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Ariana Franco


QUALIFICATIONS • I have experience taking care of children between the ages of 0-36 months.

• I have experience nurturing animals for 6 years including birds and rabbits.

• I have been the lead editor in a school newspaper.

• I have been an artist for 5 years. During the years I have experimented with color
pencils, water color, charcoal, acrylic, photoshop, graphite, and paper. I have taken
classes to learn two instruments, piano and guitar.

• I currently hold the position of vice president in a Fashion Club.

• I am currently on the school Yearbook Committee.

EDUCATION Aug 2015 — Present

Los Angeles Leadership Academy High School
Challenging Classes
• Honors English (2016-2017)
• AP European History (2016-2017)

• AP Studio Art (2017-2018)
• AP Computer Science Principles (2017-2018)
• AP English and Composition Language (2017-2018)

Current Classes
• Chicano Studies
• Physical Education
• English Reading and Writing (ERWC)
• Integrated Math 2
• Economics
• Medical Terminology

INTERESTS • Reading Young Adult Books

• Exercising at the gym
• Listening to music
• Creating art
• Being social with long distant friends

REFERENCES Marin Barrera

Ariana Franco 1

Ariana Franco 2

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