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Question 1

Nurcan and Alp play a dice game and each of them has got a $5. If Nurcan or Alp win consecutively 3 times, looser gives all money to
other. In addition that, for each winning, winner gain $1 and looser loss $1. At the end of the 60 trials what are the Nurcan’s and Alp’s average
handling money?

[B13,B72] =RANDBETWEEN(1;6)
[C13,C72] =RANDBETWEEN(1;6)
D13 =IF(B13>C13;"NURCAN";IF(C13>B13;"ALP";"EQUAL"))
Nurcan Wins 3 Times
E15, =IF(AND(D13="NURCAN";D14="NURCAN";D15="NURCAN");"NW";"")
Alp Wins 3 Times
F15 =IF(AND(D13="ALP";D14="ALP";D15="ALP");"AW";"")
Nurcan's Cash Amount
Nurcans Total Cash
H13 =G13
H15 =IF(AND(E15="NW";I15>0);G15+I15;IF(AND(F15="AW";G15>0);0;G15))
Alp's Cash Amount
I13 =IF(D13="ALP";J12+1;IF(D13="NURCAN";J12-1;J12))
Alp's Total Cash
J13= I13
Nurcan's Total Cash Amount Avr.
Alp's TotalCash Amount Avr.
J72 =AVERAGE(J13:J72)

Nurcan’ and Alp’ coloums colors:

E and F coloums colors:
Conditional Formatting-Highligt Cell Rules- Text that contains
Question 2
Milkshake Company has 100 m² land to grow special strowberry. Field's m² price is $1500. Table 1 indicates the possible yearly changes.
If the value of (m²) land increase consecutive 2 years purchase new land(10m²), if lands m² value decrase 1 year you sell 5 m² of landand at the
beggining you have $1500. In addition, every m² yield $60 yearly. We simulate 25 years and calculate “Total Avaible $ Change”

Previous Day’s Change

J4 =L3

Random Number
K3 =INT(RAND()*100+1)

Fallowing Day’s Change


Land Value(m²)
M4 =M3+L3

Purchase N4 =IF(AND(L3>0;L4>0);"Purchase";"")
Sell O3 =IF(L3<0;"Sell";"")

Annual earning (per m²)

P3 =S3*LOOKUP(M3;$J$36:$K$41;$I$36:$I$41)
Cash Amount
Q3 =IF(O3="Sell";1500+5*M3;1500)
Q4 =IF(N4="Purchase";Q3-10*M4;IF(O4="Sell";Q3+5*M4;Q3))

Total cash amount


Owned Field(m²)

Owned Field ($)


Total cash amount average


Average Owned Field

Question 3
There is a many ferry dock in Kocaeli. Vehicles generally use these ferry dock for moving from İstanbul to Bursa and our ferry dock's
name is KuKo. KuKo is the first ferry dock on the highway. So vehicles generally use our ferry dock. Firm has 3 ships so there is alwasy one ship
in harbor. The monthly cost of the staff in ships (including taxes and insurance) ₺2000. Totally 2000*10(there is a 10 staff ). Rent of harbor
₺250,000 monthly and for each voyage bunker fuel cost approximately ₺5.000. Information about arrival time are given table 1.1 and
distiribution chart can be seen in Figure 1.1. Ship capacity (for one voyage) is approximately 271500 kg. Cars will paid ₺60; coachs ₺150, and
truck ₺200. If queue lengt exceed 50 vehicles, custumer prefer other ferry docks. Quarter of the daily shipping are held from 6 pm to 10pm and
manager want to simulate 6pm to 10 pm for all days.

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