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When you are forced to defend yourself from unlawful aggression of a strong enemy and you left no
choice but to defend yourself from the attack, eventually you beat them. Are you liable for the crime?
JUSTIFYING CIRCUMSTANCE on SELF-DEFENSE is tenable when these elements are present: (1) Unlawful
aggression; (2) Reasonable necessity of the means employed to prevent and repel it; (3) Lack of
sufficient provocation.


When ZILONG is supposed to win by just one more hit against enemy MIYA, who eventually was able to
escape from the former’s aggression and run into the jungle. ZILONG decided to chase him in the jungle.
Unfortunately, ZILONG found that all of the enemies were there. If, however, ZILONG killed him after
MIYA decided to escape, is ZILON not liable for the crime charged on the ground of self-defense? NO.
Defense of JUSTIFYING CIRCUMSTANCE is not warranted absent the element of unlawful aggression.
When MIYA desisted to attack, unlawful aggression is no longer attendant.

Surround or attack enemies with friends / team. Remember that the act of one is the act of all who
participated in the crime. CONSPIRACY exists when two or more persons come to an agreement
concerning the commission of a felony and decide to commit it. Each of them is liable for the same
crime even only one committed the act of killing.

To kill minions, monsters and get gold. Someone who is well farmed has a lot of cs.
COMPOSITE CRIMES are crimes which, in substance, consist of more than one crime but in the eyes of
the law, there is only one. For example, the crimes of robbery with homicide and robbery with physical

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