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Contents............................................................ 2 POLIWAG ....................................................... 165

How to Read: Pokedex Entries...................... 6 AZURILL ......................................................... 169
Pokédex............................................................. 11 TYMPOLE....................................................... 172
BULBASAUR................................................... 12 HORSEA ......................................................... 175
CHIKORITA.................................................... 15 SPHEAL .......................................................... 178
TREECKO ....................................................... 18 VANILLITE .................................................... 181
TURTWIG ...................................................... 21 RALTS............................................................... 184
SNIVY............................................................... 24 ABRA ............................................................... 188
CHESPIN.......................................................... 27 GOTHITA........................................................ 191
CHARMANDER............................................. 30 SOLOSIS........................................................... 194
CYNDAQUIL.................................................. 33 MACHOP ....................................................... 197
TORCHIC ....................................................... 36 TIMBURR ...................................................... 200
CHIMCHAR.................................................... 39 GEODUDE ...................................................... 203
TEPIG ............................................................. 42 ROGGENROLA.............................................. 206
FENNEKIN...................................................... 45 RHYHORN ..................................................... 209
SQUIRTLE....................................................... 48 SWINUB ......................................................... 212
TOTODILE...................................................... 51 SANDILE.......................................................... 215
MUDKIP.......................................................... 54 ARON............................................................... 218
PIPLUP ............................................................ 57 KLINK.............................................................. 221
OSHAWOTT.................................................... 60 HONEDGE...................................................... 224
FROAKIE......................................................... 63 GASTLY............................................................ 227
CATERPIE....................................................... 66 DUSKULL ....................................................... 230
WEEDLE.......................................................... 69 LITWICK......................................................... 233
SEWADDLE..................................................... 72 CLEFFA .......................................................... 236
VENIPEDE....................................................... 75 TOGEPI .......................................................... 239
WURMPLE...................................................... 78 FLABÉBÉ.......................................................... 242
SCATTERBUG................................................ 83 TRAPINCH...................................................... 245
PIDGEY............................................................ 86 AXEW............................................................... 248
STARLY............................................................ 89 RATTATA......................................................... 251
PIDOVE........................................................... 92 SENTRET ........................................................ 253
FLETCHLING................................................. 95 ZIGZAGOON.................................................. 255
NIDORAN (F)................................................. 98 BIDOOF........................................................... 257
NIDORAN (M)............................................... 101 PATRAT............................................................ 259
ZUBAT.............................................................. 104 BUNNELBY..................................................... 261
IGGLYBUFF .................................................... 107 MEOWTH........................................................ 263
HAPPINY ........................................................ 110 SKITTY............................................................. 265
WHISMUR...................................................... 113 GLAMEOW .................................................... 267
LILLIPUP......................................................... 116 MINCCINO..................................................... 269
PORYGON ...................................................... 119 BUNEARY ....................................................... 271
SLAKOTH ....................................................... 122 SNUBBULL...................................................... 273
ODDISH .......................................................... 125 AIPOM ........................................................... 275
BELLSPROUT ................................................ 129 DEERLING .................................................... 277
HOPPIP .......................................................... 132 TEDDIURSA .................................................. 279
LOTAD ........................................................... 135 LICKITUNG .................................................. 281
SEEDOT ......................................................... 138 MUNCHLAX................................................... 283
BUDEW............................................................ 141 BURMY .......................................................... 285
PICHU ............................................................. 144 NINCADA ...................................................... 290
MAGNEMITE................................................. 147 PARAS............................................................... 293
MAREEP ........................................................ 150 VENONAT....................................................... 295
SHINX.............................................................. 153 LEDYBA ......................................................... 297
TYNAMO......................................................... 156 SPINARAK....................................................... 299
ELEKID ........................................................... 159 YANMA .......................................................... 301
MAGBY ........................................................... 162 PINECO ........................................................... 303

SURSKIT ......................................................... 305 PONYTA.......................................................... 411
KRICKETOT................................................... 307 SLUGMA.......................................................... 413
COMBEE ......................................................... 309 NUMEL............................................................ 415
DWEBBLE........................................................ 311 DARUMAKA................................................... 417
KARRABLAST .............................................. 313 LITLEO............................................................. 419
SHELMET........................................................ 315 CLAMPERL..................................................... 421
JOLTIK.............................................................. 317 SLOWPOKE .................................................... 424
SCYTHER ....................................................... 319 GOLDEEN....................................................... 427
LARVESTA....................................................... 321 BARBOACH.................................................... 429
SPEAROW....................................................... 323 FINNEON........................................................ 431
DODUO........................................................... 325 CHINCHOU.................................................... 433
HOOTHOOT.................................................. 327 CARVANHA.................................................... 435
TAILLOW ....................................................... 329 WINGULL ...................................................... 437
RUFFLET.......................................................... 331 DUCKLETT .................................................... 439
SWABLU .......................................................... 333 TENTACOOL.................................................. 441
NOIBAT............................................................ 335 FRILLISH......................................................... 443
EKANS.............................................................. 337 SHELLDER ...................................................... 445
STUNKY........................................................... 339 KRABBY........................................................... 447
GRIMER ......................................................... 341 CORPHISH...................................................... 449
KOFFING ........................................................ 343 STARYU .......................................................... 451
GULPIN ........................................................... 345 PSYDUCK ...................................................... 453
TRUBBISH....................................................... 347 WOOPER ........................................................ 455
SKORUPI ......................................................... 349 SEEL.................................................................. 457
CROAGUNK................................................... 351 SHELLOS ......................................................... 459
SKRELP............................................................ 353 BUIZEL ............................................................ 461
SANDSHREW................................................. 355 REMORAID..................................................... 463
DIGLETT......................................................... 357 MANTYKE ..................................................... 465
CUBONE ........................................................ 359 MAGIKARP..................................................... 467
GLIGAR ........................................................... 361 FEEBAS ........................................................... 469
PHANPY ........................................................ 363 WAILMER ....................................................... 471
BALTOY........................................................... 365 CLAUNCHER................................................. 473
HIPPOPOTAS ............................................... 367 SNORUNT....................................................... 475
DRILBUR......................................................... 369 CUBCHOO...................................................... 478
GOLETT .......................................................... 371 BERGMITE...................................................... 480
BONSLY .......................................................... 373 VOLTORB ....................................................... 482
NOSEPASS....................................................... 375 ELECTRIKE..................................................... 484
ONIX ................................................................ 377 BLITZLE ......................................................... 486
BINACLE.......................................................... 379 HELIOPTILE................................................... 488
BRONZOR ...................................................... 381 NATU................................................................ 490
SUNKERN ....................................................... 383 WOOBAT......................................................... 492
TANGELA ....................................................... 385 SPOINK............................................................ 494
CHERUBI ........................................................ 387 MUNNA........................................................... 496
COTTONEE.................................................... 389 ELGYEM.......................................................... 498
PETILIL............................................................ 391 DROWZEE ..................................................... 500
FOONGUS....................................................... 393 SMOOCHUM.................................................. 502
SHROOMISH ................................................. 395 MIME JR.......................................................... 504
FERROSEED.................................................... 397 CHINGLING ................................................. 506
CACNEA ........................................................ 399 WYNAUT ....................................................... 508
EXEGGCUTE.................................................. 401 ESPURR............................................................ 510
SNOVER........................................................... 403 TYROGUE ...................................................... 512
SKIDDO........................................................... 405 MANKEY......................................................... 516
VULPIX............................................................ 407 MIENFOO....................................................... 518
GROWLITHE.................................................. 409 MAKUHITA.................................................... 520

MEDITITE....................................................... 522 LUVDISC......................................................... 599
RIOLU............................................................... 524 ALOMOMOLA............................................... 600
PANCHAM...................................................... 526 LAPRAS ........................................................... 601
MURKROW .................................................... 528 DELIBIRD........................................................ 602
VULLABY........................................................ 530 CRYOGONAL................................................. 603
PURRLOIN...................................................... 532 PACHIRISU ................................................... 604
HOUNDOUR.................................................. 534 EMOLGA......................................................... 605
POOCHYENA ............................................... 536 STUNFISK....................................................... 606
SCRAGGY........................................................ 538 ROTOM Normal Form ................................. 607
SNEASEL.......................................................... 540 DEDENNE....................................................... 609
PAWNIARD..................................................... 542 GIRAFARIG ................................................... 610
ZORUA............................................................. 544 SIGILYPH......................................................... 611
INKAY.............................................................. 546 MAWILE.......................................................... 612
MISDREAVUS................................................. 548 SKARMORY.................................................... 613
SHUPPET......................................................... 550 KLEFKI............................................................. 614
DRIFLOON...................................................... 552 ABSOL ............................................................. 615
YAMASK.......................................................... 554 SABLEYE.......................................................... 616
PHANTUMP................................................... 556 SPIRITOMB..................................................... 617
PUMPKABOO................................................ 558 DRUDDIGON................................................. 618
SPRITZEE........................................................ 560 PLUSLE ............................................................ 619
SWIRLIX.......................................................... 562 MINUN ........................................................... 620
PANSAGE........................................................ 564 VOLBEAT ....................................................... 621
PANSEAR......................................................... 566 ILLUMISE........................................................ 622
PANPOUR....................................................... 568 LUNATONE..................................................... 623
FARFETCH’D.................................................. 570 SOLROCK........................................................ 624
CHATOT ........................................................ 571 CARBINK......................................................... 625
DUNSPARCE................................................... 572 THROH............................................................ 626
MILTANK ....................................................... 573 SAWK................................................................ 627
TAUROS .......................................................... 574 HAWLUCHA................................................... 628
BOUFFALANT .............................................. 575 DITTO.............................................................. 629
STANTLER....................................................... 576 UNOWN.......................................................... 630
AUDINO.......................................................... 577 EEVEE............................................................... 631
SPINDA............................................................ 578 OMANYTE ..................................................... 640
KECLEON........................................................ 579 KABUTO.......................................................... 642
CASTFORM..................................................... 580 LILEEP ............................................................ 644
SMEARGLE..................................................... 581 ANORITH........................................................ 646
KANGASKHAN.............................................. 582 CRANIDOS..................................................... 648
FURFROU........................................................ 583 SHIELDON...................................................... 650
ZANGOOSE.................................................... 584 TIRTOUGA..................................................... 652
SEVIPER........................................................... 585 ARCHEN.......................................................... 654
SHUCKLE ....................................................... 586 TYRUNT.......................................................... 656
DURANT......................................................... 587 AMAURA......................................................... 658
PINSIR ............................................................ 588 AERODACTYL............................................... 660
HERACROSS ................................................. 589 DRATINI ......................................................... 661
CARNIVINE.................................................... 590 LARVITAR....................................................... 664
MARACTUS.................................................... 591 BAGON............................................................ 667
TROPIUS ......................................................... 592 BELDUM.......................................................... 670
TORKOAL........................................................ 593 GIBLE............................................................... 673
HEATMOR...................................................... 594 DEINO.............................................................. 676
QWILFISH....................................................... 595 GOOMY........................................................... 679
BASCULIN....................................................... 596 MEW .............................................................. 683
RELICANTH................................................... 597 MEWTWO ..................................................... 684
CORSOLA ....................................................... 598 GENESECT ................................................... 685

HEATRAN ...................................................... 686 PALKIA ........................................................... 739
ARTICUNO..................................................... 687 GIRATINA Origin Forme ...................... 740
ZAPDOS ......................................................... 688 GIRATINA Altered Forme ...................... 741
MOLTRES ....................................................... 689 XERNEAS......................................................... 742
RAIKOU ......................................................... 690 YVELTAL......................................................... 743
ENTEI ............................................................. 691 ZYGARDE........................................................ 744
SUICUNE......................................................... 692 ARCEUS .......................................................... 745
REGIROCK...................................................... 693
REGICE .......................................................... 694
REGISTEEL ................................................. 695
REGIGIGAS ................................................ 696
COBALION ................................................... 697
TERRAKION ................................................. 698
VIRIZION ..................................................... 699
KELDEO........................................................... 700
UXIE .............................................................. 701
MESPRIT ......................................................... 702
AZELF ............................................................ 703
TORNADUS Incarnate Forme................. 704
TORNADUS Therian Forme................... 705
THUNDURUS Incarnate Forme............... 706
THUNDURUS Therian Forme.................. 707
LANDORUS Incarnate Forme............... 708
LANDORUS Therian Forme................... 709
LUGIA .............................................................. 710
HO-OH............................................................. 711
LATIAS ........................................................... 712
LATIOS ........................................................... 713
PHIONE .......................................................... 714
MANAPHY ..................................................... 715
CELEBI ........................................................... 716
JIRACHI........................................................... 717
VICTINI .......................................................... 718
SHAYMIN Land Forme................................. 719
SHAYMIN Sky Forme.................................... 720
DIANCIE ......................................................... 721
MELOETTA Aria Form................................ 722
MELOETTA Step Form................................. 723
DEOXYS Normal Forme.............................. 724
DEOXYS Attack Forme ......................... 725
DEOXYS Defense Forme.............................. 726
DEOXYS Speed Forme................................. 727
DARKRAI ....................................................... 728
CRESSELIA ................................................. 729
KYOGRE ......................................................... 730
GROUDON .................................................... 731
RAYQUAZA..................................................... 732
RESHIRAM ................................................... 733
ZEKROM ......................................................... 734
KYUREM ...................................................... 735
KYUREM Zekrom Fusion Form.............. 736
KYUREM Reshiram Fusion Form.......... 737
DIALGA ......................................................... 738

How to Read:
Pokedex Entries
At the heart of Pokémon Tabletop United are the monsters that the trainers capture and train. Their
Tabletop Ordering, detailed at the end of this guide, lists the Pokémon entries.
The entries are listed as such:
-Picture of Pokémon
Base Stats:
Basic Information
Basic Abilities
Advanced Abilities
High Ability
Stages – Species Names
Size Information
Height: Feet' Inches" / Meters (Size)
Weight: Pounds / Kilograms (Weight Class)
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio: % Male % Female
Egg Group(s):
Average Hatch Rate: Hours Days
Capability List
Skill List
Move List
Level Up Move List
TM/HM Move List
Egg Move List
Tutor Move List
Misc. Species specific Information

Species Name
Each Pokémon is part of a Species grouping. Individual stages of a single Pokémon’s
evolutionary line are not part of the same Species, but are part of the Species’ family. When talking about
a specific evolutionary line, or branched evolutionary tree, it is common to refer to the line or branch by
the Species name of the first Stage of the line. For example to talk about the Pichu, Pikachu and Raichu
evolutionary line, you can call it the Pichu evolutionary line. Likewise, to refer to the Riolu and Lucario
evolutionary line you can call it the Riolu evolutionary line. To refer to the Eevee, Jolteon, Vaporeon,
Flareon, Umbreon, Espeon, Glaceon, Leafeon, and Sylveon evolutionary branch you can call it the Eevee
evolutionary line.

Picture of Pokémon
In every Pokémon entry in the Pokedex, a picture is provided to show what the average Species
member looks like. However, various minor differences can be seen between individual members of the
Species. Sometimes, a Pokémon can look drastically different from the norm of its Species in color. These
oddities are known as Shiny Pokémon and are rare treasures sought out by collectors and coordinators all
around the world.

Basic Information
There are eighteen different Elemental Types in the world of Pokémon: Bug, Dark, Dragon, Elec-
tric, Fairy, Fighting, Fire, Flying, Ghost, Grass, Ground, Ice, Normal, Poison, Psychic, Rock, Steel, Water.
Each Pokémon belongs to a specific Elemental Type and some Pokémon belong to two Elemental Types.
Types affect how much damage a Pokémon takes when hit by Attacks and are very important factors to
keep track of while battling.

Basic Abilities
Pokémon Abilities are special natural born gifts that a Pokémon can utilize. Pokémon have access
to at least one of their abilities from birth. Abilities are detailed in the Player’s Handbook

Advanced Abilities
Pokémon begin to gain access to more powerful abilities as they grow. At level 20, a Pokémon may
take a second ability chosen from either their Basic or Advanced Abilities.

High Abilities
High Abilities are special natural born gifts that a Pokémon can utilize once matured. At level 40,
a Pokémon may take a different Basic Ability, Advanced Ability, or their High Ability.

When Pokémon mature and age, their body drastically changes in mass and shape to reach a new
Stage of their Evolutionary Line. Some Pokémon do not Evolve while others do and other can Evolve
twice in their lifetime. Aside from learning more about the world and physically maturing, Pokémon
need a great deal of emotion to urge their Evolution. Sometimes, confidence and happiness is enough
for a Pokémon to evolve and other times, it is a Pokémon’s frustration and hate that pushes it to change.
Not all Pokémon can naturally evolve without foreign aid. Some Pokémon require the radiation found in
Evolutionary Stones to mutate themselves into their next form. There are also Pokémon who require the
attachment of a keepsake to promote their evolution. Next to these various ways to evolve there are even
more ways for a Pokémon to meet their next level of maturity.
Detailed in the Evolution section is the Species Names of the Pokémon that can be attained by the
Species in question as well as the requirements to evolve. Remember, just because a Pokémon has met
their minimum requirements does not mean they will evolve. Sometimes there are personal reasons for a
Pokémon to not want to evolve.

Size Information
Height and Weight
The Height and Weights given for each Pokémon Species are averages determined by Pokémon
Researchers around the world. It is not uncommon to see Pokémon who are up to 10% heavier or larger
then the average or 10% lighter or smaller then the norm. When capturing Pokémon be sure to note their
individual Heights and Weights. Be sure to note their changes if they evolve as well.
Pokémon sizes vary from Small, to Medium, to Large, to Huge and finally, Gigantic. On a grid,
both Small and Medium Pokémon would take up one space, or a 1x1m square. A Small Pokémon may
occupy a space with up to one other Medium or Small Pokémon, or a human who is “Medium” in size.
Large Pokémon occupy 2x2 spaces or a 2x2m square. Huge Pokémon occupy 3x3 spaces or a 3x3m
square. Finally, Gigantic Pokémon occupies 4x4 spaces or a 4x4m square. Huge and Gigantic Pokémon
may also occupy stranger shapes than a square provided your GM gives you some house rulings and lets
you know how many spaces your Huge or Gigantic Pokémon take and How they may be placed on a
Weight Classes are used for several Abilities and Moves. They range from 1 to 6 and are labeled in
the parenthesis after weights.

Breeding Information
When a female Pokémon is mature enough, it can produce eggs and if a male Pokémon is mature
enough, it can fertilize them. When given some time alone, Pokémon of the opposite sex and appropri-
ately matching Egg Groups can produce oval Eggs that are approximately 5.5 pounds or 2.5 kilograms.
See the Breeding section of the core book for how the baby Pokémon’s traits are determined.

Gender Ratio
Not all Species of Pokémon have an equal distribution of male and female children. When finding
a Pokémon in the wild, knowing the gender of a particular Pokémon may make or break your desire to
capture the target.

Egg Groups
Pokémon are mysterious since they can cross breed between Evolutionary Stages and even
Species, but not any Pokémon can mate with any Pokémon. There are limits and these limits are defined
as Egg Groups. Pokémon can only produce Eggs when mating with a Pokémon that shares an Egg Group.
The Egg Groups are Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Ground, Humanshape, Indeterminate, Mineral, Monster,
Plant, Water 1, Water 2, Water 3. There is also the Ditto Egg Group, exclusive to the Pokémon Species
Ditto, who can breed with any other Pokémon to produce an Egg while acting as either the male or

Average Hatch Rate

Depending on what Species the mother of the Egg is, the baby will be the lowest form of that
Species’ Evolutionary Line. Each Species takes a different amount of time to hatch so the Average Hatch
Rate covers how quickly the Egg should hatch. The Average Hatch Rate however is only an average.
Sometimes the Egg may take twice the length of time or only half of it, depending how well the Egg is

The Diet entry explains what kind of food the Pokémon needs to survive. Carnivores primarily
feed on other Pokémon, Herbivores will usually need leafy food, vegetables, nuts and fruits to survive,
Omnivores can eat plants and other Pokémon, Phototrophs can photosynthesize their own food and
energy. Some of the stranger diets some Pokémon have are that of a Terravore; one who feeds on the
minerals found in rock and dirt around them, or the Nullivore; which does not need to eat anything to
sustain itself for various reasons. Despite any primary feeding behavior any Pokémon can enjoy any
edible Item designed for a Pokémon to consume such as Poffins, Apricorn Shakes or PokeBlocks. By
keeping track of your Pokémon’s needs, you can influence their living conditions in a positive manner
and make their partnership with you as Pokémon and Trainer more cooperative.

There are some places that a particular Species of Pokémon will not thrive. For obvious reason,
you’ll only find fish-like Pokémon in the water or rocky Pokémon near rocky places. The Habitat entry
explains what kind of terrain to look for if you intend to hunt for a particular Species of Pokémon. Keep
in mind, just because you may be in the appropriate terrain to find a particular Pokémon, it doesn’t mean
you are in the right region of specific location.

Capability List
Each Species of Pokémon move at different rates in various terrains. They have different capacities
for jumping strength and physical strength. Some Pokémon can fly while others can breath underwater.
Many Species of Pokémon can be trained for being used as a Mount. Others are too small for that but can
be used for infiltration as a result of their size. The Capabilities list all keywords relating to static abilities
the Pokémon has.

Skill List
Pokémon, like Trainers, have Skills that are used for task resolution. Each Species of Pokémon has
different aptitudes for different skills. The values rolled for Skill Checks done by a particular species are
enumerated in the Skill List. Most Pokémon only have the Athletics, Acrobatics, Combat, Stealth, Percep-
tion, and Focus skills defined in the Pokédex because those are the ones most determined by biology and
are characteristics of a species. While Pokémon can have social Skills such as Guile or Charm, or even
Education Skills for intelligent Pokémon, these are not species dependent and should be assigned by the
GM as their own discretion.

Move List
Each Pokémon can learn Moves. Moves define how a Pokémon can be used in combat and are
separated into various Elemental Types. A Move can be used to damage a foe or to alter variables in battle
to gain an upper hand in battle. There are several ways for a Pokémon to learn a Move but a Pokémon
must be compatible with the Move in order to be able to learn it. A Pokémon can learn a Move while
gaining levels, from a Technical or Hidden Machine, when born they already know a Move or a tutor can
teach the Pokémon a Move.

Level Up Moves
Written into each Pokémon from birth is a list of every Move their species can learn while
becoming more experienced in the world. Moves on the Level Up Move List are learned when the
Pokémon reaches the specified level.

TM/HM and Tutor Moves

Use of Technical Machines, Hidden Machines or the tutelage of skilled trainers can teach a
Pokémon Moves that they would not normally be able to perform. It is difficult for a Pokémon to learn
and retain such Moves, so they may only ever know a total of three of these such Moves at a time. If a
Pokémon learned a Move through the use of a TM, HM, or Tutor but the Move is on their Level Up List,
the Move no longer counts against this limit. Moves listed in the Tutor with the “(N)” symbol indicate a
“Heart Scale Move” that is referenced by some Features. Heart Scale Moves do not count against the three
Move limit for TM/HM and Tutor Moves.

Egg Move List and Inheritance Moves

When a mature parent Pokémon gains access to a powerful Move, they instill the ability to use
the Move in their child. Cross Species breeding can result in young Pokémon knowing unusual Moves.
The Egg Move List lists what Moves have been known to exist in the Species on occasion, from birth. Egg
Moves along with compatible TM/HM Moves for the child are placed in an Inheritance List for the child.
At level 20 and every 10 levels thereafter, the Child Pokémon can learn a Move from its Inheritance Move


BULBASAUR Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 0/2, Power 2, Nature-
walk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
3 Growl - Normal
7 Leech Seed - Grass
9 Vine Whip - Grass
13 Poison Powder - Poison
13 Sleep Powder - Grass
15 Take Down - Normal
19 Razor Leaf - Grass
21 Sweet Scent - Normal
Base Stats: 25 Growth - Normal
HP: 5 27 Double-Edge - Normal
Attack: 5 31 Worry Seed - Grass
Defense: 5 33 Synthesis - Grass
Special Attack: 7 37 Seed Bomb - Grass
Special Defense: 7
Speed: 5 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10
Basic Information Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen,
Type : Grass / Poison 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 So-
Basic Ability 1: Chlorophyll lar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge
Basic Ability 2: Overgrow Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49
Adv Ability 1: Confidence Echoed Voice, 53 Energy Ball, 70 Flash, 75 Swords
Adv Ability 2: Discipline Dance, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
High Ability: Empower 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power, 100
1 - Bulbasaur Egg Move List
2 - Ivysaur Minimum 15 Amnesia, Charm, Curse, Endure, Giga
3 - Venusaur Minimum 30 Drain, Grass Whistle, Grassy Terrain, Ingrain, Leaf
Storm, Light Screen, Magical Leaf, Nature Power,
Size Information Petal Dance, Power Whip, Safeguard, Skull Bash,
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small) Sludge
Weight : 15.2 lbs. / 6.9kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Bind, Body Slam, Bullet Seed, Defense Curl,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Fury Cutter, Giga Drain, Grass Pledge, Knock Off,
Egg Group : Monster / Plant Mud-Slap, Natural Gift, Secret Power, Seed Bomb,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Sleep Talk, Snore, String Shot, Synthesis, Worry
Diet : Herbivore, Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Rainforest

IVYSAUR Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6+3, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Growl - Normal
7 Leech Seed - Grass
9 Vine Whip - Grass
13 Poison Powder - Poison
13 Sleep Powder - Grass
15 Take Down - Normal
20 Razor Leaf - Grass
23 Sweet Scent - Normal
28 Growth - Normal
Base Stats: 31 Double-Edge - Normal
HP: 6 36 Worry Seed - Grass
Attack: 6 39 Synthesis - Grass
Defense: 6 44 Solar Beam - Grass
Special Attack: 8
Special Defense: 8 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 6 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10
Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17
Basic Information Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Type : Grass / Poison 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Fa-
Basic Ability 1: Chlorophyll cade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice,
Basic Ability 2: Overgrow 53 Energy Ball, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 86 Grass
Adv Ability 1: Confidence Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
Adv Ability 2: Discipline Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power, 100 Confide
High Ability: Empower
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Bind, Body Slam, Bullet Seed, Defense Curl,
1 - Bulbasaur Endure, Fury Cutter, Giga Drain, Grass Pledge,
2 - Ivysaur Minimum 15 Knock Off, Leech Seed, Mud-Slap, Natural Gift,
3 - Venusaur Minimum 30 Secret Power, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, String
Shot, Synthesis, Tackle, Worry Seed
Size Information
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 28.7 lbs. / 13kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Monster / Plant

Diet : Omnivore, Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Rainforest

VENUSAUR Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 8, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Alluring (while in Rain only)

Skill List
Athl 5d6+3, Acro 1d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 1d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 5d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Growl - Normal
7 Leech Seed - Grass
9 Vine Whip - Grass
13 Poison Powder - Poison
13 Sleep Powder - Grass
15 Take Down - Normal
20 Razor Leaf - Grass
23 Sweet Scent - Normal
28 Growth - Normal
Base Stats: 31 Double-Edge - Normal
HP: 8 32 Petal Dance - Grass
Attack: 8 39 Worry Seed - Grass
Defense: 8 45 Synthesis - Grass
Special Attack: 10 50 Petal Blizzard - Grass
Special Defense: 10 53 Solar Beam - Grass
Speed: 8
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 09 Veno-
Type : Grass / Poison shock, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper
Basic Ability 1: Chlorophyll Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21
Basic Ability 2: Overgrow Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 26 Earthquake, 27 Re-
Adv Ability 1: Confidence turn, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Discipline 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 53
High Ability: Empower Energy Ball, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords
Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Evolution: Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature
1 - Bulbasaur Power, 100 Confide
2 - Ivysaur Minimum 15
3 - Venusaur Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
Bind, Body Slam, Block, Bullet Seed, Defense
Size Information Curl, Frenzy Plant, Fury Cutter, Giga Drain, Grass
Height : 6’ 7” / 2m (Large) Pledge, Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Natural Gift, Outrage,
Weight : 220.5 lbs. / 100kg (5) Secret Power, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, String
Shot, Synthesis, Worry Seed
Breeding Information Mega Evolution
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Type: Unchanged
Egg Group : Monster / Plant Ability: Thick Fat

Diet : Omnivore, Phototroph Stats: +2 Atk, +4 Def,
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Rainforest +2 Sp. Atk, +2 Sp. Def

CHIKORITA Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Nature-
walk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
3 Growl - Normal
6 Razor Leaf - Grass
9 Poison Powder - Poison
12 Synthesis - Grass
17 Reflect - Psychic
20 Magical Leaf - Grass
23 Natural Gift - Normal
28 Sweet Scent - Normal
Base Stats: 31 Light Screen - Psychic
HP: 5 34 Body Slam - Normal
Attack: 5 39 Safeguard - Normal
Defense: 7 42 Aromatherapy - Grass
Special Attack: 5 45 Solar Beam - Grass
Special Defense: 7
Speed: 5 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Basic Information 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frus-
Type : Grass tration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Basic Ability 1: Healer 33 Reflect, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
Basic Ability 2: Overgrow 49 Echoed Voice, 53 Energy Ball, 70 Flash, 75
Adv Ability 1: Aroma Veil Swords Dance, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 2: Leaf Guard Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature Power
High Ability: Blessed Touch
Egg Move List
Evolution: Ancient Power, Aromatherapy, Body Slam,
1 - Chikorita Counter, Flail, Grass Whistle, Grassy Terrain, Heal
2 - Bayleef Minimum 15 Pulse, Ingrain, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Nature
3 - Meganium Minimum 30 Power, Refresh, Vine Whip, Wring Out

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Small) Ancient Power, Bullet Seed, Double-Edge,
Weight : 14.1 lbs. / 6.4kg (1) Fury Cutter, Giga Drain, Grass Pledge, Iron Tail,
Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Role Play, Secret Power, Seed
Breeding Information Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Synthesis, Worry Seed
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Monster / Plant
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Phototroph, Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

BAYLEEF Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6+4, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6+2, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Growl - Normal
6 Razor Leaf - Grass
9 Poison Powder - Poison
12 Synthesis - Grass
17 Reflect - Psychic
20 Magical Leaf - Grass
23 Natural Gift - Normal
28 Sweet Scent - Normal
31 Light Screen - Psychic
Base Stats: 34 Body Slam - Normal
HP: 6 39 Safeguard - Normal
Attack: 6 42 Aromatherapy - Grass
Defense: 8 45 Solar Beam - Grass
Special Attack: 6
Special Defense: 8 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 6 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard,
Basic Information 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double
Type : Grass Team, 33 Reflect, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Basic Ability 1: Healer Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 53 Energy Ball, 70 Flash,
Basic Ability 2: Overgrow 75 Swords Dance, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Adv Ability 1: Aroma Veil Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature
Adv Ability 2: Leaf Guard Power
High Ability: Blessed Touch
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Ancient Power, Bullet Seed, Counter,
1 - Chikorita Double-Edge, Fury Cutter, Giga Drain, Grass
2 - Bayleef Minimum 15 Pledge, Iron Tail, Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Role Play,
3 - Meganium Minimum 30 Secret Power, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Synthe-
sis, Worry Seed
Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 34.8 lbs. / 15.8kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Monster / Plant

Diet : Phototroph, Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

MEGANIUM Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 4, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest)

Skill List
Athl 5d6+4, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 5d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Growl - Normal
6 Razor Leaf - Grass
9 Poison Powder - Poison
12 Synthesis - Grass
18 Reflect - Psychic
22 Magical Leaf - Grass
26 Natural Gift - Normal
32 Petal Dance - Grass
34 Sweet Scent - Normal
Base Stats: 40 Light Screen - Psychic
HP: 8 46 Body Slam - Normal
Attack: 8 54 Safeguard - Normal
Defense: 10 60 Aromatherapy - Grass
Special Attack: 8 66 Solar Beam - Grass
Special Defense: 10 70 Petal Blizzard - Grass
Speed: 8
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Type : Grass 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen,
Basic Ability 1: Healer 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Basic Ability 2: Overgrow Beam, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 1: Aroma Veil 33 Reflect, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 2: Leaf Guard 49 Echoed Voice, 53 Energy Ball, 68 Giga Impact,
High Ability: Blessed Touch 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 82 Dragon
Tail, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Evolution: Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power
1 - Chikorita
2 - Bayleef Minimum 15 Tutor Move List
3 - Meganium Minimum 30 Ancient Power, Bullet Seed, Counter,
Double-Edge, Frenzy Plant, Fury Cutter, Giga
Size Information Drain, Grass Pledge, Iron Tail, Magic Coat, Mud-
Height : 5’ 11” / 1.8m (Large) Slap, Outrage, Role Play, Secret Power, Seed Bomb,
Weight : 221.6 lbs. / 100.5kg (5) Sleep Talk, Snore, Synthesis, Worry Seed

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Monster / Plant

Diet : Phototroph, Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

TREECKO Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 2/2, Power 2, Wallclimb-
er, Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6+3, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+3,
Percep 3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Pound - Normal
3 Leer - Normal
5 Absorb - Grass
9 Quick Attack - Normal
13 Mega Drain - Grass
17 Pursuit - Dark
21 Giga Drain - Grass
25 Agility - Psychic
29 Slam - Normal
Base Stats: 33 Detect - Fighting
HP: 4 37 Energy Ball - Grass
Attack: 5 41 Quick Guard - Fighting
Defense: 4 45 Endeavor - Normal
Special Attack: 7 49 Screech - Normal
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 7 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Basic Information Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21
Type : Grass Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31
Basic Ability 1: Unburden Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40
Basic Ability 2: Overgrow Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 1: Run Away 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 62 Acrobatics, 70 Flash,
Adv Ability 2: Vanguard 75 Swords Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass Knot, 87
High Ability: Ambush Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
96 Nature Power, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Treecko Egg Move List
2 - Grovyle Minimum 15 Bullet Seed, Crunch, Crush Claw, Dou-
3 - Sceptile Minimum 30 ble Kick, Dragon Breath, Endeavor, Grass Whistle,
Grassy Terrain, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Magical
Size Information Leaf, Mud Sport, Natural Gift, Razor Wind, Synthe-
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) sis, Worry Seed
Weight : 11 lbs. / 5kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Body Slam, Counter, Double-Edge, Drain
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Punch, Dynamic Punch, Endeavor, Focus Punch,
Egg Group : Monster / Dragon Fury Cutter, Giga Drain, Grass Pledge, Iron Tail,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Low Kick, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Secret
Power, Seed Bomb, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Diet : Herbivore Swift, Synthesis, Thunder Punch, Worry Seed
Habitat : Rainforest

GROVYLE Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 4, Jump 3/3, Power 3, Wallclimb-
er, Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 4d6+3, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
5d6+3, Percep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
5 Absorb - Grass
9 Quick Attack - Normal
13 Mega Drain - Grass
16 Fury Cutter - Bug
18 Pursuit - Dark
23 Leaf Blade - Grass
28 Agility - Psychic
33 Slam - Normal
Base Stats: 38 Detect - Fighting
HP: 5 43 X-Scissor - Bug
Attack: 7 48 False Swipe - Normal
Defense: 5 53 Quick Guard - Fighting
Special Attack: 9 58 Leaf Storm - Grass
Special Defense: 6 63 Screech - Normal
Speed: 7
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Type : Grass Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21
Basic Ability 1: Unburden Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Basic Ability 2: Overgrow 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb,
Adv Ability 1: Run Away 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47
Adv Ability 2: Vanguard Low Sweep, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 54 False
High Ability: Ambush Swipe, 56 Fling, 62 Acrobatics, 70 Flash, 75 Swords
Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 86 Grass Knot,
Evolution: 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
1 - Treecko Smash, 96 Nature Power, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
2 - Grovyle Minimum 15 Confide
3 - Sceptile Minimum 30
Tutor Move List
Size Information Body Slam, Bullet Seed, Counter,
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Medium) Double-Edge, Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch,
Weight : 47.6 lbs. / 21.6kg (2) Endeavor, Focus Punch, Fury Cutter, Giga Drain,
Grass Pledge, Iron Tail, Low Kick, Mega Kick,
Breeding Information Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Secret Power, Seed Bomb,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Synthesis,
Egg Group : Monster / Dragon Thunder Punch, Worry Seed

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Rainforest

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 5d6+2, Combat 5d6, Stealth 5d6+3,
Percep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
5 Absorb - Grass
9 Quick Attack - Normal
13 Mega Drain - Grass
16 Fury Cutter - Bug
18 Pursuit - Dark
23 Leaf Blade - Grass
28 Agility - Psychic
33 Slam - Normal
36 Dual Chop - Dragon
39 Detect - Fighting
45 X-Scissor - Bug
Base Stats: 51 False Swipe - Normal
HP: 7 57 Quick Guard - Fighting
Attack: 9 63 Leaf Storm - Grass
Defense: 7 69 Screech - Normal
Special Attack: 11
Special Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 12 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02 Dragon
Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Basic Information 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Type : Grass 22 Solar Beam, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31
Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial
Basic Ability 1: Unburden
Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep, 48
Basic Ability 2: Overgrow Round, 52 Focus Blast, 53 Energy Ball, 54 False Swipe, 56
Adv Ability 1: Run Away Fling, 62 Acrobatics, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords
Adv Ability 2: Vanguard Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 86 Grass
High Ability: Ambush Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
Smash, 96 Nature Power, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Con-
Evolution: fide
1 - Treecko Tutor Move List
2 - Grovyle Minimum 15 Body Slam, Bullet Seed, Counter, Double-Edge,
3 - Sceptile Minimum 30 Dragon Pulse, Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch, Endeavor,
Focus Punch, Frenzy Plant, Fury Cutter, Giga Drain,
Size Information Grass Pledge, Iron Tail, Low Kick, Mega Kick, Mega
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Medium) Punch, Mud-Slap, Night Slash (N), Outrage, Rock Climb,
Secret Power, Seed Bomb, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Weight : 115.1 lbs. / 52.2kg (4)
Swift, Synthesis, Thunder Punch, Worry Seed
Breeding Information Mega Evolution
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Type: Grass / Dragon
Egg Group : Monster / Dragon Ability: Lightning
Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Rainforest Stats: +2 Atk, +1 Def,
Capability List +4 Sp. Atk, +3 Speed
Overland 8, Swim 5, Jump 3/3, Power 5, Wallclimb-
er, Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest)

TURTWIG Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Burrow 2, Jump 1/1, Power 3,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 1d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Withdraw - Water
9 Absorb - Grass
13 Razor Leaf - Grass
17 Curse - Ghost
21 Bite - Dark
25 Mega Drain - Grass
29 Leech Seed - Grass
33 Synthesis - Grass
Base Stats: 37 Crunch - Dark
HP: 6 41 Giga Drain - Grass
Attack: 7 45 Leaf Storm - Grass
Defense: 6
Special Attack: 5 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 6 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Speed: 3 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect,
20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27
Basic Information Return, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 42 Facade,
Type : Grass 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 70
Basic Ability 1: Shell Armor Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger,
Basic Ability 2: Overgrow 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Adv Ability 1: Grass Pelt
Adv Ability 2: Sturdy Egg Move List
High Ability: Natural Cure Amnesia, Body Slam, Double-Edge, Earth
Power, Grassy Terrain, Growth, Sand Tomb, Seed
Evolution: Bomb, Spit Up, Stockpile, Superpower, Swallow,
1 - Turtwig Thrash, Tickle, Wide Guard, Worry Seed
2 - Grotle Minimum 15
3 - Torterra Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
Bullet Seed, Earth Power, Giga Drain,
Size Information Grass Pledge, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Natural Gift,
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Rock Climb, Secret Power, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk,
Weight : 22.5 lbs. / 10.2kg (1) Snore, Stealth Rock, Superpower, Synthesis, Worry
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Monster / Plant
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore, Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Marsh, Rainforest

GROTLE Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Withdraw - Water
9 Absorb - Grass
13 Razor Leaf - Grass
17 Curse - Ghost
22 Bite - Dark
27 Mega Drain - Grass
32 Leech Seed - Grass
37 Synthesis - Grass
Base Stats: 42 Crunch - Dark
HP: 8 47 Giga Drain - Grass
Attack: 9 52 Leaf Storm - Grass
Defense: 9
Special Attack: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 7 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Speed: 4 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 20
Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return,
Basic Information 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Type : Grass 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 70 Flash, 75
Basic Ability 1: Shell Armor Swords Dance, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Basic Ability 2: Overgrow Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Adv Ability 1: Grass Pelt
Adv Ability 2: Sturdy Tutor Move List
High Ability: Natural Cure Bullet Seed, Earth Power, Giga Drain, Grass
Pledge, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Natural Gift, Rock
High Abilities: Shell Armor Climb, Secret Power, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Evolution: Stealth Rock, Superpower, Synthesis, Worry Seed
1 - Turtwig
2 - Grotle Minimum 15
3 - Torterra Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium)
Weight : 213.8 lbs. / 97kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Monster / Plant

Diet : Herbivore, Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Marsh, Rainforest

TORTERRA Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 7, Ground-
shaper, Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Planter,
Mountable 2

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 1d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 6d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Withdraw - Water
9 Absorb - Grass
13 Razor Leaf - Grass
17 Curse - Ghost
22 Bite - Dark
27 Mega Drain - Grass
32 Earthquake - Ground
33 Leech Seed - Grass
Base Stats: 39 Synthesis - Grass
HP: 10 45 Crunch - Dark
Attack: 11 51 Giga Drain - Grass
Defense: 11 57 Leaf Storm - Grass
Special Attack: 8
Special Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 4 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10
Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16
Basic Information Light Screen, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustra-
Type : Grass / Ground tion, 22 Solar Beam, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 32
Basic Ability 1: Shell Armor Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock
Basic Ability 2: Overgrow Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53
Adv Ability 1: Grass Pelt Energy Ball, 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 70
Adv Ability 2: Sturdy Flash, 71 Stone Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 78 Bull-
High Ability: Natural Cure doze, 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Turtwig Tutor Move List
2 - Grotle Minimum 15 Block, Bullet Seed, Earth Power, Frenzy
3 - Torterra Minimum 30 Plant, Giga Drain, Grass Pledge, Earth Power, Iron
Head, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Natural Gift, Outrage,
Size Information Rock Climb, Secret Power, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk,
Height : 7’ 3” / 2.2m (Large) Snore, Stealth Rock, Superpower, Synthesis, Wood
Weight : 683.4 lbs. / 310kg (6) Hammer(N), Worry Seed

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Monster / Plant

Diet : Herbivore, Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Marsh, Rainforest

SNIVY Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Stealth, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+3, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
4 Leer - Normal
7 Vine Whip - Grass
10 Wrap - Normal
13 Growth - Normal
16 Leaf Tornado - Grass
19 Leech Seed - Grass
22 Mega Drain - Grass
25 Slam - Normal
Base Stats: 28 Leaf Blade - Grass
HP: 5 31 Coil - Poison
Attack: 5 34 Giga Drain - Grass
Defense: 6 37 Wring Out - Normal
Special Attack: 5 40 Gastro Acid - Poison
Special Defense: 6 43 Leaf Storm - Grass
Speed: 6
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Type : Grass Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 16 Light Screen, 17
Basic Ability 1: Sol Veil Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Basic Ability 2: Overgrow 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 40 Aerial
Adv Ability 1: Contrary Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Adv Ability 2: Leaf Rush Round, 53 Energy Ball, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance,
High Ability: Sway 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
tute, 96 Nature Power
1 - Snivy Egg Move List
2 - Servine Minimum 15 Captivate, Glare, Grassy Terrain, Iron Tail,
3 - Serperior Minimum 30 Magical Leaf, Mean Look, Mirror Coat, Natural Gift,
Pursuit, Sweet Scent, Twister
Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 17.9. lbs. / 8.1kg (1) Aqua Tail, Bind, Gastro Acid, Giga Drain,
Grass Pledge, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Seed Bomb,
Breeding Information Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Synthesis, Worry Seed
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field / Plant
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

SERVINE Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Stealth, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 4d6+3,
Percep 4d6, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Leer - Normal
7 Vine Whip - Grass
10 Wrap - Normal
13 Growth - Normal
16 Leaf Tornado - Grass
20 Leech Seed - Grass
24 Mega Drain - Grass
28 Slam - Normal
32 Leaf Blade - Grass
Base Stats: 36 Coil - Poison
HP: 6 40 Giga Drain - Grass
Attack: 6 44 Wring Out - Normal
Defense: 8 48 Gastro Acid - Poison
Special Attack: 6 52 Leaf Storm - Grass
Special Defense: 8
Speed: 8 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Basic Information Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 16 Light Screen,
Type : Grass 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Basic Ability 1: Sol Veil Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 40
Basic Ability 2: Overgrow Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
Adv Ability 1: Contrary tract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 70 Flash, 75 Swords
Adv Ability 2: Leaf Rush Dance, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
High Ability: Sway Substitute, 96 Nature Power

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Snivy Aqua Tail, Bind, Gastro Acid, Giga Drain,
2 - Servine Minimum 15 Grass Pledge, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Seed Bomb,
3 - Serperior Minimum 30 Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Synthesis, Worry Seed

Size Information
Height : 2’ 07” / 0.8m (Small)
Weight : 35.3 lbs. / 16kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field / Plant

Diet : Herbivore, Phototroph

Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

SERPERIOR Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 5, Jump 3/2, Power 5, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Stealth

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 5d6+3, Per-
cep 5d6+2, Focus 6d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Leer - Normal
7 Vine Whip - Grass
10 Wrap - Normal
13 Growth - Normal
16 Leaf Tornado - Grass
20 Leech Seed - Grass
24 Mega Drain - Grass
28 Slam - Normal
32 Leaf Blade - Grass
Base Stats: 38 Coil - Poison
HP: 8 44 Giga Drain - Grass
Attack: 8 50 Wring Out - Normal
Defense: 10 56 Gastro Acid - Poison
Special Attack: 8 62 Leaf Storm - Grass
Special Defense: 10
Speed: 11 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind, 06
Basic Information Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15
Type : Grass Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 20 Safe-
Basic Ability 1: Sol Veil guard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32
Basic Ability 2: Overgrow Double Team, 33 Reflect, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment,
Adv Ability 1: Contrary 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy
Adv Ability 2: Leaf Rush Ball, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 82
High Ability: Regal Challenge Dragon Tail, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power
1 - Snivy Tutor Move List
2 - Servine Minimum 15 Aqua Tail, Bind, Dragon Pulse, Frenzy Plant,
3 - Serperior Minimum 30 Gastro Acid, Giga Drain, Grass Pledge, Iron Tail,
Knock Off, Outrage, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Size Information Snore, Synthesis, Worry Seed
Height : 10’ 10” / 3.3m (Large)
Weight : 138.9 lbs. / 63kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field / Plant

Diet : Herbivore, Phototroph

Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

CHESPIN Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Growl - Normal
5 Vine Whip - Grass
8 Rollout - Rock
15 Leech Seed - Grass
18 Pin Missile - Bug
21 Needle Arm - Grass
27 Take Down - Normal
32 Seed Bomb - Grass
Base Stats: 35 Mud Shot - Ground
HP: 6 39 Bulk Up - Fighting
Attack: 6 42 Body Slam - Normal
Defense: 7 45 Pain Split - Normal
Special Attack: 5 48 Wood Hammer - Grass
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 4 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up,
Basic Information 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Pro-
Type : Grass tect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 23 Smack Down,
Basic Ability 1: Bodyguard 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
Basic Ability 2: Overgrow 33 Reflect, 36 Sludge Bomb, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial
Adv Ability 1: Gentle Vibe Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep, 48
Adv Ability 2: Bulletproof Round, 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 65 Shadow Claw,
High Ability: Abominable 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 70 Flash, 71 Stone Edge, 74
Gyro Ball, 75 Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
Evolution: Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
1 - Chespin Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature
2 - Quilladin Minimum 15 Power, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
3 - Chesnaught Minimum 30
Egg Move List
Size Information Belly Drum, Curse, Defense Curl, Quick Guard, Roll-
Height : 1’ 04” / 0.4m (Small) out, Spikes, Synthesis
Weight : 19.8 lbs. / 9kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Drain Punch, Dual Chop, Endeavor, Focus Punch,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Giga Drain, Grass Pledge, Helping Hand, Iron De-
Egg Group : Field fense, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Low Kick, Pain Split, Seed
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Bomb, Snore, Super Fang, Superpower, Synthesis,
Thunder Punch, Worry Seed
Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6+1, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Growl - Normal
5 Vine Whip - Grass
8 Rollout - Rock
15 Leech Seed - Grass
20 Pin Missile - Bug
26 Needle Arm - Grass
30 Take Down - Normal
Base Stats: 35 Seed Bomb - Grass
HP: 6 39 Mud Shot - Ground
Attack: 8 44 Bulk Up - Fighting
Defense: 10 48 Body Slam - Normal
Special Attack: 6 52 Pain Split - Normal
Special Defense: 6 55 Wood Hammer - Grass
Speed: 6
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 05 Roar, 06
Type : Grass Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Basic Ability 1: Bodyguard 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Basic Ability 2: Overgrow 23 Smack Down, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break,
Adv Ability 1: Gentle Vibe 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 36 Sludge Bomb, 39
Adv Ability 2: Bulletproof Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
High Ability: Abominable Attract, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 56
Fling, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 70
Evolution: Flash, 71 Stone Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 75 Swords Dance,
1 - Chespin 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 86 Grass
2 - Quilladin Minimum 15 Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
3 - Chesnaught Minimum 30 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power, 98 Power-Up Punch,
100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 2’ 04” / 0.7m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 63.9 lbs. / 29kg (3) Drain Punch, Dual Chop, Endeavor, Focus Punch,
Giga Drain, Grass Pledge, Helping Hand, Iron De-
Breeding Information fense, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Low Kick, Pain Split, Seed
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Bomb, Snore, Super Fang, Superpower, Synthesis,
Egg Group : Field Thunder Punch, Worry Seed, Zen Headbutt

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 7, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest)

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 5d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Growl - Normal
5 Vine Whip - Grass
8 Rollout - Rock
15 Leech Seed - Grass
20 Pin Missile - Bug
26 Needle Arm - Grass
30 Take Down - Normal
Base Stats: 30 Spiky Shield - Grass
HP: 9 35 Seed Bomb - Grass
Attack: 11 41 Mud Shot - Ground
Defense: 12 44 Bulk Up - Fighting
Special Attack: 7 48 Body Slam - Normal
Special Defense: 8 52 Pain Split - Normal
Speed: 6 55 Wood Hammer - Grass
60 Hammer Arm - Fighting
Basic Information 70 Giga Impact - Normal
Type : Grass / Fighting
Basic Ability 1: Bodyguard TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Overgrow A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02 Dragon
Adv Ability 1: Battle Armor Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden
Adv Ability 2: Bulletproof Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
High Ability: Abominable Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 23 Smack
Down, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick
Evolution: Break, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 36 Sludge Bomb,
1 - Chespin 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
2 - Quilladin Minimum 15 Attract, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast,
3 - Chesnaught Minimum 30 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Pay-
back, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 71 Stone
Size Information Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 75 Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80
Height : 5’ 03” / 1.6m (Large) Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
Weight : 198.4 lbs. / 90kg (4) ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96
Nature Power, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Field Belly Drum (N), Block, Drain Punch, Dual Chop,
Endeavor, Feint (N), Focus Punch, Giga Drain,
Diet : Herbivore Frenzy Plant, Grass Pledge, Hammer Arm
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Rainforest (N),Helping Hand, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Iron
Tail, Low Kick, Pain Split, Seed Bomb, Snore, Super
Fang, Superpower, Synthesis, Thunder Punch, Worry
Seed, Zen Headbutt
CHARMANDER Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Firestarter,
Glow, Naturewalk (Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
3 Growl - Normal
7 Ember - Fire
10 Smokescreen - Normal
16 Dragon Rage - Dragon
19 Scary Face - Normal
25 Fire Fang - Fire
28 Flame Burst - Fire
34 Slash - Normal
Base Stats: 37 Flamethrower - Fire
HP: 4 43 Fire Spin - Fire
Attack: 5 46 Inferno - Fire
Defense: 4
Special Attack: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 5 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02
Speed: 7 Dragon Claw, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Basic Information 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower,
Type : Fire 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42
Basic Ability 1: Blaze Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Basic Ability 2: Rattled Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 50 Overheat, 56 Fling, 59
Adv Ability 1: Solar Power Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 65 Shadow Claw, 75
Adv Ability 2: Courage Swords Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
High Ability: Dodge Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up
Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Charmander Egg Move List
2 - Charmeleon Minimum 15 Air Cutter, Ancient Power, Beat Up, Belly
3 - Charizard Minimum 30 Drum, Bite, Counter, Crunch, Dragon Dance,
Dragon Rush, Flare Blitz, Focus Punch, Metal Claw,
Size Information Outrage, Rock Slide, Swords Dance
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 18.7 lbs. / 8.5kg (1) Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Counter, Defense Curl, Double-
Breeding Information Edge, Dynamic Punch, Fire Pledge, Fire Punch,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Fury Cutter, Heat Wave, Iron Tail, Mega Kick, Mega
Egg Group : Monster / Dragon Punch, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Rage, Seismic Toss,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Thunder Punch

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

CHARMELEON Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Firestarter,
Glow, Naturewalk (Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
7 Ember - Fire
10 Smokescreen - Normal
17 Dragon Rage - Dragon
21 Scary Face - Normal
28 Fire Fang - Fire
32 Flame Burst - Fire
39 Slash - Normal
43 Flamethrower - Fire
50 Fire Spin - Fire
Base Stats: 54 Inferno - Fire
HP: 6
Attack: 6 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 6 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02
Special Attack: 8 Dragon Claw, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Special Defense: 7 Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31
Speed: 8 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38
Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
Basic Information 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49
Type : Fire Echoed Voice, 50 Overheat, 56 Fling, 59 Inciner-
Basic Ability 1: Blaze ate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 65 Shadow Claw, 75 Swords
Basic Ability 2: Intimidate Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Adv Ability 1: Solar Power Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
Adv Ability 2: Prime Fury Confide
High Ability: White Flame
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Body Slam, Counter, Defense Curl,
1 - Charmander Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Fire Pledge, Fire
2 - Charmeleon Minimum 15 Punch, Focus Punch, Fury Cutter, Heat Wave, Iron
3 - Charizard Minimum 30 Tail, Outrage, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Metal Claw,
Mud-Slap, Rage, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Size Information Swift, Thunder Punch
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium)
Weight : 41.9 lbs. / 19kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Monster / Dragon

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

CHARIZARD Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 5, Sky 8, Jump 2/3, Power 8,
Firestarter, Glow, Heater, Naturewalk (Mountain),
Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6+3, Stealth 1d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
7 Ember - Fire
10 Smokescreen - Normal
17 Dragon Rage - Dragon
21 Scary Face - Normal
28 Fire Fang - Fire
32 Flame Burst - Fire
36 Wing Attack - Flying
41 Slash - Normal
Base Stats: 47 Flamethrower - Fire
HP: 8 56 Fire Spin - Fire
Attack: 8 62 Inferno - Fire
Defense: 8 71 Heat Wave - Fire
Special Attack: 11 77 Flare Blitz - Fire
Special Defense: 9
Speed: 10 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02 Dragon Claw, 05
Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Basic Information Protect, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 26 Earthquake, 27
Type : Fire / Flying Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower,
Basic Ability 1: Blaze 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 43 Flame
Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 50 Overheat,
Basic Ability 2: Intimidate 51 Steel Wing, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 58 Sky Drop, 59 Incinerate,
Adv Ability 1: Solar Power 61 Will-O-Wisp, 65 Shadow Claw, 68 Giga Impact, 75 Swords Dance,
Adv Ability 2: Prime Fury 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
High Ability: White Flame
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Air Cutter, Air Slash(N), Blast Burn, Body Slam, Counter,
1 - Charmander Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Dragon Claw(N), Dragon Pulse,
2 - Charmeleon Minimum 15 Dynamic Punch, Fire Pledge, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Fury
3 - Charizard Minimum 30 Cutter, Growl, Heat Wave, Hold Hands, Iron Tail, Mega Kick,
Mega Punch, Metal Claw, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Outrage,
Rage, Roost, Seismic Toss, Shadow Claw(N), Sleep Talk, Snore,
Size Information
Steel Wing, Swift, Tailwind, Thunder Punch, Twister
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Medium)
Weight : 199.5 lbs. / 90.5kg (4)
Mega Evolution X Mega Evolution Y
Breeding Information Type: Fire/Dragon Type: Unchanged
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Ability: Tough Claws Ability: Drought
Egg Group : Monster / Dragon Stats: +5 Atk, +3 Def, Stats: +2 Atk,
+2 Sp. Atk +5 Sp. Atk, +3 Sp. Def
Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

CYNDAQUIL Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Burrow 2, Power 2,
Firestarter, Heater, Glow, Naturewalk (Grasslands),

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+3,
Percep 3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Leer - Normal
6 Smokescreen - Normal
10 Ember - Fire
13 Quick Attack - Normal
19 Flame Wheel - Fire
22 Defense Curl - Normal
28 Flame Charge - Fire
Base Stats: 31 Swift - Normal
HP: 4 37 Lava Plume - Fire
Attack: 5 40 Flamethrower - Fire
Defense: 4 46 Inferno - Fire
Special Attack: 6 49 Rollout - Rock
Special Defense: 5 55 Double-Edge - Normal
Speed: 7 58 Eruption - Fire

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Fire A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Basic Ability 1: Blaze Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32
Basic Ability 2: Flame Body Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 40
Adv Ability 1: Run Away Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 2: Celebrate Attract, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 59 Incinerate, 61
High Ability: Flash Fire Will-O-Wisp, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
tute, 93 Wild Charge, 96 Nature Power
1 - Cyndaquil Egg Move List
2 - Quilava Minimum 15 Covet, Crush Claw, Double Kick, Double-
3 - Typhlosion Minimum 30 Edge, Extrasensory, Flame Burst, Flare Blitz,
Foresight, Fury Swipes, Howl, Nature Power, Quick
Size Information Attack, Reversal, Thrash
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small)
Weight : 17.4 lbs. / 7.9kg (1) Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Covet, Fire Pledge, Heat Wave,
Breeding Information Mud-Slap, Rollout, Sleep Talk, Snore
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

QUILAVA Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Burrow 3, Power 3,
Firestarter, Heater, Glow, Naturewalk (Grasslands),

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 4d6+3,
Percep 3d6+3, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Smokescreen - Normal
10 Ember - Fire
13 Quick Attack - Normal
20 Flame Wheel - Fire
24 Defense Curl - Normal
31 Swift - Normal
35 Flame Charge - Fire
Base Stats: 42 Lava Plume - Fire
HP: 6 46 Flamethrower - Fire
Attack: 6 53 Inferno - Fire
Defense: 6 57 Rollout - Rock
Special Attack: 8 64 Double-Edge - Normal
Special Defense: 7 68 Eruption - Fire
Speed: 8
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic,
Type : Fire 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21
Basic Ability 1: Blaze Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32
Basic Ability 2: Flame Body Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 40
Adv Ability 1: Run Away Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 2: Celebrate Attract, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 59 Incinerate, 61
High Ability: Flash Fire Will-O-Wisp, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Sub-
stitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature
Evolution: Power
1 - Cyndaquil
2 - Quilava Minimum 15 Tutor Move List
3 - Typhlosion Minimum 30 Body Slam, Covet, Fire Pledge, Focus
Punch, Fury Cutter, Heat Wave, Mud-Slap, Rollout,
Size Information Sleep Talk, Snore
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Small)
Weight : 41.9 lbs. / 19kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

TYPHLOSION Capability List
Overland 9, Swim 5, Jump 2/2, Power 6, Firestarter,
Heater, Glow, Naturewalk (Grasslands)

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6+1, Stealth 4d6+3,
Percep 4d6+3, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Smokescreen - Normal
10 Ember - Fire
13 Quick Attack - Normal
20 Flame Wheel - Fire
24 Defense Curl - Normal
31 Swift - Normal
35 Flame Charge - Fire
43 Lava Plume - Fire
48 Flamethrower - Fire
Base Stats: 56 Inferno - Fire
HP: 8 61 Rollout - Rock
Attack: 8 69 Double-Edge - Normal
Defense: 8 74 Eruption - Fire
Special Attack: 11
Special Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 10 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10
Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Basic Information Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 26 Earth-
Type : Fire quake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Basic Ability 1: Blaze Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock
Basic Ability 2: Flame Body Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge,
Adv Ability 1: Heat Mirage 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 52 Fo-
Adv Ability 2: Celebrate cus Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp,
High Ability: Flash Fire 65 Shadow Claw, 68 Giga Impact, 74 Gyro Ball, 78
Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Evolution: 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 98
1 - Cyndaquil Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
2 - Quilava Minimum 15
3 - Typhlosion Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
Blast Burn, Body Slam, Counter, Covet,
Size Information Dynamic Punch, Fire Pledge, Fire Punch, Focus
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Medium) Punch, Fury Cutter, Gyro Ball(N), Heat Wave, Mega
Weight : 175.3 lbs. / 79.5kg (4) Kick, Mega Punch, Low Kick, Mud-Slap, Rollout,
Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Thunder
Breeding Information Punch
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

TORCHIC Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 1, Heater,
Naturewalk (Grasslands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6+3, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 1d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Scratch - Normal
5 Ember - Fire
10 Sand Attack - Ground
14 Peck - Flying
19 Fire Spin - Fire
23 Quick Attack - Normal
28 Flame Burst - Fire
32 Focus Energy - Normal
Base Stats: 37 Slash - Normal
HP: 5 41 Mirror Move - Flying
Attack: 6 46 Flamethrower - Fire
Defense: 4
Special Attack: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 5 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Speed: 5 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect,
21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team,
Basic Information 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40
Type : Fire Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Ability 1: Blaze Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 50 Overheat,
Basic Ability 2: Klutz 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 65 Shadow Claw, 75
Adv Ability 1: Speed Boost Swords Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 2: Tangled Feet Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up
High Ability: Moxie Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Torchic Agility, Baton Pass, Counter, Crush Claw,
2 - Combusken Minimum 15 Curse, Endure, Feather Dance, Feint, Flame Burst,
3 - Blaziken Minimum 35 Last Resort, Low Kick, Night Slash, Reversal, Rock
Slide, Smelling Salts, Swagger
Size Information
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 5.5 lbs. / 2.5kg (1) Body Slam, Bounce, Double-Edge, Heat
Wave, Helping Hand, Fire Pledge, Last Resort, Low
Breeding Information Kick, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Seismic
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland

COMBUSKEN Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 3, Jump 2/2, Power 4, Firestarter,
Heater, Naturewalk (Grasslands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+3, Acro 4d6+3, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Ember - Fire
10 Sand Attack - Ground
14 Peck - Flying
16 Double Kick - Fighting
20 Flame Charge - Fire
25 Quick Attack - Normal
31 Bulk Up - Fighting
36 Focus Energy - Normal
42 Slash - Normal
Base Stats: 47 Mirror Move - Flying
HP: 6 53 Sky Uppercut - Fighting
Attack: 9 58 Flare Blitz - Fire
Defense: 6
Special Attack: 9 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 6 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Tox-
Speed: 6 ic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17
Protect, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick
Basic Information Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire
Type : Fire / Fighting Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 43
Basic Ability 1: Blaze Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep,
Basic Ability 2: Klutz 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 50 Overheat, 52 Focus
Adv Ability 1: Speed Boost Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 65
Adv Ability 2: Tangled Feet Shadow Claw, 75 Swords Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 84
High Ability: Moxie Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Torchic Tutor Move List
2 - Combusken Minimum 15 Body Slam, Bounce, Counter, Double-Edge,
3 - Blaziken Minimum 35 Dual Chop, Dynamic Punch, Fire Pledge, Fire
Punch, Focus Punch, Fury Cutter, Heat Wave, Help-
Size Information ing Hand, Last Resort, Low Kick, Mega Kick, Mega
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Small) Punch, Mud-Slap, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Weight : 43 lbs. / 19.5kg (2) Swift, Thunder Punch, Vacuum Wave, Work Up

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Grassland

BLAZIKEN Capability List
Overland 10, Swim 4, Jump 3/4, Power 7, Firestart-
er, Naturewalk (Grasslands), Heater

Skill List
Athl 4d6+3, Acro 5d6+3, Combat 5d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Ember - Fire
10 Sand Attack - Ground
14 Peck - Flying
16 Double Kick - Fighting
20 Flame Charge - Fire
25 Quick Attack - Normal
31 Bulk Up - Fighting
36 Blaze Kick - Fire
37 Focus Energy - Normal
Base Stats: 44 Slash - Normal
HP: 8 50 Brave Bird - Flying
Attack: 12 57 Sky Uppercut - Fighting
Defense: 7 63 Flare Blitz - Fire
Special Attack: 11
Special Defense: 7 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 8 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic,
08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hy-
Basic Information per Beam, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Type : Fire / Fighting 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32
Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock
Basic Ability 1: Blaze
Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44
Basic Ability 2: Klutz Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
Adv Ability 1: Speed Boost Voice, 50 Overheat, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incin-
Adv Ability 2: Tangled Feet erate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 62 Acrobatics, 65 Shadow Claw,
High Ability: Moxie 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 78
Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88
Evolution: Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up
1 - Torchic Punch, 100 Confide
2 - Combusken Minimum 15
3 - Blaziken Minimum 35 Tutor Move List
Blast Burn, Body Slam, Bounce, Counter, Double-
Size Information Edge, Dual Chop, Dynamic Punch, Fire Pledge, Fire
Height : 6’ 3” / 1.9m (Medium) Punch(N), Focus Punch, Fury Cutter, Heat Wave, Help-
Weight : 114.6 lbs. / 52kg (4) ing Hand, High Jump Kick (N), Knock Off, Last Resort,
Low Kick, Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mirror
Move, Mud-Slap, Rock Climb, Role Play, Seismic Toss,
Breeding Information Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower, Swift, Thunder Punch,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Vacuum Wave, Work Up
Egg Group : Field
Mega Evolution
Diet : Omnivore Type: Unchanged
Habitat : Grassland Ability: Speed Boost
Stats: +4 Atk, +1 Def,
+2 Sp. Atk, +1 Sp. Def,
+2 Speed

CHIMCHAR Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Firestarter,
Glow, Naturewalk (Forest, Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 3d6, Focus 1d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Scratch - Normal
7 Ember - Fire
9 Taunt - Dark
15 Fury Swipes - Normal
17 Flame Wheel - Fire
23 Nasty Plot - Dark
25 Torment - Dark
31 Facade - Normal
Base Stats: 33 Fire Spin - Fire
HP: 4 39 Acrobatics - Flying
Attack: 6 41 Slack Off - Fire
Defense: 4 47 Flamethrower - Fire
Special Attack: 6
Special Defense: 4 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 6 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Basic Information 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28
Type : Fire Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flame-
Basic Ability 1: Blaze thrower, 38 Fire Blast, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42
Basic Ability 2: Pickup Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low
Adv Ability 1: Decoy Sweep, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 56 Fling, 59 Inciner-
Adv Ability 2: Iron Fist ate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 62 Acrobatics, 65 Shadow Claw,
High Ability: Celebrate 75 Swords Dance, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
Evolution: 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Chimchar
2 - Monferno Minimum 15 Egg Move List
3 - Infernape Minimum 30 Assist, Blaze Kick, Counter, Double Kick,
Encore, Fake Out, Quick Guard, Fire Punch, Focus
Size Information Energy, Focus Punch, Heat Wave, Helping Hand,
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Submission, Thunder Punch
Weight : 13.7 lbs. / 6.2kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Covet, Endeavor, Fire Pledge, Fire Punch,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Gunk Shot, Heat Wave, Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Low
Egg Group : Field / Humanshape Kick, Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Rock Climb, Role Play,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Rollout, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Swift,
Thunder Punch, Uproar, Vacuum Wave
Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

MONFERNO Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 2/3, Power 5, Firestarter,
Heater, Glow, Naturewalk (Forest, Mountain), Un-

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth
3d6+2, Percep 3d6+3, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
7 Ember - Fire
9 Taunt - Dark
15 Mach Punch - Fighting
16 Fury Swipes - Normal
19 Flame Wheel - Fire
26 Feint - Normal
29 Torment - Dark
36 Close Combat - Fighting
Base Stats: 39 Fire Spin - Fire
HP: 6 46 Acrobatics - Flying
Attack: 8 49 Slack Off - Normal
Defense: 5 56 Flare Blitz - Fire
Special Attack: 8
Special Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 8 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Basic Information 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28
Type : Fire / Fighting Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flame-
Basic Ability 1: Blaze thrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace,
Basic Ability 2: Pickup 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest,
Adv Ability 1: Decoy 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 50 Overheat,
Adv Ability 2: Iron Fist 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-
High Ability: Celebrate Wisp, 62 Acrobatics, 65 Shadow Claw, 67 Retaliate,
75 Swords Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 86
Evolution: Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn,
1 - Chimchar 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch,
2 - Monferno Minimum 15 100 Confide
3 - Infernape Minimum 30
Tutor Move List
Size Information Covet, Dual Chop, Endeavor, Fire Pledge,
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Small) Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Gunk Shot, Heat Wave,
Weight : 48.5 lbs. / 22kg (2) Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Low Kick, Magic Coat,
Mud-Slap, Rock Climb, Role Play, Rollout, Sleep
Breeding Information Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Swift, Thunder Punch,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Uproar, Vacuum Wave, Work Up
Egg Group : Field / Humanshape

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

INFERNAPE Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 4, Jump 3/4, Power 8, Firestarter,
Heater, Glow, Naturewalk (Forest, Mountain)

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 6d6+2, Combat 5d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 3d6+3, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
7 Ember - Fire
9 Taunt - Dark
15 Mach Punch - Fighting
16 Fury Swipes - Normal
19 Flame Wheel - Fire
26 Feint - Normal
29 Punishment - Dark
36 Close Combat - Fighting
42 Fire Spin - Fire
Base Stats: 52 Acrobatics - Flying
HP: 8 58 Calm Mind - Psychic
Attack: 10 68 Flare Blitz - Fire
Defense: 7
Special Attack: 10 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 7 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 04
Speed: 10 Calm Mind, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hid-
den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam,
Basic Information 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 26 Earth-
Type : Fire / Fighting quake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Dou-
Basic Ability 1: Blaze ble Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock
Basic Ability 2: Pickup Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 43
Adv Ability 1: Decoy Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep, 48
Adv Ability 2: Iron Fist Round, 50 Overheat, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59 In-
High Ability: Celebrate cinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 62 Acrobatics, 65 Shadow
Claw, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 75
Evolution: Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison
1 - Chimchar Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89
2 - Monferno Minimum 15 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up
3 - Infernape Minimum 30 Punch, 100 Confide

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium) Blast Burn, Covet, Dual Chop, Endeavor, Fire
Weight : 121.3 lbs. / 55kg (4) Pledge, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Gunk Shot, Heat
Wave, Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Low Kick, Magic
Breeding Information Coat, Mud-Slap, Rock Climb, Role Play, Rollout,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Swift,
Egg Group : Field / Humanshape Thunder Punch, Uproar, Vacuum Wave, Work Up

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

TEPIG Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Firestarter,
Heater, Tracker, Naturewalk (Grasslands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
3 Tail Whip - Normal
7 Ember - Fire
9 Odor Sleuth - Normal
13 Defense Curl - Normal
15 Flame Charge - Fire
19 Smog - Poison
21 Rollout - Rock
25 Take Down - Normal
Base Stats: 27 Heat Crash - Fire
HP: 7 31 Assurance - Dark
Attack: 6 33 Flamethrower - Fire
Defense: 5 37 Head Smash - Rock
Special Attack: 5 39 Roar - Normal
Special Defense: 5 43 Flare Blitz - Fire
Speed: 5
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Type : Fire Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 21 Frus-
Basic Ability 1: Blaze tration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Basic Ability 2: Thick Fat 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 42
Adv Ability 1: Gluttony Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Adv Ability 2: Reckless Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 50 Overheat, 59 Inciner-
High Ability: Bodyguard ate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 74 Gyro Ball, 86 Grass Knot,
87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild
Evolution: Charge, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Tepig
2 - Pignite Minimum 15 Egg Move List
3 - Emboar Minimum 30 Body Slam, Covet, Curse, Endeavor, Heavy
Slam, Magnitude, Sleep Talk, Sucker Punch, Super-
Size Information power, Thrash, Yawn
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small)
Weight : 21.8 lbs. / 9.9kg (1) Tutor Move List
Covet, Endeavor, Fire Pledge, Heat Wave,
Breeding Information Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Superpower
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Mountain

PIGNITE Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Firestarter,
Heater, Tracker, Naturewalk (Grasslands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Tail Whip - Normal
7 Ember - Fire
9 Odor Sleuth - Normal
13 Defense Curl - Normal
15 Flame Charge - Fire
17 Arm Thrust - Fighting
20 Smog - Poison
23 Rollout - Rock
28 Take Down - Normal
Base Stats: 31 Heat Crash - Fire
HP: 9 36 Assurance - Dark
Attack: 9 39 Flamethrower - Fire
Defense: 6 44 Head Smash - Rock
Special Attack: 7 47 Roar - Normal
Special Defense: 6 52 Flare Blitz - Fire
Speed: 6
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Type : Fire / Fighting Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 21 Frus-
Basic Ability 1: Blaze tration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 31 Brick Break,
Basic Ability 2: Thick Fat 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39
Adv Ability 1: Gluttony Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 2: Reckless Attract, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice,
High Ability: Bodyguard 50 Overheat, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Inciner-
ate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 71 Stone Edge, 74 Gyro Ball,
Evolution: 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 86 Grass
1 - Tepig Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93
2 - Pignite Minimum 15 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch,
3 - Emboar Minimum 30 100 Confide

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Covet, Endeavor, Fire Pledge, Fire Punch,
Weight : 122.4 lbs. / 55.5kg (4) Heat Wave, Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Low Kick, Sleep
Talk, Snore, Superpower, Thunder Punch, Work Up
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Grassland, Mountain

EMBOAR Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 8, Firestarter,
Heater, Naturewalk (Grasslands), Tracker

Skill List
Athl 5d6+3, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6+3, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Tail Whip - Normal
7 Ember - Fire
9 Odor Sleuth - Normal
13 Defense Curl - Normal
15 Flame Charge - Fire
17 Arm Thrust - Fighting
20 Smog - Poison
23 Rollout - Rock
28 Take Down - Normal
Base Stats: 31 Heat Crash - Fire
HP: 11 38 Assurance - Dark
Attack: 12 43 Flamethrower - Fire
Defense: 7 50 Head Smash - Rock
Special Attack: 10 55 Roar - Normal
Special Defense: 7 62 Flare Blitz - Fire
Speed: 7
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up,
Type : Fire / Fighting 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper
Basic Ability 1: Blaze Beam, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 23
Basic Ability 2: Thick Fat Smack Down, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 31 Brick
Adv Ability 1: Gluttony Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire
Adv Ability 2: Reckless Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge,
High Ability: Bodyguard 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 49
Echoed Voice, 50 Overheat, 52 Focus Blast, 55 Scald,
Evolution: 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 68 Giga
1 - Tepig Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 78 Bulldoze, 80
2 - Pignite Minimum 15 Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
3 - Emboar Minimum 30 ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94
Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 330.7 lbs. / 150kg (5) Blast Burn, Block, Covet, Endeavor, Fire
Pledge, Fire Punch, Hammer Arm(N), Heat Wave,
Breeding Information Helping Hand, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Low Kick, Sleep
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Talk, Snore, Superpower, Thunder Punch, Work Up
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Grassland, Mountain

FENNEKIN Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Firestarter,
Naturewalk (Forest, Grasslands), Tracker, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
3d6+2, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
1 Tail Whip - Normal
5 Ember - Fire
11 Howl - Normal
14 Flame Charge - Fire
17 Psybeam - Psychic
20 Fire Spin - Fire
25 Lucky Chant - Normal
31 Psyshock - Psychic
Base Stats: 34 Flamethrower - Fire
HP: 4 38 Will-O-Wisp - Fire
Attack: 5 41 Psychic - Psychic
Defense: 4 43 Sunny Day - Fire
Special Attack: 6 46 Magic Room - Psychic
Special Defense: 6 48 Fire Blast - Fire
Speed: 6
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, 03 Psyshock, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Type : Fire 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Ability 1: Blaze Dance, 20 Safeguard, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29
Basic Ability 2: Forewarn Psychic, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire
Adv Ability 1: Magician Blast, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45 At-
Adv Ability 2: Sorcery tract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 50 Over-
High Ability: Fox Fire heat, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 63 Embargo,
77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87
Evolution: Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 98 Power-Up
1 - Fennekin Punch, 100 Confide
2 - Braixen Minimum 15
3 - Delphox Minimum 30 Egg Move List
Heat Wave, Hypnosis, Magic Coat, Wish
Size Information
Height : 1’ 04” / 0.4m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 20.7 lbs. / 9.4kg (1) Covet, Fire Pledge, Foul Play, Heat Wave, Iron Tail,
Magic Coat, Magic Room, Snore
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 2, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Firestarter,
Naturewalk (Forest, Grasslands),Tracker, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
4d6+2, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
1 Tail Whip - Normal
5 Ember - Fire
11 Howl - Normal
14 Flame Charge- Fire
18 Psybeam - Psychic
22 Fire Spin - Fire
27 Lucky Chant - Normal
Base Stats: 30 Light Screen - Normal
HP: 6 34 Psyshock - Psychic
Attack: 6 41 Flamethrower - Fire
Defense: 6 45 Will-O-Wisp - Fire
Special Attack: 9 48 Psychic - Psychic
Special Defense: 7 51 Sunny Day - Fire
Speed: 7 53 Magic Room - Psychic
55 Fire Blast - Fire
Basic Information
Type : Fire TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Blaze A1 Cut, 03 Psyshock, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Ability 2: Forewarn 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Adv Ability 1: Magician Dance, 20 Safeguard, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29
Adv Ability 2: Sorcery Psychic, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire
High Ability: Fox Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45 At-
tract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 50 Over-
Evolution: heat, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 63 Embargo,
1 - Fennekin 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87
2 - Braixen Minimum 15 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 98 Power-Up
3 - Delphox Minimum 30 Punch, 100 Confide

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 3’ 03” / 1m (Medium) Covet, Fire Pledge, Fire Punch, Foul Play, Heat
Weight : 32 lbs. / 14.5kg (2) Wave, Iron Tail, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Magic Room,
Recycle, Shock Wave, Skill Swap, Snatch, Snore,
Breeding Information Thunder Punch, Trick, Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 4, Firestarter,
Naturewalk (Forest, Grasslands), Telekinesis, Tele-
path, Tracker

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
4d6+2, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
1 Tail Whip - Normal
5 Ember - Fire
11 Howl - Normal
14 Flame Charge- Fire
18 Psybeam - Psychic
22 Fire Spin - Fire
Base Stats: 27 Lucky Chant - Normal
HP: 8 30 Light Screen - Normal
Attack: 7 30 Mystical Fire - Fire
Defense: 7 34 Psyshock - Psychic
Special Attack: 11 42 Flamethrower - Fire
Special Defense: 10 47 Will-O-Wisp - Fire
Speed: 10 51 Psychic - Psychic
55 Sunny Day - Fire
Basic Information 58 Magic Room - Psychic
Type : Fire / Psychic 61 Fire Blast - Fire
Basic Ability 1: Blaze 69 Future Sight - Psychic
Basic Ability 2: Forewarn
Adv Ability 1: Magician TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 2: Sorcery A1 Cut, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
High Ability: Fox Fire Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16
Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safe-
Evolution: guard, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 32
1 - Fennekin Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 42
2 - Braixen Minimum 15 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
3 - Delphox Minimum 30 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 50 Overheat, 59
Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 63 Embargo, 68 Giga
Size Information Impact, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92
Weight : 86 lbs. / 39kg (3) Trick Room, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Blast Burn, Covet, Fire Pledge, Fire Punch, Foul
Egg Group : Field Play, Future Sight (N),Heat Wave, Iron Tail, Low
Kick, Magic Coat, Magic Room, Recycle, Roleplay
Diet : Herbivore (N), Shock Wave, Skill Swap, Snatch, Snore, Switch-
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban eroo (N), Thunder Punch, Trick, Wonder Room, Zen

SQUIRTLE Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 6, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Wetlands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 2d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
4 Tail Whip - Normal
7 Bubble - Water
10 Withdraw - Water
13 Water Gun - Water
16 Bite - Dark
19 Rapid Spin - Normal
22 Protect - Normal
25 Water Pulse - Water
Base Stats: 28 Aqua Tail - Water
HP: 4 31 Skull Bash - Normal
Attack: 5 34 Iron Defense - Steel
Defense: 7 37 Rain Dance - Water
Special Attack: 5 40 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 4 TM/HM Move List
A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Basic Information 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam,
Type : Water 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Basic Ability 1: Rain Dish tion, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Basic Ability 2: Torrent Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Adv Ability 1: Shell Armor 48 Round, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 74 Gyro Ball, 87 Swag-
Adv Ability 2: Shell Shield ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98
High Ability: Overtcoat Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Squirtle Aqua Jet, Aqua Ring, Aura Sphere, Brine,
2 - Wartortle Minimum 15 Dragon Pulse, Fake Out, Flail, Foresight, Haze, Mir-
3 - Blastoise Minimum 30 ror Coat, Mist, Mud Sport, Muddy Water, Refresh,
Water Spout, Yawn
Size Information
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 19.8 lbs. / 9kg (1) Aqua Tail, Body Slam, Counter, Defense Curl,
Dive, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Focus Punch,
Breeding Information Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Defense, Iron Tail, Mega
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Seismic Toss,
Egg Group : Monster / Water 1 Sleep Talk, Snore, Water Pledge, Zen Headbutt
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Beach, Freshwater, Ocean

WARTORTLE Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 6, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Wetlands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 3d6+1, Stealth
3d6+2, Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Tail Whip - Normal
7 Bubble - Water
10 Withdraw - Water
13 Water Gun - Water
16 Bite - Dark
20 Rapid Spin - Normal
24 Protect - Normal
28 Water Pulse - Water
32 Aqua Tail - Water
Base Stats: 36 Skull Bash - Normal
HP: 6 40 Iron Defense - Steel
Attack: 6 44 Rain Dance - Water
Defense: 8 48 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Attack: 7
Special Defense: 8 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 6 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Basic Information Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Type : Water 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
Basic Ability 1: Rain Dish 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Basic Ability 2: Torrent Round, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 74 Gyro Ball, 87 Swag-
Adv Ability 1: Shell Armor ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98
Adv Ability 2: Shell Shield Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
High Ability: Overtcoat
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Aqua Tail, Body Slam, Brine, Counter,
1 - Squirtle Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Dive, Dynamic Punch,
2 - Wartortle Minimum 15 Focus Punch, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Defense,
3 - Blastoise Minimum 30 Iron Tail, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap,
Rollout, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Water
Size Information Pledge, Zen Headbutt
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 49.6 lbs. / 22.5kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Monster / Water 1

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Beach, Freshwater, Ocean

BLASTOISE Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 9, Jump 1/1, Power 9, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Grassland), Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 1d6+2, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth
1d6+2, Percep 3d6+3, Focus 4d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Tail Whip - Normal
7 Bubble - Water
10 Withdraw - Water
13 Water Gun - Water
16 Bite - Dark
20 Rapid Spin - Normal
24 Protect - Normal
28 Water Pulse - Water
32 Aqua Tail - Water
Base Stats: 39 Skull Bash - Normal
HP: 8 46 Iron Defense - Steel
Attack: 8 53 Rain Dance - Water
Defense: 10 60 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Attack: 9
Special Defense: 11 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 8 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice
Basic Information Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18
Type : Water Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26
Basic Ability 1: Rain Dish Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32
Basic Ability 2: Torrent Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 1: Shell Armor Attract, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 55 Scald, 56 Fling,
Adv Ability 2: Shell Cannon 68 Giga Impact, 74 Gyro Ball, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
High Ability: Overtcoat Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash, 97
Evolution: Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Squirtle
2 - Wartortle Minimum 15 Tutor Move List
3 - Blastoise Minimum 30 Aqua Tail, Avalanche, Body Slam, Brine,
Counter, Defense Curl, Dive, Double-Edge,
Size Information Dynamic Punch, Flash Cannon(N), Focus Punch,
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Medium) Hydro Cannon, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Defense,
Weight : 188.5 lbs. / 85.5kg (4) Iron Tail, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Out-
rage, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
Breeding Information Snore, Water Pledge, Zen Headbutt
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Mega Evolution
Egg Group : Monster / Water 1 Type: Unchanged
Ability: Mega
Diet : Omnivore Launcher
Habitat : Beach, Freshwater, Ocean
Stats: +2 Atk, +2 Def,
+5 Sp. Atk, +1 Sp. Def

TOTODILE Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 6, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Wetlands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth
3d6+2, Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Scratch - Normal
6 Water Gun - Water
8 Rage - Normal
13 Bite - Dark
15 Scary Face - Normal
20 Ice Fang - Ice
22 Flail - Normal
27 Crunch - Normal
Base Stats: 29 Chip Away - Dark
HP: 5 34 Slash - Normal
Attack: 7 36 Screech - Normal
Defense: 6 41 Thrash - Normal
Special Attack: 4 43 Aqua Tail - Water
Special Defense: 5 48 Superpower - Fighting
Speed: 4 50 Hydro Pump - Water

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Water A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 01
Basic Ability 1: Hyper Cutter Hone Claws, 02 Dragon Claw, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10
Basic Ability 2: Torrent Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect,
Adv Ability 1: Frisk 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Adv Ability 2: Sheer Force 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40
High Ability: Strong Jaw Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
55 Scald, 56 Fling, 65 Shadow Claw, 75 Swords
Evolution: Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
1 - Totodile Substitute, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
2 - Croconaw Minimum 15
3 - Feraligatr Minimum 30 Egg Move List
Ancient Power, Crunch, Dragon Claw,
Size Information Dragon Dance, Flatter, Hydro Pump, Ice Punch,
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Metal Claw, Mud Sport, Rock Slide, Thrash, Water
Weight : 20.9 lbs. / 9.5kg (1) Sport

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Block, Body Slam,
Egg Group : Monster / Water 1 Counter, Dive, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Focus Punch, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Low
Kick, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Seismic
Diet : Carnivore Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Superpower, Uproar,
Habitat : Beach, Freshwater, Marsh Water Pledge

CROCONAW Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 7, Jump 1/2, Power 5, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Wetlands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Water Gun - Water
8 Rage - Normal
13 Bite - Dark
15 Scary Face - Normal
21 Ice Fang - Ice
24 Flail - Normal
30 Crunch - Dark
33 Chip Away - Normal
39 Slash - Normal
Base Stats: 42 Screech - Normal
HP: 7 48 Thrash - Normal
Attack: 8 51 Aqua Tail - Water
Defense: 8 57 Superpower - Fighting
Special Attack: 6 60 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 6 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall,
Basic Information A6 Dive, 01 Hone Claws, 02 Dragon Claw, 05 Roar,
Type : Water 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Basic Ability 1: Hyper Cutter Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Basic Ability 2: Torrent 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 1: Frisk 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Adv Ability 2: Sheer Force 45 Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 65 Shadow
High Ability: Strong Jaw Claw, 75 Swords Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swag-
ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98
Evolution: Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Totodile
2 - Croconaw Minimum 15 Tutor Move List
3 - Feraligatr Minimum 30 Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Block, Body Slam,
Counter, Dive, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Fo-
Size Information cus Punch, Fury Cutter, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Tail, Low Kick, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap,
Weight : 55.1 lbs. / 25kg (2) Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Superpower,
Uproar, Water Pledge, Water Pulse
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Monster / Water 1

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Beach, Freshwater, Marsh

FERALIGATR Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 8, Jump 2/2, Power 8, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Wetlands)

Skill List
Athl 4d6+3, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth
4d6+3, Percep 4d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Water Gun - Water
8 Rage - Normal
13 Bite - Dark
15 Scary Face - Normal
21 Ice Fang - Ice
24 Flail - Normal
30 Agility - Psychic
32 Crunch - Dark
37 Chip Away - Normal
Base Stats: 45 Slash - Normal
HP: 9 50 Screech - Normal
Attack: 11 58 Thrash - Normal
Defense: 10 63 Aqua Tail - Water
Special Attack: 8 71 Superpower - Fighting
Special Defense: 8 76 Hydro Pump - Water
Speed: 8
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall,
Type : Water A6 Dive, 01 Hone Claws, 02 Dragon Claw, 05 Roar,
Basic Ability 1: Hyper Cutter 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Basic Ability 2: Torrent Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Adv Ability 1: Frisk 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Adv Ability 2: Sheer Force 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40
High Ability: Strong Jaw Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
52 Focus Blast, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 65 Shadow Claw,
Evolution: 68 Giga Impact, 75 Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80
1 - Totodile Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
2 - Croconaw Minimum 15 Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up
3 - Feraligatr Minimum 30 Punch, 100 Confide

Size Information Tutor Move List

Height : 7’ 7” / 2.3m (Large) Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Avalanche, Block,
Weight : 195.8 lbs. / 88.8kg (4) Body Slam, Counter, Dive, Double-Edge, Dragon
Pulse, Dynamic Punch, Focus Punch, Fury Cutter,
Breeding Information Hydro Cannon, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Low
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Kick, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Outrage,
Egg Group : Monster / Water 1 Rage, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite,
Superpower, Uproar, Water Pledge, Water Pulse
Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Beach, Freshwater, Marsh

MUDKIP Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 6, Burrow 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2,
Gilled, Fountain, Naturewalk (Wetlands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
4 Water Gun - Water
9 Mud-Slap - Ground
12 Foresight - Normal
17 Bide - Normal
20 Mud Sport - Ground
25 Rock Throw - Rock
28 Protect - Normal
Base Stats: 33 Whirlpool - Water
HP: 5 36 Take Down - Normal
Attack: 7 41 Hydro Pump - Water
Defense: 5 44 Endeavor - Normal
Special Attack: 5
Special Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 4 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam,
Basic Information 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Type : Water tion, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge
Basic Ability 1: Mud Dweller Wave, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Basic Ability 2: Torrent 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 55 Scald, 80 Rock Slide,
Adv Ability 1: Damp 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
Adv Ability 2: Own Tempo Smash
High Ability: Regenerator
Egg Move List
Evolution: Ancient Power, Avalanche, Barrier, Bite,
1 - Mudkip Counter, Curse, Double-Edge, Ice Ball, Mirror Coat,
2 - Marshtomp Minimum 15 Mud Bomb, Refresh, Sludge, Stomp, Uproar, Whirl-
3 - Swampert Minimum 30 pool, Wide Guard, Yawn

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Body Slam,
Weight : 16.8 lbs. / 7.6kg (1) Defense Curl, Dive, Earth Power, Endeavor, Icy
Wind, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Low Kick, Rollout, Sleep
Breeding Information Talk, Snore, Superpower, Water Pledge, Water Pulse
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Monster / Water 1
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Marsh

MARSHTOMP Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 6, Burrow 2, Jump 1/1, Power 4,
Gilled, Fountain, Naturewalk (Wetlands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6+2,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Water Gun - Water
9 Mud-Slap - Ground
12 Foresight - Normal
16 Mud Shot - Ground
18 Bide - Normal
22 Mud Bomb - Ground
28 Rock Slide - Rock
32 Protect - Normal
38 Muddy Water - Water
Base Stats: 42 Take Down - Normal
HP: 7 48 Earthquake - Ground
Attack: 9 52 Endeavor - Normal
Defense: 7
Special Attack: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 7 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Speed: 5 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Basic Information 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break,
Type : Water / Ground 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 39 Rock Tomb,
Basic Ability 1: Mud Dweller 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
Basic Ability 2: Torrent Voice, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide,
Adv Ability 1: Damp 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
Adv Ability 2: Own Tempo Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
High Ability: Regenerator
Tutor Move List
High Abilities: Hydration Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Body Slam,
Evolution: Counter, Defense Curl, Dive, Double-Edge,
1 - Mudkip Dynamic Punch, Earth Power, Endeavor, Ice Punch,
2 - Marshtomp Minimum 15 Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Low Kick, Mega Kick, Mega
3 - Swampert Minimum 30 Punch, Mud-Slap, Mud Sport, Low Kick, Rollout,
Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock,
Size Information Superpower, Water Pledge, Water Pulse
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small)
Weight : 61.7 lbs. / 28kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Monster / Water 1

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Marsh

SWAMPERT Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 7, Burrow 4, Jump 2/2, Power 7,
Fountain, Gilled, Naturewalk (Wetlands)

Skill List
Athl 5d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
3d6+2, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Water Gun - Water
9 Mud-Slap - Ground
12 Foresight - Normal
16 Mud Shot - Ground
18 Bide - Normal
22 Mud Bomb - Ground
28 Rock Slide - Rock
32 Protect - Normal
39 Muddy Water - Water
Base Stats: 44 Take Down - Normal
HP: 10 51 Earthquake - Ground
Attack: 11 56 Endeavor - Normal
Defense: 9 63 Hammer Arm - Fighting
Special Attack: 9
Special Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 6 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13
Basic Information Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Type : Water / Ground 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27
Basic Ability 1: Mud Dweller Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 34
Basic Ability 2: Torrent Sludge Wave, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 1: Damp Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 52 Focus Blast,
Adv Ability 2: Own Tempo 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 78
High Ability: Regenerator Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch,
Evolution: 100 Confide
1 - Mudkip
2 - Marshtomp Minimum 15 Tutor Move List
3 - Swampert Minimum 30 Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Body Slam,
Counter, Defense Curl, Dive, Double-Edge,
Size Information Dynamic Punch, Earth Power, Endeavor, Hydro
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Cannon, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Low Kick,
Weight : 180.6 lbs. / 81.9kg (4) Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Mud Sport, Low
Kick, Outrage, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk,
Breeding Information Snore, Stealth Rock, Superpower, Water Pledge,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Water Pulse Mega Evolution
Egg Group : Monster / Water 1 Type: Unchanged
Ability: Swift Swim
Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Marsh Stats: +4 Atk, +2 Def,
+1 Sp. Atk, +2 Sp. Def,
+1 Speed

PIPLUP Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 6, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Tundra, Ocean), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Pound - Normal
4 Growl - Normal
8 Bubble - Water
11 Water Sport - Water
15 Peck - Flying
19 Bubble Beam - Water
24 Bide - Normal
28 Fury Attack - Normal
Base Stats: 33 Brine - Water
HP: 5 37 Whirlpool - Water
Attack: 5 42 Mist - Ice
Defense: 5 46 Drill Peck - Flying
Special Attack: 6 51 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 4 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06
Basic Information Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Type : Water Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Basic Ability 1: Klutz 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
Basic Ability 2: Torrent 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Adv Ability 1: Pride 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 55 Scald, 56
Adv Ability 2: Defiant Fling, 60 Quash, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
High Ability: Swift Swim Talk, 90 Substitute

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Piplup Agility, Aqua Ring, Bide, Double Hit, Flail,
2 - Prinplup Minimum 15 Hydro Pump, Mud Sport, Mud-Slap, Snore,
3 - Empoleon Minimum 30 Supersonic, Yawn

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Covet, Dive, Icy Wind, Mud-Slap, Pluck,
Weight : 11.5 lbs. / 5.2kg (1) Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Water
Pledge, Water Pulse
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Beach, Taiga, Tundra

PRINPLUP Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 6, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Tundra, Ocean), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Growl - Normal
8 Bubble - Water
11 Water Sport - Water
15 Peck - Flying
16 Metal Claw - Steel
19 Bubble Beam - Water
24 Bide - Normal
28 Fury Attack - Normal
33 Brine - Water
Base Stats: 37 Whirlpool - Water
HP: 6 42 Mist - Ice
Attack: 7 46 Drill Peck - Flying
Defense: 7 51 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Attack: 8
Special Defense: 8 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 5 A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall,
A6 Dive, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hid-
Basic Information den Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18
Type : Water Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31
Basic Ability 1: Klutz Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40
Basic Ability 2: Torrent Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 1: Pride 49 Echoed Voice, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 60 Quash, 65
Adv Ability 2: Defiant Shadow Claw, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
High Ability: Swift Swim Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Piplup Covet, Dive, Icy Wind, Mud-Slap, Pluck,
2 - Prinplup Minimum 15 Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Water
3 - Empoleon Minimum 30 Pledge, Water Pulse

Size Information
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small)
Weight : 50.7 lbs. / 23kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Beach, Taiga, Tundra

EMPOLEON Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 10, Jump 2/1, Power 7, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Tundra, Ocean)

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 5d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Growl - Normal
8 Bubble - Water
11 Swords Dance - Normal
15 Peck - Flying
16 Metal Claw - Steel
19 Bubble Beam - Water
24 Swagger - Normal
28 Fury Attack - Normal
33 Brine - Water
Base Stats: 36 Aqua Jet - Water
HP: 8 39 Whirlpool - Water
Attack: 9 46 Mist - Ice
Defense: 9 52 Drill Peck - Flying
Special Attack: 11 59 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Defense: 10
Speed: 6 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall,
Basic Information A6 Dive, 01 Hone Claws, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail,
Type : Water / Steel 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hy-
Basic Ability 1: Confidence per Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Basic Ability 2: Torrent 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break,
Adv Ability 1: Pride 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42
Adv Ability 2: Defiant Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
High Ability: Swift Swim Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 60 Quash,
65 Shadow Claw, 68 Giga Impact, 75 Swords Dance,
High Abilities: Defiant 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
Evolution: ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon,
1 - Piplup 94 Rock Smash
2 - Prinplup Minimum 15
3 - Empoleon Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
Avalanche, Covet, Dive, Fury Cutter, Hydro
Size Information Cannon, Icy Wind, Iron Defense, Knock Off,
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Medium) Mud-Slap, Pluck, Rock Climb, Signal Beam, Sleep
Weight : 186.3 lbs. / 84.5kg (4) Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Steel Wing, Water Pledge,
Water Pulse
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Field

Diet : Ominvore.
Habitat : Beach, Taiga, Tundra

OSHAWOTT Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 5, Jump 1/1, Power 2,
Fountain, Naturewalk (Ocean), Wielder, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Tail Whip - Normal
7 Water Gun - Water
11 Water Sport - Water
13 Focus Energy - Normal
17 Razor Shell - Water
19 Fury Cutter - Bug
23 Water Pulse - Water
25 Revenge - Fighting
Base Stats: 29 Aqua Jet - Water
HP: 6 31 Encore - Normal
Attack: 6 35 Aqua Tail - Water
Defense: 5 37 Retaliate - Normal
Special Attack: 6 41 Swords Dance - Normal
Special Defense: 5 43 Hydro Pump - Water
Speed: 5
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06
Type : Water Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice
Basic Ability 1: Inner Focus Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Basic Ability 2: Torrent Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 40
Adv Ability 1: Shell Armor Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 2: Water Absorb 54 False Swipe, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 67 Retaliate, 75
High Ability: Parry Swords Dance, 81 X-Scissor, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Oshawott Egg Move List
2 - Dewott Minimum 15 Air Slash, Assurance, Brine, Copycat, Detect,
3 - Samurott Minimum 30 Night Slash, Screech, Trump Card

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Aqua Tail, Covet, Helping Hand, Icy Wind,
Weight : 13 lbs. / 5.9kg (1) Iron Tail, Sleep Talk, Snore, Water Pledge

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Beach, Ocean

DEWOTT Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 7, Jump 2/2, Power 3,
Fountain, Naturewalk (Ocean), Wielder, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 3d6+3, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Tail Whip - Normal
7 Water Gun - Water
11 Water Sport - Water
13 Focus Energy - Normal
17 Razor Shell - Water
20 Fury Cutter - Bug
25 Water Pulse - Water
28 Revenge - Fighting
33 Aqua Jet - Water
Base Stats: 36 Encore - Normal
HP: 8 41 Aqua Tail - Water
Attack: 8 44 Retaliate - Normal
Defense: 6 49 Swords Dance - Normal
Special Attack: 8 52 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 6 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06
Basic Information Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice
Type : Water Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Basic Ability 1: Inner Focus Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 40
Basic Ability 2: Torrent Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 1: Shell Armor 54 False Swipe, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 67 Retaliate,
Adv Ability 2: Water Absorb 75 Swords Dance, 81 X-Scissor, 86 Grass Knot, 87
High Ability: Parry Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Oshawott Aqua Tail, Covet, Helping Hand, Icy Wind,
2 - Dewott Minimum 15 Iron Tail, Sleep Talk, Snore, Water Pledge
3 - Samurott Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Medium)
Weight : 54 lbs. / 24.5kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Beach, Ocean

SAMUROTT Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 8, Jump 2/3, Power 7,
Fountain, Naturewalk (Ocean), Wielder

Skill List
Athl 5d6, Acro 4d6+3, Combat 5d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Tail Whip - Normal
7 Water Gun - Water
11 Water Sport - Water
13 Focus Energy - Normal
17 Razor Shell - Water
20 Fury Cutter - Bug
25 Water Pulse - Water
28 Revenge - Fighting
33 Aqua Jet - Water
Base Stats: 36 Slash - Normal
HP: 10 38 Encore - Normal
Attack: 10 45 Aqua Tail - Water
Defense: 9 50 Retaliate - Normal
Special Attack: 11 57 Swords Dance - Normal
Special Defense: 7 62 Hydro Pump - Water
Speed: 7
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall,
Type : Water A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 12
Basic Ability 1: Inner Focus Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Basic Ability 2: Torrent Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28
Adv Ability 1: Shell Armor Dig, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44
Adv Ability 2: Water Absorb Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 54 False Swipe, 55 Scald,
High Ability: Parry 56 Fling, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 75 Swords
Dance, 81 X-Scissor, 82 Dragon Tail, 86 Grass Knot,
Evolution: 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
1 - Oshawott Smash
2 - Dewott Minimum 15
3 - Samurott Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
Aqua Tail, Block, Covet, Helping Hand, Icy
Size Information Wind, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Megahorn(N), Sleep
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Large) Talk, Snore, Superpower, Water Pledge
Weight : 208.6 lbs. / 94.6kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Beach, Ocean

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 2, Fountain,
Gilled, Underdog, Wallclimber, Naturewalk (Wet-

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Pound - Normal
1 Growl - Normal
5 Bubble - Water
8 Quick Attack - Normal
10 Lick - Ghost
14 Water Pulse - Water
18 Smokescreen - Normal
Base Stats: 21 Round - Normal
HP: 4 25 Fling - Dark
Attack: 6 29 Smack Down - Rock
Defense: 4 35 Substitute - Normal
Special Attack: 6 39 Bounce - Flying
Special Defense: 4 43 Double Team - Normal
Speed: 7 48 Hydro Pump - Water

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Water A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, 06
Basic Ability 1: Mud Dweller Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Basic Ability 2: Torrent Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Adv Ability 1: Protean 23 Smack Down, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 2: Hydration 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
High Ability: Wash Away 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice,
55 Scald, 56 Fling, 62 Acrobatics, 80 Rock Slide, 86
Evolution: Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90
1 - Froakie Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
2 - Frogadier Minimum 15 Confide
3 - Greninja Minimum 30
Egg Move List
Size Information Bestow, Camouflage, Mind Reader, Mud Sport, Wa-
Height : 1’ 00” / 0.3m (Small) ter Sport, Toxic Spikes
Weight : 15.4 lbs. / 7kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Bounce, Icy Wind, Role Play, Snatch, Snore, Spite,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Water Pledge, Water Pulse
Egg Group : Water 1
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Marsh

FROGADIER Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 6, Jump 2/3, Power 2, Fountain,
Gilled, Underdog, Stealth, Wallclimber, Naturewalk

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 4d6+1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Pound - Normal
1 Growl - Normal
5 Bubble - Water
8 Quick Attack - Normal
10 Lick - Ghost
14 Water Pulse - Water
20 Smokescreen - Normal
23 Round - Normal
Base Stats: 28 Fling - Dark
HP: 5 33 Smack Down - Rock
Attack: 6 38 Substitute - Normal
Defense: 5 44 Bounce - Flying
Special Attack: 8 48 Double Team - Normal
Special Defense: 6 55 Hydro Pump - Water
Speed: 10
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, 06
Type : Water Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Basic Ability 1: Mud Dweller Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Basic Ability 2: Torrent 23 Smack Down, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 1: Protean 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Adv Ability 2: Hydration 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice,
High Ability: Wash Away 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 62 Acrobatics, 80 Rock Slide, 86
Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90
Evolution: Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-
1 - Froakie Up Punch, 100 Confide
2 - Frogadier Minimum 15
3 - Greninja Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
Bounce, Gunk Shot, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Low Kick,
Size Information Role Play, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Water Pledge, Water
Height : 2’ 00” / 0.6m (Small) Pulse
Weight : 24 lbs. / 10.9kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Water 1

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Marsh

GRENINJA Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 8, Jump 3/3, Power 3, Fountain,
Gilled, Stealth, Wallclimber, Naturewalk (Wetlands)

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 6d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 5d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Pound - Normal
1 Growl - Normal
5 Bubble - Water
8 Quick Attack - Normal
10 Lick - Ghost
14 Water Pulse - Water
20 Smokescreen - Normal
23 Shadow Sneak - Ghost
28 Spikes - Ground
Base Stats: 30 Water Shuriken - Water
HP: 7 33 Feint Attack - Dark
Attack: 10 43 Substitute - Normal
Defense: 7 49 Extrasensory - Psychic
Special Attack: 10 52 Double Team - Normal
Special Defense: 7 56 Haze - Ice
Speed: 12 60 Hydro Pump - Water
70 Night Slash - Dark
Basic Information
Type : Water / Dark TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Mud Dweller A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, 06
Basic Ability 2: Torrent Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Adv Ability 1: Protean Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Adv Ability 2: Hydration 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
High Ability: Wash Away 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42
Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49
Evolution: Echoed Voice, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 62 Acrobatics, 68
1 - Froakie Giga Impact, 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
2 - Frogadier Minimum 15 ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
3 - Greninja Minimum 30 Smash, 97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
Size Information
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 88.2 lbs. / 40kg (3) Bounce, Gunk Shot, Hydro Cannon, Ice Punch, Icy
Wind, Low Kick, Mat Block (N), Night Slash (N),
Breeding Information Role Play (N), Snatch, Snore, Spite, Water Pledge,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Water Pulse
Egg Group : Water 1

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Marsh

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Nature-
walk (Grassland, Forest), Wallclimber, Threaded,

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 String Shot - Bug
1 Tackle - Normal
15 Bug Bite - Bug

Tutor Move List
Bug Bite, Electroweb, Snore, Bug Bite, String
Base Stats:
HP: 5
Attack: 3
Defense: 4
Special Attack: 2
Special Defense: 2
Speed: 5

Basic Information
Type : Bug
Basic Ability 1: Shield Dust
Adv Ability 1: Run Away
Adv Ability 2: Silk Threads
Adv Ability 3: Stench
High Ability: Suction Cups

1 - Caterpie
2 - Metapod Minimum 5
3 - Butterfree Minimum 10

Size Information
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small)
Weight : 6.4 lbs. / 2.9kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest

METAPOD turewalk (Grassland, Forest), Threaded, Underdog
Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
7 Harden - Normal

Tutor Move List
Bug Bite, Electroweb, Iron Defense, String
Shot, Tackle

Base Stats:
HP: 5
Attack: 2
Defense: 6
Special Attack: 3
Special Defense: 3
Speed: 3

Basic Information
Type : Bug
Basic Ability 1: Shed Skin
Adv Ability 1: Battle Armor
Adv Ability 2: Silk Threads
Adv Ability 3: Magic Guard
High Ability: Sturdy

1 - Caterpie
2 - Metapod Minimum 5
3 - Butterfree Minimum 10

Size Information
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small)
Weight : 21.8 lbs. / 9.9kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Forest

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Na-

BUTTERFREE Capability List
Overland 3, Sky 8, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Na-
turewalk (Grassland, Forest), Wallclimber, Threaded,

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
6d6+3, Focus 5d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
10 Confusion - Psychic
12 Poison Powder - Poison
12 Sleep Powder - Grass
12 Stun Spore - Grass
16 Gust - Flying
18 Supersonic - Normal
22 Whirlwind - Normal
24 Psybeam - Psychic
Base Stats: 28 Silver Wind - Bug
HP: 6 30 Tailwind - Flying
Attack: 5 34 Rage Powder - Bug
Defense: 5 36 Safeguard - Normal
Special Attack: 9 40 Captivate - Normal
Special Defense: 8 42 Bug Buzz - Bug
Speed: 7 46 Quiver Dance - Bug

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Bug / Flying 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Ability 1: Compound Eyes 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Adv Ability 1: Tinted Lens Dance, 19 Roost, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22
Adv Ability 2: Keen Eye Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
Adv Ability 3: Flutter 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
High Ability: Blow Away 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 62
Acrobatics, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 76 Struggle
Evolution: Bug, 77 Psych Up, 83 Infestation, 85 Dream Eater, 87
1 - Caterpie Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute
2 - Metapod Minimum 5
3 - Butterfree Minimum 10 Tutor Move List
Air Cutter, Bug Bite, Double- Edge,
Size Information Electroweb, Giga Drain, Ominous Wind, Roost,
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, String
Weight : 70.5 lbs. / 32kg (3) Shot, Swift, Tailwind, Twister

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest

Capability List
Overland 5, Burrow 1, Jump 1/1, Power 1,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Threaded, Wall-
climber, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Poison Sting - Poison
1 String Shot - Bug
15 Bug Bite - Bug

Tutor Move List
Bug Bite, Electroweb, String Shot

Base Stats:
HP: 4
Attack: 4
Defense: 3
Special Attack: 2
Special Defense: 2
Speed: 5

Basic Information
Type : Bug / Poison
Basic Ability 1: Shield Dust
Adv Ability 1: Run Away
Adv Ability 2: Silk Threads
Adv Ability 3: Swarm
High Ability: Poison Touch

1 - Weedle
2 - Kakuna Minimum 5
3 - Beedrill Minimum 10

Size Information
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small)
Weight : 7.1 lbs. / 3.2kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest

KAKUNA turewalk (Grassland, Forest), Threaded, Underdog
Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
7 Harden - Normal

Tutor Move List
Bug Bite, Electroweb, Iron Defense, String
Shot, Tackle

Base Stats:
HP: 5
Attack: 3
Defense: 5
Special Attack: 3
Special Defense: 3
Speed: 4

Basic Information
Type : Bug / Poison
Basic Ability 1: Shed Skin
Adv Ability 1: Battle Armor
Adv Ability 2: Silk Threads
Adv Ability 3: Magic Guard
High Ability: Sturdy

1 - Weedle
2 - Kakuna Minimum 5
3 - Beedrill Minimum 10

Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 22 lbs. / 10kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Forest

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Na-
BEEDRILL Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Sky 8, Jump 3/4, Power
4, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 5d6+3, Combat 4d6+1,
Stealth 3d6+3, Percep 3d6+3, Focus 3d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
10 Fury Attack - Normal
13 Focus Energy - Normal
16 Twineedle - Bug
19 Rage - Normal
22 Pursuit - Dark
25 Toxic Spikes - Poison
28 Pin Missile - Bug
31 Agility - Psychic
Base Stats: 34 Assurance - Dark
HP: 7 37 Poison Jab - Poison
Attack: 9 40 Endeavor - Normal
Defense: 4 45 Fell Stinger - Bug
Special Attack: 5
Special Defense: 8 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 8 A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden
Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 19
Basic Information Roost, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 31
Type : Bug / Poison Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 40
Basic Ability 1: Sniper Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
Adv Ability 1: Poison Touch 48 Round, 54 False Swipe, 62 Acrobatics, 66 Pay-
Adv Ability 2: Technician back, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 76
Adv Ability 3: Swarm Struggle Bug, 81 X-Scissor, 83 Infestation, 84 Poison
High Ability: Vanguard Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substi-
tute, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Weedle Tutor Move List
2 - Kakuna Minimum 5 Air Cutter, Bug Bite, Double-Edge, Drill
3 - Beedrill Minimum 10 Run, Electroweb, Endeavor, Fury Cutter, Giga Drain,
Knock Off, Ominous Wind, Roost, Silver Wind,
Size Information Sleep Talk, Snore, String Shot, Swift, Tailwind
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 65 lbs. / 29.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Mega Evolution
Egg Group : Bug Type: Unchanged
Ability: Adaptability
Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest Stats: +6 Atk, -3 Sp.
Atk, +7 Speed

SEWADDLE Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Nature-
walk (Grassland, Forest), Wallclimber, Threaded,
Underdog, Leaf Crafter

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 String Shot - Bug
1 Tackle - Normal
8 Bug Bite - Bug
15 Razor Leaf - Grass
22 Struggle Bug - Bug
29 Endure - Normal
36 Bug Buzz - Bug
43 Flail - Normal
Base Stats:
HP: 5 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 5 A1 Cut, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Defense: 7 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 20
Special Attack: 4 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return,
Special Defense: 6 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Speed: 4 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 66 Payback, 70 Flash,
76 Struggle Bug, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot,
Basic Information 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature
Type : Bug / Grass Power
Basic Ability 1: Designer
Adv Ability 1: Full Guard Egg Move List
Adv Ability 2: Leafy Cloak Agility, Air Slash, Baton Pass, Camouflage,
Adv Ability 3: Swarm Me First, Mind Reader, Razor Wind, Screech, Silver
High Ability: Leaf Rush Wind

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Sewaddle Bug Bite, Electroweb, Giga Drain, Iron
2 - Swadloon Minimum 15 Defense, Magic Coat, Seed Bomb, Signal Beam,
3 - Leavanny Minimum 30 Sleep Talk, Snore, Synthesis, Worry Seed

Size Information
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small)
Weight : 5.5 lbs. / 2.5kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest

SWADLOON Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Threaded, Wall-
climber, Underdog, Leaf Crafter

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
20 Protect - Normal

TM/HM Move List

A1 Cut, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 20
Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return,
32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 66 Payback, 70 Flash,
Base Stats: 76 Struggle Bug, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot,
HP: 6 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature
Attack: 6 Power
Defense: 9
Special Attack: 5 Tutor Move List
Special Defense: 8 Bug Bite, Electroweb, Giga Drain,
Speed: 4 Grass Whistle, Iron Defense, Magic Coat, Razor Leaf,
Seed Bomb, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Basic Information Synthesis, Worry Seed
Type : Bug / Grass
Basic Ability 1: Designer
Adv Ability 1: Full Guard
Adv Ability 2: Leafy Cloak
Adv Ability 3: Swarm
High Ability: Leaf Rush

1 - Sewaddle
2 - Swadloon Minimum 15
3 - Leavanny Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small)
Weight : 16.1 lbs. / 7.3kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest

LEAVANNY Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 3,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Threaded, Wall-
climber, Leaf Crafter

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 2d6+2, Stealth
4d6+2, Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
8 Bug Bite - Bug
15 Razor Leaf - Grass
22 Struggle Bug - Bug
30 Slash - Normal
32 Helping Hand - Normal
34 Fell Stinger - Bug
36 Leaf Blade - Grass
39 X-Scissor - Bug
Base Stats: 43 Entrainment - Normal
HP: 8 46 Swords Dance - Normal
Attack: 10 50 Leaf Storm - Grass
Defense: 8
Special Attack: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 8 A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 04 Calm Mind, 06
Speed: 9 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper
Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21
Basic Information Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double
Type : Bug / Grass Team, 33 Reflect, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Basic Ability 1: Designer 45 Attract, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 53 Energy
Adv Ability 1: Full Guard Ball, 54 False Swipe, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback,
Adv Ability 2: Leafy Cloak 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords
Adv Ability 3: Swarm Dance, 76 Struggle Bug, 81 X-Scissor, 84 Poison Jab,
High Ability: Leaf Rush 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature Power
1 - Sewaddle Tutor Move List
2 - Swadloon Minimum 15 Bug Bite (N), Electroweb, False Swipe(N),
3 - Leavanny Minimum 30 Giga Drain, Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Iron Defense,
Knock Off, Magic Coat, Seed Bomb, Signal Beam,
Size Information Sleep Talk, Snore, Synthesis, Worry Seed
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 45.2 lbs. / 20.5kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest

VENIPEDE Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 1, Jump 2/2, Power 1,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Wallclimber, Un-

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Defense Curl - Normal
5 Poison Sting - Poison
8 Screech - Normal
12 Pursuit - Dark
15 Protect - Normal
19 Poison Tail - Poison
22 Bug Bite - Bug
26 Venoshock - Poison
Base Stats: 29 Agility - Psychic
HP: 3 33 Steamroller - Bug
Attack: 5 36 Toxic - Poison
Defense: 6 40 Rock Climb - Normal
Special Attack: 3 43 Double-Edge - Normal
Special Defense: 4
Speed: 6 TM/HM Move List
06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Information 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Type : Bug / Poison Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb,
Basic Ability 1: Poison Point 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 66 Payback,
Basic Ability 2: Vanguard 74 Gyro Ball, 76 Struggle Bug, 83 Infestation, 84 Poi-
Adv Ability 1: Swarm son Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
Adv Ability 2: Speed Boost Rock Smash
High Ability: Rock Head
Egg Move List
Evolution: Pin Missile, Rock Climb, Spikes, Take Down,
1 - Venipede Toxic Spikes, Twineedle
2 - Whirlipede Minimum 15
3 - Scolipede Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
Bug Bite, Endeavor, Iron Defense, Rollout(N),
Size Information Sleep Talk, Snore
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small)
Weight : 11.7 lbs. / 5.3kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest

WHIRLIPEDE Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 3,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Poison Sting - Poison
8 Screech - Normal
12 Pursuit - Dark
15 Protect - Normal
19 Poison Tail - Poison
22 Iron Defense - Steel
23 Bug Bite - Bug
28 Venoshock - Poison
Base Stats: 32 Agility - Psychic
HP: 4 37 Steamroller - Bug
Attack: 6 41 Toxic - Poison
Defense: 10 46 Rock Climb - Normal
Special Attack: 4 50 Double-Edge - Normal
Special Defense: 8
Speed: 5 TM/HM Move List
06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Information 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Type : Bug / Poison Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb,
Basic Ability 1: Poison Point 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 66 Pay-
Basic Ability 2: Vanguard back, 74 Gyro Ball, 76 Struggle Bug, 83 Infestation,
Adv Ability 1: Swarm 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
Adv Ability 2: Speed Boost tute, 94 Rock Smash
High Ability: Rock Head
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Bug Bite, Endeavor, Iron Defense,
1 - Venipede Rollout(N), Sleep Talk, Snore
2 - Whirlipede Minimum 15
3 - Scolipede Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 129 lbs. / 58.5kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest

SCOLIPEDE Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 6,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Wallclimber, Mount-
able 1

Skill List
Athl 4d6+3, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 4d6, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Poison Sting - Poison
8 Screech - Normal
12 Pursuit - Dark
15 Protect - Normal
19 Poison Tail - Poison
23 Bug Bite - Bug
28 Venoshock - Poison
30 Baton Pass - Normal
Base Stats: 33 Agility - Psychic
HP: 6 39 Steamroller - Bug
Attack: 10 44 Toxic - Poison
Defense: 9 50 Rock Climb - Normal
Special Attack: 6 55 Double-Edge - Normal
Special Defense: 7 65 Megahorn - Bug
Speed: 11
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock,
Type : Bug / Poison 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam,
Basic Ability 1: Poison Point 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 26 Earth-
Basic Ability 2: Vanguard quake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge
Adv Ability 1: Swarm Bomb, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Adv Ability 2: Speed Boost 48 Round, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 74 Gyro Ball,
High Ability: Rock Head 75 Swords Dance, 76 Struggle Bug, 78 Bulldoze, 80
Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 83 Infestation, 84 Poison
Evolution: Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
1 - Venipede Smash
2 - Whirlipede Minimum 15
3 - Scolipede Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
Aqua Tail, Bug Bite, Endeavor, Iron Defense,
Size Information Iron Tail, Megahorn(N), Rollout(N), Sleep Talk,
Height : 8’ 2” / 2.5m (Large) Snatch, Snore, Superpower
Weight : 442 lbs. / 200.5kg (6)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Burrow 1, Jump 1/1,
Power 1, Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Threaded,
Split Evolution, Wallclimber, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 String Shot - Bug
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Poison Sting - Poison
15 Bug Bite - Bug

Tutor Move List
Bug Bite, Electroweb, Snore, String Shot
Base Stats:
HP: 5
Attack: 5
Defense: 4
Special Attack: 2
Special Defense: 3
Speed: 2

Basic Information
Type : Bug
Basic Ability 1: Shield Dust
Adv Ability 1: Silk Threads
Adv Ability 2: Run Away
Adv Ability 3: Poison Point
High Ability: Suction Cups

1 - Wurmple
2 - Silcoon Minimum 5 see Split Evolution
3 - Beautifly Minimum 10
2 - Cascoon Minimum 5 see Split Evolution
3 - Dustox Minimum 10

Size Information
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small)
Weight : 7.9 lbs. / 3.6kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

SILCOON Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 1, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Threaded, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Harden - Normal

Tutor Move List
Bug Bite, Electroweb, Iron Defense, String

Base Stats:
HP: 5
Attack: 4
Defense: 6
Special Attack: 3
Special Defense: 3
Speed: 2

Basic Information
Type : Bug
Basic Ability 1: Shed Skin
Adv Ability 1: Silk Threads
Adv Ability 2: Battle Armor
Adv Ability 3: Overcoat
High Ability: Sturdy

1 - Wurmple
2 - Silcoon Minimum 5
3 - Beautifly Minimum 10

Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 22 lbs. / 10kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

BEAUTIFLY Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Sky 9, Jump 1/1, Power
3, Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
6d6+3, Focus 5d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
10 Gust - Flying
12 Absorb - Grass
15 Stun Spore - Grass
17 Morning Sun - Normal
20 Air Cutter - Flying
22 Mega Drain - Grass
25 Silver Wind - Bug
27 Attract - Normal
30 Whirlwind - Normal
Base Stats: 32 Giga Drain - Grass
HP: 6 35 Bug Buzz - Bug
Attack: 7 37 Rage - Normal
Defense: 5 40 Quiver Dance - Bug
Special Attack: 10
Special Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 7 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power,
11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 19
Basic Information Roost, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Type : Bug / Flying 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
Basic Ability 1: Pride Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Adv Ability 1: Rivalry 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 62 Acrobat-
Adv Ability 2: Cruelty ics, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 76 Struggle Bug, 83
Adv Ability 3: Swarm Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90
High Ability: Sap Sipper Substitute

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Wurmple Air Cutter, Bug Bite, Defog, Double-Edge,
2 - Silcoon Minimum 5 Electroweb, Giga Drain, Ominous Wind, Roost,
3 - Beautifly Minimum 10 Secret Power, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, String
Shot, Swift, Tailwind, Twister
Size Information
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 62.6 lbs. / 28.4kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

CASCOON (Grassland, Forest), Threaded, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Harden - Normal

Tutor Move List
Bug Bite, Electroweb, Iron Defense, String

Base Stats:
HP: 5
Attack: 4
Defense: 6
Special Attack: 3
Special Defense: 3
Speed: 2

Basic Information
Type : Bug
Basic Ability 1: Shed Skin
Adv Ability 1: Silk Threads
Adv Ability 2: Battle Armor
Adv Ability 3: Overcoat
High Ability: Sturdy

1 - Wurmple
2 - Cascoon Minimum 5
3 - Dustox Minimum 10

Size Information
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small)
Weight : 25.4 lbs. / 11.5kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Naturewalk

DUSTOX Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Sky 9, Jump 1/1, Power
2, Underdog
Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
6d6+3, Focus 5d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
10 Gust - Flying
12 Confusion - Psychic
15 Poison Powder - Poison
17 Moonlight - Fairy
20 Venoshock - Poison
22 Psybeam - Psychic
25 Silver Wind - Bug
27 Light Screen - Psychic
30 Whirlwind - Normal
32 Toxic - Poison
Base Stats: 35 Bug Buzz - Bug
HP: 6 37 Protect - Normal
Attack: 5 40 Quiver Dance - Bug
Defense: 7
Special Attack: 5 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 9 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power,
Speed: 7 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17
Protect, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Basic Information 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
Type : Bug / Poison Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44
Basic Ability 1: Shield Dust Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball,
Adv Ability 1: Compound Eyes 62 Acrobatics, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 76 Struggle
Adv Ability 2: Dust Cloud Bug, 83 Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-
Adv Ability 3: Flutter Turn, 90 Substitute
High Ability: Effect Spore
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Air Cutter, Bug Bite, Defog, Double-Edge,
1 - Wurmple Electroweb, Giga Drain, Ominous Wind, Roost,
2 - Cascoon Minimum 5 Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, String Shot, Swift,
3 - Dustox Minimum 10 Tailwind, Twister

Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 69.7 lbs. / 31.6kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Jump 0/0, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Threaded, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+1, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 String Shot - Bug
5 Stun Spore - Grass
15 Bug Bite - Bug

TM/HM Move List


Base Stats: Egg Move List

HP: 4 Poison Powder, Rage Powder, Stun Spore
Attack: 4
Defense: 4 Tutor Move List
Special Attack: 3 Bug Bite
Special Defense: 3
Speed: 4

Basic Information
Type : Bug
Basic Ability 1: Compound Eyes
Adv Ability 1: Shield Dust
Adv Ability 2: Friend Guard
Adv Ability 3: Suction Cups
High Ability: Effect Spore

1 - Scatterbug
2 - Spewpa Minimum 5
3 - Vivillon Minimum 10

Size Information
Height : 1’ 00” / .3m (Small)
Weight : 5.5 lbs. / 2.5 kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 1, Jump 0/0, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Threaded, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+2, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Harden - Normal
5 Protect - Normal

TM/HM Move List


Tutor Move List

Bug Bite, Electroweb, Iron Defense
Base Stats:
HP: 5
Attack: 2
Defense: 6
Special Attack: 3
Special Defense: 3
Speed: 3

Basic Information
Type : Bug
Basic Ability 1: Compound Eyes
Adv Ability 1: Shed Skin
Adv Ability 2: Friend Guard
Adv Ability 3: Wonder Skin
High Ability: Effect Spore

1 - Scatterbug
2 - Spewpa Minimum 5
3 - Vivillon Minimum 10

Size Information
Height : 1’ 00” / .3m (Small)
Weight : 18.5 lbs. / 8.4 kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Sky 8, Jump 1/2, Power 1, Na-
turewalk (Grassland, Forest), Threaded, Wallclimber,

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 5d6+2, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
10 Struggle Bug - Bug
17 Psybeam - Psychic
21 Supersonic - Normal
25 Draining Kiss - Fairy
31 Aromatherapy - Grass
35 Bug Buzz - Bug
41 Safeguard - Normal
Base Stats: 45 Quiver Dance - Bug
HP: 8 50 Hurricane - Flying
Attack: 5 55 Powder - Bug
Defense: 5
Special Attack: 9 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 5 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Speed: 9 Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18
Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Basic Information 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 32 Double
Type : Bug / Flying Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Basic Ability 1: Compound Eyes 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 62 Acrobatics,
Adv Ability 1: Shield Dust 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 76 Struggle Bug, 77 Psych
Adv Ability 2: Friend Guard Up, 83 Infestation, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88
Adv Ability 3: Wonder Skin Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 100 Confide
High Ability: Effect Spore
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Bug Bite, Electroweb, Endeavor, Giga Drain, Gust
1 - Scatterbug (N), Hold Hands, Light Screen (N), Poison Powder
2 - Spewpa Minimum 5 (N), Powder (N), Signal Beam, Sleep Powder (N),
3 - Vivillon Minimum 10 Snore, Stun Spore (N), Tailwind

Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 37.5 lbs. / 17 kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

PIDGEY Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Sky 5, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Un-

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Sand Attack - Ground
9 Gust - Flying
13 Quick Attack - Normal
17 Whirlwind - Normal
21 Twister - Dragon
25 Feather Dance - Flying
29 Agility - Psychic
33 Wing Attack - Flying
Base Stats: 37 Roost - Flying
HP: 4 41 Tailwind - Flying
Attack: 5 45 Mirror Move - Flying
Defense: 4 49 Air Slash - Flying
Special Attack: 4 53 Hurricane - Flying
Special Defense: 4
Speed: 6 TM/HM Move List
A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Basic Information Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frustra-
Type : Normal / Flying tion, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 51
Basic Ability 2: Tangled Feet Steel Wing, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90
Adv Ability 1: Big Pecks Substitute
Adv Ability 2: Blow Away
High Ability: Run Away Egg Move List
Air Cutter, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Defog, Feint
Evolution: Attack, Foresight, Pursuit, Steel Wing, Uproar
1 - Pidgey
2 - Pidgeotto Minimum 15 Tutor Move List
3 - Pidgeot Minimum 30 Air Cutter, Defog, Double-Edge, Heat Wave,
Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pluck, Roost, Sky Attack,
Size Information Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Tailwind, Twister, Uproar,
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Work Up
Weight : 4 lbs. / 1.8kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Urban

PIDGEOTTO Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Sky 7, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Un-
Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth
2d6+2, Percep 3d6+2, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Sand Attack - Ground
9 Gust - Flying
13 Quick Attack - Normal
17 Whirlwind - Normal
22 Twister - Dragon
27 Feather Dance - Flying
32 Agility - Psychic
37 Wing Attack - Flying
42 Roost - Flying
47 Tailwind - Flying
Base Stats: 52 Mirror Move - Flying
HP: 6 57 Air Slash - Flying
Attack: 6 62 Hurricane - Flying
Defense: 6
Special Attack: 5 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 5 A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Speed: 7 Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frus-
tration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace,
Basic Information 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round,
Type : Normal / Flying 51 Steel Wing, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn,
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye 90 Substitute
Basic Ability 2: Tangled Feet
Adv Ability 1: Big Pecks Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 2: Blow Away Air Cutter, Defog, Double-Edge, Heat Wave,
High Ability: Competitive Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pluck, Roost, Sky At-
tack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Steel Wing, Swift, Tailwind,
Evolution: Twister, Uproar, Work Up
1 - Pidgey
2 - Pidgeotto Minimum 15
3 - Pidgeot Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium)
Weight : 66.1 lbs. / 30kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest

PIDGEOT Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Sky 9, Jump 3/3, Power 5,
Guster, Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 4d6+1, Combat 4d6+1, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6+3, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Sand Attack - Ground
9 Gust - Flying
13 Quick Attack - Normal
17 Whirlwind - Normal
22 Twister - Dragon
27 Feather Dance - Flying
32 Agility - Psychic
38 Wing Attack - Flying
44 Roost - Flying
Base Stats: 50 Tailwind - Flying
HP: 8 56 Mirror Move - Flying
Attack: 8 62 Air Slash - Flying
Defense: 8 68 Hurricane - Flying
Special Attack: 7
Special Defense: 7 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 10 A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19
Basic Information Roost, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Type : Normal / Flying 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye Thief, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 68 Giga Impact, 87
Basic Ability 2: Tangled Feet Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute
Adv Ability 1: Rocket
Adv Ability 2: Blow Away Tutor Move List
High Ability: Competitive Air Cutter, Defog, Double-Edge, Heat Wave,
Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pluck, Roost, Sky Attack,
Evolution: Sleep Talk, Snore, Steel Wing, Swift, Tailwind, Twist-
1 - Pidgey er, Uproar, Work Up
2 - Pidgeotto Minimum 15
3 - Pidgeot Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Large)
Weight : 87.1 lbs. / 39.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Mega Evolution
Egg Group : Flying Type: Unchanged
Ability: No Guard
Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest Stats: +7 Sp. Atk, +1
Sp. Def, +2 Speed

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 1, Sky 5, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Un-

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Quick Attack - Normal
9 Wing Attack - Flying
13 Double Team - Normal
17 Endeavor - Normal
21 Whirlwind - Normal
25 Aerial Ace - Flying
Base Stats: 29 Take Down - Normal
HP: 4 33 Agility - Psychic
Attack: 6 37 Brave Bird - Flying
Defense: 3 41 Final Gambit - Normal
Special Attack: 3
Special Defense: 3 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 6 A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frustra-
Basic Information tion, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42
Type : Normal / Flying Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Basic Ability 2: Intimidate Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute
Adv Ability 1: Big Pecks
Adv Ability 2: Rivalry Egg Move List
High Ability: Reckless Astonish, Detect, Double-Edge, Feather
Dance, Foresight, Fury Attack, Mirror Move, Pursuit,
Evolution: Revenge, Roost, Sand Attack, Steel Wing, Uproar
1 - Starly
2 - Staravia Minimum 15 Tutor Move List
3 - Staraptor Minimum 30 Air Cutter, Defog, Endeavor, Heat Wave,
Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pluck, Roost, Sleep Talk,
Size Information Snore, Swift, Tailwind, Twister, Work Up
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small)
Weight : 4.4 lbs. / 2kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban


Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6+1, Stealth
2d6+1, Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Quick Attack - Normal
9 Wing Attack - Flying
13 Double Team - Normal
18 Endeavor - Normal
23 Whirlwind - Normal
28 Aerial Ace - Flying
33 Take Down - Normal
38 Agility - Psychic
43 Brave Bird - Flying
48 Final Gambit - Normal

Base Stats: TM/HM Move List

HP: 6 A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Attack: 8 Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frus-
Defense: 5 tration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace,
Special Attack: 4 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round,
Special Defense: 4 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 67 Retaliate, 87
Speed: 8 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute

Basic Information Tutor Move List

Type : Normal / Flying Air Cutter, Defog, Endeavor, Heat Wave,
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pluck, Roost, Sleep Talk,
Basic Ability 2: Intimidate Snore, Steel Wing, Swift, Tailwind, Twister, Work Up
Adv Ability 1: Big Pecks
Adv Ability 2: Rivalry
High Ability: Reckless

1 - Starly
2 - Staravia Minimum 15
3 - Staraptor Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 34.2 lbs. / 15.5kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Sky 7, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Un-

STARAPTOR Guster, Mountable 1
Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 4d6+1, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Quick Attack - Normal
9 Wing Attack - Flying
13 Double Team - Normal
18 Endeavor - Normal
23 Whirlwind - Normal
28 Aerial Ace - Flying
33 Take Down - Normal
34 Close Combat - Fighting
41 Agility - Psychic
49 Brave Bird - Flying
57 Final Gambit - Normal

Base Stats: TM/HM Move List

HP: 9 A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Attack: 12 Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19
Defense: 7 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Special Attack: 5 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Special Defense: 6 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 67
Speed: 10 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute
Basic Information
Type : Normal / Flying Tutor Move List
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye Air Cutter, Defog, Endeavor, Heat Wave,
Basic Ability 2: Intimidate Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pluck, Roost, Sky Attack,
Adv Ability 1: Big Pecks Sleep Talk, Snore, Steel Wing, Swift, Tailwind, Twist-
Adv Ability 2: Cruelty er, Work Up
High Ability: Reckless

1 - Starly
2 - Staravia Minimum 15
3 - Staraptor Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 54.9 lbs. / 24.9kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Sky 10, Jump 3/3, Power 5,

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 1, Sky 5, Jump 1/1, Power 1,
Guster, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Gust - Flying
4 Growl - Normal
8 Leer - Normal
11 Quick Attack - Normal
15 Air Cutter - Flying
18 Roost - Flying
22 Detect - Fighting
25 Taunt - Dark
Base Stats: 29 Air Slash - Flying
HP: 5 32 Razor Wind - Normal
Attack: 6 36 Feather Dance - Flying
Defense: 5 39 Swagger - Normal
Special Attack: 4 43 Facade - Normal
Special Defense: 3 46 Tailwind - Flying
Speed: 4 50 Sky Attack - Flying

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Normal / Flying A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Basic Ability 1: Big Pecks Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost,
Basic Ability 2: Super Luck 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 40 Aer-
Adv Ability 1: Rivalry ial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49
Adv Ability 2: Klutz Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
High Ability: Lunchbox Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Pidove Bestow, Hypnosis, Lucky Chant, Morning
2 - Tranquill Minimum 15 Sun, Night Slash, Steel Wing, Uproar, Wish
3 - Unfezant Minimum 30
Tutor Move List
Size Information Heat Wave, Pluck, Roost, Sky Attack, Sleep
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Talk, Snore, Tailwind, Uproar, Work Up
Weight : 4.6 lbs. / 2.1kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

TRANQUILL Guster, Underdog
Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Growl - Normal
8 Leer - Normal
11 Quick Attack - Normal
15 Air Cutter - Flying
18 Roost - Flying
23 Detect - Fighting
27 Taunt - Dark
32 Air Slash - Flying
36 Razor Wind - Normal
41 Feather Dance - Flying
45 Swagger - Normal
50 Facade - Normal
Base Stats: 54 Tailwind - Flying
HP: 6 59 Sky Attack - Flying
Attack: 8
Defense: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 5 A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Special Defense: 4 Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost,
Speed: 7 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial
Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49
Basic Information Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Type : Normal / Flying Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute
Basic Ability 1: Big Pecks
Basic Ability 2: Super Luck Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 1: Rivalry Heat Wave, Pluck, Roost, Sky Attack, Sleep
Adv Ability 2: Klutz Talk, Snore, Tailwind, Uproar, Work Up
High Ability: Lunchbox

1 - Pidove
2 - Tranquill Minimum 15
3 - Unfezant Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 33.1 lbs. / 15kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Sky 6, Jump 2/2, Power 3,

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 4d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Growl - Normal
8 Leer - Normal
11 Quick Attack - Normal
15 Air Cutter - Flying
18 Roost - Flying
23 Detect - Fighting
27 Taunt - Dark
33 Air Slash - Flying
38 Razor Wind - Normal
44 Feather Dance - Flying
49 Swagger - Normal
55 Facade - Normal
Base Stats: 60 Tailwind - Flying
HP: 8 66 Sky Attack - Flying
Attack: 12
Defense: 8 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 7 A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Special Defense: 6 Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Speed: 9 Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32
Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Information Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing,
Type : Normal / Flying 68 Giga Impact, 77 Psych Up, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Basic Ability 1: Big Pecks Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute
Basic Ability 2: Super Luck
Adv Ability 1: Rivalry Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 2: Klutz Heat Wave, Pluck, Roost, Sky Attack, Sleep
High Ability: Frighten (Male) / Rocket (Female) Talk, Snore, Tailwind, Uproar, Work Up

1 - Pidove
2 - Tranquill Minimum 15
3 - Unfezant Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 63.9 lbs. / 29kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Sky 8, Jump 3/3, Power 5,

Capability List
Overland 3, Sky 5, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Guster, Un-

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 3d6+2, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Growl - Normal
6 Quick Attack - Normal
10 Peck - Flying
13 Agility - Psychic
16 Flail - Normal
21 Roost - Flying
25 Razor Wind - Normal
Base Stats: 29 Natural Gift - Normal
HP: 5 34 Flame Charge - Fire
Attack: 5 39 Acrobatics - Flying
Defense: 4 41 Me First - Normal
Special Attack: 4 46 Tailwind - Flying
Special Defense: 4 48 Steel Wing - Steel
Speed: 6
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Type : Normal / Flying 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye Return, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
Basic Ability 2: Tangled Feet 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Adv Ability 1: Big Pecks Round, 50 Overheat, 51 Steel Wing, 62 Acrobatics,
Adv Ability 2: Gale Wings 75 Swords Dance, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-
High Ability: Rocket Turn, 90 Substitute, 100 Confide

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Fletchling Quick Guard, Snatch, Tailwind
2 - Fletchinder Minimum 15
3 - Talonflame Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
Heat Wave, Snatch, Snore, Tailwind
Size Information
Height : 1’ 00” / 0.3m (Small)
Weight : 3.7 lbs. / 1.7 kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 3, Sky 7, Jump 2/2, Power 2, Firestarter,
Guster, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Growl - Normal
6 Quick Attack - Normal
10 Peck - Flying
13 Agility - Psychic
16 Flail - Normal
17 Ember - Fire
25 Roost - Flying
Base Stats: 27 Razor Wind - Normal
HP: 6 31 Natural Gift - Normal
Attack: 7 38 Flame Charge - Fire
Defense: 6 42 Acrobatics - Flying
Special Attack: 6 46 Me First - Normal
Special Defense: 5 51 Tailwind - Flying
Speed: 8 55 Steel Wing - Steel

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Fire / Flying A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27
Basic Ability 2: Tangled Feet Return, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire
Adv Ability 1: Big Pecks Blast, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge,
Adv Ability 2: Gale Wings 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 50 Overheat,
High Ability: Rocket 51 Steel Wing, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 62
Acrobatics, 75 Swords Dance, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Evolution: Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 100 Confide
1 - Fletchling
2 - Fletchinder Minimum 15 Tutor Move List
3 - Talonflame Minimum 30 Heat Wave, Snatch, Snore, Tailwind

Size Information
Height : 2’ 04” / 0.7m (Small)
Weight : 35.3 lbs. / 16 kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 4, Sky 8, Jump 2/2, Power 4, Firestarter,
Guster, Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 5d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 4d6+2, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Growl - Normal
6 Quick Attack - Normal
10 Peck - Flying
13 Agility - Psychic
16 Flail - Normal
17 Ember - Fire
25 Roost - Flying
Base Stats: 27 Razor Wind - Normal
HP: 8 31 Natural Gift - Normal
Attack: 8 39 Flame Charge - Fire
Defense: 7 44 Acrobatics - Flying
Special Attack: 7 49 Me First - Normal
Special Defense: 7 55 Tailwind - Flying
Speed: 13 60 Steel Wing - Steel
64 Brave Bird - Flying
Basic Information
Type : Fire / Flying TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Basic Ability 2: Tangled Feet 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 19 Roost, 21
Adv Ability 1: Big Pecks Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 35 Flame-
Adv Ability 2: Gale Wings thrower, 38 Fire Blast, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
High Ability: Rocket 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Round, 50 Overheat, 51 Steel Wing, 59 Incinerate,
Evolution: 61 Will-O-Wisp, 62 Acrobatics, 68 Giga Impact, 75
1 - Fletchling Swords Dance, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn,
2 - Fletchinder Minimum 15 90 Substitute, 100 Confide
3 - Talonflame Minimum 30
Tutor Move List
Size Information Brave Bird (N), Flare Blitz (N), Heat Wave, Snatch,
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium) Snore, Tailwind
Weight : 54 lbs. / 24.5 kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

NIDORAN (F) Overland 5, Swim 3, Burrow 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2,
Naturewalk (Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6-1, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Scratch - Normal
7 Tail Whip - Normal
9 Double Kick - Fighting
13 Poison Sting - Poison
19 Fury Swipes - Normal
21 Bite - Dark
25 Helping Hand - Normal
31 Toxic Spikes - Poison
Base Stats: 33 Flatter - Dark
HP: 6 37 Crunch - Dark
Attack: 5 43 Captivate - Normal
Defense: 5 45 Poison Fang - Poison
Special Attack: 4
Special Defense: 4 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 4 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Tox-
ic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Basic Information 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Type : Poison 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27
Basic Ability 1: Poison Point Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 40
Basic Ability 2: Rivalry Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
Adv Ability 1: Hustle 48 Round, 65 Shadow Claw, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swag-
Adv Ability 2: Celebrate ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
High Ability: Bodyguard
Egg Move List
Evolution: Beat Up, Charm, Chip Away, Counter, Dis-
1 - Nidoran F able, Endure, Focus Energy, Iron Tail, Poison Tail,
2 - Nidorina Minimum 15 Pursuit, Supersonic, Take Down, Venom Drench
3 - Nidoqueen Moon Stone Minimum 25
Tutor Move List
Size Information Body Slam, Defense Curl, Double-Edge,
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Shock Wave,
Weight : 15.4 lbs. / 7kg (1) Sleep Talk, Snore, Super Fang, Water Pulse

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F
Egg Group : Monster / Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland

Capability List

NIDORINA Naturewalk (Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6+3, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
7 Tail Whip - Normal
9 Double Kick - Fighting
13 Poison Sting - Poison
20 Fury Swipes - Normal
23 Bite - Dark
28 Helping Hand - Normal
35 Toxic Spikes - Poison
38 Flatter - Dark
43 Crunch - Dark
50 Captivate - Normal
Base Stats: 58 Poison Fang - Poison
HP: 7
Attack: 6 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 7 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Special Attack: 6 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Special Defense: 6 Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Speed: 6 Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thun-
der, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge
Basic Information Bomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Type : Poison 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 65 Shadow
Basic Ability 1: Poison Point Claw, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Basic Ability 2: Rivalry Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Adv Ability 1: Hustle
Adv Ability 2: Celebrate Tutor Move List
High Ability: Bodyguard Body Slam, Counter, Defense Curl,
Double-Edge, Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap,
Evolution: Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Super Fang, Water
1 - Nidoran F Pulse
2 - Nidorina Minimum 15
3 - Nidoqueen Moon Stone Minimum 25

Size Information
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small)
Weight : 44.1 lbs. / 20kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F
Egg Group : Monster / Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Burrow 3, Jump 1/2, Power 5,

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Burrow 2, Jump 1/2, Power 8,
Groundshaper, Naturewalk (Grassland), Pack Mon,
Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 1d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
7 Tail Whip - Normal
9 Double Kick - Fighting
13 Poison Sting - Poison
20 Fury Swipes - Normal
23 Bite - Dark
25 Chip Away - Normal
28 Helping Hand - Normal
Base Stats: 35 Toxic Spikes - Poison
HP: 9 35 Body Slam - Normal
Attack: 9 38 Flatter - Dark
Defense: 9 43 Crunch - Dark
Special Attack: 8 43 Earth Power - Ground
Special Defense: 9 50 Captivate - Normal
Speed: 8 58 Poison Fang - Poison
58 Superpower - Fighting
Basic Information
Type : Poison / Ground TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Poison Point A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws,
Basic Ability 2: Rivalry 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Adv Ability 1: Hustle Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hy-
Adv Ability 2: Sheer Force per Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 23
Smack Down, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earth-
High Ability: Bodyguard
quake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break,
32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 35 Flamethrower, 36
Evolution: Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb,
1 - Nidoran F 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
2 - Nidorina Minimum 15 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 52 Focus Blast, 56
3 - Nidoqueen Moon Stone Minimum 25 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 60 Quash, 65 Shadow Claw, 68 Giga
Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 82
Size Information Dragon Tail, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium) Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch
Weight : 132.3 lbs. / 60kg (4)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Aqua Tail, Avalanche, Body Slam, Counter,
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F Defense Curl, Double Kick(N), Double-Edge, Drag-
Egg Group : Monster / Field on Pulse, Dynamic Punch, Earth Power, Fire Punch,
Focus Punch, Fury Cutter, Helping Hand, Ice Punch,
Diet : Omnivore Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Mega Kick, Mega Punch,
Habitat : Grassland, Mountain Mud-Slap, Outrage, Poison Sting(N), Rollout,
Sand Attack, Seismic Toss, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Stealth Rock, Superpower (N), Super Fang,
Thunder Punch, Uproar, Water Pulse

NIDORAN (M) Overland 5, Swim 3, Burrow 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2,
Naturewalk (Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6-1, Stealth
3d6+1, Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Peck - Flying
7 Focus Energy - Normal
9 Double Kick - Fighting
13 Poison Sting - Poison
19 Fury Attack - Normal
21 Horn Attack - Normal
25 Helping Hand - Normal
31 Toxic Spikes - Poison
33 Flatter - Dark
Base Stats: 37 Poison Jab - Poison
HP: 5 43 Captivate - Normal
Attack: 6 45 Horn Drill - Normal
Defense: 4
Special Attack: 4 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 4 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Speed: 5 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Information Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thun-
Type : Poison der, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge
Basic Ability 1: Poison Point Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Basic Ability 2: Rivalry Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 65 Shadow Claw, 84 Poi-
Adv Ability 1: Hustle son Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
Adv Ability 2: Celebrate Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch
High Ability: Bodyguard
Egg Move List
Evolution: Amnesia, Beat Up, Confusion, Counter,
1 - Nidoran M Disable, Sucker Punch, Supersonic, Take Down,
2 - Nidorino Minimum 15 Venom Drench, Head Smash, Chip Away, Endure,
3 - Nidoking Moon Stone Minimum 25 Iron Tail, Poison Tail

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Body Slam, Defense Curl, Double-Edge,
Weight : 19.8 lbs. / 9kg (1) Drill Run, Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Shock
Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Sucker Punch, Super Fang,
Breeding Information Water Pulse
Gender Ratio : 100% M / 0% F
Egg Group : Monster / Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland

Capability List

NIDORINO Naturewalk (Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6+3, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
7 Focus Energy - Normal
9 Double Kick - Fighting
13 Poison Sting - Poison
20 Fury Attack - Normal
23 Horn Attack - Normal
28 Helping Hand - Normal
35 Toxic Spikes - Poison
38 Flatter - Dark
43 Poison Jab - Poison
50 Captivate - Normal
Base Stats: 58 Horn Drill - Normal
HP: 6
Attack: 7 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 6 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Special Attack: 6 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Special Defense: 6 Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Speed: 7 Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder,
27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb,
Basic Information 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round,
Type : Poison 49 Echoed Voice, 65 Shadow Claw, 84 Poison Jab,
Basic Ability 1: Poison Point 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
Basic Ability 2: Rivalry Smash
Adv Ability 1: Hustle
Adv Ability 2: Celebrate Tutor Move List
High Ability: Bodyguard Body Slam, Counter, Defense Curl,
Double-Edge, Drill Run, Helping Hand, Iron Tail,
Evolution: Mud-Slap, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Sucker
1 - Nidoran M Punch, Super Fang, Water Pulse
2 - Nidorino Minimum 15
3 - Nidoking Moon Stone Minimum 25

Size Information
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Small)
Weight : 43 lbs. / 19.5kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 100% M / 0% F
Egg Group : Monster / Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Grassland

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Burrow 3, Jump 1/2, Power 5,

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Burrow 2, Jump 1/2, Power 9,
Groundshaper, Naturewalk (Grassland), Pack Mon,
Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 5d6+3, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 1d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
7 Focus Energy - Normal
9 Double Kick - Fighting
13 Poison Sting - Poison
20 Fury Attack - Normal
23 Horn Attack - Normal
25 Chip Away - Normal
28 Helping Hand - Normal
Base Stats: 35 Toxic Spikes - Poison
HP: 8 35 Thrash - Normal
Attack: 10 38 Flatter - Dark
Defense: 8 43 Poison Jab - Poison
Special Attack: 9 43 Earth Power - Ground
Special Defense: 8 50 Captivate - Normal
Speed: 9 58 Horn Drill - Normal
58 Megahorn - Bug
Basic Information
Type : Poison / Ground TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Poison Point A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws,
Basic Ability 2: Rivalry 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power,
Adv Ability 1: Hustle 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15
Adv Ability 2: Sheer Force Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
tion, 23 Smack Down, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26
High Ability: Bodyguard
Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick
Break, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 35 Flame-
Evolution: thrower, 36 Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39
1 - Nidoran M Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
2 - Nidorino Minimum 15 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 52 Focus Blast, 56
3 - Nidoking Moon Stone Minimum 25 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 60 Quash, 65 Shadow Claw, 68 Giga
Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 82
Size Information Dragon Tail, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium) Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch
Weight : 136.7 lbs. / 62kg (4)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Aqua Tail, Avalanche, Body Slam, Counter, De-
Gender Ratio : 100% M / 0% F fense Curl, Double Kick(N), Double-Edge, Dragon Pulse,
Egg Group : Monster / Field Drill Run, Dynamic Punch, Earth Power, Fire Punch,
Focus Energy(N), Focus Punch, Fury Cutter, Helping

Hand, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Mega Kick, Mega
Diet : Omnivore Punch, Megahorn (N), Mud-Slap, Outrage, Peck(N),
Habitat : Grassland, Mountain Poison Sting(N), Seismic Toss, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Stealth Rock, Sucker Punch, Superpower, Super
Fang, Thunder Punch, Uproar, Water Pulse

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 1, Sky 5, Jump 1/1, Power 1,
Blindsense, Tracker, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6+2, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 1d6+2, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leech Life - Bug
5 Supersonic - Normal
7 Astonish - Ghost
11 Bite - Dark
13 Wing Attack - Flying
17 Confuse Ray - Ghost
19 Air Cutter - Flying
23 Swift - Normal
Base Stats: 25 Poison Fang - Poison
HP: 4 29 Mean Look - Normal
Attack: 5 31 Acrobatics - Flying
Defense: 4 35 Haze - Ice
Special Attack: 3 37 Venoshock - Poison
Special Defense: 4 41 Air Slash - Flying
Speed: 6 43 Quick Guard - Fighting

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Poison / Flying A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden
Basic Ability 1: Inner Focus Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Ability 2: Infiltrator Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 30 Shad-
Adv Ability 1: Insomnia ow Ball, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 40 Aerial
Adv Ability 2: Vanguard Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
High Ability: Ambush Thief, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 62 Acrobatics, 66
Payback, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90
Evolution: Substitute
1 - Zubat
2 - Golbat Minimum 20 Egg Move List
3 - Crobat Minimum 30 Brave Bird, Curse, Defog, Feint Attack, Giga
Drain, Gust, Hypnosis, Nasty Plot, Pursuit, Quick
Size Information Attack, Steel Wing, Venom Drench, Whirlwind, Zen
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small) Headbutt
Weight : 16.5 lbs. / 7.5kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Air Cutter, Double-Edge, Giga Drain, Heat
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Wave, Ominous Wind, Pluck, Roost, Sky Attack,
Egg Group : Flying Snatch, Sleep Talk, Snore, Super Fang, Swift, Tail-
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days wind, Twister, Uproar, Zen Headbutt

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Sky 5, Jump 1/1, Power 3,
Darkvision, Tracker

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Supersonic - Normal
7 Astonish - Ghost
11 Bite - Dark
13 Wing Attack - Flying
17 Confuse Ray - Ghost
19 Air Cutter - Flying
24 Swift - Normal
27 Poison Fang - Poison
Base Stats: 32 Mean Look - Normal
HP: 8 35 Acrobatics - Flying
Attack: 8 40 Haze - Ice
Defense: 7 43 Venoshock - Poison
Special Attack: 7 48 Air Slash - Flying
Special Defense: 8 51 Quick Guard - Fighting
Speed: 9
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden
Type : Poison / Flying Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Basic Ability 1: Inner Focus Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27
Basic Ability 2: Infiltrator Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge
Adv Ability 1: Insomnia Bomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44
Adv Ability 2: Vanguard Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing,
High Ability: Ambush 62 Acrobatics, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 87 Swag-
ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute
1 - Zubat Tutor Move List
2 - Golbat Minimum 20 Air Cutter, Double-Edge, Giga Drain, Heat
3 - Crobat Minimum 30 Wave, Ominous Wind, Pluck, Roost, Sky Attack,
Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Steel Wing, Super Fang,
Size Information Swift, Tailwind, Twister, Uproar, Zen Headbutt
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Medium)
Weight : 121.3 lbs. / 55kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Sky 8, Jump 1/1, Power 5, Dark-
vision, Tracker, Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 5d6+3, Combat 4d6-1, Stealth 4d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Supersonic - Normal
7 Astonish - Ghost
11 Bite - Dark
13 Wing Attack - Flying
17 Confuse Ray - Ghost
19 Air Cutter - Flying
24 Swift - Normal
27 Poison Fang - Poison
Base Stats: 32 Mean Look - Normal
HP: 9 35 Acrobatics - Flying
Attack: 9 40 Haze - Ice
Defense: 8 43 Venoshock - Poison
Special Attack: 7 48 Air Slash - Flying
Special Defense: 8 51 Quick Guard - Fighting
Speed: 13
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden
Type : Poison / Flying Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Basic Ability 1: Inner Focus Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27
Basic Ability 2: Infiltrator Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge
Adv Ability 1: Insomnia Bomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Adv Ability 2: Vanguard 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 62 Ac-
High Ability: Ambush robatics, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 81 X-Scissor,
87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute,
Evolution: 97 Dark Pulse
1 - Zubat
2 - Golbat Minimum 20 Tutor Move List
3 - Crobat Minimum 30 Air Cutter, Cross Poison(N), Dark Pulse,
Double-Edge, Giga Drain, Heat Wave, Ominous
Size Information Wind, Pluck, Roost, Sky Attack, Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Height : 5’ 11” / 1.8m (Medium) Snore, Steel Wing, Super Fang, Swift, Tailwind,
Weight : 165.3 lbs. / 75kg (4) Twister, Uproar, Zen Headbutt

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave

IGGLYBUFF Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Inflatable,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Urban), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Charm - Fairy
1 Sing - Normal
3 Defense Curl - Normal
5 Pound - Normal
9 Sweet Kiss - Fairy
11 Copycat - Normal

TM/HM Move List

06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16
Base Stats: Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safe-
HP: 9 guard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28
Attack: 3 Dig, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 33
Defense: 2 Reflect, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade,
Special Attack: 4 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 56
Special Defense: 2 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77
Speed: 2 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 98
Basic Information Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Type : Normal / Fairy
Basic Ability 1: Cute Charm Egg Move List
Basic Ability 2: Lullaby Captivate, Covet, Feint Attack, Fake Tears,
Adv Ability 1: Oblivious Gravity, Heal Pulse, Last Resort, Misty Terrain, Per-
Adv Ability 2: Competitive ish Song, Present, Punishment, Sleep Talk, Wish
High Ability: Friend Guard
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Body Slam, Bounce, Counter, Covet,
1 - Igglybuff Double-Edge, Endeavor, Gravity, Heal Bell,
2 - Jigglypuff Minimum 10 Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Last Resort,
3 - Wigglytuff Moon Stone Minimum 20 Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Mud-
Slap, Pain Split, Recycle, Role Play, Rollout, Seismic
Size Information Toss, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Uproar, Water
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Pulse, Work Up
Weight : 2.2 lbs. / 1kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F
Egg Group : Fairy
Average Hatch Rate: 4 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Grassland, Urban

JIGGLYPUFF Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Inflatable,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Urban), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6+2, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Defense Curl - Normal
9 Pound - Normal
10 Play Nice - Normal
13 Disarming Voice - Fairy
15 Disable - Normal
18 Double Slap - Normal
21 Rollout - Rock
24 Round - Normal
28 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
Base Stats: 32 Rest - Psychic
HP: 12 35 Body Slam - Normal
Attack: 5 37 Mimic - Normal
Defense: 2 40 Gyro Ball - Steel
Special Attack: 5 44 Hyper Voice - Normal
Special Defense: 3 49 Double-Edge - Normal
Speed: 2
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Type : Normal / Fairy 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 16 Light
Basic Ability 1: Cute Charm Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard,
Basic Ability 2: Lullaby 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Adv Ability 1: Huge Power Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow
Adv Ability 2: Competitive Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect,
High Ability: Friend Guard 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 56 Fling, 57
Evolution: Charge Beam, 59 Incinerate, 67 Retaliate, 70 Flash,
1 - Igglybuff 73 Thunder Wave, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 85
2 - Jigglypuff Minimum 10 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
3 - Wigglytuff Moon Stone Minimum 20 Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 98 Power-Up
Punch, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 12.1 lbs. / 5.5kg (1) Body Slam, Bounce, Counter, Covet,
Double-Edge, Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch,
Breeding Information Endeavor, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Gravity, Heal
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F Bell, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch, Icy
Egg Group : Fairy Wind, Knock Off, Last Resort, Magic Coat, Mega
Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Mud-Slap, Pain Split,
Diet : Herbivore Recycle, Role Play, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Shock
Habitat : Cave, Grassland, Urban Wave, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Stealth Rock,
Thunder Punch, Uproar, Water Pulse, Work Up

WIGGLYTUFF Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 3, Inflatable,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Urban), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 4d6+1, Combat 2d6+2, Stealth
2d6+2, Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Defense Curl - Normal
9 Pound - Normal
10 Play Nice - Normal
13 Disarming Voice - Fairy
15 Disable - Normal
18 Double Slap - Normal
21 Rollout - Rock
24 Round - Normal
28 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
Base Stats: 32 Rest - Psychic
HP: 14 35 Body Slam - Normal
Attack: 7 37 Mimic - Normal
Defense: 5 40 Gyro Ball - Steel
Special Attack: 9 44 Hyper Voice - Normal
Special Defense: 5 49 Double-Edge - Normal
Speed: 5
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Type : Normal / Fairy 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper
Basic Ability 1: Cute Charm Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20
Basic Ability 2: Lullaby Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thun-
Adv Ability 1: Huge Power derbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29 Psychic,
Adv Ability 2: Competitive 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 33
High Ability: Frisk Reflect, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade,
44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 52
Evolution: Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 59 Incinerate,
1 - Igglybuff 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder
2 - Jigglypuff Minimum 10 Wave, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86
3 - Wigglytuff Moon Stone Minimum 20 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
93 Wild Charge, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 26.5 lbs. / 12kg (2) Body Slam, Bounce, Counter, Covet,
Defense Curl(N), Disable(N), Double-Edge, Double
Breeding Information Slap(N), Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch, Endeavor,
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Gravity, Heal Bell, Helping
Egg Group : Fairy Hand, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Knock Off,
Last Resort, Magic Coat, Magic Room, Mega Kick,
Diet : Herbivore Mega Punch, Mimic, Mud-Slap, Pain Split, Recycle,
Habitat : Cave, Grassland Role Play, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Shock Wave, Signal
Beam, Sing(N), Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Stealth
Rock, Thunder Punch, Uproar, Water Pulse, Work

HAPPINY Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Urban), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Charm - Fairy
1 Pound - Normal
1 Defense Curl - Normal
5 Copycat - Normal
9 Refresh - Normal
12 Sweet Kiss - Fairy

TM/HM Move List

06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Base Stats: Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
HP: 10 Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Attack: 1 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
Defense: 1 Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade,
Special Attack: 2 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 56
Special Defense: 7 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77
Speed: 3 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
Basic Information
Type : Normal Egg Move List
Basic Ability 1: Natural Cure Aromatherapy, Counter, Endure, Gravity,
Basic Ability 2: Serene Grace Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Last Resort, Metronome,
Adv Ability 1: Friend Guard Mud Bomb, Natural Gift, Present, Seismic Toss, Sub-
Adv Ability 2: Healer stitute
High Ability: Blessed Touch
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Covet, Drain Punch, Endeavor, Gravity, Heal
1 - Happiny Bell, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Last
2 - Chansey Holding Oval Stone Minimum 10 Resort, Mud-Slap, Recycle, Rollout, Shock Wave,
3 - Blissey Minimum 40 Sleep Talk, Snore, Uproar, Water Pulse, Work Up,
Zen Headbutt
Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 53.8 lbs. / 24.4kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F
Egg Group : Fairy
Average Hatch Rate: 25 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland, Urban

CHANSEY Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Urban)

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Tail Whip - Normal
9 Refresh - Normal
12 Double Slap - Normal
16 Soft-Boiled - Normal
20 Bestow - Normal
23 Minimize - Normal
27 Take Down - Normal
31 Sing - Normal
34 Fling - Dark
Base Stats: 38 Heal Pulse - Psychic
HP: 25 42 Egg Bomb - Normal
Attack: 1 46 Light Screen - Psychic
Defense: 1 52 Healing Wish - Psychic
Special Attack: 4 54 Double-Edge - Normal
Special Defense: 11
Speed: 5 TM/HM Move List
A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 07
Basic Information Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam,
Type : Normal 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Pro-
Basic Ability 1: Natural Cure tect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22
Basic Ability 2: Serene Grace Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earth-
Adv Ability 1: Friend Guard quake, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31
Adv Ability 2: Healer Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37
High Ability: Blessed Touch Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade,
44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 56
Evolution: Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 59 Incinerate, 67 Retaliate, 68
1 - Happiny Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych
2 - Chansey Holding Oval Stone Minimum 10 Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 85 Dream Eater, 86
3 - Blissey Minimum 40 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
tute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up
Size Information Punch, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium)
Weight : 76.3 lbs. / 34.6kg (3) Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Covet, Drain Punch,
Breeding Information Dynamic Punch, Endeavor, Fire Punch, Focus
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F Punch, Gravity, Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Hyper
Egg Group : Fairy Voice, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Last Resort,
Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Mud-Slap, Recycle,
Diet : Herbivore Rollout, Seismic Toss, Shock Wave, Skill Swap, Sleep
Habitat : Grassland, Urban Talk, Snatch, Snore, Stealth Rock, Thunder Punch,
Uproar, Water Pulse, Work Up, Zen Headbutt

BLISSEY Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Urban)

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 2d6+2, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Tail Whip - Normal
9 Refresh - Normal
12 Double Slap - Normal
16 Soft-Boiled - Normal
20 Bestow - Normal
23 Minimize - Normal
27 Take Down - Normal
31 Sing - Normal
34 Fling - Dark
Base Stats: 38 Heal Pulse - Psychic
HP: 26 42 Egg Bomb - Normal
Attack: 1 46 Light Screen - Psychic
Defense: 1 50 Healing Wish - Psychic
Special Attack: 8 54 Double-Edge - Normal
Special Defense: 14
Speed: 6 TM/HM Move List
A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 07
Basic Information Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam,
Type : Normal 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17
Basic Ability 1: Natural Cure Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustra-
Basic Ability 2: Serene Grace tion, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder,
Adv Ability 1: Friend Guard 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow
Adv Ability 2: Healer Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flame-
High Ability: Blessed Touch thrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb,
42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
Evolution: Voice, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 59
1 - Happiny Incinerate, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73
2 - Chansey Holding Oval Stone Minimum 10 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
3 - Blissey Minimum 40 Slide, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock
Size Information Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Confide
Weight : 103.2 lbs. / 46.8kg (3)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Avalanche, Block, Body Slam, Covet, Drain
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F Punch, Dynamic Punch, Endeavor, Fire Punch,
Egg Group : Fairy Focus Punch, Gravity, Heal Bell, Helping Hand,
Hyper Voice, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Last
Diet : Herbivore Resort, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Mud-Slap,
Habitat : Grassland, Urban Recycle, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Shock Wave, Skill
Swap, Snatch, Snore, Stealth Rock, Thunder Punch,
Uproar, Water Pulse, Work Up, Zen Headbutt

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Cave), Underdog
Skill List
Athl 1d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Pound - Normal
4 Echoed Voice - Normal
8 Astonish - Ghost
11 Howl - Normal
15 Screech - Normal
18 Supersonic - Normal
22 Stomp - Normal
25 Uproar - Normal
29 Roar - Normal
Base Stats: 32 Rest - Psychic
HP: 6 36 Sleep Talk - Normal
Attack: 5 39 Hyper Voice - Normal
Defense: 2 43 Synchronoise - Psychic
Special Attack: 5
Special Defense: 2 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 3 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect,
Basic Information 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27
Type : Normal Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 35 Flame-
Basic Ability 1: Soundproof thrower, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Adv Ability 1: Rattled 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate,
Adv Ability 2: Drown Out 67 Retaliate, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
Adv Ability 2: Cute Charm 100 Confide
High Ability: Vital Spirit
Egg Move List
Evolution: Circle Throw, Disarming Voice, Endeavor,
1 - Whismur Extrasensory, Fake Tears, Hammer Arm, Smelling
2 - Loudred Minimum 20 Salts, Smokescreen, Snore, Swagger, Take Down
3 - Exploud Minimum 40
Tutor Move List
Size Information Body Slam, Counter, Defense Curl,
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Hyper
Weight : 35.9 lbs. / 16.3kg (2) Voice, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Mega Kick, Mega Punch,
Mud-Slap, Psych Up, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Shock
Breeding Information Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Thunder Punch, Uproar,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Water Pulse, Work Up, Zen Headbutt
Egg Group : Monster / Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave

LOUDRED Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/2, Power 4, Naturewalk
(Cave), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6-1, Stealth 1d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Echoed Voice - Normal
9 Astonish - Ghost
11 Howl - Normal
15 Screech - Normal
18 Supersonic - Normal
20 Bite - Dark
23 Stomp - Normal
27 Uproar - Normal
32 Roar - Normal
Base Stats: 36 Rest - Psychic
HP: 8 41 Sleep Talk - Normal
Attack: 7 45 Hyper Voice - Normal
Defense: 4 50 Synchronoise - Psychic
Special Attack: 7
Special Defense: 4 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 5 A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Basic Information Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Type : Normal 22 Solar Beam, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earthquake, 27
Basic Ability 1: Soundproof Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Dou-
Adv Ability 1: Scrappy ble Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock
Adv Ability 2: Drown Out Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Adv Ability 3: Intimidate Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 50 Overheat, 56 Fling, 59
High Ability: Vital Spirit Incinerate, 67 Retaliate, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide,
87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
Evolution: Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Whismur
2 - Loudred Minimum 20 Tutor Move List
3 - Exploud Minimum 40 Body Slam, Counter, Defense Curl,
Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Endeavor, Fire
Size Information Punch, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Low Kick,
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Psych Up,
Weight : 89.3 lbs. / 40.5kg (3) Rollout, Seismic Toss, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Thunder Punch, Uproar, Water Pulse, Work
Breeding Information Up, Zen Headbutt
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Monster / Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave

EXPLOUD Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 6, Naturewalk

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6+1, Stealth 1d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Echoed Voice - Normal
9 Astonish - Ghost
11 Howl - Normal
15 Screech - Normal
18 Supersonic - Normal
20 Bite - Dark
23 Stomp - Normal
27 Uproar - Normal
32 Roar - Normal
Base Stats: 36 Rest - Psychic
HP: 10 40 Crunch - Dark
Attack: 9 42 Sleep Talk - Normal
Defense: 6 47 Hyper Voice - Normal
Special Attack: 9 53 Synchronoise - Psychic
Special Defense: 7 58 Boomburst - Normal
Speed: 7 64 Hyper Beam - Normal

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Normal A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10
Basic Ability 1: Soundproof Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam,
Adv Ability 1: Scrappy 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Adv Ability 2: Drown Out Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 23 Smack
Adv Ability 3: Intimidate Down, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 30 Shadow Ball,
High Ability: Vital Spirit 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower,
38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
Evolution: 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 50
1 - Whismur Overheat, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 67
2 - Loudred Minimum 20 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide,
3 - Exploud Minimum 40 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 185.2 lbs. / 84kg (4) Avalanche, Body Slam, Boomburst (N),
Counter, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Endeavor,
Breeding Information Fire Fang(N), Fire Punch, Hyper Voice, Ice Fang(N),
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Low Kick, Mega Kick, Mega
Egg Group : Monster / Field Punch, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Psych Up, Rock Climb,
Rollout, Seismic Toss, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Diet : Herbivore Thunder Fang(N), Thunder Punch, Uproar, Water
Habitat : Cave Pulse, Work Up, Zen Headbutt

LILLIPUP Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Tracker,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Urban), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Odor Sleuth - Normal
8 Bite - Dark
10 Baby-Doll Eyes - Fairy
12 Helping Hand - Normal
15 Take Down - Normal
19 Work Up - Normal
22 Crunch - Dark
Base Stats: 26 Roar - Normal
HP: 5 29 Retaliate - Normal
Attack: 6 33 Reversal - Fighting
Defense: 5 36 Last Resort - Normal
Special Attack: 3 40 Giga Impact - Normal
Special Defense: 5 45 Play Rough - Fairy
Speed: 6
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Type : Normal Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Basic Ability 1: Pickup tion, 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow
Basic Ability 2: Vital Spirit Ball, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace,
Adv Ability 1: Sand Rush 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 67 Retali-
Adv Ability 2: Run Away ate, 68 Giga Impact, 73 Thunder Wave, 87 Swagger,
High Ability: Scrappy 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94
Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 100 Confide
1 - Lillipup Egg Move List
2 - Herdier Minimum 15 After You, Charm, Endure, Fire Fang, Howl,
3 - Stoutland Minimum 30 Ice Fang, Lick, Mud-Slap, Pursuit, Sand Attack,
Thunder Fang, Yawn
Size Information
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 9 lbs. / 4.1kg (1) Covet, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Last
Resort, Sleep Talk, Snore, Uproar, Work Up
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Grassland, Urban

HERDIER Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 4, Tracker,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Urban), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Odor Sleuth - Normal
8 Bite - Dark
12 Helping Hand - Normal
15 Take Down - Normal
20 Work Up - Normal
24 Crunch - Dark
29 Roar - Normal
33 Retaliate - Normal
38 Reversal - Fighting
Base Stats: 42 Last Resort - Normal
HP: 7 47 Giga Impact - Normal
Attack: 8 52 Play Rough - Fairy
Defense: 7
Special Attack: 4 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 7 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10
Speed: 6 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return,
Basic Information 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock
Type : Normal Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Basic Ability 1: Intimidate 48 Round, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact,
Basic Ability 2: Vital Spirit 73 Thunder Wave, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Adv Ability 1: Sand Rush Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl,
Adv Ability 2: Run Away 100 Confide
High Ability: Scrappy
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Covet, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Last
1 - Lillipup Resort, Sleep Talk, Snore, Uproar, Work Up
2 - Herdier Minimum 15
3 - Stoutland Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Medium)
Weight : 32.4 lbs. / 14.7kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Grassland, Urban

STOUTLAND \ Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 5, Jump 1/2, Power 5, Tracker,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Urban)

Skill List
Athl 5d6+1, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Odor Sleuth - Normal
8 Bite - Dark
12 Helping Hand - Normal
15 Take Down - Normal
20 Work Up - Normal
24 Crunch - Dark
29 Roar - Normal
36 Retaliate - Normal
42 Reversal - Fighting
Base Stats: 51 Last Resort - Normal
HP: 9 59 Giga Impact - Normal
Attack: 11 63 Play Rough - Fairy
Defense: 9
Special Attack: 5 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 9 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10
Speed: 8 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunder-
Basic Information bolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball,
Type : Normal 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42
Basic Ability 1: Intimidate Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 66 Payback,
Basic Ability 2: Vital Spirit 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 73 Thunder Wave,
Adv Ability 1: Sand Rush 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild
Adv Ability 2: Run Away Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 100 Confide
High Ability: Scrappy
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Covet, Fire Fang(N), Helping Hand, Hyper
1 - Lillipup Voice, Ice Fang(N), Iron Head, Last Resort, Sleep
2 - Herdier Minimum 15 Talk, Snore, Superpower, Thunder Fang(N), Uproar,
3 - Stoutland Minimum 30 Work Up

Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 134.5 lbs. / 61kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Grassland, Urban

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 1, Levitate 4, Jump 1/1, Power 2,
Wired, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6, Edu: Tech 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Conversion - Normal
1 Conversion2 - Normal
1 Sharpen - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
7 Psybeam - Psychic
12 Agility - Psychic
18 Recover - Normal
23 Magnet Rise - Electric
Base Stats: 29 Signal Beam - Bug
HP: 7 34 Recycle - Normal
Attack: 6 40 Discharge - Electric
Defense: 7 45 Lock-On - Normal
Special Attack: 9 51 Tri Attack - Normal
Special Defense: 8 56 Magic Coat - Psychic
Speed: 4 62 Zap Cannon - Electric

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Normal 03 Psyshock, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Ability 1: Download 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper
Basic Ability 2: Trace Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22
Adv Ability 1: Analytic Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return,
Adv Ability 2: Tolerance 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 40
High Ability: Targeting System Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 46 Thief, 48 Round,
57 Charge Beam, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thun-
Evolution: der Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swag-
1 - Porygon ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 100
2 - Porygon2 Holding UpGrade Minimum 10 Confide
3 - Porygon-Z Holding Dubious Disc Minimum 25
Tutor Move List
Size Information Double-Edge, Electroweb, Foul Play, Gravity,
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small) Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Last Resort, Magic Coat, Magnet
Weight : 80.5 lbs. / 36.5kg (3) Rise, Mimic, Pain Split, Recycle, Role Play, Shock
Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Trick,
Breeding Information Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Urban

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Levitate 6, Jump 1/1, Power 2,

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
4d6+2, Focus 4d6, Edu: Tech 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
7 Psybeam - Psychic
12 Agility - Psychic
18 Recover - Normal
23 Magnet Rise - Electric
29 Signal Beam - Bug
34 Recycle - Normal
40 Discharge - Electric
Base Stats: 45 Lock-On - Normal
HP: 9 51 Tri Attack - Normal
Attack: 8 56 Magic Coat - Psychic
Defense: 9 62 Zap Cannon - Electric
Special Attack: 11 67 Hyper Beam - Normal
Special Defense: 10
Speed: 6 TM/HM Move List
03 Psyshock, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Information 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper
Type : Normal Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22
Basic Ability 1: Download Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return,
Basic Ability 2: Trace 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 40
Adv Ability 1: Analytic Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 46 Thief, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 2: Tolerance 57 Charge Beam, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thun-
High Ability: Targeting System der Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger,
88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 100
Evolution: Confide
1 - Porygon Tutor Move List
2 - Porygon2 Holding UpGrade Minimum 10 Conversion(N), Conversion2(N), Defense
3 - Porygon-Z Holding Dubious Disc Minimum 25 Curl, Double-Edge, Electroweb, Foul Play, Gravity,
Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Last Resort, Magic Coat, Mag-
Size Information net Rise, Mimic, Pain Split, Recycle, Role Play, Shock
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Tackle,
Weight : 71.7 lbs. / 32.5kg (3) Trick, Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Urban

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Levitate 7, Jump 1/1, Power 2,

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6+2,
Percep 4d6, Focus 3d6, Edu: Tech 5d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
7 Psybeam - Psychic
12 Agility - Psychic
18 Recover - Normal
23 Magnet Rise - Electric
29 Signal Beam - Bug
34 Embargo - Dark
40 Discharge - Electric
45 Lock-On - Normal
Base Stats: 51 Tri Attack - Normal
HP: 9 56 Magic Coat - Psychic
Attack: 8 62 Zap Cannon - Electric
Defense: 7 67 Hyper Beam - Normal
Special Attack: 14
Special Defense: 8 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 9 03 Psyshock, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper
Basic Information Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22
Type : Normal Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return,
Basic Ability 1: Download 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 40 Aer-
Basic Ability 2: Trace ial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 57
Adv Ability 1: Analytic Charge Beam, 63 Embargo, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash,
Adv Ability 2: Tolerance 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87
High Ability: Targeting System Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room,
97 Dark Pulse, 100 Confide
1 - Porygon Tutor Move List
2 - Porygon2 Holding UpGrade Minimum 10 Conversion(N), Conversion2(N), Dark Pulse,
3 - Porygon-Z Holding Dubious Disc Minimum 25 Double-Edge, Electroweb, Foul Play, Gravity, Icy
Wind, Iron Tail, Last Resort, Magic Coat, Magnet
Size Information Rise, Mimic, Nasty Plot(N), Pain Split, Recycle, Role
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Small) Play, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Weight : 75 lbs. / 34kg (3) Swift, Trick, Trick Room(N), Uproar, Wonder Room,
Zen Headbutt
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Urban

SLAKOTH Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 1d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
1 Yawn - Normal
6 Encore - Normal
9 Slack Off - Normal
14 Feint Attack - Dark
17 Amnesia - Psychic
22 Covet - Normal
25 Chip Away - Normal
30 Counter - Fighting
Base Stats: 33 Flail - Normal
HP: 6 38 Play Rough - Fairy
Attack: 6
Defense: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 4 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Special Defense: 4 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Speed: 3 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Basic Information Thunder, 27 Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break,
Type : Normal 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39
Basic Ability 1: Truant Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
Adv Ability 1: Limber tract, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 65 Shadow
Adv Ability 2: Oblivious Claw, 67 Retaliate, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88
Adv Ability 3: Own Tempo Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-
High Ability: Deep Sleep Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Egg Move List
1 - Slakoth After You, Body Slam, Crush Claw, Curse,
2 - Vigoroth Minimum 15 Hammer Arm, Night Slash, Pursuit, Slash, Sleep
3 - Slaking Minimum 35 Talk, Snore, Tickle

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small) After You, Covet, Double-Edge,
Weight : 52.9 lbs. / 24kg (3) Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Fury
Cutter, Gunk Shot, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Mega Kick,
Breeding Information Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Seismic Toss, Shock Wave,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Sleep Talk, Snore, Sucker Punch, Water Pulse,
Egg Group : Field Thunder Punch, Work Up
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest, Taiga

VIGOROTH Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 4, Naturewalk
(Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 4d6+1, Combat 4d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Encore - Normal
9 Uproar - Normal
14 Fury Swipes - Normal
17 Endure - Normal
23 Slash - Normal
27 Chip Away - Normal
33 Counter - Fighting
37 Focus Punch - Fighting
43 Reversal - Fighting
Base Stats:
HP: 8 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 8 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 05
Defense: 8 Roar, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Special Attack: 6 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17
Special Defense: 6 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Speed: 9 Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake,
27 Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Dou-
Basic Information ble Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock
Type : Normal Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Basic Ability 1: Vital Spirit 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59
Adv Ability 1: Limber Incinerate, 65 Shadow Claw, 67 Retaliate, 78 Bull-
Adv Ability 2: Oblivious doze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Adv Ability 3: Own Tempo Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
High Ability: Vigor Confide

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Slakoth After You, Body Slam, Covet, Double-Edge,
2 - Vigoroth Minimum 15 Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Fury Cutter, Gunk
3 - Slaking Minimum 35 Shot, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Low Kick, Mega Kick,
Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Reversal (N), Rock Climb,
Size Information Seismic Toss, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Sucker
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium) Punch, Thunder Punch, Water Pulse, Uproar, Work
Weight : 102.5 lbs. / 46.5kg (3) Up

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest, Taiga

SLAKING Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 9, Naturewalk
(Forest), Pack Mon

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 4d6+3, Stealth
3d6, Percep 4d6, Focus 1d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Encore - Normal
9 Slack Off - Normal
14 Feint Attack - Dark
17 Amnesia - Psychic
23 Covet - Normal
27 Chip Away - Normal
33 Counter - Fighting
36 Swagger - Normal
39 Flail - Normal
Base Stats: 47 Fling - Dark
HP: 15 53 Punishment - Dark
Attack: 16 61 Hammer Arm - Fighting
Defense: 10
Special Attack: 10 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 7 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 05
Speed: 10 Roar, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15
Basic Information Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frus-
Type : Normal tration, 22 Solar Beam, 23 Smack Down, 24 Thun-
Basic Ability 1: Truant derbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 30
Adv Ability 1: Limber Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35
Adv Ability 2: Oblivious Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aeri-
Adv Ability 3: Own Tempo al Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep,
High Ability: Deep Sleep 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate,
60 Quash, 65 Shadow Claw, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga
Evolution: Impact, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88
1 - Slakoth Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-
2 - Vigoroth Minimum 15 Up Punch, 100 Confide
3 - Slaking Minimum 35
Tutor Move List
Size Information After You, Body Slam, Block, Covet,
Height : 6’ 7” / 2m (Large) Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Fling
Weight : 287.7 lbs. / 130.5kg (5) (N), Focus Punch, Fury Cutter, Gunk Shot, Ham-
mer Arm (N), Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Low Kick,
Breeding Information Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Punishment
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F (N), Rock Climb, Seismic Toss, Shock Wave, Slack
Egg Group : Field Off (N), Sleep Talk, Snore, Sucker Punch, Thunder
Punch, Water Pulse, Uproar, Work Up
Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest, Taiga

ODDISH Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Burrow 1, Jump 1/1, Power 1,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6+2, Stealth 4d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Absorb - Grass
5 Sweet Scent - Normal
9 Acid - Poison
13 Poison Powder - Poison
14 Stun Spore - Grass
15 Sleep Powder - Grass
19 Mega Drain - Grass
23 Lucky Chant - Normal
27 Moonlight - Fairy
Base Stats: 31 Giga Drain - Grass
HP: 5 35 Toxic - Poison
Attack: 5 39 Natural Gift - Normal
Defense: 6 43 Moonblast - Fairy
Special Attack: 8 47 Grassy Terrain - Grass
Special Defense: 7 51 Petal Dance - Grass
Speed: 3
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden
Type : Grass / Poison Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22
Basic Ability 1: Chlorophyll Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge
Basic Ability 2: Run Away Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53
Adv Ability 1: Adaptability Energy Ball, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 83 Infesta-
Adv Ability 2: Oblivious tion, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
High Ability: Life Force Substitute, 96 Nature Power, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100
1 - Oddish Egg Move List
2 - Gloom Minimum 20 After You, Charm, Flail, Ingrain, Nature
3 - Vileplume Leaf Stone Minimum 30 Power, Razor Leaf, Secret Power, Swords Dance,
3 - Bellossom Sun Stone Minimum 30 Synthesis, Teeter Dance, Tickle

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) After You, Bullet Seed, Double-Edge, Gastro
Weight : 11.9 lbs. / 5.4kg (1) Acid, Giga Drain, Nature Power, Secret Power, Seed
Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Synthesis, Worry Seed
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Plant
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Marsh, Rainforest

GLOOM Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6+1, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Sweet Scent - Normal
9 Acid - Poison
13 Poison Powder - Poison
14 Stun Spore - Grass
15 Sleep Powder - Grass
19 Mega Drain - Grass
24 Lucky Chant - Normal
29 Moonlight - Fairy
34 Giga Drain - Grass
Base Stats: 39 Toxic - Poison
HP: 6 44 Natural Gift - Normal
Attack: 7 49 Petal Blizzard - Grass
Defense: 7 54 Grassy Terrain - Grass
Special Attack: 9 59 Petal Dance - Grass
Special Defense: 8
Speed: 4 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden
Basic Information Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22
Type : Grass / Poison Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge
Basic Ability 1: Effect Spore Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53
Basic Ability 2: Run Away Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance,
Adv Ability 1: Stench 83 Infestation, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 2: Oblivious Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature Power, 99 Dazzling
High Ability: Life Force Gleam, 100 Confide

Tutor Move List

Evolution: After You, Bullet Seed, Double-Edge, Drain
1 - Oddish Punch, Gastro Acid, Giga Drain, Secret Power, Seed
2 - Gloom Minimum 20 Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Synthesis, Worry Seed
3 - Vileplume Leaf Stone Minimum 30
3 - Bellossom Sun Stone Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small)
Weight : 19 lbs. / 8.6kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Plant

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Marsh, Rainforest

VILEPLUME Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest)

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 3d6+3, Stealth 4d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Sweet Scent - Normal
9 Acid - Poison
13 Poison Powder - Poison
14 Stun Spore - Grass
15 Sleep Powder - Grass
19 Mega Drain - Grass
24 Lucky Chant - Normal
29 Moonlight - Fairy
Base Stats: 34 Giga Drain - Grass
HP: 8 39 Toxic - Poison
Attack: 8 44 Natural Gift - Normal
Defense: 9 49 Petal Blizzard - Grass
Special Attack: 11 59 Petal Dance - Grass
Special Defense: 9 64 Solar Beam - Grass
Speed: 5
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden
Type : Grass / Poison Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Basic Ability 1: Effect Spore 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double
Basic Ability 2: Hay Fever Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
Adv Ability 1: Stench tract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 68 Giga
Adv Ability 2: Dust Cloud Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 83 Infestation, 86
High Ability: Life Force Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
96 Nature Power, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Oddish Absorb, After You, Aromatherapy(N), Body
2 - Gloom Minimum 20 Slam, Bullet Seed, Double-Edge, Drain Punch, Gas-
3 - Vileplume Leaf Stone Minimum 30 tro Acid, Giga Drain, Mega Drain(N), Natural Gift,
Poison Powder(N), Secret Power, Seed Bomb, Sleep
Size Information Talk, Snore, Stun Spore(N), Synthesis, Worry Seed
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 41 lbs. / 18.6kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Plant

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Marsh, Rainforest

BELLOSSOM Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1 Power 2, Alluring,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest)

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 4d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Sweet Scent - Normal
9 Acid - Poison
13 Poison Powder - Poison
14 Stun Spore - Grass
15 Sleep Powder - Grass
19 Mega Drain - Grass
24 Magical Leaf - Grass
29 Moonlight - Fairy
34 Giga Drain - Grass
Base Stats: 39 Toxic - Poison
HP: 8 44 Natural Gift - Normal
Attack: 8 49 Petal Blizzard - Grass
Defense: 10 54 Grassy Terrain - Grass
Special Attack: 9 59 Petal Dance - Grass
Special Defense: 10 64 Leaf Storm - Grass
Speed: 5
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden
Type : Grass Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 20
Basic Ability 1: Sol Veil Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return,
Basic Ability 1: Healer 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling,
Adv Ability 2: Natural Cure 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 83 In-
High Ability: Life Force festation, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
90 Substitute, 96 Nature Power, 99 Dazzling Gleam,
Evolution: 100 Confide
1 - Oddish
2 - Gloom Minimum 20 Tutor Move List
3 - Bellossom Sun Stone Minimum 30 Absorb, After You, Body Slam, Bullet Seed,
Double-Edge, Gastro Acid, Giga Drain, Drain
Size Information Punch, Leaf Blade(N), Mega Drain(N), Natural
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Gift, Petal Dance, Secret Power, Seed Bomb, Sleep
Weight : 12.8 lbs. / 5.8kg (1) Talk, Snore, Stun Spore(N), Sunny Day(N), Sweet
Scent(N), Synthesis, Uproar, Worry Seed
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Plant

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Marsh, Rainforest

BELLSPROUT Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Burrow 1, Jump 1/1, Power 1,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 2d6+1, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Vine Whip - Grass
7 Growth - Normal
11 Wrap - Normal
13 Sleep Powder - Grass
15 Poison Powder - Poison
17 Stun Spore - Grass
23 Acid - Poison
27 Knock Off - Dark
29 Sweet Scent - Normal
Base Stats: 35 Gastro Acid - Poison
HP: 5 39 Razor Leaf - Grass
Attack: 8 41 Slam - Normal
Defense: 4 47 Wring Out - Normal
Special Attack: 7
Special Defense: 3 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 4 A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden
Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22
Basic Information Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect,
Type : Grass / Poison 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Basic Ability 1: Spinning Dance Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 70 Flash, 75 Swords
Basic Ability 2: Gluttony Dance, 83 Infestation, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature Power
Adv Ability 2: Dodge
High Ability: Sway Egg Move List
Acid Spray, Belch, Bullet Seed, Clear Smog,
Evolution: Encore, Giga Drain, Ingrain, Leech Life, Magical
1 - Bellsprout Leaf, Natural Gift, Power Whip, Reflect, Swords
2 - Weepinbell Minimum 20 Dance, Synthesis, Tickle, Weather Ball, Worry Seed
3 - Victreebel Leaf Stone Minimum 30
Tutor Move List
Size Information Bind, Double-Edge, Gastro Acid, Giga Drain,
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small) Knock Off, Secret Power, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk,
Weight : 8.8 lbs. / 4kg (1) Snore, Sucker Punch, Synthesis, Worry Seed

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Plant
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Marsh, Rainforest

WEEPINBELL Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
7 Growth - Normal
11 Wrap - Normal
13 Sleep Powder - Grass
15 Poison Powder - Poison
17 Stun Spore - Grass
23 Acid - Poison
27 Knock Off - Dark
29 Sweet Scent - Normal
35 Gastro Acid - Poison
Base Stats: 39 Razor Leaf - Grass
HP: 7 41 Slam - Normal
Attack: 9 47 Wring Out - Normal
Defense: 5
Special Attack: 9 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 5 A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden
Speed: 6 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22
Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect,
Basic Information 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Type : Grass / Poison Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 70 Flash, 75 Swords
Basic Ability 1: Dust Cloud Dance, 83 Infestation, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Basic Ability 2: Gluttony Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature Power
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll
Adv Ability 2: Crush Trap Tutor Move List
High Ability: Stench Bind, Bug Bite, Bullet Seed, Double-Edge,
Gastro Acid, Giga Drain, Knock Off, Natural Gift,
Secret Power, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Sucker
Evolution: Punch, Synthesis, Worry Seed
1 - Bellsprout
2 - Weepinbell Minimum 20
3 - Victreebel Leaf Stone Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 14.1 lbs. / 6.4kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Plant

Diet : Canivore, Phototroph

Habitat : Cave, Forest, Marsh, Rainforest

VICTREEBEL Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest)

Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
7 Growth - Normal
11 Wrap - Normal
13 Sleep Powder - Grass
15 Poison Powder - Poison
17 Stun Spore - Grass
23 Acid - Poison
27 Knock Off - Dark
27 Leaf Tornado - Grass
29 Sweet Scent - Normal
Base Stats: 35 Gastro Acid - Poison
HP: 8 39 Razor Leaf - Grass
Attack: 11 41 Slam - Normal
Defense: 7 47 Wring Out - Normal
Special Attack: 10 47 Leaf Storm - Grass
Special Defense: 7 47 Leaf Blade - Grass
Speed: 7
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden
Type : Grass / Poison Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Basic Ability 1: Dust Cloud 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Dou-
Basic Ability 2: Gluttony ble Team, 33 Reflect, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy
Adv Ability 2: Crush Trap Ball, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 83
High Ability: Stench Infestation, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
90 Substitute, 96 Nature Power
1 - Bellsprout Tutor Move List
2 - Weepinbell Minimum 20 Bind, Bug Bite, Bullet Seed, Double-Edge,
3 - Victreebel Leaf Stone Minimum 30 Gastro Acid, Giga Drain, Knock Off, Natural Gift,
Razor Leaf(N), Secret Power, Seed Bomb, Sleep
Size Information Powder, Sleep Talk(N), Snore, Spit Up(N),
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Medium) Stockpile(N), Sucker Punch, Swallow(N), Sweet
Weight : 34.2 lbs. / 15.5kg (2) Scent(N), Synthesis, Worry Seed

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Plant

Diet : Phototroph, Carnivore

Habitat : Cave, Forest, Marsh, Rainforest

HOPPIP Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Sky 3, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Na-
turewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 1d6+1, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Splash - Normal
4 Synthesis - Grass
7 Tail Whip - Normal
8 Tackle - Normal
10 Fairy Wind - Fairy
12 Poison Powder - Poison
14 Stun Spore - Grass
16 Sleep Powder - Grass
19 Bullet Seed - Grass
Base Stats: 22 Leech Seed - Grass
HP: 4 25 Mega Drain - Grass
Attack: 4 28 Acrobatics - Flying
Defense: 4 31 Rage Powder - Bug
Special Attack: 4 34 Cotton Spore - Grass
Special Defense: 6 37 U-Turn - Bug
Speed: 5 40 Worry Seed - Grass
43 Giga Drain - Grass
Basic Information 46 Bounce - Flying
Type : Grass / Flying 49 Memento - Dark
Basic Ability 1: Infiltrator
Basic Ability 2: Windveiled TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Adv Ability 2: Leaf Guard 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Re-
High Ability: Flutter turn, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 40 Aerial Ace, 42
Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy
Evolution: Ball, 62 Acrobatics, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 77
1 - Hoppip Psych Up, 83 Infestation, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger,
2 - Skiploom Minimum 15 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 99 Dazzling
3 - Jumpluff Minimum 30 Gleam, 100 Confide

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Amnesia, Aromatherapy, Confusion, Cotton
Weight : 1.1 lbs. / 0.5kg (1) Guard, Double-Edge, Encore, Endure, Grassy Ter-
rain, Helping Hand, Psych Up, Reflect, Seed Bomb,
Breeding Information Worry Seed
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Fairy / Plant Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Bounce, Defense Curl, Giga Drain, Helping
Hand, Seed Bomb, Silver Wind, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Diet : Phototroph Synthesis, Worry Seed
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

SKIPLOOM Overland 3, Swim 3, Sky 5, Jump 2/3, Power 2, Na-
turewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Synthesis - Grass
7 Tail Whip - Normal
8 Tackle - Normal
10 Fairy Wind - Fairy
12 Poison Powder - Poison
14 Stun Spore - Grass
16 Sleep Powder - Grass
20 Bullet Seed - Grass
24 Leech Seed - Grass
28 Mega Drain - Grass
Base Stats: 32 Acrobatics - Flying
HP: 6 36 Rage Powder - Bug
Attack: 5 40 Cotton Spore - Grass
Defense: 5 44 U-Turn - Bug
Special Attack: 5 48 Worry Seed - Grass
Special Defense: 7 52 Giga Drain - Grass
Speed: 5 56 Bounce - Flying
60 Memento - Dark
Basic Information
Type : Grass / Flying TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Infiltrator 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17
Basic Ability 2: Windveiled Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll Double Team, 33 Reflect, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Leaf Guard 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 62
High Ability: Flutter Acrobatics, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up,
83 Infestation, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Evolution: Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 99 Dazzling Gleam,
1 - Hoppip 100 Confide
2 - Skiploom Minimum 15
3 - Jumpluff Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
Bounce, Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Giga
Size Information Drain, Helping Hand, Seed Bomb, Silver Wind, Sleep
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Talk, Snore, Synthesis, Worry Seed
Weight : 2.2 lbs. / 1kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Fairy / Plant

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List

JUMPLUFF Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 4, Sky 8, Jump 3/4, Power 2, Na-
turewalk (Grassland, Forest)

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 2d6+2, Stealth
3d6, Percep 2d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Synthesis - Grass
7 Tail Whip - Normal
8 Tackle - Normal
10 Fairy Wind - Fairy
12 Poison Powder - Poison
14 Stun Spore - Grass
16 Sleep Powder - Grass
20 Bullet Seed - Grass
24 Leech Seed - Grass
Base Stats: 29 Mega Drain - Grass
HP: 8 34 Acrobatics - Flying
Attack: 6 39 Rage Powder - Bug
Defense: 7 44 Cotton Spore - Grass
Special Attack: 6 49 U-Turn - Bug
Special Defense: 10 54 Worry Seed - Grass
Speed: 11 59 Giga Drain - Grass
64 Bounce - Flying
Basic Information 69 Memento - Dark
Type : Grass / Flying
Basic Ability 1: Infiltrator TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Windveiled 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Adv Ability 2: Leaf Guard Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 40
High Ability: Flutter Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
53 Energy Ball, 62 Acrobatics, 68 Giga Impact, 70
Evolution: Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up, 83 Infestation,
1 - Hoppip 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-
2 - Skiploom Minimum 15 Turn, 90 Substitute, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
3 - Jumpluff Minimum 30
Tutor Move List
Size Information Bounce, Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Giga
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small) Drain, Helping Hand, Seed Bomb, Silver Wind,
Weight : 6.6 lbs. / 3kg (1) Sleep Talk, Snore, Synthesis, Worry Seed

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Fairy / Plant

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 4, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 1d6+1, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Astonish - Ghost
3 Growl - Normal
6 Absorb - Grass
9 Bubble - Water
12 Natural Gift - Normal
15 Mist - Ice
18 Mega Drain - Grass
21 Bubble Beam - Water
Base Stats: 24 Nature Power - Normal
HP: 4 27 Rain Dance - Water
Attack: 3 33 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
Defense: 3 36 Energy Ball - Grass
Special Attack: 4
Special Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 3 A3 Surf, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power,
11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect,
Basic Information 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Re-
Type : Water / Grass turn, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Basic Ability 1: Swift Swim 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 53 Energy Ball,
Basic Ability 2: Rain Dish 55 Scald, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 86 Grass Knot,
Adv Ability 1: Own Tempo 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature
Adv Ability 2: Hydration Power, 100 Confide
High Ability: Rattled
Egg Move List
Evolution: Counter, Flail, Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Razor
1 - Lotad Leaf, Sweet Scent, Synthesis, Teeter Dance, Tickle,
2 - Lombre Minimum 15 Water Gun
3 - Ludicolo Water Stone Minimum 25
Tutor Move List
Size Information Body Slam, Bullet Seed, Double-Edge, Giga
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Drain, Icy Wind, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Weight : 5.7 lbs. / 2.6kg (1) Synthesis, Uproar, Water Pulse, Zen Headbutt

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Plant
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater

LOMBRE Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog
Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6+2, Stealth
3d6+2, Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Growl - Normal
6 Absorb - Grass
9 Bubble - Water
12 Fury Swipes - Normal
16 Fake Out - Normal
20 Water Sport - Water
24 Bubble Beam - Water
28 Nature Power - Normal
32 Uproar - Normal
36 Knock Off - Dark
40 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
44 Hydro Pump - Water
Base Stats:
HP: 6 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 5 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Defense: 5 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power,
Special Attack: 6 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect,
Special Defense: 7 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27
Speed: 5 Return, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade,
44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
Basic Information Voice, 53 Energy Ball, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 70 Flash,
Type : Water / Grass 75 Swords Dance, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Basic Ability 1: Swift Swim Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature
Basic Ability 2: Rain Dish Power, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Adv Ability 1: Own Tempo
Adv Ability 2: Hydration Tutor Move List
High Ability: Confidence Body Slam, Bullet Seed, Dive, Double-Edge,
Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Giga
Evolution: Drain, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Mud-Slap, Seed Bomb,
1 - Lotad Sleep Talk, Snore, Synthesis, Thunder Punch, Up-
2 - Lombre Minimum 15 roar, Water Pulse, Whirlpool, Zen Headbutt
3 - Ludicolo Water Stone Minimum 25

Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 71.7 lbs. / 32.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Plant

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 5, Jump 1/2, Power 3, Fountain,
LUDICOLO Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest)
Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 3d6+1, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Growl - Normal
6 Absorb - Grass
9 Bubble - Water
12 Fury Swipes - Normal
16 Fake Out - Normal
20 Water Sport - Water
24 Bubble Beam - Water
28 Nature Power - Normal
32 Uproar - Normal
36 Knock Off - Dark
40 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
44 Hydro Pump - Water
Base Stats:
HP: 8 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 7 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Defense: 7 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power,
Special Attack: 9 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper
Special Defense: 10 Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22
Speed: 7 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Basic Information Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 52 Focus Blast, 53 Energy
Type : Water / Grass Ball, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 75
Basic Ability 1: Swift Swim Swords Dance, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Basic Ability 2: Rain Dish Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power,
Adv Ability 1: Own Tempo 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Adv Ability 2: Hydration
High Ability: Confidence Tutor Move List
Absorb, Astonish(N), Body Slam, Bullet Seed,
Evolution: Dive, Double-Edge, Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch,
1 - Lotad Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Giga Drain, Hyper Voice,
2 - Lombre Minimum 15 Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Mega Drain(N), Metronome,
3 - Ludicolo Water Stone Minimum 25 Mud-Slap, Nature Power(N), Rock Climb, Seed
Bomb, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Synthesis,
Size Information Thunder Punch, Uproar, Water Pulse, Whirlpool,
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Zen Headbutt
Weight : 121.3 lbs. / 55kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Plant

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Freshwater

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 7, Jump 1/2, Power 5, Fountain,

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bide - Normal
3 Harden - Normal
9 Growth - Normal
15 Nature Power - Normal
21 Synthesis - Grass
27 Sunny Day - Fire
33 Explosion - Normal

Base Stats: TM/HM Move List

HP: 4 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Attack: 4 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Re-
Defense: 5 turn, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 42
Special Attack: 3 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy
Special Defense: 3 Ball, 54 False Swipe, 64 Explosion, 67 Retaliate, 70
Speed: 3 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96
Basic Information Nature Power
Type : Grass
Basic Ability 1: Sturdy Egg Move List
Basic Ability 2: Early Bird Amnesia, Beat Up, Bullet Seed, Defog, False
Adv Ability 1: Pickpocket Swipe, Foul Play, Grassy Terrain, Leech Seed, Nasty
Adb Ability 2: Overcoat Plot, Power Swap, Quick Attack, Razor Wind, Take
High Ability: Bulletproof Down, Worry Seed

Evolution: Tutor Move List
1 - Seedot Body Slam, Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Foul
2 - Nuzleaf Minimum 15 Play, Giga Drain, Rollout, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk,
3 - Shiftry Leaf Stone Minimum 25 Snore, Spite, Synthesis , Worry Seed

Size Information
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small)
Weight : 8.8 lbs. / 4kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field / Plant
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

NUZLEAF Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog
Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6+1, Stealth
4d6+2, Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Harden - Normal
6 Growth - Normal
9 Nature Power - Normal
12 Fake Out - Normal
14 Razor Leaf - Grass
16 Torment - Dark
20 Razor Wind - Normal
24 Feint Attack - Dark
28 Leaf Blade - Grass
32 Swagger - Normal
36 Extrasensory - Psychic

Base Stats: TM/HM Move List

HP: 7 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Attack: 7 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Defense: 4 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Special Attack: 6 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39
Special Defense: 4 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
Speed: 6 tract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 53 Energy
Ball, 54 False Swipe, 56 Fling, 63 Embargo, 64 Explo-
Basic Information sion, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 70 Flash, 75 Swords
Type : Grass / Dark Dance, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass Knot, 87
Basic Ability 1: Chlorophyll Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
Basic Ability 2: Early Bird 95 Snarl, 96 Nature Power, 97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-
Adv Ability 1: Pickpocket Up Punch, 100 Confide
Adv Ability 2: Omen
High Ability: Intimidate Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Bullet Seed, Dark Pulse, Defense
Evolution: Curl, Double-Edge, Foul Play, Fury Cutter, Giga
1 - Seedot Drain, Low Kick, Mega Kick, Mud-Slap, Razor Leaf,
2 - Nuzleaf Minimum 15 Rollout, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Swift,
3 - Shiftry Leaf Stone Minimum 25 Synthesis, Worry Seed

Size Information
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 61.7 lbs. / 28kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field / Plant

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 4, Darkvision,
SHIFTRY sion, Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest)
Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth
4d6, Percep 2d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Harden - Normal
6 Growth - Normal
9 Nature Power - Normal
12 Fake Out - Normal
14 Razor Leaf - Grass
16 Torment - Dark
20 Leaf Tornado - Grass
24 Feint Attack - Dark
28 Leaf Blade - Grass
32 Hurricane - Flying
36 Extrasensory - Psychic
44 Leaf Storm - Grass
Base Stats:
HP: 9 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 10 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Defense: 6 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Pro-
Special Attack: 9 tect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28
Special Defense: 6 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Speed: 8 Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment,
42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low
Basic Information Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 53 Energy Ball,
Type : Grass / Dark 54 False Swipe, 56 Fling, 63 Embargo, 64 Explosion,
Basic Ability 1: Chlorophyll 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash,
Basic Ability 2: Early Bird 75 Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 81
Adv Ability 1: Pickpocket X-Scissor, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Adv Ability 2: Omen 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 96 Nature
High Ability: Blow Away Power, 97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
1 - Seedot Tutor Move List
2 - Nuzleaf Minimum 15 Air Cutter, Body Slam, Bounce, Bullet Seed,
3 - Shiftry Leaf Stone Minimum 25 Dark Pulse, Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Feint
Attack(N), Foul Play, Fury Cutter, Giga Drain,
Size Information Growth, Harden, Icy Wind, Knock Off, Low Kick,
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium) Mega Kick, Mud-Slap, Nature Power, Nasty Plot(N),
Weight : 131.4 lbs. / 59.6kg (4) Ominous Wind, Pound, Razor Leaf(N), Rollout,
Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Sucker Punch,
Breeding Information Swift, Synthesis, Tailwind, Twister, Whirlwind(N),
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Worry Seed
Egg Group : Field / Plant

Diet : Heribvore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 5, Darkvi-
Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Absorb - Grass
4 Growth - Normal
7 Water Sport - Water
10 Stun Spore - Grass
13 Mega Drain - Grass
16 Worry Seed - Grass

TM/HM Move List

Base Stats: A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden
HP: 4 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Attack: 3 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 30 Shadow
Defense: 4 Ball, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade,
Special Attack: 5 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 70
Special Defense: 7 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up, 86 Grass Knot,
Speed: 6 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature
Power, 99 Dazzling Gleam
Basic Information
Type : Grass / Poison Egg Move List
Basic Ability 1: Poison Point Bullet Seed, Cotton Spore, Extrasensory, Giga
Basic Ability 2: Natural Cure Drain, Grass Whistle, Leaf Storm, Mind Reader,
Adv Ability 1: Leaf Guard Natural Gift, Pin Missile, Razor Leaf, Seed Bomb,
Adv Ability 2: Technician Sleep Powder, Spikes, Synthesis
High Ability: Cute Charm
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Covet, Bullet Seed, Giga Drain, Mud-Slap,
1 - Budew Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Synthesis,
2 - Roselia Minimum 20 Uproar, Worry Seed
3 - Roserade Shiny Stone Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 0’ 8” / 0.2m (Small)
Weight : 2.6 lbs. / 1.2kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Fairy / Plant
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Rainforest

ROSELIA Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Growth - Normal
7 Poison Sting - Poison
10 Stun Spore - Grass
13 Mega Drain - Grass
16 Leech Seed - Grass
19 Magical Leaf - Grass
22 Grass Whistle - Grass
25 Giga Drain - Grass
28 Toxic Spikes - Poison
Base Stats: 31 Sweet Scent - Normal
HP: 5 34 Ingrain - Grass
Attack: 6 37 Petal Blizzard - Grass
Defense: 5 40 Toxic - Poison
Special Attack: 10 43 Aromatherapy - Grass
Special Defense: 8 46 Synthesis - Grass
Speed: 7 50 Petal Dance - Grass

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Grass / Poison A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden
Basic Ability 1: Poison Point Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Basic Ability 2: Natural Cure Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 30 Shadow
Adv Ability 1: Leaf Guard Ball, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Technician 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 70
High Ability: Beautiful Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up, 84 Poison Jab,
86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
Evolution: tute, 96 Nature Power, 99 Dazzling Gleam
1 - Budew
2 - Roselia Minimum 20 Tutor Move List
3 - Roserade Shiny Stone Minimum 30 Body Slam, Bullet Seed, Covet, Double-Edge,
Fury Cutter, Giga Drain, Mud-Slap, Seed Bomb,
Size Information Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Synthesis, Uproar, Worry
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Seed
Weight : 4.4 lbs. / 2kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Fairy / Plant

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Rainforest

ROSERADE (Grassland, Forest)
Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 4d6+1, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Growth - Normal
7 Poison Sting - Poison
10 Stun Spore - Grass
13 Mega Drain - Grass
16 Leech Seed - Grass
19 Magical Leaf - Grass
22 Grass Whistle - Grass
25 Giga Drain - Grass
28 Toxic Spikes - Poison
31 Sweet Scent - Normal
34 Ingrain - Grass
37 Petal Blizzard - Grass
Base Stats: 40 Toxic - Poison
HP: 6 43 Aromatherapy - Grass
Attack: 7 46 Synthesis - Grass
Defense: 7 50 Petal Dance - Grass
Special Attack: 13
Special Defense: 11 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 9 A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden
Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Basic Information 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27
Type : Grass / Poison Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge
Basic Ability 1: Poison Point Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53
Basic Ability 2: Natural Cure Energy Ball, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords
Adv Ability 1: Leaf Guard Dance, 77 Psych Up, 84 Poison Jab, 86 Grass Knot,
Adv Ability 2: Technician 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature
High Ability: Beautiful Power, 99 Dazzling Gleam

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Budew Covet, Body Slam, Bullet Seed, Double-Edge,
2 - Roselia Minimum 20 Fury Cutter, Giga Drain, Grassy Terrain (N), Magi-
3 - Roserade Shiny Stone Minimum 30 cal Leaf(N), Mega Drain(N), Mud-Slap, Natural
Gift, Poison Sting(N), Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Size Information Sweet Scent(N), Swift, Synthesis, Uproar, Weather
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Small) Ball(N), Venom Drench (N), Worry Seed
Weight : 32 lbs. / 14.5kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Fairy / Plant

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/3, Power 4, Naturewalk

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Jump 1/2, Power 1, Zapper,
Naturewalk (Forest, Urban), Underdog
Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Charm - Fairy
1 Thunder Shock - Electric
5 Tail Whip - Normal
10 Sweet Kiss - Fairy
13 Nasty Plot - Dark
18 Thunder Wave - Electric

TM/HM Move List

06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 16 Light Screen,
Base Stats: 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thun-
HP: 2 derbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Attack: 4 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
Defense: 2 Voice, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 70 Flash, 72 Volt
Special Attack: 4 Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
Special Defense: 4 ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge
Speed: 6
Egg Move List
Basic Information Bestow, Bide, Charge, Disarming Voice,
Type : Electric Double Slap, Encore, Endure, Fake Out, Flail, Lucky
Basic Ability 1: Static Chant, Present, Reversal, Thunder Punch, Tickle,
Basic Ability 2: Cute Charm Volt Tackle, Wish
Adv Ability 1: Lightning Rod
Adv Ability 2: Sprint Tutor Move List
High Ability: Sequence Body Slam, Counter, Covet, Defense Curl,
Double-Edge, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Iron Tail,
Evolution: Magnet Rise, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap,
1 - Pichu Rollout, Seismic Toss, Shock Wave, Signal Beam,
2 - Pikachu Minimum 10 Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Uproar
3 - Raichu Thunderstone

Size Information
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small)
Weight : 4.4 lbs. / 2kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field / Fairy
Average Hatch Rate: 4 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

PIKACHU Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 2, Jump 2/2, Power 2, Zapper,
Naturewalk (Forest, Urban), Underdog
Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Tail Whip - Normal
7 Play Nice - Normal
10 Quick Attack - Normal
13 Electro Ball - Electric
18 Thunder Wave - Electric
21 Feint - Normal
23 Double Team - Normal
26 Spark - Electric
29 Nuzzle - Electric
34 Discharge - Electric
Base Stats: 37 Slam - Normal
HP: 4 42 Thunderbolt - Electric
Attack: 6 45 Agility - Psychic
Defense: 4 50 Wild Charge - Electric
Special Attack: 5 53 Light Screen - Psychic
Special Defense: 5 58 Thunder - Electric
Speed: 9
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 16
Type : Electric Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Basic Ability 1: Static tion, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Basic Ability 2: Cute Charm 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Adv Ability 1: Lightning Rod 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 56 Fling, 57
Adv Ability 2: Sprint Charge Beam, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder
High Ability: Sequence Wave, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Pichu Tutor Move List
2 - Pikachu Minimum 10 Body Slam, Counter, Covet, Defense Curl,
3 - Raichu Thunderstone Minimum 20 Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Focus Punch,
Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Iron Tail, Knock Off,
Size Information Magnet Rise, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap,
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Rollout, Seismic Toss, Shock Wave, Signal Beam,
Weight : 13.2 lbs. / 6kg (1) Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Thunder Punch, Uproar

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field / Fairy

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

RAICHU Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 2/2, Power 4, Naturewalk
(Forest, Urban), Zapper

Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 4d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 4d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Tail Whip - Normal
7 Play Nice - Normal
10 Quick Attack - Normal
13 Electro Ball - Electric
18 Thunder Wave - Electric
21 Feint - Normal
23 Double Team - Normal
26 Spark - Electric
29 Nuzzle - Electric
Base Stats: 34 Discharge - Electric
HP: 6 37 Slam - Normal
Attack: 9 42 Thunderbolt - Electric
Defense: 6 45 Agility - Psychic
Special Attack: 9 50 Wild Charge - Electric
Special Defense: 8 53 Light Screen - Psychic
Speed: 11 58 Thunder - Electric

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Electric A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 15
Basic Ability 1: Static Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Ability 2: Motor Drive Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder,
Adv Ability 1: Lightning Rod 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 2: Sprint 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round,
High Ability: Sequence 49 Echoed Voice, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 57 Charge
Beam, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73
Evolution: Thunder Wave, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
1 - Pichu Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash
2 - Pikachu Minimum 10
3 - Raichu Thunderstone Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Counter, Covet, Defense Curl,
Size Information Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Focus Punch,
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small) Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Magnet Rise,
Weight : 66.1 lbs. / 30kg (3) Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Seismic
Toss, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Breeding Information Swift, Thunderbolt(N), Thunder Punch, Thunder
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Shock, Uproar
Egg Group : Field / Fairy

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest

MAGNEMITE Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 3, Levitate 4, Jump 1/1, Power 2,
Dead Silent, Magnetic, Zapper, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Supersonic - Normal
7 Thunder Shock - Electric
11 Sonic Boom - Normal
13 Thunder Wave - Electric
17 Magnet Bomb - Steel
19 Spark - Electric
23 Mirror Shot - Steel
25 Metal Sound - Steel
Base Stats: 20 Electro Ball - Electric
HP: 3 31 Flash Cannon - Steel
Attack: 4 35 Screech - Normal
Defense: 7 37 Discharge - Electric
Special Attack: 10 41 Lock-On - Normal
Special Defense: 6 43 Magnet Rise - Electric
Speed: 5 47 Gyro Ball - Steel
49 Zap Cannon - Electric
Basic Information
Type : Electric / Steel TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Magnet Pull 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16
Basic Ability 2: Sturdy Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frus-
Adv Ability 1: Analytic tration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return,
Adv Ability 2: Soundproof 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48
High Ability: Targeting System Round, 57 Charge Beam, 64 Explosion, 70 Flash,
72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 74 Gyro Ball, 77
Evolution: Psych Up, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91
1 - Magnemite Flash Cannon, 93 Wild Charge
2 - Magneton Minimum 30
3 - Magnezone Minimum 1.5 mi. above sea level Egg Move List
Curse, Endure, Feather Dance, Flail, Fore-
Size Information sight, Steel Wing
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small)
Weight : 13.2 lbs. / 6kg (1) Tutor Move List
Double-Edge, Electroweb, Gravity, Iron
Breeding Information Defense, Magic Coat, Magnet Rise, Recycle, Role
Gender Ratio : No Gender Play, Rollout, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
Egg Group : Mineral Snore, Swift
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Ergovore
Habitat : Mountain, Urban

MAGNETON Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 4, Levitate 5, Jump 1/1, Power 4,
Dead Silent, Magnetic, Zapper

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6+2, Stealth
2d6+1, Percep 3d6+2, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Supersonic - Normal
7 Thunder Shock - Electric
11 Sonic Boom - Normal
13 Thunder Wave - Electric
17 Magnet Bomb - Steel
19 Spark - Electric
23 Mirror Shot - Steel
25 Metal Sound - Steel
29 Electro Ball - Electric
Base Stats: 30 Tri Attack - Normal
HP: 5 33 Flash Cannon - Steel
Attack: 6 39 Screech - Normal
Defense: 10 43 Discharge - Electric
Special Attack: 12 49 Lock-On - Normal
Special Defense: 7 53 Magnet Rise - Electric
Speed: 7 59 Gyro Ball - Steel
63 Zap Cannon - Electric
Basic Information
Type : Electric / Steel TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Magnet Pull 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Basic Ability 2: Sturdy 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Adv Ability 1: Analytic Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder,
Adv Ability 2: Soundproof 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 42 Facade,
High Ability: Targeting System 44 Rest, 48 Round, 57 Charge Beam, 64 Explosion,
68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thun-
Evolution: der Wave, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 87 Swagger, 88
1 - Magnemite Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 93 Wild
2 - Magneton Minimum 30 Charge
3 - Magnezone Minimum 1.5 mi. above sea level
Tutor Move List
Size Information Double-Edge, Electric Terrain (N), Elec-
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) troweb, Gravity, Iron Defense, Magic Coat, Mag-
Weight : 132.3 lbs. / 60kg (4) net Rise, Metal Claw, Recycle, Role Play, Rollout,
Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Sonic
Breeding Information Boom (N), Supersonic, Swift, Thunder Shock, Tri
Gender Ratio : No Gender Attack(N), Zap Cannon (N)
Egg Group : Mineral

Diet : Ergovore
Habitat : Mountain, Urban

MAGNEZONE Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 5, Levitate 6, Jump 1/1, Power 6,
Magnetic, Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Supersonic - Normal
7 Thunder Shock - Electric
11 Sonic Boom - Normal
13 Thunder Wave - Electric
17 Magnet Bomb - Steel
19 Spark - Electric
23 Mirror Shot - Steel
25 Metal Sound - Steel
29 Electro Ball - Electric
Base Stats: 30 Tri Attack - Normal
HP: 7 33 Flash Cannon - Steel
Attack: 7 39 Screech - Normal
Defense: 12 43 Discharge - Electric
Special Attack: 13 49 Lock-On - Normal
Special Defense: 9 53 Magnet Rise - Electric
Speed: 6 59 Gyro Ball - Steel
63 Zap Cannon - Electric
Basic Information
Type : Electric / Steel TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Magnet Pull 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Basic Ability 2: Sturdy 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Adv Ability 1: Analytic Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder,
Adv Ability 2: Soundproof 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 42 Facade,
High Ability: Targeting System 44 Rest, 48 Round, 57 Charge Beam, 64 Explosion,
68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thun-
Evolution: der Wave, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 87 Swagger, 88
1 - Magnemite Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 93 Wild
2 - Magneton Minimum 30 Charge
3 - Magnezone Minimum 1.5 mi. above sea level
Tutor Move List
Size Information Barrier(N), Double-Edge, Electric Terrain
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium) (N), Electroweb, Gravity, Iron Defense, Iron Head,
Weight : 396.8 lbs. / 180kg (5) Magic Coat, Magnet Rise, Magnetic Flux (N), Metal
Claw, Metal Sound, Mirror Coat (N), Recycle, Role
Breeding Information Play, Rollout, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Snore, Sonic
Gender Ratio : No Gender Boom (N), Swift, Zap Cannon (N)
Egg Group : Mineral

Diet : Ergovore
Habitat : Mountain

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Glow, Zap-
per, Naturewalk (Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 1d6+1, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Growl - Normal
4 Thunder Wave - Electric
8 Thunder Shock - Electric
11 Cotton Spore - Grass
15 Charge - Electric
18 Take Down - Normal
22 Electro Ball - Electric
Base Stats: 25 Confuse Ray - Ghost
HP: 6 29 Power Gem - Rock
Attack: 4 32 Discharge - Electric
Defense: 4 36 Cotton Guard - Grass
Special Attack: 7 39 Signal Beam - Bug
Special Defense: 5 43 Light Screen - Psychic
Speed: 4 46 Thunder - Electric

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Electric 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 16 Light Screen,
Basic Ability 1: Static 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frus-
Adv Ability 1: Fluffy Charge tration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return,
Adv Ability 2: Sap Sipper 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Adv Ability 3: Sequence Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 57 Charge Beam, 70 Flash,
High Ability: Fur Coat 73 Thunder Wave, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Substitute, 93 Wild Charge
1 - Mareep Egg Move List
2 - Flaaffy Minimum 15 After You, Agility, Body Slam, Charge,
3 - Ampharos Minimum 30 Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Flatter, Iron Tail,
Odor Sleuth, Reflect, Safeguard, Sand Attack,
Size Information Screech, Take Down
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 17.2 lbs. / 7.8kg (1) Tutor Move List
After You, Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Heal
Breeding Information Bell, Iron Tail, Magnet Rise, Shock Wave, Signal
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift
Egg Group : Monster / Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland

FLAAFFY Capability List
Overland 6, Jump 1/2, Power 3, Glow, Zapper, Na-
turewalk (Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Thunder Wave - Electric
8 Thunder Shock - Electric
11 Cotton Spore - Grass
16 Charge - Electric
20 Take Down - Normal
25 Electro Ball - Electric
29 Confuse Ray - Ghost
34 Power Gem - Rock
38 Discharge - Electric
Base Stats: 43 Cotton Guard - Grass
HP: 7 47 Signal Beam - Bug
Attack: 6 52 Light Screen - Psychic
Defense: 6 56 Thunder - Electric
Special Attack: 8
Special Defense: 6 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 5 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 16 Light Screen,
17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frus-
Basic Information tration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return,
Type : Electric 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Basic Ability 1: Static Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 57 Charge Beam, 70 Flash,
Adv Ability 1: Fluffy Charge 73 Thunder Wave, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Sub-
Adv Ability 2: Sap Sipper stitute, 93 Wild Charge, 98 Power-Up Punch
Adv Ability 3: Sequence
High Ability: Plus Tutor Move List
After You, Body Slam, Counter, Defense Curl,
Evolution: Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus
1 - Mareep Punch, Heal Bell, Iron Tail, Magnet Rise, Mega Kick,
2 - Flaaffy Minimum 15 Mega Punch, Seismic Toss, Shock Wave, Signal
3 - Ampharos Minimum 30 Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Thunder Punch

Size Information
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small)
Weight : 29.3 lbs. / 13.3kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Monster / Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland

AMPHAROS Capability List
Overland 7, Jump 2/3, Power 5, Glow, Naturewalk
(Grassland), Zapper

Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
2d6, Percep 2d6+2, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Thunder Wave - Electric
8 Thunder Shock - Electric
11 Cotton Spore - Grass
16 Charge - Electric
20 Take Down - Normal
25 Electro Ball - Electric
29 Confuse Ray - Ghost
30 Thunder Punch - Electric
35 Power Gem - Rock
Base Stats: 40 Discharge - Electric
HP: 9 46 Cotton Guard - Grass
Attack: 8 51 Signal Beam - Bug
Defense: 9 57 Light Screen - Psychic
Special Attack: 12 62 Thunder - Electric
Special Defense: 9 65 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Speed: 6
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 15
Type : Electric Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Ability 1: Static Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thun-
Adv Ability 1: Illuminate der, 27 Return, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 42
Adv Ability 2: Sap Sipper Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
Adv Ability 3: Sequence Voice, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 68
High Ability: Plus Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder
Wave, 73 Thunder Wave, 78 Bulldoze, 87 Swagger,
Evolution: 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94
1 - Mareep Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch
2 - Flaaffy Minimum 15
3 - Ampharos Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
After You, Body Slam, Counter, Defense
Size Information Curl, Double-Edge, Dragon Pulse (N), Dynamic
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium) Punch, Fire Punch(N), Focus Punch, Heal Bell, Ion
Weight : 135.6 lbs. / 61.5kg (4) Deluge (N), Iron Tail, Magnet Rise, Magnetic Flux
(N), Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Outrage, Seismic
Breeding Information Toss, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Swift, Thunder Punch, Zap Cannon (N)
Egg Group : Monster / Field
Mega Evolution
Diet : Herbivore Type: Electric/Dragon
Habitat : Grassland, Mountain Ability: Mold Breaker
Stats: +2 Atk, +2 Def,
+5 Sp. Atk, +2 Sp. Def,
-1 Speed

SHINX Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Tracker,
Zapper, Naturewalk (Grassland, Cave), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Leer - Normal
9 Charge - Electric
11 Baby-Doll Eyes - Fairy
13 Spark - Electric
17 Bite - Dark
21 Roar - Normal
25 Swagger - Normal
29 Thunder Fang - Electric
Base Stats: 33 Crunch - Dark
HP: 5 37 Scary Face - Normal
Attack: 7 41 Discharge - Electric
Defense: 3 45 Wild Charge - Charge
Special Attack: 4
Special Defense: 3 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 5 A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Power, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Basic Information Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return,
Type : Electric 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye Thief, 48 Round, 57 Charge Beam, 70 Flash, 72 Volt
Basic Ability 2: Rivalry Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Adv Ability 1: Strong Jaw 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 95 Snarl
Adv Ability 2: Intimidate
High Ability: Guts Egg Move List
Double Kick, Eerie Impulse, Fake Tears, Fire
Evolution: Fang, Helping Hand, Howl, Ice Fang, Night Slash,
1 - Shinx Quick Attack, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Swift, Take
2 - Luxio Minimum 15 Down, Thunder Fang
3 - Luxray Minimum 30
Tutor Move List
Size Information Fury Cutter, Iron Tail, Magnet Rise,
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Mud-Slap, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift
Weight : 20.9 lbs. / 9.5kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Grassland

LUXIO Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 4, Tracker,
Zapper, Naturewalk (Grassland, Cave), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 3d6+1, Stealth
4d6+2, Percep 4d6+1, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Leer - Normal
9 Charge - Electric
13 Spark - Electric
18 Bite - Dark
23 Roar - Normal
28 Swagger - Normal
33 Thunder Fang - Electric
38 Crunch - Dark
43 Scary Face - Normal
Base Stats: 48 Discharge - Electric
HP: 6 53 Wild Charge - Electric
Attack: 9
Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 6 A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Special Defense: 5 Power, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Speed: 6 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27
Return, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
Basic Information tract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 57 Charge Beam, 70 Flash,
Type : Electric 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 87 Swagger, 88
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 95 Snarl
Basic Ability 2: Rivalry
Adv Ability 1: Strong Jaw Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 2: Intimidate Fury Cutter, Iron Tail, Magnet Rise,
High Ability: Guts Mud-Slap, Signal Beam, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Swift
1 - Shinx
2 - Luxio Minimum 15
3 - Luxray Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Medium)
Weight : 67.2 lbs. / 30.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Grassland

LUXRAY Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 5, Jump 1/2, Power 5, Pack Mon,
Tracker, Zapper, Naturewalk (Grassland, Cave), X-
Ray Vision, Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth
5d6+2, Percep 6d6+3, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Leer - Normal
9 Charge - Electric
13 Spark - Electric
18 Bite - Dark
23 Roar - Normal
28 Swagger - Normal
35 Thunder Fang - Electric
42 Crunch - Dark
Base Stats: 49 Scary Face - Normal
HP: 8 56 Discharge - Electric
Attack: 12 63 Wild Charge - Electric
Defense: 8 67 Electric Terrain - Electric
Special Attack: 10
Special Defense: 8 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 7 A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Power, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect,
Basic Information 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Type : Electric Thunder, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade,
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 57 Charge
Basic Ability 2: Rivalry Beam, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73
Adv Ability 1: Strong Jaw Thunder Wave, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
Adv Ability 2: Intimidate tute, 93 Wild Charge, 95 Snarl
High Ability: Guts
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Electric Terrain (N), Fury Cutter, Iron Tail,
1 - Shinx Magnet Rise, Mud-Slap, Shock Wave, Signal Beam,
2 - Luxio Minimum 15 Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower
3 - Luxray Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium)
Weight : 92.6 lbs. / 42kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Grassland, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 2, Levitate 4, Swim 5, Jump 1/1, Power 1,
Zapper, Glow, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 1d6, Stealth
3d6+2, Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Charge Beam - Electric
1 Spark - Electric
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Thunder Wave - Electric

TM/HM Move List

Egg Move List
Base Stats:
HP: 4 Tutor Move List
Attack: 6 Magnet Rise
Defense: 4
Special Attack: 5
Special Defense: 4
Speed: 6

Basic Information
Type : Electric
Basic Ability 1: Levitate
Adv Ability 1: Electrodash
Adv Ability 2: Sequence
Adv Ability 3: Storm Drain
High Ability: Lightning Rod

1 - Tynamo
2 - Eelektrik Minimum 15
3 - Eelektross Thunderstone Minimum 40

Size Information
Height : 0’ 8” / 0.2m (Small)
Weight : 0.7 lbs. / 0.3kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Indeterminate
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Ergovore
Habitat : Cave, Freshwater

Capability List
Overland 4, Levitate 4, Swim 5, Jump 1/1, Power 4,
Zapper, Glow, Gilled, Underdog
Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 2d6+3, Stealth
4d6+2, Percep 3d6+2, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
9 Bind - Normal
19 Acid - Poison
29 Discharge - Electric
39 Crunch - Dark
44 Thunderbolt - Electric
49 Acid Spray - Poison
54 Coil - Poison
59 Wild Charge - Electric
64 Gastro Acid - Poison
Base Stats: 69 Zap Cannon - Electric
HP: 7 74 Thrash - Normal
Attack: 9
Defense: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 8 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 16 Light Screen,
Special Defense: 7 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thun-
Speed: 4 derbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 57 Charge
Basic Information Beam, 62 Acrobatics, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73
Type : Electric Thunder Wave, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-
Basic Ability 1: Levitate Turn, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 93 Wild
Adv Ability 1: Electrodash Charge
Adv Ability 2: Sequence
Adv Ability 3: Storm Drain Tutor Move List
High Ability: Lightning Rod Aqua Tail, Bind, Bounce, Charge Beam(N),
Gastro Acid, Giga Drain, Headbutt (N), Iron Tail,
Evolution: Knock Off, Magnet Rise, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
1 - Tynamo Snore, Spark(N), Super Fang, Thunder Wave (N)
2 - Eelektrik Minimum 15
3 - Eelektross Thunderstone Minimum 40

Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 48.5 lbs. / 22kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Indeterminate

Diet : Ergovore
Habitat : Cave, Freshwater

Capability List
Overland 5, Levitate 5, Swim 5, Jump 1/1, Power 6,
Zapper, Glow, Gilled, Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 4d6+1, Stealth
4d6+2, Percep 3d6+2, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
19 Acid - Poison
29 Discharge - Electric
39 Crunch - Dark
44 Thunderbolt - Electric
49 Acid Spray - Poison
54 Coil - Poison
59 Wild Charge - Electric
64 Gastro Acid - Poison
Base Stats: 69 Zap Cannon - Electric
HP: 9 74 Thrash - Normal
Attack: 12
Defense: 8 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 11 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02
Special Defense: 8 Dragon Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Speed: 5 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thun-
Basic Information der, 27 Return, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35
Type : Electric Flamethrower, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Basic Ability 1: Levitate 45 Attract, 48 Round, 57 Charge Beam, 62 Acrobat-
Adv Ability 1: Electrodash ics, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73
Adv Ability 2: Sequence Thunder Wave, 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 86
Adv Ability 3: Storm Drain Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn,
High Ability: Lightning Rod 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 93 Wild Charge, 94
Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Tynamo Tutor Move List
2 - Eelektrik Minimum 30 Acid(N), Aqua Tail, Bind, Bounce, Charge
3 - Eelektross Thunderstone Minimum 40 Beam(N), Coil (N), Crunch(N), Crush Claw(N),
Discharge(N), Drain Punch, Fire Punch, Gastro
Size Information Acid, Giga Drain, Headbutt(N), Ion Deluge (N),
Height : 6’ 11” / 2.1m (Large) Iron Tail, Knock Off, Magnet Rise, Signal Beam,
Weight : 177.5 lbs. / 80.5kg (4) Sleep Talk, Snore, Spark(N), Super Fang, Superpow-
er, Thunder Wave(N), Zap Cannon (N)
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Indeterminate

Diet : Carnivore, Ergovore

Habitat : Cave, Freshwater

ELEKID Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Zapper,
Naturewalk (Urban), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Quick Attack - Normal
1 Leer - Normal
5 Thunder Shock - Electric
8 Low Kick - Fighting
12 Swift - Normal
15 Shock Wave - Electric
19 Thunder Wave - Electric
22 Electro Ball - Electric
26 Light Screen - Psychic
Base Stats: 29 Thunder Punch - Electric
HP: 5 33 Discharge - Electric
Attack: 8 36 Screech - Normal
Defense: 4 40 Thunderbolt - Electric
Special Attack: 7 43 Thunder - Electric
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 8 TM/HM Move List
06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 16 Light Screen,
Basic Information 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thun-
Type : Electric derbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 31 Brick
Basic Ability 1: Static Break, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
Basic Ability 2: Inner Focus tract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam,
Adv Ability 1: Vital Spirit 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 87 Swag-
Adv Ability 2: Motor Drive ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94
High Ability: Type Aura (Electric) Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Elekid Barrier, Cross Chop, Dynamic Punch, Feint,
2 - Electabuzz Minimum 30 Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Hammer Arm, Ice Punch,
3 - Electivire Holding Electrizer Minimum 40 Karate Chop, Meditate, Rolling Kick

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Body Slam, Counter, Covet, Double-Edge,
Weight : 51.8 lbs. / 23.5kg (2) Dual Chop, Electroweb, Fire Punch, Helping Hand,
Ice Punch, Low Kick, Magnet Rise, Mega Kick, Mega
Breeding Information Punch, Mud-Slap, Seismic Toss, Signal Beam, Sleep
Gender Ratio : 75% M / 25% F Talk, Snore, Swift, Thunder Punch, Uproar
Egg Group : Humanshape
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days

Diet : Ergovore, Herbivore

Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

ELECTABUZZ Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 5, Naturewalk
(Urban), Zapper

Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
2d6+2, Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Thunder Shock - Electric
8 Low Kick - Fighting
12 Swift - Normal
15 Shock Wave - Electric
19 Thunder Wave - Electric
22 Electro Ball - Electric
26 Light Screen - Psychic
29 Thunder Punch - Electric
36 Discharge - Electric
Base Stats: 42 Screech - Normal
HP: 7 49 Thunderbolt - Electric
Attack: 8 55 Thunder - Electric
Defense: 6
Special Attack: 10 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 9 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 15
Speed: 11 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder,
Basic Information 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Type : Electric Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47
Basic Ability 1: Static Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 57
Basic Ability 2: Inner Focus Charge Beam, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 72 Volt
Adv Ability 1: Vital Spirit Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 2: Motor Drive Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash,
High Ability: Type Aura (Electric) 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Elekid Body Slam, Counter, Covet, Double-Edge,
2 - Electabuzz Minimum 30 Dual Chop, Electroweb, Fire Punch, Focus Punch,
3 - Electivire Holding Electrizer Minimum 40 Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Iron Tail, Low Kick,
Magnet Rise, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap,
Size Information Seismic Toss, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift,
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Thunder Punch, Uproar
Weight : 66.1 lbs. / 30kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 75% M / 25% F
Egg Group : Humanshape

Diet : Ergovore, Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

ELECTIVIRE Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 3, Jump 2/3, Power 7, Naturewalk
(Urban), Zapper

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 4d6+1, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth
3d6+2, Percep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Thunder Shock - Electric
8 Low Kick - Fighting
12 Swift - Normal
15 Shock Wave - Electric
19 Thunder Wave - Electric
22 Electro Ball - Electric
26 Light Screen - Psychic
29 Thunder Punch - Electric
36 Discharge - Electric
Base Stats: 42 Screech - Normal
HP: 8 49 Thunderbolt - Electric
Attack: 12 55 Thunder - Electric
Defense: 7 62 Giga Impact - Normal
Special Attack: 10 65 Electric Terrain - Electric
Special Defense: 9
Speed: 10 TM/HM Move List
A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 12
Basic Information Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect,
Type : Electric 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt,
Basic Ability 1: Static 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29
Basic Ability 2: Inner Focus Psychic, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flame-
Adv Ability 1: Vital Spirit thrower, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44
Adv Ability 2: Motor Drive Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round,
High Ability: Type Aura (Electric) 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 68 Giga
Impact, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder Wave,
Evolution: 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
1 - Elekid Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash,
2 - Electabuzz Minimum 30 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
3 - Electivire Holding Electrizer Minimum 40
Tutor Move List
Size Information Body Slam, Counter, Covet, Double-Edge,
Height : 5’ 11” / 1.8m (Large) Electric Terrain (N), Fire Punch(N), Focus Punch,
Weight : 305.6 lbs. / 138.6kg (5) Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Ion Deluge (N), Iron Tail,
Low Kick(N), Magnet Rise, Mega Kick, Mega Punch,
Breeding Information Mud-Slap, Rock Climb, Seismic Toss, Signal Beam,
Gender Ratio : 75% M / 25% F Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Thunder Punch, Uproar
Egg Group : Humanshape

Diet : Ergovore, Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

MAGBY Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Egg Warm-
er, Naturewalk (Cave, Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6+1, Stealth 1d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Smog - Poison
1 Leer - Normal
5 Ember - Fire
8 Smokescreen - Normal
12 Feint Attack - Dark
15 Fire Spin - Fire
19 Clear Smog - Poison
22 Flame Burst - Fire
26 Confuse Ray - Ghost
Base Stats: 29 Fire Punch - Fire
HP: 5 33 Lava Plume - Fire
Attack: 8 36 Sunny Day - Fire
Defense: 4 40 Flamethrower - Fire
Special Attack: 7 43 Fire Blast - Fire
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 8 TM/HM Move List
06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Basic Information 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 31
Type : Fire Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38
Basic Ability 1: Flame Body Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Ability 2: Oblivious Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 56 Fling,
Adv Ability 1: Vital Spirit 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 2: Flash Fire Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up
High Ability: Type Aura (Fire) Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Magby Barrier, Belch, Belly Drum, Cross Chop,
2 - Magmar Minimum 30 Dynamic Punch, Flare Blitz, Focus Energy, Iron
3 - Magmortar Holding Magmarizer Minimum 40 Tail, Karate Chop, Mach Punch, Mega Punch, Power
Swap, Screech, Thunder Punch
Size Information
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 47.2 lbs. / 21.4kg (2) Body Slam, Counter, Covet, Double-Edge,
Dual Chop, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Heat Wave,
Breeding Information Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Mega Kick, Mud-Slap,
Gender Ratio : 75% M / 25% F Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Thunder Punch,
Egg Group : Humanshape Uproar
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 5, Egg Warm-
er, Firestarter, Glow, Naturewalk (Cave, Mountain),
Skill List
Athl 3d6+3, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 1d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Ember - Fire
8 Smokescreen - Normal
12 Feint Attack - Dark
15 Fire Spin - Fire
19 Clear Smog - Poison
22 Flame Burst - Fire
26 Confuse Ray - Ghost
29 Fire Punch - Fire
Base Stats: 36 Lava Plume - Fire
HP: 7 42 Sunny Day - Fire
Attack: 10 49 Flamethrower - Fire
Defense: 6 55 Fire Blast - Fire
Special Attack: 10
Special Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 10 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 21 Frustra-
Basic Information tion, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 31 Brick Break, 32 Dou-
Type : Fire ble Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade,
Basic Ability 1: Flame Body 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47
Basic Ability 2: Oblivious Low Sweep, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 52 Focus Blast,
Adv Ability 1: Vital Spirit 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 68 Giga
Adv Ability 2: Flash Fire Impact, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
High Ability: Type Aura (Fire) Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Magby Body Slam, Counter, Covet, Double-Edge,
2 - Magmar Minimum 30 Dual Chop, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus
3 - Magmortar Holding Magmarizer Minimum 40 Punch, Heat Wave, Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Low
Kick, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Seismic
Size Information Toss, Sleep Talk, Smog, Snore, Thunder Punch,
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium) Uproar
Weight : 98.1 lbs. / 44.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 75% M / 25% F
Egg Group : Humanshape

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

MAGMORTAR Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 6, Egg Warm-
er, Firestarter, Glow, Naturewalk (Cave, Mountain),

Skill List
Athl 4d6+3, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 1d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Ember - Fire
8 Smokescreen - Normal
12 Feint Attack - Dark
15 Fire Spin - Fire
19 Clear Smog - Poison
22 Flame Burst - Fire
26 Confuse Ray - Ghost
29 Fire Punch - Fire
Base Stats: 36 Lava Plume - Fire
HP: 8 42 Sunny Day - Fire
Attack: 10 49 Flamethrower - Fire
Defense: 7 55 Fire Blast - Fire
Special Attack: 13 62 Hyper Beam - Normal
Special Defense: 10
Speed: 8 TM/HM Move List
A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Basic Information Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Type : Fire 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 26
Basic Ability 1: Flame Body Earthquake, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 31 Brick Break,
Basic Ability 2: Oblivious 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast,
Adv Ability 1: Vital Spirit 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 43 Flame
Adv Ability 2: Flash Fire Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep,
High Ability: Type Aura (Fire) 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling,
59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 68 Giga Impact, 78
Evolution: Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
1 - Magby 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch,
2 - Magmar Minimum 30 100 Confide
3 - Magmortar Holding Magmarizer Minimum 40
Tutor Move List
Size Information Body Slam, Counter, Covet, Double-Edge,
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Large) Dual Chop, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus
Weight : 149.9 lbs. / 68kg (4) Punch, Heat Wave, Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Low
Kick, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Rock
Breeding Information Climb, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Smog(N), Snore,
Gender Ratio : 75% M / 25% F Thunder Punch(N), Uproar
Egg Group : Humanshape

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

POLIWAG Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 4, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Fountain,
Gilled, Naturewalk (Wetlands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Water Sport - Water
5 Bubble - Water
8 Hypnosis - Psychic
11 Water Gun - Water
15 Double Slap - Normal
18 Rain Dance - Water
21 Body Slam - Normal
25 Bubble Beam - Water
28 Mud Shot - Ground
Base Stats: 31 Belly Drum - Normal
HP: 4 35 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
Attack: 5 38 Hydro Pump - Water
Defense: 4 41 Mud Bomb - Ground
Special Attack: 4
Special Defense: 4 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 9 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17
Basic Information Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28
Type : Water Dig, 29 Psychic, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Basic Ability 1: Swift Swim 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 87 Swagger,
Basic Ability 2: Water Absorb 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
Adv Ability 1: Damp
Adv Ability 2: Hypnotic Egg Move List
High Ability: Rain Dish Bubble Beam, Encore, Endeavor, Endure,
Haze, Ice Ball, Mind Reader, Mist, Mud Shot,
Evolution: Refresh, Splash, Water Pulse, Water Sport
1 - Poliwag
2 - Poliwhirl Minimum 25 Tutor Move List
3 - Poliwrath Water Stone MInimum 30 Dive, Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Endeavor,
3 - Politoed Holding King’s Rock Minimum 30 Helping Hand, Icy Wind, Sleep Talk, Snore, Water
Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 27.3 lbs. / 12.4kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Marsh

POLIWHIRL Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 5, Jump 1/2, Power 4, Fountain,
Gilled, Naturewalk (Wetlands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth
2d6+1, Percep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Bubble - Water
8 Hypnosis - Psychic
11 Water Gun - Water
15 Double Slap - Normal
18 Rain Dance - Water
21 Body Slam - Normal
27 Bubble Beam - Water
32 Mud Shot - Ground
37 Belly Drum - Normal
Base Stats: 43 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
HP: 7 48 Hydro Pump - Water
Attack: 7 53 Mud Bomb - Ground
Defense: 7
Special Attack: 5 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 5 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Speed: 9 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam,
14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Basic Information tion, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29 Psychic,
Type : Water 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Basic Ability 1: Swift Swim 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 78
Basic Ability 2: Water Absorb Bulldoze, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
Adv Ability 1: Damp Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Adv Ability 2: Hypnotic
High Ability: Rain Dish Tutor Move List
Counter, Dive, Defense Curl, Double-Edge,
Evolution: Endeavor, Focus Punch, Helping Hand, Ice Punch,
1 - Poliwag Icy Wind, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome,
2 - Poliwhirl Minimum 25 Mud-Slap, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Water
3 - Poliwrath Water Stone Minimum 30 Pulse
3 - Politoed Holding King’s Rock Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 44.1 lbs. / 20kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Marsh

POLIWRATH Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 7, Jump 1/2, Power 5, Fountain,
Gilled, Naturewalk (Wetlands)

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 3d6+3, Combat 4d6+1, Stealth
2d6+1, Percep 3d6+1, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Bubble - Water
8 Hypnosis - Psychic
11 Water Gun - Water
15 Double Slap - Normal
18 Rain Dance - Water
21 Body Slam - Normal
23 Dynamic Punch - Fighting
27 Bubble Beam - Water
32 Mud Shot - Ground
Base Stats: 37 Belly Drum - Normal
HP: 9 43 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
Attack: 10 43 Mind Reader - Normal
Defense: 10 48 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Attack: 7 53 Mud Bomb - Ground
Special Defense: 9 53 Circle Throw - Fighting
Speed: 7
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Type : Water / Fighting 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 13
Basic Ability 1: Swift Swim Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Basic Ability 2: Water Absorb 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Re-
Adv Ability 1: Damp turn, 28 Dig, 29 Psychic, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Adv Ability 2: Hypnotic Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
High Ability: Guts 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 55
Scald, 56 Fling, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 78 Bull-
Evolution: doze, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88
1 - Poliwag Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-
2 - Poliwhirl Minimum 25 Up Punch, 100 Confide
3 - Poliwrath Water Stone Minimum 30
Tutor Move List
Size Information Body Slam, Bubble Beam(N), Counter, Dive,
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium) Defense Curl, Double Slap(N), Double-Edge, En-
Weight : 119 lbs. / 54kg (4) deavor, Focus Punch, Helping Hand, Hypnosis(N),
Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Met-
Breeding Information ronome, Mud-Slap, Seismic Toss, Submission(N),
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Sleep Talk, Snore, Vacuum Wave, Water Gun, Water
Egg Group : Water 1 Pulse, Work Up

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Marsh

POLITOED Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 8, Jump 3/4, Power 4, Fountain,
Gilled, Naturewalk (Wetlands), Pack Mon

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 5d6+3, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
2d6+1, Percep 3d6+1, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Bubble - Water
8 Hypnosis - Psychic
11 Water Gun - Water
15 Double Slap - Normal
18 Rain Dance - Water
21 Body Slam - Normal
27 Bubble Beam - Water
27 Swagger - Normal
32 Mud Shot - Ground
Base Stats: 37 Belly Drum - Normal
HP: 9 37 Bounce - Flying
Attack: 8 43 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
Defense: 8 48 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Attack: 9 48 Hyper Voice - Normal
Special Defense: 10 53 Mud Bomb - Ground
Speed: 7
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Type : Water 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Basic Ability 1: Swift Swim Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Basic Ability 2: Water Absorb 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29
Adv Ability 1: Drizzle Psychic, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Hypnotic 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
High Ability: Rain Dish Voice, 52 Focus Blast, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 66 Payback,
68 Giga Impact, 78 Bulldoze, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Evolution: Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up
1 - Poliwag Punch, 100 Confide
2 - Poliwhirl Minimum 25
3 - Politoed Holding King’s Rock Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Bounce, Bubble Beam(N),
Size Information Counter, Dive, Defense Curl, Double Slap(N),
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Endeavor, Focus
Weight : 74.7 lbs. / 33.9kg (3) Punch, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Hypnosis(N),
Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Mega Kick, Mega Punch,
Breeding Information Metronome, Mud-Slap, Perish Song(N), Seismic
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Water Gun, Water Pulse
Egg Group : Water 1

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Marsh

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Wetlands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6+2,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Splash - Normal
1 Bubble - Water
2 Tail Whip - Normal
5 Water Sport - Water
7 Water Gun - Water
10 Charm - Fairy
13 Bubble Beam - Water
16 Helping Hand - Normal
Base Stats: 20 Slam - Normal
HP: 5 23 Bounce - Flying
Attack: 2
Defense: 4 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 2 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10
Special Defense: 4 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 16 Light
Speed: 2 Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27
Return, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
Basic Information tract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Type : Normal / Fairy 90 Substitute
Basic Ability 1: Thick Fat
Adv Ability 1: Type Aura (Water) Egg Move List
Adv Ability 2: Huge Power Amnesia, Aqua Jet, Belly Drum, Body Slam,
Adv Ability 3: Sap Sipper Encore, Fake Tears, Future Sight, Light Screen,
High Ability: Wash Away Muddy Water, Perish Song, Present, Refresh, Sing,
Slam, Soak, Substitute, Superpower, Supersonic,
Evolution: Tickle, Water Sport
1 - Azurill
2 - Marill Minimum 10 Tutor Move List
3 - Azumarill Minimum 20 Body Slam, Bounce, Camouflage, Copycat,
Covet, Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Helping Hand,
Size Information Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Mud-
Height : 0’ 8” / 0.2m (Small) Slap, Rollout, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Uproar, Water
Weight : 4.4 lbs. / 2kg (1) Pulse, Whirlpool, Work Up

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Fairy
Average Hatch Rate: 4 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater

MARILL Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Wetlands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 1d6+2, Stealth
2d6+2, Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
2 Tail Whip - Normal
5 Water Sport - Water
7 Bubble - Water
10 Defense Curl - Normal
10 Rollout - Rock
13 Bubble Beam - Water
16 Helping Hand - Normal
20 Aqua Tail - Water
23 Play Rough - Fairy
Base Stats: 28 Aqua Ring - Water
HP: 7 31 Rain Dance - Water
Attack: 2 37 Double-Edge - Normal
Defense: 5 40 Superpower - Fighting
Special Attack: 2 47 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 4 TM/HM Move List
A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Basic Information 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Type : Water / Fairy Blizzard, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Basic Ability 1: Thick Fat 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break,
Adv Ability 1: Type Aura (Water) 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Adv Ability 2: Huge Power Round, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
Adv Ability 3: Sap Sipper ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98
High Ability: Wash Away Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Azurill Aqua Tail, Body Slam, Bounce, Covet,
2 - Marill Minimum 10 Defense Curl, Dive, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch,
3 - Azumarill Minimum 20 Focus Punch, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Ice
Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Mega Kick,
Size Information Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Sleep
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Talk, Snore, Superpower, Swift, Uproar, Water Pulse,
Weight : 18.7 lbs. / 8.5kg (1) Work Up

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Fairy

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater

AZUMARILL Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 5, Jump 1/2, Power 4, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Wetlands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 2d6+2, Stealth
3d6+2, Percep 4d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
2 Tail Whip - Normal
5 Water Sport - Water
7 Bubble - Water
10 Defense Curl - Normal
10 Rollout - Rock
13 Bubble Beam - Water
16 Helping Hand - Normal
21 Aqua Tail - Water
25 Play Rough - Fairy
Base Stats: 31 Aqua Ring - Water
HP: 10 35 Rain Dance - Water
Attack: 5 32 Double-Edge - Normal
Defense: 8 46 Superpower - Fighting
Special Attack: 6 55 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Defense: 8
Speed: 5 TM/HM Move List
A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Basic Information 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Type : Water / Fairy Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect,
Basic Ability 1: Thick Fat 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31
Adv Ability 1: Type Aura (Water) Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 2: Huge Power Attract, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 55 Scald, 56 Fling,
Adv Ability 3: Sap Sipper 68 Giga Impact, 78 Bulldoze, 86 Grass Knot, 87
High Ability: Wash Away Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Azurill Tutor Move List
2 - Marill Minimum 10 Aqua Tail, Body Slam, Bounce, Covet,
3 - Azumarill Minimum 20 Defense Curl, Dive, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch,
Focus Punch, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Ice
Size Information Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Mega Kick,
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small) Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Sleep
Weight : 62.8 lbs. / 28.5kg (3) Talk, Snore, Superpower, Swift, Uproar, Water Pulse,
Work Up
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Fairy

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater

TYMPOLE Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Wetlands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6+2,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bubble - Water
1 Growl - Normal
5 Supersonic - Normal
9 Round - Normal
12 Bubble Beam - Water
16 Mud Shot - Ground
20 Aqua Ring - Water
23 Uproar - Normal
27 Muddy Water - Water
Base Stats: 31 Rain Dance - Water
HP: 5 34 Flail - Normal
Attack: 5 38 Echoed Voice - Normal
Defense: 4 42 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Attack: 5 45 Hyper Voice - Normal
Special Defense: 4
Speed: 6 TM/HM Move List
A3 Surf, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Information 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Re-
Type : Water turn, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge
Basic Ability 1: Water Absorb Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49
Basic Ability 2: Mud Dweller Echoed Voice, 55 Scald, 83 Infestation, 87 Swag-
Adv Ability 1: Swift Swim ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
Adv Ability 2: Hydration
High Ability: Refreshing Veil Egg Move List
After You, Earth Power, Mist, Mud Bomb,
Evolution: Mud Sport, Refresh, Sleep Talk, Snore, Water Pulse
1 - Tympole
2 - Palpitoad Minimum 15 Tutor Move List
3 - Seismitoad Minimum 35 Bounce, Earth Power, Endeavor, Hyper
Voice, Icy Wind, Sleep Talk, Snore, Uproar
Size Information
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small)
Weight : 9.9 lbs. / 4.5kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Marsh

PALPITOAD Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Wetlands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Supersonic - Normal
9 Round - Normal
12 Bubble Beam - Water
16 Mud Shot - Ground
20 Aqua Ring - Water
23 Uproar - Normal
28 Muddy Water - Water
33 Rain Dance - Water
37 Flail - Normal
Base Stats: 42 Echoed Voice - Normal
HP: 8 47 Hydro Pump - Water
Attack: 7 51 Hyper Voice - Normal
Defense: 6
Special Attack: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 6 A3 Surf, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power,
Speed: 7 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return,
32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb,
Basic Information 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
Type : Water / Ground Voice, 55 Scald, 78 Bulldoze, 83 Infestation, 87 Swag-
Basic Ability 1: Water Absorb ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Basic Ability 2: Mud Dweller
Adv Ability 1: Swift Swim Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 2: Hydration Bounce, Earth Power, Endeavor, Gastro Acid,
High Ability: Refreshing Veil Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth
Rock, Uproar
1 - Tympole
2 - Palpitoad Minimum 15
3 - Seismitoad Minimum 35

Size Information
Height : 2’ 07” / 0.8m (Small)
Weight : 37.5 lbs. / 17kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Marsh

SEISMITOAD Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 5, Jump 2/3, Power 6, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Wetlands), Groundshaper

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
2d6, Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Supersonic - Normal
9 Round - Normal
12 Bubble Beam - Water
16 Mud Shot - Ground
20 Aqua Ring - Water
23 Uproar - Normal
28 Muddy Water - Water
33 Rain Dance - Water
36 Acid - Poison
Base Stats: 39 Flail - Normal
HP: 11 44 Drain Punch - Fighting
Attack: 10 49 Echoed Voice - Normal
Defense: 8 53 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Attack: 9 59 Hyper Voice - Normal
Special Defense: 8
Speed: 7 TM/HM Move List
A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 09
Basic Information Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Type : Water / Ground Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earth-
Basic Ability 1: Water Absorb quake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Basic Ability 2: Mud Dweller Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 39 Rock
Adv Ability 1: Swift Swim Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49
Adv Ability 2: Poison Touch Echoed Voice, 52 Focus Blast, 55 Scald, 56 Fling,
High Ability: Refreshing Veil 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
Slide, 83 Infestation, 84 Poison Jab, 86 Grass Knot,
Evolution: 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
1 - Tympole Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
2 - Palpitoad Minimum 15
3 - Seismitoad Minimum 35 Tutor Move List
Bounce, Drain Punch, Earth Power,
Size Information Endeavor, Gastro Acid, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch,
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Icy Wind, Knock Off, Low Kick, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Weight : 136.7 lbs. / 62kg (4) Stealth Rock, Uproar

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Marsh

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 5, Jump 1/1, Power 1,
Fountain, Gilled, Naturewalk (Ocean), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6+1, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bubble - Water
5 Smokescreen - Normal
9 Leer - Normal
13 Water Gun - Water
17 Twister - Dragon
21 Bubble Beam - Water
26 Focus Energy - Normal
31 Brine - Water
Base Stats: 36 Agility - Psychic
HP: 3 41 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Attack: 4 46 Dragon Dance - Dragon
Defense: 7 52 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Attack: 7
Special Defense: 3 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 6 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17
Basic Information Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return,
Type : Water 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Basic Ability 1: Sniper Round, 55 Scald, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Sub-
Adv Ability 1: Damp stitute, 91 Flash Cannon
Adv Ability 2: Swift Swim
Adv Ability 3: Multiscale Egg Move List
High Ability: Spray Down Aurora Beam, Clear Smog, Disable, Dragon
Rage, Dragon Breath, Flail, Muddy Water, Octazoo-
Evolution: ka, Outrage, Razor Wind, Signal Beam, Splash, Water
1 - Horsea Pulse
2 - Seadra Minimum 25
3 - Kingdra Holding Dragon Scale Minimum 40 Tutor Move List
Bounce, Dive, Double-Edge, Dragon Pulse,
Size Information Icy Wind, Outrage, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Swift, Twister
Weight : 17.6 lbs. / 8kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Dragon
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 6, Jump 1/2, Power 3, Fountain,
Gilled, Naturewalk (Ocean)

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6+2, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Smokescreen - Normal
9 Leer - Normal
13 Water Gun - Water
17 Twister - Dragon
21 Bubble Beam - Water
26 Focus Energy - Normal
31 Brine - Water
38 Agility - Psychic
Base Stats: 45 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
HP: 6 52 Dragon Dance - Dragon
Attack: 7 60 Hydro Pump - Water
Defense: 10
Special Attack: 10 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 5 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic,
Speed: 9 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Bliz-
zard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Basic Information Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade,
Type : Water 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 68 Giga
Basic Ability 1: Sniper Impact, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91
Adv Ability 1: Damp Flash Cannon
Adv Ability 2: Poison Point
Adv Ability 3: Multiscale Tutor Move List
High Ability: Spray Down Bounce, Dive, Double-Edge, Dragon Pulse,
Hydro Pump (N), Icy Wind, Outrage, Signal Beam,
Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Twister, Water Pulse
1 - Horsea
2 - Seadra Minimum 25
3 - Kingdra Holding Dragon Scale Minimum 40

Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 55.1 lbs. / 25kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Dragon

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

KINGDRA Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 8, Jump 2/2, Power 6,
Fountain, Gilled, Naturewalk (Ocean), Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 5d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Smokescreen - Normal
9 Leer - Normal
13 Water Gun - Water
17 Twister - Dragon
21 Bubble Beam - Water
26 Focus Energy - Normal
31 Brine - Water
38 Agility - Psychic
45 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Base Stats: 52 Dragon Dance - Dragon
HP: 8 60 Hydro Pump - Water
Attack: 10
Defense: 10 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 10 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Special Defense: 10 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15
Speed: 9 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
tion, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Basic Information 45 Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 60 Quash, 68 Giga
Type : Water / Dragon Impact, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91
Basic Ability 1: Sniper Flash Cannon
Adv Ability 1: Damp
Adv Ability 2: Poison Point Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 3: Multiscale Bounce, Dive, Double-Edge, Draco Me-
High Ability: Spray Down teor, Dragon Pulse (N), Icy Wind, Outrage, Signal
Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Twister, Water Pulse,
Evolution: Yawn(N)
1 - Horsea
2 - Seadra Minimum 25
3 - Kingdra Holding Dragon Scale Minimum 40

Size Information
Height : 5’ 11” / 1.8m (Medium)
Weight : 335.1 lbs. / 152kg (5)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Dragon

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Tundra), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Defense Curl - Normal
1 Growl - Normal
1 Powder Snow - Ice
1 Water Gun - Water
5 Rollout - Rock
9 Encore - Normal
13 Ice Ball - Ice
17 Brine - Water
Base Stats: 21 Aurora Beam - Ice
HP: 7 26 Body Slam - Normal
Attack: 4 31 Rest - Psychic
Defense: 5 31 Snore - Normal
Special Attack: 6 36 Hail - Ice
Special Defense: 5 41 Blizzard - Ice
Speed: 3 46 Sheer Cold - Ice

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Ice / Water A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Basic Ability 1: Thick Fat 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Adv Ability 1: Ice Body Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Adv Ability 2: Oblivious 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock
Adv Ability 3: Deep Sleep Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49
High Ability: Snow Cloak Echoed Voice, 78 Bulldoze, 79 Frost Breath, 80 Rock
Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
Evolution: Rock Smash
1 - Spheal
2 - Sealeo Minimum 20 Egg Move List
3 - Walrein Minimum 35 Aqua Ring, Belly Drum, Curse, Fissure, Rock
Slide, Rollout, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Spit Up,
Size Information Stockpile, Swallow, Water Pulse, Water Sport, Yawn
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small)
Weight : 87.1 lbs. / 39.5kg (3) Tutor Move List
Aqua Tail, Brine, Dive, Double-Edge, Icy
Breeding Information Wind, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Signal Beam,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Sleep Talk, Snore, Super Fang, Water Pulse
Egg Group : Water 1 / Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Arctic, Ocean, Tundra

SEALEO Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 6, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Naturewalk
(Tundra), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Rollout - Rock
9 Encore - Normal
13 Ice Ball - Ice
17 Brine - Water
21 Aurora Beam - Ice
26 Body Slam - Normal
31 Rest - Psychic
31 Snore - Normal
32 Swagger - Normal
Base Stats: 38 Hail - Ice
HP: 9 45 Blizzard - Ice
Attack: 6 52 Sheer Cold - Ice
Defense: 7
Special Attack: 8 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 7 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Speed: 5 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice
Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Basic Information Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 32 Double
Type : Ice / Water Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Basic Ability 1: Thick Fat 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 78 Bulldoze, 79 Frost
Adv Ability 1: Ice Body Breath, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Adv Ability 2: Oblivious Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Adv Ability 3: Deep Sleep
High Ability: Snow Cloak Tutor Move List
Aqua Tail, Brine, Dive, Double-Edge, Icy
Evolution: Wind, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Signal Beam,
1 - Spheal Sleep Talk, Snore, Super Fang, Water Pulse
2 - Sealeo Minimum 20
3 - Walrein Minimum 35

Size Information
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium)
Weight : 193.1 lbs. / 87.6kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Arctic, Ocean, Tundra

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 7, Jump 1/1, Power 7, Freezer,
Naturewalk (Tundra), Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 1d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Rollout - Rock
9 Encore - Normal
13 Ice Ball - Ice
17 Brine - Water
21 Aurora Beam - Ice
26 Body Slam - Normal
31 Rest - Psychic
31 Snore - Normal
Base Stats: 32 Swagger - Normal
HP: 11 38 Hail - Ice
Attack: 8 44 Ice Fang - Ice
Defense: 9 49 Blizzard - Ice
Special Attack: 10 60 Sheer Cold - Ice
Special Defense: 9
Speed: 7 TM/HM Move List
A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Basic Information 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13
Type : Ice / Water Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Basic Ability 1: Thick Fat 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27
Adv Ability 1: Ice Body Return, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Oblivious 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 68
Adv Ability 3: Deep Sleep Giga Impact, 78 Bulldoze, 79 Frost Breath, 80 Rock
High Ability: Snow Cloak Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
Rock Smash
1 - Spheal Tutor Move List
2 - Sealeo Minimum 30 Aqua Tail, Avalanche, Block, Brine,
3 - Walrein Minimum 45 Crunch(N), Dive, Double-Edge, Encore (N), Fury
Cutter, Icy Wind, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap,
Size Information Rollout, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Super Fang,
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Large) Water Pulse, Whirlpool
Weight : 332 lbs. / 150.6kg (5)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Arctic, Ocean, Tundra

VANILLITE Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Levitate 4, Jump 1/1, Power 1,
Chilled, Freezer, Naturewalk (Tundra), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 2d6-1, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Icicle Spear - Ice
4 Harden - Normal
7 Astonish - Ghost
10 Uproar - Normal
13 Icy Wind - Ice
16 Mist - Ice
19 Avalanche - Ice
22 Taunt - Dark
26 Mirror Shot - Steel
Base Stats: 31 Acid Armor - Poison
HP: 4 35 Ice Beam - Ice
Attack: 5 40 Hail - Ice
Defense: 5 44 Mirror Coat - Psychic
Special Attack: 7 49 Blizzard - Ice
Special Defense: 6 53 Sheer Cold - Ice
Speed: 5
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt,
Type : Ice 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect,
Basic Ability 1: Ice Body 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Dou-
Basic Ability 2: Snow Cloak ble Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 1: Weak Armor 64 Explosion, 79 Frost Breath, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 2: Winter’s Kiss Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon
High Ability: Clear Body
Egg Move List
Evolution: Autotomize, Ice Shard, Imprison, Iron
1 - Vanillite Defense, Magnet Rise, Natural Gift, Powder Snow,
2 - Vanillish Minimum 20 Water Pulse
3 - Vanilluxe Minimum 35
Tutor Move List
Size Information Icy Wind, Iron Defense, Magic Coat, Magnet
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Rise, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Uproar
Weight : 12.6 lbs. / 5.7kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Mineral
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Cave, Taiga, Tundra

VANILLISH Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Levitate 5, Jump 1/1, Power 2,
Chilled, Freezer, Naturewalk (Tundra), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 2d6+2, Stealth
2d6, Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Harden - Normal
7 Astonish - Ghost
10 Uproar - Normal
13 Icy Wind - Ice
16 Mist - Ice
19 Avalanche - Ice
22 Taunt - Dark
26 Mirror Shot - Steel
31 Acid Armor - Poison
Base Stats: 36 Ice Beam - Ice
HP: 5 42 Hail - Ice
Attack: 7 47 Mirror Coat - Psychic
Defense: 7 53 Blizzard - Ice
Special Attack: 8 58 Sheer Cold - Ice
Special Defense: 8
Speed: 6 TM/HM Move List
06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 12
Basic Information Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 16 Light Screen, 17
Type : Ice Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return,
Basic Ability 1: Ice Body 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Basic Ability 2: Snow Cloak Round, 64 Explosion, 79 Frost Breath, 87 Swagger,
Adv Ability 1: Weak Armor 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon
Adv Ability 2: Winter’s Kiss
High Ability: Clear Body Tutor Move List
Icy Wind, Iron Defense, Magic Coat, Magnet
Evolution: Rise, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Uproar
1 - Vanillite
2 - Vanillish Minimum 20
3 - Vanilluxe Minimum 35

Size Information
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium)
Weight : 90.4 lbs. / 41kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Mineral

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Cave, Taiga, Tundra

VANILLUXE Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 3, Levitate 6, Jump 1/1, Power 3,
Chilled, Freezer, Naturewalk (Tundra)

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 3d6+1, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Harden - Normal
7 Astonish - Ghost
10 Uproar - Normal
13 Icy Wind - Ice
16 Mist - Ice
19 Avalanche - Ice
22 Taunt - Dark
26 Mirror Shot - Steel
31 Acid Armor - Poison
Base Stats: 36 Ice Beam - Ice
HP: 7 42 Hail - Ice
Attack: 10 50 Mirror Coat - Psychic
Defense: 9 59 Blizzard - Ice
Special Attack: 11 67 Sheer Cold - Ice
Special Defense: 10
Speed: 8 TM/HM Move List
06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt,
Basic Information 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Type : Ice Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Basic Ability 1: Ice Body 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Ability 2: Snow Cloak Attract, 48 Round, 64 Explosion, 68 Giga Impact, 79
Adv Ability 1: Weak Armor Frost Breath, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
Adv Ability 2: Winter’s Kiss 91 Flash Cannon
High Ability: Clear Body
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Icy Wind, Freeze-Dry (N), Iron Defense,
1 - Vanillite Magic Coat, Magnet Rise, Sheer Cold (N), Signal
2 - Vanillish Minimum 20 Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Uproar, Weather Ball(N)
3 - Vanilluxe Minimum 35

Size Information
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium)
Weight : 126.8 lbs. / 57.5kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Mineral

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Cave, Taiga, Tundra

RALTS Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 1, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Telekinet-
ic, Telepath, Naturewalk (Forest, Urban), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
4 Confusion - Psychic
6 Double Team - Normal
9 Teleport - Psychic
11 Disarming Voice - Fairy
14 Lucky Chant - Normal
17 Magical Leaf - Grass
19 Heal Pulse - Psychic
22 Draining Kiss - Fairy
Base Stats: 24 Calm Mind - Psychic
HP: 3 27 Psychic - Psychic
Attack: 3 29 Imprison - Psychic
Defense: 3 32 Future Sight - Psychic
Special Attack: 5 34 Charm - Fairy
Special Defense: 4 37 Hypnosis - Psychic
Speed: 4 39 Dream Eater - Psychic
42 Stored Power - Psychic
Basic Information
Type : Psychic / Fairy TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Synchronize 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Ability 2: Steadfast 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18
Adv Ability 1: Telepathy Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunder-
Adv Ability 2: Forewarn bolt, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
Team, 33 Reflect, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
High Ability: Trace
Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 56 Fling,
57 Charge Beam, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder
Evolution: Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87
1 - Ralts Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 99
2 - Kirlia Minimum 20 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
3 - Gardevoir Minimum 30
3 - Gallade Dawn Stone Male Minimum 30 Egg Move List
Ally Switch, Confuse Ray, Destiny Bond, Disable,
Size Information Encore, Grudge, Mean Look, Memento, Misty Ter-
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) rain, Shadow Sneak, Skill Swap, Synchronoise, Will-
Weight : 14.6 lbs. / 6.6kg (1) O-Wisp

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Ally Switch, Body Slam, Defense Curl, Double-Edge,
Egg Group : Indeterminate Fire Punch, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Icy Wind, Magic Coat, Magic Room, Mud-Slap, Pain
Split, Recycle, Role Play, Shock Wave, Signal Beam,
Diet : Omnivore Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Swift,
Habitat : Forest, Urban Telekinesis, Thunder Punch, Trick, Wonder Room,
Zen Headbutt
KIRLIA Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Telekinetic,
Telepath, Naturewalk (Forest, Urban), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+2,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Confusion - Psychic
6 Double Team - Normal
9 Teleport - Psychic
11 Disarming Voice - Fairy
14 Lucky Chant - Normal
17 Magical Leaf - Grass
19 Heal Pulse - Psychic
23 Draining Kiss - Fairy
26 Calm Mind - Psychic
Base Stats: 30 Psychic - Psychic
HP: 4 33 Imprison - Psychic
Attack: 4 37 Future Sight - Psychic
Defense: 4 40 Charm - Fairy
Special Attack: 7 44 Hypnosis - Psychic
Special Defense: 6 47 Dream Eater - Psychic
Speed: 5 51 Stored Power - Psychic

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Psychic / Fairy 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Basic Ability 1: Synchronize Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 16 Light
Basic Ability 2: Steadfast Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard,
Adv Ability 1: Telepathy 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 29 Psy-
Adv Ability 2: Forewarn chic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 32 Double
High Ability: Trace Team, 33 Reflect, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 56
Evolution: Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 70 Flash,
1 - Ralts 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86
2 - Kirlia Minimum 20 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
3 - Gardevoir Minimum 30 92 Trick Room , 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
3 - Gallade Dawn Stone Male Minimum 30
Tutor Move List
Size Information Ally Switch, Body Slam, Brine, Defense Curl, Defog,
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small) Double-Edge, Fire Punch, Helping Hand, Hyper
Weight : 44.5 lbs. / 20.2kg (2) Voice, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Magic Coat, Magic
Room, Mud-Slap, Pain Split, Recycle, Role Play,
Breeding Information Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Snatch, Snore, Steel Wing, Swift, Telekinesis, Thun-
Egg Group : Indeterminate der Punch, Trick, Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Urban

GARDEVOIR Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 2/1, Power 4, Aura
Reader, Naturewalk (Forest, Urban), Telekinetic,

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 6d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Confusion - Psychic
6 Double Team - Normal
9 Teleport - Psychic
11 Disarming Voice - Fairy
14 Wish - Normal
17 Magical Leaf - Grass
19 Heal Pulse - Psychic
23 Draining Kiss - Fairy
Base Stats: 26 Calm Mind - Psychic
HP: 7 31 Psychic - Psychic
Attack: 7 35 Imprison - Psychic
Defense: 7 40 Future Sight - Psychic
Special Attack: 13 44 Captivate - Normal
Special Defense: 12 49 Hypnosis - Psychic
Speed: 8 53 Dream Eater - Psychic
58 Stored Power - Psychic
Basic Information 62 Moonblast - Fairy
Type : Psychic / Fairy
Basic Ability 1: Synchronize TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Steadfast 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Adv Ability 1: Telepathy Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Pro-
tect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunder-
Adv Ability 2: Forewarn bolt, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
High Ability: Trace 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 52 Focus Blast,
Evolution: 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 61 Will-O-Wisp,
1 - Ralts 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85
Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
2 - Kirlia Minimum 20
Substitute, 92 Trick Room , 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
3 - Gardevoir Minimum 30

Tutor Move List
Size Information Ally Switch, Body Slam, Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Fire
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Medium) Punch, Heal Bell, Healing Wish(N), Helping Hand, Hyper
Weight : 106.7 lbs. / 48.4kg (3) Voice, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Magic Coat, Magic Room, Misty
Terrain (N), Moonblast (N), Mud-Slap, Pain Split, Recycle,
Breeding Information Role Play, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk,
Snatch, Snore, Stored Power (N), Swift, Telekinesis, Thunder
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Punch, Trick, Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt
Egg Group : Indeterminate
Mega Evolution
Diet : Omnivore Type: Unchanged
Habitat : Forest, Urban Ability: Pixilate
Stats: +2 Atk,
+4 Sp. Atk, +2 Sp. Def,
+2 Speed

GALLADE Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 5d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Confusion - Psychic
6 Double Team - Normal
9 Teleport - Psychic
11 Quick Guard - Fighting
14 Fury Cutter - Bug
17 Slash - Normal
19 Heal Pulse - Psychic
23 Wide Guard - Rock
26 Swords Dance - Normal
31 Psycho Cut - Psychic
35 Helping Hand - Normal
40 Feint - Normal
44 False Swipe - Normal
Base Stats: 49 Protect - Normal
HP: 7 53 Close Combat - Fighting
Attack: 13 58 Stored Power - Psychic
Defense: 7
Special Attack: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 12 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 08
Speed: 8 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper
Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard,
21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 29
Basic Information Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 32
Type : Psychic / Fighting Double Team, 33 Reflect, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Tor-
Basic Ability 1: Synchronize ment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep,
Basic Ability 2: Steadfast 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 52 Focus Blast, 54 False Swipe, 56
Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga
Adv Ability 1: Telepathy Impact, 70 Flash, 71 Stone Edge, 73 Thunder Wave, 75 Swords
Adv Ability 2: Justified Dance, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor,
High Ability: Vanguard 84 Poison Jab, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash, 98
Evolution: Power-Up Punch, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
1 - Ralts
2 - Kirlia Minimum 20 Tutor Move List
3 - Gallade Dawn Stone Male Minimum 30 Ally Switch, Body Slam, Close Combat (N), Defense Curl,
Double-Edge, Drain Punch, Dual Chop, Fire Punch, Focus
Punch, Fury Cutter, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch,
Size Information Knock Off, Leaf Blade(N), Low Kick, Magic Coat, Magic Room,
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Medium) Mud-Slap, Night Slash (N), Pain Split, Recycle, Role Play, Shock
Weight : 114.6 lbs. / 52kg (4) Wave, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Stored
Power (N), Swift, Thunder Punch, Trick, Vacuum Wave, Won-
der Room, Work Up, Zen Headbutt
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 100% M / 0% F Mega Evolution
Egg Group : Indeterminate Type: Unchanged
Ability: Inner Focus
Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Urban Stats: +4 Atk, +3 Def,
Capability List +3 Speed
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 7, Naturewalk
(Forest, Urban), Telekinetic, Telepath

ABRA Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Teleporter 2, Jump 1/1, Power
1, Naturewalk (Forest, Urban), Telekinetic, Tele-
path, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 4d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Teleport - Psychic

TM/HM Move List

03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 16 Light
Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard,
21 Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow
Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 41 Torment, 42
Base Stats: Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53
HP: 3 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 63 Embargo,
Attack: 2 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream
Defense: 2 Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Special Attack: 11 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100
Special Defense: 6 Confide
Speed: 9
Egg Move List
Basic Information Ally Switch, Barrier, Encore, Fire Punch,
Type : Psychic Guard Split, Guard Swap, Ice Punch, Knock Off,
Basic Ability 1: Synchronize Power Trick, Psycho Shift, Skill Swap, Thunder
Basic Ability 2: Inner Focus Punch
Adv Ability 1: Transporter
Adv Ability 2: Magic Guard Tutor Move List
High Ability: Life Force Ally Switch, Body Slam, Counter, Double-Edge,
Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch, Iron Tail, Fire
Evolution: Punch, Focus Punch, Foul Play, Gravity, Ice Punch,
1 - Abra Iron Tail, Knock Off, Magic Coat, Magic Room,
2 - Kadabra Minimum 15 Recycle, Role Play, Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mega
3 - Alakazam Minimum 35 Punch, Metronome, Seismic Toss, Shock Wave,
Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore,
Size Information Telekinesis, Thunder Punch, Trick, Wonder Room,
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Small) Zen Headbutt
Weight : 43 lbs. / 19.5kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 75% M / 25% F
Egg Group : Humanshape
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Urban

KADABRA Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Teleporter 2, Jump 2/1, Power 3,
Naturewalk (Forest, Urban), Telekinetic, Telepath,

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
4d6, Focus 4d6+4

Move List
Level Up Move List
16 Confusion - Psychic
18 Disable - Normal
21 Psybeam - Psychic
23 Miracle Eye - Psychic
26 Reflect - Psychic
28 Psycho Cut - Psychic
31 Recover - Normal
33 Telekinesis - Psychic
Base Stats: 36 Ally Switch - Psychic
HP: 4 38 Psychic - Psychic
Attack: 4 41 Role Play - Psychic
Defense: 3 43 Future Sight - Psychic
Special Attack: 12 46 Trick - Psychic
Special Defense: 7
Speed: 11 TM/HM Move List
03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Basic Information Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 16 Light
Type : Psychic Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard,
Basic Ability 1: Synchronize 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow
Basic Ability 2: Inner Focus Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 41 Torment, 42
Adv Ability 1: Transporter Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53
Adv Ability 2: Magic Guard Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 63 Embargo,
High Ability: Life Force 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream
Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Evolution: Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100
1 - Abra Confide
2 - Kadabra Minimum 15
3 - Alakazam Minimum 35 Tutor Move List
Ally Switch, Body Slam, Counter, Double-Edge,
Size Information Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium) Punch, Foul Play, Gravity, Ice Punch, Iron Tail, Kine-
Weight : 124.6 lbs. / 56.5kg (4) sis (N), Knock Off, Magic Coat, Magic Room, Recy-
cle, Role Play, Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mega Punch,
Breeding Information Metronome, Seismic Toss, Shock Wave, Signal Beam,
Gender Ratio : 75% M / 25% F Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Telekinesis,
Egg Group : Humanshape Thunder Punch, Trick, Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Urban

ALAKAZAM Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Teleporter 3, Jump 2/1, Power
4, Naturewalk (Forest, Urban), Telekinetic, Telepath

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 6d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
16 Confusion - Psychic
18 Disable - Normal
21 Psybeam - Psychic
23 Miracle Eye - Psychic
26 Reflect - Psychic
28 Psycho Cut - Psychic
31 Recover - Normal
33 Telekinesis - Psychic
36 Ally Switch - Psychic
Base Stats: 38 Psychic - Psychic
HP: 6 41 Role Play - Psychic
Attack: 5 43 Future Sight - Psychic
Defense: 5 46 Trick - Psychic
Special Attack: 14
Special Defense: 10 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 12 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen,
Basic Information 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Type : Psychic 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
33 Reflect, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Basic Ability 1: Synchronize
Thief, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling,
Basic Ability 2: Inner Focus 57 Charge Beam, 63 Embargo, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash,
Adv Ability 1: Transporter 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass
Adv Ability 2: Magic Guard Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick
High Ability: Life Force Room, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Abra Ally Switch, Body Slam, Counter, Double-Edge, Drain
2 - Kadabra Minimum 15 Punch, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Foul
3 - Alakazam Minimum 35 Play, Gravity, Ice Punch, Iron Tail, Kinesis(N), Knock
Off, Magic Coat, Magic Room, Recycle, Role Play, Magic
Size Information Coat, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome, Seismic Toss,
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Weight : 105.8 lbs. / 48kg (3) Snore, Telekinesis, Thunder Punch, Trick, Wonder Room,
Zen Headbutt
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 75% M / 25% F Mega Evolution
Egg Group : Humanshape Type: Unchanged
Ability: Trace
Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Urban Stats: +2 Def,
+4 Sp. Atk, +3 Speed

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Forest, Urban), Telekinetic, Telepath, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
3d6+2, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Pound - Normal
3 Confusion - Psychic
7 Tickle - Normal
8 Play Nice - Normal
10 Fake Tears - Dark
14 Double Slap - Normal
16 Psybeam - Psychic
19 Embargo - Dark
Base Stats: 24 Feint Attack - Dark
HP: 5 25 Psyshock - Psychic
Attack: 3 28 Flatter - Dark
Defense: 5 31 Future Sight - Psychic
Special Attack: 6 33 Heal Block - Psychic
Special Defense: 7 37 Psychic - Psychic
Speed: 5 40 Telekinesis - Psychic
46 Charm - Fairy
Basic Information 48 Magic Room - Psychic
Type : Psychic
Basic Ability 1: Frisk TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Competitive 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Adv Ability 1: Cute Tears Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 16 Light Screen, 17 Pro-
Adv Ability 2: Perception tect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
High Ability: Shadow Tag 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow
Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 39 Rock Tomb, 41
Evolution: Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
1 - Gothita Round, 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 63
2 - Gothorita Minimum 15 Embargo, 66 Payback, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77
3 - Gothitelle Minimum 35 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass
Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92
Size Information Trick Room
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small)
Weight : 12.8 lbs. / 5.8kg (1) Egg Move List
Captivate, Dark Pulse, Heal Pulse, Mean
Breeding Information Look, Miracle Eye, Mirror Coat, Uproar
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F
Egg Group : Humanshape Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Covet, Foul Play, Gravity, Heal Bell, Helping
Hand, Magic Coat, Magic Room, Recycle, Role Play,
Diet : Herbivore Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore,
Habitat : Forest, Urban Telekinesis, Trick, Uproar, Zen Headbutt

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Forest, Urban), Telekinetic, Telepath, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth
2d6+2, Percep 4d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Confusion - Psychic
7 Tickle - Normal
10 Fake Tears - Dark
14 Double Slap - Normal
16 Psybeam - Psychic
19 Embargo - Dark
24 Feint Attack - Dark
25 Psyshock - Psychic
Base Stats: 28 Flatter - Dark
HP: 6 31 Future Sight - Psychic
Attack: 5 34 Heal Block - Psychic
Defense: 7 39 Psychic - Psychic
Special Attack: 8 43 Telekinesis - Psychic
Special Defense: 9 50 Charm - Fairy
Speed: 6 53 Magic Room - Psychic

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Psychic 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Basic Ability 1: Frisk Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 16 Light Screen, 17 Pro-
Basic Ability 2: Competitive tect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Adv Ability 1: Cute Tears 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow
Adv Ability 2: Perception Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 39 Rock Tomb, 41
High Ability: Shadow Tag Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Round, 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam,
Evolution: 63 Embargo, 66 Payback, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder
1 - Gothita Wave, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 85 Dream Eater,
2 - Gothorita Minimum 15 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
3 - Gothitelle Minimum 35 tute, 92 Trick Room

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small) Covet, Foul Play, Gravity, Heal Bell, Help-
Weight : 39.7 lbs. / 18kg (2) ing Hand, Magic Coat, Magic Room, Play Nice (N),
Recycle, Role Play, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep
Breeding Information Talk, Snatch, Snore, Telekinesis, Trick, Uproar, Zen
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F Headbutt
Egg Group : Humanshape

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Urban

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 2/1, Power 4, Naturewalk
(Forest, Urban), Telekinetic, Telepath

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 2d6+4, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6+2,
Percep 5d6+1, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Confusion - Psychic
7 Tickle - Normal
10 Fake Tears - Dark
14 Double Slap - Normal
16 Psybeam - Psychic
19 Embargo - Dark
24 Feint Attack - Dark
25 Psyshock - Psychic
Base Stats: 28 Flatter - Dark
HP: 7 31 Future Sight - Psychic
Attack: 6 34 Heal Block - Psychic
Defense: 10 39 Psychic - Psychic
Special Attack: 10 45 Telekinesis - Psychic
Special Defense: 11 54 Charm - Fairy
Speed: 7 59 Magic Room - Psychic

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Psychic 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Basic Ability 1: Frisk Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Basic Ability 2: Competitive Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21
Adv Ability 1: Cute Tears Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
Adv Ability 2: Perception 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 33
High Ability: Shadow Tag Reflect, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44
Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round,
Evolution: 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 63 Embar-
1 - Gothita go, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thun-
2 - Gothorita Minimum 15 der Wave, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 85 Dream
3 - Gothitelle Minimum 35 Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
Size Information Confide
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium)
Weight : 97 lbs. / 44kg (3) Tutor Move List
Covet, Foul Play, Gravity, Heal Bell, Help-
Breeding Information ing Hand, Magic Coat, Magic Room, Play Nice (N),
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F Recycle, Role Play, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep
Egg Group : Humanshape Talk, Snatch, Snore, Telekinesis, Trick, Uproar, Zen
Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Urban

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 1, Levitate 4, Jump 1/1, Power 1,
Telekinetic, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6+2, Acro 1d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6+2,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Psywave - Psychic
3 Reflect - Psychic
7 Rollout - Rock
10 Snatch - Dark
14 Hidden Power - Normal
16 Light Screen - Psychic
19 Charm - Fairy
24 Recover - Normal
Base Stats: 25 Psyshock - Psychic
HP: 5 28 Endeavor - Normal
Attack: 3 31 Future Sight - Psychic
Defense: 4 33 Pain Split - Normal
Special Attack: 11 37 Psychic - Psychic
Special Defense: 5 40 Skill Swap - Psychic
Speed: 2 46 Heal Block - Psychic
48 Wonder Room - Psychic
Basic Information
Type : Psychic TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Overcoat 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Adv Ability 1: Defy Death Hidden Power, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Adv Ability 2: Levitate Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 25 Thunder, 27
Adv Ability 3: Regenerator Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
High Ability: Cluster Mind 33 Reflect, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 63 Embargo, 64
Evolution: Explosion, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 74 Gyro Ball,
1 - Solosis 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 83 Infestation, 85 Dream
2 - Duosion Minimum 15 Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91
3 - Reuniclus Minimum 35 Flash Cannon, 92 Trick Room

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Acid Armor, Astonish, Confuse Ray, Helping
Weight : 2.2 lbs. / 1kg (1) Hand, Imprison, Night Shade, Secret Power, Trick

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F After You, Endeavor, Gravity, Magic Coat,
Egg Group : Indeterminate Pain Split, Role Play, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Talk, Snatch, Snore, Telekinesis, Trick, Wonder
Room, Zen Headbutt
Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Forest

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Levitate 4, Jump 1/1, Power 2,
Telekinetic, Telepath, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+2, Per-
cep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Reflect - Psychic
7 Rollout - Rock
10 Snatch - Dark
14 Hidden Power - Normal
16 Light Screen - Psychic
19 Charm - Fairy
24 Recover - Normal
25 Psyshock - Psychic
Base Stats: 28 Endeavor - Normal
HP: 7 31 Future Sight - Psychic
Attack: 4 34 Pain Split - Normal
Defense: 5 39 Psychic - Psychic
Special Attack: 13 43 Skill Swap - Psychic
Special Defense: 6 50 Heal Block - Psychic
Speed: 3 53 Wonder Room - Psychic

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Psychic 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Basic Ability 1: Overcoat Hidden Power, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Adv Ability 1: Defy Death Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 25 Thunder, 27
Adv Ability 2: Levitate Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 3: Regenerator 33 Reflect, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
High Ability: Cluster Mind Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 63 Embargo, 64
Explosion, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 74 Gyro Ball,
Evolution: 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 83 Infestation, 85 Dream
1 - Solosis Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91
2 - Duosion Minimum 15 Flash Cannon, 92 Trick Room
3 - Reuniclus Minimum 35
Tutor Move List
Size Information After You, Endeavor, Gravity, Magic Coat,
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Pain Split, Role Play, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep
Weight : 17.6 lbs. / 8kg (1) Talk, Snatch, Snore, Telekinesis, Trick, Wonder
Room, Zen Headbutt
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Indeterminate

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Forest

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Levitate 4, Jump 2/1, Power 7,
Telekinetic, Telepath

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
4d6, Focus 6d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Reflect - Psychic
7 Rollout - Rock
10 Snatch - Dark
14 Hidden Power - Normal
16 Light Screen - Psychic
19 Charm - Fairy
24 Recover - Normal
25 Psyshock - Psychic
Base Stats: 28 Endeavor - Normal
HP: 11 31 Future Sight - Psychic
Attack: 7 34 Pain Split - Normal
Defense: 8 39 Psychic - Psychic
Special Attack: 13 41 Dizzy Punch - Normal
Special Defense: 9 45 Skill Swap - Psychic
Speed: 3 54 Heal Block - Psychic
59 Wonder Room - Psychic
Basic Information
Type : Psychic TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Magic Guard A4 Strength, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06
Adv Ability 1: Defy Death Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Adv Ability 2: Levitate Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21
Adv Ability 3: Regenerator Frustration, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30
High Ability: Cluster Mind Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 39 Rock
Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 52
Evolution: Focus Blast, 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 63 Embargo,
1 - Solosis 64 Explosion, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder
2 - Duosion Minimum 15 Wave, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 83
3 - Reuniclus Minimum 35 Infestation, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 92
Size Information Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch,
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) 100 Confide
Weight : 44.3 lbs. / 20.1kg (2)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information After You, Drain Punch, Endeavor, Fire
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Punch, Gravity, Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Knock
Egg Group : Indeterminate Off, Magic Coat, Pain Split, Role Play, Signal Beam,
Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Superpower,
Diet : Omnivore Telekinesis, Thunder Punch, Trick, Wonder Room,
Habitat : Cave, Forest Zen Headbutt

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 5, Naturewalk
(Cave, Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Low Kick - Fighting
5 Focus Energy - Normal
7 Karate Chop - Fighting
9 Foresight - Normal
13 Low Sweep - Fighting
15 Seismic Toss - Fighting
19 Revenge - Fighting
Base Stats: 21 Knock Off - Dark
HP: 7 25 Vital Throw - Fighting
Attack: 8 27 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
Defense: 5 31 Dual Chop - Dragon
Special Attack: 4 33 Submission - Fighting
Special Defense: 4 37 Bulk Up - Fighting
Speed: 4 39 Cross Chop - Fighting
43 Scary Face - Normal
Basic Information 45 Dynamic Punch - Fighting
Type : Fighting
Basic Ability 1: Guts TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Steadfast A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Adv Ability 1: Bodyguard Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Adv Ability 2: Discipline Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return,
High Ability: No Guard 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flame-
thrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus
Evolution: Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate,
1 - Machop 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88
2 - Machoke Minimum 20 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up
3 - Machamp Minimum 35 Punch, 100 Confide

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small) Bullet Punch, Close Combat, Counter, Encore, Fire Punch,
Weight : 43 lbs. / 19.5kg (2) Heavy Slam, Ice Punch, Knock Off, Light Screen, Meditate,
Power Trick, Quick Guard, Rock Slide, Rolling Kick, Smelling
Breeding Information Salts, Thunder Punch, Tickle
Gender Ratio : 75% M / 25% F
Egg Group : Humanshape Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Body Slam, Double-Edge, Dual Chop, Fire
Punch, Focus Punch, Helping Hand, Ice Punch,
Diet : Omnivore Knock Off, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mega
Habitat : Cave, Mountain Punch, Metronome, Mud-Slap, Role Play, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Superpower, Thunder Punch, Vacuum Wave,
Work Up

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 8, Naturewalk
(Cave, Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6+2, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Focus Energy - Normal
7 Karate Chop - Fighting
9 Foresight - Normal
13 Low Sweep - Fighting
15 Seismic Toss - Fighting
19 Revenge - Fighting
21 Knock Off - Dark
25 Vital Throw - Fighting
Base Stats: 27 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
HP: 8 33 Dual Chop - Dragon
Attack: 10 37 Submission - Fighting
Defense: 7 43 Bulk Up - Fighting
Special Attack: 5 47 Cross Chop - Fighting
Special Defense: 6 53 Scary Face - Normal
Speed: 5 57 Dynamic Punch - Fighting

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Fighting A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden
Basic Ability 1: Guts Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect,
Basic Ability 2: Steadfast 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26
Adv Ability 1: Bodyguard Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32
Adv Ability 2: Discipline Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39
High Ability: No Guard Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59
Evolution: Incinerate, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 78 Bulldoze, 80
1 - Machop Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
2 - Machoke Minimum 20 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch,
3 - Machamp Minimum 40 100 Confide

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Body Slam, Counter, Double-Edge, Dual
Weight : 155.4 lbs. / 70.5kg (4) Chop, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Helping Hand, Ice
Punch, Knock Off, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Mega
Breeding Information Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome, Mud-Slap, Role
Gender Ratio : 75% M / 25% F Play, Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower, Thunder Punch,
Egg Group : Humanshape Vacuum Wave, Work Up

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Mountain, Urban

Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 5, Jump 3/2, Power 10, Naturewalk
(Cave, Mountain)

Skill List
Athl 6d6, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 6d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6+2, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Focus Energy - Normal
7 Karate Chop - Fighting
9 Foresight - Normal
13 Low Sweep - Fighting
15 Seismic Toss - Fighting
19 Revenge - Fighting
21 Knock Off - Dark
25 Vital Throw - Fighting
Base Stats: 27 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
HP: 9 33 Dual Chop - Dragon
Attack: 13 37 Submission - Fighting
Defense: 8 43 Bulk Up - Fighting
Special Attack: 7 47 Cross Chop - Fighting
Special Defense: 9 53 Scary Face - Normal
Speed: 6 57 Dynamic Punch - Fighting

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Fighting A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hid-
Basic Ability 1: Guts den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Basic Ability 2: Steadfast Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Adv Ability 1: Bodyguard 23 Smack Down, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Adv Ability 2: Discipline 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower,
High Ability: No Guard 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus
Evolution: Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 66 Payback, 67 Retali-
1 - Machop ate, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80
2 - Machoke Minimum 20 Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
3 - Machamp Minimum 40 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch,
100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 286.6 lbs. / 130kg (5) Body Slam, Counter, Double-Edge, Dual
Chop, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Helping Hand, Ice
Breeding Information Punch, Knock Off, Low Kick(N), Magic Coat, Mega
Gender Ratio : 75% M / 25% F Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome, Mud-Slap, Role
Egg Group : Humanshape Play, Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower, Thunder Punch,
Vacuum Wave, Wide Guard(N), Work Up
Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Mountain

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Naturewalk
(Mountain, Urban), Underdog, Wielder

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Pound - Normal
4 Focus Energy - Normal
8 Bide - Normal
12 Low Kick - Fighting
16 Rock Throw - Rock
20 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
24 Chip Away - Normal
Base Stats: 28 Bulk Up - Fighting
HP: 8 31 Rock Slide - Rock
Attack: 8 34 Dynamic Punch - Fighting
Defense: 6 37 Scary Face - Normal
Special Attack: 3 40 Hammer Arm - Fighting
Special Defense: 4 43 Stone Edge - Rock
Speed: 4 46 Focus Punch - Fighting
49 Superpower - Fighting
Basic Information
Type : Fighting TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Guts A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden
Basic Ability 2: Sheer Force Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Adv Ability 1: Huge Power Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 27 Return,
Adv Ability 2: Hustle 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock
High Ability: Iron Fist Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep,
48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 66 Payback, 67
Evolution: Retaliate, 71 Stone Edge, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison
1 - Timburr Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
2 - Gurdurr Minimum 20 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
3 - Conkeldurr Minimum 40 Confide

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Comet Punch, Counter, Detect, Drain Punch,
Weight : 27.6 lbs. / 12.5kg (2) Endure, Force Palm, Foresight, Mach Punch,
Reversal, Smelling Salts, Wise Guard
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 75% M / 25% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Humanshape Block, Drain Punch, Fire Punch, Helping
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Hand, Ice Punch, Knock Off, Low Kick, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Superpower, Thunder Punch, Work Up
Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Mountain, Urban

GURDURR Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 8, Naturewalk
(Mountain, Urban), Underdog, Wielder

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6+1, Stealth 1d6,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 3d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Focus Energy - Normal
8 Bide - Normal
12 Low Kick - Fighting
16 Rock Throw - Rock
20 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
24 Chip Away - Normal
29 Bulk Up - Fighting
33 Rock Slide - Rock
37 Dynamic Punch - Fighting
Base Stats: 41 Scary Face - Normal
HP: 9 45 Hammer Arm - Fighting
Attack: 11 49 Stone Edge - Rock
Defense: 9 53 Focus Punch - Fighting
Special Attack: 4 57 Superpower - Fighting
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 4 TM/HM Move List
A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden
Basic Information Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Type : Fighting Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 27 Return,
Basic Ability 1: Guts 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock
Basic Ability 2: Sheer Force Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep,
Adv Ability 1: Huge Power 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 66 Payback, 67
Adv Ability 2: Hustle Retaliate, 71 Stone Edge, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison
High Ability: Iron Fist Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
Evolution: Confide
1 - Timburr
2 - Gurdurr Minimum 250 3 - Conkeldurr Mini- Tutor Move List
mum 40 Block, Drain Punch, Fire Punch, Helping
Hand, Ice Punch, Knock Off, Low Kick, Sleep Talk,
Size Information Snore, Superpower, Thunder Punch, Work Up
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 88.2 lbs. / 40kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 75% M / 25% F
Egg Group : Humanshape

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Mountain, Urban

CONKELDURR Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 12, Nature-
walk (Mountain, Urban), Wielder

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 1d6, Combat 5d6+1, Stealth 1d6,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 4d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Focus Energy - Normal
8 Bide - Normal
12 Low Kick - Fighting
16 Rock Throw - Rock
20 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
24 Chip Away - Normal
29 Bulk Up - Fighting
33 Rock Slide - Rock
37 Dynamic Punch - Fighting
Base Stats: 41 Scary Face - Normal
HP: 11 45 Hammer Arm - Fighting
Attack: 14 49 Stone Edge - Rock
Defense: 10 53 Focus Punch - Fighting
Special Attack: 6 57 Superpower - Fighting
Special Defense: 7
Speed: 5 TM/HM Move List
A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hid-
Basic Information den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam,
Type : Fighting 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack
Basic Ability 1: Guts Down, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick
Basic Ability 2: Sheer Force Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 1: Huge Power 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Fo-
Adv Ability 2: Hustle cus Blast, 56 Fling, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga
High Ability: Iron Fist Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 84
Poison Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Evolution: 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch,
1 - Timburr 100 Confide
2 - Gurdurr Minimum 20
3 - Conkeldurr Minimum 40 Tutor Move List
Block, Drain Punch, Fire Punch, Helping
Size Information Hand, Ice Punch, Knock Off, Low Kick, Sleep Talk,
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Snore, Superpower, Thunder Punch, Work Up
Weight : 191.8 lbs. / 87kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 75% M / 25% F
Egg Group : Humanshape

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Mountain

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Levitate 3, Burrow 3, Jump 0/1,
Power 3, Underdog, Volatile Bomb

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6+2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Defense Curl - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
4 Mud Sport - Ground
6 Rock Polish - Rock
10 Rollout - Rock
12 Magnitude - Ground
16 Rock Throw - Rock
18 Smack Down - Rock
Base Stats: 22 Bulldoze - Ground
HP: 4 24 Self-Destruct - Normal
Attack: 8 28 Stealth Rock - Rock
Defense: 10 30 Rock Blast - Rock
Special Attack: 3 34 Earthquake - Ground
Special Defense: 3 36 Explosion - Normal
Speed: 2 40 Double-Edge - Normal
42 Stone Edge - Rock
Basic Information
Type : Rock / Ground TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Levitate A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Adv Ability 1: Sand Veil Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack
Adv Ability 2: Sturdy Down, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick
Adv Ability 3: Bulletproof Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sand-
High Ability: Rock Head storm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44
Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 64
Evolution: Explosion, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 74 Gyro
1 - Geodude Ball, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
2 - Graveler Minimum 25 Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power,
3 - Golem Minimum 35 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Autotomize, Block, Curse, Endure, Flail,
Weight : 44.1 lbs. / 20kg (2) Focus Punch, Hammer Arm, Mega Punch, Rock
Climb, Rock Slide, Wide Guard
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Mineral Ancient Power, Block, Body Slam, Counter,
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days Dynamic Punch, Earth Power, Fire Punch, Iron
Defense, Metronome, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Seismic
Diet : Terravore Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Sucker Punch,
Habitat : Cave, Mountain Superpower, Thunder Punch

GRAVELER Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Burrow 3, Jump 0/1, Power 8,
Groundshaper, Naturewalk (Cave, Mountain), Un-
derdog, Volatile Bomb

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Mud Sport - Ground
6 Rock Polish - Rock
10 Rollout - Rock
12 Magnitude - Ground
16 Rock Throw - Rock
18 Smack Down - Rock
22 Bulldoze - Ground
24 Self-Destruct - Normal
Base Stats: 30 Stealth Rock - Rock
HP: 6 34 Rock Blast - Rock
Attack: 10 40 Earthquake - Ground
Defense: 12 44 Explosion - Normal
Special Attack: 5 50 Double-Edge - Normal
Special Defense: 5 54 Stone Edge - Rock
Speed: 4
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Type : Rock / Ground Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Basic Ability 1: Rock Head 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earthquake, 27
Adv Ability 1: Sand Veil Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35
Adv Ability 2: Sturdy Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock
Adv Ability 3: Bulletproof Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 52
High Ability: Full Guard Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 64 Explosion,
68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 69 Rock Polish, 71
Evolution: Stone Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide,
1 - Geodude 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
2 - Graveler Minimum 25 Smash, 96 Nature Power, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
3 - Golem Minimum 35 Confide

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Ancient Power, Block, Body Slam, Counter,
Weight : 231.5 lbs. / 105kg (5) Dynamic Punch, Earth Power, Fire Punch, Focus
Punch, Iron Defense, Mega Punch, Metronome,
Breeding Information Mud-Slap, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Stealth Rock, Sucker Punch, Superpower,
Egg Group : Mineral Thunder Punch

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

GOLEM Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 10, Nature-
walk (Cave, Mountain), Groundshaper, Volatile

Skill List
Athl 5d6+4, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Mud Sport - Ground
6 Rock Polish - Rock
10 Steamroller - Bug
12 Magnitude - Ground
16 Rock Throw - Rock
18 Smack Down - Rock
22 Bulldoze - Ground
24 Self-Destruct - Normal
Base Stats: 30 Stealth Rock - Rock
HP: 8 34 Rock Blast - Rock
Attack: 12 40 Earthquake - Ground
Defense: 13 44 Explosion - Normal
Special Attack: 6 50 Double-Edge - Normal
Special Defense: 7 54 Stone Edge - Rock
Speed: 5 60 Heavy Slam - Steel

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Rock / Ground A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Basic Ability 1: Rock Head Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack
Adv Ability 1: Solid Rock Down, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick
Adv Ability 2: Sturdy Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sand-
Adv Ability 3: Bulletproof storm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44
High Ability: Full Guard Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 64
Explosion, 69 Rock Polish, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone
Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87
Evolution: Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
1 - Geodude 96 Nature Power, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
2 - Graveler Minimum 25
3 - Golem Minimum 35 Tutor Move List
Ancient Power, Block, Body Slam, Counter,
Size Information Dynamic Punch, Earth Power, Fire Punch, Focus
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium) Punch, Fury Cutter, Heavy Slam (N), Iron Defense,
Weight : 661.4 lbs. / 300kg (6) Iron Head, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome,
Mud-Slap, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Breeding Information Stealth Rock, Sucker Punch, Superpower, Thunder
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Punch
Egg Group : Mineral

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

ROGGENROLA Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Jump 0/0, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Cave, Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 1d6, Combat 1d6+1, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
4 Harden - Normal
7 Sand Attack - Ground
10 Headbutt - Normal
14 Rock Blast - Rock
17 Mud-Slap - Ground
20 Iron Defense - Steel
23 Smack Down - Rock
27 Rock Slide - Rock
Base Stats: 30 Stealth Rock - Rock
HP: 6 33 Sandstorm - Rock
Attack: 8 36 Stone Edge - Rock
Defense: 9 40 Explosion - Normal
Special Attack: 3
Special Defense: 3 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 2 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 17
Protect, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earth-
Basic Information quake, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm,
Type : Rock 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Basic Ability 1: Sturdy Round, 64 Explosion, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge,
Adv Ability 1: Sand Rush 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 2: Sand Force Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash,
Adv Ability 3: Sand Veil 96 Nature Power
High Ability: Klutz
Egg Move List
Evolution: Autotomize, Curse, Gravity, Heavy Slam,
1 - Roggenrola Lock-On, Magnitude, Take Down, Wide Guard
2 - Boldore Minimum 25
3 - Gigalith Minimum 40 Tutor Move List
Block, Earth Power, Gravity, Iron Defense,
Size Information Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small)
Weight : 39.7 lbs. / 18kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Mineral
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

BOLDORE Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Jump 0/1, Power 8, Naturewalk
(Cave, Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Harden - Normal
7 Sand Attack - Ground
10 Headbutt - Normal
14 Rock Blast - Rock
17 Mud-Slap - Ground
20 Iron Defense - Steel
23 Smack Down - Rock
25 Power Gem - Rock
30 Rock Slide - Rock
Base Stats: 36 Stealth Rock - Rock
HP: 7 42 Sandstorm - Rock
Attack: 11 48 Stone Edge - Rock
Defense: 11 55 Explosion - Normal
Special Attack: 5
Special Defense: 4 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 2 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 17
Protect, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earth-
Basic Information quake, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm,
Type : Rock 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Basic Ability 1: Sturdy Round, 64 Explosion, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge,
Adv Ability 1: Sand Rush 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 2: Sand Force Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash,
Adv Ability 3: Solar Power 96 Nature Power
High Ability: Sunglow
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Block, Earth Power, Gravity, Iron Defense,
1 - Roggenrola Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock
2 - Boldore Minimum 25
3 - Gigalith Minimum 40

Size Information
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Medium)
Weight : 224.9 lbs. / 102kg (5)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Mineral

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

GIGALITH Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 12, Naturewalk
(Cave, Mountain)
Skill List
Athl 4d6+3, Acro 1d6, Combat 4d6-1, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Harden - Normal
7 Sand Attack - Ground
10 Headbutt - Normal
14 Rock Blast - Rock
17 Mud-Slap - Ground
20 Iron Defense - Steel
23 Smack Down - Rock
25 Power Gem - Rock
30 Rock Slide - Rock
36 Stealth Rock - Rock
Base Stats: 42 Sandstorm - Rock
HP: 9 48 Stone Edge - Rock
Attack: 14 55 Explosion - Normal
Defense: 13
Special Attack: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 8 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 15
Speed: 3 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Beam, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return,
Basic Information 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42
Type : Rock Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 64 Explosion,
Basic Ability 1: Sturdy 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 78
Adv Ability 1: Sand Rush Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Adv Ability 2: Sand Force 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash, 96
Adv Ability 3: Solar Power Nature Power
High Ability: Sunglow
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Block, Earth Power, Gravity, Iron Defense,
1 - Roggenrola Iron Head, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock
2 - Boldore Minimum 25
3 - Gigalith Minimum 40

Size Information
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Large)
Weight : 573.2 lbs. / 260kg (6)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Mineral

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

RHYHORN Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 2, Jump 0/1, Power 6, Naturewalk
(Mountain), Tracker, Underdog, Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 3d6+3, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6+1, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 1d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Horn Attack - Normal
1 Tail Whip - Normal
5 Fury Attack - Normal
9 Scary Face - Normal
13 Smack Down - Rock
17 Stomp - Normal
21 Bulldoze - Ground
25 Chip Away - Normal
29 Rock Blast - Rock
Base Stats: 33 Drill Run - Ground
HP: 8 37 Take Down - Normal
Attack: 9 41 Stone Edge - Rock
Defense: 10 45 Earthquake - Ground
Special Attack: 3 49 Megahorn - Bug
Special Defense: 3 53 Horn Drill - Normal
Speed: 3
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Type : Ground / Rock Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17
Basic Ability 1: Rock Head Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunder-
Basic Ability 2: Solid Rock bolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Adv Ability 1: Sturdy 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38
Adv Ability 2: Reckless Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
High Ability: Lightning Rod tract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 59 Incinerate, 66 Payback,
69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 78
Evolution: Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger,
1 - Rhyhorn 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
2 - Rhydon Minimum 40
3 - Rhyperior Holding Protector Minimum 50 Egg Move List
Counter, Crunch, Crush Claw, Curse, Dragon
Size Information Rush, Fire Fang, Guard Split, Ice Fang, Iron Tail,
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Magnitude, Metal Burst, Reversal, Rock Climb, Rock
Weight : 253.5 lbs. / 115kg (5) Slide, Rototiller, Skull Bash, Swords Dance, Thunder
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Monster / Field Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Body Slam,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Double-Edge, Dragon Pulse, Drill Run, Earth Power,
Endeavor, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Rollout,
Diet : Herbivore Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Stealth Rock,
Habitat : Cave, Grassland, Mountain Superpower, Uproar

RHYDON Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/2, Power 8, Naturewalk
(Mountain), Tracker, Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 4d6+3, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Fury Attack - Normal
9 Scary Face - Normal
13 Smack Down - Rock
17 Stomp - Normal
21 Bulldoze - Ground
25 Chip Away - Normal
29 Rock Blast - Rock
33 Drill Run - Ground
37 Take Down - Normal
Base Stats: 41 Stone Edge - Rock
HP: 11 42 Hammer Arm - Fighting
Attack: 13 48 Earthquake - Ground
Defense: 12 55 Megahorn - Bug
Special Attack: 5 62 Horn Drill - Normal
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 4 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06
Basic Information Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam,
Type : Ground / Rock 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Ability 1: Rock Head Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 24 Thunder-
Basic Ability 2: Solid Rock bolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Adv Ability 1: Sturdy 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower,
Adv Ability 2: Reckless 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 42
High Ability: Lightning Rod Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 52
Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 65 Shadow Claw,
Evolution: 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone
1 - Rhyhorn Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide,
2 - Rhydon Minimum 25 82 Dragon Tail, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
3 - Rhyperior Holding Protector Minimum 45 Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up
Punch, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 6’ 3” / 1.9m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 264.6 lbs. / 120kg (5) Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Avalanche, Block,
Body Slam, Counter, Double-Edge, Dragon Pulse,
Breeding Information Drill Run, Dynamic Punch, Earth Power, Endeavor,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Fury Cutter, Horn Drill
Egg Group : Monster / Field (N), Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Mega Kick, Mega
Punch, Megahorn (N), Mud-Slap, Outrage, Rollout,
Diet : Herbivore Shock Wave, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite,
Habitat : Cave, Grassland, Mountain Stealth Rock, Superpower, Thunder Punch, Uproar

RHYPERIOR Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/2, Power 11, Ground-
shaper, Naturewalk (Mountain), Tracker, Mountable

Skill List
Athl 5d6+3, Acro 2d6, Combat 5d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Fury Attack - Normal
9 Scary Face - Normal
13 Smack Down - Rock
17 Stomp - Normal
21 Bulldoze - Ground
25 Chip Away - Normal
29 Rock Blast - Rock
33 Drill Run - Ground
Base Stats: 37 Take Down - Normal
HP: 12 41 Stone Edge - Rock
Attack: 14 42 Hammer Arm - Fighting
Defense: 13 48 Earthquake - Ground
Special Attack: 6 55 Megahorn - Bug
Special Defense: 6 62 Horn Drill - Normal
Speed: 4 69 Rock Wrecker

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Ground / Rock A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic,
Basic Ability 1: Rock Head 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Bliz-
Basic Ability 2: Solid Rock zard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frus-
Adv Ability 1: Sturdy tration, 23 Smack Down, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26
Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Adv Ability 2: Reckless
Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39
High Ability: Lightning Rod Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 65 Shadow
Evolution: Claw, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71
1 - Rhyhorn Stone Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
2 - Rhydon Minimum 25 Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
3 - Rhyperior Holding Protector Minimum 45 Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash, 98
Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 7’ 10” / 2.4m (Large) Tutor Move List
Weight : 623.5 lbs. / 282.8kg (6) Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Avalanche, Block,
Body Slam, Counter, Double-Edge, Dragon Pulse,
Breeding Information Drill Run, Dynamic Punch, Earth Power, Endeavor,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Fury Cutter, Horn Drill
Egg Group : Monster / Field (N), Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Mega
Kick, Mega Punch, Megahorn (N), Mud-Slap, Out-
Diet : Herbivore rage, Poison Jab (N), Rock Climb, Rock Wrecker (N),
Habitat : Mountain Rollout, Seismic Toss, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Spite, Stealth Rock, Superpower, Thunder Punch,

SWINUB Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Tundra), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 1d6+1, Combat 1d6+2, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 1d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Odor Sleuth - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Mud Sport - Ground
8 Powder Snow - Ice
11 Mud-Slap - Ground
14 Endure - Normal
18 Mud Bomb - Ground
21 Icy Wind - Ice
24 Ice Shard - Ice
Base Stats: 28 Take Down - Normal
HP: 5 35 Mist - Ice
Attack: 5 37 Earthquake - Ground
Defense: 4 40 Flail - Normal
Special Attack: 3 44 Blizzard - Ice
Special Defense: 3 48 Amnesia - Psychic
Speed: 5
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10
Type : Ice / Ground Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 16 Light
Basic Ability 1: Thick Fat Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Basic Ability 2: Pickup 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 1: Oblivious 33 Reflect, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Snow Cloak 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
High Ability: Winter’s Kiss Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
Rock Smash
1 - Swinub Egg Move List
2 - Piloswine Minimum 30 Ancient Power, Avalanche, Bite, Body Slam,
3 - Mamoswine Learn Ancient Power Curse, Double-Edge, Fissure, Freeze-Dry, Icicle
Crash, Icicle Spear, Mud Shot, Rock Slide, Stealth
Size Information Rock, Take Down
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small)
Weight : 14.3 lbs. / 6.5kg (1) Tutor Move List
Ancient Power, Body Slam, Defense Curl,
Breeding Information Earth Power, Endeavor, Icy Wind, Mud-Slap, Sleep
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Superpower
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Taiga, Tundra

PILOSWINE (Tundra), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 1d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Mud Sport - Ground
8 Powder Snow - Ice
11 Mud-Slap - Ground
14 Endure - Normal
18 Mud Bomb - Ground
21 Icy Wind - Ice
24 Ice Shard - Ice
28 Take Down - Normal
33 Fury Attack - Normal
37 Mist - Ice
41 Thrash - Normal
Base Stats: 46 Earthquake - Ground
HP: 10 52 Blizzard - Ice
Attack: 10 58 Amnesia - Psychic
Defense: 8
Special Attack: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 6 A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10
Speed: 5 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper
Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Basic Information 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Type : Ice / Ground 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock
Basic Ability 1: Thick Fat Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 68
Basic Ability 2: Pickup Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
Adv Ability 1: Oblivious Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
Adv Ability 2: Snow Cloak Rock Smash
High Ability: Winter’s Kiss
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Ancient Power(N), Avalanche, Body Slam,
1 - Swinub Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Earth Power, Endeavor,
2 - Piloswine Minimum 30 Horn Attack, Icy Wind, Mud-Slap, Peck (N), Sleep
3 - Mamoswine Learn Ancient Power Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Superpower

Size Information
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium)
Weight : 123 lbs. / 55.8kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Taiga, Tundra

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Naturewalk

MAMOSWINE Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 10, Chilled,
Freezer, Naturewalk (Tundra), Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 5d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6+1, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Mud Sport - Ground
8 Powder Snow - Ice
11 Mud-Slap - Ground
14 Endure - Normal
18 Mud Bomb - Ground
21 Icy Wind - Ice
24 Ice Shard - Ice
28 Take Down - Normal
33 Double Hit - Normal
Base Stats: 37 Mist - Ice
HP: 11 41 Thrash - Normal
Attack: 13 46 Earthquake - Ground
Defense: 8 52 Blizzard - Ice
Special Attack: 7 58 Scary Face - Psychic
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 8 TM/HM Move List
A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10
Basic Information Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper
Type : Ice / Ground Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Basic Ability 1: Thick Fat 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Basic Ability 2: Guts 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock
Adv Ability 1: Oblivious Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 68
Adv Ability 2: Snow Cloak Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
High Ability: Winter’s Kiss Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
Rock Smash
1 - Swinub Tutor Move List
2 - Piloswine Minimum 30 Ancient Power (N), Avalanche, Block, Body
3 - Mamoswine Learn Ancient Power Slam, Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Earth Power,
Endeavor, Horn Attack, Icy Wind, Iron Head, Knock
Size Information Off, Mud-Slap, Peck (N), Rock Climb, Scary Face
Height : 8’ 2” / 2.5m (Large) (N), Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Superpower
Weight : 641.5 lbs. / 291kg (6)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Tundra

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Burrow 2, Jump 1/1, Power 3,
Naturewalk (Desert), Darkvision, Stealth, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Rage - Normal
4 Bite - Dark
7 Sand Attack - Ground
10 Torment - Dark
13 Sand Tomb - Ground
16 Assurance - Dark
19 Mud-Slap - Ground
Base Stats: 22 Embargo - Dark
HP: 5 25 Swagger - Normal
Attack: 7 28 Crunch - Dark
Defense: 4 31 Dig - Ground
Special Attack: 4 34 Scary Face - Normal
Special Defense: 4 37 Foul Play - Dark
Speed: 7 40 Sandstorm - Rock
43 Earthquake - Ground
Basic Information 46 Thrash - Normal
Type : Ground / Dark
Basic Ability 1: Intimidate TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Moxie A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10
Adv Ability 1: Anger Point Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration,
Adv Ability 2: Deep Sleep 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team,
High Ability: Strong Jaw 36 Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 41
Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Evolution: Round, 59 Incinerate, 63 Embargo, 66 Payback, 67
1 - Sandile Retaliate, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide,
2 - Krokorok Minimum 25 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 95 Snarl, 97
3 - Krookodile Minimum 40 Dark Pulse

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small) Beat Up, Counter, Double-Edge, Fire Fang,
Weight : 33.5 lbs. / 15.2kg (2) Focus Energy, Me First, Mean Look, Pursuit, Rock
Climb, Thunder Fang, Uproar
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Field Aqua Tail, Dark Pulse, Earth Power, Foul
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Play, Iron Tail, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite,
Stealth Rock, Uproar
Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Beach, Desert

KROKOROK Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 4, Burrow 2, Jump 1/1, Power 5,
Naturewalk (Desert), Darkvision, Stealth, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Bite - Dark
7 Sand Attack - Ground
10 Torment - Dark
13 Sand Tomb - Ground
16 Assurance - Dark
19 Mud-Slap - Ground
22 Embargo - Dark
25 Swagger - Normal
28 Crunch - Dark
Base Stats: 32 Dig - Ground
HP: 6 36 Scary Face - Normal
Attack: 8 40 Foul Play - Dark
Defense: 5 44 Sandstorm - Rock
Special Attack: 5 48 Earthquake - Ground
Special Defense: 5 52 Thrash - Normal
Speed: 7
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 05
Type : Ground / Dark Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 17
Basic Ability 1: Intimidate Protect, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return,
Basic Ability 2: Moxie 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge
Adv Ability 1: Anger Point Bomb, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42
Adv Ability 2: Deep Sleep Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep,
High Ability: Strong Jaw 48 Round, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 63 Embargo, 65
Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 71 Stone
Evolution: Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass Knot, 87
1 - Sandile Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
2 - Krokorok Minimum 25 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
3 - Krookodile Minimum 40 Confide

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Aqua Tail, Dark Pulse, Earth Power, Foul
Weight : 73.6 lbs. / 33.4kg (3) Play, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Low Kick, Sleep Talk,
Snatch, Snore, Spite, Stealth Rock, Uproar
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Beach, Desert

KROOKODILE Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 5, Burrow 2, Jump 1/2, Power 7,
Naturewalk (Desert), Darkvision, Stealth, Ground-

Skill List
Athl 4d6+3, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6+1, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Bite - Dark
7 Sand Attack - Ground
10 Torment - Dark
13 Sand Tomb - Ground
16 Assurance - Dark
19 Mud-Slap - Ground
22 Embargo - Dark
25 Swagger - Normal
Base Stats: 28 Crunch - Dark
HP: 10 32 Dig - Ground
Attack: 12 36 Scary Face - Normal
Defense: 8 42 Foul Play - Dark
Special Attack: 7 48 Sandstorm - Rock
Special Defense: 7 54 Earthquake - Ground
Speed: 9 60 Outrage - Dragon

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Ground / Dark A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02
Basic Ability 1: Intimidate Dragon Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hid-
Basic Ability 2: Moxie den Power, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Adv Ability 1: Anger Point 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earthquake, 27
Adv Ability 2: Deep Sleep Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 36
High Ability: Strong Jaw Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aer-
ial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Evolution: 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56
1 - Sandile Fling, 59 Incinerate, 63 Embargo, 65 Shadow Claw,
2 - Krokorok Minimum 25 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone
3 - Krookodile Minimum 40 Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 86
Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
Size Information 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Up Punch, 100 Confide
Weight : 212.3 lbs. / 96.3kg (4)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Aqua Tail, Block, Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Earth Power, Foul Play, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Low
Egg Group : Field Kick, Outrage (N), Rage (N), Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Snore, Spite, Stealth Rock, Superpower, Uproar
Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Beach, Desert

ARON Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Jump 0/0, Power 5, Naturewalk
(Cave), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 1d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Harden - Normal
4 Mud-Slap - Ground
7 Headbutt - Normal
10 Metal Claw - Steel
13 Rock Tomb - Rock
16 Protect - Normal
19 Roar - Normal
22 Iron Head - Steel
Base Stats: 25 Rock Slide - Rock
HP: 5 28 Take Down - Normal
Attack: 7 31 Metal Sound - Steel
Defense: 10 34 Iron Tail - Steel
Special Attack: 4 37 Iron Defense - Steel
Special Defense: 4 40 Double-Edge - Normal
Speed: 3 43 Autotomize - Steel
46 Heavy Slam - Steel
Basic Information 49 Metal Burst - Steel
Type : Steel / Rock
Basic Ability 1: Bulletproof TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Sturdy A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 05
Adv Ability 1: Rock Head Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17
Adv Ability 2: Solid Rock Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earth-
High Ability: Heavy Metal quake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 37 Sand-
storm, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44
Evolution: Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 65 Shadow Claw, 69 Rock
1 - Aron Polish, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88
2 - Lairon Minimum 30 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
3 - Aggron Minimum 40
Egg Move List
Size Information Body Slam, Curse, Dragon Rush, Endeavor,
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Head Smash, Iron Head, Reversal, Screech, Smelling
Weight : 132.3 lbs. / 60kg (4) Salts, Stealth Rock, Stomp, Superpower

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Ancient Power, Defense Curl, Earth Power,
Egg Group : Monster Endeavor, Fury Cutter, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Iron
Average Hatch Rate: 20 Days Tail, Magnet Rise, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Shock Wave,
Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Stealth Rock, Superpower,
Diet : Terravore Uproar, Water Pulse
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

LAIRON Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 0/1, Power 9, Naturewalk
(Cave), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6+3, Acro 1d6+1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 1d6,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Mud-Slap - Ground
7 Headbutt - Normal
10 Metal Claw - Steel
13 Rock Tomb - Rock
16 Protect - Normal
19 Roar - Normal
22 Iron Head - Steel
25 Rock Slide - Rock
28 Take Down - Normal
Base Stats: 31 Metal Sound - Steel
HP: 6 35 Iron Tail - Steel
Attack: 9 39 Iron Defense - Steel
Defense: 14 43 Double-Edge - Normal
Special Attack: 5 47 Autotomize - Steel
Special Defense: 5 51 Heavy Slam - Steel
Speed: 4 55 Metal Burst - Steel

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Steel / Rock A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 05
Basic Ability 1: Bulletproof Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17
Basic Ability 2: Sturdy Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earth-
Adv Ability 1: Rock Head quake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 37 Sand-
Adv Ability 2: Solid Rock storm, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44
High Ability: Heavy Metal Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 65 Shadow Claw, 69 Rock
Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide,
Evolution: 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
1 - Aron Smash
2 - Lairon Minimum 30
3 - Aggron Minimum 40 Tutor Move List
Ancient Power, Defense Curl, Earth Power,
Size Information Endeavor, Fury Cutter, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Iron
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Medium) Tail, Magnet Rise, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Shock Wave,
Weight : 264.6 lbs. / 120kg (5) Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Stealth Rock, Superpower,
Uproar, Water Pulse
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Monster

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Skill List
Athl 6d6+3, Acro 1d6+1, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 1d6,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Mud-Slap - Ground
7 Headbutt - Normal
10 Metal Claw - Steel
13 Rock Tomb - Rock
16 Protect - Normal
19 Roar - Normal
22 Iron Head - Steel
25 Rock Slide - Rock
28 Take Down - Normal
31 Metal Sound - Steel
35 Iron Tail - Steel
39 Iron Defense - Steel
Base Stats: 45 Double-Edge - Normal
HP: 7 51 Autotomize - Steel
Attack: 11 57 Heavy Slam - Steel
Defense: 18 63 Metal Burst - Steel
Special Attack: 6
Special Defense: 6 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 5 A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02 Dragon
Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Basic Information 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Type : Steel / Rock Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
23 Smack Down, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earth-
Basic Ability 1: Bulletproof
quake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Basic Ability 2: Sturdy Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39
Adv Ability 1: Rock Head Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
Adv Ability 2: Solid Rock tract, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate,
High Ability: Heavy Metal 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock
Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 73 Thunder Wave, 78 Bulldoze, 80
Evolution: Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
1 - Aron 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash, 97 Dark
2 - Lairon Minimum 30 Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
3 - Aggron Minimum 40
Tutor Move List
Size Information Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Avalanche, Block, Body Slam,
Height : 6’ 11” / 2.1m (Large) Counter, Dark Pulse, Defense Curl, Dragon Pulse, Dy-
Weight : 793.7 lbs. / 360kg (6) namic Punch, Earth Power,
Endeavor, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Fury Cutter, Ice
Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Low
Breeding Information Kick, Magnet Rise, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Outrage, Rock Climb, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Shock Wave,
Egg Group : Monster Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Stealth Rock, Superpower, Thun-
der Punch, Uproar, Water Pulse
Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain Mega Evolution
Type: Steel
Capability List Ability: Filter
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 0/1, Power 13, Naturewalk Stats: +3 Atk, +5 Def,
(Cave) +2 Sp. Def
Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 2, Levitate 3, Jump 1/1, Power 3,
Zapper, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6+1, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Vice Grip - Normal
6 Charge - Electric
11 Thunder Shock - Electric
16 Gear Grind - Steel
21 Bind - Normal
26 Charge Beam - Electric
31 Autotomize - Steel
36 Mirror Shot - Steel
Base Stats: 39 Screech - Normal
HP: 4 42 Discharge - Electric
Attack: 6 45 Metal Sound - Steel
Defense: 7 48 Shift Gear - Steel
Special Attack: 5 51 Lock-On - Normal
Special Defense: 6 54 Zap Cannon - Electric
Speed: 3 57 Hyper Beam - Normal

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Steel 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 15 Hyper Beam,
Basic Ability 1: Levitate 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Re-
Adv Ability 1: Clear Body turn, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm, 42 Facade, 44
Adv Ability 2: Plus or Minus Rest, 48 Round, 57 Charge Beam, 69 Rock Polish, 72
Adv Ability 3: Weird Power Volt Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
High Ability: Targeting System Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash

1 - Klink Egg Move List
2 - Klang Minimum 35
3 - Klinklang Minimum 45 Tutor Move List
Bind, Gravity, Iron Defense, Magic Coat,
Size Information Magnet Rise, Recycle, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Snore, Uproar
Weight : 46.3 lbs. / 21kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Mineral
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Ergovore, Terravore
Habitat : Cave, Urban

KLANG Zapper, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6-1, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Charge - Electric
11 Thunder Shock - Electric
16 Gear Grind - Steel
21 Bind - Normal
26 Charge Beam - Electric
31 Autotomize - Steel
36 Mirror Shot - Steel
40 Screech - Normal
44 Discharge - Electric
48 Metal Sound - Steel
52 Shift Gear - Steel
Base Stats: 56 Lock-On - Normal
HP: 6 60 Zap Cannon - Electric
Attack: 8 64 Hyper Beam - Normal
Defense: 10
Special Attack: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 9 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 15 Hyper Beam,
Speed: 5 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Re-
turn, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm, 42 Facade, 44
Basic Information Rest, 48 Round, 57 Charge Beam, 69 Rock Polish, 72
Type : Steel Volt Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Basic Ability 1: Levitate Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash
Adv Ability 1: Clear Body
Adv Ability 2: Plus or Minus
Adv Ability 3: Weird Power Tutor Move List
High Ability: Targeting System Bind, Gravity, Iron Defense, Magic Coat,
Magnet Rise, Recycle, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
Evolution: Snore, Uproar
1 - Klink
2 - Klang Minimum 35
3 - Klinklang Minimum 45

Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 112.4 lbs. / 51kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Mineral

Diet : Ergovore, Terravore

Habitat : Cave, Urban

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 3, Levitate 3, Jump 1/1, Power 5,


Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6-2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Charge - Electric
11 Thunder Shock - Electric
16 Gear Grind - Steel
21 Bind - Normal
25 Charge Beam - Electric
31 Autotomize - Steel
36 Mirror Shot - Steel
40 Screech - Normal
44 Discharge - Electric
48 Metal Sound - Steel
54 Shift Gear - Steel
Base Stats: 60 Lock-On - Normal
HP: 6 66 Zap Cannon - Electric
Attack: 10 72 Hyper Beam - Normal
Defense: 12
Special Attack: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 9 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 15 Hyper Beam,
Speed: 9 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thun-
der, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm, 42
Basic Information Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 57 Charge Beam, 68 Giga
Type : Steel Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder
Basic Ability 1: Levitate Wave, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91
Adv Ability 1: Clear Body Flash Cannon, 92 Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash
Adv Ability 2: Plus or Minus
Adv Ability 3: Weird Power Tutor Move List
High Ability: Targeting System Bind, Gravity, Iron Defense, Magic Coat,
Magnet Rise, Magnetic Flux (N), Recycle, Signal
Evolution: Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Uproar, Zap Cannon (N)
1 - Klink
2 - Klang Minimum 35
3 - Klinklang Minimum 45

Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Medium)
Weight : 178.6 lbs. / 81kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Mineral

Diet : Ergovore, Terravore

Habitat : Cave

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 3, Levitate 4, Jump 1/1, Power 7,

HONEDGE Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 2, Levitate 4, Jump 0/1, Power 2,
Phasing, Invisibility, Dead Silent, Living Weapon,

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Swords Dance - Normal
5 Fury Cutter - Bug
8 Metal Sound - Steel
13 Pursuit - Dark
18 Autotomize - Steel
20 Shadow Sneak - Ghost
22 Aerial Ace - Flying
Base Stats: 26 Retaliate - Normal
HP: 5 29 Slash - Normal
Attack: 8 32 Iron Defense - Steel
Defense: 10 35 Night Slash - Dark
Special Attack: 4 39 Power Trick - Psychic
Special Defense: 4 42 Iron Head - Steel
Speed: 3 47 Sacred Sword - Fighting

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Steel / Ghost A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 17 Protect, 18
Basic Ability 1: No Guard Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 31 Brick
Adv Ability 1: Hyper Cutter Break, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 40 Aerial Ace,
Adv Ability 2: Stall 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 54 False Swipe, 65
Adv Ability 3: Weaponize Shadow Claw, 67 Retaliate, 74 Gyro Ball, 75 Swords
High Ability: Soulstealer Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash, 100
Evolution: Confide
1 - Honedge
2 - Doublade Minimum 35 Egg Move List
3 - Aegislash Dusk Stone Minimum 40 Destiny Bond, Metal Sound, Shadow Sneak, Wide
Size Information
Height : 2’ 07” / 0.8m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 4.4 lbs. / 2 kg (1) After You, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Magnet Rise,
Shock Wave, Snore, Spite
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Mineral
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Grassland, Urban

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 2, Levitate 6, Jump 0/1, Power 2,
Phasing, Invisibility, Dead Silent, Living Weapon

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 5d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Swords Dance - Normal
5 Fury Cutter - Bug
8 Metal Sound - Steel
13 Pursuit - Dark
18 Autotomize - Steel
20 Shadow Sneak - Ghost
22 Aerial Ace - Flying
Base Stats: 26 Retaliate - Normal
HP: 6 29 Slash - Normal
Attack: 11 32 Iron Defense - Steel
Defense: 15 36 Night Slash - Dark
Special Attack: 5 41 Power Trick - Psychic
Special Defense: 5 45 Iron Head - Steel
Speed: 4 51 Sacred Sword - Fighting

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Steel / Ghost A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 17 Protect, 18
Basic Ability 1: No Guard Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 31 Brick
Adv Ability 1: Hyper Cutter Break, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 40 Aerial Ace,
Adv Ability 2: Stall 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 54 False Swipe, 65
Adv Ability 3: Weaponize Shadow Claw, 67 Retaliate, 74 Gyro Ball, 75 Swords
High Ability: Soulstealer Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash, 100
Evolution: Confide
1 - Honedge
2 - Doublade Minimum 35 Tutor Move List
3 - Aegislash Dusk Stone Minimum 40 After You, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Magnet Rise,
Shock Wave, Snore, Spite
Size Information
Height : 2’ 07” / 0.8m (Small)
Weight : 9.9 lbs. / 4.5 kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Mineral

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Grassland, Urban

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 2, Levitate 6, Jump 1/2, Power 5,
Phasing, Invisibility, Dead Silent, Living Weapon

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 6d6+2, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 4d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Swords Dance - Normal
5 Fury Cutter - Bug
8 Metal Sound - Steel
13 Pursuit - Dark
18 Autotomize - Steel
20 Shadow Sneak - Ghost
22 Aerial Ace - Flying
Base Stats: 26 Retaliate - Normal
HP: 6 29 Slash - Normal
Attack: 5 32 Iron Defense - Steel
Defense: 15 36 Night Slash - Dark
Special Attack: 5 41 Power Trick - Psychic
Special Defense: 15 45 Iron Head - Steel
Speed: 6 51 Sacred Sword - Fighting

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Steel / Ghost A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 15 Hyper Beam,
Basic Ability 1: Stance Change 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return,
Adv Ability 1: Hyper Cutter 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 2: Stall 33 Reflect, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
Adv Ability 3: Weaponize tract, 54 False Swipe, 65 Shadow Claw, 67 Retaliate,
High Ability: Soulstealer 68 Giga Impact, 74 Gyro Ball, 75 Swords Dance, 80
Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
Evolution: 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash, 100 Confide
1 - Honedge
2 - Doublade Minimum 35 Tutor Move List
3 - Aegislash Dusk Stone Minimum 40 After You, Iron Defense, Iron Head, King’s Shield
(N), Magnet Rise, Shock Wave, Snore, Spite, Wide
Size Information Guard
Height : 5’ 07” / 1.7m (Medium)
Weight : 116.8 lbs. / 53 kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Mineral

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Grassland, Urban

GASTLY Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 2, Levitate 4, Jump 1/1, Power 1,
Darkvision, Dead Silent, Invisibility, Phasing, Un-

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 3d6+3, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Hypnosis - Psychic
1 Lick - Ghost
5 Spite - Ghost
8 Mean Look - Normal
12 Curse - Ghost
15 Night Shade - Ghost
19 Confuse Ray - Ghost
22 Sucker Punch - Dark
Base Stats: 26 Payback - Dark
HP: 3 29 Shadow Ball - Ghost
Attack: 4 33 Dream Eater - Psychic
Defense: 3 36 Dark Pulse - Dark
Special Attack: 10 40 Destiny Bond - Ghost
Special Defense: 4 43 Hex - Ghost
Speed: 8 47 Nightmare - Ghost

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Ghost / Poison 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Ability 1: Levitate 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Adv Ability 1: Frighten 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 29 Psy-
Adv Ability 2: Intimidate chic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge
Adv Ability 3: Spiteful Intervention Bomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
High Ability: Prankster 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 61 Will-O-Wisp,
63 Embargo, 64 Explosion, 66 Payback, 77 Psych Up,
Evolution: 83 Infestation, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
1 - Gastly Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 97 Dark Pulse, 99
2 - Haunter Minimum 20 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
3 - Gengar Minimum 35
Egg Move List
Size Information Astonish, Clear Smog, Disable, Explosion,
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium) Fire Punch, Grudge, Haze, Ice Punch, Perish Song,
Weight : 0.2 lbs. / 0.1kg (1) Psywave, Reflect Type, Scary Face, Thunder Punch,
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Indeterminate Dark Pulse, Fire Punch, Foul Play, Giga
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Drain, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Knock Off, Ominous
Wind, Pain Split, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Diet : Nullivore Snore, Spite(N), Sucker Punch, Telekinesis, Thunder
Habitat : Cave, Urban Punch, Trick, Uproar, Wonder Room

HAUNTER Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Levitate 4, Jump 1/2, Power 3,
Darkvision, Dead Silent, Invisibility, Phasing, Un-

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 4d6+3, Combat 3d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Spite - Ghost
8 Mean Look - Normal
12 Curse - Ghost
15 Night Shade - Ghost
19 Confuse Ray - Ghost
22 Sucker Punch - Dark
25 Shadow Punch - Ghost
Base Stats: 28 Payback - Dark
HP: 5 33 Shadow Ball - Ghost
Attack: 5 39 Dream Eater - Psychic
Defense: 5 44 Dark Pulse - Dark
Special Attack: 12 50 Destiny Bond - Ghost
Special Defense: 6 55 Hex - Ghost
Speed: 10 61 Nightmare - Ghost

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Ghost / Poison 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Basic Ability 1: Levitate Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Adv Ability 1: Frighten Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
Adv Ability 2: Intimidate 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb,
Adv Ability 3: Spiteful Intervention 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
High Ability: Prankster 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 61 Will-O-Wisp,
63 Embargo, 64 Explosion, 65 Shadow Claw, 66
Evolution: Payback, 77 Psych Up, 83 Infestation, 84 Poison Jab,
1 - Gastly 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Sub-
2 - Haunter Minimum 20 stitute, 92 Trick Room, 97 Dark Pulse, 99 Dazzling
3 - Gengar Minimum 35 Gleam, 100 Confide

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Medium) Dark Pulse, Fire Punch, Foul Play, Giga
Weight : 0.2 lbs. / 0.1kg (1) Drain, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Knock Off, Ominous
Wind, Pain Split, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Breeding Information Snore, Spite, Sucker Punch, Telekinesis, Thunder
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Punch, Trick, Uproar, Wonder Room
Egg Group : Indeterminate

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Cave, Urban

GENGAR Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Levitate 5, Jump 2/3, Power 4,
Darkvision, Dead Silent, Invisibility, Phasing, Shad-
ow Meld

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 4d6+3, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 5d6+2,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Spite - Ghost
8 Mean Look - Normal
12 Curse - Ghost
15 Night Shade - Ghost
19 Confuse Ray - Ghost
22 Sucker Punch - Dark
25 Shadow Punch - Ghost
28 Payback - Dark
Base Stats: 33 Shadow Ball - Ghost
HP: 6 39 Dream Eater - Psychic
Attack: 7 44 Dark Pulse - Dark
Defense: 6 50 Destiny Bond - Ghost
Special Attack: 13 55 Hex - Ghost
Special Defense: 8 61 Nightmare - Ghost
Speed: 11
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power,
Type : Ghost / Poison 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18
Basic Ability 1: Levitate Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder,
Adv Ability 1: Frighten 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32
Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Intimidate
44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast,
Adv Ability 3: Spiteful Intervention 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 63 Embargo,
High Ability: Soulstealer 64 Explosion, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 68 Giga
Impact, 77 Psych Up, 83 Infestation, 84 Poison Jab, 85
Evolution: Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92
1 - Gastly Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash, 97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up
2 - Haunter Minimum 20 Punch, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
3 - Gengar Minimum 35
Tutor Move List
Size Information Body Slam, Counter, Dark Pulse, Drain Punch, Dynamic
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Foul Play, Giga Drain,
Weight : 89.3 lbs. / 40.5kg (3) Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Knock Off, Magic Coat, Mega Kick,
Mega Punch, Metronome, Ominous Wind, Pain Split,
Breeding Information Role Play, Seismic Toss, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Sludge
Wave, Snatch, Snore, Spite(N), Sucker Punch, Telekinesis,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Thunder Punch, Trick, Uproar, Wonder Room
Egg Group : Indeterminate
Mega Evolution
Diet : Nullivore Type: Unchanged
Habitat : Urban Ability: Shadow Tag
Stats: +2 Def,
+4 Sp. Atk, +2 Sp. Def,
+2 Speed
DUSKULL Capability List
Levitate 3, Swim 1, Jump 1/2, Power 1, Darkvision,
Dead Silent, Invisibility, Phasing, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+2, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Night Shade - Ghost
6 Disable - Normal
9 Astonish - Ghost
14 Foresight - Normal
17 Shadow Sneak - Ghost
22 Pursuit - Dark
25 Will-O-Wisp - Fire
30 Confuse Ray - Ghost
Base Stats: 33 Curse - Ghost
HP: 2 38 Hex - Ghost
Attack: 4 41 Shadow Ball - Ghost
Defense: 9 46 Mean Look - Normal
Special Attack: 3 49 Payback - Dark
Special Defense: 9 54 Future Sight - Psychic
Speed: 3
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Type : Ghost 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17
Basic Ability 1: Levitate Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return,
Adv Ability 1: Frighten 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 41
Adv Ability 2: Interference Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Adv Ability 3: Frisk Round, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 61 Will-O-Wisp,
High Ability: Pressure 63 Embargo, 66 Payback, 70 Flash, 77 Psych Up, 83
Infestation, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Evolution: Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 97 Dark Pulse
1 - Duskull
2 - Dusclops Minimum 25 Egg Move List
3 - Dusknoir Holding Reaper Cloth Minimum 40 Destiny Bond, Feint Attack, Grudge, Haze,
Imprison, Memento, Ominous Wind, Pain Split
Size Information
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 33.1 lbs. / 15kg (2) Body Slam, Dark Pulse, Double-Edge,
Gravity, Icy Wind, Ominous Wind, Pain Split, Skill
Breeding Information Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Telekinesis,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Trick, Wonder Room
Egg Group : Indeterminate
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Cave, Forest, Mountain

DUSCLOPS Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 2, Levitate 4, Jump 1/1,
Power 3, Darkvision, Dead Silent, Invisibility, Phas-

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6+2, Per-
cep 4d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Disable - Normal
9 Astonish - Ghost
14 Foresight - Normal
17 Shadow Sneak - Ghost
22 Pursuit - Dark
25 Will-O-Wisp - Fire
30 Confuse Ray - Ghost
33 Curse - Ghost
Base Stats: 37 Shadow Punch - Ghost
HP: 4 40 Hex - Ghost
Attack: 7 45 Shadow Ball - Ghost
Defense: 13 52 Mean Look - Normal
Special Attack: 6 57 Payback - Dark
Special Defense: 13 64 Future Sight - Psychic
Speed: 3
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Type : Ghost Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam,
Basic Ability 1: Shackle 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Adv Ability 1: Frighten Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 29
Adv Ability 2: Interference Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Adv Ability 3: Frisk Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44
High Ability: Pressure Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 57
Charge Beam, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 63 Embargo, 66 Pay-
Evolution: back, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bull-
1 - Duskull doze, 80 Rock Slide, 83 Infestation, 85 Dream Eater,
2 - Dusclops Minimum 25 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick
3 - Dusknoir Holding Reaper Cloth Minimum 40 Room, 94 Rock Smash, 97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up
Punch, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 67.5 lbs. / 30.6kg (3) Astonish (N), Bind, Body Slam, Counter,
Dark Pulse, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Fire
Breeding Information Punch, Focus Punch, Future Sight (N), Gravity, Ice
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Punch, Icy Wind, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Metro-
Egg Group : Indeterminate nome, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pain Split, Seismic
Toss, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite,
Diet : Nullivore Sucker Punch, Telekinesis, Thunder Punch, Trick,
Habitat : Cave, Forest, Mountain Wonder Room

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Levitate 6, Jump 1/2,
Power 5, Darkvision, Dead Silent, Invisibility, Phas-

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 5d6, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Disable - Normal
9 Astonish - Ghost
14 Foresight - Normal
17 Shadow Sneak - Ghost
22 Pursuit - Dark
25 Will-O-Wisp - Fire
30 Confuse Ray - Ghost
Base Stats: 33 Curse - Ghost
HP: 5 37 Shadow Punch - Ghost
Attack: 10 40 Hex - Ghost
Defense: 14 45 Shadow Ball - Ghost
Special Attack: 7 52 Mean Look - Normal
Special Defense: 14 57 Payback - Dark
Speed: 5 64 Future Sight - Psychic

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Ghost A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Basic Ability 1: Shackle Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam,
Adv Ability 1: Frighten 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Adv Ability 2: Interference Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 29
Adv Ability 3: Frisk Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Dou-
High Ability: Pressure ble Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 52 Focus
Evolution: Blast, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 63
1 - Duskull Embargo, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 77
2 - Dusclops Minimum 25 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 83 Infestation,
3 - Dusknoir Holding Reaper Cloth Minimum 40 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
tute, 92 Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash, 97 Dark Pulse,
Size Information 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Height : 7’ 3” / 2.2m (Medium)
Weight : 235 lbs. / 106.6kg (5) Tutor Move List
Astonish (N), Bind (N), Body Slam, Coun-
Breeding Information ter, Dark Pulse, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Fire
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Punch (N), Focus Punch, Future Sight (N), Grav-
Egg Group : Indeterminate ity (N), Ice Punch (N), Icy Wind, Mega Kick, Mega
Punch, Metronome, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pain
Diet : Nullivore Split, Seismic Toss, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Habitat : Cave, Forest, Mountain Snore, Spite, Sucker Punch, Telekinesis, Thunder
Punch (N), Trick, Wonder Room

LITWICK Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 2, Levitate 5, Jump 1/1, Power 1,
Darkvision, Dead Silent, Phasing, Glow, Invisibility,
Firestarter, Heater, Shrinkable, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Astonish - Ghost
1 Ember - Fire
3 Minimize - Normal
5 Smog - Poison
7 Fire Spin - Fire
10 Confuse Ray - Ghost
13 Night Shade - Ghost
16 Will-O-Wisp - Fire
Base Stats: 20 Flame Burst - Fire
HP: 5 24 Imprison - Psychic
Attack: 3 28 Hex - Ghost
Defense: 6 33 Memento - Dark
Special Attack: 7 38 Inferno - Fire
Special Defense: 6 43 Curse - Ghost
Speed: 2 49 Shadow Ball - Ghost
55 Pain Split - Normal
Basic Information 61 Overheat - Fire
Type : Ghost / Fire
Basic Ability 1: Flash Fire TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Flame Body 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Adv Ability 1: Illuminate 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21
Adv Ability 2: Soulstealer Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30
High Ability: Infiltrator Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38
Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45
Evolution: Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 53 Energy
1 - Litwick Ball, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 63 Embargo, 66
2 - Lampent Minimum 20 Payback, 70 Flash, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87
2 - Chandelure Dusk Stone Minimum 35 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room,
97 Dark Pulse
Size Information
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Egg Move List
Weight : 6.8 lbs. / 3.1kg (1) Acid, Acid Armor, Captivate, Clear Smog,
Endure, Haze, Heat Wave, Power Split
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Indeterminate Dark Pulse, Heat Wave, Pain Split, Sleep Talk,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Snore, Spite, Telekinesis, Trick

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Cave, Urban

LAMPENT Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Levitate 6, Power 2,
Darkvision, Dead Silent, Phasing, Glow, Invisibility,
Firestarter, Heater, Shrinkable

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 2d6+2, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Minimize - Normal
5 Smog - Poison
7 Fire Spin - Fire
10 Confuse Ray - Ghost
13 Night Shade - Ghost
16 Will-O-Wisp - Fire
20 Flame Burst - Fire
24 Imprison - Psychic
Base Stats: 28 Hex - Ghost
HP: 6 33 Memento - Dark
Attack: 4 38 Inferno - Fire
Defense: 6 45 Curse - Ghost
Special Attack: 10 53 Shadow Ball - Ghost
Special Defense: 6 61 Pain Split - Normal
Speed: 6 69 Overheat - Fire

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Ghost / Fire 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Ability 1: Flash Fire 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21
Basic Ability 2: Flame Body Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30
Adv Ability 1: Illuminate Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38
Adv Ability 2: Soulstealer Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45
High Ability: Infiltrator Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 53 Energy
Ball, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 63 Embargo, 66
Evolution: Payback, 70 Flash, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87
1 - Litwick Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room,
2 - Lampent Minimum 20 97 Dark Pulse
2 - Chandelure Dusk Stone Minimum 35
Tutor Move List
Size Information Dark Pulse, Heat Wave, Pain Split, Sleep Talk,
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Snore, Spite, Telekinesis, Trick
Weight : 28.7 lbs. / 13kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Indeterminate
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Cave, Urban

CHANDELURE Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 4, Jump 1/1, Levitate 7, Power 3,
Darkvision, Dead Silent, Phasing, Glow, Invisibility,
Firestarter, Heater, Shrinkable

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6+3, Stealth 4d6, Per-
cep 4d6+2, Focus 4d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Minimize - Normal
5 Smog - Poison
7 Fire Spin - Fire
10 Confuse Ray - Ghost
13 Night Shade - Ghost
16 Will-O-Wisp - Fire
20 Flame Burst - Fire
24 Imprison - Psychic
Base Stats: 28 Hex - Ghost
HP: 6 33 Memento - Dark
Attack: 6 38 Inferno - Fire
Defense: 9 45 Curse - Ghost
Special Attack: 15 53 Shadow Ball - Ghost
Special Defense: 9 61 Pain Split - Normal
Speed: 8 69 Overheat - Fire

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Ghost / Fire 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Ability 1: Flash Fire 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Pro-
Basic Ability 2: Flame Body tect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27
Adv Ability 1: Illuminate Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 2: Soulstealer 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 43 Flame
High Ability: Infiltrator Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 50
Overheat, 53 Energy Ball, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-
Evolution: Wisp, 63 Embargo, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 70
1 - Litwick Flash, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88
2 - Lampent Minimum 20 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 97 Dark
2 - Chandelure Dusk Stone Minimum 35 Pulse

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Confuse Ray(N), Dark Pulse, Hex (N), Flame
Weight : 75.6 lbs. / 34.3kg (2) Burst (N), Heat Wave, Pain Split (N), Sleep Talk,
Smog (N), Snore, Spite, Telekinesis, Trick
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Indeterminate

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Cave, Urban

CLEFFA Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Cave), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6+1, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Charm - Fairy
1 Pound - Normal
4 Encore - Normal
7 Sing - Normal
10 Sweet Kiss - Fairy
13 Copycat - Normal
16 Magical Leaf - Grass

TM/HM Move List

Base Stats: 03 Psyshock, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
HP: 5 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Attack: 3 Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Defense: 3 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32
Special Attack: 5 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire
Special Defense: 6 Blast, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49
Speed: 2 Echoed Voice, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 70 Flash, 73
Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86
Basic Information Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
Type : Fairy
Basic Ability 1: Cute Charm Egg Move List
Basic Ability 2: Magic Guard Amnesia, Aromatherapy, Belly Drum, Covet,
Adv Ability 1: Friend Guard Fake Tears, Heal Pulse, Metronome, Mimic, Misty
Adv Ability 2: Frisk Terrain, Present, Splash, Stored Power, Substitute,
High Ability: Unaware Tickle, Wish

Evolution: Tutor Move List
1 - Cleffa After You, Body Slam, Counter, Covet,
2 - Clefairy Minimum 10 Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Endeavor, Gravity,
3 - Clefable Moon Stone Minimum 20 Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Iron Tail,
Last Resort, Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mega Punch,
Size Information Mud-Slap, Recycle, Role Play, Rollout, Seismic Toss,
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Weight : 6.6 lbs. / 3kg (1) Soft-Boiled, Telekinesis, Trick, Uproar, Water Pulse,
Wonder Room, Work Up, Zen Headbutt
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F
Egg Group : Fairy
Average Hatch Rate: 4 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

CLEFAIRY Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Cave), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Encore - Normal
7 Sing - Normal
10 Double Slap - Normal
13 Defense Curl - Normal
16 Follow Me - Normal
19 Bestow - Normal
22 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
25 Minimize - Normal
28 Stored Power - Psychic
Base Stats: 31 Metronome - Normal
HP: 7 34 Cosmic Power - Psychic
Attack: 5 37 Lucky Chant - Psychic
Defense: 5 40 Body Slam - Normal
Special Attack: 6 43 Moonlight - Fairy
Special Defense: 7 46 Moonblast - Fairy
Speed: 4 49 Gravity - Psychic
52 Meteor Mash - Steel
Basic Information 55 Healing Wish - Psychic
Type : Fairy 58 After You - Normal
Basic Ability 1: Cute Charm
Basic Ability 2: Magic Guard TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 1: Friend Guard A4 Strength, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Adv Ability 2: Frisk Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 16 Light Screen,
17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22
High Ability: Unaware Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29
Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 33
Evolution: Reflect, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
1 - Cleffa Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam,
2 - Clefairy Minimum 10 59 Incinerate, 67 Retaliate, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych
Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
3 - Clefable Moon Stone Minimum 20 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 99 Daz-
zling Gleam, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 16.5 lbs. / 7.5kg (1) After You (N), Body Slam, Bounce, Counter, Covet,
Defense Curl, Disarming Voice (N), Double-Edge,
Breeding Information Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch, Endeavor, Fire
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F Punch, Focus Punch, Gravity, Heal Bell, Healing
Egg Group : Fairy Wish (N), Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch,
Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort, Magic
Diet : Herbivore Coat, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Mud-Slap,
Habitat : Cave, Mountain Natural Gift, Recycle, Role Play, Rollout, Seismic
Toss, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Snore, Soft-Boiled, Stealth Rock, Telekinesis, Thun-
der Punch, Trick, Uproar, Water Pulse, Work Up,
Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt 237
CLEFABLE Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 4, Naturewalk
Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 2d6+2, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 4d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Encore - Normal
7 Sing - Normal
10 Double Slap - Normal
13 Defense Curl - Normal
16 Follow Me - Normal
19 Bestow - Normal
22 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
25 Minimize - Normal
28 Stored Power - Psychic
31 Metronome - Normal
Base Stats: 34 Cosmic Power - Psychic
HP: 10 37 Lucky Chant - Psychic
Attack: 7 40 Body Slam - Normal
Defense: 7 43 Moonlight - Fairy
Special Attack: 10 46 Moonblast - Fairy
Special Defense: 9 49 Gravity - Psychic
Speed: 6 52 Meteor Mash - Steel
55 Healing Wish - Psychic
Basic Information 58 After You - Normal
Type : Fairy
Basic Ability 1: Cute Charm TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Magic Guard A4 Strength, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic,
Adv Ability 1: Friend Guard 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15
Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20
Adv Ability 2: Frisk Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
High Ability: Unaware Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31
Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 35 Flamethrower, 38
Evolution: Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
1 - Cleffa Voice, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 59 Incinerate,
67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77
2 - Clefairy Minimum 10 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
3 - Clefable Moon Stone Minimum 25 Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 99
Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 88.2 lbs. / 40kg (3) After You, Body Slam, Bounce, Counter, Covet,
Defense Curl, Disarming Voice (N), Double Slap(N),
Breeding Information Double-Edge, Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch, Endeavor,
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Gravity, Heal Bell, Helping
Egg Group : Fairy Hand, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail,
Knock Off, Last Resort, Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mega
Punch, Metronome(N), Mimic, Minimize(N), Mud-Slap,
Diet : Herbivore
Natural Gift, Recycle, Role Play, Rollout, Seismic Toss,
Habitat : Cave, Mountain Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sing(N), Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Snore, Soft-Boiled, Stealth Rock, Telekinesis, Thunder
Punch, Trick, Uproar, Water Pulse, Work Up, Wonder
Room, Zen Headbutt
TOGEPI Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Charm - Fairy
1 Growl - Normal
5 Metronome - Normal
9 Sweet Kiss - Fairy
13 Yawn - Normal
17 Encore - Normal
21 Follow Me - Normal
25 Bestow - Normal
29 Wish - Normal
33 Ancient Power - Rock
Base Stats: 37 Safeguard - Normal
HP: 4 41 Baton Pass - Normal
Attack: 2 45 Double-Edge - Normal
Defense: 7 49 Last Resort - Normal
Special Attack: 4 53 After You - Normal
Special Defense: 7
Speed: 2 TM/HM Move List
03 Psyshock, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Information 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Type : Fairy Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Basic Ability 1: Hustle 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
Basic Ability 2: Serene Grace Team, 33 Reflect, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Adv Ability 1: Cute Charm 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 56 Fling, 59
Adv Ability 2: Gentle Vibe Incinerate, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up,
High Ability: Super Luck 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 99 Dazzling
Evolution: Gleam, 100 Confide
1 - Togepi
2 - Togetic Minimum 10 Egg Move List
3 - Togekiss Shiny Stone Minimum 30 Extrasensory, Foresight, Future Sight, Lucky
Chant, Mirror Move, Morning Sun, Nasty Plot,
Size Information Peck, Present, Psych Up, Psycho Shift, Secret Power,
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Stored Power, Substitute
Weight : 3.3 lbs. / 1.5kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information After You, Body Slam, Counter, Covet,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Defense Curl, Endeavor, Heal Bell, Hyper Voice,
Egg Group : Fairy Last Resort, Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mega Punch,
Average Hatch Rate: 4 Days Mimic, Mud-Slap, Role Play, Rollout, Seismic Toss,
Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Diet : Herbivore Soft-Boiled, Swift, Telekinesis, Trick, Uproar, Water
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest Pulse, Work Up, Zen Headbutt

TOGETIC Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Sky 5, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Un-
Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 2d6-1, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Metronome - Normal
9 Sweet Kiss - Fairy
13 Yawn - Normal
14 Fairy Wind - Fairy
17 Encore - Normal
21 Follow Me - Normal
29 Wish - Normal
33 Ancient Power - Rock
37 Safeguard - Normal
41 Baton Pass - Normal
Base Stats: 45 Double-Edge - Normal
HP: 6 49 Last Resort - Normal
Attack: 4 53 After You - Normal
Defense: 9
Special Attack: 8 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 11 A2 Fly, 03 Psyshock, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Speed: 4 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 20 Safe-
Basic Information guard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29
Type : Fairy / Flying Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Basic Ability 1: Hustle Team, 33 Reflect, 38 Fire Blast, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Fa-
Basic Ability 2: Serene Grace cade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice,
Adv Ability 1: Cute Charm 51 Steel Wing, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 67 Retaliate,
Adv Ability 2: Gentle Vibe 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych
High Ability: Super Luck Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 99 Daz-
Evolution: zling Gleam, 100 Confide
1 - Togepi
2 - Togetic Minimum 10 Tutor Move List
3 - Togekiss Shiny Stone Minimum 30 After You, Air Cutter, Ancient Power, Body
Slam, Counter, Covet, Defense Curl, Drain Punch,
Size Information Endeavor, Focus Punch, Heal Bell, Heat Wave, Hyper
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Voice, Last Resort, Magic Coat, Magical Leaf(N),
Weight : 7.1 lbs. / 3.2kg (1) Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Mud-Slap, Natural
Gift, Ominous Wind, Roost, Role Play, Rollout, Seis-
Breeding Information mic Toss, Shock Wave, Secret Power, Signal Beam,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Silver Wind, Sleep Talk, Snore, Soft-Boiled, Sky
Egg Group : Flying / Fairy Attack, Steel Wing, Sweet Kiss (N), Swift, Tailwind,
Telekinesis, Trick, Uproar, Water Pulse, Work Up,
Diet : Herbivore Zen Headbutt
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

TOGEKISS Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 3, Sky 8, Jump 2/2, Power 6,

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 4d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Metronome - Normal
9 Sweet Kiss - Fairy
13 Yawn - Normal
14 Fairy Wind - Fairy
17 Encore - Normal
21 Follow Me - Normal
29 Wish - Normal
33 Ancient Power - Rock
37 Safeguard - Normal
Base Stats: 41 Baton Pass - Normal
HP: 9 45 Double-Edge - Normal
Attack: 5 49 Last Resort - Normal
Defense: 10 53 After You - Normal
Special Attack: 12
Special Defense: 12 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 8 A2 Fly, 03 Psyshock, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Basic Information Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 20
Type : Fairy / Flying Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Re-
Basic Ability 1: Hustle turn, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32
Basic Ability 2: Serene Grace Double Team, 33 Reflect, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire
Adv Ability 1: Cute Charm Blast, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Adv Ability 2: Gentle Vibe 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 56 Fling,
High Ability: Super Luck 59 Incinerate, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash,
73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86
Evolution: Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
1 - Togepi 94 Rock Smash, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
2 - Togetic Minimum 10
3 - Togekiss Shiny Stone Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
Air Cutter, After You (N), Air Slash(N), An-
Size Information cient Power, Aura Sphere(N), Body Slam, Counter,
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Covet, Defense Curl, Defog, Drain Punch, Endeav-
Weight : 83.8 lbs. / 38kg (3) or, Extreme Speed(N), Focus Punch, Heal Bell, Heat
Wave, Hyper Voice, Last Resort, Magic Coat, Mega
Breeding Information Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Mud-Slap, Natural Gift,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Ominous Wind, Pluck, Roost, Role Play, Rollout, Se-
Egg Group : Flying / Fairy cret Power, Seismic Toss, Signal Beam, Silver Wind,
Sleep Talk, Snore, Soft-Boiled, Sky Attack(N), Steel
Diet : Herbivore Wing, Swift, Tailwind, Telekinesis, Trick, Twister,
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest Uproar, Water Pulse, Work Up, Zen Headbutt

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Levitate 4, Jump 0/1, Power 1,
Alluring, Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+2, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 2d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Vine Whip - Grass
6 Fairy Wind - Fairy
10 Lucky Chant - Normal
15 Razor Leaf - Grass
20 Wish - Normal
22 Magical Leaf - Grass
24 Grassy Terrain - Grass
Base Stats: 28 Petal Blizzard - Grass
HP: 4 33 Aromatherapy - Grass
Attack: 4 37 Misty Terrain - Fairy
Defense: 4 41 Moonblast - Fairy
Special Attack: 6 45 Petal Dance - Grass
Special Defense: 8 48 Solar Beam - Grass
Speed: 4
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Type : Fairy Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21
Basic Ability 1: Flower Power Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
Adv Ability 1: Flower Veil 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Adv Ability 2: Overgrow Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 53 Energy Ball, 70 Flash, 86
Adv Ability 3: Perception Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
High Ability: Symbiosis 96 Nature Power, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Flabébé Camouflage, Captivate, Copycat
2 - Floette Minimum 15
3 - Florges Shiny Stone Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
After You, Covet, Endeavor, Giga Drain, Heal Bell,
Size Information Helping Hand, Magic Coat, Seed Bomb, Snore, Syn-
Height : 0’ 04” / 0.1m (Small) thesis, Worry Seed
Weight : 0.2 lbs. / .1 kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F
Egg Group : Fairy
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Levitate 6, Jump 0/1, Power 1,
Alluring, Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 4d6+1, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Vine Whip - Grass
6 Fairy Wind - Fairy
10 Lucky Chant - Normal
15 Razor Leaf - Grass
20 Wish - Normal
25 Magical Leaf - Grass
27 Grassy Terrain - Grass
Base Stats: 33 Petal Blizzard - Grass
HP: 5 38 Aromatherapy - Grass
Attack: 5 43 Misty Terrain - Fairy
Defense: 5 46 Moonblast - Fairy
Special Attack: 8 51 Petal Dance - Grass
Special Defense: 10 58 Solar Beam - Grass
Speed: 5
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Type : Fairy Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21
Basic Ability 1: Flower Power Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
Adv Ability 1: Flower Veil 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Adv Ability 2: Overgrow Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 53 Energy Ball, 70 Flash, 86
Adv Ability 3: Perception Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
High Ability: Symbiosis 96 Nature Power, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Flabébé After You, Covet, Endeavor, Giga Drain, Heal Bell,
2 - Floette Minimum 15 Helping Hand, Light of Ruin, Magic Coat, Seed
3 - Florges Shiny Stone Minimum 30 Bomb, Snore, Synthesis, Worry Seed

Size Information
Height : 0’ 08” / 0.2m (Small)
Weight : 2 lbs. / .9 kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F
Egg Group : Fairy

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Levitate 6, Jump 1/2, Power 2,
Alluring, Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest)

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 4d6+1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 4d6, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Vine Whip - Grass
6 Fairy Wind - Fairy
10 Lucky Chant - Normal
15 Razor Leaf - Grass
20 Wish - Normal
25 Magical Leaf - Grass
27 Grassy Terrain - Grass
Base Stats: 33 Petal Blizzard - Grass
HP: 8 38 Aromatherapy - Grass
Attack: 7 43 Misty Terrain - Fairy
Defense: 7 46 Moonblast - Fairy
Special Attack: 11 51 Petal Dance - Grass
Special Defense: 15 58 Solar Beam - Grass
Speed: 8
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Type : Fairy Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20
Basic Ability 1: Flower Power Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return,
Adv Ability 1: Flower Veil 29 Psychic, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 2: Overgrow Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 53 Energy Ball,
Adv Ability 3: Perception 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
High Ability: Symbiosis ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature Power, 99
Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
1 - Flabébé Tutor Move List
2 - Floette Minimum 15 After You, Covet, Disarming Voice (N), Endeavor,
3 - Florges Shiny Stone Minimum 30 Flower Shield (N), Giga Drain, Grass Knot (N), Heal
Bell, Helping Hand, Light of Ruin, Magic Coat, Seed
Size Information Bomb, Snore, Synthesis, Worry Seed
Height : 3’ 07” / 1.1m (Medium)
Weight : 22 lbs. / 10 kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F
Egg Group : Fairy

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

TRAPINCH Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Burrow 4, Jump 1/1, Power 2,
Naturewalk (Desert), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bite - Dark
1 Sand Attack - Ground
1 Feint Attack - Dark
1 Bide - Normal
5 Mud-Slap - Ground
8 Bulldoze - Ground
12 Sand Tomb - Ground
15 Rock Slide - Rock
19 Dig - Ground
Base Stats: 22 Crunch - Dark
HP: 5 26 Earth Power - Rock
Attack: 10 29 Feint - Normal
Defense: 5 33 Earthquake - Ground
Special Attack: 5 36 Sandstorm - Rock
Special Defense: 5 40 Superpower - Fighting
Speed: 1 43 Hyper Beam - Normal
47 Fissure - Ground
Basic Information
Type : Ground TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Arena Trap A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Adv Ability 1: Hyper Cutter Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 21 Frustra-
Adv Ability 2: Strong Jaw tion, 22 Solar Beam, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28
Adv Ability 3: Sheer Force Dig, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb,
High Ability: No Guard 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 76 Struggle
Bug, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Evolution: Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Trapinch
2 - Vibrava Minimum 25 Egg Move List
3 - Flygon Minimum 45 Bug Bite, Earth Power, Endure, Flail, Focus
Energy, Fury Cutter, Gust, Mud Shot, Quick Attack,
Size Information Signal Beam
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small)
Weight : 33.1 lbs. / 15kg (2) Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Bug Bite, Double-Edge, Feint (N),
Breeding Information Giga Drain, Earth Power, Fissure (N), Fury Cut-
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F ter, Giga Drain, Mud-Slap, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
Egg Group : Bug Snore, Superpower (N)
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Desert

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Burrow 2, Sky 6, Jump 2/2,
Power 2, Naturewalk (Desert), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 3d6+3,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Sonic Boom - Normal
1 Sand Attack - Ground
1 Feint Attack - Dark
1 Bide - Normal
5 Mud-Slap - Ground
8 Bulldoze - Ground
12 Sand Tomb - Ground
15 Rock Slide - Rock
Base Stats: 19 Supersonic - Normal
HP: 5 22 Screech - Normal
Attack: 7 26 Earth Power - Ground
Defense: 5 29 Bug Buzz - Bug
Special Attack: 5 33 Earthquake - Ground
Special Defense: 5 35 Dragon Breath - Dragon
Speed: 7 36 Sandstorm - Rock
40 Uproar - Normal
Basic Information 43 Hyper Beam - Normal
Type : Ground / Dragon 47 Boomburst - Normal
Basic Ability 1: Levitate
Adv Ability 1: Sand Veil TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 2: Sand Rush A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Adv Ability 3: Flutter Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 19
High Ability: Tinted Lens Roost, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 26 Earthquake,
27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm,
Evolution: 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
1 - Trapinch Round, 51 Steel Wing, 76 Struggle Bug, 78 Bulldoze,
2 - Vibrava Minimum 25 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn,
3 - Flygon Minimum 45 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Air Cutter, Bite, Body Slam, Bug Bite,
Weight : 33.7 lbs. / 15.3kg (2) Crunch, Defog, Double-Edge, Draco Meteor, Dragon
Pulse, Earth Power, Fury Cutter, Giga Drain, Heat
Breeding Information Wave, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Outrage, Roost,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Signal Beam, Silver Wind, Sleep Talk, Snore, Steel
Egg Group : Bug Wing, Superpower, Swift, Tailwind, Twister

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Desert

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Sky 7, Jump 3/3, Power 7, Na-
turewalk (Desert), Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 5d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Sonic Boom - Normal
1 Sand Attack - Ground
1 Feint Attack - Dark
1 Bide - Normal
5 Mud-Slap - Ground
8 Bulldoze - Ground
12 Sand Tomb - Ground
15 Rock Slide - Rock
Base Stats: 19 Supersonic - Normal
HP: 8 22 Screech - Normal
Attack: 10 26 Earth Power - Ground
Defense: 8 29 Dragon Tail - Dragon
Special Attack: 8 33 Earthquake - Ground
Special Defense: 8 35 Dragon Breath - Dragon
Speed: 10 36 Sandstorm - Rock
40 Uproar - Normal
Basic Information 43 Hyper Beam - Normal
Type : Ground / Dragon 45 Dragon Claw - Dragon
Basic Ability 1: Levitate 47 Dragon Rush - Dragon
Adv Ability 1: Sand Veil
Adv Ability 2: Sand Rush TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 3: Flutter A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02 Drag-
High Ability: Tinted Lens on Claw, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration,
Evolution: 22 Solar Beam, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32
1 - Trapinch Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38
2 - Vibrava Minimum 25 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
3 - Flygon Minimum 45 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 59 In-
cinerate, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 76 Struggle
Size Information Bug, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87
Height : 6’ 7” / 2m (Large) Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94
Weight : 180.8 lbs. / 82kg (4) Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Breeding Information Tutor Move List

Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Air Cutter, Bite, Body Slam, Bug Bite,
Egg Group : Bug Crunch, Double-Edge, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse,
Earth Power, Fire Punch, Fury Cutter, Giga Drain,
Diet : Carnivore Heat Wave, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind,
Habitat : Desert, Mountain Outrage, Roost, Signal Beam, Silver Wind, Sleep
Talk, Snore, Steel Wing, Superpower, Swift, Tailwind,
Thunder Punch, Twister

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Cave, Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1 ,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
4 Leer - Normal
7 Assurance - Dark
10 Dragon Rage - Dragon
13 Double Chop - Dragon
16 Scary Face - Normal
20 Slash - Normal
24 False Swipe - Normal
Base Stats: 28 Dragon Claw - Dragon
HP: 5 32 Dragon Dance - Dragon
Attack: 9 36 Taunt - Dark
Defense: 6 41 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Special Attack: 3 46 Swords Dance - Normal
Special Defense: 4 51 Guillotine - Normal
Speed: 6 56 Outrage - Dragon
61 Giga Impact - Normal
Basic Information
Type : Dragon TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Rivalry A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02
Basic Ability 2: Mold Breaker Dragon Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Adv Ability 1: Unnerve 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Adb Ability 2: Hyper Cutter 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team,
High Ability: Frighten 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Attract, 48 Round, 54 False Swipe, 56 Fling, 59 Incin-
Evolution: erate, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 75 Swords Dance,
1 - Axew 81 X-Scissor, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
2 - Fraxure Minimum 20 Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
2 - Haxorus Minimum 40
Egg Move List
Size Information Counter, Dragon Pulse, Endeavor, Endure,
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Focus Energy, Harden, Iron Tail, Night Slash, Razor
Weight : 39.7 lbs. / 18kg (2) Wind, Reversal

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Aqua Tail, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse,
Egg Group : Monster / Dragon Dual Chop, Endeavor, Iron Tail, Outrage, Sleep Talk,
Average Hatch Rate: 25 Days Snore, Superpower

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 4, Naturewalk
(Cave, Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6+3, Stealth 2d6+1
, Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Leer - Normal
7 Assurance - Dark
10 Dragon Rage - Dragon
13 Double Chop - Dragon
16 Scary Face - Normal
20 Slash - Normal
24 False Swipe - Normal
28 Dragon Claw - Dragon
Base Stats: 32 Dragon Dance - Dragon
HP: 7 36 Taunt - Dark
Attack: 12 42 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Defense: 7 48 Swords Dance - Normal
Special Attack: 4 54 Guillotine - Normal
Special Defense: 5 60 Outrage - Dragon |
Speed: 7 66 Giga Impact - Normal

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Dragon A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02
Basic Ability 1: Rivalry Dragon Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Ability 2: Mold Breaker 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Adv Ability 1: Unnerve 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team,
Adb Ability 2: Hyper Cutter 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
High Ability: Frighten Attract, 48 Round, 54 False Swipe, 56 Fling, 59 Incin-
erate, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact,
Evolution: 75 Swords Dance, 81 X-Scissor, 82 Dragon Tail, 84
1 - Axew Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
2 - Fraxure Minimum 20 94 Rock Smash
2 - Haxorus Minimum 40
Tutor Move List
Size Information Aqua Tail, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Dual
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Chop, Endeavor, Iron Tail, Low Kick, Outrage, Sleep
Weight : 79.4 lbs. / 36kg (3) Talk, Snore, Superpower

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Monster / Dragon

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 8, Naturewalk
(Cave, Mountain)

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 5d6, Stealth 2d6 ,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Leer - Normal
7 Assurance - Dark
10 Dragon Rage - Dragon
13 Double Chop - Dragon
16 Scary Face - Normal
20 Slash - Normal
24 False Swipe - Normal
28 Dragon Claw - Dragon
Base Stats: 32 Dragon Dance - Dragon
HP: 8 36 Taunt - Dark
Attack: 15 42 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Defense: 9 50 Swords Dance - Normal
Special Attack: 6 58 Guillotine - Normal
Special Defense: 7 66 Outrage - Dragon
Speed: 10 74 Giga Impact - Normal

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Dragon A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 01 Hone
Basic Ability 1: Rivalry Claws, 02 Dragon Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hid-
Basic Ability 2: Mold Breaker den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam,
Adv Ability 1: Unnerve 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earth-
Adb Ability 2: Hyper Cutter quake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
High Ability: Frighten Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44
Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 54 False
Evolution: Swipe, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 65 Shadow Claw, 66
1 - Axew Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 75 Swords Dance, 78 Bull-
2 - Fraxure Minimum 20 doze, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 82 Dragon Tail, 84
2 - Haxorus Minimum 40 Poison Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Size Information
Height : 5’ 11” / 1.8m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 232.6 lbs. / 105.5kg (5) Aqua Tail, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Dual
Chop, Endeavor, Iron Tail, Low Kick, Outrage (N),
Breeding Information Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Monster / Dragon

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

RATTATA Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Stealth,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Urban), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6+2, Stealth 4d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Tail Whip - Normal
4 Quick Attack - Normal
7 Focus Energy - Normal
10 Bite - Dark
13 Pursuit - Dark
16 Hyper Fang - Normal
19 Sucker Punch - Dark
22 Crunch - Dark
Base Stats: 25 Assurance - Dark
HP: 3 28 Super Fang - Normal
Attack: 6 31 Double-Edge - Normal
Defense: 4 34 Endeavor - Normal
Special Attack: 3
Special Defense: 4 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 7 A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Day, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect,
Basic Information 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Type : Normal Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Dou-
Basic Ability 1: Run Away ble Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Basic Ability 2: Guts Round, 57 Charge Beam, 67 Retaliate, 73 Thunder
Adv Ability 1: Hustle Wave, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Adv Ability 2: Pick Up 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock
High Ability: Nimble Strikes Smash

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Rattata Bite, Counter, Final Gambit, Flame Wheel,
2 - Raticate Minimum 20 Fury Swipes, Last Resort, Me First, Revenge,
Reversal, Screech, Swagger, Uproar
Size Information
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 7.7 lbs. / 3.5kg (1) Body Slam, Covet, Defense Curl, Endeavor,
Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Last Resort, Mud-Slap, Pluck,
Breeding Information Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Sucker Punch, Su-
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F per Fang, Superpower, Swift, Uproar, Work Up, Zen
Egg Group : Field Headbutt
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Forest, Grassland, Mountain,

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 4d6, Per-
cep 5d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Quick Attack - Normal
7 Focus Energy - Normal
10 Bite - Dark
13 Pursuit - Dark
16 Hyper Fang - Normal
19 Sucker Punch - Dark
20 Scary Face - Normal
24 Crunch - Dark
29 Assurance - Dark
34 Super Fang - Normal
39 Double-Edge - Normal
44 Endeavor - Normal
Base Stats:
HP: 6 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 8 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10
Defense: 6 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam,
Special Attack: 5 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Special Defense: 7 Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder,
Speed: 10 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round,
Basic Information 57 Charge Beam, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 73
Type : Normal Thunder Wave, 75 Swords Dance, 86 Grass Knot, 87
Basic Ability 1: Run Away Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 93
Basic Ability 2: Guts Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash
Adv Ability 1: Hustle
Adv Ability 2: Pick Up Tutor Move List
High Ability: Nimble Strikes Body Slam, Counter, Covet, Defense Curl,
Endeavor, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Last Resort,
Evolution: Mud-Slap, Pluck, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore,
1 - Rattata Sucker Punch, Super Fang, Superpower, Swift,
2 - Raticate Minimum 20 Swords Dance(N), Uproar, Work Up, Zen Headbutt

Size Information
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small)
Weight : 40.8 lbs. / 18.5kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Forest, Grassland, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 6, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Tracker,
Stealth, Naturewalk (Grassland, Urban), Underdog

SENTRET Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Jump 3/3, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Forest, Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
4d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Foresight - Normal
1 Scratch - Normal
4 Defense Curl - Normal
7 Quick Attack - Normal
13 Fury Swipes - Normal
16 Helping Hand - Normal
19 Follow Me - Normal
25 Slam - Normal
28 Rest - Psychic
Base Stats: 31 Sucker Punch - Dark
HP: 4 36 Amnesia - Psychic
Attack: 5 39 Baton Pass - Normal
Defense: 3 42 Me First - Normal
Special Attack: 4 47 Hyper Voice - Normal
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 2 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A3 Surf, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10
Basic Information Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 17 Pro-
Type : Normal tect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Basic Ability 1: Run Away 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball,
Basic Ability 2: Keen Eye 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower,
Adv Ability 1: Frisk 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49
Adv Ability 2: Perception Echoed Voice, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 65 Shadow
High Ability: Dodge Claw, 67 Retaliate, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 98 Power-Up
Evolution: Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Sentret
2 - Furret Minimum 15 Egg Move List
Assist, Captivate, Charm, Covet, Double-
Size Information Edge, Focus Energy, Iron Tail, Last Resort, Natural
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small) Gift, Pursuit, Reversal, Slash, Substitute, Trick
Weight : 13.2 lbs. / 6kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Aqua Tail, Body Slam, Covet,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Fury
Egg Group : Field Cutter, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch, Iron
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort, Mud-Slap, Rollout,
Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Sucker Punch,
Diet : Herbivore Super Fang, Swift, Thunder Punch, Trick, Water
Habitat : Forest, Grassland Pulse, Uproar, Work Up

FURRET Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 2d6+2, Stealth 4d6, Per-
cep 6d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Defense Curl - Normal
7 Quick Attack - Normal
13 Fury Swipes - Normal
17 Helping Hand - Normal
21 Follow Me - Normal
28 Slam - Normal
32 Rest - Psychic
36 Sucker Punch - Dark
42 Amnesia - Psychic
46 Baton Pass - Normal
50 Me First - Normal
56 Hyper Voice - Normal

Base Stats: TM/HM Move List

HP: 9 A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 01 Hone
Attack: 8 Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13
Defense: 6 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18
Special Attack: 5 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thun-
Special Defense: 6 derbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow
Speed: 9 Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flame-
thrower, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Basic Information Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 57
Type : Normal Charge Beam, 65 Shadow Claw, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga
Basic Ability 1: Run Away Impact, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89
Basic Ability 2: Keen Eye U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up
Adv Ability 1: Frisk Punch, 100 Confide
Adv Ability 2: Nimble Strikes
High Ability: Dodge Tutor Move List
Aqua Tail, Body Slam, Covet,
Evolution: Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Fury
1 - Sentret Cutter, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch, Iron
2 - Furret Minimum 15 Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort, Mud-Slap, Rollout,
Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Sucker Punch,
Size Information Super Fang, Swift, Thunder Punch, Trick, Water
Height : 5’ 11” / 1.8m (Medium) Pulse, Uproar, Work Up
Weight : 71.7 lbs. / 32.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Forest, Grassland), Tracker, Underdog

ZIGZAGOON Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 2/3, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Forest, Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Tail Whip - Normal
7 Sand Attack - Ground
11 Headbutt - Normal
12 Baby-Doll Eyes - Fairy
13 Odor Sleuth - Normal
17 Mud Sport - Ground
19 Pin Missile - Bug
Base Stats: 23 Covet - Normal
HP: 4 25 Bestow - Normal
Attack: 3 29 Flail - Normal
Defense: 4 31 Take Down - Normal
Special Attack: 3 35 Rest - Psychic
Special Defense: 4 37 Belly Drum - Normal
Speed: 6 41 Fling - Dark

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Normal A1 Cut, A3 Surf, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic,
Basic Ability 1: Pickup 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Adv Ability 1: Gluttony Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Adv Ability 2: Quick Feet 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30
Adv Ability 3: Sprint Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 42
High Ability: Tough Claws Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49
Echoed Voice, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 67 Retali-
Evolution: ate, 73 Thunder Wave, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
1 - Zigzagoon Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
2 - Linoone Minimum 15

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Charm, Helping Hand, Mud-Slap, Pursuit,
Weight : 38.6 lbs. / 17.5kg (2) Rock Climb, Simple Beam, Sleep Talk, Substitute,
Tickle, Trick
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Field Body Slam, Covet, Defense Curl,
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days Double-Edge, Fury Cutter, Gunk Shot, Helping
Hand, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Last Resort,
Diet : Herbivore Mud-Slap, Rollout, Seed Bomb, Shock Wave, Sleep
Habitat : Forest, Grassland Talk, Snore, Super Fang, Swift, Trick, Water Pulse,
Work Up

LINOONE Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/3, Power 3, Tracker,
Naturewalk (Forest, Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 4d6, Percep
5d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Tail Whip - Normal
7 Sand Attack - Ground
11 Headbutt - Normal
12 Baby-Doll Eyes - Fairy
13 Odor Sleuth - Normal
17 Mud Sport - Ground
19 Fury Swipes - Normal
24 Covet - Normal
27 Bestow - Normal
Base Stats: 32 Slash - Normal
HP: 8 35 Double Edge - Normal
Attack: 7 40 Rest - Psychic
Defense: 6 43 Belly Drum - Normal
Special Attack: 5 48 Fling - Dark
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 10 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 01 Hone
Basic Information Claws, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Type : Normal Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Basic Ability 1: Line Charge Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thun-
Adv Ability 1: Gluttony derbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow
Adv Ability 2: Quick Feet Ball, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Adv Ability 3: Sprint 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 56 Fling, 57
High Ability: Tough Claws Charge Beam, 65 Shadow Claw, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga
Impact, 73 Thunder Wave, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
Evolution: ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Zigzagoon
2 - Linoone Minimum 15 Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Covet, Defense Curl,
Size Information Double-Edge, Fury Cutter, Gunk Shot, Helping
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Hand, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Last Resort, Mud-Slap,
Weight : 71.7 lbs. / 32.5kg (3) Play Rough (N), Rollout, Rototiller (N), Seed Bomb,
Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Super Fang, Swift,
Breeding Information Switcheroo(N), Trick, Water Pulse, Work Up
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Omnivore

Habitat : Forest, Grassland

BIDOOF Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Wetlands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Growl - Normal
9 Defense Curl - Normal
13 Rollout - Rock
17 Headbutt - Normal
21 Hyper Fang - Normal
25 Yawn - Normal
29 Amnesia - Psychic
33 Take Down - Normal
Base Stats: 37 Super Fang - Normal
HP: 6 41 Superpower - Fighting
Attack: 5 45 Curse - Ghost
Defense: 4
Special Attack: 4 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 4 A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Speed: 3 Day, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect,
18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Basic Information Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Dou-
Type : Normal ble Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Basic Ability 1: Simple Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 57 Charge Beam, 67 Retali-
Basic Ability 2: Unaware ate, 73 Thunder Wave, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Adv Ability 1: Deep Sleep Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Adv Ability 2: Oblivious
High Ability: Moody Egg Move List
Aqua Tail, Defense Curl, Double-Edge,
Evolution: Endure, Fury Swipes, Odor Sleuth, Quick Attack,
1 - Bidoof Rock Climb, Rollout, Skull Bash, Sleep Talk, Water
2 - Bibarel Minimum 15 Sport

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Aqua Tail, Covet, Fury Cutter, Icy Wind, Iron
Weight : 44.1 lbs. / 20kg (2) Tail, Last Resort, Mud-Slap, Pluck, Rollout, Shock
Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Swift, Super
Breeding Information Fang, Superpower, Work Up
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Field
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Marsh

BIBAREL Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Growl - Normal
9 Defense Curl - Normal
13 Rollout - Rock
15 Water Gun - Water
18 Headbutt - Normal
23 Hyper Fang - Normal
28 Yawn - Normal
33 Amnesia - Psychic
38 Take Down - Normal
43 Super Fang - Normal
48 Superpower - Fighting
53 Curse - Ghost

Base Stats: TM/HM Move List

HP: 8 A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall,
Attack: 9 A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Defense: 6 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam,
Special Attack: 6 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thun-
Special Defense: 6 derbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow
Speed: 7 Ball, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 55 Scald, 56
Basic Information Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact,
Type : Normal / Water 73 Thunder Wave, 78 Bulldoze, 86 Grass Knot, 87
Basic Ability 1: Simple Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Basic Ability 2: Unaware
Adv Ability 1: Deep Sleep Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 2: Oblivious Aqua Tail, Covet, Dive, Fury Cutter, Icy
High Ability: Moody Wind, Iron Tail, Last Resort, Mud-Slap, Pluck, Roll-
out, Rototiller (N), Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Super
Evolution: Fang, Superpower, Work Up
1 - Bidoof
2 - Bibarel Minimum 15

Size Information
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 69.4 lbs. / 31.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Marsh

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 5, Jump 2/3, Power 3, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Wetlands), Underdog

PATRAT Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 2/3, Power 2, Tracker,
Naturewalk (Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
4d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
3 Leer - Normal
6 Bite - Dark
8 Bide - Normal
11 Detect - Fighting
13 Sand Attack - Ground
16 Crunch - Dark
18 Hypnosis - Psychic
21 Super Fang - Normal
Base Stats: 23 After You - Normal
HP: 5 26 Work Up - Normal
Attack: 6 28 Hyper Fang - Normal
Defense: 4 31 Mean Look - Normal
Special Attack: 4 33 Baton Pass - Normal
Special Defense: 4 36 Slam - Normal
Speed: 4
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Type : Normal Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24
Basic Ability 1: Run Away Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball,
Basic Ability 2: Keen Eye 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Adv Ability 1: Analytic Round, 56 Fling, 67 Retaliate, 75 Swords Dance, 86
Adv Ability 2: Unnerve Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
High Ability: Perception
Egg Move List
Evolution: Assurance, Flail, Foresight, Iron Tail, Pursuit,
1 - Patrat Revenge, Screech
2 - Watchog Minimum 20
Tutor Move List
Size Information After You, Aqua Tail, Covet, Endeavor, Gunk
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Shot, Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Last Resort, Low Kick,
Weight : 25.6 lbs. / 11.6kg (2) Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Super Fang, Work Up,
Zen Headbutt
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

WATCHOG Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
5d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Leer - Normal
6 Bite - Dark
8 Bide - Normal
11 Detect - Fighting
13 Sand Attack - Ground
16 Crunch - Dark
18 Hypnosis - Psychic
20 Confuse Ray - Ghost
22 Super Fang - Normal
25 After You - Normal
29 Psych Up - Normal
32 Hyper Fang - Normal
36 Mean Look - Normal
Base Stats: 39 Baton Pass - Normal
HP: 6 43 Slam - Normal
Attack: 9
Defense: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 6 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Special Defense: 7 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Speed: 8 Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30
Basic Information Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 42
Type : Normal Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast,
Basic Ability 1: Illuminate 56 Fling, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73
Basic Ability 2: Keen Eye Thunder Wave, 75 Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up, 85
Adv Ability 1: Analytic Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 2: Unnerve Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up
High Ability: Perception Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Patrat After You, Aqua Tail, Covet, Endeavor, Fire
2 - Watchog Minimum 20 Punch, Gunk Shot, Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Iron
Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort, Low Kick(N), Rototiller
Size Information (N), Seed Bomb, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Su-
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) per Fang, Thunder Punch, Work Up, Zen Headbutt
Weight : 59.5 lbs. / 27kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 3/4, Power 3, Tracker,
Naturewalk (Grassland), Underdog


Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Agility - Psychic
1 Leer - Normal
7 Quick Attack - Normal
10 Double Slap - Normal
13 Mud-Slap - Ground
15 Take Down - Normal
Base Stats: 20 Double Kick - Fighting
HP: 4 25 Odor Sleuth - Normal
Attack: 4 29 Flail - Normal
Defense: 4 33 Dig - Ground
Special Attack: 3 38 Bounce - Flying
Special Defense: 4 42 Super Fang - Normal
Speed: 6 47 Facade - Normal
49 Earthquake - Ground
Basic Information
Type : Normal TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Pickup A1 Cut, A3 Surf, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden
Basic Ability 2: Lunchbox Power, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down,
Adv Ability 1: Huge Power 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break,
Adv Ability 2: Run Away 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm,
High Ability: Dig Away 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 66 Payback,
Evolution: 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass
1 - Bunnelby Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Sub-
2 - Diggersby Minimum 20 stitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature
Power, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 1’ 04” / 0.4m (Small) Egg Move List
Weight : 11 lbs. / 5kg (1) Defense Curl, Rollout, Spikes

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Bounce, Endeavor, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Last Resort,
Egg Group : Field Recycle, Snore, Super Fang
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Burrow 5, Jump 2/2, Power 3,
Groundshaper, Tremorsense, Naturewalk (Grassland,
Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Agility - Psychic
1 Leer - Normal
7 Quick Attack - Normal
10 Double Slap - Normal
13 Mud-Slap - Ground
15 Take Down - Normal
Base Stats: 20 Double Kick - Fighting
HP: 9 26 Odor Sleuth - Normal
Attack: 6 31 Flail - Normal
Defense: 8 37 Dig - Ground
Special Attack: 5 42 Bounce - Flying
Special Defense: 8 48 Super Fang - Normal
Speed: 8 53 Facade - Normal
57 Earthquake - Ground
Basic Information 60 Hammer Arm
Type : Normal / Ground
Basic Ability 1: Pickup TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Lunchbox A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up,
Adv Ability 1: Huge Power 10 Hidden Power, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 21
Adv Ability 2: Thick Fat Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earthquake, 27
High Ability: Dig Away Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
36 Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 41
Evolution: Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
1 - Bunnelby 48 Round, 56 Fling, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact,
2 - Diggersby Minimum 20 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass
Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Sub-
Size Information stitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature
Height : 3’ 03” / 1.0m (Medium) Power, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Weight : 93.5 lbs. / 42.4 kg (3)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Bounce, Bulldoze (N), Earth Power, Endeavor, Fire
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Punch, Focus Punch, Foul Play, Gastro Acid, Gunk
Egg Group : Field Shot, Hammer Arm (N), Ice Punch, Iron Head, Iron
Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort, Low Kick, Recycle,
Diet : Herbivore Rototiller (N), Snatch, Snore, Super Fang, Swords
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Mountain Dance (N), Superpower, Thunder Punch, Uproar

MEOWTH Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Tracker,
Stealth, Underdog, Fortune, Naturewalk (Urban)

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6, Percep
4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Scratch - Normal
6 Bite - Dark
9 Fake Out - Normal
14 Fury Swipes - Normal
17 Screech - Normal
22 Feint Attack - Dark
25 Taunt - Dark
30 Pay Day - Normal
Base Stats: 33 Slash - Normal
HP: 4 38 Nasty Plot - Dark
Attack: 5 41 Assurance - Dark
Defense: 4 46 Captivate - Normal
Special Attack: 4 49 Night Slash - Dark
Special Defense: 4 54 Feint - Normal
Speed: 9
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Type : Normal Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Ability 1: Pickup Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder,
Basic Ability 2: Limber 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 1: Technician 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 2: Unnerve Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 65
High Ability: Defiant Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 70 Flash, 77
Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Evolution: 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 97 Dark Pulse
1 - Meowth
2 - Persian Minimum 25 Egg Move List
Amnesia, Assist, Charm, Flail, Foul Play,
Size Information Hypnosis, Iron Tail, Last Resort, Odor Sleuth, Psych
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Up, Punishment, Snatch, Spite, Tail Whip
Weight : 9.3 lbs. / 4.2kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Body Slam, Covet, Dark Pulse, Defense Curl,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Double-Edge, Foul Play, Gunk Shot, Hyper Voice, Icy
Egg Group : Field Wind, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort, Mud-Slap,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Seed Bomb, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore,
Spite, Swift, Uproar, Water Pulse, Work Up
Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Urban

PERSIAN Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 4d6, Percep
3d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Bite - Dark
9 Fake Out - Normal
14 Fury Swipes - Normal
17 Screech - Normal
22 Feint Attack - Dark
25 Taunt - Dark
28 Swift - Normal
32 Power Gem - Rock
37 Slash - Normal
44 Nasty Plot - Dark
49 Assurance - Dark
56 Captivate - Normal
61 Night Slash - Dark
Base Stats: 68 Feint - Normal
HP: 7
Attack: 7 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 6 A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic,
Special Attack: 7 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper
Special Defense: 7 Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Speed: 12 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30
Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 41
Basic Information Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Type : Normal Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 63 Embargo, 65 Shadow
Basic Ability 1: Pickup Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70
Basic Ability 2: Technician Flash, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88
Adv Ability 1: Unnerve Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 97 Dark Pulse
Adv Ability 2: Limber
High Ability: Frighten Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Covet, Dark Pulse, Defense Curl,
Evolution: Double-Edge, Fake Out, Foul Play, Gunk Shot, Hyper
1 - Meowth Voice, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort,
2 - Persian Minimum 25 Mud-Slap, Pay Day, Play Rough (N), Seed Bomb,
Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Swift,
Size Information Switcheroo(N), Uproar, Water Pulse, Work Up
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 70.5 lbs. / 32kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Urban

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 3, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Pack Mon,
Tracker, Stealth, Naturewalk (Urban)

SKITTY Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Tracker,
Naturewalk (Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
4d6, Focus 1d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Fake Out - Normal
1 Growl - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Tail Whip - Normal
4 Foresight - Normal
7 Sing - Normal
10 Attract - Normal
13 Disarming Voice - Fairy
16 Double Slap - Normal
Base Stats: 19 Copycat - Normal
HP: 5 22 Feint Attack - Dark
Attack: 5 25 Charm - Fairy
Defense: 5 28 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
Special Attack: 4 31 Assist - Normal
Special Defense: 4 34 Covet - Normal
Speed: 5 37 Heal Bell - Normal
40 Double-Edge - Normal
Basic Information 43 Captivate - Normal
Type : Normal 46 Play Rough - Fairy
Basic Ability 1: Cute Charm
Basic Ability 2: Wonder Skin TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 1: Celebrate 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Adv Ability 2: Normalize 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect,
High Ability: Conqueror 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28
Evolution: Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade,
1 - Skitty 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 57
2 - Delcatty Moon Stone Minimum 20 Charge Beam, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 70 Flash,
73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86
Size Information Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) 93 Wild Charge
Weight : 24.3 lbs. / 11kg (1)
Egg Move List
Breeding Information Baton Pass, Captivate, Cosmic Power, Fake
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F Out, Fake Tears, Helping Hand, Last Resort, Mud
Egg Group : Field / Fairy Bomb, Psych Up, Simple Beam, Substitute, Sucker
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days Punch, Tickle, Uproar, Wish, Zen Headbutt

Diet : Omnivore Tutor Move List
Habitat : Forest, Grassland Body Slam, Covet, Defense Curl, Heal Bell,
Helping Hand, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Last Resort,
Mud-Slap, Rollout, Sleep Talk, Snore, Sucker Punch,
Swift, Uproar, Water Pulse, Work Up, Zen Headbutt

Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6+2, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 5d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Fake Out - Normal
1 Growl - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Tail Whip - Normal
4 Foresight - Normal
7 Sing - Normal
10 Attract - Normal
13 Disarming Voice - Fairy
16 Double Slap - Normal
19 Copycat - Normal
22 Feint Attack - Dark
25 Charm - Fairy
28 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
Base Stats: 31 Assist - Normal
HP: 7 34 Covet - Normal
Attack: 7 37 Heal Bell - Normal
Defense: 7 40 Double-Edge - Normal
Special Attack: 6 43 Captivate - Normal
Special Defense: 6 46 Play Rough - Fairy
Speed: 7
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Type : Normal Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Bliz-
Basic Ability 1: Cute Charm zard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20
Basic Ability 2: Wonder Skin Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thun-
Adv Ability 1: Celebrate derbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow
Adv Ability 2: Normalize Ball, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
High Ability: Conqueror 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 57 Charge Beam, 66
Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73
Evolution: Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86
1 - Skitty Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
2 - Delcatty Moon Stone Minimum 20 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash

Size Information Tutor Move List

Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Attract(N), Covet, Body Slam, Defense Curl,
Weight : 71.9 lbs. / 32.6kg (3) Double Slap(N), Double-Edge, Fake Out(N), Growl,
Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Last
Breeding Information Resort, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Sing(N), Sleep Talk,
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F Snore, Sucker Punch, Swift, Work Up, Zen Headbutt
Egg Group : Field / Fairy

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/3, Power 2, Tracker,
Naturewalk (Grassland), Underdog

GLAMEOW Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 2/3, Power 1, Stealth,
Naturewalk (Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 1d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Fake Out - Normal
5 Scratch - Normal
8 Growl - Normal
13 Hypnosis - Psychic
17 Feint Attack - Dark
20 Fury Swipes - Normal
25 Charm - Fairy
29 Assist - Normal
32 Captivate - Normal
Base Stats: 37 Slash - Normal
HP: 5 41 Sucker Punch - Dark
Attack: 6 44 Attract - Normal
Defense: 4 48 Hone Claws - Dark
Special Attack: 4 50 Play Rough - Fairy
Special Defense: 4
Speed: 9 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Basic Information Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Type : Normal Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder,
Basic Ability 1: Limber 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
Basic Ability 2: Own Tempo 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 1: Cruelty Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 65
Adv Ability 2: Keen Eye Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 70 Flash, 77
High Ability: Defiant Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute
1 - Glameow Egg Move List
2 - Purugly Minimum 35 Assurance, Bite, Fake Tears, Flail, Last Resort,
Quick Attack, Sand Attack, Snatch, Tail Whip, Wake-
Size Information Up Slap
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small)
Weight : 8.6 lbs. / 3.9kg (1) Tutor Move List
Covet, Foul Play, Fury Cutter, Hyper Voice,
Breeding Information Iron Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort, Mud-Slap, Shock
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F Wave, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Sucker Punch, Swift,
Egg Group : Field Super Fang, Water Pulse, Work Up
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

PURUGLY Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Scratch - Normal
8 Growl - Normal
13 Hypnosis - Psychic
17 Feint Attack - Dark
20 Fury Swipes - Normal
25 Charm - Fairy
29 Assist - Normal
32 Captivate - Normal
37 Slash - Normal
38 Swagger - Normal
45 Body Slam - Normal
52 Attract - Normal
60 Hone Claws - Dark
Base Stats:
HP: 7 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 8 A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic,
Defense: 6 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper
Special Attack: 6 Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Special Defense: 6 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30
Speed: 11 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 41
Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Basic Information Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Pay-
Type : Normal back, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 77 Psych
Basic Ability 1: Thick Fat Up, 78 Bulldoze, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88
Basic Ability 2: Own Tempo Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute
Adv Ability 1: Cruelty
Adv Ability 2: Keen Eye Tutor Move List
High Ability: Defiant Covet, Foul Play, Fury Cutter, Hyper Voice,
Iron Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort, Mud-Slap, Roll-
Evolution: out, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Sucker
1 - Glameow Punch, Swift, Super Fang, Water Pulse, Work Up
2 - Purugly Minimum 35

Size Information
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 96.6 lbs. / 43.8kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/3, Power 2, Tracker,
Naturewalk (Grassland), Underdog

MINCCINO Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Burrow 3, Jump 2/2, Power 1,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Urban), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 1d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Pound - Normal
3 Baby-Doll Eyes - Fairy
7 Helping Hand - Normal
9 Tickle - Normal
13 Double Slap - Normal
15 Encore - Normal
19 Swift - Normal
21 Sing - Normal
25 Tail Slap - Normal
Base Stats: 27 Charm - Fairy
HP: 6 31 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
Attack: 5 33 Echoed Voice - Normal
Defense: 4 37 Slam - Normal
Special Attack: 4 39 Captivate - Normal
Special Defense: 4 43 Hyper Voice - Normal
Speed: 8 45 Last Resort - Normal
49 After You - Normal
Basic Information
Type : Normal TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Helper 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Ability 2: Technician 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safe-
Adv Ability 1: Cute Charm guard, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 28
Adv Ability 2: Confidence Dig, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
High Ability: Skill Link tract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 56 Fling,
67 Retaliate, 73 Thunder Wave, 86 Grass Knot, 87
Evolution: Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 99
1 - Minccino Dazzling Gleam
2 - Cinccino Shiny Stone Minimum 20
Egg Move List
Size Information Aqua Tail, Endure, Fake Tears, Flail, Iron Tail,
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Tail Whip
Weight : 12.8 lbs. / 5.8kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information After You, Aqua Tail, Covet, Gunk Shot,
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Iron Tail, Knock Off,
Egg Group : Field Last Resort, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Uproar,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Work Up

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 4d6+1, Combat 2d6+3, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Pound - Normal
3 Baby-Doll Eyes - Fairy
7 Helping Hand - Normal
9 Tickle - Normal
13 Double Slap - Normal
15 Encore - Normal
19 Swift - Normal
21 Sing - Normal
25 Tail Slap - Normal
27 Charm - Fairy
31 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
33 Echoed Voice - Normal
Base Stats: 37 Slam - Normal
HP: 8 39 Captivate - Normal
Attack: 10 43 Hyper Voice - Normal
Defense: 6 45 Last Resort - Normal
Special Attack: 7 49 After You - Normal
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 12 TM/HM Move List
04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Information 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17
Type : Normal Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustra-
Basic Ability 1: Helper tion, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Basic Ability 2: Technician 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Adv Ability 1: Cute Charm Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling,
Adv Ability 2: Confidence 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 73 Thunder Wave, 86
High Ability: Skill Link Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90
Substitute, 99 Dazzling Gleam
1 - Minccino Tutor Move List
2 - Cinccino Shiny Stone Minimum 20 After You, Aqua Tail, Bullet Seed(N), Covet,
Gunk Shot, Helping Hand(N), Hyper Voice, Iron
Size Information Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort, Rock Blast(N), Seed
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Bomb, Sing(N), Sleep Talk, Snore, Tail Slap(N),
Weight : 16.5 lbs. / 7.5kg (1) Tickle(N), Uproar, Work Up

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 3, Burrow 5, Jump 2/3, Power 2,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Urban)

BUNEARY Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 3/2, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 1d6+2, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Defense Curl - Normal
1 Foresight - Normal
1 Pound - Normal
1 Splash - Normal
6 Endure - Normal
10 Baby-Doll Eyes - Fairy
13 Frustration - Normal
16 Quick Attack - Normal
23 Jump Kick - Fighting
Base Stats: 26 Baton Pass - Normal
HP: 6 33 Agility - Psychic
Attack: 7 36 Dizzy Punch - Normal
Defense: 4 43 After You - Normal
Special Attack: 4 46 Charm - Fairy
Special Defense: 6 53 Entrainment - Normal
Speed: 9 56 Bounce - Flying
63 Healing Wish - Psychic
Basic Information
Type : Normal TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Cute Charm A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Basic Ability 2: Klutz Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Adv Ability 1: Limber 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 27
Adv Ability 2: Vigor Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
High Ability: Nimble Strikes 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 56 Fling,
57 Charge Beam, 67 Retaliate, 73 Thunder Wave, 86
Evolution: Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
1 - Buneary 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
2 - Lopunny Minimum 20
Egg Move List
Size Information Attract, Circle Throw, Copycat, Cosmic
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Power, Double Hit, Encore, Fake Out, Fake Tears,
Weight : 12.1 lbs. / 5.5kg (1) Fire Punch, Flail, Focus Punch, Ice Punch, Low Kick,
Mud Sport, Sky Uppercut, Sweet Kiss, Switcheroo,
Breeding Information Teeter Dance, Thunder Punch
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field / Humanshape Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days After You, Bounce, Covet, Drain Punch,
Endeavor, Fire Punch, Heal Bell, Helping Hand,
Diet : Herbivore Hyper Voice, Ice Punch, Iron Tail, Last Resort, Low
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban Kick, Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Role Play, Shock Wave,
Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Thunder Punch, Uproar,
Water Pulse, Work Up

LOPUNNY Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 5/4, Power 2, Naturewalk

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Endure - Normal
13 Return - Normal
16 Quick Attack - Normal
23 Jump Kick - Fighting
26 Baton Pass - Normal
33 Agility - Psychic
36 Dizzy Punch - Normal
43 After You - Normal
46 Charm - Fairy
Base Stats: 56 Bounce - Flying
HP: 7 63 Healing Wish - Psychic
Attack: 8 66 High Jump Kick - Fighting
Defense: 8
Special Attack: 5 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 10 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Speed: 11 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15
Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Basic Information tion, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27
Type : Normal Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 42
Basic Ability 1: Cute Charm Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round,
Basic Ability 2: Klutz 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 67 Re-
Adv Ability 1: Limber taliate, 68 Giga Impact, 73 Thunder Wave, 86 Grass
Adv Ability 2: Vigor Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
High Ability: Nimble Strikes Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Buneary After You, Bounce (N), Covet, Defense Curl,
2 - Lopunny Minimum 20 Drain Punch, Endeavor, Fire Punch, Focus Punch,
Foresight, Fury Cutter, Heal Bell, Healing Wish
Size Information (N), Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch, Iron
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium) Tail, Last Resort, Low Kick, Magic Coat(N), Mirror
Weight : 73.4 lbs. / 33.3kg (3) Coat(N), Mud-Slap, Role Play, Rototiller (N), Shock
Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Thunder Punch, Up-
Breeding Information roar, Water Pulse, Work Up
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field / Humanshape Mega Evolution
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Type: Normal / Fight-
Diet : Herbivore Ability: Scrappy
Habitat : Forest, Grassland
Stats: +6 Atk, +1 Def,
+3 Speed

SNUBBULL Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Tracker,
Naturewalk (Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6-1, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Tail Whip - Normal
7 Bite - Dark
13 Lick - Ghost
19 Headbutt - Normal
25 Roar - Normal
31 Rage - Normal
37 Play Rough - Fairy
43 Payback - Dark
Base Stats: 49 Crunch - Dark
HP: 6
Attack: 8 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 5 A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up,
Special Attack: 4 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Pro-
Special Defense: 4 tect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Speed: 3 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27
Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32
Basic Information Double Team, 33 Reflect, 35 Flamethrower, 36 Sludge
Type : Fairy Bomb, 38 Fire Blast, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Basic Ability 1: Intimidate 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 56 Fling,
Basic Ability 2: Run Away 59 Incinerate, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 73 Thunder
Adv Ability 1: Rattled Wave, 78 Bulldoze, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Adv Ability 2: Quick Feet Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl,
High Ability: Strong Jaw 98 Power-Up Punch, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Con-
1 - Snubbull Egg Move List
2 - Granbull Minimum 20 Close Combat, Crunch, Double-Edge, Fake
Tears, Feint Attack, Fire Fang, Focus Punch, Heal
Size Information Bell, Ice Fang, Metronome, Mimic, Present, Reflect,
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Smelling Salts, Snore, Thunder Fang
Weight : 17.2 lbs. / 7.8kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Body Slam, Charm, Counter, Covet, Defense
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F Curl, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch,
Egg Group : Field / Fairy Fire Fang (N), Heal Bell, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch, Ice
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Fang (N), Last Resort, Low Kick, Mega Kick, Mega
Punch, Mud-Slap, Scary Face, Seismic Toss, Shock
Diet : Carnivore Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Super Fang, Superpower,
Habitat : Forest, Urban Thunder Punch, Thunder Fang (N), Water Pulse,
Work Up

Athl 4d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 4d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
7 Bite - Dark
13 Lick - Ghost
19 Headbutt - Normal
27 Roar - Normal
35 Rage - Normal
43 Play Rough - Fairy
51 Payback - Dark
59 Crunch - Dark
67 Outrage - Dragon

TM/HM Move List

A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up,
10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper
Base Stats: Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22
HP: 9 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earth-
Attack: 12 quake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick
Defense: 8 Break, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 35 Flamethrower,
Special Attack: 6 36 Sludge Bomb, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 41
Special Defense: 6 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
Speed: 5 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59
Incinerate, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact,
Basic Information 71 Stone Edge, 73 Thunder Wave, 78 Bulldoze, 80
Type : Fairy Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
Basic Ability 1: Intimidate 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 98 Power-
Basic Ability 2: Run Away Up Punch, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
Adv Ability 1: Rattled
Adv Ability 2: Defeatist Tutor Move List
High Ability: Strong Jaw Body Slam, Charm(N), Counter, Covet,
Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Fire
Evolution: Punch, Fire Fang(N), Focus Punch, Heal Bell, Hyper
1 - Snubbull Voice, Ice Punch, Ice Fang(N), Iron Tail, Last Resort,
2 - Granbull Minimum 20 Low Kick, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Out-
rage (N), Scary Face(N), Seismic Toss, Shock Wave,
Size Information Sleep Talk, Snore, Super Fang, Superpower, Thunder
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium) Punch, Thunder Fang(N), Water Pulse, Work Up
Weight : 107.4 lbs. / 48.7kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F
Egg Group : Field / Fairy

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Urban

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 3, Jump 2/2, Power 5, Tracker

AIPOM Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
1 Tail Whip - Normal
4 Sand Attack - Ground
8 Astonish - Ghost
11 Baton Pass - Normal
15 Tickle - Normal
18 Fury Swipes - Normal
22 Swift - Normal
25 Screech - Normal
Base Stats: 29 Agility - Psychic
HP: 6 32 Double Hit - Normal
Attack: 7 36 Fling - Dark
Defense: 6 39 Nasty Plot - Dark
Special Attack: 4 43 Last Resort - Normal
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 9 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Basic Information Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt,
Type : Normal 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 So-
Basic Ability 1: Run Away lar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return,
Basic Ability 2: Pickup 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Adv Ability 1: Frisk Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Adv Ability 2: Pickpocket 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 62 Ac-
High Ability: Skill Link robatics, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate,
73 Thunder Wave, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87
Evolution: Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94
1 - Aipom Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
2 - Ambipom Learn Double Hit
Egg Move List
Size Information Agility, Beat Up, Bounce, Counter, Covet,
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small) Double Slap, Fake Out, Pursuit, Quick Guard, Re-
Weight : 25.4 lbs. / 11.5kg (2) venge, Screech, Slam, Spite, Switcheroo

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Body Slam, Bounce, Covet, Defense Curl,
Egg Group : Field Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Punch, Foul Play, Fury Cutter, Gunk Shot, Ice Punch,
Iron Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort, Low Kick, Magic
Diet : Omnivore Coat, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome,
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest Mud-Slap, Role Play, Seed Bomb, Seismic Toss,
Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Swift,
Thunder Punch, Uproar, Water Pulse, Work Up

AMBIPOM Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Sand Attack - Ground
8 Astonish - Ghost
11 Baton Pass - Normal
15 Tickle - Normal
18 Fury Swipes - Normal
22 Swift - Normal
25 Screech - Normal
29 Agility - Psychic
32 Double Hit - Normal
36 Fling - Dark
39 Nasty Plot - Dark
43 Last Resort - Normal

Base Stats: TM/HM Move List

HP: 8 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Attack: 10 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15
Defense: 7 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Special Attack: 6 tion, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27
Special Defense: 7 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32
Speed: 12 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 56 Fling,
Basic Information 62 Acrobatics, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Re-
Type : Normal taliate, 68 Giga Impact, 73 Thunder Wave, 85 Dream
Basic Ability 1: Run Away Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89
Basic Ability 2: Pickup U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up
Adv Ability 1: Frisk Punch, 100 Confide
Adv Ability 2: Pickpocket
High Ability: Skill Link Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Bounce, Covet, Defense Curl,
Evolution: Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus
1 - Aipom Punch, Foul Play, Fury Cutter, Gunk Shot, Ice Punch,
2 - Ambipom Learn Double Hit Iron Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort, Low Kick, Magic
Coat, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome,
Size Information Mud-Slap, Role Play, Seed Bomb, Seismic Toss,
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium) Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Swift,
Weight : 44.8 lbs. / 20.3kg (2) Thunder Punch, Uproar, Water Pulse, Work Up

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 3/4, Power 4, Naturewalk

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Jump 2/1, Power 2,
Pack Mon, Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Under-

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 1d6+1, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Camouflage - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
4 Growl - Normal
7 Sand Attack - Ground
10 Double Kick - Fighting
13 Leech Seed - Grass
16 Feint Attack - Dark
Base Stats: 20 Take Down - Normal
HP: 6 24 Jump Kick - Fighting
Attack: 6 28 Aromatherapy - Grass
Defense: 5 32 Energy Ball - Grass
Special Attack: 4 36 Charm - Fairy
Special Defense: 5 41 Nature Power - Normal
Speed: 8 46 Double-Edge - Normal
51 Solar Beam - Grass
Basic Information
Type : Normal / Grass TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Seasonal 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safe-
Adv Ability 2: Sap Sipper guard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 30
Adv Ability 3: Ragelope Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
High Ability: Serene Grace Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 53 Energy Ball,
67 Retaliate, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 86 Grass
Evolution: Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93
1 - Deerling Wild Charge, 96 Nature Power
2 - Sawsbuck Minimum 25
Egg Move List
Size Information Agility, Baton Pass, Fake Tears,
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Grass Whistle, Natural Gift, Odor Sleuth, Sleep Talk,
Weight : 43 lbs. / 19.5kg (2) Synthesis, Worry Seed

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Bounce, Giga Drain, Last Resort, Seed Bomb,
Egg Group : Field Sleep Talk, Snore, Synthesis, Work Up, Worry Seed
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 5,
Pack Mon, Mountable 1, Naturewalk (Grassland,

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 3d6, Focus 2d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Growl - Normal
7 Sand Attack - Ground
10 Double Kick - Fighting
13 Leech Seed - Grass
16 Feint Attack - Dark
20 Take Down - Normal
24 Jump Kick - Fighting
Base Stats: 28 Aromatherapy - Grass
HP: 8 32 Energy Ball - Grass
Attack: 10 36 Charm - Fairy
Defense: 7 37 Horn Leech - Grass
Special Attack: 6 44 Nature Power - Normal
Special Defense: 7 52 Double-Edge - Normal
Speed: 10 60 Solar Beam - Grass

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Normal / Grass A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Basic Ability 1: Seasonal Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Adv Ability 2: Sap Sipper Beam, 27 Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 3: Ragelope 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
High Ability: Serene Grace Voice, 53 Energy Ball, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact,
70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 75 Swords Dance, 86
Evolution: Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
1 - Deerling 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power
2 - Sawsbuck Minimum 25
Tutor Move List
Size Information Bounce, Giga Drain, Last Resort,
Height : 6’ 3” / 1.9m (Large) Megahorn(N), Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Synthe-
Weight : 203.9 lbs. / 92.5kg (4) sis, Work Up, Worry Seed

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

TEDDIURSA Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Tracker,
Stealth, Naturewalk (Cave, Mountain), Underdog,
Honey Gather

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6, Percep
4d6, Focus 1d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Lick - Ghost
1 Scratch - Normal
8 Fury Swipes - Normal
15 Feint Attack - Dark
22 Sweet Scent - Normal
29 Slash - Normal
36 Charm - Fairy
Base Stats: 43 Rest - Psychic
HP: 6 43 Snore - Normal
Attack: 8 50 Thrash - Normal
Defense: 5 57 Fling - Dark
Special Attack: 5
Special Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 4 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 05
Roar, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Basic Information Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Type : Normal 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Basic Ability 1: Pickup 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb,
Basic Ability 2: Quick Feet 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 1: Deep Sleep Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 65 Shadow
Adv Ability 2: Honey Paws Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 75 Swords Dance, 78
High Ability: Lunchbox Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch,
Evolution: 100 Confide
1 - Teddiursa
2 - Ursaring Minimum 30 Egg Move List
Belly Drum, Chip Away, Close Combat,
Size Information Counter, Cross Chop, Crunch, Double-Edge, Fake
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Tears, Metal Claw, Night Slash, Play Rough, Seismic
Weight : 19.4 lbs. / 8.8kg (1) Toss, Sleep Talk, Take Down, Yawn

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Baby-Doll Eyes (N), Body Slam, Covet(N),
Egg Group : Field Defense Curl, Dynamic Punch, Fake Tears(N), Fire
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Punch, Fling (N), Focus Punch, Fury Cutter, Gunk
Shot, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch, Last Resort, Mega
Diet : Omnivore Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome, Mud-Slap, Rollout,
Habitat : Cave, Mountain, Taiga Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower, Swift,
Thunder Punch, Work Up

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 5d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 4d6, Focus 1d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
8 Fury Swipes - Normal
15 Feint Attack - Dark
22 Sweet Scent - Normal
29 Slash - Normal
38 Scary Face - Normal
47 Rest - Psychic
49 Snore - Normal
58 Thrash - Normal
67 Hammer Arm - Fighting

TM/HM Move List

A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 05
Base Stats: Roar, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11
HP: 9 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Attack: 13 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down,
Defense: 8 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break,
Special Attack: 8 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41
Special Defense: 8 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Speed: 6 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 65 Shadow Claw, 66
Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge,
Basic Information 75 Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87
Type : Normal Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
Basic Ability 1: Guts 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Basic Ability 2: Quick Feet
Adv Ability 1: Unnerve Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 2: Frighten Avalanche, Body Slam, Counter, Covet(N),
High Ability: Bodyguard Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Fake
Tears (N), Fire Punch, Focus Punch(N), Fury Cut-
Evolution: ter, Gunk Shot, Hammer Arm (N), Ice Punch, Last
1 - Teddiursa Resort, Low Kick, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Met-
2 - Ursaring Minimum 30 ronome, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Seed Bomb, Seismic
Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower, Swift, Thunder
Size Information Punch, Uproar, Work Up
Height : 5’ 11” / 1.8m (Medium)
Weight : 277.3 lbs. / 125.8kg (5)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain, Taiga

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 6, Tracker,
Naturewalk (Cave, Mountain)

LICKITUNG Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 4, Jump 3/2, Power 4, Reach, Na-
turewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Lick - Ghost
5 Supersonic - Normal
9 Defense Curl - Normal
13 Knock Off - Dark
17 Wrap - Normal
21 Stomp - Normal
25 Disable - Normal
29 Slam - Normal
33 Rollout - Rock
Base Stats: 37 Chip Away - Normal
HP: 9 41 Me First - Normal
Attack: 6 45 Refresh - Normal
Defense: 8 49 Screech - Normal
Special Attack: 6 53 Power Whip - Grass
Special Defense: 8 57 Wring Out - Normal
Speed: 3
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10
Type : Normal Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Bliz-
Basic Ability 1: Tonguelash zard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Adv Ability 1: Oblivious 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt,
Adv Ability 2: Own Tempo 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30
Adv Ability 3: Tingle Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35
High Ability: Cloud Nine Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock
Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Evolution: Round, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga
1 - Lickitung Impact, 75 Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze,
2 - Lickilicky Learn Rollout 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 85 Dream Eater, 87
Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
Size Information 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 144.4 lbs. / 65.5kg (4) Egg Move List
Amnesia, Belly Drum, Body Slam, Curse,
Breeding Information Hammer Arm, Magnitude, Muddy Water, Sleep Talk,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Smelling Salts, Snore, Substitute, Zen Headbutt
Egg Group : Monster
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Tutor Move List
Aqua Tail, Bind, Counter, Double-Edge,
Diet : Omnivore Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Ice
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Rainforest Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Knock, Off, Mega Kick,
Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Seismic Toss, Shock Wave,
Sleep Talk, Snore, Thunder Punch, Water Pulse,
Work Up, Zen Headbutt

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Supersonic - Normal
9 Defense Curl - Normal
13 Knock Off - Dark
17 Wrap - Normal
21 Stomp - Normal
25 Disable - Normal
29 Slam - Normal
33 Rollout - Rock
37 Chip Away - Normal
41 Me First - Normal
45 Refresh - Normal
49 Screech - Normal
Base Stats: 53 Power Whip - Grass
HP: 11 57 Wring Out - Normal
Attack: 9 61 Gyro Ball - Steel
Defense: 10
Special Attack: 8 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 10 A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10
Speed: 5 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Bliz-
zard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Basic Information 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt,
Type : Normal 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30
Basic Ability 1: Tonguelash Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35
Adv Ability 1: Oblivious Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock
Adv Ability 2: Own Tempo Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Adv Ability 3: Tingle Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 64 Ex-
High Ability: Cloud Nine plosion, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 74 Gyro Ball,
75 Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
Evolution: Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88
1 - Lickitung Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-
2 - Lickilicky Learn Rollout Up Punch, 100 Confide

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Medium) Aqua Tail, Bind, Block, Counter,
Weight : 308.6 lbs. / 140kg (5) Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus
Punch, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Knock Off,
Breeding Information Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Power Whip
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F (N), Rock Climb, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Shock Wave,
Egg Group : Monster Sleep Talk, Snore, Thunder Punch, Water Pulse,
Work Up, Wring Out (N), Zen Headbutt
Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 3/2, Power 5, Reach, Na-
turewalk (Grassland, Forest)

MUNCHLAX Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Jump 2/3, Power 4, Tracker,
Naturewalk (Forest, Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Odor Sleuth - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
4 Defense Curl - Normal
9 Amnesia - Psychic
12 Lick - Ghost
17 Chip Away - Normal
20 Screech - Normal
25 Body Slam - Normal
28 Stockpile - Normal
Base Stats: 33 Swallow - Normal
HP: 14 36 Rollout - Rock
Attack: 9 41 Fling - Dark
Defense: 4 44 Belly Drum - Normal
Special Attack: 4 49 Natural Gift - Normal
Special Defense: 9 50 Snatch - Dark
Speed: 1 57 Last Resort - Normal

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Normal A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Basic Ability 1: Thick Fat Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17
Basic Ability 2: Pickup Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Adv Ability 1: Lunchbox Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake,
Adv Ability 2: Gluttony 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick
High Ability: Deep Sleep Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sand-
storm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44
Evolution: Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 67
1 - Munchlax Retaliate, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88
2 - Snorlax Minimum 25 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-
Up Punch, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Medium) Egg Move List
Weight : 231.5 lbs. / 105kg (4) After You, Belch, Charm, Counter, Curse,
Double-Edge, Fissure, Lick, Natural Gift, Pursuit,
Breeding Information Self-Destruct, Substitute, Whirlwind, Zen Headbutt
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Monster Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 25 Days After You, Covet, Fire Punch, Focus Punch,
Gunk Shot, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Last
Diet : Omnivore Resort (N), Lick (N), Mud-Slap, Metronome, Out-
Habitat : Forest, Mountain, Taiga, Urban rage, Recycle (N), Rock Climb, Rollout, Seed Bomb,
Shock Wave, Snatch (N), Snore, Thunder Punch,
Uproar, Water Pulse, Work Up, Zen Headbutt

Skill List
Athl 6d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6+1, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 5d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Defense Curl - Normal
9 Amnesia - Psychic
12 Lick - Ghost
17 Belly Drum - Normal
20 Yawn - Normal
25 Chip Away - Normal
28 Rest - Psychic
28 Snore - Normal
33 Sleep Talk - Normal
36 Body Slam - Normal
41 Block - Normal
44 Rollout - Rock
Base Stats: 49 Crunch - Dark
HP: 16 52 Heavy Slam - Steel
Attack: 11 57 Giga Impact - Normal
Defense: 7
Special Attack: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 11 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Speed: 3 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15
Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Basic Information tion, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26
Type : Normal Earthquake, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
Basic Ability 1: Thick Fat 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower,
Basic Ability 2: Immunity 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Fa-
Adv Ability 1: Lunchbox cade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast,
Adv Ability 2: Gluttony 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact,
High Ability: Deep Sleep 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash,
Evolution: 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Munchlax
2 - Snorlax Minimum 25 Tutor Move List
After You, Block, Covet, Counter, Covet,
Size Information Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Gunk
Height : 6’ 11” / 2.1m (Large) Shot, Headbutt, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch, Icy Wind,
Weight : 1014.1 lbs. / 460kg (6) Iron Head, Last Resort, Mega Kick, Mega Punch,
Metronome, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Psych Up,
Breeding Information Recycle, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Seed Bomb, Shock
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower, Thunder
Egg Group : Monster Punch, Uproar, Water Pulse, Work Up, Zen Headbutt

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Mountain, Taiga, Urban

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 1, Jump 2/2, Power 12, Nature-
walk (Forest, Mountain), Tracker

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Threaded, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6+2, Acro 2d6-1, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Protect - Normal
10 Tackle - Normal
15 Bug Bite - Bug
20 Hidden Power - Normal

Tutor Move List

Bug Bite, Electroweb, Snore, String Shot

Base Stats:
HP: 4
Attack: 3
Defense: 5
Special Attack: 3
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 4

Basic Information
Type : Bug
Basic Ability 1: Quick Cloak
Adv Ability 1: Overcoat
Adv Ability 2: Shed Skin
Adv Ability 3: Tolerance
High Ability: Sturdy

1 - Burmy
2 - Wormadam Minimum 20 Female
2 - Mothim Minimum 20 Male

Size Information
Height : 0’ 8” / 0.2m (Small)
Weight : 7.5 lbs. / 3.4kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Desert, Forest, Rainforest, Urban

WORMADAM Plant Cloak Form
Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 1, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Threaded, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6-1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6, Per-
cep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
10 Protect - Normal
15 Bug Bite - Bug
20 Hidden Power - Normal
23 Confusion - Psychic
26 Razor Leaf - Grass
29 Growth - Normal
32 Psybeam - Psychic
35 Captivate - Normal
Base Stats: 38 Flail - Normal
HP: 6 41 Attract - Normal
Attack: 6 44 Psychic - Psychic
Defense: 9 47 Leaf Storm - Grass
Special Attack: 8
Special Defense: 11 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 4 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power,
11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Information Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Type : Bug / Grass 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
Basic Ability 1: Anticipation Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Adv Ability 1: Overcoat Round, 53 Energy Ball, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 76
Adv Ability 2: Adaptation Struggle Bug, 77 Psych Up, 83 Infestation, 85 Dream
Adv Ability 3: Tolerance Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
High Ability: Grass Pelt Substitute

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Burmy Bug Bite, Bullet Seed, Electroweb, Endeavor,
2 - Wormadam Minimum 20 Female Giga Drain, Natural Gift, Seed Bomb, Signal Beam,
Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, String Shot, Sucker
Size Information Punch, Synthesis, Uproar, Worry Seed
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small)
Weight : 14.3 lbs. / 6.5kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

WORMADAM Sandy Cloak Form
Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 1, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Threaded,
Naturewalk (Desert), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6-1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6, Per-
cep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
10 Protect - Normal
15 Bug Bite - Bug
20 Hidden Power - Normal
23 Confusion - Psychic
26 Rock Blast - Rock
29 Harden - Normal
32 Psybeam - Psychic
35 Captivate - Normal
Base Stats: 38 Flail - Normal
HP: 7 41 Attract - Normal
Attack: 8 44 Psychic - Psychic
Defense: 11 47 Fissure - Ground
Special Attack: 6
Special Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 3 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power,
11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Information Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Type : Bug / Ground 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
Basic Ability 1: Anticipation Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Adv Ability 1: Overcoat Round, 53 Energy Ball, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 76
Adv Ability 2: Adaptation Struggle Bug, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass
Adv Ability 3: Tolerance Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
High Ability: Sand Veil
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Bug Bite, Earth Power, Electroweb, Endeavor,
1 - Burmy Gunk Shot, Mud-Slap, Natural Gift, Signal Beam,
2 - Wormadam Minimum 20 Female Skill Swap, Snore, Stealth Rock, String Shot, Sucker
Punch, Uproar
Size Information
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small)
Weight : 14.3 lbs. / 6.5kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Desert, Mountain

WORMADAM Trash Cloak Form
Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 1, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Threaded,

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6-1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6, Per-
cep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
10 Protect - Normal
15 Bug Bite - Bug
20 Hidden Power - Normal
23 Confusion - Psychic
26 Mirror Shot - Steel
29 Metal Sound - Steel
32 Psybeam - Psychic
35 Captivate - Normal
Base Stats: 38 Flail - Normal
HP: 6 41 Attract - Normal
Attack: 7 44 Psychic - Psychic
Defense: 10 47 Iron Head - Steel
Special Attack: 7
Special Defense: 10 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 4 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power,
11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Information Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Type : Bug / Steel 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
Basic Ability 1: Anticipation Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Adv Ability 1: Overcoat Round, 53 Energy Ball, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 76
Adv Ability 2: Adaptation Struggle Bug, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass
Adv Ability 3: Tolerance Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
High Ability: Clear Body
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Bug Bite, Endeavor, Gunk Shot, Iron Defense,
1 - Burmy Iron Head, Magnet Rise, Natural Gift, Signal Beam,
2 - Wormadam Minimum 20 Female Skill Swap, Snore, Stealth Rock, String Shot, Sucker
Punch, Uproar
Size Information
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small)
Weight : 14.3 lbs. / 6.5kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Urban

MOTHIM Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 3, Sky 6, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Un-

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6+2, Per-
cep 4d6, Focus 3d6-1

Move List
Level Up Move List
10 Protect - Normal
15 Bug Bite - Bug
20 Hidden Power - Normal
23 Confusion - Psychic
26 Gust - Flying
29 Poison Powder - Poison
32 Psybeam - Psychic
35 Camouflage - Normal
38 Silver Wind - Bug
Base Stats: 41 Air Slash - Flying
HP: 7 44 Psychic - Psychic
Attack: 9 47 Bug Buzz - Bug
Defense: 5 50 Quiver Dance - Bug
Special Attack: 9
Special Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 7 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power,
11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Information Dance, 19 Roost, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22
Type : Bug / Flying Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
Basic Ability 1: Tinted Lens 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Adv Ability 1: Swarm 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 62
Adv Ability 2: Honey Thief Acrobatics, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 76 Struggle
Adv Ability 3: Flutter Bug, 77 Psych Up, 83 Infestation, 85 Dream Eater, 87
High Ability: Compound Eyes Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Burmy Air Cutter, Bug Bite, Defog, Electroweb,
2 - Mothim Minimum 20 Male Endeavor, Giga Drain, Mud-Slap, Natural Gift,
Ominous Wind, Roost, Signal Beam, Skill Swap,
Size Information Sleep Talk, Snore, String Shot, Swift, Tailwind,
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Medium) Twister
Weight : 51.4 lbs. / 23.3kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 100% M / 0% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Desert, Forest, Rainforest, Urban

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Burrow 3, Jump 2/2, Power 1,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Threaded, Wall-
climber, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6+2, Acro 4d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6+2,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Harden - Normal
1 Scratch - Normal
5 Leech Life - Bug
9 Sand Attack - Ground
13 Fury Swipes - Normal
17 Mud-Slap - Ground
21 Metal Claw - Steel
Base Stats: 25 Mind Reader - Normal
HP: 3 33 False Swipe - Normal
Attack: 5 37 Dig - Ground
Defense: 9
Special Attack: 3 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 3 A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Speed: 4 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22
Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32
Basic Information Double Team, 37 Sandstorm, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Fa-
Type : Bug / Ground cade, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 54 False Swipe, 70 Flash, 76
Basic Ability 1: Compound Eyes Struggle Bug, 81 X-Scissor, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Adv Ability 1: Forewarn 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute
Adv Ability 2: Run Away
Adv Ability 3: Sand Veil Egg Move List
High Ability: Dig Away Bug Bite, Bug Buzz, Endure, Feint Attack,
Final Gambit, Gust, Night Slash, Silver Wind
1 - Nincada Tutor Move List
2 - Ninjask Minimum 20 Bug Bite, Double-Edge, Fury Cutter, Giga
2 - Shedinja Splits from Nincada Drain, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, String Shot

Size Information
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small)
Weight : 12.1 lbs. / 5.5kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Desert, Forest

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 3, Sky 8, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Na-
turewalk (Grassland, Forest), Wallclimber

Skill List
Athl 3d6+3, Acro 5d6+3, Combat 4d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Leech Life - Bug
9 Sand Attack - Ground
13 Fury Swipes - Normal
17 Agility - Psychic
20 Double Team - Normal
20 Fury Cutter - Bug
20 Screech - Normal
23 Slash - Normal
Base Stats: 29 Mind Reader - Normal
HP: 6 35 Baton Pass - Normal
Attack: 9 41 Swords Dance - Normal
Defense: 5 47 X-Scissor - Bug
Special Attack: 5
Special Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 16 A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Basic Information 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return,
Type : Bug / Flying 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 37 Sand-
Basic Ability 1: Speed Boost storm, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Adv Ability 1: Infiltrator 46 Thief, 48 Round, 54 False Swipe, 68 Giga Impact,
Adv Ability 2: Rocket 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 76 Struggle Bug, 81 X-
Adv Ability 3: Blur Scissor, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
High Ability: Vanguard
Evolution: Tutor Move List
1 - Nincada Air Cutter, Bug Bite (N), Defog, Double-
2 - Ninjask Minimum 20 Edge, Fury Cutter, Giga Drain, Mud-Slap, Ominous
Wind, Roost, Silver Wind, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite,
Size Information String Shot, Swift, Uproar
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small)
Weight : 26.5 lbs. / 12kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Desert, Forest

SHEDINJA Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 3, Sky 5, Jump 2/2, Power 1,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Darkvision, Dead
Silent, Soulless, Wallclimber

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 4d6-1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 4d6, Per-
cep 3d6+2, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Leech Life - Bug
9 Sand Attack - Ground
13 Fury Swipes - Normal
17 Spite - Ghost
21 Shadow Sneak - Ghost
25 Mind Reader - Normal
29 Confuse Ray - Ghost
33 Shadow Ball - Ghost
Base Stats: 37 Grudge - Ghost
HP: 0 41 Heal Block - Psychic
Attack: 9 45 Phantom Force - Ghost
Defense: 5
Special Attack: 3 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 3 A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Speed: 4 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Basic Information 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm, 40
Type : Bug / Ghost Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 46 Thief, 48 Round,
Basic Ability 1: Wonderguard 54 False Swipe, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 65 Shadow Claw, 68
Adv Ability 1: Dodge Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 76 Struggle Bug, 81 X-Scissor,
Adv Ability 2: Magic Guard 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
Adv Ability 3: Wonder Skin tute
High Ability: Pressure
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Bug Bite, Fury Cutter, Giga Drain, Mud-Slap,
1 - Nincada Natural Gift, Ominous Wind, Sleep Talk, Snore,
2 - Shedinja Splits from Nincada Spite, String Shot, Sucker Punch, Swift, Telekinesis,
Size Information
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small)
Weight : 2.6 lbs. / 1.2kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Mineral

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Desert, Forest

PARAS Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Burrow 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1,
Darkvision, Mushroom Harvest, Naturewalk (Grass-
land, Forest), Wallclimber, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 1d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
6 Poison Powder - Poison
6 Stun Spore - Grass
11 Leech Life - Bug
17 Fury Cutter - Bug
22 Spore - Grass
27 Slash - Normal
33 Growth - Normal
Base Stats: 38 Giga Drain - Grass
HP: 4 43 Aromatherapy - Grass
Attack: 7 49 Rage Powder - Bug
Defense: 6 54 X-Scissor - Bug
Special Attack: 5
Special Defense: 6 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 3 A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 09 Veno-
shock, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light
Basic Information Screen, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27
Type : Bug / Grass Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 36
Basic Ability 1: Dry Skin Sludge Bomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Ability 2: Tochukaso Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 54 False
Adv Ability 1: Effect Spore Swipe, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 76 Struggle Bug,
Adv Ability 2: Dire Spore 81 X-Scissor, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
High Ability: Damp Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Paras Agility, Bug Bite, Counter, Cross Poison,
2 - Parasect Minimum 20 Endure, False Swipe, Fell Stinger, Flail, Leech Seed,
Light Screen, Metal Claw, Natural Gift, Psybeam,
Size Information Pursuit, Rototiller, Screech, Sweet Scent, Wide Guard
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small)
Weight : 11.9 lbs. / 5.4kg (1) Tutor Move List
After You, Body Slam, Bug Bite, Bullet Seed,
Breeding Information Double-Edge, Fury Cutter, Giga Drain, Knock Off,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Seed Bomb, Snore, String Shot, Synthesis, Worry
Egg Group : Bug / Plant Seed
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore, Phototroph
Habitat : Cave, Rainforest

PARASECT Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 2, Burrow 3, Jump 1/1, Power 3,
Darkvision, Mushroom Harvest, Naturewalk (Grass-
land, Forest), Planter (Herbs), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6-3, Per-
cep 1d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Poison Powder - Poison
6 Stun Spore - Grass
11 Leech Life - Bug
17 Fury Cutter - Bug
22 Spore - Grass
29 Slash - Normal
37 Growth - Normal
44 Giga Drain - Grass
Base Stats: 51 Aromatherapy - Grass
HP: 6 59 Rage Powder - Bug
Attack: 10 66 X-Scissor - Bug
Defense: 8
Special Attack: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 8 A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 09 Veno-
Speed: 3 shock, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper
Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22
Basic Information Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32
Type : Bug / Grass Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Fa-
Basic Ability 1: Dry Skin cade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53 En-
Basic Ability 2: Tochukaso ergy Ball, 54 False Swipe, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash,
Adv Ability 1: Effect Spore 75 Swords Dance, 76 Struggle Bug, 81 X-Scissor, 86
Adv Ability 2: Dire Spore Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
High Ability: Damp 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Paras After You, Body Slam, Bug Bite, Bullet Seed,
2 - Parasect Minimum 20 Counter, Cross Poison(N), Double-Edge, Fury Cut-
ter, Giga Drain, Knock Off, Natural Gift, Seed Bomb,
Size Information Sleep Talk, Snore, String Shot, Synthesis, Worry Seed
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 65 lbs. / 29.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug / Plant

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Cave, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/2, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6-1, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 3d6+2, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Disable - Normal
1 Foresight - Normal
5 Supersonic - Normal
11 Confusion - Psychic
13 Poison Powder - Poison
17 Leech Life - Bug
23 Stun Spore - Grass
Base Stats: 25 Psybeam - Psychic
HP: 6 29 Sleep Powder - Grass
Attack: 6 35 Signal Beam - Bug
Defense: 5 37 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
Special Attack: 4 41 Poison Fang - Poison
Special Defense: 6 47 Psychic - Psychic
Speed: 5
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power,
Type : Bug / Poison 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Basic Ability 1: Compound Eyes Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 32 Double Team, 36
Basic Ability 2: Tinted Lens Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Adv Ability 1: Run Away Thief, 48 Round, 70 Flash, 76 Struggle Bug, 83 Infes-
Adv Ability 2: Shield Dust tation, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
High Ability: Dust Cloud

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Venonat Agility, Baton Pass, Bug Bite, Giga Drain,
2 - Venomoth Minimum 30 Morning Sun, Rage Powder, Screech, Secret Power,
Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Toxic Spikes
Size Information
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 66.1 lbs. / 30kg (3) Bug Bite, Disable, Double-Edge, Giga Drain,
Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, String
Breeding Information Shot, Swift, Zen Headbutt
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

VENOMOTH Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Sky 6, Jump 1/2, Power 2

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
4d6+2, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Supersonic - Normal
11 Confusion - Psychic
13 Poison Powder - Poison
17 Leech Life - Bug
23 Stun Spore - Grass
25 Psybeam - Psychic
29 Sleep Powder - Grass
31 Gust - Flying
37 Signal Beam - Bug
41 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
Base Stats: 47 Poison Fang - Poison
HP: 7 55 Psychic - Psychic
Attack: 7 59 Bug Buzz - Bug
Defense: 6 63 Quiver Dance - Bug
Special Attack: 9
Special Defense: 8 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 9 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 19 Roost, 21
Basic Information Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
Type : Bug / Poison 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42
Basic Ability 1: Compound Eyes Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53
Basic Ability 2: Tinted Lens Energy Ball, 62 Acrobatics, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash,
Adv Ability 1: Wonder Skin 76 Struggle Bug, 83 Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 2: Shield Dust Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute
High Ability: Dust Cloud
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Air Cutter, Bug Bite, Bug Buzz (N), Disable,
1 - Venonat Double-Edge, Foresight (N), Giga Drain, Ominous
2 - Venomoth Minimum 30 Wind, Quiver Dance (N), Roost, Signal Beam, Silver
Wind (N), Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, String Shot,
Size Information Swift, Tailwind, Twister, Zen Headbutt
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium)
Weight : 27.6 lbs. / 12.5kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Sky 3, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Na-
turewalk (Grassland, Forest), Wallclimber, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
6 Supersonic - Normal
9 Comet Punch - Normal
14 Light Screen - Psychic
14 Reflect - Psychic
14 Safeguard - Normal
17 Mach Punch - Fighting
22 Baton Pass - Normal
Base Stats: 25 Silver Wind - Bug
HP: 4 30 Agility - Psychic
Attack: 2 33 Swift - Normal
Defense: 3 38 Double-Edge - Normal
Special Attack: 4 41 Bug Buzz - Bug
Special Defense: 8
Speed: 6 TM/HM Move List
06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Basic Information 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 19 Roost, 20 Safeguard,
Type : Bug / Flying 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31
Basic Ability 1: Early Bird Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 40 Aerial
Basic Ability 2: Rattled Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Adv Ability 1: Infiltrator Round, 56 Fling, 62 Acrobatics, 70 Flash, 75 Swords
Adv Ability 2: Swarm Dance, 76 Struggle Bug, 83 Infestation, 87 Swagger,
High Ability: Starlight 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 98 Power-Up
Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Ledyba Egg Move List
2 - Ledian Minimum 15 Bide, Bug Bite, Bug Buzz, Dizzy Punch, Drain
Punch, Encore, Focus Punch, Knock Off, Psybeam,
Size Information Screech, Silver Wind, Tailwind
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Small)
Weight : 23.8 lbs. / 10.8kg (1) Tutor Move List
Air Cutter, Bug Bite, Drain Punch,
Breeding Information Dynamic Punch, Giga Drain, Ice Punch, Knock Off,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Mega Punch, Ominous Wind, Rollout, Roost, Sleep
Egg Group : Bug Talk, Snore, String Shot, Swift, Tailwind,
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days Thunder Punch, Uproar

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Sky 6, Jump 2/2, Power 4, Na-
turewalk (Grassland, Forest), Wallclimber, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 4d6+3, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Supersonic - Normal
9 Comet Punch - Normal
14 Light Screen - Psychic
14 Reflect - Psychic
14 Safeguard - Normal
17 Mach Punch - Fighting
24 Baton Pass - Normal
29 Silver Wind - Bug
Base Stats: 36 Agility - Psychic
HP: 6 41 Swift - Normal
Attack: 4 48 Double-Edge - Normal
Defense: 5 53 Bug Buzz - Bug
Special Attack: 6
Special Defense: 11 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 9 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Pro-
Basic Information tect, 19 Roost, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Type : Bug / Flying Beam, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Basic Ability 1: Early Bird Team, 33 Reflect, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Basic Ability 2: Huge Power 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56
Adv Ability 1: Iron Fist Fling, 62 Acrobatics, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 75
Adv Ability 2: Swarm Swords Dance, 76 Struggle Bug, 83 Infestation, 87
High Ability: Starlight Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94
Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Ledyba Tutor Move List
2 - Ledian Minimum 15 Air Cutter, Bug Bite, Comet Punch(N), Drain
Punch, Dynamic Punch, Focus Punch, Giga Drain,
Size Information Ice Punch, Knock Off, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap,
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium) Ominous Wind, Rollout, Roost, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Weight : 78.5 lbs. / 35.6kg (3) String Shot, Swift, Tailwind, Thunder Punch, Uproar

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/2, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Threaded, Wallclimber, Under-

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Poison Sting - Poison
1 String Shot - Bug
5 Scary Face - Normal
8 Constrict - Normal
12 Leech Life - Bug
15 Night Shade - Ghost
19 Shadow Sneak - Ghost
Base Stats: 22 Fury Swipes - Normal
HP: 4 26 Sucker Punch - Dark
Attack: 6 29 Spider Web - Bug
Defense: 4 33 Agility - Psychic
Special Attack: 4 36 Pin Missile - Bug
Special Defense: 4 40 Psychic - Psychic
Speed: 3 43 Poison Jab - Poison
47 Cross Poison - Poison
Basic Information 50 Sticky Web - Bug
Type : Bug / Poison
Basic Ability 1: Insomnia TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 1: Swarm 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10
Adv Ability 2: Silk Threads Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustra-
Adv Ability 3: Sniper tion, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29 Psychic,
High Ability: Ambush 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44
Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 70 Flash, 76
Evolution: Struggle Bug, 81 X-Scissor, 83 Infestation, 84 Poison
1 - Spinarak Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
2 - Ariados Minimum 20
Egg Move List
Size Information Baton Pass, Disable, Electroweb, Night Slash,
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Poison Jab, Psybeam, Pursuit, Rage Powder, Signal
Weight : 18.7 lbs. / 8.5kg (1) Beam, Sonic Boom, Toxic Spikes, Twineedle

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Body Slam, Bounce, Bug Bite, Double-Edge,
Egg Group : Bug Electroweb, Foul Play, Giga Drain, Signal Beam,
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days Snore, String Shot, Sucker Punch

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Threaded, Wallclimber, Under-

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 4d6+1,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Scary Face - Normal
8 Constrict - Normal
12 Leech Life - Bug
15 Night Shade - Ghost
19 Shadow Sneak - Ghost
23 Fury Swipes - Normal
28 Sucker Punch - Dark
Base Stats: 32 Spider Web - Bug
HP: 7 37 Agility - Psychic
Attack: 9 41 Pin Missile - Bug
Defense: 7 46 Psychic - Psychic
Special Attack: 6 50 Poison Jab - Poison
Special Defense: 6 55 Cross Poison - Poison
Speed: 4 58 Sticky Web - Bug

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Bug / Poison 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10
Basic Ability 1: Insomnia Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Adv Ability 1: Swarm Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28
Adv Ability 2: Silk Threads Dig, 29 Psychic, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb,
Adv Ability 3: Sniper 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 68
High Ability: Ambush Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 76 Struggle Bug, 81 X-Scissor,
83 Infestation, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Evolution: Talk, 90 Substitute
1 - Spinarak
2 - Ariados Minimum 20 Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Bounce, Bug Bite (N), Constrict,
Size Information Double-Edge, Electroweb, Fell Stinger (N), Foul Play,
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Giga Drain, Signal Beam, Snore, String Shot, Sucker
Weight : 73.9 lbs. / 33.5kg (3) Punch, Venom Drench (N)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest, Cave

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Sky 4, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Un-

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6-1, Per-
cep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Foresight - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
6 Quick Attack - Normal
11 Double Team - Normal
14 Sonic Boom - Normal
17 Detect - Fighting
22 Supersonic - Normal
27 Uproar - Normal
Base Stats: 30 Pursuit - Dark
HP: 7 33 Ancient Power - Rock
Attack: 7 38 Hypnosis - Psychic
Defense: 5 43 Wing Attack - Flying
Special Attack: 8 46 Screech - Normal
Special Defense: 5 49 U-Turn - Bug
Speed: 10 54 Air Slash - Flying
57 Bug Buzz - Bug
Basic Information
Type : Bug / Flying TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Speed Boost 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17
Basic Ability 2: Compound Eyes Protect, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27
Adv Ability 1: Frisk Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 2: Rocket 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
High Ability: Tinted Lens Thief, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 70 Flash, 85 Dream
Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Sub-
Evolution: stitute
1 - Yanma
2 - Yanmega Learn Ancient Power Egg Move List
Double-Edge, Feint Attack, Feint, Leech Life,
Size Information Pursuit, Reversal, Secret Power, Signal Beam, Silver
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium) Wind, Whirlwind
Weight : 83.8 lbs. / 38kg (3)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Air Cutter, Ancient Power, Bug Bite,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Double-Edge, Giga Drain, Ominous Wind, Roost,
Egg Group : Bug Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Steel Wing, String
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Shot, Swift, Tailwind, Uproar

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Marsh

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Sky 7, Jump 1/1, Power 5,
Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 3d6-2,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Quick Attack - Normal
11 Double Team - Normal
14 Sonic Boom - Normal
17 Detect - Fighting
22 Supersonic - Normal
27 Uproar - Normal
30 Pursuit - Dark
33 Ancient Power - Rock
Base Stats: 38 Feint - Normal
HP: 9 43 Slash - Normal
Attack: 8 46 Screech - Normal
Defense: 9 49 U-Turn - Bug
Special Attack: 12 54 Air Slash - Flying
Special Defense: 6 57 Bug Buzz - Bug
Speed: 10
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15
Type : Bug / Flying Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 22
Basic Ability 1: Speed Boost Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
Basic Ability 2: Compound Eyes 32 Double Team, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace,
Adv Ability 1: Frisk 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 2: Rocket 51 Steel Wing, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 76 Struggle
High Ability: Tinted Lens Bug, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88
Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute
1 - Yanma Tutor Move List
2 - Yanmega Learn Ancient Power Air Cutter, Air Slash (N), Ancient Power, Bug
Bite (N), Bug Buzz (N), Defog, Double-Edge, Fore-
Size Information sight, Giga Drain, Mud-Slap, Night Slash (N), Omi-
Height : 6’ 3” / 1.9m (Medium) nous Wind, Roost, Secret Power, Signal Beam, Silver
Weight : 113.5 lbs. / 51.5kg (4) Wind, Sleep Talk, Snore, Steel Wing, String Shot,
Swift, Tailwind, Uproar
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Marsh

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Jump 1/2, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Threaded, Underdog, Volatile

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2, Per-
cep 3d6+2, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Protect - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
6 Self-Destruct - Normal
9 Bug Bite - Bug
12 Take Down - Normal
17 Rapid Spin - Normal
20 Bide - Normal
Base Stats: 23 Natural Gift - Normal
HP: 5 28 Spikes - Ground
Attack: 7 31 Payback - Dark
Defense: 9 34 Explosion - Normal
Special Attack: 4 39 Iron Defense - Steel
Special Defense: 4 42 Gyro Ball - Steel
Speed: 2 45 Double-Edge - Normal

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Bug A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hid-
Basic Ability 1: Sturdy den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Pro-
Basic Ability 2: Rock Head tect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 26 Earthquake,
Adv Ability 1: Overcoat 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37
Adv Ability 2: Weak Armor Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
High Ability: Aftermath tract, 48 Round, 64 Explosion, 66 Payback, 74 Gyro
Ball, 76 Struggle Bug, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide,
Evolution: 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
1 - Pineco Smash
2 - Forretress Minimum 30
Egg Move List
Size Information Counter, Double-Edge, Endure, Flail, Pin
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Missile, Power Trick, Reflect, Revenge, Sand Tomb,
Weight : 15.9 lbs. / 7.2kg (1) Stealth Rock, Swift, Toxic Spikes

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Body Slam, Bug Bite, Defense Curl, Drill Run,
Egg Group : Bug Giga Drain, Gravity, Iron Defense, Pain Split,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Rollout, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, String Shot

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 6, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Threaded, Volatile Bomb

Skill List
Athl 5d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+2, Per-
cep 4d6+2, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Self-Destruct - Normal
9 Bug Bite - Bug
12 Take Down - Normal
17 Rapid Spin - Normal
20 Bide - Normal
23 Natural Gift - Normal
28 Spikes - Ground
31 Mirror Shot - Steel
Base Stats: 32 Autotomize - Steel
HP: 8 36 Payback - Dark
Attack: 9 42 Explosion - Normal
Defense: 14 46 Iron Defense - Steel
Special Attack: 6 50 Gyro Ball - Steel
Special Defense: 6 56 Double-Edge - Normal
Speed: 4 60 Magnet Rise - Electric
64 Zap Cannon - Electric
Basic Information 70 Heavy Slam - Steel
Type : Bug / Steel
Basic Ability 1: Sturdy TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Rock Head A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hid-
Adv Ability 1: Overcoat den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Adv Ability 2: Battle Armor Screen, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 26
High Ability: Aftermath Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 33
Reflect, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44
Evolution: Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 64 Explosion, 66 Pay-
1 - Pineco back, 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 72 Volt Switch,
2 - Forretress Minimum 30 74 Gyro Ball, 76 Struggle Bug, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91
Size Information Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 277.3 lbs. / 125.8kg (5) Tutor Move List
Block, Body Slam, Bug Bite, Counter, Defense
Breeding Information Curl, Drill Run, Giga Drain, Gravity, Iron Defense,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Magnet Rise, Pain Split, Rollout, Self-Destruct, Signal
Egg Group : Bug Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, String Shot,
Take Down, Toxic Spikes(N)
Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Threaded,
Naturewalk (Wetlands), Underdog, Honey Gather

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
3d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bubble - Water
6 Quick Attack - Normal
9 Sweet Scent - Normal
14 Water Sport - Water
17 Bubble Beam - Water
22 Agility - Psychic
25 Mist - Ice
25 Haze - Ice
Base Stats: 30 Aqua Jet - Water
HP: 4 35 Baton Pass - Normal
Attack: 3 38 Sticky Web - Bug
Defense: 3
Special Attack: 5 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 5 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13
Speed: 7 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 30 Shadow
Basic Information Ball, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Type : Bug / Water 46 Thief, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 70 Flash, 76 Strug-
Basic Ability 1: Danger Syrup gle Bug, 77 Psych Up, 83 Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88
Adv Ability 1: Spinning Dance Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute
Adv Ability 2: Swift Swim
Adv Ability 3: Maelstrom Pulse Egg Move List
High Ability: Rain Dish Aqua Jet, Bug Bite, Endure, Fell Stinger, Fore-
sight, Hydro Pump, Mind Reader, Mud Shot, Power
Evolution: Split, Psybeam, Signal Beam
1 - Surskit
2 - Masquerain Minimum 20 Tutor Move List
Bug Bite, Double-Edge, Giga Drain, Icy
Size Information Wind, Mud-Slap, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) String Shot, Swift, Water Pulse
Weight : 3.7 lbs. / 1.7kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 3, Sky 5, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Un-

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 4d6+1, Combat 1d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 4d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Quick Attack - Normal
9 Sweet Scent - Normal
14 Water Sport - Water
17 Gust - Flying
22 Scary Face - Normal
22 Air Cutter - Flying
26 Stun Spore - Grass
32 Silver Wind - Bug
Base Stats: 38 Air Slash - Flying
HP: 7 42 Bug Buzz - Bug
Attack: 6 48 Whirlwind - Normal
Defense: 6 52 Quiver Dance - Bug
Special Attack: 8
Special Defense: 8 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 6 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13
Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18
Basic Information Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Type : Bug / Flying 27 Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 40
Basic Ability 1: Intimidate Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
Adv Ability 1: Spinning Dance 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 55 Scald, 68 Giga Impact,
Adv Ability 2: Unnerve 70 Flash, 76 Struggle Bug, 77 Psych Up, 83 Infesta-
Adv Ability 3: Water Absorb tion, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
High Ability: Dodge
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Air Cutter, Bug Bite, Bug Buzz (N), Defog,
1 - Surskit Double-Edge, Giga Drain, Icy Wind, Mud-Slap,
2 - Masquerain Minimum 20 Ominous Wind (N), Roost, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
Snore, String Shot, Swift, Tailwind, Twister, Water
Size Information Pulse, Whirlwind (N)
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Medium)
Weight : 7.9 lbs. / 3.6kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Bug

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater

KRICKETOT Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 2/3, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bide - Normal
1 Growl - Normal
6 Struggle Bug - Bug
16 Bug Bite - Bug

Tutor Move List
Bug Bite, Endeavor, Mud-Slap, Snore, Uproar,
Bug Bite, String Shot

Base Stats:
HP: 4
Attack: 3
Defense: 4
Special Attack: 3
Special Defense: 4
Speed: 3

Basic Information
Type : Bug
Basic Ability 1: Shed Skin
Basic Ability 2: Run Away
Adv Ability 1: Swarm
Adv Ability 2: Technician
High Ability: Drown Out
1 - Kricketot
2 - Kricketune Minimum 10

Size Information
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small)
Weight : 4.9 lbs. / 2.2kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

KRICKETUNE Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 4, Sky 5, Jump 5/5, Power 2, Na-
turewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 4d6+1, Combat 3d6+1, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
10 Fury Cutter - Bug
14 Leech Life - Bug
18 Sing - Normal
22 Focus Energy - Normal
26 Slash - Normal
30 X-Scissor - Bug
34 Screech - Normal
38 Taunt - Dark
42 Night Slash - Dark
Base Stats: 44 Sticky Web - Bug
HP: 8 46 Bug Buzz - Bug
Attack: 9 50 Perish Song - Normal
Defense: 5
Special Attack: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 5 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Speed: 7 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15
Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Basic Information tion, 27 Return, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 40
Type : Bug Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
Basic Ability 1: Confidence 49 Echoed Voice, 54 False Swipe, 68 Giga Impact,
Basic Ability 2: Rally 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 76 Struggle Bug, 81 X-
Adv Ability 1: Swarm Scissor, 83 Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Adv Ability 2: Technician Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch
High Ability: Drown Out
Evolution: Tutor Move List
1 - Kricketot Bug Bite, Endeavor, Fury Cutter, Heal Bell,
2 - Kricketune Minimum 10 Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Silver Wind, Sleep Talk, Snore,
String Shot, Uproar
Size Information
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 56.2 lbs. / 25.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 1, Sky 4, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Un-
derdog, Honey Gather

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Gust - Flying
1 Sweet Scent - Normal
13 Bug Bite - Bug
29 Bug Buzz - Bug

Tutor Move List

Air Cutter, Bug Bite, Endeavor, Mud-Slap,
Natural Gift, Ominous Wind, Snore, String Shot,
Base Stats: Swift, Tailwind
HP: 3
Attack: 3
Defense: 4
Special Attack: 3
Special Defense: 4
Speed: 7

Basic Information
Type : Bug / Flying
Basic Ability 1: Pickup
Adv Ability 1: Hustle
Adv Ability 2: Pack Hunt
Adv Ability 3: Teamwork
High Ability: Dodge

1 - Combee
2 - Vespiquen Minimum 20 Female

Size Information
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small)
Weight : 12.1 lbs. / 5.5kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest

VESPIQUEN Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 3, Sky 5, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Pack
Mon, Honey Gather

Skill List
Athl 2d6+3, Acro 4d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Fury Cutter - Bug
9 Pursuit - Dark
13 Fury Swipes - Normal
17 Defend Order - Bug
21 Slash - Normal
25 Power Gem - Rock
29 Heal Order - Bug
33 Toxic - Poison
37 Air Slash - Flying
Base Stats: 41 Captivate - Normal
HP: 7 45 Attack Order - Bug
Attack: 8 49 Swagger - Normal
Defense: 10 53 Destiny Bond - Ghost
Special Attack: 8 57 Fell Stinger - Bug
Special Defense: 10
Speed: 4 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 09 Veno-
Basic Information shock, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper
Type : Bug / Flying Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21
Basic Ability 1: Rally Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge
Adv Ability 1: Pressure Bomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Adv Ability 2: Unnerve 46 Thief, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 60 Quash, 62 Acrobat-
Adv Ability 3: Friend Guard ics, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 76 Struggle Bug, 83
High Ability: Full Guard Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90
1 - Combee Tutor Move List
2 - Vespiquen Minimum 20 Female Air Cutter, Bug Bite, Confuse Ray (N), Des-
tiny Bond (N), Endeavor, Fell Stinger (N), Fury Cut-
Size Information ter, Mud-Slap, Natural Gift, Ominous Wind, Roost,
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium) Signal Beam, Silver Wind, Sleep Talk, Snore, String
Weight : 84.9 lbs. / 38.5kg (3) Shot, Swift, Tailwind

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 1, Burrow 4, Jump 1/1, Power 2,
Naturewalk (Desert, Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Fury Cutter - Bug
5 Rock Blast - Rock
7 Withdraw - Water
11 Sand Attack - Ground
13 Feint Attack - Dark
17 Smack Down - Rock
19 Rock Polish - Rock
23 Bug Bite - Bug
Base Stats: 24 Stealth Rock - Rock
HP: 5 29 Rock Slide - Rock
Attack: 7 31 Slash - Normal
Defense: 9 35 X-Scissor - Bug
Special Attack: 4 37 Shell Smash - Normal
Special Defense: 4 41 Flail - Normal
Speed: 6 43 Rock Wrecker - Rock

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Bug / Rock A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Basic Ability 1: Sturdy Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Basic Ability 2: Shell Armor 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 23 Smack Down, 26
Adv Ability 1: Hyper Cutter Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 37
Adv Ability 2: Weak Armor Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
High Ability: Rattled 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 65 Shadow Claw,
68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 75
Evolution: Swords Dance, 76 Struggle Bug, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
1 - Dwebble Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88
2 - Crustle Minimum 30 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature
Size Information
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Egg Move List
Weight : 32 lbs. / 14.5kg (2) Block, Counter, Curse, Endure, Iron Defense,
Night Slash, Rototiller, Sand Tomb, Spikes, Wide
Breeding Information Guard
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug / Mineral Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Block, Bug Bite, Iron Defense, Knock Off,
Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock
Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Desert, Grassland, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 1, Burrow 5, Jump 1/1, Power 5,
Naturewalk (Desert, Mountain), Groundshaper

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6+2, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Rock Blast - Rock
7 Withdraw - Water
11 Sand Attack - Ground
13 Feint Attack - Dark
17 Smack Down - Rock
19 Rock Polish - Rock
23 Bug Bite - Bug
24 Stealth Rock - Rock
Base Stats: 29 Rock Slide - Rock
HP: 7 31 Slash - Normal
Attack: 10 38 X-Scissor - Bug
Defense: 13 43 Shell Smash - Normal
Special Attack: 7 50 Flail - Normal
Special Defense: 8 55 Rock Wrecker - Rock
Speed: 5
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 02 Dragon Claw, 05 Roar, 06
Type : Bug / Rock Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Basic Ability 1: Sturdy 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Basic Ability 2: Shell Armor 23 Smack Down, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break,
Adv Ability 1: Hyper Cutter 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 39 Rock Tomb,
Adv Ability 2: Weak Armor 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low
High Ability: Rattled Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59 In-
cinerate, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 71 Stone Edge, 80
Evolution: Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 82 Dragon Tail, 84 Poison
1 - Dwebble Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
2 - Crustle Minimum 30 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 96 Nature Power

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium) Block, Bug Bite, Iron Defense, Knock Off,
Weight : 440.9 lbs. / 200kg (6) Shell Smash(N), Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug / Mineral

Diet : Herbivore, Terravore

Habitat : Cave, Desert, Grassland, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 2d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Peck - Flying
4 Leer - Normal
8 Endure - Normal
13 Fury Cutter - Bug
16 Fury Attack - Normal
20 Headbutt - Normal
25 False Swipe - Normal
28 Bug Buzz - Bug
Base Stats: 32 Slash - Normal
HP: 5 37 Take Down - Normal
Attack: 8 40 Scary Face - Normal
Defense: 5 44 X-Scissor - Bug
Special Attack: 4 49 Flail - Normal
Special Defense: 5 52 Swords Dance - Normal
Speed: 6 56 Double-Edge - Normal

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Bug A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 17 Pro-
Basic Ability 1: Shed Skin tect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32
Adv Ability 1: Moxie Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 2: Unburden Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 54 False Swipe,
Adv Ability 3: Swarm 75 Swords Dance, 76 Struggle Bug, 81 X-Scissor, 83
High Ability: No Guard Infestation, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
90 Substitute
1 - Karrablast Egg Move List
2 - Escavalier Interact with Shelmet Minimum 20 Bug Bite, Counter, Drill Run, Feint Attack,
Horn Attack, Knock Off, Megahorn, Pursuit, Screech
Size Information
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 13 lbs. / 5.9kg (1) Bug Bite, Giga Drain, Iron Defense, Knock
Off, Sleep Talk, Snore
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Sky 7, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Na-
turewalk (Forest)

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth
3d6-1, Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Leer - Normal
8 Quick Guard - Fighting
13 Twineedle - Bug
16 Fury Attack - Normal
20 Headbutt - Normal
25 False Swipe - Normal
28 Bug Buzz - Bug
32 Slash - Normal
Base Stats: 37 Iron Head - Steel
HP: 7 40 Iron Defense - Steel
Attack: 14 44 X-Scissor - Bug
Defense: 11 49 Reversal - Fighting
Special Attack: 6 52 Swords Dance - Normal
Special Defense: 11 56 Giga Impact - Normal
Speed: 2 60 Fell Stinger - Bug

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Bug / Steel A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 15 Hyper
Basic Ability 1: Shell Armor Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27
Adv Ability 1: Lancer Return, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Overcoat 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 53 En-
Adv Ability 3: Swarm ergy Ball, 54 False Swipe, 68 Giga Impact, 75 Swords
High Ability: Analytic Dance, 76 Struggle Bug, 81 X-Scissor, 83 Infestation,
84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
Evolution: tute, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Karrablast
2 - Escavalier Interact with Shelmet Minimum 20 Tutor Move List
Bug Bite, Double-Edge (N), Giga Drain, Iron
Size Information Defense, Knock Off, Sleep Talk, Snore
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 72.8 lbs. / 33kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leech Life - Bug
4 Acid - Poison
8 Bide - Normal
13 Curse - Ghost
16 Struggle Bug - Bug
20 Mega Drain - Grass
25 Yawn - Normal
28 Protect - Normal
Base Stats: 32 Acid Armor - Poison
HP: 5 37 Giga Drain - Grass
Attack: 4 40 Body Slam - Normal
Defense: 9 44 Bug Buzz - Bug
Special Attack: 4 49 Recover - Normal
Special Defense: 7 52 Guard Swap - Psychic
Speed: 3 56 Final Gambit - Fighting

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Bug 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 17
Basic Ability 1: Shell Armor Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return,
Adv Ability 1: Overcoat 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44
Adv Ability 2: Hydration Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 76 Strug-
Adv Ability 3: Sturdy gle Bug, 83 Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
High Ability: Dodge Substitute

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Shelmet Baton Pass, Double-Edge, Encore, Endure,
2 - Accelgor Interact with Karrablast Feint, Guard Split, Mind Reader, Mud-Slap, Pursuit,
Minimum 20 Spikes

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Bug Bite, Gastro Acid, Giga Drain, Signal
Weight : 17 lbs. / 7.7kg (1) Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Marsh

ACCELGOR Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 6, Jump 2/3, Power 3, Naturewalk

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 5d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 3d6+4,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Acid Spray - Poison
8 Double Team - Normal
13 Quick Attack - Normal
16 Struggle Bug - Bug
20 Mega Drain - Grass
25 Swift - Normal
28 Me First - Normal
32 Agility - Psychic
Base Stats: 37 Giga Drain - Grass
HP: 8 40 U-turn - Bug
Attack: 7 44 Bug Buzz - Bug
Defense: 4 49 Recover - Normal
Special Attack: 10 52 Power Swap - Psychic
Special Defense: 6 56 Final Gambit - Fighting
Speed: 15
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 15
Type : Bug Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Basic Ability 1: Blur tion, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb,
Adv Ability 1: Swarm 37 Sandstorm, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Adv Ability 2: Hydration Round, 52 Focus Blast, 53 Energy Ball, 68 Giga Im-
Adv Ability 3: Unburden pact, 76 Struggle Bug, 83 Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88
High Ability: Vanguard Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Shelmet Bug Bite, Final Gambit (N), Gastro Acid,
2 - Accelgor Interact with Karrablast Giga Drain, Knock Off, Power Swap (N), Signal
Minimum 20 Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Water Shuriken (N)

Size Information
Height : 2’ 07” / 0.8m (Small)
Weight : 55.8 lbs. / 25.3kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest

JOLTIK Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Zapper, Threaded, Wallclimber,

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6, Percep
2d6+2, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leech Life - Bug
1 Spider Web - Bug
1 String Shot - Bug
4 Thunder Wave - Electric
7 Screech - Normal
12 Fury Cutter - Bug
15 Electroweb - Electric
18 Bug Bite - Bug
Base Stats: 23 Gastro Acid - Poison
HP: 5 26 Slash - Normal
Attack: 5 29 Electro Ball - Electric
Defense: 5 34 Signal Beam - Bug
Special Attack: 6 37 Agility - Psychic
Special Defense: 5 40 Sucker Punch - Dark
Speed: 7 45 Discharge - Electric
48 Bug Buzz - Bug
Basic Information
Type : Bug / Electric TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Compound Eyes A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 16 Light
Basic Ability 2: Unnerve Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24
Adv Ability 1: Static Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Swarm 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy
High Ability: Sequence Ball, 57 Charge Beam, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73
Thunder Wave, 76 Struggle Bug, 81 X-Scissor, 83
Evolution: Infestation, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
1 - Joltik 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge
2 - Galvantula Minimum 35
Egg Move List
Size Information Camouflage, Cross Poison, Disable, Feint At-
Height : 0’ 4” / 0.1m (Small) tack, Pin Missile, Poison Sting, Pursuit, Rock Climb
Weight : 1.3 lbs. / 0.6kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Bounce, Bug Bite, Electroweb, Gastro Acid,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Giga Drain, Magnet Rise, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
Egg Group : Bug Snore
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Forest

GALVANTULA Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 2/2, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Zapper, Threaded, Wallclimber

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 4d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 3d6+2, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Thunder Wave - Electric
7 Screech - Normal
12 Fury Cutter - Bug
15 Electroweb - Electric
18 Bug Bite - Bug
23 Gastro Acid - Poison
26 Slash - Normal
29 Electro Ball - Electric
34 Signal Beam - Bug
Base Stats: 40 Agility - Psychic
HP: 7 46 Sucker Punch - Dark
Attack: 8 54 Discharge - Electric
Defense: 6 60 Bug Buzz - Bug
Special Attack: 10 65 Sticky Web - Bug
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 11 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 16 Light
Basic Information Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24
Type : Bug / Electric Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade,
Basic Ability 1: Compound Eyes 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy
Basic Ability 2: Unnerve Ball, 57 Charge Beam, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73
Adv Ability 1: Static Thunder Wave, 76 Struggle Bug, 81 X-Scissor, 83
Adv Ability 2: Swarm Infestation, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
High Ability: Sequence 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Joltik Bounce, Bug Bite, Electroweb, Gastro Acid,
2 - Galvantula Minimum 35 Giga Drain, Magnet Rise, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Sticky Web (N)
Size Information
Height : 2’ 07” / 0.8m (Medium)
Weight : 31.5 lbs. / 14.3kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Forest

SCYTHER Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 4, Sky 8, Jump 2/3, Power 6, Na-
turewalk (Grassland, Forest)

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 5d6+2, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6-2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Quick Attack - Normal
5 Focus Energy - Normal
9 Pursuit - Dark
13 False Swipe - Normal
17 Agility - Psychic
21 Wing Attack - Flying
25 Fury Cutter - Bug
29 Slash - Normal
Base Stats: 33 Razor Wind - Normal
HP: 7 37 Double Team - Normal
Attack: 11 41 X-Scissor - Bug
Defense: 8 45 Night Slash - Dark
Special Attack: 6 49 Double Hit - Normal
Special Defense: 8 53 Air Slash - Flying
Speed: 11 57 Swords Dance - Normal
61 Feint - Normal
Basic Information
Type : Bug / Flying TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Technician A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Basic Ability 2: Vanguard Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect,
Adv Ability 1: Swarm 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustra-
Adv Ability 2: Steadfast tion, 27 Return, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
High Ability: Parry 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Thief, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 54 False Swipe, 68
Evolution: Giga Impact, 75 Swords Dance, 76 Struggle Bug, 81
1 - Scyther X-Scissor, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90
2 - Scizor Holding Metal Coat Minimum 30 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Baton Pass, Bug Buzz, Counter, Defog,
Weight : 123.5 lbs. / 56kg (4) Endure, Light Screen, Night Slash, Quick Guard,
Razor Wind, Reversal, Safeguard, Silver Wind , Steel
Breeding Information Wing
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days Bug Bite, Defog, Double-Edge, Fury
Cutter, Knock Off, Ominous Wind, Roost, Sleep
Diet : Carnivore Talk, Snore, Swift, Tailwind, Vacuum Wave(N)
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Rainforest

SCIZOR Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 3, Sky 7, Jump 2/3, Power 7, Na-
turewalk (Grassland, Forest)

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 4d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 3d6-2,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Focus Energy - Normal
9 Pursuit - Dark
13 False Swipe - Normal
17 Agility - Psychic
21 Metal Claw - Steel
25 Fury Cutter - Bug
29 Slash - Normal
33 Razor Wind - Normal
37 Iron Defense - Steel
Base Stats: 41 X-Scissor - Bug
HP: 7 45 Night Slash - Dark
Attack: 13 49 Double Hit - Normal
Defense: 10 53 Iron Head - Steel
Special Attack: 6 57 Swords Dance - Normal
Special Defense: 8 61 Feint - Normal
Speed: 7
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock,
Type : Bug / Steel 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16
Basic Ability 1: Technician Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 20
Basic Ability 2: Light Metal Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 31 Brick Break,
Adv Ability 1: Swarm 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm, 40 Aerial Ace, 42
Adv Ability 2: Steadfast Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 51
High Ability: Parry Steel Wing, 54 False Swipe, 56 Fling, 62 Acrobatics,
68 Giga Impact, 75 Swords Dance, 76 Struggle Bug,
Evolution: 81 X-Scissor, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn,
1 - Scyther 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash
2 - Scizor Holding Metal Coat Minimum 30

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 5’ 11” / 1.8m (Medium) Bug Bite, Bullet Punch(N), Counter, Defog,
Weight : 260.1 lbs. / 118kg (5) Double-Edge, Feint (N), Fury Cutter, Iron Defense,
Iron Head, Knock Off, Ominous Wind, Roost, Silver
Breeding Information Wind, Sleep Talk, Snore, Steel Wing, Superpower,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Swift, Tailwind
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Carnivore Mega Evolution
Habitat : Grassland, Mountain Type: Unchanged
Ability: Technician
Stats: +2 Atk, +4 Def,
+1 Sp. Atk, +2 Sp. Def,
+1 Speed

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Sky 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Fire-
starter, Heater, Egg Warmer, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+2, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Ember - Fire
1 String Shot - Bug
5 Leech Life - Bug
10 Take Down - Normal
15 Flame Charge - Fire
20 Bug Bite - Bug
25 Double-Edge - Normal
30 Flame Wheel - Fire
Base Stats: 35 Bug Buzz - Bug
HP: 6 40 Amnesia - Psychic
Attack: 9 45 Thrash - Normal
Defense: 6 50 Flare Blitz - Fire
Special Attack: 5
Special Defense: 6 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 6 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
11 Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 19 Roost,
Basic Information 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Re-
Type : Bug / Fire turn, 29 Psychic, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower,
Basic Ability 1: Flame Body 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 48
Adv Ability 1: Fiery Crash Round, 50 Overheat, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp,
Adv Ability 2: Tinted Lens 62 Acrobatics, 76 Struggle Bug, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 3: Swarm Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge
High Ability: Reckless
Egg Move List
Evolution: Endure, Foresight, Harden, Magnet Rise,
1 - Larvesta Morning Sun, String Shot, Zen Headbutt
2 - Volcarona Minimum 30
Tutor Move List
Size Information Bug Bite, Giga Drain, Heat Wave, Magnet
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Rise, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Zen Headbutt
Weight : 63.5 lbs. / 28.8kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 25 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 3, Sky 7, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Fire-
starter, Heater, Egg Warmer

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6-1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 1d6+2,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Leech Life - Bug
10 Gust - Flying
15 Fire Spin - Fire
20 Whirlwind - Normal
25 Silver Wind - Bug
30 Quiver Dance - Bug
30 Heat Wave - Fire
35 Bug Buzz - Bug
Base Stats: 40 Rage Powder - Bug
HP: 9 45 Hurricane - Flying
Attack: 6 50 Fiery Dance - Fire
Defense: 7
Special Attack: 14 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 11 A2 Fly, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hid-
Speed: 10 den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Screen, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22
Basic Information Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 32 Double Team,
Type : Bug / Fire 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Fa-
Basic Ability 1: Flame Body cade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 50 Over-
Adv Ability 1: Levitate heat, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 62 Acrobatics,
Adv Ability 2: Tinted Lens 68 Giga Impact, 76 Struggle Bug, 84 Poison Jab, 87
Adv Ability 3: Swarm Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 93
High Ability: Heat Mirage Wild Charge

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Larvesta Amnesia (N), Bug Bite, Bug Buzz (N), Fiery
2 - Volcarona Minimum 30 Dance (N), Flame Wheel (N), Flare Blitz (N), Giga
Drain, Heat Wave (N), Hurricane (N), Magnet Rise,
Size Information Quiver Dance (N), Rage Powder (N), Roost, Signal
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Large) Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Tailwind, Thrash (N), Zen
Weight : 101.4 lbs. / 46kg (3) Headbutt

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

SPEAROW Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Sky 5, Jump 3/3, Power 1, Un-

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6+1, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Peck - Flying
5 Leer - Normal
9 Fury Attack - Normal
13 Pursuit - Dark
17 Aerial Ace - Flying
21 Mirror Move - Flying
25 Agility - Psychic
29 Assurance - Dark
Base Stats: 33 Roost - Flying
HP: 4 37 Drill Peck - Flying
Attack: 6
Defense: 3 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 3 A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Special Defense: 3 Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frus-
Speed: 7 tration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace,
42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round,
Basic Information 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 54 False Swipe, 87
Type : Normal / Flying Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye
Basic Ability 2: Sniper Egg Move List
Adv Ability 1: Scrappy Astonish, Feint Attack, False Swipe, Feather
Adv Ability 2: Early Bird Dance, Quick Attack, Razor Wind, Scary Face, Sky
High Ability: Vanguard Attack, Tri Attack, Uproar, Whirlwind

Evolution: Tutor Move List
1 - Spearow Air Cutter, Defog, Double-Edge, Drill Run,
2 - Fearow Minimum 20 Heat Wave, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pluck, Roost,
Sky Attack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Tailwind, Twist-
Size Information er, Uproar, Work Up
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small)
Weight : 4.4 lbs. / 2kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Mountain, Urban


Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Leer - Normal
9 Fury Attack - Normal
13 Pursuit - Dark
17 Aerial Ace - Flying
23 Mirror Move - Flying
29 Agility - Psychic
35 Assurance - Dark
41 Roost - Flying
47 Drill Peck - Flying
53 Drill Run - Ground

Base Stats: TM/HM Move List

HP: 7 A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Attack: 9 Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19
Defense: 7 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Special Attack: 6 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Special Defense: 6 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 54
Speed: 10 False Swipe, 68 Giga Impact, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute
Basic Information
Type : Normal / Flying Tutor Move List
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye Air Cutter, Double-Edge, Defog, Drill Run,
Basic Ability 2: Sniper Heat Wave, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pluck(N),
Adv Ability 1: Scrappy Roost, Sky Attack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Steel Wing,
Adv Ability 2: Early Bird Swift, Tailwind, Twister, Uproar, Work Up
High Ability: Vanguard

1 - Spearow
2 - Fearow Minimum 20

Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 83.8 lbs. / 38kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Sky 8, Jump 3/3, Power 5,
Mountable 1, Underdog

DODUO Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 2, Jump 4/5, Power 4, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
4d6, Focus 2d6-2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Peck - Flying
5 Quick Attack - Normal
9 Rage - Normal
13 Fury Attack - Normal
17 Pursuit - Dark
21 Pluck - Flying
25 Double Hit - Normal
29 Acupressure - Normal
33 Agility - Psychic
Base Stats: 37 Drill Peck - Flying
HP: 4 41 Uproar - Normal
Attack: 9 45 Endeavor - Normal
Defense: 5 49 Thrash - Normal
Special Attack: 4
Special Defense: 4 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 8 A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Day, 17 Protect, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27 Return,
Basic Information 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Type : Normal / Flying 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51
Basic Ability 1: Early Bird Steel Wing, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
Basic Ability 2: Run Away
Adv Ability 1: Tangled Feet Egg Move List
Adv Ability 2: Polycephaly Assurance, Brave Bird, Endeavor, Feint
High Ability: Vanguard Attack, Flail, Haze, Mirror Move, Natural Gift, Quick
Attack, Supersonic
1 - Doduo Tutor Move List
2 - Dodrio Minimum 25 Air Cutter, Body Slam, Double-Edge,
Endeavor, Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Pluck, Roost, Sky
Size Information Attack, Steel Wing, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Uproar,
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium) Tri Attack, Work Up
Weight : 86.4 lbs. / 39.2kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Desert, Grassland

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
6d6, Focus 2d6-3

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Quick Attack - Normal
9 Rage - Normal
13 Fury Attack - Normal
17 Pursuit - Dark
21 Pluck - Flying
25 Tri Attack - Normal
29 Acupressure - Normal
35 Agility - Psychic
41 Drill Peck - Flying
47 Uproar - Normal
53 Endeavor - Normal
59 Thrash - Normal
Base Stats:
HP: 6 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 11 A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Defense: 7 Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 19 Roost,
Special Attack: 6 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial
Special Defense: 6 Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Speed: 10 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 66
Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Basic Information 90 Substitute
Type : Normal / Flying
Basic Ability 1: Early Bird Tutor Move List
Basic Ability 2: Run Away Air Cutter, Body Slam, Double-Edge,
Adv Ability 1: Trinity Endeavor, Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Pluck(N), Roost,
Adv Ability 2: Polycephaly Sky Attack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Steel Wing, Swift, Up-
High Ability: Vanguard roar, Tri Attack, Work Up

1 - Doduo
2 - Dodrio Minimum 25

Size Information
Height : 5’ 11” / 1.8m (Medium)
Weight : 187.8 lbs. / 85.2kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Desert, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 9, Swim 4, Sky 2, Jump 5/7, Power 6,
Mountable 1

HOOTHOOT Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Sky 4, Jump 3/3, Power 1, Dark-
vision, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+1, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Foresight - Normal
5 Hypnosis - Psychic
9 Peck - Flying
13 Uproar - Normal
17 Reflect - Psychic
21 Confusion - Psychic
25 Echoed Voice - Normal
Base Stats: 29 Take Down - Normal
HP: 6 33 Air Slash - Flying
Attack: 3 37 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
Defense: 3 41 Synchronoise - Psychic
Special Attack: 4 45 Extrasensory - Psychic
Special Defense: 6 49 Psycho Shift - Psychic
Speed: 5 53 Roost - Flying
57 Dream Eater - Psychic
Basic Information
Type : Normal / Flying TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Insomnia A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Basic Ability 2: Keen Eye Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frus-
Adv Ability 1: Tinted Lens tration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32
Adv Ability 2: Hypnotic Double Team, 33 Reflect, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
High Ability: Perception 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater,
Evolution: 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
1 - Hoothoot
2 - Noctowl Minimum 20 Egg Move List
Agility, Defog, Feint Attack, Feather Dance,
Size Information Mirror Move, Night Shade, Sky Attack, Supersonic,
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small) Whirlwind, Wing Attack
Weight : 46.7 lbs. / 21.2kg (2)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Air Cutter, Defog, Double-Edge, Heat Wave,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Hyper Voice, Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Ominous
Egg Group : Flying Wind, Pluck, Recycle, Role Play, Silver Wind, Sky At-
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days tack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Steel Wing, Swift, Tailwind,
Twister, Uproar, Work Up, Zen Headbutt
Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Hypnosis - Psychic
9 Peck - Flying
13 Uproar - Normal
17 Reflect - Psychic
22 Confusion - Psychic
27 Echoed Voice - Normal
32 Take Down - Normal
37 Air Slash - Flying
42 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
47 Synchronoise - Psychic
52 Extrasensory - Psychic
57 Psycho Shift - Psychic
Base Stats: 62 Roost - Flying
HP: 10 67 Dream Eater - Psychic
Attack: 5
Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 8 A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Special Defense: 10 Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Speed: 7 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30
Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 40 Aerial
Basic Information Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Type : Normal / Flying Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 68 Giga
Basic Ability 1: Insomnia Impact, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88
Basic Ability 2: Keen Eye Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
Adv Ability 1: Tinted Lens
Adv Ability 2: Hypnotic Tutor Move List
High Ability: Perception Air Cutter, Defog, Double-Edge, Dream Eater
(N), Heat Wave, Hyper Voice, Hypnosis(N), Magic
Evolution: Coat, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pluck, Recycle,
1 - Hoothoot Role Play, Roost, Silver Wind, Sky Attack(N), Sky
2 - Noctowl Minimum 20 Attack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Steel Wing, Swift, Tailwind,
Twister, Uproar, Work Up, Zen Headbutt
Size Information
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Medium)
Weight : 89.9 lbs. / 40.8kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Sky 7, Jump 3/3, Power 3, Dark-
vision, Underdog

TAILLOW derdog
Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Peck - Flying
5 Focus Energy - Normal
9 Quick Attack - Normal
13 Wing Attack - Flying
17 Double Team - Normal
21 Aerial Ace - Flying
25 Quick Guard - Fighting
29 Agility - Psychic
33 Air Slash - Flying
37 Endeavor - Normal
41 Brave Bird - Flying
Base Stats:
HP: 4 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 6 A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Defense: 3 Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frustra-
Special Attack: 3 tion, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42
Special Defense: 3 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49
Speed: 9 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute
Basic Information
Type : Normal / Flying Egg Move List
Basic Ability 1: Guts Boomburst, Brave Bird, Defog, Mirror Move,
Basic Ability 2: Vital Spirit Pursuit, Rage, Refresh, Roost, Sky Attack, Steel Wing,
Adv Ability 1: Scrappy Supersonic, Whirlwind
Adv Ability 2: Big Pecks
High Ability: Defiant Tutor Move List
Air Cutter, Counter, Defog, Double-Edge,
Evolution: Endeavor, Heat Wave, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind,
1 - Taillow Pluck, Roost, Sky Attack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift,
2 - Swellow Minimum 20 Tailwind, Twister, Work Up

Size Information
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small)
Weight : 5.1 lbs. / 2.3kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Sky 6, Jump 3/3, Power 1, Un-


Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6+1, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Focus Energy - Normal
9 Quick Attack - Normal
13 Wing Attack - Flying
17 Double Team - Normal
21 Aerial Ace - Flying
27 Quick Guard - Fighting
33 Agility - Psychic
39 Endeavor - Normal
45 Air Slash - Flying
51 Brave Bird - Flying

Base Stats: TM/HM Move List

HP: 6 A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Attack: 9 Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19
Defense: 6 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Special Attack: 5 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Special Defense: 5 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 68
Speed: 13 Giga Impact, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn,
90 Substitute
Basic Information
Type : Normal / Flying Tutor Move List
Basic Ability 1: Guts Air Cutter, Air Slash (N), Brave Bird (N),
Basic Ability 2: Vital Spirit Counter, Defog, Double-Edge, Endeavor, Heat Wave,
Adv Ability 1: Scrappy Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pluck(N), Roost, Sky At-
Adv Ability 2: Big Pecks tack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Steel Wing, Swift, Tailwind,
High Ability: Defiant Twister, Work Up

1 - Taillow
2 - Swellow Minimum 20

Size Information
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Medium)
Weight : 43.7 lbs. / 19.8kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Sky 7, Jump 3/3, Power 1, Un-

RUFFLET Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Sky 5, Jump 3/3, Power 2, Un-

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Peck - Flying
5 Fury Attack - Normal
10 Wing Attack - Flying
14 Hone Claws - Dark
19 Scary Face - Normal
23 Aerial Ace - Flying
28 Slash - Normal
32 Defog - Flying
Base Stats: 37 Tailwind - Flying
HP: 7 41 Air Slash - Flying
Attack: 8 46 Crush Claw - Normal
Defense: 5 50 Sky Drop - Flying
Special Attack: 4 55 Whirlwind - Normal
Special Defense: 5 59 Brave Bird - Flying
Speed: 6 64 Thrash - Normal

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Normal / Flying A1 Cut, A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws,
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Basic Ability 2: Sheer Force Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frustra-
Adv Ability 1: Hustle tion, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40
Adv Ability 2: Courage Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
High Ability: Bodyguard 51 Steel Wing, 58 Sky Drop, 65 Shadow Claw, 67
Retaliate, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Evolution: 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Rufflet
2 - Braviary Minimum 35 Egg Move List

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Heat Wave, Pluck, Roost, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Weight : 23.1 lbs. / 10.5kg (1) Superpower, Tailwind, Work Up

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 100% M / 0% F
Egg Group : Flying
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Forest, Mountain

BRAVIARY Athl 4d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
3d6, Focus 5d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Fury Attack - Normal
10 Wing Attack - Flying
14 Hone Claws - Dark
19 Scary Face - Normal
23 Aerial Ace - Flying
28 Slash - Normal
32 Defog - Flying
37 Tailwind - Flying
41 Air Slash - Flying
46 Crush Claw - Normal
50 Sky Drop - Flying
51 Superpower - Fighting
57 Whirlwind - Normal
63 Brave Bird - Flying
Base Stats: 70 Thrash - Normal
HP: 10
Attack: 12 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 8 A1 Cut, A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws,
Special Attack: 6 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Special Defense: 8 Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19
Speed: 8 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Information Attract, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 58 Sky Drop, 65
Type : Normal / Flying Shadow Claw, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 80 Rock
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Sub-
Basic Ability 2: Sheer Force stitute, 94 Rock Smash
Adv Ability 1: Defiant
Adv Ability 2: Courage Tutor Move List
High Ability: Bodyguard Brave Bird (N), Heat Wave, Pluck, Roost, Sky
Attack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower (N), Tailwind,
Evolution: Thrash (N), Whirlwind (N), Work Up
1 - Rufflet
2 - Braviary Minimum 35

Size Information
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Large)
Weight : 90.4 lbs. / 41kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 100% M / 0% F
Egg Group : Flying

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Sky 8, Jump 3/3, Power 6,
Skill List

SWABLU Guster, Underdog
Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Peck - Flying
3 Astonish - Ghost
5 Sing - Normal
7 Fury Attack - Normal
9 Safeguard - Normal
11 Disarming Voice - Fairy
14 Mist - Ice
17 Round - Normal
20 Natural Gift - Normal
23 Take Down - Normal
26 Refresh - Normal
Base Stats: 30 Mirror Move - Flying
HP: 5 34 Cotton Guard - Grass
Attack: 4 38 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Defense: 6 42 Perish Song - Normal
Special Attack: 4 46 Moonblast - Fairy
Special Defense: 8
Speed: 5 TM/HM Move List
A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Basic Information Day, 13 Ice Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19
Type : Normal / Flying Roost, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Basic Ability 1: Natural Cure 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Fa-
Adv Ability 1: Serene Grace cade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49
Adv Ability 2: Confidence Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream
Adv Ability 3: Wistful Melody Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 99
High Ability: Cloud Nine Dazzling Gleam

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Swablu Agility, Dragon Rush, Feather Dance, Haze,
2 - Altaria Minimum 35 Hyper Voice, Power Swap, Pursuit, Rage, Roost, Steel
Size Information
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 2.6 lbs. / 1.2kg (1) Air Cutter, Body Slam, Double-Edge, Dragon
Pulse, Heal Bell, Heat Wave, Hyper Voice, Mud-Slap,
Breeding Information Ominous Wind, Outrage, Pluck, Roost, Sky Attack,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Tailwind, Twister, Uproar
Egg Group : Flying / Dragon
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 1, Sky 5, Jump 1/1, Power 1,

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 5d6+3, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6+1
(6d6+3 when in sky), Percep 4d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Astonish - Ghost
5 Sing - Normal
7 Fury Attack - Normal
9 Safeguard - Normal
11 Disarming Voice - Fairy
14 Mist - Ice
17 Round - Normal
20 Natural Gift - Normal
23 Take Down - Normal
26 Refresh - Normal
30 Dragon Dance - Dragon
34 Cotton Guard - Grass
Base Stats: 35 Dragon Breath - Dragon
HP: 8 40 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Attack: 7 46 Perish Song - Normal
Defense: 9 52 Moonblast - Fairy
Special Attack: 7 59 Sky Attack - Flying
Special Defense: 11
Speed: 8 TM/HM Move List
A2 Fly, 01 Hone Claws, 02 Dragon Claw, 05
Basic Information Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Type : Dragon / Flying 13 Ice Beam, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Ability 1: Natural Cure Dance, 19 Roost, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22
Adv Ability 1: Serene Grace Solar Beam, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 32 Double
Adv Ability 2: Confidence Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 40 Aerial Ace,
Adv Ability 3: Wistful Melody 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49
High Ability: Cloud Nine Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 59 Incinerate, 68 Giga
Impact, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 85 Dream Eater,
Evolution: 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
1 - Swablu Smash, 99 Dazzling Gleam
2 - Altaria Minimum 35
Tutor Move List
Size Information Air Cutter, Body Slam, Double-Edge, Draco
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Heal Bell, Heat Wave, Hyper
Weight : 45.4 lbs. / 20.6kg (2) Voice, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind,
Outrage, Pluck(N), Roost, Sky Attack (N), Sleep Talk,
Breeding Information Snore, Steel Wing, Swift, Tailwind, Twister, Uproar,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Wonder Room
Egg Group : Flying / Dragon Mega Evolution
Type: Dragon / Fairy
Diet : Herbivore Ability: Pixilate
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest
Stats: +4 Atk, +2 Def,
Capability List +4 Sp. Atk
Overland 3, Swim 2, Sky 6, Jump 2/2, Power 4,

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Sky 5, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Dark-
vision, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6+2, Per-
cep 3d6+2, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
1 Supersonic - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Leech Life - Bug
11 Gust - Flying
13 Bite - Dark
16 Wing Attack - Flying
18 Agility - Psychic
Base Stats: 23 Air Cutter - Flying
HP: 4 27 Roost - Flying
Attack: 3 31 Razor Wind - Normal
Defense: 4 35 Tailwind - Flying
Special Attack: 5 40 Whirlwind - Normal
Special Defense: 4 43 Super Fang - Normal
Speed: 6 48 Air Slash - Flying
58 Hurricane - Flying
Basic Information
Type : Flying / Dragon TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Frisk A1 Cut, A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Basic Ability 2: Infiltrator Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 19 Roost, 21 Frus-
Adv Ability 1: Perception tration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30
Adv Ability 2: Sound Lance Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 40
High Ability: Ambush Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
tract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel
Evolution: Wing, 62 Acrobatics, 65 Shadow Claw, 81 X-Scissor,
1 - Noibat 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-
2 - Noivern Minimum 25 Turn, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 97 Dark Pulse,
100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 1’ 08” / 0.5m (Small) Egg Move List
Weight : 17.6 lbs. / 8 kg (1) Outrage, Snatch, Switcheroo, Tailwind

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Heat Wave, Hyper
Egg Group : Flying Voice, Iron Tail, Outrage, Sky Attack, Snatch, Snore,
Average Hatch Rate: 20 Days Super Fang, Tailwind, Uproar, Water Pulse

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Sky 8, Jump 2/2, Power 6, Dark-
vision, Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 6d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
1 Supersonic - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Leech Life - Bug
11 Gust - Flying
13 Bite - Dark
16 Wing Attack - Flying
18 Agility - Psychic
Base Stats: 23 Air Cutter - Flying
HP: 9 27 Roost - Flying
Attack: 7 31 Razor Wind - Normal
Defense: 8 35 Tailwind - Flying
Special Attack: 10 40 Whirlwind - Normal
Special Defense: 8 43 Super Fang - Normal
Speed: 12 53 Air Slash - Flying
62 Hurricane - Flying
Basic Information 70 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Type : Flying / Dragon 75 Boomburst - Normal
Basic Ability 1: Frisk
Basic Ability 2: Infiltrator TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 1: Perception A1 Cut, A2 Fly, 01 Hone Claws, 02 Dragon Claw, 06
Adv Ability 2: Sound Lance Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15
High Ability: Ambush Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 22
Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
Evolution: 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower,
1 - Noibat 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
2 - Noivern Minimum 35 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51
Steel Wing, 52 Focus Blast, 62 Acrobatics, 65 Shad-
Size Information ow Claw, 81 X-Scissor, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger,
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Large) 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild
Weight : 187.4 lbs. / 85 kg (4) Charge, 97 Dark Pulse, 100 Confide

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Boomburst (N), Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse (N),
Egg Group : Flying Heat Wave, Hurricane (N), Hyper Voice, Iron Tail,
Average Hatch Rate: 20 Days Moonlight (N), Outrage, Sky Attack, Snatch, Snore,
Super Fang, Tailwind, Uproar, Water Pulse
Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Wrap - Normal
4 Poison Sting - Poison
9 Bite - Dark
12 Glare - Normal
17 Screech - Normal
20 Acid - Poison
25 Spit Up - Normal
25 Stockpile - Normal
25 Swallow - Normal
28 Acid Spray - Poison
Base Stats: 33 Mud Bomb - Ground
HP: 4 36 Gastro Acid - Poison
Attack: 6 38 Belch - Poison
Defense: 4 41 Haze - Ice
Special Attack: 4 44 Coil - Poison
Special Defense: 5 49 Gunk Shot - Poison
Speed: 6
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hid-
Type : Poison den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Basic Ability 1: Shed Skin 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Basic Ability 2: Intimidate 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb,
Adv Ability 1: Unnnerve 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
High Ability: Keen Eye Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 66 Payback, 78 Bulldoze,
80 Rock Slide, 83 Infestation, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swag-
Evolution: ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 97 Dark Pulse
1 - Ekans
2 - Arbok Minimum 20 Egg Move List
Beat Up, Disable, Iron Tail, Poison Fang,
Size Information Poison Tail, Pursuit, Scary Face, Slam, Snatch, Spite,
Height : 6’ 7” / 2m (Medium) Sucker Punch, Switcheroo
Weight : 15.2 lbs. / 6.9kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Aqua Tail, Bind, Body Slam, Dark Pulse,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Double-Edge, Gastro Acid, Giga Drain, Gunk Shot,
Egg Group : Field / Dragon Iron Tail, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Grassland, Marsh

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Darkvision,
Stealth, Naturewalk (Grassland), Underdog

ARBOK Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 3, Darkvision,
Stealth, Naturewalk (Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 4d6+1,
Percep 2d6+2, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Poison Sting - Poison
9 Bite - Dark
12 Glare - Normal
17 Screech - Normal
20 Acid - Poison
22 Crunch - Dark
27 Spit Up - Normal
27 Stockpile - Normal
Base Stats: 27 Swallow - Normal
HP: 6 34 Acid Spray - Poison
Attack: 9 39 Mud Bomb - Ground
Defense: 7 44 Gastro Acid - Poison
Special Attack: 7 48 Belch - Poison
Special Defense: 8 51 Haze - Ice
Speed: 8 56 Coil - Poison
63 Gunk Shot - Poison
Basic Information
Type : Poison TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Shed Skin A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10
Basic Ability 2: Intimidate Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Adv Ability 1: Serpent’s Mark* Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earth-
High Ability: Serpent’s Mark* quake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge
Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment,
(Serpent’s Mark must be chosen as Arbok’s Level-20 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 66
Ability) Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide,
82 Dragon Tail, 83 Infestation, 84 Poison Jab, 87
Evolution: Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 97 Dark Pulse
1 - Ekans
2 - Arbok Minimum 20 Tutor Move List
Aqua Tail, Bind, Body Slam, Dark Pulse,
Size Information Double-Edge, Fire Fang(N), Gastro Acid, Giga Drain,
Height : 11’ 6” / 3.5m (Medium) Gunk Shot, Ice Fang(N), Iron Tail, Seed Bomb, Sleep
Weight : 143.3 lbs. / 65kg (4) Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Thunder Fang(N)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field / Dragon

Diet : Carnviore.
Habitat : Grassland

STUNKY Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog
Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+2,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Focus Energy - Normal
1 Scratch - Normal
4 Poison Gas - Poison
7 Screech - Normal
10 Fury Swipes - Normal
14 Smokescreen - Normal
18 Feint - Normal
22 Slash - Normal
27 Toxic - Poison
32 Acid Spray - Poison
37 Night Slash - Dark
43 Memento - Dark
Base Stats: 46 Belch - Poison
HP: 6 49 Explosion - Normal
Attack: 6
Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 4 A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic,
Special Defense: 4 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12
Speed: 7 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27
Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
Basic Information 35 Flamethrower, 36 Sludge Bomb, 38 Fire Blast, 41
Type : Poison / Dark Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Basic Ability 1: Stench Round, 59 Incinerate, 64 Explosion, 65 Shadow Claw,
Adv Ability 1: Keen Eye 66 Payback, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
Adv Ability 2: Odious Spray 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse
Adv Ability 3: Pickup
High Ability: Aftermath Egg Move List
Astonish, Crunch, Defog, Double-Edge, Leer,
Evolution: Play Rough, Punishment, Pursuit, Scary Face, Smog
1 - Stunky
2 - Skuntank Minimum 35 Tutor Move List
Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Fury Cutter, Iron Tail,
Size Information Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Sucker Punch,
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Swift
Weight : 42.3 lbs. / 19.2kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Darkvision,

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 1d6+1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Poison Gas - Poison
7 Screech - Normal
10 Fury Swipes - Normal
14 Smokescreen - Normal
18 Feint - Normal
22 Slash - Normal
27 Toxic - Poison
32 Acid Spray - Poison
35 Flamethrower - Fire
41 Night Slash - Dark
51 Memento - Dark
56 Belch - Poison
Base Stats: 61 Explosion - Normal
HP: 10
Attack: 9 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 7 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 05
Special Attack: 7 Roar, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Special Defense: 6 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18
Speed: 8 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30
Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 36
Basic Information Sludge Bomb, 38 Fire Blast, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
Type : Poison / Dark 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 59 Incinerate,
Basic Ability 1: Stench 64 Explosion, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 68 Giga
Adv Ability 1: Keen Eye Impact, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Adv Ability 2: Odious Spray Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse
Adv Ability 3: Pickup
High Ability: Aftermath Tutor Move List
Dark Pulse, Defog, Foul Play, Fury Cutter,
Evolution: Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Sucker
1 - Stunky Punch, Swift
2 - Skuntank Minimum 35

Size Information
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 83.8 lbs. / 38kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 6, Darkvision,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest)

GRIMER Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Amor-
phous, Dead Silent, Wallclimber, Underdog, Sticky

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Poison Gas - Poison
1 Pound - Normal
4 Harden - Normal
7 Mud-Slap - Ground
12 Disable - Normal
15 Sludge - Poison
18 Mud Bomb - Ground
21 Minimize - Normal
Base Stats: 26 Fling - Dark
HP: 8 29 Sludge Bomb - Poison
Attack: 8 32 Sludge Wave - Poison
Defense: 5 37 Screech - Normal
Special Attack: 4 40 Gunk Shot - Poison
Special Defense: 5 43 Acid Armor - Poison
Speed: 3 46 Belch - Poison
48 Memento - Dark
Basic Information
Type : Poison TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Stench A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10
Basic Ability 2: Weird Power Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect,
Adv Ability 1: Poison Touch 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Adv Ability 2: Defy Death Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32
High Ability: Absorb Force Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 35 Flamethrower,
36 Sludge Bomb, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 41
Evolution: Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
1 - Grimer Round, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 64 Explosion, 66 Pay-
2 - Muk Minimum 35 back, 80 Rock Slide, 83 Infestation, 84 Poison Jab, 87
Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 98 Power-Up
Size Information Punch, 100 Confide
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Small)
Weight : 66.1 lbs. / 30kg (3) Egg Move List
Acid Spray, Curse, Explosion, Haze,
Breeding Information Imprison, Lick, Mean Look, Scary Face, Shadow
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Punch, Shadow Sneak, Spit Up, Stockpile, Swallow
Egg Group : Indeterminate
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch,
Diet : Terravore Giga Drain, Gunk Shot, Ice Punch, Mud-Slap, Pain
Habitat : Urban Split, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Thunder Punch

Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 1d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Harden - Normal
7 Mud-Slap - Ground
12 Disable - Normal
15 Sludge - Poison
18 Mud Bomb - Ground
21 Minimize - Normal
26 Fling - Dark
29 Sludge Bomb - Poison
32 Sludge Wave - Poison
37 Screech - Normal
38 Venom Drench - Poison
40 Gunk Shot - Poison
Base Stats: 46 Acid Armor - Poison
HP: 11 52 Belch - Poison
Attack: 11 57 Memento - Dark
Defense: 8
Special Attack: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 10 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10
Speed: 5 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper
Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Basic Information 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30
Type : Poison Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 34
Basic Ability 1: Stench Sludge Wave, 35 Flamethrower, 36 Sludge Bomb, 38
Basic Ability 2: Weird Power Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44
Adv Ability 1: Poison Touch Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast,
Adv Ability 2: Defy Death 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 64 Explosion, 66 Payback, 68
High Ability: Absorb Force Giga Impact, 80 Rock Slide, 83 Infestation, 84 Poison
Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
Evolution: Smash, 97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
1 - Grimer Confide
2 - Muk Minimum 35
Tutor Move List
Size Information Block, Body Slam, Dark Pulse,
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium) Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Giga
Weight : 66.1 lbs. / 30kg (3) Drain, Gunk Shot, Ice Punch, Mud-Slap, Pain Split,
Poison Gas(N), Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Breeding Information Thunder Punch
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Indeterminate

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Urban

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 4, Jump 1/1, Power 6, Amor-
phous, Dead Silent, Wallclimber, Sticky Hold

KOFFING Volatile Bomb, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Poison Gas - Poison
1 Tackle - Normal
4 Smog - Poison
7 Smokescreen - Normal
12 Assurance - Dark
15 Clear Smog - Poison
18 Sludge - Poison
23 Self-Destruct - Normal
26 Haze - Ice
29 Gyro Ball - Steel
Base Stats: 34 Sludge Bomb - Poison
HP: 4 37 Explosion - Normal
Attack: 7 40 Destiny Bond - Ghost
Defense: 10 42 Belch - Poison
Special Attack: 6 45 Memento - Dark
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 4 TM/HM Move List
06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Basic Information Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Type : Poison Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return,
Basic Ability 1: Levitate 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower,
Adv Ability 1: Sticky Smoke 36 Sludge Bomb, 38 Fire Blast, 41 Torment, 42 Fa-
Adv Ability 2: Aftermath cade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 59 In-
Adv Ability 3: Stench cinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 64 Explosion, 66 Payback,
High Ability: White Smoke 70 Flash, 74 Gyro Ball, 83 Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88
Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 97 Dark Pulse
1 - Koffing Egg Move List
2 - Weezing Minimum 35 Curse, Destiny Bond, Grudge, Pain Split,
Psybeam, Psywave, Screech, Spit Up, Spite, Stockpile,
Size Information Swallow, Toxic Spikes, Will-O-Wisp
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 2.2 lbs. / 1kg (1) Tutor Move List
Dark Pulse, Pain Split, Rollout, Sleep Talk,
Breeding Information Snore, Spite, Uproar, Shock Wave
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Indeterminate
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Marsh, Mountain, Urban

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Levitate 3, Jump 1/1, Power 2,

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 1d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Smog - Poison
7 Smokescreen - Normal
12 Assurance - Dark
15 Clear Smog - Poison
18 Sludge - Poison
23 Self-Destruct - Normal
26 Haze - Ice
29 Double Hit - Normal
34 Sludge Bomb - Poison
40 Explosion - Normal
46 Destiny Bond - Ghost
51 Belch - Poison
Base Stats: 57 Memento - Dark
HP: 7
Attack: 9 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 12 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power,
Special Attack: 9 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Pro-
Special Defense: 7 tect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt,
Speed: 6 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
Team, 35 Flamethrower, 36 Sludge Bomb, 38 Fire
Basic Information Blast, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Type : Poison Thief, 48 Round, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 64
Basic Ability 1: Levitate Explosion, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 74
Adv Ability 1: Sticky Smoke Gyro Ball, 83 Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Adv Ability 2: Aftermath 90 Substitute, 97 Dark Pulse
Adv Ability 3: Stench
High Ability: White Smoke Tutor Move List
Dark Pulse, Pain Split, Rollout, Snore, Spite,
Evolution: Uproar, Shock Wave
1 - Koffing
2 - Weezing Minimum 35

Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 20.9 lbs. / 9.5kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Indeterminate

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Marsh, Mountain, Urban

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 1, Levitate 4, Jump 1/1, Power 4,
Volatile Bomb

GULPIN Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Amor-
phous, Inflatable, Wallclimber, Underdog, Sticky

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 1d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Pound - Normal
5 Yawn - Normal
8 Poison Gas - Poison
10 Sludge - Poison
12 Amnesia - Psychic
17 Acid Spray - Poison
20 Encore - Normal
25 Toxic - Poison
Base Stats: 28 Stockpile - Normal
HP: 7 28 Swallow - Normal
Attack: 4 28 Spit Up - Normal
Defense: 5 33 Sludge Bomb - Poison
Special Attack: 4 36 Gastro Acid - Poison
Special Defense: 5 41 Belch - Poison
Speed: 4 44 Wring Out - Normal
49 Gunk Shot - Poison
Basic Information
Type : Poison TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Lunchbox A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hid-
Basic Ability 2: Liquid Ooze den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 17 Protect,
Adv Ability 1: Gluttony 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27
Adv Ability 2: Limber Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge
High Ability: Big Swallow Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
tract, 48 Round, 64 Explosion, 83 Infestation, 85
Evolution: Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
1 - Gulpin tute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Con-
2 - Swalot Minimum 25 fide

Size Information Egg Move List

Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Acid Armor, Curse, Destiny Bond, Dream
Weight : 22.7 lbs. / 10.3kg (1) Eater, Gunk Shot, Mud-Slap, Pain Split, Smog,
Venom Drench
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Indeterminate Body Slam, Bullet Seed, Counter, Defense
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Curl, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch,
Gastro Acid, Giga Drain, Gunk Shot, Ice Punch,
Diet : Omnivore Mud-Slap, Pain Split, Rollout, Seed Bomb, Shock
Habitat : Grassland, Marsh, Urban Wave, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Thunder Punch,
Water Pulse

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 1d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Pound - Normal
5 Yawn - Normal
8 Poison Gas - Poison
10 Sludge - Poison
12 Amnesia - Psychic
17 Acid Spray - Poison
20 Encore - Normal
25 Toxic - Poison
26 Body Slam - Normal
30 Stockpile - Normal
30 Swallow - Normal
30 Spit Up - Normal
Base Stats: 37 Sludge Bomb - Poison
HP: 10 42 Gastro Acid - Poison
Attack: 7 49 Belch - Poison
Defense: 8 54 Wring Out - Normal
Special Attack: 7 61 Gunk Shot - Poison
Special Defense: 8
Speed: 6 TM/HM Move List
A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10
Basic Information Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 15 Hyper
Type : Poison Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22
Basic Ability 1: Lunchbox Solar Beam, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 30 Shadow
Basic Ability 2: Liquid Ooze Ball, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge
Adv Ability 1: Gluttony Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 64
Adv Ability 2: Limber Explosion, 68 Giga Impact, 78 Bulldoze, 83 Infesta-
High Ability: Big Swallow tion, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
Evolution: Confide
1 - Gulpin
2 - Swalot Minimum 25 Tutor Move List
Block, Body Slam, Bullet Seed, Counter,
Size Information Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Fire
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Medium) Punch, Gastro Acid, Giga Drain, Gunk Shot (N), Ice
Weight : 176.4 lbs. / 80kg (4) Punch, Mud-Slap, Pain Split, Rollout, Seed Bomb,
Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Thunder
Breeding Information Punch, Water Pulse, Wring Out (N)
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Indeterminate

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Grassland, Marsh, Urban

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Amor-
phous, Inflatable, Wallclimber, Sticky Hold

TRUBBISH Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Inflatable,
Naturewalk (Urban), Underdog, Sticky Hold

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Poison Gas - Poison
1 Pound - Normal
3 Recycle - Normal
7 Toxic Spikes - Poison
12 Acid Spray - Poison
14 Double Slap - Normal
18 Sludge - Poison
23 Stockpile - Normal
23 Swallow - Normal
Base Stats: 25 Take Down - Normal
HP: 5 29 Sludge Bomb - Poison
Attack: 5 34 Clear Smog - Poison
Defense: 6 36 Toxic - Poison
Special Attack: 4 40 Amnesia - Psychic
Special Defense: 6 42 Belch - Poison
Speed: 7 45 Gunk Shot - Poison
47 Explosion - Normal
Basic Information
Type : Poison TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Absorb Force 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Basic Ability 2: Stench Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Adv Ability 1: Flare Boost tion, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave,
Adv Ability 2: Weird Power 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
High Ability: Aftermath Thief, 48 Round, 64 Explosion, 66 Payback, 83 Infes-
tation, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 97
Evolution: Dark Pulse
1 - Trubbish
2 - Garbodor Minimum 35 Egg Move List
Curse, Haze, Mud Sport, Rock Blast, Rollout,
Size Information Sand Attack, Self-Destruct, Spikes
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 68.3 lbs. / 31kg (3) Tutor Move List
Dark Pulse, Drain Punch, Giga Drain, Gunk
Breeding Information Shot, Pain Split, Recycle, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Snore, Spite
Egg Group : Mineral
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Urban

GARBODOR Naturewalk (Urban)
Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Recycle - Normal
7 Toxic Spikes - Poison
12 Acid Spray - Poison
14 Double Slap - Normal
18 Sludge - Poison
23 Stockpile - Normal
23 Swallow - Normal
25 Body Slam - Normal
29 Sludge Bomb - Poison
34 Clear Smog - Poison
39 Toxic - Poison
46 Amnesia - Psychic
Base Stats: 49 Belch - Poison
HP: 8 54 Gunk Shot - Poison
Attack: 10 59 Explosion - Normal
Defense: 8
Special Attack: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 8 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power,
Speed: 8 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 23 Smack
Basic Information Down, 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 32
Type : Poison Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42
Basic Ability 1: Absorb Force Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 52
Basic Ability 2: Stench Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 64 Explosion, 66 Payback, 68
Adv Ability 1: Flare Boost Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 83 Infestation, 87 Swag-
Adv Ability 2: Weird Power ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 97 Dark Pulse
High Ability: Aftermath
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Dark Pulse, Drain Punch, Giga Drain, Gunk
1 - Trubbish Shot, Pain Split, Recycle, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk,
2 - Garbodor Minimum 35 Snore, Spite

Size Information
Height : 6’ 3” / 1.9m (Large)
Weight : 236.6 lbs. / 107.3kg (5)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Mineral
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Grassland, Marsh, Urban

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 6, Inflatable,

SKORUPI Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 1d6+1, Combat 2d6+1, Stealth
3d6+1, Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bite - Dark
1 Poison Sting - Poison
1 Leer - Normal
5 Knock Off - Dark
9 Pin Missile - Bug
13 Acupressure - Normal
16 Pursuit - Dark
20 Bug Bite - Bug
23 Poison Fang - Poison
Base Stats: 27 Venoshock - Poison
HP: 4 30 Hone Claws - Dark
Attack: 5 34 Toxic Spikes - Poison
Defense: 9 38 Night Slash - Dark
Special Attack: 3 41 Scary Face - Normal
Special Defense: 6 45 Crunch - Dark
Speed: 7 47 Fell Stinger - Bug
49 Cross Poison - Poison
Basic Information
Type : Poison / Bug TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Battle Armor A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Tox-
Basic Ability 2: Sniper ic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Adv Ability 1: Keen Eye 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Adv Ability 2: Strong Jaw 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break,
High Ability: Vicious 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 39 Rock Tomb,
40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Evolution: Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 54 False Swipe, 56 Fling,
1 - Skorupi 66 Payback, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 76 Struggle
2 - Drapion Minimum 40 Bug, 81 X-Scissor, 83 Infestation, 84 Poison Jab, 87
Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
Size Information 97 Dark Pulse
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small)
Weight : 26.5 lbs. / 12kg (2) Egg Move List
Agility, Confuse Ray, Feint Attack, Iron
Breeding Information Tail, Night Slash, Poison Tail, Pursuit, Sand Attack,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Screech, Slash, Twineedle, Whirlwind
Egg Group : Bug / Water 3
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Tutor Move List
Aqua Tail, Bug Bite, Dark Pulse, Fury Cutter,
Diet : Carnivore Iron Tail, Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snore
Habitat : Forest, Marsh, Rainforest

DRAPION Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 1d6+1, Combat 4d6+1, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Knock Off - Dark
9 Pin Missile - Bug
13 Acupressure - Normal
16 Pursuit - Dark
20 Bug Bite - Bug
23 Poison Fang - Poison
27 Venoshock - Poison
30 Hone Claws - Dark
34 Toxic Spikes - Poison
38 Night Slash - Dark
43 Scary Face - Normal
49 Crunch - Dark
53 Fell Stinger - Bug
Base Stats: 57 Cross Poison - Poison
HP: 7
Attack: 9 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 11 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 05
Special Attack: 6 Roar, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Special Defense: 8 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Speed: 10 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27
Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32
Basic Information Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 39 Rock Tomb, 40
Type : Poison / Dark Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
Basic Ability 1: Battle Armor tract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 54 False Swipe, 56 Fling, 66
Basic Ability 2: Sniper Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 75
Adv Ability 1: Keen Eye Swords Dance, 76 Struggle Bug, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
Adv Ability 2: Strong Jaw Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 83 Infestation, 84 Poison Jab, 87
High Ability: Vicious Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse
1 - Skorupi Tutor Move List
2 - Drapion Minimum 40 Aqua Tail, Bite, Bug Bite, Dark Pulse, Fire
Fang(N), Fury Cutter, Ice Fang(N), Iron Tail, Knock
Size Information Off, Mud-Slap, Pin Missile, Rock Climb, Sleep Talk,
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium) Snore, Thunder Fang(N)
Weight : 135.6 lbs. / 61.5kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug / Water 3

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Marsh, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 7, Naturewalk
(Forest), Darkvision

Athl 3d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Astonish - Ghost
3 Mud-Slap - Ground
8 Poison Sting - Poison
10 Taunt - Dark
15 Pursuit - Dark
17 Feint Attack - Dark
22 Revenge - Fighting
24 Swagger - Normal
29 Mud Bomb - Ground
31 Sucker Punch - Dark
36 Venoshock - Poison
38 Nasty Plot - Dark
43 Poison Jab - Poison
Base Stats: 45 Sludge Bomb - Poison
HP: 5 47 Belch - Poison
Attack: 6 50 Flatter - Dark
Defense: 4
Special Attack: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 4 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 09 Veno-
Speed: 5 shock, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt,
17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earth-
Basic Information quake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick
Type : Poison / Fighting Break, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge
Basic Ability 1: Dry Skin Bomb, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44
Basic Ability 2: Poison Touch Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 1: Anticipation 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 63 Embargo, 66 Payback, 67
Adv Ability 2: Dodge Retaliate, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 84
High Ability: Deadly Poison Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
94 Rock Smash, 97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch,
Evolution: 100 Confide
1 - Croagunk
2 - Toxicroak Minimum 35 Egg Move List
Acupressure, Bullet Punch, Counter, Cross
Size Information Chop, Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch, Fake Out,
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small) Feint, Headbutt, Me First, Meditate, Quick Guard,
Weight : 50.7 lbs. / 23kg (2) Smelling Salts, Vacuum Wave, Wake-Up Slap

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Bounce, Dark Pulse, Drain Punch, Dual
Egg Group : Humanshape Chop, Fury Cutter, Focus Punch, Foul Play, Gunk
Average Hatch Rate: 4 Days Shot, Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Knock
Off, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Rock Climb,
Diet : Herbivore Role Play, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Sucker
Habitat : Freshwater, Marsh Punch, Super Fang, Thunder Punch, Vacuum Wave,
Work Up
Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 5, Jump 2/3, Power 3, Underdog

Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Mud-Slap - Ground
8 Poison Sting - Poison
10 Taunt - Dark
15 Pursuit - Dark
17 Feint Attack - Dark
22 Revenge - Fighting
24 Swagger - Normal
29 Mud Bomb - Ground
31 Sucker Punch - Dark
36 Venoshock - Poison
41 Nasty Plot - Dark
49 Poison Jab - Poison
54 Sludge Bomb - Poison
Base Stats: 58 Belch - Poison
HP: 8 62 Flatter - Dark
Attack: 11
Defense: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 9 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up,
Special Defense: 7 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12
Speed: 9 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Basic Information 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
Type : Poison / Fighting 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 39 Rock Tomb, 41
Basic Ability 1: Dry Skin Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47
Basic Ability 2: Poison Touch Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 63
Adv Ability 1: Anticipation Embargo, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact,
Adv Ability 2: Dodge 71 Stone Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80
High Ability: Deadly Poison Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger,
88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 97 Dark
Evolution: Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Croagunk
2 - Toxicroak Minimum 35 Tutor Move List
Bounce, Dark Pulse, Drain Punch, Dual
Size Information Chop, Focus Punch, Foul Play, Fury Cutter, Gunk
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium) Shot, Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Knock
Weight : 97.9 lbs. / 44.4kg (3) Off, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Rock Climb,
Role Play, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Sucker
Breeding Information Punch, Super Fang, Thunder Punch, Vacuum Wave,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Work Up
Egg Group : Humanshape

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Marsh

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 6, Jump 3/4, Power 8,

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 5, Jump 0/1, Power 1, Fountain,
Gilled, Stealth, Naturewalk (Ocean), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Smokescreen - Normal
1 Bubble - Water
5 Feint Attack - Dark
9 Tail Whip - Normal
12 Water Gun - Water
15 Acid - Poison
19 Camouflage - Normal
Base Stats: 23 Poison Tail - Poison
HP: 5 25 Water Pulse - Water
Attack: 6 28 Double Team - Normal
Defense: 6 32 Toxic - Poison
Special Attack: 6 35 Aqua Tail - Water
Special Defense: 6 38 Sludge Bomb - Poison
Speed: 3 42 Hydro Pump - Water
49 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Basic Information
Type : Poison / Water TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Poison Point A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 09 Veno-
Basic Ability 2: Poison Touch shock, 10 Hidden Power, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Adv Ability 1: Adaptability 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 30
Adv Ability 2: Analytic Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36
High Ability: Corrosive Toxins Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Round, 55 Scald, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Sub-
Evolution: stitute, 100 Confide
1 - Skrelp
2 - Dragalge Minimum 35 Egg Move List
Acid Armor, Haze, Play Rough, Toxic Spikes, Venom
Size Information Drench
Height : 1’ 08” / 0.5m (Small)
Weight : 16.1 lbs. / 7.3 kg (1) Tutor Move List
Aqua Tail, Bounce, Dragon Pulse, Gunk Shot, Icy
Breeding Information Wind, Iron Tail, Outrage, Snore, Water Pulse
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 and Dragon
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Ocean

DRAGALGE Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 6, Jump 1/1, Power 6, Fountain,
Gilled, Stealth, Naturewalk (Ocean), Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 5d6+2, Per-
cep 4d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Smokescreen - Normal
1 Bubble - Water
5 Feint Attack - Dark
9 Tail Whip - Normal
12 Water Gun - Water
15 Acid - Poison
19 Camouflage - Normal
23 Poison Tail - Poison
Base Stats: 25 Water Pulse - Water
HP: 7 28 Double Team - Normal
Attack: 8 32 Toxic - Poison
Defense: 9 35 Aqua Tail - Water
Special Attack: 10 40 Sludge Bomb - Poison
Special Defense: 12 45 Hydro Pump - Water
Speed: 4 53 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
59 Dragon Tail - Dragon
Basic Information 67 Twister - Dragon
Type : Poison / Dragon
Basic Ability 1: Poison Point TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Poison Touch A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 09 Veno-
Adv Ability 1: Adaptability shock, 10 Hidden Power, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Pro-
Adv Ability 2: Analytic tect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt,
High Ability: Corrosive Toxins 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade,
Evolution: 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 55
1 - Skrelp Scald, 68 Giga Impact, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger,
2 - Dragalge Minimum 35 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 100 Confide

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 5’ 11” / 1.8m (Large) Aqua Tail, Bounce, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse,
Weight : 179.7 lbs. / 81.5 kg (4) Dragon Tail (N), Gunk Shot, Icy Wind, Iron Tail,
Outrage, Shock Wave, Snore, Twister (N), Water
Breeding Information Pulse
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 and Dragon

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Ocean

SANDSHREW Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Burrow 5, Jump 1/1, Power
3, Tremorsense, Naturewalk (Grassland, Desert),

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1, Per-
cep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
1 Defense Curl - Normal
3 Sand Attack - Ground
5 Poison Sting - Poison
7 Rollout - Rock
9 Rapid Spin - Normal
11 Fury Cutter - Bug
14 Magnitude - Ground
Base Stats: 17 Swift - Normal
HP: 5 20 Fury Swipes - Normal
Attack: 8 23 Sand Tomb - Ground
Defense: 9 26 Slash - Normal
Special Attack: 2 30 Dig - Ground
Special Defense: 3 34 Gyro Ball - Steel
Speed: 4 38 Swords Dance - Normal
42 Sandstorm - Rock
Basic Information 46 Earthquake - Ground
Type : Ground
Basic Ability 1: Pickup TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Quick Curl A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Adv Ability 1: Sand Rush Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect,
Adv Ability 2: Sand Veil 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27
High Ability: Dig Away Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 37
Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
Evolution: 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 65
1 - Sandshrew Shadow Claw, 74 Gyro Ball, 75 Swords Dance, 78
2 - Sandslash Minimum 20 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 84 Poison Jab,
87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
Size Information Smash
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 26.5 lbs. / 12kg (2) Egg Move List
Chip Away, Counter, Crush Claw, Endure,
Breeding Information Flail, Metal Claw, Mud Shot, Night Slash, Rapid
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Spin, Rock Climb, Rock Slide, Rototiller, Safeguard,
Egg Group : Field Swords Dance
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days
Tutor Move List
Diet : Herbivore Body Slam, Covet, Double-Edge,
Habitat : Cave, Desert, Grassland Dynamic Punch, Earth Power, Focus Punch, Fury
Cutter, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Rollout,
Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Super
Fang, Swift
SANDSLASH Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Burrow 6, Jump 1/2, Power
4, Groundshaper, Naturewalk (Grassland, Desert),

Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6+1, Stealth 4d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Sand Attack - Ground
5 Poison Sting - Poison
7 Rollout - Rock
9 Rapid Spin - Normal
11 Fury Cutter - Bug
14 Magnitude - Ground
17 Swift - Normal
20 Fury Swipes - Normal
Base Stats: 22 Crush Claw - Normal
HP: 8 24 Sand Tomb - Ground
Attack: 10 28 Slash - Normal
Defense: 11 33 Dig - Ground
Special Attack: 5 38 Gyro Ball - Steel
Special Defense: 6 43 Swords Dance - Normal
Speed: 7 48 Sandstorm - Rock
53 Earthquake - Ground
Basic Information
Type : Ground TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Rough Skin A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Basic Ability 2: Quick Curl Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper
Adv Ability 1: Sand Rush Beam, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 26
Adv Ability 2: Sand Veil Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32
High Ability: Dig Away Double Team, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aeri-
al Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
High Abilities: Sand Rush Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 65 Shadow Claw, 68
Evolution: Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 75 Swords
1 - Sandshrew Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 84
2 - Sandslash Minimum 20 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
94 Rock Smash
Size Information
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 65 lbs. / 29.5kg (3) Body Slam, Counter, Covet, Double-Edge,
Dynamic Punch, Earth Power, Focus Punch, Fury
Breeding Information Cutter, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Rollout,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Super
Egg Group : Field Fang, Swift

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Desert, Grassland

DIGLETT Capability List
Overland 1, Burrow 7, Jump 0/0, Power 1, Tremors-
ense, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2, Per-
cep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Sand Attack - Ground
1 Scratch - Normal
4 Growl - Normal
7 Astonish - Ghost
12 Mud-Slap - Ground
15 Magnitude - Ground
18 Bulldoze - Ground
23 Sucker Punch - Dark
26 Mud Bomb - Ground
Base Stats: 29 Earth Power - Ground
HP: 1 34 Dig - Ground
Attack: 6 37 Slash - Normal
Defense: 3 40 Earthquake - Ground
Special Attack: 4 45 Fissure - Ground
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 10 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Basic Information Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 26
Type : Ground Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team,
Basic Ability 1: Sand Veil 36 Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 40
Basic Ability 2: Arena Trap Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
Adv Ability 1: Sand Force 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 65 Shadow Claw, 78
Adv Ability 2: Celebrate Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
High Ability: Dig Away 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Diglett Ancient Power, Astonish, Beat Up, Endure,
2 - Dugtrio Minimum 25 Feint Attack, Final Gambit, Headbutt, Memento,
Mud Bomb, Pursuit, Reversal, Rock Slide, Screech,
Size Information Uproar
Height : 0’ 8” / 0.2m (Small)
Weight : 1.8 lbs. / 0.8kg (1) Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Double-Edge, Earth Power, Fury
Breeding Information Swipes, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Sucker Punch, Uproar
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Grassland

DUGTRIO Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 5d6+2, Per-
cep 4d6+1, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Growl - Normal
7 Astonish - Ghost
12 Mud-Slap - Ground
15 Magnitude - Ground
18 Bulldoze - Ground
23 Sucker Punch - Dark
26 Sand Tomb - Ground
28 Mud Bomb - Ground
33 Earth Power - Ground
40 Dig - Ground
45 Slash - Normal
50 Earthquake - Ground
57 Fissure - Ground
Base Stats:
HP: 4 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 8 A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Defense: 5 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 21
Special Attack: 5 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32
Special Defense: 7 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 37
Speed: 12 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
Basic Information Voice, 65 Shadow Claw, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone
Type : Ground Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88
Basic Ability 1: Sand Veil Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Basic Ability 2: Arena Trap
Adv Ability 1: Sand Force Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 2: Polycephaly Body Slam, Double-Edge, Earth Power, Fury
High Ability: Dig Away Swipes, Mud-Slap, Night Slash (N), Rototiller (N),
Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Sucker Punch, Tri
Evolution: Attack(N), Uproar
1 - Diglett
2 - Dugtrio Minimum 25

Size Information
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small)
Weight : 73.4 lbs. / 33.3kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Grassland, Forest

Capability List
Overland 2, Burrow 9, Jump 0/0, Power 4, Ground-
shaper, Tremorsense, Underdog

CUBONE Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Darkvision,
Underdog, Naturewalk (Cave, Mountain), Wielder

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6+1, Per-
cep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
3 Tail Whip - Normal
7 Bone Club - Ground
11 Headbutt - Normal
13 Leer - Normal
17 Focus Energy - Normal
21 Bonemerang - Ground
23 Rage - Normal
27 False Swipe - Normal
Base Stats: 31 Thrash - Normal
HP: 5 33 Fling - Dark
Attack: 5 37 Bone Rush - Ground
Defense: 10 41 Endeavor - Normal
Special Attack: 4 43 Double-Edge - Normal
Special Defense: 5 47 Retaliate - Normal
Speed: 4
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Type : Ground Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 21
Basic Ability 1: Bone Wielder Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earthquake, 27
Adv Ability 1: Battle Armor Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35
Adv Ability 2: Lightning Rod Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock
Adv Ability 3: Rock Head Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
High Ability: Bone Lord 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 54 False Swipe,
56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 67 Retaliate, 75 Swords
Evolution: Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88
1 - Cubone Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-
2 - Marowak Minimum 25 Up Punch, 100 Confide

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Ancient Power, Belly Drum, Chip Away,
Weight : 14.3 lbs. / 6.5kg (1) Detect, Double Kick, Endure, Iron Head, Perish
Song, Rock Slide, Screech, Skull Bash, Swords Dance
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Monster Body Slam, Counter, Dynamic Punch, Earth
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Power, Endeavor, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Fury
Cutter, Icy Wind, Iron Defense, Iron Tail, Knock Off,
Diet : Herbivore Low Kick, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap,
Habitat : Cave, Mountain, Urban Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock,
Thunder Punch, Uproar

MAROWAK Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 4, Darkvision,
Wielder, Naturewalk (Cave, Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 4d6+1, Per-
cep 3d6+1, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Tail Whip - Normal
7 Bone Club - Ground
11 Headbutt - Normal
13 Leer - Normal
17 Focus Energy - Normal
21 Bonemerang - Ground
23 Rage - Normal
27 False Swipe - Normal
33 Thrash - Normal
Base Stats: 37 Fling - Dark
HP: 6 43 Bone Rush - Ground
Attack: 8 49 Endeavor - Normal
Defense: 11 53 Double-Edge - Normal
Special Attack: 5 59 Retaliate - Normal
Special Defense: 8
Speed: 5 TM/HM Move List
A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Information 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper
Type : Ground Beam, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down,
Basic Ability 1: Bone Wielder 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break,
Adv Ability 1: Battle Armor 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38
Adv Ability 2: Lightning Rod Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 3: Rock Head 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
High Ability: Bone Lord Voice, 52 Focus Blast, 54 False Swipe, 56 Fling, 59 In-
cinerate, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge,
75 Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87
Evolution: Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
1 - Cubone 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
2 - Marowak Minimum 25
Tutor Move List
Size Information Body Slam, Counter, Dynamic Punch, Earth
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Power, Endeavor, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Fury
Weight : 99.2 lbs. / 45kg (3) Cutter, Icy Wind, Iron Defense, Iron Tail, Knock Off,
Low Kick, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap,
Breeding Information Outrage, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Rock, Thunder Punch, Uproar
Egg Group : Monster

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain, Urban

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Sky 4, Burrow 3, Jump 2/2,
Power 3

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Poison Sting - Poison
4 Sand Attack - Ground
7 Harden - Normal
10 Knock Off - Dark
13 Quick Attack - Normal
16 Fury Cutter - Bug
19 Feint Attack - Dark
22 Acrobatics - Flying
Base Stats: 27 Slash - Normal
HP: 7 30 U-Turn - Bug
Attack: 8 35 Screech - Normal
Defense: 11 40 X-Scissor - Bug
Special Attack: 4 45 Sky Uppercut - Fighting
Special Defense: 7 50 Swords Dance - Normal
Speed: 9 55 Guillotine - Normal

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Ground / Flying A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Basic Ability 1: Hyper Cutter Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Basic Ability 2: Sand Veil Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost,
Adv Ability 1: Immunity 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Adv Ability 2: Poison Touch 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb,
High Ability: Ambush 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41
Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
Evolution: 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 54 False Swipe, 56 Fling,
1 - Gligar 62 Acrobatics, 66 Payback, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone
2 - Gliscor Holding Razor Fang Minimum 25 Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 76 Struggle Bug, 78 Bull-
at Night doze, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 84 Poison Jab, 87
Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94
Size Information Rock Smash, 97 Dark Pulse
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium)
Weight : 142.9 lbs. / 64.8kg (4) Egg Move List
Agility, Baton Pass, Counter, Cross Poison,
Breeding Information Double-Edge, Feint, Metal Claw, Night Slash, Poison
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tail, Power Trick, Razor Wind, Rock Climb, Sand
Egg Group : Bug Tomb, Wing Attack
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days
Tutor Move List
Diet : Carnivore Aqua Tail, Bug Bite, Dark Pulse, Dream Eater,
Habitat : Cave, Desert, Forest, Mountain Earth Power, Fury Cutter, Iron Tail, Knock Off,
Roost, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Steel Wing,
Swift, Tailwind

GLISCOR Power 5,
Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 4d6+1,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Sand Attack - Ground
7 Harden - Normal
10 Knock Off - Dark
13 Quick Attack - Normal
16 Fury Cutter - Bug
19 Feint Attack - Dark
22 Acrobatics - Flying
27 Slash - Normal
30 U-Turn - Bug
35 Screech - Normal
40 X-Scissor - Bug
45 Sky Uppercut - Fighting
Base Stats: 50 Swords Dance - Normal
HP: 8 55 Guillotine - Normal
Attack: 10
Defense: 13 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 5 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Tox-
Special Defense: 8 ic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Speed: 10 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return,
Basic Information 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge
Type : Ground / Flying Bomb, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace,
Basic Ability 1: Hyper Cutter 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
Basic Ability 2: Sand Veil 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 54 False Swipe, 56 Fling,
Adv Ability 1: Poison Heal 62 Acrobatics, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock
Adv Ability 2: Poison Touch Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 76 Struggle
High Ability: Ambush Bug, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 84
Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90
Evolution: Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 97 Dark Pulse
1 - Gligar
2 - Gliscor Holding Razor Fang Minimum 25 Tutor Move List
at Night Aqua Tail, Bug Bite, Dark Pulse, Defog,
Dream Eater, Earth Power, Fire Fang(N), Fury Cut-
Size Information ter, Guillotine (N), Ice Fang(N), Iron Tail, Knock Off,
Height : 6’ 7” / 2m (Medium) Mud-Slap, Poison Jab(N), Roost, Sky Attack, Sleep
Weight : 93.7 lbs. / 42.5kg (3) Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Steel Wing, Swift, Tailwind,
Thunder Fang(N)
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Sky 6, Burrow 4, Jump 2/3,

PHANPY Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Tracker,
Naturewalk (Forest, Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Defense Curl - Normal
1 Growl - Normal
1 Odor Sleuth - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
6 Flail - Normal
10 Rollout - Rock
15 Natural Gift - Normal
19 Endure - Normal
24 Slam - Normal
Base Stats: 28 Take Down - Normal
HP: 9 33 Charm - Fairy
Attack: 6 37 Last Resort - Normal
Defense: 6 42 Double-Edge - Normal
Special Attack: 4
Special Defense: 4 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 4 A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 26
Basic Information Earthquake, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 37 Sand-
Type : Ground storm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Basic Ability 1: Pickup 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
Basic Ability 2: Frisk Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
Adv Ability 1: Sand Veil Rock Smash
Adv Ability 2: Sand Rush
High Ability: Sand Force Egg Move List
Ancient Power, Body Slam, Counter,
Evolution: Endeavor, Fissure, Focus Energy, Head Smash, Heavy
1 - Phanpy Slam, Ice Shard, Mud-Slap, Play Rough, Snore
2 - Donphan Minimum 25
Tutor Move List
Size Information Ancient Power, Earth Power, Endeavor,
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Gunk Shot, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort, Mud-
Weight : 73.9 lbs. / 33.5kg (3) Slap, Rollout, Seed Bomb, Snore, Stealth Rock,
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Mountain

DONPHAN Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Rapid Spin - Normal
10 Rollout - Rock
15 Assurance - Dark
19 Knock Off - Dark
24 Slam - Normal
25 Fury Attack - Normal
30 Magnitude - Ground
37 Scary Face - Normal
43 Earthquake - Ground
50 Giga Impact - Normal

TM/HM Move List

A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Base Stats: Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 21
HP: 9 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 32 Double
Attack: 12 Team, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44
Defense: 12 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 68 Giga
Special Attack: 6 Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 74 Gyro Ball,
Special Defense: 6 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swag-
Speed: 5 ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash

Basic Information Tutor Move List

Type : Ground Ancient Power, Block, Body Slam, Bounce,
Basic Ability 1: Sturdy Bulldoze(N), Counter, Double-Edge, Earth Power,
Basic Ability 2: Frisk Endeavor, Fire Fang(N), Flail, Gunk Shot, Horn At-
Adv Ability 1: Sand Veil tack, Hyper Voice, Iron Defense, Iron Tail, Knock
Adv Ability 2: Sand Rush Off, Last Resort, Mud-Slap, Odor Sleuth, Rollout,
High Ability: Sand Force Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Super-
power, Thunder Fang(N)
1 - Phanpy
2 - Donphan Minimum 25

Size Information
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium)
Weight : 264.6 lbs. / 120kg (5)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Desert, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 1/1, Power 7, Tracker,
Naturewalk (Forest, Mountain), Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6+1 ,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Confusion - Psychic
1 Harden - Normal
4 Rapid Spin - Normal
7 Mud-Slap - Ground
10 Heal Block - Psychic
13 Rock Tomb - Rock
16 Psybeam - Psychic
19 Ancient Power - Rock
22 Cosmic Power - Psychic
25 Power Trick - Psychic
28 Self-Destruct - Normal
31 Extrasensory - Psychic
Base Stats: 34 Guard Split - Psychic
HP: 4 34 Power Split - Psychic
Attack: 4 37 Earth Power - Ground
Defense: 6 40 Sandstorm - Rock
Special Attack: 4 43 Imprison - Psychic
Special Defense: 7 46 Explosion - Normal
Speed: 6
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Type : Ground / Psychic Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 16 Light
Basic Ability 1: Levitate Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard,
Adv Ability 1: Own Tempo 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 23 Smack Down,
Adv Ability 2: Sand Veil 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29 Psychic, 30
Adv Ability 3: Perception Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37 Sand-
High Ability: Inner Focus storm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round,
57 Charge Beam, 64 Explosion, 69 Rock Polish,
Evolution: 70 Flash, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze,
1 - Baltoy 80 Rock Slide, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87
2 - Claydol Minimum 35 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room,
99 Dazzling Gleam
Size Information
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 47.4 lbs. / 21.5kg (2) Ally Switch, Ancient Power, Double-Edge, Drill
Run, Earth Power, Gravity, Magic Coat, Mud-Slap,
Breeding Information Recycle, Role Play, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep
Gender Ratio : No Gender Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Telekinesis, Trick, Wonder
Egg Group : None Room, Zen Headbutt

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Cave

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 3, Levitate 1, Jump 1/1, Power 5,
Dead Silent, Underdog, Volatile Bomb

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+1
, Percep 5d6+1, Focus 5d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Rapid Spin - Normal
7 Mud-Slap - Ground
10 Heal Block - Psychic
13 Rock Tomb - Rock
16 Psybeam - Psychic
19 Ancient Power - Rock
22 Cosmic Power - Psychic
25 Power Trick - Psychic
28 Self-Destruct - Normal
31 Extrasensory - Psychic
34 Guard Split - Psychic
34 Power Split - Psychic
Base Stats: 36 Hyper Beam - Normal
HP: 6 40 Earth Power - Ground
Attack: 7 46 Sandstorm - Rock
Defense: 11 52 Imprison - Psychic
Special Attack: 7 58 Explosion - Normal
Special Defense: 12
Speed: 8 TM/HM Move List
A4 Strength, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06
Basic Information Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam,
Type : Ground / Psychic 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Ability 1: Levitate Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Adv Ability 1: Own Tempo 23 Smack Down, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Adv Ability 2: Sand Veil 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 33
Adv Ability 3: Perception Reflect, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade,
High Ability: Clay Cannons 44 Rest, 48 Round, 57 Charge Beam, 64 Explosion,
68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 70 Flash, 71 Stone
Evolution: Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80
1 - Baltoy Rock Slide, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87
2 - Claydol Minimum 35 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room,
94 Rock Smash, 99 Dazzling Gleam
Size Information
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 238.1 lbs. / 108kg (5) Ally Switch, Ancient Power, Double-Edge, Drill Run,
Earth Power, Gravity, Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Re-
Breeding Information cycle, Role Play, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk,
Gender Ratio : No Gender Snore, Stealth Rock, Telekinesis, Teleport(N), Trick,
Egg Group : None Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Cave

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 4, Levitate 3, Jump 1/1, Power 6,
Dead Silent, Volatile Bomb

HIPPOPOTAS Tremorsense, Naturewalk (Desert), Underdog
Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Sand Attack - Ground
1 Tackle - Normal
7 Bite - Dark
13 Yawn - Normal
19 Take Down - Normal
25 Sand Tomb - Ground
31 Crunch - Dark
37 Earthquake - Ground
44 Double-Edge - Normal
50 Fissure - Ground

TM/HM Move List

Base Stats: A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
HP: 7 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 26
Attack: 7 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team,
Defense: 8 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Special Attack: 4 Attract, 48 Round, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87
Special Defense: 4 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Speed: 3

Basic Information Egg Move List

Type : Ground Body Slam, Curse, Revenge, Sand Tomb,
Basic Ability 1: Sand Stream Slack Off, Sleep Talk, Spit Up, Stockpile, Swallow,
Basic Ability 2: Oblivious Whirlwind
Adv Ability 1: Sand Force
Adv Ability 2: Deep Sleep Tutor Move List
High Ability: Sand Rush Earth Power, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Stealth Rock, Superpower, Water Pulse
1 - Hippopotas
2 - Hippowdon Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small)
Weight : 109.1 lbs. / 49.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 16 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Desert

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Burrow 2, Jump 0/1, Power 5,

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 1d6, Combat 4d6+1, Stealth 2d6+2,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
7 Bite - Dark
13 Yawn - Normal
19 Dig - Ground
19 Take Down - Normal
25 Sand Tomb - Ground
31 Crunch - Dark
40 Earthquake - Ground
50 Double-Edge - Normal
60 Fissure - Ground

TM/HM Move List

A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Base Stats: Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 21
HP: 10 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32
Attack: 11 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Fa-
Defense: 12 cade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 68 Giga Impact,
Special Attack: 7 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swag-
Special Defense: 7 ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Speed: 5
Tutor Move List
Basic Information Earth Power, Fire Fang(N), Ice Fang(N), Iron
Type : Ground Head, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth
Basic Ability 1: Sand Stream Rock, Superpower, Thunder Fang(N), Water Pulse
Basic Ability 2: Arena Trap
Adv Ability 1: Sand Force
Adv Ability 2: Enduring Rage
High Ability: Sand Rush

1 - Hippopotas
2 - Hippowdon Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 6’ 7” / 2m (Large)
Weight : 661.4 lbs. / 300kg (6)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Desert

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Burrow 3, Jump 0/1, Power 9,
Groundshaper, Naturewalk (Desert), Tremorsense

DRILBUR Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Burrow 6, Jump 1/1, Power 2,
Tremorsense, Naturewalk (Cave, Mountain), Under-

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6+!, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Mud Sport - Ground
1 Scratch - Normal
5 Rapid Spin - Normal
8 Mud-Slap - Ground
12 Fury Swipes - Normal
15 Metal Claw - Steel
19 Dig - Ground
22 Hone Claws - Dark
Base Stats: 26 Slash - Normal
HP: 6 29 Rock Slide - Rock
Attack: 9 33 Earthquake - Ground
Defense: 4 36 Swords Dance - Normal
Special Attack: 3 40 Sandstorm - Rock
Special Defense: 5 43 Drill Run - Ground
Speed: 7 47 Fissure - Ground

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Ground A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Basic Ability 1: Sand Rush Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration,
Basic Ability 2: Sand Force 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break,
Adv Ability 1: Mold Breaker 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm,
Adv Ability 2: Sand Veil 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
High Ability: Parry 45 Attract, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 65 Shadow Claw, 75
Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-
Evolution: Scissor, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
1 - Drilbur Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
2 - Excadrill Minimum 30
Egg Move List
Size Information Crush Claw, Earth Power, Iron Defense,
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Metal Sound, Rapid Spin, Rock Climb, Skull Bash,
Weight : 18.7 lbs. / 8.5kg (1) Submission

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Drill Run, Earth Power, Iron Defense, Sleep
Egg Group : Field Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

EXCADRILL Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 4, Burrow 8, Jump 1/2, Power 6,
Groundshaper, Naturewalk (Cave, Mountain), Trem-

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6+1, Stealth 4d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Rapid Spin - Normal
8 Mud-Slap - Ground
12 Fury Swipes - Normal
15 Metal Claw - Steel
19 Dig - Ground
22 Hone Claws - Dark
26 Slash - Normal
29 Rock Slide - Rock
Base Stats: 31 Horn Drill - Normal
HP: 11 36 Earthquake - Ground
Attack: 14 42 Swords Dance - Normal
Defense: 6 49 Sandstorm - Rock
Special Attack: 5 55 Drill Run - Ground
Special Defense: 7 62 Fissure - Ground
Speed: 9
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Type : Ground / Steel Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Basic Ability 1: Sand Rush 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Basic Ability 2: Sand Force 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 37
Adv Ability 1: Mold Breaker Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Sand Veil 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56
High Ability: Parry Fling, 65 Shadow Claw, 68 Giga Impact, 75 Swords
Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 84
Evolution: Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
1 - Drilbur 94 Rock Smash
2 - Excadrill Minimum 30
Tutor Move List
Size Information Drill Run, Earth Power, Iron Defense, Iron
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small) Head, Magnet Rise, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock
Weight : 89.1 lbs. / 40.4kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

GOLETT Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6+2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Astonish - Ghost
1 Defense Curl - Normal
1 Pound - Normal
5 Mud-Slap - Ground
9 Rollout - Rock
13 Shadow Punch - Ghost
17 Iron Defense - Steel
21 Mega Punch - Normal
25 Magnitude - Ground
30 Dynamic Punch - Fighting
35 Night Shade - Ghost
40 Curse - Ghost
45 Earthquake - Ground
Base Stats: 50 Hammer Arm - Fighting
HP: 6 55 Focus Punch - Fighting
Attack: 7
Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 4 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 13
Special Defense: 5 Ice Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard,
Speed: 4 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 29 Psy-
chic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Basic Information Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 46 Thief,
Type : Ground / Ghost 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 69
Basic Ability 1: Iron Fist Rock Polish, 70 Flash, 74 Gyro Ball, 78 Bulldoze, 80
Basic Ability 2: Klutz Rock Slide, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Adv Ability 1: Bodyguard 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch,
Adv Ability 2: Hustle 100 Confide
High Ability: No Guard
Egg Move List
1 - Golett Tutor Move List
2 - Golurk Minimum 40 Block, Drain Punch, Earth Power, Fire
Punch, Gravity, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Defense,
Size Information Low Kick, Magic Coat, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Snore, Stealth Rock, Superpower, Telekinesis, Thun-
Weight : 202.8 lbs. / 92kg (4) der Punch

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Desert, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 7, Darkvision,
GOLURK Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Mud-Slap - Ground
9 Rollout - Rock
13 Shadow Punch - Ghost
17 Iron Defense - Steel
21 Mega Punch - Normal
25 Magnitude - Ground
30 Dynamic Punch - Fighting
35 Night Shade - Ghost
40 Curse - Ghost
43 Heavy Slam - Steel
50 Earthquake - Ground
60 Hammer Arm - Fighting
70 Focus Punch - Fighting
Base Stats: 75 Phantom Force - Ghost
HP: 9
Attack: 12 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 8 A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Special Attack: 6 Power, 13 Ice Beam, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18
Special Defense: 8 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Speed: 6 Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return,
29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32
Basic Information Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 46
Type : Ground / Ghost Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56
Basic Ability 1: Iron Fist Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Pol-
Basic Ability 2: Klutz ish, 70 Flash, 71 Stone Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 78 Bull-
Adv Ability 1: Bodyguard doze, 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Adv Ability 2: Prime Fury Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock
High Ability: No Guard Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Golett Block, Drain Punch, Earth Power, Fire
2 - Golurk Minimum 40 Punch, Focus Punch (N), Gravity, Ice Punch, Icy
Wind, Iron Defense, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Phan-
Size Information tom Force (N), Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Height : 9’ 0” / 2.8m (Large) Stealth Rock, Superpower, Telekinesis, Thunder
Weight : 727.5 lbs. / 330kg (6) Punch, Zen Headbutt

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Desert, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Sky 5, Jump 2/2, Power 14,
Darkvision, Groundshaper
BONSLY Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Jump 0/1, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Copycat - Normal
1 Fake Tears - Dark
5 Flail - Normal
8 Low Kick - Fighting
12 Rock Throw - Rock
15 Slam - Normal
19 Feint Attack - Dark
22 Rock Tomb - Rock
26 Block - Normal
Base Stats: 29 Rock Slide - Rock
HP: 5 33 Mimic - Normal
Attack: 8 36 Sucker Punch - Dark
Defense: 10 40 Double-Edge - Normal
Special Attack: 1
Special Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 1 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack
Basic Information Down, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Type : Rock Team, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44
Basic Ability 1: Copy Master Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 64 Explosion, 69
Adv Ability 1: Sturdy Rock Polish, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger,
Adv Ability 2: Cute Tears 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature Power
Adv Ability 3: Rattled
High Ability: Rock Head Egg Move List
Curse, Defense Curl, Endure, Harden,
Evolution: Headbutt, Rollout, Sand Tomb, Self-Destruct, Stealth
1 - Bonsly Rock
2 - Sudowoodo Minimum Learn Mimic
Tutor Move List
Size Information After You, Block, Covet, Earth Power, Foul
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Play, Helping Hand, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Role
Weight : 33.1 lbs. / 15kg (2) Play, Rollout, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Sucker
Punch, Uproar
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Mineral
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Taiga

SUDOWOODO Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 5, Stealth,
Naturewalk (Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Flail - Normal
8 Low Kick - Fighting
12 Rock Throw - Rock
15 Mimic - Normal
15 Slam - Normal
19 Feint Attack - Dark
22 Rock Tomb - Rock
26 Block - Normal
29 Rock Slide - Rock
Base Stats: 33 Counter - Fighting
HP: 7 36 Sucker Punch - Dark
Attack: 10 40 Double-Edge - Normal
Defense: 12 43 Stone Edge - Rock
Special Attack: 3 47 Hammer Arm - Fighting
Special Defense: 7
Speed: 3 TM/HM Move List
A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Basic Information Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect,
Type : Rock 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earthquake, 27
Basic Ability 1: Copy Master Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 37
Adv Ability 1: Sturdy Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Cute Tears 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 64
Adv Ability 3: Mimitree Explosion, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 77 Psych
High Ability: Rock Head Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power,
98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Bonsly Tutor Move List
2 - Sudowoodo Minimum Learn Mimic After You, Block, Body Slam, Counter, Covet,
Dynamic Punch, Earth Power, Fire Punch, Focus
Size Information Punch, Foul Play, Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Low
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium) Kick(N), Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mega Punch,
Weight : 83.8 lbs. / 38kg (3) Mud-Slap, Role Play, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Sleep
Talk, Snore, Sucker Punch, Thunder Punch, Wood
Breeding Information Hammer(N)
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Mineral

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Taiga


Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+1 ,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
4 Harden - Normal
7 Block - Normal
10 Rock Throw - Rock
13 Thunder Wave - Electric
16 Rest - Psychic
19 Spark - Electric
22 Rock Slide - Rock
25 Power Gem - Rock
28 Rock Blast - Rock
31 Discharge - Electric
Base Stats: 34 Sandstorm - Rock
HP: 3 37 Earth Power - Ground
Attack: 5 40 Stone Edge - Rock
Defense: 14 43 Lock-On - Normal
Special Attack: 5 43 Zap Cannon - Electric
Special Defense: 9
Speed: 4 TM/HM Move List
A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Information 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration,
Type : Rock 23 Smack Down, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26
Basic Ability 1: Sturdy Earthquake, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 37 Sand-
Basic Ability 2: Magnet Pull storm, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44
Adv Ability 1: Sand Force Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 64 Explosion, 69 Rock
Adv Ability 2: Weak Armor Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder
High Ability: Targeting System Wave, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88
Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 99 Daz-
Evolution: zling Gleam
1 - Nosepass
2 - Probopass 1.5 mi. above sea level, minimum 25 Egg Move List
Block, Double-Edge, Endure, Explosion,
Size Information Magnitude, Rollout, Stealth Rock, Wide Guard
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 213.8 lbs. / 97kg (4) Tutor Move List
Ancient Power, Block, Body Slam, Defense
Breeding Information Curl, Dynamic Punch, Earth Power, Fire Punch,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Gravity, Ice Punch, Iron Defense, Magic Coat, Mag-
Egg Group : Mineral net Rise, Mud-Slap, Pain Split, Role Play, Rollout,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Thun-
der Punch
Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Beach, Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 0/1, Power 7, Magnetic,

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+1 ,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Iron Defense - Steel
7 Block - Normal
10 Rock Throw - Rock
13 Thunder Wave - Electric
16 Rest - Psychic
19 Spark - Electric
22 Rock Slide - Rock
25 Power Gem - Rock
28 Rock Blast - Rock
31 Discharge - Electric
34 Sandstorm - Rock
37 Earth Power - Ground
Base Stats: 40 Stone Edge - Rock
HP: 6 43 Lock-On - Normal
Attack: 6 43 Zap Cannon - Electric
Defense: 15
Special Attack: 8 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 15 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Speed: 4 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 24 Thunderbolt,
Basic Information 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 32 Double
Type : Rock/Steel Team, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42
Basic Ability 1: Sturdy Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 64 Explosion,
Basic Ability 2: Magnet Pull 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 72
Adv Ability 1: Sand Force Volt Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
Adv Ability 2: Mini-Noses Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91
High Ability: Targeting System Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash, 99 Dazzling Gleam

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Nosepass Ancient Power, Block(N), Body Slam, De-
2 - Probopass 1.5 mi. above sea level, minimum 25 fense Curl, Dynamic Punch, Earth Power, Fire
Punch, Gravity(N), Ice Punch, Iron Defense(N), Iron
Size Information Head, Magic Coat, Magnet Rise(N), Mud-Slap, Pain
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium) Split, Role Play, Rollout, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth
Weight : 749.6 lbs. / 340kg (6) Rock, Thunder Punch, Wide Guard (N)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Mineral

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Mountain

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 3, Levitate 5, Jump 1/1, Power 11,

ONIX Groundshaper, Reach 3, Mountable 5, Tremorsense,
Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bind - Normal
1 Harden - Normal
1 Mud Sport - Ground
1 Tackle - Normal
4 Curse - Ghost
7 Rock Throw - Rock
10 Rock Tomb - Rock
13 Rage - Normal
16 Stealth Rock - Rock
19 Rock Polish - Rock
22 Smack Down - Rock
Base Stats: 25 Dragon Breath - Dragon
HP: 4 28 Slam - Normal
Attack: 5 31 Screech - Normal
Defense: 16 34 Rock Slide - Rock
Special Attack: 3 37 Sand Tomb - Ground
Special Defense: 5 40 Iron Tail - Steel
Speed: 7 43 Dig - Ground
46 Stone Edge - Rock
Basic Information 49 Double-Edge - Normal
Type : Rock / Ground 52 Sandstorm - Rock
Basic Ability 1: Sturdy
Basic Ability 2: Weak Armor TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 1: Frighten A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Adv Ability 2: Vanguard Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 21 Frus-
High Ability: Rock Head tration, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return,
28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock
Evolution: Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
1 - Onix Round, 64 Explosion, 66 Payback, 69 Rock Polish, 71
2 - Steelix Holding Metal Coat Minimum 35 Stone Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze,
80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Size Information Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash,
Height : 28’ 10” / 8.8m (Huge) 96 Nature Power
Weight : 463 lbs. / 210kg (6)
Egg Move List
Breeding Information Block, Defense Curl, Explosion, Flail, Heavy
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Slam, Rock Blast, Rock Climb, Rock Slide, Rollout,
Egg Group : Mineral Rototiller, Stealth Rock
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days
Tutor Move List
Diet : Terravore Ancient Power, Bind, Block, Body Slam,
Habitat : Cave, Mountain Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Iron Head, Iron Tail,
Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Twister
Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Burrow 7, Jump 2/3, Power 10,
Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 1d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Curse - Ghost
7 Rock Throw - Rock
10 Rage - Normal
13 Rock Tomb - Rock
16 Stealth Rock - Rock
19 Autotomize - Steel
22 Smack Down - Rock
25 Dragon Breath - Dragon
28 Slam - Normal
31 Screech - Normal
34 Rock Slide - Rock
37 Crunch - Dark
Base Stats: 40 Iron Tail - Steel
HP: 8 43 Dig - Ground
Attack: 9 46 Stone Edge - Rock
Defense: 20 49 Double-Edge - Normal
Special Attack: 6 52 Sandstorm - Rock
Special Defense: 7
Speed: 3 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10
Basic Information Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper
Type : Steel / Ground Beam, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down,
Basic Ability 1: Sturdy 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double
Basic Ability 2: Weak Armor Team, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment,
Adv Ability 1: Frighten 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 64 Explo-
Adv Ability 2: Battle Armor sion, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish,
High Ability: Rock Head 71 Stone Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bull-
doze, 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88
Evolution: Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock
1 - Onix Smash, 96 Nature Power, 97 Dark Pulse
2 - Steelix Holding Metal Coat Minimum 35
Tutor Move List
Size Information Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Bind, Block, Body
Height : 30’ 2” / 9.2m (Gigantic) Slam, Dark Pulse, Defense Curl, Dragon Pulse, Earth
Weight : 881.8 lbs. / 400kg (6) Power, Fire Fang(N), Ice Fang(N), Iron Head, Iron
Tail, Magnet Rise, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Sleep Talk,
Breeding Information Snore, Stealth Rock, Thunder Fang(N), Twister
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Mineral Mega Evolution
Type: Unchanged
Diet : Terravore Ability: Sand Force
Habitat : Cave, Desert, Mountain
Stats: +4 Atk, +3 Def,
Capability List +3 Sp. Def
Overland 7, Swim 4, Burrow 7, Jump 2/3, Power 14,
Groundshaper, Reach 3, Tremorsense, Mountable 5
BINACLE Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 4, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Gilled,
Fountain, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 1d6-1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Shell Smash - Normal
1 Scratch - Normal
1 Sand Attack - Ground
4 Water Gun - Water
7 Withdraw - Water
10 Fury Swipes - Normal
13 Slash - Normal
18 Mud-Slap - Ground
20 Clamp - Water
Base Stats: 24 Rock Polish - Rock
HP: 4 28 Ancient Power - Rock
Attack: 5 32 Hone Claws - Dark
Defense: 7 37 Fury Cutter - Bug
Special Attack: 4 41 Night Slash - Dark
Special Defense: 6 45 Razor Shell - Water
Speed: 5 49 Cross Chop - Fighting

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Rock / Water A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Basic Ability 1: Tough Claws Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Basic Ability 2: Sniper Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard,
Adv Ability 1: Cluster Mind 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earthquake, 27
Adv Ability 2: Pickpocket Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
High Ability: Vicious 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm, 39
Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
Evolution: 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 54 False Swipe, 55
1 - Binacle Scald, 56 Fling, 63 Embargo, 65 Shadow Claw, 66
2 - Barbaracle Minimum 35 Payback, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 75 Swords
Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 83
Size Information Infestation, 84 Poison Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
Height : 1’ 08” / 0.5m (Small) ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96
Weight : 68.3 lbs. / 31 kg (3) Nature Power, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Breeding Information Egg Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Helping Hand, Switcheroo, Tickle, Water Sport
Egg Group : Water 1 and Water 3
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Tutor Move List
Dual Chop, Endeavor, Helping Hand, Icy Wind, Iron
Diet : Herbivore Defense, Snore, Stealth Rock, Water Pulse
Habitat : Beach, Ocean

BARBARACLE Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 5, Jump 2/2, Power 6, Gilled,

Skill List
Athl 5d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 4d6+1, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Shell Smash - Normal
1 Scratch - Normal
1 Sand Attack - Ground
4 Water Gun - Water
7 Withdraw - Water
10 Fury Swipes - Normal
13 Slash - Normal
18 Mud-Slap - Ground
20 Clamp - Water
Base Stats: 24 Rock Polish - Rock
HP: 7 28 Ancient Power - Rock
Attack: 11 32 Hone Claws - Dark
Defense: 12 37 Fury Cutter - Bug
Special Attack: 5 44 Night Slash - Dark
Special Defense: 9 48 Razor Shell - Water
Speed: 7 55 Cross Chop - Fighting
60 Stone Edge - Rock
Basic Information 65 Skull Bash - Normal
Type : Rock / Water
Basic Ability 1: Tough Claws TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Sniper A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02
Adv Ability 1: Cluster Mind Dragon Claw, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden
Adv Ability 2: Pickpocket Power, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper
High Ability: Vicious Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21
Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earthquake, 27
Evolution: Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
1 - Binacle 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm, 39
2 - Barbaracle Minimum 35 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 54
Size Information False Swipe, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 63 Embargo, 65
Height : 4’ 03” / 1.3m (Medium) Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock
Weight : 211.6 lbs. / 96 kg (4) Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 78 Bull-
doze, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 83 Infestation, 84
Breeding Information Poison Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power, 98
Egg Group : Water 1 and Water 3 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Diet : Herbivore Tutor Move List

Habitat : Beach, Ocean Dual Chop, Earth Power, Endeavor, Helping Hand,
Icy Wind, Iron Defense, Low Kick, Skull Bash (N),
Snore, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge (N), Superpower,
Water Pulse

BRONZOR Dead Silent, Underdog
Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Confusion - Psychic
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Hypnosis - Psychic
9 Imprison - Psychic
11 Confuse Ray - Ghost
15 Psywave - Psychic
19 Iron Defense - Steel
21 Feint Attack - Dark
25 Safeguard - Normal
29 Future Sight - Psychic
31 Metal Sound - Steel
35 Gyro Ball - Steel
Base Stats: 39 Extrasensory - Psychic
HP: 6 41 Payback - Dark
Attack: 2 45 Heal Block - Psychic
Defense: 9 49 Heavy Slam - Steel
Special Attack: 2
Special Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 2 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17
Basic Information Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Type : Steel / Psychic 22 Solar Beam, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 29 Psy-
Basic Ability 1: Heatproof chic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect,
Basic Ability 2: Levitate 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48
Adv Ability 1: Heavy Metal Round, 57 Charge Beam, 66 Payback, 69 Rock Polish,
Adv Ability 2: Magic Guard 70 Flash, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze,
High Ability: Bodyguard 80 Rock Slide, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87
Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Can-
Evolution: non, 92 Trick Room
1 - Bronzor
2 - Bronzong Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
Ancient Power, Gravity, Iron Defense, Re-
Size Information cycle, Rollout, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk,
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Snore, Stealth Rock, Telekinesis, Trick, Wonder
Weight : 133.4 lbs. / 60.5kg (4) Room

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Mineral
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Cave, Forest, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 2, Levitate 4, Jump 1/1, Power 4,

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 5d6+1, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Hypnosis - Psychic
9 Imprison - Psychic
11 Confuse Ray - Ghost
15 Psywave - Psychic
19 Iron Defense - Steel
21 Feint Attack - Dark
25 Safeguard - Normal
29 Future Sight - Psychic
31 Metal Sound - Steel
33 Block - Normal
36 Gyro Ball - Steel
42 Extrasensory - Psychic
Base Stats: 46 Payback - Dark
HP: 7 52 Heal Block - Psychic
Attack: 9 58 Heavy Slam - Steel
Defense: 12
Special Attack: 8 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 12 A4 Strength, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind,
Speed: 3 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper
Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Basic Information 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 26
Type : Steel / Psychic Earthquake, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
Basic Ability 1: Heatproof 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock
Basic Ability 2: Levitate Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 57 Charge
Adv Ability 1: Heavy Metal Beam, 64 Explosion, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 69
Adv Ability 2: Magic Guard Rock Polish, 70 Flash, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 78
High Ability: Sacred Bell Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass
Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91
Evolution: Flash Cannon, 92 Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Bronzor
2 - Bronzong Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
Ancient Power, Block, Gravity, Iron Defense,
Size Information Iron Head, Rain Dance(N), Recycle, Rollout, Signal
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium) Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Sunny Day(N),
Weight : 412.3 lbs. / 187kg (5) Stealth Rock, Telekinesis, Trick, Wonder Room, Zen
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Mineral

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 3, Levitate 4, Jump 1/1, Power 8,
Dead Silent

SUNKERN Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 1, Levitate 4, Jump 2/2, Power 1,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Absorb - Grass
1 Growth - Normal
4 Ingrain - Grass
7 Grass Whistle - Grass
10 Mega Drain - Grass
13 Leech Seed - Grass
16 Razor Leaf - Grass
19 Worry Seed - Grass
22 Giga Drain - Grass
Base Stats: 25 Endeavor - Normal
HP: 3 28 Synthesis - Grass
Attack: 3 31 Natural Gift - Normal
Defense: 3 34 Solar Beam - Grass
Special Attack: 3 37 Double-Edge - Normal
Special Defense: 3 40 Sunny Day - Fire
Speed: 3 43 Seed Bomb - Grass

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Grass A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Basic Ability 1: Sun Blanket Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21
Basic Ability 2: Solar Power Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
Adv Ability 2: Early Bird tract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 70 Flash, 75 Swords
High Ability: Drought Dance, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Substitute, 96 Nature Power
1 - Sunkern Egg Move List
2 - Sunflora Sun Stone MInimum 20 Bide, Curse, Encore, Endure, Grass Whistle,
Grassy Terrain, Helping Hand, Ingrain, Leech Seed,
Size Information Morning Sun, Nature Power, Sweet Scent
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small)
Weight : 4 lbs. / 1.8kg (1) Tutor Move List
After You, Bullet Seed, Double-Edge, Earth
Breeding Information Power, Endeavor, Giga Drain, Helping Hand, Seed
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Synthesis, Uproar, Worry
Egg Group : Plant Seed
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Grassland, Forest

Athl 4d6+1, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Ingrain - Grass
7 Grass Whistle - Grass
10 Mega Drain - Grass
13 Leech Seed - Grass
16 Razor Leaf - Grass
19 Worry Seed - Grass
22 Giga Drain - Grass
25 Bullet Seed - Grass
28 Petal Dance - Grass
31 Natural Gift - Normal
34 Solar Beam - Grass
37 Double-Edge - Normal
40 Sunny Day - Fire
Base Stats: 43 Leaf Storm - Grass
HP: 8 50 Petal Blizzard - Grass
Attack: 8
Defense: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 11 A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Special Defense: 9 Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 20
Speed: 3 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return,
32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44
Basic Information Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 68 Giga
Type : Grass Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 86 Grass Knot,
Basic Ability 1: Sun Blanket 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature
Basic Ability 2: Solar Power Power
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll
Adv Ability 2: Early Bird Tutor Move List
High Ability: Drought After You, Double-Edge, Earth Power,
Endeavor, Flower Shield (N), Giga Drain, Helping
Evolution: Hand, Pound, Seed Bomb, Snore, Synthesis, Uproar,
1 - Sunkern Worry Seed
2 - Sunflora Sun Stone Minimum 20

Size Information
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small)
Weight : 18.7 lbs. / 8.5kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Plant

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Grassland

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Underdog

TANGELA Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 1, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Reach 2, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Constrict - Normal
1 Ingrain - Grass
4 Sleep Powder - Grass
7 Vine Whip - Grass
10 Absorb - Grass
14 Poison Powder - Poison
17 Bind - Normal
20 Growth - Normal
23 Mega Drain - Grass
Base Stats: 27 Knock Off - Dark
HP: 7 30 Stun Spore - Grass
Attack: 6 33 Natural Gift - Normal
Defense: 12 36 Giga Drain - Grass
Special Attack: 10 38 Ancient Power - Rock
Special Defense: 4 41 Slam - Normal
Speed: 6 44 Tickle - Normal
46 Wring Out - Normal
Basic Information 48 Grassy Terrain - Grass
Type : Grass 50 Power Whip - Grass
Basic Ability 1: Grass Pelt
Basic Ability 2: Life Force TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Adv Ability 2: Leaf Guard Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22
High Ability: Regenerator Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect,
36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Evolution: Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 68 Giga Impact, 70
1 - Tangela Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up, 83 Infestation,
2 - Tangrowth Learn Ancient Power 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
tute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power
Size Information
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Egg Move List
Weight : 77.2 lbs. / 35kg (3) Amnesia, Confusion, Endeavor, Flail, Giga
Drain, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Mega Drain,
Breeding Information Natural Gift, Nature Power, Power Swap, Rage
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Powder, Reflect
Egg Group : Plant
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Tutor Move List
Ancient Power, Bind, Body Slam, Bullet
Diet : Phototroph Seed, Double-Edge, Endeavor, Giga Drain, Knock
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Mountain, Rainforest Off, Pain Split, Seed Bomb, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Synthesis, Worry Seed

Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6+1, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Sleep Powder - Grass
7 Vine Whip - Grass
10 Absorb - Grass
14 Poison Powder - Poison
17 Bind - Normal
20 Growth - Normal
23 Mega Drain - Grass
27 Knock Off - Dark
30 Stun Spore - Grass
33 Natural Gift - Normal
36 Giga Drain - Grass
40 Ancient Power - Rock
43 Slam - Normal
Base Stats: 46 Tickle - Normal
HP: 10 49 Wring Out - Normal
Attack: 10 50 Grassy Terrain - Grass
Defense: 13 53 Power Whip - Grass
Special Attack: 11 56 Block - Normal
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 5 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Basic Information Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Type : Grass 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 26 Earthquake, 27
Basic Ability 1: Grass Pelt Return, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect,
Basic Ability 2: Life Force 36 Sludge Bomb, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 52
Adv Ability 2: Leaf Guard Focus Blast, 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 66 Payback, 68
High Ability: Regenerator Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 77 Psych
Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 83 Infestation, 84
Evolution: Poison Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
1 - Tangela Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power
2 - Tangrowth Learn Ancient Power
Tutor Move List
Size Information Ancient Power, Bind, Block, Bullet Seed,
Height : 6’ 7” / 2m (Large) Endeavor, Giga Drain, Knock Off, Pain Split, Rage
Weight : 283.5 lbs. / 128.6kg (5) Powder, Seed Bomb, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Synthesis, Worry Seed
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Plant

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Marsh, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 7, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Reach 2
CHERUBI (Grassland, Forest), Underdog
Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Morning Sun - Normal
7 Growth - Normal
10 Leech Seed - Grass
13 Helping Hand - Normal
19 Magical Leaf - Grass
22 Sunny Day - Fire
28 Worry Seed - Grass
31 Take Down - Normal
37 Solar Beam - Grass
40 Lucky Chant - Normal
47 Petal Blizzard - Grass
Base Stats:
HP: 5 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 4 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Defense: 5 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Special Attack: 6 Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44
Special Defense: 5 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 70 Flash,
Speed: 4 75 Swords Dance, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature Power, 99 Daz-
Basic Information zling Gleam
Type : Grass
Basic Ability 1: Cherry Power Egg Move List
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll Aromatherapy, Defense Curl, Flower Shield,
Adv Ability 2: Flower Power Grass Whistle, Heal Pulse, Healing Wish, Natural
Adv Ability 3: Sun Blanket Gift, Nature Power, Razor Leaf, Rollout, Seed Bomb,
High Ability: Regenerator Sweet Scent, Tickle, Weather Ball

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Cherubi Bullet Seed, Giga Drain, Helping Hand,
2 - Cherrim Minimum 25 Natural Gift, Rollout, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Synthesis, Worry Seed
Size Information
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small)
Weight : 7.3 lbs. / 3.3kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Fairy / Plant
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Naturewalk

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
7 Growth - Normal
10 Leech Seed - Grass
13 Helping Hand - Normal
19 Magical Leaf - Grass
22 Sunny Day - Fire
25 Petal Dance - Grass
30 Worry Seed - Grass
35 Take Down - Normal
43 Solar Beam - Grass
48 Lucky Chant - Normal
50 Petal Blizzard - Grass

Base Stats: TM/HM Move List
HP: 7 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15
Attack: 6 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustra-
Defense: 7 tion, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Special Attack: 9 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy
Special Defense: 8 Ball, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 86
Speed: 9 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
96 Nature Power, 99 Dazzling Gleam
Basic Information
Type : Grass Tutor Move List
Basic Ability 1: Flower Gift Bullet Seed, Giga Drain, Helping Hand,
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll Natural Gift, Rollout, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Adv Ability 2: Flower Power Synthesis, Worry Seed
Adv Ability 3: Sun Blanket
High Ability: Drought

1 - Cherubi
2 - Cherrim Minimum 25

Size Information
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small)
Weight : 20.5 lbs. / 9.3kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Fairy / Plant

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Bloom,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest)

COTTONEE Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 1, Jump 5/5, Power 1, Inflatable,
Shrinkable, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Absorb - Grass
1 Fairy Wind - Fairy
4 Growth - Normal
8 Leech Seed - Grass
10 Stun Spore - Grass
13 Mega Drain - Grass
17 Cotton Spore - Grass
19 Razor Leaf - Grass
22 Poison Powder - Poison
Base Stats: 26 Giga Drain - Grass
HP: 4 28 Charm - Fairy
Attack: 3 31 Helping Hand - Normal
Defense: 6 35 Energy Ball - Grass
Special Attack: 4 37 Cotton Guard - Grass
Special Defense: 5 40 Sunny Day - Fire
Speed: 7 44 Endeavor - Normal
46 Solar Beam - Grass
Basic Information
Type : Grass / Fairy TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Prankster 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12
Basic Ability 2: Infiltrator Taunt, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Windveiled 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 70
High Ability: Dodge Flash, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger,
88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature Power, 99
Evolution: Dazzling Gleam
1 - Cottonee
2 - Whimsicott Sun Stone Minimum 20 Egg Move List
Beat Up, Captivate, Encore, Fake Tears, Grass
Size Information Whistle, Memento, Natural Gift, Switcheroo, Tickle,
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Worry Seed
Weight : 1.3 lbs. / 0.6kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Covet, Endeavor, Giga Drain, Helping Hand,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Knock Off, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Tailwind,
Egg Group : Plant / Fairy Worry Seed
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Grassland

Athl 3d6+1, Acro 4d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 5d6+3,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Absorb - Grass
1 Fairy Wind - Fairy
4 Growth - Normal
8 Leech Seed - Grass
10 Stun Spore - Grass
10 Gust - Flying
13 Mega Drain - Grass
17 Cotton Spore - Grass
19 Razor Leaf - Grass
22 Poison Powder - Poison
26 Giga Drain - Grass
28 Charm - Fairy
28 Tailwind - Flying
Base Stats: 31 Helping Hand - Normal
HP: 6 35 Energy Ball - Grass
Attack: 7 37 Cotton Guard - Grass
Defense: 9 40 Sunny Day - Fire
Special Attack: 8 44 Endeavor - Normal
Special Defense: 8 46 Solar Beam - Grass
Speed: 12 46 Hurricane - Flying
50 Moonblast - Fairy
Basic Information
Type : Grass / Fairy TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Prankster 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12
Basic Ability 2: Infiltrator Taunt, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Windveiled 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 70
High Ability: Dodge Flash, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger,
88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature
Evolution: Power, 99 Dazzling Gleam
1 - Cottonee
2 - Whimsicott Sun Stone Minimum 20 Tutor Move List
Cotton Spore(N), Covet, Endeavor, Giga
Size Information Drain, Growth(N), Helping Hand, Knock Off, Leech
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small) Seed(N), Mega Drain(N), Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk,
Weight : 14.6 lbs. / 6.6kg (1) Snore, Tailwind, Worry Seed

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Plant / Fairy

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 2, Sky 7 (only in strong winds),
Jump 6/6, Power 2, Shrinkable, Inflatable

PETILIL Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 1, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Herb Growth, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Absorb - Grass
4 Growth - Normal
8 Leech Seed - Grass
10 Sleep Powder - Grass
13 Mega Drain - Grass
17 Synthesis - Grass
19 Magical Leaf - Grass
22 Stun Spore - Grass
26 Giga Drain - Grass
Base Stats: 28 Aromatherapy - Grass
HP: 5 31 Helping Hand - Normal
Attack: 4 35 Energy Ball - Grass
Defense: 5 37 Entrainment - Normal
Special Attack: 7 40 Sunny Day - Fire
Special Defense: 5 44 After You - Normal
Speed: 3 46 Leaf Storm - Grass

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Grass A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Basic Ability 1: Own Tempo Day, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 So-
Basic Ability 2: Chlorophyll lar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44
Adv Ability 1: Leaf Guard Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 70 Flash,
Adv Ability 2: Flower Veil 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
High Ability: Gentle Vibe Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature Power

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Petilil Bide, Charm, Endure, Grass Whistle, Healing
2 - Lilligant Sun Stone Minimum 20 Wish, Ingrain, Natural Gift, Sweet Scent, Worry Seed

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) After You, Covet, Giga Drain, Heal Bell,
Weight : 14.6 lbs. / 6.6kg (1) Helping Hand, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Synthesis, Worry Seed
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F
Egg Group : Plant
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Athl 4d6+2, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Absorb - Grass
4 Growth - Normal
8 Leech Seed - Grass
10 Sleep Powder - Grass
10 Teeter Dance - Normal
13 Mega Drain - Grass
17 Synthesis - Grass
19 Magical Leaf - Grass
22 Stun Spore - Grass
26 Giga Drain - Grass
28 Aromatherapy - Grass
28 Quiver Dance - Bug
31 Helping Hand - Normal
Base Stats: 35 Energy Ball - Grass
HP: 7 37 Entrainment - Normal
Attack: 6 40 Sunny Day - Fire
Defense: 8 44 After You - Normal
Special Attack: 11 46 Leaf Storm - Grass
Special Defense: 8 46 Petal Dance - Grass
Speed: 9 50 Petal Blizzard - Grass

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Grass A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Basic Ability 1: Aroma Veil Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 20
Basic Ability 2: Chlorophyll Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return,
Adv Ability 1: Leaf Guard 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Adv Ability 2: Flower Veil Round, 53 Energy Ball, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash,
High Ability: Gentle Vibe 75 Swords Dance, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot,
87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature
Evolution: Power
1 - Petilil
2 - Lilligant Sun Stone Minimum 20 Tutor Move List
After You, Covet, Giga Drain, Growth(N),
Size Information Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Leech Seed(N), Mega
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Drain(N), Role Play, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Weight : 35.9 lbs. / 16.3kg (2) Synthesis(N), Worry Seed

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F
Egg Group : Plant

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Herb Growth

FOONGUS Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 1, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Mushroom Harvest, Shrinkable,
Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 1d6+1, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Absorb - Grass
6 Growth - Normal
8 Astonish - Ghost
12 Bide - Normal
15 Mega Drain - Grass
18 Ingrain - Grass
20 Feint Attack - Dark
24 Sweet Scent - Normal
28 Giga Drain - Grass
Base Stats: 32 Toxic - Poison
HP: 7 35 Synthesis - Grass
Attack: 6 39 Clear Smog - Poison
Defense: 5 43 Solar Beam - Grass
Special Attack: 6 45 Rage Powder - Bug
Special Defense: 6 50 Spore - Grass
Speed: 2
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power,
Type : Grass / Poison 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Basic Ability 1: Effect Spore tion, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Basic Ability 2: Spinning Dance 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Adv Ability 1: Liquid Ooze Round, 53 Energy Ball, 66 Payback, 70 Flash, 86
Adv Ability 2: Root Down Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute ,
High Ability: Regenerator 96 Nature Power

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Foongus Body Slam, Defense Curl, Endure, Gastro
2 - Amoonguss Minimum 35 Acid, Growth, Poison Powder, Rollout, Stun Spore

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 0’ 8” / 0.2m (Small) After You, Foul Play, Gastro Acid, Giga
Weight : 2.2 lbs. / 1kg (1) Drain, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Synthesis,
Worry Seed
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Plant
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Cave, Forest, Grassland

AMOONGUSS Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 1, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Mushroom Harvest, Shrinkable

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 1d6+1, Combat 2d6+1, Stealth
4d6+2, Percep 4d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Growth - Normal
8 Astonish - Ghost
12 Bide - Normal
15 Mega Drain - Grass
18 Ingrain - Grass
20 Feint Attack - Dark
24 Sweet Scent - Normal
28 Giga Drain - Grass
32 Toxic - Poison
Base Stats: 35 Synthesis - Grass
HP: 11 43 Clear Smog - Poison
Attack: 9 49 Solar Beam - Grass
Defense: 7 54 Rage Powder - Bug
Special Attack: 9 62 Spore - Grass
Special Defense: 8
Speed: 3 TM/HM Move List
06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Information 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Type : Grass / Poison Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32
Basic Ability 1: Effect Spore Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Basic Ability 2: Spinning Dance 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 66 Payback, 68
Adv Ability 1: Liquid Ooze Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger,
Adv Ability 2: Root Down 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature Power
High Ability: Regenerator
Tutor Move List
Evolution: After You, Foul Play, Gastro Acid, Giga
1 - Foongus Drain, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Synthesis,
2 - Amoonguss Minimum 35 Worry Seed

Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 23.1 lbs. / 10.5kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Plant
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Cave, Forest, Grassland

SHROOMISH Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Jump 0/1, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Mushroom Harvest, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Absorb - Grass
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Stun Spore - Grass
8 Leech Seed - Grass
12 Mega Drain - Grass
15 Headbutt - Normal
19 Poison Powder - Poison
22 Worry Seed - Grass
26 Giga Drain - Grass
Base Stats: 29 Growth - Normal
HP: 6 33 Toxic - Poison
Attack: 4 36 Seed Bomb - Grass
Defense: 6 40 Spore - Grass
Special Attack: 4
Special Defense: 6 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 4 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power,
11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustra-
Basic Information tion, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Type : Grass 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Basic Ability 1: Effect Spore Round, 53 Energy Ball, 54 False Swipe, 70 Flash, 75
Basic Ability 2: Quick Feet Swords Dance, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 1: Tangled Feet Talk, 90 Substitute
Adv Ability 2: Natural Cure
High Ability: Poison Heal Egg Move List
Bullet Seed, Charm, Drain Punch, Fake Tears,
Evolution: False Swipe, Focus Punch, Helping Hand, Natural
1 - Shroomish Gift, Seed Bomb, Swagger, Wake-Up Slap, Worry
2 - Breloom Minimum 20 Seed

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Body Slam, Double-Edge, Drain Punch, Help-
Weight : 9.9 lbs. / 4.5kg (1) ing Hand, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore,
Synthesis, Worry Seed
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Fairy / Plant
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Marsh, Rainforest

BRELOOM Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 6, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Mushroom Harvest

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Stun Spore - Grass
8 Leech Seed - Grass
12 Mega Drain - Grass
15 Headbutt - Normal
19 Feint - Normal
22 Counter - Fighting
23 Mach Punch - Fighting
28 Force Palm - Fighting
33 Mind Reader - Normal
Base Stats: 39 Sky Uppercut - Fighting
HP: 6 44 Seed Bomb - Grass
Attack: 13 50 Dynamic Punch - Fighting
Defense: 8
Special Attack: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 6 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 09
Speed: 7 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hy-
per Beam, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Basic Information 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 31 Brick Break, 32 Dou-
Type : Grass / Fighting ble Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Fa-
Basic Ability 1: Effect Spore cade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round,
Basic Ability 2: Quick Feet 52 Focus Blast, 53 Energy Ball, 54 False Swipe,
Adv Ability 1: Technician 56 Fling, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 71
Adv Ability 2: Natural Cure Stone Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 86
High Ability: Poison Heal Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Shroomish Tutor Move List
2 - Breloom Minimum 20 Body Slam, Bullet Seed, Double-Edge, Drain
Punch, Focus Punch, Fury Cutter, Giga Drain,
Size Information Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Helping Hand, Mega Kick,
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium) Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Seed Bomb, Seismic Toss,
Weight : 86.4 lbs. / 39.2kg (3) Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Superpower, Synthesis,
Thunder Punch, Vacuum Wave, Work Up, Worry
Breeding Information Seed
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Fairy / Plant

Diet : Herbivore, Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Marsh, Rainforest

FERROSEED (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Harden - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
6 Rollout - Rock
9 Curse - Ghost
14 Metal Claw - Steel
18 Pin Missile - Bug
21 Gyro Ball - Steel
26 Iron Defense - Steel
30 Mirror Shot - Steel
35 Ingrain - Grass
38 Self-Destruct - Normal
Base Stats: 43 Iron Head - Steel
HP: 4 47 Payback - Dark
Attack: 5 52 Flash Cannon - Steel
Defense: 9 55 Explosion - Normal
Special Attack: 2
Special Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 1 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Basic Information Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Type : Grass / Steel 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 64
Basic Ability 1: Iron Barbs Explosion, 66 Payback, 69 Rock Polish, 70 Flash,
Basic Ability 2: Spike Shot 73 Thunder Wave, 74 Gyro Ball, 84 Poison Jab, 87
Adv Ability 1: Anticipation Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Can-
Adv Ability 2: Battle Armor non, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power
High Ability: Analytic
Egg Move List
Evolution: Acid Spray, Bullet Seed, Gravity, Leech
1 - Ferroseed Seed, Rock Climb, Seed Bomb, Spikes, Stealth Rock,
2 - Ferrothorn Minimum 35 Worry Seed

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Endeavor, Giga Drain, Gravity, Iron Defense,
Weight : 41.5 lbs. / 18.8kg (2) Iron Head, Magnet Rise, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Stealth Rock, Worry Seed
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Plant / Mineral
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Phototroph, Terravore
Habitat : Cave, Moutnain

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Naturewalk

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Rollout - Rock
9 Curse - Ghost
14 Metal Claw - Steel
18 Pin Missile - Bug
21 Gyro Ball - Steel
26 Iron Defense - Steel
30 Mirror Shot - Steel
35 Ingrain - Grass
38 Self-Destruct - Normal
40 Power Whip - Grass
46 Iron Head - Steel
53 Payback - Dark
Base Stats: 61 Flash Cannon - Steel
HP: 7 67 Explosion - Normal
Attack: 9
Defense: 13 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 5 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Special Defense: 12 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper
Speed: 2 Beam, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 32 Double
Basic Information Team, 37 Sandstorm, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44
Type : Grass / Steel Rest, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 64 Explosion, 65
Basic Ability 1: Iron Barbs Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock
Basic Ability 2: Spike Shot Polish, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 74 Gyro Ball, 75
Adv Ability 1: Anticipation Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 84 Poison Jab, 86 Grass
Adv Ability 2: Battle Armor Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91
High Ability: Analytic Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Ferroseed Endeavor, Giga Drain, Gravity, Iron Defense,
2 - Ferrothorn Minimum 35 Iron Head, Knock Off, Magnet Rise, Rock Climb(N),
Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Worry
Size Information Seed
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 242.5 lbs. / 110kg (5)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Plant / Mineral

Diet : Phototroph, Terravore

Habitat : Cave, Moutnain

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 0/1, Power 7, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest)

CACNEA Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 1, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Desert), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Poison Sting - Poison
4 Absorb - Grass
7 Growth - Normal
10 Leech Seed - Grass
13 Sand Attack - Ground
16 Needle Arm - Grass
19 Feint Attack - Dark
22 Ingrain - Grass
Base Stats: 26 Payback - Dark
HP: 5 30 Spikes - Ground
Attack: 9 34 Sucker Punch - Dark
Defense: 4 38 Pin Missile - Bug
Special Attack: 9 42 Energy Ball - Grass
Special Defense: 4 46 Cotton Spore - Grass
Speed: 4 50 Sandstorm - Rock
54 Destiny Bond - Ghost
Basic Information
Type : Grass TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Weird Power A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden
Basic Ability 2: Desert Weather Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22
Adv Ability 1: Needles Solar Beam, 27 Return, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Adv Ability 2: Sun Blanket Team, 37 Sandstorm, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
High Ability: Water Absorb 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 66 Payback, 70
Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 84 Poison Jab, 86 Grass
Evolution: Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 96
1 - Cacnea Nature Power, 97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch
2 - Cacturne Minimum 30
Egg Move List
Size Information Acid, Belch, Block, Counter, Dynamic Punch,
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Fell Stinger, Grass Whistle, Low Kick, Magical Leaf,
Weight : 113.1 lbs. / 51.3kg (4) Nasty Plot, Rototiller, Seed Bomb, Smelling Salts,
Switcheroo, Teeter Dance, Worry Seed
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Plant / Humanshape Block, Body Slam, Bullet Seed, Dark Pulse,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Double-Edge, Drain Punch, Fury Cutter, Focus
Punch, Giga Drain, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Mega
Diet : Phototroph Punch, Mud-Slap, Role Play, Seismic Toss, Seed
Habitat : Desert Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Sucker Punch,
Synthesis, Thunder Punch, Worry Seed

CACTURNE Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 5, Darkvision,
Naturewalk (Desert), Stealth

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
3d6+1, Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Absorb - Grass
7 Growth - Normal
10 Leech Seed - Grass
13 Sand Attack - Ground
16 Needle Arm - Grass
19 Feint Attack - Dark
22 Ingrain - Grass
26 Payback - Dark
30 Spikes - Ground
Base Stats: 32 Spiky Shield - Grass
HP: 7 35 Sucker Punch - Dark
Attack: 12 38 Pin Missile - Bug
Defense: 6 44 Energy Ball - Grass
Special Attack: 12 49 Cotton Spore - Grass
Special Defense: 6 54 Sandstorm - Rock
Speed: 6 59 Destiny Bond - Ghost

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Grass / Dark A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock,
Basic Ability 1: Weird Power 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Basic Ability 2: Desert Weather Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return,
Adv Ability 1: Needles 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm, 42
Adv Ability 2: Sun Blanket Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast,
High Ability: Water Absorb 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 63 Embargo, 66 Payback,
67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords
Dance, 84 Poison Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Evolution: Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature Power, 97 Dark
1 - Cacnea Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
2 - Cacturne Minimum 30
Tutor Move List
Size Information Block, Body Slam, Bullet Seed, Counter,
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium) Dark Pulse, Destiny Bond (N), Double-Edge, Drain
Weight : 170.6 lbs. / 77.4kg (4) Punch, Dynamic Punch, Focus Punch, Foul Play,
Fury Cutter, Giga Drain, Low Kick, Magic Coat,
Breeding Information Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Revenge(N),
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Role Play, Seismic Toss, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk,
Egg Group : Plant / Humanshape Snore, Spite, Sucker Punch, Superpower, Synthesis,
Thunder Punch, Worry Seed
Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Desert

EXEGGCUTE Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 1, Jump 1/1, Power 1 Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2, Per-
cep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Barrage - Normal
1 Hypnosis - Psychic
1 Uproar - Normal
7 Reflect - Psychic
11 Leech Seed - Grass
17 Bullet Seed - Grass
19 Stun Spore - Grass
21 Poison Powder - Poison
23 Sleep Powder - Grass
Base Stats: 27 Confusion - Psychic
HP: 6 33 Worry Seed - Grass
Attack: 4 37 Natural Gift - Normal
Defense: 8 43 Solar Beam - Grass
Special Attack: 6 47 Extrasensory - Psychic
Special Defense: 5 53 Bestow - Normal
Speed: 4
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Type : Grass / Psychic Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 21 Frustra-
Basic Ability 1: Filter tion, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 32 Dou-
Basic Ability 2: Cluster Mind ble Team, 33 Reflect, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball,
Adv Ability 2: Eggscellence 64 Explosion, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 77 Psych
High Ability: Harvest Up, 83 Infestation, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot,
87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick
Evolution: Room, 96 Nature Power
1 - Exeggcute
2 - Exeggutor Leaf Stone Egg Move List
Ancient Power, Block, Curse, Giga Drain,
Size Information Grassy Terrain, Ingrain, Leaf Storm, Lucky Chant,
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Moonlight, Natural Gift, Nature Power, Power Swap,
Weight : 5.5 lbs. / 2.5kg (1) Psych Up, Reflect, Skill Swap, Synthesis

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Ancient Power, Block, Double-Edge, Giga
Egg Group : Plant Drain, Gravity, Rollout, Seed Bomb, Skill Swap, Sleep
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Talk, Snore, Synthesis, Uproar, Worry Seed

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6+3,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Barrage - Normal
1 Hypnosis - Psychic
1 Uproar - Normal
7 Reflect - Psychic
11 Leech Seed - Grass
17 Bullet Seed - Grass
17 Psyshock - Normal
19 Stun Spore - Grass
21 Poison Powder - Poison
23 Sleep Powder - Grass
27 Egg Bomb - Normal
27 Confusion - Psychic
33 Worry Seed - Grass
Base Stats: 37 Natural Gift - Normal
HP: 10 37 Wood Hammer - Grass
Attack: 10 43 Solar Beam - Grass
Defense: 9 47 Extrasensory - Psychic
Special Attack: 13 47 Leaf Storm - Grass
Special Defense: 7 53 Bestow - Normal
Speed: 6
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 03 Psyshock, 06 Toxic, 10 Hid-
Type : Grass / Psychic den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Basic Ability 1: Filter Screen, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Basic Ability 2: Cluster Mind 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect,
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Adv Ability 2: Eggscellence Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 64 Explosion, 68
High Ability: Harvest Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 77 Psych
Up, 83 Infestation, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot,
Evolution: 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick
1 - Exeggcute Room, 96 Nature Power
2 - Exeggutor Leaf Stone
Tutor Move List
Size Information Ancient Power, Barrage, Block, Bullet Seed,
Height : 6’ 7” / 2m (Medium) Confusion(N), Double-Edge, Giga Drain, Gravity,
Weight : 264.6 lbs. / 120kg (5) Hypnosis, Low Kick, Natural Gift, Rollout, Seed
Bomb(N), Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stomp(N),
Breeding Information Synthesis, Worry Seed, Zen Headbutt
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Plant

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 6 Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest)

SNOVER Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Chilled,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest, Tundra), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Powder Snow - Ice
5 Razor Leaf - Grass
9 Icy Wind - Ice
13 Grass Whistle - Grass
17 Swagger - Normal
21 Mist - Ice
26 Ice Shard - Ice
31 Ingrain - Grass
Base Stats: 36 Wood Hammer - Grass
HP: 6 41 Blizzard - Ice
Attack: 6 46 Sheer Cold - Ice
Defense: 5
Special Attack: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 6 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice
Speed: 4 Beam, 14 Blizzard, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18
Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Basic Information Beam, 27 Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
Type : Grass / Ice 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy
Basic Ability 1: Soundproof Ball, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 79 Frost Breath, 86
Basic Ability 2: Ice Body Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
Adv Ability 1: Full Guard
Adv Ability 2: Snow Warning Egg Move List
High Ability: Abominable Avalanche, Bullet Seed, Double-Edge,
Growth, Leech Seed, Magical Leaf, Mist, Natural Gift,
Evolution: Seed Bomb, Skull Bash, Stomp
1 - Snover
2 - Abomasnow Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
Giga Drain, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail,
Size Information Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Role Play, Seed Bomb, Sleep
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Talk, Snore, Synthesis, Water Pulse, Worry Seed
Weight : 111.3 lbs. / 50.5kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Monster / Plant
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Taiga

Athl 4d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Razor Leaf - Grass
9 Icy Wind - Ice
13 Grass Whistle - Grass
17 Swagger - Normal
21 Mist - Ice
26 Ice Shard - Ice
31 Ingrain - Grass
36 Wood Hammer - Grass
47 Blizzard - Ice
58 Sheer Cold - Ice

TM/HM Move List

A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden
Base Stats: Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam,
HP: 9 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20
Attack: 9 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 26 Earth-
Defense: 8 quake, 27 Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32
Special Attack: 9 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Special Defense: 9 Attract, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 53 Energy Ball, 56
Speed: 6 Fling, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance,
78 Bulldoze, 79 Frost Breath, 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass
Basic Information Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
Type : Grass / Ice Rock Smash
Basic Ability 1: Soundproof
Basic Ability 2: Ice Body Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 1: Full Guard Avalanche, Block, Bullet Seed, Focus Punch,
Adv Ability 2: Snow Warning Giga Drain, Ice Punch(N), Icy Wind, Iron Tail,
High Ability: Abominable Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Rock Climb, Role
Play, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Synthesis, Water
Evolution: Pulse, Worry Seed
1 - Snover
2 - Abomasnow Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 7’ 3” / 2.2m (Large)
Weight : 298.7 lbs. / 135.5kg (5)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Monster / Plant

Diet : Phototroph
Mega Evolution
Habitat : Taiga
Type: Unchanged

Ability: Snow Warning
Capability List
Stats: +4 Atk, +3 Def,
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 6, Chilled,
+4 Sp. Atk, +2 Sp. Def,
Freezer, Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest, Tundra)
-3 Speed
SKIDDO Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 2/3, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Underdog, Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Growth - Normal
7 Vine Whip - Grass
12 Leech Seed - Grass
13 Razor Leaf - Grass
16 Worry Seed - Grass
20 Synthesis - Grass
22 Take Down - Normal
26 Bulldoze - Ground
Base Stats: 30 Seed Bomb - Grass
HP: 7 34 Bulk Up - Fighting
Attack: 7 38 Double-Edge - Normal
Defense: 5 42 Horn Leech - Grass
Special Attack: 6 45 Leaf Blade - Grass
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 5 TM/HM Move List
A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up,
Basic Information 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Pro-
Type : Grass tect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Basic Ability 1: Grass Pelt 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy
Adv Ability 1: Rock Head Ball, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
Adv Ability 2: Sap Sipper Slide, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
High Ability: Empower Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Na-
ture Power, 100 Confide
1 - Skiddo Egg Move List
2 - Gogoat Minimum 30 Defense Curl, Milk Drink, Rollout

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9 m (Small) Giga Drain, Iron Tail, Seed Bomb, Snore, Synthesis,
Weight : 68.3 lbs. / 31 kg (3) Worry Seed, Zen Headbutt

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

GOGOAT Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 5, Jump 3/4, Power 6, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Milk Collection (F), Mountable 2

Skill List
Athl 6d6+2, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Growth - Normal
7 Vine Whip - Grass
12 Leech Seed - Grass
13 Razor Leaf - Grass
16 Worry Seed - Grass
20 Synthesis - Grass
22 Take Down - Normal
26 Bulldoze - Ground
Base Stats: 30 Seed Bomb - Grass
HP: 12 34 Bulk Up - Fighting
Attack: 10 40 Double-Edge - Normal
Defense: 6 47 Horn Leech - Grass
Special Attack: 10 55 Leaf Blade - Grass
Special Defense: 8 58 Milk Drink - Normal
Speed: 7 60 Earthquake - Ground
65 Aerial Ace - Flying
Basic Information
Type : Grass TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Grass Pelt A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up,
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper
Adv Ability 1: Rock Head Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22
Adv Ability 2: Sap Sipper Solar Beam, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31
High Ability: Empower Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 66 Payback, 67
Evolution: Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide,
1 - Skiddo 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Sub-
2 - Gogoat Minimum 30 stitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature
Power, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 5’ 07” / 1.7 m (Large) Tutor Move List
Weight : 200.6 lbs. / 91 kg (4) Aerial Ace (N), Bounce, Giga Drain, Iron Tail, Seed
Bomb, Snore, Superpower, Synthesis, Worry Seed,
Breeding Information Zen Headbutt
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

VULPIX Naturewalk (Forest, Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Ember - Fire
4 Tail Whip - Normal
7 Roar - Normal
9 Baby-Doll Eyes - Fairy
10 Quick Attack - Normal
12 Confuse Ray - Ghost
15 Fire Spin - Fire
18 Payback - Dark
20 Will-O-Wisp - Fire
23 Feint Attack - Dark
26 Hex - Ghost
Base Stats: 28 Flame Burst - Fire
HP: 4 31 Extrasensory - Psychic
Attack: 4 34 Safeguard - Normal
Defense: 4 36 Flamethrower - Fire
Special Attack: 5 39 Imprison - Psychic
Special Defense: 7 42 Fire Blast - Fire
Speed: 7 44 Grudge - Ghost
47 Captivate - Normal
Basic Information 50 Inferno - Fire
Type : Fire
Basic Ability 1: Flash Fire TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 1: Fox Fire 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Adv Ability 2: Competitive Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Adv Ability 3: Cute Charm 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrow-
High Ability: Drought er, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest,
45 Attract, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 53 Energy Ball,
Evolution: 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 66 Payback, 77 Psych
1 - Vulpix Up, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 97 Dark
2 - Ninetales Fire Stone Minimum 20 Pulse

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Captivate, Disable, Energy Ball, Extrasensory,
Weight : 21.8 lbs. / 9.9kg (1) Feint Attack, Flail, Flare Blitz, Heat Wave, Hex, Howl,
Hypnosis, Power Swap, Psych Up, Secret Power,
Breeding Information Spite, Tail Slap
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F
Egg Group : Field Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Body Slam, Covet, Dark Pulse, Double-Edge,
Foul Play, Heat Wave, Iron Tail, Magic Coat,
Diet : Herbivore Ominous Wind, Pain Split, Role Play, Sleep Talk,
Habitat : Grassland, Mountain, Urban Snore, Spite, Swift, Zen Headbutt

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/2, Power 2 Tracker,

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
4d6+3, Percep 4d6+2, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Ember - Fire
4 Tail Whip - Normal
7 Roar - Normal
9 Baby-Doll Eyes - Fairy
10 Quick Attack - Normal
12 Confuse Ray - Ghost
15 Fire Spin - Fire
18 Payback - Dark
20 Will-O-Wisp - Fire
23 Feint Attack - Dark
26 Hex - Ghost
28 Flame Burst - Fire
Base Stats: 31 Extrasensory - Psychic
HP: 7 34 Safeguard - Normal
Attack: 8 36 Flamethrower - Fire
Defense: 8 39 Imprison - Psychic
Special Attack: 8 42 Fire Blast - Fire
Special Defense: 10 44 Grudge - Ghost
Speed: 10 47 Captivate - Normal
50 Inferno - Fire
Basic Information
Type : Fire TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Flash Fire 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 05 Roar, 06
Adv Ability 1: Fox Fire Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper
Adv Ability 2: Competitive Beam, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22
Adv Ability 3: Cursed Body Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 35
High Ability: Drought Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 43 Flame
Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 50 Overheat,
Evolution: 53 Energy Ball, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 66
1 - Vulpix Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream
2 - Ninetales Fire Stone Minimum 20 Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 97
Dark Pulse
Size Information
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 43.9 lbs. / 19.9kg (2) Body Slam, Confuse Ray(N), Covet, Dark
Pulse, Double-Edge, Fire Spin, Flamethrower (N),
Breeding Information Foul Play, Heat Wave, Imprison (N), Iron Tail, Magic
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F Coat, Nasty Plot(N), Ominous Wind, Pain Split,
Egg Group : Field Quick Attack, Role Play, Safeguard(N), Sleep Talk,
Snore, Spite, Swift, Zen Headbutt
Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Grassland, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 4 Firestarter,
Tracker, Naturewalk (Forest, Mountain)

GROWLITHE Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/2, Power 3 Tracker,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bite - Dark
1 Roar - Normal
6 Ember - Fire
8 Leer - Normal
10 Odor Sleuth - Normal
12 Helping Hand - Normal
17 Flame Wheel - Fire
19 Reversal - Fighting
21 Fire Fang - Fire
Base Stats: 23 Take Down - Normal
HP: 6 28 Flame Burst - Fire
Attack: 7 30 Agility - Psychic
Defense: 5 32 Retaliate - Normal
Special Attack: 7 34 Flamethrower - Fire
Special Defense: 5 39 Crunch - Dark
Speed: 6 41 Heat Wave - Fire
43 Outrage - Dragon
Basic Information 45 Flare Blitz - Fire
Type : Fire
Basic Ability 1: Intimidate TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Flash Fire A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Adv Ability 1: Justified Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21
Adv Ability 2: Bodyguard Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 35
High Ability: Conqueror Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Fa-
cade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
Evolution: 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-
1 - Growlithe Wisp, 67 Retaliate, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
2 - Arcanine Fire Stone Minimum 20 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small) Body Slam, Close Combat, Covet, Crunch,
Weight : 41.9 lbs. / 19kg (2) Double Kick, Double-Edge, Fire Spin, Flare Blitz,
Heat Wave, Howl, Iron Tail, Morning Sun,
Breeding Information Safeguard, Thrash
Gender Ratio : 75% M / 25% F
Egg Group : Field Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Covet, Heat Wave, Helping Hand, Iron Tail,
Mud-Slap, Outrage, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift
Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Grassland, Mountain

ARCANINE Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 4, Jump 2/3, Power 8 Firestarter,
Tracker, Naturewalk (Grassland, Mountain), Mount-
able 1

Skill List
Athl 6d6+3, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6+2,
Percep 5d6+2, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bite - Dark
1 Roar - Normal
6 Ember - Fire
8 Leer - Normal
10 Odor Sleuth - Normal
12 Helping Hand - Normal
17 Flame Wheel - Fire
19 Reversal - Fighting
Base Stats: 21 Fire Fang - Fire
HP: 9 23 Take Down - Normal
Attack: 11 28 Flame Burst - Fire
Defense: 8 30 Agility - Psychic
Special Attack: 10 32 Retaliate - Normal
Special Defense: 8 34 Flamethrower - Fire
Speed: 10 34 Extreme Speed - Normal
39 Crunch - Dark
Basic Information 41 Heat Wave - Fire
Type : Fire 43 Outrage - Dragon
Basic Ability 1: Intimidate 45 Flare Blitz - Fire
Basic Ability 2: Flash Fire
Adv Ability 1: Justified TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 2: Bodyguard A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
High Ability: Conqueror Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 20
Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return,
Evolution: 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire
1 - Growlithe Blast, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44
2 - Arcanine Fire Stone Minimum 20 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 50 Overheat,
59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga
Size Information Impact, 78 Bulldoze, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Height : 6’ 3” / 1.9m (Large) Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl
Weight : 341.7 lbs. / 155kg (5)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Body Slam, Covet, Double-Edge, Dragon
Gender Ratio : 75% M / 25% F Pulse, Fire Fang(N), Heat Wave, Helping Hand,
Egg Group : Field Iron Head, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Swift, Thunder Fang(N)
Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Grassland, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 2, Jump 1/2, Power 3 Egg Warmer,
Firestarter, Glow, Heater, Naturewalk (Grassland),
Mountable 1, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Growl - Normal
4 Tail Whip - Normal
9 Ember - Fire
13 Flame Wheel - Fire
17 Stomp - Normal
21 Flame Charge - Fire
Base Stats: 25 Fire Spin - Fire
HP: 5 29 Take Down - Normal
Attack: 9 33 Inferno - Fire
Defense: 6 37 Agility - Psychic
Special Attack: 7 41 Fire Blast - Fire
Special Defense: 7 45 Bounce - Flying
Speed: 9 49 Flare Blitz - Fire

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Fire A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Ability 1: Flash Fire 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Basic Ability 2: Run Away Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower,
Adv Ability 1: Flame Body 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest,
Adv Ability 2: Sprint 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 50 Overheat,
High Ability: Vanguard 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge
1 - Ponyta Egg Move List
2 - Rapidash Minimum 35 Ally Switch, Captivate, Charm, Double Kick,
Double-Edge, Flame Wheel, Horn Drill, Hypnosis,
Size Information Iron Tail, Low Kick, Morning Sun, Thrash
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 66.1 lbs. / 30kg (3) Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Bounce, Heat Wave, Iron Tail,
Breeding Information Low Kick, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Quick Attack
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland

RAPIDASH Mountable 2

Skill List
Athl 6d6+4, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 5d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Tail Whip - Normal
9 Ember - Fire
13 Flame Wheel - Fire
17 Stomp - Normal
21 Flame Charge - Fire
25 Fire Spin - Fire
29 Take Down - Normal
33 Inferno - Fire
37 Agility - Psychic
40 Fury Attack - Normal
41 Fire Blast - Fire
Base Stats: 45 Bounce - Flying
HP: 7 49 Flare Blitz - Fire
Attack: 10
Defense: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 8 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Special Defense: 8 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 21 Frustra-
Speed: 11 tion, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 43 Flame
Basic Information Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
Type : Fire Voice, 50 Overheat, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp,
Basic Ability 1: Flash Fire 68 Giga Impact, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Basic Ability 2: Run Away Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge
Adv Ability 1: Flame Body
Adv Ability 2: Sprint Tutor Move List
High Ability: Vanguard Body Slam, Bounce, Double-Edge, Drill
Run, Heat Wave, Iron Tail, Low Kick, Megahorn(N),
Evolution: Poison Jab(N), Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Tackle, Quick
1 - Ponyta Attack
2 - Rapidash Minimum 35

Size Information
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Large)
Weight : 209.4 lbs. / 95kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland

Capability List
Overland 10, Swim 4, Jump 2/3, Power 6 Egg Warm-
er, Firestarter, Glow, Heater, Naturewalk (Grassland),

SLUGMA Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Jump 0/0, Power 3 Amorphous,
Egg Warmer, Firestarter, Wallclimber, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Smog - Poison
1 Yawn - Normal
6 Ember - Fire
8 Rock Throw - Rock
13 Harden - Normal
15 Incinerate - Fire
20 Clear Smog - Poison
22 Ancient Power - Rock
27 Flame Burst - Fire
Base Stats: 29 Rock Slide - Rock
HP: 4 34 Lava Plume - Fire
Attack: 4 36 Amnesia - Psychic
Defense: 4 41 Body Slam - Normal
Special Attack: 7 43 Recover - Normal
Special Defense: 4 48 Flamethrower - Fire
Speed: 2 50 Earth Power - Ground

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Fire 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Basic Ability 1: Magma Armor 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 27 Re-
Basic Ability 2: Sun Blanket turn, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 35 Flamethrower,
Adv Ability 1: Heat Mirage 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 43 Flame
Adv Ability 2: Thermosensitive Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 50 Overheat,
High Ability: Sol Veil 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 80 Rock Slide, 83
Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
Evolution: 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power
1 - Slugma
2 - Magcargo Minimum 35 Egg Move List
Acid Armor, Curse, Earth Power, Guard
Size Information Swap, Heat Wave, Inferno, Memento, Rollout,
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small) Smokescreen, Spit Up, Stockpile, Swallow
Weight : 77.2 lbs. / 35kg (3)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information After You, Ancient Power, Defense Curl,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Double-Edge, Earth Power, Heat Wave, Iron Defense,
Egg Group : Indeterminate Mud-Slap, Pain Split, Rollout, Sleep Talk, Snore
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 5d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Ember - Fire
8 Rock Throw - Rock
13 Harden - Normal
15 Incinerate - Fire
20 Clear Smog - Poison
22 Ancient Power - Rock
27 Flame Burst - Fire
29 Rock Slide - Rock
34 Lava Plume - Fire
36 Amnesia - Psychic
38 Shell Smash - Normal
43 Body Slam - Normal
Base Stats: 47 Recover - Normal
HP: 5 54 Flamethrower - Fire
Attack: 5 58 Earth Power - Ground
Defense: 12
Special Attack: 8 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 8 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Speed: 3 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Pro-
tect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 23 Smack Down,
Basic Information 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 33 Re-
Type : Fire / Rock flect, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast,
Basic Ability 1: Magma Armor 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest,
Basic Ability 2: Sun Blanket 45 Attract, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 59 Incinerate, 61
Adv Ability 1: Heat Mirage Will-O-Wisp, 64 Explosion, 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock
Adv Ability 2: Thermosensitive Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 78 Bulldoze, 80
High Ability: Sol Veil Rock Slide, 83 Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power
1 - Slugma Tutor Move List
2 - Magcargo Minimum 35 After You, Ancient Power, Defense Curl,
Size Information Double-Edge, Earth Power (N), Heat Wave, Iron
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Medium) Defense, Mud-Slap, Pain Split, Rollout, Sleep Talk,
Weight : 121.3 lbs. / 55kg (4) Snore, Stealth Rock

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Indeterminate

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Jump 0/0, Power 4 Egg Warmer,
Firestarter, Heater, Wallclimber, Underdog

NUMEL Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 5, Naturewalk
(Desert, Mountain), Firestarter, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Ember - Fire
8 Focus Energy - Normal
12 Magnitude - Ground
15 Flame Burst - Fire
19 Amnesia - Psychic
22 Lava Plume - Fire
26 Earth Power - Ground
Base Stats: 29 Curse - Ghost
HP: 6 31 Take Down - Normal
Attack: 6 36 Yawn - Normal
Defense: 4 40 Earthquake - Ground
Special Attack: 7 43 Flamethrower - Fire
Special Defense: 5 47 Double-Edge - Normal
Speed: 4
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Type : Fire / Ground 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 26 Earth-
Basic Ability 1: Oblivious quake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 35
Basic Ability 2: Simple Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock
Adv Ability 1: Delayed Reaction Tomb, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45 At-
Adv Ability 2: Klutz tract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 50 Overheat, 59
High Ability: Own Tempo Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
Evolution: Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power
1 - Numel
2 - Camerupt Minimum 30 Egg Move List
Ancient Power, Body Slam, Defense Curl,
Size Information Endure, Growth, Heat Wave, Howl, Iron Head, Mud
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small) Bomb, Rollout, Scary Face, Spit Up, Stockpile, Stomp,
Weight : 52.9 lbs. / 24kg (2) Swallow, Yawn

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F After You, Earth Power, Heat Wave, Iron
Egg Group : Field Head, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Rock

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Desert, Mountain

CAMERUPT Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 10, Egg
Warmer, Firestarter, Heater, Naturewalk (Desert,
Mountain), Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 1d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 1d6, Per-
cep 4d6+2, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Ember - Fire
8 Focus Energy - Normal
12 Magnitude - Ground
15 Flame Burst - Fire
19 Amnesia - Psychic
22 Lava Plume - Fire
26 Earth Power - Ground
29 Curse - Ghost
Base Stats: 31 Take Down - Normal
HP: 7 33 Rock Slide - Rock
Attack: 10 39 Yawn - Normal
Defense: 7 46 Earthquake - Ground
Special Attack: 11 52 Eruption - Fire
Special Defense: 8 59 Fissure - Ground
Speed: 4
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Type : Fire / Ground Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 21
Basic Ability 1: White Flame Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 26 Earthquake, 27 Re-
Basic Ability 2: Solid Rock turn, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37
Adv Ability 1: Anger Point Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Prime Fury 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49
High Ability: Magma Armor Echoed Voice, 50 Overheat, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-
Wisp, 64 Explosion, 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish,
Evolution: 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swag-
1 - Numel ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94
2 - Camerupt Minimum 30 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power

Size Information Tutor Move List

Height : 6’ 3” / 1.9m (Large) After You, Body Slam, Defense Curl,
Weight : 485 lbs. / 220kg (6) Double-Edge, Earth Power, Eruption (N), Fissure
(N), Heat Wave, Iron Head, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Sleep
Breeding Information Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field Mega Evolution
Type: Unchanged
Diet : Herbivore Ability: Sheer Force
Habitat : Desert, Mountain
Stats: +2 Atk, +3 Def,
+4 Sp. Atk, +3 Sp. Def,
-2 Speed

DARUMAKA turewalk (Desert, Mountain), Firestarter, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
3 Rollout - Rock
6 Incinerate - Fire
9 Rage - Normal
11 Fire Fang - Fire
14 Headbutt - Normal
17 Uproar - Normal
19 Facade - Normal
22 Fire Punch - Fire
25 Work Up - Normal
27 Thrash - Normal
Base Stats: 30 Belly Drum - Normal
HP: 7 33 Flare Blitz - Fire
Attack: 9 35 Taunt - Dark
Defense: 5 39 Superpower - Fighting
Special Attack: 2 42 Overheat - Fire
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 5 TM/HM Move List
A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Basic Information Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 21 Frus-
Type : Fire tration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick
Basic Ability 1: Hustle Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire
Basic Ability 2: Flame Body Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44
Adv Ability 1: Inner Focus Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 56
Adv Ability 2: Flash Fire Fling, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 74 Gyro Ball,
High Ability: Celebrate 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98
Evolution: Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Darumaka
2 - Darmanitan Minimum 35 Egg Move List
Encore, Endure, Flame Wheel, Focus Energy,
Size Information Focus Punch, Hammer Arm, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Take
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Down, Yawn
Weight : 82.7 lbs. / 37.5kg (3)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Endeavor, Fire Punch, Heat Wave, Sleep Talk,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Snore, Superpower, Uproar, Work Up, Zen Headbutt
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Desert, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Heater, Na-

DARMANITAN Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 8, Naturewalk
(Desert, Mountain), Heater, Firestarter, Egg Warmer,
Forme Change*

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 4d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Rollout 25 Work Up
6 Incinerate 27 Thrash
9 Rage 30 Belly Drum
11 Fire Fang 33 Flare Blitz
14 Headbutt 35 Hammer Arm
17 Swagger 39 Taunt
19 Facade 47 Superpower
22 Fire Punch 54 Overheat
Base Stats:
HP: 11 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 14 A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hid-
Defense: 6 den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Special Attack: 3 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 23 Smack Down,
26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29 Psychic, 31 Brick
Special Defense: 6
Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast,
Speed: 10 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge,
44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 52
Basic Information Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 66
Type : Fire Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 78
Basic Ability 1: Sheer Force Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Basic Ability 2: Flame Body Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98
Adv Ability 1: Inner Focus Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Adv Ability 2: Flash Fire
High Ability: Zen Mode Tutor Move List
Endeavor, fire Punch, Heat Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Su-
perpower, Uproar, Work Up, Zen Headbutt
1 - Darumaka
2 - Darmanitan Minimum 35

Base Stats:
Size Information
HP: 11
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium)
Attack: 3
Weight : 204.8 lbs. / 92.9kg (4)
Defense: 11

Special Attack: 14
Breeding Information
Special Defense: 11
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Speed: 6
Egg Group : Field
Type : Fire / Psychic
Diet : Omnivore

Habitat : Cave, Desert, Mountain
Capability List

Overland 4, Levitate 6, Swim 2, Jump 1/1,

Power 2, Telekinetic, Telepath, Firestarter

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Firestarter,
Tracker, Naturewalk (Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Leer - Normal
5 Ember - Fire
8 Work Up - Normal
11 Headbutt - Normal
15 Noble Roar - Normal
20 Take Down - Normal
23 Fire Fang - Fire
Base Stats: 28 Endeavor - Normal
HP: 6 33 Echoed Voice - Normal
Attack: 5 36 Flamethrower - Fire
Defense: 6 39 Crunch - Dark
Special Attack: 7 43 Hyper Voice - Normal
Special Defense: 5 46 Incinerate - Fire
Speed: 7 50 Overheat - Fire

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Fire / Normal A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Ability 1: Rivalry 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Basic Ability 2: Moxie 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Adv Ability 1: Huge Power 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast,
Adv Ability 2: Unnerve 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
High Ability: Pride Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 50 Overheat, 59
Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 66 Payback, 67 Re-
Evolution: taliate, 78 Bulldoze, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
1 - Litleo Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl,
2 - Pyroar Minimum 25 97 Dark Pulse, 100 Confide

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 2’ 00” / 0.6m (Small) Entrainment, Fire Spin, Snatch, Yawn
Weight : 29.8 lbs. / 13.5 kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Endeavor, Heat Wave, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Iron Tail, Snatch, Snore
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Grassland

PYROAR Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 6, Firestarter,
Pack Mon, Naturewalk (Grassland), Tracker, Mount-
able 1

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 5d6+2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Leer - Normal
5 Ember - Fire
8 Work Up - Normal
11 Headbutt - Normal
15 Noble Roar - Normal
20 Take Down - Normal
23 Fire Fang - Fire
Base Stats: 28 Endeavor - Normal
HP: 9 33 Echoed Voice - Normal
Attack: 7 38 Flamethrower - Fire
Defense: 7 42 Crunch - Dark
Special Attack: 11 48 Hyper Voice - Normal
Special Defense: 7 51 Incinerate - Fire
Speed: 11 57 Overheat - Fire

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Fire / Normal A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Ability 1: Rivalry 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Basic Ability 2: Moxie 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27
Adv Ability 1: Huge Power Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower,
Adv Ability 2: Unnerve 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest,
High Ability: Pride 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice,
50 Overheat, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 66
Evolution: Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 78 Bulldoze,
1 - Litleo 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild
2 - Pyroar Minimum 25 Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse, 100
Size Information
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 179.7 lbs. / 81.5 kg (4) Bounce, Endeavor, Heat Wave, Helping Hand, Hyper
Beam (N), Hyper Voice, Iron Tail, Snatch, Snore
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Grassland

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 4, Jump 2/1, Power 2, Gilled, Un-
derdog, Naturewalk (Ocean), Pearl Creation

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Clamp - Water
1 Iron Defense - Steel
1 Water Gun - Water
1 Whirlpool - Water
51 Shell Smash - Normal

TM/HM Move List

A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Base Stats: Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17
HP: 4 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return,
Attack: 6 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Defense: 9 Round, 55 Scald, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Sub-
Special Attack: 7 stitute
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 3 Egg Move List
Aqua Ring, Barrier, Body Slam, Brine,
Basic Information Confuse Ray, Endure, Mud Sport, Muddy Water,
Type: Water Refresh, Supersonic, Water Pulse
Basic Ability 1: Shell Armor
Basic Ability 2: Rain Dish Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 1: Water Veil Dive, Double-Edge, Icy Wind, Iron Defense,
Adv Ability 2: Sturdy Sleep Talk, Snore
High Ability: Rattled

1 - Clamperl
2 - Huntail Holding Deepseatooth Minimum 20
2 - Gorebyss Holding Deepseascale Minimum 20

Size Information
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small)
Weight : 115.7 lbs. / 52.5kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Whirlpool
1 Bite - Dark
5 Screech - Normal
9 Scary Face - Normal
11 Feint Attack - Dark
14 Water Pulse - Water
16 Ice Fang - Ice
19 Brine - Water
23 Sucker Punch - Dark
26 Dive - Water
29 Baton Pass - Normal
34 Crunch - Dark
Base Stats: 39 Aqua Tail - Water
HP: 6 45 Coil - Poison
Attack: 10 50 Hydro Pump - Water
Defense: 11
Special Attack: 9 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 8 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Speed: 5 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15
Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Basic Information tion, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb,
Type : Water 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald,
Basic Ability 1: Sheer Force 68 Giga Impact, 83 Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Basic Ability 2: Intimidate Talk, 90 Substitute
Adv Ability 1: Water Veil
Adv Ability 2: Swift Swim Tutor Move List
High Ability: Strong Jaw Aqua Tail, Bind, Body Slam, Bounce, Dive,
Double-Edge, Icy Wind, Mud-Slap, Snatch, Sleep
Evolution: Talk, Snatch, Snore, Sucker Punch, Super Fang, Swift
1 - Clamperl
2 - Huntail Holding Deepseatooth Minimum 20

Size Information
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Medium)
Weight : 59.5 lbs. / 27kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 6, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Gilled,
Fountain, Naturewalk (Ocean)

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Whirlpool - Water
1 Confusion - Psychic
5 Water Sport
9 Agility - Psychic
11 Draining Kiss - Fairy
14 Water Pulse - Water
16 Amnesia - Psychic
19 Aqua Ring - Water
23 Captivate - Normal
26 Dive - Water
29 Baton Pass - Normal
34 Psychic - Psychic
Base Stats: 39 Aqua Tail - Water
HP: 6 45 Coil - Poison
Attack: 8 50 Hydro Pump - Water
Defense: 11
Special Attack: 11 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 8 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic,
Speed: 5 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Bliz-
zard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20
Basic Information Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30
Type : Water Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Basic Ability 1: Spray Down 45 Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 68 Giga Impact, 77
Basic Ability 2: Competitive Psych Up, 83 Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Adv Ability 1: Water Veil 90 Substitute
Adv Ability 2: Swift Swim
High Ability: Sniper Tutor Move List
Aqua Tail, Bind, Body Slam, Bounce, Brine,
Evolution: Dive, Double-Edge, Icy Wind, Mud-Slap, Signal
1 - Clamperl Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift
2 - Gorebyss Holding Deepseascale Minimum 20

Size Information
Height : 5’ 11” / 1.8m (Medium)
Weight : 49.8 lbs. / 22.6kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 6, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Gilled,
Fountain, Naturewalk (Ocean)

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Wetlands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 1d6, Percep
1d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Curse - Ghost
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Yawn - Normal
5 Growl - Normal
9 Water Gun - Water
14 Confusion - Psychic
19 Disable - Normal
23 Headbutt - Normal
Base Stats: 28 Water Pulse - Water
HP: 9 32 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
Attack: 7 36 Slack Off - Normal
Defense: 7 41 Amnesia - Psychic
Special Attack: 4 45 Psychic - Psychic
Special Defense: 4 49 Rain Dance - Water
Speed: 2 54 Psych Up - Normal
58 Heal Pulse - Psychic
Basic Information
Type : Water / Psychic TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Oblivious A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A6 Dive, 03 Psyshock,
Basic Ability 2: Own Tempo 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power,
Adv Ability 1: Delayed Reaction 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 16 Light
Adv Ability 2: Truant Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21
High Ability: Regenerator Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29
Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 35 Flame-
Evolution: thrower, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
1 - Slowpoke 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 55 Scald, 59 Incinerate,
2 - Slowbro Minimum 35 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bull-
2 - Slowking Holding King’s Rock Minimum 35 doze, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room
Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium) Egg Move List
Weight : 79.4 lbs. / 36kg (3) Belch, Belly Drum, Block, Future Sight,
Me First, Mud Sport, Safeguard, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Breeding Information Stomp, Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Monster / Water 1 Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days After You, Aqua Tail, Block, Body Slam,
Brine, Dive, Double-Edge, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron
Diet : Herbivore Tail, Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Recycle, Role Play,
Habitat : Beach, Freshwater Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift,
Telekinesis, Trick, Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt

Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 1d6+1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 1d6,
Percep 1d6, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Growl - Normal
9 Water Gun - Water
14 Confusion - Psychic
19 Disable - Normal
23 Headbutt - Normal
28 Water Pulse - Water
32 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
36 Slack Off - Normal
37 Withdraw - Water
43 Amnesia - Psychic
49 Psychic - Psychic
55 Rain Dance - Water
Base Stats: 62 Psych Up - Normal
HP: 10 68 Heal Pulse - Psychic
Attack: 8
Defense: 11 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 10 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A6 Dive, 03 Psyshock,
Special Defense: 8 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power,
Speed: 3 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper
Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20
Basic Information Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return,
Type : Water / Psychic 28 Dig, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break,
Basic Ability 1: Oblivious 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 40
Basic Ability 2: Own Tempo Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 1: Delayed Reaction 49 Echoed Voice, 52 Focus Blast, 55 Scald, 56 Fling,
Adv Ability 2: Truant 59 Incinerate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder
High Ability: Regenerator Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 85 Dream Eater, 86
Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
Evolution: 92 Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Slowpoke
2 - Slowbro Minimum 35 Tutor Move List
After You, Aqua Tail, Avalanche, Block, Body
Size Information Slam, Brine, Counter, Dive, Double-Edge, Drain
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Medium) Punch, Dynamic Punch, Focus Punch, Foul Play,
Weight : 173.1 lbs. / 78.5kg (4) Fury Cutter, Heal Pulse (N), Ice Punch, Icy Wind,
Iron Defense, Iron Tail, Magic Coat, Mega Kick,
Breeding Information Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Recycle, Role Play, Seismic
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Toss, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Snore, Swift, Telekine-
Egg Group : Monster / Water 1 sis, Trick, Wonder Room, ZenMegaHeadbutt
Type: Unchanged
Diet : Herbivore Ability: Shell Armor
Habitat : Beach, Freshwater
Stats: +7 Def, +3 Sp.
Capability List Atk
Overland 3, Swim 4, Jump 1/1, Power 7, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Wetlands)

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
5d6+2, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Growl - Normal
9 Water Gun - Water
14 Confusion - Psychic
19 Disable - Normal
23 Headbutt - Normal
28 Water Pulse - Water
32 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
36 Nasty Plot - Dark
41 Swagger - Normal
45 Psychic - Psychic
49 Trump Card - Normal
54 Psych Up - Normal
Base Stats: 54 Heal Pulse - Psychic
HP: 10
Attack: 8 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 8 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A6 Dive, 03 Psyshock,
Special Attack: 10 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power,
Special Defense: 11 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper
Speed: 3 Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20
Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return,
Basic Information 28 Dig, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break,
Type : Water / Psychic 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 42
Basic Ability 1: Oblivious Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
Basic Ability 2: Own Tempo Voice, 52 Focus Blast, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 59 Inciner-
Adv Ability 1: Perception ate, 60 Quash, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder
Adv Ability 2: Truant Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 82 Dragon Tail, 85
High Ability: Regenerator Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash,
Evolution: 98 Power-Up Punch
1 - Slowpoke
2 - Slowking Holding King’s Rock Minimum 35 Tutor Move List
After You, Aqua Tail, Avalanche, Block, Body
Size Information Slam, Brine, Counter, Dive, Double-Edge, Drain
Height : 6’ 7” / 2m (Medium) Punch, Dynamic Punch, Focus Punch, Foul Play,
Weight : 175.3 lbs. / 79.5kg (4) Fury Cutter, Heal Pulse (N), Hidden Power(N), Ice
Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Defense, Iron Tail, Magic
Breeding Information Coat, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Power
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Gem(N), Recycle, Role Play, Seismic Toss, Signal
Egg Group : Monster / Water 1 Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Telekine-
sis, Trick, Wonder Room, Zen
Diet : Herbivore Headbutt
Habitat : Beach, Freshwater

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 5, Fountain,
Pack Mon, Telepath, Naturewalk (Wetlands)

GOLDEEN Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 5, Jump 3/2, Power 1, Gilled,
Fountain, Naturewalk (Ocean), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Peck - Flying
1 Tail Whip - Normal
1 Water Sport - Water
5 Supersonic - Normal
8 Horn Attack - Normal
13 Flail - Normal
16 Water Pulse - Water
21 Aqua Ring - Water
24 Fury Attack - Normal
Base Stats: 29 Agility - Psychic
HP: 5 32 Waterfall - Water
Attack: 7 37 Horn Drill - Normal
Defense: 6 40 Soak - Water
Special Attack: 4 45 Megahorn - Bug
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 6 TM/HM Move List
A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Basic Information Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17
Type : Water Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return,
Basic Ability 1: Lightning Rod 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Basic Ability 2: Water Veil Round, 55 Scald, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 1: Dry Skin Talk, 90 Substitute
Adv Ability 2: Swift Swim
High Ability: Refreshing Veil Egg Move List
Aqua Tail, Body Slam, Haze, Hydro Pump,
Evolution: Mud Shot, Mud Sport, Mud-Slap, Psybeam, Signal
1 - Goldeen Beam, Skull Bash, Sleep Talk
2 - Seaking Minimum 30
Tutor Move List
Size Information Aqua Tail, Bounce, Dive, Double-Edge, Drill
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Run, Fury Cutter, Icy Wind, Knock Off, Mud-Slap,
Weight : 33.1 lbs. / 15kg (2) Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 2
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater

SEAKING Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6+1, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Supersonic - Normal
8 Horn Attack - Normal
13 Flail - Normal
16 Water Pulse - Water
21 Aqua Ring - Water
24 Fury Attack - Normal
29 Agility - Psychic
32 Waterfall - Water
40 Horn Drill - Normal
46 Soak - Water
54 Megahorn - Bug

TM/HM Move List

Base Stats: A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
HP: 8 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15
Attack: 9 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Defense: 7 tion, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Special Attack: 7 45 Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 68 Giga Impact, 84
Special Defense: 8 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
Speed: 7
Tutor Move List
Basic Information Aqua Tail, Bounce, Dive, Double-Edge, Drill
Type : Water Run, Fury Cutter, Icy Wind, Knock Off, Megahorn
Basic Ability 1: Lightning Rod (N), Mud-Slap, Poison Jab(N), Signal Beam, Sleep
Basic Ability 2: Water Veil Talk, Snore, Swift
Adv Ability 1: Dry Skin
Adv Ability 2: Swift Swim
High Ability: Refreshing Veil

1 - Goldeen
2 - Seaking Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium)
Weight : 86 lbs. / 39kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 2

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 6, Jump 3/3, Power 3, Gilled,
Fountain, Naturewalk (Ocean)

BARBOACH Capability List
Overland 2, Burrow 2, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 1,
Gilled, Fountain, Underdog, Naturewalk (Wetlands)

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2, Per-
cep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Mud-Slap - Ground
6 Mud Sport - Ground
6 Water Sport - Water
9 Water Gun - Water
13 Mud Bomb - Ground
15 Amnesia - Psychic
17 Water Pulse - Water
20 Magnitude - Ground
25 Rest - Psychic
Base Stats: 25 Snore - Normal
HP: 5 28 Aqua Tail - Water
Attack: 5 32 Earthquake - Ground
Defense: 4 35 Muddy Water - Water
Special Attack: 5 39 Future Sight - Psychic
Special Defense: 4 44 Fissure - Ground
Speed: 6
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Type : Water / Ground Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17
Basic Ability 1: Oblivious Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earth-
Basic Ability 2: Anticipation quake, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm,
Adv Ability 1: Rain Dish 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Adv Ability 2: Mud Dweller Round, 55 Scald, 78 Bulldoze, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
High Ability: Hydration Talk, 90 Substitute

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Barboach Dragon Dance, Earth Power, Flail, Hydro
2 - Whiscash Minimum 30 Pump, Mud Shot, Muddy Water, Spark, Take Down,
Thrash, Whirlpool
Size Information
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 4.2 lbs. / 1.9kg (1) Aqua Tail, Bounce, Dive, Double-Edge, Earth
Power, Icy Wind, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snore
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 2
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Marsh

WHISCASH Capability List
Overland 3, Burrow 2, Swim 5, Jump 3/3, Power 3,
Tremorsense, Gilled, Fountain, Naturewalk (Wet-

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Mud Sport - Ground
6 Water Sport - Water
9 Water Gun - Water
13 Mud Bomb - Ground
15 Amnesia - Psychic
17 Water Pulse - Water
20 Magnitude - Ground
25 Rest - Psychic
Base Stats: 25 Snore - Normal
HP: 11 28 Aqua Tail - Water
Attack: 8 30 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
Defense: 7 34 Earthquake - Ground
Special Attack: 8 39 Muddy Water - Water
Special Defense: 7 45 Future Sight - Psychic
Speed: 6 52 Fissure - Ground

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Water / Ground A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Basic Ability 1: Oblivious 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Basic Ability 2: Anticipation Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Adv Ability 1: Rain Dish 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 32 Double
Adv Ability 2: Mud Dweller Team, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44
High Ability: Hydration Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 68 Giga Impact,
71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swag-
Evolution: ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Barboach
2 - Whiscash Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
Aqua Tail, Bounce, Dive, Double-Edge,
Size Information Earth Power, Icy Wind, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Medium) Tickle(N), Zen Headbutt(N)
Weight : 52 lbs. / 23.6kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 2

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Marsh

FINNEON Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 5, Jump 2/4, Power 1, Gilled,
Fountain, Naturewalk (Ocean), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+2,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Pound - Normal
6 Water Gun - Water
10 Attract - Normal
13 Rain Dance - Water
17 Gust - Flying
22 Water Pulse - Water
26 Captivate - Normal
29 Safeguard - Normal
33 Aqua Ring - Water
Base Stats: 38 Whirlpool - Water
HP: 5 42 U-Turn - Bug
Attack: 5 45 Bounce - Flying
Defense: 6 49 Silver Wind - Bug
Special Attack: 5 54 Soak - Water
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 7 TM/HM Move List
A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Basic Information Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17
Type : Water Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Basic Ability 1: Swift Swim 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Ability 2: Storm Drain Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 66 Payback, 70 Flash, 77
Adv Ability 1: Cute Charm Psych Up, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90
Adv Ability 2: Illuminate Substitute, 96 Nature Power
High Ability: Water Veil
Egg Move List
Evolution: Agility, Aqua Tail, Aurora Beam, Brine,
1 - Finneon Charm, Flail, Psybeam, Signal Beam, Splash, Sweet
2 - Lumineon Minimum 30 Kiss, Tickle

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Air Cutter, Aqua Tail, Bounce, Defog, Dive,
Weight : 15.4 lbs. / 7kg (1) Icy Wind, Ominous Wind, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Swift, Twister, Tailwind
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 2
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

Athl 2d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Water Gun - Water
10 Attract - Normal
13 Rain Dance - Water
17 Gust - Flying
22 Water Pulse - Water
26 Captivate - Normal
29 Safeguard - Normal
35 Aqua Ring - Water
42 Whirlpool - Water
48 U-Turn - Bug
53 Bounce - Flying
59 Silver Wind - Bug
66 Soak - Water
Base Stats:
HP: 7 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 7 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Defense: 8 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15
Special Attack: 7 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safe-
Special Defense: 9 guard, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Speed: 9 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
55 Scald, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 77
Basic Information Psych Up, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90
Type : Water Substitute
Basic Ability 1: Swift Swim
Basic Ability 2: Storm Drain Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 1: Cute Charm Air Cutter, Aqua Tail, Bounce, Brine, Defog,
Adv Ability 2: Illuminate Dive, Gust (N), Icy Wind, Ominous Wind, Signal
High Ability: Water Veil Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Soak (N), Swift, Tailwind,
1 - Finneon
2 - Lumineon Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 52.9 lbs. / 24kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 2

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 7, Jump 2/4, Power 2, Gilled,
Fountain, Naturewalk (Ocean)

CHINCHOU Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 5, Jump 2/1, Power 1, Gilled,
Fountain, Zapper, Naturewalk (Ocean), Glow, Un-

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 1d6-1, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bubble - Water
1 Supersonic - Normal
6 Thunder Wave - Electric
9 Electro Ball - Electric
12 Water Gun - Water
17 Confuse Ray - Ghost
20 Bubble Beam - Water
23 Spark - Electric
Base Stats: 28 Signal Beam - Bug
HP: 8 31 Flail - Normal
Attack: 4 34 Discharge - Electric
Defense: 4 39 Take Down - Normal
Special Attack: 6 42 Aqua Ring - Water
Special Defense: 6 45 Hydro Pump - Water
Speed: 7 47 Ion Deluge - Electric
50 Charge - Electric
Basic Information
Type : Water / Electric TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Volt Absorb A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Basic Ability 2: Illuminate Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard,
Adv Ability 1: Water Veil 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thun-
Adv Ability 2: Water Absorb derbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 42
High Ability: Adaptability Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 57
Charge Beam, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder
Evolution: Wave, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93
1 - Chinchou Wild Charge, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
2 - Lanturn Minimum 25
Egg Move List
Size Information Agility, Amnesia, Brine, Flail, Mist, Psybeam,
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Screech, Shock Wave, Soak, Water Pulse, Whirlpool
Weight : 26.5 lbs. / 12kg (2)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Bounce, Dive, Double-Edge, Heal Bell, Icy
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Wind, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Sucker Punch
Egg Group : Water 2
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

LANTURN Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 1d6-2,
Percep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Thunder Wave - Electric
9 Electro Ball - Electric
12 Water Gun - Water
17 Confuse Ray - Ghost
20 Bubble Beam - Water
23 Spark - Electric
27 Stockpile - Normal
27 Swallow - Normal
27 Spit Up - Normal
29 Signal Beam - Bug
33 Flail - Normal
37 Discharge - Electric
43 Take Down - Normal
Base Stats: 47 Aqua Ring - Water
HP: 13 51 Hydro Pump - Water
Attack: 6 54 Ion Deluge - Electric
Defense: 6 58 Charge - Electric
Special Attack: 8
Special Defense: 8 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 7 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic,
07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Bliz-
Basic Information zard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Type : Water / Electric Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return,
Basic Ability 1: Volt Absorb 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Basic Ability 2: Illuminate Round, 55 Scald, 57 Charge Beam, 68 Giga Impact,
Adv Ability 1: Water Veil 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 73 Thun-
Adv Ability 2: Water Absorb der Wave, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93
High Ability: Big Swallow Wild Charge, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Chinchou Aqua Tail, Bounce, Brine, Dive,
2 - Lanturn Minimum 25 Double-Edge, Eerie Impulse (N), Electro Ball (N),
Heal Bell, Icy Wind, Shock Wave, Signal Beam,
Size Information Snore, Sucker Punch, Water Pulse
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 49.6 lbs. / 22.5kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 2

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 7, Jump 3/2, Power 2, Gilled,
Fountain, Zapper, Naturewalk (Ocean), Glow

CARVANHA Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 6, Jump 2/2, Power 2, Darkvision,
Gilled, Fountain, Naturewalk (Ocean), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bite - Dark
1 Leer - Normal
4 Rage - Normal
8 Focus Energy - Normal
11 Aqua Jet - Water
15 Assurance - Dark
18 Screech - Normal
22 Swagger - Normal
25 Ice Fang - Ice
Base Stats: 29 Scary Face - Normal
HP: 5 32 Poison Fang - Poison
Attack: 9 36 Crunch - Dark
Defense: 2 39 Agility - Psychic
Special Attack: 7 43 Take Down - Normal
Special Defense: 2
Speed: 7 TM/HM Move List
A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Basic Information Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Type : Water / Dark Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Basic Ability 1: Rough Skin 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
Basic Ability 2: Strong Jaw 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 66
Adv Ability 1: Cruelty Payback, 67 Retaliate, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Adv Ability 2: Pack Hunt Substitute, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse
High Ability: Speed Boost
Egg Move List
Evolution: Ancient Power, Brine, Destiny Bond, Double-
1 - Carvanha Edge, Hydro Pump, Swift, Thrash
2 - Sharpedo Minimum 30
Tutor Move List
Size Information Ancient Power, Bounce, Dark Pulse, Dive,
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small) Fury Cutter, Icy Wind, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Weight : 45.9 lbs. / 20.8kg (2) Spite, Super Fang, Swift, Uproar, Water Pulse,
Whirlpool, Zen Headbutt
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 2
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Ocean

Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Rage - Normal
8 Focus Energy - Normal
11 Aqua Jet - Water
15 Assurance - Dark
18 Screech - Normal
22 Swagger - Normal
25 Ice Fang - Ice
29 Scary Face - Normal
30 Slash - Normal
34 Poison Fang - Poison
40 Crunch - Dark
45 Agility - Psychic
51 Skull Bash - Normal
Base Stats: 56 Taunt - Dark
HP: 7 62 Night Slash - Dark
Attack: 12
Defense: 4 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 10 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Special Defense: 4 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 12
Speed: 10 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earth-
Basic Information quake, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb,
Type : Water / Dark 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
Basic Ability 1: Rough Skin 48 Round, 55 Scald, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga
Basic Ability 2: Strong Jaw Impact, 78 Bulldoze, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88
Adv Ability 1: Aqua Bullet Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 97
Adv Ability 2: Bully Dark Pulse
High Ability: Speed Boost
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Ancient Power, Avalanche, Bounce, Brine,
1 - Carvanha Dark Pulse, Dive, Double-Edge, Feint(N), Fury Cut-
2 - Sharpedo Minimum 30 ter, Icy Wind, Mud-Slap, Night Slash (N), Sleep Talk,
Snore, Spite, Super Fang, Swift, Uproar, Water Pulse,
Size Information Whirlpool, Zen Headbutt
Height : 5’ 11” / 1.8m (Medium)
Weight : 195.8 lbs. / 88.8kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 2
Mega Evolution

Type: Unchanged
Diet : Carnivore
Ability: Strong Jaw
Habitat : Freshwater, Ocean
Stats: +2 Atk, +3 Def,

+1 Sp. Atk, +3 Sp. Def,
Capability List
+1 Speed
Overland 2, Swim 9, Jump 4/4, Power 5, Darkvision,
Fountain, Naturewalk (Ocean), Gilled

WINGULL Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 4, Sky 4, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Un-

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Water Gun - Water
5 Supersonic - Normal
8 Wing Attack - Flying
12 Mist - Ice
15 Water Pulse - Water
19 Quick Attack - Normal
22 Air Cutter - Flying
26 Pursuit - Dark
Base Stats: 29 Aerial Ace - Flying
HP: 4 33 Roost - Flying
Attack: 3 36 Agility - Psychic
Defense: 3 40 Air Slash - Flying
Special Attack: 6 43 Hurricane - Flying
Special Defense: 3
Speed: 9 TM/HM Move List
A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Information 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Type : Water / Flying 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Adv Ability 1: Gluttony 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing,
Adv Ability 2: Rain Dish 55 Scald, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90
Adv Ability 3: Lunchbox Substitute
High Ability: Dodge
Egg Move List
Evolution: Agility, Aqua Ring, Brine, Gust, Knock Off,
1 - Wingull Mist, Roost, Soak, Twister, Water Sport, Wide Guard
2 - Pelipper Minimum 25
Tutor Move List
Size Information Air Cutter, Dark Pulse, Defog, Double-Edge,
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Ominous
Weight : 20.9 lbs. / 9.5kg (1) Wind, Pluck, Roost, Shock Wave, Sky Attack, Sleep
Talk, Snatch, Snore, Steel Wing, Swift, Tailwind,
Breeding Information Twister, Uproar
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Flying
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Beach

PELIPPER Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 5, Sky 6, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Un-

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Supersonic - Normal
8 Wing Attack - Flying
12 Mist - Ice
15 Water Pulse - Water
19 Payback - Dark
22 Roost - Flying
25 Protect - Normal
28 Brine - Water
33 Stockpile - Normal
Base Stats: 33 Swallow - Normal
HP: 6 33 Spit Up - Normal
Attack: 5 39 Fling - Dark
Defense: 10 44 Tailwind - Flying
Special Attack: 9 50 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Defense: 7 55 Hurricane - Flying
Speed: 7
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A2 Fly, A3 Surf, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden
Type : Water / Flying Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27
Adv Ability 1: Gluttony Return, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Rain Dish 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
Adv Ability 3: Lunchbox Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 58 Sky Drop,
High Ability: Big Swallow 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute
1 - Wingull Tutor Move List
2 - Pelipper Minimum 25 Air Cutter, Brine, Defog, Double-Edge, Gunk
Shot, Hurricane (N), Hydro Pump (N), Icy Wind,
Size Information Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pluck, Roost,
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium) Seed Bomb, Shock Wave, Sky Attack, Sleep Talk,
Weight : 61.7 lbs. / 28kg (3) Snore, Soak(N), Steel Wing, Swift, Tailwind, Twister,
Uproar, Water Sport(N)
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Flying

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Beach

DUCKLETT Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 4, Sky 4, Jump 2/3, Power 1,
Fountain, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Water Gun - Water
3 Water Sport - Water
6 Defog - Flying
9 Wing Attack - Flying
13 Water Pulse - Water
15 Aerial Ace - Flying
19 Bubble Beam - Water
21 Feather Dance - Flying
24 Aqua Ring - Water
Base Stats: 27 Air Slash - Flying
HP: 6 30 Roost - Flying
Attack: 4 34 Rain Dance - Water
Defense: 5 37 Tailwind - Flying
Special Attack: 4 41 Brave Bird - Flying
Special Defense: 5 46 Hurricane - Flying
Speed: 6
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A2 Fly, A3 Surf, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail,
Type : Water / Flying 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32
Basic Ability 2: Big Pecks Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 1: Adaptability Attract, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 5 Scald, 87 Swag-
Adv Ability 2: Hydration ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
High Ability: Serene Grace
Egg Move List
Evolution: Air Cutter, Brine, Gust, Lucky Chant, Me
1 - Ducklett First, Mirror Move, Mud Sport, Steel Wing
2 - Swanna Minimum 35
Tutor Move List
Size Information Endeavor, Icy Wind, Pluck, Roost, Sleep Talk,
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Snore, Tailwind, Uproar
Weight : 12.1 lbs. / 5.5kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Flying
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Marsh

SWANNA Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 5, Sky 7, Jump 2/3, Power 2,
Fountain, Guster

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Water Sport - Water
6 Defog - Flying
9 Wing Attack - Flying
13 Water Pulse - Water
15 Aerial Ace - Flying
19 Bubble Beam - Water
21 Feather Dance - Flying
24 Aqua Ring - Water
27 Air Slash - Flying
Base Stats: 30 Roost - Flying
HP: 8 34 Rain Dance - Water
Attack: 9 40 Tailwind - Flying
Defense: 6 47 Brave Bird - Flying
Special Attack: 9 55 Hurricane - Flying
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 10 TM/HM Move List
A2 Fly, A3 Surf, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail,
Basic Information 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Type : Water / Flying Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye Return, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
Basic Ability 2: Big Pecks 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 55
Adv Ability 1: Adaptability Scald, 68 Giga Impact, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Adv Ability 2: Hydration Substitute
High Ability: Serene Grace
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Endeavor, Icy Wind, Pluck, Roost, Sky At-
1 - Ducklett tack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Tailwind, Uproar
2 - Swanna Minimum 35

Size Information
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium)
Weight : 53.4 lbs. / 24.2kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Flying

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Marsh

TENTACOOL Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 5, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Gilled,
Fountain, Naturewalk (Ocean), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Poison Sting - Poison
4 Supersonic - Normal
7 Constrict - Normal
10 Acid - Poison
13 Toxic Spikes - Poison
16 Water Pulse - Water
19 Wrap - Normal
22 Acid Spray - Poison
25 Bubble Beam - Water
Base Stats: 28 Barrier - Psychic
HP: 4 31 Poison Jab - Poison
Attack: 4 34 Brine - Water
Defense: 4 37 Screech - Normal
Special Attack: 5 40 Hex - Ghost
Special Defense: 10 43 Sludge Wave - Poison
Speed: 7 46 Hydro Pump - Water
49 Wring Out - Normal
Basic Information
Type : Water / Poison TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Clear Body A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06
Basic Ability 2: Rain Dish Toxic, 07 Hail, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 13
Adv Ability 1: Liquid Ooze Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Adv Ability 2: Poison Touch 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double
High Ability: Illuminate Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade,
44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 66
Evolution: Payback, 75 Swords Dance, 83 Infestation, 84 Poison
1 - Tentacool Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 99 Daz-
2 - Tentacruel Minimum 25 zling Gleam, 100 Confide

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Small) Acupressure, Aqua Ring, Aurora Beam,
Weight : 100.3 lbs. / 45.5kg (3) Bubble, Confuse Ray, Haze, Knock Off, Mirror Coat,
Muddy Water, Rapid Spin, Safeguard, Tickle
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Water 3 Bind, Brine, Dive, Double-Edge, Giga Drain,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Icy Wind, Knock Off, Magic Coat, Role Play, Sleep
Talk, Snore
Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Ocean

TENTACRUEL Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 7, Jump 1/1, Power 6, Gilled,
Fountain, Naturewalk (Ocean), Reach
Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Supersonic - Normal
7 Constrict - Normal
10 Acid - Poison
13 Toxic Spikes - Poison
16 Water Pulse - Water
19 Wrap - Normal
22 Acid Spray - Poison
25 Bubble Beam - Water
28 Barrier - Psychic
32 Poison Jab - Poison
Base Stats: 36 Brine - Water
HP: 8 40 Screech - Normal
Attack: 7 44 Hex - Ghost
Defense: 7 48 Sludge Wave - Poison
Special Attack: 8 52 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Defense: 12 56 Wring Out - Normal
Speed: 10
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06
Type : Water / Poison Toxic, 07 Hail, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 13
Basic Ability 1: Clear Body Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18
Basic Ability 2: Rain Dish Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 27 Return,
Adv Ability 1: Liquid Ooze 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb,
Adv Ability 2: Poison Touch 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 55
High Ability: Illuminate Scald, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 75 Swords Dance,
83 Infestation, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Evolution: Talk, 90 Substitute, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
1 - Tentacool
2 - Tentacruel Minimum 25 Tutor Move List
Bind, Brine, Dive, Double-Edge, Giga Drain,
Size Information Icy Wind, Knock Off, Magic Coat, Reflect Type (N),
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Medium) Role Play, Sleep Talk, Snore, Wring Out (N)
Weight : 121.3 lbs. / 55kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 3

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Darkvision,
Dead Silent, Fountain, Naturewalk (Ocean), Invis-
ibility, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bubble - Water
1 Water Sport - Water
5 Absorb - Grass
9 Night Shade - Ghost
13 Bubble Beam - Water
17 Recover - Normal
22 Water Pulse - Water
Base Stats: 27 Ominous Wind - Ghost
HP: 6 32 Brine - Water
Attack: 4 37 Rain Dance - Water
Defense: 5 43 Hex - Ghost
Special Attack: 7 49 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Defense: 9 55 Wring Out - Normal
Speed: 4 61 Water Spout - Water

Basic Information TM/HM Move List
Type : Water / Ghost A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Basic Ability 1: Water Absorb Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Basic Ability 2: Cursed Body Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21
Adv Ability 1: Damp Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
Adv Ability 2: Liquid Ooze 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb,
High Ability: Pressure 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy
Ball, 55 Scald, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 70 Flash, 77 Psych
Evolution: Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
1 - Frillish Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 97 Dark Pulse, 99 Daz-
2 - Jellicent Minimum 35 zling Gleam

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium) Acid Armor, Confuse Ray, Constrict, Mist,
Weight : 72.8 lbs. / 33kg (3) Pain Split, Recover

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Bind, Dark Pulse, Giga Drain, Icy Wind,
Egg Group : Indeterminate Magic Coat, Pain Split, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Trick
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Ocean

JELLICENT Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 6, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Darkvision,
Dead Silent, Fountain, Naturewalk (Ocean), Invis-

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Absorb - Grass
9 Night Shade - Ghost
13 Bubble Beam - Water
17 Recover - Normal
22 Water Pulse - Water
27 Ominous Wind - Ghost
32 Brine - Water
37 Rain Dance - Water
Base Stats: 45 Hex - Ghost
HP: 10 53 Hydro Pump - Water
Attack: 6 61 Wring Out - Normal
Defense: 7 69 Water Spout - Water
Special Attack: 9
Special Defense: 11 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 6 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Basic Information Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Type : Water / Ghost 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
Basic Ability 1: Water Absorb 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave,
Basic Ability 2: Cursed Body 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Adv Ability 1: Damp Round, 53 Energy Ball, 55 Scald, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 68
Adv Ability 2: Liquid Ooze Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater,
High Ability: Pressure 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick
Room, 97 Dark Pulse, 99 Dazzling Gleam
1 - Frillish Tutor Move List
2 - Jellicent Minimum 35 Bind, Dark Pulse, Giga Drain, Icy Wind,
Magic Coat, Pain Split, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Trick,
Size Information Water Spout (N), Wring Out (N)
Height : 7’ 3” / 2.2m (Large)
Weight : 297.6 lbs. / 135kg (5)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Indeterminate

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Ocean

SHELLDER Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 3, Jump 0/0, Power 1, Gilled,
Fountain, Naturewalk (Ocean), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6+1, Acro 1d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
4 Withdraw - Water
8 Supersonic - Normal
13 Icicle Spear - Ice
16 Protect - Normal
20 Leer - Normal
25 Clamp - Water
28 Ice Shard - Ice
32 Razor Shell - Water
Base Stats: 37 Aurora Beam - Ice
HP: 3 40 Whirlpool - Water
Attack: 7 44 Brine - Water
Defense: 10 49 Iron Defense - Steel
Special Attack: 5 52 Ice Beam - Ice
Special Defense: 3 56 Shell Smash - Normal
Speed: 4 61 Hydro Pump - Water

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Water A3 Surf, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hid-
Basic Ability 1: Shell Armor den Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18
Basic Ability 2: Overcoat Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double
Adv Ability 1: Shell Shield Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 64
Adv Ability 2: Wonder Skin Explosion, 66 Payback, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
High Ability: Skill Link Substitute

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Shellder Aqua Ring, Avalanche, Barrier, Bubble Beam,
2 - Cloyster Water Stone Icicle Spear, Mud Shot, Rapid Spin, Rock Blast,
Screech, Take Down, Twineedle, Water Pulse
Size Information
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 8.8 lbs. / 4kg (1) Dive, Double-Edge, Icy Wind, Iron Defense,
Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 3
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

CLOYSTER Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 5, Jump 0/0, Power 4, Fountain,
Freezer, Naturewalk (Ocean), Gilled

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 1d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 1d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
13 Spike Cannon - Normal
28 Spikes - Ground
52 Icicle Crash - Ice

TM/HM Move List

A3 Surf, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hid-
den Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam,
17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return,
32 Double Team, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Base Stats: Attract, 48 Round, 64 Explosion, 66 Payback, 68 Giga
HP: 5 Impact, 79 Frost Breath, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger,
Attack: 10 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
Defense: 18
Special Attack: 9 Tutor Move List
Special Defense: 5 Aurora Beam(N), Avalanche, Brine, Dive,
Speed: 7 Double-Edge, Hydro Pump (N), Icy Wind, Iron
Defense, Protect(N), Shell Smash (N), Signal Beam,
Basic Information Sleep Talk, Snore, Supersonic(N), Swift, Toxic
Type : Water / Ice Spikes(N), Water Pulse, Withdraw(N)
Basic Ability 1: Shell Armor
Basic Ability 2: Overcoat
Adv Ability 1: Shell Shield
Adv Ability 2: Wonder Skin
High Ability: Skill Link

1 - Shellder
2 - Cloyster Water Stone

Size Information
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium)
Weight : 292.1 lbs. / 132.5kg (5)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 3

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Arctic, Ocean

KRABBY Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Burrow 1, Jump 1/1, Power 3,
Gilled, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bubble - Water
1 Mud Sport - Ground
5 Vice Grip - Normal
9 Leer - Normal
11 Harden - Normal
15 Bubble Beam - Water
19 Mud Shot - Ground
21 Metal Claw - Steel
25 Stomp - Normal
Base Stats: 29 Protect - Normal
HP: 3 31 Guillotine - Normal
Attack: 11 35 Slam - Normal
Defense: 9 39 Brine - Water
Special Attack: 3 41 Crabhammer - Water
Special Defense: 3 45 Flail - Normal
Speed: 5
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A6 Dive, 01
Type : Water Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13
Basic Ability 1: Hyper Cutter Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Basic Ability 2: Shell Armor Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32
Adv Ability 1: Parry Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 2: Sheer Force Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 54 False Swipe, 55 Scald,
High Ability: Dodge 56 Fling, 75 Swords Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scis-
sor, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
Evolution: Smash
1 - Krabby
2 - Kingler Minimum 25 Egg Move List
Agility, Ally Switch, Amnesia, Ancient Power,
Size Information Bide, Chip Away, Dig, Endure, Flail, Haze, Knock
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Off, Slam, Swords Dance, Tickle
Weight : 14.3 lbs. / 6.5kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Ancient Power, Body Slam, Dive,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Double-Edge, Fury Cutter, Icy Wind, Iron Defense,
Egg Group : Water 3 Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Water Pulse

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Beach

KINGLER Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Burrow 1, Jump 1/1, Power 6,

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Vice Grip - Normal
9 Leer - Normal
11 Harden - Normal
15 Bubble Beam - Water
19 Mud Shot - Ground
21 Metal Claw - Steel
25 Stomp - Normal
32 Protect - Normal
37 Guillotine - Normal
Base Stats: 44 Slam - Normal
HP: 6 51 Brine - Water
Attack: 13 56 Crabhammer - Water
Defense: 12 63 Flail - Normal
Special Attack: 5
Special Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 8 A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A6 Dive, 01
Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13
Basic Information Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Type : Water 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31
Basic Ability 1: Hyper Cutter Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Fa-
Basic Ability 2: Shell Armor cade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 54 False
Adv Ability 1: Parry Swipe, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 60 Quash, 68 Giga Impact,
Adv Ability 2: Sheer Force 75 Swords Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 87
High Ability: Hustle Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash

1 - Krabby Tutor Move List
2 - Kingler Minimum 25 Ancient Power, Body Slam, Dive,
Double-Edge, Fury Cutter, Icy Wind, Iron Defense,
Size Information Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower,
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium) Water Pulse, Wide Guard(N)
Weight : 132.3 lbs. / 60kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 3

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Beach

CORPHISH Capability List
Overland 4, Burrow 1, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 2,
Gilled, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bubble - Water
5 Harden - Normal
7 Vice Grip - Normal
10 Leer - Normal
14 Bubble Beam - Water
17 Protect - Normal
20 Double Hit - Normal
23 Knock Off - Dark
26 Night Slash - Dark
Base Stats: 31 Razor Shell - Water
HP: 4 34 Taunt - Dark
Attack: 8 37 Swords Dance - Normal
Defense: 7 39 Crunch - Dark
Special Attack: 5 43 Crabhammer - Water
Special Defense: 4 48 Guillotine - Normal
Speed: 4
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall,
Type : Water 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Ability 1: Hyper Cutter 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18
Basic Ability 2: Shell Armor Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31
Adv Ability 1: Parry Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 39
Adv Ability 2: Torrent Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
High Ability: Bully Attract, 48 Round, 54 False Swipe, 55 Scald, 56 Fling,
66 Payback, 75 Swords Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-
Evolution: Scissor, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
1 - Corphish Rock Smash
2 - Crawdaunt Minimum 30
Egg Move List
Size Information Ancient Power, Aqua Jet, Body Slam, Chip
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Away, Double-Edge, Dragon Dance, Endeavor,
Weight : 25.4 lbs. / 11.5kg (2) Knock Off, Metal Claw, Mud Sport, Superpower,
Switcheroo, Trump Card
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Water 1 / Water 3 Ancient Power, Counter, Double-Edge,
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days Endeavor, Fury Cutter, Icy Wind, Iron Defense,
Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite,
Diet : Carnivore Superpower, Water Pulse, Whirlpool
Habitat : Marsh, Ocean

CRAWDAUNT Capability List
Overland 6, Burrow 1, Swim 5, Jump 1/1, Power 5,
Darkvision, Gilled

Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Harden - Normal
7 Vice Grip - Normal
10 Leer - Normal
14 Bubble Beam - Water
17 Protect - Normal
20 Double Hit - Normal
23 Knock Off - Dark
26 Night Slash - Dark
30 Swift - Normal
Base Stats: 32 Razor Shell - Water
HP: 6 36 Taunt - Dark
Attack: 12 40 Swords Dance - Normal
Defense: 9 43 Crunch - Dark
Special Attack: 9 48 Crabhammer - Water
Special Defense: 6 54 Guillotine - Normal
Speed: 6
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall,
Type : Water / Dark A6 Dive, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hid-
Basic Ability 1: Hyper Cutter den Power, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15
Basic Ability 2: Shell Armor Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Adv Ability 1: Parry tion, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Adv Ability 2: Adaptability Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 39 Rock
High Ability: Bully Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
48 Round, 54 False Swipe, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 66
Evolution: Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 75 Swords
1 - Corphish Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 87 Swagger, 88
2 - Crawdaunt Minimum 30 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 96
Nature Power, 97 Dark Pulse
Size Information
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 72.3 lbs. / 32.8kg (3) Ancient Power, Avalanche, Body Slam,
Counter, Dark Pulse, Dive, Double-Edge, Endeavor,
Breeding Information Fury Cutter, Guillotine (N), Icy Wind, Iron Defense,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Super-
Egg Group : Water 1 / Water 3 power, Swift, Water Pulse, Whirlpool

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Marsh, Ocean

STARYU Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 3, Sky 4, Jump 2/4, Power 2,
Fountain, Gilled, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6, Percep
3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Harden - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
4 Water Gun - Water
7 Rapid Spin - Normal
10 Recover - Normal
13 Psywave - Psychic
16 Swift - Normal
18 Bubble Beam - Water
22 Camouflage - Normal
Base Stats: 24 Gyro Ball - Steel
HP: 3 28 Brine - Water
Attack: 5 31 Minimize - Normal
Defense: 6 35 Reflect Type - Normal
Special Attack: 7 37 Power Gem - Rock
Special Defense: 6 40 Confuse Ray - Ghost
Speed: 9 42 Psychic - Psychic
46 Light Screen - Psychic
Basic Information 49 Cosmic Power - Psychic
Type : Water 53 Hydro Pump - Water
Basic Ability 1: Natural Cure
Basic Ability 2: Illuminate TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 1: Analytic A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Adv Ability 2: Starswirl Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 16
High Ability: Defy Death Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
tion, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psy-
Evolution: chic, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
1 - Staryu 48 Round, 55 Scald, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 74
2 - Starmie Water Stone Minimum 20 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100
Size Information Confide
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small)
Weight : 76.1 lbs. / 34.5kg (3) Tutor Move List
Brine, Dive, Double-Edge, Gravity, Icy Wind,
Breeding Information Magic Coat, Pain Split, Recycle, Role Play, Signal
Gender Ratio : Hermaphrodite Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Twister, Water Pulse
Egg Group : Water 3
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

STARMIE Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 6, Sky 6, Jump 2/3, Power 3,
Fountain, Gilled

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6, Percep
4d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Water Gun - Water
7 Rapid Spin - Normal
10 Recover - Normal
13 Psywave - Psychic
16 Swift - Normal
18 Bubble Beam - Water
22 Camouflage - Normal
24 Gyro Ball - Steel
28 Brine - Water
Base Stats: 31 Minimize - Normal
HP: 6 35 Reflect Type - Normal
Attack: 8 37 Power Gem - Rock
Defense: 9 40 Confuse Ray - Ghost
Special Attack: 10 42 Psychic - Psychic
Special Defense: 9 46 Light Screen - Psychic
Speed: 12 49 Cosmic Power - Psychic
53 Hydro Pump - Water
Basic Information
Type : Water / Psychic TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Natural Cure A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 03 Psyshock,
Basic Ability 2: Illuminate 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Adv Ability 1: Analytic Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Pro-
Adv Ability 2: Starswirl tect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt,
High Ability: Defy Death 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 32 Double Team,
33 Reflect, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 55 Scald,
Evolution: 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 74 Gyro
1 - Staryu Ball, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87
2 - Starmie Water Stone Minimum 20 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Can-
non, 92 Trick Room, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Con-
Size Information fide
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium)
Weight : 176.4 lbs. / 80kg (4) Tutor Move List
Avalanche, Brine, Dive, Double-Edge,
Breeding Information Gravity, Hydro Pump (N), Icy Wind, Magic Coat,
Gender Ratio : Hermaphrodite Pain Split, Rapid Spin(N), Recover(N), Recycle, Role
Egg Group : Water 3 Play, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Swift(N), Trick, Twister, Water Gun(N), Water Pulse,
Diet : Herbivore Wonder Room
Habitat : Ocean

PSYDUCK Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 4, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Wetlands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 1d6, Percep
1d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
1 Water Sport - Water
4 Tail Whip - Normal
8 Water Gun - Water
11 Confusion - Psychic
15 Fury Swipes - Normal
18 Water Pulse - Water
22 Disable - Normal
25 Screech - Normal
Base Stats: 29 Aqua Tail - Water
HP: 5 32 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
Attack: 5 36 Soak - Water
Defense: 5 39 Psych Up - Normal
Special Attack: 7 43 Amnesia - Psychic
Special Defense: 5 46 Hydro Pump - Water
Speed: 6 50 Wonder Room - Psychic

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Water A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Basic Ability 1: Cloud Nine 01 Hone Claws, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Tox-
Basic Ability 2: Damp ic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Bliz-
Adv Ability 1: Mind Mold zard, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Adv Ability 2: Swift Swim Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29 Psychic, 31 Brick
High Ability: Migraine Break, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 65
Evolution: Shadow Claw, 70 Flash, 77 Psych Up, 87 Swagger, 88
1 - Psyduck Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-
2 - Golduck Minimum 30 Up Punch, 100 Confide

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small) Clear Smog, Confuse Ray, Cross Chop, En-
Weight : 43.2 lbs. / 19.6kg (2) core, Foresight, Future Sight, Hypnosis, Light Screen,
Mud Bomb, Psybeam, Psychic, Refresh, Secret Power,
Breeding Information Simple Beam, Sleep Talk, Synchronoise, Yawn
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Field Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Aqua Tail, Body Slam, Brine, Counter, Dive,
Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Focus Punch, Ice
Diet : Herbivore Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Low Kick, Magic Coat,
Habitat : Freshwater Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Role Play,
Seismic Toss, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift,
Telekinesis, Wonder Room, Worry Seed, Zen Head-

GOLDUCK Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 6, Jump 2/2, Power 5, Telepath,
Telekinetic, Naturewalk (Wetlands)

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
3d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Tail Whip - Normal
8 Water Gun - Water
11 Confusion - Psychic
15 Fury Swipes - Normal
18 Water Pulse - Water
22 Disable - Normal
25 Screech - Normal
29 Aqua Tail - Water
32 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
Base Stats: 38 Soak - Water
HP: 8 43 Psych Up - Normal
Attack: 8 49 Amnesia - Psychic
Defense: 8 54 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Attack: 10 60 Wonder Room - Psychic
Special Defense: 8
Speed: 9 TM/HM Move List
A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Basic Information 01 Hone Claws, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06
Type : Water Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Basic Ability 1: Cloud Nine Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Pro-
Basic Ability 2: Damp tect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28
Adv Ability 1: Hydration Dig, 29 Psychic, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 40
Adv Ability 2: Swift Swim Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low
High Ability: Vanguard Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 55 Scald, 56 Fling,
65 Shadow Claw, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 77 Psych
Up, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
Evolution: Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Psyduck
2 - Golduck Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
Aqua Jet(N), Aqua Tail, Body Slam, Brine,
Size Information Counter, Dive, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Focus
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Medium) Punch, Fury Cutter, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail,
Weight : 168.9 lbs. / 76.6kg (4) Low Kick, Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mega Punch,
Mud-Slap, Role Play, Seismic Toss, Signal Beam,
Breeding Information Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Telekinesis, Water Sport(N),
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Wonder Room, Worry Seed, Zen Headbutt
Egg Group : Water 1 / Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Beach, Freshwater

WOOPER Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 4, Jump 3/3, Power 1, Fountain,
Gilled, Naturewalk (Wetlands), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tail Whip - Normal
1 Water Gun - Water
5 Mud Sport - Ground
9 Mud Shot - Ground
15 Slam - Normal
19 Mud Bomb - Ground
23 Amnesia - Psychic
29 Yawn - Normal
33 Earthquake - Ground
Base Stats: 37 Rain Dance - Water
HP: 6 43 Haze - Ice
Attack: 5 43 Mist - Ice
Defense: 5 47 Muddy Water - Water
Special Attack: 3
Special Defense: 3 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 2 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17
Basic Information Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Type : Water / Ground 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team,
Basic Ability 1: Poison Point 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm, 42
Basic Ability 2: Water Absorb Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 70
Adv Ability 1: Damp Flash, 78 Bulldoze, 83 Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88
Adv Ability 2: Rain Dish Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-
High Ability: Unaware Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Wooper Acid Spray, After You, Ancient Power, Body
2 - Quagsire Minimum 20 Slam, Counter, Curse, Double Kick, Eerie Impulse,
Encore, Guard Swap, Mud Sport, Recover, Safeguard,
Size Information Sleep Talk, Spit Up, Spit Up, Stockpile, Swallow
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small)
Weight : 18.7 lbs. / 8.5kg (1) Tutor Move List
After You, Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Defense
Breeding Information Curl, Dive, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Earth
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Power, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap,
Egg Group : Water 1 / Field Rollout, Sleep Talk, Snore, Water Pulse
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Marsh

Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 3d6+1, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tail Whip - Normal
1 Water Gun - Water
5 Mud Sport - Ground
9 Mud Shot - Ground
15 Slam - Normal
19 Mud Bomb - Ground
24 Amnesia - Psychic
31 Yawn - Normal
36 Earthquake - Ground
41 Rain Dance - Water
48 Haze - Ice
48 Mist - Ice
53 Muddy Water - Water
Base Stats:
HP: 10 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 9 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Defense: 9 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam,
Special Attack: 7 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Special Defense: 7 Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake,
Speed: 4 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm, 39
Basic Information Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
Type : Water / Ground 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 68 Giga
Basic Ability 1: Poison Point Impact, 70 Flash, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80
Basic Ability 2: Water Absorb Rock Slide, 83 Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Adv Ability 1: Damp 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch,
Adv Ability 2: Rain Dish 100 Confide
High Ability: Unaware
Tutor Move List
Evolution: After You, Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Body
1 - Wooper Slam, Counter, Defense Curl, Dive, Double-Edge,
2 - Quagsire Minimum 20 Dynamic Punch, Earth Power, Focus Punch, Ice
Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Mega Kick, Mega Punch,
Size Information Mud-Slap, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium) Water Pulse
Weight : 165.3 lbs. / 75kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 5, Jump 3/3, Power 3, Fountain,
Gilled, Naturewalk (Wetlands)

SEEL Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 5, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Ocean, Tundra), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Headbutt - Normal
3 Growl - Normal
7 Water Sport - Water
11 Icy Wind - Ice
13 Encore - Normal
17 Ice Shard - Ice
21 Rest - Psychic
23 Aqua Ring - Water
27 Aurora Beam - Ice
Base Stats: 31 Aqua Jet - Water
HP: 7 33 Brine - Water
Attack: 5 37 Take Down - Normal
Defense: 6 41 Dive - Water
Special Attack: 5 43 Aqua Tail - Water
Special Defense: 7 47 Ice Beam - Ice
Speed: 5 51 Safeguard - Normal
53 Hail - Ice
Basic Information
Type : Water TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Thick Fat A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Basic Ability 2: Winter’s Kiss Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17
Adv Ability 1: Ice Body Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustra-
Adv Ability 2: Hydration tion, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
High Ability: Frostbite 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 56
Fling, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
1 - Seel Egg Move List
2 - Dewgong Minimum 30 Belch, Disable, Encore, Entrainment, Fake
Out, Horn Drill, Icicle Spear, Lick, Perish Song,
Size Information Signal Beam, Slam, Sleep Talk, Spit Up, Stockpile,
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Swallow, Water Pulse
Weight : 198.4 lbs. / 90kg (4)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Aqua Tail, Body Slam, Dive, Double-Edge,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Drill Run, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Signal Beam, Sleep
Egg Group : Water 1 / Field Talk, Snore
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Arctic, Ocean

DEWGONG Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 1d6+1,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Growl - Normal
7 Signal Beam - Bug
11 Icy Wind - Ice
13 Encore - Normal
17 Ice Shard - Ice
21 Rest - Psychic
23 Aqua Ring - Water
27 Aurora Beam - Ice
31 Aqua Jet - Water
33 Brine - Water
34 Sheer Cold - Ice
39 Take Down - Normal
45 Dive - Water
Base Stats: 49 Aqua Tail - Water
HP: 9 55 Ice Beam - Ice
Attack: 7 61 Safeguard - Normal
Defense: 8 65 Hail - Ice
Special Attack: 7
Special Defense: 10 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 7 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15
Basic Information Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safe-
Type : Water / Ice guard, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Basic Ability 1: Thick Fat 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round,
Basic Ability 2: Winter’s Kiss 49 Echoed Voice, 56 Fling, 68 Giga Impact, 79 Frost
Adv Ability 1: Ice Body Breath, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
Adv Ability 2: Hydration
High Ability: Frostbite Tutor Move List
Aqua Tail, Avalanche, Body Slam, Dive,
Evolution: Double-Edge, Drill Run, Icy Wind(N), Iron Tail,
1 - Seel Signal Beam(N), Sleep Talk, Snore, Water Pulse
2 - Dewgong Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Medium)
Weight : 264.6 lbs. / 120kg (5)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Field

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Arctic, Ocean

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 7, Jump 1/1, Power 5, Freezer,
Naturewalk (Ocean, Tundra)

SHELLOS Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 4, Jump 1/0, Power 1, Amor-
phous, Gilled, Wallclimber, Naturewalk (Wetlands),

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Mud-Slap - Ground
2 Mud Sport - Ground
4 Harden - Normal
7 Water Pulse - Water
11 Mud Bomb - Ground
16 Hidden Power - Normal
22 Rain Dance - Water
29 Body Slam - Normal
Base Stats: 37 Muddy Water - Water
HP: 8 46 Recover - Normal
Attack: 5
Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 6 A3 Surf, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hid-
Special Defense: 6 den Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18
Speed: 3 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double
Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 55
Basic Information Scald, 83 Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Type : Water Substitute
Basic Ability 1: Sticky Hold
Basic Ability 2: Storm Drain Egg Move List
Adv Ability 1: Life Force Acid Armor, Amnesia, Brine, Clear Smog,
Adv Ability 2: Sand Force Counter, Curse, Fissure, Memento, Mirror Coat,
High Ability: Defy Death Mist, Sludge, Spit Up, Stockpile, Swallow, Trump
Card, Yawn
1 - Shellos Tutor Move List
2 - Gastrodon Minimum 30 Ancient Power, Dive, Earth Power, Icy Wind,
Pain Split, Sleep Talk, Snore, String Shot
Size Information
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small)
Weight : 13.9 lbs. / 6.3kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Indeterminate
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Beach, Ocean

GASTRODON Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 6, Jump 1/0, Power 3, Amor-
phous, Gilled, Wallclimber, Naturewalk (Wetlands)
Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
2 Mud Sport - Ground
4 Harden - Normal
7 Water Pulse - Water
11 Mud Bomb - Ground
16 Hidden Power - Normal
22 Rain Dance - Water
29 Body Slam - Normal
41 Muddy Water - Water
54 Recover - Normal

Base Stats: TM/HM Move List

HP: 11 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Attack: 8 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Defense: 7 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Special Attack: 9 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Special Defense: 8 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb,
Speed: 4 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
45 Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 68 Giga Impact, 70
Basic Information Flash, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 83
Type : Water / Ground Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
Basic Ability 1: Sticky Hold 94 Rock Smash
Basic Ability 2: Storm Drain
Adv Ability 1: Life Force Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 2: Sand Force Ancient Power, Block, Brine, Dive, Earth
High Ability: Defy Death Power, Icy Wind, Mud-Slap, Pain Split, Sleep Talk,
Snore, String Shot, Whirlpool
1 - Shellos
2 - Gastrodon Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Medium)
Weight : 65.9 lbs. / 29.9kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Indeterminate

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Beach, Ocean

BUIZEL Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 5, Jump 2/2, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Ocean, Wetlands), Fountain, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Sonic Boom - Normal
4 Growl - Normal
7 Water Sport - Water
11 Quick Attack - Normal
15 Water Gun - Water
18 Pursuit - Dark
21 Swift - Normal
24 Aqua Jet - Water
27 Double Hit - Normal
Base Stats: 31 Whirlpool - Water
HP: 6 35 Razor Wind - Normal
Attack: 7 38 Aqua Tail - Water
Defense: 4 41 Agility - Psychic
Special Attack: 6 45 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Defense: 3
Speed: 9 TM/HM Move List
A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Basic Information 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 13
Type : Water Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Basic Ability 1: Vanguard 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break,
Basic Ability 2: Swift Swim 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Adv Ability 1: Speed Boost 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 55 Scald, 87
Adv Ability 2: Water Veil Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
High Ability: Maelstrom Pulse 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Buizel Aqua Ring, Aqua Tail, Baton Pass,
2 - Floatzel Minimum 25 Double Slap, Fury Cutter, Fury Swipes, Headbutt, Me
First, Mud-Slap, Odor Sleuth, Slash, Soak, Switch-
Size Information eroo, Tail Slap
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small)
Weight : 65 lbs. / 29.5kg (3) Tutor Move List
Aqua Tail, Brine, Dive, Focus Punch, Ice
Breeding Information Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Snore, Swift, Water Pulse
Egg Group : Water 1 / Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Grassland

Athl 4d6+1, Acro 5d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6+2,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Growl - Normal
7 Water Sport - Water
11 Quick Attack - Normal
15 Water Gun - Water
18 Pursuit - Dark
21 Swift - Normal
24 Aqua Jet - Water
29 Double Hit - Normal
35 Whirlpool - Water
41 Razor Wind - Normal
46 Aqua Tail - Water
51 Agility - Psychic
57 Hydro Pump - Water
Base Stats:
HP: 9 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 11 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Defense: 6 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden
Special Attack: 9 Power, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper
Special Defense: 5 Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Speed: 12 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Information Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 52 Focus Blast,
Type : Water 55 Scald, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 87 Swagger, 88
Basic Ability 1: Vanguard Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-
Basic Ability 2: Swift Swim Up Punch, 100 Confide
Adv Ability 1: Speed Boost
Adv Ability 2: Water Veil Tutor Move List
High Ability: Maelstrom Pulse Aqua Tail, Brine, Crunch, Dive, Focus Punch,
Ice Fang(N), Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Low
Evolution: Kick, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Water Pulse
1 - Buizel
2 - Floatzel Minimum 25

Size Information
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium)
Weight : 73.9 lbs. / 33.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 6, Jump 3/3, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Ocean, Wetlands), Fountain

REMORAID Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 6, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Gilled, Na-
turewalk (Ocean), Fountain, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
3d6+2, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Water Gun - Water
6 Lock-On - Normal
10 Psybeam - Psychic
14 Aurora Beam - Ice
18 Bubble Beam - Water
22 Focus Energy - Normal
26 Water Pulse - Water
30 Signal Beam - Bug
34 Ice Beam - Ice
Base Stats: 38 Bullet Seed - Grass
HP: 4 42 Hydro Pump - Water
Attack: 7 46 Hyper Beam - Normal
Defense: 4 50 Soak - Water
Special Attack: 7
Special Defense: 4 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 7 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 10
Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Bliz-
Basic Information zard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Type : Water Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
Basic Ability 1: Hustle 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 42
Basic Ability 2: Sniper Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 55
Adv Ability 1: Beam Cannon Scald, 57 Charge Beam, 59 Incinerate, 73 Thunder
Adv Ability 2: Targeting System Wave, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
High Ability: Moody
Egg Move List
Evolution: Acid Spray, Aurora Beam, Entrainment, Flail,
1 - Remoraid Haze, Mud Shot, Octazooka, Rock Blast, Screech,
2 - Octillery Minimum 25 Snore, Supersonic, Swift, Water Pulse, Water Spout,
Thunder Wave
Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 26.5 lbs. / 12kg (2) Bounce, Brine, Defense Curl, Double-Edge,
Dive, Gunk Shot, Icy Wind, Mud-Slap, Seed Bomb,
Breeding Information Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, String Shot, Swift
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Water 2
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Constrict - Normal
10 Psybeam - Psychic
14 Aurora Beam - Ice
18 Bubble Beam - Water
22 Focus Energy - Normal
25 Octazooka - Water
28 Wring Out - Normal
34 Signal Beam - Bug
40 Ice Beam - Ice
46 Bullet Seed - Grass
52 Hydro Pump - Water
58 Hyper Beam - Normal
Base Stats: 64 Soak - Water
HP: 8
Attack: 11 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 8 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 10
Special Attack: 11 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Bliz-
Special Defense: 8 zard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Speed: 5 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 35 Flamethrower,
Basic Information 36 Sludge Bomb, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Type : Water Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 55 Scald,
Basic Ability 1: Suction Cups 57 Charge Beam, 59 Incinerate, 66 Payback, 68 Giga
Basic Ability 2: Sniper Impact, 73 Thunder Wave, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Adv Ability 1: Beam Cannon 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon
Adv Ability 2: Targeting System
High Ability: Moody Tutor Move List
Aurora Beam, Bind, Bounce, Brine, Defense
Evolution: Curl, Double-Edge, Dive, Gunk Shot(N), Icy Wind,
1 - Remoraid Mud-Slap, Rock Blast(N), Seismic Toss, Seed Bomb,
2 - Octillery Minimum 25 Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, String Shot, Swift,
Water Pulse
Size Information
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Small)
Weight : 62.8 lbs. / 28.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Water 2

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 6, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Amor-
phous, Naturewalk (Ocean), Fountain, Gilled
MANTYKE Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 5, Jump 2/1, Power 2, Gilled, Na-
turewalk (Ocean), Fountain, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
2d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bubble - Water
1 Tackle - Normal
3 Supersonic - Normal
7 Bubble Beam - Water
11 Confuse Ray - Ghost
14 Wing Attack - Flying
16 Headbutt - Normal
19 Water Pulse - Water
23 Wide Guard - Rock
Base Stats: 27 Take Down - Normal
HP: 5 32 Agility - Psychic
Attack: 2 36 Air Slash - Flying
Defense: 5 39 Aqua Ring - Water
Special Attack: 6 46 Bounce - Flying
Special Defense: 12 49 Hydro Pump - Water
Speed: 5
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Type : Water / Flying Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17
Basic Ability 1: Water Absorb Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earth-
Basic Ability 2: Wonder Skin quake, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42
Adv Ability 1: Serene Grace Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 62
Adv Ability 2: Swift Swim Acrobatics, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger,
High Ability: Water Veil 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Mantyke Amnesia, Haze, Hydro Pump, Mirror Coat,
2 - Mantine, interact wiht a Remoraid, Min. 10 Mud Sport, Rock Slide, Signal Beam, Slam, Splash,
Tailwind, Twister, Water Sport, Wide Guard
Size Information
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 143.3 lbs. / 65kg (4) Air Cutter, Bounce, Dive, Helping Hand, Icy
Wind, Mud-Slap, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Breeding Information Swift, Whirlpool
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

MANTINE Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
3d6+1, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Supersonic - Normal
7 Bubble Beam - Water
11 Confuse Ray - Ghost
14 Wing Attack - Flying
16 Headbutt - Normal
19 Water Pulse - Water
23 Wide Guard - Rock
27 Take Down - Normal
32 Agility - Psychic
36 Air Slash - Flying
39 Aqua Ring - Water
46 Bounce - Flying
49 Hydro Pump - Water
Base Stats:
HP: 7 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 4 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Defense: 7 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15
Special Attack: 8 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Special Defense: 14 tion, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 39
Speed: 7 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 62 Acrobatics, 68 Giga
Basic Information Impact, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88
Type : Water / Flying Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
Basic Ability 1: Water Absorb
Basic Ability 2: Wonder Skin Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 1: Serene Grace Air Cutter, Aqua Tail, Body Slam, Bounce,
Adv Ability 2: Swift Swim Brine, Bullet Seed(N), Dive, Double-Edge, Gunk
High Ability: Water Veil Shot, Helping Hand, Icy Wind, Iron Head, Mud-Slap,
Psybeam(N), Seed Bomb, Signal Beam(N), Sleep
Evolution: Talk, Snore, String Shot, Swift, Tailwind
1 - Mantyke
2 - Mantine, interact wiht a Remoraid, Min. 10

Size Information
Height : 6’ 11” / 2.1m (Large)
Weight : 485 lbs. / 220kg (6)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 8, Sky 8, Jump 3/3, Power 5,
Gilled, Naturewalk (Ocean), Fountain, Mountable 1

MAGIKARP Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 5, Jump 3/3, Power 1, Gilled, Na-
turewalk (Ocean), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
1d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Splash - Normal
15 Tackle - Normal
30 Flail - Normal

Tutor Move List

Base Stats:
HP: 2
Attack: 1
Defense: 6
Special Attack: 2
Special Defense: 2
Speed: 8

Basic Information
Type : Water
Basic Ability 1: Bulletproof
Basic Ability 2: Simple
Adv Ability 1: Decoy
Adv Ability 2: Swift Swim
High Ability: Rattled

1 - Magikarp
2 - Gyarados Minimum 20

Size Information
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Small)
Weight : 22 lbs. / 10kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 2 / Dragon
Average Hatch Rate: 2 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Ocean

Athl 6d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
20 Bite - Dark
23 Dragon Rage - Dragon
26 Leer - Normal
29 Twister - Dragon
32 Ice Fang - Ice
35 Aqua Tail - Water
38 Rain Dance - Water
41 Crunch - Dark
44 Hydro Pump - Water
47 Dragon Dance - Dragon
50 Hyper Beam - Normal

TM/HM Move List

Base Stats: A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
HP: 10 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 12
Attack: 13 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Defense: 8 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thun-
Special Attack: 6 derbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 32
Special Defense: 10 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38
Speed: 8 Fire Blast, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
48 Round, 55 Scald, 59 Incinerate, 66 Payback, 68
Basic Information Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 73 Thunder Wave, 78
Type : Water / Flying Bulldoze, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Basic Ability 1: Intimidate 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 97 Dark Pulse
Basic Ability 2: Frighten
Adv Ability 1: Steadfast Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 2: Swift Swim Aqua Tail, Avalanche, Body Slam, Bounce,
High Ability: Moxie Brine, Dark Pulse, Dive, Double-Edge, Dragon Pulse,
Icy Wind, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Outrage, Sleep Talk,
Evolution: Snore, Spite, Thrash(N), Twister, Uproar, Water Pulse
1 - Magikarp
2 - Gyarados Minimum 20

Size Information
Height : 21’ 4” / 6.5m (Huge)
Weight : 518.1 lbs. / 235kg (6)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 2 / Dragon
Mega Evolution
Diet : Carnivore Type: Water/Dark
Habitat : Freshwater, Ocean Ability: Mold Breaker

Capability List Stats: +3 Atk, +3 Def,
Overland 5, Swim 6, Jump 4/4, Power 13, Gilled, +1 Sp. Atk, +3 Sp. Def
Naturewalk (Ocean), Fountain, Reach, Mountable 4

FEEBAS Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 5, Jump 4/4, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Ocean), Fountain, Gilled, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
1d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Splash - Normal
15 Tackle - Normal
30 Flail - Normal

TM/HM Move List

A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 16
Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
tion, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Base Stats: 45 Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
HP: 2 Talk, 90 Substitute
Attack: 2
Defense: 2 Egg Move List
Special Attack: 1 Brine, Captivate, Confuse Ray, Dragon Pulse,
Special Defense: 6 Dragon Breath, Haze, Hypnosis, Iron Tail, Light
Speed: 8 Screen, Mirror Coat, Mist, Mud Sport, Tickle

Basic Information Tutor Move List
Type : Water Dive, Double-Edge, Dragon Pulse, Icy Wind,
Basic Ability 1: Ugly Iron Tail, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Water Pulse,
Basic Ability 2: Swift Swim Whirlpool
Adv Ability 1: Torrent
Adv Ability 2: Klutz
High Ability: Simple

1 - Feebas
2 - Milotic Beauty 6 Beauty Dice or Prism Scale
Minimum 20

Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 16.3 lbs. / 7.4kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Dragon
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater

MILOTIC Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 6, Jump 4/4, Power 8, Gilled, Na-
turewalk (Ocean), Fountain, Mountable 4

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 4d6, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Water Sport - Water
7 Refresh - Normal
11 Disarming Voice - Fairy
14 Twister - Dragon
17 Water Pulse - Water
21 Aqua Ring - Water
24 Captivate - Normal
27 Dragon Tail - Dragon
31 Recover - Normal
Base Stats: 34 Aqua Tail - Water
HP: 10 37 Attract - Normal
Attack: 6 41 Safeguard - Normal
Defense: 8 44 Coil - Poison
Special Attack: 10 47 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Defense: 13 51 Rain Dance - Water
Speed: 8
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Type : Water Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15
Basic Ability 1: Marvel Scale Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Ability 2: Competitive Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32
Adv Ability 1: Cute Charm Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Adv Ability 2: Beautiful Round, 55 Scald, 68 Giga Impact, 77 Psych Up, 78
High Ability: Gentle Vibe Bulldoze, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
90 Substitute
1 - Feebas Tutor Move List
2 - Milotic 6 Beauty Dice or Prism Scale Minimum Aqua Tail, Avalanche, Bind, Body Slam, Dive,
20 Double-Edge, Dragon Pulse, Icy Wind, Iron Head,
Iron Tail, Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Role Play, Sleep
Size Information Talk, Snore, Swift, Twister, Water Gun(N), Whirl-
Height : 20’ 4” / 6.2m (Large) pool, Wrap(N)
Weight : 357.1 lbs. / 162kg (5)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Dragon

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Freshwater

WAILMER Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 4, Jump 3/3, Power 5, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Ocean), Underdog, Mountable 2

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 1d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Splash - Normal
4 Growl - Normal
7 Water Gun - Water
10 Rollout - Rock
13 Whirlpool - Water
16 Astonish - Ghost
19 Water Pulse - Water
22 Mist - Ice
25 Brine - Water
Base Stats: 29 Rest - Psychic
HP: 13 33 Dive - Water
Attack: 7 37 Amnesia - Psychic
Defense: 4 41 Water Spout - Water
Special Attack: 7 45 Bounce - Flying
Special Defense: 4 49 Hydro Pump - Water
Speed: 6 53 Heavy Slam - Steel

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Water A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Basic Ability 1: Oblivious 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice
Basic Ability 2: Water Veil Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Adv Ability 1: Thick Fat Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 32 Double
Adv Ability 2: Hydration Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
High Ability: Pressure 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 55 Scald, 78 Bulldoze, 87
Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Wailmer Egg Move List
2 - Wailord Minimum 40 Aqua Ring, Body Slam, Clear Smog, Curse,
Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Fissure, Sleep Talk,
Size Information Snore, Soak, Swagger, Thrash, Tickle, Zen Headbutt
Height : 6’ 7” / 2m (Large)
Weight : 286.6 lbs. / 130kg (5) Tutor Move List
Avalanche, Bounce, Dive, Hyper Voice, Icy
Breeding Information Wind, Rollout, Sleep Talk, Snore, Zen Headbutt
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field / Water 2
Average Hatch Rate: 25 Days

Diet : Filter Feeder
Habitat : Ocean

Skill List
Athl 5d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 1d6-3, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Growl - Normal
7 Water Gun - Water
10 Rollout - Rock
13 Whirlpool - Water
16 Astonish - Ghost
19 Water Pulse - Water
22 Mist - Ice
25 Brine - Water
29 Rest - Psychic
33 Water Spout - Water
37 Amnesia - Psychic
44 Dive - Water
Base Stats: 51 Bounce - Flying
HP: 17 58 Hydro Pump - Water
Attack: 9 65 Heavy Slam - Steel
Defense: 5
Special Attack: 9 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 5 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Speed: 6 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13
Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Basic Information 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27
Type : Water Return, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade,
Basic Ability 1: Oblivious 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 55
Basic Ability 2: Water Veil Scald, 68 Giga Impact, 78 Bulldoze, 87 Swagger, 88
Adv Ability 1: Thick Fat Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Adv Ability 2: Hydration
High Ability: Pressure Tutor Move List
Avalanche, Block, Body Slam, Bounce,
Evolution: Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Dive, Hyper Voice, Icy
1 - Wailmer Wind, Iron Head, Rollout, Sleep Talk, Snore, Zen
2 - Wailord Minimum 40 Headbutt

Size Information
Height : 47’ 7” / 14.5m (Gigantic)
Weight : 877.4 lbs. / 398kg (6)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field / Water 2

Diet : Filter Feeder
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 7, Jump 3/3, Power 12, Nature-
walk (Ocean), Fountain, Mountable 20
Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 4, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Gilled, Na-
turewalk (Ocean), Fountain, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
3d6+3, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Splash - Normal
1 Water Gun - Water
7 Water Sport - Water
9 Vice Grip - Normal
12 Bubble - Water
16 Flail - Normal
20 Bubble Beam - Water
25 Swords Dance - Normal
Base Stats: 30 Crabhammer - Water
HP: 5 34 Water Pulse - Water
Attack: 5 39 Smack Down - Rock
Defense: 6 43 Aqua Jet - Water
Special Attack: 6 48 Muddy Water - Water
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 4 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, 06 Toxic, 09 Veno-
Basic Information shock, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 17 Protect,
Type : Water 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 27
Basic Ability 1: Shell Armor Return, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge
Adv Ability 1: Sniper Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 55
Adv Ability 2: Sheer Force Scald, 75 Swords Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger,
Adv Ability 3: Swift Swim 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash
High Ability: Mega Launcher Cannon, 100 Confide

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Clauncher Aqua Jet, Crabhammer, Endure, Entrainment, Help-
2 - Clawitzer Minimum 35 ing Hand

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 1’ 08” / 0.5m (Small) Aqua Tail, Bounce, Dragon Pulse, Helping Hand, Icy
Weight : 18.3 lbs. / 8.3 kg (1) Wind, Iron Tail, Snore, Water Pulse

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 and Water 3
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 6, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Gilled, Na-
turewalk (Ocean), Fountain

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
5d6+3, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Splash - Normal
1 Water Gun - Water
7 Water Sport - Water
9 Vice Grip - Normal
12 Bubble - Water
16 Flail - Normal
20 Bubble Beam - Water
25 Swords Dance - Normal
Base Stats: 30 Crabhammer - Water
HP: 7 34 Water Pulse - Water
Attack: 7 42 Smack Down - Rock
Defense: 9 47 Aqua Jet - Water
Special Attack: 12 53 Muddy Water - Water
Special Defense: 9 57 Dark Pulse - Dark
Speed: 6 63 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
67 Aura Sphere - Fighting
Basic Information
Type : Water TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Shell Armor A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, 06 Toxic, 09 Veno-
Adv Ability 1: Sniper shock, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 15 Hyper
Adv Ability 2: Sheer Force Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 23
Adv Ability 3: Swift Swim Smack Down, 27 Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
High Ability: Mega Launcher Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade,
44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 55
Evolution: Scald, 68 Giga Impact, 75 Swords Dance, 80 Rock
1 - Clauncher Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Sub-
2 - Clawitzer Minimum 35 stitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 97 Dark Pulse, 100 Confide

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 4’ 03” / 1.3m (Medium) Aqua Tail, Aura Sphere (N), Bounce, Dark Pulse (N),
Weight : 77.8 lbs. / 35.3 kg (3) Dragon Pulse (N), Heal Pulse (N), Helping Hand, Icy
Wind, Iron Tail, Snore, Water Pulse
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 and Water 3

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Chilled,
Glow, Naturewalk (Tundra), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Powder Snow - Ice
5 Double Team - Normal
10 Ice Shard - Ice
14 Icy Wind - Ice
19 Bite - Dark
23 Ice Fang - Ice
28 Headbutt - Normal
Base Stats: 32 Protect - Normal
HP: 5 37 Frost Breath - Ice
Attack: 5 41 Crunch - Dark
Defense: 5 46 Blizzard - Ice
Special Attack: 5 50 Hail - Ice
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 5 TM/HM Move List
06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice
Basic Information Beam, 14 Blizzard, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18
Type : Ice Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 27 Return,
Basic Ability 1: Inner Focus 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Basic Ability 2: Ice Body 45 Attract, 48 Round, 70 Flash, 79 Frost Breath, 87
Adv Ability 1: Winter’s Kiss Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
Adv Ability 2: Moody
High Ability: Frostbite Egg Move List
Avalanche, Bide, Block, Disable, Fake Tears,
Evolution: Hex, Rollout, Spikes, Switcheroo, Weather Ball
1 - Snorunt
2 - Glalie Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
2 - Froslass Dawn Stone Female Minimum 30 Block, Body Slam, Double-Edge, Icy Wind,
Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Water Pulse
Size Information
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small)
Weight : 37 lbs. / 16.8kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Fairy / Mineral
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Taiga, Tundra

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Double Team - Normal
10 Ice Shard - Ice
14 Icy Wind - Ice
19 Bite - Dark
23 Ice Fang - Ice
28 Headbutt - Normal
32 Protect - Normal
37 Frost Breath - Ice
41 Crunch - Dark
42 Freeze-Dry - Ice
48 Blizzard - Ice
54 Hail - Ice
Base Stats: 61 Sheer Cold - Ice
HP: 8
Attack: 8 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 8 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt,
Special Attack: 8 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Special Defense: 8 Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21
Speed: 8 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 30 Shadow
Ball, 32 Double Team, 32 Double Team, 41 Torment,
Basic Information 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 64 Explo-
Type : Ice sion, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 74 Gyro
Basic Ability 1: Inner Focus Ball, 78 Bulldoze, 79 Frost Breath, 87 Swagger, 88
Basic Ability 2: Ice Body Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 97 Dark Pulse
Adv Ability 1: Winter’s Kiss
Adv Ability 2: Moody Tutor Move List
High Ability: Frostbite Avalanche, Block, Body Slam, Dark Pulse,
Double-Edge, Icy Wind, Iron Head, Rollout, Sheer
Evolution: Cold (N), Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Su-
1 - Snorunt per Fang, Water Pulse
2 - Glalie Minimum 40

Size Information
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium)
Weight : 565.5 lbs. / 256.5kg (6)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Fairy / Mineral Mega Evolution
Type: Unchanged
Diet : Carnivore Ability: Refrigerate
Habitat : Cave, Taiga, Tundra
Stats: +4 Atk, +4 Sp.
Capability List Atk, +2 Speed
Overland 5, Swim 2, Levitate 5, Jump 2/2, Power 5,
Chilled, Dead Silent, Freezer

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 4d6+1,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Double Team - Normal
10 Ice Shard - Ice
14 Icy Wind - Ice
19 Astonish - Ghost
23 Draining Kiss - Fairy
28 Ominous Wind - Ghost
32 Confuse Ray - Ghost
37 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
41 Captivate - Normal
42 Shadow Ball - Ghost
48 Blizzard - Ice
54 Hail - Ice
Base Stats: 61 Destiny Bond - Ghost
HP: 7
Attack: 8 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 7 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt,
Special Attack: 8 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Special Defense: 7 Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21
Speed: 11 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return,
29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 32
Basic Information Double Team, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Type : Ice / Ghost Attract, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 63 Embargo, 66 Payback,
Basic Ability 1: Magic Guard 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych
Basic Ability 2: Snow Cloak Up, 79 Frost Breath, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88
Adv Ability 1: Cursed Body Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
Adv Ability 2: Omen
High Ability: Frostbite Tutor Move List
Avalanche, Block, Destiny Bond (N), Ice
Evolution: Punch, Icy Wind, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pain
1 - Snorunt Split, Rollout, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
2 - Froslass Dawn Stone Female Minimum 40 Snatch, Snore, Spite, Sucker Punch, Telekinesis,
Trick, Water Pulse
Size Information
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium)
Weight : 58.6 lbs. / 26.6kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F
Egg Group : Fairy / Mineral

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Taiga, Tundra

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Levitate 6, Jump 1/2, Power 3,
Chilled, Darkvision, Dead Silent, Freezer, Stealth

CUBCHOO Chilled, Naturewalk (Tundra), Underdog
Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Powder Snow - Ice
5 Growl - Normal
9 Bide - Normal
13 Icy Wind - Ice
15 Play Nice - Normal
17 Fury Swipes - Normal
21 Brine - Water
25 Endure - Normal
29 Charm - Fairy
33 Slash - Normal
36 Flail - Normal
41 Rest - Psychic
Base Stats: 45 Blizzard - Ice
HP: 6 49 Hail - Ice
Attack: 7 53 Thrash - Normal
Defense: 4 57 Sheer Cold - Ice
Special Attack: 6
Special Defense: 4 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 4 A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 01 Hone
Claws, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice
Basic Information Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Type : Ice Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 39
Basic Ability 1: Snow Cloak Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Ability 2: Cute Tears Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 56 Fling, 65
Adv Ability 1: Refrigerate Shadow Claw, 79 Frost Breath, 86 Grass Knot, 87
Adv Ability 2: Thick Fat Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
High Ability: Rattled 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Cubchoo Assurance, Avalanche, Encore, Focus Punch,
2 - Beartic Minimum 35 Ice Punch, Night Slash, Play Rough, Sleep Talk, Yawn

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Covet, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Low Kick, Sleep
Weight : 18.7 lbs. / 8.5kg (1) Talk, Snore, Superpower

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Taiga, Tundra

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Freezer,

Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Growl - Normal
9 Play Nice - Normal
13 Icy Wind - Ice
17 Fury Swipes - Normal
21 Brine - Water
25 Endure - Normal
29 Swagger - Normal
33 Slash - Normal
36 Flail - Normal
37 Icicle Crash - Ice
41 Rest - Psychic
45 Blizzard - Ice
Base Stats: 53 Hail - Ice
HP: 10 59 Thrash - Normal
Attack: 11 66 Sheer Cold - Ice
Defense: 8
Special Attack: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 8 A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A6 Dive, 01
Speed: 5 Hone Claws, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 08 Bulk Up,
10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard,
Basic Information 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frus-
Type : Ice tration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Basic Ability 1: Snow Cloak Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44
Basic Ability 2: Freezing Point Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 52 Fo-
Adv Ability 1: Refrigerate cus Blast, 56 Fling, 65 Shadow Claw, 68 Giga Impact,
Adv Ability 2: Thick Fat 71 Stone Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 79
High Ability: Swift Swim Frost Breath, 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98
Evolution: Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Cubchoo
2 - Beartic Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
Aqua Jet, Covet, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Low
Size Information Kick, Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower(N), Thrash (N)
Height : 8’ 6” / 2.6m (Large)
Weight : 573.2 lbs. / 260kg (6)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Taiga, Tundra

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 7, Freezer,
Chilled, Naturewalk (Tundra)

BERGMITE Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Freezer,
Naturewalk (Tundra), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Bite - Dark
1 Harden - Normal
5 Powder Snow - Ice
10 Icy Wind - Ice
15 Take Down - Normal
20 Sharpen - Normal
22 Curse - Ghost
26 Ice Fang - Ice
Base Stats: 30 Ice Ball - Ice
HP: 6 35 Rapid Spin - Normal
Attack: 7 39 Avalanche - Ice
Defense: 9 43 Blizzard - Ice
Special Attack: 3 47 Recover - Normal
Special Defense: 4 49 Double-Edge - Normal
Speed: 3
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden
Type : Ice Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Ability 1: Refrigerate Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32
Basic Ability 2: Permafrost Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 1: Ice Body Attract, 48 Round, 69 Rock Polish, 70 Flash, 71 Stone
Adv Ability 2: Sturdy Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 79 Frost Breath, 80 Rock Slide,
High Ability: Winter’s Kiss 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash
Cannon, 94 Rock Smash, 100 Confide
1 - Bergmite Egg Move List
2 - Avalugg Minimum 35 Barrier, Mirror Coat, Mist, Recover

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 3’ 03” / 1.0m (Small) After You, Icy Wind, Iron Defense, Snore, Water
Weight : 219.4 lbs. / 99.5 kg (4) Pulse

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Monster
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Arctic, Mountain, Tundra

AVALUGG Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 0/1, Power 8, Freezer,
Naturewalk (Tundra), Mountable 3

Skill List
Athl 6d6+2, Acro 1d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Bite - Dark
1 Harden - Normal
5 Powder Snow - Ice
10 Icy Wind - Ice
15 Take Down - Normal
20 Sharpen - Normal
22 Curse - Ghost
26 Ice Fang - Ice
Base Stats: 30 Ice Ball - Ice
HP: 10 35 Rapid Spin - Normal
Attack: 12 42 Avalanche - Ice
Defense: 18 46 Blizzard - Ice
Special Attack: 4 51 Recover - Normal
Special Defense: 5 56 Double-Edge - Normal
Speed: 3 60 Skull Bash - Normal
65 Crunch - Dark
Basic Information
Type : Ice TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Refrigerate A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden
Basic Ability 2: Permafrost Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Adv Ability 1: Ice Body Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Adv Ability 2: Sturdy 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock
High Ability: Winter’s Kiss Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 70 Flash, 71 Stone
Evolution: Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 78 Bulldoze, 79 Frost Breath, 80
1 - Bergmite Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
2 - Avalugg Minimum 35 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash, 100 Confide

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 6’ 07” / 2.0m (Huge) After You, Block, Crunch (N), Icy Wind, Iron De-
Weight : 1113.3 lbs. / 505 kg (6) fense (N), Iron Head, Skull Bash (N), Snore, Super-
power, Water Pulse
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Monster
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Arctic, Mountain, Tundra

VOLTORB Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Shrinkable,
Volatile Bomb, Underdog, Zapper

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Charge - Electric
1 Tackle - Normal
4 Sonic Boom - Normal
6 Eerie Impulse - Electric
9 Spark - Electric
11 Rollout - Rock
13 Screech - Normal
16 Charge Beam - Electric
20 Swift - Normal
Base Stats: 22 Electro Ball - Electric
HP: 4 26 Self-Destruct - Normal
Attack: 3 29 Light Screen - Psychic
Defense: 5 34 Magnet Rise - Electric
Special Attack: 6 37 Discharge - Electric
Special Defense: 6 41 Explosion - Normal
Speed: 10 46 Gyro Ball - Steel
48 Mirror Coat - Psychic
Basic Information
Type : Electric TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Static 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 16
Basic Ability 2: Soundproof Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Adv Ability 1: Speed Boost tion, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 32
Adv Ability 2: Minus Double Team, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 46
High Ability: Aftermath Thief, 48 Round, 57 Charge Beam, 64 Explosion, 70
Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 74 Gyro
Evolution: Ball, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93
1 - Voltorb Wild Charge
2 - Electrode Minimum 30
Tutor Move List
Size Information Foul Play, Magic Coat, Magnet Rise, Role
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Play, Rollout, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
Weight : 22.9 lbs. / 10.4kg (1) Snore, Sucker Punch, Swift

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Mineral
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Ergovore
Habitat : Urban

Athl 4d6+1, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 1d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Sonic Boom - Normal
6 Eerie Impulse - Electric
9 Spark - Electric
11 Rollout - Rock
13 Screech - Normal
16 Charge Beam - Electric
20 Swift - Normal
22 Electro Ball - Electric
26 Self-Destruct - Normal
29 Light Screen - Psychic
36 Magnet Rise - Electric
41 Discharge - Electric
47 Explosion - Normal
Base Stats: 54 Gyro Ball - Steel
HP: 6 58 Mirror Coat - Psychic
Attack: 5
Defense: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 8 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 15
Special Defense: 8 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Speed: 14 Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder,
27 Return, 32 Double Team, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
Basic Information 44 Rest, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 57 Charge Beam, 64
Type : Electric Explosion, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch,
Basic Ability 1: Static 73 Thunder Wave, 74 Gyro Ball, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Basic Ability 2: Soundproof Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge
Adv Ability 1: Speed Boost
Adv Ability 2: Plus Tutor Move List
High Ability: Aftermath Foul Play, Magic Coat, Magnet Rise, Magnet-
ic Flux (N), Role Play, Rollout, Shock Wave, Signal
Evolution: Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Sucker Punch, Swift
1 - Voltorb
2 - Electrode Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 146.8 lbs. / 66.6kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Mineral

Diet : Ergovore
Habitat : Urban

Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Shrinkable,
Volatile Bomb, Zapper

ELECTRIKE Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Tracker,
Naturewalk (Grassland), Underdog, Zapper

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Thunder Wave - Electric
4 Leer - Normal
7 Howl - Normal
10 Quick Attack - Normal
13 Spark - Electric
16 Odor Sleuth - Normal
19 Thunder Fang - Electric
24 Bite - Dark
Base Stats: 29 Discharge - Electric
HP: 4 34 Roar - Normal
Attack: 5 39 Wild Charge - Electric
Defense: 4 44 Charge - Electric
Special Attack: 7 49 Thunder - Electric
Special Defense: 4
Speed: 7 TM/HM Move List
A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Basic Information Power, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Type : Electric 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Re-
Basic Ability 1: Electrodash turn, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 42 Facade,
Basic Ability 2: Lightning Rod 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 57 Charge
Adv Ability 1: Sprint Beam, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder Wave,
Adv Ability 2: Static 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild
High Ability: Minus Charge, 95 Snarl

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Electrike Crunch, Curse, Discharge, Eerie Impulse,
2 - Manectric Minimum 25 Electro Ball, Fire Fang, Headbutt, Ice Fang, Shock
Wave, Swift,
Size Information Switcheroo, Thunder Fang, Uproar
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 33.5 lbs. / 15.2kg (2) Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Double-Edge, Iron Tail, Magnet
Breeding Information Rise, Mud-Slap, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Swift, Uproar
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

MANECTRIC Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 2/3, Power 4, Tracker,
Naturewalk (Grassland), Zapper

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
4d6+1, Percep 4d6+1, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Leer - Normal
7 Howl - Normal
10 Quick Attack - Normal
13 Spark - Electric
16 Odor Sleuth - Normal
19 Thunder Fang - Electric
24 Bite - Dark
30 Discharge - Electric
36 Roar - Normal
Base Stats: 42 Wild Charge - Electric
HP: 7 48 Charge - Electric
Attack: 8 54 Thunder - Electric
Defense: 6 60 Electric Terrain - Electric
Special Attack: 11
Special Defense: 6 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 11 A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Power, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect,
Basic Information 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Type : Electric Thunder, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 35 Flame-
Basic Ability 1: Electrodash thrower, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Basic Ability 2: Lightning Rod Round, 50 Overheat, 57 Charge Beam, 68 Giga Im-
Adv Ability 1: Weird Power pact, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 73
Adv Ability 2: Static Thunder Wave, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
High Ability: Minus tute, 93 Wild Charge, 95 Snarl

Tutor Move List

Evolution: Body Slam, Double-Edge, Electric Terrain
1 - Electrike (N), Fire Fang(N), Iron Tail, Magnet Rise, Mud-Slap,
2 - Manectric Minimum 25 Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift,
Size Information
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium)
Weight : 88.6 lbs. / 40.2kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field
Mega Evolution
Diet : Carnivore Type: Unchanged
Habitat : Forest, Grassland Ability: Intimidate
Stats: +2 Def,
+3 Sp. Atk, +2 Sp. Def,
+3 Speed

BLITZLE Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 4, Zapper,
Naturewalk (Grassland), Glow, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6+3, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Quick Attack - Normal
4 Tail Whip - Normal
8 Charge - Electric
11 Shock Wave - Electric
15 Thunder Wave - Electric
18 Flame Charge - Fire
22 Pursuit - Dark
25 Spark - Electric
29 Stomp - Normal
Base Stats: 32 Discharge - Electric
HP: 5 36 Agility - Psychic
Attack: 6 39 Wild Charge - Electric
Defense: 3 43 Thrash - Normal
Special Attack: 5
Special Defense: 3 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 8 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 16 Light Screen,
17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thun-
Basic Information derbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Type : Electric 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Basic Ability 1: Lightning Rod Round, 57 Charge Beam, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73
Basic Ability 2: Motor Drive Thunder Wave, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
Adv Ability 1: Sprint tute, 93 Wild Charge
Adv Ability 2: Run Away
High Ability: Sap Sipper Egg Move List
Double Kick, Double-Edge, Endure, Me First,
Evolution: Rage, Sand Attack, Screech, Shock Wave, Snatch,
1 - Blitzle Take Down
2 - Zebstrika Minimum 25
Tutor Move List
Size Information Bounce, Magnet Rise, Signal Beam, Sleep
Height : 2’ 07” / 0.8m (Medium) Talk, Snore
Weight : 65.7 lbs. / 29.8kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland

Athl 6d6+3, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Tail Whip - Normal
8 Charge - Electric
11 Shock Wave - Electric
15 Thunder Wave - Electric
18 Flame Charge - Fire
22 Pursuit - Dark
25 Spark - Electric
31 Stomp - Normal
36 Discharge - Electric
42 Agility - Psychic
47 Wild Charge - Electric
53 Thrash - Normal
58 Ion Deluge - Electric
Base Stats:
HP: 8 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 10 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 15 Hyper Beam,
Defense: 6 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frus-
Special Attack: 8 tration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 32
Special Defense: 6 Double Team, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest,
Speed: 12 45 Attract, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 57 Charge Beam,
68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder
Basic Information Wave, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93
Type : Electric Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash
Basic Ability 1: Lightning Rod
Basic Ability 2: Motor Drive Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 1: Sprint Bounce, Ion Deluge (N), Magnet Rise, Signal
Adv Ability 2: Run Away Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore
High Ability: Sap Sipper

1 - Blitzle
2 - Zebstrika Minimum 25

Size Information
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Large)
Weight : 175.3 lbs. / 79.5kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland

Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 7, Zapper,
Naturewalk (Grassland), Glow, Mountable 1

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Zapper,
Naturewalk (Desert), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Pound - Normal
1 Tail Whip - Normal
6 Thunder Shock - Electric
11 Charge - Electric
13 Mud-Slap - Ground
17 Quick Attack - Normal
22 Razor Wind - Normal
25 Parabolic Charge - Electric
Base Stats: 31 Thunder Wave - Electric
HP: 4 35 Bulldoze - Electric
Attack: 4 40 Volt Switch - Electric
Defense: 3 45 Electrify - Electric
Special Attack: 6 49 Thunderbolt - Electric
Special Defense: 4
Speed: 7 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A3 Surf, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 16 Light
Basic Information Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Type : Electric / Normal 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32
Basic Ability 1: Electrodash Double Team, 37 Reflect, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade,
Basic Ability 2: Desert Weather 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 57
Adv Ability 1: Solar Power Charge Beam, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder
Adv Ability 2: Sun Blanket Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 82
High Ability: Heliovolt Dragon Tail, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 97
Evolution: Dark Pulse, 100 Confide
1 - Helioptile
2 - Heliolisk Sun Stone Minimum 20 Egg Move List
Agility, Camouflage, Electric Terrain, Glare
Size Information
Height : 1’ 08” / 0.5m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 13.2 lbs. / 6 kg (1) Electroweb, Iron Tail, Magnet Rise, Shock Wave,
Signal Beam, Snore
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Monster and Dragon
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Desert, Mountain

HELIOLISK Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Desert), Zapper

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 5d6+1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Pound - Normal
1 Tail Whip - Normal
6 Thunder Shock - Electric
11 Charge - Electric
13 Mud-Slap - Ground
17 Quick Attack - Normal
22 Razor Wind - Normal
25 Parabolic Charge - Electric
31 Thunder Wave - Electric
Base Stats: 35 Bulldoze - Electric
HP: 6 40 Volt Switch - Electric
Attack: 6 45 Electrify - Electric
Defense: 5 49 Thunderbolt - Electric
Special Attack: 11
Special Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 11 A1 Cut, A3 Surf, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 15
Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Information Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thun-
Type : Electric / Normal der, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 37 Reflect,
Basic Ability 1: Electrodash 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47
Basic Ability 2: Desert Weather Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 57 Charge
Adv Ability 1: Solar Power Beam, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73
Adv Ability 2: Sun Blanket Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
High Ability: Heliovolt Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger,
88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild
Evolution: Charge, 97 Dark Pulse, 100 Confide
1 - Helioptile
2 - Heliolisk Sun Stone Minimum 20 Tutor Move List
Dragon Pulse, Eerie Impulse (N), Electroweb, Fire-
Size Information Punch, Hyper Voice, Iron Tail, Low Kick, Magnet
Height : 3’ 03” / 1m (Medium) Rise, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Snore, Thunder
Weight : 46.3 lbs. / 21 kg (2) (N), Thunder Punch

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Monster and Dragon

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Desert, Mountain

NATU derdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Peck - Flying
6 Night Shade - Ghost
9 Teleport - Psychic
12 Lucky Chant - Normal
17 Stored Power - Psychic
20 Ominous Wind - Ghost
23 Confuse Ray - Ghost
28 Wish - Normal
33 Psychic - Psychic
36 Miracle Eye - Psychic
Base Stats: 39 Psycho Shift - Psychic
HP: 4 44 Future Sight - Psychic
Attack: 5 47 Guard Swap - Psychic
Defense: 5 47 Power Swap - Psychic
Special Attack: 7 50 Me First - Normal
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 7 TM/HM Move List
03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Basic Information Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17
Type : Psychic / Flying Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration,
Basic Ability 1: Synchronize 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow
Basic Ability 2: Early Bird Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 40 Aerial Ace, 42
Adv Ability 1: Probability Control Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 51
Adv Ability 2: Transporter Steel Wing, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up,
High Ability: Magic Bounce 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 99
Evolution: Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
1 - Natu
2 - Xatu Minimum 25 Egg Move List
Ally Switch, Drill Peck, Feint Attack, Feather
Size Information Dance, Haze, Psych Up, Quick Attack, Refresh,
Height : 0’ 8” / 0.2m (Small) Roost, Simple Beam, Skill Swap, Steel Wing, Sucker
Weight : 4.4 lbs. / 2kg (1) Punch, Synchronoise, Zen Headbutt

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Ally Switch, Air Cutter, Double-Edge, Giga Drain,
Egg Group : Flying Heat Wave, Magic Coat, Magic Room, Pain Split,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Ominous Wind, Pluck, Role Play, Roost, Signal
Beam, Skill Swap, Sky Attack, Silver Wind, Sleep
Diet : Herbivore Talk, Snore, Sucker Punch, Swift, Tailwind, Telekine-
Habitat : Cave, Forest sis, Trick, Twister, Zen Headbutt

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Sky 4, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Un-

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
5d6+5, Focus 5d6+5

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Night Shade - Ghost
9 Teleport - Psychic
12 Lucky Chant - Normal
17 Stored Power - Psychic
20 Ominous Wind - Ghost
23 Confuse Ray - Ghost
25 Air Slash - Flying
29 Wish - Normal
35 Psychic - Psychic
39 Miracle Eye - Psychic
43 Psycho Shift - Psychic
49 Future Sight - Psychic
Base Stats: 53 Guard Swap - Psychic
HP: 7 53 Power Swap - Psychic
Attack: 8 57 Me First - Normal
Defense: 7
Special Attack: 10 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 7 A2 Fly, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic,
Speed: 10 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16
Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost,
Basic Information 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psy-
Type : Psychic / Flying chic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 40
Basic Ability 1: Synchronize Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
Basic Ability 2: Early Bird 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash,
Adv Ability 1: Probability Control 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86
Adv Ability 2: Transporter Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90
High Ability: Magic Bounce Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100
1 - Natu Tutor Move List
2 - Xatu Minimum 25 Ally Switch, Air Cutter, Double-Edge, Foul Play, Giga
Drain, Heat Wave, Magic Coat, Magic Room, Night
Size Information Shade (N), Pain Split, Ominous Wind, Pluck, Role
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Play, Roost, Signal Beam, Silver Wind, Skill Swap,
Weight : 33.1 lbs. / 15kg (2) Sky Attack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Steel Wing, Sucker
Punch, Swift, Tailwind (N), Telekinesis, Teleport (N),
Breeding Information Trick, Twister, Zen Headbutt
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Desert, Forest

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 2, Sky 8, Jump 4/4, Power 2, Tele-
path, Premonition

WOOBAT Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 2, Sky 4, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Dark-
vision, Tracker, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Confusion - Psychic
4 Odor Sleuth - Normal
8 Gust - Flying
12 Assurance - Dark
15 Heart Stamp - Psychic
19 Imprison - Psychic
21 Air Cutter - Flying
25 Attract - Normal
29 Amnesia - Psychic
Base Stats: 29 Calm Mind - Psychic
HP: 6 32 Air Slash - Flying
Attack: 5 36 Future Sight - Psychic
Defense: 4 41 Psychic - Psychic
Special Attack: 6 47 Endeavor - Normal
Special Defense: 4
Speed: 7 TM/HM Move List
A2 Fly, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic,
Basic Information 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 16 Light Screen, 17 Pro-
Type : Psychic / Flying tect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frus-
Basic Ability 1: Weird Power tration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32
Basic Ability 2: Snuggle Double Team, 33 Reflect, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment,
Adv Ability 1: Simple 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 2: Klutz 51 Steel Wing, 53 Energy Ball, 57 Charge Beam, 62
High Ability: Sonic Courtship Acrobatics, 63 Embargo, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave,
74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swag-
Evolution: ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick
1 - Woobat Room
2 - Swoobat Minimum 20
Egg Move List
Size Information Captivate, Charm, Fake Tears, Flatter, Help-
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) ing Hand, Knock Off, Psycho Shift, Roost, Stored
Weight : 4.6 lbs. / 2.1kg (1) Power, Supersonic, Synchronoise, Venom Drench

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F After You, Endeavor, Giga Drain, Heat Wave,
Egg Group : Field / Flying Helping Hand, Knock Off, Magic Coat, Pluck, Roost,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Super
Fang, Tailwind, Telekinesis, Trick, Uproar, Zen Head-
Diet : Herbivore butt
Habitat : Cave

SWOOBAT Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Odor Sleuth - Normal
8 Gust - Flying
12 Assurance - Dark
15 Heart Stamp - Psychic
19 Imprison - Psychic
21 Air Cutter - Flying
25 Attract - Normal
29 Amnesia - Psychic
29 Calm Mind - Psychic
32 Air Slash - Flying
36 Future Sight - Psychic
41 Psychic - Psychic
47 Endeavor - NormalOne
Base Stats:
HP: 7 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 6 A2 Fly, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic,
Defense: 6 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 16
Special Attack: 8 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 20
Special Defense: 6 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30
Speed: 11 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 40 Aerial
Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Basic Information Thief, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 53 Energy Ball, 57
Type : Psychic / Flying Charge Beam, 62 Acrobatics, 63 Embargo, 68 Giga
Basic Ability 1: Weird Power Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 74 Gyro Ball, 77
Basic Ability 2: Snuggle Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Adv Ability 1: Simple 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room
Adv Ability 2: Klutz
High Ability: Sonic Courtship Tutor Move List
After You, Endeavor, Giga Drain, Heat Wave,
Evolution: Helping Hand, Knock Off, Magic Coat, Pluck, Roost,
1 - Woobat Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sky Attack, Sleep Talk,
2 - Swoobat Minimum 20 Snore, Super Fang, Tailwind, Telekinesis, Trick, Up-
roar, Zen Headbutt
Size Information
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Medium)
Weight : 23.1 lbs. / 10.5kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field / Flying

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 3, Sky 6, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Dark-
vision, Tracker, Telekinetic, Underdog

SPOINK Underdog
Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Splash - Normal
7 Psywave - Psychic
10 Odor Sleuth - Normal
14 Psybeam - Psychic
15 Psych Up - Normal
18 Confuse Ray - Ghost
21 Magic Coat - Psychic
26 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
29 Power Gem - Rock
29 Rest - Psychic
33 Snore - Normal
38 Psyshock - Psychic
Base Stats: 40 Payback - Dark
HP: 6 44 Psychic - Psychic
Attack: 3 50 Bounce - Flying
Defense: 4
Special Attack: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 8 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Speed: 6 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 16 Light
Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Basic Information 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
Type : Psychic Team, 33 Reflect, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Basic Ability 1: Own Tempo 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 57 Charge Beam, 66
Basic Ability 2: Thick Fat Payback, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up,
Adv Ability 1: Gluttony 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 2: Run Away Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room
High Ability: Perception
Egg Move List
Evolution: Amnesia, Endure, Extrasensory, Future Sight,
1 - Spoink Lucky Chant, Mirror Coat, Simple Beam, Skill Swap,
2 - Grumpig Minimum 30 Substitute, Trick, Whirlwind, Zen Headbutt

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small) Body Slam, Bounce, Covet, Double-Edge,
Weight : 67.5 lbs. / 30.6kg (3) Heal Bell, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Magic Coat, Recycle,
Role Play, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Skill Swap,
Breeding Information Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Swift, Telekinesis, Trick,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Zen Headbutt
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Taiga

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 1, Jump 3/3, Power 1, Telepath,

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
7 Psywave - Psychic
10 Odor Sleuth - Normal
14 Psybeam - Psychic
15 Psych Up - Normal
18 Confuse Ray - Ghost
21 Magic Coat - Psychic
26 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
29 Power Gem - Rock
29 Rest - Psychic
35 Snore - Normal
42 Psyshock - Psychic
46 Payback - Dark
Base Stats: 52 Psychic - Psychic
HP: 8 60 Bounce - Flying
Attack: 5
Defense: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 9 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Special Defense: 11 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper
Speed: 8 Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
21 Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow
Basic Information Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 41
Type : Psychic Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
Basic Ability 1: Own Tempo 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling,
Basic Ability 2: Thick Fat 57 Charge Beam, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 70
Adv Ability 1: Gluttony Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze,
Adv Ability 2: Synchronize 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
High Ability: Perception Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 98 Power-Up
Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Spoink Tutor Move List
2 - Grumpig Minimum 30 Body Slam, Bounce, Counter, Covet,
Double-Edge, Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch, Fire
Size Information Punch, Focus Punch, Heal Bell, Ice Punch, Icy Wind,
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Medium) Iron Tail, Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mega Punch,
Weight : 157.6 lbs. / 71.5kg (4) Mud-Slap, Recycle, Role Play, Seismic Toss, Shock
Wave, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Breeding Information Snore, Swift, Telekinesis, Thunder Punch, Trick, Zen
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Headbutt
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Taiga

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 2/2, Power 5, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Telepath
MUNNA Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Levitate 4, Jump 1/1, Power 1,
Dream Mist, Dream Reader, Telekinetic, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1, Per-
cep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Defense Curl - Normal
1 Psywave - Psychic
5 Lucky Chant - Normal
7 Yawn - Normal
11 Psybeam - Psychic
13 Imprison - Psychic
17 Moonlight - Fairy
19 Hypnosis - Psychic
23 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
Base Stats: 25 Synchronoise - Psychic
HP: 8 29 Nightmare - Ghost
Attack: 3 31 Future Sight - Psychic
Defense: 5 35 Calm Mind - Psychic
Special Attack: 7 37 Psychic - Psychic
Special Defense: 6 41 Dream Eater - Psychic
Speed: 2 43 Telekinesis - Psychic
47 Stored Power - Psychic
Basic Information
Type : Psychic TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Dream Smoke 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Adv Ability 1: Forewarn Hidden Power, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Adv Ability 2: Hypnotic Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 29
Adv Ability 3: Telepathy Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect,
High Ability: Synchronize 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 57 Charge Beam,
Evolution: 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych
1 - Munna Up, 80 Rock Slide, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88
2 - Musharna Moon Stone Minimum 20 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 99 Dazzling
Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Egg Move List
Weight : 51.4 lbs. / 23.3kg (2) Barrier, Baton Pass, Curse, Healing Wish,
Helping Hand, Magic Coat, Secret Power, Sleep Talk,
Breeding Information Sonic Boom, Swift
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days After You, Gravity, Heal Bell, Helping Hand,
Magic Coat, Pain Split, Signal Beam, Skill Swap,
Diet : Herbivore Sleep Talk, Snore, Telekinesis, Trick, Wonder Room,
Habitat : Forest Worry Seed, Zen Headbutt

MUSHARNA Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Levitate 6, Jump 1/1, Power 5,
Dream Mist, Dream Reader, Telekinetic

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 4d6+2, Per-
cep 4d6+2, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Defense Curl - Normal
1 Psywave - Psychic
5 Lucky Chant - Normal
7 Yawn - Normal
11 Psybeam - Psychic
13 Imprison - Psychic
17 Moonlight - Fairy
19 Hypnosis - Psychic
23 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
Base Stats: 25 Synchronoise - Psychic
HP: 12 29 Nightmare - Ghost
Attack: 6 31 Future Sight - Psychic
Defense: 9 35 Calm Mind - Psychic
Special Attack: 11 37 Psychic - Psychic
Special Defense: 10 41 Dream Eater - Psychic
Speed: 3 43 Telekinesis - Psychic
47 Stored Power - Psychic
Basic Information
Type : Psychic TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Dream Smoke 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Adv Ability 1: Forewarn Hidden Power, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17
Adv Ability 2: Hypnotic Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Adv Ability 3: Telepathy 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
High Ability: Synchronize Team, 33 Reflect, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42
Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy
Evolution: Ball, 57 Charge Beam, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73
1 - Munna Thunder Wave, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock
2 - Musharna Moon Stone Minimum 20 Slide, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 99 Dazzling Gleam
Size Information
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 133.4 lbs. / 60.5kg (4) After You, Defense Curl(N), Gravity, Heal
Bell, Helping Hand, Hypnosis(N), Lucky Chant(N),
Breeding Information Magic Coat, Pain Split, Psybeam(N), Signal Beam,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Telekinesis, Trick,
Egg Group : Field Wonder Room, Worry Seed, Zen Headbutt

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

ELGYEM Capability List
Overland 2, Levitate 4, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Teleki-
netic, Telepath, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+1, Per-
cep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Confusion - Psychic
4 Growl - Normal
8 Heal Block - Psychic
11 Miracle Eye - Psychic
15 Psybeam - Psychic
18 Headbutt - Normal
22 Hidden Power - Normal
25 Imprison - Psychic
29 Simple Beam - Normal
Base Stats: 32 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
HP: 6 36 Psych Up - Normal
Attack: 6 39 Psychic - Psychic
Defense: 6 43 Calm Mind - Psychic
Special Attack: 9 46 Recover - Normal
Special Defense: 6 50 Guard Split - Psychic
Speed: 3 50 Power Split - Psychic
53 Synchronoise - Psychic
Basic Information 56 Wonder Room - Psychic
Type : Psychic
Basic Ability 1: Telepathy TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Synchronize 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Adv Ability 1: Analytic Hidden Power, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Adv Ability 2: Memory Wipe Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt,
High Ability: Probability Control 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
Team, 33 Reflect, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Evolution: 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice,
1 - Elgyem 51 Steel Wing, 53 Energy Ball, 57 Charge Beam, 63
2 - Beheeyem Minimum 35 Embargo, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up,
80 Rock Slide, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Size Information Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 97 Dark Pulse
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small)
Weight : 19.8 lbs. / 9kg (1) Egg Move List
Ally Switch, Astonish, Barrier, Cosmic Power,
Breeding Information Disable, Guard Swap, Nasty Plot, Power Swap, Skill
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Swap, Teleport
Egg Group : Humanshape
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Tutor Move List
Ally Switch, After You, Dark Pulse, Gravity, Magic
Diet : Nullivore Coat, Pain Split, Recycle, Role Play, Signal Beam,
Habitat : Mountain, Urban Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Telekinesis,
Trick, Uproar, Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt

Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6+1, Per-
cep 4d6+2, Focus 5d6+4

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Growl - Normal
8 Heal Block - Psychic
11 Miracle Eye - Psychic
15 Psybeam - Psychic
18 Headbutt - Normal
22 Hidden Power - Normal
25 Imprison - Psychic
29 Simple Beam - Normal
32 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
36 Psych Up - Normal
39 Psychic - Psychic
45 Calm Mind - Psychic
Base Stats: 50 Recover - Normal
HP: 8 56 Guard Split - Psychic
Attack: 8 58 Power Split - Psychic
Defense: 8 63 Synchronoise - Psychic
Special Attack: 13 68 Wonder Room - Psychic
Special Defense: 10
Speed: 4 TM/HM Move List
03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Basic Information Hidden Power, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17
Type : Psychic Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Basic Ability 1: Telepathy 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow
Basic Ability 2: Synchronize Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 39 Rock Tomb,
Adv Ability 1: Analytic 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 2: Memory Wipe 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 53 Energy Ball, 57
High Ability: Probability Control Charge Beam, 63 Embargo, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash,
73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 85
Evolution: Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
1 - Elgyem tute, 92 Trick Room, 97 Dark Pulse
2 - Beheeyem Minimum 35
Tutor Move List
Size Information Ally Switch, After You, Dark Pulse, Gravity, Magic
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Coat, Pain Split, Recycle, Role Play, Signal Beam,
Weight : 76.1 lbs. / 34.5kg (3) Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Synchronoise
(N), Telekinesis, Trick, Uproar, Wonder Room (N),
Breeding Information Zen Headbutt
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Humanshape

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Mountain

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 3, Levitate 6, Jump 1/1, Power 3,
Telekinetic, Telepath

DROWZEE Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Mind Lock,
Dream Reader, Naturewalk (Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Hypnosis - Psychic
1 Pound - Normal
5 Disable - Normal
9 Confusion - Psychic
13 Headbutt - Normal
17 Poison Gas - Poison
21 Meditate - Psychic
25 Psybeam - Psychic
29 Headbutt - Normal
Base Stats: 33 Psych Up - Normal
HP: 6 37 Synchronoise - Psychic
Attack: 5 41 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
Defense: 5 45 Swagger - Normal
Special Attack: 4 49 Psychic - Psychic
Special Defense: 9 53 Nasty Plot - Dark
Speed: 4 57 Psyshock - Psychic
61 Future Sight - Psychic
Basic Information
Type : Psychic TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Insomnia 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Basic Ability 2: Hypnotic Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 16 Light Screen, 17
Adv Ability 1: Dreamspinner Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustra-
Adv Ability 2: Inner Focus tion, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick
High Ability: Forewarn Break, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 41 Torment, 42
Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep,
Evolution: 48 Round, 56 Fling, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77
1 - Drowzee Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
2 - Hypno Minimum 25 ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 98
Power-Up Punch, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Egg Move List
Weight : 71.4 lbs. / 32.4kg (3) Assist, Barrier, Fire Punch, Flatter, Guard Swap, Ice
Punch, Nasty Plot, Psycho Cut, Role Play, Secret
Breeding Information Power, Skill Swap, Thunder Punch
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Humanshape Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Body Slam, Counter, Double-Edge, Drain Punch,
Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Foul
Diet : Herbivore Play, Ice Punch, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Magic Room,
Habitat : Grassland, Marsh Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome,
Mimic, Recycle, Role Play, Seismic Toss, Signal
Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Teleki-
nesis, Thunder Punch, Trick, Zen Headbutt

HYPNO Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 4d6+3,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Disable - Normal
9 Confusion - Psychic
13 Headbutt - Normal
17 Poison Gas - Poison
21 Meditate - Psychic
25 Psybeam - Psychic
29 Headbutt - Normal
33 Psych Up - Normal
37 Synchronoise - Psychic
41 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
45 Swagger - Normal
49 Psychic - Psychic
53 Nasty Plot - Dark
Base Stats: 57 Psyshock - Psychic
HP: 9 61 Future Sight - Psychic
Attack: 7
Defense: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 7 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Special Defense: 12 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper
Speed: 7 Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
Basic Information 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 33
Type : Psychic Reflect, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Basic Ability 1: Insomnia 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56
Basic Ability 2: Hypnotic Fling, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77
Adv Ability 1: Dreamspinner Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
Adv Ability 2: Inner Focus ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 98
High Ability: Forewarn Power-Up Punch, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Drowzee Body Slam, Counter, Double-Edge, Drain
2 - Hypno Minimum 25 Punch, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch,
Foul Play, Ice Punch, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Magic
Size Information Room, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome, Mimic,
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Medium) Nightmare(N), Recycle, Role Play, Seismic Toss, Sig-
Weight : 166.7 lbs. / 75.6kg (4) nal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore,
Switcheroo(N), Telekinesis, Thunder Punch, Trick,
Breeding Information Zen Headbutt
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Humanshape

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland, Marsh

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 6, Mind Lock,
Dream Reader, Naturewalk (Grassland)

Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+2, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Pound - Normal
5 Lick - Ghost
8 Sweet Kiss - Fairy
11 Powder Snow - Ice
15 Confusion - Psychic
18 Sing - Normal
21 Heart Stamp - Psychic
25 Mean Look - Normal
28 Fake Tears - Dark
31 Lucky Chant - Normal
35 Avalanche - Ice
38 Psychic - Psychic
41 Copycat - Normal
Base Stats: 45 Perish Song - Normal
HP: 5 48 Blizzard - Ice
Attack: 3
Defense: 2 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 9 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 07
Special Defense: 7 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 16
Speed: 7 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frus-
tration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32
Basic Information Double Team, 33 Reflect, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
Type : Ice / Psychic tract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 56 Fling,
Basic Ability 1: Oblivious 66 Payback, 70 Flash, 77 Psych Up, 79 Frost Breath,
Basic Ability 2: Forewarn 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 1: Hydration Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room
Adv Ability 2: Cute Tears
High Ability: Enfeebling Lips Egg Move List
Captivate, Fake Out, Ice Punch, Meditate,
Evolution: Miracle Eye, Nasty Plot, Psych Up, Wake-Up Slap,
1 - Smoochum Wish
2 - Jynx Minimum 30
Tutor Move List
Size Information Body Slam, Counter, Covet, Double-Edge,
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Dynamic Punch, Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Ice
Weight : 13.2 lbs. / 6kg (1) Punch, Icy Wind, Magic Coat, Magic Room, Mega
Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome, Mud-Slap, Recycle,
Breeding Information Role Play, Seismic Toss, Signal Beam, Skill Swap,
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F Sleep Talk, Snore, Telekinesis, Trick, Uproar, Water
Egg Group : Humanshape Pulse, Zen Headbutt
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Taiga, Tundra, Urban

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Underdog

JYNX Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 4, Freezer,
Naturewalk (Tundra), Telekinetic, Telepath
Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Lick - Ghost
8 Lovely Kiss - Normal
11 Powder Snow - Ice
15 Double Slap - Normal
18 Ice Punch - Ice
21 Heart Stamp - Psychic
25 Mean Look - Normal
28 Fake Tears - Dark
33 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
39 Avalanche - Ice
Base Stats: 44 Body Slam - Normal
HP: 7 49 Wring Out - Normal
Attack: 5 55 Perish Song - Normal
Defense: 4 60 Blizzard - Ice
Special Attack: 12
Special Defense: 10 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 10 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 07
Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Basic Information Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect,
Type : Ice / Psychic 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
Basic Ability 1: Oblivious 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 33
Basic Ability 2: Forewarn Reflect, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Adv Ability 1: Dry Skin 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 52 Focus Blast,
Adv Ability 2: Weird Power 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact,
High Ability: Enfeebling Lips 70 Flash, 77 Psych Up, 79 Frost Breath, 85 Dream
Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Evolution: Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
1 - Smoochum Confide
2 - Jynx Minimum 30
Tutor Move List
Size Information Body Slam, Counter, Covet, Double-Edge,
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium) Drain Punch, Draining Kiss (N), Dynamic Punch,
Weight : 89.5 lbs. / 40.6kg (3) Focus Punch, Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice,
Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Magic Coat, Magic Room,
Breeding Information Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome, Mud-Slap,
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F Perish Song (N), Recycle, Role Play, Seismic Toss,
Egg Group : Humanshape Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Telekine-
sis, Trick, Uproar, Water Pulse, Zen Headbutt
Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Taiga, Tundra, Urban

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tickle - Normal
1 Barrier - Psychic
1 Confusion - Psychic
4 Copycat - Normal
8 Meditate - Psychic
11 Double Slap - Normal
15 Mimic - Normal
18 Encore - Normal
22 Light Screen - Psychic
22 Reflect - Psychic
25 Psybeam - Psychic
29 Substitute - Normal
Base Stats: 32 Recycle - Normal
HP: 2 36 Trick - Psychic
Attack: 3 39 Psychic - Psychic
Defense: 5 43 Role Play - Psychic
Special Attack: 7 46 Baton Pass - Normal
Special Defense: 9 50 Safeguard - Normal
Speed: 6
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Type : Psychic / Fairy Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 16 Light
Basic Ability 1: Soundproof Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard,
Basic Ability 2: Filter 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Adv Ability 1: Technician Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
Adv Ability 2: Copy Master 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 41
High Ability: Wallmaster Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
48 Round, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 70 Flash,
Evolution: 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 83 Infestation, 85
1 - Mime Jr. Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
2 - Mr. Mime Learn Mimic Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Charm, Confuse Ray, Fake Out, Future Sight,
Weight : 28.7 lbs. / 13kg (2) Healing Wish, Hypnosis, Icy Wind, Magic Room,
Mimic, Nasty Plot, Power Split, Psych Up, Teeter
Breeding Information Dance, Trick, Wake-Up Slap
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Humanshape Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days Covet, Drain Punch, Focus Punch, Helping
Hand, Magic Coat, Magic Room, Mud-Slap,
Diet : Omnivore Recycle, Role Play, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Skill
Habitat : Urban Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Telekinesis, Trick,
Uproar, Wonder Room
Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 5d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Copycat - Normal
8 Meditate - Psychic
11 Double Slap - Normal
15 Mimic - Normal
15 Psywave - Psychic
18 Encore - Normal
22 Light Screen - Psychic
22 Reflect - Psychic
25 Psybeam - Psychic
29 Substitute - Normal
32 Recycle - Normal
36 Trick - Psychic
Base Stats: 39 Psychic - Psychic
HP: 4 43 Role Play - Psychic
Attack: 5 46 Baton Pass - Normal
Defense: 7 50 Safeguard - Normal
Special Attack: 10
Special Defense: 12 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 9 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper
Basic Information Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Type : Psychic / Fairy 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24
Basic Ability 1: Soundproof Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30
Basic Ability 2: Filter Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 33
Adv Ability 1: Technician Reflect, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44
Adv Ability 2: Copy Master Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast,
High Ability: Wallmaster 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 66 Pay-
back, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77
Evolution: Psych Up, 83 Infestation, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass
1 - Mime Jr. Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92
2 - Mr. Mime Learn Mimic Trick Room, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium) Body Slam, Counter, Covet, Double-Edge,
Weight : 120.2 lbs. / 54.5kg (4) Drain Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Foul Play,
Guard Swap(N), Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Icy Wind,
Breeding Information Iron Defense, Magic Coat, Magic Room, Magical
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Leaf(N), Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome,
Egg Group : Humanshape Misty Terrain (N), Mud-Slap, Power Swap(N), Quick
Guard(N), Recycle, Role Play, Seismic Toss, Shock
Diet : Omnivore Wave, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Habitat : Urban Snore, Telekinesis, Thunder Punch, Trick, Uproar,
Wide Guard(N), Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt
Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 5, Telekinetic,

CHINGLING Telepath, Underdog
Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Wrap - Normal
4 Growl - Normal
7 Astonish - Ghost
10 Confusion - Psychic
13 Yawn - Normal
16 Last Resort - Normal
19 Entrainment - Normal
32 Uproar - Normal

TM/HM Move List

03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 16 Light
Base Stats: Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21
HP: 5 Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
Attack: 3 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
Defense: 5 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 57
Special Attack: 7 Charge Beam, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych
Special Defense: 5 Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Speed: 5 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 99 Dazzling
Basic Information
Type : Psychic Egg Move List
Basic Ability 1: Levitate Cosmic Power, Curse, Disable, Dream Eater,
Adv Ability 1: Serene Grace Future Sight, Hypnosis, Recover, Skill Swap, Stored
Adv Ability 2: Magic Guard Power, Wish
Adv Ability 3: Probablity Control
High Ability: Cute Charm Tutor Move List
Bind, Gravity, Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Icy
Evolution: Wind, Knock Off, Last Resort, Magic Coat, Recycle,
1 - Chingling Role Play, Rollout, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Skill
2 - Chimecho Minimum 15 Night Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Swift, Telekinesis,
Trick, Uproar, Zen Headbutt
Size Information
Height : 0’ 8” / 0.2m (Small)
Weight : 1.3 lbs. / 0.6kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Indeterminate
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Urban

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 2, Levitate 3, Jump 1/1, Power 1,

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 5d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Growl - Normal
7 Astonish - Ghost
10 Confusion - Psychic
13 Yawn - Normal
16 Psywave - Psychic
19 Take Down - Normal
22 Extrasensory - Psychic
27 Heal Bell - Normal
32 Uproar - Normal
37 Safeguard - Normal
42 Double-Edge - Normal
47 Heal Pulse - Psychic
Base Stats: 52 Synchronoise - Psychic
HP: 7 57 Healing Wish - Psychic
Attack: 5
Defense: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 10 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Special Defense: 8 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 16 Light
Speed: 7 Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21
Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
Basic Information 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
Type : Psychic 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 53
Basic Ability 1: Levitate Energy Ball, 57 Charge Beam, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder
Adv Ability 1: Serene Grace Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot,
Adv Ability 2: Magic Guard 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick
Adv Ability 3: Probability Control Room, 99 Dazzling Gleam
High Ability: Soothing Tone
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Bind, Defense Curl, Gravity, Heal Bell,
1 - Chingling Healing Wish (N), Helping Hand, Icy Wind, Knock
2 - Chimecho Minimum 15 Night Off, Last Resort, Magic Coat, Recycle, Role Play,
Rollout, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep
Size Information Talk, Snatch, Snore, Synchronoise (N), Telekinesis,
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Trick, Uproar, Zen Headbutt
Weight : 2.2 lbs. / 1kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Indeterminate

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Urban

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 3, Levitate 4, Jump 1/1, Power 1,
Telepath, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 1d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Charm - Fairy
1 Encore - Normal
1 Splash - Normal
15 Counter - Fighting
15 Destiny Bond - Ghost
15 Mirror Coat - Psychic
15 Safeguard - Normal

Base Stats:
HP: 10
Attack: 2
Defense: 5
Special Attack: 2
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 2

Basic Information
Type : Psychic
Basic Ability 1: Weeble
Adv Ability 1: Telepathy
Adv Ability 2: Oblivious
Adv Ability 3: Shadow Tag
High Ability: Wobble

1 - Wynaut
2 - Wobbuffet Minimum 15

Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 30.9 lbs. / 14kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Indeterminate
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Grassland, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Underdog

Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
15 Counter - Fighting
15 Destiny Bond - Ghost
15 Mirror Coat - Psychic
15 Safeguard - Normal

Base Stats:
HP: 19
Attack: 3
Defense: 6
Special Attack: 3
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 3

Basic Information
Type : Psychic
Basic Ability 1: Weeble
Adv Ability 1: Telepathy
Adv Ability 2: Oblivious
Adv Ability 3: Shadow Tag
High Ability: Wobble

1 - Wynaut
2 - Wobbuffet Minimum 15

Size Information
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium)
Weight : 62.8 lbs. / 28.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Indeterminate

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Grassland, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 3,

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Telekinesis,
Telepath, Naturewalk (Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
1 Leer - Normal
5 Covet - Normal
9 Confusion - Psychic
13 Light Screen - Psychic
17 Psybeam - Psychic
19 Fake Out - Normal
22 Disarming Voice - Fairy
Base Stats: 25 Psyshock - Psychic
HP: 6
Attack: 5 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 5 A1 Cut, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Special Attack: 6 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17
Special Defense: 6 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Speed: 7 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 32 Double
Team, 33 Reflect, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Information Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 53 Energy Ball,
Type : Psychic 57 Charge Beam, 66 Payback, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88
Basic Ability 2: Infiltrator Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 97 Dark
Adv Ability 1: Oblivious Pulse, 100 Confide
Adb Ability 2: Own Tempo
High Ability: Unaware Egg Move List
Assist, Barrier, Trick, Yawn
1 - Espurr Tutor Move List
2 - Meowstic Minimum 25 Covet, Gravity, Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Iron Tail,
Magic Coat, Magic Room, Recycle, Role Play, Shock
Size Information Wave, Signal Beam, Snatch, Snore, Trick, Wonder
Height : 1’ 00” / 0.3m (Small) Room, Zen Headbutt
Weight : 7.7 lbs. / 3.5 kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland, Urban


Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Telekinesis,
Telepath, Naturewalk (Grassland)

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 4d6, Per-
cep 5d6, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
1 Leer - Normal
5 Covet - Normal
9 Confusion - Psychic
13 Light Screen - Psychic
17 Psybeam - Psychic
19 Fake Out - Normal
Base Stats: 25 Psyshock - Psychic
HP: 7 (M) 28 Charm - Fairy
Attack: 5 (F) 28 Charge Beam - Electric
Defense: 8 (M) 31 Miracle Eye - Psychic
Special Attack: 8 (F) 31 Shadow Ball - Ghost
Special Defense: 8 (M) 35 Reflect - Fairy
Speed: 10 (F) 35 Extrasensory - Psychic
40 Psychic - Psychic
Basic Information 43 Role Play - Psychic
Type : Psychic (M) 45 Imprison - Psychic
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye (F) 45 Signal Beam - Bug
Basic Ability 2: Infiltrator 48 Sucker Punch - Dark
Adv Ability 1 (F): Sorcery (M) 50 Misty Terrain - Fairy
Adv Ability 1 (M): Prankster (F) 50 Future Sight - Psychic
Adv Ability 2: Own Tempo (M) 55 Quick Guard - Fighting
High Ability (F): Competitive (F) 55 Stored Power - Psychic
High Ability (M): Magic Guard
TM/HM Move List
Evolution: A1 Cut, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Pow-
1 - Espurr er, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect,
18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt,
2 - Meowstic Minimum 25 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 41 Torment,
42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice,
Size Information 53 Energy Ball, 57 Charge Beam, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact,
Height : 2’ 00” / 0.6m (Small) 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87
Weight : 18.7 lbs. / 8.5 kg (1) Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 97 Dark
Pulse, 100 Confide
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Field Covet, Gravity, Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Iron Tail,
Magic Coat, Magic Room, Recycle, Role Play, Shock
Diet : Herbivore Wave, Signal Beam, Snatch, Snore, Trick, Wonder
Habitat : Grassland, Urban Room, Zen Headbutt
(M) Helping Hand (N), (M) Mean Look (N), (M)
Quick Guard (N), (F) Magical Leaf (N), (F) Me First
(N), (F) Stored Power (N)
Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Fake Out - Normal
1 Helping Hand - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Foresight - Normal

TM/HM Move List

A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hid-
den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 31 Brick
Base Stats: Break, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
HP: 4 tract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 67 Retali-
Attack: 4 ate, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Defense: 4 Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Special Attack: 4
Special Defense: 4 Egg Move List
Speed: 4 Bullet Punch, Counter, Endure, Feint,
Helping Hand, Hi Jump Kick, Mach Punch, Mind
Basic Information Reader, Pursuit, Rapid Spin, Vacuum Wave
Type : Fighting
Basic Ability 1: Guts Tutor Move List
Basic Ability 2: Steadfast Body Slam, Covet, Double-Edge, Helping
Adv Ability 1: Vital Spirit Hand, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mud-Slap,
Adv Ability 2: Discipline Role Play, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift,
High Ability: Celebrate Uproar, Vacuum Wave, Work Up

1 - Tyrogue
2 - Hitmonchan Superior Defense Minimum 20
2 - Hitmonlee Superior Attack Minimum 20
2 - Hitmontop Equal Attack and Defense
Minimum 20

Size Information
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small)
Weight : 46.3 lbs. / 21kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 100% M / 0% F
Egg Group : Humanshape
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Mountain, Urban

Athl 5d6+2, Acro 4d6+4, Combat 5d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Meditate - Psychic
9 Rolling Kick - Fighting
13 Jump Kick - Fighting
17 Brick Break - Fighting
21 Focus Energy - Normal
25 Feint - Normal
29 Hi Jump Kick - Fighting
33 Mind Reader - Normal
37 Foresight - Normal
41 Wide Guard - Rock
45 Blaze Kick - Fire
49 Endure - Normal
53 Mega Kick - Normal
Base Stats: 57 Close Combat - Fighting
HP: 5 61 Reversal - Fighting
Attack: 12
Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 4 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hid-
Special Defense: 11 den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Speed: 9 Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return,
31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42
Basic Information Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep,
Type : Fighting 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 67 Retaliate, 71
Basic Ability 1: Reckless Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison
Basic Ability 2: Limber Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
Adv Ability 1: Unburden Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Adv Ability 2: Discipline
High Ability: Lightning Kicks Tutor Move List
Bounce, Body Slam, Close Combat (N),
Evolution: Counter, Covet, Double Kick(N), Double-Edge, Dy-
1 - Tyrogue namic Punch, Focus Punch, Helping Hand, Knock
2 - Hitmonlee Superior Attack Minimum 20 Off, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Mega Kick (N), Mega
Punch, Metronome, Mud-Slap, Revenge(N), Rever-
Size Information sal (N), Role Play, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Sucker Punch, Superpower, Swift, Vacuum Wave,
Weight : 109.8 lbs. / 49.8kg (3) Work Up

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 100% M / 0% F
Egg Group : Humanshape

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Mountain, Urban

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 3/4, Power 6, Reach 2

Athl 5d6+2, Acro 2d6+3, Combat 5d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Agility - Psychic
11 Pursuit - Dark
16 Bullet Punch - Steel
16 Mach Punch - Fighting
21 Feint - Normal
26 Vacuum Wave - Fighting
31 Quick Guard - Fighting
36 Fire Punch - Fire
36 Ice Punch - Ice
36 Thunder Punch - Electric
41 Sky Uppercut - Fighting
46 Mega Punch - Normal
51 Detect - Fighting
Base Stats: 61 Counter - Fighting
HP: 5 66 Close Combat - Fighting
Attack: 11
Defense: 8 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 4 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hid-
Special Defense: 11 den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Speed: 8 Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return,
31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42
Basic Information Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep,
Type : Fighting 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 67 Retaliate, 71
Basic Ability 1: Iron Fist Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swag-
Basic Ability 2: Keen Eye ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98
Adv Ability 1: Inner Focus Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Adv Ability 2: Discipline
High Ability: Bodyguard Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Close Combat (N), Comet
Evolution: Punch(N), Counter (N), Covet, Double-Edge,
1 - Tyrogue Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus
2 - Hitmonchan Superior Defense Minimum 20 Punch (N), Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Low Kick,
Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Metronome, Mud-Slap,
Size Information Revenge(N), Role Play, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk,
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium) Snore, Swift, Thunder Punch, Vacuum Wave, Work
Weight : 110.7 lbs. / 50.2kg (4) Up

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 100% M / 0% F
Egg Group : Humanshape

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Mountain, Urban

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 2/2, Power 7,

HITMONTOP Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 2/2, Power 6,

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 4d6+1, Combat 5d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Focus Energy - Normal
10 Pursuit - Dark
15 Quick Attack - Normal
19 Triple Kick - Fighting
24 Rapid Spin - Normal
28 Counter - Fighting
33 Feint - Normal
37 Agility - Psychic
42 Gyro Ball - Steel
46 Quick Guard - Fighting
Base Stats: 46 Wide Guard - Rock
HP: 5 51 Detect - Fighting
Attack: 10 55 Close Combat - Fighting
Defense: 10 60 Endeavor - Normal
Special Attack: 4
Special Defense: 11 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 7 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hid-
den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Basic Information 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Type : Fighting 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm, 40
Basic Ability 1: Intimidate Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
Basic Ability 2: Technician 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 67 Retaliate, 71 Stone
Adv Ability 1: Steadfast Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87
Adb Ability 2: Discipline Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
High Ability: Whirlwind Kicks
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Body Slam, Close Combat (N), Covet,
1 - Tyrogue Double-Edge, Drill Run, Endeavor (N), Helping
2 - Hitmontop Equal Attack and Defense Hand, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mud-Slap,
Minimum 20 Revenge(N), Role Play, Rolling Kick(N), Seismic
Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Sucker Punch, Swift, Twister,
Size Information Vacuum Wave, Work Up
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium)
Weight : 105.8 lbs. / 48kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 100% M / 0% F
Egg Group : Humanshape

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Mountain, Urban

MANKEY (Forest, Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 2d6+2, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 1d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Focus Energy - Normal
1 Leer - Normal
1 Low Kick - Fighting
1 Scratch - Normal
9 Fury Swipes - Normal
13 Karate Chop - Fighting
17 Seismic Toss - Fighting
21 Screech - Normal
25 Assurance - Dark
33 Swagger - Normal
37 Cross Chop - Fighting
Base Stats: 41 Thrash - Normal
HP: 4 45 Punishment - Dark
Attack: 8 49 Close Combat - Fighting
Defense: 4 53 Final Gambit - Fighting
Special Attack: 4
Special Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 7 A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 08
Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt,
Basic Information 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack
Type : Fighting Down, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake,
Basic Ability 1: Vital Spirit 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
Basic Ability 2: Defiant 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Adv Ability 1: Anger Point 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 50
Adv Ability 2: Prime Fury Overheat, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 62 Acrobatics, 66
High Ability: Enduring Rage Payback, 67 Retaliate, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 84
Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90
Evolution: Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
1 - Mankey Confide
2 - Primeape Minimum 25
Egg Move List
Size Information Beat Up, Close Combat, Counter, Encore,
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Focus Punch, Foresight, Meditate, Revenge, Reversal,
Weight : 61.7 lbs. / 28kg (3) Rock Slide, Sleep Talk, Smelling Salts

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Body Slam, Covet, Defense Curl,
Egg Group : Field Double-Edge, Dual Chop, Dynamic Punch, Endeav-
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days or, Fire Punch, Gunk Shot, Helping Hand, Ice Punch,
Iron Tail, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mega
Diet : Omnivore Punch, Metronome, Mud-Slap, Night Slash, Outrage,
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Mountain, Rainforest Psych Up, Role Play, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Spite, Swift, Thunder Punch, Uproar, Vacuum Wave,
Capability List Work Up
Overland 6, Swim 2, Jump 2/2, Power 4, Naturewalk

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 4d6+1, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
9 Fury Swipes - Normal
13 Karate Chop - Fighting
17 Seismic Toss - Fighting
21 Screech - Normal
25 Assurance - Dark
28 Rage - Normal
35 Swagger - Normal
41 Cross Chop - Fighting
47 Thrash - Normal
53 Punishment - Dark
59 Close Combat - Fighting
Base Stats: 63 Final Gambit - Fighting
HP: 7
Attack: 11 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 6 A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 08
Special Attack: 6 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt,
Special Defense: 7 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Speed: 10 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick
Basic Information Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial
Type : Fighting Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low
Basic Ability 1: Vital Spirit Sweep, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 52 Focus Blast, 56
Basic Ability 2: Defiant Fling, 62 Acrobatics, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68
Adv Ability 1: Anger Point Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
Adv Ability 2: Prime Fury Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89
High Ability: Enduring Rage U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up
Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Mankey Tutor Move List
2 - Primeape Minimum 25 Body Slam, Covet, Defense Curl,
Double-Edge, Dual Chop, Dynamic Punch, En-
Size Information deavor, Fling(N), Final Gambit (N), Fire Punch,
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Focus Punch, Gunk Shot, Helping Hand, Ice Punch,
Weight : 70.5 lbs. / 32kg (3) Iron Tail, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mega
Punch, Metronome, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Psych Up,
Breeding Information Role Play, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Swift,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Thunder Punch, Uproar, Vacuum Wave, Work Up
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Mountain, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 3, Jump 3/4, Power 6, Naturewalk
(Forest, Mountain)

MIENFOO Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 2/2, Power 4, Naturewalk
(Cave, Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Pound - Normal
5 Meditate - Psychic
9 Detect - Fighting
13 Fake Out - Normal
17 Double Slap - Normal
21 Swift - Normal
25 Calm Mind - Psychic
29 Force Palm - Fighting
33 Drain Punch - Fighting
Base Stats: 37 Jump Kick - Fighting
HP: 5 41 U-turn - Bug
Attack: 9 45 Quick Guard - Fighting
Defense: 5 49 Bounce - Flying
Special Attack: 6 53 Hi Jump Kick - Fighting
Special Defense: 5 57 Reversal - Fighting
Speed: 7 61 Aura Sphere - Psychic

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Fighting A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 08
Basic Ability 1: Inner Focus Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt,
Basic Ability 2: Regenerator 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return,
Adv Ability 1: Combo Striker 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect,
Adv Ability 2: Sprint 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
High Ability: Reckless Attract, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast,
56 Fling, 62 Acrobatics, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 71
Evolution: Stone Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock
1 - Mienfoo Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
2 - Mienshao Minimum 35 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Small) Egg Move List
Weight : 44.1 lbs. / 20kg (2) Ally Switch, Baton Pass, Endure, Feint, Knock
Off, Low Kick, Me First, Smelling Salts, Vital Throw
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Field / Humanshape Bounce, Drain Punch, Dual Chop, Helping
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Hand, Knock Off, Low Kick, Role Play, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Work Up
Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

MIENSHAO Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 2/3, Power 6, Naturewalk
(Cave, Mountain), Reach 2

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 4d6+1, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth
4d6+1, Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Meditate - Psychic
9 Detect - Fighting
13 Fake Out - Normal
17 Double Slap - Normal
21 Swift - Normal
25 Calm Mind - Psychic
29 Force Palm - Fighting
33 Drain Punch - Fighting
37 Jump Kick - Fighting
Base Stats: 41 U-turn - Bug
HP: 7 45 Wide Guard - Rock
Attack: 13 49 Bounce - Flying
Defense: 6 56 Hi Jump Kick - Fighting
Special Attack: 10 63 Reversal - Fighting
Special Defense: 6 70 Aura Sphere - Psychic
Speed: 11
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 08
Type : Fighting Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt,
Basic Ability 1: Inner Focus 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frus-
Basic Ability 2: Regenerator tration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Adv Ability 1: Combo Striker Team, 33 Reflect, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42
Adv Ability 2: Sprint Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round,
High Ability: Reckless 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 62 Acrobatics, 66 Payback,
67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 75
Evolution: Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison
1 - Mienfoo Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89
2 - Mienshao Minimum 35 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up
Punch, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 4’ 8” / 1.4m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 78.3 lbs. / 35.5kg (3) Aura Sphere (N), Bounce, Drain Punch, Dual
Chop, Helping Hand, Knock Off, Low Kick, Reversal
Breeding Information (N), Role Play, Sleep Talk, Snore, Work Up
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field / Humanshape

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 1d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 1d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Focus Energy - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
4 Sand Attack - Ground
7 Arm Thrust - Fighting
10 Fake Out - Normal
13 Force Palm - Fighting
16 Whirlwind - Normal
19 Knock Off - Dark
22 Vital Throw - Fighting
25 Belly Drum - Normal
28 Smelling Salts - Normal
31 Seismic Toss - Fighting
Base Stats: 34 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
HP: 7 37 Endure - Normal
Attack: 6 40 Close Combat - Fighting
Defense: 3 43 Reversal - Fighting
Special Attack: 2 46 Heavy Slam - Eteel
Special Defense: 3
Speed: 3 TM/HM Move List
A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up,
Basic Information 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Type : Fighting Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earth-
Basic Ability 1: Sumo Stance quake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Adv Ability 1: Guts Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Adv Ability 2: Sheer Force 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling,
Adv Ability 3: Thick Fat 67 Retaliate, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison
High Ability: Absorb Force Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Makuhita Egg Move List
2 - Hariyama Minimum 20 Bullet Punch, Chip Away, Counter, Cross
Chop, Detect, Dynamic Punch, Feint Attack, Feint,
Size Information Focus Punch, Foresight, Helping Hand, Revenge,
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Wake-Up Slap, Wide Guard
Weight : 190.5 lbs. / 86.4kg (4)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Body Slam, Double-Edge, Fire Punch,
Gender Ratio : 75% M / 25% F Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Knock Off, Low Kick,
Egg Group : Humanshape Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Mud-Slap, Rock Climb, Role Play, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Superpower, Thunder Punch, Vacuum Wave, Work
Diet : Omnivore Up
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 6, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 1d6, Combat 5d6, Stealth 1d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Sand Attack - Ground
7 Arm Thrust - Fighting
10 Fake Out - Normal
13 Force Palm - Fighting
16 Whirlwind - Normal
19 Knock Off - Dark
22 Vital Throw - Fighting
26 Belly Drum - Normal
30 Smelling Salts - Normal
38 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
42 Endure - Normal
46 Close Combat - Fighting
Base Stats: 50 Reversal - Fighting
HP: 14 54 Heavy Slam - Steel
Attack: 12
Defense: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 4 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up,
Special Defense: 6 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam,
Speed: 5 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earth-
quake, 23 Smack Down, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick
Basic Information Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade,
Type : Fighting 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Fo-
Basic Ability 1: Sumo Stance cus Blast, 56 Fling, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga
Adv Ability 1: Guts Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 84
Adv Ability 2: Sheer Force Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
Adv Ability 3: Thick Fat 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
High Ability: Absorb Force
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Body Slam, Brine(N), Counter, Double-Edge,
1 - Makuhita Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Helping
2 - Hariyama Minimum 20 Hand, Ice Punch, Iron Head, Knock Off, Low Kick,
Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome,
Size Information Mud-Slap, Rock Climb, Role Play, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Height : 7’ 7” / 2.3m (Medium) Superpower, Thunder Punch, Vacuum Wave, Work
Weight : 559.5 lbs. / 253.8kg (6) Up

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 75% M / 25% F
Egg Group : Humanshape

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 14,

Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6+2, Focus 4d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bide - Normal
4 Meditate - Psychic
7 Confusion - Psychic
9 Detect - Fighting
12 Endure - Normal
15 Feint - Normal
17 Force Palm - Fighting
20 Hidden Power - Normal
23 Calm Mind - Psychic
25 Mind Reader - Normal
28 Hi Jump Kick - Fighting
31 Psych Up - Normal
33 Acupressure - Normal
Base Stats: 36 Power Trick - Psychic
HP: 3 39 Reversal - Fighting
Attack: 4 41 Recover - Normal
Defense: 6 44 Counter - Fighting
Special Attack: 4
Special Defense: 6 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 6 A4 Strength, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind,
06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Basic Information Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Type : Fighting / Psychic Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
Basic Ability 1: Pure Power 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 39 Rock
Adv Ability 1: Inner Focus Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep,
Adv Ability 2: Scrappy 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 67 Retaliate, 70
Adv Ability 3: Telepathy Flash, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 85
High Ability: Aura Storm Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up
Evolution: Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Meditite
2 - Medicham Minimum 35 Egg Move List
Baton Pass, Bullet Punch, Drain Punch,
Size Information Dynamic Punch, Fake Out, Fire Punch, Foresight,
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Guard Swap, Ice Punch, Power Swap, Psycho Cut,
Weight : 24.7 lbs. / 11.2kg (1) Quick Guard, Secret Power, Thunder Punch

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Body Slam, Counter, Double-Edge, Drain
Egg Group : Humanshape Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Gravity, Helping
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Hand, Ice Punch, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Mega Kick,
Mega Punch, Metronome, Mud-Slap, Pain Split,
Diet : Omnivore Recycle, Role Play, Seismic Toss, Signal Beam, Sleep
Habitat : Cave, Mountain Talk, Snore, Swift, Telekinesis, Thunder Punch, Trick,
Vacuum Wave, Work Up, Zen Headbutt
Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/2, Power 4, Underdog

Athl 5d6+2, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 5d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6+3, Focus 6d6+4

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Meditate - Psychic
7 Confusion - Psychic
9 Detect - Fighting
12 Endure - Normal
15 Feint - Normal
17 Force Palm - Fighting
20 Hidden Power - Normal
23 Calm Mind - Psychic
25 Mind Reader - Normal
28 Hi Jump Kick - Fighting
31 Psych Up - Normal
33 Acupressure - Normal
36 Power Trick - Psychic
Base Stats: 42 Reversal - Fighting
HP: 6 47 Recover - Normal
Attack: 6 53 Counter - Fighting
Defense: 8
Special Attack: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 8 A4 Strength, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06
Speed: 8 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Information Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30
Type : Fighting / Psychic Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 33 Re-
Basic Ability 1: Pure Power flect, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Adv Ability 1: Spinning Dance 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 53 Energy
Adv Ability 2: Scrappy Ball, 56 Fling, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash,
Adv Ability 3: Telapathy 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 85 Dream
High Ability: Aura Storm Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
Evolution: Confide
1 - Meditite
2 - Medicham Minimum 35 Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Counter, Double-Edge, Drain
Size Information Punch, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch(N), Focus
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium) Punch, Gravity, Helping Hand, Ice Punch(N), Low
Weight : 69.4 lbs. / 31.5kg (3) Kick, Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Met-
ronome, Mud-Slap, Pain Split, Recycle, Role Play,
Breeding Information Secret Power, Seismic Toss, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Snore, Swift, Telekinesis, Thunder Punch(N), Trick,
Egg Group : Humanshape Vacuum Wave, Work Up, Zen Headbutt (N)

Diet : Omnivore Mega Evolution
Habitat : Cave, Mountain Type: Unchanged
Ability: Pure Power
Capability List Stats: +4 Atk, +1 Def,
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 2/2, Power 6, Aura +2 Sp. Atk, +1 Sp. Def,
Reader, Underdog +2 Speed

RIOLU Capability List
Overland 6, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Underdog
Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6+2, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Endure - Normal
1 Foresight - Normal
1 Quick Attack - Normal
6 Counter - Fighting
11 Feint - Normal
15 Force Palm - Fighting
19 Copycat - Normal
24 Screech - Normal
29 Reversal - Fighting
47 Nasty Plot - Dark
55 Final Gambit - Fighting
Base Stats:
HP: 4 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 7 A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up,
Defense: 4 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Special Attack: 4 Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28
Special Defense: 4 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb,
Speed: 6 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep, 48
Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 65 Shadow Claw, 66
Basic Information Payback, 67 Retaliate, 75 Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze,
Type : Fighting 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Basic Ability 1: Steadfast Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up
Basic Ability 2: Inner Focus Punch, 100 Confide
Adv Ability 1: Celebrate
Adv Ability 2: Sprint Egg Move List
High Ability: Prankster Agility, Bite, Blaze Kick, Bullet Punch, Circle
Throw, Cross Chop, Crunch, Detect, Hi Jump Kick,
Evolution: Iron Defense, Low Kick, Mind Reader, Sky Uppercut,
1 - Riolu Vacuum Wave, Follow Me
2 - Lucario Loyalty 3
Tutor Move List
Size Information Drain Punch, Dual Chop, Focus Punch, Fury
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small) Cutter, Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Iron Defense, Iron
Weight : 44.5 lbs. / 20.2kg (2) Tail, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Magnet Rise,
Mud-Slap, Role Play, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift,
Breeding Information Thunder Punch, Vacuum Wave, Work Up, Zen
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Headbutt
Egg Group : Field / Humanshape
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

LUCARIO Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 2, Jump 2/3, Power 7, Aura
Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 4d6+1, Combat 5d6, Stealth 2d6+2,
Percep 3d6+3, Focus 5d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Counter - Fighting
11 Feint - Normal
15 Force Palm - Fighting
19 Me First - Normal
24 Metal Sound - Steel
29 Bone Rush - Ground
33 Quick Guard - Fighting
37 Swords Dance - Normal
42 Heal Pulse - Psychic
47 Calm Mind - Psychic
Base Stats: 51 Aura Sphere - Fighting
HP: 7 55 Close Combat - Fighting
Attack: 11 60 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Defense: 7 65 Extreme Speed - Normal
Special Attack: 12
Special Defense: 7 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 9 A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 04 Calm Mind,
05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Information 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Type : Fighting / Steel Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return,
Basic Ability 1: Steadfast 28 Dig, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break,
Basic Ability 2: Inner Focus 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Adv Ability 1: Justified 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast,
Adv Ability 2: Parry 56 Fling, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate,
High Ability: Aura Storm 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 75 Swords Dance,
78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swag-
Evolution: ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon,
1 - Riolu 94 Rock Smash, 97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch,
2 - Lucario Loyalty 3 100 Confide

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium) Aura Sphere (N), Close Combat (N), Dark Pulse(N),
Weight : 119 lbs. / 54kg (4) Detect(N), Dragon Pulse (N), Drain Punch, Dual
Chop, Extreme Speed (N), Focus Punch, Fury Cutter,
Breeding Information Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Iron Defense, Iron Tail,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Low Kick, Magic Coat, Magnet Rise, Metal Claw(N),
Egg Group : Field / Humanshape Mud-Slap, Role Play, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Thun-
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days der Punch, Vacuum Wave, Work Up, Zen Headbutt
Mega Evolution
Diet : Omnivore Type: Unchanged
Habitat : Cave, Forest, Mountain Ability: Adaptability
Stats: +4 Atk, +2 Def,
+2 Sp. Atk, +2 Speed

PANCHAM Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6+1, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Leer - Normal
7 Arm Thrust - Fighting
10 Work Up - Normal
12 Karate Chop - Fighting
15 Comet Punch - Normal
20 Slash - Normal
25 Circle Throw - Fighting
27 Vital Throw - Fighting
Base Stats: 33 Body Slam - Normal
HP: 7 39 Crunch - Dark
Attack: 8 42 Entrainment - Normal
Defense: 6 45 Parting Shot - Dark
Special Attack: 5 48 Sky Uppercut - Fighting
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 4 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 08
Basic Information Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect,
Type : Fighting 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31
Basic Ability 1: Iron Fist Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 39
Basic Ability 2: Mold Breaker Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 1: Deep Sleep 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 49
Adv Ability 2: Oblivious Echoed Voice, 54 False Swipe, 56 Fling, 65 Shadow
High Ability: Scrappy Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 71 Stone Edge, 75
Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass
Evolution: Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
1 - Pancham Rock Smash, 97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch,
2 - Pangoro Minimum 30, exposed to Dark Type 100 Confide

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 2’ 00” / 0.6m (Small) Foul Play, Me First, Quash, Quick Guard, Storm
Weight : 17.6 lbs. / 8 kg (1) Throw

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Block, Covet, Drain Punch, Dual Chop, Endeavor,
Egg Group : Field, Human-Like Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Foul Play, Gunk Shot,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch, Iron Head,
Knock Off, Low Kick, Outrage, Snatch, Snore, Spite,
Diet : Herbivore Superpower, Thunder Punch, Uproar, Zen Headbutt
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

PANGORO Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 9, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest)

Skill List
Athl 5d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 5d6+1, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Leer - Normal
7 Arm Thrust - Fighting
10 Work Up - Normal
12 Karate Chop - Fighting
15 Comet Punch - Normal
20 Slash - Normal
25 Circle Throw - Fighting
27 Vital Throw - Fighting
Base Stats: 35 Body Slam - Normal
HP: 9 42 Crunch - Dark
Attack: 12 45 Entrainment - Normal
Defense: 8 48 Parting Shot - Dark
Special Attack: 7 52 Sky Uppercut - Fighting
Special Defense: 7 57 Hammer Arm - Fighting
Speed: 6 65 Taunt - Dark
70 Low Sweep - Fighting
Basic Information
Type : Fighting / Dark TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Iron Fist A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02
Basic Ability 2: Mold Breaker Dragon Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hid-
Adv Ability 1: Deep Sleep den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Pro-
Adv Ability 2: Oblivious tect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake,
High Ability: Scrappy 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
36 Sludge Bomb, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41
Evolution: Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low
1 - Pancham Sweep, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 54 False Swipe,
2 - Pangoro Minimum 30, exposed to Dark Type 56 Fling, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate,
68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 78
Size Information Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 83 Infestation,
Height : 6’ 11” / 2.1m (Large) 84 Poison Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Weight : 299.8 lbs. / 136 kg (5) Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 97
Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Field, Human-Like Block, Covet, Drain Punch, Dual Chop, Endeavor,
Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Foul Play, Gunk Shot,
Diet : Herbivore Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch, Iron Head,
Habitat : Forest, Grassland Knock Off, Low Kick, Outrage, Snatch, Snore, Spite,
Superpower, Thunder Punch, Uproar, Zen Headbutt

MURKROW Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Sky 6, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Dark-
vision, Stealth, Underdog, Fortune

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6+1, Stealth 4d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Astonish - Ghost
1 Peck - Flying
5 Pursuit - Dark
11 Haze - Ice
15 Wing Attack - Flying
21 Night Shade - Ghost
25 Assurance - Dark
31 Taunt - Dark
35 Feint Attack - Dark
Base Stats: 41 Mean Look - Normal
HP: 6 45 Foul Play - Dark
Attack: 9 51 Tailwind - Flying
Defense: 4 55 Sucker Punch - Dark
Special Attack: 9 61 Torment - Dark
Special Defense: 4 65 Quash - Dark
Speed: 9
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A2 Fly, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Type : Dark / Flying Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Ability 1: Insomnia Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psy-
Basic Ability 2: Super Luck chic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace,
Adv Ability 1: Omen 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
Adv Ability 2: Weird Power 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 60 Quash, 63 Embargo, 66
High Ability: Prankster Payback, 67 Retaliate, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych
Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Evolution: Substitute, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse
1 - Murkrow
2 - Honchkrow Dusk Stone Minimum 20 Egg Move List
Confuse Ray, Drill Peck, Feint Attack, Feather
Size Information Dance, Flatter, Mirror Move, Perish Song, Psycho
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Shift, Screech, Sky Attack, Whirlwind, Wing Attack
Weight : 4.6 lbs. / 2.1kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Air Cutter, Dark Pulse, Double-Edge, Foul
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Play, Heat Wave, Icy Wind, Mud-Slap, Ominous
Egg Group : Flying Wind, Pluck, Roost, Sky Attack, Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Snore, Spite, Steel Wing, Sucker Punch, Swift, Tail-
wind, Telekinesis, Twister, Uproar
Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Marsh, Urban

Athl 3d6+2, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 4d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Pursuit - Dark
11 Haze - Ice
15 Wing Attack - Flying
21 Night Shade - Ghost
25 Assurance - Dark
25 Swagger - Normal
31 Taunt - Dark
35 Feint Attack - Dark
35 Nasty Plot - Dark
41 Mean Look - Normal
45 Foul Play - Dark
45 Foul Play - Dark
51 Tailwind - Flying
Base Stats: 55 Sucker Punch - Dark
HP: 10 55 Night Slash - Dark
Attack: 13 61 Torment - Dark
Defense: 5 65 Quash - Dark
Special Attack: 11 65 Quash - Dark
Special Defense: 5 75 Dark Pulse - Dark
Speed: 7
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A2 Fly, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Type : Dark / Flying Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Basic Ability 1: Insomnia Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27
Basic Ability 2: Super Luck Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 1: Confidence 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
Adv Ability 2: Rally tract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 59 Inciner-
High Ability: Moxie ate, 60 Quash, 63 Embargo, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate,
68 Giga Impact, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85
Evolution: Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
1 - Murkrow tute, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse
2 - Honchkrow Dusk Stone Minimum 20
Tutor Move List
Size Information Air Cutter, Astonish(N), Dark Pulse, Defog,
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Medium) Double-Edge, Foul Play, Haze(N), Heat Wave, Icy
Weight : 60.2 lbs. / 27.3kg (3) Wind, Mud-Slap, Night Slash (N), Ominous Wind,
Pursuit(N), Roost, Sky Attack, Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Breeding Information Snore, Spite, Steel Wing, Sucker Punch (N), Super-
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F power, Swift, Tailwind, Telekinesis, Twister, Uproar,
Egg Group : Flying Wing Attack(N)

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Marsh

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Sky 8, Jump 2/2, Power 4, Dark-
vision, Guster, Pack Mon
VULLABY Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Sky 5, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Dark-
vision, Guster, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6+1, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Gust - Flying
1 Leer - Normal
5 Fury Attack - Normal
10 Pluck - Flying
14 Nasty Plot - Dark
19 Flatter - Dark
23 Feint Attack - Dark
28 Punishment - Dark
32 Defog - Flying
Base Stats: 34 Tailwind - Flying
HP: 7 41 Air Slash - Flying
Attack: 6 46 Dark Pulse - Dark
Defense: 8 50 Embargo - Dark
Special Attack: 5 55 Whirlwind - Normal
Special Defense: 7 59 Brave Bird - Flying
Speed: 6 64 Mirror Move - Flying

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Dark / Flying A1 Cut, A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Ability 1: Lunchbox 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Basic Ability 2: Overcoat 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 30 Shadow Ball,
Adv Ability 1: Weak Armor 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41
Adv Ability 2: Big Pecks Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
High Ability: Frighten Round, 51 Steel Wing, 59 Incinerate, 63 Embargo, 66
Payback, 67 Retaliate, 77 Psych Up, 87 Swagger, 88
Evolution: Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
1 - Vullaby 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse
2 - Mandibuzz Minimum 30
Egg Move List
Size Information Fake Tears, Foul Play, Knock Off, Mean Look,
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Roost, Scary Face, Steel Wing
Weight : 19.8 lbs. / 9kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Block, Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Heat Wave, Iron
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F Defense, Knock Off, Pluck, Roost, Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Egg Group : Flying Snore, Tailwind
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Desert, Mountain

Athl 4d6+1, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 5d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Fury Attack - Normal
10 Pluck - Flying
14 Nasty Plot - Dark
19 Flatter - Dark
23 Feint Attack - Dark
28 Punishment - Dark
32 Defog - Flying
37 Tailwind - Flying
41 Air Slash - Flying
46 Dark Pulse - Dark
50 Embargo - Dark
51 Bone Rush - Ground
57 Whirlwind - Normal
Base Stats: 63 Brave Bird - Flying
HP: 11 70 Mirror Move - Flying
Attack: 7
Defense: 11 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 6 A1 Cut, A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Special Defense: 10 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Speed: 8 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 27 Return,
30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb,
Basic Information 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Type : Dark / Flying Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 59 Incin-
Basic Ability 1: Cruelty erate, 63 Embargo, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga
Basic Ability 2: Overcoat Impact, 77 Psych Up, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89
Adv Ability 1: Weak Armor U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 97
Adv Ability 2: Big Pecks Dark Pulse
High Ability: Bully
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Block, Bone Rush (N), Brave Bird (N), Dark
1 - Vullaby Pulse, Foul Play, Heat Wave, Iron Defense, Knock
2 - Mandibuzz Minimum 35 Off, Mirror Move (N), Pluck, Roost, Sky Attack,
Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Tailwind, Whirlwind (N)
Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 87.1 lbs. / 39.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F
Egg Group : Flying

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Desert, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Sky 7, Jump 1/2, Power 3, Dark-
vision, Guster

PURRLOIN Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Darkvision,
Stealth, Naturewalk (Grassland, Urban), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
3 Growl - Normal
6 Assist - Normal
10 Sand Attack - Ground
12 Fury Swipes - Normal
15 Pursuit - Dark
19 Torment - Dark
21 Fake Out - Normal
24 Hone Claws - Dark
Base Stats: 28 Assurance - Dark
HP: 4 30 Slash - Normal
Attack: 5 33 Captivate - Normal
Defense: 4 37 Night Slash - Dark
Special Attack: 5 39 Snatch - Dark
Special Defense: 4 42 Nasty Plot - Dark
Speed: 7 46 Sucker Punch - Dark
49 Play Rough - Fairy
Basic Information
Type : Dark TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Limber A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Basic Ability 2: Unburden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Adv Ability 1: Cruelty Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 32
Adv Ability 2: Prankster Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
High Ability: Vicious 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
Voice, 63 Embargo, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback,
Evolution: 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86
1 - Purrloin Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
2 - Liepard Minimum 20 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse

Size Information Egg Move List

Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Charm, Copycat, Covet, Encore, Feint Attack,
Weight : 22.3 lbs. / 10.1kg (1) Fake Tears, Pay Day, Foul Play, Yawn

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Covet, Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Gunk Shot,
Egg Group : Field Hyper Voice, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Role Play, Seed
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Trick

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Rainforest, Urban

LIEPARD Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
4d6+2, Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Growl - Normal
6 Assist - Normal
10 Sand Attack - Ground
12 Fury Swipes - Normal
15 Pursuit - Dark
19 Torment - Dark
22 Fake Out - Normal
26 Hone Claws - Dark
31 Assurance - Dark
34 Slash - Normal
38 Taunt - Dark
43 Night Slash - Dark
47 Snatch - Dark
Base Stats: 50 Nasty Plot - Dark
HP: 6 55 Sucker Punch - Dark
Attack: 9 58 Play Rough - Fairy
Defense: 5
Special Attack: 9 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 5 A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Speed: 11 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return,
Basic Information 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 41
Type : Dark Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Basic Ability 1: Limber Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 63 Embargo, 65 Shadow
Basic Ability 2: Unburden Claw, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 73 Thunder Wave,
Adv Ability 1: Cruelty 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87
Adv Ability 2: Prankster Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
High Ability: Vicious 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Purrloin Covet, Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Gunk Shot,
2 - Liepard Minimum 20 Hyper Voice, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Role Play, Seed
Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Trick
Size Information
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium)
Weight : 82.7 lbs. / 37.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 4, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Darkvision,
Stealth, Naturewalk (Grassland, Urban), Underdog

HOUNDOUR Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Darkvision,
Tracker, Naturewalk (Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6+2, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Ember - Fire
1 Leer - Normal
4 Howl - Normal
8 Smog - Poison
13 Roar - Normal
16 Bite - Dark
20 Odor Sleuth - Normal
25 Beat Up - Dark
28 Fire Fang - Fire
Base Stats: 32 Feint Attack - Dark
HP: 5 37 Embargo - Dark
Attack: 6 40 Foul Play - Dark
Defense: 3 44 Flamethrower - Fire
Special Attack: 8 49 Crunch - Dark
Special Defense: 5 52 Nasty Plot - Dark
Speed: 7 54 Inferno - Fire

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Dark / Fire 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Basic Ability 1: Flash Fire Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22
Basic Ability 2: Early Bird Solar Beam, 27 Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
Adv Ability 1: Intimidate Team, 35 Flamethrower, 36 Sludge Bomb, 38 Fire
Adv Ability 2: Unnerve Blast, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44
High Ability: Teamwork Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 59
Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 63 Embargo, 66 Pay-
Evolution: back, 67 Retaliate, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88
1 - Houndour Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 97
2 - Houndoom Minimum 25 Dark Pulse

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Beat Up, Counter, Destiny Bond, Feint, Fire
Weight : 23.8 lbs. / 10.8kg (1) Fang, Fire Spin, Nasty Plot, Punishment, Pursuit,
Rage, Reversal, Spite, Thunder Fang, Will-O-Wisp
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Field Body Slam, Dark Pulse, Double-Edge, Foul
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Play, Heat Wave, Iron Tail, Magic Coat, Mud-Slap,
Role Play, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Sucker
Diet : Carnivore Punch, Super Fang, Swift, Uproar
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Howl - Normal
8 Smog - Poison
13 Roar - Normal
16 Bite - Dark
20 Odor Sleuth - Normal
26 Beat Up - Dark
30 Fire Fang - Fire
35 Feint Attack - Dark
41 Embargo - Dark
45 Foul Play - Dark
50 Flamethrower - Fire
56 Crunch - Dark
60 Nasty Plot - Dark
Base Stats: 65 Inferno - Fire
HP: 8
Attack: 9 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 5 A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Special Attack: 11 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Special Defense: 8 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 30
Speed: 10 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 36
Sludge Bomb, 38 Fire Blast, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
Basic Information 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Type : Dark / Fire Round, 50 Overheat, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp,
Basic Ability 1: Flash Fire 63 Embargo, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Im-
Basic Ability 2: Early Bird pact, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Adv Ability 1: Brimstone Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse
Adv Ability 2: Unnerve
High Ability: Pack Hunt Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Counter, Dark Pulse,
Evolution: Double-Edge, Foul Play, Heat Wave, Hyper Voice,
1 - Houndour Inferno (N), Iron Tail, Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Nasty
2 - Houndoom Minimum 25 Plot (N), Role Play, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite,
Sucker Punch, Super Fang, Swift, Thunder Fang(N),
Size Information Uproar
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium)
Weight : 77.2 lbs. / 35kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Carnivore Mega Evolution

Habitat : Cave, Mountain Type: Unchanged
Ability: Solar Power
Capability List Stats: +4 Def,
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 5, Darkvision, +3 Sp. Atk, +1 Sp. Def,
Tracker, Naturewalk (Mountain) +2 Speed

POOCHYENA Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Darkvision,
Tracker, Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6+1, Stealth
3d6+1, Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
4 Howl - Normal
7 Sand Attack - Ground
10 Bite - Dark
13 Odor Sleuth - Normal
16 Roar - Normal
19 Swagger - Normal
22 Assurance - Dark
25 Scary Face - Normal
Base Stats: 28 Embargo - Dark
HP: 4 31 Taunt - Dark
Attack: 6 34 Take Down - Normal
Defense: 4 37 Crunch - Dark
Special Attack: 3 40 Sucker Punch - Dark
Special Defense: 3
Speed: 4 TM/HM Move List
05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Basic Information Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Type : Dark Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32
Basic Ability 1: Run Away Double Team, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Ability 2: Teamwork Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 59 Incinerate, 63 Em-
Adv Ability 1: Rattled bargo, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 2: Quick Feet Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark
High Ability: Pack Hunt Pulse

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Poochyena Astonish, Covet, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Leer, Me
2 - Mightyena Minimum 15 First, Play Rough, Poison Fang, Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Sucker Punch, Thunder Fang, Yawn
Size Information
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 30 lbs. / 13.6kg (2) Body Slam, Counter, Covet, Dark Pulse,
Double-Edge, Foul Play, Hyper Voice, Iron Tail,
Breeding Information Mud-Slap, Psych Up, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Sucker Punch, Super Fang, Uproar
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

MIGHTYENA Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 6, Darkvision,
Pack Mon, Tracker, Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest),

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6+3, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Howl - Normal
7 Sand Attack - Ground
10 Bite - Dark
13 Odor Sleuth - Normal
16 Roar - Normal
18 Snarl - Dark
20 Swagger - Normal
24 Assurance - Dark
Base Stats: 28 Scary Face - Normal
HP: 7 32 Embargo - Dark
Attack: 9 36 Taunt - Dark
Defense: 7 40 Take Down - Normal
Special Attack: 6 44 Crunch - Dark
Special Defense: 6 48 Sucker Punch - Dark
Speed: 7
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Type : Dark Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Basic Ability 1: Intimidate Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28
Basic Ability 2: Teamwork Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 41 Torment,
Adv Ability 1: Moxie 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 2: Quick Feet 59 Incinerate, 63 Embargo, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate,
High Ability: Pack Hunt 68 Giga Impact, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
tute, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse
1 - Poochyena Tutor Move List
2 - Mightyena Minimum 15 Body Slam, Counter, Covet, Crunch (N),
Dark Pulse, Double-Edge, Foul Play, Hyper Voice,
Size Information Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Psych Up, Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Snore, Spite, Sucker Punch, Super Fang, Thief (N),
Weight : 81.6 lbs. / 37kg (3) Uproar

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Darkvision,
Stealth, Pack Mon, Naturewalk (Desert, Mountain),
Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6+2, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Low Kick - Fighting
5 Sand Attack - Ground
9 Feint Attack - Dark
12 Headbutt - Normal
16 Swagger - Normal
20 Brick Break - Fighting
23 Payback - Dark
Base Stats: 27 Chip Away - Normal
HP: 5 31 Hi Jump Kick - Fighting
Attack: 8 34 Scary Face - Normal
Defense: 7 38 Crunch - Dark
Special Attack: 4 42 Facade - Normal
Special Defense: 7 45 Rock Climb - Normal
Speed: 5 49 Focus Punch - Fighting
53 Head Smash - Rock
Basic Information
Type : Dark / Fighting TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Shed Skin A4 Strength, 02 Dragon Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic,
Basic Ability 2: Moxie 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt,
Adv Ability 1: Intimidate 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Adv Ability 2: Reckless tion, 23 Smack Down, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break,
32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 39 Rock Tomb, 41
High Ability: Bully
Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low
Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate,
Evolution: 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge,
1 - Scraggy 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 84 Poison Jab, 86 Grass
2 - Scrafty Minimum 35 Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
Smash, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
Size Information Confide
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 26 lbs. / 11.8kg (2) Egg Move List
Amnesia, Counter, Detect, Dragon Dance,
Breeding Information Drain Punch, Feint Attack, Fake Out, Fire Punch, Ice
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Punch, Quick Guard, Thunder Punch, Zen Headbutt
Egg Group : Field / Dragon
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Tutor Move List
Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Drain Punch,
Diet : Herbivore Dual Chop, Fire Punch, Foul Play, Ice Punch, Iron
Habitat : Desert, Mountain Defense, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Low Kick,
Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Super Fang,
Thunder Punch, Work Up, Zen Headbutt

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Sand Attack - Ground
9 Feint Attack - Dark
12 Headbutt - Normal
16 Swagger - Normal
20 Brick Break - Fighting
23 Payback - Dark
27 Chip Away - Normal
31 Hi Jump Kick - Fighting
34 Scary Face - Normal
38 Crunch - Dark
45 Facade - Normal
51 Rock Climb - Normal
Base Stats: 58 Focus Punch - Fighting
HP: 7 65 Head Smash - Rock
Attack: 9
Defense: 12 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 5 A4 Strength, 02 Dragon Claw, 05 Roar, 06
Special Defense: 12 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Speed: 6 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Basic Information 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb,
Type : Dark / Fighting 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Ability 1: Shed Skin Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus
Basic Ability 2: Moxie Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 66 Payback, 67 Retali-
Adv Ability 1: Intimidate ate, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 80 Rock Slide,
Adv Ability 2: Reckless 82 Dragon Tail, 84 Poison Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87
High Ability: Bully Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
Evolution: Confide
1 - Scraggy
2 - Scrafty Minimum 35 Tutor Move List
Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Drain Punch,
Size Information Dual Chop, Fire Punch, Foul Play, Ice Punch, Iron
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Defense, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Low Kick,
Weight : 66.1 lbs. / 30kg (3) Outrage, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Super Fang,
Thunder Punch, Work Up, Zen Headbutt
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field / Dragon

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Desert, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 6, Darkvision,
Stealth, Naturewalk (Desert, Mountain), Pack Mon

SNEASEL Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 3, Jump 2/2, Power 2, Darkvision,
Naturewalk (Cave, Tundra), Stealth

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
4d6+1, Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Scratch - Normal
1 Taunt - Dark
8 Quick Attack - Normal
10 Feint Attack - Dark
14 Icy Wind - Ice
16 Fury Swipes - Normal
20 Agility - Psychic
22 Metal Claw - Steel
Base Stats: 25 Hone Claws - Dark
HP: 6 28 Beat Up - Dark
Attack: 10 32 Screech - Normal
Defense: 6 35 Slash - Normal
Special Attack: 4 40 Snatch - Dark
Special Defense: 8 44 Punishment - Steel
Speed: 12 47 Ice Shard - Ice

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Dark / Ice A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 01 Hone
Basic Ability 1: Inner Focus Claws, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden
Basic Ability 2: Keen Eye Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Bliz-
Adv Ability 1: Teamwork zard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27
Adv Ability 2: Pickpocket Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32
High Ability: Vicious Double Team, 33 Reflect, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment,
42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low
Evolution: Sweep, 48 Round, 54 False Swipe, 56 Fling, 63 Em-
1 - Sneasel bargo, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 75
2 - Weavile Holding Razor Claw Minimum 30 Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up, 81 X-Scissor, 84 Poison
at Night Jab, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse,
Size Information 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Medium)
Weight : 61.7 lbs. / 28kg (3) Egg Move List
Assist, Avalanche, Bite, Counter, Crush Claw, Double
Breeding Information Hit, Fake Out, Feint, Foresight, Ice Punch, Ice Shard,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Icicle Crash, Punishment, Pursuit, Reflect, Spite
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Tutor Move List
Dark Pulse, Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Dark Pulse,
Diet : Omnivore Dynamic Punch, Focus Punch, Foul Play, Fury Cut-
Habitat : Cave, Taiga, Tundra ter, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Low
Kick, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite,

WEAVILE Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 4, Jump 2/3, Power 3, Darkvision,
Naturewalk (Cave, Tundra), Stealth

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 5d6+1, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth
5d6+1, Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
8 Quick Attack - Normal
10 Feint Attack - Dark
14 Icy Wind - Ice
16 Fury Swipes - Normal
20 Nasty Plot - Dark
22 Metal Claw - Steel
25 Hone Claws - Dark
30 Fling - Dark
32 Screech - Normal
Base Stats: 35 Night Slash - Dark
HP: 7 40 Snatch - Dark
Attack: 12 44 Punishment - Steel
Defense: 7 47 Dark Pulse - Dark
Special Attack: 5
Special Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 13 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 15 Hyper Beam,
Basic Information 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Type : Dark / Ice Beam, 27 Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break,
Basic Ability 1: Pressure 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm, 38
Basic Ability 2: Keen Eye Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44
Adv Ability 1: Teamwork Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 54 False
Adv Ability 2: Pickpocket Swipe, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 59 Incinerate, 63
High Ability: Vicious Embargo, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone
Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide,
Evolution: 81 X-Scissor, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
1 - Sneasel Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash,
2 - Weavile Holding Razor Claw Minimum 30 97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
at Night
Tutor Move List
Size Information Assurance(N), Avalanche, Dark Pulse,
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch,
Weight : 75 lbs. / 34kg (3) Embargo(N), Focus Punch, Foul Play, Fury Cutter,
Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Low Kick,
Breeding Information Mud-Slap, Revenge(N), Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Spite, Swift, Taunt(N)
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Taiga, Tundra

PAWNIARD Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Darkvision,
Tracker, Stealth, Pack Mon, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 4d6+1, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
6 Leer - Normal
9 Fury Cutter - Bug
14 Torment - Dark
17 Feint Attack - Dark
22 Scary Face - Normal
25 Metal Claw - Steel
30 Slash - Normal
33 Assurance - Dark
Base Stats: 38 Metal Sound - Steel
HP: 5 41 Embargo - Dark
Attack: 9 46 Iron Defense - Steel
Defense: 7 49 Night Slash - Dark
Special Attack: 4 54 Iron Head - Steel
Special Defense: 4 57 Swords Dance - Normal
Speed: 6 62 Guillotine - Normal

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Dark / Steel A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Basic Ability 1: Defiant Power, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frus-
Basic Ability 2: Inner Focus tration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Adv Ability 1: Pressure Team, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace,
Adv Ability 2: Teamwork 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
High Ability: Parry 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 54 False Swipe, 56 Fling,
63 Embargo, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retali-
Evolution: ate, 69 Rock Polish, 73 Thunder Wave, 75 Swords
1 - Pawniard Dance, 81 X-Scissor, 84 Poison Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87
2 - Bisharp Minimum 35 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
Size Information Confide
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small)
Weight : 22.5 lbs. / 10.2kg (1) Egg Move List
Headbutt, Mean Look, Psycho Cut, Pursuit,
Breeding Information Quick Guard, Revenge, Stealth Rock, Sucker Punch
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Humanshape Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Dark Pulse, Dual Chop, Foul Play, Iron
Defense, Iron Head, Knock Off, Low Kick,
Diet : Omnivore Magnet Rise, Role Play, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore,
Habitat : Cave, Mountain Spite, Stealth Rock

BISHARP Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 4d6+1, Combat 5d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Leer - Normal
9 Fury Cutter - Bug
14 Torment - Dark
17 Feint Attack - Dark
22 Scary Face - Normal
25 Metal Claw - Steel
30 Slash - Normal
33 Assurance - Dark
38 Metal Sound - Steel
41 Embargo - Dark
46 Iron Defense - Steel
49 Night Slash - Dark
57 Iron Head - Steel
Base Stats: 63 Swords Dance - Normal
HP: 7 71 Guillotine - Normal
Attack: 13
Defense: 10 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 6 A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Special Defense: 7 Power, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Speed: 7 Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick
Break, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock
Basic Information Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Type : Dark / Steel 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52
Basic Ability 1: Defiant Focus Blast, 54 False Swipe, 56 Fling, 63 Embargo,
Basic Ability 2: Inner Focus 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga
Adv Ability 1: Pressure Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 73 Thunder
Adv Ability 2: Rally Wave, 75 Swords Dance, 81 X-Scissor, 84 Poison Jab,
High Ability: Parry 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Sub-
stitute, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse, 98
Evolution: Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Pawniard
2 - Bisharp Minimum 35 Tutor Move List
Dark Pulse, Dual Chop, Foul Play, Iron
Size Information Defense, Guillotine (N), Iron Head (N), Knock Off,
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Medium) Low Kick, Magnet Rise, Metal Burst, Role Play, Sleep
Weight : 154.3 lbs. / 70kg (4) Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Stealth Rock

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Humanshape

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 7, Darkvision,
Tracker, Stealth, Pack Mon

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Darkvision,
Stealth, Tracker, Pack Mon, Illusionist, Illusory Dis-
guise, Naturewalk (Forest, Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Scratch - Normal
5 Pursuit - Dark
9 Fake Tears - Dark
13 Fury Swipes - Normal
17 Feint Attack - Dark
21 Scary Face - Normal
Base Stats: 25 Taunt - Dark
HP: 4 29 Foul Play - Dark
Attack: 7 33 Torment - Dark
Defense: 4 37 Agility - Psychic
Special Attack: 8 41 Embargo - Dark
Special Defense: 4 45 Punishment - Dark
Speed: 7 49 Nasty Plot - Dark
53 Imprison - Psychic
Basic Information 57 Night Daze - Dark
Type : Dark
Basic Ability 1: Illusion TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 1: Weird Power A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 04 Calm Mind, 05
Adv Ability 2: Cute Tears Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12
Adv Ability 3: Pickpocket Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27
High Ability: Courage Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 40
Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
Evolution: tract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 63
1 - Zorua Embargo, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 75 Swords Dance,
2 - Zoroark Minimum 30 77 Psych Up, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 90 Substitute, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse
Size Information
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small) Egg Move List
Weight : 27.6 lbs. / 12.5kg (2) Captivate, Copycat, Counter, Dark Pulse, De-
tect, Extrasensory, Memento, Snatch, Sucker Punch
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Field Bounce, Covet, Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Hyper
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Voice, Knock Off, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite,
Trick, Uproar
Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 4, Darkvi-
sion, Stealth, Tracker, Pack Mon, Illusionist, Illusory
Disguise, Naturewalk (Forest, Grassland)

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 5d6+4,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Pursuit - Dark
9 Hone Claws - Dark
13 Fury Swipes - Normal
17 Feint Attack - Dark
21 Scary Face - Normal
25 Taunt - Dark
Base Stats: 29 Foul Play - Dark
HP: 6 30 Night Slash - Dark
Attack: 11 34 Torment - Dark
Defense: 6 39 Agility - Psychic
Special Attack: 12 44 Embargo - Dark
Special Defense: 6 49 Punishment - Dark
Speed: 11 54 Nasty Plot - Dark
59 Imprison - Psychic
Basic Information 64 Night Daze - Dark
Type : Dark
Basic Ability 1: Illusion TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 1: Weird Power A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 04 Calm Mind, 05
Adv Ability 2: Pride Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12
Adv Ability 3: Pickpocket Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
High Ability: Vicious 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball,
32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 40 Aerial Ace, 41
Evolution: Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47
1 - Zorua Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59
2 - Zoroark Minimum 30 Incinerate, 63 Embargo, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Pay-
back, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 75 Swords Dance,
Size Information 77 Psych Up, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Medium) Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 95
Weight : 178.8 lbs. / 81.1kg (4) Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Bounce, Covet, Dark Pulse, Foul Play,
Egg Group : Field Hyper Voice, Imprison (N), Knock Off, Low Kick,
Night Daze (N), Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite,
Diet : Omnivore Trick, Uproar, U-turn(N)
Habitat : Forest

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 5, Levitate 4, Jump 0/1, Power 1,
Gilled, Glow, Mindlock, Telekinetic, Telepath, Un-

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Peck - Flying
1 Constrict - Normal
4 Reflect - Psychic
7 Foul Play - Dark
12 Swagger - Normal
13 Psywave - Psychic
Base Stats: 15 Topsy-Turvy - Dark
HP: 5 18 Hypnosis - Psychic
Attack: 5 21 Psybeam - Psychic
Defense: 5 23 Switcheroo - Dark
Special Attack: 4 27 Payback - Dark
Special Defense: 5 31 Light Screen - Psychic
Speed: 5 35 Pluck - Flying
39 Psycho Cut - Psychic
Basic Information 43 Slash - Normal
Type : Dark / Psychic 46 Night Slash - Dark
Basic Ability 1: Infiltrator 48 Superpower - Fighting
Basic Ability 2: Suction Cups
Adv Ability 1: Hypnotic TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 2: Memory Wipe A1 Cut, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
High Ability: Contrary 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect,
18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 27
Evolution: Return, 29 Psychic, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 35
1 - Inkay Flamethrower, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
2 - Malamar Minimum 30 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 56 Fling,
63 Embargo, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 70 Flash, 77
Size Information Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Height : 1’ 04” / 0.4m (Small) 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 97 Dark Pulse, 100
Weight : 7.7 lbs. / 3.5 kg (1) Confide

Breeding Information Egg Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Camouflage, Destiny Bond, Flatter, Power Split, Sim-
Egg Group : Water 1 and Water 2 ple Beam
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days
Tutor Move List
Diet : Carnivore Bind, Foul Play, Knock Off, Role Play, Snatch, Snore,
Habitat : Ocean Spite, Superpower

MALAMAR Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 5, Levitate 6, Jump 0/1, Power 1,
Gilled, Glow, Mindlock, Telekinetic, Telepath

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 4d6, Focus 6d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Peck - Flying
1 Constrict - Normal
4 Reflect - Psychic
7 Foul Play - Dark
12 Swagger - Normal
13 Psywave - Psychic
15 Topsy-Turvy - Dark
18 Hypnosis - Psychic
Base Stats: 21 Psybeam - Psychic
HP: 9 23 Switcheroo - Dark
Attack: 9 27 Payback - Dark
Defense: 9 31 Light Screen - Psychic
Special Attack: 7 35 Pluck - Flying
Special Defense: 8 40 Psycho Cut - Psychic
Speed: 7 43 Slash - Normal
46 Night Slash - Dark
Basic Information 48 Superpower - Fighting
Type : Dark / Psychic
Basic Ability 1: Infiltrator TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Suction Cups A1 Cut, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Adv Ability 1: Hypnotic Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper
Adv Ability 2: Memory Wipe Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
High Ability: Contrary Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 35 Flamethrower, 40
Evolution: Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
1 - Inkay tract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 63 Embargo, 66
2 - Malamar Minimum 30 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 77
Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Size Information 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 97 Dark Pulse, 100
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Confide
Weight : 103.6 lbs. / 47 kg (3)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Bind, Block, Foul Play, Knock Off, Reversal (N),
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Role Play, Signal Beam, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Super-
Egg Group : Water 1 and Water 2 power (N)

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Ocean

MISDREAVUS Darkvision, Dead Silent, Invisibility, Phasing, Under-
Skill List
Athl 1d6+2, Acro 1d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Psywave - Psychic
5 Spite - Ghost
10 Astonish - Ghost
14 Confuse Ray - Ghost
19 Mean Look - Normal
23 Hex - Ghost
28 Psybeam - Psychic
32 Pain Split - Normal
37 Payback - Dark
41 Shadow Ball - Ghost
Base Stats: 46 Perish Song - Normal
HP: 6 50 Grudge - Ghost
Attack: 6 55 Power Gem - Rock
Defense: 6
Special Attack: 9 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 9 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Speed: 9 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27
Basic Information Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
Type : Ghost 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Ability 1: Levitate Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 57
Adv Ability 1: Frighten Charge Beam, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 63 Embargo, 66
Adv Ability 2: Magician Payback, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up,
Adv Ability 3: Omen 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
High Ability: Fade Away tute, 92 Trick Room, 97 Dark Pulse

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Misdreavus Curse, Destiny Bond, Imprison, Me First,
2 - Mismagius Dusk Stone, Minimum 20 Memento, Nasty Plot, Ominous Wind, Psych Up,
Screech, Shadow Sneak, Skill Swap, Spite, Sucker
Size Information Punch, Wonder Room
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small)
Weight : 2.2 lbs. / 1kg (1) Tutor Move List
Dark Pulse, Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Foul
Breeding Information Play, Heal Bell, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Magic Coat,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Magic Room, Ominous Wind, Pain Split, Role Play,
Egg Group : Indeterminate Shock Wave, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore,
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days Spite, Sucker Punch, Swift, Telekinesis, Trick, Uproar,
Wonder Room
Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Cave, Forest, Urban

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Levitate 3, Power 2,

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 4d6, Per-
cep 2d6+3, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Psywave - Psychic
5 Spite - Ghost
10 Astonish - Ghost
14 Confuse Ray - Ghost
19 Mean Look - Normal
23 Hex - Ghost
28 Psybeam - Psychic
32 Pain Split - Normal
37 Payback - Dark
41 Shadow Ball - Ghost
46 Perish Song - Normal
Base Stats: 50 Grudge - Ghost
HP: 6 55 Power Gem - Rock
Attack: 6
Defense: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 11 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Special Defense: 11 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Speed: 11 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32
Basic Information Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
Type : Ghost 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
Basic Ability 1: Levitate Voice, 53 Energy Ball, 57 Charge Beam, 61 Will-O-
Adv Ability 1: Sorcery Wisp, 63 Embargo, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 70
Adv Ability 2: Magician Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream
Adv Ability 3: Omen Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92
High Ability: Fade Away Trick Room, 97 Dark Pulse, 99 Dazzling Gleam

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Misdreavus Astonish (N), Dark Pulse, Defense Curl,
2 - Mismagius Dusk Stone Minimum 20 Double-Edge, Foul Play, Heal Bell, Hyper Voice, Icy
Wind, Ominous Wind, Lucky Chant (N), Magic
Size Information Coat, Magical Leaf(N), Mystical Fire (N), Pain Split,
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Small) Phantom Force (N), Power Gem (N), Psywave (N),
Weight : 9.7 lbs. / 4.4kg (1) Role Play, Shock Wave, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Snore, Spite(N), Sucker Punch, Swift, Telekinesis,
Breeding Information Trick, Uproar, Wonder Room
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Indeterminate

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Cave, Forest

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Levitate 4, Power 3,
Darkvision, Dead Silent, Invisbility, Phasing

SHUPPET Capability List
Overland 1, Levitate 5, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Dark-
vision, Dead Silent, Invisibility, Phasing, Stealth,

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Knock Off - Dark
4 Screech - Normal
7 Night Shade - Ghost
10 Spite - Ghost
13 Shadow Sneak - Ghost
16 Will-O-Wisp - Fire
19 Feint Attack - Dark
22 Hex - Ghost
Base Stats: 26 Curse - Ghost
HP: 4 30 Shadow Ball - Ghost
Attack: 8 34 Embargo - Dark
Defense: 4 38 Sucker Punch - Dark
Special Attack: 6 42 Snatch - Dark
Special Defense: 3 46 Grudge - Ghost
Speed: 5 50 Trick - Psychic
54 Phantom Force - Ghost
Basic Information
Type : Ghost TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Frisk 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Ability 2: Insomnia 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Adv Ability 1: Cursed Body 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27
Adv Ability 2: Mojo Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
High Ability: Voodoo Doll 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
48 Round, 57 Charge Beam, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 63
Evolution: Embargo, 66 Payback, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77
1 - Shuppet Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
2 - Banette Minimum 35 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 97 Dark Pulse, 99 Daz-
zling Gleam
Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Egg Move List
Weight : 5.1 lbs. / 2.3kg (1) Astonish, Confuse Ray, Destiny Bond,
Disable, Foresight, Gunk Shot, Imprison, Ominous
Breeding Information Wind, Payback, Phantom Force, Pursuit, Shadow
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Sneak
Egg Group : Indeterminate
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Dark Pulse, Double-Edge, Foul
Diet : Nullivore Play, Icy Wind, Knock Off, Magic Coat, Magic Room,
Habitat : Cave, Urban Ominous Wind, Pain Split, Role Play, Shock Wave,
Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Sucker Punch,
Telekinesis, Trick

BANETTE Capability List
Overland 5, Levitate 6, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Darkvi-
sion, Dead Silent, Invisibility, Phasing, Stealth

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 5d6+3,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Knock Off - Dark
4 Screech - Normal
7 Night Shade - Ghost
10 Spite - Ghost
13 Shadow Sneak - Ghost
16 Will-O-Wisp - Fire
19 Feint Attack - Dark
22 Hex - Ghost
26 Curse - Ghost
Base Stats: 30 Shadow Ball - Ghost
HP: 6 34 Embargo - Dark
Attack: 12 40 Sucker Punch - Dark
Defense: 7 46 Snatch - Dark
Special Attack: 8 52 Grudge - Ghost
Special Defense: 6 58 Trick - Psychic
Speed: 7 64 Phantom Force - Ghost

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Ghost 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Ability 1: Frisk 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Basic Ability 2: Insomnia 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Adv Ability 1: Cursed Body Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32
Adv Ability 2: Mojo Double Team, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
High Ability: Voodoo Doll tract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam,
61 Will-O-Wisp, 63 Embargo, 65 Shadow Claw,
Evolution: 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder
1 - Shuppet Wave, 77 Psych Up, 83 Infestation, 85 Dream Eater,
2 - Banette Minimum 35 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick
Room, 97 Dark Pulse, 99 Dazzling Gleam
Size Information
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 27.6 lbs. / 12.5kg (2) Body Slam, Dark Pulse, Double-Edge, Foul
Play, Icy Wind, Knock Off, Magic Coat, Magic Room,
Breeding Information Metronome, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pain Split,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Role Play, Shock Wave, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Egg Group : Indeterminate Snore, Spite, Sucker Punch, Telekinesis, Trick

Diet : Nullivore Mega Evolution
Habitat : Cave, Urban Type: Unchanged
Ability: Prankster
Stats: +5 Atk, +1 Def,
+1 Sp. Atk, +2 Sp. Def,
+1 Speed

DRIFLOON vision, Dead Silent, Inflatable, Shrinkable, Underdog
Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Constrict - Normal
1 Minimize - Normal
4 Astonish - Ghost
8 Gust - Flying
13 Focus Energy - Normal
16 Payback - Dark
20 Ominous Wind - Ghost
25 Stockpile - Normal
27 Hex - Ghost
32 Spit Up - Normal
32 Swallow - Normal
36 Shadow Ball - Ghost
Base Stats: 40 Amnesia - Psychic
HP: 9 44 Baton Pass - Normal
Attack: 5 50 Explosion - Normal
Defense: 3
Special Attack: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 4 A1 Cut, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Speed: 7 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Re-
Basic Information turn, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
Type : Ghost / Flying 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round,
Basic Ability 1: Unburden 57 Charge Beam, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 62 Acrobatics,
Basic Ability 2: Aftermath 63 Embargo, 64 Explosion, 66 Payback, 70 Flash, 73
Adv Ability 1: Absorb Force Thunder Wave, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream
Adv Ability 2: Flare Boost Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
High Ability: Decoy

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Drifloon Body Slam, Clear Smog, Defog, Destiny
2 - Drifblim Minimum 25 Bond, Disable, Haze, Hypnosis, Memento, Tailwind,
Weather Ball
Size Information
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 2.6 lbs. / 1.2kg (1) Air Cutter, Bind, Icy Wind, Knock Off, Magic
Coat, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pain Split, Recycle,
Breeding Information Role Play, Rollout, Shock Wave, Silver Wind, Skill
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Sucker Punch, Swift,
Egg Group : Indeterminate Tailwind, Telekinesis, Trick
Average Hatch Rate: 16 Days

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Forest, Urban

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 1, Sky 4, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Dark-
Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6+2,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Astonish - Ghost
8 Gust - Flying
13 Focus Energy - Normal
16 Payback - Dark
20 Ominous Wind - Ghost
25 Stockpile - Normal
27 Hex - Ghost
34 Spit Up - Normal
34 Swallow - Normal
40 Shadow Ball - Ghost
46 Amnesia - Psychic
52 Baton Pass - Normal
Base Stats: 60 Explosion - Normal
HP: 15 65 Phantom Force - Ghost
Attack: 8
Defense: 4 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 9 A1 Cut, A2 Fly, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Special Defense: 5 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Speed: 8 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunder-
bolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow
Basic Information Ball, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Type : Ghost / Flying 46 Thief, 48 Round, 57 Charge Beam, 61 Will-O-
Basic Ability 1: Unburden Wisp, 62 Acrobatics, 63 Embargo, 64 Explosion,
Basic Ability 2: Aftermath 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder
Adv Ability 1: Absorb Force Wave, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87
Adv Ability 2: Flare Boost Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
High Ability: Decoy
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Air Cutter, Bind, Defog, Icy Wind, Knock
1 - Drifloon Off, Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pain
2 - Drifblim Minimum 25 Split, Phantom Force (N), Recycle, Role Play, Roll-
out, Shock Wave, Silver Wind, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk,
Size Information Snore, Spite, Sucker Punch, Swift, Tailwind, Telekine-
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium) sis, Trick
Weight : 33.1 lbs. / 15kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Indeterminate

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Forest, Urban

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 1, Sky 6, Jump 3/3, Power 5, Dark-
vision, Dead Silent, Inflatable, Shrinkable
YAMASK Phasing, Invisibility, Underdog
Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
3d6+2, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Astonish - Ghost
1 Protect - Normal
5 Disable - Normal
9 Haze - Ice
13 Night Shade - Ghost
17 Hex - Ghost
21 Will-O-Wisp - Fire
25 Ominous Wind - Ghost
29 Curse - Ghost
33 Guard Split - Psychic
33 Power Split - Psychic
37 Shadow Ball - Ghost
Base Stats: 41 Grudge - Ghost
HP: 4 45 Mean Look - Normal
Attack: 3 49 Destiny Bond - Ghost
Defense: 9
Special Attack: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 7 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Speed: 3 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frus-
tration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32
Basic Information Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Type : Ghost Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 63
Basic Ability 1: Mummy Embargo, 66 Payback, 70 Flash, 77 Psych Up, 83 In-
Adv Ability 1: Sand Veil festation, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Adv Ability 2: Shackle 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 97 Dark Pulse
Adv Ability 3: Stall
High Ability: Cursed Body Egg Move List
Ally Switch, Disable, Endure, Fake Tears,
Evolution: Heal Block, Imprison, Memento, Nasty Plot, Night-
1 - Yamask mare, Toxic Spikes
2 - Cofagrigus Minimum 35
Tutor Move List
Size Information After You, Block, Dark Pulse, Iron Defense,
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Knock Off, Magic Coat, Pain Split, Role Play, Skill
Weight : 3.3 lbs. / 1.5kg (1) Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Telekinesis,
Trick, Wonder Room
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Mineral / Indeterminate
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Desert

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Levitate 5, Jump 2/2, Power 2,
Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 3d6+3, Stealth
4d6+2, Percep 4d6+1, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Disable - Normal
9 Haze - Ice
13 Night Shade - Ghost
17 Hex - Ghost
21 Will-O-Wisp - Fire
25 Ominous Wind - Ghost
29 Curse - Ghost
33 Guard Split - Psychic
33 Power Split - Psychic
35 Scary Face - Normal
39 Shadow Ball - Ghost
45 Grudge - Ghost
Base Stats: 51 Mean Look - Normal
HP: 6 57 Destiny Bond - Ghost
Attack: 5
Defense: 15 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 10 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Special Defense: 11 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20
Speed: 3 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30
Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Information Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 61 Will-
Type : Ghost O-Wisp, 63 Embargo, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact,
Basic Ability 1: Mummy 70 Flash, 77 Psych Up, 83 Infestation, 85 Dream
Adv Ability 1: Sand Veil Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Adv Ability 2: Shackle Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 97 Dark Pulse
Adv Ability 3: Stall
High Ability: Cursed Body Tutor Move List
After You, Block, Dark Pulse, Iron Defense,
Evolution: Knock Off, Magic Coat, Pain Split, Role Play, Skill
1 - Yamask Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Telekinesis,
2 - Cofagrigus Minimum 35 Trick, Wonder Room

Size Information
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Medium)
Weight : 168.7 lbs. / 76.5kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Mineral / Indeterminate

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Desert

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Levitate 5, Jump 1/1, Power 7,
Darkvision, Dead Silent, Phasing, Invisibility

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Levitate 5, Jump 0/1, Power 1,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Phasing, Invisibility,
Dead Silent, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Confuse Ray - Ghost
5 Astonish - Ghost
8 Growth - Normal
13 Ingrain - Grass
19 Feint Attack - Dark
23 Leech Seed - Grass
Base Stats: 28 Curse - Ghost
HP: 4 31 Will-O-Wisp - Fire
Attack: 7 35 Forest’s Curse - Grass
Defense: 5 39 Destiny Bond - Ghost
Special Attack: 5 45 Phantom Force - Ghost
Special Defense: 6 49 Wood Hammer - Grass
Speed: 4 54 Horn Leech - Grass

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Ghost / Grass A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Basic Ability 1: Natural Cure Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Basic Ability 2: Frisk 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29 Psychic, 30
Adv Ability 1: Harvest Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Life Force 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy
High Ability: Leaf Guard Ball, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 65 Shadow Claw, 78 Bulldoze,
80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 85 Dream Eater, 86
Evolution: Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
1 - Phantump 92 Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power, 97
2 - Trevenant Minimum 25 Dark Pulse, 100 Confide

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 1’ 04” / 0.4m (Small) Bestow, Grudge, Imprison, Venom Drench
Weight : 15.4 lbs. / 7 kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Foul Play, Giga Drain, Magic Coat, Pain Split, Role
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Play, Seed Bomb, Skill Swap, Snore, Spite, Trick,
Egg Group : Grass and Amorphous Worry Seed
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Forest

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 6, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Phasing, Invisibility

Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 4d6+3,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Confuse Ray - Ghost
5 Astonish - Ghost
8 Growth - Normal
13 Ingrain - Grass
19 Feint Attack - Dark
23 Leech Seed - Grass
28 Curse - Ghost
Base Stats: 31 Will-O-Wisp - Fire
HP: 9 35 Forest’s Curse - Grass
Attack: 11 39 Destiny Bond - Ghost
Defense: 8 45 Phantom Force - Ghost
Special Attack: 7 49 Wood Hammer - Grass
Special Defense: 8 55 Shadow Claw - Ghost
Speed: 6 62 Horn Leech - Grass

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Ghost / Grass A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Basic Ability 1: Natural Cure Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard,
Basic Ability 2: Frisk 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Adv Ability 1: Harvest 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 33
Adv Ability 2: Forest Lord Reflect, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
High Ability: Leaf Guard Round, 53 Energy Ball, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 65 Shadow
Claw, 68 Giga Impact, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide,
Evolution: 84 Poison Jab, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87
1 - Phantump Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room,
2 - Trevenant Minimum 25 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power, 97 Dark Pulse, 100
Size Information
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Large) Tutor Move List
Weight : 156.5 lbs. / 71 kg (4) Block, Drain Punch, Foul Play, Giga Drain, Horn
Leech (N), Magic Coat, Pain Split, Role Play, Seed
Breeding Information Bomb, Skill Swap, Snore, Spite, Trick, Worry Seed
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Grass and Amorphous

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Forest

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Amorphous
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Levitate 5, Jump 0/1, Power 1,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Phasing, Invisibility,
Dead Silent, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1, Per-
cep 3d6+2, Focus 3d6

Move List
Base Stats: Level Up Move List
Small Large 1 Astonish - Ghost
HP: 4 HP: 5 1 Trick - Psychic
Attack: 7 Attack: 7 1 Confuse Ray - Ghost
Defense: 7 Defense: 7 4 Scary Face - Normal
Special Attack: 4 Special Attack: 4 6 Trick-or-Treat - Ghost
Special Defense: 6 Special Defense: 6 11 Worry Seed - Grass
Speed: 6 Speed: 5 16 Razor Leaf - Grass
20 Leech Seed - Grass
Average Super Size 23 Trick-or-Treat - Ghost
HP: 5 HP: 6 26 Bullet Seed - Grass
Attack: 7 Attack: 7 30 Shadow Sneak - Ghost
Defense: 7 Defense: 7 36 Shadow Ball - Ghost
Special Attack: 4 Special Attack: 4 40 Trick-or-Treat - Ghost
Special Defense: 5 Special Defense: 6 42 Pain Split - Normal
Speed: 5 Speed: 4 48 Seed Bomb - Grass

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Ghost / Grass 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17
Basic Ability 1: Pickup Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Re-
turn, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 35 Flame-
Basic Ability 2: Frisk thrower, 36 Sludge Bomb, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 43 Flame
Adv Ability 1: Insomnia charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball,
Adv Ability 2: Life Force 57 Charge Beam, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-o-Wisp, 64 Explosion,
High Ability: Flash Fire 70 Flash, 74 Gyro Ball, 80 Rock Slide, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass
Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room,
Evolution: 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power, 97 Dark Pulse, 100 Confide
1 - Pumpkaboo
2 - Gourgeist Minimum 25 Egg Move List
Bestow, Destiny Bond, Disable
Size Information
Height : 1’ 00’’ to 2’ 07” / 0.3m to .8m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 7.7 lbs. to 33.1 lbs / 3.5 kg (1) to 15 kg (2) Foul Play, Giga Drain, Magic Coat, Pain Split, Role
Play, Seed Bomb, Skill Swap, Spite, Synthesis, Trick,
Worry Seed

GOURGEIST Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Amorphous

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 3, Levitate 6, Jump 2/2, Power 3,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Phasing, Invisibility,
Dead Silent

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
5d6+2, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Astonish - Ghost
1 Trick - Psychic
Base Stats: 1 Confuse Ray - Ghost
Small Large 4 Scary Face - Normal
HP: 6 HP: 8 6 Trick-or-Treat - Ghost
Attack: 9 Attack: 10 11 Worry Seed - Grass
Defense: 12 Defense: 12 16 Razor Leaf - Grass
Special Attack: 6 Special Attack: 6 20 Leech Seed - Grass
Special Defense: 8 Special Defense: 8 23 Trick-or-Treat - Ghost
Speed: 10 Speed: 7 26 Bullet Seed - Grass
30 Shadow Sneak - Ghost
Average Super Size 36 Shadow Ball - Ghost
HP: 7 HP: 9 40 Trick-or-Treat - Ghost
Attack: 9 Attack: 10 42 Pain Split - Normal
Defense: 12 Defense: 12 48 Seed Bomb - Grass
Special Attack: 6 Special Attack: 6 57 Phantom Force - Ghost
Special Defense: 8 Special Defense: 8 63 Trick-or-Treat - Ghost
Speed: 8 Speed: 5 70 Shadow Ball - Ghost
75 Explosion - Normal
Basic Information
Type : Ghost / Grass TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Regenerator 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16
Basic Ability 2: Frisk Light Screen, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 1: Insomnia 35 Flamethrower, 36 Sludge Bomb, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Pumpkingrab 43 Flame charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53
High Ability: Flash Fire Energy Ball, 57 Charge Beam, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-o-Wisp,
64 Explosion, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 74 Gyro Ball, 80 Rock
Evolution: Slide, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature
1 - Pumpkaboo
Power, 97 Dark Pulse, 100 Confide
2 - Gourgeist Minimum 25

Tutor Move List
Size Information
Explosion (N), Foul Play, Giga Drain, Magic Coat,
Height : 2’ 04’’ to 5’ 07” / 0.7m (S) to 1.7m (L)
Pain Split, Phantom Force (N), Role Play, Seed
Weight : 20.9 lbs. to 86 lbs / 9.5 kg (1) to 39 kg (3)
Bomb, Skill Swap, Spite, Synthesis, Trick, Worry Seed
Breeding Information
Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Sky 4, Jump 0/1, Power 1, Al-
luring, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Sweet Scent - Normal
1 Fairy Wind - Fairy
6 Sweet Kiss - Fairy
8 Odor Sleuth - Normal
13 Echoed Voice - Normal
17 Calm Mind - Psychic
21 Draining Kiss - Fairy
25 Aromatherapy - Grass
Base Stats: 29 Attract - Normal
HP: 8 31 Moonblast - Fairy
Attack: 5 35 Charm - Fairy
Defense: 6 38 Flail - Normal
Special Attack: 6 42 Misty Terrain - Fairy
Special Defense: 7 44 Skill Swap - Psychic
Speed: 2 48 Psychic - Psychic
50 Disarming Voice - Fairy
Basic Information
Type : Fairy TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Aroma Veil 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Adv Ability 1: Healer Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Adv Ability 2: Blessed Touch Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
Adv Ability 3: Interference 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
High Ability: Confidence 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 53
Energy Ball, 57 Charge Beam, 70 Flash, 74 Gyro Ball,
Evolution: 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
1 - Spritzee Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 92 Trick Room,
2 - Aromatisse Holding Sachet Minimum 20 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 0’ 08” / 0.2m (Small) Captivate, Disable, Refresh, Wish
Weight : 1.1 lbs. / .5 kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information After You, Covet, Endeavor, Heal Bell, Helping Hand,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Magic Coat, Skill Swap, Snore
Egg Group : Fairy
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland, Forest

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Sky 6, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Al-

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 4d6+2, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Sweet Scent - Normal
1 Fairy Wind - Fairy
6 Sweet Kiss - Fairy
8 Odor Sleuth - Normal
13 Echoed Voice - Normal
17 Calm Mind - Psychic
21 Draining Kiss - Fairy
25 Aromatherapy - Grass
Base Stats: 29 Attract - Normal
HP: 10 31 Moonblast - Fairy
Attack: 7 35 Charm - Fairy
Defense: 7 38 Flail - Normal
Special Attack: 10 42 Misty Terrain - Fairy
Special Defense: 9 44 Skill Swap - Psychic
Speed: 3 48 Psychic - Psychic
50 Disarming Voice - Fairy
Basic Information 57 Reflect - Psychic
Type : Fairy 64 Psych Up - Normal
Basic Ability 1: Aroma Veil
Adv Ability 1: Healer TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 2: Blessed Touch 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Adv Ability 3: Interference Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect,
High Ability: Confidence 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 27
Return, 29 Psychic, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 41
Evolution: Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
1 - Spritzee 49 Echoed Voice, 53 Energy Ball, 57 Charge Beam,
2 - Aromatisse Holding Sachet Minimum 20 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up,
85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
Size Information tute, 91 Flash Cannon, 92 Trick Room, 99 Dazzling
Height : 2’ 07” / 0.8m (Small) Gleam, 100 Confide
Weight : 34.2 lbs. / 15.5 kg (2)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information After You, Aromatic Mist (N),Covet, Drain Punch,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Endeavor, Heal Bell, Heal Pulse (N), Helping Hand,
Egg Group : Fairy Magic Coat, Skill Swap, Snore

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland, Forest

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Alluring,

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
3d6+2, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Sweet Scent - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Fairy Wind - Fairy
8 Play Nice - Normal
10 Fake Tears - Dark
13 Round - Normal
17 Cotton Spore - Grass
21 Endeavor - Normal
Base Stats: 26 Aromatherapy - Grass
HP: 6 31 Draining Kiss - Fairy
Attack: 5 36 Energy Ball - Grass
Defense: 7 41 Cotton Guard - Grass
Special Attack: 6 45 Wish - Normal
Special Defense: 6 49 Play Rough - Fairy
Speed: 5 58 Light Screen - Psychic
67 Safeguard - Normal
Basic Information
Type : Fairy TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Sweet Veil A3 Surf, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Adv Ability 1: Frisk 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Adv Ability 2: Lunchbox Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt,
Adv Ability 3: Unburden 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 32 Double Team, 35 Flame-
High Ability: Gluttony thrower, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Round, 53 Energy Ball, 70 Flash, 77 Psych Up, 85
Evolution: Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
1 - Swirlix tute, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
2 - Slurpuff Holding Whipped Dream Minimum 20
Egg Move List
Size Information After You, Belly Drum, Copycat, Yawn
Height : 1’ 04” / 0.4m (Small)
Weight : 7.7 lbs. / 3.5 kg (1) Tutor Move List
After You, Covet, Endeavor, Gastro Acid, Heal Bell,
Breeding Information Helping Hand, Magic Coat, Snore
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Fairy
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 2, Alluring

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
5d6+2, Focus 5d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Sweet Scent - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Fairy Wind - Fairy
8 Play Nice - Normal
10 Fake Tears - Dark
13 Round - Normal
17 Cotton Spore - Grass
21 Endeavor - Normal
26 Aromatherapy - Grass
Base Stats: 31 Draining Kiss - Fairy
HP: 8 36 Energy Ball - Grass
Attack: 8 41 Cotton Guard - Grass
Defense: 9 45 Wish - Normal
Special Attack: 9 49 Play Rough - Fairy
Special Defense: 8 58 Light Screen - Psychic
Speed: 7 67 Safeguard - Normal

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Fairy A3 Surf, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Ability 1: Sweet Veil 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17
Adv Ability 1: Frisk Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Adv Ability 2: Lunchbox 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 32 Double
Adv Ability 3: Unburden Team, 35 Flamethrower, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
High Ability: Gluttony tract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 68 Giga
Impact, 70 Flash, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87
Evolution: Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 99 Dazzling
1 - Swirlix Gleam, 100 Confide
2 - Slurpuff Holding Whipped Dream Minimum 20
Tutor Move List
Size Information After You, Covet, Drain Punch, Endeavor, Gastro
Height : 2’ 07” / 0.8m (Small) Acid, Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Magic Coat, Snore
Weight : 11 lbs. / 5 kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Fairy

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland

PANSAGE (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
1 Play Nice - Normal
4 Leer - Normal
7 Lick - Ghost
10 Vine Whip - Grass
13 Fury Swipes - Normal
16 Leech Seed - Grass
19 Bite - Dark
22 Seed Bomb - Grass
25 Torment - Dark
28 Fling - Dark
Base Stats: 31 Acrobatics - Flying
HP: 5 34 Grass Knot - Grass
Attack: 5 37 Recycle - Normal
Defense: 5 40 Natural Gift - Normal
Special Attack: 5 43 Crunch - Dark
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 6 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Basic Information Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 21 Frus-
Type : Grass tration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double
Basic Ability 1: Decoy Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44
Basic Ability 2: Gluttony Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 62 Acrobatics, 65 Shadow
Adv Ability 2: Sap Sipper Claw, 66 Payback, 70 Flash, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
High Ability: Overgrowth ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96
Nature Power
1 - Pansage Egg Move List
2 - Simisage Leaf Stone Minimum 20 Astonish, Bullet Seed, Covet, Disarming
Voice, Grass Whistle, Leaf Storm, Low Kick, Magical
Size Information Leaf, Nasty Plot, Role Play, Tickle
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 23.1 lbs. / 10.5kg (1) Tutor Move List
Covet, Endeavor, Giga Drain, Gunk Shot,
Breeding Information Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Low Kick,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Recycle, Role Play, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Egg Group : Field Synthesis, Uproar, Work Up, Worry Seed
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Naturewalk

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 5d6+3, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
4d6+2, Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Leer - Normal
7 Lick - Ghost
10 Vine Whip - Grass
13 Fury Swipes - Normal
16 Leech Seed - Grass
19 Bite - Dark
22 Seed Bomb - Grass
25 Torment - Dark
28 Fling - Dark
31 Acrobatics - Flying
34 Grass Knot - Grass
37 Recycle - Normal
Base Stats: 40 Natural Gift - Normal
HP: 8 43 Crunch - Dark
Attack: 10
Defense: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 10 A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Special Defense: 6 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Speed: 10 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28
Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb,
Basic Information 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
Type : Grass 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 53 Energy
Basic Ability 1: Decoy Ball, 56 Fling, 62 Acrobatics, 65 Shadow Claw, 66
Basic Ability 2: Gluttony Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 80 Rock Slide,
Adv Ability 1: Chlorophyll 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
Adv Ability 2: Sap Sipper tute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power, 98 Power-Up
High Ability: Overgrowth Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Pansage Covet, Endeavor, Fury Swipes(N), Giga
2 - Simisage Leaf Stone Minimum 20 Drain, Gunk Shot, Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Leer(N),
Lick(N), Knock Off, Low Kick, Recycle, Role Play,
Size Information Seed Bomb(N), Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower, Syn-
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) thesis, Uproar, Work Up, Worry Seed
Weight : 67.2 lbs. / 30.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 2/2, Power 4, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest)
PANSEAR Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Forest, Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
1 Play Nice - Normal
4 Leer - Normal
7 Lick - Ghost
10 Incinerate - Fire
13 Fury Swipes - Normal
16 Yawn - Normal
19 Bite - Dark
22 Flame Burst - Fire
Base Stats: 25 Amnesia - Psychic
HP: 5 28 Fling - Dark
Attack: 5 31 Acrobatics - Flying
Defense: 5 34 Fire Blast - Fire
Special Attack: 5 37 Recycle - Normal
Special Defense: 5 40 Natural Gift - Normal
Speed: 6 43 Crunch - Dark

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Fire A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Basic Ability 1: Decoy Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 21 Frus-
Basic Ability 2: Gluttony tration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double
Adv Ability 1: Flame Body Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb,
Adv Ability 2: Flash Fire 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest,
High Ability: Blaze 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 50
Overheat, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp,
Evolution: 62 Acrobatics, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 86 Grass
1 - Pansear Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
2 - Simisear Fire Stone Minimum 20 Rock Smash

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Astonish, Covet, Disarming Voice, Fire
Weight : 24.3 lbs. / 11kg (1) Punch, Fire Spin, Heat Wave, Low Kick, Nasty Plot,
Role Play, Sleep Talk, Tickle
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Field Covet, Endeavor, Fire Punch, Gunk Shot,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Heat Wave, Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Low
Kick, Recycle, Role Play, Sleep Talk, Snore, Uproar,
Diet : Omnivore Work Up
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 5d6+3, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
4d6+2, Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Leer - Normal
7 Lick - Ghost
10 Incinerate - Fire
13 Fury Swipes - Normal
16 Yawn - Normal
19 Bite - Dark
22 Flame Burst - Fire
25 Amnesia - Psychic
28 Fling - Dark
31 Acrobatics - Flying
34 Fire Blast - Fire
37 Recycle - Normal
Base Stats: 40 Natural Gift - Normal
HP: 8 43 Crunch - Dark
Attack: 10
Defense: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 10 A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Special Defense: 6 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Speed: 10 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return,
28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flame-
Basic Information thrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment,
Type : Fire 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Basic Ability 1: Decoy Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 52
Basic Ability 2: Gluttony Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp,
Adv Ability 1: Flame Body 62 Acrobatics, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 68 Giga
Adv Ability 2: Flash Fire Impact, 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
High Ability: Blaze Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-
Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Pansear Tutor Move List
2 - Simisear Fire Stone Minimum 20 Covet, Endeavor, Fire Punch, Flame
Burst(N), Fury Swipes(N), Gunk Shot, Heat Wave,
Size Information Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Leer(N),
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Lick(N), Low Kick,
Weight : 61.7 lbs. / 28kg (3) Recycle, Role Play, Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower,
Uproar, Work Up
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 2/2, Power 4, Firestarter,
Naturewalk (Forest, Grassland)
PANPOUR Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Forest, Grassland), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
1 Play Nice - Normal
4 Leer - Normal
7 Lick - Ghost
10 Water Gun - Water
13 Fury Swipes - Normal
16 Water Sport - Water
19 Bite - Dark
22 Scald - Water
Base Stats: 25 Taunt - Dark
HP: 5 28 Fling - Dark
Attack: 5 31 Acrobatics - Flying
Defense: 5 34 Brine - Water
Special Attack: 5 37 Recycle - Normal
Special Defense: 5 40 Natural Gift - Normal
Speed: 6 43 Crunch - Dark

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Water A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 01
Basic Ability 1: Decoy Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 12
Basic Ability 2: Gluttony Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Adv Ability 1: Rain Dish Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double
Adv Ability 2: Water Absorb Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44
High Ability: Torrent Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round,
55 Scald, 56 Fling, 62 Acrobatics, 65 Shadow Claw, 66
Evolution: Payback, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
1 - Panpour 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
2 - Simipour Water Stone Minimum 20
Egg Move List
Size Information Aqua Ring, Aqua Tail, Astonish, Covet,
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Disarming Voice, Hydro Pump, Low Kick, Mud
Weight : 29.8 lbs. / 13.5kg (2) Sport, Nasty Plot, Role Play, Tickle

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Aqua Tail, Covet, Endeavor, Gunk Shot,
Egg Group : Field Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Knock
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Off, Low Kick, Recycle, Role Play, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Uproar, Work Up
Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 5d6+3, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
4d6+2, Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Leer - Normal
7 Lick - Ghost
10 Water Gun - Water
13 Fury Swipes - Normal
16 Water Sport - Water
19 Bite - Dark
22 Scald - Water
25 Taunt - Dark
28 Fling - Dark
31 Acrobatics - Flying
34 Brine - Water
37 Recycle - Normal
Base Stats: 40 Natural Gift - Normal
HP: 8 43 Crunch - Dark
Attack: 10
Defense: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 10 A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 01
Special Defense: 6 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 12
Speed: 10 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28
Basic Information Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb,
Type : Water 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
Basic Ability 1: Decoy 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 55 Scald,
Basic Ability 2: Gluttony 56 Fling, 62 Acrobatics, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback,
Adv Ability 1: Rain Dish 68 Giga Impact, 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass Knot, 87
Adv Ability 2: Water Absorb Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
High Ability: Torrent 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Panpour Aqua Tail, Covet, Endeavor, Fury Swipes(N),
2 - Simipour Water Stone Minimum 20 Gunk Shot, Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron
Tail, Knock Off, Leer(N), Lick(N), Low Kick, Recy-
Size Information cle, Role Play, Scald(N), Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpow-
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) er, Uproar, Work Up
Weight : 63.9 lbs. / 29kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 2/2, Power 4, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Forest, Grassland)

Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Peck - Flying
1 Sand Attack - Ground
7 Fury Attack - Normal
9 Knock Off - Dark
13 Aerial Ace - Flying
19 Slash - Normal
21 Air Cutter - Flying
25 Swords Dance - Normal
31 Agility - Psychic
33 Night Slash - Dark
37 Acrobatics - Flying
Base Stats: 43 Feint - Normal
HP: 5 45 False Swipe - Normal
Attack: 7 49 Air Slash - Flying
Defense: 6 55 Brave Bird - Flying
Special Attack: 6
Special Defense: 6 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 6 A1 Cut, A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration,
Basic Information 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Fa-
Type : Normal / Flying cade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 51 Steel
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye Wing, 54 False Swipe, 62 Acrobatics, 67 Retaliate, 75
Basic Ability 2: Inner Focus Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swag-
Adv Ability 1: Defiant ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute
Adv Ability 2: Super Luck
High Ability: Leek Mastery Egg Move List
Covet, Curse, Feather Dance, Flail, Foresight,
Evolution: Gust, Leaf Blade, Mirror Move, Mud-Slap, Night
1 - Farfetch’d Slash, Quick Attack, Revenge, Roost, Simple Beam,
Steel Wing, Trump Card
Size Information
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 33.1 lbs. / 15kg (2) Air Cutter, Body Slam, Brave Bird (N), Covet,
Double-Edge, Fury Cutter(N), Heat Wave, Helping
Breeding Information Hand, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort, Mud-Slap,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Ominous Wind, Pluck, Poison Jab(N), Roost, Sky
Egg Group : Flying / Field Attack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Tailwind, Twister,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Uproar, Work Up

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Grassland, Marsh

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Sky 7, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Un-
derdog, Wielder

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 5d6+3, Focus 4d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Peck - Flying
1 Confide - Normal
5 Growl - Normal
9 Mirror Move - Flying
13 Sing - Normal
17 Fury Attack - Normal
21 Chatter - Flying
25 Taunt - Dark
29 Round - Normal
33 Mimic - Normal
37 Echoed Voice - Normal
41 Roost - Flying
Base Stats: 45 Uproar - Normal
HP: 8 49 Synchronoise - Psychic
Attack: 7 53 Feather Dance - Flying
Defense: 5 57 Hyper Voice - Normal
Special Attack: 9
Special Defense: 4 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 9 A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost,
Basic Information 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial
Type : Normal / Flying Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 87
Basic Ability 2: Tangled Feet Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute
Adv Ability 1: Big Pecks
Adv Ability 2: Soundproof
High Ability: Drown Out Egg Move List
Agility, Air Cutter, Boomburst, Defog, En-
Evolution: core, Nasty Plot, Night Shade, Sleep Talk, Steel Wing,
1 - Chatot Supersonic

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Chatter (N), Heat Wave, Hyper Voice (N),
Weight : 4.2 lbs. / 1.9kg (1) Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pluck, Role
Play, Roost, Sky Attack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Tail-
Breeding Information wind, Taunt (N), Twister, Uproar, Work Up
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Flying
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 1, Sky 5, Jump 2/2, Power 2, Un-
Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 5d6,
Percep 2d6+2, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Rage - Normal
1 Defense Curl - Normal
4 Rollout - Rock
7 Spite - Ghost
10 Pursuit - Dark
13 Screech - Normal
16 Yawn - Normal
19 Ancient Power - Rock
22 Take Down - Normal
25 Roost - Flying
28 Glare - Normal
31 Dig - Ground
Base Stats: 34 Double-Edge - Normal
HP: 10 37 Coil - Poison
Attack: 7 40 Endure - Normal
Defense: 7 43 Drill Run - Ground
Special Attack: 7 46 Endeavor - Normal
Special Defense: 7 49 Flail - Normal
Speed: 5
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Type : Normal Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17
Basic Ability 1: Serene Grace Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 22
Basic Ability 2: Run Away Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earth-
Adv Ability 1: Rattled quake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
Adv Ability 2: Spiteful Intervention Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb,
High Ability: Dig Away 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 57
Charge Beam, 59 Incinerate, 67 Retaliate, 73 Thunder
Evolution: Wave, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80
1 - Dunsparce Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swag-
ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94
Size Information Rock Smash
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium)
Weight : 30.9 lbs. / 14kg (2) Egg Move List
Agility, Ancient Power, Astonish, Bide, Bite, Curse,
Breeding Information Headbutt, Hex, Magic Coat, Rock Slide, Secret
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Power, Sleep Talk, Snore, Trump Card
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Tutor Move List
Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Bind, Body Slam,
Diet : Herbivore Counter, Double-Edge, Drill Run, Endeavor, Iron
Habitat : Cave, Desert, Forest, Grassland Tail, Last Resort, Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Pain Split,
Role Play, Rollout, Roost, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk,
Capability List Snore, Spite, Stealth Rock, Water Pulse, Zen
Overland 4, Swim 4, Burrow 6, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Headbutt
Darkvision, Underdog
Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 5, Milk Col-

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6+2, Focus 2d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
3 Growl - Normal
5 Defense Curl - Normal
8 Stomp - Normal
11 Milk Drink - Normal
15 Bide - Normal
19 Rollout - Rock
24 Body Slam - Normal
Base Stats: 29 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
HP: 10 35 Captivate - Normal
Attack: 8 41 Gyro Ball - Steel
Defense: 11 48 Heal Bell - Normal
Special Attack: 4 55 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
Special Defense: 7
Speed: 10 TM/HM Move List
A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Basic Information Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15
Type : Normal Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Basic Ability 1: Thick Fat tion, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder,
Basic Ability 2: Scrappy 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick
Adv Ability 1: Lunchbox Break, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock
Adv Ability 2: Sap Sipper Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49
High Ability: Gentle Vibe Echoed Voice, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 67 Retaliate,
68 Giga Impact, 73 Thunder Wave, 74 Gyro Ball, 77
Evolution: Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88
1 - Miltank Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-
Up Punch, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium) Egg Move List
Weight : 166.4 lbs. / 75.5kg (4) Belch, Curse, Dizzy Punch, Double-Edge,
Endure, Hammer Arm, Heart Stamp, Helping Hand,
Breeding Information Natural Gift, Present, Psych Up, Punishment, Rever-
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F sal, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Tutor Move List
After You, Counter, Block, Dynamic Punch,
Diet : Herbivore Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Heal Bell, Helping Hand,
Habitat : Grassland Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Mega
Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome, Mud-Slap, Rollout,
Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock,
Thunder Punch, Water Pulse, Work Up, Zen Head-

Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 8, Mountable
1, Pack Mon

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 4d6+1, Stealth
1d6+2, Percep 1d6+2, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
3 Tail Whip - Normal
5 Rage - Normal
8 Horn Attack - Normal
11 Scary Face - Normal
15 Pursuit - Dark
19 Rest - Psychic
24 Payback - Dark
Base Stats: 29 Work Up - Normal
HP: 8 35 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
Attack: 10 41 Take Down - Normal
Defense: 10 48 Swagger - Normal
Special Attack: 4 55 Thrash - Normal
Special Defense: 7 63 Giga Impact - Normal
Speed: 11
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Type : Normal Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15
Basic Ability 1: Intimidate Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Basic Ability 2: Anger Point tion, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26
Adv Ability 1: Sheer Force Earthquake, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 35 Flame-
Adv Ability 2: Gore thrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb,
High Ability: Moxie 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 59 Incin-
erate, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 71
Evolution: Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger,
1 - Tauros 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock
Size Information
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 194.9 lbs. / 88.4kg (4) Body Slam, Double-Edge, Endeavor,
Helping Hand, Icy Wind, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Magic
Breeding Information Coat, Outrage, Role Play, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk,
Gender Ratio : 100% M / 0% F Snore, Spite, Uproar, Water Pulse, Work Up, Zen
Egg Group : Field Headbutt
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 1/1, Power 7, Mountable
1, Pack Mon

Skill List
Athl 4d6+4, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 1d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 2d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Pursuit - Dark
6 Rage - Normal
11 Fury Attack - Normal
16 Horn Attack - Normal
21 Scary Face - Normal
26 Revenge - Fighting
31 Head Charge - Normal
Base Stats: 36 Focus Energy - Normal
HP: 10 41 Megahorn - Bug
Attack: 11 46 Reversal - Fighting
Defense: 10 51 Thrash - Normal
Special Attack: 4 56 Swords Dance - Normal
Special Defense: 10 61 Giga Impact - Normal
Speed: 6
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10
Type : Normal Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect,
Basic Ability 1: Sap Sipper 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Re-
Basic Ability 2: Soundproof turn, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace,
Adv Ability 1: Reckless 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 66 Pay-
Adv Ability 2: Gore back, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 75
High Ability: Overcoat Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison
Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild
Evolution: Charge, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Bouffalant
Egg Move List
Size Information Amnesia, Belch, Headbutt, Iron Head, Mud
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Large) Shot, Mud-Slap, Rock Climb, Skull Bash, Stomp
Weight : 208.3 lbs. / 94.5kg (4)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Endeavor, Iron Head, Outrage, Sleep Talk,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Snore, Superpower, Uproar, Work Up, Zen Headbutt
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 3, Jump 2/2, Power 4, Tracker

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6+2, Stealth
3d6+2, Percep 4d6+2, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
3 Leer - Normal
7 Astonish - Ghost
10 Hypnosis - Psychic
13 Stomp - Normal
16 Sand Attack - Ground
21 Take Down - Normal
23 Confuse Ray - Ghost
27 Calm Mind - Psychic
Base Stats: 33 Role Play - Psychic
HP: 7 38 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
Attack: 10 43 Jump Kick - Fighting
Defense: 6 49 Imprison - Psychic
Special Attack: 9 53 Captivate - Normal
Special Defense: 7 55 Me First - Normal
Speed: 9
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 05 Roar, 06
Type : Normal Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light
Basic Ability 1: Hypnotic Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22
Basic Ability 2: Probability Control Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earth-
Adv Ability 1: Frisk quake, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32
Adv Ability 2: Intimidate Double Team, 33 Reflect, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
High Ability: Sap Sipper tract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 57 Charge
Beam, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73
Evolution: Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 85 Dream
1 - Stantler Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92
Trick Room, 93 Wild Charge
Size Information
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium) Egg Move List
Weight : 157 lbs. / 71.2kg (4) Bite, Disable, Double Kick, Extrasensory, Me
First, Megahorn, Mud Sport, Psych Up, Rage, Spite,
Breeding Information Swagger, Thrash, Zen Headbutt
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Body Slam, Bounce, Double-Edge, Gravity,
Iron Tail, Last Resort, Magic Coat, Magic Room, Me
Diet : Herbivore First (N), Mud-Slap, Role Play, Shock Wave, Signal
Habitat : Forest, Taiga Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Sucker
Punch, Swift, Uproar, Work Up, Zen Headbutt

AUDINO Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 3d6+1, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Helping Hand - Normal
1 Pound - Normal
1 Play Nice - Normal
5 Baby-Doll Eyes - Fairy
9 Refresh - Normal
13 Disarming Voice - Fairy
17 Double Slap - Normal
21 Attract - Normal
25 Secret Power - Normal
29 Entrainment - Normal
33 Take Down - Normal
37 Heal Pulse - Psychic
Base Stats: 41 After You - Normal
HP: 10 45 Simple Beam - Normal
Attack: 6 49 Double-Edge - Normal
Defense: 9 53 Last Resort - Normal
Special Attack: 6
Special Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 5 A3 Surf, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15
Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20
Basic Information Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Type : Normal Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32
Basic Ability 1: Healer Double Team, 33 Reflect, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 42
Adv Ability 1: Regenerator Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 56
Adv Ability 2: Klutz Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 59 Incinerate, 67 Retaliate, 70 Flash, 73
Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87
Adv Ability 3: Helper Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 93 Wild
High Ability: Blessed Touch Charge, 98 Power-Up Punch, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Audino Amnesia, Draining Kiss, Encore, Bestow, Heal Bell,
Healing Wish, Lucky Chant, Sleep Talk, Sweet Kiss, Wish, Yawn
Size Information
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 68.3 lbs. / 31kg (3) After You, Covet, Drain Punch, Fire Punch, Gravity,
Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch, Icy Wind,
Breeding Information Iron Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort (N), Low Kick, Magic Coat,
Misty Terrain (N), Pain Split, Role Play, Signal Beam, Skill
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Thunder Punch, Uproar, Work Up,
Egg Group : Fairy Zen Headbutt
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days
Mega Evolution
Diet : Herbivore Type: Normal / Fairy
Habitat : Forest, Grassland Ability: Healer

Capability List Stats: +4 Def, +2 Sp.
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Underdog Atk, +4 Sp. Def

SPINDA Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/2, Power 1, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Copycat - Normal
10 Feint Attack - Dark
14 Psybeam - Psychic
19 Hypnosis - Psychic
23 Dizzy Punch - Normal
28 Sucker Punch - Dark
32 Teeter Dance - Normal
37 Uproar - Normal
41 Psych Up - Normal
Base Stats: 46 Double-Edge - Normal
HP: 6 50 Flail - Normal
Attack: 6 55 Thrash - Normal
Defense: 6
Special Attack: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 6 A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Speed: 6 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28
Basic Information Dig, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32
Type : Normal Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Ability 1: Strange Tempo Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 67 Retaliate, 70
Basic Ability 2: Tangled Feet Flash, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 85 Dream Eater,
Adv Ability 1: Dodge 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick
Adv Ability 2: Spinning Dance Room, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-
High Ability: Contrary Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Spinda Assist, Baton Pass, Disable, Encore, Fake
Out, Fake Tears, Guard Split, Icy Wind, Psycho Cut,
Size Information Psycho Shift, Rapid Spin, Rock Slide, Role Play,
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Smelling Salts, Trick, Water Pulse, Wish
Weight : 11 lbs. / 5kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Body Slam, Counter, Covet, Defense Curl,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus
Egg Group : Field / Humanshape Punch, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch, Icy
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days Wind, Last Resort, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Mega
Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome, Mud-Slap,
Diet : Herbivore Recycle, Role Play, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Shock
Habitat : Forest, Grassland Wave, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Sucker
Punch, Swift, Thunder Punch, Trick, Uproar, Work
Up, Zen Headbutt

KECLEON Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6+2, Per-
cep 3d6+2, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Lick - Ghost
1 Scratch - Normal
1 Tail Whip - Normal
4 Bind - Normal
7 Shadow Sneak - Ghost
10 Feint - Normal
13 Fury Swipes - Normal
16 Feint Attack - Dark
18 Psybeam - Psychic
21 Ancient Power - Rock
25 Slash - Normal
30 Camouflage - Normal
33 Shadow Claw - Ghost
Base Stats: 38 Screech - Normal
HP: 6 42 Substitute - Normal
Attack: 9 46 Sucker Punch - Dark
Defense: 7 50 Synchronoise - Psychic
Special Attack: 6
Special Defense: 12 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 4 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hid-
den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17
Basic Information Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24
Type : Normal Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow
Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower,
Basic Ability 1: Color Change
38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44
Basic Ability 2: Protean Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 57 Charge
Adv Ability 1: Infiltrator Beam, 59 Incinerate, 65 Shadow Claw, 67 Retaliate, 70
Adv Ability 2: Filter Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 86
High Ability: Tolerance Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92
Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
Evolution: Confide
1 - Kecleon
Egg Move List
Size Information Camouflage, Disable, Dizzy Punch, Fake Out, Foul
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Play, Magic Coat, Nasty Plot, Recover, Skill Swap,
Weight : 48.5 lbs. / 22kg (2) Snatch, Trick

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F After You, Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Astonish(N),
Egg Group : Field Bind, Body Slam, Counter, Defense Curl, Double-
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Edge, Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch,
Focus Punch, Foul Play, Fury Cutter, Ice Punch, Icy
Diet : Herbivore Wind, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort, Low Kick,
Habitat : Forest Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome,
Mud-Slap, Recycle, Role Play, Rollout, Seismic Toss,
Capability List Shock Wave, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 2/2, Power 2, Blender, Rock, Sucker Punch, Swift, Thief(N), Thunder
Stealth, Underdog Punch, Trick, Water Pulse, Wonder Room, Work Up
CASTFORM Capability List
Sky 4, Swim 2, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Guster, Weather-
shape, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 2d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
10 Ember - Fire
10 Powder Snow - Ice
10 Water Gun - Water
15 Headbutt - Normal
20 Hail - Ice
20 Rain Dance - Water
20 Sunny Day - Fire
25 Weather Ball - Normal
Base Stats: 35 Blizzard - Ice
HP: 7 35 Fire Blast - Fire
Attack: 7 35 Hydro Pump - Water
Defense: 7 45 Hurricane - Flying
Special Attack: 7
Special Defense: 7 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 7 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sun-
ny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Information Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thun-
Type : Normal derbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 32
Basic Ability 1: Forecast Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38
Adv Ability 1: Levitate Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
Adv Ability 2: Cloud Nine 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 55 Scald, 59 Incinerate, 67
Adv Ability 3: Drought / Drizzle Retaliate, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up,
High Ability: Sandstream / Snow Warning 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute

1 - Castform Egg Move List
Amnesia, Clear Smog, Cosmic Power, Dis-
Size Information able, Future Sight, Guard Swap, Hex, Lucky Chant,
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Ominous Wind, Psych Up, Reflect Type
Weight : 1.8 lbs. / 0.8kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Avalanche, Body Slam, Defense Curl,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Double-Edge, Icy Wind, Last Resort, Ominous
Egg Group : Fairy / Indeterminate Wind, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift,
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days Tailwind, Water Pulse, Work Up

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Urban

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Tracker,
Naturewalk (Forest, Urban), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6, Percep
3d6+2, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Sketch - Normal
11 Sketch - Normal
21 Sketch - Normal
31 Sketch - Normal
41 Sketch - Normal
51 Sketch - Normal
61 Sketch - Normal
71 Sketch - Normal
Base Stats: 81 Sketch - Normal
HP: 6 91 Sketch - Normal
Attack: 2
Defense: 4
Special Attack: 2
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 8

Basic Information
Type : Normal
Basic Ability 1: Color Theory
Adv Ability 1: Moody
Adv Ability 2: Own Tempo
Adv Ability 3: Technician
High Ability: Exploit

1 - Smeargle

Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 127.9 lbs. / 58kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Forest, Mountain, Urban

Athl 4d6, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 3d6+1, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 2d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Comet Punch - Normal
1 Leer - Normal
7 Fake Out - Normal
10 Tail Whip - Normal
13 Bite - Dark
19 Double Hit - Normal
22 Rage - Normal
25 Mega Punch - Normal
31 Chip Away - Normal
34 Dizzy Punch - Normal
37 Crunch - Dark
43 Endure - Normal
46 Outrage - Dragon
Base Stats: 49 Sucker Punch - Dark
HP: 11 55 Reversal - Fighting
Attack: 10
Defense: 8 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 4 A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail,
Special Defense: 8 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Bliz-
Speed: 9 zard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safe-
guard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow
Basic Information
Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower,
Type : Normal 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial
Basic Ability 1: Early Bird Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round,
Basic Ability 2: Scrappy 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 65 Shadow Claw,
Adv Ability 1: Inner Focus 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide,
Adv Ability 2: Defiant 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
High Ability: Bodyguard 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Kangaskhan Circle Throw, Counter, Crush Claw, Disable, Double-
Edge, Endeavor, Focus Energy, Focus Punch, Foresight,
Size Information Hammer Arm, Safeguard, Stomp,
Height : 7’ 3” / 2.2m (Medium) Substitute, Trump Card, Uproar
Weight : 176.4 lbs. / 80kg (4)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Aqua Tail, Avalanche, Body Slam, Covet, Drain Punch,
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F Dynamic Punch, Endeavor, Fire Punch, Fury Cutter,
Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Knock Off,
Egg Group : Monster
Low Kick, Mega Kick, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Seismic Toss,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Thunder Punch, Uproar, Water
Pulse, Work Up
Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland, Rainforest Mega Evolution
Type: Unchanged
Capability List Ability: Parental Bond
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 3/3, Power 7, Marsupial Stats: +3 Atk, +2 Def,
+2 Sp. Atk, +2 Sp. Def,
+1 Speed

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 4, Tracker

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 4d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Growl - Normal
5 Sand Attack - Ground
9 Baby-Doll Eyes - Fairy
12 Headbutt - Normal
15 Tail Whip - Normal
22 Bite - Dark
27 Odor Sleuth - Normal
Base Stats: 35 Retaliate - Normal
HP: 8 35 Take Down - Normal
Attack: 8 38 Charm - Fairy
Defense: 6 42 Sucker Punch - Dark
Special Attack: 7 48 Cotton Guard - Grass
Special Defense: 9
Speed: 10 TM/HM Move List
A3 Surf, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Basic Information Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Type : Normal tion, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade,
Basic Ability 1: Fur Coat 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice,
Adv Ability 1: Beautiful 57 Charge Beam, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70
Adv Ability 2: Fabulous Trim Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
Adv Ability 3: Intimidate ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild
High Ability: Bodyguard Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse, 100
1 - Furfrou Egg Move List
Captivate, Mimic, Refresh, Role Play, Work Up
Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 61.7 lbs. / 28 kg (3) Endeavor, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Iron Tail,
Last Resort, Role Play, Snore, Uproar, Zen Headbutt
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Grassland, Urban

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Scratch - Normal
5 Quick Attack - Normal
8 Swords Dance - Normal
12 Pursuit - Dark
15 Hone Claws - Dark
19 Slash - Normal
22 Revenge - Fighting
26 Crush Claw - Normal
29 False Swipe - Normal
33 Embargo - Dark
36 Detect - Fighting
Base Stats: 40 X-Scissor - Bug
HP: 7 43 Taunt - Dark
Attack: 12 47 Swords Dance - Normal
Defense: 6 50 Close Combat - Fighting
Special Attack: 6
Special Defense: 6 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 9 A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic,
10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam,
Basic Information 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Type : Normal 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return,
28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
Basic Ability 1: Toxic Boost
35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial
Basic Ability 2: Immunity Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 1: Celebrate 52 Focus Blast, 54 False Swipe, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 63
Adv Ability 2: Discipline Embargo, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 75
High Ability: Dodge Swords Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 84 Poison Jab,
87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
Evolution: 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Zangoose
Egg Move List
Size Information Counter, Curse, Final Gambit, Disable,
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium) Double Hit, Double Kick, Feint, Flail, Fury Swipes,
Weight : 88.8 lbs. / 40.3kg (3) Iron Tail, Metal Claw, Night Slash, Quick Guard,
Razor Wind, Roar
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Field Body Slam, Defense Curl, Double-Edge,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Dynamic Punch, Endeavor, Fire Punch, Focus
Punch, Fury Cutter, Giga Drain, Ice Punch, Icy
Diet : Carnivore Wind, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort, Low Kick,
Habitat : Desert, Forest, Mountain Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Rock Climb,
Rollout, Seismic Toss, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Capability List Swift, Thunder Wave, Thunder Punch, Water Pulse,
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 5, Naturewalk Work Up
(Desert, Grassland)
Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 4, Jump 1/0, Power 4, Darkvi-
sion, Naturewalk (Desert, Forest)

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 4d6+1,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 2d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Wrap - Normal
1 Swagger - Normal
4 Bite - Dark
7 Lick - Ghost
10 Poison Tail - Poison
13 Screech - Normal
16 Venoshock - Poison
19 Glare - Normal
Base Stats: 22 Poison Fang - Poison
HP: 7 25 Venom Drench - Poison
Attack: 10 28 Night Slash - Dark
Defense: 6 31 Gastro Acid - Poison
Special Attack: 10 34 Poison Jab - Poison
Special Defense: 6 37 Haze - Ice
Speed: 7 40 Crunch - Dark
43 Belch - Poison
Basic Information 46 Coil - Poison
Type : Poison 49 Wring Out - Normal
Basic Ability 1: Shed Skin
Basic Ability 2: Infiltrator TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 1: Razor Edge A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10
Adv Ability 2: Sniper Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect,
High Ability: Deadly Poison 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27
Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave,
Evolution: 35 Flamethrower, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44
1 - Seviper Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 66 Payback, 67
Retaliate, 78 Bulldoze, 81 X-Scissor, 82 Dragon Tail,
Size Information 83 Infestation, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Height : 8’ 10” / 2.7m (Large) Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 97 Dark Pulse
Weight : 115.7 lbs. / 52.5kg (4)
Egg Move List
Breeding Information Assurance, Body Slam, Final Gambit, Iron
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tail, Night Slash, Punishment, Scary Face, Spit Up,
Egg Group : Field / Dragon Stockpile, Swallow, Switcheroo, Wring Out
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days
Tutor Move List
Diet : Carnivore Aqua Tail, Bind, Dark Pulse, Double-Edge,
Habitat : Desert, Forest, Mountain Fury Cutter, Gastro Acid, Giga Drain, Iron Tail,
Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore,
Sucker Punch, Swift

SHUCKLE Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 1d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Constrict - Normal
1 Withdraw - Water
1 Bide - Normal
1 Rollout - Rock
5 Encore - Normal
9 Wrap - Normal
12 Struggle Bug - Bug
16 Safeguard - Normal
20 Rest - Psychic
23 Rock Throw - Rock
27 Gastro Acid - Poison
31 Power Trick - Psychic
34 Shell Smash - Normal
Base Stats: 38 Rock Slide - Rock
HP: 2 42 Bug Bite - Bug
Attack: 1 45 Power Split - Psychic
Defense: 23 45 Guard Split - Psychic
Special Attack: 1 49 Stone Edge - Rock
Special Defense: 23 53 Sticky Web - Bug
Speed: 1
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hid-
Type : Bug / Rock den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard,
Basic Ability 1: Sturdy 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earthquake, 27
Basic Ability 2: Gluttony Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36
Adv Ability 1: Contrary Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Fa-
Adv Ability 2: Shell Shield cade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 69 Rock Polish,
High Ability: Juicy Energy 70 Flash, 71 Stone Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 76 Struggle
Bug, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 83 Infestation, 87
Evolution: Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Shuckle
Egg Move List
Size Information Acid, Acupressure, Final Gambit, Helping
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Hand, Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Rock Blast, Sand Tomb,
Weight : 45.2 lbs. / 20.5kg (2) Sweet Scent

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F After You, Ancient Power, Bind, Body Slam,
Egg Group : Bug Bug Bite, Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Earth Power,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Gastro Acid, Helping Hand, Knock Off, Mud-Slap,
Natural Gift, Rollout, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock,
Diet : Herbivore Sticky Web, String Shot
Habitat : Cave, Forest, Mountain, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Jump 0/0, Power 4, Juicer

DURANT Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Sand Attack - Ground
1 Vice Grip - Normal
6 Fury Cutter - Bug
11 Bite - Dark
16 Agility - Psychic
21 Metal Claw - Steel
26 Bug Bite - Bug
31 Crunch - Dark
36 Iron Head - Steel
41 Dig - Ground
46 Entrainment - Normal
51 X-Scissor - Bug
56 Iron Defense - Steel
Base Stats: 61 Guillotine - Normal
HP: 6 66 Metal Sound - Steel
Attack: 11
Defense: 11 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 5 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Special Defense: 5 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration,
Speed: 11 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm,
39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Information Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 65 Shadow Claw,
Type : Bug / Steel 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71
Basic Ability 1: Hustle Stone Edge, 73 Thunder Wave, 76 Struggle Bug, 80
Basic Ability 2: Swarm Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Adv Ability 1: Truant 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash
Adb Ability 2: Oblivious
High Ability: Teamwork Egg Move List
Baton Pass, Endure, Feint Attack, Rock
Evolution: Climb, Screech, Thunder Fang
1 - Durant
Tutor Move List
Size Information Bug Bite, Endeavor, Guillotine (N), Iron De-
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) fense (N), Iron Head, Metal Sound (N), Sleep Talk,
Weight : 72.8 lbs. / 33kg (3) Snore, Superpower

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Desert, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 5, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest)
Skill List
Athl 5d6+3, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 5d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Focus Energy - Normal
1 Vice Grip - Normal
4 Bind - Normal
8 Seismic Toss - Fighting
11 Harden - Normal
15 Revenge - Fighting
18 Vital Throw - Fighting
22 Double Hit - Normal
26 Brick Break - Fighting
29 Submission - Fighting
33 X-Scissor - Bug
36 Storm Throw - Fighting
Base Stats: 40 Swords Dance - Normal
HP: 7 43 Thrash - Normal
Attack: 13 47 Superpower - Fighting
Defense: 10 50 Guillotine - Normal
Special Attack: 6
Special Defense: 7 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 9 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10
Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Pro-
Basic Information tect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26
Type : Bug Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Basic Ability 1: Hyper Cutter
Thief, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 54 False Swipe, 56 Fling,
Basic Ability 2: Mold Breaker 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 76
Adv Ability 1: Moxie Struggle Bug, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 87
Adv Ability 2: Kampfgeist Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
High Ability: Adaptability
Egg Move List
Evolution: Bug Bite, Close Combat, Feint Attack, False
1 - Pinsir Swipe, Feint, Flail, Fury Attack, Me First,
Quick Attack, Superpower
Size Information
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 121.3 lbs. / 55kg (4) Bind, Body Slam, Bug Bite, Double-Edge,
Focus Punch, Fury Cutter, Iron Defense, Knock Off,
Breeding Information Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, String Shot,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Superpower
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days
Mega Evolution
Diet : Herbivore Type: Bug/Flying
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest Ability: Aerilate
Stats: +3 Atk, +2 Def,
Capability List +1 Sp. Atk, +2 Sp. Def,
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 8, Naturewalk +2 Speed
(Grassland, Forest)
Skill List
Athl 5d6+3, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth
3d6+1, Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Horn Attack - Normal
1 Leer - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
7 Feint - Normal
10 Aerial Ace - Flying
16 Chip Away - Normal
19 Counter - Fighting
25 Fury Attack - Normal
28 Brick Break - Fighting
31 Pin Missile - Bug
34 Take Down - Normal
37 Megahorn - Bug
Base Stats: 43 Close Combat - Fighting
HP: 8 46 Reversal - Fighting
Attack: 13
Defense: 8 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 4 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 09 Venoshock,
Special Defense: 10 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Speed: 9 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down,
26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32
Basic Information Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast,
Type : Bug / Fighting
54 False Swipe, 56 Fling, 65 Shadow Claw, 67 Retaliate, 68
Basic Ability 1: Guts Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 76 Strug-
Basic Ability 2: Swarm gle Bug, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 1: Moxie Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Adv Ability 2: Sap Sipper
High Ability: Parry Egg Move List
Bide, Double-Edge, False Swipe, Flail, Focus
Evolution: Punch, Harden, Megahorn, Pursuit, Revenge, Rock
1 - Heracross Blast, Seismic Toss

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Arm Thrust (N), Body Slam, Bug Bite, Bulk Up,
Weight : 119 lbs. / 54kg (4) Bullet Seed (N), Endure(N), Fury Cutter, Helping
Hand, Iron Defense, Knock Off, Low Kick, Night
Breeding Information Slash (N), Rock Blast, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Snore, Vacuum Wave, Work Up
Egg Group : Bug
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days

Diet : Herbivore Mega Evolution
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest Type: Unchanged
Ability: Skill Link
Capability List Stats: +6 Atk, +4 Def,
Overland 5, Swim 3, Sky 4, Jump 1/1, Power 8, +1 Sp. Def, -1 Speed

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
4d6+2, Percep 4d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bind - Normal
1 Growth - Normal
7 Bite - Dark
11 Vine Whip - Grass
17 Sweet Scent - Normal
21 Ingrain - Grass
27 Feint Attack - Dark
31 Leaf Tornado - Grass
37 Spit Up - Normal
37 Stockpile - Normal
37 Swallow - Normal
40 Crunch - Dark
Base Stats: 47 Wring Out - Normal
HP: 7 51 Power Whip - Grass
Attack: 10
Defense: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 9 A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Special Defense: 7 Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22
Speed: 5 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge
Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Basic Information Round, 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 66 Payback, 68 Giga
Type : Grass Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 83 Infestation, 86
Basic Ability 1: Flying Fly Trap Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
Adv Ability 1: Ambush 96 Nature Power
Adv Ability 2: Empower
Adv Ability 3: Weird Power Egg Move List
High Ability: Big Swallow Giga Drain, Grass Whistle, Leech Seed,
Magical Leaf, Rage Powder, Razor Leaf, Slam, Sleep
Evolution: Powder, Stun Spore, Synthesis, Worry Seed
1 - Carnivine
Tutor Move List
Size Information Bind, Bug Bite, Bullet Seed, Fury Cutter,
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium) Gastro Acid, Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Seed Bomb, Sleep
Weight : 59.5 lbs. / 27kg (3) Talk, Snore, Synthesis, Worry Seed

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Plant
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days

Diet : Carnivore, Phototroph
Habitat : Marsh, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Levitate 6, Jump 1/1, Power 4,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog
Athl 4d6+3, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth
3d6+1, Percep 4d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Absorb - Grass
1 Peck - Flying
3 Sweet Scent - Normal
6 Growth - Normal
10 Pin Missile - Bug
13 Mega Drain - Grass
15 Synthesis - Grass
18 Cotton Spore - Grass
22 Needle Arm - Grass
26 Giga Drain - Grass
29 Acupressure - Normal
33 Ingrain - Grass
38 Petal Dance - Grass
Base Stats: 42 Sucker Punch - Dark
HP: 8 45 Sunny Day - Fire
Attack: 9 50 Solar Beam - Grass
Defense: 7 55 Cotton Guard - Grass
Special Attack: 11 57 After You - Normal
Special Defense: 8
Speed: 6 TM/HM Move List
06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Basic Information 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Type : Grass Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace,
Basic Ability 1: Water Absorb 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy
Basic Ability 2: Storm Drain Ball, 84 Poison Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Adv Ability 1: Own Tempo Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature Power
Adv Ability 2: Desert Weather
High Ability: Spinning Dance Egg Move List
Bounce, Bullet Seed, Grass Whistle, Grassy
Evolution: Terrain, Leech Seed, Seed Bomb, Spikes, Wood
1 - Maractus Hammer, Worry Seed

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) After You (N), Bounce, Cotton Guard (N),
Weight : 61.7 lbs. / 28kg (3) Drain Punch, Endeavor, Giga Drain, Helping Hand,
Hyper Voice, Knock Off, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk,
Breeding Information Snore, Spiky Shield (N), Synthesis, Uproar, Worry
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Seed
Egg Group : Plant
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Desert, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Naturewalk
TROPIUS Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 2, Sky 4, Jump 3/4, Power 8,
Guster, Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Planter (Ber-
ries), Mountable 2

Skill List
Athl 5d6+3, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 5d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Gust - Flying
1 Leer - Normal
1 Growth - Normal
1 Razor Leaf - Grass
6 Sweet Scent - Normal
10 Stomp - Normal
16 Magical Leaf - Grass
21 Whirlwind - Normal
Base Stats: 26 Leaf Tornado - Grass
HP: 10 30 Natural Gift - Normal
Attack: 7 36 Air Slash - Flying
Defense: 8 41 Body Slam - Normal
Special Attack: 7 46 Bestow - Normal
Special Defense: 9 50 Synthesis - Grass
Speed: 5 56 Solar Beam - Grass
61 Leaf Storm - Grass
Basic Information
Type : Grass / Flying TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Chlorophyll A1 Cut, A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Tox-
Basic Ability 2: Harvest ic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam,
Adv Ability 1: Windveiled 17 Protect, 19 Roost, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Adv Ability 2: Solar Power 22 Solar Beam, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 32 Double
High Ability: Sun Blanket Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 53 Energy Ball, 68 Giga
Evolution: Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 86
1 - Tropius Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power
Size Information
Height : 6’ 7” / 2m (Large) Egg Move List
Weight : 220.5 lbs. / 100kg (5) Bullet Seed, Curse, Dragon Dance, Headbutt,
Leaf Blade, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Natural Gift,
Breeding Information Nature Power, Razor Wind, Slam, Synthesis
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Monster / Plant Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days Air Cutter, Bestow (N), Double-Edge, Dragon
Pulse, Fury Cutter, Giga Drain, Leaf Storm (N),
Diet : Herbivore, Phototroph Mud-Slap, Natural Gift (N), Ominous Wind,
Habitat : Forest, Marsh, Rainforest Outrage, Roost, Seed Bomb, Silver Wind, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Steel Wing, Synthesis, Tailwind, Twister,
Worry Seed

TORKOAL Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Ember - Fire
4 Smog - Poison
7 Withdraw - Water
10 Rapid Spin - Normal
13 Fire Spin - Fire
15 Smokescreen - Normal
18 Flame Wheel - Fire
22 Curse - Ghost
25 Lava Plume - Fire
27 Body Slam - Normal
30 Protect - Normal
34 Flamethrower - Fire
38 Iron Defense - Steel
Base Stats: 40 Amnesia - Psychic
HP: 7 42 Flail - Normal
Attack: 9 45 Heat Wave - Fire
Defense: 14 47 Shell Smash - Normal
Special Attack: 9 50 Inferno - Fire
Special Defense: 7
Speed: 2 TM/HM Move List
A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Basic Information Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 21 Frustra-
Type : Fire tion, 22 Solar Beam, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 32
Basic Ability 1: White Smoke Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 36 Sludge Bomb,
Adv Ability 1: Shell Armor 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 43 Flame
Adv Ability 2: Shell Shield Charge, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 50 Overheat,
Adv Ability 3: Sturdy 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 64 Explosion, 68
High Ability: Slow Start Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 78 Bull-
doze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Evolution: Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power
1 - Torkoal
Egg Move List
Size Information Clear Smog, Earthquake, Endure, Eruption,
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Fissure, Flame Burst, Skull Bash, Sleep Talk, Super-
Weight : 177.3 lbs. / 80.4kg (4) power, Yawn

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F After You, Double-Edge, Earth Power, Flail
Egg Group : Field (N), Heat Wave (N), Inferno (N), Iron Defense, Iron
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Tail, Mud-Slap, Protect (N), Shell Smash (N), Sleep
Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock
Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Desert, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 6, Heater

Skill List
Athl 4d6+3, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Incinerate - Fire
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Lick - Ghost
6 Odor Sleuth - Normal
11 Bind - Normal
16 Fire Spin - Fire
21 Fury Swipes - Normal
26 Snatch - Dark
31 Flame Burst - Fire
36 Bug Bite - Bug
41 Slash - Normal
46 Amnesia - Psychic
Base Stats: 51 Flamethrower - Fire
HP: 9 56 Spit Up - Normal
Attack: 10 56 Stockpile - Normal
Defense: 7 56 Swallow - Normal
Special Attack: 11 61 Inferno - Fire
Special Defense: 7
Speed: 7 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Basic Information Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Type : Fire Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return,
Basic Ability 1: White Smoke 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire
Basic Ability 2: Glutony Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44
Adv Ability 1: Flame Tongue Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast,
Adv Ability 2: Exploitw 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 65 Shadow
High Ability: Big Swallow Claw, 68 Giga Impact, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
Evolution: Confide
1 - Heatmor
Egg Move List
Size Information Belch, Body Slam, Curse, Feint Attack, Heat
Height : 4’ 8” / 1.4m (Medium) Wave, Night Slash, Pursuit, Sleep Talk, Sucker Punch,
Weight : 127.9 lbs. / 58kg (4) Tickle, Wrap

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Bind, Bug Bite, Fire Punch, Gastro Acid, Giga
Egg Group : Field Drain, Heat Wave, Hone Claws (N), Inferno (N),
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Knock Off, Low Kick, Recycle, Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Snore, Superpower, Thunder Punch
Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Desert, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Burrow 4, Jump 2/2, Power 4,
Firestarter, Heater, Egg Warmer
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Poison Sting - Poison
1 Water Gun - Water
1 Tackle - Normal
9 Harden - Normal
9 Minimize - Normal
13 Bubble - Water
17 Rollout - Rock
21 Toxic Spikes - Poison
25 Spit Up - Normal
25 Stockpile - Normal
29 Revenge - Fighting
33 Brine - Water
37 Pin Missile - Bug
Base Stats: 41 Take Down - Normal
HP: 7 45 Aqua Tail - Water
Attack: 10 49 Poison Jab - Poison
Defense: 8 53 Destiny Bond - Ghost
Special Attack: 6 57 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Defense: 6 60 Fell Stinger - Bug
Speed: 9
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Type : Water / Poison Hail, 09 Venoshock, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 13
Basic Ability 1: Swift Swim Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Basic Ability 2: Poison Point Frustration, 27 Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
Adv Ability 1: Poison Touch Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Intimidate 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 64 Explo-
High Ability: Deadly Poison sion, 66 Payback, 73 Thunder Wave, 74 Gyro Ball, 84
Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
1 - Qwilfish Egg Move List
Acid Spray, Aqua Jet, Astonish, Brine,
Size Information Bubble Beam, Flail, Haze, Poison Jab, Signal Beam,
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Supersonic, Water Pulse
Weight : 8.6 lbs. / 3.9kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Aqua Tail, Bounce, Counter, Defense Curl,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Destiny Bond (N), Double-Edge, Dive, Fell Stinger
Egg Group : Water 2 (N), Hydro Pump (N), Icy Wind, Mud-Slap, Pain
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Split, Rollout, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Spikes(N), Swift, Swords Dance
Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 7, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Ocean), Gilled
BASCULIN (Ocean), Fountain
Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
3d6+1, Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Water Gun - Water
1 Tail Whip - Normal
4 Uproar - Normal
7 Headbutt - Normal
10 Bite - Dark
13 Aqua Jet - Water
16 Chip Away - Normal
20 Take Down - Normal
24 Crunch - Dark
28 Aqua Tail - Water
32 Soak - Water
Base Stats: 36 Double-Edge - Normal
HP: 7 41 Scary Face - Normal
Attack: 9 46 Flail - Normal
Defense: 7 51 Final Gambit - Fighting
Special Attack: 8 56 Thrash - Normal
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 10 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06
Basic Information Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice
Type : Water Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27
Basic Ability 1: Torrent Return, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
Adv Ability 1: Water Absorb tract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Adv Ability 2: Reckless (Red Basculin Only) 90 Substitute
Adv Ability 2: Rock Head (Blue Basculin Only)
Adv Ability 3: Swift Swim Egg Move List
High Ability: Mold Breaker Agility, Brine, Bubble Beam, Mud Shot,
Muddy Water, Rage, Revenge, Swift, Whirlpool
1 - Basculin Tutor Move List
Aqua Tail, Bounce, Endeavor, Flail (N), Icy
Size Information Wind, Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower, Thrash (N),
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Uproar, Zen Heabutt
Weight : 39.7 lbs. / 18kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 2
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 7, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Naturewalk
Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 1d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Harden - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
6 Mud Sport - Ground
10 Water Gun - Water
15 Rock Tomb - Rock
21 Ancient Power - Rock
26 Dive - Water
31 Take Down - Normal
35 Yawn - Normal
41 Rest - Psychic
46 Hydro Pump - Water
50 Double-Edge - Normal
Base Stats: 56 Head Smash - Rock
HP: 10
Attack: 9 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 13 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 04 Calm
Special Attack: 5 Mind, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice
Special Defense: 7 Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18
Speed: 6 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack
Down, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Basic Information 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Type : Water / Rock 45 Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 68 Giga Impact, 69
Basic Ability 1: Sturdy Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bull-
Adv Ability 1: Rock Head doze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Adv Ability 2: Swift Swim Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Adv Ability 3: Reckless
High Ability: Filter Egg Move List
Amnesia, Aqua Tail, Brine, Magnitude, Mud
Evolution: Shot, Mud-Slap, Muddy Water, Rock Slide, Skull
1 - Relicanth Bash, Sleep Talk, Snore, Water Sport, Zen Headbutt

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Ancient Power (N), Aqua Tail, Body Slam,
Weight : 51.6 lbs. / 23.4kg (2) Bounce, Dive, Earth Power, Head Smash (N), Hydro
Pump (N), Icy Wind, Mud-Slap, Mud Sport (N),
Breeding Information Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Water Gun (N), Wa-
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F ter Pulse, Whirlpool, Zen Headbutt
Egg Group : Water 1 / Water 2
Average Hatch Rate: 25 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 5, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Darkvision,
Naturewalk (Ocean), Gilled
CORSOLA Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Harden - Normal
4 Bubble - Water
8 Recover - Normal
10 Bubble Beam - Water
13 Refresh - Normal
17 Ancient Power - Rock
20 Spike Cannon - Normal
23 Lucky Chant - Normal
27 Brine - Water
29 Iron Defense - Steel
31 Rock Blast - Rock
35 Endure - Normal
Base Stats: 38 Aqua Ring - Water
HP: 6 41 Power Gem - Rock
Attack: 6 45 Mirror Coat - Psychic
Defense: 9 47 Earth Power - Ground
Special Attack: 7 50 Flail - Normal
Special Defense: 9
Speed: 4 TM/HM Move List
A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind, 06
Basic Information Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13
Type : Water / Rock Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18
Basic Ability 1: Natural Cure Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 26 Earth-
Basic Ability 2: Regenerator quake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow
Adv Ability 1: Hustle Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37 Sandstorm,
Adv Ability2: Solid Rock 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
High Ability: Refreshing Veil Round, 55 Scald, 64 Explosion, 69 Rock Polish, 71
Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swag-
Evolution: ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96
1 - Corsola Nature Power

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Amnesia, Aqua Ring, Barrier, Camouflage,
Weight : 11 lbs. / 5kg (1) Confuse Ray, Curse, Head Smash, Icicle Spear, In-
grain, Mist, Nature Power, Rock Slide, Screech, Water
Breeding Information Pulse
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Water 3 Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Ancient Power, Body Slam, Brine, Defense
Curl, Double-Edge, Earth Power, Endeavor, Icy
Diet : Phototroph Wind, Iron Defense, Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Role
Habitat : Ocean Play, Rollout, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Sucker
Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 4, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Gilled, Na-
turewalk (Ocean), Underdog
Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 1d6, Stealth
3d6+1, Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Charm - Fairy
4 Water Gun - Water
7 Agility - Psychic
9 Draining Kiss - Fairy
14 Lucky Chant - Normal
17 Water Pulse - Water
22 Attract - Normal
27 Flail - Normal
31 Sweet Kiss - Fairy
37 Take Down - Normal
40 Aqua Ring - Water
Base Stats: 46 Captivate - Normal
HP: 4 50 Hydro Pump - Water
Attack: 3 55 Safeguard - Normal
Defense: 6
Special Attack: 4 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 7 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Speed: 6 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard,
17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frus-
Basic Information tration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44
Type : Water Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 77 Psych Up, 87
Basic Ability 1: Cute Charm Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
Basic Ability 2: Water Veil
Adv Ability 1: Swift Swim Egg Move List
Adv Ability 2: Hydration Aqua Jet, Aqua Ring, Brine, Captivate,
High Ability: Wash Away Entrainment, Heal Pulse, Mud Sport, Splash, Super-
sonic, Water Sport
1 - Luvdisc Tutor Move List
Bounce, Dive, Double-Edge, Icy Wind, Sleep
Size Information Talk, Snore, Swift
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 19.2 lbs. / 8.7kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 25% M / 75% F
Egg Group : Water 2
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 5, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Gilled,
Naturewalk (Ocean), Underdog, Heart Gift
ALOMOMOLA Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 6, Jump 2/3, Power 5, Naturewalk
(Ocean), Fountain

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 3d6, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Pound - Normal
1 Water Sport - Water
5 Aqua Ring - Water
9 Aqua Jet - Water
13 Double Slap - Normal
17 Heal Pulse - Psychic
21 Protect - Normal
25 Water Pulse - Water
29 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
Base Stats: 33 Soak - Water
HP: 17 37 Wish - Normal
Attack: 8 41 Brine - Water
Defense: 8 45 Safeguard - Normal
Special Attack: 4 49 Helping Hand - Normal
Special Defense: 5 53 Wide Guard - Rock
Speed: 7 57 Healing Wish - Psychic
61 Hydro Pump - Water
Basic Information
Type : Water TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Healer A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 04 Calm
Basic Ability 2: Hydration Mind, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice
Adv Ability 1: Life Force Beam, 14 Blizzard, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18
Adv Ability 2: Regenerator Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 27 Return,
High Ability: Blessed Touch 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 42
Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 77
Psych Up, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
1 - Alomomola Egg Move List
Endure, Mirror Coat, Mist, Pain Split,
Size Information Refresh, Tickle
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 69.7 lbs. / 31.6kg (3) Tutor Move List
Bounce, Healing Wish (N), Helping Hand,
Breeding Information Hydro Pump (N), Icy Wind, Knock Off, Magic Coat,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Pain Split, Sleep Talk, Snore, Wide Guard (N)
Egg Group : Water 1 / Water 2
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 10, Jump 0/0, Power 8,
Fountain, Gilled, Naturewalk (Ocean, Tundra),
Mountable 2

Skill List
Athl 4d6+1, Acro 1d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Sing - Normal
1 Water Gun - Water
4 Mist - Ice
7 Confuse Ray - Ghost
10 Ice Shard - Ice
14 Water Pulse - Water
Base Stats: 18 Body Slam - Normal
HP: 13 22 Rain Dance - Water
Attack: 9 27 Perish Song - Normal
Defense: 8 32 Ice Beam - Ice
Special Attack: 9 37 Brine - Water
Special Defense: 10 43 Safeguard - Normal
Speed: 6 49 Hydro Pump - Water
55 Sheer Cold - Ice
Basic Information
Type : Water / Ice TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Shell Armor A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Basic Ability 2: Water Absorb 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice
Adv Ability 1: Wistful Melody Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18
Adv Ability 2: Wash Away Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 24 Thun-
High Ability: Hydration derbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 32 Dou-
ble Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
Evolution: 49 Echoed Voice, 68 Giga Impact, 78 Bulldoze, 79
1 - Lapras Frost Breath, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Size Information
Height : 8’ 2” / 2.5m (Large) Egg Move List
Weight : 485 lbs. / 220kg (6) Ancient Power, Avalanche, Curse, Dragon
Dance, Dragon Pulse, Fissure, Foresight, Freeze-Dry,
Breeding Information Future Sight, Horn Drill, Refresh, Sleep Talk, Substi-
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F tute, Tickle, Whirlpool
Egg Group : Monster / Water 1
Average Hatch Rate: 25 Days Tutor Move List
Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Block, Dive,
Diet : Omnivore Double-Edge, Dragon Pulse, Drill Run, Heal Bell,
Habitat : Arctic, Ocean Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Iron Head, Iron Tail,
Outrage, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Zen Headbutt

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Present - Normal

TM/HM Move List

A2 Fly, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power,
13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
21 Frustration, 27 Return, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
46 Thief, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 79 Frost Breath, 87
Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 98 Power-Up
Punch, 100 Confide

Egg Move List

Base Stats: Aurora Beam, Bestow, Destiny Bond, Fake
HP: 5 Out, Freeze-Dry, Future Sight, Ice Ball, Ice Punch, Ice
Attack: 6 Shard, Icy Wind, Quick Attack, Rapid Spin, Spikes,
Defense: 5 Splash
Special Attack: 7
Special Defense: 5 Tutor Move List
Speed: 8 Avalanche, Body Slam, Bounce, Counter,
Double-Edge, Focus Punch, Gunk Shot, Ice Punch,
Basic Information Icy Wind, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Pluck,
Type : Ice / Flying Recycle, Seismic Toss, Seed Bomb, Signal Beam, Sky
Basic Ability 1: Giver Attack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Water Pulse
Adv Ability 1: Hustle
Adv Ability 2: Pickup
Adv Ability 3: Vital Spirit
High Ability: Handyman

1 - Delibird

Size Information
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Medium)
Weight : 35.3 lbs. / 16kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Mountain, Taiga, Tundra

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 6, Sky 8, Jump 3/4, Power 4,
Chilled, Naturewalk (Tundra), Underdog
Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
3d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bind - Normal
5 Ice Shard - Ice
9 Sharpen - Normal
13 Rapid Spin - Normal
17 Icy Wind - Ice
21 Haze - Ice
21 Mist - Ice
25 Aurora Beam - Ice
29 Acid Armor - Poison
33 Ice Beam - Ice
37 Light Screen - Psychic
37 Reflect - Psychic
Base Stats: 41 Slash - Normal
HP: 7 45 Confuse Ray - Ghost
Attack: 5 49 Recover - Normal
Defense: 3 53 Solar Beam - Grass
Special Attack: 10 57 Night Slash - Dark
Special Defense: 14 61 Sheer Cold - Ice
Speed: 11
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice
Type : Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen,
Basic Ability 1: Levitate 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Adv Ability 1: Ice Body Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 42
Adv Ability 2: Snow Cloak Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 62 Acrobat-
Adv Ability 3: Permafrost ics, 64 Explosion, 79 Frost Breath, 84 Poison Jab, 87
High Ability: Snow Warning Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Can-
1 - Cryogonal Egg Move List

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium) Bind, Haze (N), Ice Shard (N), Icy Wind,
Weight : 326.3 lbs. / 148kg (5) Iron Defense, Knock Off, Magic Coat, Mist (N),
Night Slash (N), Sheer Cold (N), Signal Beam, Sleep
Breeding Information Talk, Snore
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Mineral
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Cave, Tundra

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 2, Sky 5, Levitate 4, Jump 1/1,
Power 6, Freezer, Chilled, Naturewalk (Tundra)

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6+3, Combat 2d6+1, Stealth
4d6+4, Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bide - Normal
1 Growl - Normal
5 Quick Attack - Normal
9 Charm - Fairy
13 Spark - Electric
17 Endure - Normal
19 Nuzzle - Electric
21 Swift - Normal
25 Electro Ball - Electric
29 Sweet Kiss - Fairy
33 Thunder Wave - Electric
Base Stats: 37 Super Fang - Normal
HP: 6 41 Discharge - Electric
Attack: 5 45 Last Resort - Normal
Defense: 7 49 Hyper Fang - Normal
Special Attack: 5
Special Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 10 A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 16 Light
Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Basic Information 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Type : Electric 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Basic Ability 1: Run Away Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam,
Basic Ability 2: Pickup 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 86 Grass
Adv Ability 1: Sprint Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Sub-
Adv Ability 2: Decoy stitute
High Ability: Volt Absorb
Egg Move List
Evolution: Bestow, Bite, Charge, Covet, Defense Curl,
1 - Pachirisu Fake Tears, Flail, Flatter, Follow Me, Ion Deluge, Iron
Tail, Rollout, Tail Whip
Size Information
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 8.6 lbs. / 3.9kg (1) Covet, Gunk Shot, Helping Hand, Iron Tail,
Last Resort, Magnet Rise, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Seed
Breeding Information Bomb, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Super Fang,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Swift, Thunder Punch, Uproar
Egg Group : Field / Fairy
Average Hatch Rate: 4 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Urban

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 1, Zapper,
Naturewalk (Forest, Urban), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 5d6+3, Combat 2d6, Stealth
4d6+4, Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Thunder Shock - Electric
4 Quick Attack - Normal
7 Tail Whip - Normal
10 Charge - Electric
13 Spark - Electric
15 Nuzzle - Electric
16 Pursuit - Dark
19 Double Team - Normal
22 Shock Wave - Electric
26 Electro Ball - Electric
30 Acrobatics - Flying
34 Light Screen - Psychic
Base Stats: 38 Encore - Normal
HP: 6 42 Volt Switch - Electric
Attack: 8 46 Agility - Psychic
Defense: 6 50 Discharge - Electric
Special Attack: 8
Special Defense: 6 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 10 A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 16 Light
Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21
Basic Information Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Re-
Type : Electric / Flying turn, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Basic Ability 1: Static 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 56 Fling, 57
Basic Ability 2: Cute Charm Charge Beam, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder
Adv Ability 1: Celebrate Wave, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89
Adv Ability 2: Run Away U-Turn, 90 Substitute
High Ability: Motor Drive
Egg Move List
Evolution: Air Slash, Astonish, Baton Pass, Charm,
1 - Emolga Covet, Ion Deluge, Iron Tail, Roost, Shock Wave,
Size Information
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 11 lbs. / 5kg (1) Covet, Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Knock Off,
Last Resort, Roost, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Breeding Information Tailwind
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Urban

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Sky 4, Jump 3/4, Power 1, Zap-
per, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Mud Sport - Ground
1 Mud-Slap - Ground
1 Water Gun - Water
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Bide - Normal
9 Thunder Shock - Electric
13 Mud Shot - Ground
17 Camouflage - Normal
21 Mud Bomb - Ground
25 Discharge - Electric
30 Endure - Normal
35 Bounce - Flying
Base Stats: 40 Muddy Water - Water
HP: 11 45 Thunderbolt - Electric
Attack: 7 50 Revenge - Fighting
Defense: 8 55 Flail - Normal
Special Attack: 8 61 Fissure - Ground
Special Defense: 10
Speed: 3 TM/HM Move List
A3 Surf, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 17
Basic Information Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunder-
Type : Ground / Electric bolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
Basic Ability 1: Static 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb,
Basic Ability 2: Mud Dweller 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 1: Oblivious Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 66 Payback, 70 Flash, 71
Adv Ability 2: Own Tempo Stone Edge, 73 Thunder Wave, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
High Ability: Volt Absorb Slide, 83 Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
1 - Stunfisk Egg Move List
Astonish, Curse, Earth Power, Eerie Impulse,
Size Information Me First, Pain Split, Reflect Type, Shock Wave, Sleep
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small) Talk, Spark, Spite, Yawn
Weight : 24.3 lbs. / 11kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Aqua Tail, Bounce, Earth Power, Electroweb,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Endeavor, Fissure (N), Flail (N), Foul Play, Magnet
Egg Group : Water 1 / Indeterminate Rise, Pain Split, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Stealth Rock,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Uproar

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Freshwater, Marsh

Capability List
Overland 4, Burrow 3, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 3,
Tremorsense, Zapper
ROTOM Normal Form
Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Levitate 4, Jump 1/1, Power 1,
Darkvision, Dead Silent, Glow, Invisibility, Phasing,
Underdog, Wired, Zapper, Forme Change*

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6, Percep
2d6+2, Focus 2d6, Edu: Tech 4d6+4

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Astonish - Ghost
1 Confuse Ray - Ghost
1 Thunder Wave - Electric
1 Thunder Shock - Electric
8 Uproar - Normal
15 Double Team - Normal
22 Shock Wave - Electric
Base Stats: 29 Ominous Wind - Ghost
HP: 5 36 Substitute - Normal
Attack: 5 43 Electro Ball - Electric
Defense: 8 50 Hex - Ghost
Special Attack: 10 57 Charge - Electric
Special Defense: 8 64 Discharge - Electric
Speed: 9
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16
Type : Electric / Ghost Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Basic Ability 1: Poltergeist tion, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 30
Adv Ability 1: Static Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Motor Drive 44 Rest, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 57 Charge Beam, 61
Adv Ability 3: Volt Absorb Will-O-Wisp, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder
High Ability: Sequence Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88
Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 97 Dark Pulse
1 - Rotom Tutor Move List
Charge (N), Dark Pulse, Discharge (N), Elec-
Size Information troweb, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pain Split, Signal
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Beam, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Sucker Punch,
Weight : 0.7 lbs. / 0.3kg (1) Swift, Telekinesis, Trick (N), Uproar

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Indeterminate
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Ergovore
Habitat : Urban

ROTOM Appliance Forms Capability Information:
Heat Rotom
Overland 2, Levitate 4, Jump 1/2, Power 3,
Glow, Invisibility, Phasing, Wired, Zapper, Fire-

Wash Rotom
Overland 1, Levitate 4, Swim 6, Jump 1/1, Power 3,
Glow, Invisibility, Phasing, Wired, Zapper, Fountain

Frost Rotom
Overland 2, Levitate 4, Jump 1/1, Power 3,
Glow, Invisibility, Phasing, Wired, Zapper, Freezer,
Naturewalk (Tundra)

Fan Rotom
Base Stats: Overland 2, Levitate 4, Sky 6, Jump 1/1, Power 2,
HP: 5 Glow, Invisibility, Phasing, Wired, Zapper, Guster
Attack: 7
Defense: 11 Mow Rotom
Special Attack: 11 Overland 7, Levitate 4, Jump 1/1, Power 2,
Special Defense: 11 Glow, Invisibility, Phasing, Wired, Zapper, Nature-
Speed: 9 walk (Grassland, Forest)

Rotoms in their Appliance Forms retain most of the Skill Information:

same Basic Information as their Normal Form. Heat Rotom
However, their Types, Size Information, Capabili- Athl 4d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
ties, Skill List, and even Move List will change upon 2d6+2, Focus 2d6, Edu: Tech 4d6+4
changing forms. We’ve provided the standard set of
Appliance Forms here and what changes to apply Wash Rotom
for them, but GMs should feel free to make up new Athl 4d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 1d6, Percep
forms of their own. 2d6+2, Focus 2d6, Edu: Tech 4d6+4

Type Information Frost Rotom

Heat Rotom: Electric/Fire Athl 4d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 1d6, Percep
Wash Rotom: Electric/Water 2d6+2, Focus 2d6, Edu: Tech 4d6+4
Frost Rotom: Electric/Ice
Fan Rotom: Electric/Flying Fan Rotom
Mow Rotom: Electric/Grass Athl 2d6, Acro 5d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6-1, Per-
cep 2d6+2, Focus 2d6, Edu: Tech 4d6+4
Size Information:
All Appliance Form Rotoms are Medium size and Mow Rotom
have Weight Class 3. Athl 4d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 1d6+2, Per-
cep 2d6+2, Focus 2d6, Edu: Tech 4d6+4

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Zapper,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 4d6, Per-
cep 4d6+2, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Tail Whip - Normal
7 Thunder Shock - Electric
11 Charge - Electric
14 Charm - Fairy
17 Parabolic Charge - Electric
20 Nuzzle - Electric
23 Thunder Wave - Electric
Base Stats: 26 Volt Switch - Electric
HP: 7 30 Rest - Psychic
Attack: 6 31 Snore - Normal
Defense: 6 34 Charge Beam - Electric
Special Attack: 8 39 Entrainment - Normal
Special Defense: 7 42 Play Rough - Fairy
Speed: 10 45 Thunder - Electric
50 Discharge - Electric
Basic Information
Type : Electric / Fairy TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Lunchbox A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Basic Ability 2: Pickup 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thun-
Adv Ability 1: Plus derbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double
Adv Ability 2: Sequence Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
High Ability: Cute Charm 46 Thief, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 67
Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch,
Evolution: 73 Thunder Wave, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger,
1 - Dedenne 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild
Charge, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 0’ 08” / 0.2m (Small) Egg Move List
Weight : 4.9 lbs. / 2.2 kg (1) Covet, Eerie Impulse, Helping Hand, Natural Gift

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Covet, Electroweb, Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Last
Egg Group : Field and Fairy Resort, Magnet Rise, Recycle, Shock Wave, Signal
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Beam, Snore, Super Fang, Thunder Punch

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

GIRAFARIG Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 4,
Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 5d6+2, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Confusion - Psychic
1 Growl - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Odor Sleuth - Normal
10 Assurance - Dark
14 Stomp - Normal
19 Psybeam - Psychic
23 Agility - Psychic
28 Double Hit - Normal
Base Stats: 32 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
HP: 7 37 Crunch - Dark
Attack: 8 41 Baton Pass - Normal
Defense: 7 46 Nasty Plot - Dark
Special Attack: 9 50 Psychic - Psychic
Special Defense: 7
Speed: 9 TM/HM Move List
A4 Strength, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind,
Basic Information 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light
Type : Normal / Psychic Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24
Basic Ability 1: Inner Focus Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return,
Basic Ability 2: Early Bird 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 33
Adv Ability 1: Sap Sipper Reflect, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Adv Ability 2: Probability Control Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 53 Energy Ball, 57 Charge
High Ability: Magic Bounce Beam, 67 Retaliate, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77
Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass
Evolution: Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92
1 - Girafarig Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100
Size Information
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Egg Move List
Weight : 91.5 lbs. / 41.5kg (3) Amnesia, Beat Up, Double Kick, Foresight,
Future Sight, Magic Coat, Mean Look, Mirror Coat,
Breeding Information Psych Up, Razor Wind, Secret Power, Skill Swap,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Take Down, Wish
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Tutor Move List
Astonish(N), Body Slam, Double-Edge, Foul
Diet : Herbivore Play, Gravity, Guard Swap(N), Hyper Voice, Iron Tail,
Habitat : Grassland, Mountain Mud-Slap, Power Swap(N), Recycle, Role Play, Shock
Wave, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Sucker Punch, Swift, Telekinesis, Trick, Uproar, Work
Up, Zen Headbutt

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 1, Sky 7, Jump 1/2, Power 3,
Telekinetic, Invisibility, Guster

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
4d6+3, Focus 5d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Gust - Flying
1 Miracle Eye - Psychic
4 Hypnosis - Psychic
8 Psywave - Psychic
11 Tailwind - Flying
14 Whirlwind - Normal
18 Psybeam - Psychic
21 Air Cutter - Flying
Base Stats: 24 Light Screen - Psychic
HP: 7 28 Reflect - Psychic
Attack: 6 31 Synchronoise - Psychic
Defense: 8 34 Mirror Move - Flying
Special Attack: 10 38 Gravity - Psychic
Special Defense: 8 41 Air Slash - Flying
Speed: 10 44 Psychic - Psychic
48 Cosmic Power - Psychic
Basic Information 50 Sky Attack - Flying
Type : Psychic / Flying
Basic Ability 1: Wonder Skin TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Magic Guard A2 Fly, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Tox-
Adv Ability 1: Tinted Lens ic, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 15 Hyper Beam,
Adv Ability 2: Perception 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19
High Ability: Probability Control Roost, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
23 Smack Down, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow
Evolution: Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 40 Aerial Ace, 42
1 - Sigilyph Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 51
Steel Wing, 53 Energy Ball, 57 Charge Beam, 70
Size Information Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium) Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91
Weight : 30.9 lbs. / 14kg (2) Flash Cannon, 92 Trick Room, 97 Dark Pulse, 99
Dazzling Gleam
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Egg Move List
Egg Group : Flying Ancient Power, Future Sight, Psycho Shift,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Roost, Skill Swap, Steel Wing, Stored Power

Diet : Herbivore Tutor Move List
Habitat : Desert Dark Pulse, Gravity, Heat Wave, Icy Wind,
Magic Coat, Magic Room, Pluck, Roost, Signal
Beam, Skill Swap, Sky Attack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Tail-
wind, Telekinesis, Trick, Zen Headbutt

MAWILE Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 2d6+2, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Astonish - Ghost
5 Fake Tears - Dark
9 Bite - Dark
13 Sweet Scent - Normal
17 Vice Grip - Normal
21 Feint Attack - Dark
25 Baton Pass - Normal
29 Crunch - Dark
33 Iron Defense - Steel
37 Sucker Punch - Dark
41 Spit Up - Normal
41 Stockpile - Normal
41 Swallow - Normal
Base Stats: 45 Iron Head - Steel
HP: 5 49 Play Rough - Fairy
Attack: 9
Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 6 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Special Defense: 6 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18
Speed: 5 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 30
Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flame-
thrower, 36 Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39
Basic Information
Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
Type : Steel / Fairy 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 54 False Swipe, 56 Fling, 57
Basic Ability 1: Intimidate Charge Beam, 59 Incinerate, 63 Embargo, 66 Payback, 68
Basic Ability 2: Hyper Cutter Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 77 Psych
Adv Ability 1: Sheer Force Up, 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 2: Ambush Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash, 97
High Ability: Strong Jaw Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Mawile Ancient Power, Captivate, False Swipe, Fire Fang, Guard
Swap, Ice Fang, Metal Burst, Misty Terrain, Poison Fang,
Size Information Psych Up, Punishment, Seismic Toss, Slam, Sucker Punch,
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Swords Dance, Thunder Fang, Tickle
Weight : 25.4 lbs. / 11.5kg (2)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Ancient Power, Body Slam, Counter, Dark Pulse, Double-
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Edge, Dynamic Punch, Fairy Wind (N), Focus Punch,
Foul Play, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Defense, Iron Head,
Egg Group : Field / Fairy
Knock Off, Last Resort, Magnet Rise, Mega Kick, Mega
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Punch, Mud-Slap, Pain Split, Play Rough (N), Seismic
Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Sucker Punch, Super
Diet : Carnivore Fang, Thunder Punch
Habitat : Cave, Forest, Mountain Mega Evolution
Type: Unchanged
Capability List Ability: Huge Power
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Naturewalk Stats: +2 Atk, +4 Def,
(Cave), Underdog +4 Sp. Def
SKARMORY Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Sky 9, Jump 1/2, Power 5,
Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 5d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Peck - Flying
6 Sand Attack - Ground
9 Metal Claw - Steel
12 Air Cutter - Flying
17 Fury Attack - Normal
20 Feint - Normal
23 Swift - Normal
28 Spikes - Ground
Base Stats: 31 Agility - Psychic
HP: 7 34 Steel Wing - Steel
Attack: 8 39 Slash - Normal
Defense: 14 42 Metal Sound - Steel
Special Attack: 4 45 Air Slash - Flying
Special Defense: 7 50 Autotomize - Steel
Speed: 7 53 Night Slash - Dark

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Steel / Flying A1 Cut, A2 Fly, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hid-
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 19
Basic Ability 2: Sturdy Roost, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 1: Weak Armor 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41
Adv Ability 2: Intimidate Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
High Ability: Light Metal Round, 51 Steel Wing, 58 Sky Drop, 66 Payback, 70
Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor,
Evolution: 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash
1 - Skarmory Cannon, 94 Rock Smash, 97 Dark Pulse

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Large) Assurance, Brave Bird, Curse, Drill Peck,
Weight : 111.3 lbs. / 50.5kg (4) Endure, Guard Swap, Pursuit, Sky Attack, Stealth
Rock, Whirlwind
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tutor Move List
Egg Group : Flying Air Cutter, Counter, Dark Pulse, Defog,
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days Double-Edge, Fury Cutter, Icy Wind, Iron Defense,
Iron Head, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pluck, Roost,
Diet : Carnivore Sky Attack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Swift,
Habitat : Mountain Tailwind, Twister

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 1, Levitate 6, Jump 0/1, Power 1,
Dead Silent

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 4d6+3, Combat 3d6, Stealth 5d6+2,
Percep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Fairy Lock - Fairy
5 Fairy Wind - Fairy
8 Astonish - Ghost
12 Metal Sound - Steel
15 Spikes - Ground
18 Draining Kiss - Fairy
23 Crafty Shield - Fairy
Base Stats: 27 Foul Play - Dark
HP: 6 32 Torment - Dark
Attack: 8 34 Mirror Shot - Steel
Defense: 9 36 Imprison - Psychic
Special Attack: 8 40 Recycle - Normal
Special Defense: 9 43 Play Rough - Fairy
Speed: 8 44 Magic Room - Psychic
50 Heal Block - Psychic
Basic Information
Type : Steel / Fairy TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Prankster A1 Cut, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Adv Ability 1: Magician Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16
Adv Ability 2: Pickup Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safe-
Adv Ability 3: Run Away guard, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 32
High Ability: Infiltrator Double Team, 33 Reflect, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44
Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 68 Giga Impact,
Evolution: 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
1 - Klefki Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 99 Dazzling
Gleam, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 0’ 08” / 0.2m (Small) Egg Move List
Weight : 6.6 lbs. / 3 kg (1) Iron Defense, Lock-On, Switcheroo, Thief

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Covet, Foul Play, Iron Defense, Last Resort, Magic
Egg Group : Mineral Coat, Magic Room, Magnet Rise, Recycle, Snore
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Grassland, Urban

ABSOL Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 4d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Scratch - Normal
1 Feint - Normal
4 Leer - Normal
7 Quick Attack - Normal
10 Pursuit - Dark
13 Taunt - Dark
16 Bite - Dark
19 Double Team - Normal
22 Slash - Normal
25 Swords Dance - Normal
29 Night Slash - Dark
33 Detect - Fighting
37 Psycho Cut - Psychic
Base Stats: 41 Me First - Normal
HP: 7 45 Sucker Punch - Dark
Attack: 13 49 Razor Wind - Normal
Defense: 6 53 Future Sight - Psychic
Special Attack: 8 57 Perish Song - Normal
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 8 TM/HM Move List
A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic,
Basic Information 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice
Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Type : Dark 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 30
Basic Ability 1: Pressure Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm,
Basic Ability 2: Super Luck 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Fa-
Adv Ability 1: Justified cade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice,
Adv Ability 2: Forewarn 54 False Swipe, 57 Charge Beam, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp,
65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact,
High Ability: Omen 70 Flash, 71 Stone Edge, 73 Thunder Wave, 75 Swords Dance,
77 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 85 Dream Eater, 87
Evolution: Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl,
1 - Absol 97 Dark Pulse

Size Information Egg Move List
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium) Assurance, Baton Pass, Curse, Double-Edge, Feint Attack, Hex,
Weight : 103.6 lbs. / 47kg (3) Magic Coat, Me First, Mean Look, Megahorn, Play Rough, Pun-
ishment, Substitute, Sucker Punch, Zen Headbutt
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Bounce, Counter, Dark Pulse, Detect (N), Foul
Egg Group : Field Play, Fury Cutter, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Feint (N),
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days Magic Coat, Me First (N), Mud-Slap, Perish Song (N), Razor
Wind (N), Role Play, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore,
Diet : Omnivore Spite, Sucker Punch, Superpower, Swift, Taunt (N), Water Pulse,
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Mountain Zen Headbutt
Mega Evolution
Capability List Type: Unchanged
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Ability: Magic Bounce
Darkvision, Stealth, Tracker, Naturewalk (Grassland, Stats: +2 Atk,
Forest), Premonition +4 Sp. Atk, +4 Speed
Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 4d6, Percep
4d6+2, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Scratch - Normal
4 Foresight - Normal
6 Night Shade - Ghost
9 Astonish - Ghost
11 Fury Swipes - Normal
14 Detect - Fighting
16 Shadow Sneak - Ghost
19 Feint Attack - Dark
21 Fake Out - Normal
24 Punishment - Dark
26 Knock Off - Dark
Base Stats: 29 Shadow Claw - Ghost
HP: 5 31 Confuse Ray - Ghost
Attack: 8 34 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
Defense: 8 36 Power Gem - Rock
Special Attack: 7 39 Shadow Ball - Ghost
Special Defense: 7 41 Foul Play - Dark
Speed: 5 44 Quash - Dark
46 Mean Look - Normal
Basic Information
Type : Dark / Ghost TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Keen Eye A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Basic Ability 2: Stall Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31
Adv Ability 1: Frighten Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace,
Adv Ability 2: Frisk 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 47 Low
High Ability: Prankster Sweep, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 63
Embargo, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 70 Flash,
Evolution: 77 Psych Up, 84 Poison Jab, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88
Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark
1 - Sableye
Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch, 99 Dazzling Gleam

Egg Move List
Size Information Captivate, Feint, Flatter, Imprison, Mean Look, Metal Burst,
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Moonlight, Nasty Plot, Psych Up, Recover, Sucker Punch, Trick
Weight : 24.3 lbs. / 11kg (1) Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Counter, Dark Pulse, Double-Edge, Dynamic
Breeding Information Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Foul Play, Fury Cutter,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Gravity, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Knock Off, Low Kick, Magic
Egg Group : Humanshape Coat, Mean Look (N), Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome,
Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pain Split, Role Play, Seismic Toss,
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite,
Sucker Punch, Telekinesis, Thunder Punch, Trick, Water Pulse,
Diet : Terravore Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt (N)
Habitat : Cave, Mountain
Mega Evolution
Capability List Type: Unchanged
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Ability: Magic Bounce
Amorphous, Darkvision, Dead Silent, Invisibility, Stats: +1 Atk, +5 Def,
Stealth, Underdog +2 Sp. Atk, +5 Sp. Def,
616 -3 Speed
Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 3, Levitate 5, Jump 0/0, Power 2,
Darkvision, Dead Silent, Invisibility, Phasing, Key-
stone Warp

Skill List
Athl 1d6+2, Acro 1d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth 4d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 5d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Confuse Ray - Ghost
1 Curse - Ghost
1 Pursuit - Dark
1 Shadow Sneak - Ghost
7 Feint Attack - Dark
13 Hypnosis - Psychic
19 Dream Eater - Psychic
Base Stats: 25 Ominous Wind - Ghost
HP: 5 31 Sucker Punch - Dark
Attack: 9 37 Nasty Plot - Dark
Defense: 11 43 Memento - Dark
Special Attack: 9 49 Dark Pulse - Dark
Special Defense: 11
Speed: 4 TM/HM Move List
04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Information 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Type : Ghost / Dark 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
Basic Ability 1: Pressure 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 41
Adv Ability 1: Infiltrator Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48
Adv Ability 2: Interference Round, 60 Quash, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 63 Embargo, 67
Adv Ability 3: Shackle Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 77 Psych Up, 83
High Ability: Cluster Mind Infestation, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 90 Substitute, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse
1 - Spiritomb Egg Move List
Captivate, Destiny Bond, Foul Play, Grudge,
Size Information Imprison, Nightmare, Pain Split, Shadow Sneak,
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Smokescreen
Weight : 238.1 lbs. / 108kg (5)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Icy Wind, Ominous
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Wind, Pain Split, Shock Wave, Silver Wind, Sleep
Egg Group : Indeterminate Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Sucker Punch, Telekinesis,
Average Hatch Rate: 16 Days Trick, Uproar, Water Pulse, Wonder Room

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Cave, Forest, Urban

DRUDDIGON Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 8, Naturewalk
(Cave), Darkvision, Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 5d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 2d6-1,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Scratch - Normal
5 Hone Claws - Dark
9 Bite - Dark
13 Scary Face - Normal
18 Dragon Rage - Dragon
21 Slash - Normal
25 Crunch - Dark
27 Dragon Claw - Dragon
Base Stats: 31 Chip Away - Normal
HP: 8 35 Revenge - Fighting
Attack: 12 40 Night Slash - Dark
Defense: 9 45 Dragon Tail - Dragon
Special Attack: 6 49 Rock Climb - Normal
Special Defense: 9 55 Superpower - Fighting
Speed: 5 62 Outrage - Dragon

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Dragon A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 01 Hone
Basic Ability 1: Rough Skin Claws, 02 Dragon Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hid-
Basic Ability 2: Sheer Force den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam,
Adv Ability 1: Mold Breaker 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack
Adv Ability 2: Cave Crasher Down, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double
High Ability: Tolerance Team, 35 Flamethrower, 36 Sludge Bomb, 39 Rock
Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44
Evolution: Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling,
1 - Druddigon 57 Charge Beam, 59 Incinerate, 65 Shadow Claw,
66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 78 Bull-
Size Information doze, 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Large) Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock
Weight : 306.4 lbs. / 139kg (5) Smash, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse

Breeding Information Egg Move List
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Crush Claw, Feint Attack, Fire Fang, Glare,
Egg Group : Dragon / Monster Iron Tail, Metal Claw, Poison Tail, Pursuit, Snatch,
Average Hatch Rate: 16 Days Sucker Punch, Thunder Fang

Diet : Carnivore, Terravore Tutor Move List
Habitat : Cave Aqua Tail, Dark Pulse, Draco Meteor,
Dragon Pulse, Fire Punch, Gunk Shot, Heat Wave,
Iron Head, Iron Tail, Outrage, Sleep Talk, Snatch,
Snore, Stealth Rock, Superpower, Thunder Punch

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Nuzzle - Electric
1 Thunder Wave - Electric
1 Quick Attack - Normal
4 Helping Hand - Normal
7 Spark - Electric
10 Encore - Normal
13 Bestow - Normal
16 Swift - Normal
19 Electro Ball - Electric
22 Copycat - Normal
25 Charm - Fairy
Base Stats: 28 Charge - Electric
HP: 6 31 Discharge - Electric
Attack: 5 34 Baton Pass - Normal
Defense: 4 37 Agility - Psychic
Special Attack: 9 40 Last Resort - Normal
Special Defense: 8 43 Thunder - Electric
Speed: 10 46 Nasty Plot - Dark
49 Entrainment - Normal
Basic Information
Type : Electric TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Plus 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 16 Light Screen,
Adv Ability 1: Static 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thun-
Adv Ability 2: Cute Charm derbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 3: Sequence 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
High Ability: Lightning Rod Voice, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 70 Flash, 72 Volt
Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
Evolution: ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge
1 - Plusle
Egg Move List
Size Information Discharge, Lucky Chant, Sing, Substitute,
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Sweet Kiss, Wish
Weight : 9.3 lbs. / 4.2kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Body Slam, Counter, Defense Curl,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Entrainment (N),
Egg Group : Fairy Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Last Resort, Magnet Rise,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome, Mud-Slap,
Nasty Plot (N), Play Nice (N), Rollout, Seismic Toss,
Diet : Herbivore Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift,
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban Thunder Punch, Uproar

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 2/3, Power 1, Zapper,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 2d6, Stealth
4d6+2, Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Nuzzle - Electric
1 Thunder Wave - Electric
1 Quick Attack - Normal
4 Helping Hand - Normal
7 Spark - Electric
10 Encore - Normal
13 Switcheroo - Dark
16 Swift - Normal
19 Electro Ball - Electric
22 Copycat - Normal
25 Fake Tears - Dark
Base Stats: 28 Charge - Electric
HP: 6 31 Discharge - Electric
Attack: 4 34 Baton Pass - Normal
Defense: 5 37 Agility - Psychic
Special Attack: 8 40 Trump Card - Normal
Special Defense: 9 43 Thunder - Electric
Speed: 10 46 Nasty Plot - Dark
49 Entrainment - Normal
Basic Information
Type : Electric TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Minus 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 16 Light Screen,
Adv Ability 1: Static 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thun-
Adv Ability 2: Cute Charm derbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 3: Sequence 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed
High Ability: Volt Absorb Voice, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 70 Flash, 72 Volt
Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
Evolution: ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge
1 - Minun
Egg Move List
Size Information Discharge, Lucky Chant, Sing, Substitute,
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Sweet Kiss, Wish
Weight : 9.3 lbs. / 4.2kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Body Slam, Counter, Defense Curl,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Entrainment (N),
Egg Group : Fairy Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Last Resort, Magnet Rise,
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Metronome, Mud-Slap,
Nasty Plot (N), Play Nice (N), Rollout, Seismic Toss,
Diet : Herbivore Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift,
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban Thunder Punch, Uproar

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 2/3, Power 1, Zapper,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 2d6+1, Stealth
4d6+2, Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Flash - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Double Team - Normal
8 Confuse Ray - Ghost
12 Quick Attack - Normal
15 Struggle Bug - Bug
19 Moonlight - Fairy
22 Tail Glow - Bug
26 Signal Beam - Bug
29 Protect - Normal
33 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
36 Helping Hand - Normal
Base Stats: 40 Bug Buzz - Bug
HP: 7 43 Play Rough - Fairy
Attack: 7 47 Double-Edge - Normal
Defense: 6
Special Attack: 5 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 8 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16
Speed: 9 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost,
21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Basic Information Thunder, 27 Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break,
Type : Bug 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Basic Ability 1: Illuminate 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 57 Charge
Basic Ability 2: Oblivious Beam, 62 Acrobatics, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 76
Adv Ability 1: Confidence Struggle Bug, 77 Psych Up, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Adv Ability 2: Swarm 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 98 Power-Up Punch, 99
High Ability: Prankster Dazzling Gleam

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Volbeat Baton Pass, Bug Buzz, Dizzy Punch, Encore,
Seismic Toss, Silver Wind, Trick
Size Information
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 39 lbs. / 17.7kg (2) Air Cutter, Body Slam, Bug Bite, Counter,
Dynamic Punch, Focus Punch, Giga Drain, Helping
Breeding Information Hand, Ice Punch, Mega Kick, Mega Punch,
Gender Ratio : 100% M / 0% F Metronome, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Roost,
Egg Group : Bug / Humanshape Seismic Toss, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days Snore, String Shot, Swift, Tailwind, Thunder Punch,
Trick, Water Pulse, Zen Headbutt
Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 3, Sky 5, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Glow,
Wallclimber, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 2d6+1, Stealth
4d6+2, Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Play Nice - Normal
5 Sweet Scent - Normal
9 Charm - Fairy
12 Quick Attack - Normal
15 Struggle Bug - Bug
19 Moonlight - Fairy
22 Wish - Normal
25 Encore - Normal
29 Flatter - Dark
33 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
36 Helping Hand - Normal
Base Stats: 40 Bug Buzz - Bug
HP: 7 43 Play Rough - Fairy
Attack: 5 47 Covet - Normal
Defense: 6
Special Attack: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 8 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 16
Speed: 9 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost,
21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Basic Information Thunder, 27 Return, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break,
Type : Bug 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Basic Ability 1: Oblivious 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 56 Fling, 57 Charge
Basic Ability 2: Tinted Lens Beam, 62 Acrobatics, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave,
Adv Ability 1: Aroma Veil 76 Struggle Bug, 77 Psych Up, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 2: Swarm Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 98 Power-Up Punch,
High Ability: Prankster 99 Dazzling Gleam

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Illumise Baton Pass, Bug Buzz, Captivate, Confuse
Ray, Encore, Fake Tears, Silver Wind, Trick
Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 39 lbs. / 17.7kg (2) Air Cutter, Body Slam, Bug Bite, Counter,
Covet, Dynamic Punch, Focus Punch, Giga Drain,
Breeding Information Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Mega Kick, Mega Punch,
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F Metronome, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Roost,
Egg Group : Bug / Humanshape Seismic Toss, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
Average Hatch Rate: 7 Days Snore, String Shot, Swift, Tailwind, Thunder Punch,
Water Pulse, Zen Headbutt
Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 3, Sky 5, Jump 2/2, Power 2,
Glow, Wallclimber, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1 ,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Confusion - Psychic
1 Harden - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
5 Rock Throw - Rock
9 Hypnosis - Psychic
9 Rock Polish - Rock
13 Psywave - Psychic
16 Embargo - Dark
21 Rock Slide
25 Cosmic Power - Psychic
29 Psychic - Psychic
33 Heal Block - Psychic
Base Stats: 37 Stone Edge - Rock
HP: 7 41 Future Sight - Psychic
Attack: 6 45 Explosion - Normal
Defense: 7 49 Magic Room - Psychic
Special Attack: 10
Special Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 7 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper
Basic Information Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Type : Rock / Psychic 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26
Basic Ability 1: Levitate Earthquake, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
Adv Ability 1: Ice Body 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock
Adv Ability 2: Magic Guard Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 57 Charge
Adv Ability 3: Perception Beam, 62 Acrobatics, 63 Embargo, 64 Explosion,
High Ability: Starlight 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 70 Flash, 71 Stone
Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80
Evolution: Rock Slide, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swag-
1 - Lunatone ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium) Ancient Power, Body Slam, Defense Curl,
Weight : 370.4 lbs. / 168kg (5) Double-Edge, Earth Power, Gravity, Helping Hand,
Icy Wind, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Magic Coat,
Breeding Information Magic Room (N), Moonblast (N), Pain Split, Recycle,
Gender Ratio : No Gender Rock Throw (N), Role Play, Rollout, Seismic Toss,
Egg Group : Mineral Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days Rock, Swift, Telekinesis, Zen Headbutt

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 2, Levitate 3, Jump 1/1, Power 10,
Dead Silent, Telekinetic

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Confusion - Psychic
1 Harden - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Rock Throw - Rock
5 Fire Spin - Fire
9 Rock Polish - Rock
13 Psywave - Psychic
17 Embargo - Dark
21 Rock Slide - Rock
25 Cosmic Power - Psychic
29 Psychic - Psychic
33 Heal Block - Psychic
Base Stats: 37 Stone Edge - Rock
HP: 7 41 Solar Beam - Grass
Attack: 10 45 Explosion - Normal
Defense: 9 49 Wonder Room - Psychic
Special Attack: 6
Special Defense: 7 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 7 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16
Basic Information Light Screen, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustra-
Type : Rock / Psychic tion, 22 Solar Beam, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earth-
Basic Ability 1: Levitate quake, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32
Adv Ability 1: Solar Power Double Team, 33 Reflect, 35 Flamethrower, 37
Adv Ability 2: Magic Guard Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Perception 44 Rest, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 57 Charge Beam,
High Ability: Sunglow 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 62 Acrobatics, 63
Embargo, 64 Explosion, 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock
Evolution: Polish, 70 Flash, 71 Stone Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 77
1 - Solrock Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 85 Dream
Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Size Information Substitute, 92 Trick Room
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 339.5 lbs. / 154kg (5) Tutor Move List
Ancient Power, Body Slam, Defense Curl,
Breeding Information Double-Edge, Earth Power, Gravity, Heat Wave,
Gender Ratio : No Gender Helping Hand, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Magic
Egg Group : Mineral Coat, Pain Split, Recycle, Role Play, Rock Throw
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days (N), Rollout, Seismic Toss, Signal Beam, Skill Swap,
Snore, Stealth Rock, Swift, Telekinesis, Wonder
Diet : Phototroph Room (N), Zen Headbutt
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 2, Levitate 3, Jump 1/1, Power 10,
Dead Silent, Telekinetic

Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 2, Levitate 5, Burrow 5, Jump 0/1,
Power 1, Materializer

Skill List
Athl 1d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Harden - Normal
5 Rock Throw - Rock
8 Sharpen - Normal
12 Smack Down - Rock
18 Reflect - Psychic
21 Stealth Rock - Rock
27 Guard Split - Psychic
Base Stats: 31 Ancient Power - Rock
HP: 5 35 Flail - Normal
Attack: 5 40 Skill Swap - Psychic
Defense: 15 46 Power Gem - Rock
Special Attack: 5 49 Stone Edge - Rock
Special Defense: 15 50 Moonblast - Fairy
Speed: 5 60 Light Screen - Psychic
70 Safeguard - Normal
Basic Information
Type : Rock / Fairy TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Clear Body 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power,
Adv Ability 1: Simple 11 Sunny Day, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 20 Safe-
Adv Ability 2: Solid Rock guard, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 27 Return,
Adv Ability 3: Sturdy 29 Psychic, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37 Sand-
High Ability: Filter storm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round,
64 Explosion, 69 Rock Polish, 70 Flash, 71 Stone
Evolution: Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 87
1 - Carbink Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room,
96 Nature Power, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 1’ 00” / 0.3m (Small) Egg Move List
Weight : 12.6 lbs. / 5.7 kg (1) None

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : Genderless After You, Covet, Earth Power, Gravity, Iron Defense,
Egg Group : Fairy and Mineral Magic Coat, Magnet Rise, Skill Swap, Snore, Stealth
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days Rock, Wonder Room

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Cave

Skill List
Athl 5d6+3, Acro 2d6, Combat 5d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 3d6+2, Focus 5d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bind - Normal
1 Leer - Normal
5 Bide - Normal
9 Focus Energy - Normal
13 Seismic Toss - Fighting
17 Vital Throw - Fighting
21 Revenge - Fighting
25 Storm Throw - Fighting
29 Body Slam - Normal
33 Bulk Up - Fighting
37 Circle Throw - Fighting
41 Endure - Normal
Base Stats: 45 Wide Guard - Rock
HP: 12 49 Superpower - Fighting
Attack: 10 53 Reversal - Fighting
Defense: 9
Special Attack: 3 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 9 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden
Speed: 5 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return,
Basic Information 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock
Type : Fighting Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep,
Basic Ability 1: Guts 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 66 Payback, 67
Basic Ability 2: Inner Focus Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bull-
Adv Ability 1: Mold Breaker doze, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87
Adv Ability 2: Discipline Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
High Ability: Reckless 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Throh
Tutor Move List
Size Information Bind, Block, Fire Punch, Helping Hand, Ice
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium) Punch, Knock Off, Low Kick, Pain Split, Sleep Talk,
Weight : 122.4 lbs. / 55.5kg (4) Snore, Superpower, Thunder Punch, Work Up

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 100% M / 0% F
Egg Group : Humanshape
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain, Urban

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 7,

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 5d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 5d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Rock Smash - Fighting
5 Bide - Normal
9 Focus Energy - Normal
13 Double Kick - Fighting
17 Low Sweep - Fighting
21 Counter - Fighting
25 Karate Chop - Fighting
29 Brick Break - Fighting
33 Bulk Up - Fighting
37 Retaliate - Normal
41 Endure - Normal
Base Stats: 45 Quick Guard - Fighting
HP: 8 49 Close Combat - Fighting
Attack: 13 53 Reversal - Fighting
Defense: 8
Special Attack: 3 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 8 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hid-
Speed: 9 den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect,
18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27
Basic Information Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39
Type : Fighting Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low
Basic Ability 1: Sturdy Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 66 Pay-
Basic Ability 2: Inner Focus back, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge,
Adv Ability 1: Mold Breaker 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 86 Grass
Adv Ability 2: Discipline Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
High Ability: Bodyguard Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Sawk
Tutor Move List
Size Information Block, Dual Chop, Fire Punch, Helping
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium) Hand, Ice Punch, Knock Off, Low Kick, Pain Split,
Weight : 112.4 lbs. / 51kg (4) Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower, Thunder Punch,
Work Up
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 100% M / 0% F
Egg Group : Humanshape
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain, Urban

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 6,

HAWLUCHA Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Sky 8, Jump 2/3, Power 4,

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 5d6+3, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 4d6+2, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Hone Claws - Dark
1 Detect - Fighting
4 Karate Chop - Fighting
8 Wing Attack - Flying
12 Roost - Flying
16 Aerial Ace - Flying
20 Encore - Normal
24 Fling - Dark
Base Stats: 28 Flying Press - Fighting
HP: 8 32 Bounce - Flying
Attack: 9 36 Endeavor - Normal
Defense: 8 40 Feather Dance - Flying
Special Attack: 7 44 High Jump Kick - Fighting
Special Defense: 6 48 Sky Attack - Flying
Speed: 12 55 Sky Drop - Flying
60 Swords Dance - Normal
Basic Information
Type : Fighting / Flying TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Limber A1 Cut, A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Basic Ability 2: Unburden Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Adv Ability 1: Hustle 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21
Adv Ability 2: Keen Eye Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32
High Ability: Mold Breaker Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Tor-
ment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 47 Low Sweep,
Evolution: 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 52 Focus Blast, 54 False
1 - Hawlucha Swipe, 56 Fling, 58 Sky Drop, 62 Acrobatics, 66 Pay-
back, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 75
Size Information Swords Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 84 Poison
Height : 2’ 07” / 0.8m (Small) Jab, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-
Weight : 47.4 lbs. / 21.5 kg (2) Turn, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up
Punch, 100 Confide
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Egg Move List
Egg Group : Human-Like Agility, Ally Switch, Baton Pass, Entrainment, Me
Average Hatch Rate: 13 Days First, Mud Sport, Quick Guard

Diet : Carnivore Tutor Move List

Habitat : Grassland, Forest Bounce, Drain Punch, Dual Chop, Endeavor, Fire
Punch, Focus Punch, Helping Hand, Iron Head, Last
Resort, Low Kick, Sky Attack, Snore, Superpower,
Tailwind, Thunder Punch, Zen Headbutt

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6+2, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Transform - Normal

Base Stats:
HP: 5
Attack: 5
Defense: 5
Special Attack: 5
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 5

Basic Information
Type : Normal
Basic Ability 1: Imposter
Basic Ability 2: Limber
Adv Ability 1: Discipline
Adv Ability 2: Trace
High Ability: Sturdy

1 - Ditto

Size Information
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small)
Weight : 8.8 lbs. / 4kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Ditto
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore, Diet can change with its form
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 4, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Amor-
phous, Wallclimber, Shapeshifter, Underdog

Capability List
Levitate 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Invisibility,
Telekinetic, Underdog, Gather Unown

Skill List
Athl 1d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 5d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Hidden Power - Normal

Base Stats:
HP: 5
Attack: 7
Defense: 5
Special Attack: 7
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 5

Basic Information
Type : Psychic
Basic Ability 1: Levitate
Adv Ability 1: Forewarn
Adv Ability 2: Perception
Adv Ability 3: Anticipation
High Ability: Keen Eye

1 - Unown

Size Information
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small)
Weight : 11 lbs. / 5kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Indeterminate
Average Hatch Rate: 25 Days

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Cave, Urban

EEVEE Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

Capability List
Overland 4, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Tracker, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6+1, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Helping Hand - Normal
1 Growl - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Tail Whip - Normal
5 Sand Attack - Ground
9 Baby-Doll Eyes - Fairy
13 Quick Attack - Normal
Base Stats: 17 Bite - Dark
HP: 6 21 Covet - Normal
Attack: 6 25 Take Down - Normal
Defense: 5 29 Charm - Fairy
Special Attack: 5 33 Baton Pass - Normal
Special Defense: 7 37 Double-Edge - Normal
Speed: 6 41 Last Resort - Normal
45 Trump Card - Normal
Basic Information
Type : Normal TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Run Away 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17
Basic Ability 2: Sprint Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return,
Adv Ability 1: Last Chance 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Anticipation 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 67
High Ability: Celebrate Retaliate, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Eevee Captivate, Charm, Covet, Curse, Detect, En-
2 - Vaporeon Water Stone dure, Fake Tears, Flail, Natural Gift, Stored Power,
2 - Jolteon Thunderstone Synchronoise, Tickle, Wish, Yawn
2 - Flareon Fire Stone
2 - Espeon Dawn Stone Tutor Move List
2 - Umbreon Dusk Stone Body Slam, Covet, Double-Edge, Heal Bell,
2 - Leafeon Leaf Stone Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Iron Tail, Last Resort,
2 - Glaceon Shiny Stone Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Work Up

Size Information
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small)
Weight : 14.3 lbs. / 6.5kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 20 Days

Athl 5d6+2, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
3d6+2, Percep 3d6+2, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Sand Attack - Ground
9 Water Gun - Water
13 Quick Attack - Normal
17 Water Pulse - Water
21 Aurora Beam - Ice
25 Aqua Ring - Water
29 Acid Armor - Poison
33 Haze - Ice
37 Muddy Water - Water
41 Last Resort - Normal
45 Hydro Pump - Water

TM/HM Move List

Base Stats: A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
HP: 13 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sun-
Attack: 7 ny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Defense: 6 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return,
Special Attack: 11 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade,
Special Defense: 10 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 55
Speed: 7 Scald, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 87 Swagger, 88
Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Basic Information
Type : Water Tutor Move List
Basic Ability 1: Water Absorb Aqua Tail, Body Slam, Brine, Covet, Dive,
Basic Ability 2: Swift Swim Double-Edge, Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice,
Adv Ability 1: Type Aura (Water) Icy Wind, Last Resort, Mud-Slap, Signal Beam, Sleep
Adv Ability 2: Hydration Talk, Snore, Swift, Water Pulse, Work Up
High Ability: Wash Away

1 - Eevee
2 - Vaporeon Water Stone

Size Information
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 63.9 lbs. / 29kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Freshwater

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 8, Jump 1/2, Power 3, Amor-
phous, Gilled, Fountain, Tracker

JOLTEON Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 5d6+2, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
4d6+2, Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Sand Attack - Ground
9 Thunder Shock - Electric
13 Quick Attack - Normal
17 Double Kick - Fighting
21 Thunder Fang - Electric
25 Pin Missile - Bug
29 Agility - Psychic
33 Thunder Wave - Electric
37 Discharge - Electric
41 Last Resort - Normal
45 Thunder - Electric

TM/HM Move List

Base Stats: A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
HP: 7 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Attack: 7 Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Defense: 6 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30
Special Attack: 11 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Special Defense: 10 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 57 Charge
Speed: 13 Beam, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 72 Volt
Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Basic Information 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash
Type : Electric
Basic Ability 1: Volt Absorb
Basic Ability 2: Sprint Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 1: Type Aura (Electric) Body Slam, Covet, Double-Edge, Heal Bell,
Adv Ability 2: Quick Feet Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Iron Tail, Last Resort,
High Ability: Vanguard Magnet Rise, Mud-Slap, Shock Wave, Signal Beam,
Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Work Up
1 - Eevee
2 - Jolteon Thunderstone

Size Information
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Medium)
Weight : 54 lbs. / 24.5kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Urban

Capability List
Overland 10, Swim 5, Jump 2/3, Power 3, Tracker,
FLAREON Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 4d6+1, Stealth
3d6+2, Percep 4d6+2, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Sand Attack - Ground
9 Ember - Fire
13 Quick Attack - Normal
17 Bite - Dark
21 Fire Fang - Fire
25 Fire Spin - Fire
29 Scary Face - Normal
33 Smog - Poison
37 Lava Plume - Fire
41 Last Resort - Normal
45 Flare Blitz - Fire

TM/HM Move List

Base Stats: A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
HP: 7 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Attack: 13 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30
Defense: 6 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38
Special Attack: 10 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45
Special Defense: 11 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 50 Overheat,
Speed: 7 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga
Impact, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
Basic Information Rock Smash
Type : Fire
Basic Ability 1: Flash Fire Tutor Move List
Basic Ability 2: Flame Body Body Slam, Covet, Double-Edge, Heal Bell,
Adv Ability 1: Type Aura (Fire) Heat Wave, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Iron Tail,
Adv Ability 2: Defiant Last Resort, Leer, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snore,
High Ability: Guts Superpower, Swift, Work Up

1 - Eevee
2 - Flareon Fire Stone

Size Information
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Medium)
Weight : 55.1 lbs. / 25kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain, Urban

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 3, Egg Warm-
er, Firestarter, Tracker
ESPEON Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 5d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Sand Attack - Ground
9 Confusion - Psychic
13 Quick Attack - Normal
17 Swift - Normal
21 Psybeam - Psychic
25 Future Sight - Psychic
29 Psych Up - Normal
33 Morning Sun - Normal
37 Psychic - Psychic
41 Last Resort - Normal
45 Power Swap - Psychic

TM/HM Move List

Base Stats: A1 Cut, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Tox-
HP: 7 ic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam,
Attack: 7 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frus-
Defense: 6 tration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow
Special Attack: 13 Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Special Defense: 10 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 67 Retaliate,
Speed: 11 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream
Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Basic Information Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100
Type : Psychic Confide
Basic Ability 1: Synchronize
Basic Ability 2: Trace Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 1: Type Aura (Psychic) Body Slam, Covet, Double-Edge, Heal Bell,
Adv Ability 2: Perception Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Iron Tail, Last Resort,
High Ability: Magic Bounce Magic Coat, Magic Room, Mud-Slap, Role Play,
Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift,
Evolution: Telekinesis, Trick, Work Up, Zen Headbutt
1 - Eevee
2 - Espeon Dawn Stone

Size Information
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Medium)
Weight : 58.4 lbs. / 26.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Urban

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 3, Telepath,
Telekinetic, Tracker, Premonition
UMBREON Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 3, Darkvision,
Tracker, Stealth

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6+3, Stealth
5d6+2, Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Sand Attack - Ground
9 Pursuit - Dark
13 Quick Attack - Normal
17 Confuse Ray - Ghost
21 Feint Attack - Dark
25 Assurance - Dark
29 Screech - Normal
33 Moonlight - Fairy
37 Mean Look - Normal
Base Stats: 41 Last Resort - Normal
HP: 10 45 Guard Swap - Psychic
Attack: 7
Defense: 11 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 6 A1 Cut, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Special Defense: 13 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Speed: 7 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig,
29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 41
Basic Information Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
Type : Dark 49 Echoed Voice, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga
Basic Ability 1: Synchronize Impact, 70 Flash, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 87
Basic Ability 2: Pressure Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 95 Snarl, 97
Adv Ability 1: Type Aura (Dark) Dark Pulse
Adv Ability 2: Inner Focus
High Ability: Ambush Tutor Move List
Body Slam, Covet, Dark Pulse, Double-Edge,
Evolution: Foul Play, Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice,
1 - Eevee Iron Tail, Last Resort, Mud-Slap, Role Play, Sleep
2 - Umbreon Dusk Stone Talk, Snatch, Snore, Spite, Sucker Punch, Swift,
Wonder Room, Work Up
Size Information
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 59.5 lbs. / 27kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 20 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Forest, Urban

LEAFEON Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
4d6+2, Percep 4d6+2, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Sand Attack - Ground
9 Razor Leaf - Grass
13 Quick Attack - Normal
17 Grass Whistle - Grass
21 Magical Leaf - Grass
25 Giga Drain - Grass
29 Swords Dance - Normal
33 Synthesis - Grass
37 Sunny Day - Fire
41 Last Resort - Normal
45 Leaf Blade - Grass

TM/HM Move List
Base Stats: A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
HP: 7 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Attack: 11 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27
Defense: 13 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
Special Attack: 6 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Special Defense: 7 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 53 Energy Ball, 67 Retali-
Speed: 10 ate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 81
X-Scissor, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Basic Information 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power
Type : Grass
Basic Ability 1: Leaf Guard Tutor Move List
Basic Ability 2: Grass Pelt Bullet Seed, Covet, Fury Cutter, Giga Drain,
Adv Ability 1: Type Aura (Grass) Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Iron Tail,
Adv Ability 2: Chlorophyll Knock Off, Last Resort, Mud-Slap, Seed Bomb, Sleep
High Ability: Life Force Talk, Snore, Swift, Synthesis, Work Up, Worry Seed

1 - Eevee
2 - Leafeon Leaf Stone

Size Information
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 56.2 lbs. / 25.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore, Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Grassland, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Tracker
GLACEON Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
3d6+2, Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Sand Attack - Ground
9 Icy Wind - Ice
13 Quick Attack - Normal
17 Bite - Dark
21 Ice Fang - Ice
25 Ice Shard - Ice
29 Barrier - Psychic
33 Mirror Coat - Psychic
37 Hail - Ice
41 Last Resort - Normal
45 Blizzard - Ice

TM/HM Move List
Base Stats: A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10
HP: 7 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Bliz-
Attack: 6 zard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Defense: 11 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball,
Special Attack: 13 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Special Defense: 10 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Im-
Speed: 7 pact, 79 Frost Breath, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Basic Information
Type : Ice Tutor Move List
Basic Ability 1: Snow Cloak Aqua Tail, Avalanche, Covet, Heal Bell,
Basic Ability 2: Winter’s Kiss Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Iron Tail,
Adv Ability 1: Type Aura (Ice) Last Resort, Mud-Slap, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
Adv Ability 2: Ice Body Snore, Swift, Work Up
High Ability: Frostbite

1 - Eevee
2 - Glaceon Shiny Stone

Size Information
Height : 2’ 7” / 0.8m (Medium)
Weight : 57.1 lbs. / 25.9kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Taiga, Tundra

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 3, Freezer,
Naturewalk (Tundra), Tracker
SYLVEON Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 3d6+1, Combat 3d6+1, Stealth
3d6+2, Percep 5d6+2, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Tail Whip - Normal
1 Helping Hand - Normal
5 Sand Attack - Ground
9 Fairy Wind - Fairy
13 Quick Attack - Normal
17 Swift - Normal
20 Draining Kiss - Fairy
25 Skill Swap - Psychic
29 Misty Terrain - Fairy
33 Light Screen - Psychic
37 Moonblast - Fairy
41 Last Resort - Normal
Base Stats: 45 Psych Up - Normal
HP: 10
Attack: 7 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 7 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Special Attack: 11 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Special Defense: 13 Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard,
Speed: 6 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball,
32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Information Attract, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 67 Retaliate, 68
Type : Fairy Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 77 Psych Up, 87 Swagger, 88
Basic Ability 1: Cute Charm Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100
Basic Ability 2: Gentle Vibe Confide
Adv Ability 1: Type Aura (Fairy)
Adv Ability 2: Pixilate Tutor Move List
High Ability: Friend Guard Covet, Disarming Voice (N), Heal Bell, Helping
Hand, Hyper Voice, Iron Tail, Last Resort, Magic
Evolution: Coat, Skill Swap, Snore
1 - Eevee
2 - Sylveon Moon Stone

Size Information
Height : 3’ 03” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 51.8 lbs. / 23.5 kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Field

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Grassland, Urban

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 3, Tracker

OMANYTE Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 5, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Gilled, Na-
turewalk (Ocean), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+2,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Constrict - Normal
1 Withdraw - Water
7 Bite - Dark
10 Water Gun - Water
16 Rollout - Rock
19 Leer - Normal
25 Mud Shot - Ground
28 Brine - Water
34 Protect - Normal
Base Stats: 37 Ancient Power - Rock
HP: 4 43 Tickle - Normal
Attack: 4 46 Rock Blast - Rock
Defense: 10 52 Shell Smash - Normal
Special Attack: 9 55 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 4 TM/HM Move List
A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Basic Information Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15
Type : Rock / Water Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Basic Ability 1: Shell Armor tion, 23 Smack Down, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Basic Ability 2: Weak Armor 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 1: Shell Shield Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 68 Giga Im-
Adv Ability 2: Swift Swim pact, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 80
High Ability: Skill Link Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
94 Rock Smash
1 - Omanyte Egg Move List
2 - Omastar Minimum 40 Aurora Beam, Bide, Bubble Beam, Haze,
Knock Off, Muddy Water, Reflect Type, Rock Slide,
Size Information Slam, Spikes, Supersonic, Toxic Spikes, Water Pulse,
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Whirlpool, Wring Out
Weight : 16.5 lbs. / 7.5kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Ancient Power, Bind, Body Slam, Dive,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Double-Edge, Earth Power, Icy Wind, Iron Defense,
Egg Group : Water 1 / Water 3 Knock Off, Rollout, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock
Average Hatch Rate: 16 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Ocean

OMASTAR Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
3d6+2, Percep 3d6+1, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
7 Bite - Dark
10 Water Gun - Water
16 Rollout - Rock
19 Leer - Normal
25 Mud Shot - Ground
28 Brine - Water
34 Protect - Normal
37 Ancient Power - Rock
40 Spike Cannon - Normal
48 Tickle - Normal
56 Rock Blast - Rock
67 Shell Smash - Normal
75 Hydro Pump - Water
Base Stats:
HP: 7 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 6 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Defense: 13 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17
Special Attack: 12 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack
Special Defense: 7 Down, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm,
Speed: 6 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46
Thief, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 69 Rock Polish, 74 Gyro
Basic Information Ball, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Type : Rock / Water Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Basic Ability 1: Shell Armor
Basic Ability 2: Weak Armor Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 1: Rough Skin Ancient Power, Bind, Body Slam, Dive,
Adv Ability 2: Swift Swim Double-Edge, Earth Power, Hydro Pump (N), Icy
High Ability: Skill Link Wind, Iron Defense, Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Rollout,
Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Water
Evolution: Pulse
1 - Omanyte
2 - Omastar Minimum 40

Size Information
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 77.2 lbs. / 35kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Water 3

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 7, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Gilled,
Naturewalk (Ocean)

KABUTO Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 4, Burrow 2, Jump 0/1, Power 2,
Gilled, Naturewalk (Ocean, Cave), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Harden - Normal
1 Scratch - Normal
6 Absorb - Grass
11 Leer - Normal
16 Mud Shot - Ground
21 Sand Attack - Ground
26 Endure - Normal
31 Aqua Jet - Water
36 Mega Drain - Grass
Base Stats: 41 Metal Sound - Steel
HP: 3 46 Ancient Power - Rock
Attack: 8 50 Wring Out - Normal
Defense: 9
Special Attack: 6 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 5 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Speed: 6 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Basic Information 23 Smack Down, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team,
Type : Rock / Water 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Ability 1: Battle Armor Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 69 Rock Polish,
Basic Ability 2: Sturdy 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
Adv Ability 1: Swift Swim tute, 94 Rock Smash
Adv Ability 2: Unnerve
High Ability: Weak Armor Egg Move List
Aurora Beam, Bubble Beam, Confuse Ray,
Evolution: Dig, Flail, Foresight, Giga Drain, Icy Wind, Knock
1 - Kabuto Off, Mud Shot, Rapid Spin, Screech, Take Down
2 - Kabutops Minimum 40
Tutor Move List
Size Information Ancient Power, Body Slam, Brine,
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Double-Edge, Earth Power, Giga Drain, Icy Wind,
Weight : 25.4 lbs. / 11.5kg (2) Iron Defense, Knock Off, Rollout, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Stealth Rock, Water Pulse
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Water 3
Average Hatch Rate: 16 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

Athl 3d6+2, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth
4d6+2, Percep 2d6, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
11 Leer - Normal
16 Mud Shot - Ground
21 Sand Attack - Ground
26 Endure - Normal
31 Aqua Jet - Water
36 Mega Drain - Grass
40 Slash - Normal
45 Metal Sound - Steel
54 Ancient Power - Rock
63 Wring Out - Normal
72 Night Slash - Dark

TM/HM Move List

Base Stats: A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 01
HP: 6 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13
Attack: 12 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Defense: 11 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 27
Special Attack: 7 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 37
Special Defense: 7 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
Speed: 8 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 55 Scald,
68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 75
Basic Information Swords Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 87 Swag-
Type : Rock / Water ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96
Basic Ability 1: Battle Armor Nature Power
Basic Ability 2: Sturdy
Adv Ability 1: Swift Swim sTutor Move List
Adv Ability 2: Bully Absorb, Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Body
High Ability: Weak Armor Slam, Brine, Dive, Double-Edge, Earth Power,
Feint(N), Fury Cutter, Giga Drain, Icy Wind, Iron
Evolution: Defense, Knock Off, Low Kick, Mega Kick,
1 - Kabuto Mud-Slap, Night Slash (N), Rollout, Seismic Toss,
2 - Kabutops Minimum 40 Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Superpower, Water
Size Information
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium)
Weight : 89.3 lbs. / 40.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Water 3

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Ocean

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 6, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Gilled,
Naturewalk (Ocean, Cave)

LILEEP Capability List
Overland 2, Swim 1, Jump 0/0, Power 4, Gilled, Un-
derdog, Sticky Hold

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6 , Percep
3d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Astonish - Ghost
1 Constrict - Normal
5 Acid - Poison
9 Ingrain - Grass
13 Confuse Ray - Ghost
17 Ancient Power - Rock
21 Brine - Water
26 Giga Drain - Grass
31 Gastro Acid - Poison
Base Stats: 36 Amnesia - Psychic
HP: 7 41 Energy Ball - Grass
Attack: 4 46 Spit Up - Normal
Defense: 8 46 Stockpile - Normal
Special Attack: 6 46 Swallow - Normal
Special Defense: 9 52 Wring Out - Normal
Speed: 2
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Type : Rock / Grass 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 23 Smack
Basic Ability 1: Suction Cups Down, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb,
Adv Ability 1: Life Force 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 2: Storm Drain Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 69 Rock Polish,
Adv Ability 3: Water Absorb 70 Flash, 75 Swords Dance, 80 Rock Slide, 83 Infes-
High Ability: Regenerator tation, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
1 - Lileep Egg Move List
2 - Cradily Minimum 40 Barrier, Curse, Endure, Mega Drain, Mir-
ror Coat, Recover, Rock Slide, Stealth Rock, Tickle,
Size Information Wring Out
Height : 3’ 3” / 1m (Medium)
Weight : 52.5 lbs. / 23.8kg (2) Tutor Move List
Ancient Power, Bind, Body Slam, Bullet Seed,
Breeding Information Double-Edge, Earth Power, Gastro Acid, Giga Drain,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Mud-Slap, Pain Split, Psych Up, Seed Bomb, Sleep
Egg Group : Water 3 Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, String Shot, Synthesis,
Average Hatch Rate: 16 Days Worry Seed

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Cave, Ocean

CRADILY Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Jump 0/0, Power 8, Gilled,
Sticky Hold

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6 ,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Acid - Poison
9 Ingrain - Grass
13 Confuse Ray - Ghost
17 Ancient Power - Rock
21 Brine - Water
26 Giga Drain - Grass
31 Gastro Acid - Poison
36 Amnesia - Psychic
44 Energy Ball - Grass
Base Stats: 52 Spit Up - Normal
HP: 9 52 Stockpile - Normal
Attack: 8 52 Swallow - Normal
Defense: 10 61 Wring Out - Normal
Special Attack: 8
Special Defense: 11 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 4 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 21 Frustra-
Basic Information tion, 22 Solar Beam, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earth-
Type : Rock / Grass quake, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave,
Basic Ability 1: Suction Cups 36 Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42
Adv Ability 1: Life Force Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 53 Energy
Adv Ability 2: Storm Drain Ball, 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 70 Flash, 71
Adv Ability 3: Water Absorb Stone Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
High Ability: Regenerator Slide, 83 Infestation, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Lileep Tutor Move List
2 - Cradily Minimum 40 Ancient Power, Bind, Block, Body Slam,
Bullet Seed, Double-Edge, Earth Power, Gastro Acid,
Size Information Giga Drain, Mud-Slap, Pain Split, Psych Up, Seed
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spit Up (N), Stealth Rock,
Weight : 133.2 lbs. / 60.4kg (4) Stockpile (N), String Shot, Swallow (N), Synthesis,
Worry Seed, Wring Out (N)
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Water 3

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Cave, Ocean

ANORITH Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 4, Burrow 2, Jump 1/1, Power 2,
Gilled, Naturewalk (Cave), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+2,
Percep 2d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Harden - Normal
1 Scratch - Normal
4 Mud Sport - Ground
7 Water Gun - Water
10 Fury Cutter - Bug
13 Smack Down - Rock
17 Metal Claw - Steel
21 Ancient Power - Rock
25 Bug Bite - Bug
Base Stats: 29 Brine - Water
HP: 5 34 Slash - Normal
Attack: 10 39 Crush Claw - Normal
Defense: 5 44 X-Scissor - Bug
Special Attack: 4 49 Protect - Normal
Special Defense: 5 55 Rock Blast - Rock
Speed: 8
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10 Hid-
Type : Rock / Bug den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration,
Basic Ability 1: Battle Armor 23 Smack Down, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break,
Basic Ability 2: Sturdy 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 40
Adv Ability 1: Swift Swim Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 2: Overcoat 54 False Swipe, 69 Rock Polish, 75 Swords Dance, 76
High Ability: Rough Skin Struggle Bug, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 87 Swag-
ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Anorith Egg Move List
2 - Armaldo Minimum 40 Aqua Jet, Cross Poison, Curse, Knock Off,
Rapid Spin, Rock Slide, Sand Attack, Screech, Swords
Size Information Dance, Water Pulse
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small)
Weight : 27.6 lbs. / 12.5kg (2) Tutor Move List
Ancient Power, Body Slam, Bug Bite,
Breeding Information Double-Edge, Earth Power, Fury Cutter, Iron
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Defense, Knock Off, Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Egg Group : Water 3 Stealth Rock, String Shot
Average Hatch Rate: 16 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Ocean

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth
4d6+2, Percep 2d6, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Mud Sport - Ground
7 Water Gun - Water
10 Fury Cutter - Bug
13 Smack Down - Rock
17 Metal Claw - Steel
21 Ancient Power - Rock
25 Bug Bite - Bug
29 Brine - Water
34 Slash - Normal
39 Crush Claw - Normal
46 X-Scissor - Bug
53 Protect - Normal
Base Stats: 61 Rock Blast - Rock
HP: 8
Attack: 13 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 10 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06
Special Attack: 7 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper
Special Defense: 8 Beam, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down,
Speed: 5 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break,
32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 40
Basic Information Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
Type : Rock / Bug 54 False Swipe, 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71
Basic Ability 1: Battle Armor Stone Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 76 Struggle Bug, 78
Basic Ability 2: Sturdy Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 87 Swagger, 88
Adv Ability 1: Swift Swim Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock
Adv Ability 2: Overcoat Smash
High Ability: Rough Skin
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Block, Body Slam,
1 - Anorith Bug Bite, Crush Claw (N), Double-Edge, Earth
2 - Armaldo Minimum 40 Power, Fury Cutter, Iron Defense, Iron Tail, Knock
Off, Low Kick, Mud-Slap, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk,
Size Information Snore, Stealth Rock, String Shot, Superpower, Water
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Medium) Pulse
Weight : 150.4 lbs. / 68.2kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Water 3

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 6, Jump 1/2, Power 6, Gilled,
Naturewalk (Cave, Ocean)
CRANIDOS Capability List
Overland 5, Jump 0/1, Power 5, Naturewalk (Moun-
tain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6+1, Stealth 2d6+1
, Percep 2d6+1, Focus 1d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Headbutt - Normal
1 Leer - Normal
6 Focus Energy - Normal
10 Pursuit - Dark
15 Take Down - Normal
19 Scary Face - Normal
24 Assurance - Dark
28 Chip Away - Normal
33 Ancient Power - Rock
Base Stats: 37 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
HP: 7 43 Screech - Normal
Attack: 13 46 Head Smash - Rock
Defense: 4
Special Attack: 3 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 3 A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Speed: 6 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 17
Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack
Basic Information Down, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake,
Type : Rock 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrow-
Basic Ability 1: Mold Breaker er, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 42
Basic Ability 2: Rock Head Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 56
Adv Ability 1: Sheer Force Fling, 59 Incinerate, 66 Payback, 69 Rock Polish, 71
Adv Ability 2: Sprint Stone Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
High Ability: No Guard Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Cranidos Egg Move List
2 - Rampardos Minimum 30 Crunch, Curse, Double-Edge, Hammer Arm,
Iron Head, Iron Tail, Leer, Slam, Stomp, Thrash,
Size Information Whirlwind
Height : 2’ 11” / 0.9m (Medium)
Weight : 69.4 lbs. / 31.5kg (3) Tutor Move List
Ancient Power, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power,
Breeding Information Endeavor, Fire Punch, Iron Head, Iron Tail,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Mud-Slap, Rock Climb, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk,
Egg Group : Monster Snore, Spite, Stealth Rock, Superpower,
Average Hatch Rate: 16 Days Thunder Punch, Uproar, Zen Headbutt

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6+1 ,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 2d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Focus Energy - Normal
10 Pursuit - Dark
15 Take Down - Normal
19 Scary Face - Normal
24 Assurance - Dark
28 Chip Away - Normal
30 Ancient Power - Rock
36 Endeavor - Normal
43 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
51 Screech - Normal
58 Head Smash - Rock

Base Stats: TM/HM Move List

HP: 10 A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06
Attack: 17 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam,
Defense: 6 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Special Attack: 7 Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 24 Thun-
Special Defense: 5 derbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28
Speed: 6 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flame-
thrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb,
Basic Information 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round,
Type : Rock 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 66 Payback,
Basic Ability 1: Mold Breaker 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 75
Basic Ability 2: Rock Head Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 82 Drag-
Adv Ability 1: Sheer Force on Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
Adv Ability 2: Sprint Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
High Ability: No Guard
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Ancient Power, Avalanche, Dragon Pulse,
1 - Cranidos Earth Power, Endeavor, Fire Punch, Focus Punch,
2 - Rampardos Minimum 30 Iron Head, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Pain Split,
Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Stealth Rock,
Size Information Superpower, Thunder Punch, Uproar, Zen Headbutt
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Medium)
Weight : 226 lbs. / 102.5kg (5)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Monster

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 7, Jump 1/2, Power 10, Naturewalk
(Mountain), Mountable 1

SHIELDON (Mountain, Cave), Underdog
Skill List
Athl 3d6+3, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Protect - Normal
1 Tackle - Normal
6 Taunt - Dark
10 Metal Sound - Steel
15 Take Down - Normal
19 Iron Defense - Steel
24 Swagger - Normal
28 Ancient Power - Rock
33 Endure - Normal
37 Metal Burst - Steel
43 Iron Head - Steel
46 Heavy Slam - Steel
Base Stats:
HP: 3 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 4 A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Defense: 12 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Special Attack: 4 Blizzard, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Special Defense: 9 23 Smack Down, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26
Speed: 3 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 35
Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock
Basic Information Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Type : Rock / Steel Round, 59 Incinerate, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge,
Basic Ability 1: Sturdy 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Basic Ability 2: Rock Head Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash
Adv Ability 1: Bodyguard
Adv Ability 2: Soundproof
High Ability: Vigor Egg Move List
Body Slam, Counter, Curse, Double-Edge,
Evolution: Fissure, Focus Energy, Guard Split, Headbutt, Rock
1 - Shieldon Blast, Scary Face, Screech, Stealth Rock, Wide Guard
2 - Bastiodon Minimum 30
Tutor Move List
Size Information Ancient Power, Earth Power, Iron Defense,
Height : 1’ 8” / 0.5m (Small) Iron Head, Iron Tail, Magnet Rise, Mud-Slap, Shock
Weight : 125.7 lbs. / 57kg (4) Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Monster
Average Hatch Rate: 16 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 2, Jump 0/0, Power 5, Naturewalk

Skill List
Athl 4d6+3, Acro 1d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
6 Taunt - Dark
10 Metal Sound - Steel
15 Take Down - Normal
19 Iron Defense - Steel
24 Swagger - Normal
28 Ancient Power - Rock
30 Block - Normal
36 Endure - Normal
43 Metal Burst - Steel
52 Iron Head - Steel
58 Heavy Slam - Steel

Base Stats: TM/HM Move List

HP: 6 A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Attack: 5 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Defense: 17 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Special Attack: 5 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 24 Thunderbolt,
Special Defense: 14 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32
Speed: 3 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38
Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44
Basic Information Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 59 Incinerate, 68 Giga
Type : Rock / Steel Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze,
Basic Ability 1: Sturdy 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
Basic Ability 2: Rock Head tute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash
Adv Ability 1: Bodyguard
Adv Ability 2: Soundproof Tutor Move List
High Ability: Vigor Ancient Power, Avalanche, Block, Earth
Power, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Magic
Evolution: Coat, Magnet Rise, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Role Play,
1 - Shieldon Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock
2 - Bastiodon Minimum 30

Size Information
Height : 4’ 3” / 1.3m (Medium)
Weight : 329.6 lbs. / 149.5kg (5)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Monster

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Jump 0/1, Power 8, Naturewalk
(Mountain, Cave), Mountable 1

TIRTOUGA Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 5, Jump 2/2, Power 4, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Ocean), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Water Gun - Water
1 Withdraw - Water
5 Rollout - Rock
8 Bite - Dark
11 Protect - Normal
15 Aqua Jet - Water
18 Ancient Power - Rock
21 Crunch - Dark
25 Wide Guard - Rock
Base Stats: 28 Brine - Water
HP: 6 31 Smack Down - Rock
Attack: 8 35 Curse - Ghost
Defense: 10 38 Shell Smash - Normal
Special Attack: 5 41 Aqua Tail - Water
Special Defense: 5 45 Rock Slide - Rock
Speed: 2 48 Rain Dance - Water
51 Hydro Pump - Water
Basic Information
Type : Water / Rock TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Solid Rock A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Basic Ability 2: Sturdy 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard,
Adv Ability 1: Shell Armor 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack
Adv Ability 2: Swift Swim Down, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double
High Ability: Hydration Team, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44
Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 69 Rock Polish,
Evolution: 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swag-
1 - Tirtouga ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
2 - Carracosta Minimum 35
Egg Move List
Size Information Bide, Body Slam, Flail, Guard Swap, Iron
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small) Defense, Knock Off, Rock Throw, Slam, Water Pulse,
Weight : 36.4 lbs. / 16.5kg (2) Whirlpool

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Aqua Tail, Block, Earth Power, Icy Wind, Iron
Egg Group : Water 1 / Water 3 Defense, Iron Tail, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 3d6+2
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Rollout - Rock
8 Bite - Dark
11 Protect - Normal
15 Aqua Jet - Water
18 Ancient Power - Rock
21 Crunch - Dark
25 Wide Guard - Rock
28 Brine - Water
31 Smack Down - Rock
35 Curse - Ghost
40 Shell Smash - Normal
45 Aqua Tail - Water
Base Stats: 51 Rock Slide - Rock
HP: 7 56 Rain Dance - Water
Attack: 11 61 Hydro Pump - Water
Defense: 13
Special Attack: 8 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 7 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Speed: 3 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Bliz-
zard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Basic Information 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earthquake,
Type : Water / Rock 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm,
Basic Ability 1: Solid Rock 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Basic Ability 2: Sturdy Round, 52 Focus Blast, 55 Scald, 68 Giga Impact, 69
Adv Ability 1: Shell Armor Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
Adv Ability 2: Swift Swim Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
High Ability: Tough Claws Rock Smash

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Tirtouga Aqua Tail, Block, Earth Power, Icy Wind,
2 - Carracosta Minimum 35 Iron Defense, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Low Kick, Sleep
Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Superpower
Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 180.8 lbs. / 82kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Water 3

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 7, Jump 2/2, Power 7, Fountain,
Naturewalk (Ocean), Mountable 1

ARCHEN Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 2, Sky 4, Jump 3/3, Power 2, Na-
turewalk (Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+1, Acro 3d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Quick Attack - Normal
1 Wing Attack - Flying
5 Rock Throw - Rock
8 Double Team - Normal
11 Scary Face - Normal
15 Pluck - Flying
18 Ancient Power - Rock
21 Agility - Psychic
Base Stats: 25 Quick Guard - Fighting
HP: 6 28 Acrobatics - Flying
Attack: 11 31 Dragon Breath - Dragon
Defense: 5 35 Crunch - Dark
Special Attack: 7 38 Endeavor - Normal
Special Defense: 5 41 U-turn - Bug
Speed: 7 45 Rock Slide - Rock
48 Dragon Claw - Dragon
Basic Information 51 Thrash - Normal
Type : Rock / Flying
Basic Ability 1: Defeatist TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 1: Rattled A1 Cut, 01 Hone Claws, 02 Dragon Claw,
Adv Ability 2: Early Bird 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 17
Adv Ability 3: Dodge Protect, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down,
High Ability: Conqueror 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team,
37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Tor-
Evolution: ment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 51
1 - Archen Steel Wing, 62 Acrobatics, 65 Shadow Claw, 69 Rock
2 - Archeops Minimum 35 Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87
Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94
Size Information Rock Smash
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 20.9 lbs. / 9.5kg (1) Egg Move List
Ally Switch, Bite, Defog, Dragon Pulse, Earth
Breeding Information Power, Head Smash, Knock Off, Steel Wing, Switch-
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F eroo
Egg Group : Flying / Water 3
Average Hatch Rate: 10 Days Tutor Move List
Aqua Tail, Bounce, Dragon Pulse, Earth
Diet : Carnivore Power, Endeavor, Heat Wave, Iron Defense, Iron Tail,
Habitat : Mountain Pluck, Roost, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Tail-
wind, Uproar

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 4d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 4d6+1,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Rock Throw - Rock
8 Double Team - Normal
11 Scary Face - Normal
15 Pluck - Flying
18 Ancient Power - Rock
21 Agility - Psychic
25 Quick Guard - Fighting
28 Acrobatics - Flying
31 Dragon Breath - Dragon
35 Crunch - Dark
40 Endeavor - Normal
45 U-turn - Bug
Base Stats: 51 Rock Slide - Rock
HP: 8 56 Dragon Claw - Dragon
Attack: 14 61 Thrash - Normal
Defense: 7
Special Attack: 11 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 7 A1 Cut, A2 Fly, 01 Hone Claws, 02 Dragon
Speed: 11 Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt,
15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 19 Roost, 21 Frustra-
Basic Information tion, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28
Type : Rock / Flying Dig, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb,
Basic Ability 1: Defeatist 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 1: Frighten Attract, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 52 Focus Blast,
Adv Ability 2: Early Bird 62 Acrobatics, 65 Shadow Claw, 68 Giga Impact, 69
Adv Ability 3: Dodge Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
High Ability: Conqueror Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89
U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Archen Tutor Move List
2 - Archeops Minimum 35 Aqua Tail, Bounce, Dragon Pulse, Earth
Power, Endeavor, Heat Wave, Iron Defense, Iron
Size Information Tail, Outrage, Pluck, Roost, Sky Attack, Sleep Talk,
Height : 4’ 8” / 1.4m (Medium) Snore, Stealth Rock, Tailwind, Uproar
Weight : 70.5 lbs. / 32kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Flying / Water 3

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Mountain

Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 3, Sky 5, Jump 4/4, Power 4, Na-
turewalk (Mountain), Mountable 1

TYRUNT Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Naturewalk
(Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 1d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Tail Whip - Normal
6 Roar - Normal
10 Stomp - Normal
12 Bide - Normal
15 Stealth Rock - Rock
17 Bite - Dark
20 Charm - Fairy
26 Ancient Power - Rock
Base Stats: 30 Dragon Tail - Dragon
HP: 6 34 Crunch - Dark
Attack: 9 37 Dragon Claw - Dragon
Defense: 8 40 Thrash - Normal
Special Attack: 5 44 Earthquake - Ground
Special Defense: 5 49 Horn Drill - Normal
Speed: 5
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02 Dragon Claw, 05
Type : Rock / Dragon Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 17
Basic Ability 1: Sprint Protect, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28
Basic Ability 2: Hyper Cutter Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm,
Adv Ability 1: Rock Head 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 2: Strong Jaw Attract, 48 Round, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 78
High Ability: Moxie Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swag-
ger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 97
Evolution: Dark Pulse, 100 Confide
1 - Tyrunt
2 - Tyrantrum Minimum 35 Egg Move List
Curse, Dragon Dance, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Poison
Size Information Fang, Rock Polish, Thunder Fang
Height : 2’ 07” / 0.8m (Small)
Weight : 57.3 lbs. / 26 kg (1) Tutor Move List
Block, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power,
Breeding Information Hyper Voice, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Iron Tail,
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Outrage, Snore, Stealth Rock, Superpower, Zen
Egg Group : Monster and Dragon Headbutt
Average Hatch Rate: 16 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

TYRANTRUM Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Jump 1/2, Power 10, Nature-
walk (Mountain), Mountable 2

Skill List
Athl 6d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 5d6+2, Stealth 1d6-1,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Tail Whip - Normal
6 Roar - Normal
10 Stomp - Normal
12 Bide - Normal
15 Stealth Rock - Rock
17 Bite - Dark
20 Charm - Fairy
26 Ancient Power - Rock
Base Stats: 30 Dragon Tail - Dragon
HP: 8 34 Crunch - Dark
Attack: 12 37 Dragon Claw - Dragon
Defense: 12 42 Thrash - Normal
Special Attack: 7 47 Earthquake - Ground
Special Defense: 6 53 Horn Drill - Normal
Speed: 7 58 Head Smash - Rock
68 Rock Slide - Rock
Basic Information 75 Giga Impact - Normal
Type : Rock / Dragon
Basic Ability 1: Sprint TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Hyper Cutter A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02 Dragon Claw, 05
Adv Ability 1: Rock Head Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15
Adv Ability 2: Strong Jaw Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 26 Earth-
High Ability: Moxie quake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Team, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace,
Evolution: 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 68 Giga
1 - Tyrunt Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze,
2 - Tyrantrum Minimum 35 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 97 Dark Pulse,
Size Information 100 Confide
Height : 8’ 02” / 2.5m (Huge)
Weight : 592.2 lbs. / 270 kg (6) Egg Move List
Curse, Dragon Dance, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Poison
Breeding Information Fang, Thunder Fang
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Monster and Dragon Tutor Move List
Block, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power,
Diet : Carnivore Head Smash (N), Hyper Voice, Iron Defense, Iron
Habitat : Cave, Mountain Head, Iron Tail, Outrage, Snore, Stealth Rock, Super-
power, Zen Headbutt

AMAURA Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Chilled,
Freezer, Naturewalk (Tundra), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
3d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Powder Snow - Ice
5 Thunder Wave - Electric
10 Rock Throw - Rock
13 Icy Wind - Ice
15 Take Down - Normal
18 Mist - Ice
20 Aurora Beam - Ice
26 Ancient Power - Rock
Base Stats: 30 Round - Normal
HP: 8 34 Avalanche - Ice
Attack: 6 38 Hail - Ice
Defense: 5 41 Nature Power - Normal
Special Attack: 7 44 Encore - Normal
Special Defense: 6 47 Light Screen - Psychic
Speed: 5 50 Ice Beam - Ice
57 Hyper Beam - Ice
Basic Information 65 Blizzard - Ice
Type : Rock / Ice
Basic Ability 1: Ice Shield TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 2: Refrigerate 04 Calm Mind, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden
Adv Ability 1: Full Guard Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 16
Adv Ability 2: Solid Rock Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safe-
High Ability: Snow Warning guard, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return,
32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock
Evolution: Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49
1 - Amaura Echoed Voice, 57 Charge Beam, 69 Rock Polish, 70
2 - Aurorus Minimum 35 Flash, 71 Stone Edge, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych
Up, 78 Bulldoze, 79 Frost Breath, 80 Rock Slide, 82
Size Information Dragon Tail, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Height : 4’ 03” / 1.3m (Medium) Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash,
Weight : 55.6 lbs. / 25.2 kg (3) 96 Nature Power, 97 Dark Pulse, 100 Confide

Breeding Information Egg Move List
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F Barrier, Discharge, Haze, Magnet Rise, Mirror Coat
Egg Group : Monster
Average Hatch Rate: 16 Days Tutor Move List
Aqua Tail, Earth Power, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Iron
Diet : Herbivore Defense, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Magnet Rise, Outrage,
Habitat : Cave, Mountain Snore, Stealth Rock, Water Pulse, Zen Headbutt

AURORUS Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 8, Freezer,
Naturewalk (Tundra), Mountable 2

Skill List
Athl 5d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
4d6+1, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growl - Normal
1 Powder Snow - Ice
5 Thunder Wave - Electric
10 Rock Throw - Rock
13 Icy Wind - Ice
15 Take Down - Normal
18 Mist - Ice
20 Aurora Beam - Ice
26 Ancient Power - Rock
Base Stats: 30 Round - Normal
HP: 12 34 Avalanche - Ice
Attack: 8 38 Hail - Ice
Defense: 7 43 Nature Power - Normal
Special Attack: 10 46 Encore - Normal
Special Defense: 9 50 Light Screen - Psychic
Speed: 6 56 Ice Beam - Ice
63 Hyper Beam - Ice
Basic Information 74 Blizzard - Ice
Type : Rock / Ice 77 Freeze-Dry - Ice
Basic Ability 1: Ice Shield
Basic Ability 2: Refrigerate TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 1: Full Guard 04 Calm Mind, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden
Adv Ability 2: Solid Rock Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 16
High Ability: Snow Warning Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safe-
guard, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return,
Evolution: 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock
1 - Amaura Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 49
2 - Aurorus Minimum 35 Echoed Voice, 57 Charge Beam, 68 Giga Impact, 69
Rock Polish, 70 Flash, 71 Stone Edge, 73 Thunder
Size Information Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 79 Frost Breath,
Height : 8’ 10” / 2.7m (Huge) 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 85 Dream Eater, 87
Weight : 496 lbs. / 225 kg (6) Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Can-
non, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power, 97 Dark
Breeding Information Pulse, 100 Confide
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F
Egg Group : Monster Tutor Move List
Aqua Tail, Earth Power, Freeze-Dry (N), Hyper
Diet : Herbivore Voice, Icy Wind, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Iron Tail,
Habitat : Cave, Mountain Magnet Rise, Outrage, Snore, Stealth Rock, Water
Pulse, Zen Headbutt

Athl 5d6+2, Acro 4d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6 ,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 4d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bite - Dark
1 Scary Face - Normal
1 Wing Attack - Flying
9 Roar - Normal
17 Agility - Psychic
25 Ancient Power - Rock
33 Crunch - Dark
41 Take Down - Normal
49 Sky Drop - Flying
57 Iron Head - Steel
65 Hyper Beam - Normal
73 Rock Slide - Rock
81 Giga Impact - Normal
Base Stats:
HP: 8 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 11 A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02
Defense: 7 Dragon Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Special Attack: 6 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Special Defense: 8 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack
Speed: 13 Down, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
35 Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39
Basic Information Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44
Type : Rock / Flying Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing,
Basic Ability 1: Frighten 58 Sky Drop, 59 Incinerate, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Im-
Basic Ability 2: Unnerve pact, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80
Adv Ability 1: Cruelty Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
Adv Ability 2: Rock Head 94 Rock Smash
High Ability: Pressure
Egg Move List
Evolution: Assurance, Curse, Dragon Breath, Foresight,
1 - Aerodactyl Pursuit, Roost, Steel Wing, Tailwind, Whirlwind,
Wide Guard
Size Information
Height : 5’ 11” / 1.8m (Huge) Tutor Move List
Weight : 130.1 lbs. / 59kg (4) Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Double-Edge,
Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Fire Fang(N), Heat
Breeding Information Wave, Ice Fang(N), Iron Head (N), Iron Tail, Omi-
Gender Ratio : 87.5% M / 12.5% F nous Wind, Roost, Snore, Supersonic(N), Swift, Sky
Egg Group : Flying Attack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Tailwind,
Average Hatch Rate: 20 Days Thunder Fang(N), Twister

Diet : Carnivore Mega Evolution
Habitat : Cave, Mountain Type: Unchanged
Ability: Tough Claws
Capability List Stats: +3 Atk, +2 Def,
Overland 4, Swim 3, Sky 10, Jump 2/3, Power 8, +1 Sp. Atk, +2 Sp. Def,
Mountable 1 +2 Speed

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 4, Jump 1/1, Power 1,

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Wrap - Normal
5 Thunder Wave - Electric
11 Twister - Dragon
15 Dragon Rage - Dragon
21 Slam - Normal
25 Agility - Psychic
31 Dragon Tail - Dragon
Base Stats: 35 Aqua Tail - Water
HP: 4 41 Dragon Rush - Dragon
Attack: 6 45 Safeguard - Normal
Defense: 5 51 Dragon Dance - Dragon
Special Attack: 5 55 Outrage - Dragon
Special Defense: 5 61 Hyper Beam - Normal
Speed: 5
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10
Type : Dragon Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Bliz-
Basic Ability 1: Shed Skin zard, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18
Adv Ability 1: Marvel Scale Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 24 Thun-
Adv Ability 2: Rattled derbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 35
Adv Ability 3: Swift Swim Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
High Ability: Confidence Attract, 48 Round, 59 Incinerate, 73 Thunder Wave,
82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
Evolution: tute
1 - Dratini
2 - Dragonair Minimum 30 Egg Move List
3 - Dragonite Minimum 50 Aqua Jet, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse,
Dragon Rush, Dragon Breath, Extreme Speed, Haze,
Size Information Iron Tail, Light Screen, Mist, Supersonic, Water
Height : 5’ 11” / 1.8m (Medium) Pulse
Weight : 7.3 lbs. / 3.3kg (1)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Aqua Tail, Bind, Body Slam, Double-Edge,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Icy Wind, Iron Tail,
Egg Group : Water 1 / Dragon Outrage, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift,
Average Hatch Rate: 25 Days Twister

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Freshwater

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 6, Sky 4, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Un-

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Thunder Wave - Electric
11 Twister - Dragon
15 Dragon Rage - Dragon
21 Slam - Normal
25 Agility - Psychic
33 Dragon Tail - Dragon
39 Aqua Tail - Water
47 Dragon Rush - Dragon
Base Stats: 53 Safeguard - Normal
HP: 6 61 Dragon Dance - Dragon
Attack: 8 67 Outrage - Dragon
Defense: 7 75 Hyper Beam - Normal
Special Attack: 7
Special Defense: 7 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 7 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10
Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Bliz-
Basic Information zard, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18
Type : Dragon Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 24 Thun-
Basic Ability 1: Shed Skin derbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 35
Adv Ability 1: Marvel Scale Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 2: Air Lock Attract, 48 Round, 59 Incinerate, 73 Thunder Wave,
Adv Ability 3: Gentle Vibe 73 Thunder Wave, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88
High Ability: Confidence Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Dratini Aqua Tail, Body Slam, Double-Edge, Draco
2 - Dragonair Minimum 30 Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Outrage,
3 - Dragonite Minimum 50 Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Twister(N),
Water Pulse
Size Information
Height : 13’ 1” / 4m (Medium)
Weight : 36.4 lbs. / 16.5kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Water 1 / Dragon

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Freshwater

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 6, Sky 8, Jump 3/4, Power 8, Aura
Reader, Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 5d6+3, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 1d6,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 4d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Thunder Wave - Electric
11 Twister - Dragon
15 Dragon Rage - Dragon
21 Slam - Normal
25 Agility - Psychic
33 Dragon Tail - Dragon
39 Aqua Tail - Water
47 Dragon Rush - Dragon
Base Stats: 53 Safeguard - Normal
HP: 9 55 Wing Attack - Flying
Attack: 13 61 Dragon Dance - Dragon
Defense: 10 67 Outrage - Dragon
Special Attack: 10 75 Hyper Beam - Normal
Special Defense: 10 81 Hurricane - Flying
Speed: 8
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A2 Fly, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5
Type : Dragon / Flying Waterfall, A6 Dive, 01 Hone Claws, 02 Dragon
Basic Ability 1: Inner Focus Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power,
Adv Ability 1: Multiscale 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper
Adv Ability 2: Courage Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Adv Ability 3: Rocket 19 Roost, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 24 Thun-
High Ability: Confidence derbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 31
Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37
Evolution: Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial
1 - Dratini Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 51
2 - Dragonair Minimum 30 Steel Wing, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 58 Sky Drop, 59
3 - Dragonite Minimum 50 Incinerate, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 73 Thun-
der Wave, 73 Thunder Wave, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
Size Information Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Height : 7’ 3” / 2.2m (Large) Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
Weight : 463 lbs. / 210kg (6) Confide

Breeding Information Tutor Move List

Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Air Cutter, Aqua Tail, Bind, Body Slam, Dive,
Egg Group : Water 1 / Dragon Double-Edge, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse,
Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch(N), Focus Punch, Fury
Diet : Omnivore Cutter, Heat Wave, Hurricane (N), Ice Punch, Icy
Habitat : Cave, Freshwater, Mountain Wind, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Ominous
Wind, Outrage, Roost(N), Shock Wave, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Steel Wing, Superpower, Swift, Tailwind,
Thunder Punch(N), Twister(N), Water Pulse

LARVITAR Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 1, Jump 0/1, Power 7, Naturewalk
(Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6+1, Stealth 3d6+1
, Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bite - Dark
1 Leer - Normal
5 Sandstorm - Rock
10 Screech - Normal
14 Chip Away - Normal
19 Rock Slide - Rock
23 Scary Face - Normal
28 Thrash - Normal
32 Dark Pulse - Dark
Base Stats: 37 Payback - Dark
HP: 5 41 Crunch - Dark
Attack: 6 46 Earthquake - Ground
Defense: 5 50 Stone Edge - Rock
Special Attack: 5 55 Hyper Beam - Normal
Special Defense: 5
Speed: 4 TM/HM Move List
06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12
Basic Information Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Type : Rock / Ground 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earthquake, 27
Basic Ability 1: Guts Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 37
Adv Ability 1: Battle Armor Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Sand Veil 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 66 Payback, 67 Retali-
Adv Ability 3: Gluttony ate, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80
High Ability: Unnerve Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-
Evolution: Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Larvitar
2 - Pupitar Minimum 30 Egg Move List
3 - Tyranitar Minimum 50 Ancient Power, Assurance, Curse, Dragon
Dance, Focus Energy, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Iron
Size Information Tail, Outrage, Pursuit, Stealth Rock, Stomp
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 158.7 lbs. / 72kg (4) Tutor Move List
Ancient Power, Body Slam, Dark Pulse,
Breeding Information Double-Edge, Earth Power, Iron Defense, Iron Head,
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Egg Group : Monster Spite, Stealth Rock, Superpower, Uproar
Average Hatch Rate: 25 Days

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

PUPITAR Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Jump 0/1, Power 8, Naturewalk
(Mountain), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 1d6, Combat 3d6+1, Stealth 3d6+1
, Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Sandstorm - Rock
10 Screech - Normal
14 Chip Away - Normal
19 Rock Slide - Rock
23 Scary Face - Normal
28 Thrash - Normal
34 Dark Pulse - Dark
41 Payback - Dark
47 Crunch - Dark
Base Stats: 54 Earthquake - Ground
HP: 7 60 Stone Edge - Rock
Attack: 8 67 Hyper Beam - Normal
Defense: 7
Special Attack: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 7 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12
Speed: 5 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earthquake, 27
Basic Information Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
Type : Rock / Ground 37 Sandstorm, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 41
Basic Ability 1: Shed Skin Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 1: Battle Armor 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone
Adv Ability 2: Sand Veil Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88
Adv Ability 3: Deep Sleep Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl,
High Ability: Unnerve 97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Larvitar Ancient Power, Body Slam, Dark Pulse,
2 - Pupitar Minimum 30 Double-Edge, Earth Power, Iron Defense, Iron Head,
3 - Tyranitar Minimum 50 Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Spite, Stealth Rock, Superpower, Uproar
Size Information
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 335.1 lbs. / 152kg (5)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Monster

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

TYRANITAR Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/2, Power 11, Nature-
walk (Mountain), Darkvision

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 1d6, Combat 5d6+1, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
5 Sandstorm - Rock
10 Screech - Normal
14 Chip Away - Normal
19 Rock Slide - Rock
23 Scary Face - Normal
28 Thrash - Normal
34 Dark Pulse - Dark
41 Payback - Dark
47 Crunch - Dark
Base Stats: 54 Earthquake - Ground
HP: 10 63 Stone Edge - Rock
Attack: 13 73 Hyper Beam - Normal
Defense: 11 82 Giga Impact - Normal
Special Attack: 10
Special Defense: 10 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 6 A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02 Dragon Claw,
05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt,
13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Information Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Type : Rock / Dark Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32
Basic Ability 1: Guts Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 37 Sandstorm,
Adv Ability 1: Battle Armor 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42
Adv Ability 2: Sand Stream Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling,
59 Incinerate, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68
Adv Ability 3: Enduring Rage Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 73 Thunder Wave,
High Ability: Unnerve 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse, 98
Evolution: Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Larvitar
2 - Pupitar Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
3 - Tyranitar Minimum 50 Ancient Power, Avalanche, Aqua Tail, Block, Body Slam,
Counter, Dark Pulse, Double-Edge, Dragon Pulse, Dy-
Size Information namic Punch, Earth Power, Fire Fang(N), Fire Punch, Fo-
Height : 6’ 7” / 2m (Large) cus Punch, Foul Play, Fury Cutter, Ice Fang(N), Ice Punch,
Iron Defense, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Low Kick, Mega Kick,
Weight : 445.3 lbs. / 202kg (6)
Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Seismic Toss, Shock
Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Stealth Rock, Superpower,
Breeding Information Thunder Fang(N), Uproar, Water Pulse
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Monster
Mega Evolution
Diet : Carnviore, Terravore Type: Unchanged
Habitat : Cave, Mountain Ability: Sand Stream
Stats: +3 Atk, +4 Def,
+2 Sp. Def, +1 Speed

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+1 ,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 1d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Rage - Normal
4 Ember - Fire
7 Leer - Normal
10 Bite - Dark
13 Dragon Breath - Dragon
17 Headbutt - Normal
21 Focus Energy - Normal
25 Crunch - Dark
29 Dragon Claw - Dragon
Base Stats: 34 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
HP: 5 39 Scary Face - Normal
Attack: 8 44 Flamethrower - Fire
Defense: 6 49 Double-Edge - Normal
Special Attack: 4
Special Defense: 3 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 5 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02
Dragon Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Information 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frus-
Type : Dragon tration, 27 Return, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
Basic Ability 1: Steadfast 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40
Adv Ability 1: Moxie Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 2: Sheer Force 59 Incinerate, 65 Shadow Claw, 80 Rock Slide,
Adv Ability 3: Sturdy 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
High Ability: Rock Head Smash

Evolution: Egg Move List

1 - Bagon Defense Curl, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse,
2 - Shelgon Minimum 30 Dragon Rage, Dragon Rush, Endure, Fire Fang,
3 - Salamence Minimum 50 Hydro Pump, Shadow Claw, Thrash, Twister

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Body Slam, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse,
Weight : 92.8 lbs. / 42.1kg (3) Fury Cutter, Hyper Voice, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Sleep
Talk, Snore, Twister, Zen Headbutt
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Dragon
Average Hatch Rate: 25 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 3, Swim 1, Jump 1/1, Power 6, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6+2, Stealth 3d6 ,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Ember - Fire
7 Leer - Normal
10 Bite - Dark
13 Dragon Breath - Dragon
17 Headbutt - Normal
21 Focus Energy - Normal
25 Crunch - Dark
29 Dragon Claw - Dragon
30 Protect - Normal
Base Stats: 35 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
HP: 7 42 Scary Face - Normal
Attack: 10 49 Flamethrower - Fire
Defense: 10 56 Double-Edge - Normal
Special Attack: 6
Special Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 5 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02
Dragon Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Basic Information 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
Type : Dragon tion, 27 Return, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35
Basic Ability 1: Overcoat Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial
Adv Ability 1: Moxie Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 59 In-
Adv Ability 2: Sheer Force cinerate, 65 Shadow Claw, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger,
Adv Ability 3: Sturdy 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
High Ability: Rock Head
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Body Slam, Defense Curl, Draco Meteor,
1 - Bagon Dragon Pulse, Fury Cutter, Hyper Voice, Iron
2 - Shelgon Minimum 30 Defense, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Rollout, Sleep Talk,
3 - Salamence Minimum 50 Snore, Twister, Zen Headbutt

Size Information
Height : 3’ 7” / 1.1m (Medium)
Weight : 243.6 lbs. / 110.5kg (5)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Dragon

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Sky 9, Jump 2/3, Power 8,
Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 1d6 ,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 4d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Ember - Fire
7 Leer - Normal
10 Bite - Dark
13 Dragon Breath - Dragon
17 Headbutt - Normal
21 Focus Energy - Normal
25 Crunch - Dark
29 Dragon Claw - Dragon
Base Stats: 30 Protect - Normal
HP: 10 35 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
Attack: 14 42 Scary Face - Normal
Defense: 8 49 Flamethrower - Fire
Special Attack: 11 50 Fly - Flying
Special Defense: 8 63 Double-Edge - Normal
Speed: 10
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02
Type : Dragon / Flying Dragon Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Basic Ability 1: Intimidate Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Adv Ability 1: Moxie 19 Roost, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 31
Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire
Adv Ability 2: Sheer Force
Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Adv Ability 3: Rocket 45 Attract, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 59 Incinerate, 65
High Ability: Rock Head Shadow Claw, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bull-
doze, 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Evolution: Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Bagon
2 - Shelgon Minimum 30 Tutor Move List
3 - Salamence Minimum 50 Air Cutter, Aqua Tail, Body Slam, Defense
Curl, Defog, Double-Edge (N), Draco Meteor,
Size Information Dragon Pulse, Dragon Tail (N), Fire Fang(N), Fury
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Large) Cutter, Heat Wave, Hyper Voice, Iron Tail, Mud-
Weight : 226.2 lbs. / 102.6kg (5) Slap, Ominous Wind, Outrage, Rollout, Roost, Sleep
Talk, Snore, Steel Wing, Swift, Tailwind, Thunder
Breeding Information Fang(N), Twister, Zen Headbutt
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Dragon Mega Evolution
Type: Unchanged
Diet : Carnivore Ability: Aerilate
Habitat : Cave, Mountain
Stats: +1 Atk, +5 Def,
+1 Sp. Atk, +1 Sp. Def,
+2 Speed
Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 1, Levitate 4, Jump 1/1, Power 5,
Magnetic, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+1, Acro 2d6, Combat 1d6, Stealth 3d6, Per-
cep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Take Down - Normal

Tutor Move List
Iron Defense, Iron Head, Zen Headbutt

Base Stats:
HP: 4
Attack: 6
Defense: 8
Special Attack: 4
Special Defense: 6
Speed: 3

Basic Information
Type : Steel / Psychic
Basic Ability 1: Clear Body
Adv Ability 1: Light Metal
Adv Ability 2: Keen Eye
Adv Ability 3: Klutz
High Ability: Unaware

1 - Beldum
2 - Metang Minimum 20
3 - Metagross Minimum 45

Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 209.9 lbs. / 95.2kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Mineral
Average Hatch Rate: 25 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave

METANG Magnetic, Underdog, Mountable 1
Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 4d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
20 Confusion - Psychic
20 Metal Claw - Steel
23 Pursuit - Dark
26 Bullet Punch - Steel
29 Miracle Eye - Psychic
32 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
35 Scary Face - Normal
38 Psychic - Psychic
41 Agility - Psychic
44 Meteor Mash - Steel
47 Iron Defense - Steel
50 Hyper Beam - Normal
Base Stats:
HP: 6 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 8 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 03
Defense: 10 Psyshock, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Special Attack: 6 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Special Defense: 8 Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 29
Speed: 5 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Team, 33 Reflect, 36 Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm,
Basic Information 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48
Type : Steel / Psychic Round, 64 Explosion, 69 Rock Polish, 70 Flash, 74
Basic Ability 1: Clear Body Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide,
Adv Ability 1: Light Metal 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substi-
Adv Ability 2: Keen Eye tute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up
Adv Ability 3: Perception Punch, 100 Confide
High Ability: Cluster Mind
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Body Slam, Defense Curl, Double-Edge,
1 - Beldum Dynamic Punch, Fury Cutter, Gravity, Ice Punch, Icy
2 - Metang Minimum 20 Wind, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Magnet Rise,
3 - Metagross Minimum 45 Mud-Slap, Rollout, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Stealth Rock, Swift, Telekinesis, Thunder Punch,
Size Information Trick, Zen Headbutt
Height : 3’ 11” / 1.2m (Medium)
Weight : 446.4 lbs. / 202.5kg (6)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Mineral

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Levitate 5, Jump 1/1, Power 9,

METAGROSS Magnetic, Mountable 2
Skill List
Athl 5d6+3, Acro 2d6, Combat 5d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 4d6+2, Focus 6d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
20 Confusion - Psychic
20 Metal Claw - Steel
23 Pursuit - Dark
26 Bullet Punch - Steel
29 Miracle Eye - Psychic
32 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
35 Scary Face - Normal
38 Psychic - Psychic
41 Agility - Psychic
44 Meteor Mash - Steel
45 Hammer Arm - Fighting
52 Iron Defense - Steel
Base Stats: 60 Hyper Beam - Normal
HP: 8
Attack: 14 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 13 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 03
Special Attack: 10 Psyshock, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Special Defense: 9 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Speed: 7 Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 29
Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Basic Information Team, 33 Reflect, 36 Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm,
Type : Steel / Psychic 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48
Basic Ability 1: Clear Body Round, 64 Explosion, 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Pol-
Adv Ability 1: Light Metal ish, 70 Flash, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze,
Adv Ability 2: Keen Eye 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 3: Perception Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash,
High Ability: Cluster Mind 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Beldum Block, Body Slam, Defense Curl, Defense
2 - Metang Minimum 20 Curl, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Fury Cutter,
3 - Metagross Minimum 45 Gravity, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Defense, Iron
Head, Magnet Rise(N), Mud-Slap, Rollout, Signal
Size Information Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Swift, Teleki-
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Large) nesis, Thunder Punch, Trick, Zen Headbutt
Weight : 1212.5 lbs. / 550kg (6)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender Mega Evolution
Egg Group : Mineral Type: Unchanged
Ability: Tough Claws
Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain Stats: +1 Atk, +2 Def,
+1 Sp. Atk, +2 Sp. Def,
Capability List +4 Speed
Overland 6, Swim 3, Levitate 6, Jump 1/1, Power 14,

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Burrow 4, Jump 1/1, Power 3,
Naturewalk (Desert), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+1 ,
Percep 2d6+1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
3 Sand Attack - Ground
7 Dragon Rage - Dragon
13 Sandstorm - Rock
15 Take Down - Normal
19 Sand Tomb - Ground
25 Slash - Normal
27 Dragon Claw - Dragon
Base Stats: 31 Dig - Ground
HP: 6 37 Dragon Rush - Dragon
Attack: 7
Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 4 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02
Special Defense: 5 Dragon Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Speed: 4 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frus-
tration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Dou-
Basic Information ble Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire
Type : Dragon / Ground Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44
Basic Ability 1: Sand Veil Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 59 Incinerate, 65 Shadow
Adv Ability 1: Frighten Claw, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide,
Adv Ability 2: Rough Skin 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock
Adv Ability 3: Vital Spirit Smash
High Ability: Intimidate
Egg Move List
Evolution: Body Slam, Double-Edge, Dragon Breath,
1 - Gible Iron Head, Iron Tail, Metal Claw, Mud Shot, Out-
2 - Gabite Minimum 25 rage, Rock Climb, Sand Tomb, Scary Face, Thrash,
3 - Garchomp Minimum 50 Twister

Size Information Tutor Move List
Height : 2’ 4” / 0.7m (Small) Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power,
Weight : 45.2 lbs. / 20.5kg (2) Fury Cutter, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap,
Outrage, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Swift,
Breeding Information Twister
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Monster / Dragon
Average Hatch Rate: 25 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Desert

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Burrow 4, Jump 2/2, Power 4,
Naturewalk (Desert), Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 3d6+1 ,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Sand Attack - Ground
7 Dragon Rage - Dragon
13 Sandstorm - Rock
15 Take Down - Normal
19 Sand Tomb - Ground
24 Dual Chop - Dragon
28 Slash - Normal
33 Dragon Claw - Dragon
Base Stats: 40 Dig - Ground
HP: 7 49 Dragon Rush - Dragon
Attack: 9
Defense: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 5 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02
Special Defense: 6 Dragon Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Speed: 8 11 Sunny Day, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustra-
tion, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double
Basic Information Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast,
Type : Dragon / Ground 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Ability 1: Sand Veil Attract, 48 Round, 59 Incinerate, 65 Shadow Claw, 71
Adv Ability 1: Frighten Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger,
Adv Ability 2: Rough Skin 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Adv Ability 3: Vital Spirit
High Ability: Intimidate Tutor Move List
Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Dual Chop,
Evolution: Earth Power, Fury Cutter, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Mud-
1 - Gible Slap, Outrage, Rock Climb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth
2 - Gabite Minimum 25 Rock, Swift, Twister
3 - Garchomp Minimum 50

Size Information
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium)
Weight : 123.5 lbs. / 56kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Monster / Dragon

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Desert

Capability List
Overland 10, Swim 5, Sky 8, Burrow 8, Jump 3/3,
Power 6, Naturewalk (Desert), Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 5d6, Combat 5d6, Stealth 3d6+1 ,
Percep 4d6+1, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
3 Sand Attack - Ground
7 Dragon Rage - Dragon
13 Sandstorm - Rock
15 Take Down - Normal
19 Sand Tomb - Ground
24 Dual Chop - Dragon
28 Slash - Normal
33 Dragon Claw - Dragon
Base Stats: 40 Dig - Ground
HP: 11 50 Crunch - Dark
Attack: 13 55 Dragon Rush - Dragon
Defense: 10
Special Attack: 8 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 9 A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 01 Hone
Speed: 10 Claws, 02 Dragon Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hid-
den Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Pro-
Basic Information tect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake,
Type : Dragon / Ground 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
Basic Ability 1: Sand Veil 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39
Adv Ability 1: Frighten Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 2: Rough Skin Attract, 48 Round, 54 False Swipe, 56 Fling, 59 In-
Adv Ability 3: Vital Spirit cinerate, 65 Shadow Claw, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone
High Ability: Intimidate Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide,
82 Dragon Tail, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Evolution: Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Gible
2 - Gabite Minimum 25 Tutor Move List
3 - Garchomp Minimum 50 Aqua Tail, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse,
Dual Chop, Earth Power, Fire Fang(N), Fury Cutter,
Size Information Iron Head, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Rock
Height : 6’ 3” / 1.9m (Large) Climb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Swift, Twister
Weight : 209.4 lbs. / 95kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Monster / Dragon

Mega Evolution
Diet : Carnivore
Type: Unchanged
Habitat : Cave, Desert, Mountain
Ability: Sand Force

Stats: +4 Atk, +2 Def,
+4 Sp. Atk, +1 Sp. Def,
-1 Speed
Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 3, Blindsense,

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 2d6+1 ,
Percep 1d6-1, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Dragon Rage - Dragon
1 Tackle - Normal
4 Focus Energy - Normal
9 Bite - Dark
12 Headbutt - Normal
17 Dragon Breath - Dragon
20 Roar - Normal
25 Crunch - Dark
Base Stats: 28 Slam - Normal
HP: 5 32 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Attack: 7 38 Work Up - Normal
Defense: 5 42 Dragon Rush - Dragon
Special Attack: 5 48 Body Slam - Normal
Special Defense: 5 52 Scary Face - Normal
Speed: 4 58 Hyper Voice - Normal
62 Outrage - Dragon
Basic Information
Type : Dark / Dragon TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Hustle A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Adv Ability 1: Bully Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Adv Ability 2: Guts Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 3: Strong Jaw 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
High Ability: Unaware 48 Round, 59 Incinerate, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych
Up, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Evolution: Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 97 Dark Pulse
1 - Deino
2 - Zweilous Minimum 30 Egg Move List
3 - Hydreigon Minimum 50 Assurance, Astonish, Dark Pulse, Double
Hit, Earth Power, Fire Fang, Head Smash, Ice Fang,
Size Information Screech, Thunder Fang
Height : 2’ 07” / 0.8m (Small)
Weight : 38.1 lbs. / 17.3kg (2) Tutor Move List
Aqua Tail, Dark Pulse, Draco Meteor, Dragon
Breeding Information Pulse, Earth Power, Hyper Voice, Outrage, Sleep
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Talk, Snore, Spite, Superpower, Uproar, Work Up,
Egg Group : Dragon Zen Headbutt
Average Hatch Rate: 25 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Jump 1/1, Power 4, Blindsense,
Mind Lock, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6+1 ,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 2d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Focus Energy - Normal
9 Bite - Dark
12 Headbutt - Normal
17 Dragon Breath - Dragon
20 Roar - Normal
25 Crunch - Dark
28 Slam - Normal
32 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Base Stats: 38 Work Up - Normal
HP: 7 42 Dragon Rush - Dragon
Attack: 9 48 Body Slam - Normal
Defense: 7 55 Scary Face - Normal
Special Attack: 7 64 Hyper Voice - Normal
Special Defense: 7 71 Outrage - Dragon
Speed: 6
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Type : Dark / Dragon Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Ability 1: Hustle Dance, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 1: Bully 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
Adv Ability 2: Guts 48 Round, 59 Incinerate, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych
Adv Ability 3: Polycephaly Up, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
High Ability: Unaware Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 97 Dark Pulse

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Deino Aqua Tail, Dark Pulse, Double Hit(N), Draco
2 - Zweilous Minimum 30 Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Hyper Voice,
3 - Hydreigon Minimum 50 Outrage, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Superpower,
Uproar, Work Up, Zen Headbutt
Size Information
Height : 4’ 8” / 1.4m (Medium)
Weight : 110.2 lbs. / 50kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Dragon

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 1, Swim 4, Sky 7, Levitate 5, Jump 2/2,
Power 6, Blindsense, Mind Lock, Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 5d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 5d6+2, Focus 4d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
4 Focus Energy - Normal
9 Bite - Dark
12 Headbutt - Normal
17 Dragon Breath - Dragon
20 Roar - Normal
25 Crunch - Dark
28 Slam - Normal
32 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Base Stats: 38 Work Up - Normal
HP: 9 42 Dragon Rush - Dragon
Attack: 11 48 Body Slam - Normal
Defense: 9 55 Scary Face - Normal
Special Attack: 13 68 Hyper Voice - Normal
Special Defense: 9 79 Outrage - Dragon
Speed: 10
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A2 Fly, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06
Type : Dark / Dragon Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15
Basic Ability 1: Levitate Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost,
Adv Ability 1: Bully 21 Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 32 Double
Adv Ability 2: Pride Team, 33 Reflect, 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39
Adv Ability 3: Polycephaly Rock Tomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 At-
High Ability: Unaware tract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel
Wing, 52 Focus Blast, 57 Charge Beam, 59 Incinerate,
Evolution: 62 Acrobatics, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone
1 - Deino Edge, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze,
2 - Zweilous Minimum 30 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
3 - Hydreigon Minimum 50 Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94
Rock Smash, 97 Dark Pulse
Size Information
Height : 5’ 11” / 1.8m (Large) Tutor Move List
Weight : 352.7 lbs. / 160kg (5) Aqua Tail, Dark Pulse, Draco Meteor, Dragon
Pulse, Earth Power, Heat Wave, Hyper Voice (N),
Breeding Information Iron Tail, Outrage (N), Roost, Signal Beam, Sleep
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F Talk, Snore, Superpower, Tailwind, Tri Attack(N),
Egg Group : Dragon Uproar, Work Up, Zen Headbutt

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

GOOMY Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 0/0, Power 1, Amor-
phous, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 3d6+2, Per-
cep 2d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Bubble - Water
5 Absorb - Grass
9 Protect - Normal
13 Bide - Normal
18 Dragon Breath - Dragon
25 Rain Dance - Water
28 Flail - Normal
32 Body Slam - Normal
Base Stats: 38 Muddy Water - Water
HP: 5 42 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Attack: 5
Defense: 4 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 6 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Special Defense: 8 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24
Speed: 4 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge
Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Information Attract, 48 Round, 80 Rock Slide, 83 Infestation, 87
Type : Dragon Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 100 Confide
Basic Ability 1: Sap Sipper
Basic Ability 2: Dry Skin Egg Move List
Adv Ability 1: Hydration Acid Armor, Counter, Curse, Endure, Iron Tail,
Adv Ability 2: Gooey Poison Tail
High Ability: Absorb Force
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Iron Tail, Outrage,
1 - Goomy Shock Wave, Snore, Water Pulse
2 - Sligoo Minimum 40
3 - Goodra Minimum 50 in Rain

Size Information
Height : 1’ 00” / 0.3m (Small)
Weight : 6.2 lbs. / 2.8 kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Dragon
Average Hatch Rate: 25 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Marsh, Rainforest

SLIGGOO Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Jump 0/1, Power 2, Amor-
phous, Blindsense, Underdog

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 1d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 4d6+2, Per-
cep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Bubble - Water
5 Absorb - Grass
9 Protect - Normal
13 Bide - Normal
18 Dragon Breath - Dragon
25 Rain Dance - Water
28 Flail - Normal
32 Body Slam - Normal
Base Stats: 38 Muddy Water - Water
HP: 7 47 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Attack: 8
Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 8 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Special Defense: 11 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24
Speed: 6 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge
Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Basic Information Attract, 48 Round, 80 Rock Slide, 83 Infestation, 87
Type : Dragon Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 100 Confide
Basic Ability 1: Sap Sipper
Basic Ability 2: Dry Skin Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 1: Hydration Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Iron Tail, Outrage,
Adv Ability 2: Gooey Shock Wave, Snore, Water Pulse
High Ability: Absorb Force

1 - Goomy
2 - Sligoo Minimum 40
3 - Goodra Minimum 50 in Rain

Size Information
Height : 2’ 07” / 0.8m (Small)
Weight : 38.6 lbs. / 17.5 kg (2)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Dragon

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Marsh, Rainforest

GOODRA Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 8, Amorphous

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6, Per-
cep 4d6, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Bubble - Water
5 Absorb - Grass
9 Protect - Normal
13 Bide - Normal
18 Dragon Breath - Dragon
25 Rain Dance - Water
28 Flail - Normal
32 Body Slam - Normal
38 Muddy Water - Water
Base Stats: 47 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
HP: 9 50 Aqua Tail - Water
Attack: 10 55 Power Whip - Grass
Defense: 7 63 Outrage - Dragon
Special Attack: 11
Special Defense: 15 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 8 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power,
11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper
Basic Information Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24
Type : Dragon Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return,
Basic Ability 1: Sap Sipper 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 35 Flamethrower,
Basic Ability 2: Dry Skin 36 Sludge Bomb, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45
Adv Ability 1: Hydration Attract, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 59 Incinerate, 68
Adv Ability 2: Gooey Giga Impact, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon
High Ability: Absorb Force Tail, 83 Infestation, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 100 Confide
1 - Goomy Tutor Move List
2 - Sligoo Minimum 40 Aqua Tail, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Feint (N),
3 - Goodra Minimum 50 in Rain Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Iron Tail, Outrage (N),
Shock Wave, Snore, Superpower, Thunder Punch,
Size Information Water Pulse
Height : 6’ 07” / 2m (Large)
Weight : 331.8 lbs. / 150.5 kg (5)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Dragon

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Marsh, Rainforest

Legendary Pokémon

Legendary Pokémon are incredibly rare and powerful Pokémon. The difference in rar-
ity may differ, for example an Articuno, which usually will have at least one per major body of
land, can be found more then once while Palkia and Dialga, the rulers of Time and Space, are
found only once as they are the sole Pokémon who have majority dominion over Time and
Space. It is unlikely that you meet more then one to three Legendary Pokémon during a cam-
paign unless your campagin is specifically about them.
The following entries are merely suggestions as to the power level of each Legendary
Pokémon if they are even able to be captured in the campaign you are playing. The default
assumption here is that Legendary Pokémon are merely very rare and powerful rather than
divinity, and the Capabilities and Skills here reflect that. It is entirely possible that a captured
Legendary Pokémon has completely different, unique-to-your-campaign Skills, Capabilities,
Abilities or Moves. The Blessed and the Damned Legendary splatbook provides some ideas
and options toward this end if you wish to portray Legendary Pokémon as divine creatures.

(Legendary Pokémon have signature Moves. They are marked with a “§” symbol. These Moves are not
always unique to the Legendary, but are used often, as a favorite, of the Legendary.)

MEW Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Sky 6, Jump 2/2, Power 3, Aura
Reader, Glow, Invisibility, Telekinetic, Telepath,

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 5d6+2,
Percep 4d6, Focus 6d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Pound - Normal
1 Reflect Type - Normal
§ 1 Transform - Normal
10 Mega Punch - Normal
20 Metronome - Normal
§ 30 Psychic - Psychic
§ 40 Barrier - Psychic
50 Ancient Power - Rock
Base Stats: 60 Amnesia - Psychic
HP: 10 70 Me First - Normal
Attack: 10 80 Baton Pass - Normal
Defense: 10 90 Nasty Plot - Dark
Special Attack: 10 § 100 Aura Sphere - Fighting
Special Defense: 10
Speed: 10 TM/HM Move List
Mew can learn any TM/HM
Basic Information
Type : Psychic Tutor Move List
Basic Ability 1: Synchronize Mew can be Tutored to learn any Move
Basic Ability 2: Serene Grace
Adv Ability 1: Trace
Adv Ability 2: Magic Guard
High Ability: Magic Bounce

1 - Mew

Size Information
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small)
Weight : 8.8 lbs. / 4kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Ditto
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Forest, Mountain, Rainforest

MEWTWO Athl 4d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 5d6+6, Focus 6d6+6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Confusion - Psychic
1 Disable - Normal
1 Barrier - Psychic
8 Swift - Normal
15 Future Sight - Psychic
22 Psych Up - Normal
29 Miracle Eye - Psychic
36 Mist - Ice
§ 43 Psycho Cut - Psychic
50 Amnesia - Psychic
57 Guard Swap - Psychic
57 Power Swap - Psychic
§ 64 Psychic - Psychic
71 Me First - Normal
Base Stats: 79 Recover - Normal
HP: 11 86 Safeguard - Normal
Attack: 11 93 Aura Sphere - Fighting
Defense: 9 § 100 Psystrike - Psychic
Special Attack: 15
Special Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 13 A4 Strength, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail,
08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 13
Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17
Basic Information Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Type : Psychic Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return,
Basic Ability 1: Pressure 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
Basic Ability 2: Unnerve 33 Reflect, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39
Adv Ability 1: Frighten Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 47
Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling,
Adv Ability 2: Perception 57 Charge Beam, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 63 Embargo,
High Ability: Memory Wipe 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 71 Stone Edge, 73 Thunder Wave, 77
Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 85 Dream
Evolution: Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
1 - Mewtwo 92 Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100
Size Information
Height : 6’ 7” / 2m (Large) Tutor Move List
Aqua Tail, Body Slam, Counter, Double-Edge, Drain Punch,
Weight : 269 lbs. / 122kg (5) Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Foul Play, Gravity, Ice Punch,
Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Magic Room,
Breeding Information Mega Punch, Metronome, Mimic, Mud-Slap, Recycle, Role
Gender Ratio : No Gender Play, Seismic Toss, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Egg Group : None Swift, Telekinesis, Thunder Punch, Trick, Wonder Room, Zen
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Headbutt

Diet : Omnivore Mega Evolution X Mega Evolution Y

Habitat : Cave Type: Psychic/Fighting Type: Unchanged
Ability: Steadfast Ability: Insomnia
Capability List Stats: +8 Atk, Stats: +4 Atk, -2
Overland 8, Swim 6, Sky 8, Jump 3/3, Power 7, Aura +1 Def Def, +4 Sp. Atk, +3
Reader, Glow, Invisibility, Telekinetic, Telepath Sp. Def, +1 Speed
Skill List
GENESECT Athl 3d6+2, Acro 4d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 4d6,
Percep 5d6+2, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Quick Attack - Normal
1 Screech - Normal
§ 1 Techno Blast - Normal
1 Fell Stinger - Bug
7 Fury Cutter - Bug
11 Lock-On - Normal
18 Flame Charge - Fire
22 Magnet Bomb - Steel
29 Slash - Normal
33 Metal Sound - Steel
40 Signal Beam - Normal
44 Tri Attack - Normal
51 X-Scissor - Bug
55 Bug Buzz - Bug
Base Stats: 62 Simple Beam - Normal
HP: 7 66 Zap Cannon - Electric
Attack: 12 § 73 Hyper Beam - Normal
Defense: 10 77 Self-Destruct - Normal
Special Attack: 12
Special Defense: 10 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 10 A2 Fly, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10
Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper
Basic Information Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration,
Type : Bug / Steel 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27
Basic Ability 1: Download Return, 29 Psychic, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 35
Adv Ability 1: Infiltrator Flamethrower, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 43 Flame
Adv Ability 2: Pressure Charge, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 57
Adv Ability 3: Targeting System Charge Beam, 64 Explosion, 65 Shadow Claw, 68
High Ability: Analytic Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder
Wave, 76 Struggle Bug, 81 X-Scissor, 83 Infestation,
Evolution: 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute,
1 - Genesect 91 Flash Cannon, 97 Dark Pulse

Size Information Tutor Move List

Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Large) Bug Bite, Dark Pulse, Electroweb, Giga
Weight : 181.9 lbs. / 82.5kg (4) Drain, Gravity, Gunk Shot, Iron Defense, Iron
Head, Last Resort, Magic Coat, Magnet Rise, Metal
Breeding Information Claw, Recycle, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Zen
Gender Ratio : No Gender Headbutt
Egg Group : None
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Cave, Urban

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 5, Sky 7, Jump 2/2, Power 8,
Skill List
HEATRAN (Cave, Mountain), Mountable 1
Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 5d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Ancient Power - Rock
9 Leer - Normal
17 Fire Fang - Fire
25 Metal Sound - Steel
33 Crunch - Dark
41 Scary Face - Normal
§ 49 Lava Plume - Fire
57 Fire Spin - Fire
65 Iron Head - Steel
73 Earth Power - Ground
81 Heat Wave - Fire
88 Stone Edge - Rock
Base Stats: § 96 Magma Storm - Fire
HP: 9
Attack: 9 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 11 A4 Strength, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Special Attack: 13 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam,
Special Defense: 11 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 26
Speed: 8 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 32 Double Team,
35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 41
Basic Information Torment, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 45
Type : Fire / Steel Attract, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 59 Incinerate, 61
Basic Ability 1: Flash Fire Will-O-Wisp, 64 Explosion, 66 Payback, 68 Giga
Adv Ability 1: Flame Body Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide,
Adv Ability 2: Sun Blanket 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash
Adv Ability 3: Thermosensitive Cannon, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power, 97 Dark
High Ability: Magma Armor Pulse

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Heatran Ancient Power, Bug Bite, Dark Pulse, Dragon
Pulse, Earth Power (N), Fire Spin (N), Heat Wave
Size Information (N), Iron Defense, Iron Head (N), Magma Storm
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Huge) (N), Mud-Slap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock,
Weight : 948 lbs. / 430kg (6) Uproar

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 50% M / 50% F
Egg Group : Monster / Mineral
Average Hatch Rate: 4 Days

Diet : Terravore
Habitat : Mountain

Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 5, Burrow 8, Jump 2/2, Power 10,
Firestarter, Glow, Heater, Tremorsense, Naturewalk
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 4d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 3d6, Focus 5d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Gust - Flying
1 Powder Snow - Ice
8 Mist - Ice
15 Ice Shard - Ice
22 Mind Reader - Normal
29 Ancient Power - Rock
36 Agility - Psychic
§ 43 Ice Beam - Ice
50 Reflect - Psychic
57 Roost - Flying
64 Tailwind - Flying
71 Blizzard - Ice
§ 78 Sheer Cold - Ice
Base Stats: 85 Hail - Ice
HP: 9 92 Hurricane - Flying
Attack: 9
Defense: 10 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 10 A2 Fly, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden
Special Defense: 13 Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15
Speed: 9 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost,
21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 33
Basic Information Reflect, 37 Sandstorm, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44
Type : Ice / Flying Rest, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 58 Sky Drop, 68 Giga
Basic Ability 1: Pressure Impact, 79 Frost Breath, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Basic Ability 2: Winter’s Kiss 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Adv Ability 1: Snow Warning
Adv Ability 2: Snow Cloak Tutor Move List
High Ability: Frostbite Air Cutter, Ancient Power, Double-Edge, Freeze-Dry
(N), Hurricane (N), Icy Wind, Mud-Slap, Ominous
Evolution: Wind, Pluck, Roost, Sheer Cold (N), Signal Beam,
1 - Articuno Sky Attack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Tailwind (N),
Size Information
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Large)
Weight : 122.1 lbs. / 55.4kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Flying
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Taiga, Tundra

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 5, Sky 10, Jump 2/3, Power 7,
Freezer, Glow, Guster, Mountable 1
ZAPDOS Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 5d6+2, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth
2d6+1, Percep 5d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Peck - Flying
1 Thunder Shock - Electric
8 Thunder Wave - Electric
15 Detect - Fighting
22 Pluck - Flying
29 Ancient Power - Rock
36 Charge - Electric
43 Agility - Psychic
§ 50 Discharge - Electric
57 Roost - Flying
64 Light Screen - Psychic
71 Drill Peck - Flying
Base Stats: § 78 Thunder - Electric
HP: 9 85 Rain Dance - Water
Attack: 9 92 Zap Cannon - Electric
Defense: 9
Special Attack: 13 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 9 A2 Fly, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Speed: 10 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17
Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 21 Frustration,
Basic Information 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 32 Double
Type : Electric / Flying Team, 37 Sandstorm, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44
Basic Ability 1: Pressure Rest, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 57 Charge Beam, 58
Basic Ability 2: Lightning Rod Sky Drop, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch,
Adv Ability 1: Drizzle 73 Thunder Wave, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89
Adv Ability 2: Keen Eye U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock
High Ability: Sequence Smash

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Zapdos Air Cutter, Ancient Power, Double-Edge,
Drill Peck (N), Heat Wave, Mud-Slap, Ominous
Size Information Wind, Pluck, Roost, Signal Beam, Sky Attack, Sleep
Height : 5’ 3” / 1.6m (Large) Talk, Snore, Swift, Tailwind, Twister, Zap Cannon
Weight : 116 lbs. / 52.6kg (4) (N)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Flying
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Mountain, Urban

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 5, Sky 10, Jump 2/3, Power 7,
Glow, Guster, Zapper, Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 2d6+1,
Percep 4d6, Focus 5d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Ember - Fire
1 Wing Attack - Flying
8 Fire Spin - Fire
15 Agility - Psychic
22 Endure - Normal
29 Ancient Power - Rock
§ 36 Flamethrower - Fire
43 Safeguard - Normal
50 Air Slash - Flying
57 Roost - Flying
64 Heat Wave - Fire
71 Solar Beam - Grass
Base Stats: § 78 Sky Attack - Flying
HP: 9 85 Sunny Day - Fire
Attack: 10 92 Hurricane - Flying
Defense: 9
Special Attack: 13 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 9 A2 Fly, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Speed: 9 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Dance, 19 Roost, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Basic Information 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 35
Type : Fire / Flying Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 40
Basic Ability 1: Pressure Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge, 44 Rest, 48
Basic Ability 2: Flash Fire Round, 50 Overheat, 51 Steel Wing, 58 Sky Drop,
Adv Ability 1: Drought 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 68 Giga Impact, 87
Adv Ability 2: Flame Body Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94
High Ability: White Flame Rock Smash

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Moltres Air Cutter, Ancient Power, Double-Edge,
Heat Wave, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pluck, Roost,
Size Information Sky Attack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Tailwind, Twister
Height : 6’ 7” / 2m (Large)
Weight : 132.3 lbs. / 60kg (4)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Flying
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 5, Sky 10, Jump 2/3, Power 7,
Firestarter, Glow, Guster, Heater, Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 4d6+3, Acro 5d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 4d6,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bite - Dark
1 Leer - Normal
8 Thunder Shock - Electric
15 Roar - Normal
22 Quick Attack - Normal
29 Spark - Electric
36 Reflect - Psychic
43 Crunch - Dark
50 Thunder Fang - Electric
57 Discharge - Electric
64 Extrasensory - Psychic
Base Stats: 71 Rain Dance - Water
HP: 9 78 Calm Mind - Psychic
Attack: 9 § 85 Thunder - Electric
Defense: 8
Special Attack: 12 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 10 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind, 05
Speed: 12 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15
Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Basic Information Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder,
Type : Electric 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
Basic Ability 1: Pressure 33 Reflect, 37 Sandstorm, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48
Basic Ability 2: Volt Absorb Round, 57 Charge Beam, 60 Quash, 68 Giga Impact,
Adv Ability 1: Sprint 70 Flash, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 77
Adv Ability 2: Run Away Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
High Ability: Speed Boost Substitute, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Raikou Aura Sphere, Body Slam, Discharge (N),
Double-Edge, Extrasensory (N), Extreme Speed,
Size Information Iron Head, Iron Tail, Magnet Rise, Mud-Slap, Signal
Height : 6’ 3” / 1.9m (Large) Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Weather Ball, Zap
Weight : 392.4 lbs. / 178kg (5) Cannon

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Monster / Ground
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Grassland, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 13, Swim 6, Jump 3/3, Power 8, Tracker,
Zapper, Naturewalk (Grassland), Mountable 2
ENTEI Capability List
Overland 12, Swim 6, Jump 3/3, Power 9, Firestarter,
Heater, Tracker, Naturewalk (Grassland, Mountain),
Mountable 2

Skill List
Athl 5d6+3, Acro 4d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bite - Dark
1 Leer - Normal
8 Ember - Fire
15 Roar - Normal
22 Fire Spin - Fire
29 Stomp - Normal
36 Flamethrower - Fire
43 Swagger - Normal
Base Stats: 50 Fire Fang - Fire
HP: 12 57 Lava Plume - Fire
Attack: 12 64 Extrasensory - Psychic
Defense: 9 71 Fire Blast - Fire
Special Attack: 9 78 Calm Mind - Psychic
Special Defense: 8 § 85 Eruption - Fire
Speed: 10
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind, 05 Roar,
Type : Fire 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper
Basic Ability 1: Pressure Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration,
Basic Ability 2: Flash Fire 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball,
Adv Ability 1: Sprint 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 35 Flamethrower,
Adv Ability 2: Run Away 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 43 Flame
High Ability: Speed Boost Charge, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 59
Incinerate, 60 Quash, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 68 Giga
Evolution: Impact, 70 Flash, 71 Stone Edge, 77 Psych Up, 78
1 - Entei Bulldoze, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
Rock Smash, 95 Snarl
Size Information
Height : 6’ 11” / 2.1m (Large) Tutor Move List
Weight : 436.5 lbs. / 198kg (5) Body Slam, Crush Claw, Double-Edge,
Eruption (N), Extrasensory (N), Extreme Speed,
Breeding Information Flare Blitz, Heat Wave, Howl, Iron Head, Iron Tail,
Gender Ratio : No Gender Lava Plume (N), Mud-Slap, Sacred Fire (N), Sleep
Egg Group : Monster / Ground Talk, Snore, Swift
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Mountain

SUICUNE Capability List
Overland 10, Swim 10, Jump 3/3, Power 8,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Wetlands), Fountain, Guster,
Tracker, Mountable 2

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 4d6,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bite - Dark
1 Leer - Normal
8 Bubble Beam - Water
15 Rain Dance - Water
22 Gust - Flying
29 Aurora Beam - Ice
36 Mist - Ice
43 Mirror Coat - Psychic
Base Stats: 50 Ice Fang - Ice
HP: 10 57 Tailwind - Flying
Attack: 8 64 Extrasensory - Psychic
Defense: 12 71 Hydro Pump - Water
Special Attack: 9 78 Calm Mind - Psychic
Special Defense: 12 § 85 Blizzard - Ice
Speed: 9
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 04
Type : Water Calm Mind, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden
Basic Ability 1: Pressure Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard,
Basic Ability 2: Water Absorb 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21
Adv Ability 1: Sprint Frustration, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 30 Shadow Ball, 32
Adv Ability 2: Run Away Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37 Sandstorm, 42 Facade,
High Ability: Speed Boost 44 Rest, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 60 Quash, 68 Giga
Impact, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 87 Swagger, 88
Evolution: Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl
1 - Suicune
Tutor Move List
Size Information Air Slash, Aqua Ring, Body Slam, Dive,
Height : 6’ 7” / 2m (Large) Double-Edge, Extrasensory (N), Extreme Speed,
Weight : 412.3 lbs. / 187kg (5) Hydro Pump (N), Icy Wind, Iron Head, Iron Tail,
Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Sheer Cold, Signal
Breeding Information Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Tailwind (N)
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Monster / Ground
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Grassland

REGIROCK Materializer
Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Explosion - Normal
1 Stomp - Normal
7 Rock Throw - Rock
13 Charge Beam - Electric
19 Bulldoze - Ground
25 Curse - Ghost
§ 31 Ancient Power - Rock
37 Iron Defense - Steel
§ 43 Stone Edge - Rock
49 Hammer Arm - Fighting
55 Lock-On - Normal
55 Zap Cannon - Electric
Base Stats: 61 Superpower - Fighting
HP: 8 67 Hyper Beam - Normal
Attack: 10
Defense: 20 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 5 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Special Defense: 10 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard,
Speed: 5 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31 Brick
Basic Information Break, 32 Double Team, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock
Type : Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast,
Basic Ability 1: Clear Body 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 64 Explosion, 68 Giga
Adv Ability 1: Sturdy Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 73 Thunder
Adv Ability 2: Battle Armor Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87
Adv Ability 3: Mountain Peak Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
High Ability: Unaware 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Regirock Ancient Power, Block, Body Slam, Counter,
Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Drain Punch, Dynamic
Size Information Punch, Earth Power, Fire Punch, Gravity, Hammer
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Huge) Arm (N), Ice Punch, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Lock-
Weight : 507.1 lbs. / 230kg (6) On (N), Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Rollout,
Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock,
Breeding Information Superpower, Thunder Punch, Zap Cannon (N)
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 5, Burrow 3, Jump 1/1, Power 11,
Naturewalk (Mountain, Cave), Groundshaper,
Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Explosion - Normal
1 Stomp - Normal
7 Icy Wind - Ice
13 Charge Beam - Electric
19 Bulldoze - Ground
25 Curse - Ghost
§ 31 Ancient Power - Rock
37 Amnesia - Psychic
§ 43 Ice Beam - Ice
49 Hammer Arm - Fighting
55 Lock-On - Normal
55 Zap Cannon - Electric
Base Stats: 61 Superpower - Fighting
HP: 8 67 Hyper Beam - Normal
Attack: 5
Defense: 10 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 10 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden
Special Defense: 20 Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper
Speed: 5 Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard,
21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26
Basic Information Earthquake, 27 Return, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Type : Ice Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48
Basic Ability 1: Clear Body Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam,
Adv Ability 1: Ice Body 64 Explosion, 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 73
Adv Ability 2: Battle Armor Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 79 Frost
Adv Ability 3: Freezing Point Breath, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
High Ability: Unaware 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash, 98
Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
1 - Regice Tutor Move List
Ancient Power, Block, Body Slam, Counter,
Size Information Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Earth
Height : 5’ 11” / 1.8m (Huge) Power, Fire Punch, Gravity, Hammer Arm (N), Ice
Weight : 385.8 lbs. / 175kg (5) Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Head, Lock-On (N), Mega
Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Seismic
Breeding Information Toss, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower,
Gender Ratio : No Gender Thunder Punch, Zap Cannon (N)
Egg Group : None
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Taiga, Tundra

Capability List
Overland 5, Burrow 3, Jump 1/1, Power 11,
Naturewalk (Tundra), Freezer
Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Explosion - Normal
1 Stomp - Normal
7 Metal Claw - Steel
13 Charge Beam - Electric
19 Bulldoze - Ground
25 Curse - Ghost
§ 31 Ancient Power - Rock
37 Iron Defense - Steel
37 Amnesia - Psychic
43 Iron Head - Steel
§ 43 Flash Cannon - Steel
49 Hammer Arm - Fighting
Base Stats: 55 Lock-On - Normal
HP: 8 55 Zap Cannon - Electric
Attack: 8 61 Superpower - Fighting
Defense: 15 67 Hyper Beam - Normal
Special Attack: 8
Special Defense: 15 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 5 A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 06 Toxic, 10
Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Basic Information Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Type : Steel 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake,
Basic Ability 1: Clear Body 27 Return, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 37
Adv Ability 1: Light Metal Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Battle Armor 44 Rest, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 57
Adv Ability 3: Unbreakable Charge Beam, 64 Explosion, 65 Shadow Claw, 68
High Ability: Unaware Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 73 Thunder Wave, 77
Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88
Evolution: Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock
1 - Registeel Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide

Size Information Tutor Move List

Height : 6’ 3” / 1.9m (Huge) Ancient Power, Block, Body Slam, Counter,
Weight : 451.9 lbs. / 205kg (6) Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Earth
Power, Fire Punch, Gravity, Hammer Arm (N), Ice
Breeding Information Punch, Iron Defense, Iron Head (N), Lock-On (N),
Gender Ratio : No Gender Magnet Rise, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap,
Egg Group : None Rollout, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days Rock, Superpower, Thunder Punch, Zap Cannon

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 5, Burrow 3, Jump 1/1, Power 11,
Naturewalk (Urban), Magnetic

Skill List
Athl 6d6, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 1d6+2,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Confuse Ray - Ghost
1 Dizzy Punch - Normal
1 Foresight - Normal
1 Stomp - Normal
25 Revenge - Fighting
40 Wide Guard - Rock
50 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
65 Payback - Dark
§ 75 Crush Grip - Normal
90 Heavy Slam - Steel
§ 100 Giga Impact - Normal

Base Stats: TM/HM Move List

HP: 11 A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power,
Attack: 16 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 18 Rain Dance,
Defense: 11 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 24
Special Attack: 8 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return,
Special Defense: 11 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock Tomb, 40
Speed: 10 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56
Fling, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 69
Basic Information Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 73 Thunder Wave, 77
Type : Normal Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88
Basic Ability 1: Slow Start Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature
Adv Ability 1: Clear Body Power, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Adv Ability 2: Battle Armor
Adv Ability 3: Last Chance Tutor Move List
High Ability: Unaware Ancient Power, Block, Body Slam, Crush
Grip (N), Counter, Defense Curl, Double-Edge,
Evolution: Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch, Earth Power, Fire
1 - Regigigas Punch, Gravity, Heavy Slam (N), Ice Punch, Icy
Wind, Iron Head, Knock Off (N), Mega Kick, Mega
Size Information Punch, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk,
Height : 12’ 2” / 3.7m (Gigantic) Snore, Superpower, Thunder Punch, Zen Headbutt
Weight : 925.9 lbs. / 420kg (6)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain, Tundra

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Burrow 3, Jump 1/1, Power 13,
Groundshaper, Magnetic

Skill List
Athl 6d6+6, Acro 4d6+3, Combat 5d6+3, Stealth 4d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Quick Attack - Normal
7 Double Kick - Fighting
13 Metal Claw - Steel
19 Take Down - Normal
25 Helping Hand - Normal
31 Retaliate - Normal
37 Iron Head - Steel
§ 42 Sacred Sword - Fighting
49 Swords Dance - Normal
55 Quick Guard - Fighting
61 Work Up - Normal
Base Stats: § 67 Metal Burst - Steel
HP: 9 73 Close Combat - Fighting
Attack: 9
Defense: 13 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 9 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 04
Special Defense: 7 Calm Mind, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 12
Speed: 11 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21
Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect,
Basic Information 37 Sandstorm, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48
Type : Steel / Fighting Round, 52 Focus Blast, 54 False Swipe, 67 Retaliate,
Basic Ability 1: Justified 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 72
Adv Ability 1: Sprint Volt Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 75 Swords Dance, 77
Adv Ability 2: Inner Focus Psych Up, 81 X-Scissor, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88
Adv Ability 3: Discipline Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock
High Ability: Courage Smash

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Cobalion Block, Bounce, Close Combat (N), Helping
Hand, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Magnet Rise, Metal
Size Information Burst (N), Quick Guard (N), Sleep Talk, Snore,
Height : 6’ 11” / 2.1m (Large) Stealth Rock, Superpower, Work Up (N), Zen
Weight : 551.2 lbs. / 250kg (6) Headbutt

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 6, Jump 3/3, Power 7,
Naturewalk (Mountain), Mountable 1
TERRAKION Capability List
Overland 5, Burrow 7, Jump 2/2, Power 7,
Naturewalk (Mountain), Groundshaper, Mountable
1, Tremorsense

Skill List
Athl 6d6+3, Acro 3d6, Combat 5d6+3, Stealth 4d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Quick Attack - Normal
7 Double Kick - Fighting
13 Smack Down - Rock
19 Take Down - Normal
25 Helping Hand - Normal
31 Retaliate - Normal
37 Rock Slide - Rock
Base Stats: § 42 Sacred Sword - Fighting
HP: 9 49 Swords Dance - Normal
Attack: 13 55 Quick Guard - Fighting
Defense: 9 61 Work Up - Normal
Special Attack: 7 § 67 Stone Edge - Rock
Special Defense: 9 73 Close Combat - Fighting
Speed: 11
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind,
Type : Rock / Fighting 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt,
Basic Ability 1: Justified 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21
Adv Ability 1: Sprint Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 26 Earthquake, 27
Adv Ability 2: Inner Focus Return, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37 Sandstorm,
Adv Ability 3: Discipline 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48
High Ability: Courage Round, 52 Focus Blast, 54 False Swipe, 67 Retaliate,
68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 75
Evolution: Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock
1 - Terrakion Slide, 81 X-Scissor, 84 Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88
Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Size Information
Height : 6’ 3” / 1.9m (Large) Tutor Move List
Weight : 573.2 lbs. / 260kg (6) Block, Close Combat (N), Earth Power,
Helping Hand, Iron Head, Quick Guard (N), Sleep
Breeding Information Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Superpower, Work Up
Gender Ratio : No Gender (N), Zen Headbutt
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Skill List
Athl 4d6+3, Acro 4d6, Combat 5d6+3, Stealth 6d6+3,
Percep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Quick Attack - Normal
7 Double Kick - Fighting
13 Magical Leaf - Grass
19 Take Down - Normal
25 Helping Hand - Normal
31 Retaliate - Normal
37 Giga Drain - Grass
§ 42 Sacred Sword - Fighting
49 Swords Dance - Normal
55 Quick Guard - Fighting
61 Work Up - Normal
Base Stats: § 67 Leaf Blade - Grass
HP: 9 73 Close Combat - Fighting
Attack: 9
Defense: 7 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 9 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind, 05 Roar,
Special Defense: 13 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt,
Speed: 11 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 20
Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return,
Basic Information 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 40 Aerial Ace, 42
Type : Grass / Fighting Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 53 Energy
Basic Ability 1: Justified Ball, 54 False Swipe, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70
Adv Ability 1: Sprint Flash, 71 Stone Edge, 75 Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up,
Adv Ability 2: Inner Focus 81 X-Scissor, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Adv Ability 3: Discipline Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 96 Nature Power
High Ability: Courage
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Block, Bounce, Close Combat (N), Giga
1 - Virizion Drain, Helping Hand, Leaf Blade (N), Quick Guard
(N), Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower,
Size Information Synthesis, Worry Seed, Work Up (N), Zen Headbutt
Height : 6’ 7” / 2m (Large)
Weight : 440.9 lbs. / 200kg (6)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 5, Jump 3/3, Power 7,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Mountable 1
Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 5d6+3, Combat 5d6+3, Stealth
4d6+3, Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Aqua Jet - Water
1 Leer - Normal
7 Double Kick - Fighting
13 Bubble Beam - Water
19 Take Down - Normal
25 Helping Hand - Normal
31 Retaliate - Normal
37 Aqua Tail - Water
§ 43 Sacred Sword - Fighting
49 Swords Dance - Normal
55 Quick Guard - Fighting
61 Work Up - Normal
Base Stats: § 67 Hydro Pump - Water
HP: 9 73 Close Combat - Fighting
Attack: 7
Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 13 A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, 04 Calm
Special Defense: 9 Mind, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power,
Speed: 11 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 32
Basic Information Double Team, 33 Reflect, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
Type : Water / Fighting 44 Rest, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 54 False Swipe, 55
Basic Ability 1: Justified Scald, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge,
Adv Ability 1: Sprint 75 Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up, 81 X-Scissor, 84
Adv Ability 2: Inner Focus Poison Jab, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute,
Adv Ability 3: Discipline 94 Rock Smash
High Ability: Courage
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Aqua Tail, Bounce, Covet, Endeavor, Helping
1 - Keldeo Hand, Icy Wind, Last Resort, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Superpower, Work Up
Size Information
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Medium)
Weight : 106.9 lbs. / 48.5kg (3)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Field
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 7, Jump 3/3, Power 4,
Naturewalk (Grassland), Fountain, Mountable 1
Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 5d6+2,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Rest - Psychic
1 Confusion - Psychic
6 Imprison - Psychic
16 Endure - Normal
21 Swift - Normal
31 Yawn - Normal
§ 36 Future Sight - Psychic
46 Amnesia - Psychic
§ 51 Extrasensory - Psychic
61 Flail - Normal
66 Natural Gift - Normal
§ 76 Memento - Dark
Base Stats:
HP: 8 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 8 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Defense: 13 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam,
Special Attack: 8 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20
Special Defense: 13 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24
Speed: 10 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37
Basic Information Sandstorm, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 53 Energy
Type : Psychic Ball, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 62 Acrobatics, 68
Basic Ability 1: Levitate Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych
Adv Ability 1: Forewarn Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger,
Adv Ability 2: Telepathy 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick
Adv Ability 3: Frisk Room, 98 Power-Up Punch, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100
High Ability: Anticipation Confide

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Uxie Fire Punch, Flail (N), Foul Play, Giga Drain,
Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Iron Tail, Knock
Size Information Off, Magic Coat, Magic Room, Memento (N), Mud-
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Slap, Natural Gift (N), Role Play, Recycle, Role Play,
Weight : 0.7 lbs. / 0.3kg (1) Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth
Rock, Telekinesis, Thunder Punch, Trick, Wonder
Breeding Information Room, Zen Headbutt
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 4, Sky 7, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Aura
Reader, Telekinetic, Telepath
Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 5d6+2, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Rest - Psychic
1 Confusion - Psychic
6 Imprison - Psychic
16 Protect - Normal
21 Swift - Normal
31 Lucky Chant - Normal
§ 36 Future Sight - Psychic
46 Charm - Fairy
§ 51 Extrasensory - Psychic
61 Copycat - Normal
66 Natural Gift - Normal
§ 76 Healing Wish - Psychic
Base Stats:
HP: 8 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 11 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic,
Defense: 11 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam,
Special Attack: 11 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17
Special Defense: 11 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Speed: 8 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37
Basic Information Sandstorm, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 53 Energy
Type : Psychic Ball, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 62 Acrobatics, 68
Basic Ability 1: Levitate Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych
Adv Ability 1: Gentle Vibe Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger,
Adv Ability 2: Healer 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick
Adv Ability 3: Confidence Room, 98 Power-Up Punch, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100
High Ability: Prime Fury Confide

Evolution: Tutor Move List

1 - Mesprit Copycat (N), Fire Punch, Heal Bell, Healing
Wish (N), Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Iron Tail,
Size Information Knock Off, Magic Coat, Magic Room, Mud-Slap,
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Natural Gift (N), Recycle, Role Play, Signal Beam,
Weight : 0.7 lbs. / 0.3kg (1) Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Telekinesis, Thunder
Punch, Trick, Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 4, Sky 7, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Aura
Reader, Telekinetic, Telepath
Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 6d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Rest - Psychic
1 Confusion - Psychic
6 Imprison - Psychic
16 Detect - Fighting
21 Swift - Normal
31 Uproar - Normal
§ 36 Future Sight - Psychic
46 Nasty Plot - Dark
§ 51 Extrasensory - Psychic
61 Last Resort - Normal
66 Natural Gift - Normal
§ 76 Explosion - Normal
Base Stats:
HP: 8 TM/HM Move List
Attack: 13 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Defense: 7 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper
Special Attack: 13 Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
Special Defense: 7 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Speed: 12 Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 35 Flamethrower, 37
Basic Information Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44
Type : Psychic Rest, 48 Round, 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 57 Charge
Basic Ability 1: Levitate Beam, 59 Incinerate, 62 Acrobatics, 64 Explosion,
Adv Ability 1: Inner Focus 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder
Adv Ability 2: Own Tempo Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot,
Adv Ability 3: Sorcery 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute,
High Ability: Download 92 Trick Room, 98 Power-Up Punch, 99 Dazzling
Gleam, 100 Confide
1 - Azelf Tutor Move List
Fire Punch, Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Ice
Size Information Punch, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Last Resort (N), Magic
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Coat, Magic Room, Mud-Slap, Natural Gift (N),
Weight : 0.7 lbs. / 0.3kg (1) Recycle, Role Play, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep
Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock, Telekinesis, Thunder
Breeding Information Punch, Trick, Uproar, Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Cave

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 4, Sky 7, Jump 1/1, Power 2, Aura
Reader, Telekinetic, Telepath
TORNADUS Incarnate Forme Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 5, Sky 8, Jump 2/2, Power 6,
Guster, Zapper, Therian Forme*

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 5d6+3, Combat 4d6, Stealth 6d6+3,
Percep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Astonish - Ghost
1 Gust - Flying
1 Uproar - Normal
7 Swagger - Normal
13 Bite - Dark
19 Revenge - Fighting
25 Air Cutter - Flying
31 Extrasensory - Psychic
37 Agility - Psychic
Base Stats: 43 Air Slash - Flying
HP: 8 49 Crunch - Dark
Attack: 12 55 Tailwind - Flying
Defense: 7 § 61 Rain Dance - Water
Special Attack: 13 § 67 Hurricane - Flying
Special Defense: 8 73 Dark Pulse - Dark
Speed: 11 79 Hammer Arm - Fighting
85 Thrash - Normal
Basic Information
Type : Flying TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Prankster A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10
Adv Ability 1: Frisk Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Adv Ability 2: Pride 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 27
Adv Ability 3: Windveiled Return, 29 Psychic, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
High Ability: Drizzle 34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41
Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
Evolution: 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 58 Sky Drop, 59
1 - Tornadus Incinerate, 62 Acrobatics, 63 Embargo, 66 Payback,
68 Giga Impact, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Size Information Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 97
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Large) Dark Pulse
Weight : 138.9 lbs. / 63kg (4)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Hammer Arm (N),
Gender Ratio : No Gender Heat Wave, Hurricane (N), Icy Wind, Iron Tail,
Egg Group : None Knock Off, Role Play, Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower,
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days Tailwind (N), Thrash (N), Uproar

Diet : Omnivore *Therian Forme: The User changes to its Therian

Habitat : Mountain Forme if holding a Reveal Glass, and uses its Incar-
nate Form otherise.

TORNADUS Therian Forme Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Sky 10, Jump 2/2, Power 7,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Guster, Zapper,
Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 4d6+3, Acro 4d6, Combat 5d6+3, Stealth
6d6+3, Percep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Astonish - Ghost
1 Gust - Flying
1 Uproar - Normal
7 Swagger - Normal
13 Bite - Dark
19 Revenge - Fighting
25 Air Cutter - Flying
31 Extrasensory - Psychic
Base Stats: 37 Agility - Psychic
HP: 8 43 Air Slash - Flying
Attack: 10 49 Crunch - Dark
Defense: 8 55 Tailwind - Flying
Special Attack: 11 § 61 Rain Dance - Water
Special Defense: 9 § 67 Hurricane - Flying
Speed: 12 73 Dark Pulse - Dark
79 Hammer Arm - Fighting
Basic Information 85 Thrash - Normal
Type : Flying
Basic Ability 1: Regenerator TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 1: Frisk A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10
Adv Ability 2: Pride Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Adv Ability 3: Windveiled 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 27
High Ability: Drizzle Return, 29 Psychic, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
34 Sludge Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41
Evolution: Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief,
1 - Tornadus 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 58 Sky Drop, 59
Incinerate, 62 Acrobatics, 63 Embargo, 66 Payback,
Size Information 68 Giga Impact, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Large) Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 97
Weight : 138.9 lbs. / 63kg (4) Dark Pulse

Breeding Information Tutor Move List
Gender Ratio : No Gender Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Hammer Arm (N),
Egg Group : None Heat Wave, Hurricane (N), Icy Wind, Iron Tail,
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days Knock Off, Role Play, Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower,
Tailwind (N), Thrash (N), Uproar
Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Mountain

THUNDURUS Incarnate Forme Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 5, Sky 8, Jump 2/2, Power 6,
Guster, Zapper, Therian Forme*

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 5d6+3, Combat 4d6, Stealth 6d6+3,
Percep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Astonish - Ghost
1 Thunder Shock - Electric
1 Uproar - Normal
7 Swagger - Normal
13 Bite - Dark
19 Revenge - Fighting
25 Shock Wave - Electric
31 Heal Block - Psychic
37 Agility - Psychic
Base Stats: 43 Discharge - Electric
HP: 8 49 Crunch - Dark
Attack: 12 § 55 Charge - Electric
Defense: 7 61 Nasty Plot - Dark
Special Attack: 13 § 67 Thunder - Electric
Special Defense: 8 73 Dark Pulse - Dark
Speed: 11 79 Hammer Arm - Fighting
85 Thrash - Normal
Basic Information
Type : Electric / Flying TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Prankster A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up,
Adv Ability 1: Frisk 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Adv Ability 2: Pride Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack
Adv Ability 3: Lightning Rod Down, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 29
High Ability: Drizzle Psychic, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge
Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
Evolution: 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 52 Focus
1 - Thundurus Blast, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 58 Sky Drop, 59
Incinerate, 63 Embargo, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact,
Size Information 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 86 Grass Knot, 87
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Large) Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 91
Weight : 134.5lbs. / 61kg (4) Flash Cannon, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 97
Dark Pulse
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender Tutor Move List
Egg Group : None Charge (N), Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Hammer
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days Arm (N), Iron Tail, Knock Off, Nasty Plot (N), Role
Play, Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower, Thrash (N),
Diet : Omnivore Thunder Punch, Uproar
Habitat : Mountain
*Therian Forme: The User changes to its Therian
Forme if holding a Reveal Glass, and uses its Incar-
nate Form otherise.

THUNDURUS Therian Forme Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 3, Sky 10, Jump 2/2, Power 7,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Guster, Zapper,
Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 4d6+3, Acro 4d6, Combat 5d6+3, Stealth
6d6+3, Percep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Astonish - Ghost
1 Thunder Shock - Electric
1 Uproar - Normal
7 Swagger - Normal
13 Bite - Dark
19 Revenge - Fighting
25 Shock Wave - Electric
31 Heal Block - Psychic
Base Stats: 37 Agility - Psychic
HP: 8 43 Discharge - Electric
Attack: 11 49 Crunch - Dark
Defense: 7 § 55 Charge - Electric
Special Attack: 15 61 Nasty Plot - Dark
Special Defense: 8 § 67 Thunder - Electric
Speed: 10 73 Dark Pulse - Dark
79 Hammer Arm - Fighting
Basic Information 85 Thrash - Normal
Type : Electric / Flying
Basic Ability 1: Volt Absorb TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 1: Frisk A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up,
Adv Ability 2: Pride 10 Hidden Power, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Adv Ability 3: Lightning Rod Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack
High Ability: Drizzle Down, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 29
Psychic, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge
Evolution: Wave, 36 Sludge Bomb, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
1 - Thundurus 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 52 Focus
Blast, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 58 Sky Drop, 59
Size Information Incinerate, 63 Embargo, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact,
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Large) 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder Wave, 86 Grass Knot, 87
Weight : 134.5lbs. / 61kg (4) Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 91
Flash Cannon, 93 Wild Charge, 94 Rock Smash, 97
Breeding Information Dark Pulse
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days Charge (N), Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Hammer
Arm (N), Iron Tail, Knock Off, Nasty Plot (N), Role
Diet : Omnivore Play, Sleep Talk, Snore, Superpower, Thrash (N),
Habitat : Mountain Thunder Punch, Uproar

LANDORUS Incarnate Forme Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 5, Sky 8, Jump 2/2, Power 6,
Guster, Groundshaper, Therian Forme

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 5d6+3, Combat 4d6, Stealth 6d6+3,
Percep 4d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Block - Normal
1 Mud Shot - Ground
1 Rock Tomb - Rock
7 Imprison - Psychic
13 Punishment - Dark
19 Bulldoze - Ground
25 Rock Throw - Rock
31 Extrasensory - Psychic
37 Swords Dance - Normal
Base Stats: 43 Earth Power - Ground
HP: 9 49 Rock Slide - Rock
Attack: 13 § 55 Earthquake - Ground
Defense: 9 61 Sandstorm - Rock
Special Attack: 12 § 67 Fissure - Ground
Special Defense: 8 73 Stone Edge - Rock
Speed: 10 79 Hammer Arm - Fighting
85 Outrage - Dragon
Basic Information
Type : Ground / Flying TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Intimidate A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind, 06
Adv Ability 1: Frisk Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 15 Hyper
Adv Ability 2: Defiant Beam, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down,
Adv Ability 3: Run Away 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29 Psychic, 31
High Ability: Healer Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36
Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42
Evolution: Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 52 Focus
1 - Landorus Blast, 56 Fling, 64 Explosion, 66 Payback, 68 Giga
Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 75 Swords
Size Information Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass Knot, 87
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Large) Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94
Weight : 149.9 lbs. / 68kg (4) Rock Smash

Breeding Information Tutor Move List

Gender Ratio : No Gender Block, Earth Power, Fissure (N), Gravity,
Egg Group : None Hammer Arm (N), Iron Tail, Knock Off, Mud Shot
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days (N), Outrage (N), Role Play, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Stealth Rock, Superpower
Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Mountian *Therian Forme: The User changes to its Therian
Forme if holding a Reveal Glass, and uses its Incar-
nate Form otherise.

LANDORUS Therian Forme Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 6, Jump 3/3, Power 8,
Groundshaper, Mountable 1, Tremorsense

Skill List
Athl 6d6+3, Acro 3d6, Combat 5d6+3, Stealth
4d6+3, Percep 5d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Block - Normal
1 Mud Shot - Ground
1 Rock Tomb - Rock
7 Imprison - Psychic
13 Punishment - Dark
19 Bulldoze - Ground
25 Rock Throw - Rock
31 Extrasensory - Psychic
37 Swords Dance - Normal
Base Stats: 43 Earth Power - Ground
HP: 9 49 Rock Slide - Rock
Attack: 15 § 55 Earthquake - Ground
Defense: 9 61 Sandstorm - Rock
Special Attack: 11 § 67 Fissure - Ground
Special Defense: 8 73 Stone Edge - Rock
Speed: 9 79 Hammer Arm - Fighting
85 Outrage - Dragon
Basic Information
Type : Ground / Flying TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Sand Force A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind, 06
Adv Ability 1: Frisk Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 15 Hyper
Adv Ability 2: Defiant Beam, 17 Protect, 21 Frustration, 23 Smack Down,
Adv Ability 3: Run Away 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 29 Psychic, 31
High Ability: Healer Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 36
Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock Tomb, 42
Evolution: Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 52 Focus
1 - Landorus Blast, 56 Fling, 64 Explosion, 66 Payback, 68 Giga
Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 75 Swords
Size Information Dance, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass Knot, 87
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Large) Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 94
Weight : 149.9 lbs. / 68kg (4) Rock Smash

Breeding Information Tutor Move List

Gender Ratio : No Gender Block, Earth Power, Fissure (N), Gravity,
Egg Group : None Hammer Arm (N), Iron Tail, Knock Off, Mud Shot
Average Hatch Rate: 40 Days (N), Outrage (N), Role Play, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Stealth Rock, Superpower
Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Mountian

LUGIA Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 8, Sky 8, Jump 3/3, Power 7, Aura
Reader, Fountain, Gilled, Glow, Guster, Naturewalk
(Ocean), Telekinetic, Telepath, Mountable 3

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
5d6+6, Focus 6d6+6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Whirlwind - Normal
1 Weather Ball - Normal
9 Gust - Flying
15 Dragon Rush - Dragon
23 Extrasensory - Psychic
29 Rain Dance - Water
37 Hydro Pump - Water
§ 43 Aeroblast - Flying
Base Stats: 50 Punishment - Dark
HP: 11 57 Ancient Power - Rock
Attack: 9 65 Safeguard - Normal
Defense: 13 71 Recover - Normal
Special Attack: 9 79 Future Sight - Psychic
Special Defense: 15 85 Natural Gift - Normal
Speed: 11 93 Calm Mind - Psychic
§ 99 Sky Attack - Flying
Basic Information
Type : Psychic / Flying TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Pressure A2 Fly, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall,
Adv Ability 1: Multiscale A6 Dive, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 05 Roar,
Adv Ability 2: Swift Swim 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Adv Ability 3: Natural Cure Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 16
High Ability: Full Guard Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost,
20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Evolution: Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
1 - Lugia 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37
Sandstorm, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48
Size Information Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 57 Charge
Height : 17’ 1” / 5.2m (Huge) Beam, 58 Sky Drop, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73
Weight : 476.2 lbs. / 216kg (6) Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 82 Dragon
Tail, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Breeding Information Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Air Cutter, Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Body
Slam, Dive, Double-Edge, Dragon Pulse, Earth
Diet : Omnivore Power, Giga Drain, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Iron
Habitat : Arctic, Ocean Head, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Roost,
Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sky Attack, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Swift, Tailwind, Telekinesis, Trick, Twister,
Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt

HO-OH Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 3, Sky 8, Jump 3/3, Power 7, Aura
Reader, Firestarter, Glow, Guster, Heater, Telepath,
Mountable 3

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 5d6+3, Combat 4d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 6d6+6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Whirlwind - Normal
1 Weather Ball - Normal
9 Gust - Flying
15 Brave Bird - Flying
23 Extrasensory - Psychic
29 Sunny Day - Fire
37 Fire Blast - Fire
§ 43 Sacred Fire - Fire
Base Stats: 50 Punishment - Dark
HP: 11 57 Ancient Power - Rock
Attack: 13 65 Safeguard - Normal
Defense: 9 71 Recover - Normal
Special Attack: 11 79 Future Sight - Psychic
Special Defense: 15 85 Natural Gift - Normal
Speed: 9 93 Calm Mind - Psychic
§ 99 Sky Attack - Flying
Basic Information
Type : Fire / Flying TM/HM Move List
Basic Ability 1: Pressure A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind, 05 Roar,
Adv Ability 1: Regenerator 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper
Adv Ability 2: Sun Blanket Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19
Adv Ability 3: Weird Power Roost, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
High Ability: Life Force 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27
Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team,
Evolution: 33 Reflect, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire
1 - Ho-oh Blast, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 43 Flame Charge,
44 Rest, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 50 Overheat,
Size Information 51 Steel Wing, 57 Charge Beam, 58 Sky Drop, 59
Height : 12’ 6” / 3.8m (Huge) Incinerate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder
Weight : 438.7 lbs. / 199kg (5) Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 85 Dream Eater, 87
Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender Tutor Move List
Egg Group : None Air Cutter, Ancient Power, Double-Edge,
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Earth Power, Giga Drain, Heat Wave, Hyper Voice,
Iron Head, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Pluck, Roost,
Diet : Omnivore Signal Beam, Sky Attack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift,
Habitat : Mountain Tailwind, Telekinesis, Twister, Zen Headbutt

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 6d6+3, Combat 3d6, Stealth 5d6+3,
Percep 4d6, Focus 6d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Psywave - Psychic
1 Wish - Normal
1 Helping Hand - Normal
1 Safeguard - Normal
4 Water Sport - Water
7 Charm - Fairy
10 Stored Power - Psychic
13 Refresh - Normal
16 Heal Pulse - Psychic
20 Dragon Breath - Dragon
§ 24 Mist Ball - Psychic
§ 28 Psycho Shift - Psychic
Base Stats: 32 Recover - Normal
HP: 8 36 Reflect Type - Normal
Attack: 8 41 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
Defense: 9 46 Guard Split - Psychic
Special Attack: 11 51 Psychic - Psychic
Special Defense: 13 56 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Speed: 11 61 Healing Wish - Psychic

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Dragon / Psychic A1 Cut, A2 Fly, A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 01
Basic Ability 1: Levitate Hone Claws, 02 Dragon Claw, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind,
05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice
Adv Ability 1: Rocket Beam, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Adv Ability 2: Keen Eye Dance, 19 Roost, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Adv Ability 3: Telepathy 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 29
High Ability: Speed Boost Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37
Sandstorm, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract,
48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 53 Energy Ball, 57 Charge Beam,
Evolution: 65 Shadow Claw, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73
1 - Latias Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 85 Dream Eater, 86
Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute
Size Information
Height : 4’ 7” / 1.4m (Large) Tutor Move List
Weight : 88.2 lbs. / 40kg (3) Body Slam, Charm (N), Covet, Dive, Double-Edge, Draco
Meteor, Dragon Pulse (N), Fury Cutter, Guard Split (N), Heal
Breeding Information Pulse (N), Healing Wish (N), Helping Hand, Icy Wind, Last
Resort, Magic Coat, Magic Room, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Reflect
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F Type (N), Role Play, Roost, Sleep Talk, Snore, Sucker Punch,
Egg Group : None Swift, Tailwind, Telekinesis, Trick, Twister, Zen Headbutt
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Mega Evolution
Type: Unchanged
Diet : Omnivore Ability: Levitate
Habitat : Beach, Forest, Grassland, Mountain,
Ocean Stats: +2 Atk, +3 Def,
Capability List +3 Sp. Atk, +2 Sp. Def
Overland 6, Swim 4, Sky 8, Jump 2/2, Power 4, Aura
Reader, Guster, Telekinetic, Telepath, Mountable 1
Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 6d6+3, Combat 3d6, Stealth 5d6+3,
Percep 4d6, Focus 6d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Psywave - Psychic
1 Heal Block - Psychic
1 Helping Hand - Normal
1 Safeguard - Normal
4 Protect - Normal
7 Dragon Dance - Dragon
10 Stored Power - Psychic
13 Refresh - Normal
16 Heal Pulse - Psychic
20 Dragon Breath - Dragon
§ 24 Luster Purge - Psychic
§ 28 Psycho Shift - Psychic
Base Stats: 32 Recover - Normal
HP: 8 36 Telekinesis - Normal
Attack: 9 41 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
Defense: 8 46 Power Split - Psychic
Special Attack: 13 51 Psychic - Psychic
Special Defense: 11 56 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Speed: 11 61 Memento - Psychic

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Dragon / Psychic A1 Cut, A2 Fly, A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 01 Hone Claws,
Basic Ability 1: Levitate 02 Dragon Claw, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 05 Roar, 06
Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 15 Hyper
Adv Ability 1: Rocket Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost, 20
Adv Ability 2: Keen Eye Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Adv Ability 3: Telepathy Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
High Ability: Speed Boost 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37 Sandstorm, 40 Aerial Ace, 42
Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing, 53 Energy
Ball, 57 Charge Beam, 65 Shadow Claw, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga
Evolution: Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze,
1 - Latios 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Size Information
Height : 6’ 7” / 2m (Large) Tutor Move List
Weight : 132.3 lbs. / 60kg (3) Body Slam, Dive, Double-Edge, Draco Meteor, Dragon Dance
(N), Dragon Pulse (N), Fury Cutter, Heal Pulse (N), Helping
Breeding Information Hand, Icy Wind, Last Resort, Magic Coat, Memento (N), Mud-
Slap, Outrage, Power Split (N), Roost, Role Play, Sleep Talk,
Gender Ratio : 100% M / 0% F Snore, Sucker Punch, Swift, Tailwind, Telekinesis (N), Trick,
Egg Group : None Twister, Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Mega Evolution
Type: Unchanged
Diet: Omnivore Ability: Levitate
Habitat : Beach, Forest, Grassland, Mountain,
Ocean Stats: +4 Atk, +2 Def,
Capability List +3 Sp. Atk, +1 Sp. Def
Overland 6, Swim 4, Sky 8, Jump 2/2, Power 4, Aura
Reader, Guster, Telekinetic, Telepath, Mountable 1
Skill List
Athl 3d6+2, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth
4d6+3, Percep 4d6+2, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bubble - Water
1 Water Sport - Water
9 Charm - Fairy
16 Supersonic - Normal
24 Bubble Beam - Water
31 Acid Armor - Poison
39 Whirlpool - Water
46 Water Pulse - Water
§ 54 Aqua Ring - Water
61 Dive - Water
§ 69 Rain Dance - Water

Base Stats: TM/HM Move List

HP: 8 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 06 Toxic, 07
Attack: 8 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard,
Defense: 8 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21
Special Attack: 8 Frustration, 27 Return, 32 Double Team, 42 Facade,
Special Defense: 8 44 Rest, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 77 Psych
Speed: 8 Up, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89
U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 99 Dazzling Gleam
Basic Information
Type : Water Tutor Move List
Basic Ability 1: Hydration Ancient Power, Bounce, Covet, Dive, Heal
Basic Ability 2: Rain Dish Bell, Helping Hand, Icy Wind, Knock Off, Last
Adv Ability 1: Swift Swim Resort, Mud-Slap, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Adv Ability 2: Damp Swift, Uproar
High Ability: Absorb Force

1 - Phione

Size Information
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small)
Weight : 6.8 lbs. / 3.1kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Water 1 / Fairy
Average Hatch Rate: 25 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 4, Swim 6, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Naturewalk
(Ocean), Amorphous, Fountain, Gilled
Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 5d6+2, Combat 3d6, Stealth 4d6+3,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Bubble - Water
1 Tail Glow - Bug
1 Water Sport - Water
9 Charm - Fairy
16 Supersonic - Normal
24 Bubble Beam - Water
31 Acid Armor - Poison
39 Whirlpool - Water
46 Water Pulse - Water
§ 54 Aqua Ring - Water
61 Dive - Water
69 Rain Dance - Water
Base Stats: § 76 Heart Swap - Psychic
HP: 10
Attack: 10 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 10 A3 Surf, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive, 04 Calm
Special Attack: 10 Mind, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 13
Special Defense: 10 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Speed: 10 Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21
Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
Basic Information 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48
Type : Water Round, 53 Energy Ball, 55 Scald, 56 Fling, 68 Giga
Basic Ability 1: Hydration Impact, 70 Flash, 77 Psych Up, 86 Grass Knot, 87
Basic Ability 2: Rain Dish Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 99
Adv Ability 1: Swift Swim Dazzling Gleam
Adv Ability 2: Damp
High Ability: Absorb Force Tutor Move List
Ancient Power, Bounce, Covet, Dive, Heal
Evolution: Bell, Helping Hand, Icy Wind, Knock Off, Last
1 - Manaphy Resort, Mud-Slap, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep
Talk, Snore, Swift, Uproar
Size Information
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small)
Weight : 3.1 lbs. / 1.4kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : Water 1 / Fairy
Average Hatch Rate: 4 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Ocean

Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 8, Jump 2/2, Power 2, Naturewalk
(Ocean), Amorphous, Fountain, Gilled, Telepath

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Sky 6, Jump 2/2, Power 2,
Aura Reader, Glow, Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest),
Sprouter, Telekinetic, Telepath

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 6d6+2, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Confusion - Psychic
1 Heal Bell - Normal
1 Leech Seed - Grass
1 Recover - Normal
10 Safeguard - Normal
§ 19 Magical Leaf - Grass
28 Ancient Power - Rock
Base Stats: 37 Baton Pass - Normal
HP: 10 46 Natural Gift - Normal
Attack: 10 55 Heal Block - Psychic
Defense: 10 § 64 Future Sight - Psychic
Special Attack: 10 73 Healing Wish - Psychic
Special Defense: 10 § 82 Leaf Storm - Grass
Speed: 10 91 Perish Song - Normal

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Psychic / Grass A1 Cut, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Basic Ability 1: Natural Cure Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Adv Ability 1: Magic Guard Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21
Adv Ability 2: Probability Control Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
Adv Ability 3: Full Guard 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37
High Ability: Healer Sandstorm, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48
Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling,
57 Charge Beam, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73
Evolution: Thunder Wave, 75 Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up, 85
1 - Celebi Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 96
Size Information Nature Power, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 11 lbs. / 5kg (1) Tutor Move List
Ancient Power, Defense Curl, Double-Edge,
Breeding Information Earth Power, False Swipe, Giga Drain, Heal Bell,
Gender Ratio : No Gender Helping Hand, Last Resort, Magic Coat, Magic
Egg Group : None Room, Metronome, Mimic, Mud-Slap, Role Play,
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Seed Bomb, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Stealth Rock, Swift, Synthesis, Telekinesis,
Diet : Phototroph Trick, Uproar, Wonder Room, Worry Seed, Zen
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest Headbutt

Skill List
Athl 2d6, Acro 4d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 4d6,
Percep 5d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Confusion - Psychic
1 Wish - Normal
5 Rest - Psychic
10 Swift - Normal
15 Helping Hand - Normal
20 Psychic - Psychic
25 Refresh - Normal
30 Rest - Psychic
35 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
40 Double-Edge - Normal
45 Gravity - Psychic
§ 50 Healing Wish - Psychic
Base Stats: § 55 Future Sight - Psychic
HP: 10 60 Cosmic Power - Psychic
Attack: 10 65 Last Resort - Normal
Defense: 10 § 70 Doom Desire - Steel
Special Attack: 10
Special Defense: 10 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 10 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam,
Basic Information 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20
Type : Steel / Psychic Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Basic Ability 1: Serene Grace Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
Adv Ability 1: Wishmaster 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37 Sandstorm, 40
Adv Ability 2: Deep Sleep Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 44 Rest, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 3: Life Force 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 68 Giga
High Ability: Wonder Skin Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85
Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Evolution: Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon,
1 - Jirachi 92 Trick Room, 98 Power-Up Punch, 99 Dazzling
Size Information
Height : 1’ 0” / 0.3m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 2.4 lbs. / 1.1kg (1) Ancient Power, Body Slam, Defense Curl,
Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Gravity,
Breeding Information Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Defense,
Gender Ratio : No Gender Iron Head, Last Resort, Magic Coat, Magic Room,
Egg Group : None Metronome, Mimic, Moonblast, Mud-Slap, Recycle,
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Role Play, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Stealth Rock, Swift, Telekinesis, Thunder Punch,
Diet : Nullivore Trick, Uproar, Zen Headbutt
Habitat : Cave, Forest, Mountain, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 4, Sky 7, Jump 2/2, Power 2, Aura
Reader, Glow, Telekinetic, Telepath
VICTINI Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 4d6, Combat 5d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Confusion - Psychic
1 Focus Energy - Normal
1 Incinerate - Fire
1 Quick Attack - Normal
9 Endure - Normal
17 Headbutt - Normal
25 Flame Charge - Fire
33 Reversal - Fighting
41 Flame Burst - Fire
49 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
57 Inferno - Fire
65 Double-Edge - Normal
73 Flare Blitz - Fire
Base Stats: 81 Final Gambit - Fighting
HP: 10 89 Stored Power - Psychic
Attack: 10 97 Overheat - Fire
Defense: 10
Special Attack: 10 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 10 03 Psyshock, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Speed: 10 Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17
Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Basic Information 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
Type : Psychic / Fire 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
Basic Ability 1: Victory Star 35 Flamethrower, 38 Fire Blast, 42 Facade, 43 Flame
Adv Ability 1: Gluttony Charge, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 52 Focus
Adv Ability 2: Defiant Blast, 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 59
Adv Ability 3: Competitive Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 63 Embargo, 68 Giga
High Ability: Flash Fire Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 86
Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn,
Evolution: 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 93 Wild Charge, 94
1 - Victini Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 99 Dazzling
Gleam, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 8.8 lbs. / 4kg (1) Bounce, Fire Punch, Heat Wave, Helping Hand, Last
Resort, Magic Coat, Role Play, § Searing Shot, Signal
Breeding Information Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snore, Telekinesis,
Gender Ratio : No Gender Thunder Punch, Trick, Uproar, § V-Create, Work
Egg Group : None Up, Zen Headbutt
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Urban

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Sky 6, Jump 2/3, Power 3, Aura
Reader, Glow, Heater, Telekinetic, Telepath
SHAYMIN Land Forme Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Burrow 4, Jump 1/2, Power 2,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Sprouter, Telepath,
Sky Forme*, Forme Change

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 5d6+2,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growth - Normal
1 Defense Curl - Normal
10 Magical Leaf - Grass
19 Leech Seed - Grass
28 Synthesis - Grass
37 Sweet Scent - Normal
46 Natural Gift - Normal
55 Worry Seed - Grass
Base Stats: 64 Aromatherapy - Grass
HP: 10 § 73 Energy Ball - Grass
Attack: 10 82 Sweet Kiss - Fairy
Defense: 10 82 Grass Whistle - Grass
Special Attack: 10 91 Healing Wish - Psychic
Special Defense: 10 91 Lucky Chant - Normal
Speed: 10 § 100 Seed Flare - Grass

Basic Information TM/HM Move List

Type : Grass 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Basic Ability 1: Natural Cure Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21
Adv Ability 1: Leaf Guard Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
Adv Ability 2: Sol Veil 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 53
Adv Ability 3: Flower Veil Energy Ball, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords
High Ability: Magic Guard Dance, 77 Psych Up, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger,
88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature Power, 99
Evolution: Dazzling Gleam
1 - Shaymin
Tutor Move List
Size Information Covet, Earth Power, Endeavor, Giga Drain,
Height : 0’ 8” / 0.2m (Small) Last Resort, Mud-Slap, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Weight : 4.6 lbs. / 2.1kg (1) Swift, Synthesis, Worry Seed, Zen Headbutt

Breeding Information *Sky Forme

Gender Ratio : No Gender Shaymin can transform into its Sky Forme in
Egg Group : None sunlight when it has Gracidea, a rare type of flower,
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days nearby. Shaymin will be forced to revert into its
normal form if it is hit by an Ice Type Move, if it
Diet : Phototroph touches ice or if the sun is no longer shining
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

SHAYMIN Sky Forme Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Sprouter, Telepath

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 5d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6+1, Focus 3d6+1

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Growth - Normal
10 Magical Leaf - Grass
19 Leech Seed - Grass
28 Quick Attack - Normal
37 Sweet Scent - Normal
46 Natural Gift - Normal
55 Worry Seed - Grass
64 Air Slash - Flying
§ 73 Energy Ball - Grass
82 Sweet Kiss - Fairy
91 Leaf Storm - Grass
Base Stats: § 100 Seed Flare - Grass
HP: 10
Attack: 10 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 8 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Special Attack: 12 Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21
Special Defense: 8 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
Speed: 13 32 Double Team, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 53
Energy Ball, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 75 Swords
Basic Information Dance, 77 Psych Up, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger,
Type : Grass / Flying 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 96 Nature Power, 99
Basic Ability 1: Serene Grace Dazzling Gleam
Adv Ability 1: Leaf Guard
Adv Ability 2: Sol Veil Tutor Move List
Adv Ability 3: Rocket Covet, Earth Power, Endeavor, Giga Drain,
High Ability: Leaf Rush Last Resort, Mud-Slap, Seed Bomb, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Swift, Synthesis, Tailwind, Worry Seed, Zen
1 - Shaymin

Size Information
Height : 1’ 4” / 0.4m (Small)
Weight : 11.5 lbs. / 5.2kg (1)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Forest, Grassland

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 5, Sky 10, Jump 3/3, Power 2,
Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 3d6, Stealth 1d6, Percep
5d6, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Tackle - Normal
1 Harden - Normal
5 Rock Throw - Rock
8 Sharpen - Normal
12 Smack Down - Rock
18 Reflect - Psychic
21 Stealth Rock - Rock
27 Guard Split - Psychic
31 Ancient Power - Rock
35 Flail - Normal
40 Skill Swap - Psychic
46 Trick Room - Psychic
Base Stats: 49 Stone Edge - Rock
HP: 5 50 Moonblast - Fairy
Attack: 10 § 50 Diamond Storm - Rock
Defense: 15 60 Light Screen - Psychic
Special Attack: 10 70 Safeguard - Normal
Special Defense: 15
Speed: 5 TM/HM Move List
03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10
Basic Information Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam,
Type : Rock / Fairy 16 Light Screen, 16 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21
Basic Ability 1: Clear Body Frustration, 23 Smack Down, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
Adv Ability 1: Solid Rock 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37 Sandstorm, 39 Rock
Adv Ability 2: Magic Guard Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 64 Explosion,
Adv Ability 3: Illuminate 68 Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 70 Flash, 71
High Ability: Diamond Defense Stone Edge, 74 Gyro Ball, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock
Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92
Evolution: Trick Room, 94 Secret Power, 96 Nature Power, 99
1 - Diancie Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide

Size Information Tutor Move List

Height : 2’ 04” / .7m (Small) After You, Covet, Earth Power, Endeavor, Gravity,
Weight : 19.3 lbs. / 8.8 kg (1) Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Iron Defense, Last Resort,
Magnet Rise, Skill Swap, Snore, Stealth Rock,
Breeding Information Wonder Room
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Mega Evolution
Type: Unchanged
Diet : Omnivore Ability: Magic Bounce
Habitat : Cave
Stats: +6 Atk, -4 Def,
Capability List +6 Sp. Atk, -4 Sp. Def,
Overland 4, Swim 4, Levitate 8, Jump 2/2, Power 2, +6 Speed
Glow, Materializer, Naturewalk (Cave), Telepath
Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6, Percep
5d6+2, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Round - Normal
6 Quick Attack - Normal
11 Confusion - Psychic
16 Sing - Normal
21 Teeter Dance - Normal
26 Acrobatics - Flying
31 Psybeam - Psychic
36 Echoed Voice - Normal
43 U-turn - Bug
50 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
57 Psychic - Psychic
§ 64 Hyper Voice - Normal
Base Stats: 71 Role Play - Psychic
HP: 10 78 Close Combat - Fighting
Attack: 8 § 85 Perish Song - Normal
Defense: 8
Special Attack: 13 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 13 A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 03 Psyshock, 04
Speed: 9 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect,
Basic Information 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 24
Type : Normal / Psychic Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
Basic Ability 1: Serene Grace 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
Adv Ability 1: Soundproof 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 49
Adv Ability 2: Drown Out Echoed Voice, 52 Focus Blast, 53 Energy Ball, 56
Adv Ability 3: Own Tempo Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 62 Acrobatics, 63 Embargo,
High Ability: Lullaby 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga
Impact, 70 Flash, 71 Stone Edge, 73 Thunder Wave,
Evolution: 77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87
1 - Meloetta Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 92
Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch, 99
Size Information Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small)
Weight : 14.3 lbs. / 6.5kg (1) Tutor Move List
Covet, Drain Punch, Dual Chop, Fire Punch,
Breeding Information Gravity, Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Ice
Gender Ratio : No Gender Punch, Knock Off, Last Resort, Low Kick, Magic
Egg Group : None Coat, Magic Room, Recycle, § Relic Song, Role Play,
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore,
Telekinesis, Thunder Punch, Trick, Uproar, Wonder
Diet : Herbivore Room, Work Up, Zen Headbutt
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 3/3, Power 3, Forme
MELOETTA Step Form Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 5d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 4d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Round - Normal
6 Quick Attack - Normal
11 Confusion - Psychic
16 Sing - Normal
21 Teeter Dance - Normal
§ 26 Acrobatics - Flying
31 Psybeam - Psychic
36 Echoed Voice - Normal
43 U-turn - Bug
50 Wake-Up Slap - Fighting
57 Psychic - Psychic
64 Hyper Voice - Normal
71 Role Play - Psychic
Base Stats: § 78 Close Combat - Fighting
HP: 10 85 Perish Song - Normal
Attack: 13
Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 8 A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 03 Psyshock, 04
Special Defense: 8 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Speed: 13 Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect,
18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 24
Basic Information Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic,
Type : Normal / Fighting 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team,
Basic Ability 1: Serene Grace 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 49
Adv Ability 1: Soundproof Echoed Voice, 52 Focus Blast, 53 Energy Ball, 56
Adv Ability 2: Spining Dance Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 62 Acrobatics, 63 Embargo,
Adv Ability 3: Own Tempo 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga
High Ability: Lullaby Impact, 70 Flash, 71 Stone Edge, 73 Thunder Wave,
77 Psych Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87
Evolution: Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute, 92
1 - Meloetta Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch,
99 Dazzling Gleam, 100 Confide
Size Information
Height : 2’ 0” / 0.6m (Small) Tutor Move List
Weight : 14.3 lbs. / 6.5kg (1) Covet, Drain Punch, Dual Chop, Fire Punch,
Gravity, Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Hyper Voice, Ice
Breeding Information Punch, Knock Off, Last Resort, Low Kick, Magic
Gender Ratio : No Gender Coat, Magic Room, Recycle, § Relic Song, Role Play,
Egg Group : None Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore,
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Telekinesis, Thunder Punch, Trick, Uproar, Wonder
Room, Work Up, Zen Headbutt
Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 4, Jump 3/3, Power 3

DEOXYS Normal Forme
Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 3d6, Percep
5d6+2, Focus 5d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Wrap - Normal
7 Night Shade - Ghost
13 Teleport - Psychic
19 Knock Off - Dark
25 Pursuit - Dark
31 Psychic - Psychic
37 Snatch - Dark
43 Psycho Shift - Psychic
49 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
55 Cosmic Power - Psychic
§ 61 Recover - Normal
Base Stats: § 67 Psycho Boost - Psychic
HP: 5 § 73 Hyper Beam - Normal
Attack: 15
Defense: 5 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 15 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm
Special Defense: 5 Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Speed: 15 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard,
Basic Information 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Type : Psychic Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31
Basic Ability 1: Pressure Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 39 Rock
Adv Ability 1: Download Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Adv Ability 2: Perception 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 53 Energy
Adv Ability 3: Symbiosis Ball, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 68 Giga Impact,
High Ability: Transporter 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock
Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot,
Evolution: 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash
1 - Deoxys Cannon, 92 Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash, 97 Dark
Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch
Size Information
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 134 lbs. / 60.8kg (4) Ally Switch, Bind, Body Slam, Counter, Double-
Edge, Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch,
Breeding Information Gravity, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Knock Off, Low Kick,
Gender Ratio : No Gender Mega Kick, Magic Coat, Mega Punch, Mimic, Mud-
Egg Group : None Slap, Recycle, Role Play, Seismic Toss, Signal Beam,
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Stealth Rock,
Swift, Telekinesis, Thunder Punch, Trick, Wonder
Diet : Nullivore Room, Zen Headbutt
Habitat : Cave, Mountain
Capability List Deoxys may change into its different forms at-will as
Overland 8, Swim 5, Sky 7, Jump 2/2, Power 8, an Extended Action outside of battle.
Multiform*, Telekinetic, Telepath, Forme Change
DEOXYS Attack Forme
Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 6d6+2, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 5d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Wrap - Normal
7 Night Shade - Ghost
13 Teleport - Psychic
19 Taunt - Dark
25 Pursuit - Dark
31 Psychic - Psychic
§ 37 Superpower - Fighting
43 Psycho Shift - Psychic
49 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
55 Cosmic Power - Psychic
61 Zap Cannon - Electric
Base Stats: § 67 Psycho Boost - Psychic
HP: 5 § 73 Hyper Beam - Normal
Attack: 18
Defense: 2 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 18 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm
Special Defense: 2 Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Speed: 15 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard,
Basic Information 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Type : Psychic Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
Basic Ability 1: Weird Power 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 39
Adv Ability 1: Download Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Perception 44 Rest, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast,
Adv Ability 3: Symbiosis 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 68 Giga
High Ability: Transporter Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 80
Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass
Evolution: Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91
1 - Deoxys Flash Cannon, 92 Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash, 97
Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch
Size Information
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 134 lbs. / 60.8kg (4) Ally Switch, Bind, Body Slam, Counter, Double-
Edge, Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch, Gravity, Low
Breeding Information Kick, Magic Coat, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic,
Gender Ratio : No Gender Mud-Slap, Recycle, Role Play, Seismic Toss, Signal
Egg Group : None Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore,
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Superpower, Stealth Rock, Swift, Telekinesis, Trick,
Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt
Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Cave, Mountain Multiform
Deoxys may change into its different forms at-will as
Capability List an Extended Action outside of battle. Prepare stats
Overland 8, Swim 5, Sky 7, Jump 2/2, Power 8, for its four forms if you intend to use a Deoxys.
Multiform*, Telekinetic, Telepath
DEOXYS Defense Forme
Skill List
Athl 6d6+2, Acro 2d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 5d6, Focus 5d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Wrap - Normal
7 Night Shade - Ghost
13 Teleport - Psychic
19 Knock Off - Dark
25 Spikes - Ground
31 Psychic - Psychic
37 Snatch - Dark
43 Psycho Shift - Psychic
49 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
55 Amnesia - Psychic
55 Iron Defense - Steel
Base Stats: § 61 Recover - Normal
HP: 5 § 67 Psycho Boost - Psychic
Attack: 7 § 73 Counter - Fighting
Defense: 16 § 73 Mirror Coat - Psychic
Special Attack: 7
Special Defense: 16 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 9 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm
Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Basic Information 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Type : Psychic Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard,
Basic Ability 1: Sturdy 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Adv Ability 1: Download Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31
Adv Ability 2: Perception Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 39 Rock
Adv Ability 3: Symbiosis Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
High Ability: Transporter 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 53 Energy
Ball, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 68 Giga Impact,
Evolution: 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock
1 - Deoxys Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot,
87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash
Size Information Cannon, 92 Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash, 97 Dark
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Medium) Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch
Weight : 134 lbs. / 60.8kg (4)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Ally Switch, Bind, Body Slam, Counter, Double-
Gender Ratio : No Gender Edge, Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch, Gravity, Iron
Egg Group : None Defense, Knock Off, Low Kick, Magic Coat, Mega
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Mud-Slap, Recycle, Role
Play, Seismic Toss, Signal Beam, Skill Swap, Sleep
Diet : Nullivore Talk, Snatch, Snore, Stealth Rock, Swift, Telekinesis,
Habitat : Cave, Mountain Trick, Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt

Capability List Multiform

Overland 7, Swim 4, Sky 6, Jump 2/2, Power 9, Deoxys may change into its different forms at-will as
Multiform*, Telekinetic, Telepath an Extended Action outside of battle. Prepare stats
DEOXYS Speed Forme
Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 6d6+2, Combat 4d6, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 5d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Leer - Normal
1 Wrap - Normal
7 Night Shade - Ghost
13 Double Team - Normal
19 Knock Off - Dark
25 Pursuit - Dark
31 Psychic - Psychic
37 Swift - Normal
43 Psycho Shift - Psychic
49 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
55 Agility - Psychic
§ 61 Recover - Normal
Base Stats: § 67 Psycho Boost - Psychic
HP: 5 § 73 Extreme Speed - Normal
Attack: 10
Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 10 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm
Special Defense: 9 Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day,
Speed: 18 12 Taunt, 13 Ice Beam, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light
Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard,
Basic Information 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Type : Psychic Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
Basic Ability 1: Speed Boost 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 39
Adv Ability 1: Download Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 2: Perception 44 Rest, 47 Low Sweep, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast,
Adv Ability 3: Symbiosis 53 Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 68 Giga
High Ability: Transporter Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 80
Rock Slide, 84 Poison Jab, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass
Evolution: Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91
1 - Deoxys Flash Cannon, 92 Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash, 97
Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch
Size Information
Height : 5’ 7” / 1.7m (Medium) Tutor Move List
Weight : 134 lbs. / 60.8kg (4) Ally Switch, Bind, Body Slam, Counter, Double-
Edge, Drain Punch, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch,
Breeding Information Gravity, Ice Punch, Knock Off, Low Kick, Magic
Gender Ratio : No Gender Coat, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Mud-Slap,
Egg Group : None Recycle, Role Play, Seismic Toss, Signal Beam, Skill
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Swap, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Snore, Stealth Rock, Swift,
Telekinesis, Thunder Punch, Trick, Wonder Room,
Diet : Nullivore Zen Headbutt
Habitat : Cave, Mountain
Capability List Deoxys may change into its different forms at-will as
Overland 11, Swim 6, Sky 9, Jump 3/3, Power 6, an Extended Action outside of battle. Prepare stats
Multiform*, Telekinetic, Telepath for its four forms if you intend to use a Deoxys.
DARKRAI Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 4, Sky 8, Jump 2/3, Power 7, Aura
Reader, Darkvision, Dream Mist, Dream Reader,
Invisibility, Phasing, Telepath

Skill List
Athl 2d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 6d6+1,
Percep 4d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Disable - Normal
1 Ominous Wind - Ghost
1 Night Shade - Ghost
11 Quick Attack - Normal
20 Hypnosis - Psychic
29 Feint Attack - Dark
29 Pursuit - Dark
§ 38 Nightmare - Ghost
47 Double Team - Normal
Base Stats: 57 Haze - Ice
HP: 7 § 66 Dark Void - Dark
Attack: 9 75 Nasty Plot - Dark
Defense: 9 75 Embargo - Dark
Special Attack: 14 § 84 Dream Eater - Psychic
Special Defense: 9 93 Dark Pulse - Dark
Speed: 13
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 04 Calm Mind, 06
Type : Dark Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 13
Basic Ability 1: Bad Dreams Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect,
Adv Ability 1: Insomnia 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Adv Ability 2: Soulstealer Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31
Adv Ability 3: Dark Art Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 36 Sludge Bomb, 39
High Ability: Fade Away Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42 Facade,
44 Rest, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling,
Evolution: 57 Charge Beam, 59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 63
1 - Darkrai Embargo, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 67 Retaliate,
68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 75
Size Information Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 81
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Large) X-Scissor, 84 Poison Jab, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger,
Weight : 111.3 lbs. / 50.5kg (4) 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 95 Snarl,
97 Dark Pulse, 98 Power-Up Punch, 100 Confide
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender Tutor Move List
Egg Group : None Dark Pulse, Dark Void (N), Drain Punch,
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Foul Play, Icy Wind, Knock Off, Last Resort, Mud-
Slap, Ominous Wind, Phantom Force, Sleep Talk,
Diet : Nullivore Snatch, Snore, Spite, Sucker Punch, Swift, Trick,
Habitat : Forest, Non Space Wonder Room

CRESSELIA Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 4, Sky 7, Jump 1/2, Power 8, Aura
Reader, Dream Reader, Glow, Telekinetic, Telepath

Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 3d6+2, Stealth 4d6,
Percep 5d6+2, Focus 5d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Confusion - Psychic
1 Double Team - Normal
11 Safeguard - Normal
20 Mist - Ice
29 Aurora Beam - Ice
38 Future Sight - Psychic
47 Slash - Normal
§ 57 Moonlight - Fairy
§ 66 Psycho Cut - Psychic
Base Stats: 75 Psycho Shift - Psychic
HP: 12 § 84 Lunar Dance - Psychic
Attack: 7 93 Psychic - Psychic
Defense: 12 99 Moonblast - Fairy
Special Attack: 8
Special Defense: 13 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 9 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10
Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 15
Basic Information Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Type : Psychic Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Basic Ability 1: Levitate 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
Adv Ability 1: Serene Grace Team, 33 Reflect, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 45 Attract, 48
Adv Ability 2: Perception Round, 53 Energy Ball, 57 Charge Beam, 68 Giga
Adv Ability 3: Mind Mold Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 85
High Ability: Magic Bounce Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep
Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room
1 - Cresselia Tutor Move List
Fury Cutter, Gravity, Helping Hand, Icy
Size Information Wind, Lunar Dance (N), Magic Coat, Magic Room,
Height : 4’ 11” / 1.5m (Large) Moonlight (N), Mud-Slap, Psycho Cut (N), Psycho
Weight : 188.7 lbs. / 85.6kg (4) Shift (N), Recycle, Role Play, Signal Beam, Snore,
Swift, Telekinesis, Trick, Zen Headbutt
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : 0% M / 100% F
Egg Group : None
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days

Diet : Herbivore
Habitat : Forest, Rainforest

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 4d6, Combat 5d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6+2, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Ancient Power - Rock
1 Water Pulse - Water
5 Scary Face - Normal
15 Aqua Tail - Water
20 Body Slam - Normal
30 Aqua Ring - Water
35 Ice Beam - Ice
§ 45 Origin Pulse - Water
50 Calm Mind - Psychic
60 Muddy Water - Water
65 Sheer Cold - Ice
75 Hydro Pump - Water
Base Stats: 80 Double-Edge - Normal
HP: 10 § 90 Water Spout - Water
Attack: 10
Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 15 A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall, A6 Dive,
Special Defense: 14 04 Calm Mind, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden
Speed: 9 Power, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration,
Basic Information 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27
Type : Water Return, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 39 Rock
Basic Ability 1: Drizzle Tomb, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 55 Scald, 68
Adv Ability 1: Hydration Giga Impact, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78
Adv Ability 2: Swift Swim Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
Adv Ability 3: Water Absorb 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
High Ability: Rain Dish
Tutor Move List
Evolution: Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Block, Defense
1 - Kyogre Curl, Dive, Icy Wind, Iron Head, Mud-Slap, Signal
Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swift, Uproar
Size Information
Height : 14’ 9” / 4.5m (Gigantic)
Weight : 776 lbs. / 352kg (6)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Mega Evolution
Type: Unchanged
Diet : Omnivore Ability: Wash Away
Habitat : Arctic, Ocean
Stats: +5 Atk, +3 Sp.
Capability List Atk, +2 Sp. Def
Overland 4, Swim 12, Jump 1/1, Power 12, Fountain,
Gilled, Glow, Naturewalk (Ocean), Mountable 2
GROUDON Materializer, Mountable 1, Naturewalk (Mountain,
Cave), Tremorsense
Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 5d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 3d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Ancient Power - Rock
1 Mud Shot - Ground
5 Scary Face - Normal
15 Earth Power - Ground
20 Lava Plume - Fire
30 Rest - Psychic
35 Earthquake - Ground
§ 45 Precipice Blades - Ground
50 Bulk Up - Fighting
60 Solar Beam - Grass
65 Fissure - Ground
Base Stats: 75 Fire Blast - Fire
HP: 10 80 Hammer Arm - Fighting
Attack: 15 § 90 Eruption - Fire
Defense: 14
Special Attack: 10 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 9 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02 Dragon
Speed: 9 Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power,
11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard,
Basic Information 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam, 23 Smack Down, 24
Type : Ground Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28
Dig, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower,
Basic Ability 1: Drought
37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial
Adv Ability 1: Solar Power Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 50 Overheat, 52
Adv Ability 2: Sun Blanket Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 59 Incinerate, 65 Shadow Claw, 68
Adv Ability 3: Mold Breaker Giga Impact, 69 Rock Polish, 71 Stone Edge, 73 Thunder
High Ability: Sand Force Wave, 75 Swords Dance, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80
Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Evolution: Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 98 Power-Up Punch
1 - Groudon
Tutor Move List
Size Information Ancient Power, Block, Body Slam, Counter,
Height : 11’ 6” / 3.5m (Gigantic) Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Dragon Pulse, Dynamic
Weight : 2094.4 lbs. / 950kg (6) Punch, Earth Power, Fire Punch, Fury Cutter, Iron
Head, Iron Tail, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud-Slap,
Breeding Information Rollout, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth
Gender Ratio : No Gender Rock, Swift, Thunder Punch, Uproar
Egg Group : None
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Mega Evolution
Type: Ground/Fire
Diet : Omnivore Ability: Heat Mirage
Habitat : Cave, Desert, Mountain
Stats: +3 Atk, +2 Def,
Capability List +5 Sp. Atk
Overland 8, Swim 6, Burrow 8, Jump 2/2, Power
14, Firestarter, Groundshaper, Glow, Heater,
RAYQUAZA Mountable 3, Delta Evolver
Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 6d6+2, Combat 5d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Twister - Dragon
5 Scary Face - Normal
15 Ancient Power - Rock
20 Crunch - Dark
30 Air Slash - Flying
35 Rest - Psychic
§ 45 Extreme Speed - Normal
50 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
60 Dragon Dance - Dragon
§ 65 Fly - Flying
75 Hyper Voice - Normal
§ 80 Outrage - Dragon
Base Stats: 90 Hyper Beam - Normal
HP: 11
Attack: 15 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 9 A2 Fly, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall,
Special Attack: 15 A6 Dive, 01 Hone Claws, 02 Dragon Claw, 05 Roar,
Special Defense: 9 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Speed: 10 Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Basic Information Beam, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake,
Type : Dragon / Flying 27 Return, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 35
Basic Ability 1: Air Lock Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock
Adv Ability 1: Marvel Scale Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round,
Adv Ability 2: Rocket 49 Echoed Voice, 50 Overheat, 52 Focus Blast, 53
Adv Ability 3: Run Away Energy Ball, 56 Fling, 58 Sky Drop, 59 Incinerate,
High Ability: Pressure 65 Shadow Claw, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 73
Thunder Wave, 74 Gyro Ball, 75 Swords Dance, 77
Evolution: Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon
1 - Rayquaza Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94
Rock Smash
Size Information
Height : 23’ 0” / 7m (Gigantic) Tutor Move List
Weight : 455.3 lbs. / 206.5kg (6) Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Bind, Body Slam,
Dive, Double-Edge, Draco Meteor, Dragon Ascent,
Breeding Information Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Fury Cutter, Hyper
Gender Ratio : No Gender Voice, Icy Wind, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap,
Egg Group : None Outrage, Snore, Swift, Tailwind, Twister, Uproar
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Mega Evolution
Type: Unchanged
Diet : Omnivore Ability: Run Away
Habitat : Mountain
Stats: +3 Atk, +1 Def,
Capability List +3 Sp. Atk, +1 Sp. Def,
Overland 6, Swim 8, Sky 10, Burrow 6, Jump 6/6, +2 Speed
Power 11, Aura Reader, Glow, Guster, Telepath,
RESHIRAM Mountable 1
Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 5d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Dragon Rage - Dragon
1 Fire Fang - Fire
8 Imprison - Psychic
15 Ancient Power - Rock
22 Flamethrower - Fire
29 Dragon Breath - Dragon
36 Slash - Normal
43 Extrasensory - Psychic
§ 50 Fusion Flare - Fire
54 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
64 Imprison - Psychic
71 Crunch - Dark
Base Stats: § 78 Fire Blast - Fire
HP: 10 85 Outrage - Dragon
Attack: 12 92 Hyper Voice - Normal
Defense: 10 § 100 Blue Flare - Fire
Special Attack: 15
Special Defense: 12 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 9 A1 Cut, A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws,
02 Dragon Claw, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Basic Information Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17
Type : Dragon / Fire Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar
Basic Ability 1: Turboblaze Beam, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32
Adv Ability 1: Flash Fire Double Team, 33 Reflect, 35 Flamethrower, 38
Adv Ability 2: Sun Blanket Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 43 Flame
Adv Ability 3: Discipline Charge, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 50
High Ability: Inner Focus Overheat, 51 Steel Wing, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling,
59 Incinerate, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 65 Shadow Claw, 66
Evolution: Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 80 Rock
1 - Reshiram Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Substitute, 94 Rock Smash
Size Information
Height : 10’ 6” / 3.2m (Gigantic) Tutor Move List
Weight : 727.5 lbs. / 330kg (6) Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power,
Heat Wave, Hyper Voice, Outrage, Roost, Sleep Talk,
Breeding Information Snore, Tailwind, Zen Headbutt
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Non Space

Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 6, Sky 7, Jump 2/2, Power
10, Heater, Egg Warmer, Firestarter, Telepath,
Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 4d6+1, Combat 5d6, Stealth 2d6,
Percep 3d6, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Dragon Rage - Dragon
1 Thunder Fang - Electric
8 Imprison - Psychic
15 Ancient Power - Rock
22 Thunderbolt - Electric
29 Dragon Breath - Dragon
36 Slash - Normal
43 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
§ 50 Fusion Bolt - Electric
54 Dragon Claw - Dragon
64 Imprison - Psychic
71 Crunch - Dark
Base Stats: § 78 Thunder - Electric
HP: 10 85 Outrage - Dragon
Attack: 15 92 Hyper Voice - Normal
Defense: 12 § 100 Bolt Strike - Electric
Special Attack: 12
Special Defense: 10 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 9 A1 Cut, A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws,
02 Dragon Claw, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 15
Basic Information Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Type : Dragon / Electric Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt,
Basic Ability 1: Teravolt 25 Thunder, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
Adv Ability 1: Motor Drive 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 39 Rock Tomb, 42
Adv Ability 2: Hydration Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel
Adv Ability 3: Discipline Wing, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 57 Charge Beam,
High Ability: Inner Focus 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 70
Flash, 71 Stone Edge, 72 Volt Switch, 73 Thunder
Evolution: Wave, 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88
1 - Zekrom Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 93 Wild
Charge, 94 Rock Smash
Size Information
Height : 9’ 6” / 2.9m (Gigantic) Tutor Move List
Weight : 760.6 lbs. / 345kg (6) Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power,
Hyper Voice, Magnet Rise, Outrage, Roost, Signal
Breeding Information Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Tailwind, Thunder Punch,
Gender Ratio : No Gender Zen Headbutt
Egg Group : None
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Non Space

Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 6, Sky 7, Jump 2/2, Power 12,
Glow, Zapper, Telepath, Mountable 1

Skill List
Athl 6d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6+4, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Dragon Rage - Dragon
1 Icy Wind - Ice
8 Imprison - Psychic
15 Ancient Power - Rock
22 Ice Beam - Ice
29 Dragon Breath - Dragon
36 Slash - Normal
43 Scary Face - Normal
§ 50 Glaciate - Ice
57 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
64 Imprison - Psychic
Base Stats: 71 Endeavor - Normal
HP: 13 § 78 Blizzard - Ice
Attack: 13 85 Outrage - Dragon
Defense: 9 92 Hyper Voice - Normal
Special Attack: 13
Special Defense: 9 TM/HM Move List
Speed: 10 A1 Cut, A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02
Dragon Claw, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Basic Information Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 16
Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard,
Type : Dragon / Ice
21 Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball,
Basic Ability 1: Pressure 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 1: Winter’s Kiss 44 Rest, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 52
Adv Ability 2: Snow Cloak Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 68
Adv Ability 3: Trace Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon
High Ability: Inner Focus Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash
Cannon, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Kyurem Tutor Move List
Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power,
Size Information Endeavor, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Iron Head, Outrage,
Height : 9’ 10” / 3m (Gigantic) Roost, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Zen Headbutt
Weight : 716.5 lbs. / 325kg (6)
Dragon Fusion: The user can merge with a willing
Breeding Information Zekrom as an Extended Action to turn into the Zekrom
Gender Ratio : No Gender Fusion Forme, and with a willing Reshiram to turn into
Egg Group : None its Reshiram Fusion Forme. The respective Zekrom and
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Reshiram are absorbed and disappear while Fused. The
user may unmerge as an Extended Action, and its partner
Diet : Omnivore then reappears. All XP earned while Fused is split evenly
Habitat : Non Space between Kyurem and its partner.

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 6, Sky 6, Jump 2/2, Power 10,
Aura Reader, Chilled, Freezer, Telepath, Mountable
1, Dragon Fusion*, Forme Change
KYUREM Zekrom Fusion Forme
Skill List
Athl 6d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6+4, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Dragon Rage - Dragon
1 Icy Wind - Ice
8 Imprison - Psychic
15 Ancient Power - Rock
22 Ice Beam - Ice
29 Dragon Breath - Dragon
36 Slash - Normal
§ 43 Fusion Bolt - Electric
§ 50 Freeze Shock - Ice
57 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
64 Imprison - Psychic
71 Endeavor - Normal
Base Stats: § 78 Blizzard - Ice
HP: 13 85 Outrage - Dragon
Attack: 17 92 Hyper Voice - Normal
Defense: 10
Special Attack: 12 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 9 A1 Cut, A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws,
Speed: 10 02 Dragon Claw, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden
Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard,
Basic Information 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18
Type : Dragon / Ice Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 27
Basic Ability 1: Teravolt Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
Adv Ability 1: Motor Drive Team, 33 Reflect, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44
Adv Ability 2: Hydration Rest, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing,
Adv Ability 3: Discipline 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 65 Shadow Claw, 66
High Ability: Inner Focus Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 80 Rock
Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Evolution: Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Kyurem
Tutor Move List
Size Information Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power,
Height : 9’ 10” / 3m (Gigantic) Endeavor, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Iron Head,
Weight : 716.5 lbs. / 325kg (6) Outrage, Roost, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Zen
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Non Space

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 6, Sky 6, Jump 2/2,
Power 10, Aura Reader, Chilled, Freezer, Telepath,
Mountable 1

KYUREM Reshiram Fusion Forme
Skill List
Athl 6d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6+4, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Dragon Rage - Dragon
1 Icy Wind - Ice
8 Imprison - Psychic
15 Ancient Power - Rock
22 Ice Beam - Ice
29 Dragon Breath - Dragon
36 Slash - Normal
§ 43 Fusion Flare - Fire
§ 50 Ice Burn - Ice
57 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
64 Imprison - Psychic
71 Endeavor - Normal
Base Stats: § 78 Blizzard - Ice
HP: 13 85 Outrage - Dragon
Attack: 12 92 Hyper Voice - Normal
Defense: 9
Special Attack: 17 TM/HM Move List
Special Defense: 10 A1 Cut, A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws,
Speed: 10 02 Dragon Claw, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden
Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard,
Basic Information 15 Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18
Type : Dragon / Ice Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 27
Basic Ability 1: Turboblaze Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double
Adv Ability 1: Flash Fire Team, 33 Reflect, 39 Rock Tomb, 42 Facade, 44
Adv Ability 2: Sun Blanket Rest, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing,
Adv Ability 3: Discipline 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling, 65 Shadow Claw, 66
High Ability: Inner Focus Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 80 Rock
Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90
Evolution: Substitute, 91 Flash Cannon, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Kyurem
Tutor Move List
Size Information Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power,
Height : 9’ 10” / 3m (Gigantic) Endeavor, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Iron Head,
Weight : 716.5 lbs. / 325kg (6) Outrage, Roost, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Zen
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Non Space

Capability List
Overland 6, Swim 6, Sky 6, Jump 2/2,
Power 10, Aura Reader, Chilled, Freezer, Telepath,
Mountable 1

DIALGA Skill List
Athl 3d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6+3, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 5d6+4, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Dragon Breath - Dragon
1 Scary Face - Normal
6 Metal Claw - Steel
10 Ancient Power - Rock
16 Slash - Normal
19 Power Gem - Rock
24 Metal Burst - Steel
28 Dragon Claw - Dragon
33 Earth Power - Ground
§ 37 Aura Sphere - Fighting
42 Iron Tail - Steel
§ 46 Roar of Time - Dragon
50 Flash Cannon - Steel
Base Stats: 55 Heal Block - Psychic
HP: 10
Attack: 12 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 12 A1 Cut, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws, 02
Special Attack: 15 Dragon Claw, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 08 Bulk Up, 10
Special Defense: 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14
Speed: 9 Blizzard, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance,
20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25
Basic Information Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 31 Brick Break,
Type : Steel / Dragon 32 Double Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38
Basic Ability 1: Probability Control Fire Blast, 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade,
Adv Ability 1: Synchronize 44 Rest, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 50 Overheat,
Adv Ability 2: Telepathy 59 Incinerate, 65 Shadow Claw, 68 Giga Impact, 70
Adv Ability 3: Pressure Flash, 71 Stone Edge, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych
High Ability: Heavy Metal Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail,
87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash
Evolution: Cannon, 92 Trick Room, 94 Rock Smash
1 - Dialga
Tutor Move List
Size Information Ancient Power, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse,
Height : 17’ 9” / 5.4m (Gigantic) Earth Power, Fury Cutter, Gravity, Hyper Voice, Iron
Weight : 1505.8 lbs. / 683kg (6) Defense, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Magnet Rise,
Mud-Slap, Outrage, Sleep Talk, Snore, Stealth Rock,
Breeding Information Swift, Twister
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Non Space

Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 8, Sky 9, Jump 3/3, Power
10, Aura Reader, Telekinetic, Telepath, Mountable 2
PALKIA Telepath, Mountable 2
Skill List
Athl 5d6, Acro 3d6, Combat 5d6+3, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 4d6+4, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Dragon Breath - Dragon
1 Scary Face - Normal
6 Water Pulse - Water
10 Ancient Power - Rock
15 Slash - Normal
19 Power Gem - Rock
24 Aqua Tail - Water
28 Dragon Claw - Dragon
33 Earth Power - Ground
§ 37 Aura Sphere - Fighting
§ 46 Spacial Rend - Dragon
50 Hydro Pump - Dragon
Base Stats: 55 Heal Block - Psychic
HP: 9
Attack: 12 TM/HM Move List
Defense: 10 A1 Cut, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A6 Dive,
Special Attack: 15 01 Hone Claws, 02 Dragon Claw, 05 Roar, 06
Special Defense: 12 Toxic, 07 Hail, 08 Bulk Up, 10 Hidden Power, 11
Speed: 10 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15 Hyper
Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard,
Basic Information 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26
Type : Water / Dragon Earthquake, 27 Return, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
Basic Ability 1: Transporter Team, 35 Flamethrower, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast,
Adv Ability 1: Synchronize 39 Rock Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48
Adv Ability 2: Telepathy Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 52 Focus Blast, 56 Fling,
Adv Ability 3: Pressure 59 Incinerate, 65 Shadow Claw, 68 Giga Impact,
High Ability: Hydration 71 Stone Edge, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78
Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 87 Swagger,
Evolution: 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 94 Rock
1 - Palkia Smash

Size Information Tutor Move List

Height : 13’ 9” / 4.2m (Gigantic) Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Dive, Draco
Weight : 740.8 lbs. / 336kg (6) Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Fury Cutter,
Gravity, Hyper Voice, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Sleep
Breeding Information Talk, Snore, Swift, Twister
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days

Diet : Omnivore
Habitat : Non Space

Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 7, Sky 7, Teleporter 4,
Jump 4/4, Power 10, Aura Reader, Telekinetic,
GIRATINA Origin Forme Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 7, Sky 10, Burrow 3, Jump 2/2,
Power 14, Aura Reader, Darkvision, Forme Change,
Origin Forme*, Telekinetic, Telepath, Mountable 2

Skill List
Athl 6d6, Acro 5d6, Combat 5d6, Stealth 4d6, Percep
3d6+1, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Dragon Breath - Dragon
1 Scary Face - Normal
6 Ominous Wind - Ghost
10 Ancient Power - Rock
15 Slash - Normal
19 Shadow Sneak - Ghost
24 Destiny Bond - Ghost
28 Dragon Claw - Dragon
Base Stats: 33 Earth Power - Ground
HP: 15 § 37 Aura Sphere - Fighting
Attack: 12 42 Shadow Claw - Ghost
Defense: 10 § 46 Shadow Force - Ghost
Special Attack: 12 50 Hex - Ghost
Special Defense: 10 55 Heal Block - Psychic
Speed: 9
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 01 Hone Claws,
Type : Ghost / Dragon 02 Dragon Claw, 04 Calm Mind, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic,
Basic Ability 1: Levitate 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17
Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 24
Adv Ability 1: Bully
Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 29
Adv Ability 2: Telepathy Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace,
Adv Ability 3: Prime Fury 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel
High Ability: Soulstealer Wing, 53 Energy Ball, 57 Charge Beam, 61 Will-O-Wisp,
65 Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone
Evolution: Edge, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 82
1 - Giratina Dragon Tail, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk,
90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 97 Dark Pulse
Size Information
Height : 22’ 8” / 6.9m (Gigantic) Tutor Move List
Weight : 1433 lbs. / 650kg (6) Air Cutter, Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Dark Pulse,
Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Fury Cutter,
Gravity, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Iron Head, Iron Tail,
Breeding Information Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind, Outrage, Role
Gender Ratio : No Gender Play, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Swift, Tailwind, Telekinesis,
Egg Group : None Twister
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days
*Origin Forme
Diet : Omnivore Giratina is in its Origin Forme when in the Reverse
Habitat : Non Space World or when it holds part of Reverse World with
in, outside of the Reverse World. Otherwise, Giratina
changes into its Altered Forme.

GIRATINA Altered Forme Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 7, Sky 10, Burrow 3, Jump 2/2,
Power 14, Aura Reader, Darkvision, Telekinetic,
Telepath, Origin Forme, Mountable 2

Skill List
Athl 6d6, Acro 4d6, Combat 5d6, Stealth 3d6+1,
Percep 5d6, Focus 5d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Dragon Breath - Dragon
1 Scary Face - Normal
6 Ominous Wind - Ghost
10 Ancient Power - Rock
15 Slash - Normal
19 Shadow Sneak - Ghost
24 Destiny Bond - Ghost
28 Dragon Claw - Dragon
Base Stats: 33 Earth Power - Ground
HP: 15 § 37 Aura Sphere - Fighting
Attack: 10 42 Shadow Claw - Ghost
Defense: 12 § 46 Shadow Force - Ghost
Special Attack: 10 50 Hex - Ghost
Special Defense: 12 55 Heal Block - Psychic
Speed: 9
TM/HM Move List
Basic Information A1 Cut, A2 Fly, A4 Strength, 01 Hone
Type : Ghost / Dragon Claws, 02 Dragon Claw, 04 Calm Mind, 05 Roar, 06
Basic Ability 1: Pressure Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15 Hyper
Adv Ability 1: Bully Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safeguard,
Adv Ability 2: Telepathy 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26
Adv Ability 3: Prime Fury Earthquake, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow
High Ability: Soulstealer Ball, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44
Rest, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 51 Steel Wing, 53
Evolution: Energy Ball, 57 Charge Beam, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 65
1 - Giratina Shadow Claw, 66 Payback, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone
Edge, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze,
Size Information 82 Dragon Tail, 85 Dream Eater, 87 Swagger, 88
Height : 14’ 9” / 4.5m (Gigantic) Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash, 97 Dark
Weight : 1653.5 lbs. / 750kg (6) Pulse

Breeding Information Tutor Move List

Gender Ratio : No Gender Air Cutter, Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Dark
Egg Group : None Pulse, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power,
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Fury Cutter, Gravity, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Iron
Head, Iron Tail, Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Ominous
Diet : Omnivore Wind, Outrage, Pain Split, Role Play, Sleep Talk,
Habitat : Non Space Snore, Spite, Swift, Tailwind, Telekinesis, Twister

Capability List
Overland 8, Swim 5, Jump 3/4, Power 9, Naturewalk
(Grassland, Forest), Sprouter, Telepath, Mountable 2

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 4d6, Combat 4d6+2, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 4d6, Focus 6d6+2

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Heal Pulse - Psychic
1 Aromatherapy - Grass
1 Ingrain - Grass
1 Take Down - Normal
10 Light Screen - Psychic
15 Aurora Beam - Ice
22 Gravity - Psychic
28 Geomancy - Fairy
Base Stats: 36 Moonblast - Fairy
HP: 13 43 Megahorn - Bug
Attack: 13 51 Night Slash - Dark
Defense: 10 55 Horn Leech - Grass
Special Attack: 13 59 Psych Up - Normal
Special Defense: 10 63 Misty Terrain - Fairy
Speed: 10 72 Nature Power - Normal
80 Close Combat - Fighting
Basic Information 88 Giga Impact - Normal
Type : Fairy 93 Outrage - Dragon
Basic Ability 1: Type Aura (Fairy)
Adv Ability 1: Magic Guard TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 2: Pressure A1 Cut, 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 05 Roar, 06
Adv Ability 3: Wonder Skin Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 15
High Ability: Life Force Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Dance, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder,
Evolution: 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect,
1 - Xerneas 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 49 Echoed Voice, 52
Focus Blast, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder
Size Information Wave, 77 Psych Up, 80 Rock Slide, 86 Grass Knot,
Height : 9’ 10” / 3m (Huge) 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash
Weight : 474 lbs. / 215 kg (6) Cannon, 96 Nature Power, 99 Dazzling Gleam, 100
Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : Genderless Tutor Move List
Egg Group : None Block, Endeavor, Gravity, Hyper Voice, Outrage,
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Snore, Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt

Diet : Phototroph
Habitat : Grassland, Forest

YVELTAL Capability List
Overland 5, Swim 5, Sky 8, Jump 2/2, Power 8,
Guster, Darkvision, Mindlock, Mountable 2

Skill List
Athl 4d6, Acro 6d6+2, Combat 5d6+2, Stealth 3d6,
Percep 4d6+2, Focus 4d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Hurricane - Flying
1 Razor Wind - Normal
1 Taunt - Dark
1 Roost - Flying
10 Double Team - Normal
15 Air Slash - Flying
22 Snarl - Dark
28 Oblivion Wing - Flying
36 Disable - Normal
Base Stats: 43 Dark Pulse - Dark
HP: 13 51 Foul Play - Dark
Attack: 13 55 Phantom Force - Ghost
Defense: 10 59 Psychic - Psychic
Special Attack: 13 63 Dragon Rush - Dragon
Special Defense: 10 72 Focus Blast - Fighting
Speed: 10 80 Sucker Punch - Dark
88 Hyper Beam - Normal
Basic Information 93 Sky Attack - Flying
Type : Dark / Flying
Basic Ability 1: Type Aura (Dark) TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 1: Mold Breaker A1 Cut, A2 Fly, 01 Hone Claws, 02 Dragon Claw, 06
Adv Ability 2: Pressure Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15
Adv Ability 3: Cruelty Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 19 Roost,
High Ability: Soulstealer 21 Frustration, 27 Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow
Ball, 32 Double Team, 40 Aerial Ace, 41 Torment, 42
Evolution: Facade, 44 Rest, 46 Thief, 48 Round, 51 Steel Wing,
1 - Yveltal 58 Sky Drop, 62 Acrobatics, 63 Embargo, 65 Shadow
Claw, 68 Giga Impact, 80 Rock Slide, 85 Dream Eater,
Size Information 87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 89 U-Turn, 90 Substitute,
Height : 19’ 00” / 5.8m (Huge) 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse, 100 Confide
Weight : 447.5 lbs. / 203 kg (6)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Block, Foul Play, Heat Wave, Hyper Voice, Knock
Gender Ratio : Genderless Off, Sky Attack, Snore, Tailwind, Zen Headbutt
Egg Group : None
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days

Diet : Carnivore
Habitat : Mountain

ZYGARDE Capability List
Overland 7, Swim 5, Burrow 9, Jump 2/2, Power 9,
Darkvision, Groundshaper, Tremorsense, Mountable

Skill List
Athl 4d6+2, Acro 3d6, Combat 4d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 6d6+2, Focus 5d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Glare - Normal
1 Bulldoze - Ground
1 Dragon Breath - Dragon
1 Bite - Dark
10 Safeguard - Normal
15 Dig - Ground
22 Bind - Normal
28 Land’s Wrath - Ground
Base Stats: 36 Sandstorm - Ground
HP: 11 43 Haze - Ice
Attack: 10 51 Crunch - Dark
Defense: 12 55 Earthquake - Ground
Special Attack: 8 59 Camouflage - Normal
Special Defense: 10 63 Dragon Pulse - Dragon
Speed: 10 72 Dragon Dance - Dragon
80 Coil - Poison
Basic Information 88 Extreme Speed - Normal
Type : Dragon / Ground 93 Outrage - Dragon
Basic Ability 1: Aura Break
Adv Ability 1: Interference TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 2: Air Lock A4 Strength, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden Power, 11 Sunny
Adv Ability 3: Filter Day, 15 Hyper Beam, 17 Protect, 20 Safeguard, 21
High Ability: Pressure Frustration, 26 Earthquake, 27 Return, 28 Dig, 31
Brick Break, 32 Double Team, 34 Sludge Wave, 37
Evolution: Sandstorm, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round, 52 Focus
1 - Zygarde Blast, 68 Giga Impact, 71 Stone Edge, 78 Bulldoze,
80 Rock Slide, 82 Dragon Tail, 86 Grass Knot, 87
Size Information Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 94 Rock Smash,
Height : 16’ 05” / 5m (Huge) 100 Confide
Weight : 672.4 lbs. / 305 kg (6)
Tutor Move List
Breeding Information Bind, Block, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Earth
Gender Ratio : Genderless Power, Hyper Voice, Iron Tail, Outrage, Pain Split,
Egg Group : None Shock Wave, Snore, Spite, Superpower, Zen Headbutt
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : Cave

ARCEUS Telekinetic, Telepath, Mountable 2
Skill List
Athl 4d6+3, Acro 4d6+3, Combat 4d6+3, Stealth
4d6+3, Percep 4d6+3, Focus 4d6+3

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Cosmic Power - Psychic
1 Natural Gift - Normal
1 Punishment - Dark
1 Seismic Toss - Fighting
10 Gravity - Psychic
20 Earth Power - Ground
§ 30 Hyper Voice - Normal
40 Extreme Speed - Normal
50 Refresh - Normal
60 Future Sight - Psychic
70 Recover - Normal
§ 80 Hyper Beam - Normal
Base Stats: 90 Perish Song - Normal
HP: 12 § 100 Judgment - Normal
Attack: 12
Defense: 12 TM/HM Move List
Special Attack: 12 A1 Cut, A2 Fly, A3 Surf, A4 Strength, A5 Waterfall,
Special Defense: 12 01 Hone Claws, 02 Dragon Claw, 03 Psyshock, 04
Speed: 12 Calm Mind, 05 Roar, 06 Toxic, 07 Hail, 10 Hidden
Power, 11 Sunny Day, 13 Ice Beam, 14 Blizzard, 15
Basic Information Hyper Beam, 16 Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain
Type : Normal Dance, 20 Safeguard, 21 Frustration, 22 Solar Beam,
Basic Ability 1: Multitype 24 Thunderbolt, 25 Thunder, 26 Earthquake, 27
Adv Ability 1: Magic Guard Return, 29 Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break,
Adv Ability 2: Pressure 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 35 Flamethrower, 36
Adv Ability 3: Regenerator Sludge Bomb, 37 Sandstorm, 38 Fire Blast, 39 Rock
High Ability: Adaptability Tomb, 40 Aerial Ace, 42 Facade, 44 Rest, 48 Round,
49 Echoed Voice, 50 Overheat, 52 Focus Blast,
Evolution: 53 Energy Ball, 57 Charge Beam, 59 Incinerate,
1 - Arceus 60 Quash, 61 Will-O-Wisp, 65 Shadow Claw, 66
Payback, 67 Retaliate, 68 Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 71
Size Information Stone Edge, 73 Thunder Wave, 75 Swords Dance, 77
Height : 10’ 6” / 3.2m (Gigantic) Psych Up, 78 Bulldoze, 80 Rock Slide, 81 X-Scissor,
Weight : 705.5 lbs. / 320kg (6) 84 Poison Jab, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot,
87 Swagger, 88 Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 91 Flash
Breeding Information Cannon, 92 Trick Room, 95 Snarl, 97 Dark Pulse
Gender Ratio : No Gender
Egg Group : None Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Dark Pulse, Dive, Draco
Meteor, Earth Power, Fury Cutter, Giga Drain,
Diet : Nullivore Gravity, Headbutt, Heat Wave, Hyper Voice, Icy
Habitat : Non Space Wind, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Last
Resort, Magic Coat, Mud-Slap, Ominous Wind,
Capability List Outrage, Recycle, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore,
Overland 9, Swim 5, Sky 4, Jump 2/2, Power Stealth Rock, Tailwind, Trick, Twister, Zen Headbutt
10, Aura Reader, Darkvision, Glow, Invisibility,
HOOPA Confined Capability List
Overland 3, Levitate 5, Teleporter 10, Jump 2/2,
Power 2, Darkvision, Confined*, Forme Change

Skill List
Athl 3d6 Acro 4d6, Combat 2d6, Stealth 4d6+2,
Percep 6d6+2, Focus 3d6

Move List
Level Up Move List
1 Ally Switch - Psychic
1 Destiny Bond - Ghost
1 Trick - Psychic
1 Confusion - Psychic
6 Astonish - Ghost
10 Magic Coat - Psychic
15 Light Screen - Psychic
19 Psybeam - Psychic
25 Skill Swap - Psychic
Base Stats: 29 Guard Split - Psychic
HP: 8 29 Power Split - Psychic
Attack: 11 35 Phantom Force - Ghost
Defense: 6 46 Zen Headbutt - Psychic
Special Attack: 15 50 Trick Room - Psychic
Special Defense: 13 50 Wonder Room - Psychic
Speed: 7 55 Shadow Ball
68 Nasty Plot
Basic Information 75 Psychic
Type : Psychic / Ghost 85 Hyperspace Hole
Basic Ability 1: Magician
Adv Ability 1: Prankster TM/HM Move List
Adv Ability 2: Run Away 03 Psyshock, 04 Calm Mind, 06 Toxic, 10 Hidden
Adv Ability 3: Bully Power,11 Sunny Day, 12 Taunt, 15 Hyper Beam, 16
High Ability: Handyman Light Screen, 17 Protect, 18 Rain Dance, 20 Safe-
guard, 21 Frustration, 24 Thunderbolt, 27 Return, 29
Evolution: Psychic, 30 Shadow Ball, 31 Brick Break, 32 Double
1 - Hoopa Team, 33 Reflect, 41 Torment, 42 Facade, 44 Rest,
Thief, 48 Round, 52 Focus Blast, 53 Energy Ball, 56
Size Information Fling, 57 Charge Beam, 60 Quash, 63 Embargo, 68
Height : 1’8” / .051m (Small) Giga Impact, 70 Flash, 73 Thunder Wave, 77 Psych
Weight : 19.8 lbs. / 9 kg (1) Up, 85 Dream Eater, 86 Grass Knot, 87 Swagger, 88
Sleep Talk, 90 Substitute, 92 Trick Room, 98 Power-
Breeding Information Up Punch, 100 Confide
Gender Ratio : Genderless
Egg Group : None Tutor Move List
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days Hyperspace Hole (N), Block, Covet, Drain Punch,
Dual Chop, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Foul Play,
Diet : Nullivore Gravity, Gunk Shot, Ice Punch, Knock Off , Last
Habitat : ??? Resort, Magic Coat, Magic Room, Recycle, Role Play,
Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Snatch, Snore, Thunder
Punch, Trick, Uproar, Wonder Room,
Zen Headbutt (N)

HOOPA Unbound Capability List
Overland 10, Swim 5, Teleporter 8, Jump 4/4, Power
9, Darkvision

Skill List
Athl 5d6+2, Acro 4d6, Combat 5d6+2, Stealth 1d6,
Percep 2d6, Focus 2d6

Confined: If Hoopa’s Confined Form is exposed to

the Prison Bottle and the bottle is uncorked, the dark
spirit within the bottle will change Hoopa to its
Unbound Forme for three full days. After that, the
Prison Bottle cannot be activated again for three
days. If the Prison Bottle is destroyed, Hoopa be-
comes permanently Unbound until a new Prison
Bottle is created and used to seal the dark power
controlling Hoopa.
Base Stats:
HP: 8 While Unbound, Hoopa is always Enraged and can-
Attack: 16 not be cured of this condition. Additionally some of
Defense: 6 its Ghost-Typed Moves are changed to different Dark
Special Attack: 17 Type Moves.
Special Defense: 13
Speed: 8 -> Hyperspace Hole becomes Hyperspace Fury.
-> Shadow Ball becomes Dark Pulse
Basic Information -> Phantom Force becomes Knock Off
Type : Psychic / Dark
Basic Ability 1: Magician
Adv Ability 1: Enduring Rage
Adv Ability 2: Cruelty
Adv Ability 3: Bully
High Ability: Weird Power

1 - Hoopa

Size Information
Height : 21’ 05” / 5m (Gigantic)
Weight : 1080.3 lbs. / 490 kg (6)

Breeding Information
Gender Ratio : Genderless
Egg Group : None
Average Hatch Rate: 75 Days

Diet : Nullivore
Habitat : ???

Pokémon® is a trademark of Nintendo and does not sponsor, authorize or endorse Pokémon:
Tabletop United. Pokémon: Tabletop United is a free use fan distribution by fans, for fans of
both tabletop RPG’s and Pokémon®.

Accreditation + Special Thanks

- Head of Design: Paradox (aka Doxy)
- Design Team: Castfromhp, Zoofman
- Special Thanks to: KujiUn, KamenWriter
- A huge thanks to Dr. Mr. Stark and everyone else involved in creating and designing
Pokémon Tabletop Adventures, without which this endeavor would have never started.
- Thanks to everyone in the community that has helped report errors or talked to us about

Sources of Information:
- Special Thanks to Bulbapedia, and to Poké whose Type Chart we stole

Sources of Images:
- Special Thanks to various artists found on safebooru or otherwise on the internet; all
images stolen shamelessly from there, and copyright of their original creators. If you created
an image and wish for us to remove it, contact Doxy in the forum linked below and it will be

Zetaboards Pokémon Tabletop forum-
Doxy’s personal email:
/tg/ - Traditional Games
#PokemonTabletop on the Rizon IRC network at

Original game Copyright (©) Nintendo.

Copyright Nintendo/Game Freak, 1996-2013.

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