I. Objectives:: (Students Follow The Instructions.)

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Biology

(Kingdom Animalia)

I. Objectives:
Given a set of activities, the students should be able to attain at least 75%
proficiency and should be able to:
A. list four traits of animals;
B. identify the nine major phyla of animals and give an example of each; and
C. describe the major characteristics of each nine phyla of animals.
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: The Animal Kingdom
A. Materials
 Powerpoint presentation
 Chalk and board
 Cellphone
 Illustration boards for A & D Statements(motivation)

B. References
“Science: Learner’s Module”, Vibal Publishing House, Inc., pages 248-266.
Kaskel Albert, Hummer Jr. Paul J., Daniel Lucy, “Glencoe Biology: An Everyday
Experience” McGraw Hill pages 134-174.

III. Procedure:
Teachers’ activity Students’ activity

A. Preparation

Good morning class! Good morning Sir!

Before we start our session for today, I would
like you to align your chairs horizontally and (Students follow the instructions.)
vertically and see to it that there are no pieces
of paper or plastics on the floor.

Are all of you present today? Yes sir.

B. Motivation

Are you familiar with the game “ HAVEY &

WALEY”? No sir.
If that so, I will explain it how will you going
to do. When we say HAVEY it means “yes”
and when we say WALEY it means “no”. I
am going to read statements which are
answerable by HAVEY or WALEY. When
you know the answer, you will stamp your
feet 3 times, clap your hands 3 times and
shout your answer. The fastest group who can
answer correctly will get 10 points.
Understand? Yes sir.

(the teacher will group the students into 3)

Okay, you have with you now your group
members. Select a leader and write your
names in a ¼ sheet of paper. (the leader of the group will write their group
This is your first question. names)

1. Is a starfish a fish? (WALEY)

Very good! 2nd question
2. Is coral an animal? (HAVEY)
Correct! 3rd question.
3. Most animals have symmetry. (HAVEY)
That’s right1 4th question.
4. Do sharks have bone? (HAVEY)
You’re correct! 5th question
5. Animals are multicellular. (HAVEY)
That’s right! 6th question.
6. They have cell wall. (WALEY)
Very good! Last question.
7. Animals are organisms that can make (WALEY)
their own food.

C. Lesson proper
What have you noticed when we were having
a game? What is all about our topic for
today? Yes. KINGDOM ANIMALIA sir!
Alright! It seems that all of you are kin
observers. At this point in time, we will
discuss about kingdom animalia. What are
the four traits of animals? Yes. Animals can’t make their own food. Most
animals can move from place to place. Most
animals have symmetry. And lastly animals
have many cells.
That’s right! Animals really can’t make their
own food. It means they are Heterotrophs.
The cells of animals make up tissues and
organs that form systems or they are
multicellular. They have no cell wall. They
are organism with membrane -bound nucleus
All animals belong to one of two groups- the
vertebrates and the invertebrates.
What are vertebrates and invertebrates? Yes. Vertebrates are those animals with backbones
while invertebrates are those animals without
Exactly! People and the animals most closely
related to us, such as fish, amphibians,
reptiles, birds and other mammals and these
are vertebrates. Worms and insects are
examples of invertebrates. What is
symmetry? Yes. Symmetry is the balanced arrangement of body
parts around a center point or along a center
That’s right! Only a few very simple animals
do not show symmetry. These animals grow
in variety of shapes. There are two types of
symmetry. What are they? Yes. Radial symmetry and bilateral symmetry sir.
Exactly! In radial symmetry, the body parts
are arranged in a circle around a center point.
The sea anemone is an example of an animal
that has radial symmetry. All vertebrates and
some invertebrates have bilateral symmetry.
In an animal with bilateral symmetry, the
body can be divided lengthwise into two
equal sides, a right side and a left side.
For us to identify the nine major phyla of
Kingdom animalia, let’s have a game. So this
game is called “decoding the number”. I will
be giving you numbers that you have to
decode. We will use cell phone for us to
identify what is being decoded. While having
a game, we’ll have a brief discussion after we
identified each phylum using powerpoint
For example:
22-444-666-555-666-4-444-222-2-555 space
Answer: Biological Sciences Yes sir.
Did you understand my instruction? Yes sir.
Okay let’s start the game. Are you ready!
I will give you 1 minute to decode the
1. 7-44-999-555-88-6 space 7-666-777-
Phylum Porifera sir.
Time is up! What is the answer? Yes.

Very good! It’s phylum porifera. What are

the characteristics of phylum porifera? Yes.
Phylum porifera are the simplest animals and
they live in shallow and deep oceans.

Absolutely! (the teacher will show pictures of

phylum porifera)

Phylum porifera (sponges) are so called

“pore-bearing animals”. They have pores,
have skeleton of silicon or calcium containing
spicules or their skeleton made of spicules
(endoskeleton), have body cavity and have
osculum, large opening at the top of the
sponge body. And most especially they are
asymmetrical, it means no symmetry.

Since sponges can’t move, how do they get

food? Yes All sponges must live in water. Water has
small organisms in it that sponges can use for
food. The pores in the sponge allow water and
any food in the water to flow into the animal.
That’s right! next “decode the number”

2. 7-44-999-555-88-6 space 222-66-444-


Time is up! What is the answer? Yes. Phylum cnidarians

That’s right! They are consisting of animals

whose tentacles contain stinging cells called
nematocysts. What are the major
characteristics of cnidarians? Yes. Cnidarians are radial symmetry and they are
hollow-bodied animals. Many stinging-cell
animals have armlike parts called tentacles.
Very good! Phylum Cnidarians have two
body forms and these are medusa and polyp.
Stinging-cell animals have radial symmetry
and saclike bodies made of two cell layers. A
jellylike layer lies between the two layers.
Inside the body of each animal is a body
cavity. The cavity has one opening called the
mouth. The only way into and out of the body
is through the mouth.

How then do they get food? Yes. They catch it with their tentacles.
That’s right! Addendum, phylum cnidarians
reproduce asexual reproduction and sexual
reproduction. next “decode the number”

“decode the number”

3. 7-44-999-555-88-6 space 7-555-2-8-


Time is up! What’s the answer? Yes. Phylum Platyhelminthes

You’re correct! When you hear the word

worm, you probably think of an earthworm,
but there are many different kinds of worms.
So what is phylum Platyhelminthes? Yes. They are unsegmented worms. They are long
ribbon-shaped worms. They are free living
while others are parasitic and live in freshwater
Absolutely! Worms are more complex than or sea water.
sponges and stinging-cell animals. Flatworms
are the simplest worms. They have a flattened
body and three layers of cells. These layers
include the outer, an inner layer and a thick,
middle layer. Organs and systems develop
from cells of the middle layer. As what you
have said that flatworms are parasites.
Remember that parasites are live in or on
other living things and get food from them.
The organism that provides the food is the
host. Some flatworms can cause serious
problems. What is the common freshwater
flatworm that is not a parasite and it has less
Planarian sir.
than one centimetre long? Yes.

That’s right! “decode the number”

4. 7-44-999-555-88-6 space 66-33-6-2-


Time is up! What’s the answer? Yes. Phylum Nematoda sir.

Correct! One example of the Phylum

Nematoda is the roundworms. Will you
describe the characteristics of nematode?
Yes. They are long, cylindrical and slender bodies.
And some roundworms are free-living while
others are parasites of animals and plants.
Very good! The free-living ones are
important as they are decomposers in the soil
in both marine and freshwaters and a lot of
them are found in decaying organic matter.
Phylum nematode is also bilateral symmetry
just like the other phyla. They have mouth
and anus. They live in soil and some are

“decode the number”

5. 7-44-999-555-88-6 space 2-66-66-33-

Time is up! What’s the answer? Yes. Phylum Annelida sir!

You’re correct! Also known as annelids,

these animals are characterized by a
segmented or repeated body parts. Who can
briefly characterize the phylum annelida?
Yes. Phylum Annelida are those most are burrowers
in the sand and some are hermaphrodite.
That’s right! In addendum, annelids have
nervous, circulatory, digestive and excretory
systems. One example of annelids is
earthworms and leeches. Are we benefited?
Why? Yes. Yes because leeches use to be used in medicine
to clean blood as well as earthworms also
aerate the soil and the castings serve as
Absolutely! Leeches secrete an anti-clotting
chemical that has been used in medicine.
Earthworms take soil through their mouths.
Soil contains decayed matter, such as dead
leaves, insects and seeds. These things are
food for the earthworm. The soil itself is not
food and passes through the anus.
Earthworms move large amounts of soil from
place to place by passing it through their
bodies. They enrich the soil and loosen it,
helping plants grow.

Annelids are also bilateral symmetry and they

reproduce through internal fertilization or
sexual reproduction.

6. 7-44-999-555-88-6 space 33-222-44-


Time is up! What’s the answer? Yes. Phylum Echinodermata

That’s right! You can be fascinated by the

star-shaped sea star of the spine-studded sea
urchin and the appearance of the sand dollar.
Along with the brittle star and the sea
cucumber, they belong to Phylum
What are the characteristics of
Echinodermata? Yes.
Phylum Echinodermata are also radial
symmetry, they live in marine environment and
they have a dermal skeleton with spines and
Very good! Phylum Echinodermata have hard
bodies covered with spines, have no head nor
tails and have no left nor right and have
mouth and anus at its top and bottom ends.

Sea stars have the ability to regenerate. A cut

arm easily regrows into a new sea star. What
type or reproduction is this? Yes.
Asexual reproduction
That’s right! What part of their body they
used to get their food, moving around and gas
exchange? Yes.
Tube feet
Alright! A sea cucumber is dried and used as
ingredient for chopsuey and soups.

“decode the number”

7. 7-44-999-555-88-6 space 6-666-555-


Time is up! What’s the answer? Yes. Phylum Mollusca sir!

Correct! So, what is all about the Phylum
Mollusca? Yes. Phylum Mollusca are soft-bodied animals,
have protective shells and have a mantle which
secretes the shells.
Exactly! Of course they have no skeleton
because they are soft-bodied animals. They
are bilateral symmetry. They are both
reproduce through internal and external
fertilization (Sexual and asexual). What body
is covered by a thin, fleshy tissue? Yes.
Mantle sir.
That’s right! The mantle makes the shell. The
shell is the outermost covering. It protects the
soft body. Soft-bodied animals have a
muscular foot for moving from place to place.

What do we mean by univalves and bivalves? Univalves mean they have only one-part shell
Yes. while bivalves have two-part shells.

Exactly. And I know that most of you are

very familiar with these phylum mollusca.
Many mollusk species are utilized as food
like tahong (mussels), talaba (oyster), halaan
(clam), scallops, and kuhol or suso to name
some. Ant other species are made into
decorative items.

“decode the number”

8. 7-44-999-555-88-6 space 2-777-8-44-


Time is up! What’s the answer? Yes.

Phylum Arthropoda sir!
You’re correct! Have you observed what
grasshoppers, spiders, crabs and centipedes
have in common? If you take a look at each
of these you will notice that they have jointed
legs. These animals belong to Phylum
Arthropoda. What do they characterize? Yes.
Arthropods have jointed legs, have
exoskeleton, have segmented bodies with 2 or
Exactly! Their exoskeleton is made of chitin. 3 regions and most have antennae.
They are animals with Molting- shedding
exoskeleton to grow. Phylum Arthropoda
divided into 5 class and these are:

 Class Crustacea- Five pairs of legs

 Class Insecta- Three pairs of legs
 Class Arachnida- Four pairs of legs
 Class Chilopoda- One pair of legs per
 Class Diplopoda- Two pair of legs per
Class crustaceans form one group of
arthropods which includes water fleas, crabs,
shrimps, lobsters and barnacles. They have
hard exoskeletons and have mandible to bite
and grind food.

Class insect form the largest group among the

arthropods. They have three body sections,
three pairs of legs, a pair of antenna and one
to two pairs of wings.

What insects do you familiar with? Yes

Dragonflies, grasshoppers, aphids and
Alright! 3rd class is the class arachnida
(arachnids). They have 2 body sections, most
with four pairs of legs and mouthparts are
called chelicerae and pedipalps. They use
book lungs to respire.

Will you give me an example that you see

around your house or outside your house? Spiders, mites and ticks sir.

Very good! Spiders with thin and flexible

exoskeleton are the largest members of the

And lastly the class chilopoda and diplopoda

or the millipedes and centipedes. They are
close relatives of insects have long, wormlike
segmented bodies. They have a pair of
antenna and each segment bear a pair or two

“decode the number”

9. 7-44-999-555-88-6 space 222-44-666-

Phylum Chordata sir!
Time is up! What’s the answer? Yes.

The chordate phylum is probably the most

familiar to you. The structures and ways of
life of these animals are most like yours.
They are your food, your pets, farm animals,
the animals you see all around you. Chordates
live in water as well as on land. Some
chordates, such as bats and birds are able to
fly. You, too, belong to this phylum.

How do you identify chordate? Yes. A chordate is an animal that, at some time in
its life, has a tough, flexible rod along its back.
The chordate phylum is named for this trait.

Exactly! Phylum chordates Have a notochord

at certain stage of their life cycle; have gill
slits and a tail at a stage in their development.

However, there are lower chordates that do

not have a backbone. Examples are the
tunicates and lancelets.

Three of the seven vertebrate classes are fish.

All fish have certain traits in common. Will
Fish are cold-blooded vertebrates that live in
you give some characteristics of fish? Yes.
water and breathe with gills.

That’s right! Cold-blooded means having a

body temperature that changes with the
temperature of the surroundings. Fish have
gills on each side of the throat region.

There are three different classes of fish in the

chordate phylum. What are they? Yes. Jawless fish, cartilaginous fish and bony fish.

Exactly! Jawless fish are fish that have no

jaws and are not covered with scales. The
skeletons of jawless fish are made of

What are the examples of jawless fishes? Lampreys and hagfish sir.

That’s right! Lampreys have tubelike bodies

covered with slime that protects the skin.
They don’t have paired fins. The hagfish is a
wormlike and use a toothlike tongue to eat
dead organisms.

Next is the cartilaginous fish. What are they? Cartilage fish are fish in which the entire
Yes. skeleton is made of cartilage. They have no
bone. Unlike the jawless fish, cartilage fish
have jaws, toothlike scales, and paired fins.
Sharks and rays are cartilage fish.

That’s right! an examples of cartilage fish are

the sharks and rays. Some of them eat
floating planktons while others feed on
invertebrates at the bottom of seas and

And lastly bony fish. These are the fishes that

have an endoskeleton made of hard, calcium
material called bone. Bony fishes are more
familiar to you like bangus (milkfish), tuna,
goldfish, and tilapia.

Amphibians include frogs, toads, and

salamanders. What is an amphibian? Yes.
An amphibian is an animal that lives part its
Very good! Usually, young amphibians live life in water and another part of its life on land.
in water and adult amphibians live mostly on
land. Both frogs and toads jump. Frogs and
toads eat worms, insects or small animals.
And generally, amphibians are cold-blooded
vertebrates. The state of being inactive during
cold weather is called hibernation.

What are reptiles? Yes.

Reptiles are animals that exhibit more
adaptations for living on land. They lay eggs
with shells to protect them from drying. They
also have smooth or rough scales for protection
from loss of body water.
Very good! Some traits of reptiles are cold-
blooded vertebrates with a backbone and an
endoskeleton. Most reptiles can move

Examples of reptiles are the following:

1. Lizards and snakes
2. Crocodiles and alligators
3. Bodies of turtles and tortoises

If reptiles are adapted to fly. Characteristics

of birds that enable them to fly include:
presence of wings and feathers, large flight
muscles in the breast bone and reduced
weight. Aside from the characteristics of
birds that enable them to fly, what else do
you know about their traits? Yes. Birds are warm-blooded. Like reptiles, birds
have scales, but the scales are only on their
That’s right! Warm-blooded means
controlling the body temperature so that it
stays about the same no matter what the body
temperature of the surroundings. Feathers
help the body keep a constant body
temperature. Birds have no teeth, what part of
their body they use to get food? Yes.
Their beaks.
Exactly! Birds have beaks that they use to get
food. Birds are important to us in many ways.
Will you site some instances that birds help
us to a real life situation? Yes.
They help farmers by eating insects and the
seeds of weeds. Some birds eat rats and mice.
That’s right! Chickens and ducks provide
eggs and meat. Some people have birds as
pets. Many people enjoy watching and
feeding wild birds.

And lastly mammals. I know that all of you

are very familiar with mammals’ right? So,
what are mammals then? What traits do they
have? Yes.
Mammals differ from other animals because
they have mammary glands that produce milk
to nourish their young and most have hair or
fur. They breathe in air, have four-chambered
hearts and are warm-blooded. Most of them
also give birth to live young and care for them.

Exactly! A mammal is an animal that has hair

and feeds milk to its young. You are
mammal. What do we mean by marsupials?
Yes. They are the pouched mammals that also give
Exactly! Kangaroos and opossums are birth to live young.
pouched mammals. After birth, the young are
kept inside pouches and are nourished with
the milk from the mammary glands within
these pouches. What are eutherians? Yes.
Eutherians comprise the largest group of
mammals. Known as the placental mammals,
they bear fully developed young inside
mother’s uterus.
Now that you have studied the entire animal
kingdom. What phylum do you belong? Yes.
Phylum Chordata sir.
Absolutely! Remember that you are also a
chordate and a mammal. The name of your
genus is Homo. Your species name is
sapiens. These means make up the scientific
name of humans, Homo sapiens. The Latin
word Homo means man and sapiens means
wise. Together Homo sapiens means wise

D. Generalization

Before you take the quiz, do you have any

None sir.
Okay let’s summarize what we have
discussed today. We tackled about the traits of animals have.
We also came to identify those nine phyla of
animal kingdom using our cellphones(game)
and we were able to characterize each. We also
came to scrutinize the presence or importance
of these nine phyla in our daily living.
IV. Evaluation

Animal classification

Use the following terms to complete the idea map: many cells; tissues, organs,
systems; bilateral; invertebrates; food; vertebrates; move; radial.

Cannot make their own ___________.

Most can _______from place to place.

Multicellular made of ____________.


Cells organized into

ANIMALS _____________________________.
Symmetry _________or _________.

____________ without backbones.

____________ with backbones.

1. What traits make animals different from other living

2. What are the 2 groups of animals?_____________________________.
3. What is radial
4. What is bilateral
5. How do scientists decide in which phylum an animal
6. Which phylum of animals has the largest number of


On the line beneath each picture, write a letter from the list below for every trait
that the animal has. Then answer the question.

a. Cold-blooded h. has feathers

b. Warm-blooded i. females have mammary glands
c. Lives in water j. has hair
d. Has a swim bladder k. has gills
e. Lives on land l. has endoskeleton
f. has scale m. has gill flaps
g. Has a beak n. has lungs

Which trait do all vertebrates have? _______________________________.

Direction: Read the following statements and give what is asking for.
1. A cut arm easily regrows into a new sea star. What type or reproduction is this?
2. In Phylum Echinodermata, what part of their body they used to get their food, moving
around and gas exchange?
3. This is used as an ingredient for chopsuey and soups.
4. This organism is a one-part shell.
5. They are the five pairs of legs.
6. They form the largest group among the arthropods.
7. They are fish that have no jaws and are not covered with scales.
8. They are the pouched mammals that also give birth to live young.
9. It is also known as the placental mammals.
10. Homo sapiens mean _________________.


Direction: Write T if the underlined word is correct otherwise change the underlined word if it’s
1. Animals are prokaryotic.
2. Multicellular is an organism that composed of many cells.
3. Animals are organism that can make their own food.
4. All animals belong to one of two groups-the vertebrates and the invertebrates.
5. Vertebrates are those animals without backbones.
6. Vertebrates are those animals with backbones.
7. Asymmetry is the balanced arrangement of body parts around a center point or along a
center line.
8. Radial symmetry is the body parts that arranged in a circle around a certain point.
9. Bilateral symmetry is body that can be divided crosswise into two equal sides, a right side
and a left side.
10. Phylum Porifera are so called “pore-bearing animals.”
11. Phylum Cnidarians are bilateral symmetry.
12. Most Phylum Porifera is asymmetrical.
13. Flatworms are short ribbon-shaped worms.
14. Nematodes live in soil and some are parasites.
15. Some annelids are hermaphrodite.
16. Sea stars have the ability to regenerate.
17. Phylum Mollusca are hard-bodied animals and they are bilateral symmetry.
18. Class crustaceans have hard endoskeletons and have mandible to bite and grind food.
19. Class arachnids have two body sections.
20. Phylum Chordata has gill slits and a tail at a stage in their development.
V. Assignment
1. How will you describe an ecosystem with low biodiversity?
2. What is the importance of biodiversity to ecosystems?

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