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Location : MRS#2/22 KV SWBD

Feeder Name : Tie feeder to MRS – 3 PNL No: 16 / P. No: 09

2. Name Plate Details :

Make EE
Type CDG11
Sl no 93124472004
CT sec 1A

3. General Inspection : OK
4. Service Settings : P.S: 0.6A & TMS: 0.2

5. Secondary Injection Test :

Operating Time (S)

Ref Set Current (A) Operated Current (A) TMS
X2 X5
0.2 1.70 0.81
E/F 0.6 0.6
1.0 8.38 3.94

6. Functional checks: (Whether Operational Checks OK / Not OK / Not Applicable)

1 Correct circuit breaker tripping contacts OK
2 Master trip relay tripping properly OK
3 CT shorting link should be short OK

7. Comments : Nil.

8. Remarks : Relay Found Healthy.

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