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edTPA Physical Education Lesson Plan

Grade(s): 6th Date: 2/11/19 Number of students: 39 Lesson # 1 of 2

Central Focus: Executing manipulative skills in a small group environment.
Standard(s) Addressed (State adopted or SHAPE America - # and text):
PE6.1 The physically educated student demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills
and movement patterns.
PE6.2 The physically educated student applies the knowledge of concepts, principles,
strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance.
PE6.4 The physically educated student exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that
respects self and others in physical activity settings.

Student Learning Objectives:

Domain Performance Condition Criteria
1 Psychomotor Dribble with correct Through a series of 3 out of 4 times.
form cones, while
changing direction at
each cone and
maintaining control
2 Cognitive Describe 3 dribbling On an exit slip With 100% accuracy.
3 Affective/social Stay on task While working in For 40 minutes.

Equipment and other instructional materials needed:

Gym, projector for video, cones, soccer balls, peer assessment forms

Language function for this lesson:


Assessment(s) (Type: Formative, Summative and what is being assessed):

Formative: Assessing dribbling skill level through peer assessment & teacher observation
(psychomotor). Assessing knowledge of critical elements and cues for dribbling through exit slip
(cognitive). Assessing students’ ability to work cooperatively with a small group while staying on
task through teacher observation.
Instructional model or strategies for this lesson:
Direct instruction from teacher, but peer teaching is also encouraged within the lesson. Students
are working in small groups and are encouraged to observe and learn from each other.

Planned support for diverse student needs:

Alternate balls that are not as bouncy are available. Flexible grouping available for those who
need more support from peers and/or teacher. Direct instruction from teacher as needed.
Time Lesson Parts (add more if needed—start typing below the first line) Organizational Notes and Plans
Instant Activity or Informing Task:
5 min Warmup: After dressing out, teacher leads class in a quick warmup.
 Skip 1 lap around gym clockwise
 Jog 2 laps around the gym clockwise
Return to roll call spots for fitness warmup:
 Teacher calls out (and demonstrates) different exercises for students to
do. Students perform each exercise for about 15 seconds, then teacher
calls out a different exercise.
 Gives students the opportunity to suggest exercises
Opening Management: Diagram:
Students are seated in their roll call spots facing the teacher and the projector.

Set Induction:
3 min Alright class, now that you are nice and warm, it’s time to introduce our activity
for the day! Today we are going to start our lesson on dribbling with the feet. In
what sport do we dribble with the feet? (soccer). Good! Does anyone in here play
soccer? Who’s your favorite player? Awesome, I want you guys to watch this
short clip of my favorite player (Ronaldo) showing off his dribbling skills. Maybe
after our lesson you’ll be able to dribble as good as him � By the end of today’s
lesson, you will be able to dribble the soccer ball through a series of cones while
making a cut move to change directions at each cone. My goal is that you’ll be
able to do that successfully at least 3 out of 4 times. Who thinks they can do it?
Awesome, now we need a quick reminder of our safety rules. Remember, you
should only be doing exactly what I ask you to do. If you cannot control your
soccer ball safely, I will take it away. Always be aware of your surroundings and
watch where you are going. When the whistle blows 3 times, what should you
do? Alright let’s get started.
Task Presentation 1: Demonstration, Cues, and Checking For
3 min Understanding (CFU):
Remember when dribbling the ball, we are gently pushing the ball forward as we move,
making sure not to kick it too far out in front of us. We want the ball to stay close to our
feet to avoid a defender stealing it from us. Using the inside part of your feet helps
maintain control.
Like this-------- TEACHER DEMO

CFU: Which part of the feet are we using to dribble?

Learning Task 1: Task Structure, plans for maximizing learning, and CFU: Diagram:
6 min Alright I need you to get in groups of 3, and go sit with your group at one of the cones
along the black line. Ok for the first task, I need one person from each group to walk
across the court and stand at the cone on the other side, directly across from your group.
One person from this side is going to dribble the ball across the court using the insides of
your feet, all the way to your teammate who is on the other side. When you get there, you
will pass it off to the teammate, and he/she will dribble it back. You will continue cycle for
3 minutes. Make sure to keep the ball close to you and use the insides of your feet to
gently guide it forward.


CFU: How should you pass the ball off to your teammate?

Transition to next Task:

2 min Students know when the teacher blows the whistle 3 times it means freeze, hold
the ball, sit down and give teacher full attention.

Task Presentation 2: Demonstration, Cues, and Checking For

Understanding (CFU):
5 min Great job you guys! Alright for the next task we are going to make it a bit more
challenging. We are going to do the same drill, but this time I want you to use different
parts of your feet and practice dribbling in a zig-zag pathway, pretending to get around
defenders. So you will use both the insides and outsides (laces) of your feet. Remember
keep the ball close to you so you can maintain control.

CFU: Which parts of the feet are we using? What kind of pathway?
Learning Task 2: Task Structure, plans for maximizing learning, and CFU: Diagram:

Same structure as the last task. I will walk around to monitor and assess
progress and give individual instruction as needed. (some students may need
more time practicing the basic dribble with the insides of their feet)

Transition to next Task:

2 min Students know when the teacher blows the whistle 3 times it means freeze, hold
the ball, sit down and give teacher full attention.
I will have either a few students or another teacher help me put out cones quickly
for the next task.
Task Presentation 3: Demonstration, Cues, and Checking For
5 min Understanding (CFU):
Alright, now for the next task you’ll see I have placed out some cones for each group.
This time we will continue the same drill, but now your goal is to dribble through each set
of cones while maintaining control. Dribble in between each set of cones, and when you
get to the other side, pass the ball off lightly to your teammate. Continue this for 3
CFU: Are we dribbling through the cones or around the cones?
Learning Task 3: Task Structure, plans for maximizing learning, and CFU: Diagram:

The setup is the same, except I have placed out several set of cones for students
to dribble through. The cones are set up in a zig zag pattern so students must be
able to change directions while also maintaining control. Note: I would use more
cones and they would be spread out in a more organized fashion than what
shows in the diagram.
Transition to next Task:
2 min Students know when the teacher blows the whistle 3 times it means freeze, hold
the ball, sit down and give teacher full attention.
**Call for one student from each group to come get 3 peer assessment forms
and a pencil**
Assessment of student learning:
Alright guys now it’s time to put your skills to the test and see if you can measure up to
8 min Ronaldo. One person from your group will perform the drill: dribble all the way across the
court while maintaining control, going through each set of cones and performing a cut
move to change direction at those cones. The other 2 people in the group will work
together to fill out the peer assessment form. Assessors are looking for correct dribbling
form, maintaining control of the ball, going through each set of cones, and performing a
cut move at the cones. The goal is to complete the drill successfully atleast 3 out of 4
times. After the first person has gone 4 times, rotate so that each person gets a turn.
---TEACHER & STUDENT DEMO (explain how to fill out the assessment form)

CFU: How many people from your group are performing the drill at one time? What are
the other group members doing?
2 min Awesome job you guys. You all worked together very nicely today, followed instructions,
stayed on task, and became superstar dribblers. Can someone name one performance
cue for soccer dribbling? (keep ball close to body) (use inside and/or outside part of the
feet to gently push the ball forward) (keep eyes up to see where you are going) Good job!
Tomorrow we will add even more fun challenges which will include some small-sided
games! Please turn in all peer assessment forms on your way out.
Peer Evaluation Form: DRIBBLING WITH FEET

Student Name: ______________________________ Evaluator: ______________________________

For a successful trial, students must:

- Maintain control of the ball

- Dribble between all sets of cones

- Use both insides and outsides of feet

- Use proper form

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Total # of Successful Trials

Students must be successful 3 out of 4 trials!

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