σ σ xxσ σ σ σ σ τ τ τ σ σ σ σ σ τ σ τ σ τ τ τ σ xx+σ σ σ: xx yy zz xy yz zx

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24 At a point in a stressed body, the cartesian components of

stress are σxx = 50 MPa, σyy = 60 MPa, σzz = 70 MPa, τxy =100 MPa,
τyz =75 MPa, τzx =50 MPa. Determine the (a) principal stress and
the maximum shear stress at a point and (b) orientation of the
plane on which the maximum tensile stress acts.

Given: Required:
σxx= 50 MPa (a) Principal stress (σ1, σ2,σ3)
σyy= 60 MPa (b) Maximum Shear Stress (τmax)
σzz= 70 MPa (c) Orientation of the plane
τxy=100 MPa
τyz=75 MPa
τzx=50 MPa


In Equation 1.7

(¿¿ xx σ yy +σ yy σ zz +σ zz σ xx −τ xy−τ yz −τ zx )σ n−( σ xx σ yy σ zz −σ xx τ 2yz −σ yy τ 2zx −σ zz τ 2xy+ 2 τ xy τ yz τ zx ) =0
2 2 2

σ 3n−(¿ ¿ xx+ σ yy + σ zz ) σ 2n +¿

σ 3n −( 50+60+70 ) σ 2n +[( 50 )( 60 ) + ( 60 )( 70 ) +(70)(50)] σ n−[ ( 50 ) ( 60 ) (70 )−( 50 ) ( 752 )− (60 ) ( 50 2) −( 70 ) ( 1002 ) +2(10

Therefore gives the values as follows:

σ 3n =1

σ n =−180

σ 3n =−7,425

d=171, 250
These values were just directly input in the calculator using EQUATION
function for four unknowns.


(a) Principal Stresses

σ 1=211.3036 MPa

σ 2=16.8355 MPa

σ 3 =−48.1391 MPa

(b) Maximum shear stress

1 1 211.3036 +48.1391
τ max = ( σ max−σ min )= ( σ 1−σ 3 ) = =129.7213 MPa
2 2 2

(c) Orientation of the plane

Using the below equations (page 14 b)

σxxcos(n,x) + τyxcos(n,y) + τzxcos(n,z) = σncos(n,x)

τxycos(n,x) + σyycos(n,y) + τzycos(n,z) = σncos(n,y)
τxzcos(n,x) + τyzcos(n,y) + σzzcos(n,z) = σncos(n,z)

Use the value of the maximum Principal Stress σ1 as σn (211.3MPa) then

substitute the other given values in the above equations to have another
sets of equations.

50cos(n,x) + 100cos(n,y) + 50cos(n,z) = 211.3cos(n,x) (2.a)

100cos(n,x) + 60cos(n,y) + 75cos(n,z) = 211.3cos(n,y) (2.b)
50cos(n,x) + 75cos(n,y) + 70cos(n,z) =211.3cos (n,z) (2.c)

The equations show that the values at the right side can be transferred to
the left side or equating the equation to zero to have another set of
equations as follows:

-161.3cos(n,x) + 100cos(n,y) + 50cos(n,z) = 0 (3.a)

100cos(n,x) - 151.3cos(n,y) + 75cos(n,z) = 0 (3.b)
50cos(n,x) + 75cos(n,y) – 141.3cos(n,z) =0 (3.c)
In equations (3.a) and (3.b), multiply equation (3.a) by -1.5 so that the
values of cos(n,z) be equaled to zero then subtract the two equations.

[−161.3 cos ( n , x )+100 cos ( n , y ) +50 cos ( n , z )=0 ]−1.5

100cos ( n , x )−151.3 cos (n , y )+75 cos (n , z)=0
341.95cos ( n , x )=301.3cos ⁡( n , y )

−111.3 cos(n , x)+60 cos (n , y )+75 cos (n , z)=0

[50 cos ( n , x ) +75 cos ( n , y )−141.3 cos ( n , z )=0 ]−2
357.6 cos ( n , z )=301.3 cos ⁡( n , y )

−161.3 cos (n , x)+100 cos(n , y )+50 cos( n , z )=0

[50 cos ( n , x ) +75 cos ( n , y )−141.1 cos ( n , z )=0 ]− 43
238.4 cos ( n , z )=227.97 cos ⁡( n , x)

Let x=cos(n,x), y=cos(n,y), and z=cos(n,z)

x2 + y2 + z2 = cos2(n,x) + cos2(n,y)+ cos2(n,z)= 1

solve x=cos(n,x), y=cos(n,y), and z=cos(n,z)

2 2 2
(¿¿ 2) ( x + y + z )
( 50 x +100 y +50 z )2+ ( 100 x +60 y+ 75 z )2 + ( 50 x+75 y +70 z )2=¿

341.95 227.97 2 341.95 227.97 2 341.95 227.9

x :[50 x +100 x +50 x ] +[ 100 x+ 60 x +75 x ] +[50 x +75 x+ 70
301.3 238.4 301.3 238.4 301.3 238.

2 211.3
cos ( n , x )= =0.31
44649.4+57510.6+ 40826.7
2 2
301.3 301.3 301.3 301.3 301.3 301.3
y :[50 y +100 y +50 y ] +[100 y+ 60 y+ 75 y ] +[50 y +75 y +70
341.95 357.6 341.95 357.6 341.95 357.6

211.3 2
cos 2 ( n , y )= =0.40
34664.7+44649.6+ 31696.6

2 2 2
238.4 357.6 238.4 357.6 238.4 357.6
z :[50 z +100 z+50 z ] +[100 z +60 z+75 z ] +[50 z +75 z+70 z ]
227.97 301.3 227.97 301.3 227.97 301.3

cos 2 ( n , z )= =0. 29
48829.2+62893.91+ 44648.47

Note: Check if cos2(n,x)+ cos2(n,y)+ cos2(n,z)=1

Figure 1.Mohr’s circle solution #1.24.

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