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SNC1D Scientific Investigation
Inspired by Bruce Yeany

Prepared by:
A1.  Demonstrate scientific investigation skills (related to both inquiry and research)
in the four areas of skills (initiating and planning, performing and recording,
analyzing and interpreting, and communicating).

A1.1 Formulate scientific questions about observed relationships, ideas, problems,
and/or issues, make predictions, and/or formulate hypotheses to focus inquiries or
A1.5 Conduct inquiries, controlling some variables, adapting or extending procedures as
required, and using standard equipment and materials safely, accurately, and effectively, to
collect observations and data
A1.8 Analyze and interpret qualitative and/or quantitative data to determine whether the
evidence supports or refutes the initial prediction or hypothesis, identifying possible sources of
error, bias, or uncertainty
A1.10 Draw conclusions based on inquiry results and research findings, and justify their
A1.11 Communicate ideas, plans, procedures, results, and conclusions orally, in
writing, and/or in electronic presentations, using appropriate language and a variety
of formats (e.g., data tables, laboratory reports, presentations)

Pendulum motion (and more specifically looping pendulum
motion) has some tricky math and physics underlying it.
Don't get too bogged down by these. Focus on the
questions such as:
• Why does the lighter mass wrap around the bar?
• What makes the heavy mass stop?
• What if I change the length of string? What if I change the mass
on one end? On both ends?

String Assortment of masses (various
Rulers sizes and shapes) that can be
Protractors tied off. Washers, nuts, etc
Scissors Sturdy cross bars to hang
Stopwatches weights over
Weigh scale

Day 1
Conduct PEOE style investigation. Have an egg underneath the large mass and ask,
"what will happen if I let this small mass drop?". Students will hand in the PEOE sheet
(attached) and formative assessment will be given on their pre-experiment
"explanation" section. This initial understanding of what is happening will potentially
change and be refined as the students conduct their inquiry so encourage students to
use scientific language to best explain what they think will happen. After the pre-
experiment explanation, solicit lots of observations (great opportunity to push for
qualitative observations) about the set-up and execution of experiment! Actually
drop the small mass and have students complete the PEOE table by recording their
observations and explaining what happened.

At this point, hand in the PEOE tables. Next, the whole class will work through the
Smarter Science Level 2 posters (sample class poster below). This will mean
"returning" to the observation part of the PEOE, but students will already have lots of
ideas, confidence, and now expand their skills by hearing other students observations.
Emphasizing the importance of good qualitative and quantitative observation is never
bad. Formulate scientific questions as a class that students might be wondering from
this experiment. Continue through the last two pages as a collective class and then
have students individually fill out pages 3 & 4 of level 2 poster according to their own
interests (with the exception of the predetermined DV as drop distance). Students
hand in page 3 & 4.

Day 2
Place students in homogeneous groups according to their choice of IV. Have students in their
groups share and defend their hypothesis, discussing variation in their groups thinking. Have the
group decide how they will measure their IV and DV and how they will keep the CV constant
(groups can write this on a white board for the teacher to easily circulate and assess). While the
teacher looks at each group's measurement plan, students (individually as they will each keep
personal records of data) are to draw their own observation table using group collaboration.
Ensure that students have outlined clearly the units, technique and instrument they will use to
standardize their measurements. Since it is a very repeatable experiment, have students conduct
2 or 3 trials for each IV setting and then take the average; this might change their table layout but
will help with consistency in the long run. Once they are cleared they may gather their materials
and conduct their experiment.

Conferencing at this point in the inquiry is key. One of the rubric sections focuses on data
collection skills, consistency, and standardized measurement of their IV/DV/CV, so assessment
for learning is crucial here (See conferencing sheet for AfL)! Make sure they are on their way to
success! At the end of the day they are to hand in their filled out observation/data table.
Day 3
Students will individually plot their data (using every trial or using the average for each trial that
had the same parameters) on a labeled graph. After they plot their data they are to make
interpretations about the relationship between the IV and DV answering questions such as:
Were all your trials at a given set of parameters close and consistent or were there some
inconsistency in the experiments? What variables were you unable to control very well? What
happens to the DV when you double the IV? What happens to the DV when you increase the IV by
a small amount? Do you notice a relationship between the two variables? If so, how do they relate
to one another? Can you draw a straight line through all your points on the graph or would a
smooth curved line fit the data points better? Students will individually hand in (at the end of
class after the "egg challenge") their graphs with a short write-up answering the above questions.

Once every group member has completed their graph, pose the final challenge to the whole
group: "Using the control variables as you had them, please conduct the experiment such that
the large mass falls exactly (or as close as possible) x cm and does not crack the egg which is
placed underneath it. You will need to give a rational defence of your choice of value for your
independent variable."

Groups will work together to set up their looping pendulum for the "Egg Challenge". Students
will be rationalizing with each other based on their graphs and previous trials, they will be
discussing the accuracy and consistency of their set-up, and they will be applying the inferences
they made in order to manipulate the DV through their IV. Observing group work skills here will
be important since students may disagree about where to set their IV.

The *teacher* (the students DO NOT get test runs or trial runs for this challenge) will circulate to
each group (with a rubric) and conduct the "Egg Challenge". See the assessment plan for AoL at
this stage. The rest of the class will watch and listen to the group defend their choice of IV based
on their graph and their particular CV's and IV. Conduct the experiment! Hopefully, the students
won't have a mess to clean up! :)


Consolidation of scientific content underpinning the physics of the experiment. Extend student
understanding by watching the glowing LED with long-exposure video from Bruce Yeany at Additionally, have the students discuss
how having multiple strings and masses would change their findings.
How many
The bar had The big weight What if the What if the times did the
The big a fell straight string was
masses were string wrap
weight fell circumference down but longer?
bigger? around?
35cm of 12 cm didn't hit the
Could I What if I
The small The string Why did the
predict how drop from
weight The small wrapped different small mass
far it would
wrapped weight hit around the positions? rotate?
around the the hanging bar 4 times
Does it
bar string What if the
How far did it always fall
the same bar was
The string drop? thicker?
was 80 cm (consistent?)
long The big
The weight What makes What if the
masses the big mass bar was a
were 5g stop? different
and 50g material?

Sturdy Beam
Drop Angle

Long String

Heavy Mass
Wrapped String
(x3) Light Mass

The distance
The distance The # of The time it
between The distance
between the times the takes to
small mass the big mass
masses once string wraps stop the big
and the bar falls
at rest around bar mass
at rest

The angle I The ratio of The mass on

drop the the two each end The length of The material
small mass masses the string of the bar
from The size of
the mass on
each end Different
The diameter
of the bar
The amount material
of initial The initial
overhang force of the # of strings
small weight coming from
the large
The ratio of
the two The distance
masses the big mass

Possible alternative dependant variables

that would be effective.

The angle I
The amount
drop the The length of
of initial
small mass the string

The diameter
of the bar # of strings The material
coming from of the string
The material the large
of the bar mass
The ratio of
the large The distance
mass to the big mass
small mass falls

ratio of the large mass to

the small mass increased

drop distance increase

if we keep the small mass the same and increase the

large mass I think that the large mass will fall further. I think this because it is heavier

and will drop faster. The small mass acts as a 'brake' when there is enough friction from

being wrapped around the bar. But since the small mass will weigh relatively little (because

of the ratio) it won't be able to stop the heavier mass as quickly. I also think the same

would happen if we kept the large mass the same and made the small mass lighter.

Day 1
Students will fill out a PEOE table. As students write down their pre-experiment
explanation encourage students to use scientific language and build from previous
knowledge. Students will hand in their PEOE table for formative assessment. The
feedback given here will help them make better scientific predictions and
explanations based on their previous knowledge.

Students will also hand in page 3&4 of Smarter Science Level 2 Posters. Probing
questions about how students will measure each of the various variables would be
the most helpful feedback here since students will get into groups for the next day to
discuss these matters. These pages are critical in terms of AfL. If students have
missed the mark and don't seem to have any understanding of possible variables and
how these variables will impact one another, the teacher may need to spend more
time and go through the demo a few more times drawing attention to specific
observations and changes in behaviour based on certain variables. If students choose
workable CV/IV's and seem to have an understanding displayed in Step 5
rationalization part, then move on with the inquiry!

Day 2
As groups plan their experiment on big white boards (determine measuring
techniques, decide on the instrument they will measure with, and other decisions
about the CV/IV/DV) the teacher circulates and gives AfL, probing student thought
especially about the consistency and accuracy of their data. As students gather into
their groups with the PEOE feedback they should be encouraged to share their
predictions and give peer-assessment to the predictions. As groups develop their
experimental plan, the students will need to show their data collection table to the
teacher for AfL prior to commencing the group experiment. Much of day 2 is AfL
through conferencing and circulation. Use the below checklist to ensure the major
points are covered for each student.

While groups conduct their experiment ask probing questions about the variables
that are beyond their control. Ensure that students are recording multiple trials and
that the group work is balanced and spread out. Make notes about students recording
skills, making sure that units and other important details are amongst their
observations for each trial. Ask probing questions about the relationship they are
investigating - do you see any trends or patterns in the dependent variable as you
change the independent variable?
Day 3
Today students will graph their data and write a short report. These will be evaluate
using the rubric as part of AoL. Therefore, it is essential to give direction to students
about making their graphs. Ensure that students know which axis is the independent
and dependent variable axes. As students finish plotting their points, use AaL by
asking students if this trend is what they expected? Ask students: Is there a
relationship? If so, does it look like you could draw a straight line through all the
points or does it look like a curve would fit more of the data points? These self-
reflecting perspectives should be evident in the short write-up which will be assessed
through the rubric (AoL).

As students finish their graphs and write-ups have students come back as groups for
the final challenge. The whole class will observe each group complete the Egg
Challenge, where an egg is placed at some height under the heavy mass and, with no
trial/test runs, the group will choose the variable settings so that the heavy mass
drops as close as possible to the egg without breaking it. Groups will use self-
reflection skills and collaboration skills to come to a consensus. They will be teaching
one another through their reasoning and logic.

Fill out the rubric during the "egg challenge", making sure groups have used the graph
they made to set up the experiment based on their understanding of the relationship.
During the "egg challenge" each group member will have to verbally explain and
rationalize certain parameters and measurements of the control and independent
variables. They will answer questions such as: how are you controlling the drop
angle? why have you chosen this exact set-up for the challenge? what relationship did
you find between your independent variable and the dependent variable? were the
trials consistent enough that you are confident for the "egg challenge"? These
answers will fall under the "Communication" and "Analyze & Interpret" sections of
the rubric.

Smarter Science (Level 2 posters and Assess & Evaluate poster)
Bruce Yeany:
Gr. 9-10 Ontario Science Curriculum


PEOE Conferencing Rubric
Feedback Re: Data Collection "Egg Challenge"
Did your What did you
explanation overlook in
change after your original
the explanation or
experiment? prediction?

Assessment For Learning What

questions do
you have now
about your
Examples of Feedback explanation?

What was Great job What former

your using science
reasoning for scientific knowledge are
this language for you drawing
explanation? explaining! on here?

Could there Try to base Drawing

be another an explanation diagrams
explanation on previous helps you
for you science explain your
prediction? knowledge. thinking.
Conferencing Date:

data collection and systematic observation

Data table Effective Effective Appropriate
Data collection outlines the technique for technique for units
table has 15 parameters and accurate measuring selected for
trials observations of measuring of control measuring
each trial. IV and DV variables all variables

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