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Materials Chemistry and Physics 217 (2018) 90–97

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Improvement of physical and mechanical properties of geopolymer through T

addition of zircon
M.F. Zawraha,∗, Rabiee S. Faragb, M.H. Kohailb
National Research Centre, Ceramics Department, 12622-Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
Al Azhar University, Faculty of Science, Chemistry Department, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt


• Zircon up to 10 g/100 g metakaolin

improved microstructure and me-
chanical properties.
• No new phases were formed upon the
addition of zircon.
• Zircon didn't participate in geopoly-
merization reaction.
• Zircon entered between polysialate
networks and formed a rigid micro-
• Higher content of zircon (15 g/100 g
kaolin) lowered the compressive


Keywords: To improve physical and mechanical properties of geopolymer, an attempt to incorporate zircon-ZrSiO4 with
Geopolymer aluminum silicates in the matrix was addressed. Five geoploymer pastes containing different zircon contents
Zircon were prepared from Egyptian kaolin with alkali activators. XRF, XRD, FTIR and SEM attached with EDX unit
Metakaolin were used to investigate raw materials and prepared geopolymer. Bulk density and apparent porosity were tested
Compressive strength
according to Archimedes principle. Compressive strength of prepared geopolymer was also examined. XRD re-
sults indicated that no interconnected phases were formed between added zircon and starting aluminum silicates
or alkali activators. The presence of zircon up to 10 g/100 g metakaolin, led to improving the microstructure of
prepared geopolymer. Zircon entered between the polysialate networks and formed a rigid microstructure. This
consequently returned on compressive strength. The compressive strength was increased with increasing zircon
content up to 10 g per100 g metakaolin, and then decreased with higher zircon content. The maximum obtained
compressive strength value was 74 MPa for the sample that contains 10 g zircon. Addition of higher amount of
zircon (15 g/100 g metakaolin) hinders the progress of geopolymerization reaction to take place and conse-
quently decreases the compressive strength.

1. Introduction over the world [1]. Active minerals that contain mostly silica and
alumina in amorphous or semi crystalline forms could be used as a
Geopolymer technology has been developed and accelerated in a source for production of geopolymer after addition of alkali solutions.
short time and received great deal of interest by many researchers all Kaolin is the main mineral in the earth that can be used as precursor for

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.F. Zawrah).
Received 21 April 2018; Received in revised form 5 June 2018; Accepted 10 June 2018
Available online 19 June 2018
0254-0584/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.F. Zawrah et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics 217 (2018) 90–97

geopolymer fabrication. Kaolin is converted into active metakaolin by by calcination at 850 °C for 2 hs in electric furnace to convert it into
calcination at about 850 °C which leads to dehydroxylation and active amorphous metakaolin to increase its activity toward geopolymeriza-
aluminosilicate formation according to the following equation: tion reaction. The final mean particle size (D50) of metakaolin was
Al2Si2O5(OH)4→Al2Si2O7 + 2H2O [2–5]. The reaction of alumino-si- 26 μm. Pure zircon with mean particle size (D50) 1.92 μm was used. A
licate with alkali solutions involves dissolution, diffusion and poly- technical grade sodium silicate was purchased from Egyptian Saudi
condensation processes yielding geopolymer matrix (polysialate Company for chemical industries, Badr city, Egypt. It composed of
forming species) with empirical formula: Mn{-(SiO2)z-AlO2}n, wH2O in 31.04% SiO2, 15.96% Na2O, and 53% H2O. SiO2/Na2O weight ratio is
which M is an alkali atom, z is 1, 2 or 3 and n is the degree of poly- equal to 1.94 and its density is 1.51 g/cm3 at 25 °C. Analytical grade
merization or polycondensation [2,3,6,7]. The nature and amounts of sodium hydroxide pellets (NaOH) with purity 99% made in India was
starting aluminum silicates and alkali solutions effect on the extent of used for preparing NaOH solution with concentration equals 8 mol/L.
dissolution and consequently on the composition as well as properties 8M NaOH and sodium silicate solutions were mixed together with
of the fabricated geopolymer. 1:2 vol ratio, then kept for 48 h at room temperature to ensure good
Depending on their properties, the addition of new type of filler activation of the alkaline solution toward reaction.
materials could improve one or more properties of geopolymer through
chemical reaction or physical changes. The additives might be organic 2.2. Procedure of preparing geopolymer samples
or inorganic materials, solid or liquid, fine or coarse powders, micro or
nano particles in different shapes and so on. The additive selection At the beginning, zircon was mixed with metakaolin by mechanical
depends on the property wanted to be improved and the final appli- mixer for 3 h unless ensuring of homogeneity. Then, the alkaline solu-
cation [8–10]. Inorganic additives can homogenate with inorganic raw tion was added to the designed mixes and mixed by mechanical mixer
materials better than organic additives and they may be favorable for to complete homogeneity of the paste. The designed compositions are
undergoing elevated temperatures [8,9]. Many inorganic materials such illustrated in Table 1. The pastes were molded in acrylic mold as cubes
as CaO, MgO, ZnO, silica fume, silicon carbide, nano clay, nano oxides with volume 25x25 × 25 mm3. The pastes were poured as two layers
(TiO2, Al2O3 and SiO2) and nano carbon have been used for improving and each layer was vibrated well. The surface of cubes was covered by
the properties of geopolymer [11–18]. polyethylene film to decrease the water loss by evaporation. The mold
Zircon mineral (ZrSiO4) is occurring in a wide variety of sedimen- was kept at 70 °C for 10 h then cured at room temperature for 28 days.
tary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks and can be used in several ap- Finally, the cubes were dried at 105 °C for 24 h to stop geopolymer-
plications such as geochemical investigations, gemstones, source of ization reaction and perform the tests without excess water.
zirconia, electronic applications, some ceramics and refractory mate-
rials and so on [19–22]. Zircon is tetragonal crystal, its chemical 2.3. Characterization of raw materials and prepared geopolymer pasts
structure is ZrSiO4 and it contains some trace elements include mainly
Hf then P, Y, U, Th, and lanthanides [23,24]. This mineral is stable up Wavelength dispersive x-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) type Bruker S4
to 1690 °C at ambient pressure and its dissociation temperature was with an Rh source and tube of 2.2 kW power was used to quantitatively
estimated to be above 1700 °C, consequently the thermal expansion of analyze metakaolin and zircon raw materials. Phase identification of
zircon is quite low [23,25]. Due to its chemical stability and other fa- raw materials and prepared geopolymers was investigated by XRD
vorable properties it has been used for improving the mechanical and technique. XRD diffractometer type Siemens appliance model D5000
thermal properties of refractory materials [26]. with Ni filter, Cu Kα radiation at a scan speed of 0.5 min−1 was used.
The incorporation of insoluble silicates (zircon) in geopolymer is The structural characteristic of raw materials and geopolymers was
still unknown. So, in this research, an attempt for improving the me- examined by FT-IR spectra type JASCO FT/IR-6100. IR spectra were
chanical properties of geopolymer pasts is addressed by adding zircon recorded in the range 400–4000 cm−1 with a resolution of 4 cm−1 at
mineral (Zirconium silicate - ZrSiO4) as inorganic additive. Up to our room temperature. Microstructure of raw materials and geopolymer
knowledge, there is no published research dealt with the addition of was investigated by scanning electron microscope model Quanta 250
zircon for improving the properties of geopolymer, but a few researches FEG (Field Emission Gun) with accelerating voltage 30 kV, attached
have been conducted the effect of zirconia (ZrO2) addition on geopo- with Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDAX) unit. Bulk density of
lymer properties. In previous work, zirconia has been added to fly ash geopolymer aged for 28 days was determined by Archimedes methods,
based geopolymer and the results showed an improvement in me- while as compressive strength was measured by automatic hydraulic
chanical properties without sharing of zirconia in the geopolymeriza- testing machine type SHIMADZU with a maximum capacity of 1000 kN
tion reaction but an additional physicochemical and interfacial reaction by rate of 0.025 kN/mm2/s.
of zirconia within a 3D polysialate network could be happened. Only
3% of zirconia added to fly ash geopolymer could increase the com- 3. Results and discussion
pressive strength by 30%. For understanding the chemical basis of in-
creasing the compressive strength, the author hypothesized that zir- 3.1. Characteristics of raw materials
conia promotes 3D polysialate grid structure through formation of
insoluble sodium polysialate. This 3D polysialates reduce the move- Quantitative chemical analyses of metakaolin, zircon and sodium
ment of sodium while maintaining structure stability and the charge silicate are illustrated in Table 2. From the analyses, it is indicated that
balance of the matrix [27]. the main constituents of metakaolin are alumina (39.45%), silica
In the present work, we focused on studying the effect of zircon
addition on the properties of metakaolin base geopolymer. Zircon is Table 1
considered as an economic source as compared with the expensive Mixing design of the geopolymer pastes.
zirconia. Sample Metakaolin, g Zircon, g Alkaline solution, Si/Al Si/Na ZrO2, g
2. Materials and experimental procedures
Zr0 100 0 42 2.80 9.32 0.00
Zr2 100 2 42 2.83 9.41 1.23
2.1. Raw materials Zr5 100 5 42 2.87 9.56 3.06
Zr10 100 10 43 2.94 9.80 6.13
Egyptian kaolin was supplied from El-Nasr Mining Company, Zr15 100 15 43 3.01 10.04 9.19
Aswan, Egypt. The kaolin was crushed and sieved under 75 μm followed

M.F. Zawrah et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics 217 (2018) 90–97

Table 2
Chemical composition of raw materials.
Oxides Content Wight (%)

Metakaolin Zircon Na2SiO3.nH2O

ZrO2 – 61.3 –
SiO2 55.71 33.82 31.04
Al2O3 39.45 0.89 –
TiO2 3.16 0.38 –
Fe2O3 0.65 0.18 –
MgO 0.01 0.05 –
CaO 0.35 0.2 –
Na2O 0.01 – 15.96
K2O 0.01 – –
P2O5 0.09 0.2 –
SO3 0.06 – –
H2O – – 53
HfO2 – 1.95 –
Y2O3 – 0.14 –
LOIa 0.17 0.84 –

Total 99.68 99.95 100 Fig. 2. FT-IR metakaolin and zircon.

LOI = loss on ignition at 1000 °C.

(55.71%) and titania (3.16%) with trace amounts of other oxides. On

the other hand, zircon is composed of zirconia (61.3%) and silica
(33.82%) with small amount of other oxides; whileas sodium silicate
contains 31.04% SiO2, 15.96% Na2O and 53% H2O. This means that the
molar ratio of SiO2/Al2O3 in metakaolin is 2.40 and the molar ratios of
SiO2/Na2O and H2O/Na2O in alkaline solutions are 1.33 and 12.26,
respectively. From these ratios, SiO2/Al2O3 and Na2O/Al2O3 ratios in
geopolymer pastes could be calculated (Table 1). For the paste con-
taining zero zircon, the molar ratios of SiO2/Al2O3 and Na2O/Al2O3 are
2.80 and 0.3 respectively; but for the pastes containing 2, 5, 10 and Fig. 3. SEM images of raw materials (a) metakaolin and (b) zircon.
15% zircon, the molar ratios of SiO2/Al2O3 are 2.83, 2.87, 2.94 and
3.01, respectively.
pattern. On the other hand, the pattern of zircon exhibits all main peaks
Fig. 1 shows XRD patterns of metakaolin and zircon raw materials.
of zircon phase at 2θ≈27°, 20°, 35.5°, 53.5° and 43.7° [19]. XRD pat-
The pattern of metakaolin exhibits a characteristic broad reflection
terns confirm the results of XRF analysis and reflect the quality of raw
hump between 2θ = 20°–30° which is assigned to amorphous phase
[28]. Also, characteristic peaks of quartz phase at 2θ = 26.7° and 21°
FTIR spectra of raw materials recorded between 400 and 4000 cm−1
are detected in the pattern of metakaolin. Furthermore, small peak at
are shown in Fig. 2. Three bands at wave number 850, 607 and
2θ = 12.3° which may refer to uncalcined kaolin, is appeared in the
430 cm−1 are appeared in IR spectrum of zircon. Bands at 850 and
607 cm−1 band are assigned to Si-O-Zr stretching mode and Zr-O bond,
respectively [29], while the band at 430 is assigned to Si-O bending
bond. The bands appeared in the metakaolin spectrum are 1065, 776,
630 and 434 cm−1. The broad band at 1065 cm−1 is assigned for
asymmetric stretching vibration of Si-O bond produced by disorder
induced by dehydroxylation process of kaolin and formation of amor-
phous structures. The small band at 776 cm−1 is ascribed to the vi-
bration of tetrahedral unit containing Al-O bond. The band at 434 is
attributed to bending of Si-O bond [30,31].
Fig. 3 depicts SEM images of metakaolin and zircon raw materials.
This microstructure is important as a reference to be comparable with
the microstructure of prepared geopolymers. The size of zircon particle
is about 1–3 μm and of metakaolin is in the range between15-150 μm.
This confirms the original particles size as supplied raw materials as
indicated in the experimental section. Metakaolin grains appear as
aggregate with defined edges while zircon grains as fine tapered grains
with sharp edges.

3.2. Characteristics of prepared geopolymers

3.2.1. Bulk density and apparent porosity

Fig. 4 shows bulk density and apparent porosity of prepared geo-
Fig. 1. XRD patterns of metakaolin and zircon. polymers aged for 28 days at room temperature. It appears that the

M.F. Zawrah et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics 217 (2018) 90–97

Fig. 6. FT-IR spectra of Zr0 and Zr10 geopolymers.

amorphous aluminosilicate gel, semi-crystalline geopolymer and un-

Fig. 4. Bulk density and apparent porosity of the prepared geopolymers. reacted crystalline phases. Fig. 5 shows XRD patterns of prepared
geopolymers cured for 28 days at room temperature. It appears that the
density increases with increasing the amount of added zircon. The ob- quartz phase is detected in all geopolymer specimens (2θ ≈ 26.7° and
tained density values are ranged between 1.72 and 1.81 g/cm3. The 21°) [28]. Its amount decreases in the specimens Zr0, Zr2 and Zr5; then
density of geopolymer is an important factor which is considered as the relatively increases in the specimens Zr10 and Zr15. The decreasing of
reflection of geopolymer composition, polymerization process and quartz in geopolymer having low zircon content is attributed to its
porosity. Zircon has higher density (4.65 g/cm3) than metakaolin consuming in the geopolymerization reaction; but its higher amount in
(2.62 g/cm3) and geopolymer itself, so its addition leads to increasing Zr15 might due to the possibility of hindering the polymerization re-
the bulk density [32]. Also, as indicated from SEM images of meta- action after addition of higher zircon content. On the other hand, the
kaolin and zircon (Fig. 3), zircon has particle size about 1–3 μm which peaks of zircon phase are detected only in Zr5, Zr10 and Zr15 speci-
is lower than that of metakaolin (15–150 μm). These fine particles of mens (2θ≈27° then 20°, 36° and 53°). Its amount increases with the
zircon lead to increasing the packing of formed geopolymer and con- quantity of added zircon mineral.
sequently increase the density and decrease porosity. The obtained
trend of porosity is opposite to that of density. The obtained porosity 3.2.3. FTIR analysis of geopolymer
range is 27.83–26.58%. Moreover, zircon might have an effective role FTIR spectra of prepared Zr0 and Zr10 geopolymers aged for 28
in packing of polysialate structure produced from polymerization of days at room temperature are shown in Fig. 6. The broad band at about
metakaolin with alkali solution and forming a rigid network which 3455 cm−1 is attributed to the stretching vibration of O-H bond while
tends to increase the density and lower the porosity. that at 1630 cm−1 is assigned to bending vibration of O-H which might
be produced from alkali [5]. Due to the reaction between alumino-si-
3.2.2. Phase composition of geopolymer licates and alkaline solutions, the spectra exhibit fingerprint band of
The amorphous state of aluminum silicates makes the geopoly- geopolymer matrix at about 990 cm−1 [31,34], i.e. the formation of
merization proceeds faster [33]. After polymerization, the amorphous broad asymmetric T-O-Si (T = Al or Si) band for three-dimensional
or crystalline phases of metakaolin raw material might be the same or geopolymer network of sodium aluminium silicate hydrate gel (N-A-S-H
change their peak intensities in XRD patterns due to the formation of gel). In both samples, the small band at 880 cm−1 is probable due to the
symmetric stretching vibration of CO2 produced from atmospheric CO2
reacted with alkalis. Also, the bands at about 684–688 cm−1 are due to
symmetric stretching vibration of Si-O-Si. There is a small band ap-
peared at 609 cm−1 in the sample Zr10 which assigns to the vibration of
Zr-O unit as appeared in the zircon spectrum [29]. No peaks assignment
is detected for Al-O-Zr or Si-O-Zr stretching modes.

3.2.4. Microstructure of prepared geopolymers

Figs. 7–9 show SEM images and EDX analyses of prepared Zr0, Zr2,
Zr5 and Zr10 geopolymers. Generally, all images of geopolymers ex-
hibit amorphous geopolymer gel in the presence of a few unreacted
metakaolin particles with some hollow spheres which produced from
the evaporation of water during curing process (aging time). These
spheres are partially disbanded and form pores in the matrix. Also,
these spheres can bring some unreacted grains in their hollow cavities.
The geopolymerization is usually started from the surfaces of particles.
Faster polymerization process might cause covering of unreacted grains
by formed geopolymer gel and consequently might prevent complete
geopolymerization for some of starting particles. Also, less reactivity of
starting materials (not amorphous) or lower amount of alkali activator
increases the amount of unreacted grains and lower the geopolymer-
ization. Slight amount of unreacted grains is detected in the micro-
Fig. 5. XRD patterns of the prepared geopolymers as compared with that of raw structure. The amorphous fraction of starting materials determines the
materials. quantity of dissolved SiO2 and Al2O3 and consequently the amount of

M.F. Zawrah et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics 217 (2018) 90–97

Fig. 7. SEM images and EDAX analysis of Zr0 geopolymer.

Fig. 8. SEM images (different magnifications) and EDAX analysis of Zr10


M.F. Zawrah et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics 217 (2018) 90–97

Fig. 9. SEM images Zr2 (a, b and c) and Zr5 (d, e and f) geopolymers.

formed geopolymer gel. The added zircon appears as white fine grains sample during the test of compressive strength. The obtained micro-
embedded in the matrix or contacted with other grains. Its amount structure is reflected on the mechanical properties of the prepared
increases as we going from Zr0 to Zr10. So, denser microstructure is geopolymer.
obtained for the sample containing higher amount of zircon (Zr10-
Fig. 8). The suitable particle size of starting materials is also an im- 3.2.5. Compressive strength of geopolymer
portant factor for geopolymer formation and dense microstructure ob- As a concept, geopolymer is 3D network of polysialate species
taining. Its EDAX analysis indicates the presence of zirconium in ad- produced through the reaction of aluminum silicates with alkali solu-
dition to silica and alumina as compared with that of Zr0 which exhibits tions. For ensuring complete geopolymerization, the compressive
only silica and alumina (Fig. 8c). It is worth to mention that the amount strength test was performed after 28 days curing age at room tem-
of needed activated liquid (water containing alkali activator) to get perature. Generally, in composite materials, the reinforcement phase is
suitable workability was higher for the samples containing zircon responsible for improving the mechanical properties of composites
(Table 1). As a consequence, the formed geopolymer has relatively [35–47]. Similar concept could arise in geopolymer incorporated by
higher shrinkage with consequent reduced interface adhesion between filler materials beside the possibility of physicochemical interaction of
initial raw grains. This leads to increasing the possibility of geopoly- filler with the formed geopolymer. Fig. 10 shows compressive strength
merization and the compactness of microstructure. The microstructures of prepared geopolymer as a function of added zircon percent. The
of the specimens Zr2 and Zr5 (are relatively similar and exhibit lower compressive strength increases with increasing zircon content up to
compact microstructure with relatively higher porosity. Some cracks 10 g/100 g metakaolin then decreases with 15 g/100 g metakaolin. The
are appeared in Zr5, it is expected that this is due the breaking of cube geopolymer specimen without zircon exhibits 60MPa compressive

M.F. Zawrah et al. Materials Chemistry and Physics 217 (2018) 90–97

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