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Sample Business Case

[Project Name]
Section 1: Executive Summary ………………………………. Page 1

Section 2: Background / Current State ……………………. Page 1

Section 3: Project Outcome / Future State ……………….. Page 2

Section 4: Cost and Benefit Analysis ………………………... Page 3

Section 5: Implementation Strategy…………………………. Page 3

Section 6: Acceptance and Sign Off……………………….. Page 5

Section 7: Appendices ………………………………………... Page 5

Sample Business Case

To help guide you in writing the business case, below is an outline of the various topics
to include in a business case.

The Background Section is to provide the reader with an introduction to the subject of
the business case. This section describes the history and current state of affairs giving
rise to or relating to the general business problem or opportunity that is the subject of
the business case.

2.1 Problem/Opportunity

2.2 Current Situation and

Environmental Analysis
2.2.1 Environmental Scan
2.2.2 Political Environment
2.2.3 Economic Environment
2.2.4 Organizational Environment
2.2.5 Social Environment
2.2.6 Other Initiatives
2.2.7 Business Processes
2.2.8 Technology
2.2.9 Labour Relations

2.3 Project Partners

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Sample Business Case

3.1 Vision and Mission Statements

3.2 Goals, Objectives, and Performance Measures

3.3 Scope

3.4 Out of Scope

3.5 Project Scope Management

3.6 Governance, Accountability and Operating Funding Model

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Sample Business Case

4.1 Infrastructure Analysis

4.1.1 Human Resources
4.1.2 Information Technology

4.2 Cost and Benefit Analysis

4.2.1 Service Related Benefits
“Other Cash” benefits free up resources (e.g. staff time, space) in
ways that can be quantified but do not free up budget for other
“Qualitative” benefits improve effectiveness, responsiveness and/or
risk management in ways that are beneficial but not easily
4.2.2 Cost Related Benefits
“Hard Cash” benefits reduce institution operating costs, freeing up
budget for other activities.
4.2.3 Additional/Other Benefits (WHERE APPLICABLE)
4.2.4 Costs
4.2.5 Cost/Benefit Analysis
4.2.6 Individual Site Cost/Benefit

Project Organization

5.1 Governance Structure and Accountabilities

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Sample Business Case

5.2 Organization Structure

5.2.1 Core Project Team

5.2.2 Participating Institutions

5.3 Human Resource Management Strategies

5.4 Project Deliverables

5.5 Project Budget

5.5.1 Project Budget
5.5.2 Operating Budget
5.5.3 Project Cost Management Plan

5.6 Change Management and Transition Plan

5.7 Project Stakeholders & Communications Management Plan

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Sample Business Case

5.8 Risk Management

5.9 Constraints

5.10 Assumptions

Include all applicable Appendices from the list below and include any other relevant
information not listed.

A. Risk Management Table

B. Financial Models and Sensitivities
C. Operating Model Details
D. Alternatives and Decision Analysis
E. Glossary of Terms
F. Governance Reporting Structure
G. Detailed Implementation Plan
H. Timeframe (Gantt Chart) with milestones

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