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Since I was in high school I used to participate in different extracurricular activities.

I have been a national

level debater since 2002, and participated in numerous competitions. Apart from that, I am an active
participant of Model United Nations (MUN) in my country. In addition to that, I have been selected as my
country representative in South Asian Youth Conference (SAYC) in 2011 and Asian Youth Forum (AYF)
conference in 2016. Due to these activities, I have always had an opportunity to exhibit my leadership
quality and hone that over time.

In 2010 I got involved with a non-profit voluntary organization called Bangladesh Youth Forum (BYF),
which is the national chapter of Asian Youth Forum (AYF). I took charge of a department of the

organization in 2011 and proved my effective leadership there. Afterwards, I was selected as the Vice-
President of the organization and led the team two years bringing some substantial positive changes
through addressing a few important issues of Bangladesh in effective ways through my skills and hard

Finally, I would say I have joined my own department as a Lecturer and proved my skills and leadership in
research as well as in trainings and consultancy services. Wherever I got opportunity I proved my efficiency
and effectiveness to achieve the goal.

I shall maintain a strong network in the chevening community. During study, I wish to be in touch with
Chevening alumni. After completion of my studies I shall do network with Chevening scholars working in
private and public sector. I do believe I shall be able to create projects with them so that we altogether
can work in a line to create better Bangladesh and to increase the standard of lives wherever possible. I
shall encourage young Chevening scholars to think for the society and to work for people. I am committed
to build communications with scholars, academicians, as well as civil society members within and across
the border to exercise my knowledge for the benefit of humanity and development.

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