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Evolution, 43(2), 1989, pp.




Department ofEcology and Evolution, The University of Chicago,
1103 East 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637

Abstract. - To investigate the time course of speciation, we gathered literature data on 119 pairs
of closely related Drosophila species with known genetic distances, mating discrimination, strength
of hybrid sterility and inviability, and geographic ranges. Because genetic distance is correlated
with divergence time, these data provide a cross-section of taxa at different stages of speciation.
Mating discrimination and the sterility or inviability of hybrids increase gradually with time.
Hybrid sterility and inviability evolve at similar rates. Among allopatric species, mating discrim-
ination and postzygotic isolation evolve at comparable rates, but among sympatric species strong
mating discrimination appears well before severe sterility or inviability. This suggests that pre-
zygotic reproductive isolation may be reinforced when allopatric taxa become sympatric.
Analysis of the evolution of postzygotic isolation shows that recently diverged taxa usually
produce sterile or inviable male but not female hybrids. Moreover, there is a large temporal gap
between the evolution of male-limited and female hybrid sterility or inviability. This gap, which
is predicted by recent theories about the genetics of speciation, explains the overwhelming pre-
ponderance of hybridizations yielding male-limited hybrid sterility or inviability (Haldane's rule).

Received February 11, 1988. Accepted September 23, 1988

Any theory ofevolution must explain ge- or extinction: those populations separated
netic changes within species as well as those by little mating discrimination may simply
producing new species. We understand far not persist in sympatry (Templeton, 1981;
more about the former than the latter pro- Butlin, 1987). Species that survive this pro-
cess. This disparity has at least two causes. cess will exhibit high levels of mating dis-
First, genetic change in populations can be crimination, giving the false impression that
observed and studied during a human life- such discrimination resulted from natural
time, but the evolution of reproductive iso- selection to prevent hybridization of sym-
lation generally takes much longer. Second, patric species.
genetic analysis ofspecies differences is often Here we bring together information about
precluded by their reproductive isolation. reproductive isolation, electrophoretic dif-
As a result, genetic theories of speciation ferentiation, and biogeography in the genus
are often based more on biogeography than Drosophila in a search for patterns to test
on genetical observation or experiment. For and motivate theories ofspeciation. Our goal
example, the founder-flush and transilience is to determine the rate at which reproduc-
theories of speciation were largely inspired tive isolation evolves; our method is to
by the endemic nature of Hawaiian Dro- compare the strength of isolation in species
sophila species (Carson, 1975; Templeton, that have diverged for different amounts of
1981). Yet biogeographic patterns may not time. Using the electrophoretic genetic dis-
imply a single evolutionary explanation. tance between taxa, which appears to change
Enhanced prezygotic isolation in areas of linearly with time (Nei, 1975, 1987; Ki-
species overlap, for instance, is often attrib- mura, 1983), we can order species pairs by
uted to the reinforcement of mating dis- their divergence times. For many of these
crimination by natural selection against pairs we also have information about mat-
maladaptive hybridization (Dobzhansky, ing discrimination and sterility or inviabil-
1937). But the observation of stronger pre- ity of their hybrids. Such data can help an-
mating isolation in sympatry could merely swer the following questions.
result from a process of differential fusion i) How rapidly does reproductive isolation
evolve?- The divergence time of taxa must
I This paper is dedicated to our mentor, Dr. B. S.
obviously be correlated with the amount of
Grant, without whose help we would now be in lucra- reproductive isolation between them, be-
tive professions. cause all species begin as populations that

are not reproductively isolated. Neverthe- would be immediately selected in the het-
less, the pattern ofthis relationship can pro- erogametic sex ifthey were X-linked. Ifmost
vide useful information. Reproductive iso- advantageous mutations with such pleiotro-
lation could, for example, increase slowly pic effects are recessive or partially reces-
and at a constant rate up to the limit of sive, it can be further shown that postzy-
complete isolation. Such a "speciation gotic isolation will appear first in
clock" would imply that reproductive iso- heterogametic and only later in homoga-
lation results from a gradual process of uni- metic hybrids, explaining both Haldane's
form rate, such as genetic drift or constant rule and the large role ofthe X chromosome
selection. On the other hand, reproductive (Coyne and Orr, 1989). We can test the pre-
isolation could evolve very quickly once diction that Haldane's rule represents an
populations are separated, with the rate sub- early stage of speciation by examining ge-
sequently slowing. This would imply a fast- netic distances between species whose
er process, such as rapid adaptation to a new crosses yield sterility or inviability in males
environment or genetic drift during founder only, in females only, and in both sexes.
events. v) Is prezygotic reproductive isolation en-
ii) Do pre- andpostzygotic isolation evolve hanced by selection when populations be-
at the same rate?- We would like to know come sympatric?-We can test this hypoth-
which type of isolation is most important esis by comparing the degree of mating
in reducing gene flow between incipient discrimination between sympatric and al-
species, for this factor would be the primary lopatric species pairs separated by similar
component of speciation. If most species genetic distances. We can also examine
evolve complete mating discrimination well whether such a pattern is an artifact of the
before hybrid sterility or inviability, for ex- fusion or extinction of less-reproductively-
ample, the study of postmating isolation isolated populations upon secondary con-
would be irrelevant to the origin of species. tact.
iii) Do hybrid sterility and inviability evolve
at the same rate?-Ifthe evolution of post- MATERIALS AND METHODS
zygotic isolation is an important cause of We collected information from the liter-
speciation, we would like to know which of ature on electrophoretic genetic distance,
the above two components evolves first. It degree of mating discrimination in the lab-
is possible, for example, that the evolution oratory, amount of sterility or inviability of
of inviability requires far more genetic interspecific hybrids in reciprocal crosses,
change than the evolution of sterility. and geographic ranges ofDrosophila species
iv)How does postzygotic isolation increase pairs. We included pairs of taxa in our sur-
with time? - There are two common pat- vey only if information was available on
terns of postzygotic isolation in species hy- genetic distance and at least one form of
brids. 1) When only one sex is sterile or reproductive isolation. Because we are in-
inviable, it is almost always the heteroga- terested in the initial stages of speciation,
metic sex (Haldane, 1922). This generali- we included any pair of recognized taxa
zation, known as "Haldane's rule," applies showing pre- or postzygotic isolation, how-
in the vast majority of animal hybridiza- ever slight (for convenience, we call all pairs
tions, regardless of which sex is heteroga- of taxa "species pairs").
metic (e.g., Gray, 1954, 1958; Bock, 1984). Genetic Distance. - We used Nei's elec-
2) The sex chromosomes invariably play the trophoretic genetic distance, D (Nei, 1972,
largest role in hybrid sterility or inviability 1987), as an index of divergence time. D
(Charlesworth et al., 1987). To explain these measures average codon differences be-
two observations, Charlesworth et al. (1987) tween proteins and increases at a constant
suggested that sterility and inviability may rate when substitutions occur at a constant
be pleiotropic effects ofrecessive or partially rate. This index is 0 when species have iden-
recessive alleles that are advantageous in tical allozyme frequencies and 00 when they
geographically isolated populations. These share no alleles. Among crossable Drosoph-
alleles would be largely hidden from selec- ila species, however, D ranges from 0 to 2
tion if they first arose on autosomes, but (Table 1). At genetic distances greater than

one, the index begins to lose its linearity transformation of Rogers' similarity coef-
with time owing to the occurrence of mul- ficient (-In S; Rogers, 1972) as the measure
tiple substitutions (the relationship, how- of genetic divergence, because the authors
ever, remains monotonic). presented this value without raw data (val-
The rough constancy of protein substi- ues of -In S are, however, usually within
tution over calendar time is, of course, the 10% of D's calculated from the same data
well-known "molecular clock," for which [Hedrick, 1975]). When several genetic dis-
there is substantial empirical evidence (Nei, tances were available for the same species
1975, 1987; Wilson et aI., 1977; Kimura, pairs, we chose those values from studies in
1983). Although much of this evidence was which other species pairs were also sur-
gathered from other organisms, there are at veyed, so that as many data as possible were
least two reasons to believe that the elec- obtained with identical electrophoretic
trophoretic clock ticks at a fairly constant methods.
rate in Drosophila. First, Drosophila phy- Finally, we note that some of our results
logenies constructed from genetic distances depend upon the assumption of an electro-
are almost completely congruent with those phoretic clock. The value of these results
based on chromosome inversions, which will obviously rise or fall with the accuracy
probably best approximate true phylogenies of the clock. Other of our results, however,
(MacIntyre and Collier, 1986). This con- depend only on a rough positive correlation
gruence would not occur if the electropho- between genetic distance and time and not
retic clock were extremely erratic. Second, on a strict linear relation between the two.
independent calibrations ofdivergence times Still other results are valid regardless of any
among taxa are strikingly concordant with correlation of genetic distance with time.
those estimated from genetic distances (Nei, We note in the Results and Discussion which
1975; Carson, 1976). While there is a con- conclusions are clock-dependent and which
troversy about whether the rough constancy are not.
of molecular evolution results from genetic Postzygotic Isolation. - This category in-
drift or natural selection (Kimura, 1983; cludes two components: hybrid inviability
Gillespie, 1988), our results depend only on and hybrid sterility. The strength ofthis iso-
the constancy and not on its cause. Simi- lation was calculated in the following way.
larly, there is a controversy about whether We first counted the number ofsexes in both
the clock ticks at the same rate in all organ- reciprocal crosses that were either com-
isms, because it may depend upon genera- pletely sterile or completely inviable. This
tion time, particularly at the DNA level (Li value, which ranges from 0 (both sexes vi-
and Tanimura, 1987). This issue does not able and fertile in both reciprocal crosses)
affect our analysis because we use only elec- to 4 (both sexes sterile or inviable in both
trophoretic data and analyze species with reciprocal crosses), was then divided by 4.
similar generation times. This yields an index ofpostzygotic isolation
Because the clock is a stochastic one, cal- ranging from 0 (no isolation) to 1 (complete
culations of D from one or a few loci are isolation); cases of Haldane's rule are thus
unreliable. Moreover, standard errors are classified as 0.5. Zouros (1973) used an
large when D is larger than one (Nei, 1987). identical measure. We classified a cross
In virtually all ofour species pairs, however, yielding no offspring as "producing all in-
D is calculated from more than ten loci. viable hybrids" only if there was evidence
Furthermore, most of our data analysis is that females were inseminated, so that we
confined to species pairs separated by low did not confound premating and postmat-
genetic distances (D -e; 1), where the clock ing isolation. (The "insemination reaction,"
is more accurate. in which sperm are destroyed or immobi-
When D values were not given in an elec- lized in species crosses, was counted as pre-
trophoretic survey, we calculated them from zygotic isolation; see below.) A hybrid sex
the raw data. If several populations were was considered to be viable if any adults of
surveyed for a single species, we used the that sex appeared, even rarely. Similarly, it
unweighted mean of allele frequencies was considered to be fertile if any individ-
among populations. In one case we used a uals of that sex were ever fertile. This pro-

cedure is similar to that used by other in- allows a fairer comparison between the two
vestigators classifying species hybridizations (see below): in quantifying sterility or in-
(e.g., Throckmorton, 1982). Our index is viability, we assumed that hybrids could not
thus a minimum estimate ofthe true postzy- have higher fitness than parental species,
gotic isolation between species. which would yield negative postzygotic iso-
Prezygotic Isolation. - Mating isolation lation values. However, none of our results
between a pair ofspecies is commonly mea- change when we incorporate the negative
sured in the laboratory by one of four tests: mating values into our calculations or sim-
I) no choice, in which females ofone species ply eliminate these species from the anal-
are confined with males of another; 2) fe- ysis.
male choice, in which females ofone species In no-choice mating tests, we required in-
are placed with males of their own as well traspecific controls as well as measurements
as another species; 3) male choice, the re- ofinterspecific copulation in both reciprocal
verse of 2, and 4) multiple choice, in which tests. The mating-isolation index in this case
males and females ofboth species are tested incorporates the frequency of interspecific
together. Mating discrimination is mea- insemination (the unweighted average from
sured by either counting the number of fe- reciprocal tests) divided by the unweighted
males inseminated after a long treatment average frequency of insemination in the
(methods I and 3) or observing the number intraspecific controls (the latter is almost
of copulations during a shorter period always close to 1.0).
(methods 2, 3, and 4). When a study presented data from more
In some species, insemination is not ac- than a single pair ofstrains, we averaged the
companied by fertilization, because sperm isolation values from the different tests. For
are inactivated or expelled by the female's "sympatric" species with partially overlap-
reproductive tract (Patterson, 1947 b). In ping ranges, we averaged results from both
such cases, females may be erroneously clas- sympatric and allopatric strains (see below).
sified as unmated, because the insemination The index ofprezygotic isolation is equiv-
is not detected. Sperm inactivation is, how- alent to that ofpostmating isolation, for the
ever, equivalent to mating isolation because latter can be thought of as I - (frequency
fertilization does not occur. We therefore of fertile and viable sexes in heterospecific
call this category "prezygotic," and not tests/frequency of fertile and viable sexes in
"premating," isolation. both homospecific controls [always 4]).
We constructed an index of prezygotic Thus, values of pre- and postzygotic isola-
isolation that can be applied to all four types tion are comparable measures of how these
of mating tests: isolating mechanisms reduce autosomal gene
flow between species. When either is 0.5,
I _ frequency of heterospecific matings for example, gene exchange between species
frequency of homospecific matings . is half that occurring within species.
The direct comparison of pre- and post-
This index ranges from -00 (complete zygotic isolation indexes requires one ad-
disassortative mating) through 0 (no mating ditional adjustment. While our index ofpre-
isolation) to I (complete isolation), and its zygotic isolation is a continuous variable,
computation from choice tests is straight- postzygotic isolation was recorded as a dis-
forward. In practice, there is very little dis- crete variable that could assume the values
assortative mating among species, so the in- of only 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, or 1.0 (corre-
dex almost always ranges from 0 to I. Five sponding to zero, one, two, three, or four
pairs of species showed some disassortative hybrid sexes that were inviable or sterile).
mating in one of the two reciprocal tests, Postzygotic isolation is therefore rounded
though not in the other. In these instances down to a minimum value. We therefore
we rounded the negative mating index to 0 adjust prezygotic isolation in a similar way
before averaging it with the positive value when comparing the two indices. For such
from the reciprocal test. We used this pro- comparisons, we rounded the prezygotic-
cedure because it is equivalent to that used isolation index down to the next smaller
to quantify postzygotic isolation and thus value of 0, 0.25, 0.50, or 0.75. A prezygotic

value of 1.0 could only be attained if no cosmopolitan species in our survey: D. sim-
interspecific matings occurred. ulanslD. melanogaster and D. annanassael
For the few species pairs in which mating D. pallidosa. The former pair is broadly
isolation was studied using different exper- sympatric throughout the world, but also in
imental methods, we used those isolation parts of Africa, where the pair is thought to
values derived from experiments testing the have evolved (Lachaise et aI., 1988). The
largest number of related species. Thus as species of the latter pair occur together on
much of the data as possible was gathered the island of Tutuila in Samoa, and the
by the same protocol. karyotypic, morphological, and reproduc-
We are aware of the problems of com- tive differences among South Pacific pop-
bining results from different types ofmating ulations of D. annanassae imply that the
tests into a single index of isolation and of species is not a recent introduction (Futch,
assuming that laboratory studies indicate the 1966).
extent of mating discrimination in nature. For statistical purposes, we assigned in-
For example, species that hybridize appre- teger values to this category, designating
ciably in the laboratory may rarely do so sympatry as "0" and allopatry as "I." We
when sympatric in nature (this appears to can thus calculate an average degree ofsym-
be true of Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. patry among several related species pairs.
persimilis [Dobzhansky, 1973]). Such dif- In the phylogenetically corrected data set
ferences may be due to the artificiality of described below, taxa with sympatry-allo-
forced confinement in the laboratory, to en- patry values greater than 0.5 were consid-
vironmental cues differing between nature ered to be "allopatric," and those with val-
and the laboratory, or to microenviron- ues smaller than 0.5 were considered to be
mental differences between the species in the "sympatric." Ifa phylogenetically corrected
field that lead to encounters less frequently taxa pair included an equal number ofsym-
than expected from their co-occurrence at patrie and allopatric species pairs (i.e., sym-
a given site. Finally, the periods of obser- patry-allopatry = 0.5), we excluded these
vation differ among the various studies, data from analyses involving geography.
ranging from one hour in choice tests to a Phylogenetic Correction. -Levels of re-
full week in some no-choice tests. We find, productive isolation among all species pairs
however, that the strength ofprezygotic iso- are not evolutionarily independent because
lation (standardized by genetic distance) of their phylogenetic relatedness (Felsen-
does not vary significantly with the type of stein, 1985b). Treating each species pair as
mating test used (Kruskal-Wallis test, H 2 = an independent datum may hence incor-
2.194, N = 90, P > 0.20). Thus, species rectly inflate the number of degrees offree-
pairs of roughly the same age show roughly dom in testing the correlation between ge-
the same degree of prezygotic isolation, re- netic distance and reproductive isolation.
gardless of the type of mating test used. To eliminate this problem, we made phy-
Sympatry and Al!opatry. - We classified logenetic corrections to produce a set of ev-
species as "sympatric" if their described olutionarily and statistically independent
ranges overlapped in any area or if both data points (see Results).
appeared in collections from the same site. In making these corrections, we relied on
In 49 of the 53 "sympatric" species pairs, published phylogenies derived from elec-
both species were actually collected from trophoretic data. With the exception of one
the same site. We could not find collection phylogeny (the virilis group [Throckmorton,
data for the remaining four pairs of species. 1982]), these were taken from the compi-
Species were considered to be "allopatric" lation ofMacIntyre and Collier (1986), who
if they had no geographic overlap. We did showed that electrophoretically based phy-
not use geographic data from the cosmo- logenies are highly correlated with those de-
politan D. virilis in North America; even rived from other criteria, such as morphol-
though its New World range overlaps with ogy or chromosome banding. Although we
that ofother species in the group, it is largely treated these electrophoretic phylogenies as
confined to human habitation and may be correct, they may actually be statistically
microallopatric (Throckmorton, 1982). We indistinguishable from other phylogenies
did include two other pairs of sympatric (Felsenstein, 1985a). This problem should

not systematically bias our results, because 1.5

slightly incorrect phylogenies should only e: 0

D (ster. only)
D (inv.+ster.)
obscure whatever true correlations exist Gl


among genetic distance, reproductive iso- r:: 1.0

lation, and geographic overlap.
Possible Biases in the Data. - It should be
c lj
noted that the electrophoretic surveys used
many different gel types, buffer systems, en-
zymes, and laboratory protocols, and that


I d
0.0 +------,,..---,---.,.------,,
several techniques were used to measure 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
mating discrimination (postzygotic isola- Postzygotic Isolation
tion is, however, always measured in the FiG. 1. Average genetic distance (±SE) at which a
same way). Could the use of different meth- given amount of postzygotic isolation arises. Hybrid-
ods by different laboratories bias our data, izations producing only sterile offspring (open squares)
creating artifactual correlations between ge- are plotted separately from those producing any invi-
netic distance and the strength ofreproduc- able offspring (filled squares).
tive isolation? While such laboratory effects
introduce random error into our data, we determine whether hybrid sterility and in-
do not see how these effects could system- viability can be treated as a single phenom-
atically bias our results to yield spurious enon, we compare the rates at which these
correlations. Laboratory effects could pro- two mechanisms arise. Figure 1 shows the
duce artifactual correlations between D and average genetic distance separating the pairs
the strength of isolation only if the same falling into each of the four severity classes
laboratories analyzed both D and repro- of postzygotic isolation. Crosses yielding
ductive isolation in the same taxonomic hybrid sterility only are displayed separate-
group and erred in the same direction when ly from those yielding hybrid inviability only
measuring each quantity. This scenario is or both hybrid inviability and sterility. Any
improbable. First, the same laboratories difference between these plots would reflect
rarely measured both genetic distance and a difference in the evolutionary rates of ste-
strength of isolation within a group (for ex- rility and inviability. The plots are almost
ample, reproductive isolation and genetic congruent, showing that sterility and invi-
distances in the virilis group were studied ability evolve at similar rates. We hence-
40 years apart by different laboratories). forth treat the evolution of postzygotic iso-
Second, even if D and reproductive isola- lation as a single process.
tion were studied by the same workers, there In Figure 2, pre- and postzygotic isolation
is no obvious reason why laboratories that are plotted versus genetic distance for the
underestimate D would also underestimate total data (prezygotic isolation values are
the strength of reproductive isolation (and rounded down as noted above). Here we
vice versa). Third, there cannot be much must deal with a statistical difficulty: data
laboratory bias in the measurements of points from individual species pairs may
postzygotic isolation, for different labora- not be evolutionarily (and hence statisti-
tories almost always obtain the same re- cally) independent because of the phyloge-
sults. In over 50 years, for example, there netic relationships among the species (Fel-
have been no reported exceptions to the rule senstein, 1985b). Figure 3, for example,
of sterility in male hybrids of D. pseudoob- shows a phylogenetic tree in which an initial
scura and D. persimilis. In light of these bifurcation, producing species A and B, is
points, we consider laboratory effects a followed by a bifurcation ofthe latter species
source of random error but not of system- into C and D. Reproductive isolation be-
atic bias. tween the pairs A-C and A-D does not nec-
essarily represent two independent evolu-
RESULTS tionary events, but may reflect a single event:
Table 1 summarizes the data on genetic the evolution of reproductive isolation be-
distance, sympatry-allopatry, prezygotic tween species A and B, the common ances-
isolation, and postzygotic isolation for each tor of C and D.
species pair (arranged by species group). To We dealt with this problem by employing
TABLE 1. Literature data on genetic distance (D), biogeography, and reproductive isolation (defined in text) of Drosophila species pairs. The last 13 entries are VJ
the semispecies of D. paulistorum. We omit sympatry-allopatry values for all comparisons in which D. virilis is a human commensal. Genetic distances for the 00
virilis group were provided by L. Throckmorton (pers. comm.).
Isolation index
Sympatric (0) or
Species 1 Species 2 allopatric (I) D Prezygotic Postzygotic References"

gaucha pavani 0 0.460 0.312 0.75 7,25,35

mesophragmatica pavani I 0.990 - 1.00 24,35
aldrichi mulleri 0 0.123 0.928 - 36,45
aldrichi mojavensis I 0.326 0.817 - 36,45
aldrichi arizonensis 0 0.289 1.000 - 13,36,45
arizonensis mojavensisbaja 0 0.212 0.732 0.25 36,46,49
arizonensis mulleri 0 0.232 1.000 - 13,45
mojavensis mulleri I 0.324 0.972 - 13,45
americana virilis - 0.540 0.748 0.00 38,43
americana lummei I 0.540 - 0.50 43 :-<
americana novamexicana I 0.430 0.465 0.00 38,43 ~
americana lacicola I 1.420 1.000 - 38,43 o
americana montana I 1.480 0.992 1.00 38,43
americana texana 0 0.010 0.242 0.00 38,43
borealis jlavomontana 0 0.380 - 1.00 38,43
borealis montana 0 0.210 - 0.50 43
borealis littoralis I 0.680 1.000 - 37,43 ~
borealis lacicola 0 0.340 1.000 - 37,43 :I:
borealis virilis - 1.060 - 1.00 43
jlavomontana montana 0 0.290 - 0.50 43 ~
jlavomontana virilis - 1.280 - 0.75 43 0
jlavomontana littoralis I 0.710 - 0.75 43 ~
jlavomontana lacicola I 0.180 - 0.50 43
lacicola novamexicana I 1.200 1.000 - 38,43
lacicola texana I 1.450 0.992 0.75 38,43
lacicola montana 0 0.210 0.954 0.00 36,37,43
lacicola littoralis 1 0.660 - 0.75 43
lacicola virilis - 1.170 0.717 0.75 38,43
littoralis montana 0 0.660 - 0.75 43
littoralis virilis - 1.060 - 0.00 38,43
lummei virilis 0 0.350 - 0.00 43
lummei texana I 0.640 - 0.50 43
montana novamexicana 1 1.220 1.000 0.75 38,43
montana virilis - 1.230 0.895 0.50 38,43
montana texana I 1.510 0.985 0.50 38,43
novamexicana texana I 0.440 0.444 0.00 38,39,43
novamexicana virilis - 0.500 0.493 0.00 38,43,46
TABLE 1. Continued.
Isolation index
Sympatric (0) or
Species I Species 2 allopatric (I) D Prezygotic Postzygotic References-

texana virilis - 0.580 0.749 0.00 38,43

differens silvestris 1 0.249 0.774 - 23
differens heteroneura 1 0.246 0.434 - 23
differens planitibia 1 0.138 0.196 0.50 11, 12, 23
heteroneura planitibia 1 0.134 0.553 0.50 23
heteroneura silvestris 0 0.026 0.829 0.00 12,23
planitibia silvestris 1 0.191 0.519 0.50 12,23
ananassae pallidosa 0 0.091 0.897 0.00 20
bipectinata pseudoananassae 0 0.271 0.843 0.50 6,48
bipectinata parabipectinata 0 0.145 0.546 0.50 6,48
bipectinata malerkotliana 0 0.104 0.841 0.50 6,48 CI.l
6,48 "tI
malerkotliana pseudoananassae 0 0.282 0.956 0.50 ttl
malerkotliana parabipectinata 0 0.226 0.854 0.50 6,48 o
parabipectinata pseudoananassae 0 0.366 0.764 0.50 6,48
mauritiana melanogaster 1 0.500 0.883 1.00 10,41,46
1 0.320 0.50 10,14 0
mauritiana sechellia
- Z
mauritiana simulans 1 0.300 0.607 0.50 10,29,41,46
melanogaster sechellia 1 0.620 - 1.00 10,14 Z
melanogaster simulans 0 0.550 0.914 1.00 10,42,46 ~
sechellia simulans 1 0.280 - 0.50 10,14 0
athabasca EB 0 0.024 0.169 0.00 22,33 VJ
athabasca EA
athabasca WN athabasca EAlEB 0 0.124 0.994 0.00 22,33 S;;
affinis tolteca 1 1.440 0.724 1.00 27,28,32 ~
affinis athabasca 0 0.740 0.776 - 27,28,32 ~
affinis azteca 0 0.850 1.000 - 27,28,32
affinis narragansett 0 0.970 0.985 - 27,28,32
affinis algonquin 0 0.740 1.000 - 27,28,31
algonquin athabasca 0 0.650 0.988 - 27 128,32
algonquin tolteca 1 1.250 0.932 1.00 27,28,32
algonquin azteca 0 1.250 1.000 - 27,28,32
athabasca tolteca 1 1.250 0.615 1.00 27,28,32
athabasca narragansett 0 1.100 0.960 1.00 27,28,32
athabasca azteca 0 1.250 0.507 1.00 17,27,28,32
azteca narragansett 1 0.970 0.991 1.00 27,28,32
azteca tolteca 0 1.100 0.563 0.25 27,28,32
narragansett tolteca 1 0.970 0.913 1.00 27,28,32
ambigua persimilis 1 1.660 - 1.00 9,27,28
ambigua pseudoobscura 1 1.660 - 1.00 27,28 w
miranda 1 1.810 0.980 16,27,28 0\
bifasciata - \0

A"A M .... A _
c 1.00 &
0.75 . . . ..u.a Aa . . . A A .AM

00 0-- 0--
0.50 .. &.. & M .. A.. . . &



0.00 ........"-'l-"'~-r-~~...,-~~.,.......--.-~........,
0000 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
lI") lI")lI") lr)
0000 Genetic Distance (D)

~ I I I
c 1.00 ... ...... ........... A& ..
0--""0--00 o
0.75 & ........ .......
0000 u 0.50 _& .. & & &

>- 0.25 .A &
0--0 Q. o.oo~_ ........

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

B Genetic Distance (D)

FIG. 2. Strength of isolation plotted versus the ge-

netic distance (D) between taxa (uncorrected data). A)
Prezygotic isolation (rounded down); B) postzygotic

a procedure recommended by Felsenstein

(1985a). This method permits only one
comparison between species on either side
of a phylogenetic bifurcation. We averaged
! together all comparisons between pairs of
species spanning a node to produce a single
estimate of genetic distance, pre- and post-
zygotic isolation, and degree of sympatry.
For example, in Figure 3 there are three
possible comparisons between species pairs:
A versus C, A versus D, and C versus D.
The first two comparisons, however, may
not be independent. We therefore obtain one
data point by calculating average genetic
distances, pre- and postzygotic isolation in-
dices, and sympatry-allopatry values of the
A-C and A-D comparisons. The compari-
son between C and D is, however, indepen-
dent of the others, because it reflects iso-
lation evolving after the divergence ofA and
B. We dealt with unresolved trichotomies
by averaging values from all three species.
Data on pre- and postzygotic isolation

A c 0 c

_ ....
.. .. ..
...... ..
.& . . . .

. ..
o ...........
; 0.50
>- 0.25
.. .
8 0.00
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Genetic Distance (D)

FIG. 3. Sample phylogeny used to show method of

phylogenetic correction. See text for explanation.
.!:! 1.00
.. ..... .. ..

. .
.. ..
0 0.75
.. ....
were pooled separately, because informa- .!:!
0.50 ..
tion about both forms of isolation was
sometimes unavailable for a given species
pair. These pooled data are termed "cor-
0.25 ... ..
rected," and they represent the fewest pos- D..
sible evolutionarily independent data points. 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Phylogenetic pooling reduced our sample B Genetic Distance (D)
from 119 to 42 comparisons in both the FIG. 4. Strength ofisolation versus genetic distance
corrected prezygotic and postzygotic data (D) between taxa, plotted using corrected data. A) Pre-
sets (these data sets do, however, include zygotic isolation (rounded down); B) postzygotic iso-
some different species pairs). We present lation.
statistical results from only the corrected
data. Phylogenetic correction did not qual-
itatively alter our results: the statistical sig- separated by low genetic distances (D ::s 0.5;
nificance ofevery test (P greater or less than this value was chosen before data were ana-
0.05), though not the exact level of signifi- lyzed, but lower threshholds produce qual-
cance, was consistent for the corrected and itatively similar results). This comparison
uncorrected data. shows significantly greater prezygotic iso-
Prezygotic isolation and postzygotic iso- lation than postzygotic isolation (Mann-
lation are plotted separately versus genetic Whitney Utest: Z = 2.541, N 1 = 26, N z =
distance from the corrected data in Figure 29, P < 0.01; all probabilities two-tailed).
4. Both forms of isolation are significantly This result is not an artifact of different av-
correlated with Nei's D (prezygotic: Ken- erage genetic distances among the species
dall's T = 0.272, N = 42, P < 0.02; post- pairs in the pre- and postzygotic data sets,
zygotic: T = 0.569, N = 42, P < 0.00l). for the average D's are nearly identical
The patterns of pre- and postzygotic iso- (DprezygotiC = 0.209 ± 0.025, N = 26;
lation differ: in both the corrected and un- Dpostzygotic = 0.201 ± 0.024, N = 29). Sim-
corrected data sets, prezygotic isolation in- ilarly, if one compares the strength of pre-
creases more quickly at relatively low genetic and postzygotic isolation for each species
distances. Both forms of isolation level off pair at D ::s 0.5, more pairs have greater
at higher genetic distances. Because we are pre- than postzygotic isolation than is ex-
most interested in the beginning of specia- pected by chance (uncorrected data, Wil-
tion and because reproductive isolation must coxon's sign rank test: Z = 2.189, N = 32,
reach an asymptote at higher genetic dis- P < 0.05; this test cannot be performed on
tances, we limit our comparison of pre- and the corrected data, because the pre- and
postzygotic isolation to those species pairs postzygotic data sets include some different

species pairs). We note that this result does TABLE 2. Mean and standard error ofgenetic distance

not depend upon the accuracy (or even the at which a given level of post- and prezygotic isolation
existence) ofthe molecular clock: within any occurs in Drosophila. using corrected data (isolation
pair of species, there has been exactly as indices are rounded down to nearest 0.00, 0.25, 0.50,
0.75, or 1.00). Groups spanned by vertical lines are
much time for the evolution of pre- and homogeneous by Scheffe's F test.
postzygotic isolation.
The rates at which pre- and postzygotic Mean genetic distance ± SE (N)
isolation evolve can provide information Postzygotic Prezygotic
about whether these forms of isolation re-
sult from different genetic mechanisms.
0.138 ± 0.058
0.251 ± 0.083
± 0.046
± 0.078
Charlesworth et al. (1987) have proposed 0.50 [0.249 ± 0.032 (16) 0.257 ± 0.080 (5)
that the initial stages ofpostzygotic isolation 0.751 0.722 ± 0.198 (5) 0.578 ± 0.098 (24)
1.00 0.991 ± 0.127 (8) 0.523 ± 0.089 (5)
result from the rapid accumulation of re-
cessive or partially recessive alleles (h [the
dominance coefficient] < 0.5) at sex-link-
ed loci causing sterility or inviability of the
heterogametic sex in reciprocal hybrid- postzygotic isolation classes. Thus, Hal-
izations. Under this hypothesis, it can be dane's rule does not result from a combi-
shown that genes causing sterility or invi- nation of two evolutionary processes, one
ability in females will accumulate more of which produces sterility and inviability
slowly than those causing sterility or invi- in males only (followed by females) with the
ability in males (Coyne and Orr, 1989). other producing sterility and inviability si-
These theories predict that: a) classes 0.25 multaneously in both sexes in both recip-
and 0.50 of postzygotic isolation consist rocal crosses. Rather, male-limited sterility/
largely of species pairs obeying Haldane's inviability in both reciprocal crosses ap-
rule; b) classes 0.25 and 0.50 evolve fairly pears to be the ubiquitous first step in the
rapidly; c) assuming an appreciable fre- evolution of postzygotic isolation.
quency of recessive or partially recessive To test predictions band c above, we cal-
mutations, the transition from class 0.50 to culate the average genetic distance at which
class 0.75 (the latter must include female a given level of pre- or postzygotic isolation
effects) is slower than the transition from appears (Table 2). Note that for postzygotic
class 0 to class 0.25. There is no analogous isolation, classes 0.25 and 0.50 arise at low
genetic model predicting the course of pre- genetic distances, but the transition from
zygotic isolation with time. class 0.50 to class 0.75 requires substan-
Prediction a is fulfulled: classes 0.25 and tially more genetic distance. Post hoc anal-
0.50 consist almost entirely of hybridiza- ysis shows that the only significant jump in
tions obeying Haldane's rule (in the cor- genetic distance between adjacent classes
rected data, 19 of 21 pairs in these classes occurs between classes 0.50 and 0.75, as
have sterility and inviability limited to male predicted (in fact, all comparisons spanning
hybrids; in the uncorrected data, the cor- the 0.50~.75 boundary are significant ex-
responding numbers are 37 of43 pairs). This cept the class 0.25 versus 0.75 comparison,
shows that male hybrids in both reciprocal in which both samples are very small). In
crosses are almost always affected before fe- sum, hybridizations obeying Haldane's rule
male hybrids in either cross. This result can- are on average much younger than those
not be inferred from the simple observation showing female sterility or inviability, con-
of Haldane's rule, which could result from firming the predictions of Charlesworth et
males and females from one reciprocal cross al. (1987). We emphasize that this interpre-
becoming sterile or inviable before males tation does not depend on a linear relation-
and females from the other (with male ef- ship between genetic distance and time but
fects preceding female effects in each cross). requires only a positive correlation between
In addition, there are very few species genetic distance and time.
pairs separated by low genetic distances that There is no analogous stalling of prezy-
fall into classes 0.75 or 1.00, which must gotic isolation at class 0.50 (see Table 2). In
include female effects. Ofthe 47 species pairs fact, Scheffe's F test (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981
with D -s 0.5, only four belong to these two p. 253) reveals no significant jump in ge-

c 1.00 .. . .... 1.00 ·.·'1'" ... •.. . ~ At - - t :

,..". . . ' " lito ......

... ...... ..
0 0.75
.. ..
.!:! 0.50 .. 0.50
: t

0 Allopatric Taxa iii
>- 0.25
I- 0.25
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Genetic Distance (D)
A Genetic Distance (D)

FiG. 6. "Total" reproductive isolation (1) versus

genetic distance.


..... ..
" . ......
t .. The greater prezygotic isolation in sym-
patry than in allopatry can be demonstrated
in several other ways. a) There is a signifi-
0 ~
!!! cant difference between the strength of pre-
u 0.50 zygotic isolation in sympatric and allopatric
>- 0.25
.. Sympatric Taxa species pairs at low genetic distances (D -s
0.5) (Mann-Whitney U test: Z = 2.890, N 1
CD = 17, N, = 7, P < 0.01). This result is not
0. 0.00 an artifact ofdifferences in genetic distances
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
between allopatric and sympatric species
B Genetic Distance (D)
pairs, as they do not differ (DallopatriC = 0.241
FiG. 5. A) Prezygotic isolation plotted versus ge- ± 0.038, N = 7; Dsympatric = 0.199 ± 0.034,
netic distance (D) among allopatric taxa using corrected N = 17). b) Significantly more sympatric
data; B) prezygotic isolation plotted versus D among than allopatric species pairs have greater pre-
sympatric taxa using corrected data.
than postzygotic isolation (G z = 10.64, P <
0.01): in allopatry, two species pairs have
netic distance between any prezygotic iso- greater pre- than postzygotic isolation, and
lation classes, adjacent or not. four have greater post- than prezygotic iso-
We can next compare the evolutionary lation (five species pairs are tied). However,
rates of reproductive isolation in allopatric in sympatry, 15 species pairs have greater
versus sympatric species pairs from the cor- pre- than postzygotic isolation while only
rected data (Fig. 5; exact instead ofrounded one has greater post- than prezygotic (four
prezygotic isolation indices are shown, be- are tied). c) Similarly, the previously noted
cause we do not compare them with the result that prezygotic isolation is greater than
discrete postzygotic isolation values). All postzygotic isolation within species pairs at
cases of strong prezygotic isolation at low D :::; 0.5 is attributable entirely to sympatric
genetic distances occur in species pairs that taxa: there is no significant difference be-
are sympatric. At D :::; 0.5, there are no cases tween the strength of pre- and postzygotic
of prezygotic isolation greater than 0.75 isolation within allopatric species pairs
among the corrected allopatric species pairs, (Wilcoxon's signed rank test Z = 1.19, N=
but there are 12 such cases among the 17 11, P > 0.2). In sympatry, however, many
sympatric species pairs (in the uncorrected more species pairs have greater pre- than
data, there are only four such cases among postzygotic isolation than is expected by
15 allopatric species pairs, but 20 cases chance (Wilcoxon's Z = 3.011, N = 20, P
among the 26 sympatric pairs). The mean < 0.01). We note that tests band c do not
degree of premating isolation for sympatric depend upon the accuracy or even the ex-
pairs at D :::; 0.5 (0.768 ± 0.065, N = 17) istence of the molecular clock, because, as
is more than twice as large as that for al- noted above, these are tests within pairs of
lopatric pairs (0.365 ± 0.067, N = 7). species.

It appears that premating isolation from both reciprocal crosses, followed by

evolved faster among sympatric than among the appearance ofthese anomalies in female
allopatric pairs of species. Similar analysis hybrids. Fifth, there is a large jump in ge-
shows that geographic overlap has no effect netic distance between hybridizations pro-
on the strength of postzygotic isolation ducing sterile or inviable males only (cases
(Mann-Whitney U test on corrected data: Z ofHaldane's rule) and hybridizations yield-
= 0.052, N 1 = 18, N 2 = 10, P > 0.90). We ing female effects as well. We discuss these
consider processes that could produce these conclusions in tum.
patterns in the Discussion. i) Prezygotic isolation and postzygotic iso-
Finally, we may combine indices of pre- lation increase with time. - This is the con-
and postzygotic isolation to measure the ventional wisdom about speciation, pre-
evolutionary rate of "total" reproductive dicted by any theory that reproductive
isolation. Assuming that the two forms of isolation results from gradual genetic change
isolation act sequentially (and hence mul- within populations. Indeed, the only theo-
tiplicatively) within a species pair, the ap- ries refuted by this observation are those of
propriate index is special creation and instantaneous specia-
tion (e.g., by infectious agents). We also note
T = Pre + (1 - Pre) x Post
that "total" reproductive isolation increases
where T is total isolation, Pre is prezygotic with time, so that at high genetic distances
isolation, and Post is postzygotic isolation. all taxa are strongly isolated.
Total isolation is plotted versus genetic Two previous studies used similar meth-
distance in Figure 6 (to improve accuracy, ods to delineate the course of speciation.
we used exact values of prezygotic isola- Zouros (1973) correlated genetic distance
tion). This plot includes several data points with hybrid inviability or sterility in 12 pairs
from species pairs having prezygotic isola- of Drosophila species. He found that Nei's
tion greater than 0.90 but no information D was significantly correlated with invia-
about postzygotic isolation. In such cases bility but not with sterility. Assuming that
we set "total" isolation equal to the level of electrophoretic loci represent a random
prezygotic isolation, because the maximum sample ofgenes altered by natural selection,
possible error in these cases is only 10%. Zouros concluded that inviability requires
Total isolation is strongly correlated with far more genetic change than sterility. His
genetic distance (r = 0.350, N = 91; P < 12 data points, however, are not phyloge-
0.001). High values of total isolation are netically independent, and Zouros' corre-
frequent at low genetic distances; this is at- lations become nonsignificant when we ap-
tributable largely to strong mating discrim- ply Felsenstein's (1985a) correction.
ination between closely related sympatric In a study of the Drosophila willistoni
species. At higher genetic distances, almost group, Ayala (1975) showed that genetic
all species pairs show strong reproductive distance was correlated with taxonomic rank
isolation. (i.e., populations of a species are separated
by lower D values than subspecies within a
DISCUSSION species, which in tum are less differentiated
Our survey of the literature yields five than sibling species, etc.), Like Zouros
major observations. First, both pre- and (1973), Ayala apparently assumed that elec-
postzygotic reproductive isolation increase trophoretic divergence between taxa reflects
with divergence time between taxa. Second, genetic change caused by natural selection.
prezygotic isolation evolves faster than Under this assumption, Nei's genetic dis-
postzygotic isolation. This difference, how- tance is an index of the amount of genomic
ever, is completely attributable to higher change required to achieve a given taxo-
prezygotic isolation between sympatric nomic status.
species. Third, hybrid sterility and invia- Our work differs from that of Zouros and
bility evolve at similar average rates. Fourth, Ayala in several respects. First, we examine
the usual pathway for the evolution of factors not considered by these workers, in-
postzygotic isolation is the early appearance eluding geographic distribution, pre- versus
of sterility or inviability in male hybrids postzygotic isolation, and sex differences in

Rllopo1ry Sympotry prezygotic isolation at low genetic distances

occurs in a pair of species that is sympatric.
In allopatric populations, however, there is
0.63 (0.67) no significant difference between the evo-
lutionary rates of pre- and postzygotic iso-
lation (Fig. 7). In geographically isolated
populations, then, both forms of isolation
are significant components of speciation.
_ _ 0.34 (0.38) There are three possible explanations of
I heightened reproductive isolation among
sympatric species pairs. The first is that in-
0.21 ID.401 I trogression of enzyme alleles among a sym-
FIG. 7. Average strength of pre- and postzygotic patrie pair may artificially lower the genetic
isolation in allopatric versus sympatric species pairs. distance between them. Reproductive iso-
Only species pairs with Nei's D -s 0.5 are included.
Prezygotic values are rounded down as described in
lation may thus appear to be "enhanced"
text. The first mean is from the corrected data; the in sympatry merely because sympatric taxa
mean in parentheses is from uncorrected data. Values are older than allopatric taxa of the same
connected by solid lines are significantly different by genetic distance. This hypothesis, however,
the Mann-Whitney U test (P < 0.05), and those con- fails to explain why prezygotic but not
nected by broken lines are not significantly different
(the statistical significance does not differ using cor- postzygotic isolation is greater among sym-
rected or uncorrected data). patrie than among allopatric taxa. Because
both forms ofisolation increase with genetic
distance between allopatric taxa, both forms
hybrid sterility and inviability. Second, we should appear to be enhanced in sympatry
consider electrophoretic differentiation be- under the introgression hypothesis. They are
tween taxa as a measure of their divergence not.
time and not ofthe effectsofselection. (Ayala Second, as we noted in the Introduction,
[1975], for instance, observed that in the a pattern of enhanced prezygotic isolation
willistoni group, the average genetic dis- could result from a process of fusion or ex-
tance between subspecies was similar to the tinction in sympatry. If allopatric species
genetic distance between semispecies. As- pairs differ from each other in the strength
suming that semispecies are older than sub- of prezygotic isolation, less-isolated species
species [because the former show premating are more likely to fuse or drive each other
isolation while the latter do not], he con- extinct if they become sympatric. As Tem-
cluded that the evolution of premating iso- pleton (1981) notes, this mechanism could
lation does not require much additional ge- produce-without any reinforcement-a
netic change. We conclude, on the other pattern of higher average prezygotic isola-
hand, that these subspecies and semispecies tion among sympatric species.
are equally old, and we propose that the However, several features of our data do
higher prezygotic isolation among semispe- not support the fusion/extinction hypothe-
cies results more from reinforcement in sis. Again, we find that only prezygotic iso-
sympatry than from age.) While electropho- lation increases in sympatry although pre-
retic genetic distance is surely correlated and postzygotic isolation are equally strong
both with time of divergence and with ge- in allopatric species (Fig. 7). This pattern is
netic change caused by natural selection, Ki- predicted by the reinforcement hypothesis.
mura (1983) argues convincingly that the The fusion/extinction hypothesis, however,
former correlation exceeds the latter. predicts that both pre- and postzygotic iso-
ii) Prezygotic isolation evolves more rap- lation will be stronger in sympatry, because
idly than postzygotic isolation in sympatric any factor that reduces gene flow should
species pairs, but not in allopatric pairs.- inhibit fusion or extinction. Second, the fu-
At low genetic distances we find strong pre- sion/extinction hypothesis predicts that de-
zygotic isolation far more often than strong grees ofprezygotic isolation observed among
postzygotic isolation. It is remarkable that sympatric species form a subset of degrees
in our corrected data, every case of strong seen among allopatric species pairs (sym-

patric species pairs were once strongly iso- inviable, but because they fall between
lated allopatric pairs). We do not observe the niches oftwo ecologically isolated taxa
this pattern. Instead, sympatric species show or cannot mate properly with either pa-
a high degree of isolation not seen among rental species.
allopatric pairs. b) Reinforcement ofprezygotic isolation by
The pattern of elevated prezygotic (but sexual selection, given postzygotic isola-
not postzygotic) isolation between sympat- tion. Natural selection against the pro-
ric species is predicted only by the hypoth- duction of unfit hybrids could favor as-
esis that natural selection has reinforced sortative mating. This, in tum, could
mating discrimination among some sym- initiate sexual selection and rapidly in-
patric species. Selection against the disad- crease isolation (Fisher [1958 Ch. 6],
vantageous results of hybridization can se- Maynard Smith [1978 p. 172], and Lande
lect for increased mating discrimination in [1982] suggest this possibility but provide
sympatry (Dobzhansky, 1937), but such se- no mathematical models). Like explana-
lection is very unlikely to affect the amount tion a, this model requires some initial
of postzygotic isolation in Drosophila postzygotic isolation and cannot explain
(Coyne, 1974). Two previous studies sug- the reinforcement of prezygotic isolation
gest the possibility of reinforcement for pre- in hybridizations lacking sterility or in-
zygotic isolation: in Drosophila species with viability.
partially overlapping ranges, mating isola- c) "Reinforcement" of prezygotic isolation
tion is greater between individuals taken by sexual selection, given no postzygotic
from sympatric than from allopatric pop- isolation. In the absence of any postzy-
ulations (Wasserman and Koepfer, 1977; gotic isolation, reinforcement may never-
Ehrman and Powell, 1982). theless occur if the courtship behavior of
There are several ways that such rein- hybrids makes it difficult for them to se-
forcement can evolve. cure mates. Assortative mating would
again be favored, and sexual selection
a) Reinforcement ofprezygotic isolation by would then occur. This process differs
natural selection. Increased prezygotic from traditional mechanisms of rein-
isolation may result from natural selec- forcement and has not been modeled
tion against the production of sterile or mathematically.
inviable hybrids (Dobzhansky, 1937).
This mechanism requires that sympatric We should add that there are formidable
species having strong prezygotic isolation difficulties with all models of reinforcement
also show some postzygotic isolation. (see Spencer et al., 1986), and other expla-
However, only five of the 12 closely re- nations may be possible.
lated, sympatric pairs of taxa with strong iii) Hybrid sterility and inviability evolve
prezygotic isolation (corrected data; Pre at similar rates.- This similarity suggests
> 0.75, D ~ 0.5) show any postzygotic that sterility and inviability are by-products
isolation in the laboratory (four show of similar genetic processes, a conclusion
none, and there is no information for the strengthened by the fact that both obey Hal-
other three). This casts some doubt on dane's rule.
reinforcement by natural selection, but for iv) The usual pathway for the evolution of
three reasons we cannot rule it out. First, postzygotic isolation is the initial appear-
our criteria for postzygotic isolation may ance ofsterility/inviability in hybrid males,
be too strict: hybrids could well be par- followed by its appearance in females.-
tially sterile or inviable, although no sex There are almost no cases offemale sterility
is completely sterile or inviable. We clas- or inviability early in speciation. Haldane's
sify such species pairs as showing no post- rule thus characterizes the first step in the
mating isolation. Second, it is possible evolution of postzygotic isolation, and the
that the benign laboratory environment evolutionary explanation of this rule be-
masks postzygotic isolation that exists in comes an important goal of speciation the-
the wild. Third, hybrids may be disad- ory.
vantaged not because they are sterile or v) There is a significant increase in genetic

distance between those species pairs produc- a single evolutionary pathway that culmi-
ing sterile or inviable males only and those nates in the sterility and!or inviability ofall
producing sterile or inviable hybrids ofboth hybrids.
sexes. - As noted above, almost all species This pathway, however, is characterized
pairs belonging to our postzygotic classes by two phases: an initial accumulation of
0.25 and 0.50 show effects limited to hybrid alleles causing postzygotic isolation in male
males. Classes 0.75 and 1.00, on the other hybrids, followed by accumulation ofalleles
hand, include female effects. The large jump causing isolation in female hybrids. Such a
in genetic distance between class 0.50 and pathway is predicted by the theories of
0.75 is hence associated with the appear- Charlesworth et al. (1987) and Coyne and
ance of postzygotic isolation in females and Orr (1989). However, these theories require
represents a "stalling" between male-only the assumption that the genetic basis of
and female effects. Prezygotic isolation, on postzygotic isolation differs fundamentally
the other hand, shows no significant jump from that of other observable differences
between any two adjacent classes (or, in fact, between species (the latter are usually caused
between any classes). The "stalling" be- by additive substitutions spread throughout
tween the appreance of male and female the genome). There is no independent evi-
effects confirms several predictions of the dence for this assumption.
Charlesworth et al. (1987) and Coyne and Our postzygotic-isolation data also ex-
Orr (1989) theories, which we discuss in plain why cases of Haldane's rule are so
tum. numerous. Bock (1984), for example, shows
The observation that Haldane's rule is an that over half of all successful Drosophila
early stage of speciation resolves a potential hybridizations are cases of Haldane's rule
difficulty in interpreting genetic analyses of (the other crosses yield hybrid effects in-
reproductive isolation. Such analyses al- volving both males and females). Haldane
most always reveal a disproportionately (1922) noted that cases of hybrid unisexual
large effect of the X chromosome on hybrid inviability or sterility almost invariably in-
sterility and inviability (WU and Becken- volve males, but he did not explain why
bach, 1983; Charlesworth et al., 1987). As such a large proportion of hybridizations
Charlesworth et al. (1987) note, it is possible show this pattern instead of sterility or in-
that this large effect of the X chromosome viability of both sexes. The obvious expla-
is observed merely because autosomal al- nation is that the delayed evolution of fe-
leles causing hybrid sterility/inviability are male anomalies stalls many species pairs at
more likely to affect both sexes, yielding the stage of Haldane's rule.
species pairs that cannot be genetically ana- We note parenthetically that we observe
lyzed (some viable and fertile hybrids are no cases of sterility/inviability ofboth males
required for genetic studies). There could and females in only one direction of hy-
thus be an empirical bias favoring detection bridization at low genetic distances [D :5
of X-chromosome effects, and analyzable 0.5]. One might expect such patterns if cy-
cases of postzygotic isolation (usually those toplasmic factors were frequently respon-
obeying Haldane's rule) would not neces- sible for postzygotic isolation.
sarily represent taxa undergoing the first vi) The systematic status of allopatric
steps of speciation. taxa. -Our data provide us with a protocol
We find, however, that hybridizations for deciding when allopatric taxa are dis-
showing sterility or inviability ofboth sexes tinct species. The strength of isolation be-
are much older than those obeying Hal- tween sympatric species is obviously suffi-
dane's rule. The ubiquity of Haldane's rule cient for them to remain distinct. A
in recently diverged pairs ofspecies suggests reasonable conclusion is that allopatric taxa
that the large effect of the X chromosome with reproductive isolation as strong as that
does not result from a biased sample of between sympatric species should also re-
crossable species. It also implies that there main distinct upon secondary contact. The
are not two distinct evolutionary pathways mean level of total isolation among sym-
in speciation, one causing effects in hybrid patric species pairs is 0.907 ± 0.026 (un-
males only and the other in both sexes si- corrected data, N = 44). The lower bound
multaneously. Rather, there appears to be of the 95% confidence interval about this

mean is 0.854. Thus, total isolation of 0.85 both pre- and postzygotic isolation contrib-
or greater is probably enough to prevent the ute significantly to reproductive isolation,
fusion of allopatric taxa upon secondary so that no single isolating mechanism is the
contact. "stuff of speciation." In sympatric taxa,
This calculation can be applied to the dif- however, prezygotic isolation predomi-
ficult problem of how to use the biological nates, perhaps implying direct selection for
species concept (Mayr, 1963) with allopatric mate discrimination. We note, however, that
taxa. We suggest that any two allopatric taxa the evolution of enhanced prezygotic iso-
with values oftotal isolation below this cut- lation may be triggered by postzygotic iso-
off be regarded as conspecific (there are sev- lation. Even in sympatry, then, both types
eral of these in our data). If, however, re- ofisolation may play important roles in spe-
productive isolation is increased by selection ciation.
upon secondary contact, our criterion is too The recognition of patterns in nature is
conservative, and taxa below the cutoffmay the source of most evolutionary theory.
nevertheless remain distinct once sympat- Theories of speciation, however, require
ric. Conversely, any allopatric taxa with iso- historical information about the evolution
lation above this level can be regarded as of reproductive isolation, and are therefore
distinct species that would maintain their slow to bear fruit. We hope that further syn-
integrity upon secondary contact. thesis of genetic analysis with estimates of
Finally, we estimate the genetic distance divergence time will reveal patterns clari-
required to attain species status, i.e., to reach fying Darwin's "mystery of mysteries," the
a "total isolation" value of 0.85. We cal- origin of species.
culated second-order least-squares regres-
sions of "total isolation" on genetic dis-
tance, forcing these regressions through the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
origin. This assumes that two species begin We thank M. L. Cariou, D. Lachaise, and
as populations that differ by very low D's L. Throckmorton for permission to cite their
(as is commonly observed). Regressions unpublished data, B. Hedges for calculating
were performed on the uncorrected data, some genetic distances, and S. Arnold, B.
using data from all species pairs, allopatric Charlesworth, D. Futuyma, B. Grant, R.
pairs alone, and sympatric pairs alone. These Lande, S. Orzack, D. Schemske, M. Turelli,
equations were then solved for the value of P. Verrell, M. Wade, and P. Ward for crit-
genetic distance predicting a "total isola- icism ofthe manuscript. This work was sup-
tion" of 0.85. These D's were 0.53 for the ported by grants from the National Insti-
total data, 0.66 for allopatric species, and tutes of Health (GM 32221 and 38462),
0.31 for sympatric species. Species status is National Science Foundation (BSR 18558),
therefore reached twice as quickly in sym- and the Louis Block Fund ofThe University
patrie as in allopatric taxa. It is difficult to of Chicago.
estimate the absolute time corresponding to
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