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1. This study focused on creating a green roof and testing for its effects on buildings.
They placed green roofs on buildings and testing their potential to be a cooling
potential. This was tested during the summer. Results show that the hypothesis is
false where in instead of acting as a coolant, the roof acted as an insulator.
Therefore, the researchers recommend that future experiments experimented on soil
density, thickness and moisture content to test if it would have a different effect on
buildings (Barrio, 1998).

2. This study focused on surveying what people commonly use as insulation materials
and its applications. They used surveying as a method to obtain their data. Although
no result is given, they aim to promote the proper use of thermal insulation so as to
save on energy. They say that the amount of savings depend on how big the building
is. They aim to give a material that saves on energy that sooner or later, comforts a
person without the need to use air conditioners (Al-Homoud, 2005).

3. Designing good insulation materials are the key to saving electricity. These insulation
materials are classified into two: inorganic fabrous materials and foamy materials.
The researchers discussed there materials and classifies them. The results show that
the materials used over the years did not improve that much. They recommend the
increasing role of environmental and public health groups. They would help in future
development (Papadopoulos, 2005).

4. Roofs are an integral part of our homes that allows the user to be energy efficient.
This is often a better part of the house to look at when a person wants to save energy
and to make the house more eco-friendly. Current materials being used for houses
are not eco-friendly so the article suggests some alternatives from shingles and tar
based materials(Meyers, 2014).

An example of an alternative are tile roofs that have a curved design. Although they
are heavy, this material helps ease ventilation inside the house. Thus making it
cooler. Another substitute are recycled shingles. This helps recycling waste plus it is
cheaper to the buyer and helps promote recycling. Metal roofing on the other hand
are beneficial to those who want a rainwater harvesting system for water that runs
through a metal roofing does not contain chemicals. Although it may be expensive,
the researcher states it will help them save in the long run. Another standout
example are rubber roofs that are extremely durable and weather resistant (Meyers,

5. Soliman and venkateswar discusses in their paper the reasons as to why it can be
regarded that is it hard to be able to have a proper home. They discuss the survey
and results they received in a discussion moderated by Corazon Soliman. Those who
were included in the discussion were Americans and Asians. However, the
participants may come from other parts of the globe but the problems and reasons
they have raised are more or less the same to each other (1998).
One reason for having a roof to live in is because of the materials. The buyers often
cant find affordable housing for they find it expensive. If it is not the housing that is
expensive, there is a lack of cheap and good quality materials to build their homes(
Soliman and Venkateswar, 1998).

Recommendations were then proposed y the article. It was recommended that the
citizens be given a voice in government organizations. They want to be part of the
discussion that changes policies regarding households. This turned out well citing
California as an example wherein they were able to create communities with lower
crime rates and less racism(Soliman and Venkateswar, 1998).

6. It is recommended that when a person buys materials for building a roof, it must be
in line with your climate. The researchers recommended a cool roof for those who
are living near tropical regions. It does not easily get affected by the heat so it lasts
longer. Another recommendation is use eco-friendly materials so as not to harm the
environment too much( Robertson, 2010).

Roofs are not only for the head but it can also provide other positivities such as green
roof wherein is it possible to plant in these so that they will yield fruit. Another os
rainwater harvesting system that would catch rainwater and goes to a system that
would later on be usef to water plants. These things have a big impact on a persons
community(Robertson, 2010.)

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