Prayer Diary February 2019

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Thursday 21st The BMS Prayer Guide focus for prayer is for those working and witnessing

in Buddhist communities. There are 500 million Buddhists in the world. Pray that all BMS
workers and partners would be humble, sensitive and faithful in their witness, and that
Prayer Diary
God would prepare fertile soil for them. David and Jenny in China, Helen and Wit
Boondeekhun, and Judy Cook in Thailand are specifically mentioned. February 2019
Friday 22nd Today is a day of celebration for the Wilson and Scott families, as Esther and
Mark get married at Eddleston Parish Church at 1pm. Pray that their day would be filled Pray every day for our church, for God to bless, minister to and through the:
with joy and happiness, and that Jesus would be at the heart of it. 1. Leadership – pray for Ian and Lindsey and the Deacons: Linda, John, Bill and Lyn
Saturday 23rd Bring to God in prayer all we know who work in health care. Pray that they 2. Family – pray using the address list as a guide to cover everyone during the
will always be able to depend on God, the source of all compassion and never-ending love, month
as they work in difficult and pressured circumstances, so that each interaction with each 3. Worship – pray for those involved in the music ministry
person would be an opportunity to show and share God’s love. Particularly remember
4. Witness – of individuals living and working in this community; as a body
those involved in end-of-life care. Leslie Edge is Chaplain at the Prince & Princess of Wales
Hospice in Glasgow. More about him and his work can be found here: representing Jesus; of our mission partners in Guinea and Kenya 5. Growth – pray:
Chaplaincy.pdf - for the children in the church family and those who teach them in JAM
Sunday 24th Burra Isle Baptist Church in Lerwick, Calderwood and Cambuslang Baptist - for the Building Project: the practicalities of fund-raising and building, the
Churches are listed for prayer this week. Burra Isle Church has Psalm 94:18 on its Facebook activities and outreach now and the opportunities to come in the King’s
page “Story”: “When I said, “My foot is slipping”, your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.” Meadow building.
Pray for all the individuals in these churches that they would know the unfailing love of the N.B. Saturday prayer time in the caravan at 8.30am. All welcome!
Lord keeping their feet and hearts steady as they live for Him.
Monday 25th “Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face and the things of
earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.” In the midst of national Friday 1st Those able to attend the Peebles Churches Together event on January 22nd to
political meltdown (unless things have changed since writing this!) and uncertainty about mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will have heard Mary Mackay speak movingly
our collective national future in or out of the EU it would be easy to be fearful. Let us make about her experience of volunteering with the Refugee Community Kitchen in northern
sure, as this old song encourages, to turn our spiritual eyes unwaveringly to Jesus, so that France. Pray for her and her family as they continue their involvement with RCK. The
our minds and hearts are full of Him. This gives us the ability to be in but not of the world, refugee crisis worldwide is huge and appears to be insurmountable. Pray that God will help
so we care about the future but are not fearful of it. us not to feel helpless to do anything, but that He would show us what we can do in “our
small corner”, both in praying regularly, giving possibly and finding other ways to offer
Tuesday 26th Our mission partners, Caroline and Victor, have worked in Guinea since 2011, practical help. Pray for the role that BMS plays in supporting those working with refugees
apart from a three-year term in Haiti. Caroline is a nurse anaesthetist and Victor a trained in Lebanon.
motor mechanic and body shop estimator. Pray for them and all the work they are
involved in in Guinea. Reread their November 2018 newsletter here: Saturday 2nd It’s February Fling Oot Day! This will be the culmination of a busy time of organising/baking/catering/sorting out items for selling, trouble-shooting etc. Pray for
or on the board in the Drill Hall. Linda and Lindsey who have taken the lead, that they would have a boost of energy for
today. Remember all those who have taken tables, some who may have no church
Wednesday 27th Ian meets Gordon and Ranald regularly to update on the building connection, that this would be an enjoyable and meaningful experience, which would draw
progress. Continue to pray for the project frequently. Today, include in your prayers those them closer to Jesus.
bodies who will soon make decisions about funding contributions. Pray, too, for those
leading and attending the Dovecot Service at 3pm this afternoon. Sunday 3rd Pray for Marion Carson in her role as Pastoral Support Coordinator for Glasgow
City Mission. She comes from a mental health nursing background and is a freelance
Thursday 28th Tomorrow sees our next fund-raising event with the Dukes of Uke playing at theologian. Her most recent book is on human trafficking and the Bible. Pray too for
the Burgh Hall. Pray for a great turn-out, enjoyable evening with strengthened relations Bo’ness, Bourtreehill and Brae Baptist Churches. Look out for specific prayer requests on
within our community, and a good boost for the building funds. the screen this morning.
Monday 4th This month is often the coldest time of the winter season. Pray for all in our Wednesday 13th The Building Group meets tonight. Pray for clear heads and focus, to be
area who depend on farming for their living, who work hard to keep livestock healthy able to cover all that needs to be discussed and prayed about. Continue to pray ahead for
during the cold weather, especially with lambing starting soon. William Blake questioned in the future impact of the new building, especially for the witness of our church meeting
his poem: “Little lamb who made thee?” May the wonder of creation rise up in hearts and regularly to worship God.
minds, reminding each, as the poem ends, that: “I a child and thou a lamb, we are called by
His name” Thursday 14th St Valentine’s Day dates back to the 5th Century when an early pope
established the day as a Christian Feast Day, to celebrate sacrificial love in contrast to the
Tuesday 5th It is an exciting time on the King’s Meadow site as the ground is prepared and fertility festival long held at the same time. Think about God’s unconditional and sacrificial
the building starts to take shape. Pray for the project manager, Gordon, and for the work love for us and then ask him to help us lead lives that are guided by that love.
of the various skilled contractors involved, that progress would be smooth and deadlines
met without difficulty. Continue to pray for Ian and the building group as they meet Friday 15th The people in Nepal are still rebuilding their lives after the devastating
regularly to oversee all that is happening, including the important task of fund-raising. earthquakes of 2015. BMS workers are active in health care and education. The Nepali
Church is growing. Pray for BMS and church personnel, both international and local, who
Wednesday 6th This afternoon, Singing Together takes place at Dovecot Court. Pray for seek to share Christ’s love in an increasingly restricted political environment.
Linda and Christine as they lead the session, and for those who come along to take part.
One hymn is always included in the “mix”. Pray for the words of the hymn to bless and Saturday 16th Ask God to bless and encourage all in our church who work with children, in
challenge as necessary. Bring before God all in residential care in the area, the staff who whatever capacity. Pray for the JAM leaders, those who provide the Children’s Talks during
care for them and the families who have had to accept that a loved one is no longer being the service and the teachers who worship with us. Pray for the parents amongst us,
able to live at home. whatever age their children may be, to continue to have opportunities to share in and
guide the spiritual journeys of their offspring. Pray for all to benefit from the change in
Thursday 7th Pray about the preparations for the Celebrate Recovery programme in PBC, routine this half term week brings.
and particularly for Robert & Denise Burns who are willing to serve in this way. Pray for
contact to made with people who can benefit from attending, and for lives to be Sunday 17th We are asked to pray for Broxburn, Buckhaven and Buckie Baptist Churches
transformed as a result. today. Lift before God the leadership teams of each church, asking for a special blessing for
each individual as they contribute to the life and ministry of the church they belong to. At
Friday 8th Find the church address list and use it to guide prayer for every person listed, PBC, this afternoon, we will be having our extended prayer time for the building project.
asking God to bless, meet needs and bring new revelation of Himself to them. Pray for hearts to be prepared and ready to fully enter into this time of prayer, believing
that, whatever challenges remain, “the battle belongs to the Lord”. Pray also for Philip
Saturday 9th Vicky’s Tea Room will be held tomorrow afternoon. Pray for those organising Craven who is a chaplain to the RAF.
the inviting, transport, catering and activities, that they would be blessed in this ministry
and guided by the Holy Spirit in the conversations they have with those attending. Monday 18th “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own
understanding” Proverbs 3:5. When we do this, and submit our ways to him he “makes our
Sunday 10th Bridge of Don Baptist Church in Aberdeen, Bristo Baptist Church in Edinburgh paths straight” Whatever the twists and turns are in our lives’ journeys, let’s spend time
and Broughty Ferry Baptist Church near Dundee all have regular Messy Church events, consciously opening our hearts and minds in full trust, allowing God to bring the
family focused church events involving creativity, celebration and hospitality. Pray that this unravelling, peace and direction we need.
“counter-cultural” way of being church together would enrich church family life and be a
means of introducing others to come to faith. Tuesday 19th Tomorrow is World Day for Social Justice, established by the UN in 2009 to
highlight the plight of social injustice throughout the world and to press for improvements
Monday 11th Pray for all involved in Prison Ministry throughout Scotland, including and solutions. Poverty, exclusion and unemployment are widespread consequences of
chaplaincy staff, who provide spiritual support for prisoners and staff. Pray specifically for injustice. Pray for Vision Ministries, active in bringing God’s love and answer to social
John Craib, chaplain at HMP Low Moss. The Scottish Prison Service has the strapline: injustice in Kenya through: implementing the Water Guard project we support,
“Unlocking potential, transforming lives”. May this be realised in every dimension of establishing a children’s home, and providing education, food and medical care to many
prisoners’ lives, including spiritual transformation. more children in Kibera. Check out the Vision Ministries Facebook page and website
Tuesday 12th BMS is passionate about caring for the world we’ve been blessed with. Pray (
for BMS workers involved in creation care projects in Africa, Asia and South America. Pray Wednesday 20th Our Deacons meet together with Ian tonight. Pray for each to have hearts
that their efforts would be effective and sustainable, and the motivation behind their work and minds ready for all the matters to be discussed and prayed over, thanking God for
would be understood to be their relationship with the Creator. their willingness to serve Him and us and to be blessed as they do so.

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