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Conservation Genetics


Isolation by elevation: mitochondrial divergence among sky island

populations of Sacramento Mountain salamander (Aneides hardii)
Megan J. Osborne1 · Samantha J. Cordova1 · Alexander C. Cameron1 · Thomas F. Turner1

Received: 1 October 2018 / Accepted: 6 February 2019

© Springer Nature B.V. 2019

The Sacramento Mountain salamander (Aneides hardii) is a fully terrestrial plethodontid endemic to mountains in south-
central New Mexico. This species is of conservation concern but there is scant knowledge regarding the degree of genetic
divergence among populations. This information is vital for developing an appropriate species management strategy. To
address this issue, we generated sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and four nuclear loci to explore
population demographic history. Cytochrome b data revealed three deeply divergent (2.3–2.8%) mitochondrial lineages
corresponding to distinct mountains (Capitan, White, and Sacramento). Divergence dates suggest separation since the early
Pleistocene, and signatures of population expansion in the mid to late Pleistocene. Of 25 haplotypes identified, none were
shared among mountains, but genetic diversity differed among mitochondrial lineages and suggested different demographic
histories within lineages. A single microsatellite locus identified private alleles in each of the three lineages. Other nuclear
loci screened were invariant within and among populations, which corresponds to a lower mutation rate compared with
mtDNA. Together these results indicate that each mountain population of A. hardii represents a demographically and geneti-
cally distinct management unit.

Keywords  Demographic history · Fragmentation · Gene flow · Management unit · Mitochondrial DNA · Plethodontidae ·
Sky islands

Introduction more mesic environments (Warshall 1995; Holycross and

Douglas 2007). Intervening ‘seas’ of inhospitable habitat act
In arid regions of the southwestern United States and north- as major barriers to movement and impede colonization of
ern Mexico, climatic oscillations during the late Pleistocene adjacent mountains. Sky island complexes represent unique
induced major shifts in habitat availability. Warm inter- biological systems and can be centers of endemism and
glacial periods reduced forested habitat to high-elevation harbor high species diversity (Warshall 1995; McCormak
refugia accompanied by extensive desertification at lower 2009). Species comprising these complexes are susceptible
elevations (Thompson and Anderson 2000; Smith and Far- to effects of global climate change (Parmesan 2006; Sorte
rell 2005) resulting in formation of isolated habitats known and Jetz 2010; Lyons et al. 2016) because they have small
as sky islands (Warshall 1995). Sky islands are vertically geographic ranges, are demographically isolated and cannot
arranged biotic communities distributed along a strong eco- escape the effects of warming by migrating northward (Wil-
logical gradient, from lower and more xeric, to elevated and son et al. 2007; Moritz et al. 2008; Sekercioglu et al. 2008)
or by moving upslope.
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this Divergence of sky island populations has been docu-
article (https​://​2-019-01155​-7) contains mented in a variety of taxa, including plants (Boyd 2002),
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. arthropods (Masta 2000; Dyer and Jaenike 2005; Smith and
Farrell 2005), birds (McCormack et al. 2008) and reptiles
* Megan J. Osborne (Holycross and Douglas 2007). Consequences of isolation
among sky islands are particularly evident in terrestrial
Department of Biology and Museum of Southwestern ectotherms characterized by a narrow range of thermal tol-
Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, erances and limited vagility (e.g. Polato et al. 2018). One

Conservation Genetics

such species is the fully terrestrial Sacramento Mountain A. hardii, with multiple sampling sites per mountain range
salamander (Aneides hardii) that is endemic to three disjunct (Fig. 1). We isolated DNA using a standard proteinase-K
mountain ranges in south-central New Mexico including the digestion and phenol/chloroform isolation method (Hillis
Capitan, White, and Sacramento Mountains, located east of et al. 1996). We amplified a 741-bp segment of the mito-
the Madrean Sky Island archipelago. Yet, to our knowledge chondrial cytochrome b gene and 602 base pairs of the
only a single study has investigated patterns of genetic diver- ND4 gene using primers developed specifically for this
gence in this taxon. This study used allozymes and suggested study using A. hardii sequences available on GenBank
relatively low divergence among mountains top populations (AY728226.1). Polymerase Chain Reactions (PCRs) com-
of A. hardii (Pope and Highton 1980). Genetic isolation of prised template DNA, 1X Promega Flexi TAQ reaction
sky island populations raises management concerns that buffer, 2 mM MgCl2, 0.8 mM dNTPs, 0.5 µM of forward
mirror those observed in anthropogenically fragmented (ND4: Anhard_nd4F 5′GGT​ ATG ​ G AA​ T TA​ T TC ​ G AG​
populations including erosion of standing genetic diversity, TAAC and Anhard_nd4R 5′CCT​GAR​ATT​AAC​TCT​GGT​
reduced adaptive potential, and elevated risk of inbreeding TTA; Cytochrome b: Anhard cytbF 5′AGT​ACA​CAT​TTG​
depression (Frankham et al. 2009). However, in contrast to CCG​CGA​TG and Anhard_cytb1R 5′ACT​GGT​TGG​CCT​
recently fragmented populations, sky island populations CCA​ATT​CA) and reverse primer (ND4 or Cytochrome b),
can be isolated over geological time scales and are often and 0.5 U of TAQ polymerase. For cytochrome b and ND4,
highly divergent and independently evolving entities. Hence, PCR cycling conditions were: 90 °C initial denaturation for
describing relationships among populations is imperative, 2 minutes (min) followed by 30 cycles of 90 °C for 30 s (s),
particularly as A. hardii is a species of conservation concern 60 °C for 30 s, and 72 °C for 40 s, plus a final elongation
in New Mexico and populations represent the basic units for step of 72 °C for 15 min. PCR products were purified using
conservation and management (Waples and Gaggiotti 2006). the OMEGA CyclePure Kit. DNA was sequenced using the
We sought to determine the degree of population struc- Applied Biosystems BigDye Cycle Sequencing Kit (version
ture in A. hardii both within and among sky islands. We 1.1) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. PCR prod-
hypothesized that the main source of population fragmen- ucts were sequenced, and raw DNA sequence reads were
tation in A. hardii are the low-elevation barriers between edited and aligned using the software program Sequencher®
sky island populations that have existed since the onset of (version 5.4.6). Two tandem gene duplications within the
the most recent interglacial period (~ 11.5 kya). Divergence mitochondrial genome have been documented previously,
dates older than this would suggest that gene flow was also one occurring at the base of the Aneides clade and a second
restricted during glacial periods; when dispersal corridors specific to A. hardii (Mueller et al. 2004; Mueller and Boore
presumably existed. We also described genetic diversity 2005). Results from recent work indicate that the genomic
within populations with respect to their demographic his- region where ND4 resides, and cytochrome b, are both
tory. Finally, we attempted to identify if populations of A. duplicated in A. hardii (Chong and Mueller 2017). Evalua-
hardii fit criteria for recognizing evolutionary significant tion of our ND4 sequence data identified widespread, intra-
units (ESUs; i.e., reciprocal monophyly in mitochondrial individual polymorphism, which is a signature consistent
gene tree and significant divergence among nuclear genes; with the gene duplications identified by Chong and Mueller
Mortiz 1994) and/or management units (i.e., divergent (2017). For this reason, we only present results based on
mtDNA/nucDNA and demographic independence; Mortiz cytochrome b, as amino acid translations of these sequences
1994; Palsboll et al. 2007). indicated amplification of the functional copy of the gene.
In addition to mtDNA loci, we sequenced three nuclear
loci (nucDNA) for a subset of individuals from each local-
Methods ity per mountain (n = 5 per sample locality) to maximize
the chance of detecting variation. Nuclear loci sequenced
Study Species—A. hardii is reliant on moist microhabitat included recombination activating 2 gene (RAG2; 607 bp),
(e.g., coarse woody debris and talus rock deposits) associ- Sushi Von Willebrand Factor Type A EGF and Pentraxin
ated with spruce-fir forests and alpine tundra found at eleva- Domain Containing 1 gene (SVEP1, 502 bp), and C-X-C
tions of 2400–3570 m (Petranka 1998). Similar to other ter- motif chemokine receptor 4 gene (CXCR4; 531 bp) origi-
restrial plethodontids and amphibians in general, the extent nally described in Shen et al. (2013). Three other genes
to which A. hardii can disperse is constrained by desiccation were tested including dispatched RND transporter fam-
risk, so arid expanses of piñon-juniper woodland separat- ily member 2 (DISP2, 1100 bp), dolichol kinase (DOLK,
ing mountains are presumably highly effective barriers to 672 bp) and FIC domain containing (FICD, 510 bp) genes
dispersal (Watling and Braga 2015). (Shen et al. 2013) but these did not amplify well. The
Genetic Sampling—Samples (3–5 mm tail tips) were final suite of genes was selected because they had been
collected from 212 individuals encompassing the range of shown to have a high substitution rate when tested across

Conservation Genetics

Fig. 1  Digital elevation map depicting the arrangement of the sam- Genetic samples span the entirety of the geographic range as this spe-
pled Aneides hardii localities within the Capitan, White and Sacra- cies is endemic to these three mountains located in south-central New
mento Mountains located in Lincoln and Otero Co., New Mexico. Mexico

salamander species (Shen et al. 2013), amplified a product Geneious vers 9.1.2 (Biomatters) was used to align and
in A. hardii, and captured variation between individuals edit raw DNA sequence reads.
in other Aneides species. We attempted to increase primer Lastly, we used cross species amplification of micros-
specificity by redesigning primer pairs for each locus using atellites developed for other plethodontid salamanders.
available sequence data from other members of Aneides We selected 84 microsatellite loci from the literature rep-
including A. hardii via GenBank (Shen et al. 2013, 2015; resenting eastern and western members of Plethodon and
Reilly and Wake 2015). For all nucDNA loci, PCR was Aneides (Connors and Cabe 2003; De Gross 2004; Spatola
conducted at 30 µl total volume and contained 3 µl tem- et al. 2013; J.J. Apodaca unpublished). A single polymor-
plate DNA, 1X Promega Flexi TAQ reaction buffer, 2 mM phic microsatellite, Plel111 (DeGross 2004), amplified
­MgCl2, 0.8 mM dNTPs, 0.2 µM of forward primer, 0.2 µM consistently. All other primer pairs either did not amplify,
of reverse primer and 0.225 U of TAQ polymerase. PCR did not amplify consistently, were monomorphic, or did not
cycling conditions for RAG2 and CXCR4 consisted of ini- appear to amplify a repetitive sequence in A. hardii. We
tial denaturation at 94 °C for 4 min followed by 30 cycles assayed Plel111 across populations as a preliminary point
of 94 °C for 45 s, 40 s at 57.1 °C dropping 0.2 °C per of comparison with previously collected allozyme data but
cycle, and 72 °C for 2 min, followed by a final elongation recognize that drawing conclusions from a single locus is
step of 72 °C for 10 min. Cycling conditions were identical tenuous. Polymerase chain reactions for Plel111 contained
for SVEP1 except that annealing began at 59.4 °C drop- 10 µl total volume contained the following: 3 µl template
ping 0.1 °C per cycle. PCR products were purified using DNA, 1X Promega FlexiTAQ reaction buffer, 2 mM MgCl2,
the OMEGA CyclePure Kit. DNA was sequenced using 0.8 mM dNTPs, 0.5 µM of forward primer labeled (5′ GTA​
the Applied Biosystems BigDye Cycle Sequencing Kit TCA​CCC​CAC​TCA​CTT​TGCTA) and reverse primer (5′
(version 1.1) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. GTA​T GT ​ C CA​ C TG ​ C TC ​ GTC ​ T TT ​ C TT ​ ) , and 0.5 U of

Conservation Genetics

TAQ polymerase. PCR cycling conditions were: 90 °C ini- package pegas (Paradis 2010; R Core Team 2013). Weir
tial denaturation for 2 min followed by 30 cycles of 90 °C for and Cockerham’s (1984) analysis of molecular variance
30 s, 60 °C for 30 s, and 72 °C for 40 s, plus a final elonga- (AMOVA) based on haplotype frequencies as implemented
tion step of 72 °C for 15 min. Fragment size analysis was in ARLEQUIN vers. 3.5 (Excoffier and Lischer 2010) was
conducted on an ABI3130 automated capillary sequencer used to examine the partitioning of genetic variance among
by combining 1 µl of PCR product with 10 µl of formamide mountain tops (ϕCT), among sites within a mountain top
and 0.4 µl of HD1000 size standard, which was denatured at (ϕSC), and among sites (ϕST). We also calculated pairwise
93 °C for 5 min. Genotype data were scored in GENEMAP- ϕST among sampling localities. Significance was assessed
PER vers 4. 0 (Applied Biosystems). by 10,000 bootstrap replicates.

Statistical Analysis—Genetic Diversity

Lineage divergence estimates
To determine the most appropriate model of DNA sequence
evolution for cytochrome b, we used jModeltest (Posada We used the software program BEAST vers 2.5.1 (Bouckaert
2008) to evaluate alternative models using corrected Akaike et al. 2014) to estimate divergence times among three line-
information criteria (Hurvich and Tsai 1989). Results from ages of A. hardii: Sacramento, White and Capitan Moun-
jModeltest revealed the Kimura two parameter model tains. We used the rate of substitution for cytochrome b as
(Kimura 1980) as the most appropriate model of sequence estimated by Mueller (2006) to implement the substitution
evolution which was implemented in subsequent analyses prior for generating divergence estimates among lineages.
when appropriate. We used MEGA (Kumar et al. 2016) to We used a normal distribution for the clock rate with a rate
calculate the mean, uncorrected percent sequence divergence of 0.62 (SD = 0.16) substitutions per nucleotide site per
within and between mountain top populations. We calculated 100 million years (Mueller 2006) and did not include an
standard measures of genetic diversity, including haplotype outgroup as suggested by Drummond and Bouckaert (2015).
diversity (h, Nei 1987), number of haplotypes and haplo- We employed the Kimura two parameter model of sequence
type richness (­ HR) for mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b evolution under a strict clock model and a coalescent con-
sequences with the software program Contrib (Petit et al. stant population prior. Brown and Yang (2011) suggest that
1998). Haplotype richness ­(HR) is calculated using rarefac- a strict clock is most appropriate for shallow phylogenies
tion to account for differences in sample size among col- because of minimal rate variation among branches. We
lections. All statistics are reported for each mountain top conducted three independent runs of 50 million genera-
population. We also estimated haplotype frequency by col- tions, sampling every 5000 generations with the first 25%
lection locality. We used DNAsp vers. 5 (Librado and Rozas percent of trees discarded as burn-in. Effective sample size
2009) to calculate nucleotide diversity (π, Nei 1987), mean (ESS) and convergence were checked for each run via Tracer
nucleotide differences between sequences in the sample (k, vers1.7.1 (Rambaut et al. 2018). For each run, no ESS val-
Tajima 1983), the number of segregating (polymorphic) ues were < 200 and all runs appeared to have converged.
sites (S) and the number of mutations per site (θ, Nei 1987). Tree files from multiple runs were then concatenated using
MICROSATELLITETOOLKIT (add-in for Microsoft Excel, LogCombiner and the results were summarized using a
written by S. Park, available at http://anima​lgeno​mics.ucd. maximum clade credibility tree via the TreeAnnotator util-
ie/sdepa​rk/ms-toolk​it/) was used to check the data for scor- ity in BEAST. We used FigTree vers 1.4.4 to visual trees and
ing errors and to estimate additional diversity statistics, display mean node heights as well as 95% highest posterior
including observed heterozygosity (­ Ho), Nei’s unbiased gene densities (HPD). Divergence time estimates were calculated
diversity ­(He). GENEPOP (Raymond and Rousett 1995) was to provide a framework for understanding the separation of
used to test for departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilib- lineages. However, these estimates should be viewed with
rium (HWE), using the procedure of Guo and Thompson an appropriate level of caution given that they are based on
(1992). Average inbreeding coefficients (­ FIS) and allelic rich- a single gene tree, which may overestimate the age of line-
ness ­(AR) were obtained using FSTAT vers. (Goudet age separation.
1995). The number of private alleles ­(PA, alleles unique to We estimated a gene tree using MRBAYES vers 3.2.2
one population) per mountain range was calculated using with the Kimura two parameter model and implemented in
GenAlEx vers 6.5 (Peakall and Smouse 2006). the CIPRES Portal vers 3.3 cluster at the San Diego Super-
computer Center (Miller et  al. 2010). The analysis was
Population structure run for 1 × 107 generations with sampling of the Markov
chain every 100 generations. Of the resulting 100,000 trees,
To visualize relationships among A. hardii cytochrome 10,000 were discarded as burn-in. Support for nodes was
b sequences, we created haplotype networks using the R determined by posterior probabilities obtained from the

Conservation Genetics

majority-rule consensus tree visualized using program Results

FigTree vers 1.4.2 (Rambaut 2014).
Genetic diversity
Demographic history
Cytochrome b data were obtained from 212 A. har-
We examined A. hardii sequences for signals of recent dii individuals (Genbank Accession numbers:
demographic expansion or population bottlenecks using Fu MH908140–MH908164). The Sacramento Mountains
and Li’s D­ * (Fu and Li 1993) and Tajima’s D (Tajima 1989a, population had the highest h and ­HR (Table 1). The num-
b) using DNAsp (Librado and Rozas 2009). These statistics ber of variable sites (S) was the same in the Capitan and
are affected by selection and demographic processes (Tajima Sacramento Mountains populations, k and π were higher
1989a, b; Fu and Li 1993). We also calculated Fu’s Fs, which in the Capitan population (Table  1) indicative of more
compares the probability of the observed number of hap- divergent haplotypes. All diversity metrics calculated from
lotypes versus the expected number of haplotypes under cytochrome b were low in the White Mountains popula-
neutral conditions. These statistics were calculated for each tion (Table 1). No haplotypes were shared among mountain
mountain top population and significance was assessed using ranges (Table 2), and there were substantial haplotype fre-
10,000 coalescent simulations conducted in DNAsp (Lib- quency differences among sites within mountains ranges.
rado and Rozas 2009). We used Arlequin 3.5 (Excoffier and West Capitan individuals (n = 6) shared a single unique hap-
Lischer 2010) to conduct mismatch analyses (Harpending lotype (haplotype 8). The southern-most sampled locality
and Rogers 2000; Rogers and Harpending 1992). To test for (Timberon) had four haplotypes (haplotypes 7, 14, 15, 16)
demographic expansion against a null model of population that were not detected elsewhere in the Sacramento Moun-
stability, we used the raggedness index (­ R2, Ramos-Onsins tains (Table 2).
and Rozas 2002). A significant R ­ 2 value suggests popula- Nuclear sequence data revealed no variation among
tion expansion. We used the sum of squared deviations mountains for all loci (RAG2 [Genbank Accession:
between the observed and expected mismatch distributions MH929435], CXCR4 [Genbank Accession: MH932715],
to test for the signature of population stability (significant SVEP1 [Genbank Accession: MH929434]; results not
values indicate stability). Significance of these test statistics shown). The microsatellite locus conformed to Hardy–Wein-
were assessed with 1000 bootstrap replicates in Arlequin berg expectations in all populations. Gene diversity and
(Excoffier and Lischer 2010). Mismatch analysis also pro- heterozygosity were high for all populations (Table 1). The
vides the value tau (τ), which is a moment estimator that Capitan population had the highest allelic richness and num-
represents a unit of mutational time (Schenekar and Weiss ber of private alleles ­(PA = 15). Three of the private alleles
2011). This can be used to calculate the time since popu- detected in the Capitan Mountains were unique to West
lation expansion occurred (t) using the equation t = 𝜏∕2u Capitan. Values of F ­ IS ranged from 0.015 (Sacramento) to
where u is the cumulative probability of substitutions 0.120 (White).
(Schenekar and Weiss 2011). We used the excel spreadsheet
calculator (​w/misma​tchca​lc/
index​.php) to estimate the time since expansion using the Population structure
sequence divergence rate of 1.24% per million years (Muel-
ler 2006). The excel calculator converts this estimate into the Haplotype networks and the gene tree revealed groups of
cumulative number of substitutions per generation (assum- haplotypes that were unique to each mountain range (Fig. 2).
ing a generation time of 3 years) and provides an estimate There was strong statistical support for these groupings
of the time since expansion in years. (posterior probabilities = 1; Fig. 2b). P-distance was 2.8%

Table 1  Genetic diversity Population n Cytochrome b Plel111

statistics for the mitochondrial
cytochrome b gene and the Nhaps HR h π k S He Ho AR FIS PA
microsatellite Plel111 
Capitan 36 8 7.000 0.740 0.003 2.284 10 0.983 0.921 41.000 0.064 15
White 68 4 2.800 0.632 0.002 1.162 3 0.958 0.851 29.420 0.120 7
Sacramento 108 13 8.600 0.796 0.002 1.474 9 0.953 0.939 26.310 0.015 3

The following metrics are presented: sample size (n), number of haplotypes (­Nhaps), haplotype richness
­(HR), haplotype diversity (h), nucleotide diversity (π), mean nucleotide differences between sequences in
the sample (k) and number of segregating sites (S). For the microsatellite gene diversity ­(He), observed
heterozygosity ­(Ho), allelic richness ­(AR), inbreeding co-efficient (­ FIS) and number of private alleles ­(PA)

Conservation Genetics

Table 2  Sample size (n) and haplotype frequencies by collection locality and mountain range
Haplotype Capitan White Sacramento
West East Big Bear Ski Apache Observatory Rio Peñasco Rd Russia Canyon Timberon
n = 6 n = 30 n = 25 n = 43 n = 29 n = 26 n = 28 n = 25

1 – – – – – 0.577 – –
2 – – – – – 0.115 – –
3 – – – – 0.034 – 0.357 –
4 – 0.267 – – – – – –
5 – – 0.400 – – – – –
6 – – 0.600 0.442 – – – –
7 – – – – – – – 0.040
8 1.000 – – – – – – –
9 – 0.033 – – – – – –
10 – 0.033 – – – – – –
11 – – – 0.512 – – – –
13 – – – – 0.828 – 0.500 0.200
14 – – – – – – – 0.200
15 – – – – – – – 0.520
16 – – – – – – – 0.040
17 – – – 0.047 – – – –
18 – – – – 0.034 0.192 – –
19 – – – – – 0.115 0.036 –
20 – – – – 0.103 – – –
21 – – – – – – 0.071 –
22 – – – – – – 0.036 –
23 – 0.533 – – – – – –
24 – 0.067 – – – – – –
25 – 0.067 – – – – – –
26 – 0.033 – – – – – –

between Capitan and White, 2.5% between Capitan and Sac- ~ 162,000–198,000 years ago for the Sacramento and White
ramento, and finally, 2.3% between White and Sacramento Mountains populations to ~ 516,000 years ago for Capitan
Mountain populations. AMOVA analysis indicated that a Mountains. Fu and Li’s D* and Tajima’s D did not differ
significant proportion of variance could be attributed to dif- significantly from zero for any of the mountain top popula-
ferences between mountain tops (ϕCT = 0.140, p = 0.02), as tions (Table 4). Fu’s Fs was significantly negative in the
well as to differences between sampling localities within Sacramento Mountains population indicative of historical
each mountain top (ϕSC = 0.370, p = 0.0001). Pairwise ϕST population expansion (Table 4), however, we found little
values calculated between sampling localities were all highly evidence for population expansion via the 𝜏 and R ­ 2 statis-
significant (i.e., p < 0.0001, Table 3). tics (Table 5). Moreover, comparisons of observed mismatch
distributions (Supplementary Material) to those expected
Divergence time estimates and demographic history under sudden demographic expansion were not significant.

Estimated times of lineage divergence between mountain top

populations date to the early Pleistocene, with the Capitan Discussion
lineage diverging first, followed by White and Sacramento
Mountains populations (Fig. 2b). It is important to note Mitochondrial DNA sequence data support the presence
that these estimates should be viewed with the caveat that of three genetically distinct lineages restricted to each of
they are based on a single gene and are largely dependent the mountain ranges occupied by A. hardii; the Capitan,
on the rate of sequence evolution used in their calculation. White, and Sacramento Mountains. Estimates of diver-
The estimated time since population expansion ranged from gence times among lineages suggest separation since the

Conservation Genetics

Fig. 2  a Haplotype network depicting the relationship among each circles refer to the haplotype number and the size of each circle
mountaintop lineage (Green-Capitan Mountain, Red-White Moun- reflects haplotype frequency. b Divergence time (in millions of years)
tains, Blue-Sacramento Mountains), where different shades cor- between mitochondrial lineages with 95% highest probability den-
respond to sampling localities within each mountain range. Nucleo- sities shown below the branch nodes. Haplotype numbers present
tide substitutions are represented by dots. Numbers within the large within each mountain lineage are also included. (Color figure online)

Table 3  Pairwise ϕST among collection sites calculated based on haplotype frequencies

East Capitan West Capitan Big Bear Ski Apache Observatory Rio Peñasco Russia Canyon Timberon

East Capitan –
West Capitan 0. 528 –
Big Bear 0. 413 0. 634 –
Ski Apache 0.422 0. 610 0. 300 –
Observatory 0. 513 0. 756 0. 598 0. 578 –
Rio Peñasco 0. 357 0. 552 0. 436 0. 438 0. 532 –
Russia Canyon 0. 352 0. 543 0. 429 0. 432 0. 173 0. 365 –
Timberon 0. 335 0. 526 0. 413 0. 418 0. 417 0. 350 0. 272 –

All values were highly significant (p = 0.00001)

Table 4  Fu and Li’s D*, Population Fu and Li’s D* p Value Tajima’s D p Value Fu’s Fs p Value
Tajima’s D, and Fu’s Fs and
associated p-values Capitan − 0.294 0.371 − 0.161 0.494 − 0.499 0.450
White 0.861 0.746 1.668 0.944 1.603 0.816
Sacramento − 0.206 0.410 − 0.334 0.420 − 4.626 0.037

early Pleistocene. These data do not indicate secondary impede secondary contact. For example, first and second
contact between populations during recent glacial peri- order streams have been documented to influence patterns
ods. Isolation is likely a result of high site fidelity and of gene flow among populations of Eastern Red-backed
the tendency for plethodontids to be sedentary (Marvin Salamanders (Marsh et al. 2007).
2001). Landscape features could also serve as barriers to

Conservation Genetics

Table 5  Population expansion statistics and associated p-values cal- isolation of sky island populations where divergence was ten
culated from cytochrome b among mountain ranges times greater among sky islands compared to within island
Sudden demographic Spatial expansion divergence even though geographic distances between sites
expansion within an island were often greater than distances separating
τ R2 SSD R2 sky islands (Tennessen and Zamudio 2008).
Patterns of broad-scale fragmentation observed in A. har-
Capitan 4.742 0.100 0.041 0.100 dii contrast those of other montane plethodontids. For exam-
p Value 0.325 0.331 0.585 ple, Shepard and Burbrink (2009) reported significant diver-
White 2.156 0.115 0.019 0.115 gence among montane populations of Plethodon fourchensis,
p Value 0.321 0.348 0.593 with lineage divergence dating to the middle Pleistocene
Sacramento 1.474 0.081 0.012 0.061 and likely caused by fragmentation of a widely-distributed
p Value 0.425 0.101 0.052 ancestor. Their results suggested that P. fourchensis popula-
Statistics include: Tau (τ), raggedness statistic (­R2) where significant tions expanded during interglacial periods coinciding with
values are indicative of population expansion, and sum of squared the expansion of deciduous forests and contracted during
deviations (SSD) between the observed mismatch distribution and the glacial periods. This finding contrasts with environmental
expected distribution under a sudden demographic expansion model.
conditions of Madrean Sky Islands where range contrac-
Significant results support population stability
tions, and hence fragmentation of montane species, are
associated with interglacial periods. During these periods
Genetic diversity differed within major mitochondrial lin- pine-oak forests contracted thereby isolating populations
eages of A. hardii, with high diversity and deeper divergence on adjacent mountain tops (Smith and Farrell 2005; Masta
among haplotypes restricted to the Capitan Mountains, very 2000). We did not find evidence (e.g. shared haplotypes
low diversity in the White Mountains, and high diversity between mountain range populations) that populations
with low divergence among haplotypes in the Sacramento of A. hardii came into contact during more recent glacial
Mountains lineage. These results suggest different demo- periods when coniferous forests dominated the landscape
graphic histories within each lineage. In contrast to mtDNA, (Davis 1983). Thus, although movement may have extended
results from four nuclear loci investigated revealed all popu- downslope during cooler periods, mountain-top popula-
lations to be monomorphic with the exception of a single tions remained isolated from one another; possibly a result
microsatellite locus. The lack of nuclear variation may be a of other landscape features (rivers and streams) or limited
result of low mutation rate rather than the presence of gene dispersal ability of A. hardii.
flow. Pope and Highton (1980) also found that the majority Divergence times estimated here based on mitochondrial
of allozyme loci (16 of 21 assessed) were monomorphic data, are older than those obtained from allozymes (Pope and
across populations of A. hardii. Highton 1980). The order of divergence also differs between
studies. Allozyme data suggests a more recent connection
Broad scale fragmentation between Capitan and White mountain potentially explained
by closer geographic distance between these populations.
Our results support the recognition of three demographically In contrast, mitochondrial data indicates that the Capitan
and genetically distinct management units corresponding to lineage is the most divergent, while the Sacramento Moun-
each of the mountains occupied by A. hardii. This is consist- tains lineage is most closely related to the White Mountains.
ent with the idea that sky islands provided isolated refugia Greater sampling depth and more variable mitochondrial
during the warmer, interglacial periods. The degree of diver- markers may explain the discrepancy between studies. Addi-
gence and timing of isolation differs substantially among sky tional data from microsatellites and nuclear gene sequences
island taxa; presumably a result of varied life-histories and is needed to further explore both contemporary population
landscape features. For example, Mexican jays have high dynamics and evolutionary history of A. hardii.
site fidelity like A. hardii, and divergence predates extreme
glacial–interglacial cycles which have occurred over the past Inter and intrapopulation variation
700,000 years (McCormack et al. 2008). In contrast, diver-
gence times among New Mexico Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake Divergence time estimates suggest that the Capitan popula-
(Crotalus willardi obscurus) populations were much more tion is the oldest of the three mitochondrial lineages of A.
recent (i.e., Holocene) consistent with more recent gene hardii, which is consistent with the presence of more diver-
flow. In this case, the degree of genetic divergence observed gent haplotypes. Within the Capitan Mountains, the presence
among sky islands warranted recognition of multiple ESUs of private alleles/haplotypes between East and West moun-
(Holycross and Douglas 2007). Sequence divergence in the tain suggests a distinct break between these populations.
Striped Plateau Lizard (Sceloporus virgatus) also reflects the This is not surprising as West mountain is separated from

Conservation Genetics

the rest of the range by the low elevation Capitan Pass. Inter- population more severely than the number of variable sites
estingly, the habitat occupied by A. hardii differs between (Tajima 1989). Several other statistics (Fu’s Fs and ­R2) also
the East and West mountain populations. Specifically, the support historical expansion of the Sacramento population.
East mountain samples were collected in the vicinity of a Higher haplotype diversity in the Sacramento population
talus slope and most often from under rocks; habitat that was is also consistent with the apparently higher density (and
absent at the West Capitan site. Differences in the quality presumably higher genetic effective population size) of A.
of microhabitat available within the West and East Capitan hardii in the Sacramento Mountains. Indications of haplo-
sites may explain differences in local densities. Additionally, type frequency differences among sampling sites within the
the few samples that were obtained from the West Capitan Sacramento Mountains suggests that further examination
site were monomorphic, suggesting reduced diversity and with microsatellites may reveal finer scale structure.
possibly low effective population size in this population.
Further sampling in this area is warranted to monitor the Management implications
status of the population and to further characterize diver-
sity. The East Capitan site contrasts the West Capitan site in Phylogenetic information can identify genetically distinct
that the talus slope and surrounding forest harbored seven units, which is critical for informed conservation decision-
divergent haplotypes. Additional surveys on East mountain making. Based on the mtDNA data presented here, we
may also be warranted to further characterize diversity at recommend that A. hardii be recognized as three manage-
other locations, if additional A. hardii habitat and survey ment units corresponding to each of the inhabited mountain
sites can be identified. In contrast to our results, Pope and ranges: Capitan, White, and Sacramento. This recommen-
Highton (1980) found the lowest heterozygosity in the Capi- dation is based on following lines of evidence including:
tan population with three of the five loci fixed for a single (1) substantial divergence and reciprocal monophyly of a
variant. However, their sample size was also the lowest for mitochondrial gene, which suggests isolation of lineages
this collection and they only assessed variation in the East for 1–2 million years with no evidence of gene flow; (2) a
Capitan population. disjunct distribution, which means that population dynam-
The White Mountain population exhibited low levels of ics within each unit are completely independent of those in
mitochondrial diversity and highest inbreeding coefficient. other units. The degree of mitochondrial divergence between
Reduced mitochondrial diversity within the White Mountain populations of A. hardii is similar to that observed between
population is somewhat surprising given that the highest populations of other members of Aneides that have been des-
local density of A. hardii was observed at the Ski Apache ignated as ESUs (Reilly et al. 2012). While the nuclear data
site (n = 43). Tajima (1989b) found that the number of vari- set failed to meet criteria for recognition of ESUs, allozyme
able sites is influenced more strongly by the current size of data suggest differentiation across mountains in the nuclear
the population, than is sequence diversity. Reduced genetic genome (Pope and Highton 1980). Given the degree of geo-
diversity and relatively high local abundance in this popu- graphic isolation among populations and the limited disper-
lation may reflect a recent population bottleneck and sub- sal ability of A. hardii, the lack of nuclear divergence we
sequent population recovery. High-severity wildfires like observed is likely a function of a low mutation rate rather
the Little Bear Fire that impacted White Mountain in 2012, than the presence of gene flow among mountains. Purifying
affected salamander habitat and perhaps reduced salamander selection can also result in reduced polymorphism in por-
abundances in the area. Allozyme data showed similar levels tions of the genome (e.g. Palmer et al. 2010). Lack of recent
of diversity between the White and Sacramento populations, gene flow between mountain ranges is also supported by the
suggesting that the decline in diversity that was observed in presence of microsatellite alleles unique to each mountain
the White Mountain population has occurred very recently. (Capitan, White, and Sacramento). Investigating patterns
In contrast to the Capitan and White populations, the of differentiation with a different suite of nuclear markers
Sacramento population exhibits a star-like arrangement (e.g., microsatellites or SNPs) may be more reflective of
of haplotypes consistent with an expanding population of the degree of population connectivity as well as reveal fine-
more recent origin. Reduced genetic diversity in expand- scale population structuring within mountains. Nonetheless,
ing lineages has been documented in many taxa and is due some discordance has been documented between nuclear and
to the small number of founding organisms comprising mitochondrial markers on the location of breaks between
only a subset of the haplotype variation found throughout populations of other members of the Aneides clade. In
the ancestral range (Templeton 1998). Moreover, rapidly black salamanders (Aneides flavipunctatus), data suggested
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ramento population of A. hardii (Grant and Bowen 1998). north. This pattern would occur if there was male-biased
Nucleotide diversity is affected by the size of the ancestral northward dispersal which would carry new nuclear alleles

Conservation Genetics

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