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Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God: Imagery Project

While reading Sinners at the Hand of an Angry God, by Jonathan Edwards, you might have

noticed how much Imagery is portrayed within the text. A reminder that Imagery is when writers use their

language to improve the reader’s experience through their senses. This can happen in seven different

ways: Visually (Eyes), Auditory (Ears), Olfactory (Nose), Tactile (Touch), Organically

(Memory/Feeling), Kinesthetically (Movement), and Gustatory (Mouth). If you need example of any of

those feel free to ask Dr. Bragg, Ms. Tapia, or even Google!

What we want from you:

Your group will find and illustrate ONE sentence that has imagery involved in them. Along with
that you must be able to answer the following questions:

Ø   What is the importance of this sentence?

Ø   More Specifically; What does the sentence mean?
Ø   Why did your group choose this sentence?
Ø   Why did you choose to illustrate it the way you did?

Feel free to create your visual representation either digitally, or by hand. This means you can make a

poster, simply draw a picture, create a digital photo, or even make a collage. The possibilities are endless!

Please ask Dr. Bragg or Ms. Tapia for any clarifying questions you may have about the project.

Presentation/Due Date: Tuesday January 22, 2019


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