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Scheme of work

AS Physics 7407

This draft Scheme of work has been prepared by teachers for teachers. We hope you will find it a
useful starting point for producing your own schemes; it is available in Word for ease of editing.

The Scheme of Work designed to be a flexible medium term plan for the teaching of content and
development of the skills that will be assessed. It covers the needs of the specification for AS
Physics 7407.

The teaching of investigative and practical skills is embedded within the specification. We have
produced a Practical Handbook that provides further guidance on this. There are also opportunities
in this Scheme of work, such as the inclusion of rich questions.

We have provided links to some resources. These are illustrative and in no way an exhaustive list.
We would encourage teachers to make use of any existing resources, as well as resources
provided by AQA and new textbooks written to support the specification.

GCSE prior knowledge comprises knowledge from the 2011 Core and Additional Science AQA
GCSE specifications. Students who studied the separate science GCSE courses will have this
knowledge but may also have been introduced to other topics which are relevant to the A-level
content. Topics only found in separate sciences are not included in the prior knowledge section.

We know that teaching times vary from school to school. In this scheme of work we have made the
assumption that it will be taught over about 30 weeks with 4½ to 5 hours of contact time per week.
Teachers will need to fine tune the timings to suite their own students and the time available. It
could also be taught by one teacher or by more than teacher with topics being taught concurrently.

Assessment opportunities detail past questions that can be used with students as teacher- or
pupil self- assessments of your students’ knowledge and understanding. You may also use
Exampro and the specimen assessment materials that are available via our website.

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in
England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.

3.1 Measurements and their errors .............................................................................................. 3

3.1.1 Use of SI units and their prefixes ........................................................................................ 4
3.1.2 Limitation of physical measurements .................................................................................. 5
3.1.3 Estimation of Physical Quantities ........................................................................................ 7
3.2 Particles and radiation ............................................................................................................ 8
3.2.1 Particles ............................................................................................................................. 9
3.2.2 Electromagnetic radiation and quantum phenomena ........................................................ 23
3.3 Waves .................................................................................................................................... 32
3.3.1 Progressive and stationary waves .................................................................................... 33
3.3.2 Refraction, diffraction and interference ............................................................................. 39
3.4 Mechanics and materials ...................................................................................................... 47
3.4.1 Forces, energy and momentum ........................................................................................ 48
3.4.2 Materials ........................................................................................................................... 67
3.5 Electricity............................................................................................................................... 73
3.5.1 Current electricity.............................................................................................................. 74

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
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Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86
3.1 Measurements and their errors

Content in this section is a continuing study for a student of physics. A working knowledge of the specified fundamental (base) units of
measurement is vital. Likewise, practical work in the subject needs to be underpinned by an awareness of the nature of measurement errors
and of their numerical treatment. The ability to carry through reasonable estimations is a skill that is required throughout the course and

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
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registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86
3.1.1 Use of SI units and their prefixes

Prior knowledge: Units and equations from GCSE eg force, kinetic energy and potential energy. SI prefixes, k, c, m.

Learning objective/ Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to opportunities
develop skills
To recognise that a 3.0  Students know that Use of dimensional Exampro.
system of measurement hours base units are needed analysis to predict -explore/
depends on the selection in a system of relationships between SAMs AS and A-level Q
of several base units. measurement. quantities eg the on same topic
speed of a wave, v, in
To recall the base units of  Students demonstrate water in terms of
the SI system. that they can convert depth, d, and g
between different units
To name and use of the same quantity, MS0.1
standard prefixes. eg J and eV, J and kW MS0.2
h. MS2.2
To be able to convert
between different units for
the same quantity.

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
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registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86
3.1.2 Limitation of physical measurements

Prior knowledge: The importance of the number of significant figures quoted for a quantity.

Learning objective/ Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to Opportunities
develop skills s
To recognise the terms: 4.0 hours  Students explain the Practical: investigate
precision, repeatability, difference between the relationship ch?v=1dTn2pt5PuA
reproducibility, and precision and between time period
accuracy. accuracy. and length for a
 Students explain the pendulum. Give
To be able to estimate difference between students the
absolute uncertainties repeatability and opportunity to estimate
and to calculate fractional reproducibility. uncertainties in the
and percentage  Students can estimate measurement of length
uncertainties. uncertainties in and time.
To be able to combine  Students are able to MS1,1
absolute and percentage calculate percentage MS1.5
uncertainties. uncertainties from MS3.4
absolute uncertainties. PS2.1
To be able to use error  Students are able to PS2.2
bars on graphs. combine absolute and PS2.3
percentage PS3.1
uncertainties. PS3.3
 Students can use
error bars on graphs
to estimate

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
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registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86
uncertainties in
gradients and

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
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registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86
3.1.3 Estimation of Physical Quantities

Use of standard form.

Learning objective/ Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to Opportunities
develop skills
To understand and to use 1 hour Students are able to make Students participate in
orders of magnitude. order of magnitude group learning by magnitude/problems.shtml
estimates. designing their own
To derive estimates using order of magnitude
knowledge of physics. estimates.



Extend to estimates
outside physics eg
estimate how many
piano tuners there are
in Chicago.

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
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registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86
3.2 Particles and radiation
Unit description

Content in this section introduces students both to fundamental properties of matter, and to electromagnetic radiation and quantum
phenomena. Through a study of these topics students become aware of the way new ideas develop and evolve in physics. They will appreciate
the importance of international collaboration in the development of new experiments and theories in this area of fundamental research.

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
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registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86
3.2.1 Particles Constituents of the atom

Prior knowledge: GCSE Dual Award Science; Simple atomic model, Isotopes.

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment opportunities Resources
taken opportunity to develop
Simple model of the atom, 0.5  Describe a model of the Learning activities: Past exam paper materials:
including the proton, weeks atom including protons,  GCSE baseline n/simulation/build-an-
neutron and electron. neutrons and electrons. assessment. PHYA1 May 2013 Q1 atom
Charge and mass of the
 Identify the charge and  Present pictures of PHYA1 January 2013 Q1(a)
proton, neutron and Rich questions:
electron in SI units and mass of the proton, atomic models and ask PHYA1 June 2012 Q2(a)
neutron and electron in SI students to identify the PHYA1 June 2012 Q2(b) Why was specific charge
relative units.
and relative units. neutrons, protons and PHYA1 May 2014 Q2(a)(i), (ii) important in the discovery
Specific charge of the  Define specific charge electrons. and (iii) of the electron by J.J.
proton and the electron, and calculate the specific  Compare the charges Thomson?
and of nuclei and ions. charges of the proton and and masses of protons,
the electron and of nuclei neutrons and electrons
Proton number Z, nucleon
number A, nuclide notation. and ions. in SI and relative units.
 Identify the unit of  Introduce specific
Students should be familiar specific charge. charge and practice
with the 𝐴𝑍𝑋 notation.  Define proton number calculations involving
and nucleon number and the specific charges of
Meaning of isotopes and recognise nuclear protons and electrons
the use of isotopic data. notation. and of nuclei and ions.
 Explain the meaning of  Review atomic number
isotopes. and nucleon number
 Analyse isotopic data. and practice using
AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
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nuclide notation.
 Review isotopes and
practise analysing
isotopic data to deduce
neutron number.

Skills developed by
learning activities:

AO1: Demonstration of
knowledge of simple
models of the atom.

PS2.2: Present masses in

SI and relative units.

MS2.3: Substitute
numerical values into
algebraic equations to
calculate specific charge.

MS2.4: Solve algebraic

equations involving masses
and charges of nuclei and

AO2: Demonstrate
knowledge and
understanding isotopes and
analyse isotope data.

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
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registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86 Stable and unstable nuclei

Prior knowledge: GCSE Dual Award Science; unstable nuclei

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment opportunities Resources
taken opportunity to develop
The strong nuclear force; 1.0  Describe the strong Learning activities: Past exam paper materials:
its role in keeping the weeks nuclear force and its role  Show the graph of the
nucleus stable; short-range in keeping the nucleus variation of the strong PHYA1 May 2013 Q2(b)(i) es.htm
attraction up to
stable. nuclear force with PHYA1 May 2013 Q2(a)(iv)
approximately 3 fm, very- Rich question:
short range repulsion  Recognise that the distance. PHYA1 May 2011 Q2
strong nuclear force has  Discuss the key PHYA1 May 2010 Q2(b) and Identify a radioactive
closer than approximately
a short range attraction features of the graph, (c) decay series and analyse
0.5 fm.
and a very short range contrasting it with the the types of decay taking
Unstable nuclei; alpha and repulsion. electromagnetic SAM 013 place that lead to the
beta decay.  Associate distance below interaction between two series.
0.5 fm with repulsion and point charges.
Equations for alpha decay,
β- decay including the need between 0.5 and 3.0 fm  Explain what is meant
for the neutrino. with attraction. by unstable nuclei and
 Describe alpha decay contrast alpha and beta
The existence of the and beta decay. decay.
neutrino was hypothesised  Illustrate alpha beta  Demonstrate alpha and
to account for conservation decay using equations. beta tracks in a cloud
of energy in beta decay.  Deduce why the neutrino chamber.
is necessary in beta  Demonstrate the
decay. difference in absorption
properties of alpha and
 Practise writing

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
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Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86
equations to represent
alpha and beta decay.
 Compare the energy of
alpha particles with
beta particles and
discuss why this led to
the existence of
neutrinos being

Skills developed by
learning activities:

AO1: Demonstration of
knowledge of strong
nuclear force.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of scientific
ideas, processes,
techniques and procedures
when handling quantitative

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of alpha and
beta decay to analyse and
complete equations
representing the decay.

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MS0.2: Recognise and use
the distances associated
with the strong nuclear
force in standard form.

ATl: Use of ionising

radiation, including

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
13 of
registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86 Particles, antiparticles and photons

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment opportunities Resources
taken opportunity to develop
For every type of particle, 0.5  Recall that every particle Learning activity: PHYA1 January 2013 Q2 QED – Richard Feynman
there is a corresponding weeks has a corresponding  Show table which PHYA1 May 2013 Q4(b)
antiparticle. antiparticle. compares properties of Rich question:
 Contrast the properties of particles and How is annihilation of
Knowledge of particle particles and
antiparticle pairs and a antiparticles matter and antimatter
comparison of their  Give examples of particle  Highlight similarities used in forming a PET
properties. antiparticle pairs. (rest mass) and scan?
 Describe the photon differences (quantum
The photon model of model of electromagnetic numbers)
electromagnetic radiation. radiation.  Introduce the photon as
The energy of photons.  Calculate the energy of a particle of light whose
photons from wavelength energy depends on
The mechanisms of and frequency.
annihilation of matter and frequency.
 Describe the processes
antimatter and pair  Calculations involving
of annihilation and pair
production. production. photon energy using
both frequencies and
 Look at examples of
annihilation of matter
and antimatter.
 Calculations linking the
frequencies of photons
produced in the
annihilation of matter
and antimatter.

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
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Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86
 Look at examples of
pair production.
 Calculations on the
energy of photons
necessary for pair

Skills developed by
learning activities:

AO1: Demonstration of
knowledge of matter and

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of the
factors affecting the energy
of photons.

MS2.3: Substitute
numerical values into
algebraic equations to
calculate energies of
photons using frequency
and wavelength.

MS2.2, 2.4: Solve algebraic

equations to calculate
energy of photons from
frequency and wavelength.

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
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registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86
AO1: Demonstration of
knowledge of the process
of pair production.

MS2.3: Substitute
numerical values into
algebraic equations to
calculate the frequencies of
photons required for pair

AO1: Demonstration of
knowledge of the process
of annihilation.

MS2.4: Solve algebraic

equations to calculate the
frequency of the photons
released during

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
16 of
registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86 Particle interactions

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment opportunities Resources
taken opportunity to develop
The four fundamental 0.5  Name the four Learning activity: PHYA1 June 2014 Q2(b) http://hyperphysics.phy-
interactions. weeks fundamental interactions.  List the four PHYA1 June 2013 Q2(a) and
 Describe the fundamental forces (b) /funfor.html
The fundamental fundamental interactions together with the
interactions in terms of in terms of exchange
exchange particles. appropriate exchange
 Identify the virtual photon particle. watch?v=3P-FGw5KUeo
The weak interaction. as the exchange particle  Give examples of the
in the electromagnetic weak interaction and let
Diagrams to represent the interaction. students verifying that
fundamental interactions.  Distinguish between - charge, lepton number
and + decay identifying and baryon number are
them both as examples conserved in these
of the weak interaction. interactions.
 Analyse electron capture
 Practise the
and electron positron
collisions as examples of construction of simple
the weak interaction and Feynman diagrams.
identify the appropriate Emphasise the
exchange particle (W+ or importance of the
W -) in each case. conservation laws at
 Draw simple diagrams to the points where lines
represent interactions. in the diagrams meet.

Skills developed by
learning activities:

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
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registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86
AO1: Demonstration of
knowledge of the
fundamental interactions.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of
conservation laws in
particle interactions.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding in the
importance of conservation
laws when constructing
Feynman diagrams.

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
18 of
registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86 Classification of particles

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
Hadrons are subject to the 1.0  Associate hadrons with Learning activity: SAM 1 http://www.particleadvent
strong interaction. week the strong interaction.  Practise dividing particles into
 Classify hadrons into hadrons and leptons and then PHYA1 May 2013 ml
There are two classes of baryons and mesons. hadrons into baryon and Q3(a)
hadrons.  Differentiate between
mesons. PHYA1 May 2014 Q1 Rich questions:
baryons and mesons in
Baryon number and its terms of baryon number  Give examples of baryons and PHYA1 May 2012 Q3 What is the Higg’s boson
conservation. and are able to emphasise that the proton is and why is it so important
demonstrate baryon the only stable baryon. to the standard model?
The proton as the only number conservation in  Provide the opportunity to
stable baryon. interactions. analyse baryon decay
 Explain that the proton is equations.
The pion as the exchange the only stable hadron
particle of the strong  Provide the opportunity to
and that all other baryons
nuclear force. analyse the decay routes of the
eventually decay into
protons. mesons such as the kaon.
The decay of kaons into  Identify the pion as the  Give practise at identifying
pions. exchange particle of the possible decays of mesons and
strong nuclear force. baryons by applying
Examples of leptons and  Recognise and describe conservation laws.
their antiparticles. kaon decay.  Provide a list of leptons with
 Identify leptons and how associated lepton numbers and
Lepton number and its they can interact through
conservation. use this to analyse lepton
the weak interaction.
interactions through the weak
 Identify the lepton
The decay of muons into interaction.
numbers of electrons,
muons and neutrinos and  Give examples of strange
demonstrate lepton particles and demonstrate how
Strange particles and their strangeness is conserved in the
number conservation in
production through the
AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
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registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86
strong interaction and their examples of the weak strong interaction but does not
decay through the weak interaction. have to be in the weak
interaction.  Describe the decay of interaction.
muons into electrons.
Strangeness and its  Identify strange particles
conservation in strong Skills developed by learning
and describe their
interactions. production and decay. activities:
 Demonstrate the
Strangeness does not have conservation of AO1: Demonstration of knowledge
to be conserved in the strangeness in strong of the classification of hadrons,
weak interaction. interactions. baryons and mesons.
 Explain that strangeness
does not have to be AO2: Apply knowledge and
conserved in the weak
understanding of how decay
equations can be analysed to
predict if they can occur.

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

of leptons.

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

of the classification of strange

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of how strangeness
does not have to be conserved in
the weak interaction.

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
20 of
registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86 Quarks and antiquarks

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
Properties of quarks and 0.5  Recognise charge, Learning activity: PHYA1 May 2014 Q1 http://sciencepark.etacude
antiquarks. weeks baryon number and  Provide a table of properties of PHYA1 May 2012 .com/particle/introduction.
strangeness as quarks and antiquarks. Q1(a) php
Combinations of quarks properties of quarks and
 Provide the opportunity to PHYA1 Jan 2013
and antiquarks required for antiquarks. http://hyperphysics.phy-
deduce the quark structure of a Q3(a)
baryons, antibaryons and  Analyse the quark
wide range of particles. es/quark.html
mesons. structure of protons,
neutrons, antiprotons,
Skills developed by learning http://hyperphysics.phy-
antineutrons, pions and
kaons. es/meson.html
AO1: Demonstration of knowledge
and understanding of quark and
antiquark properties.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of quark properties
to deduce quark structures.

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
21 of
registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86 Applications of conservation laws

Prior knowledge: Conservation of energy

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
Change of quark nature in 0.5  Identify the change in Learning activity: PHYA1 May 2014 http://hyperphysics.phy-
- and + decay. weeks quark character in - and  Demonstrate beta minus decay Q1(c)
+ decay. using a radioactive source. PHYA1 May 2012 es/parint.html
Application of conservation  Apply the conservation Distinguish between beta minus Q1(b)
laws for charge, baryon laws for charge, baryon and beta plus decay.
number, lepton number number, lepton number  Provide a list of decay
and strangeness for and strangeness for
particle interactions. equations and ask students to
particle interactions. identify which are possible
 Recall that momentum decays by applying
Conservation of energy
and energy are conservation laws.
and momentum in
conserved in  Provide incomplete decay
interactions. equations and ask students to
the missing particles.

Skills developed by learning


AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of beta plus and
beta minus decay.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of conservation laws
to analyse decay equations.

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
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registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86
3.2.2 Electromagnetic radiation and quantum phenomena The photoelectric effect

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
Description of the 1.0  Describe the Learning activity: SAM 02
photoelectric effect. week photoelectric effect.  Demonstrate the photoelectric ectric/
 Recognise that the effect using a zinc plate on the PHYA1 May 2013 Q4
Explanation of threshold threshold frequency
cap of an electroscope and an PHYA1 May 2012 Q4
frequency in terms of the cannot be explained by watch?v=0qKrOF-gJZ4
photon model. ultraviolet light source.
the wave model of light
and can deduce an  Discuss the predictions made
Explanation of work explanation of threshold by the wave theory of light and watch?v=kcSYV8bJox8
function and stopping frequency in terms of the explain how the threshold
potential. photon model. frequency cannot be explained
 Explain the terms work with this model. Explain that
The photoelectric equation. function and stopping applying scientific method
potential. means that the theory of light
 Analyse the photoelectric
needs to be changed to explain
effect using the
photoelectric equation the experimental observations
and calculate the of the photoelectric effect.
maximum kinetic energy  Outline the photon model of
of emitted electrons. light and how this explains
 Deduce that the emitted threshold frequency.
electrons have a range of  Practise using the photoelectric
kinetic energies up to the equation to calculate the
maximum value
maximum kinetic energy of
calculated using the
photoelectric equation. emitted electrons.
 Provide the opportunity to
deduce the effect of changing
AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
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registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86
the intensity of the incident light
and the frequency of the
incident light.
 Plot graphs of maximum kinetic
energies of emitted electrons
against frequency of incident
light for different metal
surfaces. Analyse the graph to
find a value for the Planck
constant, the threshold
frequency and the work

Skills developed by learning


AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of beta.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of the photoelectric
effect both qualitatively and

AO3: Analyse, interpret and

evaluate scientific ideas and
evidence to see why the wave
model of light does not explain the
photoelectric effect.

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
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registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86
MS0.2: Recognise expressions in
decimal and standard form when
applying the photoelectric equation.

MS2.3: Substitute numerical values

into the photoelectric equation.

PS3.2: Process and analyse data

from photoelectric experiments.

MS2.4: Solve the photoelectric

equation to determine maximum
kinetic energies of electrons.

MS3.2: Plot maximum kinetic

energy against frequency of
incident light.

PS3.1: Plot and interpret graphs of

maximum kinetic energy of emitted
electrons against frequency of
incident light.

MS3.4: Determine the intercept and

gradient of the maximum kinetic
energy against frequency graph to
find a value for Planck’s constant,
threshold frequency and work

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
25 of
registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86 Collisions of electrons with atoms

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
Ionisation and excitation. 0.5  Describe the processes Learning activity: PHYA1 May 2014 Q4
weeks of excitation and  Show examples of line spectra PHYA1 Jan 2013 Q4 au/cosmos/S/Spectral+Lin
Application in the ionisation with the use of discharge tubes e
fluorescent tube.  Explain how excitation and diffraction gratings or direct
and ionisation apply in
view spectroscopes. hysics/2000/quantumzone
The electron volt. the fluorescent tube.
 Examine the structure of the /
 Define the electron volt
fluorescent tube.
 Convert energies from
 Practise calculations converting
eV to J and vice versa.
energy from joules to electron watch?v=QI50GBUJ48s

Skills developed by learning Rich questions:

activities: How are line spectra used
to measure the rotational
AO1: Demonstration of knowledge speeds of stars?
and understanding of nature of line
spectra. How do line spectra
provide evidence of the
AO1: Demonstration of knowledge Big Bang?
and understanding of the structure
of the fluorescent tube.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of the electron volt to
perform calculations to convert
energies in joules to electron volts.

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
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registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86
MS0.2: Recognise expressions in
decimal and standard form when
using energies in electron volts.

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Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
Line spectra as evidence of 0.5  Demonstrate how line Learning activity: PHYA1 May 2014 Q4 http://hyperphysics.phy-
discrete energy levels. weeks spectra implies discrete  Contrast continuous spectra
energy levels in atoms. with line spectra and establish html - c2
Calculation of the  Calculate the frequencies that line spectra are a
frequency of emitted of emitted photons using
consequence of discrete sRefData/ASD/lines_form.
photons. the energies associated energy levels in atoms. html
with different discrete  Practise using the energy
energy levels. differences between levels to
calculate frequencies and
wavelengths of emitted
 Analyse different energy level
diagrams to predict the
transitions responsible for a
particular characteristic

Skills developed by learning


AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of discrete
energy levels and how these lead
to line spectra.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

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understanding of discrete energy
levels and the energies associated
with them to calculate frequencies
and wavelengths of emitted

MS0.1, 0.2, 2.4: Solve the equation

relating the energy differences
between levels to the frequencies
and wavelengths of emitted

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Prior knowledge: The diffraction of waves.

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
Electron diffraction as a 0.5  Identify that electron Learning activity: PHYA1 May 2014 Q3 http://hyperphysics.phy-
demonstration that weeks diffraction provides  Demonstrate electron
particles possess wave evidence of particles diffraction and compare with html - c1
properties. having wave properties.
diffraction of a laser through a
 Analyse the photoelectric Rich questions:
The photoelectric effect as single slit.
effect and deduce that it Is there experimental
a demonstration that demonstrates the  Discuss the photoelectric effect
evidence for the
electromagnetic waves particulate nature of and how it provides evidence of
diffraction of protons or
have a particulate nature. electromagnetic waves. the dual nature of light.
 Calculate the wavelength  Practise calculations using the
The de Broglie wavelength. of a particle using the de de Broglie equation.
Broglie equation. Why do electron
 Explain how and why the microscopes have a much
Skills developed by learning
amount of diffraction better resolving power
changes when the than optical microscopes?
momentum of a particle AO1: Demonstration of knowledge
is changed. and understanding of electron

PS1.2: Demonstration using

electron diffraction tube.

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of the dual
nature of light.

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AO2: Apply of knowledge and
understanding of the de Broglie
equation to calculate the de Broglie

MS1.1, 2.3: Use prefixes when

expressing wavelength values.

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3.3 Waves


GCSE studies of wave phenomena are extended through a development of knowledge of the characteristics, properties, and applications of
travelling and stationary waves. Topics treated include refraction, diffraction, superposition and interference.

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3.3.1 Progressive and stationary waves Progressive waves

Prior knowledge: Wave properties such as frequency, wavelength and amplitude.

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
Define the terms 0.5  Define the terms Learning activity: PHYA1 May 2013
amplitude, frequency, weeks frequency, period,  Video transverse waves in a Q6(d)
period, wavelength, phase amplitude and long heavy spring and use ussell/demos/waves/wave
and phase difference. wavelength of a wave. motion.html
video analysis to measure the PHYA1 Jan 2012 Q7
 Explain what is meant by
frequency and wavelength.
Use the equation c= f phase and phase http://www.animations.phy
difference.  Investigate the variation of the
 Use the equation c= f speed of a water wave with sound/
in calculations. depth of water in a plastic tray.
 Measure the speed of sound in
 Use a spreadsheet to model
the behaviour of a travelling
wave using the full wave
 Practise calculations to
calculate frequencies, periods
and wavelengths of waves.

Skills developed by learning


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AO1: Demonstration of knowledge
and understanding of the terms
amplitude, frequency, period,
wavelength, phase and phase

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of the equation c= f
to calculate wavelengths and

MS2.3: Substitute numerical values

into the wave equation.

MS4.5: Use sin in the modelling of

a transverse wave.

ATi: Generate and measure waves.

PS3.2: Process and analyse data

using a spreadsheet.

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
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Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86 Longitudinal and transverse waves

Prior knowledge: The difference between transverse and longitudinal waves.

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
The nature of longitudinal 1.0  Distinguish between Learning activity: PHYA1 May 2013 Q6
and transverse waves. weeks longitudinal and  Use a slinky to demonstrate PHYA1 May 2014 Q7 /kids/imagers/ems/waves
transverse waves. transverse and longitudinal PHYA1 May 2012 Q7 2.html
Electromagnetic waves as  Recognise that waves.
examples of transverse electromagnetic waves http://missionscience.nas
waves.  Give details of electromagnetic
are transverse and all
examples of waves and identify their key ml
Speed of electromagnetic electromagnetic waves properties.
waves. travel at the same speed  Demonstrate the polarisation of http://hyperphysics.phy-
in a vacuum. a transverse wave using a
Polarisation as a feature of  Describe the polarisation heavy spring and a vertical /emwv.html
transverse waves. of transverse waves. narrow gap.
 Describe applications of http://www.cyberphysics.c
Applications of polarisers.  Demonstrate the polarisation of
polarisers. light using polarisation. on.htm
 Investigate how the transmitted
intensity of light varies with the Rich questions:
angle between the planes of How do we measure the
polarisation of two polarisers. speed of light?
 Research the uses of
polarisers. What affect does the
motion of a light source
Skills developed by learning have on the speed of light
activities: emitted from the source?
What are the
consequences of this?
AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

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and understanding of longitudinal
and transverse waves.

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding electromagnetic
waves and their properties.

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of the
polarisation of transverse waves.

ATj: Use a light source and

polarisers to investigate

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of the polarisation to
explain applications.

AO3: Analyse, interpret and

evaluate scientific information,
ideas to identify applications of

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Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86 Principle of superposition of waves and formation of stationary waves

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
Stationary waves on 1.5  Explain what is meant by Learning activity: PHYA1 May 2014
strings. weeks a stationary wave.  Investigate the variation of the Q7(d) n/simulation/wave-on-a-
 Define the terms node frequency of stationary waves PHYA1 Jan 2013 Q6 string
The meaning of nodes and and antinode. on a string with length, tension PHYA1 May 2012 Q6
antinodes in relation to  Calculate the frequency
standing waves. and mass per unit length. PHYA1 Jan 2011 Q4 watch?v=HpovwbPGEoo
of the first harmonic
produced by a stationary  Practise calculations to
The equation for the wave on a string. determine the frequency of the Rich question:
frequency of the first  Describe the formation of first harmonic. How are standing waves
harmonic for first harmonic. a stationary wave by two  Model the formation of used in musical
waves of the same stationary waves using a instruments?
The formation of a frequency travelling in spreadsheet.
stationary wave by two opposite directions.
waves of the same  Demonstrate examples of
 Use graphs to stationary waves using strings,
frequency travelling in demonstrate the
opposite directions. sound waves and microwaves.
formation of standing
Graphical explanation for  Describe the formation of Required practical
the formation of stationary
standing waves
waves. Investigation into the variation of
produced by microwaves
the frequency of stationary waves
Examples of stationary and sound waves. on a string with length, tension and
waves including those mass per unit length of the string.
formed on strings and
those produced using
Skills developed by learning
sound waves or
microwaves. activities:

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of standing
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waves including the meaning of
nodes and antinodes.

ATi: Generate and measure waves.

MS2.3: Substitute numerical values

into equation for frequency of first

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding in calculations of the
frequencies of the first harmonic.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of waves to explain
the formation of standing waves.

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of different
examples of stationary waves.

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3.3.2 Refraction, diffraction and interference Interference

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
Path difference and 2.0  Explain the meaning of Learning activity: SAM Q3 http://www.physicsclassro
coherence. weeks path difference and  Demonstrate how path
coherence. difference determines whether PHYA1 Jan 2013 Q7 n-1/Two-Point-Source-
Demonstrate interference  Describe the Young’s interference is constructive or PHYA1 May 2011 Q7
and diffraction using a double slit experiment
laser as a source of destructive.
and calculate fringe
monochromatic light. spacing using data from  Demonstrate with a laser the watch?v=G-R8LGy-OVs
the experiment. interference pattern produced
The Young’s double slit  Distinguish between the by a double slit. Use
experiment. The equation fringe patterns produced measurements from the pattern
for fringe spacing. by monochromatic and to determine the wavelength of
white light. the laser light.
Fringe spacing: 𝑤 =  Analyse different  Carry out the Young’s double
examples of the double slit experiment using an
Production of interference. slit experiment using incandescent lamp and filters.
The interference pattern both electromagnetic and  Examine the interference
produced by white light. sound waves. produced by a white light
 Explain how knowledge source and identify the
Interference patterns and understanding of the differences between this
produced by sound and nature of electromagnetic
electromagnetic waves. pattern and the pattern
radiation has changed produced by monochromatic
Appreciation of how over time. light.
knowledge and  Demonstrate the interference of
understanding of the sound waves by using two
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nature of electromagnetic loudspeakers connected to the
radiation has changed over same source.
time.  Investigate the historical
development of the
understanding of the nature of
electromagnetic radiation has
changed over time.

Required practical

Investigation of interference effects

to include the Young’s slit
experiment and interference by a
diffraction grating.

Skills developed by learning


AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of path
difference and coherence.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of path difference to
determine whether interference is
constructive or destructive.

ATj: Use light source or laser to

investigate interference.

MS2.2: Change the subject of the

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fringe separation equation to
determine the wavelength of light.

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of the difference
in the fringe pattern produced by
monochromatic and white light

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of examples of
interference of sound waves.

AO3: Analyse scientific information,

ideas and evidence about the
nature of light.

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Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
The appearance of the 1.0  Describe the diffraction Learning activity: PHYA1 May 2014 Q6 http://hyperphysics.phy-
diffraction pattern from a weeks patterns produced using  Demonstrate the single slit PHYA1 May 2013 Q7
single slit using a single slit with diffraction pattern for white light PHYA1 Jan 2012 Q5 t/grating.html
monochromatic and white monochromatic light and
and monochromatic light. PHYA1 Jan 2011 Q3
light. contrast this with the Rich question:
pattern produced by  Demonstrate the effect of
How does the spectrum
A qualitative treatment of white light. changing slit width on the
from a diffraction grating
the variation of the width of  Discuss the effect on the central maxima of the
differ from that produced
the central diffraction width of the central diffraction pattern.
by a prism?
maximum and slit width. maximum when the slit  Investigate interference by a
width is varied. plane diffraction grating.
Using a plane diffraction  Describe the use of the  Derive the equation for normal
grating with light at normal plane diffraction grating. incidence on a plane diffraction
incidence.  Use the grating equation
in calculations.
The derivation of the  Use the diffraction grating
 Describe uses of the
grating equation: equation to determine the
diffraction grating such
wavelength of a light source.
as the analysis of
𝑑𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 = 𝑛𝜆  Practise calculations using the
diffraction grating.
Applications of the  Investigate applications of the
diffraction grating. diffraction grating.

Skills developed by learning


AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of the main

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features of a single slit diffraction

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of interference
patterns to explain the diffraction
pattern produced by a plane
diffraction grating.


AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of path difference to
derive the diffraction grating

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of the diffraction
grating equation in calculations.

MS4.5: Use of sine in diffraction

grating equation.

AO3: Analyse scientific information

to determine applications of the
diffraction grating.

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Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86 Refraction at a plane surface

Prior knowledge: The refraction of light.

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
Defining refractive index in 1.0  Define refractive index in Learning activity: PHYA1 May 2014 Q5
terms of wave speed in weeks terms wave speed in  Define refractive index and PHYA1 May 2013 Q5 /animation/animation.php
different media. different media. practice calculations calculating PHYA1 Jan 2013 Q5 ?ani=102&cat=physics
 Recall that the refractive refractive indices from wave PHYA1 May 2012 Q4
Snell’s law of refraction at index of air is http://hyperphysics.phy-
a boundary: speeds. PHYA1 Jan 2012 Q6
approximately 1.
𝑛1 sin 𝜃1 = 𝑛2 sin 𝜃2  Use Snell’s law to  Define Snell’s law. PHYA1 May 2011 Q5 t/refr.html
calculate angles when  Practise calculations using
Total internal reflection light crosses a boundary Snell’s law.
𝑛1 between two media,  Use Snell’s law to determine watch?v=0MwMkBET_5I
sin 𝜃𝑐 =  Describe total internal the refractive index of a
reflection and distinguish rectangular glass block.
Step index optic fibres this from partial  Demonstrate total internal
including the function of the reflection.
reflection and show the
cladding.  Calculate critical angles
meaning of the critical angle.
using refractive indices.
 Describe the step index  Determine the critical angle of
Material and modal
optic fibre. the material in a semi-circular
dispersion and the
consequences of pulse  Understand the block.
broadening and absorption. principles and  Practise calculations involving
consequences of pulse the critical angle and the
broadening and refractive indices of the
absorption. materials either side of the
 Demonstrate optic fibres,
pointing out the importance of

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 Define material and modal
dispersion and point out the
consequences of pulse
broadening and absorption.

Skills developed by learning


AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of refractive
index and its relationship to wave

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of Snell’s law.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of Snell’s law in

MS0.6, 4.5: Use of sine.

MS4.1: Use of angles (incidence

and refraction).

MS2.4: Solve algebraic equations

to determine angles of refraction.

MS3.2 and 3.4: Plot graph to

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determine refractive index.

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of total internal
reflection and critical angle.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding in calculations
involving the critical angle.

MS4.5: Use of sine.

MS2.4: Solve algebraic equations

to determine critical angles.

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of optic fibres
and the importance of cladding.

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of material and
modal dispersion.

PS1.2: Apply scientific knowledge

to explain the consequences of
pulse broadening and absorption.

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3.4 Mechanics and materials


Vectors and their treatment are introduced by development of the student’s knowledge and understanding of forces, energy and momentum.
The section continues with a study of materials considered in terms of their bulk properties and tensile strength. As with earlier topics, this
section and also the following section Electricity would provide a good starting point for students who prefer to begin by consolidating work.

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3.4.1 Forces, energy and momentum Scalars and vectors

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
The nature of scalar and 0.5  Students can distinguish Learning activity: PHYA1 Jan 2013 Q2
vector quantities. weeks between scalar and  Provide a list of scalar and PHYA1 Jan 2012 Q1 ootball-physics-scalars-
vector quantities vector quantities. PHYA1 May 2012 Q1 and-vectors-michelle-
Addition of vectors by including velocity/speed, buchanan
 Investigate the parallelogram
calculation or scale mass, force/weight,
drawing. acceleration, law for combining vectors using
displacement/distance. three masses, string and
The resolution of vectors  Students can add two pulleys.
into two components. vectors by constructing  Practise calculations combining
an appropriate scale vectors using vector triangles.
The conditions for drawing.  Practical investigation into
equilibrium for two or three  Calculate the sum of two resolving forces using a fan cart
coplanar forces acting at a vectors. or rolling cars done a slope at
point.  Resolve a vector into two
various angles.
components.  Construct free body diagrams
 Recognise the conditions to show equilibrium when two
for two or three coplanar or three coplanar forces act at a
forces acting at a point to point.
be in equilibrium.
 Apply the conditions for Skills developed by learning
equilibrium in the context activities:
of an object at rest or
moving at constant
AO1: Demonstration of knowledge
and understanding of vector and
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scalar quantities.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of how vectors can
be combined.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of how vectors can
be resolved.

MS0.6: Use of calculators to handle

sin and cosine when resolving

MS4.2: 2D representation of
coplanar forces.

MS4.5: Use of sin and cos in

problems involving the resolution of

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Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
Definition of the moment of 0.5  Define and calculate the Learning activity: PHYA1 May 2014 Q3 http://www.schoolphysics.
a force about a point. weeks moment of a force.  Explain what is meant by the PHYA1 Jan 2013 Q3
 Describe a couple and moment of a force and a PHYA1 May 2012 Q3 19/Mechanics/Statics/text/
A couple as a pair of equal calculate the moment of Equilibrium_/index.html
couple. PHYA1 Jan 2012 Q3
and opposite coplanar a couple.
 Practise calculations of PHYA1 May 2011 Q4
forces. The equation for  State the principle of Rich question:
the moment of a couple. moments. moments of a force.
Are the centre of mass
 Apply and use the  Calculations involving couples
and centre of gravity of a
The principle of moments. principle to analyse the produced by coplanar forces.
body always in the same
forces acting on a body  Experimental investigation of
The centre of mass and its position?
in equilibrium. the principle of moments.
position in a uniform  Explain what is meant by  Give examples of centre of
regular solid.
the centre of mass. mass of regular solids.
 Determine the centre of gravity
and hence the centre of mass
by using pieces of card and a
plumb line.

Skills developed by learning


AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of the moment
of a force and a couple.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of the moment

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equation by using in calculations.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of the principle of
moments in calculations.

MS2.2, 2.3: Use algebraic

equations for moments, couples
and the principle of moments.

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Prior knowledge: Motion graphs, the acceleration due to gravity.

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
Definitions of 1.5  Define displacement, Learning activity: PHYA1 May 2013 Q2 http://hyperphysics.phy-
displacement, speed, weeks speed, velocity and  Practise calculations using the and Q3
velocity, acceleration. acceleration. definitions of displacement, PHYA1 May 2012 Q2 anics/motgraph.html
 Distinguish between speed, velocity and PHYA1 Jan 2012
Representation by velocity and speed.
acceleration. Q3(b)
graphical methods of  Calculate velocities and WWW/k-
uniform and non-uniform accelerations.  Use light gates to obtain data PHYA1 May 2011 Q1 12/airplane/mofall.html
acceleration.  Calculate both from a trolley rolling down a and Q2
instantaneous and slope or a glider on an air track PHYA1 Jan 2011 Q5 Rich question:
Significance of areas of average velocities. to generate displacement time What is the average
velocity – time and  Draw graphs to represent and velocity time graphs. velocity of a cyclist who
acceleration – time graphs motion.  Practise plotting and analysing cycles at a constant
and gradients of  Recognise the
displacement – time and motion graphs. speed of 20 m s–1, around
significance of the areas  Highlight the link between
velocity – time graphs. a circular track of
of velocity – time and
displacement time, velocity time circumference 400 m
acceleration – time
The equations for uniform graphs. and acceleration time graphs. when they are a quarter of
acceleration.  Recognise the  Practise calculations using the the way around the track?
significance of the equations of uniform
𝑣 = 𝑢 + 𝑎𝑡 gradients of acceleration.
displacement – time and  Practical to determine g using a
𝑢+𝑣 velocity – time graphs. free fall method.
𝑠=( )𝑡  Recall the equations of
uniform acceleration and Required practical
can apply them in
𝑠 = 𝑢𝑡 + 𝑎𝑡 2 calculations. Involving
Determination of g by a free-fall
2 motion in straight lines.
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 Analyse experiments to method.
2 2
𝑣 = 𝑢 + 2𝑎𝑠 determine the
acceleration due to Skills developed by learning
The acceleration due to gravity using a graphical activities:
gravity, g. method
AO1: Demonstration of knowledge
and understanding displacement,
speed, velocity and acceleration.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of displacement,
speed, velocity and acceleration in

MS3.7: Distinguish between

instantaneous velocity and average

PS1.1: Solve motion problems in a

practical context.

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of motion

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding in the analysis of
motion graphs.

MS3.5: Calculate rate of change

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from motion graphs showing a
linear relationship.

MS3.6: Draw and use the slope of a

tangent to a curve in motion

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of the equations for
uniform acceleration.

MS0.5: Use calculators to find


MS2.2: Change the subject of the

equations of uniform acceleration.

MS2.2, 2.3: Substitute into and

solve equations for uniform

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of motion graphs
and the equations of uniform
acceleration to determine g.

MS1.2: Find arithmetic means from

data from the determination of g.

MS3.9: Apply the concepts

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underlying calculus by solving
equations involving rates of change
in the experiment to determine g.

ATd: Use stop watch or light gates

in experiments investigating motion.

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Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
Independent effect of 1.0  Explain how the motion Learning activity: PHYA1 May 2014 Q2
motion in horizontal and weeks of a projectile can be  Practise examples of projectile PHYA1 Jan 2011 Q2 ms/projectile-
vertical directions of a analysed by treating its motion. motion/projectile-
uniform gravitational field. horizontal and vertical motion_en.html
 Demonstrate the monkey and
motion independently.
hunter experiment.
A qualitative treatment of  Analyse the motion of a http://www.nationalstemce
friction. projectile by considering  Consider the effects of air
the effect of gravity on resistance on the horizontal ce/2084/monkey-and-
Qualitative treatments of lift horizontal and vertical and vertical motion of a hunter
and drag forces. motion. projectile.
 Describe friction  Experiment to investigate air http://www.instructables.c
A qualitative treatment of quantitatively. om/id/MONKEY-
resistance and terminal velocity
the effects of air resistance  Explain the nature of lift using different numbers of
on the trajectory of a and drag forces.
projectile. stacked coffee filters or
 Describe the effects of
cupcake cases.
air resistance on the
The factors affecting the trajectory of a projectile.  Investigate the motion of
maximum speed of a  Explain why falling different shaped objects
vehicle. objects can reach a through a tall column of viscous
terminal speed. fluid.
 Discuss the factors that  Outline the nature of lift and
affect the maximum drag forces.
speed of a vehicle.  Model the effects of air
resistance on the motion of
projectiles using a spreadsheet.

Skills developed by learning


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AO1: Demonstration of knowledge
and understanding of projectile

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of the independence
of horizontal and vertical motion
when considering projectiles.

MS0.6, 4.1, 4.2, 4.5: Use of sine

and cos and 2D diagrams to
represent projectile motion.

PS2.1, 2.3: Evaluate results from

the motion of an object through a

AO3: Analyse, interpret and

evaluate evidence from motion in a
fluid experiments.

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of the nature of
frictional forces.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of the effects of
frictional forces on the motion of a

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Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86 Newton’s laws of motion

Prior knowledge: Force = mass ✕ acceleration

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
Knowledge and application 1.5  Recall the three laws of Learning activity: PHYA1 May 2013 Q1 http://hyperphysics.phy-
of the three laws of motion. weeks motion and apply them in  Give examples of Newton’s first PHYA1 May 2011 Q3
appropriate situations. and second laws. html
Use of the equation;  Construct and use free-  Practise examples of free-body
F = ma body diagrams. Rich question:
diagrams and relate these to
 Use the equation linking How is the equation,
force and acceleration in Newton’s first and second laws.
 Investigate Newton’s second F=ma, modified when
law using trollies or an air track. mass is changing?
 Recognise that the
equation can only be  Practise examples using the
used in situations where equation F=ma .
the mass is constant.  Investigate situations where
mass is changing eg rocket
 Model the motion of a rocket
using a spreadsheet.
 Give examples of Newton’s
third law.

Skills developed by learning


AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of Newton’s
laws of motion.

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AO2: Apply knowledge and
understanding of Newton’s laws in
practical situations.

MS2.3: Substitute values into

equation linking force, mass and

PS4.1, AT a,b,c: Knowledge and

understanding of practical
instruments needed to investigate
Newton’s second law.

AO3: Analyse, interpret and

evaluate evidence from
investigation of Newton’s second

MS 4.1, 4.2: Use 2D representation

of forces in a free-body diagram.

ATk: Use ICT to model motion of


AO2: AO1: Apply knowledge and

understanding of situations
involving Newton’s third law.

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Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86 Momentum

Prior knowledge: Safety features in cars such as crumple zones.

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
Define momentum. 1.0  Define momentum and Learning activity: SAM Q4 http://hyperphysics.phy-
week recall the unit for  Give the definition of
The conservation of linear momentum. momentum and state the html
momentum in one  Discuss the conservation principle of the conservation of
dimension. of linear momentum and http://hyperphysics.phy-
apply it in calculations
Force as rate of change of involving collisions in one  Practise examples involving the 4.html
momentum. dimension. conservation of momentum.
 Relate force to rate of  Investigate momentum using http://www.animations.phy
Define impulse and its change of momentum. colliding trollies or gliders on an
relationship to the area  Define impulse. air track. entum.html
under a force time graph.  Deduce the effect on  Link rate of change of
impact forces of contact momentum to Newton’s second Rich question:
The relationship between times. Prove that an object of
impact forces and contact law and demonstrate how this
 Distinguish between mass, m, must be
time. leads to F=ma
elastic and inelastic stationary after an elastic
collisions.  Give examples of impulse and
Distinguish between elastic link this to the relationship collision with a stationary
 Apply momentum object also of mass m.
an inelastic collisions. between impact forces and
conservation to
explosions. contact time.
Apply the conservation of
 Explain the difference between
momentum to explosions.
elastic and inelastic collisions
and investigate inelastic
collisions by dropping different
balls from the same height and
measuring the height of

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 Practise examples using the
conservation of momentum in

Skills developed by learning


AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of momentum.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of the conservation
of momentum in the analysis of

PS2.3: Evaluate results from

conservation of momentum
experiments and draw conclusions.

PS3.2: Process and analyse data

from conservation of momentum

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of impulse.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding impulse and relate
this to the area under a force time

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AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of the relationship
between impact force and contact

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding elastic and
inelastic collisions.

MS2.2, 2.3: Substitute numerical

values into a conservation of
momentum equation and change
the subject of the equation.

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Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86 Work, energy and power

Prior knowledge: Calculating work and power.

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
The relationship between 1.0  Recognise that when Learning activity: PHYA1 Jan 2013 Q1 http://hyperphysics.phy-
energy transferred and week work is done energy is  Review the relationship PHYA1 Jan 2012 Q1
work done. transferred. between work and energy and Q2 html
 Calculate the work done transfer from GCSE.
W=Fscosθ including situations
 Practise calculations for work en/simulations/category/p
where the force is not
Rate of doing work is equal acting in the direction of done including situations where hysics/work-energy-and-
to the rate of energy displacement. force and displacement do not power
transfer  Calculate the rate of act in the same direction.
∆𝑊 doing work.  Derive the equation linking
𝑃= = 𝐹𝑣  Analyse situations in power, force and velocity.
∆𝑡 which the force acting is  Construct force displacement
The significance of the variable. graphs and work out the area
area under a force  Recall that the work done under the graph.
displacement graph. or energy transferred is
 Investigate the power
equal to the area under a
force displacement developed by the body by doing
Efficiency as the ratio of
graph. step ups or lifting masses.
useful output power to
input power.  Calculate efficiency as a  Define efficiency and practice
ratio and as a calculations for efficiency in
percentage. practical situations eg using
pulley systems.
 Investigate the efficiency of an
electric motor.

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Skills developed by learning

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding the relationship
between work done and energy

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of work done using
the appropriate equation.

MS0.3: Use ratios, fractions and

percentages in efficiency

PS3.3: Consider precision and

accuracy of data in efficiency

PS4.1: Know and understand the

use of a wide range of experimental
and practical instruments,
equipment and techniques in
efficiency experiments.

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Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86 Conservation of energy

Prior knowledge: Energy is always conserved.

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
The principle of 0.5  Recall the principle of the Learning activity: PHYA1 Jan 2012 Q2 http://hyperphysics.phy-
conservation of energy. weeks conservation of energy.  Review the principle of PHYA1 Jan 2013 Q1
 Calculate kinetic and conservation of energy. PHYA1 May 2014 Q1 r.html
Kinetic energy and gravitational potential  Practise calculations using
gravitational potential energy. http://www.nuffieldfoundat
gravitational potential energy
energy.  Describe energy
changes involving and kinetic energy.
Quantitative and qualitative kinetic, gravitational  Investigate energy changes in a
applications of energy potential energy and bouncing ball.
conservation. work done against  Estimate the energy that can be
friction. derived from food consumption.

Skills developed by learning


AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of the principle
of conservation of energy.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of the formulae for
gravitational potential energy and
kinetic energy.

Ata: Use analogue apparatus to

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measure heights and heights of
rebound for a bouncing ball.

MS0.4: Estimate energies derived

from food consumption.

MS2.2: Change the subject of

equations calculating gravitational
potential energy and kinetic energy.

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3.4.2 Materials Bulk properties of solids

Prior knowledge: The definition of density. Investigation of Hooke’s law using springs.

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
The definition of density. 1.0  Define density and do Learning activity: PHYA1 May 2013 Q4
week calculations using the  Practise calculations including PHYA1 May 2012 Q5 https://depts.washington.e
Hooke’s law and the elastic density equation. those involving composite PHYA1 Jan 2012 Q4 du/bonebio/ASBMRed/bio
limit.  State Hooke’s law and materials. PHYA1 Jan 2011 Q1 mecha/bio.swf
explain what is meant by
The force extension  Determine the density of
the elastic limit. http://www-
equation:  Apply the force extension different objects.
equation and recognise  Investigate the elastic bles/activities/pdfs/eggbu
𝐹 = 𝑘∆𝑙 that the constant, k, is behaviour of various materials ngeejump.pdf
known as the stiffness or such as metals in the form of
Definitions of tensile stress the spring constant. wires and springs and rubber in
and tensile strain.  Demonstrate that they the form of elastic bands.
recognise the meanings  Review Hooke’s law and elastic
The meaning of breaking of tensile stress and
stress. tensile strain.
 Give definitions of tensile stress
 Explain what breaking
Elastic strain energy stress means. and tensile strain and practice
 Calculate elastic strain using both these quantities in
1 energy. calculations.
𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑑 = 𝐹∆𝑙  Explain what is meant by
2  Recognise that the
energy stored is equal to elastic strain energy.
the area under a force –  Illustrate plastic behaviour,
Description of plastic extension graph. elastic behaviour, fracture and
behaviour, fracture and  Explain what is meant by brittle behaviour using a variety
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brittle behaviour related to plastic behaviour, of stress strain graphs for a
force – extension graphs. fracture and brittle variety of materials.
behaviour.  Practise calculations involving
Interpretation of stress –  Analyse stress – strain
energy conservation involving
strain curves. curves.
elastic strain energy and
 Apply energy
Application of energy conservation to energy to deform.
conservation to examples examples involving  Describe the energy changes
involving elastic strain elastic strain energy and that take place when a mass is
energy and energy to energy to deform. attached to a vibrating spring.
deform.  Analyse the energy  Consider energy conservation
changes taking place in issues in the context of ethical
The transformation of transport design.
an oscillating spring.
spring energy to kinetic
and gravitational potential  Appreciate the
importance of energy Skills developed by learning
conservation in transport activities:
Appreciation of energy design.
conservation issues in the AO1: Demonstration of knowledge
context of ethical transport and understanding of the meaning
design. of density.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of density in

MS0.3: Use of ratios in density


MS4.3: Calculate volumes of

regular solids.

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AO1: Demonstration of knowledge
and understanding of Hooke’s Law
and elastic limit.

MS3.1: Translate information

between graphical, numerical and
algebraic form when investigating
elastic behaviour.

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of tensile stress
and tensile strain.

MS3.8: Understand the significance

of the area between the curve and
the x-axis on a force extension

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of plastic
behaviour, fracture and brittle

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of plastic behaviour,
fracture and brittle behaviour when
relating them to force extension

AO2: Apply knowledge and

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understanding in the interpretation
of stress strain graphs.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding in the description of
the energy changes in masses
attached to vibrating springs.

AO3: Analyse, interpret and

evaluate evidence when
considering energy conservation in
the context of ethical transport

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Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86 The Young modulus

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
The definition of the Young 0.5  Define the Young Learning activity: SAM Q6
modulus. week modulus and use it in  Define the Young modulus and hing-resource/Young-
calculations. practice using this property in PHYA1 May 2014 Q4 Modulus-AS-Physics-
Experiment to determine  Describe a method to calculations. PHYA1 Jan 2013 Q4
the Young modulus using a determine the Young  Carry out an experiment to
stress – strain graph. PHYA1 May 2011 Q6
modulus. determine the Young modulus
PHYA1 Jan 2011 Q6 cs/materials/228/page_46
of the metal in a wire.
Required practical

Determination of the Young

modulus by a simple method.

Skills developed by learning


AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of the Young

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of the Young
modulus in calculations.

MS3.1: Translate information

between graphical, numerical and
algebraic form when investigating
the Young modulus.

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MS4.3: Calculate cross sectional
areas of wires.

ATa: Use appropriate analogue

apparatus in the Young modulus

ATc: Use methods to increase

accuracy in the Young modulus

ATe: Use micrometer to measure

the diameters of wires.

PS2.2: Present data from the

Young modulus experiment in
appropriate ways.

MS3.4: Determine the slope of a

stress strain graph to find the
Young modulus.

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3.5 Electricity


This section builds on and develops earlier study of these phenomena from GCSE. It provides opportunities for the development of practical
skills at an early stage in the course and lays the groundwork for later study of the many electrical applications that are important to society.

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3.5.1 Current electricity Basics of electricity

Prior knowledge: Electric current as a flow of charge. Definitions of current, potential difference and resistance.

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
Electric current is the rate 0.5  Recognise that current is Learning activity: PHYA1 May 2012 Q7 http://hyperphysics.phy-
of flow of charge. weeks the rate of flow of charge.  Review current as a flow of PHYA1 Jan 2012
 Recognise that potential charge and practice Q5(a) c/elecur.html
Potential difference is the difference is the work calculations.
work done per unit charge. done per unit charge.
 Review potential difference is
 Recognise the equation
The definition of defining resistance and the work done per unit charge
resistance. can apply it in and practice calculations.
calculations.  Practise resistance

Skills developed by learning


AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of electric
current, potential difference and

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of electric current,
potential difference and resistance.

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Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
The current – voltage 1.5  Interpret current – Learning activity: http://hyperphysics.phy-
characteristics for an ohmic weeks voltage graphs and  Investigate current – voltage
conductor, a distinguish between the graphs for an ohmic conductor, c/ohmlaw.html
semiconductor diode and a characteristics for an
a semiconductor diode and a
filament lamp. ohmic conductor, a
semiconductor diode and filament lamp.
Ohm’s law as a special a filament lamp.  Give examples of current –
case where current is  Recognise that Ohm’s voltage graphs and explain how
directly proportional to law is a special case for they should be interpreted.
voltage under constant
a component with  Explain Ohm’s Law and outline
physical conditions. why it is a special case.
constant resistance.

Skills developed by learning


AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of current-
voltage characteristics of various

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of current-voltage

MS3.2: Plot current voltage


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PS3.1: Plot and interpret current-
voltage graphs.

ATb: Use digital meters.

ATf: Construct and check circuits.

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Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86 Resistivity

Prior knowledge: The definition of resistance.

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
1.5  Define resistivity and use Learning activity: PHYA1 May 2014 Q6
𝑅𝐴 weeks the resistivity equation in  Define resistivity and practise PHYA1 Jan 2013 n/simulation/resistance-in-
Resistivity, 𝜌 = 𝐿 calculations. using the definition in Q7(a) a-wire
 Describe an experiment calculations. PHYA1 Jan 2012
Experiment to determine to determine the http://hyperphysics.phy-
the resistivity of a wire.  Determine the resistivity of the Q5(b)
resistivity of a wire.
 Describe the effect of metal in a wire. c/resis.html
Description of the temperature on the  Explain how temperature
qualitative effect of resistance of metal affects the resistance of metal
temperature on the conductors. conductors. ch/teachers/archiv/HST20
resistance of metal  01/accelerators/supercon
Describe the effect of  Explain how temperature
conductors. temperature on a ductivity/superconductivity
affects the resistance of a
negative temperature .htm
The effect of temperature thermistor.
coefficient thermistor.
on a negative temperature  Investigate applications of
 Describe application of
coefficient thermistor. thermistors.
thermistors including
temperature sensors.  Explain what is meant by
Application of thermistors superconductivity and explain
 Explain what is meant by
in temperature sensors. the significance of critical
a superconductor.
 Describe how temperature.
Superconductivity as a
property of certain
superconductors can be  Investigate some of the uses of
used to produce strong superconductors.
materials which have zero
magnetic fields and to
resistivity at or below the
reduce energy losses in
critical temperature. Required practical
the transmission of
electric power.
Applications of Determination of resistivity of a wire
superconductors. using a micrometer, ammeter and
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Skills developed by learning


AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of resistivity.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of resistivity in

MS4.3: Calculate cross-sectional

areas of wires.

MS3.2: Plot a graph of voltage

against current.

ATe: Use micrometers to measure

diameters of wires.

ATb: Use multimeters.

PS2.1: Apply scientific knowledge

set in a practical context.

PS4.1: Know and use a wide range

of practical equipment to determine
the resistivity of the metal in a wire.

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AO1: Demonstration of knowledge
and understanding of effect of
temperature on the resistance of
metal conductors.

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of effect of
temperature on a negative
temperature coefficient thermistor.

AO3: Analyse and interpret how

thermistors are used in temperature

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of

AO3: Analyse and interpret the

applications of superconductors.

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Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86 Circuits

Prior knowledge: Combining resistors in series. Energy and power in electric circuits.

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
Combining resistors in 1.5  Calculate the total Learning activity: PHYA1 May 2014 Q5
series and in parallel. weeks resistance for  Explain how resistance in PHYA1 Jan 2013 Q6 ctricity/circuits/index.html
combinations of series series and resistances in and Q7(b)
The relationship between and parallel resistors. Rich question:
parallel combine. PHYA1 Jan 2012 Q6
currents, voltages and  Analyse series and What is the resistance
resistances in series and  Explain why the total resistance PHYA1 Jun 2012 Q6
parallel circuits. between A and B?
parallel circuits.  Analyse circuits involving of a parallel combination of
combinations of cells in resistors is always less than the
Cells in series and identical series and identical cells smallest resistance resistor in
cells in parallel. in parallel. the combination.
 Calculate the energy and  Practise calculations involving
The energy and power power in electric circuits. series and parallel
equations:  Explain how energy and arrangements of components.
charge are conserved in  Outline how the cells in series
E=VIt electric circuits. and in parallel combine.
𝑉2  Review the power and energy
𝑃 = 𝑉𝐼 = 𝐼 2 𝑅 = equations and practise
𝑅 calculations involving these.
The conservation of charge  Demonstrate how energy and
and energy in dc circuits. charge are conserved in
electric circuits.

Skills developed by learning


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AO1: Demonstration of knowledge
and understanding of series and
parallel electric circuits.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding in the analysis of
electric circuits.

ATb, f: Construct circuits from a

range of components.

MS0.3: Use fractions when

combining resistors in parallel.

PS4.1: Know and understand how

to use a wide range of experimental
and practical instruments when
investigating circuit.

ATa,b,f,g: Construct circuits with

various component configurations
and measure currents and potential

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of how cells
combine in series and in parallel.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of the power

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equations and apply these in the
analysis of electric circuits.

MS2.3: Substitute numerical values

into the power equations.

MS2.2: Change the subject of the

power equations.

AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of the
conservation of energy in electric

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
82 of
registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86 Potential divider

Prior knowledge: The definition of resistance

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
The potential divider used 1.0  Demonstrate that they Learning activity: SAM Q5
to supply constant or weeks understand how a  Investigate potential divider /circuits/118/page_46038.
variable potential potential divider can circuits. PHYA1 May 2014 Q7 html
difference from a power provide a constant or
 Investigate how sensors can be PHYA1 May 2013 Q7
supply. variable potential
difference from a power used in potential divider PHYA1 May 2012 Q7
The use of variable supply. circuits.
resistors, light dependent  Describe how variable
resistors and thermistors in resistors, light Skills developed by learning
potential divider circuits. dependent resistors and activities:
thermistors can be used
in potential divider AO1: Demonstration of knowledge
and understanding of the potential

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of using potential
dividers in sensing circuits.

MS0.3: Use ratios and fractions

when analysing potential divider

MS2.3: Substitute numerical values

into the potential divider equation.

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
83 of
registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86
PS4.1: Know and understand how
to use a wide range of experimental
and practical instruments when
investigating potential divider

ATf, g: Correctly design, connect

and check circuits.

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
84 of
registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86 Electromotive force and internal resistance

Prior knowledge: The definition of resistance.

Learning objective Time Learning Outcome Learning activity with Assessment Resources
taken opportunity to develop skills opportunities
The definition of emf. 1.0  Define emf with Learning activity: PHYA1 May 2013 Q6
weeks reference to cells.  Explain what is meant by emf, PHYA1 Jan 2012 Q7
Circuit equation when cells  Understand and perform internal resistance and terminal ctricity/emf/index.html
have appreciable internal calculations for circuits in pd.
resistance. which the internal http://www.nuffieldfoundat
 Practise calculations using the
resistance of the supply
∈= 𝐼(𝑅 + 𝑟) is not negligible. equation ∈= 𝐼(𝑅 + 𝑟) physics/internal-
 Explain what is meant by  Determine the internal resistance-potato-cell
Terminal pd. terminal pd. resistance of a cell by
measuring the terminal pd Rich question:
when the cell is connected to Why is it important for car
an external resistor with batteries to have very low
variable resistance. internal resistances?

Required practical
Investigation of the emf and internal
resistance of electric cells and
batteries by measuring the variation
of the terminal pd of the cell with
current in it.

Skills developed by learning


AO1: Demonstration of knowledge

and understanding of emf and
AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
85 of
registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86
internal resistance.

AO2: Apply knowledge and

understanding of emf and internal
resistance in circuit calculations.

MS3.1: Translate data from

experiments to determine internal
resistance into graphical form.

MS3.3: Understand that the circuit

equation including emf and internal
resistance represents a linear

MS3.4: Determine the intercept and

slope of a linear graph.

PS2.2: Present data from

experiments to determine internal
resistance in appropriate ways.

PS3.1: Plot and interpret the graph

from experiments to determine
internal resistance.

ATf: Correctly construct circuits for

experiments to determine internal

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our
86 of
registered address is AQA, Devas
Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 86

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