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System of particles disha and Rotational Motion This Practice Exercise on “System of particles and Rotational Motion ” is taken from our: 5th Edition 2018 Physics ” F Rye Guide EN & rots AIIMS & JIPMER cre ISBN : 9789386320773 EXERCISE - 1 Conceptual Questions Centre of mass of the earth and the moon system lies (@) closer to the earth (b) closer to the moon (©) atthe mid-point ofline joining theearth and the moon, (a) cannot be predicted Four particles of masses m,.m.m and m, are placed at the vertices 4,B,C and D as respectively of a square shown ‘The COM of the system will le at diagonal AC if (@ mom 4 a (0) m= Im (9 m=m @ mem "5 ce Two spheres 4 and B of masses m and 2m and radii 2R and R respectively are placed in contact as shown. The COM of the system lies (@) inside (b) inside B (©) atthe point of contact (d) None of these ‘Moment of inertia does not depend upon (2). distribution of mass (b) axisofrotation (©) point ofapplication of force (a) None of these A dise is given a linear velocity on arough horizontal surfivce then itsangular momentum is (a) conserved about COM only (b) conserved about the point of contact only (©). conserved about all the points (a) not conserved about any point A body cannot roll without slipping on a (2) rough horizontal surface (b) smooth horizontal surface (©). rough inclined surface (@)_ smooth inclined surface A body is projected from ground with some angle to the horizontal. The angular momentum about the initial position will (@) decrease (b) increase (©) remains same (a) first increase then decrease 10. nL. 2 13. ue A bull tied toa string is swung ina vertical circle. Which of the following remains constant? (@) tension in the string (b) speed of the ball (6). centripetal force (4) earth's pull on the ball Angular momentum of a system of a particles changes, when (a) force acts on a boxy (b) torque acts on a body (©). direction of velocity changes, (@) None of these Angular momentum is (a) apolar vector (b) anaxial vector (©) ascalar (a) None of these If running boy jumps on a rotating table, which of the following is conserved? (a) Linear momentum ()) KE (6). Angular momentum (@)_ None of these A gymnast takes turns with her arms & legs stretched. When she pulls her arms & legs in (a) the angular velocity decreases (b) themoment of inertia decreases (©) the angular velocity stays constant (@) theangular momentum increases Moment of inertia ofa circular wire of mass Mand radius R about its diameter is (@ MRD (b) MR? (©) 2MR? @ MR%. A solid sphere is rotating in fee space. Ifthe radius of the sphere is increased keeping mass same which one of the following will not be affected ? (@) Angular velocity (b) Angular momentum (6) Moment of inertia (4) Rotational kinetic energy One solid sphere A and another hollow sphere B are of same mass and same outer radi ‘Their moment of inertia about their diametersare respectively I, and. Ig Such that @ Ihly dalda @ Ta where d and dy are their densities, Bra 16. rt 18, 1 20. 21. (2) momentof momentum (b) product of mass and angular velocity (©). product of MLL and velocity (2) momentofangular motion ‘The angular momentum ofa system of particle is conserved (2) when no external force acts upon the system (b) when no external torque acts upon the system (©) when no external impulse acts upon the system. (d)_ when axis of rotation remains same Analogue of mass in rotational motion is (a) momentofinertia —(b) angular momentum (©). gyration (@)_ None of these Moment of inertia does not depend upon (2) angular velocity of body (b) shape and size (©) mass (A) position of axis of rotation A hollow sphere is held suspended. Sand is now poured into it in stages. ‘The centre of gravity of the sphere with the sand (@) rises continuously (b)_ remains unchanged in the process (c)_ First rises and then falls to the original position (d) First falls and then rises to the original position 23, A block Q of mass M is placed on a horizontal frictionless surface AB and a body P of mass m is released on its frictionless slope. As Pslides bya length L on this slope of inclination 6, the block Q would slide by adistance 2, (a) (m/M)L cos (b) mL(M+m) (©) (M+mjmLcos0) (4) (mLcos0)/(m+M) A solid sphere and a hollow sphere of the same material and of same size can be distinguished without weighing (a). by determining their moments of inertia about their coaxial axes (b)byrolling them simultaneously on an inelined plane (©) by rotating them about a common axis of rotation (@)_by applying equal torque on them A sick of length Land mass M lies on a frictionless horizontal surface on which it is free to move in any way. A bull ofmassm moving with speed v collides elastically with the stick as shown in fig, Ifafter the collision ball comes torest, then what should be the mass ofthe ball? (@) m=2M (b) m=M () m=M2 @ m= A flywheel rotatesabout an axis. Duc to fiction at the axis, it experiences an angular retardation proportional to its angular velocity. fits angular velocity falls to half while it makes n rotations, how many more rotations will it make before coming to rest? (@ dn oa (© m2 @ m3 ‘Arawegg anda hard boiled eggare made to spin on atable with the same angular momentum about the same axis. The ratio ofthe time taken by the two to stop is, @ =I & <1 ©) >I (@)_ None of these EXERCISE - 2 Applied Questions A solid cylinder of mass 20 kg rotates about its axis with — 3. angular speed 100 radis. The radius of the eylinder is 0.25 m. The K.E. associated with the rotation ofthe eylinder is, (a) 30255 (b) 32253 (©) 3250) @ 3125) \What isthe moment of inertia ofa solid sphere of density p and radiusR about its diameter? 4 105 ps 105q2 ( Tere ©) Ge ( Trp @ Ver? ios is ‘Two particles Aand B, initially at rest, moves towards each other under a mutual force of attraction. At the instant when the speed of A is v and the speed of B is 2 v, the speed of centre of mass is (@) zr0 ov (©) 15v @ 3v Point masses 1,2, 3and-4 kg are lying atthe points(0, 0,0), (2,00), (0, 3.0) and (-2, 2, 0) respectively. The moment of inertia of thissystem about X-axis will be (a) 43kg—m? (by Mkg-m? (©) 27kg—m? (@) T2kg—m?

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