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Weapons AMMO

Regular ammunition




Weapons are varied and deadly in Entropy. 3/1gem
Starting with ranged weapons, compiling all
the kind of cartridges that can hurt, maim or
generally makes someone’s day worse. .357
Some more exotic ammo type can inflict
diverse damage and also debuff the enemies 5D8+20
shot, or inflict non-lethal damage. 1D4
Someone with the weapon related skills 2/1gem
and knowledge can create themselves the
kind of ammo they can gather the component
for, adapting to any kind of threat and enemy .44
they encounter on the battlefield.
If a weapon is polyvalent, you can insert
different type of cartridge to inflict varying 1D8
damage. 1/1gem
Firstly, there is the typically normalized
cartridge you can use, fitting in most pistols .50
and rifles around the galaxy, with a few more
powerful and exotic choices.
Almost all type of ammo as armor damage,
weakening and breaking apart armor pieces 1D12
when hit. 1/2gem

Weapons AMMO

.223 .50

15D4+10 40D2+40
1D10 5D10+5
2/1gem 1/10gem

.30-30 20x102

17D4+12 20D6+10
1D10+2 4D10
1/2gem 1/8gem

.308 28

20D4+10 5D8+20
1D12+2 1D6
2/3gem 3/1gem

.30-06 20

20D4+10 7D8+25
1D10+5 1D6+4
2/3gem 2/1gem

8x80r 12

19D4+30 10D8+30
2D10 2D6+4
1/1gem 1/1gem

Weapons AMMO

slug H-Shell

20D8+30 4D50+25
3D6+5 1D50+15
1/2gem 1/60gem

S-Can Jav

15D8+25/2D8* 2D100+25
0 -30
1/3gem 1/100gem

Ws-Can Spear

15D8+25/3D8* 4D50
0 3D50
1/5gem 1/75gem

Z-C Rocket

2d100+25 6D50+50
-30 5D50+25
1/50gem 1/250gem

L-Shell mine

3D50+10 4D50+50
1D50+5 4D50
1/25gem 1/200gem
3m 4m


When dealing with enemies beyond damage or is in the radius of an explosion, the
regular archetypes or when you really want chance of the ammo to burst in the pockets
to inflict pain on foes and harm heavily of the carrier is a scary thought to keep in
armored targets, special ammo types can mind.
help you pack a more serious punch or inflict Usually, special ammo types either convert
status effect for a price. a part of the damage dealt into elemental or
When buying ammo to any responsible special damage or simply modifying its basic
ammo stores or friendly criminals around the proprieties.
galaxy, you can ask for special types of ammo Ammo can also be created by the player’s
they have. Some types of ammo are illegal in characters instead of buying them normally,
the Cosmic Exchange and need to be bought letting science-based character modify and
in underworlds or produced, meanwhile, add their own twist to certain cartridges. You
other types of ammo need permits and high can also boost the effect of an already made
ranking positions to be allowed in certain cartridge at a risk of them being unstable and
sectors. dangerous for the user to shoot from their
Carrying special ammo on someone’s guns. But results can sometimes overrule
person could, however, be a hazard pretty the risk taken, when dealing with horribles
important to consider. If someone carries beings of the cosmos and your very annoying
explosive rounds and receive any kind of fire neighbor next door.


bolt Deep

-10 No changes
Bypass 20 No damage
+2gem +20gem
Underwater *
Sunder dart

-30 1/2+(Poison)
Double No damage
+5gem (Poison Price) gaz*
poisons *
blast Rad

1/2 Radius +1 Rad

+1D6 Same
+25gem 1/100gem
1m radiation *
flare hammer

+3D6 per turn 1/2(Non-lethal)

+1D6 No damage
+30gem +1gem
fire * non-lethal *
carnage crimson

Double +13D2 per turn

Unable to pierce No damage
+50gem +35gem

Weapon Building
Weapon building is an important part of Entropy that let
players customize their own weapons, giving them special
mods and varying stats.
Every mod of any weapons can be disassembled and mixed
with multiples other bases weapons, tweaked and modified
by people of craft and precision. Any gun can receive
augmentations such as:
Boosters, Clips, Barrel extensions, Stocks, Handles, etc...
The Tech LVL of all weapons will also allow the use of the
mods of higher level. The range will also make skills check
when using weapons at short, medium and long-range harder
or easier. At short range, the person shooting gain a small +10% to hit the target very close
to them, however, when literally in the face of a target, The target can make a quick brawling
roll to move the weapon away from them, keeping at least 1 meter between you and your
target is vital. If the target fails his brawling roll, however, you hit automatically. At medium
range, the weapon does not have any bonus or minus and at long range, the accuracy drops
rapidly for every meter for -10% to hit.

Handguns bases

corps Tech Lvl Ranges Value Special

Torque! 1 1-10 11-30 31+ 1000 +5 damage

Exploding Sun 2 1-2 3-40 41+ 2000 +10 Accuracy

Zord Armory 1 1-15 16-20 21+ 1500 Unbreakable

Void Busters 3 1-20 21-25 25+ 3000 +1 Mod slots

Unbroken Engine 2 1-10 11-35 36+ 2500 Mountable

Rex Emporium 0 1-20 21-22 23+ 500 Easy Repair

Penumbra 5 1-15 16-38 39+ 10000 Undetectable

Aegis 4 1-10 11-30 31+ 8000 2 Clips switch

Pirate 1 1-5 6-25 26+ 2000 Self Destruct

Auto-Rifle bases

corps Tech Lvl Ranges Value special

Torque! 2 1-15 16-21 22+ 3500 +5 damage

Exploding Sun 0 1-2 3-10 11+ 2500 +10 Accuracy

Zord Armory 1 1-10 11-20 21+ 2500 Unbreakable

Void Busters 1 1-5 6-15 16+ 3000 +1 Mod slots

Unbroken Engine 3 1-20 21-31 31+ 4000 Mountable

Rex Emporium 2 1-18 19-25 26+ 3000 Easy Repair

Penumbra 5 1-15 16-25 26+ 15000 Undetectable

Aegis 4 1-15 16-21 22+ 10000 2 Clips switch

Pirate 2 1-6 7-24 25+ 3000 Self Destruct

Shotguns bases

corps tech lvl Ranges Value special

Torque! 2 1-2 3-5 6+ 3500 +5 damage

Exploding Sun x x x x x x

Zord Armory 2 1-2 3-5 6+ 3000 Unbreakable

Void Busters 3 1-4 5-7 8+ 4000 +1 Mod slots

Unbroken Engine 0 1-2 3-5 6+ 1500 Mountable

Rex Emporium 5 1-6 7-10 11+ 7000 Easy Repair

Penumbra 5 1-5 6-9 10+ 11000 Undetectable

Aegis 3 1-2 3-5 6+ 5000 2 Clips switch

Pirate 3 1-3 4-6 7+ 4500 Self Destruct

Carbine bases

corps tech lvl Ranges Value special

Torque! 2 1-10 11-40 41+ 6000 +5 damage

Exploding Sun 4 1-5 6-50 51+ 10000 +10 Accuracy

Zord Armory x x x x x x

Void Busters 2 1-11 12-42 43+ 8000 +1 Mod slots

Unbroken Engine 1 1-10 10-38 39+ 5500 Mountable

Rex Emporium 3 1-35 35-40 41+ 9000 Easy Repair

Penumbra 5 1-20 21-55 56+ 18000 Undetectable

Aegis 4 1-5 6-50 51+ 15000 2 Clips switch

Pirate x x x x x x

Sniper bases

corps tech lvl Ranges Value special

Torque! 1 x 10-60 61+ 12000 +5 damage

Exploding Sun 5 x 10-70 71+ 20000 +10 Accuracy

Zord Armory x x x x x x

Void Busters x x x x x x

Unbroken Engine 1 x 10-55 56+ 11000 Mountable

Rex Emporium x x x x x x

Penumbra 5 x 15-65 66+ 30000 Undetectable

Aegis 4 x 10-70 71+ 19000 2 Clips switch

Pirate x x x x x x

Canon bases

corps tech lvl Ranges Value special

Torque! 2 1-5 6-20 x 17000 +5 damage

Exploding Sun x x x x x x

Zord Armory 3 1-6 7-22 x 30000 Unbreakable

Void Busters 2 1-6 7-25 x 25000 +1 Mod slots

Unbroken Engine x x x x x x

Rex Emporium 3 1-5 6-22 x 20000 Easy Repair

Penumbra 5 1-10 11-30 x 38000 Undetectable

Aegis 2 1-5 6-20 x 20000 2 Clips switch

Pirate 4 1-9 10-28 x 30000 Self Destruct

Heavy Canon bases

corps tech lvl Ranges Value special

Torque! 2 1-6 7-25 26+ 27000 +5 damage

Exploding Sun x x x x x x

Zord Armory 3 1-7 8-30 31+ 40000 Unbreakable

Void Busters 2 1-7 8-30 31+ 35000 +1 Mod slots

Unbroken Engine x x x x x x

Rex Emporium 3 1-6 7-27 28+ 30000 Easy Repair

Penumbra 5 1-11 12-35 35+ 48000 Undetectable

Aegis x x x x x x

Pirate x x x x x x

Rotating Shotgun bases

corps tech lvl Ranges Value special

Torque! x x x x x x

Exploding Sun x x x x x x

Zord Armory 2 1-3 4-6 7+ 50000 Unbreakable

Void Busters x x x x x x

Unbroken Engine x x x x x x

Rex Emporium 5 1-7 8-11 12+ 70000 Easy Repair

Penumbra 4 1-5 6-9 10+ 80000 Undetectable

Aegis x x x x x x

Pirate x x x x x x

Huge Auto-rifle bases

corps tech lvl Ranges Value special

Torque! 2 1-20 21-26 27+ 47000 +5 damage

Exploding Sun 4 1-7 8-20 21+ 50000 +10 Accuracy

Zord Armory 5 1-15 16-21 22+ 70000 Unbreakable

Void Busters x x x x x x

Unbroken Engine 4 1-25 26-31 32+ 65000 Mountable

Rex Emporium 3 1-23 24-29 30+ 55000 Easy Repair

Penumbra 5 1-20 21-26 27+ 90000 Undetectable

Aegis 3 1-20 21-26 27+ 50000 2 Clips switch

Pirate 3 1-11 12-27 28+ 52000 Self Destruct

Javelin bases

corps tech lvl Ranges Value special

Torque! x x x x x x

Exploding Sun 5 x 25-100 101+ 150000 +10 Accuracy

Zord Armory x x x x x x

Void Busters 1 x 10-70 71+ 100000 +1 Mod slots

Unbroken Engine 3 x 20-90 91+ 120000 Mountable

Rex Emporium x x x x x x

Penumbra 4 x 20-90 91+ 130000 Undetectable

Aegis x x x x x x

Pirate x x x x x x

Launcher bases

corps tech lvl Ranges Value special

Torque! 3 1-5 6-40 41+ 200000 +5 damage

Exploding Sun 3 1-5 6-40 41+ 200000 +10 Accuracy

Zord Armory 4 1-5 6-40 41+ 300000 Unbreakable

Void Busters 3 1-5 6-40 41+ 200000 +1 Mod slots

Unbroken Engine 3 1-5 6-40 41+ 200000 Mountable

Rex Emporium 3 1-5 6-40 41+ 200000 Easy Repair

Penumbra 5 1-5 6-50 51+ 400000 Undetectable

Aegis 3 1-5 6-40 41+ 200000 2 Clips switch

Pirate 3 1-5 6-40 41+ 200000 Self Destruct

Spear Launcher bases

corps tech lvl Ranges Value special

Torque! 0 1-5 6-10 11+ 1000 +5 damage

Exploding Sun x x x x x x

Zord Armory 3 1-7 8-13 14+ 3000 Unbreakable

Void Busters 2 1-6 7-12 13+ 2000 +1 Mod slots

Unbroken Engine x x x x x x

Rex Emporium 5 1-10 11-15 16+ 5000 Easy Repair

Penumbra 4 1-8 9-14 15+ 4000 Undetectable

Aegis x x x x x x

Pirate 4 1-2 3-12 13+ 3500 Self Destruct

entropic bases

corps tech lvl Ranges Value special

?????? 10 1-30 31-70 71+ ?????? Bypass

A base weapon is nice to have, of course, the players employ rare and unique materials
you need actual clips to hold ammo, scopes and gear available at stealing prices, giving
to help you aim or a complete modification the currency a reason to exist even more
to change the type of ammo you can use and giving bargaining character an edge over
inside of any type of gun you wish to wield ineasily fooled regular mercs when buying
your dreams. their weapons. Also, the base limit of mods
You could make a Concord standard pistol is around 2 MAX unless you have a special
use anti-vehicle ammo if you tweak it enough brand of weapon. Clips and ammo changes
and are not scared of your arm breaking do not count.
when you pull the trigger or change a regular
old fashion 12 gauge shotgun into a deadly
blade shooting Shredder, the pride of the
Cyrex people.
Mods are sometimes unstable and need
maintenance between battles to make sure
nothing blows-up in your hands most of the
time. Explosives also need to be regularly
checked and ammo needs to be cleaned and
dry to be shot with top accuracy.
The next list of mods will be separated by
manufacturers and usual concept creators corporations
of each mod. Being more easily found on
the race, corporation or place they are built
and sold on. However, the Black market as a
knack at stealing and trafficking very effective
mods at higher prices.
Every corporation shifts their price and
offers unique one of a kind set of goods that
might fit with specific species models and
other weird unknown weapon types. The Heavy duty weapon and armor dealer
most popular mods are polyvalent and easy and with the most charismatic mascot ever
to install, such as the ‘’Torque!TM’’ caliber conceived, they sell MANLY weapons for
mods, who can be added to almost all kinds HARD people.
of weapons to switch the ammo the said The shiny lights and catchy songs with
weapon use in battle, from .32 to crazy .50 explosions in the background can be seen
cartridges for example. Some underworlds miles away on any stations and planet
or less known corporation or private commercial centers, making Zords cringe and
manufacturers can appear around the galaxy Humans proud to be alive! Let’s kick ass and
selling unique things that any Game Master look good while spreading death to Xenos!
can tweak and add to their universe, letting

0 Cartridge conversion module 100
used to switch the type of ammo a weapon use, needed for freshly bought
1 polyvalent extended barrel 500
Modifiable barrel able to fit on almost any weapons, Upgrade maximum
medium range by 2M
0 Small clip of ammo 50
Can hold up to 7 rounds of any ballistic ammo (pistol/rifle/shotgun)
0 medium clip of ammo 80
Can hold up to 15 rounds of any ballistic ammo (pistol/rifle/shotgun)
0 large clip of ammo 100
Can hold up to 25 rounds of any ballistic ammo (pistol/rifle/shotgun)
0 Small drum of ammo 90
Can hold up to 25 rounds of any ballistic ammo (auto-rifle/huge auto-rifle/
rotating shotgun)
0 medium drum of ammo 140
Can hold up to 50 rounds of any ballistic ammo (auto-rifle/huge auto-rifle/
rotating shotgun)
0 large drum of ammo 190
Can hold up to 100 rounds of any ballistic ammo (auto-rifle/huge auto-rifle/
rotating shotgun)
1 MAnly stock 250
A stock for manly men able to shoot things a lot... Upgrade the accuracy of
spreading shots such as auto-weapons by +5%
1 Double Clip 50
Why take time reloading when you can simply slide to the next clip, attached
to the old one with a few manly straps! Makes the next reloading action
instant. Can be adapted to any kind of clips or drums!
2 Boosted Booster 1000
Make pain even more painful with this booster that will augment the velocity
of any bullet shot with this toy stuck on it! Raise the damage of the weapon
chosen by +4 damage


A crafty little Cyrex, not strong enough to be a warlord and one of the first Etsyon/Cyrex
Hybrid, decided to leave the warbands and stole a few plans. With greed in his eyes and a
very sharp tongue, he managed to be able to set up the first ever Cyrex styled corporation of
trade and goods, selling the very praised Shredder modification and other nasty surprises to
use in warfare. Zelar client may be asked to leave the premise...

4 Arc weapon modification 60000

Ammo is not good when you are stranded on an alien planet surrounded
by natives, use this mod to any standard weapons to modify its core function
into an Arc weapon, allowing it to shoot ionized rays of light, overloaded with
energy to shock your foes! Do not use on children. Change the type of damage
to electric and deal damage depending on the cell loaded inside the weapon.
can be attached to any weapon as a secondary fire mode that shoots up to
25M without any test.
4 Simple Arc cell 20000
Able to discharge in Arc weapons for 2D50 of electric damage, bypassing
armor and is super effective against artificial beings and tech. Need to be
recharged with: heat, electric outlet or directly shocking the object, may cause
degradation with use.
4 moderate Arc cell 30000
Able to discharge in Arc weapons for 3D50 of electric damage, bypassing
armor and is super effective against artificial beings and tech. Need to be
recharged with: heat, electric outlet or directly shocking the object, may cause
degradation with use.
4 Deadly Arc cell
Able to discharge in Arc weapons for 5D50 of electric damage, bypassing
armor and is super effective against artificial beings and tech. Need to be
recharged with: heat, electric outlet or directly shocking the object, may cause
degradation with use. *BEWARE, may explode if misused.
3 Shredder weapon modification 5000
Allow the use of shredder ammo like S-CAN and WS-CAN, literal cylinders
being chopped into blades then shot out to cause heavy damage and bleeding.
(Shotgun only)


Corporation of shady officials who never shown their faces ever, dealing in the anonymous
name of Exploding Sun. They are specialized in Scopes and precision tools to help commandos
and deadly hitman to succeed their missions, of course, only official ‘’by the book’’ agents are
equipped with Sun’s technology and gear... They would never deal under the table!

2 Targeting scope 10000

Special scope, equipped with a special technology that makes the gun
slightly shoot more towards the area the scope is highlighting. Gives +10%
Accuracy on aimed shots but reduce by -10% unaimed shots.
5 Thermal Scope 30000
A scope that can detect and highlight warm signatures in the darkness or
trough small or mediumly thick walls. Does not help to aim more accurately
and even give a slight minus of -5% to shoot.
4 Marksman Stock 25000
Very high tech and well-made stock, comfortable to be used prone or
normally, raise the accuracy of the wielder carbine/sniper/javelin up by 20%
but weight enough to raise the weapon unit by 1.
4 Auto-loader
unstable tech, made by very on edge Zelars who had too much coffee in their
veins. Allow the weapon to automatically reload bolt action rifles, pistols, and
javelins after the shot is made, 45% of the time. The mod trademark prevents
the corporation to modify it ‘’legally’’ and this model is the only available
trough normal means.
3 Night Scope 10000
Simple scope, allowing the wielder to see in the darkness as long as they
look trough the scope. Giving an unlimited range of sight in darkness and
allowing to see better sneaking or hidden things.
2 Silencer 500
Silence the weapon it is attached to, making it a perfect tool for subtle


Zord armory, a private mods and weapon dealer. Making the tools of death needed in the
hunt for the anomalitc beasts and the regular cultist. Not accessible for anyone other than
Zords usually they sometimes trade a few cargo for favors or information, getting your hands
on such prize is quite hard.

3 Launcher Attachment 10000

Popular mod in the Zord’s ranks. Make you able to load a singular grenade,
missile or mine into a specially designed barrel under your gun with half of the
regular launcher range.
3 Shotgun Attachment 5000
A practical mod that allows the wielder to shoot the equivalent of a half
ranged Zord shotgun from under the main barrel of any gun it is attached to.
With a clip size of 4 that need to be reloaded individually.
1 Portable Shield 800
A large shield that can be placed on a weapon, offering limited cover to your
main vital area while shooting outside of cover, and offer a very good defense
when behind of cover. The shooter can see trough the shield since it is made
of transparent reinforced glass. Upgrading cover levels by 1.
4 Exo-suit Mount base 15000
Basic base to mount weapons that are not usually mountable on massive
Exo-suits, allowing crazy level of firepower to be shot from one’s armor
covered by an Exo-suit.


The TITAN, ship of the Shlaug combine some of their more popular gear to then sell it on
all major stations out in the galaxy with employees from all kinds of races, using most of the
time females Zelars to try to catch on the majority of their clients taste. Being an oblivious
capitalist move that all Humans can agree on...

3 Unstable Booster 30000

Very dangerous mod used in bolt action weapons, allowing the weapon itself
to make an explosion inside of the barrel, propelling the bullet even faster
with tremendous force. The mod, however, makes the weapon overheat after
each shot and needs to be left alone unless it will explode and harm everyone
in a 2-meter range. +20 Damage
0 Concealment case 15000
Popular in any good Shlaug family, this practical case is made to fit the perfect
it is used for perfectly. While in the box the weapon inside is protected against
any kind of abuse and is undetectable. When you need to use the weapon,
you can slide it from inside of it with a practical lever that, after sliding in a
semi-circular motion becomes a stock for the weapon, allowing the user go
gain +5% accuracy on the rolls to hit.
4 Dart Launcher attachment 40000
Used planet side and onboard of boarded ships in space, this mod allows the
user to shoot darts and other infecting agents inside their weapon, allowing a
secondary fire of the said projectile. The Shlaug use this technology to sedate
their foes and capture them and enslave weak targets. The projectile shot
does no damage to the target but it reduces their movement speed by 2 per
darts and causes the target to slumber after the target fail a Toughness roll.
0 Weapon Strap 150
One of the simplest, yet very important mod ever conceived... A leather
strap, letting you be able to carry large weapons on your back! Technology at
its best!


One of a kind corp that rarely make affairs outside of their comfort zone, the Vector
homeworld. Specialized into oversized auto-rifle mods that allow death to rain for slightly
longer and slightly harder! The creator of the brand was a very outgoing Vector, with a loud
mouth that used to deal with the Shlaug a long time ago, before he got disassembled by the
Cyrex warlord he cheated multiple time. The Vectors decided to keep up the tradition and
kept open the daring corporation and its shops..

4 Overloader 40000
This dangerous mod makes any Huge Auto-Rifle able to shoot twice the
time it is supposed to be shot per round, however, the gun overheat incredibly
afterward and risk exploding if shot again in the next turn for 30% chance.
2 Limitless belt 3000
a reinforced but really heavy stack of your favorite ammo previously filled at
an official Unbroken Engine kiosk or shops around the galaxy. When bought,
you can request the belt to be filled with any type of ammo you wish for a
modest bonus price on top of the bullets.
This mod Allows the user to never need to reload their Huge Auto-Rile until
they run out of bullets completely and skip the boring reloading part!
0 Turret mod 50000
Sometime frowned upon, this mod is a literal mini-Vector in the shape of
a turret base who can be mounted with any kind of weapon that can be held
by sentient beings. When turned on, the Vector animate and start to shoot
at anything in its line of sight that the buyer labeled as ‘’BAD’’. It is illegal to
transport this kind of mod in Concord territory, however.
1 Lazer 1500
Practical mod good for any kind of weaponry. Allows the user to aim better
at extreme range, making the penalty for every extra meter reduced by 5%.


Penumbra, a group of highly manipulative and capitalist members of every species that
seems to coexist together perfectly. They are the richest and most elusive persons in the
galaxy, as they manufacture, sell and trade illegal goods around the sectors without ever
being caught. They gained popularity with the criminal underworlds who now protect them
from information leaks and keep the authorities at bay, making them untouchable and mostly
unknown. A few people openly declared to be part of the organization to gangs and such but
they usually only are hired hands or scum trying to scam criminals and very very impatient
adventurers who do not care about permits and regulations.

4 Fireball 20000
Very dangerous weapon attachment letting the user be able to shoot a very
focused stream of fire from a tube-like barrel.
When fired the weapon shoot in a strait-line forward the user up to 5 meters,
dealing massive fire damage that ignores most armor and causes huge mental
strain on primitive beasts or beings that are shocked at the display. Initial
damage: 10D6 (5D6 per turn if set aflame) (Five blasts per canister. Need to be
switched when empty).
4 Breacher 25000
When a reinforced door makes your life difficult or when you need to breach
a very nice vault. Use this nice breacher mod, a large flat cylinder shaped
object that extends from the side of your weapon and makes a contained
explosion inside of a dome that inflicts extreme damage to walls and surfaces,
breaching any kind of regular door and most walls. Could also be applied to
a large beast but effect unpredictable and the possible loss of an arm is not
covered by any kind of insurances. 4 Charges per cylinder.
3 Rigged clip 300
Pretty crafty mod that makes your weapon into a literal bomb, when the clip
is loaded and filled with ammunition, the user can trigger a self destruction
with a slight tap of a hidden switch that makes the clip explode after a few
seconds, making the clip explode with the ammunition inside that burst and
send shrapnels all round the area and shredding anything that is too close, a
good way to make an empty gun still dangerous. (the damage depends on the
bullets inside of the clip and the size of the clip) (Base damage: 2D50).


Aegis, the renegade group that split a while ago from the Concord after a fail attempt to
disband them happened. They were hunted down and labeled as traitors. Regrouping a part
of the most motivated and gifted people in the Human race, they make their own destiny and
items from all kinds of front corps and private manufacturers. Making business with them is
almost impossible but it is still possible if you manage to locate one of their front corps and
are deemed worthy enough or usable for their goals.

4 Tracker 20000
A little console screen is added to a selected weapon, showing all movement
and heat signature around the user of the weapon. Pretty vague but reliable,
it allows anyone to be able to know if something small, big or numerous is
moving in the area. It does, however, emits energy and noises that may alert
any sneaking or incoming foes. (20 meters radius).
3 Shifting Camo 20000
Weird weapon mod that is covering material that registers the light amount
in an area and simulates the terrain on which the character is, making the gun
changing color to make it invisible from afar just like a chameleon. When this
mod is active, it gives the carrier no minus in sneak if he is wielding it while
sneaking making it a perfect sneak attack weapon that will not reveal your
position when drawn.
0 False ID 20000
This mod is used by almost all Aegis operatives. It allows the carrier to
make their weapon untraceable and it change its serial number for a fake one.
Making any abandoned weapon or sold ones, completely untraceable and
protect the seller and user of the weapon.

Weapon MELEE
Melee weapons are somewhat different from their
ranged counterpart. As manufacturers produce ranged
weapons with special brands and such, melee weapons are
way more straight forward, just like their usage.
When you buy a melee weapon or make your own, you
simply pick an alloy type in the list of alloys and apply it to a
base weapon. For example, you can take a baseball bat base
with a set amount of damage and make it with very durable
Zord plating allow, making it way sturdier than a regular
wood bat. The damage and durability of the weapon will
raise as well as the price or roll to make it.
There is also mods for melee weapons, but WAY less than
their ranged opposite. Some of them change the function of the weapon entirely, like the
Thundering mod of the Zord or the Arc mod of the Zelar.

Melee Weapon Bases

Base Damage Range Value Special Skill used

Knife 2d6+(DD4) 0-1 100 BLEED (1D4) blades

Sword/Machete 3d6+(DD6) 0-2 200 BLEED (1D6) blades

Greatsword 3d6+(DD6+S) 0-3 300 BLEED (1D6) huge melee

Spear 2d6+(DD6) 0-4 250 BLEED (1D4) blades

Hatchet 2d6+(sD4+d) 0-1 150 BYPASS NATURAL ARMOR
Axe 3d6+(sD6+d) 0-2 300 BYPASS NATURAL ARMOR
Greataxe 3d6+(sD6+d) 0-3 450 BYPASS NATURAL ARMOR
Huge Melee
Polearm 2d6+(sD6+d) 0-4 300 BYPASS NATURAL ARMOR
Club 1d6+(sD8) 0-1 50 CAN BE NON-LETHAL
Mace 2d6+(sD8) 0-2 150 CAN BE NON-LETHAL
Greatmace 3d6+(sD8) 0-3 400 CAN BE NON-LETHAL
huge melee
Staff 2d6+(sD8) 0-4 100 CAN BE NON-LETHAL

Weapon MELEE
Exotic Weapon Bases

Base Damage Range Value Special Skill used

Whip 1d4+(dD4+d) 0-4 200 DOUBLE DAMAGE ON FLESH blades
Catcher 1d6+(s) 0-4 250 ACROBATIC/STRENGTH ROLL
Boomrang 1d4+(sD4+d) 0-(STx2) 300 WITH A DEXTERITY CHECK

Pickaxe 3d6+(sD4) 0-2 400 TRIPLE ARMOR DAMAGE blunt

Sahaug Cleaver 4d6+(sD6) 0-3 1000 WITH 50% CHANCE

Zelar Twin
1d6+(dD6+d) 0-1 2000 BLEED (2D4) blades

Cyrex Gauntlets Brawling+(sD4) 0-1 750 HARM FOES AS WELL AS REDUCING THEIR
Gazoid Bayonet 1d6+(sD4+d) 0-1* 500 CAN BE PUT ON A GUN
Imp Reaper 5d6+(dx2) 0-4 5000 BEHIND TARGETS
Zord Fist Brawling+(sD4) 0-1 3500 CAN STILL MANIPULATE


Pulverizer 8d12+(s) 0-2 20000 CAN DESTROY WALLS

Zelar Whip BLEED (3D4)

5d6+(dD6) 0-3 30000 CAN GRAPPLE WHILE blades

Reinforced/sharpened edge 1000
A basic mod that makes your weapon basically more effective at its job of
maiming your foes. +1D to the weapon it is applied to.
Utility strap 250
Simple reinforced strap, allowing the user to keep hold of their weapon
even when confused or unbalanced. The strap is tied to the guard and prevent
Zord Thunderer 50000
Mod given, to all Zords that make any blunt weapon able to emit a large
impact radius effect that spread 1/2 of the damage down to the surrounding
of the main target for 1M. Use a charge of power out of 5, that need time to
recharge (1 charge per hour)
Zord Might 40000
Second mod, given to Zord using spear-like weaponry, allowing them to
shoot .32 ammo with a clip of 5 shots with the range of a basic Zord pistol.
Arc edge 60000
High tech mod who modify the type of damage dealt with electric type,
giving it higher effect against synthetic and electronics. Double the damage
dealt to synthetics and electronics but halves against organic foes. The weapon
needs energy cells to work.
Poison canister 10000
A small canister that makes liquids such as poison drip from the blades of
bladed weapons. The canister can hold up to 5 doses of poison made by the
user or bought at any good honest shops...
Furnace mod 40000
This mod makes the tip of the modded weapon heat up to dangerous
temperatures, doubling its armor piercing power and inflict burning damage
for 5D4 that stacks with the regular damage. Needs a day to recharge its power
with solar energy.
Logi fire mod 25000
Wild mod created by very savage Cyrex warlords. A fuel canister is connected
to a weapon and soak the weapon with fuel that is then set aflame. The
weapon can set things on fire for 5D6 Damage per turn but the weapon itself
is way harder to wield without harming yourself, reducing the skill to use it by
40%. A new canister must be used for each activations.

Armor Building
Armor is the something that should never as Wither or Spike. It is the combo of any kind
be ignored. When fighting, armor will reduce of Psionics, Lunacy or calling casting. It will
the damage you receive from multiple types reduce the damage of offensive spells and
of elements or damage. some lunacy imbued attacks such as Taken’s
Every armor sets are made from multiple claws that are tainted and cursed by the
layers of armor, such as the torso, pants, arms, anomaly.
gauntlets, boots, shoulder pads, kneepads,
and a helmet. Armor pieces values
Every piece of armor can be made of
different alloys but mixing them makes the Chest
armor you wear unbalanced and hard to 100+3XAlloy
move with it equipped. When a unfitting set 3
is equipped, you get a penalty of 20% to all
kind of actions you try to make. The amount arms
of damage reduction you gain for every 50+2XAlloy
piece of armor equipped is calculated by 2
multiplying the number damage resistance
to each element to the number of armor legs
value of each piece. For example, if you put a 50+2XAlloy
simple steel alloy on a chest piece that has an 2
armor value of 3, you gain 9 ballistic/ 0 toxic /
0 cosmic damage reduction, because ceramic
plating gives 3 ballistic damage reduction per
unit of armor (3X3=9). 2

Damage reduction types

Ballistic, usually shown as Gray value, it is 1
the typical gunshot, impact and usual hit on
the head from any good melee weapon. It is K.Pads
the most common way of harming people.
Toxic, the more insidious poisonous, toxic 1
and radioactive damage type, it will not
stop or reduce damage to a person already Boots
affected by poison or sickness, but it will 25+1XAlloy
reduce their initial impact on the wearer or 1
prevent firsthand contamination against the
lower tier of poisons. Gloves
Cosmic, the special type of damage that 25+1XAlloy
spell user cause when they cast spells such 1

steel 30 hp 100
Very standard but durable material, with lots of health but low damage
reduction. (Basic material on all weapons). 0

ceramic 10 hp 200
Very sharp for weapons, and very tough for brief assaults, ceramic
made quite of a mark on the armor market since humans massively 0
produced it. (+5 damage melee).

ultra heavy ceramic 30 hp 3000

The heavy version of the regular ceramic makes most alloys worthless
in the generic protection, so heavy it requires a special training to use it 0
well. (+10 damage melee).

zord plating 50 hp 6000

Zord-made alloy, made from some very tough mineral mined on the
Zord homeworld. Infused with the might of ZORD himself. Also used for 0
weapons and most of their ships. (Hard enough to cut trough metal).

rex plating 15 hp 3500

Light alloy, made from a combination of multiple unstable metals. The
Cyrex made theses in hope to reduce radiation poisoning and occasional 4
self-poisoning damage. (Very light, +10% to hit with melee).

etsyplate 70 hp 7000
A tempered alloy, hammered by the mind force of the best Etsyon
smiths who inhabits the moons around their homeworld, able to 2
withstand a lot of punishment. (Makes spell cast easier when holding
weapon with this alloy, as it conduct energy, +10% spell chance). 2

dense alloy 60 hp 15000

Alloy made with rituals and rare minerals. it is the best protection
against the Lunacy users and space anomalies out in space, used in 0
spacesuits and equipment. (Cause anomalistic foes to become sick and
dizzy, also preventing them from regenerating). 4

Wood 5 hp 10
Even if wood is common on earth, on different planets this is another
story. Rare in space or rocky planets, wood has a surprisingly good 0
absorption rate of cosmic energy and can be fashion onto crude primitive
weapons. (Remove a Dice from main weapon damage). 2

Eldritch Wood 60 hp ?
Wood gathered on anomaly influenced biomes. As it is infused with
an energy it loses its own protection against the cosmic element but it 2
gains cursed damage that rots flesh when it collides with something.
(Inflict a slight Wither effect, 1d10 per turn for 5 turns to targets hit). 0

bone 50 hp 40
A typical material for any good primitive tribe like the Barbarian and
some poor Sahaug, this material is very sturdy and easy to find. Strangely 0
enough holding a bone equipment makes the user harder to affect by
Lunacy. (-20% to any Lunacy effect that affects the wiedlder). 1

Eldritch bone 100 hp ?

When indescribable beast falls and their flesh rots, a worthy
prize is left in form of deformed and very sharp bones that are used 3
for elite Barbarian weapons and incredibly expensive ornaments.
(+2 dice of base weapon damage). 0

stone 40 hp 30
Very sturdy, but incredibly heavy, stones seems to be rather good
against cutting and bleeding effects, used by primitive clans to protect 0
themselves against clawed and biting beasts. (Negate bleed, slow down
the wearer for 1M). 0

Nyth ritual stone 10 hp 7000

Very rare stone, mined in the bowels of the Nyth homeworld and
then infused with their spiritual and Lunacy might, it can serve as 0
weapon material for sacrificial equipment and is incredibly sharp.
(+3 dice of base weapon damage BUT the weapon is brittle and breaks easily). 3

ancient crystal X hp ?
Very rare crystals found in abandoned mines and planets where disasters
happened long ago where an ancient spiritual people lived once. Last objects 5
of their legacy are these heating crystals that burns to the touch and can reflect
light. (Convert damage done to fire and can be overheated until the crystal
blow-up, causing massive shrapnel blast that applies the weapon damage to 5
all targets around the explosion center).

Special Armors
Armors are fine and all, but under your armor, you
usually need a very tight suit to avoid the risk of wounds
when wearing plating, you also might need in some time
of caution, to wear special kind of environmental suits to
protect against radiation and hazards or, when you are the
very durable fellow, wear a combat exoskeleton and the
might Exo-suit!

SPecial suits

sealed undersuit 250

Very flexible and durable, this undersuit is the base of any armor. Wore
on someone’s body, under any kind of armor or clothes, it nullifies friction
and prevents harm from most typical accidents on the terrain. It is perfectly
snug on the body of its wearer and does not impede them at all, as it is
embracing someone shape, it provides a slight bonus of +25% to anyone’s
appearance as it leaves nothing to the imagination.
The suit is made of a very light rubbery material that is slippery and can
allow someone to slide down a ramp or any harsh surface without harming
its wearer or could help someone to escape someone’s else grapples by
giving a +30% to any agility check to slide out of grasp. The wearer needs to
ONLY wear their undersuit for it to work, however, as well as the bonus to
appearance. The material is so tight that when pierced it automatically closes
back and seal itself, preventing vacuum and contaminant from passing. It
also has a mask, boots, gloves, allowing the wearer to be completely sealed
inside their suit in need of hazard protection or quick exposition to vacuum.
The entire ‘’kit’’ is only a 1 piece suit and very easy to carry when not

Special Armors
Lead plated Hazmat suit 10000

A special suit who resemble some kind of yellowish 1 piece suit doubled
with very heavy lead plates to block all incoming radiation when someone
gets exposed to intense levels of radiation or rays.
Unlike the undersuit or the enviro-suit, it is very hard to move properly
while inside of one and demands heavy efforts to do anything fast or
acrobatic while inside of one.
It is sealed and space worthy but only for a limited time, with a small
canister of oxygen placed inside the back of the suit. You can replace the
canister easily by filling it at any station or ship in the cosmic exchange.
enviro-suit 6000

From the outside, the enviro-suit is just like an undersuit, tight and very
resilient to friction it still does give the Appearance and slippery bonus to
counter grapple checks but the material is doubled with a thermal layer
that protects against almost all extremes of temperature and pressure
that someone could suffer while underwater, in space or in the bowels of
a hell zone of fire. The suit can allow an infinite amount of time spent in
harsh oxygen-less environements as it is equipped with a recharging supply
of oxygen who produce air from embedded plant matter and chemical
reactions. You could live underwater with one of those if you can afford the
water free time to resupply on essentials such as food. Intense heat or harsh
cold, nothing is out of this suit range.

Exoskeleton and

While armors and suits only protect against regular damages and hazards, Exo gear makes
anyone wearing one better at almost all feats of physical prowess way more potent and
sustained, as the body of the user is literally carried by a mechanically powered frame that
moves along the side of them.

Special Armors
exoskeleton 100000

Special military grade gear made from solid metallic rods, connected to
multiple levers of intricate make that makes every movement made by the
user easier and reduces their effort, making simple things easy and hard
feat possible.
When worn, the exoskeleton raises the physical stats: Strength, Agility by
5. You can also wear your armor while having this equipment on, however,
the manipulation, maintenance, and recharge of the exoskeleton demand
special skills and endurance.
The power source is a large energy cell for 12 hours of use.
exo-suit 500000

The most expensive and protective piece of armor ever conceived, this
suit is entirely sealed and tougher than any other protections by far. A literal
walking fortress, this armor-like suit is almost a vehicle as you need to enter
it by opening it like a box and control it with your own movement, captured
by sensors and high-tech.
The suit itself give a large amount of damage reduction and is very hard to
breach with conventional methods like low caliber and melee. A normal suit
starts with 50 ballistic damage reduction, is immune to fire, poison, vacuum,
presure, most impact based hazards and can withstand a tremendous 500
HP damage before a breach is made into its ‘’hull’’.
You can also add plates of armor with the regular alloys selection with
the exact same values and system as regular armor but you can ONLY use
pieces that are part of the same set, no mixing as the suit need to move
perfectly well to not use and break. The suit also gives +6 in Strength but
limit Agility to a static amount of 2, as the armor is very slow compared to
the exoskeleton variant.
You can only, when inside, wear on yourself a undersuit or be literally
naked as the armor is made to fit species physiology perfectly and no space
is lost, making a driver exposed when the suit is breached.
The suit uses expensive specialized energy cells of impressive size to
function for around a day..

Exo-suit mods are very hard to come by and pretty expensive, but adding features to a
previously impenetrable fortress makes it even more lethal in combat. You can add up to the
number of Wits STAT the engineer has on an already conceived suit.

Passenger pod 10000

Very simple but useful mod that bodyguards or slavers use to move cargo
from one place to another, either to protect or to subdue weaker opponents
or friends.
Allows the user of the armor to carry someone or something in a specially
made compartment on the armor, protecting them as much as the wearer of
the armor itself, however, the passenger is helpless and cannot do anything
until the user of the armor release them.
Jump pack 40000
Pretty dangerous mod for the unfamiliarized. It allows the user of the armor
to jump high with jet propulsion assist and land on flat surfaces brutally.
Someone could use this feature to crush their foes but doing so require
mastery of the controls of said suit to land properly as well as crushing every
fiber of someone bones on the floor. If this kind of action is made, any targets
under the armor future location can make large object dodge roll to get the
hell out of dodge and not be squished.
The high tech jump packs recharge by themselves under solar energy,
allowing up to 5 jumps per day. The crushing damage it deals is lethal to small
target but only wounds same sized or bigger foes for (StrengthXD10).
Mobility Treads 35000
A handy mod that makes the legs of the armor able to deploy the feet of an
exo-suit into tank-like treads that can bypass any difficult terrain and crush foes
on the floor. Fast in comparison of regular legs by adding +5 to the movement
rate of the suit but only allows the user to move in a straight line in their turn.
Activating the tread require a turn before it can be used and another to retract
them. Crushing damage is (StrengthXD8).
Sensor mod
An electronic mod that makes the armor able to detect movement and
threats in the surrounding area and aid at the general targetted action the
user may take. (give the user +15% to hit with weapons and a 10M passive
scanner that alert of movements).

Subnautical conversion 100000
A very complicated mod that converts the main feature of the armor and
makes it able to be used underwater with air jets and other feature to be
able to move in water perfectly in all direction. The armor is also way more
durable against pressure and the electronics are safe inside from the water
and possible pressure bursts. If equipped with a ‘’passenger pod’’ the pod
itself is protected as well against pressure or other hazards and the jump pack
mod boost the effectiveness of the air jets that moves the armor around.
Space Conversion 200000
This conversion makes the armor able to be used perfectly in vacuum and
zero-g environment, with magnets and claws that grip on surfaces and even an
handy drill to pierce plating and rocks out in space. The suit also is protected
from depressurisation with an handy doubled layer that adds considerable
weight on normal gravity land but not in space, sealing back the breach on the
outer layer before the inner layer is damaged.
Medical interface 400000
A very expensive mod that makes the armor aware of the user health and
applies stims and medical care to them on the spot as they are fighting. When
the user is wounded, a singular health pack is spent per turn until the user is
fully healed. If the armor has a passenger pod, the pod itself also heals the
passenger inside and can even operate on regular species, making sure they
do not die if critically wounded.
Self-destruct mod 50000
Last resort and deadly weapon, this mod make the armor itself overcharge
and explode in a very large radius with a deadly charge of energy and power,
disintegrating regular matter and the armor itself in a radius of 10 meters after
3 turns of being set off. When activated the armor will let a very tight hole
open in its hull to let the user inside slide trough with a undersuit equipped,
allowing them to run like hell before everything goes boom. The explosion
damage is (10D50+50).

because ammo belt and regular inventory do
not usually mix and can be carried separately
without encumbering one another. You could
have a belt full of deadly .50 rifle rounds
ready to use for your bolt action rifle and still
be ‘’empty’’ for your regular inventory, very
useful as it as well let you take the clips or
bullets without taking a turn to search your
Max number of carrying capacity units = 1 per
STRENGTH value +5 (base of 6 for 1 strength)

over encumberment

If a character wishes to carry more than

When playing Entropy, you fill need to they usually can do, they will need to roll
stock up on items that will help you survive consecutive toughness rolls to assure to not
a bit longer in the far reaches of space. Every collapse over the dominating weight of the
character can carry a limited amount of items they carry.
items on themselves and even use backpacks
or other means of transport to hoard a Some items, such as the backpack will
maximum of loot to sell or use on the field. enlarge the number of available units of
carrying capacity but will impede your
movement and agility in general when
Carry capacity deployed as it is an extra weight on your back
that slows you down. Searching trough a
backpack to find an item, even if well placed
When building a character some people takes usually a turn and leave you exposed,
might spend points into strength to raise unable to dodge or move on the same turn
their efficiency with melee and other effort unless you roll a DEXTERITY roll and manage
skills but it is also used to know how many to seize the item with nimble fingers.
‘’Units’’ of weight a character can carry. A
single medium sized item usually takes a
unit of weight when carried, like a weapon General equipment
or a med pack, but other items like heavy
duty rocket launchers and crates can take
more space in a backpack or holster on your When on the field, you can carry all sort
person. Ammunition as well takes place of objects to help you in general endeavors.
in someone’s inventory and can be simply A flashlight to light your way or a Codex, to
placed in a backpack but it is far smarter communicate and keep your data stored. You
to invest in bandoliers and ammo belts to are free to create new items when needed
keep ammo out of regular inventory space but here is a base list that should suffice.

General Equipment
Item Description value
A.T Ammo Box Box of ammo to recharge an automated turret for 5 rounds of sustained fire with 8X80R rounds 100 1
Automated Automated defense, programmed by a codex to shoot at particular targets with the equivalent of a Huge
Auto-Rifle skill of 70% 25000 4
An object used to carry more items before being over cumbered. When ‘’deployed’’, the maximum carrying
Backpack capacity is upgraded by 5 Units but the Agility Stat is reduced by 3. 30 +5
Deadly traps made with durable alloys, able to snap trough almost all flesh and bones. When placed on the
Beast Trap ground, any movement above the trap makes it trigger, causing 2D20+5 damage and holds the target still. 150 1
Used to see at long distances with different modes of view, such as night vision, and heat signatures. Anyone
Binoculars using it also gains +50% zoom skill boost for long distance search and spot actions. 100 1
Expensive equipment that is worn above an undersuit or very light armor, allowing the user to glide and gain a
Bird Kit limited ability to fly. It is completely retractable and hidden when the user stands on the floor and only deploy
when in flight
7000 2
After many scientists got eaten and absorbed by some fauna around the galaxy, they invented a repulsive wave
Blob Impeder emitter that free someone once from the inside of a blob/slime like monster or the feared Iboos 15000 1
Multi-use tool that allows the user to melt metal and cut trough plating, or to bind two plates of metal together.
Blowtorch It has 5 complete uses in a canister. It can also be used as a very brutal and cruel weapon inflicting 2D10+20 fire
damage only on skin exposed targets
250 1
Little backpack that is equipped with thirster that can lift the user above ground with very limited control, making
Booster Pack them able to jump very high and land safely in a straight line once per day. 20000 3
Cable Extention Simple extension, allowing a cable to have longer reach 5 1
A Very crude trap of metal ball with dozens of narrow spikes that stabs and pierce the armor of the boots or beast
Caltrops walking on it, Inflicting 3D4+2 bleed damage per turn It also slows down the victims by halving their speed 45 1
A Very very durable cable of metallic fibers joined together into a good rope to climb or to strangle your
Carbon wire enemies... your choice 10 1
Climber Kit Some pads, some spikes, and rope to help someone climb rocky surfaces with ease 300 2
A multi-task computer device that automatically updates itself as you encounter fauna and flora, helping you
Codex survive in any harsh environment. You can also edit it yourself to upload new specimen data to receive rewards 500 1
A little comm system that allows the user to communicate with any other wielder of such a device that has been
Communicator coordinated on the same waves 100 1
A set of equipment making the cooking and treatment of any ingredient easier than with only your hands or
Cooking Kit primitive means 70 2
A little pod, that can hold a medium sized item and completely freeze it in cryo to make sure it stays fresh or
Cryo Kit ‘’alive’’ if it is when frozen 11000 2
A simple metallic dome that allows explosives to be controlled and aimed to a unique direction by protecting the
Demo Dome expert when placing shaped charges 2000 2
A special kit for any expert demolitionist, making them able to set up and disarm explosive with ease as long as
Demolition Kit they do not screw up badly 5000 2
A strange looking kit that can be worn on a undersuit that adds a long eel-like tail and palms as well as a
Eel Kit rebreather making their user look almost alien as the kit imitate the fleshy look of an underwater being. This kit
makes swimming easier and double your movement value underwater
35000 3
A practical shovel that is almost indestructible with a sharp blade for all your shoveling need. It can also be used
Etsyon Shovel as a makeshift hatchet to chop wood 1550 2
The energy source of any good Exo-Suit, big and cumbersome it can refill suit with a simple plugging into the right
Exo-Suit Cell socket 4000 2

General Equipment
Item Description value
A simple red stick that can be snapped and emit light in a rather large radius, as well as make noises and scare
Flare/Glow stick animals and bugs. Glow sticks, on the other hand, can go underwater but do not scare fauna and can’t burn things 15 1
A very powerful light source that has almost unlimited energy reserve since it use solar recharge and can be
Flashlight cranked with a handle when emptied, however, the crank causes a lot of noise then used 150 1
Fuel Canister A simple fuel canister, flammable and used to fill blowtorches and other fuel consuming devices 75 1
A little device that makes an unsettling noise when someone approaches an irradiated zone, the louder and faster,
Geiger Counter the worse it is. Strangely enough, it seems to trigger also when Takens are around as well 350 1
Glider A cumbersome device made to let someone able to glide in the air, even in armor with minimal risks 600 3
a little cylinder that, when pressed, release a large amount of air pressure and launch a grappling hook to an
Grapple Hook aimed destination with a roll of Dexterity. When the hook hit, it grip on any surface with sharp claws and the rope
can be used
500 1
Handheld A lifesaving device that allows the user to move in a chosen direction in space or gravity devoid places. for the
double of the same price, you can also get an underwater version 25000 2
A little device that can create heat, either by being plugged in an energy source, being under the sun or being
Heat Generator cranked manually 700 2
An elongated spherical canister that can hold up to two persons and let them sleep and relax with bliss perfect
Imp Cacoon temperature and environment even if outside there is a blizzard. The canister is so comfortable that wounds and
panic reduce way faster than by normal time speed
40000 4
Insectoid A simple spraying can with an extended hose to spray a thick gooey substance that repels insect type fauna but
seems to cause numbness and confusion on sentient beings. Use with care 2500 2
A long range laser pointer that can be used to paint target for missile guidance or simply use to show things at a
Laser Pointer very long range for binocular and scope use 200 1
A sphere-like device with holes that can be filled with a liquid or gas type poison and infecting agents or virus.
Leaker Can even, if courageous and equipped enough, be filled with a slime or blob-like beast that can be released as a
600 2

Lure A very pungent odored piece of meat or fruit that can be used for traps against animals or beasts 50 1
A simple long cleaver-like bladed tool that is primary used to chop vegetation and tough material in jungles or
Machete any kind of weird biome you might be in. Could be used as a weapon but the blade is not made for armor and will
100 1

Medical Kit Basic kit to apply first aid and surgery on the field or remove poison and sickness 250 2
A telescopic umbrella made of solid metals, able to resist sharpnels and explosion blast from moderate range and
Metal Umbrella prevent death from small meteor showers 3000 2
Mineral A little drilling device able to make a hole and drain minerals or collect lump of metals in rocks or other terrains 10000 2
Modifiable A special set of handcuffs, able to restrain any kind of horror you might encounter, from 1 arm and leg up to 10
appendages. Very cumbersome however 1000 1
Modification A deploying table with small tools and materials for modding 6000 2
Nano Paste A canister of thick gooey paste that can fix holes and breaches when applied to them 200 1

General Equipment
Item Description value
Oxygen Tank A canister full of oxygen, for general Hazmat suit use and other air powered devices 50 1
Parachute A backpack with a deployable parachute in it, able to stop a deadly fall and make the landing less splashy 100 2
Portable Solar A simple generator that can refill empty energy cells of all kind with the light of the sun or other very bright and
powerful light 7000 2
A roll of cables, compatible with most commonly known devices and able to link them to a power outlet or to
Power Cables each other 25 1
A simple pack of compressed and sealed food that can sustain someone for quite a while, full of vitamins and
Ration proteins 20 1
A simple kit that allows the user to fix their damaged armor and weapon with a dose of Nano Paste. Can also be
Repair Kit used to temper with devices 2000 2
Sample A very intrusive device that extends a syringe like a needle and drains blood, matter, and tissue from creatures,
from the thick armored to the unstable and hazardous slimes and blobs 5000 1
A sensory device that can scan and detect movement and other kinds of disturbance. It can also detect heat
Scanner siganture and has a special setting for space anomalous signals that nobody truly understands 6000 1
A large sealed tent that can accommodate a group up to 5 people with oxygen for a night under the stars or... in
Sealed Tent very creepy caves full of monsters 1000 3
A large unsealed tent that can accommodate a group up to 5 people for a night under the stars or... in very creepy
Simple Tent caves full of monsters with extremely limited protection 500 3
A very exotic and rare kit that modify an undersuit and allow the user to slide and slither on surfaces like a snake
Snake Kit or Cyrex would, even fitting and very tight tunnels and holes with micro wheels and a tail extension that whip
away as the user crawls
60000 2
Rare Zelar kit that is rigged on an undersuit, extending weird grips on the hands and legs, allowing users to crawl
Spider Kit and climb on any kind of flat surface like a spider, even upside down 70000 2
A furnace device, able to smelt almost all kind of minerals into shaped bars, useful for gold collectors and exotic
Super Oven alloy explorers 25000 2
A very long and sturdy pole that close on itself like a telescope, the pole can extend up to 4 meters and can be
Telescopic Pole locked at every meter of its length 400 1
Titan Circular A very sharp circular saw that can cut trough most alloys and thick doors with enough time. Can also be used as a
crude weapon with the Huge Melee skill with a -20% to hit and deals 3D10+10 damage to flesh and armor 2500 3
Tool Kit A simple kit of tools for general use, less powerful than specialized kits but still of use for the creative sorts 350 2
A Shlaug device, created to hammer even the hardest metals into shapes, from blades to blunt objects and
Tremor Anvil weapons. Wits and knowledges skills needed to create new items from primary and exotic resources 15000 3
A very small emitter that can be hidden in clothes or even inside of an undersuit, when activated, send a sector-
Urgency Emitter wide alert, calling for help and able to be picked by any sensors or radio signal emitting device 500 0
A skin tight mask that provides oxygen and vacuum exposure protection for a limited amount of time before being
Usable Mask obsolete. Can also block contaminants and gas 75 1
Water A somewhat strange device, made by the Imp people that, once stabbed into any liquids or even gooey substance,
can purify them and make them drinkable, refreshing and able to sustain the user for a while 30000 3
A very sturdy Zord crowbar, made of the iconic red metal. Able to pride open most crates and door by brute
Zord Bar strength 500 1

Explosive Devices
Item Description value
Zelar made charge that once placed, release an outburst of electricity to all surrounding conducting targets for 5
Arc Lasher meters and damage them for 5D8+20 electric damage 2500 1
Artisanal Bomb Made from all sort of things found in nature or in very shifty back alleys. Deals 2D20 damage around 3 meter X 1
Just like the normal HE grenade but in a tied together form, that split from it origin impact t spread in the four
Cluster Grenade main directions, up, down, left and right on the battle map 3 meter way and then explode with the HE Grenade
1500 2
A grenade of the Imp people, release an extremely cold blast for 4-meter radius that snaps freeze everything
Cryo Grenade completely covered by the blast and chill things partially covered. Fully froze targets are disabled while chilled
ones are slowed for half their movement and may suffer frost burns
5000 1
Plastic paste that explodes when lit on fire, shaped in cubes and stuck on surfaces by units of paste. Every unit of
Cx-Paste paste cause 1D50 damage and has 1-meter radius. The effect is cumulative the more units of CX is used 750 per units 1/5
Just like normal HE Grenades but works perfectly underwater. Allowing underwater explosions to be controled
Deep Grenade and useful 1000 1
A makeshift bomb, full of fuel and other flammable elements that burst in a fiery blaze when activated dealing
Flare-Bomb moderate fire damage for 10D4 initially and 2D6 per turn afterward X 2
A thin grenade that once thrown, burst in a light that blinds and disorient targets until they make a Willpower or
Flashbang Toughness roll. When blinded, the targets of the blast are crippled in their skills use and get all their skills halved,
giving a huge advantage over them. To be affected the grenade blast must be in your visible range and line of sight
500 1
Fragmentation A pretty regular grenade that shoots out shrapnels when blowing up, causing bleed and high damage to fleshy
Grenade targets around 6 meter for 3D50 and 1D10 bleed per turn, Armor negate half of the Initial damage 500 1
The simplest grenade there is, you throw it, it blows up. Deals 3D50+20 damage and deal double armor damage in
HE Grenade a 5-meter radius 500 1
Just like the HE grenade, but explode on impact instead of having a timer, dealing instead 2D50+20 damage in a
Impact Grenade 5-meter radius 700 1
Artisanal bomb made out of bottles of alcohol and other flammable substance that, when thrown, spread a fiery
Molotov Coktail liquid on a surface or person. Dealing 5D4 fire damage per turn and affect a 3-meter radius area for 10 turns
before going out
X 1
Napalm The professional version of the typical Molotov. Burst with a much more lethal blast that spread the doom liquid
that sticks to foes and burns them until they are a crisp of a corpse, dealing 10D6 fire damage per turn and affect a 2000 1
Grenade 4-meter radius area for 20 turns

Highly illegal bomb who, once triggered at distance, release a burst of radiation that harms all living being in the
Rad-Buster area and contaminates objects for 5 points of Rads per turn in a 10-meter radius 10000 2
Simple canister that is thrown on the floor, releasing a thick smoke that hides targets inside of it and doubles
Smoke Grenade any Dodge roll made by targets covered by it as well as reducing the chance of being hit by 25% for 10 turns in a
5-meter radius
200 1
When enough blob/slime matter is collected by specialist, they can make a shaped charge with the living flesh
Xeno-Ooze absorbing monster in it, that when triggered, blast a whole room of the ooze that sticks and affect the targets
inside of it just like the monster it used to be
X/? 3

Timer, from 1 to 4 turns before explosion

can be ‘‘cooked’’ before thrown, explode after timer runs out



Carrying Equipment
Item Description value
Blade Sheath Simple adaptable sheath that can hld safely any kind of bladed weapon 25 1
Huge Weapon Large arrays of belts linked together to allow the user to carry huge weapons such as miniguns and other very
large melee and range weapons 50 2
Launcher Case A special square elongated box that can hold a launcher safely on someone’s back 100 2
Mace/Blunt A simple belt adapted to hold blunt weapons without any chance of harming the user 15 1
Pistol Holster A small holster, either strapped on a belt or any place on the body like the shoulder or even the inner thighs 40 0
A long strap snapped with a pin to a suit of armor to hold long rifles such as snipers or shotguns or even assault
Rifle Strap riffles 40 1

Ammo Belt A thin belt that can hold up to 5 clips or 10 singular bullets at the waist 25 0
A little pouch, not very practical that can hold a bunch of clips or bullets for the simple minded. Need a turn to
Ammo Pouch take anything from it but as a capacity of 15 clips or 25 bullets 10 1
Very long, specialized strap that can hold a large 40 bullets and is placed across the torso. Two can be fitted on
Bullet Bandolier yourself for 80 capacity 150 1
Very long, specialized strap that can hold a large 20 clips and is placed across the torso. Two can be fitted on
Clip Bandolier yourself for 40 capacity 150 1
Clip Strap Thin strap that runs around the waist and can hold 10 clips 80 0
Grenade Belt A large strap that can hold up to 5 grenades on the torso, easily accessible 50 0
A large box, strapped on someone hips able to carry up to 4 shells for canons. Two of them can be strapped at
Shell Box once, one on each side 200 2
Small Shoulder A very concealed strap that can be worn under clothes that can hold 6 bullets 25 0
bullet Slots
A large box, strapped on someone hips able to carry up to 8 mines for launchers. Two of them can be strapped at
Mine Box once, one on each side 200 2
Missile Case A very large canister, strapped behind someone’s back, able to hold up to 5 missiles 300 3

Medical Equipment
Item Description value
A single use injection that boosts the user energy level to its highest, making them wake up from unconscious
Adrenaline status and make sure they stay up for a while 150 1
A very widely effective anti-poison or infection pill that suppresses most types of health degrading effects such as
Anti-Toxin Cyrex venom or other common toxins 200 1
Bag of specific blood, chosen when bought, sealed and secured from any infection or degredation and ready to be
Blood Bag injected 100 1
A popular little injection that allows species, previously not able to enter in intimate contact, to do so and also can
Contak Shot suppress possible food poisoning as a bonus 25 1
An electronic chip, implanted in someone’s body to manage their vitals and make sure their body resist and as all
Control Chip their vital strong, even in hostile environment 500 0
Experimental A very unstable pill made from obscure ingredients collected in the unexplored sectors of space and made with
fauna secretion and DNA. Makes all the main stats of a character go up by 4 for 1 week but cause horrible lesion 5000 1
Pill and pain as the effect wears off. Sometimes killing the ingesting creature
A comically made pill with a large smilling face on it and bright colors. When ingested, the effect is instant and
Happy Pal nums all the feelings and emotions, making horrors and fear disappear for a short time. Has a 10% chance of
giving back 1D4 sanity
60 1
A special pack that is plugged into someone skin and keep injecting an agent that the user previously placed
Infusion pack inside of the two canisters that can hold up to 10 charges of any substance wanted 2000 2
Large Cloning A very large cloning cat that allows people to clone complete organism with a simple DNA extract from a sample
extractor. The process can take days or months, depending on success 500000 X
A small round metal cylinder that is placed on top of a chopped or ripped off body part. Chops the bone and flesh
Limb Patcher into a smooth and sterile wound that is protected against contaminants until a new limb is stiched 400 1
Very common injection pack that stimulate regeneration of the body and heals back a varrying amount of health,
Med Pack depending on the system of the user. Heals back 50% Max health but can cause complications and pain 50 1
A little injector that can be calibrated to change the body structure of the target. You can choose to upgrade the
Mutagen STATS of a target with a very hard roll, depending on the choice, from making people more attractive to make
them tougher and stronger. May backfire...
600 1

Pain Pill A pill that suppresses pain but keeps the mental faculty of the person intact for minor or medium wounds 40 1
Rad diffusion A complicated set of tool that allows a specialist to reduce the radiation level of a target by 1. The process takes 1
hour 700 2
Small Cloning A small vat that can be used to clone limbs to stitch back on someone body, after cloning their DNA and producing
the sought limb 250000 3
A little prototype tablet that when ingested, solidify the skin of the user, making them much more resilient to
Steel Tablets cutting damage and friction. Adding a natural 15 Ballistic Damage reduction and prevent injections or bites for 1
1000 1

Sticher A little device that is programmed by the user to stitch back automatically a limb back to a selected target 250 2
A way more potent version of the Pain Pill, injected into the system, it makes even the worst pain go away but
Stim makes the body completely confused and unable to move precisly for 1 hour 100 1
When everything is going to hell and the only way out is to die, better it be by your hand than by a weird tentacle
Suicide Pill freak from space... 200 1
Weird worm-like creatures native to the Cyrex homeworld who, when in the proximity of a wound, tries to force
Symbiote itself into the clothes and wound of the person while injecting sensations stimulant into their system. When
inside, they tend to the body impurity and act as a regenerating agent for a week. Mutations possible
10000 1
A small injector that can be used on most species, making the thing affected roll a toughness roll, if failed the
Tranquilizer target sleeps until woken up or 10 hours 1000 1


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