = 0.1659x + 4E-18
R² = 1
m3 Trial 3: y = 0.1659x
R² = 1
0.01000 m3 Trial 1
m3 Trial 2
m3 Trial 3

0.00600 Linear (m3 Trial 1)

0.00400 Linear (m3 Trial 2)

Linear (m3 Trial 3)

0.00000 0.02000 0.04000 0.06000 0.08000 0.10000
Translational Kinetic Energy of Gravity car with load / J

Figure 44: Rotational kinetic energy vs translational kinetic energy for m3 – all three trials

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

m4 trial 1: y = 0.1442x
0.01800 R² = 1
Rotational Kinetic Energy of wheels of gravity car / J

0.01600 m4 trial 2: y = 0.1442x

R² = 1
0.01400 m4 Trial 3: y = 0.1442x
R² = 1
m4 Trial 1
m4 Trial 2
m4 Trial 3

0.00400 Linear (m4 Trial


0.00000 0.02000 0.04000 0.06000 0.08000 0.10000 0.12000 0.14000
Translational Kinetic Energy of Gravity Car with Load / J

Figure 45: Rotational kinetic energy vs translational kinetic energy for m4 – all three trials

0.01800 m5 Trial 1: y = 0.1326x - 4E-17

R² = 1
Rotational kinetic energy of wheels of gravity car / J

m5 Trial 2: y = 0.1326x
R² = 1
m5 Trial 3: y = 0.1326x - 2E-17
R² = 1
m5 Trial 1
m5 Trial 2
0.00800 m5 Trial 3
Linear (m5 Trial 1)
Linear (m5 Trial 2)
0.00400 Linear (m5 Trial 3)


0.00000 0.02000 0.04000 0.06000 0.08000 0.10000 0.12000 0.14000
Translational Kinetic Energy of Gravity Car with load / J

Figure 46: Rotational kinetic energy vs translational kinetic energy for m5 – all three trials

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027
Table 4: Calculating measured and predicted ratios of rotational and translational kinetic energies of gravity car for different loads

mass of empty
mass of wheel, gravity car, M /
mw / kg = 0.01634± 0.00001 kg = 0.1267± 0.00001

Load L / uncertainty in
measured KR/KT = slope of KR vs KT
kg measured
± KR/KT = (max Predicted
0.00001 slope - min KR/KT =
kg trial 1 trial 2 trial 3 mean slope)/2 (2mw)/(L+M)
m1 0.02008 0.2226 0.2226 0.2226 0.2226 0.00 0.22265
m2 0.05080 0.1841 0.1841 0.1841 0.1841 0.00 0.18411
m3 0.07030 0.1659 0.1659 0.1659 0.1659 0.00 0.16589
m4 0.10000 0.1442 0.1442 0.1442 0.1442 0.00 0.14416
m5 0.11968 0.1326 0.1326 0.1326 0.1326 0.00 0.13264

translational kinetic energy of gravity car, KR/KT
ratio of rotational kinetic energy and



measured KR/KT
predicted KR/KT


0.02008 0.05080 0.07030 0.10000 0.11968
load L / kg

Figure 47: Comparing measured and predicted values of ratio of rotational and translational kinetic energies of gravity car for different loads

The graph shows that the predicted and measured values of the ratio of rotational and translational kinetic energy for
different loads match perfectly! The error in measured values is zero, when calculated using the (max-min)/2 method,
since there is no variation in slope in the different trials for each mass.

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

1. The ratio of rotational and kinetic energies of the gravity car vary with load exactly as predicted. This ratio decreases
with increasing loads.

2. The load swings more for increasing load values due to increasing acceleration of the gravity car.

3. The downward acceleration of the load was found to be proportional to the load, and was found to obey aL = 0.9 L

where aL = downward acceleration of load, and L = load.

4. The gravity car travelled more distance per vertical distance fallen by the load than predicted. The predicted ratio for
distance travelled by gravity and distance fallen by load was 3.0, whereas the measured value was 4.4 ± 0.2 . Thus, the
discrepancy is 46.7%, and could be due to error in measuring the position of the gravity car using the TRACKER software.
The error could be due to the gravity car not travelling in a straight line.

5. The gravity has a constant acceleration and deceleration phase. The acceleration happens till the load hits the ground.
Thereafter only deceleration happens due to friction between the axle and wheels.

The experimentally derived expression for acceleration of gravity car as a function of load is

ܽ௖ = ሺ4.1 ± 0.1ሻ‫ ܮ‬where ac = acceleration of gravity car and L = Load suspended from pulley of gravity car.

The average deceleration was found to be 0.13 ms-2 ± 0.03 ms-2.

6. The different forms of energies possessed by the gravity car varied linearly with distance fallen by the load as
predicted. As the gravitational potential energy decreased linearly with the distance fallen by the load, its translational
and rotational kinetic energy increased linearly. The energy dissipated due to friction also increased linearly with distance
fallen by load. The total energy possessed by the gravity car also decreased linearly with distance fallen by load during the
fall of the load.

1. Video capture and analysis using TRACKER gives very accurate data about the motion of objects.

2. Accuracy could be further improved by taking the videos in brighter conditions, and making the alignment of camera
more perfect, and by ensuring that the gravity car moved in a straight line.

3. The energy variation graphs could be plotted for all the trials and loads.

4. Multiple pulley systems could be used to power the gravity car to achieve greater range and acceleration, and their
motion could be investigated.

"Gravity Powered Cars." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 11 Mar. 2014.

P.K, Sharma. "Rotational Kinematics - Concept of Rolling." Understanding Physics Mechanics - Part B. 2009 ed. Prakash
Publications, 2010. 158-160. Print.

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

DC, Pandey. "Mechanics of Rotational Motion - Combined Translational and Rotational Motion of a Rigid
Body." Understanding Physics Mechanics - Part 2. 2008 ed. Meerut: Arihant Prakashan, 2008. 34,35. Print.

Raw Data
The five different values of Load that were used in the investigation are:
Table 5 The different loads used in the investigation

Load mass / kg

± 0.00001 kg

m1 0.02008

m2 0.05080

m3 0.07030

m4 0.10000

m5 0.11968

Table 6: Raw data for trial 1 of load m1

travelled Velocity x y
by of x y component component magnitude
Gravity Gravity coordinate coordinate of load of load of load
Car dc / Car, vc / of Load x / of Load y / velocity velocity velocity
time t / s m ms-1 m m ms-1 ms-1 ms-1
0.00000 0.00026 0.06676 0.26160
0.04000 0.00181 0.04865 0.06823 0.26160 0.04898 -0.00013 0.04898
0.08000 0.00415 0.03883 0.07067 0.26159 0.07957 -0.00633 0.07982
0.12000 0.00492 0.03883 0.07459 0.26109 0.06112 -0.03689 0.07139
0.16000 0.00726 0.04867 0.07556 0.25864 0.03051 -0.03681 0.04781
0.20000 0.00881 0.04862 0.07703 0.25815 0.05508 -0.00627 0.05544
0.24000 0.01115 0.04855 0.07997 0.25814 0.05507 -0.01239 0.05644
0.28000 0.01270 0.06796 0.08144 0.25716 0.06119 -0.01240 0.06243
0.32000 0.01658 0.09715 0.08487 0.25715 0.07959 -0.00021 0.07959
0.36000 0.02047 0.07786 0.08780 0.25714 0.07340 -0.02468 0.07744
0.40000 0.02281 0.06814 0.09074 0.25517 0.06726 -0.03078 0.07397
0.44000 0.02592 0.08740 0.09319 0.25468 0.06734 -0.00017 0.06734
0.48000 0.02980 0.08743 0.09613 0.25516 0.07960 0.00592 0.07982
0.52000 0.03291 0.07778 0.09955 0.25515 0.08566 -0.01859 0.08765

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

0.56000 0.03603 0.07781 0.10298 0.25367 0.09787 -0.03086 0.10262

0.60000 0.03914 0.08745 0.10738 0.25268 0.09172 -0.04309 0.10134
0.64000 0.04302 0.08750 0.11032 0.25023 0.11013 -0.02477 0.11288
0.68000 0.04614 0.10697 0.11619 0.25070 0.09185 0.00588 0.09203
0.72000 0.05158 0.11666 0.11766 0.25070 0.06734 -0.00017 0.06734
0.76000 0.05547 0.08750 0.12158 0.25069 0.11016 -0.01253 0.11087
0.80000 0.05858 0.08740 0.12648 0.24969 0.09181 -0.00636 0.09203
0.84000 0.06246 0.08740 0.12893 0.25018 0.11015 -0.01865 0.11172
0.88000 0.06557 0.08743 0.13529 0.24820 0.12843 -0.04931 0.13757
0.92000 0.06946 0.09720 0.13920 0.24623 0.10404 -0.01251 0.10479
0.96000 0.07335 0.11666 0.14361 0.24720 0.11018 -0.00641 0.11037
1.00000 0.07879 0.12635 0.14802 0.24572 0.12241 -0.01256 0.12305
1.04000 0.08345 0.12638 0.15340 0.24620 0.12239 -0.01868 0.12381
1.08000 0.08890 0.11666 0.15781 0.24423 0.09180 -0.01248 0.09264
1.12000 0.09279 0.11661 0.16075 0.24520 0.11015 -0.01865 0.11172
1.16000 0.09823 0.10686 0.16662 0.24273 0.14682 -0.04324 0.15305
1.20000 0.10134 0.08745 0.17249 0.24174 0.12234 -0.03705 0.12783
1.24000 0.10522 0.15554 0.17641 0.23977 0.12236 -0.03093 0.12621
1.28000 0.11378 0.18467 0.18228 0.23926 0.16526 -0.01267 0.16575
1.32000 0.12000 0.13607 0.18963 0.23876 0.14686 -0.02487 0.14895
1.36000 0.12467 0.11669 0.19403 0.23727 0.11624 -0.03091 0.12028
1.40000 0.12933 0.10694 0.19893 0.23628 0.13459 -0.03708 0.13960
1.44000 0.13322 0.15549 0.20480 0.23431 0.14683 -0.03711 0.15145
1.48000 0.14177 0.17495 0.21067 0.23331 0.13465 -0.01259 0.13524
1.52000 0.14722 0.14582 0.21557 0.23330 0.13459 -0.03708 0.13960
1.56000 0.15344 0.16523 0.22144 0.23035 0.15287 -0.06774 0.16721
1.60000 0.16044 0.16526 0.22780 0.22788 0.18969 -0.03722 0.19330
1.64000 0.16666 0.16526 0.23661 0.22737 0.17137 -0.01881 0.17240
1.68000 0.17366 0.19439 0.24151 0.22638 0.14685 -0.03099 0.15008
1.72000 0.18221 0.19437 0.24836 0.22489 0.18352 -0.05557 0.19175
1.76000 0.18921 0.17493 0.25619 0.22193 0.17126 -0.06167 0.18202
1.80000 0.19620 0.17505 0.26206 0.21996 0.17129 -0.04942 0.17828
1.84000 0.20321 0.16518 0.26989 0.21798 0.18964 -0.05559 0.19762
1.88000 0.20942 0.20396 0.27723 0.21551 0.18967 -0.04335 0.19456
1.92000 0.21953 0.22363 0.28507 0.21451 0.20191 -0.04338 0.20652
1.96000 0.22731 0.19442 0.29339 0.21204 0.22022 -0.06791 0.23045
2.00000 0.23508 0.20409 0.30268 0.20908 0.22025 -0.05567 0.22717
2.04000 0.24364 0.22358 0.31101 0.20759 0.18964 -0.05559 0.19762
2.08000 0.25297 0.23324 0.31786 0.20463 0.15896 -0.08000 0.17796
2.12000 0.26229 0.18462 0.32372 0.20119 0.17126 -0.06167 0.18202
2.16000 0.26774 0.19439 0.33156 0.19970 0.23249 -0.05570 0.23907
2.20000 0.27785 0.22365 0.34232 0.19673 0.23858 -0.06796 0.24807
2.24000 0.28563 0.23332 0.35064 0.19426 0.19573 -0.06785 0.20716
2.28000 0.29651 0.28182 0.35798 0.19130 0.23243 -0.08019 0.24587
2.32000 0.30817 0.25266 0.36924 0.18784 0.24467 -0.08022 0.25749

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

2.36000 0.31672 0.24296 0.37756 0.18488 0.24469 -0.07410 0.25566

2.40000 0.32761 0.26240 0.38881 0.18192 0.26924 -0.04968 0.27378
2.44000 0.33772 0.22352 0.39909 0.18091 0.27539 -0.03745 0.27793
2.48000 0.34549 0.22352 0.41084 0.17892 0.27538 -0.04357 0.27880
2.52000 0.35560 0.27205 0.42113 0.17742 0.25084 -0.06187 0.25836
2.56000 0.36726 0.29166 0.43091 0.17397 0.24469 -0.07410 0.25566
2.60000 0.37893 0.27232 0.44070 0.17150 0.27528 -0.08030 0.28676
2.64000 0.38904 0.26245 0.45293 0.16755 0.28134 -0.10481 0.30023
2.68000 0.39993 0.29156 0.46321 0.16311 0.26305 -0.07415 0.27330
2.72000 0.41237 0.29154 0.47398 0.16161 0.26318 -0.02517 0.26438
2.76000 0.42325 0.27215 0.48426 0.16110 0.26929 -0.03131 0.27110
2.80000 0.43414 0.29161 0.49552 0.15911 0.30597 -0.04977 0.30999
2.84000 0.44658 0.31105 0.50874 0.15712 0.28152 -0.03746 0.28400
2.88000 0.45902 0.30133 0.51804 0.15611 0.26922 -0.05580 0.27495
2.92000 0.47069 0.25268 0.53028 0.15265 0.27531 -0.06806 0.28360
2.96000 0.47924 0.23317 0.54007 0.15067 0.27531 -0.06806 0.28360
3.00000 0.48934 0.30131 0.55230 0.14721 0.29982 -0.06200 0.30616
3.04000 0.50334 0.35978 0.56405 0.14571 0.31820 -0.05592 0.32308
3.08000 0.51812 0.33052 0.57776 0.14273 0.31818 -0.06205 0.32418
3.12000 0.52978 0.28184 0.58951 0.14074 0.27527 -0.08642 0.28851
3.16000 0.54067 0.30123 0.59978 0.13582 0.29365 -0.08035 0.30444
3.20000 0.55388 0.31093 0.61300 0.13432 0.31214 -0.03142 0.31372
3.24000 0.56554 0.28189 0.62475 0.13331 0.29368 -0.06811 0.30147
3.28000 0.57643 0.33047 0.63649 0.12887 0.33036 -0.08657 0.34152
3.32000 0.59198 0.35962 0.65118 0.12638 0.36101 -0.07440 0.36859
3.36000 0.60520 0.32082 0.66537 0.12292 0.29975 -0.08649 0.31198
3.40000 0.61765 0.31108 0.67516 0.11946 0.28745 -0.11094 0.30811
3.44000 0.63009 0.31105 0.68837 0.11404 0.33641 -0.11719 0.35624
3.48000 0.64253 0.31100 0.70207 0.11009 0.29972 -0.09873 0.31557
3.52000 0.65497 0.34018 0.71235 0.10614
3.56000 0.66975 0.36942
3.60000 0.68452 0.34995
3.64000 0.69774 0.39845
3.68000 0.71640 0.38871
3.72000 0.72884 0.34995
3.76000 0.74440 0.36942
3.80000 0.75839 0.36934
3.84000 0.77394 0.36932
3.88000 0.78794 0.36932
3.92000 0.80349 0.39850
3.96000 0.81982 0.36934
4.00000 0.83304 0.35962
4.04000 0.84859 0.42761
4.08000 0.86724 0.41792
4.12000 0.88202 0.37906

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

4.16000 0.89757 0.38886

4.20000 0.91313 0.36944
4.24000 0.92713 0.37899
4.28000 0.94345 0.39845
4.32000 0.95900 0.39848
4.36000 0.97533 0.41789
4.40000 0.99243 0.41794
4.44000 1.00876 0.42771
4.48000 1.02665 0.43743
4.52000 1.04376 0.42764
4.56000 1.06086 0.41789
4.60000 1.07719 0.43738
4.64000 1.09585 0.46654
4.68000 1.11451 0.45682
4.72000 1.13240 0.47626
4.76000 1.15261 0.43741
4.80000 1.16739 0.39858
4.84000 1.18450 0.45687
4.88000 1.20394 0.41792
4.92000 1.21793 0.38873
4.96000 1.23504 0.40822
5.00000 1.25059 0.41797
5.04000 1.26847 0.36934
5.08000 1.28014 0.39848
5.12000 1.30035 0.41792
5.16000 1.31357 0.36934
5.20000 1.32990 0.37906
5.24000 1.34389 0.42764
5.28000 1.36411 0.38878
5.32000 1.37500 0.32072
5.36000 1.38977 0.40827
5.40000 1.40766 0.42774
5.44000 1.42399 0.37906
5.48000 1.43798 0.34990
5.52000 1.45198 0.36932
5.56000 1.46753 0.33052
5.60000 1.47842 0.34026
5.64000 1.49475 0.36932
5.68000 1.50797 0.35960
5.72000 1.52352 0.35965
5.76000 1.53674 0.33052
5.80000 1.54996 0.31108
5.84000 1.56162 0.34985
5.88000 1.57795 0.35952
5.92000 1.59039 0.29159

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

5.96000 1.60127 0.34990

6.00000 1.61838 0.35967
6.04000 1.63005 0.29171
6.08000 1.64172 0.27220
6.12000 1.65182 0.28192
6.16000 1.66427 0.35962
6.20000 1.68059 0.36919
6.24000 1.69380 0.31098
6.28000 1.70547 0.27220
6.32000 1.71558 0.26245
6.36000 1.72647 0.31108
6.40000 1.74047 0.34018
6.44000 1.75368 0.27210
6.48000 1.76223 0.23327
6.52000 1.77234 0.30138
6.56000 1.78635 0.34018
6.60000 1.79956 0.26235
6.64000 1.80733 0.18465
6.68000 1.81433 0.27212
6.72000 1.82910 0.35962
6.76000 1.84310 0.27217
6.80000 1.85088 0.19442
6.84000 1.85865 0.27217
6.88000 1.87265 0.30133
6.92000 1.88276 0.23329
6.96000 1.89131 0.22352
7.00000 1.90064 0.21381
7.04000 1.90842 0.19439
7.08000 1.91619 0.24296
7.12000 1.92786 0.29159
7.16000 1.93952 0.23329
7.20000 1.94652 0.27215
7.24000 1.96129 0.33052
7.28000 1.97296 0.20416
7.32000 1.97763 0.12635
7.36000 1.98307 0.20411
7.40000 1.99395 0.24301
7.44000 2.00251 0.17500
7.48000 2.00796 0.15551
7.52000 2.01495 0.23324
7.56000 2.02661 0.28197
7.60000 2.03751 0.20421
7.64000 2.04295 0.13602
7.68000 2.04839 0.18457
7.72000 2.05772 0.21381

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

7.76000 2.06550 0.19439

7.80000 2.07327 0.21378
7.84000 2.08260 0.18470
7.88000 2.08804 0.15556
7.92000 2.09504 0.14577
7.96000 2.09971 0.15544
8.00000 2.10748 0.21388
8.04000 2.11682 0.19449
8.08000 2.12304 0.13607
8.12000 2.12770 0.11663
8.16000 2.13237 0.14579
8.20000 2.13937 0.23324
8.24000 2.15103 0.20406
8.28000 2.15569 0.07773
8.32000 2.15725 0.07776
8.36000 2.16191 0.18470
8.40000 2.17202 0.21391
8.44000 2.17902 0.15556
8.48000 2.18447 0.11666
8.52000 2.18836 0.08750
8.56000 2.19147 0.09717
8.60000 2.19613 0.13612
8.64000 2.20236 0.15556
8.68000 2.20858 0.14577
8.72000 2.21402 0.08745
8.76000 2.21557 0.07773
8.80000 2.22024 0.09720
8.84000 2.22335 0.06804
8.88000 2.22568 0.14572
8.92000 2.23500 0.13602
8.96000 2.23656 0.08750
9.00000 2.24200 0.11663
9.04000 2.24589 0.10692
9.08000 2.25056 0.13607
9.12000 2.25678 0.14582
9.16000 2.26222 0.08748
9.20000 2.26378 0.05829
9.24000 2.26689 0.07776
9.28000 2.27000 0.06804
9.32000 2.27233 0.07776
9.36000 2.27622 0.06804
9.40000 2.27777 0.05832
9.44000 2.28088 0.08748
9.48000 2.28477 0.07773
9.52000 2.28710 0.07776

Sreenidhi International School Physics Extended Essay
Candidate Name: Janakirama Venkat Vital Saiteja Raju Indukuri Candidate number: 004976-0027

9.56000 2.29099 0.09725

9.60000 2.29488 0.10692
9.64000 2.29954 0.09717
9.68000 2.30265 0.09720
9.72000 2.30732 0.07773
9.76000 2.30887 0.05829
9.80000 2.31198 0.07776
9.84000 2.31509 0.06809
9.88000 2.31743 0.06809
9.92000 2.32054 0.06804
9.96000 2.32287 0.03888
10.00000 2.32365 0.01941
10.04000 2.32443 0.03883
10.08000 2.32676 0.07773
10.12000 2.33064 0.06804
10.16000 2.33220 0.04860
10.20000 2.33453 0.06809
10.24000 2.33765 0.04865
10.28000 2.33842 0.03888
10.32000 2.34076 0.03888
10.36000 2.34153 0.01941
10.40000 2.34231 0.03885
10.44000 2.34464
The above data is just for trial 1 of mass 1. Since there are 14 more tables like this, instead of wasting paper
printing them, I’ve provided the link to the spreadsheet for easy access:


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