Gracia Clinic: Medical Certificate

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Jl. Gatot Subroto Tengah No. 100 K

Email :


Name : Kiu Tie Sex : Male

Age : 9 month Nationality : Taiwan
Address at Bali : Hilton Bali resort Room Number : 712


Chief complaint : fever
Patient (baby) come to clinic with chief complaint fever since yesterday. Patient also complain of flu
and wet cough. Patient have had taken antipyretic drug which his mother brought by herself from her
country. Patient have no complain of urination and defecation. He also have good appetite . No history
of allergic to medicine.

o Pulse : 88 times/minute;
o Respiration Rate : 18 times/minute
o Temperature : 38,22̊ C
o Blood Pressure : -
o Body weight : 10 kg
 Status General
Eye : no sign of anemia, not icteric, shrunken eyes -/-
ENT : elaborated more in local examination
Chest : Heart : S1S2 Single regular, murmur (-)
Lung : ves +/+, rh -/-, wh -/-
Abdomen : bowel sound (+) normal, distention (-)
Extremity : Warm on four extremities, CRT < 2 sec
Local Examination :
ENT: pharynghiperemis (+), mucous (+)
DIAGNOSA : Acute Pharyngitis

THERAPY : - Praxion syr (paracetamol micronized) 3 x 5 cc

- Alco syr (Pseudoephedrine HCl) 3 x 5 cc

PLANNING : If the fever doesn’t relieve in 3 days, please check blood analysis

SUGGESTION : - warm compress in his body

- take plenty of warm water
- avoid any seasoning until symptomps relieved

Bali, February 1 st 2017

dr. Krisna Bayu

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