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The Jupiter is most massive of all the planets. It is larger than all other planets put together.
Its distance from the Sun is 76, 97, 73, 940 kms, sidereal period 11.86 earth years. The max
radius of Jupiter is 71350 kms (11.2times that of earth) and min. radius is 66600 kms (10.4
18 times that of earth). It is 317.8 times heavier than earth. It rotates on its own axis in 9 hours
55 minutes. Jupiter has 12 satellites. The fourmain satellites are known as Io, Europa,
Ganymede and Callisto. It is next to Sun in size and orb and in brightness next to the Venus.
Jupiter is a planet of expansion. It is also called Deva Guru.
Jupiter is considered to be a teacher who removes the ignorance and darkness and offers
wisdom by throwing light. It represents the “Sattvaguna” of the Hindus. It rules over
man’s worldly possessions and fortunes and hence is called the Giver or Ruler of money.
Jupiter represents social justice, religion and sincerity. In the olden days the physicians used
to administer medicine in the hora of Jupiter. Nowadays doctors write Rx on prescription slip
before prescribing any medicine. In fact it is a symbol of Jupiter and any doctor would like to
take blessing of Jupiter before writing prescription. Jupiter is fiery, noble, benevolent, fruitful,
masculine, jovial, buoyant. Jupiter is the lord of North-East direction and governs
Hemanta Ritu (December and January). Its color is golden, purple or violet and rules over the
metals tin, gold, topaz and platinum. Sweet and fragrant are the flowers of Jupiter. It is
the lord of finance and children. It governs education, happiness, health, love and respect
towards elders and preceptors, good morals and conduct, wealth, respect, reputation and
charity etc.
Jupiter gives the native golden complexion, brown eyes and hair. Jupiterians have good
growth in youth, have muscular body due to outdoor games and become so stout that they
19 must be respected for their growth. Jupiterians always get the seats vacated for them even
in crowd. Native has corpulent and tall body and is wise and learned. He has loud and heavy
voice. Parts of the body ruled by Jupiter are liver, tumors, circulation of blood in arteries, fat in
the body, adipose tissue, morbid growths, pleura of lungs, kidney, thigh, feet, right ear.
When Jupiter is afflicted it makes native extremist, having extravagant ideas, careless, over
optimistic, gambler, poor, unpopular, lavish. It gives false hopes, failure in speculation,
worry through children, loss by relying on others, misjudgment, miscalculation etc.
When Jupiter is beneficial it gives good health and longevity. Native is jovial, hopeful,
buoyant, humane, and of broad –minded nature. It bestows worldly wisdom, good fortune,
and dignity, social and moral success, prudence, progress and much expansion in all efforts.
Rapid recoveries even from severe disease are offered. Native thinks properly, does his work
ably and judges properly. Native uses fair means to earn money and never gets benefitted by
loss of others.
The diseases indicated by Jupiter are blood poisoning, liver complaints, flatulence, dyspepsia,
hernia, skin disease, catarrh, dropsy, mucus in urine, abscesses, carbuncles, diabetes,
eczema, vertigo etc. The products represented by Jupiter are all fat containing food
products like butter, ghee etc, sweet flavored eatables like oranges, banana etc, big trees like
peepal tree, rubber, yellow 20 colored flowers and vegetables, oak, elm, birch, figs,
asparagus, beet, pinks, red roses, dog grass, apricots, gram, pulse etc. Jupiter represents
animals like horse, ox, elephant, stag, and domestic animals. It also represents eagle,
peacock, pheasant, whale, dolphin etc. Jupiter represents places like courts, pompous
buildings, places where coronation and religious functions are conducted, temples, colleges,
schools, legislative assembly etc. Precious metals and gems represented by Jupiter are gold,
platinum, topaz and yellow sapphire. Native whose lord of ascendant is Jupiter can wear the
ring of yellow sapphire in gold in index finger in the constellation of Jupiter.

Ready Reckoner for Jupiter

1. Own Sign : Sagittarius, Pisces
2. Exaltion Sign : Cancer
3. Deblitation Sign : Capricorn
4. Rays
a. Sun : 5 rays
b. Moon : 21 Rays
c. Mars : 7 Rays
d. Mercury : 9 Rays
e. Jupiter : 10 Rays
f. Venus : 16 Rays
g. Saturn : 4 Rays
h. Rahu : 4 Rays
i. Ketu : 4 Rays
5. Language : Sanskrit
6. Consort : Tara
7. Asana : Rectangle
8. Son : Yamakantaka
9. Gotra : Aangeerasa
10. Rishi : Gruthsna
11. State : Sindhu(Eastern Parts of Pakistan, Rajasthan, Gujrat)
12. Guna : Satvik
13. Metal : Gold
14. Taste : Sweet
15. Flower : Jasmine(Malli Gai), Cammomite(Mullai)
16. Animal : Cow, She Cat
17. Tree : Peepal
18. Music Note : Paa
19. Vaastu : Pooja Griha
20. Denotes : Teacher, Self
21. Face Part : Nose, Nostril
22. Quality : Pious
23. Season : Hemant
24. Colour : Yellow
25. Grain : Bengal Gram
26. Direction : North East
27. Deity : Brahma, Dakshina Moorthi
28. Education : Audit and Accounts, Philosophy
29. Vehicle : Elephant
30. Temple : Tiruchendur
31. Paarayan : Dakshinamoorthi Stotram
32. Physical Appearance : Short in stature, Windy Composition
33. Places : Treasure, Bank, Near Peepal Tree, Temple, Court
Yoga Center, Meditation Center
34. Disease : Hernia, Bronchitis, Liver Complaints, Jaundice
35. Bird : Pigeon, Swan
36. Plants : Coconut Tree, Betal leaves, Apple Tree, Flower
37. Spices : Honey, Coconut, Betal Nuts, Ghee
38. Profession : Priest, Manager, Minister, Lawyers, Judges,Bankers,
Temple Workers
: Jeevakaraka(Self), Belly(Intestinal portion), Nose, fat,
Thigh, Feet, Flush, Pooja Ghar, Judge, Guide, Teacher, Presenter, Education Minister,
Manager, Lawyer, Accountant, Vedas, Temple, Philosophy, Prestige, Honour, Patience,
Respect, Truth, Humanity, Finance, Insurance.

Jupiter is dharma Karaka, represents free will of the person.
Jupiter Transit on the natal planets:-
1. Sun : Promotion, Co-operation
2. Moon : Change of residence
3. Mars : House, Status
4. Mercury : Gain of knowledge, Gain of Land
5. Jupiter : Name, Fame, Birth of son
6. Venus : Marriage, Wealth, Birth of Daughter
7. Saturn : Gets Job, Promotion, Smooth going period in career
8. Rahu : Operation, Death, Abortion, Discontinuation in studies
9. Ketu : Divine knowledge to the native, ill Health

Facts to be remembered:
1. If Rahu aspects Jupiter, native will have ugly Nose
2. If Jupiter is in retrogression, native will have ugly Nose
3. If Ketu aspects Jupiter, Native will have small Nose
4. If Ketu aspects Jupiter, Native will suffer from high Blood Pressure

Jupiter in vargas:-

D/2(HORA) 15° each, 1st D/2(Devta) and 2nd D/2 (Pitra)

Hora denotes wealth, Capacity to earn, spending habits, hoarding tendencies(Native

may have or earn a lot of money but don’t know to spend money), not spending money on
oneself, richness, wealth.

Satyachari Paddhati for D/2:- Planet in first 15° remain same and in next 15° planet will go
11th house from its natal position in D/1.
Indu Lagna for 2nd and 11th house should also be seen along with Hora. Jupiter being wealth
karaka is to be examined in respect of Hora and Indu Lagna.

Jupiter in 2nd House being karaka placed unassociated with other planets, results karako
bhava nashaya to the extent that the native do not know to spend / enjoy money even if he
may have / earn a lot of money.

Jupiter in 2nd House give Vidya Dosham, native may be intelligent but would not be able to
reproduce his intelligence.

Jupiter in Rashi First Hora (0° - 15°) Second Hora(15° - 30°)

1. Aries Aries Aquarius (Badhak Sthaan)
2. Tauras Tauras Pisces
3. Gemini Gemini Aries
4. Cancer Cancer Tauras (Badhak Sthaan)
5. Leo Leo Gemini
6. Virgo Virgo Cancer
7. Libra Libra Leo (Badhak Sthaan)
8. Scorpio Scorpio Virgo
9. Sagittarius Sagittarius Libra
10. Capricorn Capricorn(Debilitation) Scorpio (Badhak Sthaan)
11. Aquarius Aquarius Sagittarius
12. Pisces Pisces Capricorn(Deblitation)
The above chart shows that Jupiter in second Hora of Movable Signs, occupies Badhak
Sthaan and in the second hora of Pisces gets debilitated which may not produce good results.
Especially Jupiter in Capricorn is debilitated and occupy Badhak Sthaan Too which may prove
bad in respect of Finance {Capricorn is the Tenth House (Karma Sthaan) of Kaal Purush}.

D/3(Dreshkona) 10° each, 1st D/3(Narada), 2nd D/3 (Augastya) & 3rd D/3(Durvasa)

One of the important vargas, it give information about one’s past life deeds, poorva Punya
Karmas. Aristha, Ups and Downs in life are to be judged from this Varga.
Mathod: first D/3(0°-10°) to be same, second D/3(10°-20°) fifth house and third D/3(20°-30°)
ninth house.
Rashi First D/3(0°-10°) Second D/3(10°-20°) Third D/3(20°-30°)
1. Aries Aries Leo Sagittarius
2. Tauras Tauras Virgo Capricorn(Deb.+Badhak)
3. Gemini Gemini Libra Aquarius
4. Cancer Cancer Scorpio Pisces
5. Leo Leo Sagittarius Aries (Badhak)
6. Virgo Virgo Capricorn(Debilitation) Tauras
7. Libra Libra Aquarius Gemini
8. Scorpio Scorpio Pisces Cancer (Badhak)
9. Sagittarius Sagittarius Aries Leo
10. Capricorn Capricorn(Debilitation) Tauras Virgo
11. Aquarius Aquarius Gemini Libra (Badhak)
12. Pisces Pisces Cancer Scorpio
The Chart as above shows that Jupiter in 3rd D/3 in immovable signs, occupies Badhak
Sthaan and especially in Tauras, Jupiter gets debilitated and also occupies badhak sthaan
during its 3rd D/3.
D/3 Dreshkona have been divided in to 5 parts.
1. Sarpa Dreshkona
2. Aayur Dreshkona
3. Chthuspada Dreshkona
4. Khag Dreshkona
5. Stri Dreskona

Sarpa D/3 : Ist and 3rd D/3 of Cancer, Ist and 3rd D/3 of Scorpio and 3rd D/3 of Pisces
LL, 5L, 9L, and 10L should not be in Sarpa D/3.

Aayur D/3: 1st and 3rd D/3 of Aries, 3rd of Gemini, 2nd of Virgo, 1st of Libra, 3rd of Sagittarius, 1st
and 3rd of Capricorn, 1st and 3rd of Aquarius and 1st of Pisces.
8L, Saturn should not be Aayur D/3.

Chatushpada D/3: 2nd of Aries, 2nd and 3rd of Taurus, 1st, 2nd and 3rd of Leo, 3rd of Libra, 3rd of
Scorpio, 1st of Sagittarius, 1st of Capricorn.
Helps maintaining balance, reforms

Khag D/3: 2nd Aries, 2nd Taurus, 3rd of Gemini, 1st of Leo, 1st of Aquarius.
LL, 10L, 10L from moon are in this D/3 give proficiency in works related to communication.
LL,8L and Saturn should not be in this D/3.

Stri D/3: 1st D/3 of Taurus, 1st & 3rd D/3 of Virgo, 2nd D/3 of Sagittarius, 2nd D/3 of Capricorn, 2nd
D/3 of Aquarius and 2nd D/3 of Pisces.
Effective personality , Beautiful and attractive.

D/9, Navamsa: Paper Attached

1st, 4th and 7th D/9 are called Devta, 2nd, 5th and 8th D/9 are Nar and 3rd, 6th and 9th are

1st D/12: 0° - 2°30’ Ganesh
2nd D/12: 2°30’ - 5°00’ Ashwani Kumar
3 D/12: 5°00’ - 7°30’ Yama
4th D/12: 7°30’ - 10°00’ Ahi
5th D/12: 10°00’- 12°30’ Ganesh
6 D/12: 12°30’ - 15°00’ Ashwani Kumar
7th D/12: 15°00’ - 17°30’ Yama
8 D/12: 17°30’ - 20°00’ Ahi
9th D/12: 20°00’ - 22°30’ Ganesh
10 D/12: 22°30’ - 25°00’ Ashwani Kumar
11th D/12: 25°00’ - 27°30’ Yama
12 D/12: 27°30’ - 30°00’ Ahi
Rashi st nd rd th th
1 2 3 4 5 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4
6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5
7 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
8 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
12 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Jupiter in Tauras is 9th Dwadamsa (20°00’ - 22°30’) becomes debilitated and Badhak.

Jupiter covers 12 rashis in 4332.589 days or 11.86 Years(11 years 10 months 16 days

Jupiter covers one Rashi in 398.884 Days (1 year 1 month 4 days).

Average daily motion of Jupiter is 0° 04’ 59.1”.

Contd. If liked and demanded

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