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Detailed Lesson Plan in Readings in Philippine History

I. Objectives:
At the end of the discussion, students are expected to:
a. explain what is historical significance;
b. identify and demonstrate the criteria on assessing the historical
significance of sources;
c. examine critically the issues on assessing the historical significance; and
d. share with the class the importance of identifying historical significance
of the text.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Subject: Historical Significance
Topic Outline:
a. Historical Significance
b. Criteria on Assessing the Historical Significance of Source
c. Issues on Assessing the Historical Significance
B. References: Readings in Philippine History pp. 56-57
C. Resources: Manila Paper, Fact Sheets, Felt Tip Pen, Scotch Tape, Pictures,
Laptop, LCD Projector, Speaker

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Knowledge
a. Prayer
b. Checking of Attendance
c. Review

Good morning, class! Good morning, ma’am!

How are you this morning? We’re fine, ma’am!

Prepared by: Khaira Racel Jay A. Pucot 1

Detailed Lesson Plan in Readings in Philippine History

I am glad to hear that. Before anything

else let me introduce myself first. I am
teacher Khaira and I will be your
teacher this morning.

I know you learned a lot in our

discussion last meeting.
What was our topic last meeting? Content, Context, and Subtext,
Right! Last meeting, we discussed
about Content, Context, and Subtext.

To further know if you really learn the

topic that we had discussed last
meeting, we will play a game called
“Answer the Statement to See Photo” I
need 10 volunteers to answer each
question so that the picture will reveal.

1. The circumstances that form the

setting for an event, statement, or
idea, and in terms of which it can
be fully understood and assessed. Context

2. It consists primarily in breaking

down or analyzing concepts into
their constituent parts in order to
gain knowledge or a better
understanding of a particular
philosophical issue in which the
concept is involved. Conceptual Analysis

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Readings in Philippine History

3. An analysis of text (in whatever

medium, including multi-media)
that helps us to asses that text
within the context of its historical
and cultural setting, but also in
terms ot its textuality- or the
qualities that characterize the text Contextual Analysis
as a text.

4. A research method for studying

documents and communication
artifacts, which can be texts of
various formats, pictures, and audio Content Analysis
or video.

5. It embraces the emotional or

intellectual messages embedded in,
or implied by the document or Subtext

Great! It is clear that all of you really

understood the discussion last meeting
and congratulations to each and every
one. Let’s give ourselves a round of
d. Motivation

At this moment we will have an another

activity entitled “Book key”. I will divide
the class into two groups. This will be
the group 1 (right side) and this will be
the group 2 (left side). Each group will
be given envelope that contains books
and each book has a letter. All you
need to do is to fix the scramble letters.
Aside from that, there are pictures that
tacked on the board that will help you
on fixing.

Am I understood, class? Yes ma’am!

Prepared by: Khaira Racel Jay A. Pucot 3

Detailed Lesson Plan in Readings in Philippine History

What are the “fixed” words? Historical and Significance

Very good!

What can you say about the fixed

words? Based upon the words, I can say
that we will be discussing about
the Historical Significance.

B. Process
a. Presentation of the Topic

This morning, we will be discussing

about Historical Significance and the
concepts under this topic.

b. Setting of Standards

But before we start the discussion,

what are the things or attitude that
should be done by a good student in
the classroom while the teacher is in Listen to the teacher!
front? Taking down notes!
Participate in the activities!
Very good! Another? Stop talking!
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Detailed Lesson Plan in Readings in Philippine History

Yes, ma’am!
Can I expect That from you, class?

Then, great!

c. Discussion

Okay, at this moment I will divide the

class in to 3 groups. The group will be
base on the color of your nametags.
The first group is Red Team:
Gryffindor, the second group is the
Yellow Team: Hufflepuff, and the
third group is the Blue Team:
Yes, ma’am!
Do you understand, class?

I will give each group an envelope

which contains fact sheets to be your
basis or the source of your performance
and the materials to be use in the Yes, ma’am!
Am I clear, class?
Now, I need one representative from
each group to get the envelope.

And now, you can start.

Red Team: Gryffindor

Historical Significance

Spider Concept Map

Instructions: Read the given fact sheets and plucked out important terms
and information’s that describes what is historical significance and put it in

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Readings in Philippine History

The concept map and then present it to the class.

Guide Questions:
1. What is historical significance?
2. What are the characteristics of historical significance?
3. Why is that historical significance is important to the authors and historians?
4. Why is that historical significance plays a big role in shaping our values,
interest and knowledge?

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Readings in Philippine History

Yellow Team: Hufflepuff

Criteria on Assessing the Historical Significance of Sources

Umagang Kay Ganda

Instruction: Read the fact sheets about Criteria on Assessing the Historical
Significance of Sources and present in the class the criteria on assessing the
Historical Significance through “Talkshow: Magandang Buhay”. In the
presentation, there are three hosts representing Anthony Taberna, Winnie
Cordero, at Amy Perez.

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Readings in Philippine History

Guide Questions:
1. What is Relevance?
2. What is Resonance?
3. What is Remarkable?
4. What is Remembered?
5. What do you mean by Revealing?
6. What do you mean by Resulting in Change?
7. What is Durability?
8. What do you mean by Quantity?
9. What is the meaning of Profundity?

Blue Team: Ravenclaw

Issues on Assessing the Historical Significance

Binibining Pilipinas 2018

Instruction: Read the fact sheet about the Issues on Assessing the Historical
Significance and present in the class what are the issues on assessing historical
significance through “Binibining Pilipinas 2018”.

Prepared by: Khaira Racel Jay A. Pucot 8

Detailed Lesson Plan in Readings in Philippine History

Guide Questions:

1. What are different Issues on Assess the Historical Significance?

1.1. What is/are its impact to the people nowadays?

Content 35%
Presentation 35%
Cooperation 30%
Overall 100%

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Readings in Philippine History

d. Process Questions

What is historical significance Historical Significance is the

process used to describe what
was significant about selected
events, people and development
in the past.
Very good!

What are those criteria on assessing the

historical significance of sources? Relevance, Resonance,
Remarkable, Remembered,
Another? Resulting to change, Durability,
Quantity and Profundity.
What is relevance as an assessment of
historical sources? It is something still relevant to our
present lives even if it had only a
passing importance.
What is Profundity? It talks about how deeply people’s
lives are affected.
What do you mean by resulting in
change? It only means that it have a
consequences for the future.
Yes, you’re right!
What about Quantity? It talks about how many people
are affected of such event.
Very good!

Based on what you have learned how

can we give value on the historical
events in the past? By being thankful to our fallen
heroes and continuing their
advocacy in freeing our country
from harm and avoiding it to
happen again.

Prepared by: Khaira Racel Jay A. Pucot 10

Detailed Lesson Plan in Readings in Philippine History

C. Understanding
a. Generalization

What did you learn in our discussion I learned about the importance of
this morning? our historical text and how it
should be treasured as a part of
us in the society.

What can you say about how the

current generation values our historical
documents and texts? For me as a student it is rare to
see students valuing our historical
documents because of their
exposure to foreign things.

Why do we need to know the criteria’s

used by the historians in establishing a
significance of events. So that we as students well get to
know these criteria’s and will be
mindful enough on historical texts
and their significance.

What can you say in the issue on Well I can say that it is basically
History is written by the victor? true because most countries who
have a colorful history are the
influential countries in the past,
and they are boasting it in their
What can you say on this statement,
“Historical significance is relative and
varies from location to location and
generation to generation.”? This statement is true what is
significant to other places may not
be as significant to others that’s
why we can say that it is relative.
For example the history of the
Filipino people about the
Philippine independence it is
historically significant to us but
not to other countries such as
Prepared by: Khaira Racel Jay A. Pucot 11
Detailed Lesson Plan in Readings in Philippine History

United states etc.,

b. Valuing

As a student why is that it is important

to know the significant events in the Because the past engraved a
past? lesson to every Filipinos that it is
hard to become a colony of the
country and that we have the
right to enjoy liberty.

As a student why is that we need to

identify the historical significance of a So that we will know why it
certain historical document. became a significant part on the
historical text documents and help
us make judgments about its

c. Evaluating

Direction: Identify the following statement.

1. It is something still relevant to our present lives even if it only had passing
2. It is the process used to describe what was significant about selected events,
people and development in the past.
3. It talks about the times span or how long haves peoples live been affected.
4. It talks about the numbers of people who were affected.
5. It talks about how deeply the people are affected.

Prepared by: Khaira Racel Jay A. Pucot 12

Detailed Lesson Plan in Readings in Philippine History

d. Assignment

Soft copy of the template was uploaded to the group page.

Hard copy of the template was given to the class mayor.

Direction: Surf or search in the internet or in the library a significant event

happen on the past and rate its significance. Use the Event’s Significance rating

Template: Rating an Event’s Significance

Prepared by: Khaira Racel Jay A. Pucot 13
Detailed Lesson Plan in Readings in Philippine History

Criteria Not at all significant Very Significant

Level of Significance 1 2 3 4 5
How notable it as at that (encircle the number to indicate level of significance)
time: Evidence:

Was it noticed at that time as

having importance?

How long did it exist or operate?

Level of Significance 1 2 3 4 5
How widespread and lasting (encircle the number to indicate level of significance)
the consequences were: Evidence:

How deeply felt it was?

How widespread was it?

How lasting were its affects?

Level of Significance 1 2 3 4 5
How symbolic it is: (encircle the number to indicate level of significance)
How has it been memorialized?

Does it represent a historical issue

or trend?

Considering the ratings above, this event is:

Not at all significant: No one need remember the event
Individually significant: Only the descendents and the family of the
involved should know about the event

Regionally significant: Most everyone in the region or who belongs to the

specific group(s) affected should know about the event
Nationally significant: Everyone in the country where it occurred should
Prepared by: Khaira Racel Jay A. Pucot 14
Detailed Lesson Plan in Readings in Philippine History

know about the event

Globally significant: Most everyone in the world should know about the


Prepared by: Khaira Racel Jay A. Pucot 15

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