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North American Journal of Aquaculture 66:198–207, 2004

q Copyright by the American Fisheries Society 2004

Application of Chemical Coagulation Aids for the Removal of

Suspended Solids (TSS) and Phosphorus from the Microscreen
Effluent Discharge of an Intensive Recirculating
Aquaculture System
The Conservation Fund Freshwater Institute, Shepherdstown, West Virginia 25443, USA

U.S. Geological Survey, Leetown Science Center,
Kearneysville, West Virginia 25430, USA

The Conservation Fund Freshwater Institute,
Shepherdstown, West Virginia 25443, USA

Abstract.—An evaluation of two commonly used coagulation–flocculation aids (alum and ferric
chloride) was conducted to determine optimum conditions for treating the backwash effluent from
microscreen filters in an intensive recirculating aquaculture system. Tests were carried out to
evaluate the dosages and conditions (mixing and flocculation stirring speeds, durations, and settling
times) required to achieve optimum waste capture. The orthophosphate removal efficiency for
alum and ferric chloride were greater than 90% at a dosage of 60 mg/L. Optimum turbidity removal
was achieved with a 60-mg/L dosage for both alum and ferric chloride. Both alum and ferric
chloride demonstrated excellent removal of suspended solids from initial total suspended solid
values of approximately 320 mg/L to approximately 10 mg/L at a dosage of 60 mg/L. Flocculation
and mixing speed and duration played only a minor role in the removal efficiencies for both
orthophosphates and suspended solids. Both coagulation–flocculation aids also exhibited excellent
settling characteristics, with the majority of the floc quickly settling out in the first 5 min.

Because of its potential negative impact on vide opportunities for more efficient and econom-
freshwater systems, phosphorus is one of the most ical phosphorus control. In contrast, in systems
scrutinized nutrients discharged by aquaculture such as raceways, the equivalent treatment of the
systems. Phosphorus is often the limiting nutrient dilute effluent flow stream would be extremely dif-
in natural ecosystems, and excessive algae blooms ficult both from an engineering and an economic
can occur if discharge concentrations exceed the standpoint.
absorption capacity of the receiving body of water. Microscreen filters have become very popular
Both state and federal regulatory agencies have for suspended solids removal because they require
imposed limitations on phosphorus discharge to minimal labor and floor space and can treat large
high-quality receiving waters. Because of these flow rates of water with very little head loss.
limitations and the potential impact of phosphorus Screen filters remove solids by virtue of physical
on the environment, numerous research projects restrictions (or straining) on a media when the
have been conducted over the last few years on mesh size of the screen is smaller than the particles
ways to reduce phosphorus in discharges from in the wastewater. Microscreen filters, though,
aquaculture systems. Much of the work in this area generate a separate solids waste stream that must
has focused on decreasing the total phosphorus in be further processed before final discharge. The
the feed or increasing dietary phosphorus avail- backwash flow will vary in volume, and the solids
ability. Recirculating aquaculture systems, how- content will vary based on several factors (e.g.,
ever, provide excellent opportunities for phospho- screen opening size, type of backwash control em-
rus control. Because recirculating systems provide ployed, frequency of backwash, and influent total
a small but concentrated waste stream, they pro- suspended solid [TSS] load on the filter). Back-
wash flow is generally expressed as a percentage
of the flow the filter treats, with reported backwash
* Corresponding author: flows ranging from 0.2% to 1.5% of the treated
Received October 30, 2003; accepted February 14, 2004 flow (Ebeling and Summerfelt 2002).


Several chemical and biological processes have system’s microscreen backwash effluent using sev-
been investigated for the removal of phosphorus eral common coagulation–flocculation aids em-
from aquaculture effluent water. Adler and Sibrell ployed in the drinking and wastewater treatment
(2003) investigated the use of neutralized acid industry (i.e., alum and ferric chloride). In addition
mine drainage to reduce the loss of soluble P from to determining their effectiveness in removing
agricultural fields and animal wastewater. A bio- both suspended solids and phosphorus, a system-
logical means of phosphate removal by Barak and atic evaluation of the variables encountered in the
van Rijn (2000) demonstrated that some denitri- coagulation–flocculation process (mixing and floc-
fiers were capable of phosphate uptake in excess culation stirring speeds and durations, and settling
of their metabolic requirements. Kioussis et al. times) was conducted.
(1999) developed a polymeric hydrogel, which de-
creased phosphorus in aquaculture wastewater ef- Background
fluents by more than 99% to less than 0.01 ppm. One of the most commonly used methods for
However, it has been determined that the majority the removal of suspended solids in drinking water
of the phosphorus discharged from intensive aqua- is the addition of coagulant and flocculation aids,
culture systems (50–85%) is contained in the fil- such as alum, ferric chloride, and long-chain poly-
terable or settleable solids fraction (Bergheim et mers (AWWA 1997). Coagulation is the process
al. 1993; Heinen et al. 1996). Thus, any mecha- of decreasing or neutralizing the electric charge
nism that could enhance solids removal would also on suspended particles or zeta potential. Similar
contribute to a reduction in the overall level of electric charges on small particles in water cause
phosphorus discharge. Coagulation and floccula- the particles to naturally repel each other and hold
tion processes, with aids such as alum or ferric the small, colloidal particles apart and keep them
chloride, are standard techniques in the wastewater in suspension. The coagulation–flocculation pro-
and drinking water industry for the removal of cess neutralizes or reduces the negative charge on
suspended solids. These aids have not been exten- the particles. This allows the van der Waals force
sively applied in the aquaculture industry primar- of attraction to encourage the initial aggregation
ily because of the dilute nature of most aquaculture of colloidal and fine suspended materials to form
waste streams. However, the concentrated waste microfloc. Flocculation is the process of bringing
stream from recirculating systems, especially the together the microfloc particles to form large ag-
backwash from microscreen filters, makes this op- glomerations by physically mixing them or
tion feasible from both an engineering and an eco- through the binding action of flocculants (such as
nomic standpoint. long-chain polymers). A classical coagulation–
Over the past several years, the Conservation flocculation unit process (Metcalf and Eddy, Inc.
Fund’s Freshwater Institute in Shepherdstown, 1991) consists of three separate steps:
West Virginia, has demonstrated several technol-
ogies and strategies to manage and reduce the (1) Rapid or flash mixing—the suitable chemicals
wastes generated during aquaculture production, (coagulants, flocculants, and, if required, pH
including improved feed and feeding strategies adjusters) are added to the wastewater stream,
(Tsukuda et al. 2000), technologies to minimize which is stirred and intensively mixed at high
water use and concentrate waste streams (Tim- speed;
mons and Summerfelt 1997; Summerfelt et al. (2) Slow mixing (coagulation and flocculation)—
2000), and overall waste management and treat- the wastewater is only moderately stirred in
ment reviews (Summerfelt 1998; Summerfelt et al. order to form large flocs, which are easily set-
1999; Ebeling and Summerfelt 2002). In related tled out; and
research, several coagulation aids were evaluated (3) Sedimentation—the floc formed during floc-
for the physical–chemical treatment of the super- culation is allowed to settle out and is sepa-
natant discharge from manure-thickening tanks rated from the effluent stream.
(Ebeling et al. 2003). Future research at the Fresh-
water Institute will include the application of mi- Numerous substances have been used as coag-
crofiltration technology using semipermeable ulant and flocculation aids, including alum (Al2
membranes and the construction of a demonstra- [SO4]3 · 18H2O), ferric chloride (FeCl3 · 6H2O), ferric
tion pilot-scale compost facility. sulfate (Fe2[SO4]3), ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 · 7H2O),
The objectives of this research were to evaluate and lime (Ca[OH]2) (Metcalf and Eddy, Inc. 1991).
the physical–chemical treatment of a recirculating Aluminum sulfate (alum) is the most commonly

used coagulant, is easy to handle and apply, and lants, and coagulant aids throughout the waste-
produces less sludge than lime. Its primary dis- water to ensure the most rapid precipitation re-
advantage is that it is most effective over a limited actions and subsequent settling of precipitates pos-
pH range of 6.5–7.5. Ferric chloride is also a com- sible. For engineering design, the degree of mixing
monly used coagulant and is effective over a wider is dependent, in turn, upon the amount of energy
pH range of 4–11. The ferric hydroxide floc is also supplied, the mixing residence time, and the re-
heavier than the alum floc, improving its settling lated turbulence effect (which depends on the size
characteristics and reducing the size of the clari- and shape of the mixing tank). Mixing can be sub-
fier. Neither ferric sulfate nor ferrous sulfate is divided into two types: (1) flash or rapid mixing
commonly used today, but ferric sulfate is slowly of chemicals and (2) continuous mixing in reactors
replacing ferric chloride because it is easier to or holding tanks. Both are employed during the
store and handle. Lime is commonly used and is coagulation–flocculation process. In flash or rapid
effective, but is quite pH-dependent and produces mixing, the principal objective is to provide com-
a large quantity of sludge requiring disposal. plete and uniform dispersion of a chemical added
When alum is added to a wastewater, the fol- to the water (i.e., alum in wastewater). In contin-
lowing reaction takes place: uous mixing, the principal objective is to maintain
the contents of a reactor in a completely mixed
A12 (SO4 )3 · 18 H2O 1 3 Ca(HCO3 )2 ⇔ 3 CaSO4 state that promotes the aggregation of particles
1 2 Al(OH)3 1 6 CO2 1 18 H2O. (e.g., flocculation). Types of mixing include pro-
peller, turbine, paddle, pneumatic, and hydraulic
The insoluble aluminum hydroxide, Al(OH)3, is a mixers. The power input per unit volume of liquid
gelatinous floc that settles slowly through the can be used as a rough measure of mixing effec-
wastewater, sweeping out the suspended material. tiveness (Metcalf and Eddy, Inc. 1991). The fol-
Alkalinity is required for the reaction and, if not lowing equation is normally used to estimate the
available, must be added at the rate of 0.45 mg/L velocity gradients in coagulation tanks and is used
as CaCO3 for every 1 mg/L alum. for the design and operation of mixing systems
Similarly, for ferric chloride: (Metcalf and Eddy, Inc. 1991):

2 FeCl3 · 6 H2O 1 3 Ca(HCO3 )2 ⇔ 3 CaCl2 G 5 (P/mV )1/2 ,

1 2 Fe(OH)3 1 6 CO2 1 12 H2O. where

The insoluble ferric hydroxide, Fe(OH)3, is also a G 5 mean velocity gradient (s21 ),
gelatinous floc that settles through the wastewater, P 5 power applied (W or ft lb/s),
sweeping out the suspended material. Alkalinity is m 5 dynamic viscosity (N · s/m 2 or lb · s/ft 2 ), and
required for the reaction and, if not available, must V 5 tank volume (m 3 or ft 3 ).
be added at the rate of 0.55 mg/L CaCO3 for every
1 mg/L ferric chloride. The actual values for G are usually provided by
In addition, both aluminum and iron salts can the equipment manufacturers, although they can
also be used for the chemical precipitation of phos- be estimated from the area of the paddle, fluid
phorus. The basic reactions involved are density, and paddle velocity in the fluid. Rapid or
flash mixing residence times typically range from
Al13 1 PO24 3 ⇔ AlPO4 and 30 s to 2 min, with 1 min being the most common.
Fi13 1 PO24 3 ⇔ FePO4 . The intensity and duration of the mixing of the
coagulants must be controlled to prevent the break-
The above equations are the simplest forms of the up the microfloc or the uneven dosing of coagulant.
reaction (Metcalf and Eddy, Inc. 1991; Lee and The typical range of velocity gradient values for
Lin 2000). Due to the many other competing re- rapid mixing is 250–1,500/s (Metcalf and Eddy,
actions, the effects of alkalinity, pH, trace ele- Inc. 1991). Flocculation mixing is much slower to
ments, and other compounds in the wastewater, the allow the maximum interaction of the floc to ag-
actual chemical dosage required to remove a given gregate together. Typical values of the velocity
quantity of phosphorus is usually established on gradient for flocculation range from 20 to 80/s,
the basis of a bench-scale test or sometimes pilot- with a retention time of 20–30 min (Lee and Lin
scale tests. 2000). In our previous coagulation/flocculation
Mixing disperses precipitating agents, coagu- testing on the supernatant discharge from fish ma-

TABLE 1.—Water quality characteristics of the micro- Jar tests.—For over 50 years, the jar test has
screen backwash effluent in nine samples. Abbreviations been the standard technique used to optimize the
are as follows: NTU 5 nephelometric turbidity units; TP
addition of coagulants and flocculants used in the
5 total phosphorus; SRP 5 soluble reactive phosphorus;
TSS 5 total suspended solids; TVS 5 total volatile solids; wastewater and drinking water treatment industry.
TN 5 total nitrogen; TAN 5 total ammonia nitrogen; and The Standard Practice for Coagulation–Floccula-
cBOD5, 5 carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand. tion Jar Test of Water, ASTM-D-2035, was first
approved in 1980 and reapproved in 1999 (ASTM
Parameter Mean SD Range
1995). The scope of this practice ‘‘covers a general
pH 7.43 0.26 6.97–7.78 procedure for the evaluation of a treatment to re-
Temperature (8C) 19.4 1.4 18–21
Alkalinity (mg/L) 292 21 260–324
duce dissolved, suspended, colloidal, and nonset-
Turbidity (NTU) Over range tleable matter from water by chemical coagula-
TP (mg/L) 12.5 6.3 5.8–21 tion–flocculation, followed by gravity settling.’’
SRP (mg/L) 4.0 1.9 2–7.2 This standard was utilized to provide a technique
TSS (mg/L) 1015 401 517–1540
TVS (mg/L) 753 206 489–1100 to systematically evaluate the variables normally
TN (mg/L) 77.8 89.6 8–236 encountered in the coagulation–flocculation pro-
TAN (mg/L) 14.8 24.5 3.4–92 cess.
NO2 (mg N/L) 0.43 0.34 0.23–1.36
NO3 (mg N/L) 38.8 9.2 25.5–48.6 Since coagulant interactions are very complex,
cBOD5 (mg/L) 548 190 281–947 laboratory studies are used to determine the op-
timal dosage, duration, and intensity of mixing and
flocculation. The coagulation–flocculation process
nure thickening tanks, optimum conditions were a consists of three distinct steps. First, the coagulant
mixing speed of 165/s for 1 min, a 14/s flocculation is added to the effluent water and a rapid and high
speed for 10 min, and a settling time of 10–20 intensity mixing is initiated. The objective is to
min. obtain a complete mixing of the coagulant with
the wastewater to maximize the effectiveness of
Methods destabilization of colloidal particles and initiate
The coagulation–flocculation tests were carried coagulation. Critical parameters for this step are
out following the standard practice for coagula- the duration and the paddle speed or mixing in-
tion–flocculation testing of wastewater to evaluate tensity (velocity gradient, G). Second, the suspen-
the chemicals, dosages, and conditions required to sion is slowly stirred to increase contact between
achieve optimum results (ASTM 1995). Jar tests coagulating particles and to facilitate the devel-
provide insight into the overall process effective- opment of large flocs. Again, the flocculation du-
ness, particularly with regard to mixing intensity ration and intensity are critical parameters (e.g.,
and duration as it affects floc size and density (Lee too high an intensity can break up the aggregate
and Lin 1999). Samples for jar tests were taken floc). Third, mixing is terminated and the floc is
directly from the holding tanks receiving the back- allowed to settle. The velocity gradient is a mea-
wash water from several rotating microscreen fil- sure of the mixing energy and allows an engineer
ters used for suspended solids removal in two, to scale the test results to proportionally larger
commercial-size recirculating production systems system sizes.
growing Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus. The first A standard jar test apparatus, the Phipps and
of these is a pilot-scale, partial-reuse system con- Bird six-paddle stirrer with illuminated base (Fig-
sisting of three 3.66-m-diameter 3 1.1-m-deep cir- ure 1), was employed for the tests, with six 2-L
cular ‘‘Cornell-type’’ dual-drain culture tanks with square B-Ker2 Plexiglas jars, sometimes called ga-
a maximum feed loading rate of 45–50 kg feed/d tor jars. The jars are provided with a sampling port,
(Summerfelt et al. 2002). The second system is a 10 cm below the water line, which allows for re-
fully recirculating system consisting of a 150-m 3 petitive sampling with minimal impact on the test.
circular production tank with a maximum daily This type of jar has several advantages over the
feed rate of 200 kg feed/d (Summerfelt et al. 2003). more traditional 1-L circular jars, including a larg-
Water quality characteristics of the microscreen er volume for reduced errors in mixing and a larger
backwash effluent are summarized in Table 1. Be- volume of supernatant for analysis. In addition,
cause of the excess alkalinity of the water at this the square walls reduce water rotation, making baf-
location (i.e., approximately 260 mg/L as CaCO 3), fles or stators unnecessary. Finally, the thick Plex-
no alkalinity additions were required in conjunc- iglas walls offer sufficient thermal insulation to
tion with alum and ferric chloride treatments. minimize temperature changes during the testing

FIGURE 1.—Phipps and Bird six-paddle stirrer with illuminated base.

period. The six flat paddles are all driven by a 2 L of sample measured with a graduated cylinder,
single variable speed motor from 0 to 300 revo- and the initial temperature was recorded. The co-
lutions per minute (rpm). Velocity gradient curves agulant or flocculant dose destined for each jar was
(G; s21) versus agitator paddle speed (rpm) are carefully measured into 150-mL beakers, and dis-
provided by the manufacturer. An illuminated base tilled water was added to yield equal volumes in
helps in the observation of the floc formation and all the beakers. The multiple stirrer speed was set
settling characteristics. to the ‘‘flash mix’’ values of 50, 75, 150, and 225
Stock solutions of the coagulants and flocculants rpm (corresponding to G values of 42, 70, 165,
were used to improve the ease of handling and and 272/s, respectively), and the test solutions
measuring and to ensure good mixing in the jars. were added. After the predetermined flash mix du-
Simple dilutions of alum and ferric chloride with ration, the mixing speed was reduced to the floc-
distilled water to a 0.2% solution by weight were culation or ‘‘slow mix’’ values of 10, 20, 30, or
employed. Normally, the actual test procedures are 40 rpm (corresponding to G values of 6, 14, 22,
representative of an existing treatment system (for and 32/s, respectively) for a specified duration.
example, a wastewater treatment plant’s mixing, After this time period, the paddles were withdrawn
flocculation, and settling tanks) in terms of the and the floc allowed to settle for specified time (0,
duration of mixing and flocculation and the ve- 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, or 45 min). Samples were then
locity gradients, as well as the settling time em- withdrawn from the sampling ports located 10 cm
ployed. In contrast, in this engineering design below the water level for analysis. A baseline set
study (and in future work), a wide range of chem- of mixing and flocculation speeds and durations
icals, dosages, and conditions (mixing and floc- were used for comparison purposes (150 rpm for
culation stirring speeds and durations, and settling 1 min mixing, 20 rpm for 20 min flocculation, and
times) were examined to achieve optimum removal a settling time of 30 min).
of suspended solids and phosphorus. Based on Analysis.—For all of the jar tests, pH, turbidity,
these tests, recommendations can then be made as and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP, orthophos-
to the engineering design and operation of both a phate) were measured. For the purpose of com-
pilot-scale study and large-scale treatment sys- paring the effect of various operating parameters
tems. such as mixing and flocculation speed, turbidity
For each jar test, the following procedure was was used as an indicator of suspended solids and
followed (ASTM 1995). Each jar was filled with orthophosphate for phosphorus content. Table 2

TABLE 2.—Laboratory methods used for analysis via a Hach DR/2010 colorimeter.

Parameter Method; range

Alkalinitya Standard Methods 2320B
Reactive phosphorusb Hach Method 8048 (orthophosphate; 0–2.50 mg PO423/L expressed as P
Total suspended solidsa Standard Methods 2540D
Turbiditya Hach Model 2100P turbidimeter; nephelometric turbidity units
a Adapted from Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA 1989).
b Approved for reporting by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

shows the methods used for each analysis. When At concentrations above 90 mg/L, orthophosphate
appropriate, reagent standards and blanks were an- concentrations were reduced to about 0.12 mg P/
alyzed along with the samples to ensure quality L for both alum and ferric chloride. At concentra-
control. The comparison of alum or ferric chloride tions of 60 mg/L, the turbidity approached its low-
treatments were statistically analyzed using a sin- est value. The results show that both coagulants
gle-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) test had similar effects despite the different chemicals
(with triplicate samples at each dosage and at a involved. A comparison of the molecular weights
5 0.01). For tests on the effect of mixing and of these compounds indicates that the ferric chlo-
flocculation variables using alum, the results at ride should be slightly more effective on a weight
each dosage level were lumped, averaged, and then basis given its lower formula weight. However,
tested using ANOVA for significant differences. this difference was not observed in these tests.

Results and Discussion Effect of Mixing Intensity

Comparison of Alum and Ferric Chloride Since there was no practical difference between
The two coagulant aids, alum and ferric chlo- the two coagulation agents, a series of tests was
ride, were tested. Figure 2 shows a comparison of conducted with alum to examine the effect of the
the effectiveness of alum and ferric chloride in initial mixing intensity (paddle speed or velocity
removing orthophosphate from the microscreen gradient) and the flocculation intensity on the re-
backwash effluent as compared with the control of moval efficiency of suspended solids and ortho-
settling only. The turbidity data showed a similar phosphate. The results of these jar tests are shown
relationship (Figure 3). For orthophosphate per- in Figures 4 and 5 over a range of alum dosages
cent removal and normalized turbidity remaining, from 0 to 120 mg/L and for mixing speeds of 50,
no significant difference was seen between the 75, 150, and 225 rpm. As can be seen in Table 1,
alum and ferric chloride (P 5 0.01) using a single- the effluent varied slightly from day to day due to
factor ANOVA test of triplicate samples at each changes in, for example, feed addition, biomass,
dosage. Also no significant difference (P 5 0.01) and makeup water addition. Therefore, the results
was seen in percent phosphorus removal for both in Figure 4 are expressed in terms of percent re-
coagulant aids above a concentration of 60 mg/L.

FIGURE 3.—Comparison of alum and ferric chloride

FIGURE 2.—Comparison of alum and ferric chloride in terms of normalized turbidity (nephelometric turbidity
in terms of the percent removal of orthophosphate under units [NTU]) under standard conditions (mixing at 150
standard conditions (mixing at 150 rpm for 1 min, floc- rpm for 1 min, flocculation at 20 rpm for 20 min, and
culation at 20 rpm for 20 min, and settling for 30 min). settling for 30 min).

FIGURE 6.—Effect of flocculation intensity (rpm) and

FIGURE 4.—Effect of mixing intensity (rpm) and alum
alum dosage on the percent removal of orthophosphate
dosage on the percent removal of orthophosphate using
using the standard jar test with mixing at 150 rpm for
the standard jar test with mixing for 1 min, flocculation
1 min, flocculation for 20 min, and settling for 30 min.
at 20 rpm for 20 min, and settling for 30 min.

moved, and turbidity in Figure 5 has been nor- malized turbidity as a function of alum dosage.
malized to minimize the effect of different initial Similar to previous results, no significant differ-
starting concentrations of orthophosphate and tur- ence was seen between dosage levels in the re-
bidities (although normally very small). moval of phosphorus (P 5 0.01) above a 90-mg/
For the removal of orthophosphorus, a signifi- L alum dosage. Although statistically significant
cant difference was seen between the dosage levels differences were found at the lower dosages, these
(P 5 0.01) between each treatment level except were both small in magnitude and outside the rec-
for the 90 and 120 mg/L dosage. For the normal- ommended operational range of dosages. For the
ized turbidity data, no significant difference was normalized turbidity data, no significant difference
seen between the treatment levels for dosages of was seen between any of the dosage levels. The
alum above 40 mg/L (P 5 0.01). As can be seen lower mixing speed may improve the removal of
in Figure 5, for alum dosages above 60 mg/L, there turbidity at lower concentrations of alum due to
is a practical effect of mixing speed on turbidity. reduced shearing during the flocculation phase.
The lower mixing speed may improve the removal
Effect of Flocculation Time
of turbidity at high concentrations due to reduced
shearing of the floc during initial formation. Figures 8 and 9 show the effect of flocculation
mixing time on the orthophosphate concentration
Effect of Flocculation Intensity and turbidity and total suspended solids concen-
Figures 6 and 7 shows the effect of flocculation tration. Based on the previous results, a minimum
speed on the removal of orthophosphorus and nor- alum dosage of 60 mg/L was chosen as a good
operating point. Flocculation mixing times of 0,

FIGURE 5.—Effect of mixing intensity (rpm) and alum FIGURE 7.—Effect of flocculation intensity (rpm) and
dosage on normalized turbidity (nephelometric turbidity alum dosage on normalized turbidity (nephelometric tur-
units [NTU]) using the standard jar test with mixing for bidity units [NTU]) removal using the standard jar test
1 min, flocculation at 20 rpm for 20 min, and settling with mixing at 150 rpm for 1 min, flocculation for 20
for 30 min. min, and settling for 30 min.

FIGURE 8.—Effect of flocculation time on phosphorus FIGURE 10.—Effect of settling time on the ortho-
concentration using the standard jar test with mixing at phosphate concentration using the standard jar test with
150 rpm for 1 min, flocculation at 20 rpm, and settling mixing at 150 rpm for 1 min and flocculation at 20 rpm
for 30 min at an alum concentration of 60 mg/L. for 20 min and settling at an alum concentration of 60

5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 min were used. As can be

seen from the bar charts in Figures 8 and 9, after effect of settling time on the removal of soluble
the first 20 min, there was very little change in the reactive phosphorus and on turbidity and TSS with
concentration of orthophosphate, and after 20 min alum. As both graphs show, the floc quickly settles
both turbidity and TSS concentration are at their out within the first 5 min, with little change in final
minimum values. Total suspended solids concen- values after 10 min.
tration data were included here to demonstrate the Conclusions
close relationship between turbidity and TSS for
this particular effluent at these relatively low con- An evaluation of two commonly used coagu-
centrations. lation–flocculation aids (alum and ferric chloride)
was conducted to determine the optimum condi-
Effect of Settling Time tions for treating the backwash effluent from mi-
The effect of settling time on removal efficien- croscreen filters in an intensive recirculating aqua-
cies was also examined. A standardized set of mix- culture system using standard jar test procedures.
ing and flocculation speeds and durations were The backwash effluent contains very high concen-
used for comparison purposes: 150 rpm for 1 min trations of total suspended solids (ranging from
mixing; 20 rpm for 20 min flocculation; and a set- 517 to 1,540 mg/L) due to the nature of the mi-
tling time of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 min at an alum croscreen operation. The orthophosphate removal
dosage of 60 mg/L. Figures 10 and 11 show the efficiencies for alum and ferric chloride were
greater than 90% at a dosage of 60 mg/L, with
final concentrations of SRP approaching 0.15 mg

FIGURE 9.—Effect of flocculation time on the turbidity

(nephelometric turbidity units [NTU]) and total sus- FIGURE 11.—Effect of settling time on turbidity (neph-
pended solid (TSS) concentration using the standard jar elometric turbidity units [NTU]) and total suspended
test with mixing at 150 rpm for 1 min, flocculation at solid (TSS) concentration using the standard jar test with
20 rpm, and settling for 30 min at an alum concentration mixing at 150 rpm for 1 min, flocculation at 20 rpm for
of 60 mg/L. 20 min, and settling at an alum concentration of 60 mg/L.

P/L. Optimal turbidity removal was achieved with Works Association and American Society of Civil
a 60 mg/L dosage for both alum and ferric chlo- Engineers, 3rd edition. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Barak, Y., and J. van Rijn. 2000. Biological phosphate
ride. Both alum and ferric chloride demonstrated
removal in a prototype recirculating aquaculture
an excellent removal of suspended solids from ini- treatment system. Aquaculture Engineering 22:121–
tial TSS values of approximately 320 mg/L to ap- 136.
proximately 10 mg/L at a dosage of 60 mg/L. Floc- Bergheim, A., R. Kristiansen, and L. Kelly. 1993. Treat-
culation and mixing intensity and duration played ment and utilization of sludge from land-based
only a minor role in the removal efficiencies for farms for salmon. Pages 486–495 in J.-K. Wang,
both orthophosphates and suspended solids. Both editor. Techniques for modern aquaculture. ASAE,
St. Joseph, Michigan.
coagulation–flocculation aids also exhibit excel- Ebeling, J. M., P. L. Sibrell, S. Ogden, and S. T. Sum-
lent settling characteristics, with the majority of merfelt. 2003. Evaluation of chemical coagula-
the floc quickly settling out in the first 5 min. tion2flocculation aids for the removal of phospho-
It is important that mixing and flocculation rus from recirculating aquaculture effluent. Aqua-
speeds and times be determined by jar test for each culture Engineering 29:23–42.
effluent, but good results were obtained for this Ebeling, J. M., and T. S. Summerfelt. 2002. Performance
evaluation of a full-scale intensive recirculating
aquaculture effluent with a mixing speed of 150
aquaculture system’s waste discharge treatment sys-
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This work was supported by the U.S. Depart- New York.
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vice, under Cooperative Agreement number 59- treatment, disposal, and reuse, 3rd edition.
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proved by the Freshwater Institute Institutional B. Timmons, editors. Proceedings of the Second
Animal Care and Use Committee. International Conference on Recirculating Aqua-
culture. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
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