DSP Lab 2010

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Government Engineering College Bartonhill

08.508 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory (TA)

This question paper set contains two pages.

1. Write a modified linear convolver function, which obtains the linearly convolved
output and the time index vectors. Test it on a pair of arbitrary input sequences.

2. Write a function m-file for circular convolution. Test it on a pair of arbitrary input

3. Consider a 3kHz sinusoidal signal of amplitude 5V . Sample the waveform at Nyquist

rate and display the samples of one entire waveform.

4. Simulate an exponentially diminishing and increasing sinewave.

5. Simulate one waveform of an arbitrary signal. Develop a function that has arguments
as one full waveform of the arbitrary wave and the number of replicas to be generated.
Test the function with suitable inputs.

6. Amplitude modulate a 520kHz carrier with a 2kHz modulating signal. Obtain the
frequency spectrum of the modulated signal and display it. Do not use MATLAB
library functions for modulation.

7. Amplitude modulate (using the ammod(.) function) a sinusoidal signal of amplitude

2V and frequency 1kHz with a carrier wave of amplitude 5V and frequency 520kHz.
Obtain the frequency spectra. Demodulate the signal using the amdemod(.) function.

8. Frequency modulate (using the fmmod(.) function) a sinusoidal signal of amplitude

2V and frequency 1kHz with a carrier wave of amplitude 5V and frequency 1520kHz.
Obtain the frequency spectra. Demodulate the signal using the fmdemod(.) function.

9. Frequency modulate (without using the fmmod(.) and modulate(.) functions) a sinu-
soidal signal of amplitude 4V and frequency 2kHz with a carrier wave of amplitude 6V
and frequency 1520kHz. Obtain the frequency spectra. Demodulate the signal using
the fmdemod(.) function

10. Generate PWM for a sinusoidal input of amplitude 5V and frequency 500Hz, without
using the modulate(.) function. Demoduate the signal using the demod(.) function.

11. Assume that the input signal to a 10th order bandpass FIR filter is a sinusoid of ampli-
tude 10V and frequency 1kHz, corrupted by a noise signal having normal (Gaussian)
probability density function, with mean 0 and variance 0.64. Compare the spectra of
the input and the filtered output. Adjust the order and see the difference.

12. Simulate a typical ECG signal. The P, Q, R, S, and T peaks should be clearly visible.
Obtain the spectrum of the waveform.

13. Generate a random vector having Rayleigh probability density function of length 1000.
Obtain the mean and variance of the random vector.

14. Generate a random vector having uniform probability density function of length 2000.
Obtain the mean and variance of the random vector.

15. Design a Type 1 lowpass Chebychev filter with the following specifications: F pass =
800Hz, F stop = 1000Hz, Astop > 80dB, Apass = 0.8dB and F s = 4000Hz. Plot
the frequency response of the filter. Use the filter to remove the random noise from a
sinusoid of amplitude 10V and frequency 600Hz, corrupted by a random noise vector
of uniform pdf.

16. Design a FIR highpass filter using Kaiser window with the following specifications:
Fstop = 200Hz, Fpass = 600Hz, Astop > 80dB, Apass = 0.4dB, Fs = 4000Hz. Plot
the frequency response. Use the fdatool GUI for the design.

17. Design a multiband Parks-McClellan FIR filter using the firgr function. The specifi-
cations are: f = [0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1] and a = [0 0 1 1 0 0]. Plot the frequency response
and impulse response. Also obtain the pole-zero plot.

18. Design a maximally flat IIR bandpass filter with the following specifications: Fstop1
= 400Hz, Fpass1 = 800Hz, Fpass2 = 1000Hz, Fstop2 = 1400Hz, Fs = 14000Hz, Astop
> 60dB, and Apass = 0.4dB. Obtain the frequency response and step response of the

19. Design a Type 2 Chebychev IIR bandstop filter with the following specifications: Fpass1
= 400Hz, Fstop1 = 800Hz, Fstop2 = 1000Hz, Fpass2 = 1400Hz, Fs = 14000Hz, Astop
> 60dB, and Apass = 0.4dB. Obtain the frequency response and impulse response of
the filter. Use the fdatool GUI.

20. Design an optimal equiripple FIR filter using the fdatool. Obtain the frequency re-
sponse, impulse response and step response of the filter. Also obtain the pole-zero

21. Obtain the z-transform of the arbitrary sequence using the ztrans function in Symbolic
Math Toolbox.

22. Using the TMS320C6713 DSK generate a sinusoidal signal of amplitude 10V and frequency

23. Obtain the DFT of a real time sinusoidal signal, using the TMS320C6713 DSK.

24. Implement a real time Butterworth lowpass filter of order 10 and cutoff frequency
2kHz using the TMS320C6713 DSK. Test the filter.

25. Implement a real time FIR lowpass filter of order 12 and cutoff frequency 2.5kHz
using the TMS320C6713 DSK. Use MATLAB to obtain the filter coefficients.

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