Gage Atm O: PG 500 Kpa

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1. The pressure gage on 2.5 m³ oxygen tank reads 500 KPa.

Determine the amount of oxygen in the

tank if the temperature is 28°C and the atmospheric pressure is 97 KPa.
Pg=500 KPa
Given: Required:
V=2.5m³ amount of oxygen=?
P=500 KPa V=2.5 m³
T=28°C Formulas:
Patm=97 KPa a.) Pgage= P + Patm T=28°C
Ro =0.2598 b.) m=PV/RT

a.) P=97KPa + 500 KPa
P= 597 KPa
b.) m= 597 KPa (2.5m³)/(0.2598)(28° + 273.15)
m=19.08 kg

2. A 400-L tank contains 5kg of air at 25°C. Determine the reading in the pressure gage if the
atmospheric pressure is 97 KPa.
Given: Required: FIGURE: Patm=97K
V= 400-L=0.4 m³ Pgage= ? Pa
m=5 kg of air
T= 25°C+ 273.15=298 K 5kg
Patm=97 KPa 25°C

Assmptions: @ specified conditions, air behaves as an ideal gas
Properties: The gas constant of air is R=0.287 KPa.m³/kg.K (Table A)
Analysis: Treating the air as ideal gas, the absolute pressure in the tank is determined from
P=5kg(0.287 KPa.m³/kg.K)(298.15K)/0.4m³
P=1069.6 KPa
Thus the Pgageis
Pgage=P – Patm=1069.6KPa – 97 KPa=972.6 KPa
3. A 1-m³ tank containing air @ 25°C and 500KPa is connected through the valve to another tank
containing 5kg of air is at 35°C and 200 KPa. Now the valve is opened and the entire system is
allowed to reach thermal equilibrium with the surrounding which is at 20°C.Determine the volume of
the second tank and the final equilibrium pressure of air.

Given: Required: FIGURE:

V1=1-m³ V2=?
T1=25°C +273.15=298.15K Pf=? AIR
P1=500 KPa M=5kg
M2=5kg T=25°C T=35°C
(T2)1=35°C+25°C+273.15=333.15K P=500KP P=200K
(T2)2=20°C+ 273.15=293.15K a Pa

Assumptions: All air is an ideal gas.
a.) M1=P1V1/RT1
M1=5.84 kg

b.) V2=m2RT2/P2
V2=4kg (0.287kJ/kg.K)(333.15K)/(200KN/m²)
V2=1.91 m³

c.) Mt=m1+m2
Mt=4 kg + 5.84 kg
Mt=9.84 kg
Vt=1m³ + 1.91 m³
Vt=2.91 m³

d.) P2=MtR(T2)2/Vt
P2=9.84 kg(0.287kJ/kg.K)(293.15K)/2.91m³
P2=284.5 KPa
4. The pressure in an automobile tire depends on the temperature of the air in the tire. When the air
temperature is 25°C, the pressure gage reads 210KPa. If the volume of the tire is 0.025 m³, determine
the pressure rise in the tire when the air temperature in the tire rises to 50°C. Also, determine the
amount of air that must be bled off to restore pressure to its original value at this temperature.
Assume the atmospheric pressure is 100 KPa.

Given: Required:
V=0.025m³ PRise =?
T1=25°C +273.15=298.15K Mair=?

 The air behaves as an ideal gas.
 The volume of the tire remains constant
The gas constant for air is 0.287kJ/kg. K.

a.) The absolute pressure in the tire is
P1=210KPa + 100KPa

 The final pressure in the tire can be determined using ideal gas equation where
Since the volume in the tire remains constant
P2=T2 (P1)/T1
P2=323.15K (310KPa)/298.15K
 The pressure rise in the tire is
P=P2 – P1=336KPa – 310KPa=26KPa
b.) The amount of the air that needs to be bled off to release the pressure to its original value is determined
M1=0.0906 kg

M2=310KPa (0.025m³)/(0.287kJ/kg.K)(1KPa.m³/1kJ)(323.15K)
M2=0.0836 kg
 The change in the mass of the air is given as
M=M1 – M2=0.0906kg – 0.0863kg=0.0043kg

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