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CH 398 (2) Chemical Research

Spring 2019 | TTH (TBA) | Mulvane 312

Instructor, Dr. Jamin Perry Office: 302 Mulvane

E-mail: Phone: 594-8326
Office Hours: MWF 9:30-10:20 & TTH 1:30-2:20 or by appointment

COURSE MATERIALS: Safety goggles, laboratory notebook (provided), and additional information
made available via Moodle.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Qualified junior and senior students work closely with a faculty member in
the program on a problem of current interest. The course is offered by individual arrangement, and the
student must discuss the project with the appropriate faculty member well in advance of pre-registration.
Pre-requisite: Permission of instructor.

REQUIREMENTS: Lab work will occur at the stipulated times. A lab notebook, along with a three-
ring notebook and file folders and computer files, will be used to store data. For each credit hour, it is
expected that approximately 3 hours of the work will occur and it is expected that some of this time will
be spent outside of lab.

WRITTEN WORK: Informal (double-spaced, Times New Roman,12pt font) 1-page written summaries
are due on the last day of Feb., Mar, and Apr. A 10 pg. literature review on a mutually agreed topic will
also be completed, with a sentence outline due at midterm and a final draft due at the end of term. A
presentations of research is expected in the last week of classes and the student is expected to present at

PRESENTATIONS: The final formal seminar in the last week of classes should last twelve to fifteen
minutes. Specifics will be determined in consultation with the instructor.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Scholarly sources will be used as needed, including print and online sources.
Citations are to follow the format recommended by the American Chemical Society. A bibliography is
to be developed, which will be used for the presentations.

Progress meetings with Prof. Weekly 15 %

Lab Notebook Midterm & End of term 35%

Monthly Summaries Last day of Feb., Mar. & Apr. 15 %
Presentation Dialogos Midterm 10 %
Literature review Last week of classes 15%
Presentation Last week of classes 10%

The following grade cutoffs will be used in this course:

A (85-100%), B(70-84%), C (55-69%), D (40-54%), F( ≤ 39%

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