Florence Is A Video Game Created by Mountains Studio in The Year 2018. The Game Consists

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Felipe Salas Noguera 27/09/18

University of Alberta Presentation 2 – Florence

STS350 The Blue Team

Florence is a video game created by Mountains studio in the year 2018. The game consists
on the player following up Florence’s path towards happiness and fulfillment. The player
interacts with the story by drawing, moving and touching different objects. While some
people consider Florence as a videogame, others categorize it as just an interactive story.
Authors such as Zimmerman ( ) , Konzack ( ) , Simon ( ) and Campbell ( ) provide certain
key elements that will be analyzed throughout this paper in order to

As sometimes Florence is questioned about it is a video game or just an interactive story, in

this text the game will be analyzed using Zimmerman definition of game, Campbell hero
journey and Konzack model to demonstrate it is a game.

Why florence is a video game and not an animated story

In the first place, Florence fits in Zimmerman definition of a game. He defines it as “a

voluntary interactive activity, in which one or more players follow rules that constrain their
behavior, enacting an artificial conflict that ends in a quantifiable outcome.” (p. 8, 2004). In
the case of Florence, this game is voluntary because you need to download the application
to play it; it is interactive as the player has activities like drawing, organize items or just push
buttons; the player needs to follow rules like their cannot skip one level and that rule causes
that the player follow the artificial and imaginary storyline, and finish with the feedback of
see Florence happy.

Additionally, this game

Florence is not a simulation, it’s a representation of florences life.

The analysis of florences story using a Campbell hero journey

Felipe Salas Noguera 27/09/18
University of Alberta Presentation 2 – Florence
STS350 The Blue Team

Interpreting Florences with Konzack model


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