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Noise and Its Modeling

Beneyam Berehanu Haile

October 2017
What is Noise?
Noise Modeling
Lowpass and Bandpass Noise
Assignment 2
What is noise?
 Noise is the unwanted and beyond our control waves that disturb
the transmission of signals.
 Where does noise come from?
 External sources: e.g., atmospheric, galactic noise,
 Internal sources: generated by communication devices
o This type of noise represents a basic limitation on the
performance of electronic communication systems.
o Shot noise: the electrons are discrete and are not moving
in a continuous steady flow, so the current is randomly
o Thermal noise: caused by the rapid and random motion of
electrons within a conductor due to thermal agitation.
Noise impact
In analog systems, noise deteriorates the quality of the
received signal, e.g. the appearance of “snow” on the TV
screen, or “static” sounds during an audio transmission.
In digital communication systems, noise degrades the
throughput because it requires retransmission of data
packets or extra coding to recover the data in the
presence of errors.
SNR to quantify impact of noise
BER to quantify impact of noise
Noise factor
What is Noise?
Noise Modeling
Lowpass and Bandpass Noise
Assignment 2
White noise (1/2)
White noise (2/2)
Gaussian noise
Noise often stationary and have
a zero-mean Gaussian
 following from the central
limit theorem
 the distribution at any time
instant is Gaussian
What is Noise?
Noise Modeling
Lowpass and Bandpass Noise
Assignment 2
Lowpass noise
Bandpass noise
Bandpass noise: example
Decomposition & representation of
bandpass noise (1/2)
Decomposition & representation of
bandpass noise (2/2)
Extraction and generation
Properties of baseband noise
Noise PSD and power
Phasor representation
Distribution of envelope and phase
What is Noise?
Noise Modeling
Lowpass and Bandpass Noise
Assignment 2
Assignment 2
1. Analytical: Study characteristics of Rayleigh distribution and
prove that has a Rayleigh distribution and the phase
is uniformly distributed.
2. Numerical verification: verify correctness of the envelope and
phase distribution using matlab based on random number
generation technique.

Outcome: A clear and concise report with

1. Steps of proof
2. Matlab script and resulted verification figure (s)

Deadline: October 30, 2017 at 10:00 am.

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