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Horwitz Chapter Notes

Chapter 1. What should I know about language

learners and language teaching setting?
Chapter Content Define/Explain Concepts – Add graphics where applicable
Types of learning Second Language Acquisition: learning a Students that are English
language settings language where it is spoken. native speakers in the
Second language learning classroom. Students that learn
Foreign language acquisition: learning a English as a second language
language that is spoken by a distant that could benefit from ELD
community. program. Students that live in
Foreign language learning. a foreign country and are
English native speakers they
Language Classes: could be third cultural kids.
 Stand-alone: separate classes that Students that are learning
students attend for at least part of the English in another country in
school day. This class is typical in an international school or just
middle or high school and is teach by as a second language.
a teacher that specializes in language
learners and the curriculum focuses in
language development. English as a
Second Language (ESL) in the United
Sates (US) often include students of
several first-language backgrounds
and the teachers sometimes devotes
time to help students with assignments
from other classes.
 Pull-out programs: students leave
their regular class for special language
instructions and in the US usually
happens in elementary schools. These
classes are smaller and more
 Bilingual education: students receive
instruction in both their first and
second language to keep them from
falling behind in the content learning
and to encourage the development of
their first language while they are
learning English.
 English only instruction: all the
instruction is presented in English.
 Sheltered English: it refers to an
approach where ELs are group
together so that they do not have to
compete with English native speakers
while they are supported in the
development of their academic skills
and competence in academic English.
Types of learner Affective factors include the students’ feelings
characteristics about language learning and toward their
particular target language and culture.
Cognitive factors include the different ways
that people process information and are
considered to be less changeable than other
learner differences.
Metacognitive factors are language learning
strategies, study skills and beliefs about
language learning.
Language learning Attitudes and motivation
emotions  Intrinsic
 Extrinsic
Cognitive factors Language aptitude
Learning styles
Stages of cognitive development
Metacognitive Beliefs about language learning
factors Language learning strategies

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