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Opinion 4

Maximizing productivity in a world addicted to screentime

The Emery Julie Heng | Staff Writer
multitask (me included), but studies from the BBC show that, when multitasking, your
The Student Publication of Huron High School Oh look, it happened again. brain decreases in functionality by over 40 percent. Juggling several checklists at once
I know I said I’d be dutifully studying, plugging away at my calculus homework clouds mental clarity and, in fact, prompts us to go slowly from one job to the next. It takes
before moving on to physics, but once again, the urge to check my phone arose, which led an average of 10 minutes to fully “submerge” yourself into whatever task you are working
Adviser to some gratuitous internet surfing and maybe some popcorn… and so here I am, finally on, and the minute you click or look away, that concentration is broken. So theoretically,
opening my textbook, only a few hours later than I had originally intended. it takes another 10 minutes for you to re-enter that focused zone that you inadvertently
So goes the tale of multitasking and distractions for many of us: switching from veered away from.
Sara-Beth Badalemente screen to screen to screen to screen, refreshing feeds every so often, focus flitting from the Sometimes, even listening to music while you study can impede your maximized
task at hand to ever-more-tantalizing prospects, like rage-quittable phone games, endlessly efficiency. According to USA Today, music with lyrics is especially dangerous because the
streaming cat videos on YouTube, et cetera. Yes, it happens to the best of us, but on a daily presence of words and language automatically pulls away your focus into subconsciously
basis? decoding and understanding the lyrical message. Experts say that the best bet, if music is a
Together, distractions and multitasking can be a deadly combination. The hurdles must, would be classical music. The simple modulations and expected harmonies of Mozart
Editor-in-Chief these two issues present are overwhelming, especially to teenagers, and they just happen to or Vivaldi can propel you along with work. If classical music is not your style, try to find
go hand in hand. lyricless music from electronic artists or contemporary orchestral movie soundtracks.
Kara Kozma In this age of overwhelming technology, even having a phone face up on your Of course, another issue arises considering the use of music. Some students argue
workspace could cause many problems. Common Sense Media reports that over 50 percent that listening to music improves their homework focus. If this is true, then I argue that so
of teens feel addicted to their devices. is the opposite: without music, concentration decreases. While taking an exam or stan-
What’s worse is that technology can actually change the way we think, and it’s dardized test, where music is obviously prohibited, will a student accustomed to a certain
not necessarily for the better. Using devices has trained us to look up every other paragraph, beat fall out of rhythm? To this point, you must consider their ability to adapt in different
making 10 pages of reading for the night into a drudging chore. An everyday news briefing situations.
Staff Editors becomes a full-length novel. The bombardment of technology simply puts too much on our I had a friend who once claimed her best study playlist included was composed
brains to process. We resort to short summaries on Sparknotes to fuel our education; we of her favorite earworms. Her rationale was that she was so used to hearing the familiar
Jack Harrison frown when a math problem poses steps a through e. tunes that it better grounded her to her work. The truth was probably that she ended up
It’s no coincidence that attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has singing along, and the multitasking fundamentally dragged her productivity down.
Samantha Ruud experienced a surge in recent years, parallel to the growth of technology use by children. In the end, it comes down to maximizing efficiency. For most people, that would
A study in the journal Pediatrics notes that children and young adults glued to be turning off the monitors and shutting down the phone screen and making sure there is
TV and video games are twice as likely to develop ADHD. According to Dimitri Christakis, enough quiet time to allow their brains to relax, one step at a time.
professor of pediatrics at the University of Washington in Seattle, ADHD is 10 times more Additionally, perhaps it’s time to rethink your relationship with your phone.
common than it was 20 years ago. Well, this only makes sense considering the increase of After all, how often do you think about pulling out your phone, even if you don’t have a
distracting screentime we all incorporate into our daily schedules. Research shows that specific purpose in mind to warrant doing so? Does having that comfortable weight in your
Staff Writers the average students can spend nearly seven and a half hours using screens per day. That hand give you a sense a security or promote an unfortunate dependence? It may be neces-
amounts to nearly half your waking consciousness! sary to set a few personal restrictions depending on what distractions affect your produc-
Let’s think about this… you wake up to the sound of your phone, and impulsively tivity.
Adela Buranova check it. You automatically find it in your hand anytime you’re traveling somewhere or I’m not saying to delete Snapchat or anything, but consider having designated
Amber Clark have an unplanned moment. A typical afternoon involves aimless surfing on your laptop or times to send your streaks instead of being hyper-aware of each new notification. Don’t flip
tablet. And the last thing you see before bed? You guessed it. from problem to problem across subjects. Try to knock out your homework assignments
Sydney Crispin-Pischea This is a serious epidemic that we need to address—clearly, spending time with one by one and intersperse them with breaks if necessary. It’s fine to take a breather as long
Micah Etchison nature is not just some meditative tree-hugger advice. It takes effort to filter out a constant as you are aware of what to ultimately concentrate on.
Yennifer Guerra-Pantaleon stream of notifications and information. Our brains need to slow down so that they can I’m guilty of everything I write, by the way. I, too, am working on my produc-
adequately absorb what they need to learn and grow. tivity. (I have this terrible habit of scrolling through gifsets for hours while procrastinating
Katherine Gurgenian As for multitasking, it cannot be stressed enough how limited productivity for major tests.) Together, we can all strive to improve ourselves and make the most of our
Gena Harris becomes when one multitasks. Everyone thinks they’ve secretly mastered the method to time.

What do sanctuary cities mean for the US?

Alexander Hassan
Julie Heng
Parker Hermanson
Cinthya Hernandez Conservative Corner is that Americans and legal immigrants on
the path to citizenship are not put first by
the logistics of the issue. Is it really possible
to deport all illegal immigrants? No, it is
individual’s taxes are going towards illegal
immigrants in the city.
Ritvik Jillala Jack Harrison | Staff Editor
their community leaders. When the money not. More importantly, the cost of depor-
Caitlin Kaleta Sanctuary cities. They break the of hardworking American taxpayers goes tation would not be a smart use of national 4. All illegal immigrants who have not com-
law. But is the issue really that simple? towards shelter and assistance for illegal funds. mitted crimes can remain in that city, but
Niyati Kellenberg- Almost 500 cities in America immigrants, it is simply not fair. Taxpayer Government officials on both they cannot make up more than 10% of the
Callewaert claim that they are designated sanctuary dollars should go towards projects and sides of the issue are quick to criticize each city’s population. These illegal immigrants
Ivan Martin cities, and many more are on track to programs that benefit the legal residents other, and it never seems to stop. If both can apply for a pathway to citizenship,
declare themselves so. The term “sanctuary of a city, the people who keep the city up sides could come together and make com- though it will be selective.
Daniel Middaugh city” refers to a city that limits its cooper- and running. Money should be allocated promises, a comprehensive solution could
Takayla Pugh-Henderson ation with the immigration agenda of the to entitlement programs, road repairs and be reached. Although I am not an elected Note: Since getting a correct count of the
Jorge Rodriguez state and national governments. This, in public schools. Forbes notes that funding official, if given an opportunity, I would number of illegal immigrants would be
most cases, violates the law. However, we for sanctuary cities accounted for 27 billion propose the solution below. difficult, a federal program would be cre-
Alyssa Salamin must ask ourselves two questions: Are city dollars of the federal budget last year. This ated for that purpose. Anyone who has not
Eilyn Sanabria officials aware their actions are illegal? And, money could have been used in many other My plan for solving this issue is as follows: committed a crime should not be fearful.
Austin Shepherd do the citizens in these cities accept this? ways to benefit Americans. Many Demo-
These cities violate the law and crats have discussed providing some of the 1. Within every sanctuary city, deport any Now keeping all of this in mind,
Cierra Slater undermine the American people in several illegal immigrants with healthcare, even illegal immigrants who have committed do you think citizens living in sanctuary
Shannon Stocking ways. First, they violate the Supremacy though Congress cannot work together crimes. Mandate that city officials and cities approve of sanctuary cities? What
Sindy Vasquez Barahona Clause, which states that national law is the to provide comprehensive healthcare for police departments cooperate with ICE and would you think if you were living in one?
supreme law of the land and thus overrides American citizens and legal residents. federal law enforcement. If city officials re- Oh wait, you might just be soon.
Marshelle Walker contradictory state and city laws. Even As many of you know, almost all fuse, they will go on trial and face removal. In the past year, there has been
Patrick Wang as the current administration threatens sanctuary cities are controlled by liber- much discussion about whether or not
Anna Weigel to strip funding from these cities, many al politicians. You have to wonder why 2. Cut all federal funding going towards Ann Arbor will declare itself an official
mayors are vocal about their plans not to this is. Perhaps, city officials believe that cities providing illegal immigrants safety. sanctuary city. Often, sanctuary cities tend
George White cooperate. Though the administration’s if they provide illegal immigrants with Instead, allow each state legislature or city to be very large, with more than a hundred
Ian Wilson threats may be empty, actions of these refuge, those immigrants will reelect them. council to decide budget logistics. Perhaps, thousand residents. Although Ann Arbor is
officials remain illegal. Remember, very little has been done to allow legal voters in every city to vote on home to many immigrants, illegal immi-
These cities also refuse to coop- address voting reform, and Democrats often whether or not they agree with their city grants do not necessarily reside here. There
erate with Immigration and Customs En- avoid this topic. Perhaps this is why. classifying itself as a sanctuary city. is always the risk that crime could increase
forcement and law enforcement to deport It is important to note that there as studies have shown that there are higher
illegal immigrants who commit crimes. This are always two sides to an issue. Many ille- 3. Any city that wishes to declare itself as crime rates in sanctuary cities, as noted by
is not only disgraceful for the administra- gal immigrants have clean records and come a new sanctuary city must be decided by a World Net Daily, News Now, American
tion but also dangerous for city residents. to the U.S. seeking better lives for them- specific date, such as Jan. 1, 2018. A permit Renaissance and other sources. It will be in-
Some of these criminal immigrants return selves and their families. As Americans, system will be created, and every sanctuary teresting to see what happens in the future.
to these cities and face no consequences. we have to ask ourselves if we should be city must request a renewal, which will If you have any comments on
They are then free to commit more crimes, denying people a chance at a life here when be granted if they show a record that only this issue or article, please contact me at
and other individuals have lost their lives they want to contribute to our economy illegal immigrants who have not committed
because of this. and are willing to work less desired jobs. crimes are residing there. In addition, they
The Emery Staff Policy A major problem in these cities It is also important to examine must provide a record that only 7.5% of an

The Emery, a newspaper

produced for and by the
students of Huron High
Students react to Take the Knee movement
Caitlin Kaleta | Staff Writer
School, will provide the
student body with insight
into current events in our
area as well as information
regarding activities and
issues that affect the Huron

“I think that they should be able to do it “They are just exercising a right, and they “I support it because there is a lot of police “I think it’s fantastic!”
without receiving such harsh comments should be more active with their beliefs brutality that isn’t being addressed. Protests
Our staff wants to hear the about it.” instead of just exercising a right.” are not as effective as they are intended to
voices at Huron. We encour- be, so this brought more attention to it.”
age you to write us letters Mishal Charania, freshman Carolyn Sackett, sophomore Imani Peterkin, junior Maranda Watts, senior
about what matters to you.
All letters must be deemed
publishable by our staff.
They should be 200 words or
less, and they may be edited
for content or length. All
letters to our staff must be
signed. Students may deliver
letters to room 4203 the
publications room.

“I think it’s anyone’s opinion on what they “I don’t care if other people do it, but I “I don’t care, it doesn’t have an impact on “I think it’s a good thing that it got so much
should do.” wouldn’t do it.” my life.” attention. As long as the issue is addressed,
people can protest how they see fit.”

Brayden MacBride, freshman Eliot Chi, sophomore Oliver Mayman, junior Kaleb Brabbs, senior

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