TD Term Project

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OCTOBER 7, 2016




In our opinion, we think that we now give more importance to the TD

program compared to last year. Last year, we felt as if we were only being

forced to go to the TD session because we only saw it as a requirement. We

only went there for the grade and for the little experience that may help us

the following year wherein we are the ones who will be tutoring. Now, we

understand more the real meaning of TD and why we are doing it. We

understand it in a way because we know it has an effect on the lives of other

people. During our tutoring session, we simply exemplified the philosophy

and spiritually of TD by showing that we are exerting effort in teaching to

show our love and care for our kids. Every time we see them happy and

content with what they have in the midst of poverty, we start to evaluate

ourselves again and our chosen lifestyle. That then shows how we exemplify

TD outside of our tutoring session. A simple reflection on one’s lifestyle could

already show a sign of how we exemplify it.

III. Profile of the TD kids

Based from the info that we got from our kids regarding our lives, we can say

that we actually have a lot in common. Some of our kids really like sleeping and

just playing on weekends and same goes for us. Another similar thing between

our kids and us is that we all wake up early in the morning just to not be late

when going to school. Most of us wake up at 5 am or even earlier just to make

sure that we won’t be late for school. Every single one of us also likes to bond

with our family when we have the time. Given all these similarities with our kids,

it is expected to have some differences with them. One of the many differences

of our kids from us is that we have less time to play and enjoy compared to our

kids because we have schoolwork to do. Aside from that, we also sleep very

late at night trying to finish our projects and schoolwork while our kids are able

to sleep as early as 7 pm. Knowing our TD kids, we have lots of aspirations for

them especially that some of us are part of the HI-HO program. Our main goal

as TD kuyas and as TD tutors is to be able to teach our kids well so that they

may learn and enjoy at the same time. For our kids who are part of the HI-HO

program, our main goal for them is to be able to get a scholarship in any of the

schools they will apply for. If they get in the school that they really like, it will be

a big achievement for us tutors and it could also be considered as a class

accomplishment. Sometimes, we fear that we may not be good tutors or that

our kids aren’t really getting what we are teaching them. We fear that they might

think that the TD program is boring which may make them choose to go absent

during the days of tutoring. As we face this year of tutoring, we will simply do

our best so that we will be able to teach our kids well and to get along with them.

We will really try to make each session of ours as fun as possible so that the

kids will be more willing to go to school during TD tutoring. As we go through

our tutoring, we, the kuyas, realize some things about our own lifestyle. We

start wondering why we don’t feel contented at times given that we already have

so much and our kids, who don’t really have that much, enjoy their lives. We try

to compare our lives with their lives and we then start evaluating our own

lifestyle. We also realize that if we really treat TD seriously and if we give

ourselves fully, the kids will then grow in love and care. They will feel loved and

cared for by us which will also make them feel happy about themselves.

IV. Results of the diagnostic tests


(HPS: 40) (HPS:50)

CHA-CHA 9 30

AARON 13 35

HERMIE 11 20


ABBY 28 40

GELO 24 39

JESSA 24 41

RAVEN 19 37

Based on the results of their Diagnostic Test, we can say that they are

having a hard time in math but are doing pretty well in English. Maybe, they

felt the time pressure while answering the math test which made get low

scores. While in English, maybe they lacked vocabulary words which made

it hard for them to understand the story given to them in the test. Based on

these results, we, as kuyas, need to exert more effort in teaching the kids

in order to make sure that they understand the lesson. Hopefully, they will

become better in these two subjects after all the tutoring sessions. This will

be the main goal that my we kuyas will keep in mind throughout the whole

tutoring. We will try our best in order to achieve this goal because not only

is this for them, it is also for us. We all dream and hope that our kids will be

able to grow up as good people and be successful with whatever field of

work they will enter. We hope that through our tutoring, we will be able to

hone their skills in Math and English which will greatly help them when they

get to high school and college. Because TD’s philosophy is “Love is shown

more in Deeds than in words,” we try our best to act nicely and do our

tutoring well to show that we love and care for our kids. We try to be good

examples to them so that their actions would be proper.

V. Paglalagom

God’s way of thing for us in TD is just simply hard to understand and we

can only in small particular moments can we see glimpses of God’s plans.

Sometimes, we can value and treasure such moments of times and yet at

the same time, we fail to understand these moments that lead to having

frustrations or feeling of being weirded out, and ends with these moments

not being valued. These happens in TD. During TD sessions, we teach the

TD kids with the Lesson Plan, which is mandatory, and feel that the work of

ours to make the TD kids is useless in the sense that we have to keep

repeating and go back to previous lessons. This simply happens because

the TD kids are not learning and then, if reflected upon, the problem were

ours to own for not creating the things that would really make the kids learn

valuable lessons that stays with their heart and brain. This challenges us to

better teachers or tutors and further increases the standard only for them to

make them understand. These make us feel dry for we have to give the

better best all the time which makes it even more harder and complicated.

So complicated, our lives might be as well devoted to only TD and not to

our lives as students nor as people. On the better side of it, there are also

joys that we found in having TD sessions. we are able to teach them as we

learn more deeply of ourselves of what we are and where we are in society.

Also, we enjoy the moments whereas we could act like kids, joking around

as if we have all the time of the earth to do so and feel free from the very

harshness of the academics and our hardships that has been going through.

But then thinking about these moments, it is not only about us. It is also

about them, the TD kids. These kids have aspirations in life . One wants

to be a volley ball player and another wants to be a scientist. There are

many more dreams but in general they want each of their lives to better and

to be something or someone they want to be, but they are not as

priveledged as us to afford better education or better livelihood. They are

willing to do and bear with us in TD sessions in our failure to provide the

ways to make them learn, in the joy of ours and their when learning from

each other, the students and the tutor, and in our and their adventure that

is filled with mystery and future that goes to the unexpected, and they are

content. All these little moments or glimpses of our TD kids and ourselves

actually point out to us that in some sense, we do feel, see and understand

God’s plan. As hardships go through, we are challenged by Jesus to do the

same as what He does for us in the very littlest ways as to fulfilling our duties

with the better best of ourselves. We are to be content of what is to happen

and what’s unexpected things that take place with the TD kids and us as we

go through things wanting to be our yearned selves. So all the more, Jesus

calls us with these experiences to be ourselves to feel what we are feeling

and what have been desensitized, to do what we must do for ourselves and

for others and to yearn for the dreams that we have yet or have been

building upon to be completed. These would definitely our very fuel that

would push us far into the future in doing things for somebody and for

anythings that we, the tutors, can put effort into that may save a life, but

definitely will mark someone’s lives from our very experiences that makes

us who we are. As for now, t

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