UKMF Newsletter February 2019 Issue 3

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Issue No°3

Aaron Jones - Ultimate Martial Arts (Crewe)

O ver the coming months, we intend to interview

notable individuals who will feature in our
newsletters. These will include members, coaches,
‘Miggy’, as he prefers to be known on the competitive
circuit is looking forward to more success in 2019,
starting at the Baltic Tour in February. He is not the
amateur competitors, and professional fighters. only fighter by any means from UMA in Crewe, and
We are hopeful that we can demonstrate the huge Aaron said..,
growth of UK Muaythai “I have quite a few juniors
and how the UK scene has who are on par with the
contributed to the global very best in the UK, and
recognition of the sport. it’s very satisfying with
all the work that I put
In a recent interview with in, as the competition is
Aaron Jones of Ultimate extremely high.”
Martial Arts in Crewe
(UMA), I got an interesting I wanted to find out more
insight into the background from Aaron about what
of a typical UK coach. he thought the key was to
Aaron who has a training Miguel’s success and he
history dating back to the explained, “It’s difficult to
1990’s, alongside Dave define, I just encourage
Newbrook, expressed his them all to have fun, and
view on the future of the I try to create an attitude
sport of Muaythai, and in everyone that they
thinks he has unearthed a Gem for the future. This can be the very best, regardless of how brilliant their
should not be taken for granted as many coaches opponent might be. I instil the belief in them that
throughout the UK have experienced this over the their opponent will have to be superhuman in order
years with other successful UK fighters who have left to defeat them. I admire an unassuming personality,
our shores, and then left a lasting impression in the that’s willing to work hard, and do it with a smile
minds of foreign spectators and journalists. With this on their face. I have so many juniors who want to
in mind, we are focusing on grass roots... do well, and some of them are very effective even
though they don’t have a traditional Thai style.”
At last year’s UKMF Junior Open Tournament, we
saw a young junior competitor ‘Miguel Embuido’ His new gym is now up and running since changing
unanimously impressing the selection committee, location at the beginning of 2019.
and he was chosen to represent Team GB at the
World Championship Finals in Thailand.
UKMF Upcoming Events...

UKMF Junior Open Tournament - 2nd March 2019, Linfield

For more information and to register your fighters please visit the UKMF Website -
Baltic MuayThai Open 2019
and more than 100 bouts and great atmosphere of

Team GB flying out are the following:-

Anya Carter, Charlie Pritchard, Ellie Pardy, Phoebe

Llott, George Rowand, Josh Shaw, Ryan Stockley,
Corey McLachlan, Raza Naqvi, Miguel Embuido,
B ALTIC MUAYTHAI OPEN! was held on 1st-3rd
of February 2019 in VILNIUS, Lithuania. World
Muaythai day was commemorated by everyone in
Finley Smith, Fergus Smith, Mark Alderson, Louis
Fairhurst, Mark Cuggy, Joe Ryan, Leigh Newton, and
David Sinclair
the Championship!’
We would like to acknowledge the generous
Only for EMF-IFMA members. In Baltic Muaythai
sponsorship of PAYPLAN. The participation and
Open 2018 we had 140 participants from 12
entry of all United Kingdom Athletes at the IFMA
countries (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus,
Championships over the past 10 years would not
Lithuania, Poland, Ireland, Great Britain, Slovakia,
have been possible without their generous support.
Israel, Germany, Netherlands). Two rings, 3 days

Many Thanks to all our sponsors for

their contributions towards UKMF
UKMF Judging and Refereeing Courses

U KMF Officials Judging and Refereeing courses

are currently being run nationally. These are
being led by Louis Meschia and Tommy Collins.
Their knowledge and experience is well-respected
throughout the Muaythai community in the UK.
Tommy is also vastly experienced on the IFMA circuit
with regard to officiating. They are both passing on
and sharing their wisdom which has been gained
through many years of involvement in the sport. Louis
and Tommy both hold WMC and IFMA accreditation.
Their passion about officiating is evident on the
courses and take their responsibilities very seriously
knowing how hard fighters train in order to compete. courses are open to all fighters, coaches or potential
Their attention to detail is second to none, as officials. There is also a shadow judging scheme in
participants on the courses have observed. The UKMF place which all new potential UKMF judges must also
complete if they wish to eventually officiate on shows.
A recent judge and referees course in Exeter was
extremely well-received by all who attended. Many
of the attendees were looking to become officials and
now available for shadow judging experience having
been registered on the UKMF database.
With the success of the course in Exeter, we are now
looking to run courses all over the country, starting
in January in the Midlands then possibly in Scotland,
London and elsewhere. Please watch this space for
details about courses in your area in the near future.

UKMF Update
IFMA and our long-term sponsors PayPlan, have now been given firm pledges around our practices that
will ensure Corporate Governance procedures are followed. This is further assurance that the integrity of
the UKMF, and its partners are not compromised in any way.

The UKMF newsletter will be featuring various articles on Member Gyms, coaches, and competitors from
time to time. We would like to develop a culture that is both historical and current. The aim here is to
enlighten and inform both younger, and older members alike, that having a United Kingdom identity with
depth, that reflects inclusivity is part of our ethos.
At our most recent board meeting on 12th December, the decision was taken to postpone the upcoming
members meeting on 12th January, until further notice, due to important procedures being developed.
Louis Meschia was also appointed UKMF Treasurer, and he has many years experience in business, and
a good understanding of financial analysis.

Our pursuit of Sport England recognition will involve various work to explore a number of our requirements.
To this end, projects will be taking place on an ongoing basis with Leeds Beckett University undergraduate
students, and post graduates. These arrangements were made over a year ago, where information will
be collected on behalf of the UKMF. These procedures will be carried out under expert guidance, and we
would greatly appreciate your assistance, if you are asked to contribute on any occasion.
2018 Open Trials
2018 saw 3 UKMF Open Tournaments taking place, Over 6 fights/experienced open.
with the first one being in the Midlands. This was
hosted by Corefit Gym’s Henry Cleminson, along The open trials are a good way to get ready for the
with Steve Broome, and Kevin Adult and Juniors Trails which take
Dorman, which saw a great day of place once a year.
spectacular action.
The selected winners from UKMF
Michael Tekyi of Nemesis Gym in Senior National Trials February
Kent hosted the Southern Open 10 at Corefit Gym will go on to
which was officiated by Southern represent Team GB at the 2019
Board Officials Steve Gladstone IFMA Senior World Championships
Ade Philips, Jon Llott and Head in Bangkok on 18th – 28th July.
official Keith Allen. An impressive
array of talent on display in every The UKMF Junior National
bout was evenly matched and the scoring was trials will take place on the 2nd March at the On-X
reflected in not a disputed decision. Linwood in Glasgow. Selected winner from this will
have the chance to represent Team
Barnsley Metrodome was the GB in the 2019 IFMA Junior World
unique and impressive venue for Championships in Antalya, Turkey
the North Open Region hosted from 28th September – 6th October.
Bad Company gym under the
leadership of Richard Smith and All competitors MUST have a VALID
Lisa Houghton Smith 108 fights in UKMF license. This insures the
2 rings. Muaythai in Great Britain holder for personal injury. License
is really strong and a lot of gyms application forms can be downloaded
working together to put on some or purchased online via the UKMF
brilliant fights on all 3 shows. website or via the mobile app.

This is open for juniors and seniors all ages and

weight classes. Under 6 fights/novice open and also
UKMF Board Member Introduction
Louis Meschia - UKMF Treasurer and Tommy Collins - Team GB Coach and
Head Official IFMA coordinator
Louis Meschia is as Tommy Collins is Former
happy as a hungry young British & Intercontinental
fighter when he is in a Champion and was
boxing ring. Although also an IFMA Team GB
he has been involved member in 1999 he has
in Muaythai for over 30 over 25yrs experience in
years he first became Muaythai. Head coach
an official in 1989, and and owner of Maryport
later judged on his first Dragons. Mike Haslam’s
British Title Fight in 1991. Gym in Carlisle is where
He has been the UKMF it all began for Tommy in 1990.
Head Official for over a decade.
Tommy has travelled to Thailand on numerous
To be successful at anything, you have to savour the occasions to train and fight out of several gyms.
journey of all the ups and downs, and when you’re a
Muaythai official, you understand that no one wants 2013 saw Tommy become manger of the UKMF
to come second in any contest. The pinnacle of Louis’ IFMA team in 2013 at the European championships
achievements was becoming a WMC accredited in Lisbon Portugal. He was inspired by how well it
official, the culmination of many years of hard work, was organised which encouraged Tommy to push
and carrying out training in Thailand. the IFMA style format in the UK helping organise the
junior and senior trails.
One of Louis’ all time favourite experiences is working
alongside top officials at Rajadamnern Stadium in As well as leading the Team to Baltic Open he is also
2007. Louis recently visited Thailand on 6th February, arranging UKMF senior and junior Trials February
where he attended Muaythai Day in Bangkok as the and March this year “My aim is to grow Muaythai at
official UKMF representative. Hopefully he will be grassroot level and continue to progress and support
sharing this experience with us all in the next UKMF IFMA tournaments throughout the world and to keep
Newsletter. supporting and encouraging UK athletes to achieve
their own personal goals”.

UKMF First Aid Courses

A s Gym owner/Instructor you are responsible for making sure that your employees and students receive
immediate attention if they are taken ill or are injured. Accidents and illness can happen at any time and
first aid can save lives and prevent minor injuries from becoming major ones.

A first aid needs assessment should be done initially to determine what level of first aid cover you will need
for your gym/ facility. This assessment is essential.

Completing a first aid course will not only teach you life-saving skills, but it will also give you the confidence
you need to act appropriately, if an accident occurs.

A first aid course will offer you the chance to try resuscitation on a manikin, deal with various medical emer-
gencies and learn hands-on life-saving skills as well as treating minor injuries and ailments. All the skills you
learn could equip you with the knowledge you need to save a life!
Christian Percival - First Aid Instructor

“Christian’s last first Aid Course which I attended along with several UKMF Gyms, and the UK’s best pound
for pound fighter was First Class.” - Steven Deane
UKMF Safeguarding Policy

F ollowing the launch of The Safeguarding Code for Martial Arts by the Sports Minister in early 2018, the
UKMF Executive Board has taken the decision to provide the necessary assistance to all our members to
reach this recognized standard in England.

At present work is underway to provide the necessary templates, documents and resources to attain the
Safeguarding Code ‘mark’.

The relevant materials and weblinks will be communicated to all members in the coming months and will be
available via our website.
UKMF Champions
Champion Title Won Defences
Callum McGowern British 55.4kg 0
Pete Scott Scottish 57kg 0
Leif Taggart British 61.5kg 0
Mark Amos Scottish 63.5kg 0
Josh Hill English 63.5kg 0
Vacant British 63.5kg 0
Liam McGrandles British 66.68kg 0
Ryan Stockley English Junior 67kg 0
Jake Allen Border 70kg 0
Jake Purdy British 72.5kg 0
Marcus Powell British 76kg 0
Liam McGrandles, Latest UKMF British 66kg
Champion with coach Henry Cleminson after his Keith Middleton Scottish 76kg 1
latest victory over Jack Cooper. Congratulations
Liam! Juan Cervantes British 82.5kg 0

UKMF Sport England Progress Update

Further to our update notice being sent out to all members on the 22nd December 2018, Articles Of
Association continue to be reviewed. I’ve had a number of important meetings with the Head of Sport
Business at Leeds Beckett University, Nick Halafihi, and numerous discussions with Sport National
Governing Body, Consultant, Peter Rowley OBE. Things are moving forward...

Discussions have clearly underlined the significance of having the correct infrastructure in place, and
important roles being fulfilled by the right individuals. This is an ongoing process and will continue, further
documentation relating to these matters are also being developed.

Your continued and committed support of all UKMF events whilst we work towards Sport England
Recognition is your opportunity to be part of this movement.

Please remember that all UKMF Open Tournament Events for any IFMA Competition is the United
Kingdom’s voice to the World Of Muaythai, where the International Olympic Committee is listening. Don’t
miss out on your chance to represent the UK.
Steven Deane, UKMF Acting President

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