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INSURANCE 501 AUG 23, 2018 9. What is the effect of the death of an owner?

a) Sec. 3. All rights, title and interest in

1. Recap. From history of insurance until the kinds the policy of insurance taken out by an
of insurance. original owner on the life or health of
2. Who are the parties?
the person insured shall automatically
a) Insured – one who enters into a vest in the latter upon the death of the
contract with the insurer; he is the original owner, unless otherwise
owner of the policy provided for in the policy.
 Person who applied for and to b) Sec. 22. The interest if a beneficiary in a
whom an insurance policy is issued life insurance policy shall be forfeited
to cover his life, property or the life when the beneficiary is the principal,
of or property of other persons in accomplice, or accessory in willfully
whose life or property he has bringing about the death if the
insurable interest or liability to insurance.
other persons i. The share forfeited shall pass
 Owner of the policy whose on to the other beneficiaries,
property or life is insured or who unless otherwise disqualified.
took out the insurance over the life ii. In the absence of other
of persons in whom be has beneficiaries, the proceeds
insurable interest shall be paid in accordance
b) Insurer – party who promises to pay in with the policy contract.
case loss results because the peril iii. If the policy contract is silent,
insured against occurred the proceeds shall be paid to
3. Is a beneficiary a party to the insurance the estate of the insured.
contract? No, unless he is the insured. 10. What is public enemy? A public enemy is a
4. Who is the assured? An assured is the person State which is at war with the Philippines.
who took out an insurance on the life of 11. Is this limited to a state? No, it includes the
another. citizens of the State.
5. What is required of an insured? Capacity 12. Can you get insurance? No.
 Contract is voidable if one of the parties is  Sec. 7. Anyone except a public enemy may
incapacitated be insured.
i. Minor 13. What happens to the insurance during a war?
ii. Insane The insurance policy is deemed abrogated.
iii. Incapacitated to enter into an a) United States Rule – The contract is not
insurance contract merely suspended, but is abrogated by
6. If you are married and you get an insurance, do reason of nonpayment of premiums,
you need the consent of your spouse? No if the since the time of the payments is
insurance is taken on the life of the children or peculiarly of the essence of the
spouse. contract.
 Sec. 3. The consent of the spouse is not b) New York Rule – War between states in
necessary for the validity of an insurance which the parties reside suspends the
policy taken out by a married person on his contract of life insurance and that,
or her life or. That of his or her children. upon tender of all premiums due by
7. How about if the child is illegitimate? No the insured or his representative after
consent is necessary since the law does not the war was terminated, the contract is
differentiate between legitimate and revived and becomes fully operative
illegitimate children. 14. Why do we apply the US rule in the
8. If you insure a third person, do you need the Philippines? The application of the New York
consent of your spouse? It depends: Rule would encourage wars since you can still
a) If the funds are taken from the claim the insurance after the war.
exclusive property of the spouse, then 15. Who is an insurer?
the consent of the other spouse is not  Insurer shall include all partnerships,
necessary. associations, cooperatives or corporations,
b) If the funds are from the common including government-owned or controlled
property of the spouses, then the corporations or entities, engaged as
consent of the other spouse is principals in the insurance business,
necessary. excepting mutual benefit associations.
 Sec. 6. Every corporation, partnership, or existing under the laws of the Philippines.
association, duly authorized to transact xxx
insurance business as elsewhere provided 23. What is a foreign company?
in this Code, may be an insurer.  Sec 190. xxx Foreign company when used
16. What are the exceptions? Mutual benefit without limitation shall include companies
associations formed, organized, or existing under laws
17. Can an individual be an insurer? No. other than those of the Philippines
 Individuals are no longer identified as 24. What is a mutual insurance company? These
persons who can be an insurer. are domestic stock life insurance companies
18. What is a mutual benefit association? doing business in the Philippines that
a) Not for profit converted itself into an incorporated mutual
b) Mutual benefit of the members life insurer.
c) Voluntary contributions which are not  Sec. 268. Any domestic stock life insurance
regular company doing business in the Philippines
d) No fixed amount of contribution may convert itself into an incorporated
 Sec. 404. Any society, association or mutual life insurer. To that end it may
corporation, without capital stock, formed provide and carry out a plan for the
or organized not for profit but mainly for acquisition of the outstanding shares of its
the purpose of paying sick benefits to capital stock for the benefit of its
members, or of furnishing financial support policyholders, or any class or classes of its
to members while out of employment, or policyholders xxx
of paying to relatives of deceased members 25. What is mutualization? Stock corporation
of fixed or any sum of money, irrespective amends its articles of incorporation to be
of whether such aim or purpose is carried converted into a non-stock corporation
out by means of fixed dues or assessments wherein the members are benefited from their
collected regularly from the members, or of contributions.
providing, by the issuance of certificates of 26. What is demutualization? Non-stock
insurance, payment of its members of corporation is converted into a stock
accident or life insurance benefits out of corporation.
such fixed and regular dues or 27. What are the reasons for demutualization?
assessments, but in no case shall include a) The need of the companies for more
any society, association, or corporation funds
with such mutual benefit features and b) Enable the insurance company to
which shall be carried out purely from diversify its activities
voluntary contributions collected not c) Facilitate payment of certain types of
regularly and/or no fixed amount from non-cash compensation to its directors
whomsoever may contribute, shall be and officers
known as a mutual benefit association. 28. What is a cooperative?
19. Give an example of mutual benefit association.  Art. 3 of RA 9520. A cooperative is an
Like a sinking fund autonomous and duly registered
20. What is a professional reinsurer? A reinsurer association of persons, with a common
insures the risk taken by an insurer for and in bond of interest, who have voluntarily
behalf of the insured. Insurer of the insurer. joined together to achieve their social,
a) Regular and fixed premiums economic, and cultural needs and
b) Insurer and insured are the members aspirations by making equitable
 Sec. 288. xxx the term ‘professional insurer’ contributions to the capital required,
shall mean any entity that transacts solely patronizing their products and services and
and exclusively reinsurance business in the accepting a fair share of the risks and
Philippines. xxx benefits of the undertaking in accordance
21. Do you have to be a domestic company? No. with universally accepted cooperative
An insurer may be a domestic company or a principles.
foreign company. 29. What provisions govern a cooperative? Articles
22. What is a domestic company? 105-108 of RA 9520 or the Philippine
 Sec. 190. xxx Domestic company shall Cooperative Code of 2008.
include companies formed, organized, or  ART. 105. Cooperative Insurance Societies.
– Existing cooperatives may organize
themselves into a cooperative insurance  ART. 106. Types of Insurance Provided. – Under
entity for the purpose of engaging in the the cooperative insurance program established
business of insuring life and property of and formed by the virtue of the provisions of
cooperatives and their members. this Code, the cooperative insurance societies
 ART. 106. Types of Insurance Provided. – shall provide its constituting members different
Under the cooperative insurance program types of insurance coverage consisting of, but
established and formed by the virtue of the
not limited to, life insurance with special group
provisions of this Code, the cooperative
coverage, loan protection, retirement plans,
insurance societies shall provide its
constituting members different types of endowment, motor vehicle coverage, bonding,
insurance coverage consisting of, but not crop and livestock protection and equipment
limited to, life insurance with special group insurance.
coverage, loan protection, retirement
5. To whom is the insurance provided? Members
plans, endowment, motor vehicle
coverage, bonding, crop and livestock 6. How is the insurance law applied when it comes to a
protection and equipment insurance. cooperative acting as insurer?
 ART. 107. Applicability of Insurance Laws. –
 ART. 107. Applicability of Insurance Laws. – The
The provisions of the Insurance Code and
all other laws and regulations relative to provisions of the Insurance Code and all other
the organization and operation of an laws and regulations relative to the organization
insurance company shall apply to and operation of an insurance company shall
cooperative insurance entities organized apply to cooperative insurance entities
under this Code. The requirements on organized under this Code. The requirements on
capitalization, investments and reserves of capitalization, investments and reserves of
insurance firms may be liberally modified insurance firms may be liberally modified upon
upon consultation with the Authority and consultation with the Authority and the
the cooperative sector, but in no case may
cooperative sector, but in no case may be
be requirement to be reduced to less than
requirement to be reduced to less than half of
half of those provided for under the
Insurance Code and other related laws. those provided for under the Insurance Code
 ART. 108. Implementing Rules. – The and other related laws.
Insurance Commission and the Authority,  ART. 108. Implementing Rules. – The Insurance
in consultation with the concerned Commission and the Authority, in consultation
cooperative sector, shall issue the with the concerned cooperative sector, shall
appropriate rules and regulations issue the appropriate rules and regulations
implementing the provisions of this implementing the provisions of this Chapter.
7. Are you aware of any cooperative insurance society?
Not very popular. Instead of forming a cooperative might
INSURANCE EH501 AUG 24, 2018 as well form a mutual benefit association.

1. Recap. From parties until insurer. 8. What is the primary requirement for you to be
considered as an insurer? Certificate of Authority
2. May cooperatives become the insurer? Yes
 Certificate of Authority - grants the license to
 ART. 105. Cooperative Insurance Societies. –
enter into the insurance business
Existing cooperatives may organize themselves
into a cooperative insurance entity for the - issued by the
purpose of engaging in the business of insuring Insurance Commission
life and property of cooperatives and their 9. Why are you required to get Certificate of Authority?
members. Insurance is vested with public interest because it involves
3. What provisions govern a cooperative? Articles 105-108 soliciting money from the public. As such, it can be heavily
of RA 9520 or the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008. regulated with the State.

4. If you are a cooperative, can you engage in life and/or 10. What are the requirements to get a Certificate of
property insurance or is it limited only to a particular Authority? It must possess the capital and assets required
type? It can enter into life and property insurance. of an insurance corporation doing the same kind of
business in the Philippines and invested in the same d) The name of the applicant belongs to any other
manner. known company transacting a similar business
in the Philippines or its name is so similar as to
 Section 192. No corporation, partnership, or
be calculated to mislead the public.
association of persons shall transact any
insurance business in the Philippines except as 14. What are the prohibited acts?
agent of a corporation, partnership or
a) To transact in the Philippines the business of life
association authorized to do the business of
and non-life insurance concurrently, unless
insurance in the Philippines, unless possessed of
specifically authorized to do so by the
the capital and assets required of an insurance
Commissioner; (Sec. 193)
corporation doing the same kind of business in
the Philippines and invested in the same i. Reason: Capitalization requirement is
manner; unless the Commissioner shall have different and very high. There are only a
granted it a certificate to the effect that it has few who are both life and non-life
complied with all the provisions of this insurance companies.

11. How much is the current minimum requirement for b) To have equity in an adjustment company and
capitalization? 550 Million as of Dec. 2016 subject to neither shall an adjustment company have
continuing compliance of the requirements. equity in an insurance company; (Sec. 370)

12. Certificate of Authority is valid for how many years? 3 i. Adjustment companies - those which value
years and renewable thereafter subject to continuing the loss
compliance of the requirements. c) To negotiate any contract of insurance other
 Sec. 193. xxx The certificate of authority issued than is plainly expressed in the policy or other
by the Commissioner shall expire on the last day written contract issued to or to be issued as
of December, three (3) years following its date evidence thereof; (Sec. 370)
of issuance, and shall be renewable every three i. Reason: Could lead to unfair competition
(3) years thereafter, subject to the company’s
d) To directly or indirectly, by giving or sharing a
continuing compliance with the provisions of
commission or in any manner whatsoever, pay
this Code, circulars, instructions, rulings or
or allow or offer to pay or allow to the insured
decisions of the
or to any employee of such insured, either as an
13. What are the grounds for disqualification? Sec. 193 inducement to the making of such insurance or
a) If such refusal will promote the interest of the after such insurance has been effected, any
people in this country rebate from the premium which is specified in
the policy, or any special favor or advantage in
b) If there is evidence tat the applicant company is
the dividends or other benefits to accrue
not qualified by the laws of the Philippines to
thereon; (Sec. 370)
transact business therein;
i. Reason: Rebates will tend to make the
c) If the grant of such authority appears to be
insurance policy a commodity which will
unjustified in the light of
lead to devaluation of the policy.If the
i. Economic requirements insurance policy becomes cheaper, then
the risk assumed by the insurer would be
ii. Direction, administration, integrity and
too much such that the insurer may not be
responsibility of the organizers and
able to pay the proceeds.
e) To give or offer to give any valuable
iii. Financial organization and the amount of
consideration or inducement of any kind,
directly or indirectly, which is not specified in
iv. Reasonable assurance of safety of the such policy or contract of insurance; (Sec. 370)
interests of the policyholders and the
i. Example: I will give you a refrigerator if you
get a policy from me.
ii. Reason: Unfair competition
iii. Insurance companies give the perks to their No. The proceeds are the separate and individual property of
agents and not to the insured. the beneficiary and not the heirs of the person whose life
was insured.
f) To make any discrimination against any Filipino
in the sense that he is given less advantageous It’s more like a donation mortis causa which takes effect
rates, dividends or other policy conditions or after the death of the insured.
privileges than are accorded to other nationals 21. Is it a requirement that the beneficiary must have an
because of his race; (Sec. 370) insurable interest over the insured in the life insurance
g) To issue or circulate or cause or permit to be
issued or circulated any literature, illustration, There are two scenarios:
circular or statement of any sort
a) A gets a life insurance, insured his life, and
misrepresenting the terms of any policy issued appointed B as the beneficiary, is it necessary for
by any insurance company of the benefits or B to have insurable interest?
advantages promised thereby, or any misleading
No. Because getting a life insurance and appointing a
estimate of the dividends or share of surplus to
beneficiary is akin to a donation mortis causa even if the
be received thereon; (Sec. 371)
beneficiary has no insurable interest.
i. Agents give you different rates, that is, high
This is actually one way of avoiding taxation because life
rate, medium rate and low rate.
insurance proceeds is exempt from income taxation.
h) To use any name or title of any policy or class of
Of course, it is a different story when it involves common or
policies misrepresenting the true nature conjugal funds wherein the consent of the other spouse is
thereof; (Sec. 371) necessary.
i) To make any misleading representation or b) A gets a life insurance over the life of B, is it a
incomplete comparison of policies to any person requisite for A, being the beneficiary, to have
insured in such company for the purpose of insurable interest?
inducing or tending to induce such person to
Yes. To avoid instances where the beneficiary would kill the
lapse, forfeit, or surrender his said insurance;
insured to get the proceeds.
(Sec. 371)
22. What is insurable interest?
i. Reason: Unfair Competition
Insurable interest is that interest which a person is deemed
j) To commit unsafe business practices or acts. to have in the subject matter insured, where he has a
(I.C. Circular Letter No. 2017-59) relation or connection with or concern in it, such that the
15. Is the list of prohibited acts exclusive? No. person will derive pecuniary benefit or advantage from the
preservation of the subject matter insured and will suffer
16. Who is a beneficiary? A beneficiary is the one who will pecuniary loss or damage from its destruction, termination,
receive the proceeds of an insurance contract. or injury by the happening of the event insured against.
17. Is a beneficiary a party to an insurance contract? 23. What is the rule of beneficiaries regarding life insurance
Generally, no. proceeds?
INSURANCE EH501 8.30.2018 a) The beneficiary will receive the proceeds of the life
18. Recap. From “cooperatives as insurer” until “beneficiary insurance upon death of the insured.
is not a party to the insurance contract.” b) If there are no other beneficiaries, the proceeds
There is a catch-all provision in the Code which guides us shall be paid in accordance with the policy
that the list of prohibited acts is not exclusive. contract.

19. What is the rule of beneficiaries regarding life insurance c) If there are no other beneficiaries and there is no
proceeds? provision in the policy contract, the proceeds shall
be paid to the estate of the insured.
Beneficiaries will receive the proceeds of the life insurance
upon the death of the insured. 24. What if the amount used to pay the premium comes
from the conjugal or common funds, what is the rule?
20. Is the beneficiary obliged to turn over the proceeds of
the insurance to the heirs of the insured? a) If there is a designated beneficiary, the beneficiary
is entitled to the proceeds of the policy.
b) If there is no beneficiary designated, the proceeds 29. Can you appoint the following as beneficiaries?
shall be paid in accordance with the policy
a) Mistress - No
b) Illegitimate child - Yes
c) If there are no beneficiaries designated and no
provision in the policy contract, one-half of the i. Whatever mistake the parents committed
proceeds belong to the estate of the insured and does not pass to the child.
the other half to the surviving spouse. ii. Child comes from your own flesh, so there is
25. What is the rule when it comes to the designation of insurable interest.
beneficiaries? 30. Can you assign life insurance policy? Yes.
As a rule, the designation of the beneficiary is revocable. Section 184. A policy of insurance upon life or
If the insured wants the designation to be irrevocable, the health may pass by transfer, will or succession to any
irrevocable nature should be expressly provided for in the person, whether he has an insurable interest or not, and
policy. such person may recover upon it whatever the insured
might have recovered.
However, when the insured dies, then automatically, the
designation becomes irrevocable. 31. Is it required that you notify the insurer?

26. What is the provision under RA 10607 regarding No. Since the right to transfer is conferred by law, notice to
revocation during the lifetime? the insurer is not even necessary to validate the transfer.

Nevertheless, while notice to the insurer is not required, it is

Section 11. The insured shall have the right to more advantageous to the assignee to give notice to the
change the beneficiary he designated in the policy, insurer of such transfer.
unless he has expressly waived this right in said policy.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event the insured 32. What is the rule on double assignment?
does not change the beneficiary during his lifetime, the
a) English Rule - assignee who first gives notice is the
designation shall be deemed irrevocable.
one entitled to the proceeds if he has no notice of
any prior assignment
27. What are the instances where the rights of beneficiary
may be forfeited? b) American Rule - assignee under the first
assignment has the preferable claim
a) Beneficiary is the principal, accomplice, or
accessory in willfully bringing about the death of We adhere to the American Rule because in the absence of
the insured. any specific provision on double sale or assignment, the
applicable principle is prius tempore portior jure (“first in
b) Persons disqualified from receiving donations
time, stronger in right”).
under Art. 739.
33. In non-life or property insurance, is it necessary that the
i. Those made between persons who were
beneficiary must have insurable interest?
guilty of adultery or concubinage at the time
of the donation; Yes. This is because you can only suffer pecuniary loss if you
own or have an interest in the property.
ii. Those made between persons found guilty of
the same criminal offense, in consideration 34. When must insurable interest exist?
Insurable interest must exist not only during the time of
iii. Those made to a public officer or his wife, perfection of the contract of insurance but also during the
descendants and ascendants, by reason of his time of loss.
35. What does assignment of insurance policy imply?
Conviction is not necessary in order for one to be disqualified
It is as if the insured passes the ownership of the policy to
due to adultery or concubinage.
the assignee so it is now the assignee who pays the
28. Will the prohibition on donations between spouses premium.
apply here?
36. Can you assign property insurance?
No. You can appoint spouse as beneficiary. The prohibition
Yes. There must be notice and consent of the insurer and the
on donations between spouses is found in the Family Code
assignee must have insurable interest.
not in Art. 739 of the civil code. Thus, the spouse can be a
beneficiary. 37. Why do you need the consent of the insurer?
The insurer needs to ascertain whether the assignee has No. The Insurance Code does not have provisions governing
insurable interest. the relations between insurance companies and their agents.

38. If I sell the insured house, does that mean that the If there is an issue regarding the relations between the
policy will automatically be transferred to the buyer? insurance agents and the insurer, the Labor Code will apply if
there is employer-employee relationship, otherwise, the Civil
No. The consent of the insurer is necessary to transfer the
Code will apply for independent contractors.
policy. The transferee must also have an insurable interest
over the property transferred. However, in matters of regulations, the Insurance Code will
apply. Insurance agents and brokers are under the regulatory
39. What are the effects of irrevocable designation of a
powers of the Insurance Commissioner.
INSURANCE EH501 9.6.2018 [JCV]
a) The insured cannot assign the policy to someone
else. 1. Recap. From “beneficiary” to “insurance agents.”

b) The insured cannot get the cash surrender value of 2. What is insurable interest?
the policy. Insurable interest is that interest which a person is deemed
to have in the subject matter insured, where he has a
c) The insured cannot add a new beneficiary. relation or connection with or concern in it, such that the
d) The insured cannot change the irrevocable person will derive pecuniary benefit or advantage from the
preservation of the subject matter insured and will suffer
designation to revocable even if the change is just
pecuniary loss or damage from its destruction, termination,
and equitable. or injury by the happening of the event insured against.
e) Creditors of the insured cannot attach the 3. When do you have insurable interest if it is life
proceeds of the insurance. insurance?
40. Who are insurance agents and brokers? Sec. 10. Every person has an insurable interest in the life
and health:
a) Insurance agent is any person who for
compensation solicits or obtains insurance on (a) Of himself, of his spouse and his children;
behalf of any insurance company or transmits for a (b) Of any person on whom he depends wholly or in part
person other than himself an application for a for education or support, or in whom he has a pecuniary
policy or contract of insurance to or from such interest;
company or offers or assumes to act in the (c) Of any person under a legal obligation to him for the
negotiating of such insurance. payment of money, or respecting property or services, of
which death or illness might delay or prevent the
b) Insurance broker is any person who for any performance; and
compensation, commission or other thing of value
(d) Of any person upon whose life any estate or interest
acts or aids in any manner in soliciting, negotiating
vested in him depends.
or procuring the making of any insurance contract
or in placing risk or taking out insurance, on behalf 4. What are the instances when you can have an insurable
interest over the life of other persons?
of an insured other than himself.
a) Blood relationship
While the insurer agent normally represents the insurer, the
insurance broker acts for and in behalf of the insured. b) Business relationship
c) Other pecuniary interest
41. Can an insurance agent bind the insurer?
5. Is relationship by affinity included?
Yes. The agents can bind the insurer provided they act within
their authority. Insurance agents are governed by the New No. The insurable interest under Sec. 10(a) refers to a
relationship by blood. The blood relationship is limited to the
Civil Code provisions on Agency.
insurable interest over the life of a spouse or of one’s
42. Can I become an insurance agent for free without children.
receiving any compensation? 6. What is the requisite for Sec. 10 (b)?
No. In one case, the SC declared that an insurance agent One has insurable interest on the life of any person on whom
must perform his function for compensation. However, the he depends wholly or in part for education or support or in
compensation need not be regular, it can be on commission whom he has a pecuniary interest.
basis. The law does not require that the person on whom one
depends wholly or in part for education or support is legally
43. Is the insurance agent governed by the Insurance Code?
obliged to do so.
It is enough if there is a reasonable certainty that the Sec. 19. xxx interest in the life or health of a person insured
continuation of the life will be direct, material advantage to must exist when the insurance takes effect, but need not exist
the insured. thereafter or when the loss occurs.
7. For example, your uncle who is residing abroad pays for 15. Can you get a life insurance over the life of your brother
your education, do you have insurable interest? or sister?
Yes, because the educational support will be discontinued Yes, for education or support under Sec. 10(b).
upon the death of the uncle.
16. Is there a limit to the amount with respect to life
8. What does Sec. 10(c) mean? insurance?
A creditor shall have insurable interest over the life of the Generally, there is no limit because there is no specific
debtor who may be obligated to deliver money or property valuation on the life of a person.
or to provide some service.
The exception is in the case of a creditor and debtor.
However, the debtor cannot insure the life of the creditor
The insurable interest of the creditor over the life of the
because he will not be damnified by the loss of the creditor’s
debtor is limited only to the value of the debt. When the
debtor dies and the creditor has already collected the debt,
9. Is there an insurable interest in a partnership? he can no longer collect beyond that since his pecuniary
interest is already satisfied.
Yes. One has insurable interest over the life of his partner. It
is reasonable to conclude that the continuance of 17. What is the rule when it comes to insurable interest
partnership and the life of a partner furnished a reasonable over the property?
expectation of advantage to the other partners.
Sec. 13. Every interest in property, whether real or personal,
10. How about a mortgagor and mortagee? or any relation thereto, or liability in respect thereof, of such
nature that a contemplated peril might directly damnify the
Both the mortagor and the mortgagee have insurable
insured, is an insurable interest.
interest over the mortgaged property.
18. When can you say that you have an insurable interest
11. Is there an insurable interest when there is an
over the property?
employer-employee relationship?
Sec. 14. An insurable interest in property may consist in:
Yes. A company has insurable interest in the life of its officers
or employees. The loss of the life of the employee, officer, or (a) An existing interest;
director will result in economic loss on the part of the
(b) An inchoate interest founded on an existing contract; or
employer or the corporation because he will be deprived of
the service of the employee. (c) An expectancy coupled with an existing interest in that
out of which the expectancy arises.
This is why employers get a group insurance policy for their
employees. 19. What do you mean by existing interest?
12. What will happen in a mortgage redemption insurance? Insurable interest in property exists in any of the following
cases because the person is so situated that he will suffer
While it is true that a creditor can insure the life of the
because of the loss due to a peril insured against:
debtor, the latter, on the other hand, cannot insure the life
of the creditor for lack of insurable interest. a) When the insured possesses a legal title to the
property insured, whether vested or contingent,
The exception to this rule is the mortgage redemption
defeasible or indefeasible;
insurance. In this type of insurance, when the mortgagor
dies, the proceeds from the insurance will be applied to the b) When he has equitable title of whatever character
debt of the mortgagor. The insurer will now be subrogated to and in whatever manner acquired;
the rights of the mortgagee up to the extent of the
c) When he possesses a qualified property or
indemnity that the insurer paid to the mortgagee. On the
possessory right in the subject of the insurance;
part of the mortgagor, the mortgage obligation would be
extinguished by the application of the insurance proceeds. d) When he has mere possession or right of
possession; and
13. What is the “loss payable clause”?
e) When he has neither possession of the property
Under this clause, any action of the mortgagor will affect the
nor any other legal interest in it but stands in such
relation with respect to it that he may suffer from
14. When should the insurable interest in life insurance its destruction, loss of a legal right dependent
exist? upon its continued existence.
Insurable interest should exist at the time of the effectivity of 20. Give an example.
the life insurance. It need not exist at the time when the loss
a) Lessee
will occur.
b) Depositary
c) Usfructuary
d) Borrower in commodatum It is limited to the extent of the value of the property by
which the insured will suffer loss or injury.
Here, the insurable interest exists only during the life of the
contract. 29. In sum, differentiate the insurable interest in a life and
property insurance.
21. Who is a borrower in commodatum?
A borrower in commodatum is one who is obliged to return
the exact thing borrowed and not merely its equivalent. Insurable
Life Property
22. When does the insurable interest exist in that
transaction? 1. As to Unlimited except if Limited up to
The insurable interest of a borrower in commodatum exists extent secured by the the value of the
only when the property is under the possession of such creditor. property.
borrower. Once the property is returned, there is no longer
2. Time At the time of
any insurable interest over the property. At the time of
when it perfection of the
perfection of the
23. What is the rule when it comes to unpaid seller in sale must exist contract and at
insurance contract.
of goods? the time of loss.
In sale of goods, an unpaid seller retains insurable interest 3. Need Expectation of
over the goods even if ownership had already been for Legal benefit need not
transferred to the vendee upon delivery. Basis have legal basis or Expectation of
An unpaid seller has a vendor’s lien and therefore he will be need not be based benefit must
damnified by the loss of the goods even after delivery. on legally have legal basis.
24. Does the buyer have an insurable interest over goods in obligation.
4. Interest Insurable interest is
Yes, the vendee or buyer has insurable interest over the of not necessary of the
goods even while the goods are still in transit. Beneficiary insured took out the
His interest over the goods is based on the perfected policy on his own life
contract of sale which vests in him an equitable title even and designated Beneficiary must
before delivery or before he performed the conditions of the another. have insurable
sale. interest.
Beneficiary must
25. Does F.O.B. shipping point or F.O.B. destination matter? have insurable
interest if one took
No, in the insurance code, it will not matter. For goods in
out an insurance on
transit, both the buyer and seller can insure them.
the life of another.
The contract of shipment, whether under “F.O.B.,” “C.I.F.,”
or “C &F” is immaterial in the determination of whether the
vendee has insurable interest or not in the goods in transit. 30. What is the rule on the insurable interest of a carrier or
The perfected contract of sale even without delivery vests depositary?
the vendee an equitable title, an existing contract over the Sec. 15. A carrier or depositary of any kind has an insurable
goods. interest in a thing held by him as such, to the extent of his
26. How about inchoate interest? liability but not to exceed the value thereof.

Inchoate interest must be founded on an existing interest. 31. What is the rule for a mortgagor and mortgagee?

For example, a shareholder has inchoate interest over the Both the mortagor and the mortgagee have insurable
properties of the corporation. interest over the mortgaged property as long as the
mortgage exists.
His inchoate interest over the properties of the corporation
is founded on his existing interest in the corporation as a Sec. 8. Unless the policy otherwise provides, where
shareholder. a mortgagor of property effects insurance in his own
name providing that the loss shall be payable to the
27. How about expectancy? mortgagee, or assigns a policy of insurance to a
Expectancy must likewise be coupled with an existing mortgagee, the insurance is deemed to be upon the
interest. interest of the mortgagor, who does not cease to be a
party to the original contract, and any act of his, prior to
Examples include the interest over the profits that are to be the loss, which would otherwise avoid the insurance,
earned by a business establishment, interest over future will have the same effect, although the property is in the
crops of farmers, and expected commission of agents. hands of the mortgagee, but any act which, under the
28. What is the rule when it comes to the amount in contract of insurance, is to be performed by the
insurance over the property? mortgagor, may be performed by the mortgagee
therein named, with the same effect as if it had been Sec. 184. A policy of insurance upon life or
performed by the mortgagor. health may pass by transfer, will or succession to
any person, whether he has an insurable interest
As to the mortgaged property, the mortgagor and the
or not, and such person may recover upon it
mortgagee have each an independent insurable interest and
whatever the insured might have recovered.
both interests may be covered by one policy, or each may
take out a separate policy covering his interest, either at the b) Assignment of Property Insurance - It is necessary
same or at separate times. that the transferee has insurable interest over the
thing insured.
The mortgagor’s insurable interest covers the full value of
the mortgaged property. Section 18. No contract or policy of insurance
on property shall be enforceable except for the
The mortgagee’s insurable interest is to the extent of the
benefit of some person having an insurable
debt, since the property is relied upon as security thereof,
interest in the property insured.
and he is not insuring the property but his interest or lien
thereon. His insurable interest is prima facie the value Section 58. The mere transfer of a thing
mortgaged and extends only to the amount of the debt, not insured does not transfer the policy, but suspends
exceeding the value of the mortgaged property. it until the same person becomes the owner of
both the policy and the thing insured.
32. How about lessor in a lessor-lessee relationship?
37. In property insurance, what if there is an agreement
Both the financial lessor and the lessee in a financial lease
providing for the automatic assignment of the policy to the
have insurable interest over the property that is the object of
the lease.
A clause in an agreement, providing for an automatic
33. Does the lessor have insurable interest over properties
assignment of the policy is void, if the assignee does not
stored in the leased premises? Even if there is a provision
have any insurable interest over the insured property.
for automatic assignment of the policy?
Sec. 85. An agreement not to transfer the claim of
No, the lessor has insurable interest only over the property
the insured against the insurer after the loss has
leased but not those stored in the leased premises.
happened, is void if made before the loss except as
34. What is the concept of standard or union mortgage otherwise provided in the case of life insurance.
clause and open or loss payable mortgage clause?
38. What is premium?
a) Standard or union mortgage clause - create
Premium is the consideration paid to an insurer for
collateral independent contracts between the
undertaking to indemnify the insured against the specified
insurer and mortgagee, and provide that the rights
of a mortgagee shall not be defeated by the acts of
or defaults of the mortgagor. 39. What is the basis for premium?
The mortgagee’s rights remain unaffected by any The basis is the assumption of the risk.
default or breach of condition by the mortgagor to
40. What is the general rule when it comes to the payment
which the mortgagee is not a party.
of premium?
b) Open or loss payable mortgage clause - merely
The premium should be paid as soon as the thing insured is
designate the mortgagee as payee, to the extent
exposed to the peril insured against.
of his interest, of such sum as may become
payable under the provisions and conditions of the 41. Is the policy valid and binding without payment of
policy. premium?
The mortgagee is made merely a beneficiary but No. The policy is not valid and binding unless the premiums
not made a party to the contract itself. have been paid.
Any default on the part of the mortgagor, which by 42. Can they agree that the policy be valid and binding even
the terms of the policy defeat his rights, will also if there is no payment of premium?
defeat all rights of the mrotgagee under the
Generally, no.
contract, even though the latter may not have
been in any fault. 43. What are the exceptions?
35. If silent, which clause will be presumed? a) When the grace period applies in case of life and
industrial life policy;
Open or loss payable clause.
b) When there is an acknowledgment in the policy or
36. What is the rule on assignment of life and property
receipt that the premium has been paid;
c) When there is an agreement that the premium
a) Assignment of Life Insurance - Life insurance can
shall be payable on installment;
be transferred even without the consent of or
notice to the insurer. d) When there is a credit extension; and
e) When the equitable doctrine of estoppel applies.
44. May insured demand the return of the premium?
Yes. The insured can ask for the return of the premium if the Papers Attached to the Policy
property was not exposed to the risk insured against. (Sec.
80(a)) 1. Riders
45. Will it be subject to income tax? 2. Clauses
No, the premiums recovered will not be subject to income
3. Endorsements
tax. It is a return of capital and not a return on capital so
there is no income to speak of.
46. What are the other instances when whole amount is
Rider - endorsement to a life insurance policy that modifies
clauses and provisions of the policy, including or excluding
a) When the contract is voidable and subsequently coverages
annulled under the provisions of the Civil Code;
b) When the contract is annulled on account of the
fraud or misrepresentation of the insurer, or of his In case of conflict between a rider and the printed
agent, or on account of facts, or the existence of stipulations in the policy, the rider prevails since it is a more
which the insured was ignorant without his fault; deliberate expression of the agreement of contracting
or parties.
c) When by default of the insured other than actual
fraud, the insurer never incurred liability under the
policy. (Sec. 82) Clause - agreement between the insurer and the insured
47. How about pro rata recovery? over a certain matter pertaining to liability of the insurer in
case of loss
a) “Time policy” when the policy is surrendered
before the expiration of the stipulated time
Sec. 80(b) xxx to such portion of the premium as
Endorsement - written agreement attached to a property
corresponds with the unexpired time, at a pro rata rate,
insurance policy to add or subtract insurance coverages
unless a short period rate has been agreed upon and
appears on the face of the policy xxx
b) When there is over insurance by several insurers
Requisites to be Binding
(Sec. 83)
Sec. 83. In case of an over insurance by several insurers, A rider, clause, warranty or endorsement that are not part of
the insured is entitled to a ratable return of the the original printed form are binding provided that: (Sec. 50)
premium, proportioned to the amount by which the
1. The rider, clause, warranty or endorsement is
aggregate sum insured in all the policies exceeds the
insurable value of the thing at risk. attached to the policy;

INSURANCE 501 09.14.2018 [JCV]

2. The descriptive title or name of the rider, clause,
warranty or endorsement is mentioned and written on
Policy - the written instrument in which a contract of the blank spaces provided in the original printed policy
insurance is set forth (Sec. 49) form; and

Contents of a Policy [R2AP2ID] (Sec. 51) 3. If not applied for by the insured or owner, the rider,
1. Risk insured against clause, warranty or endorsement shall be
countersigned by the insurer.
2. Rate of premium

3. Amount of Insurance, except in open or running policies

Kinds of Property Insurance Policies
4. Parties
1. Open Policy
5. Property or life insured
2. Valued Policy
6. Interest of the insured in the property if he is not the
absolute owner 3. Running Policy

7. Duration of the insurance

If silent, assume that it is open policy. property to be considered is the actual value of P2.4 Million.
Since the total amount of the insurance coverage is less than
the actual loss, Fortune may recover P400,000 from X,
Open Policy P200,000 from Y and P600,000 from Z or a total amount of
P1.2 Million.
An open policy is one in which the value of the thing insured
is not agreed upon, and the amount of the insurance merely
represents the insurer’s maximum liability. The value of such
3. If each of the fire insurance policies obtained by Fortune in
thing insured shall be ascertained at the time of the loss. (Sec.
problem (2) is a valued policy and the value of his house was
fixed in each policies at P1 Million, how much would Fortune
recover from X if he has already obtained full payment from
Valued Policy
the insurance policies issued by Y and Z?
A valued policy is one which expresses on its face an
agreement that the thing insured shall be valued at a specific
sum.(Sec. 61) Fortune can only recover P200,000 from X. The valuation of
the property (in this case P1 Million) is binding on the parties
Running Policy and it is no longer necessary to determine the actual value
thereof. The valuation in the policy is deemed the actual
A running policy is one which contemplates successive
value of the property.
insurances, and which provides that the object of the policy
may be from time to time defined, especially as to the
subjects of insurance, by additional statements or
4. Supposing in problem (1), Fortune was able to collect from
indorsements. (Sec. 62)
both Y and Z, may he keep the entire amount he was able to
collect from the said two insurance companies?
Exercise p.168-169

1. Suppose that Fortune owns a house valued at P600,000

No. Fortune may not keep the amount that he collected from
and insured the same against fire with three insurance
Y and Z. In problem (1), the total value of the property was
companies as follows:
P600,000, hence, if he collected P200,000 from Y and
X - P400,000 P600,000 from Z, there is an excess of P200,000. Fortune can
only be indemnified for his loss. Fortune must hold the
Y - P200,000
excess amount of his insurable interest in the house,
Z - P600,000 P200,000, in trust for the insurers Y and Z.

In the absence of any stipulation in the policies, from which

insurance company or companies may Fortune recover in
5. In problem (1) what is the extent of the liability of the
case the fire should destroy his house completely?
insurance companies among themselves?

Fortune may recover from any, any 2 or all of the insurers,

Each insurer is bound to contribute ratably to the loss in
provided that the total amount that he will recover does not
proportion to the amount for which he is liable under his
exceed his loss. Fortune may demand indemnity from Z
contract. The ratable contribution of each insurer will be
alone for P600,000. In the alternative, Fortune may recover
determined based on the following formula:
from all insurers P200,000 each. Fortune may also opt to
recover P400,000 from X and recover the balance from any
or both Y or Z.
ExtentofLiability   ActualLoss
X   600,000  P 200,000
2. If each of the policies obtained by Fortune in problem (1) 1,200,000
is an open policy and it was immediately determined after 200,000
Y  600,000  P100,000
the fire that the value of the house was P2.4 Million, how 1,200,000
much may he collect from X, Y, and Z? Z  600,000  P300,000

Fortune may recover the full amount of the coverage from

each insurer if all policies are open policies. The value of the
Using the formula, the extent of the liability of each insurer
out of the total loss of P600,000 are as follows: X is P200,000,
xxx The Commissioner may promulgate rules and regulations
Y is P100,000 and Z is P300,000.
governing such extensions for the purpose of preventing
such violations and may by such rules and regulations
dispense with the requirement of written approval by him in
Principle of Indemnification
the case of extension in compliance with such rules and
You can only be indemnified to the extent of the value of the regulations. (SEC. 52, PAR. 2)

6. What are the requisites for the validity of cover notes?

a) The Cover Note shall be issued or renewed only

INSURANCE EH501 9.20.2018 [JCV] upon prior approval of the Insurance Commission;

b) The Cover Note shall be valid and binding not

more than 60 days from the date of its issuance;
1. What is a cover note?
c) The Cover Note may be cancelled by either party
upon prior notice to the other of at least 7 days;
Cover notes are interim or preparatory contracts of d) The policy should be issued within 60 days after
insurance. An interim coverage may be necessary because the issuance of the cover note; and
the insurer may need more time to process the insurance
application. e) The 60-day period may be extended upon written
approval of the Insurance Commission.

2. What is the primary purpose of a cover note?

7. Why do you need the approval of the Insurance
It is intended to give temporary insurance protection
coverage to the applicant pending acceptance or rejection of
his application. Cover notes must be regulated, otherwise it will be used as a
marketing tool.

3. When you receive a cover note, is there a perfected

contract of insurance? 8. Can there be temporary insurance protection?

No. The issuance of the policy is still pending approval. Yes. It is in the form of cover notes. There is a presumption
and after 60 days there must be a declaration of whether or
not the policy will be issued.
4. What is validity of a cover note?

Cover notes may be issued to bind insurance temporarily

pending the issuance of the policy. Within 60 days after the
Cover notes are valid for 60 days from the date of its
issue of the cover note, a policy shall be issued in lieu
thereof, including within its terms the identical insurance
bound under the cover note and the premium therefor. xxx
(SEC. 52, PAR. 1)
5. Can it be extended?

9. Do you need to pay separate premium for the cover

Yes. Cover notes may be extended or renewed beyond such note?
60 days with the written approval of the Commissioner if he
determines that such extension is not contrary to and is not
for the purpose of violating any provisions of this Code. Xxx
No separate premium, separate from the policy or main
(SEC. 52, PAR. 2)
contract, is required for the cover note since there is still no
perfected contract of insurance. The issuance of the policy is
still pending.
13. May insured cancel the policy?

10. Can a policy be cancelled? Yes.

Yes. The right to surrender the policy is implicit in Sec. 80 of
the Insurance Code wherein the insured is entitled to the
return of the premium.
SEC. 64. No policy of insurance other than life shall be
cancelled by the insurer except upon prior notice thereof to
the insured, and no notice of cancellation shall be effective
14. What will happen if the insured cancels the policy?
unless it is based on the occurrence, after the effective date
of the policy, of one or more of the following:

(Grounds) The insured can get the cash surrender value of the policy.
a) Nonpayment of premium;

b) Conviction of a crime arising out of acts increasing 15. When is the time to commence an action on the policy?
the hazard insured against;

c) Discovery of fraud or material misrepresentation;

The action can be commenced from a period of 1 year from
d) Discovery of willful or reckless acts or ommissions the time the cause of action accrues.
increasing the hazard insured against;

e) Physical changes in the property insured which

result in the property becoming uninsurable; 16. Can it be shortened to 6 months?

f) Discovery of other insurance coverage that makes

the total insurance in excess of the value of the
No. A condition, stipulation, or agreement in any policy of
property insured; or
insurance, limiting the time for commencing an action
g) A determination by the Commissioner that the thereunder to a period of less than one (1) year from the
continuation of the policy would violate or would time when the cause of action accrues, is void. (SEC. 63)
place the insurer in violation of this Code.

17. Can it be extended to 2 years?

11. What are the requisites of cancellation?

a) Prior notice of cancellation to insured;

Yes. That is allowed because it is beneficial to the insured.
b) The notice of cancellation must be based on the
occurrence after effective date of the policy of one
or more of the grounds mentioned in Section 64; 18. May the insured renew a non-life insurance policy?

c) The notice must be in writing, mailed or delivered

to the named insured at the address shown in the
policy or to his broker provided the broker is Yes. A non-life insurance can be renewed since it is usually
authorized in writing by the policy owner to limited in time.
receive the notice of cancellation on his behalf;

d) The notice must state the grounds relied upon 19. Can you renew life insurance?
provided in Section 64 of the Insurance Code and
upon request of insured, to furnish facts on which
cancellation is based.
No. A life insurance cannot be renewed since what you are
insuring is death.

12. In this case, who cancels the policy?

20. What are the requisites for renewal or non-renewal?

The insurer has the right to cancel the policy under Sec. 64. a) Renewal
i. Insured pays the premium due on the As a general rule, mistake does not automatically cause the
effective date of the renewal nullification of the policy. Exceptions include fraud.

b) Non-renewal

i. Insurer, at least 45 days prior to the 25. When there is mistake, does it automatically lead to the
expiration of the policy, gives notice of its reformation of the contract?
intention not to renew the policy or

ii. condition its renewal upon reduction of limits

No. Reformation is not necessary when the mistake is
or elimination of coverages
apparent or obvious and it does not change the content of
the contract.

SEC 66. In case of insurance other than life, unless the INSURANCE EH501 9.27.2018 [JCV]
insurer at least forty-five (45) days in advance of the end of
the policy period mails or delivers to the named insured at
the address shown in the policy notice of its intention not to 1. What are the devises to ascertain and control risks?
renew the policy or to condition its renewal upon reduction
of limits or elimination of coverages, the named insured shall a) Concealment
be entitled to renew the policy upon payment of the
b) Representation
premium due on the effective date of the renewal. Any
policy written for a term of less than one (1) year shall be c) Warranty
considered as if written for a term of one (1) year. Any policy
written for a term longer than one (1) year or any policy with d) Condition
no fixed expiration date shall be considered as if written for e) Exceptions
successive policy periods or terms of one (1) year.

2. What is concealment?
21. How many days notice is required?

Concealment is the neglect to communicate that which a

There must be notice at least 45 days prior to the expiration party knows and ought to communicate.
of the policy.

3. What are the requisites of concealment?

22. What are the requisites for reformation of the policy?

a) It must clearly appear that the contract failed to

express the real agreement between the parties; a) The party involved must know the fact concealed
and or at least he ought to know the same;

b) Proof must be of satisfactory character. b) The fact concealed must be material;

c) No warranty is extended by the party regarding

the fact concealed; and
23. What is reformation of contract?
d) The other party does not have the means of
Reformation is that remedy in equity by means of which a
written instrument is made or construed so as to express or
conform to the real intention of the parties when some error 4. How do you know if the information is material?
or mistake has been committed.

SEC. 31. Materiality is to be determined not by the event, but

24. When there is mistake, does it automatically cause the solely by the probable and reasonable influence of the facts
nullification of the policy? upon the party to whom the communication is due, in
forming his estimate of the disadvantages of the proposed
contract, or in making his inquiries. (Test of Materiality)
5. What is the consequence of failure to disclose material Florendo v. Philam Plans, Inc., GR 186983
The wife who is the beneficiary cannot claim the life
insurance proceeds of her husband since he failed to disclose
the fact that he has been taking medicine for his heart
The other party can rescind the policy on the ground of
condition and diabetes and that he had a pacemaker implant
about 20 years before he signed the application.

6. If there is concealment, what type of contract exists?

12. Why is Sec. 110 of the Insurance Code an exception?
Rescissible contract.

This is an exception since it refers to a belief.

7. What are the exceptions?

a) Incontestability Clause
SEC. 110. In marine insurance, information of the belief or
b) Judgment or opinion
expectation of a third person, in reference to a material fact,
c) Sec. 110 of the Insurance Code is material.

8. What is incontestability clause? 13. Is good faith or unintentional concealment a defense in

concealment? No.

The policy shall be incontestable after it shall have been in

force during the lifetime of the insured for 2 years from the SEC. 27. A concealment whether intentional or unintentional
date of its issuance as shown in the policy, or date of entitles the injured party to rescind a contract of insurance.
approval of last reinstatement.

14. Give an example of concealment.

9. What is the purpose of the incontestability clause?

a) Concealment of the insured in life insurance of

The incontestability clause is intended to ensure timely fainting spells and/or drug overdoes illness
investigation or examination by the insurer. The insurer
b) Insured’s failure to disclose in an application for
cannot later deny the existence of the policy to the
automobile insurance that he does not have a
detriment of the insured who, all this time, thought the
driver’s license or that his license was revoked or
policy existed.

10. Why is judgment or opinion an exception?

15. Can the insurer invoke the defense of material
concealment even if the insured died due to causes other
than the medical condition concealed?
The insurer is not justified in relying upon the judgment or
opinion of the insured but is obligated to make furhter
Yes. The insurer can deny the claim on the ground of
material concealment although the insured died due to
causes other than the medical condition concealed.
The duty of disclosure requires that the statement made by
one party relate to facts and not to opinion. However, there
must be good faith and there must be no intent to deceive.
16. What happens in misrepresentation?

11. Cite a case where there was concealment.

SEC. 44. A representation is to be deemed false when the
facts fail to correspond with its assertions or stipulations.
17. What is the purpose of misrepresentation? 23. Can you take back your misrepresentation? Yes.

Representations are statements made to give information to 24. When should withdrawing the misrepresentation
the insurer to induce him to enter into the insurance happen?

The misrepresentation should be withdrawn at the time of or

18. What are the requisites of misrepresentation? before the issuance of the policy. Otherwise, if such is
withdrawn after the effectivity of the policy, then it is
considered a misrepresentation which is a ground for the
a) The insured stated a fact which is untrue; rescission of the contract.

b) Such fact was stated with knowledge that it is

untrue and will inted to deceive or which states
25. Can the insured also invoke the ground of
positively as true without knowing it to be true
and which has the tendency to mislead; and

c) Such fact is material to the risk.

Yes. In the topic of cancellation, the insured can cancel the
policy even without cause. While, the insurer must provide
19. What is the rule on materiality of a representation? grounds for cancellation, as well as notice to the insured.

SEC. 46. The materiality of a representation is determined by 26. Case of Insular Life
the same rules as the materiality of a concealment

Insular Life Assurance Co. Ltd. v. Feliciano GR L-47593

20. Could this cover facts which are not essential to the
When the insured signed the application in blank and
authorized the soliciting agent and/or medical examiner of
the Company to write the answers for him, he made them
his own agents for that purpose, and he was responsible for
Yes, even if the misrepresentation is only intended for their acts in that connection. If they falsified the answers for
inducement. him, he could not evade the responsibility for the

21. What are the forms of representation?

~~~Not sure if mao ni nga case ang pasabot ni Atty. :)

a) Oral

b) Written

22. What are the kinds of representation?

a) Affirmative Representation - involve statements

dealing with facts existing at the time the contract
is made

b) Promissory Representation - statements made by

the insured concerning what is to happen at the
time the insurance is already effective

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