Compare Contrast Assignment Ice Cream

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Open up a GoogleDoc. Make the title of the file Compare Contrast/“As
Good as Ice Cream”

Type the heading starting at the left

Last Name, First Name

ELA Reading/Language/Spelling


Comparison Contrast - As good as Ice Cream/SLES 4 and 6

Now, make a chart with two columns and four rows. The first
column will be similarities, and the second column will be

Look at your Venn Diagram. Take there similarities and put them i
n the similarities column.

When you have done that, take three differences, and put them in
the differences column.
1. Now you will write an introductory sentence. This sentence
should mention the two things you are comparing (ice cream/soft
serve fruit.) and express that they are alike or similar. Use your
own words please.
II. Now, write two or three sentences that discuss one of your
similarities. Use one of the comparison keywords I have uploaded
at my website.
III. Now, write two or three sentences that discuss another of
your similarities. Use a different comparison keyword I have
uploaded at my website.
IV. Now, write two or three sentences that discuss another one
of your similarities. Use a third comparison keyword I have
uploaded at my website.
Now, give me a nice concluding sentence, perhaps a paraphrase
of your introductory sentence.)
1. Now you will write an introductory sentence for the contrast
paragraph.You will need to find some way to connect this
paragraph with your similarities paragraph. This sentence should
mention the two things you are comparing (ice cream/soft serve
fruit.) and express that they are not alike or dissimilar. Use your
own words please.
II. Now, write two or three sentences that discuss one of your
differences. Use one of the contrast keywords I have uploaded at
my website.
III. Now, write two or three sentences that discuss another of
your differences. Use a different contrast keyword I have
uploaded at my website.
IV. Now, write two or three sentences that discuss another one
of your differences. Use a third contrast keyword I have uploaded
at my website.
Now, give me a nice concluding sentence, perhaps a paraphrase
of your introductory sentence.)
You are done!!!

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