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School Management

1. Make a list of tasks of a principal you think should be performed in the course of a year in order for
the school to be managed effectively.

2. Which of these do you think are the most important and central responsibilities and tasks?

3, In your opinion, what should be the mission of every school?

4. Devise long-term aims and short-term objectives on the basis of a school’s mission that reads,
“The academic mission of St. Mary Primary School is to maximize learning opportunities for each

5. Comment on the Statement: “Many schools accomplish very little during the opening week/weeks
of the school year because of confusion and disorganization that results from lack of prior careful
planning and schedule making.”

6. How will the following factors limit the freedom of the head in designing school timetable?

7. What is the practice that is prevailing in schools while assigning teachers in the various grades?

8. Most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have a very high dropout rate. Our country may not be an
exception in this. What do you think could be the main reasons for this?

9. Educators suggest and argue that priority should be given to the lower grades and that experienced
and competent teachers should be assigned in grade 1 as much as possible. What is your position on
this viewpoint? Why?

10. What is the purpose of staff evaluation?

11. Should staff evaluation systems and strategies be uniform in all schools?

12. How frequently should teachers’ performance appraisals be conducted? Why?

13. Discuss and give instances that you have observed for each of the potential errors in performance
appraisals in schools.

14. What do you think is the perception of teachers on the teacher performance appraisal system?

15. What are the weaknesses and strengths of the current teachers’ performance appraisal system in
our country?

16. Identify some support services for teachers and pupils in your area. Are they effective? Why?

17. Organizational climate has a direct bearing on the effectiveness of a school. The creation of a
positive organizational climate is an important element of the principal’s instructional leadership. List
the matters a principal should attend to in creating a positive school climate.

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