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1, JANUARY 1984

REFERENCES [3] Y. Amemiya, T. Sugeta,

and Y. Mizushima, “Novel low-loss and
high-speed diode utilizing an ideal ohmic contact,” IEEE Truns.
[ 11 R. A. Smithand J. M. Zias, “Comparisonofthep-n fastswitcling Electron Devices, voL ED-29, pp. 236-243,1982.
rectifier and the Schottky rectifier,” in Proc, IEEE/IAS An,lual [4] D.J. Page, “Theoreticalperformance of theSchottkybarrierpower
60-68,pp. rectifier,”
1976. Solid-state Electron. voL 15, pp. 505-515,
[2] J. R. Hauser and P. M. Dunbar, “Minority carrier reflecting prop- [SI A. Nakagawaand M. Kurata,“Computer-aided designconsidera-
ertiesofsemiconductor high-low junctions,” Solid-state i’lec- tion on low-loss p-i-n diode,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, voL
tron. voL 18, pp. 715-716, 1975. ED-28, pp. 231-237, 1981.

A Reliable Approa’ch to Charge-Pumping

Measurements in MOS Transistors

Abstract-A new and accurate approach to charge-pumping measure- long-channel devices (> 20 pm) and at low drain voltages [6] .
ments for the determination of the Si-Si02 interface state densit). di- The deep-level transient-spectroscopy technique (DLTS)
rectly o n MOS transistors is presented. By acareful analysis of the
different processes of emission of electronstowardstheconduction which was developed for capacitors can also be performed on
band and of holes towards the valence band, depending on the charge transistors [ 7 ] , This technique yields information on surface-
state of the interface, all the previously ill-understood phenomena can state densities and captures cross sections from the measure-
be explained and the deviations from the simple charge-pumping thl!ory ment of capacitance transients resulting fromelectronand
can be accounted for. The presence of a geometric component in s3me hole emission fromthestates totheconduction and the
transistorconfigurations is illustratedandtheinfluence of trapping
time constants is discussed. Furthermore, based on this insight, a new valence band. However, thisset-up requires a high-quality
technique is developed for the determination of the energy distribution averager todetectthe small capacitance transients,andthe
analysis is rather complex.
of interface states in small-area transistors, without requiring the kn2wl-
edge of the surface potential dependence on gatevoltage. Thereported relation between l/f noise andsurface-state
density [SI, [9] has been used in some cases to determine this
I. INTRODUCTION surface state density. However, in view of the lack of agree-
ment among the different theories on llfnoise such a determi-
INCE THE existence of surface states at the silicon/silicon nation is only qualitative.
S dioxideinterface
have beenproposedfor
was demonstrated, several technic,ues Andfinally, we want to discuss the charge-pumping tech-
the determination of the density of nique which was introduced by Brugler and Jespers [ 101 . This
these states and of their energy distribution in the forbidden technique is based on a recombination process at the Si/Si02
energy gap of silicon. interface involving the surface states. This induces a substrate
Most of these techniques are based on measurements on current which can be directly related to the surface-state den-
MOS capacitors [ 11 - [4] and have been studied in great detail. sity. In spite of its capability for measurements on small-area
Consequentlythey have becomesufficiently reliable tc be
MOST devices, it never became a standard technique because
used routinely in most laboratories. For the determination of
of some ill-understoodphenomena which made the method
the surface-state densities directly on MOS transistors olrtly a
qualitative ratherthanquantitative. Despitesomeseparate
few techniques are available; they are notcommonly used,
attempts to explainthese phenomena [ l o ] - [ 151 , a general
however, partly because of a poor quantitative reliability and
model for thecharge-pumpingmechanism was not available
partly because they are not very practical to use. T h e r e h e
until now. In this paper we will present a model which describes
none of these techniques can be qualified as generally accepted
and explains all of the poorly understood phenomena taking
for MOS transistors.
into account the emission of holes and electrons to the valence
A first method developedfor MOS transistors extractsin-
band or the conduction band, respectively, depending on the
formation on the surface states from the transistorbehavior
stateofSi-Si02interface. This modelis completely con-
in the weak inversion region. Although satisfactoryrewlts
firmedby the experiments. By applying the technique in an
were obtained using this techniqueit is only applicable for
adapted way it even becomes possible to obtainthe energy
distribution of the interface states from a very simple measure-
Manuscript received April 6, 1983; revised August 2, 1983.
The authors are with the ESAT Laboratory, Katholieke Univer giteit ment, without knowing the dependence of the surface poten-
Leuven, Kardinaal Mercierlaan 94, B-3030 Heverlee, Belgium. tial on the applied gate voltage [SI.

0018-9383/84/011:rQ-0042$01.000 1984 IEEE


The new insightin the underlyingmechanisms of charge

pumpingmakes thistechniqueintoa powerful and reliable
quantitative method for determining interface-state densities,
even on small-area MOS transistors.The simple standard
equipment which is required forthistechniquemakesit
readily accessible for each investigator and moreover, because
of the very short measuring times, it is extremely well suited
for process evaluation, for example with wafer mapping.
First, in Section I1 the basic principles of the charge-pumping
technique will be reviewed and the different proposedmeasur-
41 -


ing procedures will be compared. Next, the problem areas and

the poorly understood effects inherent to the charge-pumping
technique will be indicated in Section 111. In Section IV a re-
liable model for the charge pumping process will be presented.
The experimental results will be describedin Section V and Fig. 1 . Basic experimental set-up for charge-pumping measurements.
compared with the model predictions. Finally, in Section VI
a new technique based on the newinsight into the charge- By measuring this substrate current, an estimate of the mean
pumping process will be presented which allows the determina- value of the interface-state densityover the energy range swept
tion of the energy distribution of the interface states even on by the gate pulse can be obtained,
small-area MOS transistors. Charge-pumping measurements have been performed in dif-
ferent ways:
method A: by keeping the pulse base level in accumulation
The basic experimental set-up, as introduced by Brugler and and pulsing the surface into inversion with in-
Jespers [lo] , is illustrated in Fig. 1 in the case of an n-channel creasing amplitudes [ 101 ;
transistor.The source anddrain of thetransistor are con- method E: by varying the pulse base level from inversion to
nected together and held at a certain reverse bias voltage with accumulation whilekeeping theamplitude of
respect to the substrate. When the transistor is pulsed into in- the pulse constant [ 111 ; and
version, the surfacebecomesdeeply depletedandelectrons method C: by keeping the pulse base level in inversion and
will flow from the source and drain regions into the channel, pulsing the surface into accumulation with in-
wheresome of them will be captured by the surface states. creasing amplitude [ 121 .
When the gate pulse is driving the surface back into accumula-
tion,themobile charge drifts back to the source and drain In method A a saturation level for the charge-pumping cur-
under the influence of the reverse bias, but the charges trapped rent is expected when the top of the gate pulse exceeds the
in the surface states will recombine with the majority carriers threshold voltage of the MOS transistor. This saturation level
fromthesubstrateand giverise to anet flow of negative corresponds to the value of the charge pumping current, given
charge into the substrate. This is the so-called charge-pumping by (3) for a maximum value of A$, and yields the number of
effect. The charge Q,, which will recombine is given by interface states over this range, assuming all other parameters to
be known. The work of [ l o ] has been extended by one of the
authors of the method [13] . A second increase in the charge-
QSS " A G ' Y k t t ( E ) dE. (1)
pumping current was shown to be acontributionfromthe
field region under the bonding area of the gate, and the loga-
It can also be expressed as
rithmicdependence of thecurrentsaturation level onthe
Q s s = A '4'~ * D i t . AQs (2) length of the gate pulse was suggested to be the result of the
capture of carriers by oxide traps close to the interface due to
where a tunneling mechanism.
AG is thechannel area of the transistor(cm'), Method B was introduced by Elliot [ 111, in order to also de-
D i t @ ) is the surface-state density at energy level E (cm-' . termine an energy distribution of interface 'traps. Thismea-
- ev-l), surement yields three regions, depending on thepositionof
Di, is themean surface-state density, averaged over the the pulse base level VGL. Only the second region (with
energy levels swept throughbytheFermi level V , - AVG < V,, < VFBwhere V,, Ab', , and V ~ represent B
(cm-' . eV-l >, the threshold voltage, the pulse amplitude, and the flatband
A+, is the total sweep of the surface potential, and voltage, respectively) gives the charge-pumping current as de-
4 electron charge (C).
is the termined by(3).Elliot derives the energy distributionfrom
the rising edge of the current-voltagecurve, when the pulse
When applying repetitive pulses to the gate with frequency f , base level is going from inversion to accumu.lation, while the
this charge Q,, will give rise to a current in the substrate given pulse top level is still in inversion. In this paper however, we
by will show that the variation of the charge-pumping current in
I C p = f * Q , , = f * A G* q 2. Z . A $ , . (3) this region cannot be used to determine the energydistribu-

n -chamel

Vr =OV

f =loOKHz

Fig. 3. Current increase as a function of the top level of the gate pulse
Fig. 2. Influence of pulse shape on the charge-pumping current w l m for different measurement conditions, using method A.
using method B ( I c p as a function of gate pulsebase-level VGL).
This phenomenon hasbeenexplainedin the pastby a
tion of the interface states essentially for the same reason :.or geometric component [ l o ] , consisting of free minority
which the rising edge in method A [IO] could not be used !‘or carriers which do not have enough time toflow back to source
this purpose. and drain and are recombining withmajority carriersand
In method C, finally, [12] the pulse base level is kept ccm- therefore also contribute to
the charge-pumping current.
stantin inversion in order to avoid the so-called geometric It was believed that by using sawtooth pulses this component
component of thecurrent, or at least to could be eliminated because of the longertime available for
However, this goal is not reached because of several otller the mobile carriers to reach source and drain when driving the
mechanisms which are occurring and which will be described surfaceback towardsaccumulation. This was, however, not
in Section IV. The geometric component refers to an ad ji- confirmed experimentally, as the charge-pumping current is a
tionalsubstratecurrentwhen some fraction of the mobi1.e continuously decreasing functionofthe pulse fall and rise
channel charge does not drift back to source and drain [ 101 . times, whereas a saturation would be expected for any fall and
rise time larger than a few microseconds.
The charge-pumping technique, as described in the previclus B. Current Increase with Increasing Gate Voltage
section, has been used to determine the interface-state density When using method A one expects a saturation of the cur-
in the silicon forbidden energy gap froma single substrzte rent for sufficiently large gate amplitudes because the surface
current measurement in an MOS transistor. As stated inthe potential is pinnedat 24p oncethe channel is in inversion.
introduction, however, it never became a standard techniqle However, one always observes a small but consistent current
inspite of its attractiveness for measurements on small-area increase for increasing gate voltage amplitude [ l o ] (Fig. 3).
transistors because of some phenomena which were never w :11 This phenomenon was initially again explained by the geo-
explained. In this section we will list some of these prob1e:tns metric component. If some fraction a of the mobile charge
and mention the efforts which were undertaken by differe:n.t does not drift back to source and drain, this partof the mobile
investigators in order to explain these phenomena separately. carriers which can be expressed as

A . Dependence on the Pulse Shape Qmob=a’Cox(VG- VT) (4)

From the very first experiments on charge pumping, a stro lg is recombining with majority carriers. The total substrate cur-
dependence of the charge-pumping current on the shape of t.le rent is then given by
appliedgate pulses was observed [ l o ] , [ 1 4 ] . In Fig. 2 tilis
. . ~ A $ , + a C , , ( V ~ - VT)].
1 c p z f . A ~[q2 (5)
effect is illustrated when using method B on one of our (:e-
vices. The firstcurve on this figure is obtained when usi:Ig It was believed that this geometric component could be elim-
square pulses, the second when using sawtooth pulses. T.le inated by using sawtooth pulses as mentioned before, by using
transistor undertest was ap-channel device with a chanrel a reverse voltage atdrainandsource or by using method C
length of 6 pm and a channel width of 30 pm.The pulse mentioned in Section 11. In the latter case, the geometric com-
frequency was 20 kHz and the reverse voltage was equal t o ponent was expected to be nonzero but constant because the
1 V, whichshouldbesufficient to eliminate anygeometlic inversion level of the pulse VGHis constant. However from
component in thecurrent. It is obvious that, even in Fig. 3 it is obvious thatthesubstratecurrent still increases
short-channel transistor, a strong influence of the pulse shal~e even when a reverse bias voltage or sawtooth pulses are used.
on I,, is observed. Fig, 4 shows a comparison of the charge pumping currents for
Method C I Method P

f = 1 OOKHz

Fig. 4. Currentincreasewithtop level (method A) andbase level
o b " ' ~ " ' ~ " ' ~ "
~ 2 ' Y
(Method C) of the gate pulse, respectively. v, i v i
Fig. 6 . Charge-pumping current as a function of top level of the gate
3 - *SIVI
Vr = 2 V pulse (upper scale) and of reverse voltage at source and drain (lower

is observed. Different explanations for this phenomenon were
Vr =1V
2 - proposed. Brugler and Jespers [ l o ] tried to explain it by the
maximum trapping time constant, but did not succeed in giv-
- ing aquantitativedescription. BackenstoandViswanathan
t V r =OV [15] claimed thatthis nonlinearrelationship could be ex-
1 -
plainedby a trap distribution with decreasing concentration
n-channel into the oxide. However, their argumentation starts from an
expression which is only valid for small signal responses and
if thermal equilibrium occupancy functions hold. In the case
of charge pumping,however,one does not deal with small
signals and certainly not with thermal equilibrium. Moreover,
-1 the traps which are located deeper into the oxide will interact
-5 0 5 O
vg ( V I as long as they can be filled by inversion carriers. Therefore,
Fig. 5. Calculated dependence of surface potential on gate voltage for
the time that the surface is inverted should be larger than the
different reverse voltages at source and drain. trapping time constant of these traps. When this condition is
no longer fulfilled, they will notcontributetothecurrent
method A and method C. It is clear that in neither case a satu- anymore. This phenomenon hasalreadybeendescribed by
ration is obtained. Declercq and Jespers [13] . Furthermore, the nonlinear rela-
Another explanation for the currentincrease could be sought tionship obviously is not observed when applying rectangular
in thedependence of the surface potentialon gatevoltage. pulses, while the explanation based on oxide traps does not
Thissurface potential is indeednotexactly pinned at 2@F take the pulse shape into account.
when increasing the gate voltage, as is usually assumed, but is
slightly dependentonthe gate voltage in inversion. Fig. 5 D. Current Decrease with Increasing Reverse Voltage
shows this dependence for different reverse voltages V,. One By applying a reverse voltage at source and drain, the charge-
can see that once in inversion the surface potential still slightly pumping current is observed to decrease [ 101 , [ 111 , [ 131 . On
increases.This means that for increasing gate voltage ampli- Fig. 6 the charge-pumping current is plotted as a function of
tudes the energy range over which the interface statesare con- the reverse voltage at source and drain, while the gate pulse is
tributingtothesubstratecurrent slowly increases and so kept at a constant amplitude andbase level. In the same figure
would also the substrate current in view of the previous inter- the normal charge-pumping characteristic is also shown for in-
pretation of thecharge-pumping mechanism. creasing gate pulse amplitudes, and a constant reverse voltage
However, as will become clear in Section IV, the surface po- at source and drain. The two curves differ mainly in two ways.
tential does not play an important role in the actual value of First the current step towards saturation is occurringfor a
the charge-pumping current, and therefore this explanation is different ( V G -~ V,) value. Forthe curve with variable re-
irrelevant. verse voltage, this step occursat about 12 V - 7 V = 5 v, while
for the one with variable gate amplitude it occurs at 5 V -
C. Nonlinear Frequency Dependencef o r Triangular Pulses 2 V = 3 V.Thisdifference can be simplyexplained by the
According to (3) a linear dependence of the charge-pumping body effect on the threshold voltage. For the curve with con-
currentonthefrequency f is expected. This is indeedob- stant reverse voltage, this influence is constant, while for the
served when using square pulses [lo], but when sawtooth or other one, the body-effect changes with the applied reverse
triangular pulses are used, a nonlinear frequency dependence voltage.

The second difference between the two curves is the leTd at

which the current saturates. For the variable gate amp1 tude
curve, it saturates at a higher level, but the subsequent increase
is less than for the variable reverse voltage curve, This beh.wior
can be explained by the modulation of the effective area under
the gate where the recombination process occurs as a rest It of
the widening of the surface space-charge layers around swrce
and drain with increasing reverse voltage during the accurmla-
tion period. However, when one tries to predict this mo hla-
tionwitha simple one-dimensionalmodel,oneobtains a
surface doping concentration which is about 50 percent Iower TP
than the one obtained with other methods for the deterrjlina- Fig. 7 . Waveform applied at the gate when performing charge pumping.
tion of thesurface doping concentration. The different parameters are indicated on the figure.
In the case of Fig. 6 one needs a surface doping of less than
1 X 10l6 cm-3 in order to explain the difference betweer1 the to meet the one which is required t o keep the trap occupation
two saturation levels. However, the surface doping concel~tra- in dynamic equilibrium with the voltage sweep. The channel
tion obtained by conventional measurement techniques (e.g., is in steady-state condition as long as [ 161
body effect) was found to be 2 X 10l6 ~ 1 1 1This ~ ~ .mean:; that
the charge-pumping current shows a more rapid decrease ,with
increasing reverse voltage than couldbe expected from the
one-dimensionalmodel. Declercq and Jespers [13]triejto
explain thisphenomenon by assuming an increase inthe where dQt/dtIts is the rate ofchange of trapped charge density,
interface state density in the vicinity of the junctions due to required to maintain steady-state condition, andis given by
the presence of impurities or dislocations associated with1 the
diffusion mechanism of source and drain.

IV. A RELIABLEMODEL FOR CHARGE PUMPING and dQt/dtlem is the real rate of change of trapped charge den-
In order to understand all the phenomena mentioned in the sity as imposed by the emission of holes to the valence band,
previous section, one has to consider in more detail the di.ffer- and is given by
ent mechanisms which are occurring when applying pulsels at
the gate. In this derivation we assume that no geometric c1)rn- d
ponent is presentduring theexperiment which will be on- dt
firmed later on. Brugler and Jespers [ l o ] already showed (hat
with n t ( t ) = carrier density (= holes) in the traps (cm-').
this condition is normally fulfilled if the geometry of the Yan-
2 ) As soon as this rate of change of trapped charge imposed
sistor is such that W/L >> 1.
bythe emission process becomes smaller thanthe one re-
When the transistor is switchedfromaccumulation 10-
quired by the voltage sweep at the gate (7), the channel'is in
wards inversion and vice versa, the state of the channel of the
the nonsteady-state regime and the emptying of the traps is
MOSFET goes through three different modes, each of wkich
controlled completely by the emission process, as described in
can be characterized by a different time constant and es:en-
detail by Simmons andWei [ 161 and Kaden and Reimer [ 171 -
tially corresponds to oneof the conventional operating regims
E211 . In this case the occupancy function of holes is shown to
of an MOS structure (i.e., accumulation,depletion,and .in-
be similar in shape to the Fermi-Dirac distribution function,
version). Let us consider ap-type material (n-channeltlan-
but is dependent on time. The transition from thesteady state
sistor). A waveform as shown in Fig. 7 is applied to the gate
to the nonsteady state occurs at a certain gate voltage which
of the transistor. It has a rise time t, and a fall time t f : an
can be calculated from (7) and (8). Because of the shape of
amplitude AVG = V G , - VG,, and a period T p . Fig. 8 shows
the Gs versus V , curve (Fig. 5) andthe relatively high fre-
a schematic representation of the different processes which
quencieswhichareneeded in order to measure a significant
are operating during one cycle. When the surface is in ac-
cumulation ( V , negative), all of the surface states below the
and nonsteady state will always be very close to the flat-band
quasi-Fermi level of the minority carriers are filled with e ec-
voltage VFB [ 2 2 ] . Indeed, from the flat-band voltage on the
trons, while those above it are empty, The states are t h u in
surface potential sweeps very fast from flat-band position to
equilibrium with the energy bands.
strong inversion through the depletion region, even if a reverse
1) When the gate voltage increases, the surface potential is voltage is applied so that the quasi-Fermi level ofminority
changing at acertainrate.Therefore, holes that have to) be carriers is dependentontime.Inthisdepletion region, the
emitted from the states towards the valence band (whick in concentration of frek carriers (holes or electrons) is very small.
fact are electrons from the valence band emitted to thestales) Therefore,thetimeconstant is onlycontrolled by thetime
in order to maintain equilibrium, will flow back to the sib- constant of the holeemission. Because of this high rate of
strate. Initially, the rate of emission of trapped charge is able change for the surface potential, the steady-state condition will

-1.2 {

- ' ' L l l ; i
0 1 2 3 L 5 6 7 8
; ; VT; b .; -;
" "
"FB -;

" '
95 96 97 98 99
-'IVc iv)

Ir c
tH 'f
Fig. 8. Different processes occurring during one cycle of the gate pulse
( T p = 100 ,us), using the energy-band diagrams (the Fermilevel is used
as the zero reference level):
1) steady-state emission of holes to valence band (towards the sub-
2) nonsteady-stateemissionofholestovalenceband(towardsthe
3) trapping of electrons (from source and drain);
4) steady-stateemission of electronstoconductionband(towards
source and drain);
5) nonsteady-stateemission of electronstoconductionband(to-
wards source and drain); and
6 ) trapping of holes (from substrate).

cease very shortlyaftertheflat-bandcondition so that it is the states to the conduction band will occur followed by re-
quite accurate to state that from the flat-band voltage on, the moval through source and drain. Finally, when the gate volt-
channel is in the nonsteady-state regime. age is approximately equal to the flat-band voltage V,, the
3) When the gate voltage is close to the threshold voltage trapping time constant of holes is becoming important, and
V,, the trapping time constant, which is approximately given holes will fill the remaining occupied (with electrons) traps.
by [lo1 Therefore,fourdifferentcurrents can be associated with
1 these three regimes (Fig. 9(a)). If we assume that the average
rt = - Dit value is the same in - thedifferent energy ranges of the
Uth On ns
energy gap and equal to Dit, these four currents can be ex-
where pressed as (Fig. 9(b))
ns is the surface concentration of minority carriers,
11 = -q2G.
A$, * f V A G
vth is the thermal velocity of the carriers, and
un is the
capture cross section of electrons 12 = q2z *. f . A G
becomes gradually smaller and consequently electrons will be
trapped in the surface states not yet emptied (of holes). This
process will become important when the gate voltage is almost
equal to the threshold voltage. So when the gate voltage ex- The net charge pumping current, measured at the substrate, is
ceeds the threshold voltage, the remaining traps will be filled given by
by electrons coming fromthe source and drain junctions. -
From that moment on, the channel is back in equilibrium with 'SUB=ICP=14 +I3 =q2Dit(n$he-A$h)f'AG. (11)
the energy bands. The current measured at source and drain is given by
When the gate is pulsed back, similar mechanisms are operat-
Z,y,o = I 1 +I2 = q 2 z ( A $ , , - A $ , ) ~ . A G= Z c p . (12)
ing. First,electrons are emitted from the surface statesand
flow back to source and drain in a steady-state regime, until According to the simple theory of emission of carriers from
approximately threshold voltage is reached. Then, in the de- surface states, the following expressions can be derived by us-
pletion region, a nonsteady-state emission of electrons from ing a Taylor series expansion of the exponential time depen-

(a) cb)
Fig. 10. Definition of ff and tr for square pulses and of o( for triangular
(or sawtooth) pulses.

where f is the frequency and 01 is defined as the fraction of the

period where the gate voltage is rising (Fig. 10(b)).
The chargegumping currentis then given by (for n-channel)

I- Ei

for square pulses, and by
Fig. 9. Top:fourdifferentcurrentsflowingduringonecycle of the 7

gatepulse.Bottom:differentenergy regions associatedwiththese

fourcurrentcomponents: I1 is thetrappingcurrent of elect;rons,
corresponding to At&,; I2 is the emission current of electrons ( ( I ) is
steady-state, (b) is nonsteady-state), corresponding to &$,,;I3 ir the
trapping current of holes, corresponding to A $ h ; and I , is the emis-
sion current of holes ((c) is steady-state, (d) is nonsteady-state), cor-
responding to At&he. The shaded area corresponds to the net cu.trent
flowing into source and drain from the substrate. for sawtooth pulses.
The same formulas applyforp-channeltransistors, taking
dent term in [16, eq. (31)] into account the reverse sign for the current. These formulas
are valid for charge-pumping measurements in “normal” con-
ditions, i.e., without taking into account special effects such
(13) as the decreasing currentwithfrequencyfor very high fre-
and quencies (above a few megahertz) and small inversion voltages
(see Section V-E),which is due to the suppression of trap-
ping because of too shortan inversion time.
(14) Another effect, observed at constant frequency, is the de-
where tern,, and t,,,h are the times of nonsteady-state er,lis- crease of the current with decreasing inversion time duration
sion for electrons and holes, respectively, and the exponential caused by the oxide traps close to the interface,which are not
terms are introduced to account for the case when the erlis- filled anymore for very small pulse duration [13] . The expo-
sion levels are situated closer to the band edges than the quasi- nential terms in (1 3) and (14) are also neglected, assuming that
Fermi levels. the emission levels are always closer to midgap than the Fermi
According to the assumptions made in the previous der va- levels. This is true if the fall and rise times are larger than a
tion these emission times are given by few nanoseconds.
The sensitivity ofthe charge-pumping technique can be
(1 1 5 ) predicted from(19)and (20). By using the values of the
different parameters as determined experimentally, densities as
low as lo9 cm-2 eV-’ can be measured on transistors of
100-ym2 channel area atafrequency of 100 kHz. Anyhow,
the technique is much more sensitive than capacitance tech-
forsquare pulses (see Fig.10(a)),while for triangular wiwe- niques provided that the latter could be performed on devices
forms t,, and tern,h are given by of the same size.

Measurements were done on p-channel as well as on n-
channel transistors. The geometrical configuration was chosen
as to avoid geometric components. The transistor parameters
for the different devices used in this study are summarized in

TR 1

type n-channel n-channel p-channel


O t
Table I. In this section we will show measured data together f IKHzi
with the theoretical predictions. Fig. 11. Frequencydependence of thecharge-pumpingcurrent for
square pulses and triangular pulses with a = 0.5 and a = 0.15. The
A . Dependence on the Pulse Shape symbols are measured points, while the solid lines are the calculated
curves, using the proposed model.
In Fig. 11the measured and calculated frequencydepen-
dence of the charge-pumping current is shown, for both
TF) 1
square pulses and triangular pulses with duty cycle 01 = 0.5 and
01 = 0.15. The gate voltage was switched between - 4 and + 4 V
while a reverse voltage of 0.5 V was applied to S and D . It can
be seen that for the square pulses a linear frequency depen-
dence is obtained because of the fixed (Le., ffequency inde-
pendent) rise and fall timeswhich give rise toaconstant
amount of emitted charge per cycle, and consequently to the
same recombining charge per cycle.
For the triangular pulses, however, the frequency-dependent
rise and fall times also giverise to afrequency-dependent
emitted charge and therefore to a frequency- dependentcharge
recombining with the substrate majority carriers.This is ex-
pressed in (20). Because of the larger rise and fall times for
c /
the triangularwaveforms as compared tothe square wave-
forms, the current in the former case is of course expected to

10 o to L IO 6
be smaller than in the latter case. Changing the ‘duty cycle 01 I O 2 f [Hz)
of the triangular pulses from 0.5 to 0.15 (which means apply- Fig. 12. Qss versus frequency used to determine and&.
ing sawtooth pulses), yields’ the result expectedfromthe
theory (20). By showing therecombined charge per cycle,
which is given by The slope of the curve is given by

Qss = 7
as a function of the frequency on a semilogarithmic plot, one and allows the determination of the mean valua of the surface-
obtains astraight line when using triangular pulses state density without the need for any Other parameter than
c the temperature and the gatearea. In Fig. 12 this was done
for 01 = 0.5. A meancapture cross section of about 4.4 X
cm2 and an average surface-state densityof 2.08 X lo1’
cm-’ . eV-l were obtained.
This method also provides a tool for obtaining the tempera-
ture dependence of u if one assumes up and u, to be equal.
From the extrapolation of this curve to zero charge, the ob- By using the u value obtained in this way one can fit the mea-
tainedfrequency f o gives a value forthe geometrical mean sured and the theoreticalcurve in order to obtain a good and
value of the capture cross sections. Indeed, if one puts Qss = 0 reliable mean value of Dit over thatpart of theforbidden
in (22), it follows bandgap which was scanned in the experiment. In Fig. 11 this
fit was made and a Dit value of 2.04 X 10’’ cm-’ * eV-’ was
1 IAvG I fo obtained, which corresponds to the value obtained from the
Uth ni 1v p -~ v~I )- ’ slope of Fig. 12.
ED-31, 1, JANUARY 1984

B. Dependence on Gate Voltage and on Reverse Voltage w t

Source andDrain
Fig. 13 shows the measured and calculated charge-pumping
currents as a function of the top value VGH of the gate 1:ulse
and of the reverse voltage V,. at source and drain. As one can
see, the increase of charge-pumping current with gate voltage
can now exactly be predictedbythe emission phenomerlon
when considering that

Indeed, by increasing the top level V,, of the gate voltlge,

one obviously decreases the time that the transistor is in de- Vr I V I

pletion, and consequently the time which is available for elrxis- Fig. 13. Charge pumping current dependence on top level of the gate
sion. Therefore there will be less emission and more recom- pulse (top scale) and on reverse voltage at source and drain (bottom
bination,and so thecurrent will increase: Thetheory of scale). The symbolsconnectedby a dashedlinearethemeasured
points, whereas the solid lines are the model prediction.
emission excludes any first-order influence of surface potential
on the charge-pumping current because this influence is sup- TR 1
pressed bythenonsteady-state emission phenomenon. 'The I cp inAl Meosurement

stronger increase for V, = 0 V at voltages VGHof about !I1to Calculation : -

10 V is caused by the second increase in the charge-pumping
current, due to the filling of traps under that part of the gate
which is on top of the field oxide, as already mentioneti in
Section 11.
By increasing the reverse voltage on the other hand, one lb-
tains a similar effect, but instead of decreasing the emiss on
time, one increases it because of the influence of the reverse
voltage on the threshold voltage due to the body effect. An
increase of V,. is accompanied by an increase of I VFB - brTI
and therefore as predicted by (25) a decrease of the charge-
pumping current. 100 50 150 2W
Moreover, the effective gate area is modulated by increas rig f (KHz1

the reverse voltage by the widening of the surface space-cha:ge Fig. 14. Charge-pumpingcurrent versus frequency for square andtri-
layers around source and drain in accumulation. When usirl,: a angular pulses forthreedifferenttemperatures.Symbolsaremea-
sured points, solid lines are calculationsusing the model.
simple one-dimensional model, onecan obtain
r 1 C. Dependence on Temperature
Because of the strong temperature dependence of the emis-
sionprocess, the charge-pumping experiment is also very
(26) sensitive totemperature. By using (19) and (20), and after
introducingthetemperaturedependenceof all parameters,
N o is the surfacedoping concentrationand one can obtain the charge-pumping characteristics at different
Leff is the effective channellengthbetween source alld temperatures, as shown on Fig. 14 for both square andtri-
drain junctions. angular waveforms. Because the holes and electrons are
When introducing both influences in the charge-pumping f m - emitted more readily at higher temperatures, the current will
mulas, one obtains the calculated curve of Fig. 13, using N o := obviously decrease with increasing temperature. As is seen
2 X 10l6 cm-3 which is the value we obtained also with tlle from the figure, this decrease can be predicted in a very ac-
conventional methods to determinedoping concentrations. curate and reliable manner using the presented emission theory
The measured rising edges ofthe curves (charge-pumpirlg for charge pumping.
current versus VGH)cannot be predicted by the formulas nl>r
by any simple calculation of surface potential. This rising edlle D. Illustration of the Geometric Current Component
is caused by the partial recombination and trapping when ttle In order to illustrate the influence of a geometric compo-
surface potential reaches 2@F,either by increasing the reverw nent, Fig. 15 shows the curves for T R 2 using method B with
voltage V, or by increasing the top gate voltage VGH. As 21- W/L = 1, which is not a very favorable geometry in order to
ready stated by Elliot [l 11 this rising edge contains no infor- avoid thegeometriccurrentcomponent. When using square
mation about the sweep of the surface potential through tf e pulses, one notices a very steep current increase with a well-
forbidden bandgap. defined maximum. When using triangular pulses thepheno-

TR2 fordifferenttypes of appliedgatewaveforms. Theupper

V r = 0.5V curve 1‘ is for square pulses. It can be seen that even at 2 MHz
AVG = 8V
f = 200KHz
1 lo thecurrent is still linearly increasing. Indeed,the inversion
time is constantandaboutequal to half the pulse period
(250 ns for 2 MHz), which is still sufficientlyhigh to allow
complete filling of the states. The curves 1 to 7 are fortri-
angular waveforms, where the top level of the gate pulse VGH
is increasing from a few millivolts above threshold (curve 1) to
4 V above threshold (curve 7). By doing so, the time the gate
voltage is above threshold becomes very small (order of 1 ns)
for high frequencies in the case of curve 1, but is increasing
with increasing V,, (curves 2-7). As aresult thetraps can
no longer be totally filled in the case of curve 1 and the cur-
VGL i V 1
rent is decreasing with increasing frequency.
Fig. 15. Elliot curves for triangular and square gate pulses on a square
geometrytransistor ( W / L = 1). Thegeometriccomponent is elim- VI. DETERMINATION OF INTERFACE STATEDISTRIBUTION
inated when using sawtooth pulses.
From the previous considerations one can conclude that in-
troducing the emission of carriers in a nonsteacly-state regime

F IcplnA’
both to the valence and conduction bandmakes the technique
/ l ’ of charge pumping into a very reliable and quantitatively ac-
curatemethodtodetermineinterfacestates directly on an
12 MOS transistor. However, it is often desirable toobtain an
5 interface state distribution over the forbidden energy gap. So
far, only a mean value for Dit was obtained from charge-pump-
ing experiments.
3 Attempts todeterminethe surface-state distributionfrom
6 charge-pumping measurements have been reported. Brugler
2 and Jespers [lo] already suggested determining the surface-
state density distribution from the rising edge of the current
versus gate voltage characteristic, using the surface potential
versus gate voltage dependence. However, this procedure was
found to be incorrect by Elliot Ell] , since during the rising
.I .3 .S .7 .9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9
edge of this characteristic, the potentialbarrier between source
Frequency I M H z I
and drain and the substrate prevents the carriers from flowing
Fig. 16. Chargepumpingcurrent versus frequency. Curve 1 ’ is for
squarepulses;curves 1 to 7 are for triangularpulseswith VGH in- into the channel to fill the empty states. Elliot suggested using
creasing from VT (curve 1) to VT + 4 V (curve 7). Influence of trap- the rising edge of his current versus gate pulse base level in
ping time constant. order to obtain the surface-state distribution. For this purpose
he also needed the dependence of surface potentialon gate
menon vanishes andthecurrentsaturates as expected. This voltage,which heobtained bymeasuring thelow-frequency
demonstrates clearly the totally different behavior of ageo- C-V characteristic of the MOS structure. However, in view of
metric component as opposed to the normal recombination of the phenomenon of emission, this method is equally invalid,
interface trapped charge, and at the same time provides a way forthe same reasons as thosementioned earlier, Indeed, as
to decide whether a geometric current component is present. long as the channel remains in the depletion regime, the ma-
It was found that in all of our transistors withW/L > 1 and for jority carriers ofthesubstratecannot recombine withthe
any value of L used, a geometric component is neither present trapped carriers in the surface states because of the potential
nor required to explain the observed charge-pumping current barrier between the substrate and the surface. Only when the
behavior. Incontradictionwith earlier publications [lo], surface potential reaches the flat-band condition will trapping
[ 151 , it is concluded that the charge-pumping technique is not occurandthe filled statescan recombine with holes.This
restricted to short-channel devices. means that the rising edge of the current versus pulse base level
only gives information in a very small region of a few kilotesla
E. Influence of Trapping Time Constant around the flat-band position, and not over the whole range
As was already mentioned in Subsection 111-C, the time dur- from flat-band to inversion. It will be shown n.ow that by tak-
ing which the channel is ininversion should be long enough t o ing into account the emission process, one can obtain the sur-
allow the carriers to be trapped. When the inversion time be- face-state distribution over a large part of the forbidden energy
comes smaller than the trapping time constant of the surface gap by doing a simple experiment and without needing the de-
states, they will no longer be completely filled and the charge- pendence of surface potential on gate voltage.
pumping current will decrease.This is illustrated in Fig. 16, When applying square pulses with variable fall times while
where the charge-pumping current is shown versus frequency keeping the rise time constant, one scans the energy range in

the upper half of the bandgap between the conduction band TR3
+ 12
and midgap. On the other hand, when varying the rise time
while keeping the fall time constant, the energy states i:1 the
lower half of the bandgap are scanned. The charge v ~ l ~ i c h
recombines during each cycle can be written as



I U i 0

T=20°C, f=IOKHz
T=6 0' C , f = IOKHz
T = 60°C, f = I K H z

where El and E2 are the boundaries of the energy range v~lnich

is scanned and Dit(E) is the interface state density at energyE.
The derivative of Qsswith respect to the fall or rise time ti of
the pulse is given by -0.5 -0.3 -0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5

TR 1
When keeping the rise time constant, for example,while cllang-
ing the fall time, one obtains

since E l is independent of fall time.

According to (13) E2 can be written as

f = IOKHz
f = IOKHz
and so

-0.5 -0.3 - 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5

E nergy lev 1

Therefore, according to (29) while taking into account (31), Fig. 17. Energydistributionofinterfacestates as determined by the
Dit(E2)can be found from new method for (a) a p-channel transistor and (b) an n-channel tran-
sistor.Thedashedhorizontalline is themean value Dit obtained
using the method discussed in Section V (the intrinsic level is used as
32) the zero reference level).

or since Qss = I c p / f , Dit(Ez)is given by As an example of the proposed method, Fig. 17(a) and (b)
shows the energy distribution of Dit as obtained on p-channel
and n-channel transistors, respectively. The distributions were
obtained using two different temperatures (20 and 60°C) and
By keeping the fall time constant and changing the rise lime withtwo differentfrequencies (1 and 10 kHz), in orderto
one obtains in a similar way reach as broad an energy range as possible. By decreasing the
frequency one can measure closer towards midgap because the
'1 3 4) maximum fall and rise times increase. By increasing the tem-
perature, deeper levels can also be reached because of the tem-
perature dependence of the emission process. On the figures
By measuring the charge pumping currentwith variable fall
the mean value obtained according tothe
and rise times (e.g., using an HP8010A pulse generator) (:on-
plained in Section V is also shown.
secutively, one can easily obtain the energy distribution of'the
surface states in a large partoftheforbidden energy gap, VII. CONCLUSIONS
whereby the temperature can be an extra variable.
Inthis derivation it is assumed that the capture cross SBC- Inthis paper we presented amodelfor charge pumping
tions for electrons andholes are energy independent, wlich which describes and explains all the phenomena which were
is probably not correct [23]. However, around the middh: of not well understood in the past, taking into account the non-
the energy gap these capture cross sections are almost energy steady-state emission of holes and electrons to thevalence and
independent, and therefore the obtainedenergy dependenco of conduction band, respectively, depending on the charge state
Dit is reliable in thisregion. A more elaborate study on the of the Si-Si02 interface. This model is based on the more gen-
determination of the energy distribution of the interface strltes eral description ofthephenomenonby KadenandReimer
withthe charge-pumping technique will bepublished ehe- [17] -[21], but uses some assumptions and approximations to
where E221 , themoreexacttheory in order t o makethe analysis more

tractable. In this way the charge-pumping technique becomes [9] G. Broux, R. Van Overstraeten, and G. Declerck, “Experimental
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to explain their seemingly peculiar resultswas shown to be [12] J. Bosch,thesis,Tech.Phys.Lab.,GroningenStateUniversity,
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ing techniques,”Proc. IEE, vol. 128, pt. 1, no. 2, p. 44, 1981.
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