Philippine Star, Feb. 21, 2019, SARA PDF

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FEBRUA PY 21, 2019

That was a presci-ntmo-e As nationai paities

FIRST PERSON decline, local political organizations become more
effective. Local parties are often anchored on en-
ALEX MAGNO trenched politicil clans. They are simultaneously a
blast froni the past as well as the wind of the future.
For the midierm elections, HuSPong ng Pagba-
Sara bago is more than iust a "regional Party." It is the
core of a potent alliance oI local parties stretching

A. f course. Sara Duterte-
poriiut" contenders for
from Northern Luzon to Southern Mindanao.
While the "ruling party" PDP-Laban could
not muster enough &ndldates to compose a full
lhe 2022 presidential elections. senatorial s1ate, Hugpong is fielding 13 candidates
At the moment, in fact, she is the for 12 senatorial seats at stake. Until Harry Roque
pulled out his candidacv because of health jssues,
only one on this privileged list.
In the space of less than a year. hugoone had 14 candidates for 12 seats.
Sara's political standing zoomed I"aln n6t sure ho* Sara worked oul the arithmetic
up quickly. She is no longer seen to decide on fielding more than a full slate of sena-
as a local executive. She has be- torial aspixants. What is clear is that the flexibility
come a national political force. enabled Sara's "regional Party" to strin€ together
We do not know if she plotted that spectacular a potent national neiwork composed of a score of
rise from her Davao redoubt. But her moves -were local/national parties.
precise, innovative and devastating. Most, if not;ll, of the parties allied with Hug-
It a1l began when she tangled with former House pong will dominaie the forthcoming local elections
speaker Pantaleon Alvarez after the latier described These parties are, after all, formed around dominant
her effort to build a regional parry as a form of be- political clans that exercise effective control over
trayal against the ruling PDP-Laban. Then Alvarez the areas they encompass.
was quoted in a local paper boasting he'had the There are i few areas where rival factions both
power impeach President Rodrigo Duterte. belong to the Hugpong alliance. Effectively, Hug-
- Saratonot bnlv hit back at those remarls, she pong idds to its ranks regardless of whoever wins
helped the diveise factions in the House to 8et to- in local contests.
gether and oust Alvarez. The erstwhile imperious Hugpong is not as hamstrung as a "ruling politi
leader of the House was summarily deposed. None cal pa{y" wouldbe. It need not settle local disputes-
of the power and pelf he loved to tout was a match It need'not pledge candidates to a single political
for the woman scorned. platform. By being shapeless and form)ess, this al-
We knew of Sara a few years back when televi- Iiance manages to include everybody.
sion footage showed the lady mayor punching a No one else but Sara could Put together a coali-
locai sheriff who imDlemented a demolition order tion as broad as this one, working independent of
she asked to be put on hold. We were all startled her father but surely under the aegis ofhis immense
by the audacity of it all. If her father had built a DoDularitv. No one else but Sara could benefit from
reputation for toughness on the iob, she showed ihti onlv eifiectiue nationwide alliance there is.
trs all she could be even better. Observe the news coverage of the HugPong pro-
' Even President Duterte finds every occasion to vincial sorties. At nearly every instance, a huge ta-rp
mention that there is only one person who manages provides the backdrop for the senatorial aspirants.
to intimidate him: his daughter. in those tarps, the likeness of Sara Duterte looms
We next noticed Sara after she publicly argued larger than any other candidate.
with her father, trying to dissuade him from seek- she also atiacts more attention than any other
ing the presideniy. She complained that he did candidate. After the Ilocos Norte sortie, Sara
no1 have the organization or the funds for such boarded her big bike and motored all the way to
an adventure. But when ardent Duterte support- Isabeia province for the next rally. This is leally
ers shave their heads to convince him to rurL Sara her campaign.
shaved her head as well. She his tiaken to campaign trail with much en-
She clearly has her father's genes. As a politi- thusiasm and much energy. She is the eye of the
cal personality, she is tough and colorful in equal Dolitical storm that will define the course of our
parts. But she is easier on the eye and articulate llectoral politics not only for the midterm elections
enough to avoid resorting to cuss words to convey but. mori important, for the crucial Presidential
her thoughts. elections of 2022.
After the uprising at the House of RePresenta- Sara says she will decide on a presidential run
tives, Sara went about formalizing the alliances that in January 2021. That was the lead chosen by most
formed for that enterprise. She had been building media coverage of whai she said.
Hugpong ng Pagbabago as a "regional party." But The real sto1y, however, is ihat she did not deny
that organization has become a springboard to reach the possibility of seeking the highest elective Post
out and forge alliarces with other regional groups. of tlre land. i{ her fathei's popularity holds, and
\\ with the Dolitical alliance she has formed, the 2022
F4gc..P " nresideniial race is hers to lose- There is no other
iising political stat on the horizon.
Saii is smart aJ.she is determined.

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