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(Make sure to allot specific time on each interview.)

1. Make your client/s at ease

2. LET THE CLIENT DO THE TALKING (60-70% should be done by him). Make sure to have
a grasp of the issues presented to you before you take down notes. POINTERS:
 Basic information of the client
 Specific concern of the client
 The crime charged and his involvement
 Stage of the case (Court procedures)
 Date and time of the incident
 How did the arrest takes place? Who are involved during the arrest? (Check
requirements such as Media, Marking of seized items, etc.) and other
CIRCUMSTANCES of the arrest
 The results of the tests conducted on them, if any
 Date when the client placed in the jail
 Circumstances that would support his claim (witnesses, possible cctvs, etc.)
 When is the court date and actions done by his attending lawyer
 Client’s prior criminal history
 Is the client on parole or probation

3. The remaining 30-40% are your CLARIFICATIONS. It should be raised to inquire more
of the details. POINTERS:
 Strong and weak points of the case
 Possible defenses
 Justifying and mitigating circumstance
 See application of Indeterminate Sentence Law and Probation Law, Bail or other
forms of temporary liberty

4. Advising stage by helping him reach a sound decision by identifying the advantages
and disadvantages in each possible choice.
 Goal
 Action and legalities
 Advantages and disadvantages
5. Closing


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