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LinkedIn Checklist

 Photo is professional (simple background) and high-quality
 Photo is of the student only (i.e. a head and shoulders photo)

Basic Information (Name, Headline, and Location and Industry):

 Includes first and last name
 Profile headline is professional; provides a memorable snapshot or tagline
Location and Industry
 Location has been updated
 Industry (optional – can select to include or not include)
Contact Information
 URL has been customized to include name

 Student has at least 10 connections (in addition to groups)

 Is written in a concise and confident manner; doesn’t ramble or seem either unorganized, drawn-
out or awkward
 Evidences flawless grammar, spelling, and proof-reading
 Includes concrete, meaningful content that is written in specific language using strong verbs;
avoids abstract descriptions or cliché/“motivational poster” type slogans/descriptions
 Gives the reader a clear sense of this individual’s strengths, talents, & personality
 Makes professional claims about this individual’s strengths, talents, & goals, AND supports those
claims with selective evidence (i.e. spotlighting specific experiences from college and/or
employment that bear out what this individual says about his/her strengths and talents)
 Addresses the individual’s past, present, and future (i.e. briefly highlights past achievements,
current experiences, and future aspirations/goals/career path)

 Includes title, time period, and provides a brief description of major accomplishments in each
position held (including summer work, internships, etc.)
 Makes each entry “count” by really showing the reader what kind of valuable and transferrable
skills this individual gained from each experience

Skills and Expertise:

 Includes three to five skills or expertise tied directly to personal experiences

 Includes undergraduate university attended in addition to activities and societies

 Includes at least 5 interests

 Belongs to the appropriate GAP/ISGP Group
 Belongs to at least two additional groups

“Contact For”:
 Section includes at least three contact preferences
 For personal security reasons, does NOT list a phone number or address

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