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Module 6, Activity 2

Enabling Objectives Matrix- Jamie Canfield

Delighting Your Clients

Target Audience: Health assistants on the Comcast, State Farm, and United Airlines Fleet Team

Terminal Objective: The health assistant will use the LEARN2 model to listen and engage with the
client, assess the situation, resolve the issue, influence the client’s decisions when applicable and
enhance the support we offer.

Pre-Instructional Strategy: This training will begin with a small overview of the objectives they will be
able to apply by the end of the training.

Enabling Objective Level on Learner Activity Delivery Method

The health assistant will Comprehension The health assistant will sue the In person training
ask probing questions LEARN2 model and actively (small group)
listen to client as they discuss
when they hear the client
issue. They will show mastery of
give a clue about a health this objective by selecting the
or contextual red flag to correct “radio button “in MRM
showing if there was a red flag
identify any barriers to
identified and if so, plan of
care. action.

The health assistant will Application The health assistant will offer In person training
offer options or referral programs to clients (small group)
when applicable to support with
alternatives to clients
their health concerns or issues.
when applicable. They will show mastery of this
objective by selecting which
referral program they refereed
the client to.
The health assistant will Synthesis The health assistant will show In person training
ensure the client is getting mastery of this objective when (small group)
they identify proper reason to
the right care and the right
enhance to a clinical health
time by enhancing to a assistant to support with care.
clinical health assistant if
applicable or creating a
plan for care


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