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Rachel Ball

Sports Education Model-


PHED 239: Module 3

Dr. Mangano

Springfield College

Table Of Contents
Season Overview…………………………………………………………………………… 2
Affiliations…………………………………………………...…………………………….. 4,5
Team Selection…………………………………………………...…………………………. 6
Team Australia…………………………………………………...………………………….. 7
Team Germany…………………………………………………...…………………………. 8
Team Russia…………………………………………………...……………………………. 9
Team France…………………………………………………...………………………….. 10
Team Sprain…………………………………………………...…………………………... 11
Team Roles ​(captain, umpire, statistician, manager, scorekeeper, commentator)......................​. 12,18
Unit Outcomes…………………………………………………...………………………... 19
Fair Play Rubric …………………………………………………...………………………..20
Sportsmanship Agreement…………………………………………………...…………... 21
Block Plan…………………………………………………...………………………….. 22-26
Unit Schedule…………………………………………………...……………………… 27-30
Award Ceremony…………………………………………………...………………….. 31-34
Traditional Rules…………………………………………………...………………….. 36, 37
Modified Rules…………………………………………………...…………………….. 38,39
Cognitive Assessment/ Answers……………………………………………………... 40-42
Team Statistics…………………………………………………...……………………...43-45
Skills Challenge (2)…………………………………………………...…………………46-51
News Article…………………………………………………...………………………... 52,53
References…………………………………………………...…………………………….. 54



Season is twenty (20) days in length

Class size is thirty (30) students

➔ 16 males and 14 females

Class meets twice per week

➔ 50 minutes per lesson
➔ 100 week season
(8) Wooden Bat
(12) Rounders ball
(8) Wooden posts
(1) Whistle
(1) Wrist watch


Players Name Skill Level Fitness Leader or Personality Absent Friendship(s)
Level Follower Rate


James Rich Proficient High Leader Competitive None Kyle & Matt

Nathan Grey Proficient High Follower Funny None Colin

Ryan Bell Utilization Medium Follower Disinterested Rarely Adam

Adam Key Control Low Leader Intelligent Often Ryan

Jason Cook Utilization Medium Follower Outgoing None Mark, Brian, Aaron

Corey Dylan Utilization Medium Follower Competitive Often Bret & Mike

Colin Masters Proficient High Leader Shy None Nathan

Brett Andrews Utilization High Follower Disinterested Rarely Mike & Corey

Kyle Marks Proficient High Leader Competitive Often Matt & James

Tony Randel Utilization Medium Leader Shy None Brandon

Mark Gill Utilization Medium Leader Outgoing Rarely Brian, Jason Aaron

Brian Bent Utilization High Follower Outgoing Often Jason, Aaron, Mark

Aaron Carter Utilization Medium Follower Outgoing Rarely Jason, Brian Mark

Matt Ryan Proficient High Leader Competitive None Corey

Mike Allen Utilization Low Follower Respectful Rarely Bret & Corey

Brandon Control Low Follower Shy None Tony


Players Names Skill Level Fitness Leader or Personality Absent Friendship(s)
Level Follower Rate


Amanda Riley Utilization High Follower Shy Often Jen

Jordan Cars Control Low Follower Outgoing Rarely Ashley

Rachel Adams Utilization Medium Leader Competitive Rarely Nicole

Ashley Perkins Utilization Medium Leader Outgoing None Kayla, Amanda

Alyssa James Control Medium Leader Hardworking None Emily, Mackenzie

Mackenzie Izzy Proficient High Follower Intelligent None Emily, Alyssa

Paige Campbell Utilization Medium Leader Competitive Rarely Olivia, Rachel

Emily Andrews Proficient High Follower Intelligent None Alyssa, Mackenzie

Jen Williams Proficient High Follower Shy Often Amanda

Talia Loda Utilization Medium Follower Funny Often Kelly

Olivia Smith Utilization Medium Leader Competitive None Paige

Kayla Kapness Utilization Medium Follower Outgoing Often Ashley

Kelly Emmer Control Low Follower Disinterested Often Talia

Nicole Cross Control Medium Leader Intelligent None Rachel

Team Selection

Teams will be selected by the teacher independently without any

student's input. Each team needs a balance of both skilled and
less-skilled players as well as different personality types to help with
job duties. The teachers will examine the students the first day of
class and use prior knowledge from lessons before to put together
quality teams. Teams wills be based on various countries from
around the world. Team Russia will wear ​red​, Australia will wear
white​, Germany will wear black, team France will be ​blue a
​ nd team
Spain will wear ​yellow.

The teacher take the following criteria into criteria into consideration:
1. Skill Level
2. Fitness Level
3. Leader/ Follower
4. Absent Rate
5. Personality
6. Friendships

Team Australia

James Rich- Captain

James does not participate in any varsity sports at the school. James gets his
physical activity through crossfit. He is a very strong individual, who many
students look up to. James may not be the most athletic, however his presents in
the class in known.

Talia Loda- Umpire

Talia is a Gatorade Player of the Year award winner. She is going to play D1
softball at Florida State. Talia is familiar with the sport of rounders and some of
the rules played by. She will be a great asset to have as an umpire.

Amanda Riley- Scorekeeper

Amanda misses class quite often. She is very soft spoken and does not
participate much in the lessons. Hopefully by Amanda becoming a scorekeeper
will motivate her to come to class and fulfill her role for the team.

Adam Key- Statistician

Adam is very intelligent. His eyes lit up when he heard about the role of
statistician. Adam may not be the most coordinated student, however he is
constantly looking to improve on skills.

Mike Allen- Manager

Mike is a very well organized student. He is always prepared for class and

Mackenzie Izzy- Commentator

Mackenzie is a nationally ranked swimmer. Mackenzie is also rank within the top
10 in her class. Her very friendly, enthusiastic personality would make her a
perfect fit the the role as a commentator.

Team Germany

Olivia Smith- Captain

Olivia is a three sport athlete. She is always giving 100% in each class and has no
problem providing other students with feedback. For that reason, Olivia will make
a very enthusiastic, encouraging captain for her team.

Tony Randel- Umpire

Tony umpires the local recreational baseball games. With a great background on
all rules to baseball, Tony will pick up the rules and regulations quickly.

Nathan Grey- Commentator

Nate was just nominated class clown of the senior class. He is a very high
energy, entertaining student to have in class. Nate will fit well with the role as a

Alyssa James- Statistician

Alyssa is the head cheerleader of the football team. She struggles with hand eye
coordination and because this, Alyssa does not fine PE class very enjoyable.
However, she is a very intelligent student and would make a great statistician.

Jason Cook- Manager

Jason displays leadership on any team he is on. Students count of him to tell
them what position to go to, or what the batting order will be. He is a great athlete
and an even better leader. Jason will make a great strategic team manager.

Brandon Rogers- Scorekeeper

Brandon is very into video games. If anyone ever had any question about the new
gaming system, you could count on Brandon to answer. Brandon does not watch
many sports, but when he does, he enjoys watching baseball. His favorite team is
the Boston Red Sox. With Brandon's basic prior knowledge of the sport of
baseball, he will make a great scorekeeper.

Team Russia

Colin Masters- Statistician

Colin is one of the more quieter students in class. He can often be found sitting
off in the corner prior to class, drawing. This role is perfect for him, because he
can complete the stats for the teams, while sitting off in the grass watching the
games, keeping to himself.

Ryan Bell- Scorekeeper

Ryan is quite athletic, however he is often not changed for class and chooses to
sit out. The role of scorekeeper will force Ryan to focus during the games, and
hopefully motivate him to play when watching the games.

Ashley Perkins- Captain

Ashley often participates in rounds tournaments with friends and family. She is
very skilled at the sport. Her outgoing personality, and knowledge of the sport
would make her a great leader.

Brett Andrews- Manager

Brett is a very intelligent student. He plans to attend Springfield College, for
sports management. If taken seriously, this would be great preparation for Brett
as he gets ready for college.

Paige Campbell- Commentator

Although Paige does not play a varsity sport, she loves being involved in all
activities. Her bubbly, enthusiastic personality draws her fellow students to her.
Paige will make a great commentator and will really enjoy interviews her
classmates after each game.

Kayla Kapness- Umpire

Kayla is a member of the school’s softball team. With the sport of rounders being
very similar with baseball/ softball. Kayla will find it easy to pick up all the rules of
the game, and make fair , accurate calls.

Team France

Kelly Emmer- Scorekeeper

Kelly is a senior who has a bad case of senioritis. Because she is often absent,
the role of scorekeep is appropriate, because if majority of students could easily
fill in if she did not make it to class that day.

Brian Bent- Commentator

Brian is a very outgoing student. He would make a great commentator, because
he is very comfortable with talking in front of his peers.

Rachel Adams- Captain

Rachel is the captain of the school's soccer team. She is very hard working, and
looked up too by many fellow classmates.

Emily Andrews-Statistician
Emily on the school track and cross country teams. She was just recently
accepted to attend Harvard University in the fall. She is extremely intelligent and
would make a reliable statistician.

Kyle Marks- Manager

Kyle is a three sport athlete. He loves all types of sports. Kyle will make a great
manager, because even though he may not know the game very well, he is a
quick learner.

Mark Gill- Umpire

Mark has participated in the sport of rounders before. He is aware of all this rules,
however admits that he was not very good when playing the sport. Mark has been
chosen for this role mainly because of his prior knowledge.

Team Spain

Aaron Carter- Captain

Aaron was chosen to be captain of team Spain, because of his big leadership
skills. He is the captain of the school's baseball and basketball team. He is very
athletic and will pick up the sport and rules of rounders fast.

Jen Williams- Manager

Jen is a senior in high school. She plans to attend Babson College to study
business in the fall. Same would make a great team manager, because she is very
organized, and has great ideas to share.

Nicole Cross- Statistician

Nicole’s favorite subject in school is math. She is currently 5th in her class. She
is not the most athletic student in the class. However, she is always listening
working hard to improve on her skills.

Matt Ryan- Commentator

Matt is the class president of the junior class. He is very comfortable talking in
front of his peers and has a very outgoing personality. Matt will make a great
commentator with all the energy and enthusiasm he brings to class.

Jordan Cars- Umpire

Jordan would much rather watch a game, then participate in one. She can often
be found standing off to the side, watching a game trying to avoid going in.
Jordan would make an excellent umpire, because the class would greatly benefit
from some of her knowledge of the game.

Corey Dylan- Scorekeeper

Corey’s mission when coming to class, is to see if he is able to get away with
doing only the bare minimum. He is very lazy. Corey will greatly benefit from
having the role of scorekeeper. This is because he must stay focused on the
game, and engaged at all times when teams ask how many outs, or what the
score is, he needs to be prepared with a quick answer.

Players Roles

➔ There are a total of 30 students, five on each team

➔ When players are not in gameplay, they are assigned specific

roles that they are in charge of.

➔ Each student student on a team will select their role on the team

The role options are:

➔ Captian
➔ Umpire
➔ Statistician
➔ Manager
➔ Commentator
➔ Score Keeper

● The captain is the player on the team that shows most
leadership skills, it does not have to be the best player on the
● The captain is in change of knowing where and when their team
will be playing.
● Captain handles any issues among the team
● Captain is in charge of running the teams warm up
● Captains will meet at the start of the game to review rules with
the ref
● Often in charge of designing practice plans

● Monitor gameplay
● Must know and understand all rules
● Must talk to captain prior to gameplay about rules and
● Make correct and fair calls
● Makes all final calls, no calls can be challenged by players
● Know how to handle unsportsmanlike conduct

● Assigned to record that stats of a team
● Will record teams records, as well as player hitting %, fielding %,
on base %
● All stats will be input into the classes website, where students
can view stats of all team
● Individual must be very organized and enjoy math, as well as
have basic computer knowledge

● In charge of equipment distribution and clean up for their team
after use
● In charge of taking attendance of their team and telling teacher if
anyone is missing
● In charge of writing up a full line up and what positions their
players are playing that game, to hand to the statistician prior to
each game
● In charge of cool down at the end of the class each day

Score Keeper
● Know the score at all times
● Repeat the score to all players after each inning.
● Post the score of each game on the master schedule.
● Must know all rules of the game, and how the rounders points
system works
● Must also record the outs each inning, as well as which inning it

● Sits with the station during gameplay and commentates game
onto a video tape which will be posted on the classes webpage
● Outgoing student that will add enthusiasm to each game
● Must read up on the stats of each team, to add facts to the
● Must be able to stay focused during all times to report gameplay
● Cannot be bias about the teams they are commentating, ​must
talk positively about both teams playing
● Must interview one player from both teams after the game

Unit Outcomes

By the end of the unit, students will be able to…

(P) Strike the ball with force and hit at least 1 home run out of the 10

pitches thrown during the skills challenge (NASPE S1. H1.L2; MA CF


(C) Score at least 80% on the quiz given towards the end of the unit

on the rules of the game of rounders. (NASPE S2.H2.L1; MA CF 2.17)

(A) Display cooperation as a team by encouraging and motivating

each other, to work hard each class. (NASPE #S4.H1.L2; MA CF 2.26)

Fair Play Rubric
Never= 0 Rarely= 1 Sometimes=2 Always= 3
Points Point Points Points

Encourages all

Students respect
classmates and
follow all of the
class rules.

Students put forth

his/her best effort/

Students are able

to explain and
implement concepts
that they have
learned throughout
this unit.

Fair Play/ Sportsmanship Agreement

I ________________ will follow the 3 expectations

requirements to participate in this unit.

1. Try your best.

2. Do the right thing

3. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

Rounders Season Block Plan

Day Activity
Introduction to the basics of rounders
● What is rounders?
● Where did the sport originate?
● What American sport it is most related
Teacher will announce the teams
Students will select roles in each team
1 (manager, captain, umpire, statistician,
commentator) and will report their chosen
roles to the teacher.

Teacher will show students the website

created for this season, and what they can find
on there.

Students will learn how the bat is held and

technique to the swing.
Students will practice their swings hitting off a
tee, in their teams.
Students will learn the key points catching and
fielding ground balls from the teacher and
2 assisted by the team's manager as team fields
for the player hitting off the tee.

Teams will be assignment to their country

from the 5 options (Russia, Germany,
Australia, Spain and France) based on which
team finished a relay race around the field

Teacher will assign home courts.

Students will allowed to use technology to

3 view videos on the game of rounders. Each
manager will be given a white board and be
told to discuss ideas for gameplay with team

Teams practice at home field.

Teacher will run a big warm up, giving the

captain an overview of how the daily warm up
should be performed

Teacher will review the key points discussed

4 last class.
Teams practice on the home field, led by

All teams will be given the final season


Officiating, scoring expectations and rules of

the game are explained and demonstrated
Teams will forms a small scrimmage within
their own team, manager will be keeping in
mind how they would like the line up to look.

Teams will warm

Teams will scrimmage to practice skills in

game like situation.
Teams will not keep score, games will be
played for time.
After the games, the team captains and
teacher will discuss techniques seen in

Team stats are given to team captains to see

view what each player can improve on.

Skills practice on home field ran by captain

Teacher will demonstrate and form drills for

7 new skills.

Manager should be constructing a lineup

based on stats from previous games.

Teacher will review all rules of the game with

students for an assessment next class

Assessment Day:

Written assessment of skills and rules

Students who finish assessment may work
with team to create team banner that will be
hung up during the playoffs

Regular season begins (Formal competition)

All teams will play the same amount of game.

Game 1: ​Red​ vs Black

Game 2: ​White​ vs ​Yellow
Game 3: ​Green​ vs B​ lue
Teams with a bye will fill roles( Game 1: ​Yellow
& ​Blue​, ​Game 2: Black & ​Green, ​Game 3: R
​ ed
& ​White​)
If teams are not in gameplay, or fulfilling their
roles, they are practicing as a team (Game 1:
White ​& ​Green, ​Game 2: ​Red ​& ​Blue​, Game 3:
Yellow ​& Black)

Each team will play 1 games, 30 minutes long

Teacher reads standing to class after last

classes gameplay.
Formal competition continues:

Game 1: Black​ ​vs ​Blue

Game 2: ​Red ​vs ​Yellow
Game 3:​ ​Green ​vs W
​ hite

Teams with a bye will fill roles( Game 1: ​Red ​&

10 White, ​Game 2: ​Blue ​& ​Green, G
​ ame 3: ​Yellow
& Black)

If teams are not in gameplay, or fulfilling their

roles, they are practicing as a team (Game 1:
Yellow ​& ​Green, ​Game 2: ​White ​& Black, Game
3: ​Blue ​& ​Red​)

Each team will play 1 games, 30 minutes long.

Teacher provided global feedback to whole

class on their performances

Teacher reads standing to class after last

classes gameplay.
Formal competition continues:

Game 1: Black​ ​vs ​Yellow,

11 Game 2: ​Red ​vs​ ​Green
Game 3:​ White ​vs ​Blue

Teams with a bye will fill roles( Game 1: ​Green

& ​White, ​Game 2: ​Blue ​& Black,​ ​Game 3: ​Red ​&

If teams are not in gameplay, or fulfilling their

roles, they are practicing as a team (Game 1:
Yellow ​& ​Green, ​Game 2: ​White ​& Black, Game
3: ​Blue ​& ​Red​)

Teacher gives students time to discuss game
strategy going into final day of regular season
next class

Teacher reads standing to class after last

classes gameplay.
Final day of round robin tournament:

Game 1: ​Blue ​vs ​Green

Game 2: ​White​ vs ​Yellow
Game 3: ​Red​ vs Black

Teams with a bye will fill roles( Game 1: ​Yellow

12 & ​Red​, G
​ ame 2: ​Blue ​& Black,​ ​Game 3: ​White​ &

If teams are not in gameplay, or fulfilling their

roles, they are practicing as a team (Game 1:
Black & ​White​, ​Game 2: ​Red ​& ​Green​, Game 3:
Yellow ​& ​Blue​)

Each team will be given their regular season

stat sheets to observe

Each team will receive their rank

Blue (1) ​White (2) ​Red (3) ​Green(4) ​ ​Yellow(5)
Teams will complete their countries banner

Teams will present their banners, which will

then be hung where they will be playing
Captain is in charge of practice plan

Teams work on skills

Skills challenge day:

Results will decide who has a bye week in the

first round of tournament play
Coaches will get their team ready for double
15 elimination tournament.
Strategy is main point to be discussed.

Final Team Practice

16 Captain and statistician must discuss a

practice plan that will can focus on any
strategies that they feel will increase the
team’s chances at winning in tournament play.

17 Round Robin Tournament

18 Round Robin Tournament

19 Round Robin Tournament

Championship game
One team will be roles for the game, the others
20 will be “fans” cheering on the whole time.
Award Ceremony.
Awards to be given away
Teacher will have a final closure of the season

● Preseason will last 8 days
● Teacher will demonstrate key points to the game (striking,
throwing, fielding)
● Teacher will run students through drill to work on their skills
● Teams will practice in different field positions
● Captains will create practice plan to work on specific skills

Regular Season- Formal Competition

Day 1
Each team will play 1 games, 30 minutes long.

Game 1: ​Red​ vs Black

Game 2: ​White​ vs ​Yellow
Game 3: ​Green​ vs ​Blue

Teams with a bye will fill roles( Game 1: ​Yellow ​& ​Blue​, ​Game 2: Black & ​Green, G
​ ame 3: ​Red ​&
If teams are not in gameplay, or fulfilling their roles, they are practicing as a team (Game 1: ​White
& ​Green, ​Game 2: R​ ed ​& ​Blue​, Game 3: ​Yellow ​& Black)

Day 2
Each team will play 1 games, 30 minutes long.

Game 1: Black​ ​vs ​Blue

Game 2: ​Red ​vs ​Yellow
Game 3:​ ​Green ​vs ​White

Teams with a bye will fill roles( Game 1: ​Red ​& ​White, ​Game 2: ​Blue ​& ​Green, ​Game 3: ​Yellow ​&

If teams are not in gameplay, or fulfilling their roles, they are practicing as a team (Game 1: ​Yellow
& ​Green, ​Game 2: W ​ hite ​& Black, Game 3: ​Blue ​& ​Red​)

Day 3
Each team will play 1 games, 30 minutes long.

Game 1: Black​ ​vs ​Yellow,

Game 2: ​Red ​vs​ ​Green
Game 3:​ White ​vs ​Blue

Teams with a bye will fill roles( Game 1: ​Green​ ​& ​White, ​Game 2: ​Blue ​& Black,​ ​Game 3: ​Red ​&

If teams are not in gameplay, or fulfilling their roles, they are practicing as a team (Game 1: ​Yellow
& ​Green, ​Game 2: W ​ hite ​& Black, Game 3: ​Blue ​& ​Red​)

Day 4
Each team will play 1 games, 30 minutes long.

Game 1: ​Blue ​vs ​Green

Game 2: ​White​ vs ​Yellow
Game 3: ​Red​ vs Black

Teams with a bye will fill roles( Game 1: ​Yellow ​& ​Red​, ​Game 2: ​Blue ​& Black,​ ​Game 3: ​White​ &

If teams are not in gameplay, or fulfilling their roles, they are practicing as a team (Game 1: Black
& ​White​, ​Game 2: ​Red ​& ​Green​, Game 3: ​Yellow ​& ​Blue​)

Regular Season Final Standings

France, Blue (1) (​ 4-0)
Australia,White (2) ​(3-1)
Russia, Red (3)​ (3-1)
Italy, Green(4) ​(2-2)
​Germany, Black (5) (1-3)
Spain, Yellow(6) ​(0-4)

After receiving the regular season standings, teams will have 3 days
to practice.

Round Robin Postseason
Day 1
Game 1: ​Yellow ​vs ​Red
Game 2: ​Green ​vs ​Blue
Game 3: Black & ​White

Teams with a bye will fill roles( Game 1: ​Green ​& ​White, ​Game 2: Black & ​Yellow​, ​Game 3: ​Red ​&

If teams are not in gameplay, or fulfilling their roles, they are practicing as a team (Game 1: Black
& ​Blue​, ​Game 2: ​Red ​& ​White​, Game 3: ​Yellow ​& ​Green​)

Day 2
Game 1: ​Yellow ​vs ​Blue
Game 2: ​Green ​vs ​White
Game 3: Black & ​Red

Teams with a bye will fill roles( Game 1: ​Red ​& ​White, ​Game 2: ​Blue ​& ​Yellow​, ​Game 3: Y
​ ellow ​&

If teams are not in gameplay, or fulfilling their roles, they are practicing as a team (Game 1: Black
& ​Green, ​Game 2: R ​ ed ​& Black, Game 3: ​Blue ​& ​White​)

Day 3
Game 1: ​Red ​vs ​Blue
Game 2: Black vs ​Yellow
Game 3:​ ​Green ​vs ​White

Teams with a bye will fill roles( Game 1: ​Yellow ​& ​White, ​Game 2: ​Blue ​& ​Green, ​Game 3: ​Red ​&

If teams are not in gameplay, or fulfilling their roles, they are practicing as a team (Game 1: Black
& ​Green, ​Game 2: W​ hite ​& ​Red​ , Game 3: ​Blue ​& ​Yellow​)

PlayOff Results
France, Blue (1) (​ 7-0)
​Russia, Red (2)​ (6-1)
Australia,White (3) ​(5-2)
​Italy, Green(4) ​(3-4)
Spain, Yellow(5) ​(2-5)
​Germany, Black (6) (1-6)

Championship Game

France ​vs​ ​Russia

Championship game will be filmed live to. All teams not playing will
cheer on both teams, while also fulfilling their roles together, to make
the live filming a success.

​ ussia Wins!
Final Score of 7 to 5

Award Ceremony

Award For Most Outstanding Team
These 6 medals are being awarded to the members of team France. They finished

the season 7-0. Congratulations to all the members on this team. Their hard work

and focus in games and practices have proven to be successful.

Kelly Emmer
Brian Bent
Rachel Adams
Emily Andrews
Kyle Marks
Mark Gill

Traditional Rules
Rounders Basics

Each team has two innings with all people in the team having a go at batting. The
innings are over when all the batting players are either out or at a base so that there
is no-one left to face the next ball.

One, by one, the batters line up to take their turn in the batting square. The bowler
throws the ball towards the batter.

Bowling and No-Balls

The bowler must bowl a ball towards the batter so that:

● it is thrown with a smooth underarm action

● the ball arrives without bouncing and within the batters square
● the ball is above the batter's knee, below the batter's head, and not at the
batter's body
● the bowler's feet are inside the bowler's square when the ball is bowled
otherwise a 'no-ball' is called.

A batter can attempt to hit a no-ball and can run on a no-ball, if desired whether the
ball is hit or not, but cannot return once first post is reached. If two consecutive
no-balls are bowled to the same batter, the batter scores a half-rounder.

● The batter gets one chance to hit the ball (ignoring no-balls) and must run
even if the ball is not struck.
● If the ball is hit behind the batting square or not hit at all, the batter may can
only run to first base.
● Otherwise, the batter runs around as many of the bases as possible and stops
at a post only when the batter thinks there is a danger of the next post being

The batter is out if:

● the batter hits the ball and it is caught without first hitting the ground
● the post being run to is 'stumped' - a fielder touches it with the ball
● the batter runs inside a post
● the batter loses contact with a post when the bowler has the ball inside the

bowler's square
● the batter overtakes a fellow batter when running around the posts.
● while not running between posts, the batter obstructs a fielder
● the batter's foot is outside the batter's square when the ball is bowled

Scoring Rounders
A score is immediately posted in the following situations:

● If the batter hits the ball or is bowled a no ball and then reaches the fourth
post, a rounder is scored.
● If the batter fails to hit the ball and reaches the fourth post, a half-rounder is
● If the batter hits the ball and reaches the second post, a half-rounder is scored.
● A fielder obstructs a batter running to a post, a half-rounder is scored.
If the batter hits the ball and reaches the first, second or third post without being out,
the batter stays at that post (and must keep in contact with it) until the next ball is
bowled. As soon as the ball leaves the bowler's hand, such a batter can run to the
next post, if they wish, even if a no-ball is called.

If the batter does not keep contact with the post, the fielding side can stump the next
post to get the player out. 2 batters cannot be at the same post so a batter must run
on to the next post if the next batter catches up with them.

● A batter who continues in this way and reaches the fourth post scores a
Once the fourth post is reached, the person goes to the back of the batter's line and
awaits their next turn to bat.

After both sides have played both innings, the side with the most rounders wins.


Rules Played

● Each game will be two innings long

● The innings are over when all the batting players are either out or at a base
so that there is no-one left to face the next ball.

● The pitcher must throw the ball to the batter ​underhand

● The ball arrives without bouncing and within the batter's square

● The batter gets one chance to hit the ball, and must run even if the ball is
not struck.
● If the ball is hit behind the batting square or not hit at all, the batter may
can only run to first base.
● Otherwise, the batter runs around as many of the bases as possible and
stops at a post only when the batter thinks there is a danger of the next
post being 'stumped'.

The batter is out if:

● The batter hits the ball and it is caught without first hitting the ground
● The post being run to is 'stumped' - a fielder touches it with the ball
● The batter runs inside a post

How runs are score:

● If the batter hits the ball and reaches the fourth post, a rounder is scored.
● If the batter hits the ball and reaches the second post, a half-rounder is
● If the batter hits the ball and reaches the first, second or third post without
being out, the batter stays at that post (and must keep in contact with it)
until the next ball is bowled. As soon as the ball leaves the bowler's hand,
such a batter can run to the next post, if they wish.

● A batter who continues in this way and reaches the fourth post scores a

After both sides have played both innings, the side with the most rounders wins.

Rules of Rounders Quiz
T or False (2 points each)

_____ ​Batter is out if they do not run on the outside of the roles

_____ If the batter hits the ball and reaches the second post, a rounder is score

_____ ​If the ball is hit behind the batting square or not hit at all, the batter may
can only run to first base.

_____ ​The batter can still run even if they do not hit the ball

Multiple Choice (3 points each)

How many innings are played in a full game?

A. 4
B. 1
C. 3
D. 2

Define ‘sumped’
A. When a ball is caught
B. When a batter reaches all poles in an at bat
C. When a batter is unable to hit the ball
D. When a fielder touches the pole with the ball before the runner gets there

If the ball is hit behind the batting square…

A. The batter is called out
B. The batter can only run to first base
C. The batter must keep running until they are tagged
D. The batter can only run to second base

Fill In The Blank (3 points each)

The innings are over when all the batting players are either _______ or at a base
so that there is _______ left to bat. (6 points)

If the batter hits the ball and reaches the second post, a ____________ is

The pitcher must throw the ball to the batter ​__________.

Answer Key
True/ False Questions (2 points each)

Multiple Choice (3 points each)

Fill In the Blank (3 points each)

Out, No one

Half- rounder


Team Statistics
Team Spain

Batting Average Fielding % Errors

Corey Dylan .324 100% 0

Aaron Carter .389 75% 3

Jen Williams .426 75% 1

Nicole Cross .157 68% 1

Matt Ryan .269 100% 3

Dylan Cars .389 65% 2

Team France:

Batting Average Fielding % Errors

Kelly Emmer .321 100% 2

Brian Bent .246 65% 1

Rachel Adams .433 85% 1

Emily Andrews .389 100% 1

Kyle Marks .314 100% 2

Mark Gill .298 85% 2

Team Germany:

Batting Average Fielding % Errors

Olivia Smith .211 75% 3

Tony Randel .317 75% 3

Nathan Grey .238 65% 5

Alyssa James .376 60% 4

Jason Cook .134 100% 0

Brandon Rogers .311 65% 2

Team Russia:

Batting Average Fielding % Errors

Colin Masters .240 100% 1

Ryan Bell .193 75% 2

Ashley Perkins .153 65% 3

Brett Andrews .245 60% 3

Paige Campbell .267 65% 3

Kayla Kapness .312 85% 1

Team Australia:

Batting Average Fielding % Errors

James Rich .312 87% 2

Talia Loda .342 90% 1

Amanda Riley .211 75% 2

Adam Key .265 63% 2

Mike Allen .148 50% 4

Mackenzie Izzy .199 100% 0

Skills Challenge

Home Run Derby

Each team will select 3 players to participate in the home run derby. The
remaining 3 players on each team will cheer for the teammates and help out, they
also must participate in the next skills challenge.

Teams should choose their three best power hitters for this activity. Each player
will receive 6 strikes. They must try to hit the ball, over the row of cones places in
the outfield to be considered a home run, and 1 point for their team. If the ball
does not travel over the cones, that is an out. The home run derby will have two
rounds (everyone will bat twice). The other players on each team who are not
playing will be needed in the field to shag the rounds balls. A designated pitcher
and catcher are also needed. At the end of the two rounds, teams will total up all
their points collected (home runs). The team with the most points after the two
rounds, wins.

● If the ball is hit over the cones, it is a home run

● One designated pitcher
● The ball cannot roll over the cones, that does not count
● If players are not batting or pitching, they will be fielding and collecting the
rounders balls hit


From Team Australia:

Outs Homeruns

Talia Loda 8 4

James Rich 10 2

Adam Key 7 5

From Team Germany:

Outs Homeruns

Olivia Smith 9 3

Jason Cook 5 7

Brandon Rogers 12 0

From Team Russia:

Outs Homeruns

Ryan Bell 6 6

Paige Campbell 11 1

Kayla Kapness 8 4

From Team France:

Outs Homeruns

Brian Bent 9 3

Mark Gill 4 8

Emily Andrews 12 0

From Team Spain:

Outs Homeruns

Nicole Cross 6 6

Matt Ryan 8 4

Corey Dylan 11 1

Skills Challenge

● One student participating in the challenge from each team will face each
other (3 rounds to start).
● The students participating at the time will stand in a half circle around the
● The teacher will use a bat to bunt the ball to the students. The students
must cleanly field the ball and lightly toss it back to the teacher.
● If the students bobble (drop or misplay) the ball, they are out. The winner
of each game will move on to the next round.
The last student standing, wins.

● Students surround the teach

● The teacher goes around the circle, in order moving from student to

From Team Spain:

From Team France:


From Team Russia:


From Team Germany:


From Team Australia:



Round 1: Round 2: Winner:

Brett Brett

Rachel Rachel
James Aaron

Aaron Aaron

Last Hoorah
Daily Fitness Times 
Today concluded the exciting season of rounds in Coach Rachel’s physical education

class. The student have been working and training very hard in their teams all year and the

improvement was really shown in the skill challenges. All students did an excellent job

fulfilling their roles on their teams.

Captains have spent long hours planning practices, and motivating their

teammates. Managers have worked hard to create strategies for their team. Statisticians

have kept up on updating the teacher with each individual's averages and percentages.

Umpires studied to be prepared, knowing all rules of the game, to create a fair playing

environment. Scorekeepers remained alert during all games, and had the final scores

available shortly after the competition. Commentators stayed busy, interviewing players,

and discussing gameplay.

In the end, it was team France that came up on top. They finished the season with

an impressing 7-0 record. We interview France captain, Rachel Adams after the game. We

asked her what exactly she thought it was that helped lead their team to success. Rachel

replies, “We had a very skilled team from the start and we knew that. We were able to

quickly note or teams strengths and weaknesses and as the captain, I created drills to target

our weaknesses. We were able to motivate and inspire each other to work our hardest”.

Coach Rachel was also interviewed on the classes season overall, “This was a very

fun season. All teams worked very hard no matter what their record was. Rounders is a

very difficult sport and not many are familiar with, the fact that all students were will to

put in the hard work made for a great season”. All teams found success at one point in the

season. This was a great unit and it would have never been possible without a great class.

Thank you to Coach Rachel for all of her planning and work put into this season.


Massachusetts​. S.l.: S.n., 1981. ​Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum

Framework​. Massachusetts Department of Education, Oct. 1999. Web. 8 Feb. 2015.

Couturier, Lynn, Stevie Chepko, and Shirley Ann. Holt/Hale. ​National Standards &
Grade-level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education.​ Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics,
2014. Print.


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