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Character Sheet
Hans-R-GER-1 — RED — GER — 1 2 3 4 5 6 1
Name Clearance Sector Clone Number

Service Group: R&D Firm: Productions Consultant

Gender: ✔ M F Other Player: Big Ace


MBD: Team Leader Loyalty Officer Hygiene Officer 15,000 CR

C&RO Equipment Guy Happiness Officer

Action Skills
Management 4 Stealth 9 Violence 5
Bootlicking 2 Concealment 1 Agility 1
Chutzpah 1 Disguise 1 Energy Weapons 1
Con Games 1 High Alert 1 Demolition 0
Hygiene 1 Security Systems 1 Field Weapons 1
Interrogation 1 Shadowing 1 Fine Manipulation 1
Intimidation 1 Sleight of Hand 1 Hand Weapons 1
Moxie 1 Sneaking 1 Projectile Weapons 2
Oratory 0 Surveillance 1 Thrown Weapons 1
Unarmed Combat 1
Vehicular Combat 1

Knowledge Skills
Hardware 9 Software 9 Wetware 4
Bot Ops & Maint. 1 Bot Programming 1 Biosciences 1
Chemical Eng. 1 C-Bay 1 Bioweapons 1
Electronic Eng. 2 Data Analysis 1 Cloning 1
Habitat Eng. 1 Data Search 1 Medical 1
Mechanical Eng. 1 Financial Systems 1 Outdoor Life 1
Nuclear Eng. 0 Hacking 1 Pharmatherapy 1
Vehicle Ops & Maint. 1 Operating Systems 1 Psychotherapy 1
Weapon & Armor Maint. 1 Vehicle Programming 1 Suggestion 1

PARANOIA is a trademark of Eric Goldberg and Greg Costikyan. This character sheet was created by Michael Miller (, v1.0
For the latest version of this and other great PARANOIA add-ons, check out 214-09-08

Character Sheet (secret)
The viewing of Hans-R-GER-1 — RED — GER — 1 2 3 4 5 6 1
this data by
Name Clearance Sector Clone Number
anyone other than
the owning player
is treason! Secret Society: Computer Phreaks
(but very useful)

Degree: Player: Big Ace

Mutant Power(s): None (Or Unaware)

Equipment Treasonous Skills

RED set of Reflec-Overalls (Protects against Laser Blasts) Uncommon
Laser Pistol
Laser Barrels
Food and Drink Supplies
Electricians toolbag
Uni-Tool™ 36-in-1
NetPatch Cabling(Cleared YELLOW)
Encrypted Port-o-Term device(Cleared ULTRAVIOLET)

He's had his share of fun playing with the weapons at the R&D labs Unhealthy
with help from some friends, but has a bad grasp on explosives.
(+Proj. Wep., -Demolition)
He's good at making the higher-ups in the broadcast tower feel
good, but isn't the most convincing speaker otherwise. (+Bootlick,
Electrical Engineering, but he's never been anywhere near the shit Power Rating
that GENERATES the power (+Elec. Eng., -Nuke. Eng.)
Your ability to lay cabling put you in charge of a small relay node.
You're a mildly known h4x0r in the grey subnets. Access Rating

Treason Codes

Perversity Points

PARANOIA is a trademark of Eric Goldberg and Greg Costikyan. This character sheet was created by Michael Miller (, v1.0
For the latest version of this and other great PARANOIA add-ons, check out 214-09-08

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