Tor Guideline Waste -

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EIS information guideline — Waste management

The waste management information requirements of an EIS include the following:

 identify, quantify and describe waste sources associated with construction, operation and decommissioning of
the project
 describe operational handling, storage and fate of all wastes including solid wastes, general waste, building
waste, regulated waste, hazardous waste, trade wastes and liquid wastes
 review cleaner production opportunities and detail realistic strategies for avoidance, minimisation
 reuse/recovery and treatment to minimise the impacts of waste generation and disposal
 account for potential level of residual impact on environmental and community values and pests
 consider the cumulative impacts of the wastes that would be generated by the development.

Waste generation
This section should describe the sources of waste generation and quantify likely volumes and characteristics to
evaluate the efficiency of resources used and appropriateness of proposed management measures. The waste
streams generated from the construction and operation phase of the project can be quantified and characterised on
the basis of preliminary planning and design documentation. The information required in this section should include
but not necessarily be limited to the following:
 develop a waste inventory of the proposed site for all potential sources and estimate the expected total volumes
of each waste produced and present the results for the following items in terms of per-unit volume of product
likely to be produced:
o tonnage of raw materials processed
o amount of resulting process wastes
o volume and tonnage of any re-usable by-products.
 menyediakan diagram skematik, yang untuk tahap operasional dapat disederhanakan versi yang disediakan
untuk setiap tahap yang berbeda dari proyek. diagram ini harus menunjukkan proses yang akan digunakan.
Sorot mereka aliran limbah terkait.
 pendekatan ini berlaku untuk semua output-limbah padat, cair dan gas-termasuk upaya daur ulang seperti
penimbunan dan menggunakan kembali tanah lapisan atas
 diagram skematik, atau tabel yang terkait, harus referensi silang bagian yang relevan dari EIS mana potensi
dampak dan langkah-langkah mitigasi yang terkait dengan setiap aliran limbah dijelaskan
 menggambarkan karakteristik fisik dan kimia, dan variabilitas tingkat komposisi dan generasi masing-masing
bahan limbah, termasuk perubahan dari waktu ke waktu dan di bawah kondisi iklim yang berbeda dari
parameter kualitas air di bendungan yang berisi air yang terkena dampak tambang
 the National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) database can be used for the estimation of substances being emitted to
air, land and water from the project.

Waste management
The section on waste management should assess how the proposed methods for waste management at each
stage of the project achieve the highest possible level of waste management with regard to first avoiding the
production of waste, then reusing or recycling waste, with disposal as the last option. The waste management
strategies which include waste minimisation (including waste segregation for reuse or recycling), cleaner
production and appropriate waste disposal must be adopted for the project.
Having regard for best practice waste management strategies, the waste provisions in the Environmental
Protection Act 1994, the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 and associated regulations, the proposals for
waste avoidance, reuse, recycling, treatment and disposal must be described in the EIS. Describe how the project
would achieve natural resource use efficiency (such as minimum use of energy and water, and minimum footprint
on used land), integrated processing design, co-generation of power and by-product reuse as shown in a
material/energy flow analysis. This information would enable the assessment agencies to assess the efficiency of
resource use and allocation issues.
EIS informasi pedoman - Pengelolaan sampah

Menilai dampak potensial dari semua limbah yang akan dihasilkan selama konstruksi, operasi dan dekomisioning
tahapan proyek, dan memberikan rincian dari setiap limbah dalam hal:
 operasional penanganan, penyimpanan, pengolahan, pembuangan dan nasib
 setiap metode dan lokasi yang akan digunakan untuk mengangkut dan membuang limbah atau menonaktifkan
lokasi proyek
 bahaya yang terkait dengan penanganan dan penyimpanan limbah
 debit / kriteria pembuangan yang diusulkan untuk limbah cair dan padat
 kriteria desain yang akan digunakan untuk memastikan bahwa limbah penahanan dan / atau fasilitas
penyimpanan tampil memuaskan
 proses minimisasi limbah.
Memberikan rincian dari setiap limbah berkaitan dengan:
 tingkat potensi dampak pada nilai-nilai lingkungan
 debit / kriteria pembuangan yang diusulkan untuk cairan, gas dan limbah padat
 langkah-langkah untuk memastikan stabilitas kesedihan dan impoundments
 methods to prevent seepage and contamination of surface water or groundwater from stockpiles and/or dumps
 design criteria to be used to ensure that waste containment and/or storage facilities perform satisfactorily
 market demand for recyclable waste
 measures to ensure waste does not attract or propagate pests, disease vectors or vermin, and does not impact
on public health
 decommissioning of the site.
Describe the likely impacts on animals of wastes at the project site, particularly those related to any form of cyanide
or other toxicants in supernatant water of any tailings storage facility. Take into account any proposed measures to
prevent harm to wildlife.

Excavated waste
Melakukan karakterisasi limbah digali sesuai dengan Pengkajian dan Pengelolaan Asam Drainase pedoman
Pedoman Teknis Pengelolaan Lingkungan Eksplorasi dan Pertambangan di seri Queensland (DME, 1995) dan
pedoman praktek terbaik yang berlaku lainnya. Karakterisasi batuan sisa dan tanah di bawahnya akan mencakup,
tetapi tidak harus terbatas pada sulfida; logam; pasta pH; konduktivitas dan klorida sampel lumpur; Asam Net
Memproduksi Potensial (NAPP), dan Net Acid Generation (NAG) potensi limbah ditambang; kapasitas tukar kation
(KTK) dan ditukar natrium persentase (ESP) dalam bahan yang akan ditempatkan di dekat permukaan; dan logam
dan kelarutan garam.
Consider the physical, geo-mechanical and chemical properties of waste rock in both fresh and weathered forms
when determining their suitability for constructing stable slopes and when developing measures to avoid acid
generation from waste rock dumps and backfilling operations.
Provide a detailed description of tailings disposal facilities, capping and rehabilitation, including hydraulic
performance of the tailings disposal facilities during operation and post-decommissioning.
Specifically for gold/mineral processing; Describe options for removing or reducing cyanide from the waste streams
entering tailings storage, and develop a preferred option. Provide predictions of the concentrations of cyanide, in
total and in relevant chemical species, resulting from the preferred option for all components of the waste streams,
including settled solids and supernatant effluent in tailings storage facilities.
Indicate the results of investigating the feasibility of using waste minimisation and cleaner technology options
during all phases of the project.
Apply waste minimisation and treatment, and cleaner production techniques, to gaseous wastes, particularly
methane, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, particulates and carbon dioxide. Pay particular attention to measures that
would maximise energy efficiency and minimise internal energy consumption in the project.
Describe the materials to be excavated as waste. (May be overburden, interburden or coarse rejects for coal
mines, or waste rock or low grade mineralised rock for mineral mines). Also, describe and illustrate the location,
design and methods for constructing dumps for waste rock and any subsoil that should not be replaced in
Estimate the tonnage and volume of waste rock and subsoil to be excavated during the various stages of
operation. Estimates should be made for each separate rock and soil type. Describe the expected proportion and
source of waste rock that is mineralised but currently uneconomical for processing.

EIS informasi pedoman - Pengelolaan sampah

Describe the chemical and physical properties of the waste rock and subsoil, and assess the properties that affect
their erosion and leaching potential.
Samples for waste rock characterisation should be taken from the actual rock that would form the waste in
sufficient number to provide a statistically valid representation of each geological unit. Present a table that shows
for each geological unit: quantity of waste rock, number of samples undertaken, and minimum number of samples
specified under the DME, 1995 guideline.
Discuss the potential for acid, neutral or alkaline drainage from waste dumps. Characterise the potential quality of
leachate from the mined waste under a range of field conditions, including contaminants such as sulfate, pH,
chloride, iron, major cations and anions, and any chemical species (including those with the potential to bio-
accumulate) present in sufficient quantity that is likely to cause environmental harm including nuisance. Predict and
discuss the likely temporal variation in the quality and quantity of the leachate, including the influence of weathering
and different management options across the life of the project. Provide cross-references in this section to those
sections of the EIS that assess in detail the potential impacts of any direct or indirect discharge of leachate on
downstream sensitive environments or users of receiving waters.
Gunakan diperkirakan jumlah dan karakteristik limbah digali untuk mengembangkan langkah-langkah yang tepat
untuk menangani limbah itu, termasuk desain untuk pembuangan limbah, dan alternatif untuk pembuangan limbah
digali seperti di-mengisi kekosongan, pilihan off-site dan pengobatan tanah yang terkontaminasi. Menilai kinerja
kemungkinan pilihan pembuangan yang diusulkan limbah khususnya berkaitan dengan:
 memisahkan dan encapsulating sub-ekonomi tetapi mineralisasi batuan dan / atau berpotensi membentuk asam
 mengelola drainase permukaan dan lindi sub-permukaan baik selama operasi di tambang dan setelah
pertambangan berhenti (catatan: hindari menempatkan kesedihan di seluruh saluran drainase yang akan air
kolam di belakang dump dan menyebabkan infiltrasi)
 profil kemiringan dan stabilitas dan potensi erosi dari tempat pembuangan limbah
 re-contouring dan pengobatan permukaan pembuangan untuk rehabilitasi
 the intended land use after mining ceases, and the land management and maintenance requirements for the
subsequent landholder
 Illustrate the location and cross-sections of the proposed dumps on maps, drawings and diagrams relative to
topography and other natural features of the area.

Tailings, fine rejects, and co-disposal systems

Describe the methods and materials that would be used to produce tailings waste (tailings should be understood to
include any fine reject material). State whether the methods to be used to produce and treat tailings would be novel
or well established.
For novel methods, describe the testing that would be undertaken to determine if the methods would be suitable for
the proposed use. For established methods, provide examples of where each method has been, or is being, used
and assess the equivalence of those examples to the proposed use.
Estimate the annual production of tailings waste at the various stages of the project.
Describe how the methods used to produce and treat tailings would be in accordance with the waste management
hierarchy and the tailings management principles in the Tailings Management Guideline of the Technical
Guidelines for the Environmental Management of Exploration and Mining in Queensland series (DME, 1995).
Describe in detail the likely physical and chemical characteristics of the tailings waste and the likely chemical
characteristics of waste water from the pressing plant, the decant water from any tailings storage facility (TSF), and
the pore water and leachate from any dump containing tailings.
Describe and illustrate the proposed locations of any pits, dams, bunds or dumps that would be used for the
disposal of tailings.
Jelaskan setiap sel untuk tailing non-mengalir dalam pembuangan batuan sisa. Catatan: kekuatan geser yang lebih
besar dari 1000 pascal umumnya akan diperlukan pasta cocok untuk kering susun tailing, sementara pasta dengan
kekuatan geser yang lebih rendah harus terkandung dalam sebuah bendungan diatur. Namun, merosot dan plastik
properti salah tailing dipertimbangkan untuk pembuangan oleh susun kering harus berasal dari tes pada sampel
yang representatif dan dilaporkan dalam EIS.
Menggambarkan sumber, dan menilai kesesuaian, dari material yang akan digunakan untuk membangun sistem
penahanan. Menggambarkan setiap pementasan yang diusulkan konstruksi untuk setiap sel pembuangan dan
menunjukkan bahwa desain tersebut diproduksi oleh seorang insinyur sesuai kualifikasi dan berpengalaman.

EIS informasi pedoman - Pengelolaan sampah

Assess whether the proposed design and methods of disposal would minimise the potential hazards and risks,
particularly in relation to the potential impacts of failure caused by mass release from structural failure or
contaminant release from overflow.
Assess whether the proposed design maximises site efficiency, such as by minimising the footprint.
If co-disposal of fine and coarse rejects is proposed, describe the, size fractions and mixing method that would
produce a stable deposit. Discuss the containment systems proposed for intercepting and storing the bleed water,
runoff, and leachate from co-disposal systems. Provide details about the concentrations of expected contaminants
in the discharges from the co-disposal, and the rate and volume of discharge. Where containment structures and
holding dams are required to prevent discharge of contaminated water to the external environment the structures
must be assessed using the guidance for consequence category assessment of regulated structures.
Describe the proposed discharge locations and conditions for any TSF. Describe the flow path any discharge would
take, illustrated on contour maps, and provide an overview of the potentially affected receiving environment with
particular regard to downstream sensitive ecosystems or users of receiving waters. Discharge should be taken to
mean any planned or unplanned overflow or release, any leachate, or any potentially contaminated run-off leaving
a TSF. Assess in detail the potential impacts of any discharge on downstream sensitive environments or users of
receiving waters in the appropriate sections of the EIS and cross-reference to them in this section.
Describe the proposed monitoring network and regime that would be used to detect any leaks from a TSF.
Describe the proposed measures to be used to decommission any TSF or dump used for the disposal of tailings.
Assess any legacy issues for the subsequent landholder.
Refer to the Manual and Guideline on Regulated Structures (EM634 and EM635) for more information on the
planning and assessment requirements for containment dams and TSFs.

Solid waste disposal

Describe the quantity and quality of solid wastes (other than waste rock, subsoil and tailings addressed in other
sections) and the proposed methods of their disposal. Describe the proposed location, capacity and suitability of
any landfill that would receive solid waste from the project. Describe and illustrate any proposed on-site landfill,
including its dimensions, volume and method of construction.

Liquid waste
Describe the origin, quality and quantity of wastewater and any immiscible liquid waste that would be produced by
the project other than that addressed in the Water Section.
Describe the storage, treatment and disposal of mine-affected water, and the criteria that would be used to assess
the suitability of disposal options.
Address how time and climatic conditions would affect the quantity and management of mine-affected water. Give
particular attention to the capacity of wastes to generate acid, and saline or sodic wastewater. A water balance for
the project and processing plant would account for the estimated usage of water.
The EIS should address the following matters:
 groundwater from excavations
 rainfall directly onto disturbed surface areas
 run-off from roads, plant and industrial areas, chemical storage areas
 drainase (run-off ditambah rembesan atau kebocoran)
 rembesan dari penyimpanan limbah lainnya
 penggunaan air untuk:
o penggunaan proses
o penindasan debu
o irigasi
o tujuan domestik
 penguapan
 domestik pengolahan limbah - pembuangan limbah cair dan lumpur
 pengolahan air bersih - pembuangan limbah
 sisa tambang kekosongan air.

pembakaran spontan limbah

EIS informasi pedoman - Pengelolaan sampah

Coal mining produces large qualities of carbonaceous waste material that may be disposed of around the mine
site. The coarse rejects and fine tailings materials are the uneconomic products of coal handling and processing
activities. This material may be sufficiently reactive to begin self-heating which can ultimately lead to spontaneous
combustion in the spoil piles. In general, the reactivity of a material depends on its carbon content. Spontaneous
combustion is mainly caused by the oxidation of carbonaceous material. The oxidation process releases heat. If
heat generated by this reaction is trapped, such as in a spoil pile, the temperature of the material will begin to rise
and if unchecked may ultimately ignite. Large amounts of reactive carbonaceous material in the waste material
increase the risk of spontaneous combustion.
EIS harus menilai risiko pembakaran spontan untuk tambang batubara yang diusulkan dan memberikan informasi
 menggambarkan kualitas dan kuantitas bahan karbon di aliran limbah
 mendiskusikan potensi pembakaran spontan untuk daerah stockpile batubara limbah
 membahas langkah-langkah pencegahan dan pengendalian diadopsi untuk pembakaran spontan
 mengidentifikasi pelepasan gas beracun dan bau gangguan yang berhubungan dengan pembakaran spontan
 menggambarkan kemungkinan dampak insiden pembakaran spontan pada lingkungan penerima.

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